Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Web3 Gamers vs Web2 Gamers: Who is Better? hosted by gametyio. The Twitter space delved into the clash between Web3 and Web2 gamers, focusing on the innovative gaming platform utilizing #TON and #Runes with fair reward systems. With an emphasis on the P2E model, blockchain integration, and community engagement, the discussions highlighted the future trends in the gaming industry, showcasing the importance of transparency, ownership, and player rewards. The space provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of gaming platforms and the potential impact of #BTC $GTY.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does the P2E model benefit gamers?
A: The P2E model allows gamers to earn rewards while playing, creating new opportunities for income within games.

Q: What distinguishes Web3 gamers from Web2 gamers?
A: Web3 gamers are more likely to engage with blockchain technology and decentralized platforms compared to Web2 gamers.

Q: What role do #TON and #Runes play in the gaming ecosystem?
A: #TON and #Runes are utilized to provide unique rewards and enhance the gaming experience for users.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial in gaming platforms?
A: Community engagement fosters loyalty, feedback, and a sense of belonging among players.

Q: How is blockchain technology shaping the future of gaming platforms?
A: Blockchain technology ensures transparency, security, and ownership of in-game assets for players.


Time: 00:15:42
Fair Reward Systems in Gaming Discussing the importance of equitable reward systems for player motivation.

Time: 00:30:16
Exploring #TON and #Runes Integration Insights into how #TON and #Runes are integrated to offer unique benefits in gaming.

Time: 00:45:59
P2E Advantages for Gamers Highlighting the advantages of the Play-to-Earn model for gamers.

Time: 01:05:28
Community Engagement Strategies Strategies to enhance community engagement and foster a thriving gaming ecosystem.

Time: 01:20:10
Impact of #BTC $GTY in Gaming Examining the potential impact of #BTC $GTY on the gaming industry.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of fair reward systems in gaming platforms.
  • Innovative use of blockchain technology in gaming for enhanced user experience.
  • Exploration of the differences between Web3 and Web2 gamers.
  • Introduction to the foundational framework layer in gaming platforms.
  • 30+ games available on the discussed platform.
  • Utilization of #TON and #Runes in the gaming ecosystem.
  • Advantages of the P2E (Play-to-Earn) model in gaming.
  • Emerging trends in blockchain integration in gaming.
  • The significance of community engagement in gaming platforms.
  • Understanding the potential impact of #BTC $GTY in the gaming industry.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Technical Setup

Okay. Hello. Hello, everyone. Is my voice clear to everyone here? All clear. All clear. Okay, great. Thank you. Because we all know how much twitter hates us, and me especially, and spaces. So if at any point I. My voice suddenly disappears, or if anybody's voice suddenly just disappears, let me know in not the comments. I kind of disabled the comments because of some specific chats, but please do make a tweet. Mention us. Gamete at gamete IO. Hey, guys. The voice is stunned, etcetera. There will be mods standing by to let me know if anything happens. So now that we have the mandatory warnings, I guess out of the way, let's get this party started.

Welcome to the Podcast

Hello there, game fam. And hello there, sequiafam as well. People are still pouring in to listen, which is amazing. Well, guys, welcome to Gametes podcast. This is your host, Arwen. And today we're going to stir the pot a little bit and start a little friendly disco. Which one is better, web three gamers or web two gamers? Now joining us today is the co founder and CEO of Sequoia, Joshua. Hi, Josh. How are you doing? Hey, I'm doing well. How are you? Oh, man. Doing great. Bali is quite cold, surprisingly, at the end of the time of this year. But we're excited because we're going to have a big event. I hear that sequin is going to be there too, right? Coin Fest Asia.

Events and Sequoia's Engagement

Yeah, I'll be there. Yeah, we just finished also event today one of the largest innovation exhibition indonesia in Jakarta called InTI 2024. So we just participated for about three days. And, yeah, it's very cool events. Nice. That is the cool thing about sequoia is that they're very active and open any space that they can get there. So they will because they are what I would call a project that truly focuses on the community. But anyway, before we jump over there, Josh, what would you like to tell us a bit about yourself? Like, how long have been web three and what inspired you to make, you know, a whole ass anime game? Go ahead.

