Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Web3 Exposed ️ hosted by _ShaniceBest. Web3 Exposed ??? provided a deep dive into the convergence of art, culture, and technology within the Web3 space. Leading figures like Expos3dMedia and Beezie_io showcased the transformative potential of blockchain technology and creative collaborations. The discussions highlighted the importance of community engagement, ethical practices, and education in navigating the dynamic Web3 landscape. From NFTs to DeFi, the space explored the intricate intersections reshaping digital economies and artistic expressions. As the Web3 ecosystem continues to evolve, key takeaways revolved around inclusivity, innovation, and the fusion of traditional disciplines in a decentralized, transparent environment.

For more spaces, visit the Art page.


Q: How is Web3 revolutionizing the art and culture sectors?
A: Web3 is enabling new forms of expression, collaboration, and ownership, blurring the lines between art, culture, and technology.

Q: What distinguishes Expos3dMedia and Beezie_io in the Web3 landscape?
A: These entities are driving innovation, fostering community engagement, and exploring the potential of blockchain technology in creative spaces.

Q: Why is community involvement vital in Web3 initiatives?
A: Communities provide support, feedback, and create a network effect essential for the growth and adoption of Web3 projects.

Q: How do NFTs and DeFi intersect within the Web3 ecosystem?
A: NFTs and DeFi protocols offer new avenues for monetization, investment, and decentralized ownership, revolutionizing digital economies.

Q: What challenges do creators and users face in the Web3 space?
A: Issues of data privacy, security, and regulatory frameworks require attention to ensure a safe and transparent environment for participants.

Q: How can individuals educate themselves about Web3 technologies?
A: Engaging in communities, attending workshops, and staying informed through reputable sources are crucial steps in understanding and navigating the Web3 landscape.


Time: 00:15:47
Web3 Innovations and Artistic Collaboration Exploring how Web3 is revolutionizing art, culture, and tech through collaborative projects.

Time: 00:25:12
Exclusive Insights from Expos3dMedia Dive into the vision and projects shaping the future of Web3 with Expos3dMedia.

Time: 00:35:59
Beezie_io: Bridging Art and Technology in Web3 Discover how Beezie_io is fostering creativity and innovation at the intersection of art and technology.

Time: 00:45:28
Community Engagement in Web3 Initiatives Understanding the importance of community building and collaboration within the Web3 ecosystem.

Time: 00:55:17
Tokenization and Decentralization in Web3 Insights into the transformative power of tokenization and decentralized systems in Web3 projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 integration is reshaping the art, culture, and tech landscapes.
  • Expos3dMedia and Beezie_io are pivotal players in the Web3 space.
  • Innovations in Web3 technologies are driving transformative changes across industries.
  • Collaborations between art and technology are fostering new creative expressions.
  • Community engagement is crucial for the success and sustainability of Web3 initiatives.
  • Tokenization and blockchain technology offer new opportunities for creators and users.
  • The Web3 space is dynamic, constantly evolving with new advancements and projects.
  • Exploration of NFTs, decentralized finance (DeFi), and digital ownership.
  • Ethical considerations and transparency are essential in Web3 development.
  • Education and awareness play a key role in navigating the complexities of Web3.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Frustration with Tickets

What's up, motherfuckers? It's about that time I know I've taken too long for. Forgive me. I'm one because I got two fucking tickets. I don't get tickets. Been driving for 15 plus years. Your girl don't get tickets? Fuck. Yes. I'm not eating fucking dinner tonight. I try to look in your motherfuckers eyes. All you fucking do is lie. That's all you motherfuckers do. You cannot go a day without fucking lying. All you do is fucking lie. You ever tried telling the truth? See how you feel when you tell the truth? I promise you, it feels amazing.

Reflections on Friendships and Division

I love all my friends thinking about this life. I provide for them. This world has some real things dividing them. Web three has some real things divided in. All right, muslim, I diaphragm. Viral. Man is just drunk as hell. At 05:00 p.m. i get knocked out. I got William drunk as fuck at 05:00 p.m. william says on my way, like, he's like, on my way to a fucking destination, motherfucker. Click the two fucking buttons. Yo, you guys are making it easy to save my Solana because y'all launching dog shit. So I'm actually giving away more Solana than I ever had. Like comment, repost. Drop the Solana address to be qualified. Cause today is a fucking banger day.

Overviews on Market Activities

One other listener. You're a one one, baby. I told a promoter tonight, put me across the inspections. I think he did enough. I can't sleep at night with CZ in jail. My nigga, come on, it's all just a part of the game. We all got a role of protection. And just like the motherfucking judge, the hammers come out. 143 rolexes in my collection. Jesus Christ. 143 rolexes, nigga, that's a collection, bro. The way that I'm used to playing a politics where I could win the election. You niggas is over protected with holes.

Cultural Reflections and Experiences

I'm already over the next one. I'm in 48 even a question. You think you trying to send a message or lead it to get a. Reception. On my college mother? What? I just picked up something off of magic Eden. It's a one one. You gotta be pussy if it's on site. I'll be good on that. Muggin and looking. Yeah, get it going out. Bomb. Shit. Yo, guys, I don't know if you know.

Observations on Cryptocurrency Trends

Oh, shit. Williams here. Oh, fuck. China. Oh, shit. Act right, bitches. A lot of you probably sold all your bitcoin, cuz. You didn't listen to William a month ago. Now you're fucked. Now you're scared. We got a month away before shit starts getting really interesting. Probably less than that, okay? Probably way less than that. Everything is in your fucking favor right now. You know when I realized? Yesterday at the basketball court, after whooping niggas ass four games in a row, motherfucking normies are check the fuck out of bitcoin and crypto altogether.

Market Awareness and Timing

This is your fucking time. This is your time. We're watching the mass accumulation on high levels that we've never seen before. So we can't even fathom that bitcoin is going higher. I promise you, I'm not a dumbass, Maxie. Everything is going fucking higher. Pay attention. Don't get fucked. Out of your bags now. Save your soul, baby. Save your soul. Yo, if we can't, if we don't get to 100 people today, I'm gonna tell. I'm gonna tell a secret. Hopefully we don't get to 100. And I'm deleting this recording.

Insights on Market Sentiments

Fuck everybody. What other things for retail? Don't do icloud, don't do email. Fans want to type up man in a while, man, that shows in detail. Back when Ricky was doing up t zero, I was doing dinner with TZ. I didn't trust no one. Swore, got lining. Nicole never moved me. Keep Nike sweatsuit pg, it might get Beaky. Ring, ring, call up TG, come immediately. Used to look up to a man from certain hands with, you know, repeat.

Reflections on Trust and Responsibility

Thought he was a bad boy then. Till man got pinched and men went PC. Men went PC just like that. Land windows, some man Benos. Before I was ever around Kendall's, I was in Enzo's, dreaming of Enzo's. The woman I do end up with has to be a backyard. Just like munchy. Can't have no protection. Sing when I knew words of the Broski j you got different names in different countries. Three waps and a whip and we beat that case where man look way too comfy.

Lessons from Market Experiences

I don't do well with people making disses and making threats wary man got flown like private jets for way less. I make sure I get one down on us. Ever since then, it's been stress, because you know the rest. I'm o you want. And we always pay them best. Waffle. Waffle. Just like the crowdy press. I don't think no pasta. That's a fact. You guys are over here trying to make your twitter cute, trying to make the PFP cute, trying to motherfucker.