Josh's Background and Insights

Thank you. Thank you, Arwen. So, yeah, basically, I'm Josh, the co founder and CEO of Sequoia Multiverse. I've been in space for about three years and building sequoia for about two and a half years. And previously I was a brand consultant for about 100 brands since 2017. And after that I got bored and looking for, you know, some excitement and new things. And, yeah, that's the time where I meth web three. Also, the sequia also started from one community. We grow into 185 community networks to date from twelve countries. And yeah, I think it's very exciting to be able to share ecosystem with so many projects and communities. And we once rejected by about 200 vc's for the first two years. We just got the seed round this 2024.

The Decision Behind Anime Games

So yeah, I think that's the journey. And for the anime, why we take into the anime because we believe that anime can be accepted by younger audience or older audience. And the thing that we're going to bring also to be MOBA games, we go into the racing also. So if you come into our profile and see some racings. Yeah, we are going to do racing service together with radical motorsport indonesia, Mandalika, this October and December. Yeah, maybe that's a bit about us. I'm a bit curious though. How did that. How did that connect? How did that connection occur? Like, how did you jump from anime game to a whole racing collaboration? I'm kind of curious about that.

Transition from Anime to Racing

Yeah, very interesting. So basically, we, in the space, we know that web three Gamefi grow because like play to earn, right? So this is one of the things that we are going to discuss also here. But the angle simply said, the angle that we want to try into the racing is because we see that in the racing we. We can find the gamers committee which spend. So yeah, the people that they have fun and they are very easily spending like, you know, to ten k dollars person. Those are the gamers that we are looking into. And actually the racing is like the middle up market communities. And to be able to bring them into the web three is something that's really interesting also. So that's why we combine the enemy into the car also to bring the innovation there.

Gamete Announcements

Okay. Okay. That's a really interesting. Okay. Now before we get started to all the questions, I would like to make announcement as usual. You know how this goes, right, guys? Okay, now the gamete announcement is that our telegram puncher clicker game, you know, where you punch a fighter fan. Yeah. That one is going to have a new bot very soon. And that bot will have sneak peeks into the gamete games. Yes, that's right. You can now have access to a handful of casual games that will soon be available in the gamete platform. So, you know, we have like 30 plus games in gamete. In the official gamete platform. Right. In the bot, you can have access to a full small handful of them to let you have a taste.

Engagement Strategies

And we will obviously record your responses to it, whether you like it or not. So for access to the new link, keep your eyes peeled for more information in our Telegram group and also our Twitter account. Okay, guys. All right, now that we have the announcement covered, let's get to the questions. Now, the reason why the, this topic that we're having about web three gamers versus web two gamers with sequia is because they are, what I would say, an innovative and community focused project. And I think they would have the best insight on this, which is why my very first question is, Josh, how do you see the gaming industry? How do you see it evolving as web two and web three slowly start to come together without them even noticing it?

Industry Evolution Insights

This is very interesting. So once we did like Xbase with a title like, is there any real gamers in the web three space? Something like that. Right? And we come into conclusion that actually the gamers in the web three, that you know, that trying to play an airdrop play to earn also gamers, they just maybe short term gamers, but they are gamer. So in total, we know right now in the world, gaming is like the most popular hobby, which cover around 3.3 million players around the world. So almost 40% of the population in the world play games. 3.3 billion. 3.3 billion? Yes. Billion. Damn. Okay. Yeah. And it covers around 200 plus billion dollars revenue in total for the overall industry.

Challenges and Adaptations

So we can say it's super big, even bigger, like, than the movies industry or the music industry. So gaming industry is only growing that big. The question is that right now we know that even though the narrative that we push on the web is like play to earn mostly that become a boundaries into the web two gamers. When we talk about like the technology, because the web two gamers don't really care about like what kind of the technology, what that cares is what gamers care, which is the storyline. The narrative, right. The graphics and everything. So I think the bridge into the. From the web three and the web two gamers to make it like seamless, it's when we find games that able to, you know, easily convert each of the gamers without them knowing that web.

Creating Seamless Experiences

Three. That will be the time where these gamers will be able to become one. But it will see with seamless. You mean, of course, that it looks like your normal regular web two, your web two game on the outside, but inside it has all the web three mechanics. You got it. You got it, right, Arwen? Yeah. All right. Because like, we all know how people in general, not just gamers, people in general, they don't really like change. And when they see something new. They're like, oh, no, what is this? I don't want to learn. And they're just, oh, this is so confusing. I don't want to. Well, it's actually not that much of a difference, except that web three just has a bit more extra steps.

Barriers to Adoption

Would you agree? Yep. Yep. And that's actually sometimes become the boundaries, especially when we use the language that the web two gamers don't really understand. But if we are able to make it into their language, I believe like what gamete also did on the telegram is something that's also make it easier for them. We make the friction smaller so it can come easier into the game. Understood. Which is a really good strategy. Okay, now, speaking of that, do you think that adding NFT and, you know, adding blockchain to games, has it made player engagement better or more challenging? It's a very good question, arun, because like, in a way, having like nfts and blockchains actually helping these gamers, you know, to be able to have what become their problems before, like, for example, I played games since three years old, right?

Player Engagement Dynamics

So. And each of the games, I don't really have like eight codes. So when go down, went down, I'm not able to, you know, continue all the game data and everything. I cannot sell what I have achieved also. So imagine if in the web three, it's easily solved using the blue channel. It's just the way that, you know, most of the, most of us, because, yeah, we are in the web three space. Most of us educate people using the language that easy. That's not so easy for them. They need to understand it first, which is if we are able to remove that, then we're good to go. That is true.

Introduction to NFT Integration in Gaming

Okay, but this is just asking from. From a third person neutral perspective, right? Usually when you have nfts integrate into your game, you have to usually what you call it and connect a wallet and things. Right? So from your commute from, like, are there any web two players in your community? Because I would. Do they have like a complaint? Like, what is this wallet? Why do you have to make this? Etc. Etc. Are there complaints on that side of things? Or they just like, oh, this is easy.

Experiences at Recent Gaming Events

Yeah. So just now, for example, I went to like open exhibition in the Innovation expo with the gamers projects and everything. And this is the second time, which is the first time. It's like indonesia anime conference last two months. Two months ago. So all of them really excited into the game, excited into what we built. But when we talk about like, hey, guys, there is one person coming and then is this like NFT game? And I said, oh, no, we just utilize blockchain. So after we say something like that, this person just, okay, and then just go, right? And then there's another study case which is like, she is the vp of like one of the biggest woman esports indonesia. So she do like the esports things and everything. She's also having the sentimental about like how hard it is to, you know, learn about the words and the technology, which is the main course that they want.

Challenges and Learning in Blockchain Engagement

They just want to, you know, go into the main course without understanding what the ingredients, something like that. That's the data that so far that I learned. So, so far, the people that would like to learn about blockchain and the web three space is more into the people that would like to, you know, earn something like that. So, yeah, that's the challenge so far. Interesting, interesting. But it has significantly become better in the last few years, especially with how socialized, how people are slowly getting more aware of blockchain. Or you think that it's not there yet. I think it's coming closer in a way that the problem is not solved yet. Because the idealism of the web three gamers, especially the projects still trying to push on the button, like connect wallet, for example, which is they don't really.

Understanding Gamer Needs in Blockchain

They don't really care about it. Right. We want them to care about it, but they don't. But I can say the web three gamers actually evolve in a way that able to create the market which is not there previously, for example, like the gaming on the telegram. I believe it's not something that will be there if there is no web three. Yes, but it's coming there because it's the innovation that's coming from the web three. So we make it faster, right. Or else telegram may be just like another WhatsApp, for example. So I think there's, you know, the plus point in a way. And then, you know, there's something that we need to solve also in. During the challenge.