Navigating Cryptocurrency Engagement

You better focus on that motherfucking act. Shun. You motherfuckers ain't about that action. Especially Hefner. This guy up here. Hefnerezhe haven't seen that guy in months. He's probably a robot. Not even a real person. He's just a fucking Internet troll. Has nothing else better to do. Anyway, welcome to the show. Web three exposes officially live. We go live every single day except Wednesdays around. Dinner time around right now, 545 06:00 eastern.

Sharing Experiences and Insights

Definitely a joy and a delight to be with you today. I have an excuse every time I'm late, and it's always a good one. Okay, today is not a good one. Let me tell you why. I got rugged on my normal route, okay. you know, what I do is I go in the right lane and then, you know, I got the RSX. So we skedaddle, zoom. In front of everybody else in the left lane so I don't gotta wait in the line. And today I got caught.

Confronting Traffic Issues

I was caught. Motherfucker. Cop threw himself in the front of this fucking cardinal. I could have hit him. I didn't hit him. I chose not to hit him. But I got a ticket. I got a ticket. Not only one, but two. Boy was like, oh, you don't got a seatbelt either, man. You know, I know it's the end of the month, but damn, son. So I need you guys to drop the ticker. Thank you. Thank you so much. That's for one.

Promotion and Partnerships

Number two. Today's show is powered by Cincoverse. They're going to be pulling up today for an AMA later on. Definitely excited to hear about a patent pending product. Anything patent pending in our space is actually important to me. Granted, a lot of y'all throw that shit around. Didn't even apply for the fucking patent. But working products, things that are needed in our eco, I think, is a plus. So shout out to them.

Future Expectations

They'll be pulling up later today. Excited to grow the fuck out of them. You guys know how I do. I'm having one today. I'm one, so they're gonna get it. Also, also, if you saw me in LA or Vegas and we took a photo, you don't want to post it, just dm it. Dm it. I want to check it out. Also, gonna be following up with a lot of you that connected with me over. Over there. It was fun. It was a lot of fun.

Market Trends and Challenges

The timeline has been in shambles. I can't lie. I am so grateful to not have been running spaces or even scrolling this motherfucker the last couple of days because you guys have once again lost your asses. I mean, when I think it's like, oh yeah, this is it. It's like ten x, worse, like every single fucking time. And it's amusing and it's great and I love it. I love it. Do I like watching you guys in pain? No, no, no.

Learning in Crypto Communities

But what I do like is when we start to learn lessons as a group, right? As a family that we are here, right? Because I don't say I told you so as much as I deserve to, but I say, hey, it's okay, fam. I'm gonna smack you on the ass and say it's all right, do it again. Go ahead and do it again. You feel me? So, you know, I think it's important that we don't make fun of each other, you know, unless we're giving permission, right?

Encouragement and Support

There's a lot of you I want to make fun of every time, every single day. But just remember, you are able to try again. I promise you, all you gotta do is try again. And I know you guys been hearing the bops and the shit in the other spaces. Just remember, this is where they got it from right here. Alright. Anyway, thank you guys for pulling up. 06:20 p.m. eastern it's an amazing day to have an amazing day.

Commitment to Engagement

So we're about to get back at it. Your girls back and not fucking going anywhere for at least 27 days, bro. 20 fucking seven days are not going anywhere. Maybe 22. we will be in token 2049 if you're going to be in Singapore. You know the vibes. If you want to talk about anything, you know the vibes. and looking forward to our basil later on this year. Working my ass off for better part two.

Looking Ahead

So excited to see you guys there as well if you don't happen to see me until the 2049. But yeah, let's just jump right into it. I will be going into all the blockchain stuff and all the meme coin stuff in a second. My hot take real quick. And then anybody could chime in below or request to speak. It's probably your best time to get on stage because if I notice you request on stage when the room starts popping, I'm gonna fucking remove you because you're a fucking cloud and nobody cares about you anyway.

Setting Expectations for Engagement

You got to drop Alpha for these motherfuckers to follow you because you know, web three exposed doesn't have idiots listening. Okay. Only the smartest and the brightest of the brightest. But anyway, my hot take on the meme coin meta and all the bullshit going on and all the chains, first of all, let's fucking go. Let's have fun. But number two, I thought this was actually really basic. When I heard this from a dev in Vegas recently, I said, yo, bro, why, like, why Cardano?

Discovery and Technology

Why would people. And he's actually not a Cardano dev. He's just a good dev and a maxi at, like, creating products and. And making money on fees. And William actually got to meet him as well. I think William also thought he was pretty bright, so. But I said, yo, why? Like, why does it, like, why is it happening on Cordona? Like, why are things happening? He's like, shanice. It's like, you know, McDonald's and Burger King and Wendy's and all the other burger joints.

Market Preferences and Innovations

Anything can exist. It's a preference thing. And so what I'm discovering, or what I realized, and granted, some of this is take it with a grain of salt, but since the inception of Ethereum, right, and the ability to launch ERC 20 tokens on the Ethereum chain, there has been nuance, new development, new tech created. Fuck. A lot of motherfuckers are just starting to apply themselves. Go figure. And so what that means is you're able to find these new opportunities and abilities on the other chains.

Market Dynamics and Attention Span

Now, it's a lot deeper and more specific than that, but I I, for one, and not, like, oh, my God, shocked at the action and volume on other chains, especially because in this day and age, you motherfuckers have the fucking attention span of a pee of a fucking pee. So if something is just exciting enough for you're going to pay attention to it. If something has money flowing through it, you're going to pay attention to it. If your favorite kol or influencer changed their PFP for 37 minutes, you're going to pay attention to it.

Insights into Market Behavior

so my point is, I'm not shocked at the volume. However, I do think it's going to be short lived, because a lot of the stuff, this is where the tech comes in, right? You got, you know, congestion on the chain, other things, blah, blah, blah. That's going to turn a lot of people off. So, you know, it could be a tron thing. It could be bass, it could be who, whatever it is, I see you guys talking shit about Polygon and BSC, and everything's gonna pop.

Market Opportunities and Future Predictions

There's gonna be money everywhere. You're gonna hear a motherfucker tell you at a crypto event, he came up seven figures and retired his fucking parents from fucking Tron or something wild. Like, dead ass. Like, there's so much shit now. Like, it's not one off. It's literally not one off. Like, I don't even like to tell my chain link success story no more because that's some boomer shit. I don't. I want it. I can't wait till I say fucking your mother's inu is what retired me.

Anticipating Market Movements

That's what I'm excited to say. So is trapp. We're not trying to say that we're retired off of our skillset. We want to say we retired off your mother's enu because that's the fucking. That's the wave at the moment, and we're riding that bitch. 623. I'm digressing because the motherfucker Celsius has hit the bloodstream. I need william to make this make sense for us. Where's bitcoin going? Are we at the, smack that middle in your opinion of this, like, rocky summer situation with price, or are you seeing any type of breakout?

Market Analysis and Oil

If you're able to say what's going on. Man, I don't think people want the real. The real news. I'm not. I'm not seeing anything yet. Like, I think we're still kind of ranging at the moment. I just. I tell people to be optimistically cautious right now. So that means be optimistic, but be cautious, which means don't be buying every time you think it's going to break out. Buy every time that you think you should sell.