Balancing Traditional and Blockchain Gamers

Okay. Okay, understood. Okay. Well, then, well, from a business, we have covered that. Right. But then, now, from a business perspective, how do you juggle the needs of like, quote unquote traditional gamers, aka web two gamers, with those of. With the needs of blockchain enthusiasts or the web three gamers? A very good question. Or so what we see is like, for example, we have a platform called skill Labs. So in that platform we have our web three language. We can say we have our own, which is our wallet, and then we have our own ecosystem of the NFTs, which people can claim there. But in a web two way. Actually we make them able to log in just through Gmail so they can use their Gmail without using everything.

Introducing Blockchain Through Simplified Approaches

So it's semi centralized, definitely right, because it's semi octane. But we introduced them first about the technology. So it's only like about one click, they lock it into the Gmail and then they're able to create their username and account and yep, they already got their wallet. And then when they want to claim, we don't say it's nft, we say it's a digibatch. So it's like a digital batch, which is they can connect, you know, changed. For example, in this int event they have like a stem rally, which is they go into the booth usually, and then they get a stem and they get a real. So what we do is that they do a digital stem rally using our platform, which is when they collect these badges on like around six to seven booths, including the government.

Semantic Adjustments to NFT Branding

So the government also joining it. So by the end, actually the government going into like the web tree without them realizing. So it's just all about semantics basically. Right. So it technically is NFT, but you change because the branding of NFT, then the name of it is already negative in most people's eyes. You just change it from NFT to digibatch and then they'll do it anyway because, oh no, this is not NFT. But when you think about it. Oh wait, this is NFT. It's just semantics, isn't it? Like word branding? Right, yeah, yeah. I can see basically because it's as easy as that.

Navigating the Tech Language

But you know, for example, like, I always use this term, like what phone you have right now are in the phone that you use. Samsung. Samsung, okay, why you buy your phone. Flagship product. Okay, price. You buy it because of the price, but also about the quality of the phone. Right. For example, it's good having a good ram, also good camera, for example. Right. So we never talk about like Arwen, what kind of Android actually inside of it. How does this Android works inside of your phone? Is that like the news Android and, you know, techie language for example. Yeah. So if you want to use like the techy language, I think we can go into like the techie people, we can go into the web, three people that's already native.

Simplicity for Accessibility

But if we want to go into like the web, two people, we use their language just as simple. As that. Yes, yes, yes. That is. That is a very good way. That is a very good way of navigating it, actually. Yeah. Like, I hate using this word, but it's basically called dumbing down. So, like, make it as simple as. As possible so that they can understand the essence without needing to think about all the, you know, the techie mumbo jumbo. Right? Yeah, yeah. Okay.

Strategies for Attracting Both Web Two and Web Three Players

I love that. I love that. Okay, so I think this question you have already answered before, but then what is your strategy for drawing in both web two and web three players to your platform? I know you have just answered this right with the whole, you know, wording, branding thing, but is there another strategy, like having your own comic, for example, your own manga or. I don't know, is there? So the biggest sequela actually just got the stronger positioning that we find this month during the past two and a half years, which is the focus will be building secure generation.

Building a Community through Secure Generation

So we cover everything in through the name of the secure generation. So what is actually secure generation? It's actually like connecting gamers, people who love play games, racers, a brand that would like to make ips, and when they enter into ecosystem, we call them, like, you're part of the secure generation. Something like that. So it's like, I want to make a cult. It's like that. Something like that. So, because if we see on the web three side also previously, we have, like, the bitcoin cycle, the altcoin season, and then we go into the meme season, right? Yes, but this bull market, we can see that we have the bitcoin season and then we go directly into the meme season.

The Psychological Appeal of Memes

Yes. We haven't touched the altcoin season, for example. Right? Yes. You know, the reason, you know, the easiest reason at the front is we know that people love profits and then they just want to make profit fast. But behind that, psychologically, people love meme because it's a movement. So they love movement. They love something that, you know, able to make them, like part of something big or something fun, something, you know, that related. So that's how I want to connect the web two and web three people, which is, you know, just come into being part of the secure generation because this is like the generation that will connect you and, you know, you are able to explore things on your end in secure.

Interoperability Efforts in Gaming

And I want to add something. You know, we have kruger here listening also. So the other thing that we actually did, you know, we heard a lot about interoperability before. We heard a lot about it. Like yeah, web two will have interoperability and everything. Without saying much, we try to do start the small steps together with Kuga andrometa. So two of them together with us at the int game comp. Actually they are showcased their game. So they showcase their game, but also connected with Sequela IP.

Practical Steps Towards Interoperability

So in Andometa, we have like the jumpers playing there, the skin already there. And later we are able to connect the passport also in that platform. In Kuga, we have like star lost skin inside of the Couga ecosystem. And later we also on discussion to connect the passport there. So that's the small step, which is very easy to be understood by the web two gamers, which is the web two. Oh, I know. This is the skin, you know, but how can I get the skin? Yeah, you just need to connect your id from sequia id, for example.

Final Thoughts on Streamlined Integration

So as simple as that, which is the secure id, is basically like the wallet itself. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, so. So there are a few steps, right? One is obviously awareness. Two is efficiency and accessibility. Oh, my God, that is such web. Three words, efficiency, accessibility, and then obviously also interoperability. But then I think what you emphasized on before was also emotional attachment, right? Because with the whole sequin, with this queer generation thing, when you feel you're part of a generation, there's going to be an emotional attachment and you will just. You will. You will want to do more if there's an emotional attachment, right?

Discussion on New Earth and Project Direction

Right. Because, like. Okay, so you have the new earth, Mattifer. So what, right. Then we go into the. Focusing on the meme before we go into the stage of, like, super serious project. Right now we have, like, the positive meme coin, right. It's still also just only showing about let's spread positivity, but doesn't really resonate with us because, like, we are super serious in a way on building. Right? Yeah. And then we like enemy gaming kingdom. It also very good. But for anime lovers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It has their own market, their own cult, so to speak. Right, true. And then when we go into the secure generation, I believe, like you said, that become the emotional attachment that easily go into, like, everyone that, you know, hearing about secure and just want to join into this something cool that even they don't know what. What it is. Something like that. Yeah, I totally agree.

Introduction of Kuga and Project Announcement

Okay. By the way, Kuga, because you mentioned Kuga, he. They suddenly just requested to speak. So maybe, Couga, is there something you want to share? Maybe a partnership with Sequia or a project you guys are working on? Oh, good morning. Hi, guys. Hi. Sequoyah, congratulations. Sequoyah just completed nt Gamecom 2024 yesterday. I'm in the west coast. I'm in Los Angeles, California. Couga, we're an indie game studio. Oh, yeah. Your voice is so buttery. What the hell? Oh, yeah, no, it's. It's a. It's a combination of, I'm just waking up and also, I had a long weekend, and I had a little bit of a cold, so, it's not gonna last long. So enjoy the recording. But I wanted to say it's been an honor and a pleasure to announce that we're featuring Starla, which is one of the main characters of Sequia's ip in our game.

Game Accessibility and Target Audience

And remember, we're a web two and web three gaming company. But eliminate those titles. We're a gaming company, and you can play your games on Steam. That's. That's our superpower. So Sequoyah's character is available on Steam. So you don't need. You don't need a wallet, you don't need cryptocurrency. You don't need any. Anything that you gamers have, how would you say this? Access on their PC on their soon. Mobile. Soon Mac. So that's how we win. We. We have a video. My last. My last point I wanted to make is we have a video where there's a seven year old playing our game on Steam. And. And that's. That's everything to me. I'm pinning it to the top right now. We have a little friend here really enjoying Kugo Rumble arena. If you can get your game in a seven year old, six year old, five year old's hands, you're. You're gonna win. So Starla's character is now known by children through Kuga bash on Steam.

Web2 and Web3 Integration

So that's our superpower. That is a big superpower. And with big superpowers, because big responsibility. Okay, now, Kuga, maybe one of my team can slide into your DM's, and maybe we can look for a collaboration. Wink, wink. Anyway, let's continue to the last of the very last question. And because you know Kuga, you're also. I know this is like Sequia's space, but if later on, Kuga wants to add something you can go ahead, but remember, this is Sequia space first. So, sequia, I'm Josh. Last question. Why do you think that the web two and web three players are still kind of like, versus. Versus where they're still separated? Is it more because of the tech or, like, ew, I don't need nfts.