Demand and Futures

And that'll give you a better perspective, because a lot of people are really kind of getting bearish at the lows, and they get really hyped the second you get back up against resistance. And it just. It just keeps happening chop after chop at the chop. I'm not. I'm not in the. In the mode of thinking we're in a bear market. I definitely don't think that's the case. I just think that people just need to be kind of come to reality that fast.

Current Market Status

Money right now is not a thing. It's not a thing right now. It was a thing for a while, but right now, the volatility is so low that, you know, you're not able to make a lot. Like, if. If something pops, it's. It's. It's manipulation and probably down in, like, a week, maybe two days. Right? Maybe a day. It just all depends I've watched literally 90% of the tron coins, at least the meme coin market, completely rug.

Trends and Observations

Right. I watched them launch at like 30k, go to like ninety four k and come back to three k. So it's been pretty interesting how this has kind of been occurring on Tron. Like, a lot of people are talking about it. And there is a mass entrance, I would say, on the, basically the token, but I mean, on the meat coin market, I think it's just like, it's a liquidity exit, more or less, where they're basically extracting liquidity through the meme coin market on Tron.

Market Predictions

I don't see any sticking power at the moment. With Tron, nothing wants to stay. Everything wants to get rugged. So at the moment, I think the hype on Tron is simply hype for now, that could turn into more boringness later. I've seen this happen many times with Tron, but I did remember when you had the Solana eth pump and then you had the tron pump, and then they all kind of like, pumped simultaneously a little bit, and then all of a sudden tron fell off the, you know, off the visuals for a lot of people.

Equities and Predictions

And I would say with the way equities look, especially equities. Equities are looking a little hefty, a little toppy. Nvidia is forming lower highs, I would say. If you look at s and P. S and P at a, yeah, massive dump today, honestly, I think s and p could probably go lower, but it could. It could be the end of an era. And I don't mean an era, but you get what I'm saying.

Transitioning and Observations

Like, at the end of a, we'll say the current pump on equities and maybe some kind of capital rotation to higher risk, we'll see if that ends up playing out. That's a hard one to call. But when equities start to, like, see these top moves, you just have to be, you have to be cautious. You have to be really cautious because you could see some kind of, like, subtle signs ahead of time.

Technical Analysis and Insights

So I'd say from like. And I'm just sticking to the ta. I think. I think if you go by cycle, it's an easy, a 2025 is going to be up. But I think, like, in the current time, if you're trying to make, like, rent money or you're trying to make payments or you're putting money in here to make more money to pay bills, I don't know if that's the smartest move, right?

Investment Timing and Strategy

Like, I think that if you're investing and you're investing for 2025, I think, you know, you're getting optimal bye positions right now. Like, really good entries. But if you're trying to make money next week or next month or anything like that, there's just not enough volatility to do that. Unless you're shorting the market on. On basically equities. Right.

Observations on Stock Market

On stocks. Because the stock market is looking very toppy at the moment. So just be careful with the stock market. I'd say, at least for now. When it comes to crypto itself, we're kind of tightening up or coiling. Either we're going to pop or we're going to drop here. Even if we drop, though, I think that it'll be a drop into a pop.

Analysis and Market Trends

So I think, like, if I were to look for downside, I would start with 55, and 53 is your downside. And then if I were to look for upside, I'd look for, you know, if we can reach 64, then we would be in, like, a safe range for bitcoin. Right. And then at that point, you can look for the rest of the market to kind of grab a foothold and move.

Insights on Ethereum and Solana

The East Solana pair is looking a little stronger. So I'd say ethereum looks a little stronger than Solana at the moment. You know, if they want to, they can take things right back down to the lows again, I think, from here. So you just have to be careful with the Solana at the current time being. I would say be cautious.

Future Outlook and Perspectives

I'm kind of just giving my straightforward perspective right now. Just, I've been very optimistic with this market, but you have to understand when you're in a trend and that, you know, basically what you should do in that trend. And I'm trying to give, like, all the options here of what people should be looking at long term to midterm, you know, three to six months, I think you'll be solid anywhere you buy right here.

Discussing Short-Term Expectations

Right. I think if you're looking for next week to next month, you know, there's potential you could see more downside on your capital, which would not be optimal for a lot of people. Bro, all I heard was pop lock and drop it. He said, that trap. I'm not bugging, right? He said, pop locking, drop it on the back. You know, we'll like to be a little conservative when things sideways, but all I heard is drop your family member and deliver.

Market Conditions and Observations

All in is the time. Bro. Like, if you look at some of these coins, though, like, some of these actual, like, fundamental coins, man, they look good. They look really like. No, no bullshit. Like, Sueye, can we pump Suey? I like a lot of these. I'm just saying, like, sue's like 3 billion cap. Keep in mind, Solana's, what, 45 billion or more?

Comparative Analysis

And they're basically the same tech. I'm just saying, I'm just throwing it out there, you know, stone out there. Wait, that's fair, actually. Yo, hold on. You have made a good point just now. What does it mean? I know what this means. Or at least I think I know what it means. What does it mean that TVL and volume is hitting all time highs on Solana, but the price point isn't at all time highs means there's not enough.

Understanding Market Fluctuations

Volume to sustain the dumping that's currently. Occurring and dilution to those helicoids unlocking. Yep. Like, here's the thing. Look, I wouldn't say this. I wouldn't say be fearful that salon is not going to see a higher highs, because I think it will. But you have to understand, when there's unlocks and when there's potential for drawdown, right? And I think there's potential for drawdown.

Navigating Investment Risks

That's, that's all I'm saying. Like, from here, I do. I think it's significant. I think. I think the lowest you can go, like, the most bearish I can be is maybe $100, right? That's, that's the lowest. I think I had that same number, boy, $100, but I think. I think that's the lowest. Right? Like, that's my most bearish I can be.

Potential Market Directions

But I think, like, where you should start is maybe like 100, 2130 somewheres in there. And then from there, you should, if you break below those ranges, then you should look for basically 100. But, if not, you know what? We'll pop from here. That, that's the thing. But bitcoin has to make the initial move here.

Market Movements and Implications

Otherwise, you're just going to be sitting here just trading sideways on a lot of these, and then eventually dumping when the dilution actually hits the market. Hey, Will. What's up? Going back to what you said earlier, you were saying that maybe now's not. The time to be getting into the market for bidding to make rent or payment or something.

Analyzing Current Market Conditions

So where do you think the market. Is right now with the current position? Just like Chop city or just. Of, like, allocating those bottom dots and. Waiting it out until 2025 before will answers that. I need everybody to pay attention to who's speaking right now. I want to give a big shout out to Mister Marty. Marty and I have been in the trenches together.

Gratitude and Acknowledgment

Nah, shout out to Marty. Make sure you shoot him a follow. We got to make him feel good so he keeps coming back. William, go ahead. Go ahead and answer the guy. Me and Marty had a little text. I was like, pull up to the show, Marty. I was like, oh, this is Will's doing. Let's fucking go. Let's fucking go.

Market Readiness and Timing

I was like, come in here. But, yeah, so when it comes to fundamental coins, I think. I think you're, like, at solid bottoms, but you'll probably be waiting a little bit longer. I think that people that are, again, a lot of people came here to make up the difference on what they may or may not be making in the real world.

Future Considerations

And some of them have, and some of them are continuing to look for that. But I don't think this is the part of the market to do that. I think if you do that here, you basically squander positions that can make you tons more money if you're just a little more patient. And that's kind of where I'm at right now. I don't think there's enough here to really try and scalp the market, per se.