Addressing the Tech vs Community Debate

I don't need blockchain in my games. Games are good enough as it is. Or is it more driven by the communities that already have a bad prejudice? And you know how people like to feel superior than others. Yeah. What do you think? What do you think? Is it more techy, or is it more community based? What is your opinion, Josh? Let's go. This is a very good question. Thank you. From Google to be adding something that's really wonderful. That's also one of the things that I shared on my podcast with Elgia in last time in Dubai, which is I said that we are all actually still web two people. We just become fancy and trying to use the web three languages while we actually still do web two things. So we basically all are still web two people, web two gamers, and we just have another category, which is called web three.

The Future of Web3 in Gaming

So it covers also, to answer the last question, which is actually, I think it's more into web three will become, like, more into one section of the gaming. In the whole gaming that we have, for example, we have shooting, we have mobile, we have rpg, we have casual games, and then we can say we have web three. So web three becoming one of the section might becoming even bigger by the time, because the level of innovation in web three, I can say it's more advanced in a way, because in the web three, people are more idealists, right? So they build things based on, you know, their dreams, indie and everything. I think that also helped to grow this space. So by the end of the day, I believe it will still not be 100% together in a way, because the market is different, but it will try to live together.

Market Changes and Acceptance

It will try to grow together, especially when crypto is becoming, let's say, even more acceptable in many ways that making the door easier, because by the end of the day, let's say, the data indonesia itself, by now, we have more investors in crypto than stock market. So that's already shown that actually it's changing, right? Yeah, it is. Yes, yes. Yep, yep. Okay. Okay. Well, Kuga, do you have anything to add to that? You're a speaker now. Go ahead. I wanted to mention that it's all about collaboration across web three and web two companies. There is a lot of opportunity that is forgotten and taken for granted because in our little niche of web three, it's PvP.

The Importance of Collaboration

It's like, ooh, us against apes, us against doodles. And I would say no. If you take any clues from Nintendo super smash brothers, you need everybody on the same arena because you all win. There's nothing to lose by saying, hey, let's play together. And I think gaming is a great opportunity to remind everyone who is competitive, who is blinded and confused by tribalism that let's reach out. Let's reach out and be friends and play together, whether we're, you know, web three or web two. Look at lucanettes, look at Yuga. They're making great strides into the web two arenas, and I want to be there with them pinned to the top.

International Presence and Expansion

Joshua tweeted, Sequoia X nt Asia supported with Kugaverse. Good Pa web official Umar Arin, the Andromeda radical M Sport. I don't know anybody there except G PA and Sequia. But every event we do, we not only meet new collaborators in our own community of web three, but we meet thousands of gamers. And this is our 7th country in three quarters. Couga. Cougar will be at Bali this week, and Cougar will be in Korea next month. And it doesn't stop. You know, we did games.com Asia, we did the Xbox live indie wave maker stage. We spoke with Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony. We did Taipei. We did Thailand, we did Hong Kong, we did Vietnam.

The Journey of Kuga

It doesn't stop. And I'm in LA. I'm not conventionally traveling in Asia, even though I am Filipino Chinese, but I am here for everything we're doing. Together with sequia, together with Sakuru labs. Kuga is arriving and you will know us everywhere. Cooka sounds like the Dragon Ball collectors. You're just going from country to country collecting dragon balls, and you're going to win with the power of Nakama. That is basically what I'm hearing, like, from both Sequoia and from kuga. We're going to overcome this. We're going to, what's the english word for it? We're going to connect, unite web to web three with the power of Nakama.

Adopting New Philosophies

Our motto is. Our motto is fud. Okay, you see, we always say fud us, right? It's a. Conventionally, historically, traditionally, it's fear, uncertainty, and doubt, right? But we changed it. Fud us is fight, unite, dominate. That is our motto. And that is our spirits. If you want to win together, fud us. Okay. Okay. Okay. That is some nice reverse psychology. All right. Anyway, I have had fun. This new cougar is a unexpected but welcome guest tonight.