Patience in Trading

Right. Looking for double or triple or quadruple my exes right now. It's time to dial in, sit, and wait for this market to actually move. Because when it moves, I think it's really going to move. That's. That's where I'm at with the market right now. So, you know, it's a patience game. It's a patience game right now.

Navigating Market Anxiety

And I think not enough people are patient. A lot of people are sitting here and they want it now, or you're alert. And that's a lot of phone user here. Ladies and gentlemen, please forgive Mister William. Oh, did I cut out? Yeah. Oh, man. I got pretty much what he say is October is coming.

Future Market Perspectives

Well, we'll see if it. If it's October or somewhere is more towards the end of the year, January. I will say this like, October was the pop in 2023. I would be optimistic in October this year. I would say this. Fair point right there. Good things. You had your hand up and. Yo, what's up?

Community Engagement

Profits up, everybody. No, I love this fucking show. I love, I love, you know, the vibes. I love Will's analysis. Yeah. I would just say, like it. We've had this conversation throughout the years. I've been in crypto, like, so many times. I think Will is bringing up, like, really good perspectives for everyone, you know, in any kind of situation.

The Nature of Risk in Investments

But in general, yeah, I mean, you're. If you're in this market allocated in any way, shape, or form, you need to understand that you're probably allocating to the most risky types of assets you could, and that includes bitcoin. So you should never be allocating money you need to live off of in hopes that the market's going to go your direction, because that's how people end up not wanting to be in crypto anymore.

Historical Perspectives on Market Cycles

But, yeah, I mean, we've been in a downward pattern since the having. Right. Since like, late April, early May. And just across the board, you know, I focus all my time in the bitcoin ordinals and now runes ecosystems, and that ecosystem has taken an absolute beating. But if you look at the top salon of meme coins, they're all down bad.

Current Bitcoin Trends

Bitcoin has gone down precipitously from its all time high. And this is not abnormal. It is an abnormal cycle, because all the narratives that we have going on, we have crazy things happening with ETF's. Nobody saw bitcoin. ETF's coming earlier this year prior to when they launched. No one saw it through ETF's.

Political Implications in Cryptocurrency

No one would have considered. I mean, honestly, no one. But it wasn't in the minds of the market that Solana would even be a topic of conversation for ETF's. And then, yeah, I'd say virtually nobody saw the amount of politicization that we're having of crypto, like, during this presidential election. Like I saw yesterday, I think it was yesterday, Kamala Harris had an aide or somebody in her campaign that basically said they're going to be more favorable towards crypto, which is a massive shift in that campaign and in the Democratic Party in general.

Current Political Landscape

And, of course, we have President Trump, who was at the bitcoin conference giving full throated support for pretty much every big ticket item that bitcoiners and the crypto industry at large wants. And I saw earlier today that I think the total amount of money in super pacs in this presidential election for crypto related super pacs is, like, at, like, $200 million.

Funding and Support for Crypto Initiatives

So, like, basically, the people who are throwing money into these crypto interest groups, which politicians very much care about, it's being led by. It's being led by crypto people. And so, like, these are crazy narratives that we've never seen before. In addition to all of the, like, infrastructure and new ecosystems that we. That we're seeing.

Conclusion and Future Directions

So I do think. I agree with will completely. Like, when the market returns, it will likely be violent. And that's just generally what happens. I'm not like a TA specialist, but generally that's what happens when you go sideways. It's either violent to the upside or violent to the downside. But if you're like most of us, you don't believe that we're in anything but a bull market.

Coins and Market Dynamics

Like, we have millions of coins when last cycle we had about 23,000, right? So I feel like there's a lot of money in the streets, but it's just spread thin all over everything. And I feel like we. All this consolidation and as we walk into quarter four and quarter one for next year. I feel like, you know, like he was saying, you know, once we get this pop, it's gonna have to be very violent. And the other thing I was looking at the other day that it really gave me a hope is that there's hella money accumulated in USDT. The USDT dominance right now is very high as well. And that's a lot of money that is sitting on the sideline, right, ready to. For confirmation that we're going up. And then the whole election side, like you were saying, too, makes me a little bit more bullish because elections have always tend to be very. Do very well, right? And then, as you guys know, we have also the Fed's next meeting, which is in September, right. That one's supposed to be very bullish for us, too.

Federal Reserve and Economic Outlook

And then lastly, if you guys check the m two, global m two, right, which is the money supply for all the central banks, the money machine is back on, right? So there's money being pumped. The liquidity is coming. It hasn't arrived in crypto yet, but it's coming. And then lastly, I posted a comment over here, a graph of gold and bitcoin, and they have been following each other very tight. And now bitcoin is a little bit under, but it looks like it's going to do the same violent movement and get another all time high, just like gold. You know, before I go to William, I'm really curious as to know how many people in the crowd, especially the ones that talk shit and troll people. Maybe they're not here in this space. Twitter, you know, maybe Twitter. Maybe you guys could. To make a tweet. Can y'all do ten pull ups? That's what I want to know.

Physical Fitness Challenge and Interaction

can you do ten pull ups anyway, will, take it away, king. I can do ten pull ups, and I probably weigh more than most people in the crowd. Not. But, no, I. I just wanted to. If I'm not rugging, I wanted to point out the. A couple different things. There are a lot of little people at these events, Shanice, especially when you're in Vegas. A lot of little people. I didn't realize. I thought most people were solid met at these crypto events, but. And you came in dress shoes and so them shit to fly. You really. Damn. William is pretty tall, ladies and gentlemen. He is tall. But I will say this. And some of you saw me at the event. I don't think you recognize, but that's okay. That's all right. Sorry.

Reflection on Experiences in Events

You want to get your kol on, huh? I tried, brother. I tried. Hey, this is William from the show. This is William. Oh, hey. I wanted to point out something, and it was the cmegroup.com. you can click right there and see what that is. So, basically, for those of you don't know, and a lot of people don't know this, ICP and XRP already have CME futures. And if you know what that means for stocks that's usually positive for price action, you're going to see a lot of trading typically around CMA futures. But, you know, a lot of these companies are looking for ATS. But I'd say if you're looking for anything, see me futures would be the play because you'll get a lot of trading action at that point, and usually trading actions up with pushing price higher and higher once things start getting very bullish.

Implications of CME Futures for Crypto

So just telling you two names, right, two names that basically the stock markets have said, hey, we want leverage positions on these two crypto companies. And so they are, see me, future companies, ICP and XRP. Point out any other cryptocurrency in the market that is in the CME group, and I would be interested in looking at it. So just throwing it out there just as a heads up. So when people start seeing a trade and they're like, oh, man, why this thing pump out of nowhere? Everybody said it was dead. You know why? Now you know why. Oh, my God. I'm buying more. Sui. Go ahead. Hefner, what's up?

Chat and Support for Fellow Participants

Hey, what's up? I just wanted to come and say hello, and it's been a while since I've seen you guys, so I'm here. And let me take this off real quick. I wanted to talk. Yeah, I think all this stuff, I wanted to just talk about something else that's regarding creators and consumers. Right. So I'll talk about that in a second. But, yeah, I just wanted to double down on what everybody was saying earlier with crypto and the way, you know, just these coins and the way things are and that it will come violent. Yeah, I think just yet, because of the trends that we've seen so far since being in this space, you know, you've seen all that volatility, and I think it's going to definitely happen.

Market Volatility and Newbies’ Learning Curve

And the people that are getting, you know, rugged right now are the people that were us, you know, four years ago. So they're just now learning. And so hopefully, people that are listening to the show, that are new, listen to the panel and pay attention to what is being said because they're speaking from knowledge and experience. So, yeah, I just say, you know, double down on being cool and being patient and not trying to make your rent, you know, on a flip. So just be wise and be smart about it. So, yeah, so that's my one two on that. I wanted to talk about a lot of things I've been seeing, too, with a lot of other companies.

Encouragement and Wisdom for New Entrants

I don't want to go into names, and I won't mention names, but there are a lot of companies out there that are doing, you know, earning, you know, where you participate to earn. I think this is a good thing until it ends, you know, if it does, you know, but I think to get people initiated in and moving with their. With their product, whoever is doing this, I think, is a wise thing. Now, we're. I don't want to shill anything, either here, as, you know, profits. We have a show, j six and I, who's down in the audience, and. Our shows, you don't want to show, proceed to show.

Reflections on Content Creation and Community Dynamics

We love it. Yeah. Yeah. But I'm not going to say what it is. I just, you know, we have a show, and we're creators. We're content creators as well. So right now, there's a company called Redacted, which is rug radio. And disdain got or decrypt got together and created disdain. And they have a company called Redacted, which is used to be content plus. What that's going to be is basically a platform that can combines, you know, content engagement with gamified prediction markets. It gives the users the opportunity to bet on outcomes.

Discussion on Market Innovations

People pay for that shit. Damn, lama. I'm saying all that them change. God damn. Hey, hey, but let me holler you. For a minute, though. Hey, what it is they call me? Yo, this is as bad as Lil Bowall pulling up trying to show me right now. I'm not gonna front. Not gonna front. I think Hefner just took a little break. That's what it is. He hasn't been here in a while. Sorry. I do want to know, why are people still buying ordinals? Good things, dog. All you guys rugged me on hella projects, the only thing doing well is my pizza ninja.

Conversations Around Ordinals

So, you know, I was gonna go to good things a little while ago and spare him because he was being nice, but he's here, and he represents the entire bitcoin ordinal ecosystem, and he's gonna give me the answer today as to why that's going on. So what's good. What's the vibes? Tell me good things. What the fuck is going on over there? Why are me and trapped down 10,000 fucking hundred sats right now? That's what I thought. You have no answer for me? I have answer. I know exactly.

Reflections on Market Trends and Predictions

You haven't been around for shit. You don't know shit. I do, of course I do. Come on, I have answer. Look, I was actually gonna go and I've been falling asleep too, like at the time, like during everything ordinals. But I have answer for you. Okay, ordinals. And like, bitcoin has not hit an all time high ever since everything ordinal started, so. But if you've noticed when they don't have the show going on, bitcoin pumps and ordinals pump and runes pump.

The Relationship Between Ordinals and Bitcoin

So like maybe they should cancel the show. I'm sorry. Prophets, I missed your question. And then I, I threw you off and then I. No, no, I meant I totally missed your question. I got admit, I put the phone down and then I come back to Nico person say, nicholas here, who I haven't seen, who's been, you know, he's been absentee for months as far as I'm concerned, so I don't really know what to say. I'm going to call polymath in English right now and we're going to have an emergency meeting. We're probably going to shut down the show.

Concerns Over Show Content and Ordinals Ecosystem

No, no, my question was, what is going on with the eco, the ordinals ecosystem, in your opinion, is it playing out the way you expected? I know you're not completely idiotic like I am. You're up, you're up on a lot of the stuff you have. So. No, I mean, I'm down bad from, from the top. I mean, you know, the top of node monks was 0.9 something bitcoin, like almost a whole coin for a node monk. I didn't sell any at that point, bitcoin puppets went up to 0.5 bitcoin, so half a bitcoin for bitcoin puppet didn't sell any, so.

Challenges Faced in the Ordinals Market

And I'm not alone. The vast majority of ordinals enjoyers, runes enjoyers, we're all kind of down bad together. And it's the same of, I would argue it's the same in the Solana ecosystem. It's the same as in bitcoin as a whole. And it's because, you know, this is it is a different cycle. Like there are patterns that we can look at from the past but frankly nobody had on their fucking magic eight ball or whatever that were going to see bitcoin at an all time high pre having like, that's not something anybody predicted.

Reflections on Market Cycles

And so the first quarter of this year went our first and second quarter, but really the first quarter went absolutely ballistic in ordinals, you know, starting in January with a yemenite premiere of Nodemon Secondary and then you have bitcoin puppets and then you have the whole pre runes meta. So went, you know, were all riding high, I think, you know, in ordinals as well as just in crypto in general all the way up to that all time high and now we're all looking for basically more liquidity. And so yeah, there's things happening within runes that I think are very interesting. But yeah, a lot of people basically say like runes is a failure.

Critiques and Developments in the Runes Market

I would argue it's not. There's been many times where like runes related transactions or like runes transactions are making up like a vast majority of bitcoin transactions as a whole. And there's just a ton of fucking people building solutions for like, you know, better ux for runes. But yeah, I don't know, I think we're just, we're all kind of talking about the same thing regardless of what ecosystem we're concentrating on. Like, shit's just down. Like it is, it just is. And it's just a matter of like, do you think that it's going to stay down or do you think we are going to see like a fucking, you know, like a giga pump?

Anticipated Market Movements

Like we're all kind of anticipating because we've seen this happen in multiple cycles. Oh, we're giga pumping for show and this time around I'm selling and buying a house will go ahead. Yeah, I think, you know, at the current time being there's a lot of pessimism in the market, but I do think this, I've held quite a few different rooms through this, through the turmoil and they haven't done as bad as my shit coins. I will say that some of my shit coins basically have got absolutely slapped to the floor and my runes, they're down, but they're not as down as bad.

Comparative Analysis of Investments

So that's saying a lot actually in this market. Yes. So that just on that note, that's one of the things I tell people, you know, it's a kind of a quick line, but it's true. I think like runes you can't lose money as fast, like, if there's nothing else, like, you won't lose your money as quickly as you can in like, a Solana shit coin. Yeah, yeah. And I don't know, like, but there's. No liquidity pools and ruins, bro. Damn it, Nicholas. You can't just show up and start.

Liquidity Challenges in Market Dynamics

Are you not on liquid? I'm. Not. It's not. No, that's not a liquidity pool. Hey, that's liquidity to me. No, that's not a liquidity pool. What. He'S talking about how you can't lose your money as fast and ruins because. But there's no liquidity pool. So, like, technically you lost your, like, the moment you bought a ruin, you completely lost your money, technically. I mean, as long as there's a buyer and a seller, that's all that really matters.

Buyers and Sellers in the Market

As long as there's an eventual buyer. Yeah. Yeah. Sounding like a fucking we fast motherfucker on NFT land waiting for the wheat motherfucker. There's. Somebody will buy it if you post it for sale. You know, that's the great thing about crypto is, like, it. I mean, that is actually kind of factual. It's insane, but it's factual. Like, it. Look, I've gotten literally obliterated on some trades and then I just, like, post them and somebody will buy them. It doesn't matter to, like, I don't know why they buy them, but they just buy them.

Market Behavior and Buyer Interest

Will they buy them for less? Sometimes? Yes. Will they buy them for more sometimes? Yes. Right. If I'm looking to break even, I'm going to put it on the market for what I. What I sold it for. And eventually it'll get a buyer. It'll just happen. Or, or the latter will happen and it will probably go to zero. Right. And we'll see in the end of this market, because if it's the end of the market, I haven't sold it.