Introduction and Acknowledgments

Sequoyah. Thank you for mentioning them. So that they, so that they showed up to the stage. Now, we have been talking now for 37 minutes and we all know that people's attention span only lasts at most 40 minutes. So let me check if there are any questions left. Yes, we have two questions left. And after this we have to end the podcast or at least have some questions from the listeners. But two more questions.

Myths and Misunderstandings

Josh, what are some myths or misunderstandings that web two players might have about web three games? Yeah, I think for that one would be like as easy as they think. The web three are not real gamers. They just want to, you know, have some cash and they don't really trying to enjoy the game. Right. Yeah, I think that's the most important part because when we did the research into the web, two gamers as we mostly going into the web two events right now, that's what we found. So they still also think like about the regulation, so they still think like about, oh, is it accepted, is it okay? Something like that. There are fear in it and it takes time, I think to let them be able to understand.

Adoption and Transition

So, yeah, I think if we're able to cover it in a way that easier for them, they actually, right now we got like around almost 1000 new members in secure labs. So they all created how. Thank you, Arwen. We learned from the game team. I mean, like a lot of, you know, adoption that made by the game, it's amazing. So this hundred, this 1000 people is the people that's coming. And then they do the secure labs, they claim the DGBatch and if they are like real people, we got the email also. So we got, we can blast them, but they already using the web three without them realizing it. So I think if more projects can do more things like that, it would be easier for us all to, you know, to be able to get into the adoption that we expected.

Future of Gaming

Yeah, yeah, I understand, I understand that. I think. I think it will get better with, in time, especially because I guess crypto tokens, nfts, blockchains in general, they rose to fame. They went viral for all the wrong reasons at first, I think. Right. And then the first generation games like most of them were not that good except for the pioneer once of course, because they lasted this long. I think the initial set of gamefly projects were focused more on making money. You know, like they were almost Ponzi schemes, which is why, you know, they're the traditional gamers. Doubts were not wholly misfounded. I'm sorry my english left me, but you guys know what I mean.

Evolution with Real Gamers

You guys know what I mean. But now, you know, with real, real gamers, like with people with passion for games actually joining the web three community and then making games for gamers, I think it is heading into a better place. And we will. With the power of Nakama, we will win over the web two gamers. Definitely. And I also wanted to interject that it's so important if you don't know my founder, he's a senior game developer of eleven plus years. He went viral for making the first VR indonesian horror game with PewDiePie's YouTube streams. His name is G Pa. G stands for General Pa. He's one, he's a, he's the boss of the Cougaverse.

The Beauty of Gaming

And G Pa is a gamer first. He's not here as any intention to extract from the web three ecosystem monetary value. He's here to build games and play games that are fun. Yielding and farming and air drops and play to earn is not his priority. His priority is building fun games. And that's the only way you will win and build sustainable gaming companies and how communities is focusing on fun and letting the game be a game. So that's our superpower GPA, aka Geelong Kitarana out of Indonesia. So you'll meet him? Yes. A lot more. Yes.

Exploring Connections

Sequoyah shouted out, jeep. Ha. I appreciate you. Sequoyah, this week featuring Kuga. And also I'm excited for our future together. Sequoia, I'm sensing strong bromance vibes right here. You guys are amazing. And I hope that one day gamete, although gamete is just a casual gaming platform, I hope maybe we can, you know, in a bit between that romance right there, maybe we can join the club as well. All right, now, guys, we have been talking for 40 minutes now, and it's time for me to look through the Twitter to look through our twitter to see if there are any questions.

Audience Engagement

Give me a few seconds. But usually there are no questions. You know, people are usually just like hyping and say, yay, you know, go, sequoyah, go couga, go. Game tea. You know, and then people are chilling. I have a question. Game tea. What are your favorite games? Gamete or like Mimi? Oh, I mean, I'll call you Mimi, from now on, for you, Mimi. But, like, no. So Gamete is basically focused on casual games because our founder, Serkan, he saw that right now, game five projects are all about either.