Thoughts on Market Dynamics and Future

Yeah, it's probably going to zero. You're probably right, Nicholas, at that point. But through 2025, you still got a lot of room to find a buyer for your items until. I think people need to just remain optimistic, man. Like, I had a lot of things I bought in 2020 and 2019 that I literally thought were going to zero. And, like, I bought them for like $300. Like, well, that's $300 wasted. And I sold them in the bull market once nfts really started hitting off because I was buying nfts around then.

Historical Context and Optimism in Investment

And once Nft started really hitting off, I sold them for like 16,000, 25,000, 30,000 for. For each one. So, like, even though, like, it may seem like it's over sometimes. Yeah, sometimes it's really not over, right. It's not over till you really give up on. On what you're doing. And I would. I would too early to even say anything. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And I think, like, even, like, when with Tesla, right.

Investments and Resilience

A lot of people thought Tesla was gonna fail. I was in there before the first split. Everybody said, nobody's buying EV's, nobody's gonna touch this thing. It's gonna literally go to zero. And then government incentives started coming in. I'm not saying, like, you'll get government incentives and NFC is for sure, but I'm just stating, like, things happen, right, that create liquidity. And, hey, maybe the hype comes back, right? And when the hype comes back, people will buy your nfts.

Market Recovery and Anticipated Hype

They'll buy all the shit you have because they have a lot of money to do. So. When people have a lot of money that they buy a lot of dumb things, they regret it later after they've lost all their money. I mean, you guys like going to the casino, the vault. At least in Vegas, they give you free drinks. You know, that's a benefit. You know, when you get rugged on pump fun, you're just the same. In Atlantic City, you're just blowing through your weed sack.

Cultural References and Humor

You know, all the things. Trap, go ahead. I just want to make everybody feel a little better today. If you ain't here in this box and you think you fucked up, just remember, trap, put $10,000 on dog to hold on for my money to get out of Robin Hood. And then I wanted to buy a freaking puppet, and that should just drop 50%. So I got no puppet, and I'm down 50% of my dog bag. Somebody better pump these rules.

Personal Experiences in Investment

Oh, my God. Hey, but those puppet private. Are those profit puppet costs, though, man? Let's say they come down significant. Look, if you ever said, oh, man, nobody's gonna ever buy a problem. Nobody. Nobody's interested in puppets. You know, it's too high in price. Go look at the price right now and tell me it's too high in price. And if you're like, oh, well, it's over for puppets, then you were never interested in buying in the first place.

Community Engagement and Market Sentiment

You were just larping the whole time. What up, Brad? How you been? Yeah, gm fam. Not too bad. Good to be back. You're back. You're home now. From. From Vegas. That shit looked fucking wild. Was. I don't belong in Vegas. Bad things happen when I'm in Vegas, so that's always a city I'm absolutely willing to skip for any events.

Conversations About Events and Experiences

Yeah, dude, but it looked like it was a good time, you know? Looked like it was a lot more fun than, you know, the certain summer camps that happened around the same time. So it's, Oh, I heard the summer camp was good. What you mean? Nah, I want to know what the fuck I missed on spaces and the tl. You're my, you're my inspector gadget. My ear to the streets when I'm not around. What did I miss?

Recapping Events and Information Exchange

I mean, where was, smoking chicken fish when you. When he left for Vegas? Oh, fuck, let me check that. I bought that. Is it doing better or worse? It was, and now it's not. I don't know if, like, I don't know the actual numbers. Did he start preaching to everybody when they didn't ask or what? Shit's cooked, man. It's cut, like, oh, no, he did baptisms.

Observations on Community Activities

Most. Most of these mean coins are trying to create support through getting people to influence them. They just. What's that? Go ahead. Go ahead. No, I was gonna say they went with the wrong influencer. That was all, you know? Who the fuck was the influencer? Fucking squirt gun Kelly over there. I I saw a couple people, man. He wasn't the only, like, there was a couple people that did it.

The Role of Influencers in Crypto

So I watched a lot of people do baptisms and just, like, chicken broth and weird shit with a chicken and a fish inside the chicken with it. Nobody. No, no. Oh, my. Wait, that was actually going on. Yeah, that was a little. A real thing. It was the church of smoking chicken fish, and it gained a crazy amount of attention real quick, and then I think people are bored with it, and so it fell back off again, you know? But I have no idea where it's at now.

Market Fluctuations and Attention Cycles

But I feel like that whole rise and fall happened within, like, a week period, so. Profits. You missed out on the crackhead and the hooker. Oh, that was a good. Oh, no. So I was on a flight when that happened. So that's why I put this title. Title the space originally pump fun is the new dark web. Like, are we, like, forgetting that we live in America?

Government Regulations and Collective Behavior

And they can literally just. The government can just. Ddos that, whatever the fucking term is, attacked a site, and then the site doesn't work. It might buggin. I'm high. I don't know, maybe I'm high. Go ahead, will. I mean, profit. You saw the video, the one that you sent us. Like, I saw that video a little bit before you did. And, like, pump fun was just legitimately the. The better ruggers way to rug, right?

Analysis of Market Manipulation

That's basically it. Like, they know how to. They know how to. Basically, they feel good about it now. They don't have a conscious. Yeah, because they're like, hey, we're not actually still in the whole liquidity pool. We're just crushing the chart all the way down to the floor to where I can. Maybe there's a couple k left, which makes. Makes your couple thousand worth, you know, $2, $3.

Market Practices and Community Integrity

So at least you have something you can get out. That's basically the way they look at it. And there's a lot of people, like, I'm not the only one doing it, so it's okay, because I'm not. Look, you can't just point fingers at me. I'm not the only one. There's lots of people doing it. It may non devs. Devs, right? And those non devs have been waiting for a long time to find a way to rug people, and now they found a way without hiring a dev.

The Problem with Non-Developers in Market

And guess what? It didn't cost them anything to do this. A lot of people didn't realize that, like, devs. Devs are good, because what devs can add to a project, what they can do with a project, there's. There's a lot of things you can do with a project from the dev side. But when you're just slapping a coin on and saying, all right, pump it and then dump it, that's.

Discussions on Market Ethics

That's what pumpfund.com. it pumps and then it dumps. That's it. That's all. That's all you should expect from it. It turned them into deployers. I wouldn't even call them devs. They're just. Yeah, they're deployers. At the end of the day, they. They're not developing anything other than maybe a telegram, group chat and timing there, you know, when they're gonna pump it with their inner people and, you know, maybe that would be, like, the extent of their development, but, like, they're.

Deployers versus Developers

They're not even deployers, bro. You're being nice here. They're not employers. There's something wrong with you on that one, dude. Like, they're, like, they're more, like, I put a picture together and that's it. They colored inside the lines. I would never, like, I don't even care if like fun candy me of money is like, hey, stop talking shit about us. I belong, bro. Like, you add nothing to the space.

Discussions on Community Contribution

You just made it easier for people to rug. You could say that. You made it. Oh, we made it. So it's unreggable. How's it unruggable if they can still crush the coin down because they bought the entire bonding. Like, they know how to buy the entire bonding. It doesn't cost any. It doesn't cost anything to bond out a coin. And if you bond it out and you take out the whole liquidity, you have own all the tokens.