Targeting Players

It's a like, it either has a lore, either, like, really lore based, or it's just open world with all of these, you know, with all these branches that go everywhere, right? Like Sequoia and Devomon. They both have their own universe with their own characters, etcetera. And, you know, we're like, hey, why don't we go and target the people who don't have the energy or time to invest, you know, their energy into an open world game? Because, to be honest, I play Honkai, star rail. I play Genshin. I love it.

Finding Balance in Gaming

But there are times when I get home from work, and I'm like, I do not want to see an NPC right now. You know what I mean? Like, I want to go home play solitaire. I want to go home play Minecraft. But not even Minecraft, just solitaire. And sergeant's like, you know what? We should aim for those kind of people. So. Which is why we are a hyper casual gaming platform. Okay, now, that is it with the shilling. And, yes, I was right. There are no questions, but there are enough hype for sequia and gamete.

Community and Closing

And then suddenly, we have people hyping up Kuga as well down here. But, okay, now I guess it's time for us to conclude today's podcast, because it has been 40 minutes. People are already zoning out, and we have no more questions. All right, so, Josh, thank you so much for making time out of your day and talk to us. And I'm sorry for, you know, putting Kuga on the stand, but I guess you did mention him, so. And you guys do have this really good bromance vibe going on, so I hope it wasn't a problem.

Final Thoughts and Insights

Josh, is there anything that you want to say to our listeners before we go? Like, a soft chill, anything? Yeah. No, no. I mean, like, it's a pleasure to have Kuga together with us because, I mean, like, it's a collaborative space, right, in this web tree. Definitely to have, like, a tree all together gamete, something that we also looking forward into. So, yeah, definitely. Why don't, you know, we become even more closer. Nakama. It's definitely something that will be great.

Advice to Developers and Investors

Maybe the last thing that would like to share regarding with the gamers. If you are game developers and you see your chart is not doing well, make sure to focus on the projects, because if the dream in the projects and the game economy really works and you know how to make it works. I believe the chart will follow. If you are investor in the web space for the gaming projects. The narrative future will keep on cycling. So there will be a cycle when the game will come again.

Conclusion and Well Wishes

And like this actual q one, gaming is going on. Very good. Right? So make sure that during the cycle you can see the opportunities on before that cycle, on which of the token you want to go into. Definitely. We have, like, I can say three you can see right now. Definitely gamete, Kuga and also sequia. So, yep, that's all. Stay healthy and, you know, keep on building together. I love that. I love that. Those were some really wise words, Josh. Thank you so much.

Closing Remarks

Okay. And Kuga has his hand up. Sir, what do you. Is there anything you want to say? Well, Josh, I. My name is Kiro. I know you've met G Pa. So now you know his right hand. I wanted to introduce Starla pin to the top. I'm here to light up your world. Shine as bright as the stars emerging from the realm of intermundia beyond Nova Terrae, Starlet astounds the citizens of Regnum Terrae with an unexpected live concert.

Excitement for Characters

Her captivating beauty and allure captivate all who witness her race. Human alias starlight siren class magician. Who's next, Josh? Pinned to the top, we have 123-45-6789 more characters to meet. I'm excited to play as these characters. I'm excited to meet them in Kuga Bash. Pleasure meeting you, Gamete and Josh. I'll see you soon. Pleasure meeting you, Kuga. And I guess we know who Kiro's Waifu is in the Sequia verse.

Podcast Wrap-Up

All right now, guys, that is it for today's podcast. Check out Sequia's Twitter account. And I guess also now check out Guga's Twitter account where they have all the links to their websites, projects, and everything else you might want or need to know. Now, guys, I will not see you next Wednesday because it is coinfest week here in Bali and both game tea, Sequia and Kuga will be there.

Final Goodbye

So if anybody's coming to coinfest, keep your eyes peeled for us and maybe drop that and maybe poke us and say hi. All right, guys, see you again in September. Gamefam. Thank you so much for coming to our podcast and I will see you in September. Cheers.

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