Market Vulnerability and Risks

Guess what? What happens the second it hits radium? It's going straight to the floor. They're literally crushing you. It's done. It's cooked. Like the whole pump funding that cut. Like it. They should have applied a longer bonding curve and forced enforced a lot. But, dude, they did the longer bonding curve. At the beginning, when they first started, it was like one hundred k. One hundred something k.

Market Structure and Performance Challenges

They did that. It was really difficult to. Things wouldn't reach radium. They couldn't get things launched. So they actually fixed it and settled on the amount that actually worked. So they figured some stuff out. I mean, obviously they hit huge, but. No, they figured it out. It was. It was. That's you what they were. You're proposing. They actually did at the beginning and it didn't work.

Market Evolution and Historical Context

The problem. Yeah, but what they're doing right now isn't working. It's totally. Are you. Come on, man. It's the most successful happening crypto. It's totally working. I'm not saying. Look, I'm not saying it's not working for them. I'm saying when you bump and you dump something, it's a pump and dump. It's not pump fun.

Critique of Market Practices

Yeah, but what they've done is they've removed the barriers for entry. So before, you know, we got. We call them devs. Because in theory, used to have some development skills. Just like with nfts. In theory, you know, at the start of 21, used to have actually had some development skills. They took one mic Adam finish, they took that away.

The Role of Knowledge in Development

And so they've created, you know, it's a free market. And so actually, the barriers for entry have been removed. And so in theory, you know, we've all kind of learned our lessons or not. And people are still getting fucking rugged. But it is what it is. I mean, I think it's actually a good thing because before, what was just basically a cabal of very few people. Now everybody on earth can launch a coin in 2 seconds.

Barriers in the Crypto Space

And so the playing field is completely leveled. So if you're a free market guy like I am, this is a good thing. I feel like what pump fun is doing is like a mob tax, like a mafia tax on shit. Because like they make their money based on volume and the entire platform is just, I mean, all of those meme coins just get bought it to hell, increasing the volume and so they're getting fees, you know, and it's.

Revenue Models for Pump Fund

I'm not, I mean, like genuinely speaking, like, great strategy to make profit from pump fund side of things, like what it's doing to the meme coin industry. I mean, it's kind of. It's, it's, yeah, not great. Go ahead, will. And then trap. So I'll present a more logical, I guess, standpoint to make it easier for everybody.

Reflections on Market Structures

Let's, let's let people do architecture without degrees and structural engineering without degrees, and electrical engineering and mechanical engineering and plumbing and, you know, mechanical plumbing is one engineering without degrees. And let's see how that works out for the buildings that are created with these individuals and see if that works for infrastructure. I don't think it's fixed anything.

Constructing Proper Infrastructures

It's basically created a network for people who have no understanding how to network, people who have no understanding how to build a community, people who have no capital to be able to even really launch a coin. Now they can launch one and basically, essentially just wait. So we have to. Have to. Who's gonna be the regulator to tell us who could launch shit coins or not? Come on, man.

Regulating the Crypto Space

You've gotta be kidding me, dude. You're literally, you are, you're taking us to a whole nother level. I'm not saying a regulator. What I'm stating is that people that know how to code code, right? People that don't know how to code. And that's basically the simplistics of the whole thing. You're, you're stating that it's okay for people to do things, they're not degraded.

Coding Skills and Market Entry

Well, that's like saying you shouldn't be able to launch a website unless you know how to code a website. What we're saying is meme coins are what they are. And why shouldn't everybody be able to launch a meme coin? That's what they, that's what they enabled. Why is that a bad thing? Yeah. And you're saying, no, what we need to do is we need to gatekeep this.

Gatekeeping and Market Access

Only the devs should be able to run. Yo, yo, everybody needs to take the fucking chill pill. Let's have. Let's have a combo. Let's just have a combo. Yeah, but that's not what I'm saying. What I'm stating is that basically anybody can do it. And now it's so easy that the market is flooded with millions and millions of shit coins and now there's no liquidity to go around, and you've essentially destroyed the entire market.

Market Oversaturation and Its Consequences

That's what you've done. Not you, but basically pumped out fun. It's destroyed the entire market as far as stability. There's no stability and now all the liquidity is gone. You're stating that's an okay thing. That's okay to just. Let's just launch a million l one s, bro. It's coming. Of course, if you're in crypto, I would assume you're somewhat of a free market guy.

The State of the Free Market

There are going to be. There are going to be unlimited l two s. There are going to be. You can launch an l two today in 15 minutes. With two grand, you can launch one. Right. Whether it's going to get any traction or have any long term value, that's a different thing. Right? Creating that value is completely the different thing.

Creating Value in the Crypto Environment

And that's. Here's, here's. Here's the two words I would say to you, Adam. Oversaturation. Yeah, but why is that a bad thing? We get to figure out where the value lies because then it doesn't have a market anymore. It's going to happen anyway. How are you going to stop it? Before, it was just a small cabal of people who are launching all the coins now.

Cabal and Market Shares

Adam, what do you think of what do you. I'm all for free market, by the way. What do you think of free market? Plus irresponsible? What, do you have a take there? Of course, people are. People are terrible, of course. But the greatest fix to that is not regulation. The greatest fix to bad people is a free market who can quickly, very quickly sniff them out.

Free Market and Its Benefits

And, bro, they're getting sniffed out in a half a second. That's why this shit goes to zero immediately. It's the free market. God bless it.

Discussion on Control and Market Manipulation

I would say different. I'd say they're also controlling the bonding curve. There are people who have learned the whole pump fund.com. and they've learned a method that works where they can control the entire liquidity pool, essentially through tokens and through buying out the entire bonding curve. And that's how they're actually crushing the coin. It's not the coins going to zero because there's no market for it. They're actually rugging the coin before it ever hits radium. And then the second it hits radium, they rug the entire thing to the. Totally agree. And most smart people are, you know, got out of this game of trying to buy pumped up fund tokens like literally months ago. Like most people who had any sense realized that this was a losing game. Hundred percent. Yeah.

Calls for Unity and Personal Remarks

Can we all get along? Let me get my taking. Oh, my God. Will, hurry the fuck up. So trap goes because he's Aggie. Clearly. Thank you. Still on the phone, trap. And then bread. All right. Yes. I'm like a little kid today. Listen, man, I have to play devil's advocate here. And I'm agree. I usually agree with Will, but I'm gonna have to agree with Adam because, look, let me just give my two paint to Satoshi's here. I used to hate meme coins in the last season, right? Every time I have followers, you know, cuz I'm from the Instagram world. And every time I was trying to tell people, you know, utility and all that bullshit that we got going on. But I'm all about free market. I'm a capitalist. I believe that, you know, the same way that people were going for the doge and the shiba where there were newcomers back then, right, because it was the ones that was gonna go hit a dollar, it's only a penny right?

Active Participation in Market Dynamics

Now, if I buy this and it hits a dollar, I'm gonna make it, right. Without knowing that the market cap will never allow Shiba Inu to hit a penny, right? So these things are necessary because one way or another they're bringing people here. And what's the best way to, for people to learn is when hits their fucking pocket, the best lesson you learn in your life are gonna be the ones that hit your wallet, right? And so like he said to Adam, said, a lot of people like us that been here a little while, we got burned a couple times and then we learned, okay, no more fucking around with the pump fun coins, right? Let's wait until they get out of there or become something, right? And so one of the american things that people, one of these mentors to tell me is kicking tires and lighting fires. We don't have enough people to do that.

Understanding the Market Landscape

So we need the dummies, the newcomers that want to get rich overnight to kick the tires and light the fire so we can get shit fixed the fastest the possible. Right? And, Solana, you got to give them credit for this, because they went through almost underwater after the FTX freaking bananas show, right? And they came up with the idea of fucking making everybody the United States of America printer, right? So they're printers. We literally can print our own money. Boomers got million dollar houses for $60,000. We print our own coins. And I feel like it's impossible to stop the sun with the. With the hands, right. It's always gonna shine brighter. So I feel like it's. It's a necessary evil. But I do agree with will that, you know, it spreads the money thin, and it fucks up the liquidity.

Reflections on Necessary Market Practices

So both of you guys are right. But like I said, I think we need this, right? Natural selection. Yeah. Give me your solana, motherfuckers. BC bread. And then will. And then we're gonna jump into today's amae. Yeah. Yeah. So this is, like, something that's been happening in this industry for. Since the start, right? And it's a balance between regulation and revolution, right? And ultimately, like, in emerging tech, like, right now, we're just heavier on the side of revolution. You know, like, there is no regulation, there are no rules. It's the Wild west type shit, you know, just like nfts before all of the corporate monkeys came in and before there started to be, quote unquote standards.

Navigating Industry Changes

And that obviously continues to change with different metas and whatnot. So we keep riding this line back and forth, and right now, we're just way heavy on the revolution side of things. Like Adam said, it takes literally. You can spin up a test l two in ten minutes for free. Granted, it's a test l two, so you'll only get. It's crap. It's not actually worth doing anything with. But you can spin up an op stack for a couple of grand and have a fully functioning l two with very little knowledge of coding, especially with the AI things and whatnot. I think that we're going to ultimately get back. We'll see after November what happens and how far we slide back over to the regulation side of things.

Critical Considerations in Regulation

But ultimately, we don't want to let that bar go too far to regulation, because then ultimately, well lose all of the revolution that we do have in this space. So as much as I am just not a fan of what pump fun has done for the current markets. Overall, what it's done and what it's shown a light on as far as hey, here's what needs to happen going forward. We've all learned now that was fun. Let's try something that's a little bit more controlled. Whether it's a bonding curve, whether it's bot prevention, whether it's. I am not for regulation. Picking and choosing who can launch smart contracts. That's what Elizabeth Warren was all about. That's so stupid.

Personal Experiences and Perspectives

There is a balance that we have to find and we're not there yet, but I think that we'll get there and ultimately bumped out. Fun was a good learning experience I think for everyone in the space. Smack on the ass is what it was. Go ahead, Will. And then Nicholas. Yeah, I just want to be clear. Like I'm not for regulation. What I, what I'm for is against what basically what Punta funded. Yeah, he will came to meet me in a mask the other day in Vegas. He was trying to be incognito. No, I'm just kidding. Look, at the end of the day it's extracted money from basic liquidity providers. They take the liquidity pool, they take all the fees and they allow transactions.

Critique on Middlemen and Their Role

They go through so on and so forth. They basically middleman, they've western union Germine coins essentially. A lot of people understand that tech of what I'm talking about. But there's a middleman, a third party that's intervening in your meme coin now versus like you just coming straight to the meme coin from whatever, you know, black alley listed it and you know, checking it out and seeing if it'll work out or not. And then playing the game of I'm in a mean coin. That that was what, that was the allure that attracted a lot of people to mean coins. Now it's just go up, drop a debt, go ahead and start it up. Head to head to pump dot fund.

The Illusive Nature of Coin Operations

They lock your liquidity. Guess who's getting all the fees? They are. They're getting all the fees and you are essentially just exit liquidity at the end of the day for when it launches the radium. That that's basically I'm stating like they are third partying meme coins essentially. Think about that from a deeper level. Yeah, I think we saw that. Absolutely. That's absolutely true. I mean, certainly we saw that with opensea last cycle. Right. The amount of money they were able to print was crazy. And the only thing that stopped that was, you know, competition. It was the only thing that kind of, you know, took it away from them.

Exploring Market Competitions and Future Dynamics

And I think obviously we've had, we've seen a bunch of competitors spin up against, you know, trying to take pumps lunch money. It hasn't really happened yet, but I'm sure somebody will come to a near zero. You know, we'll arrive at near zero fees somewhere down the line for sure. I got a quick question. Like what do we think is more dangerous to the industry? Pump fun or polymarket? Pump fun. Yeah, polymarket's a free market in my opinion. Allows people to bet on whatever they want. Well, I mean, but so does the meme coin market. You can bet on whatever you want.

Assessing Risks in Current Platforms

To a degree, to a degree. Like I. Yeah, the odds are significantly better. It's a bet of two people against each other. It's actual bet. You know, there's, it's a 50 shot, you know, depending on what you're basically betting on versus, like if you go to palm dot fun and you hit radium, you got to hope to God they don't have the majority of the witty and they're going to just dump it to the floor. Yeah. And then real quick. And then, Nicholas, my take on that is actually poly market is a bigger threat to crypto because I think, you know, if we think about gambling and the big power players that are involved in gambling in the US, they're the kind of, it would seem to me that they're the kind of people who have so much influence they can sway politicians to come after crypto, you know.

Gambling's Impact on Regulation

And polymarket literally goes after gambling. And I mean, yeah, we can call meme coins gambling and they are, but they don't attack directly direct gambling, which polymarket is. So I don't know, in a way I think it's more likely to get on regulators radar. So I think that's kind of a bigger risk to crypto. You know what's another big risk to crypto? You idiots here on the timeline, you guys better get the fuck off sooner than later because in a year when shit's pumping and rocking and rolling and did bitcoins at what, six fucking digits, you're gonna be mad.

Criticism and Insights from Participants

You're gonna probably break your device because you were right here buying and selling, buying and selling at these prices. Nicholas, let's hear what the fuck you have to say. All right? So this whole pump conversation that it's not a free market, okay, if someone is too lazy to take it to watch a 20 minutes YouTube video and copy and paste some code and create a meme coin, then I don't think they really should like put a meme coin together. All they did, like I said before, is they allowed someone that pretty much knows how to market or wants to learn how to market or whatever the case is to market something and it's a token and if it's funny or whatever the fuck.

Concerns About Market Integrity

And at the same time, like, there's so many bots involved to manipulate all of that on pump phone that there's no, like, there's nothing real about it either. So I'm not against a free market, like having anything around. Like I don't think pump fund shouldn't exist. It's just what it's become is a little whatever. The whole polymarket conversation, it's worldwide. So like, because anybody can use it, all they have to, all the politicians have to do is block the site in the United States and then we could just use a VPN and use it. So like, I don't know, man.

Market Access and User Interaction

This whole pump fund conversation really is. It comes down to, do you really want complete morons making tokens? Because it wasn't token gated. It wasn't. Yeah, cabal is for when. Yeah, people buy up a token. It's not like pump fun. Really stop the cabal ish moves anyway. So what it really comes down to, and they're not just complete idiots, they're also too lazy to watch a 20 minutes YouTube video on how to put a fucking token together. So it's like, I don't know what to tell you on this time.

Personal Reflections and Community Dynamics

I know what to tell them. They're idiots. We got shakina on the stage. Og of the show. It's such a delight. What's going on? Oh my gosh. What's up? Yeah, I came in and Adam was speaking and. Yeah, no, I wanted to say just on the, on what you guys are talking about. There's already something in Congress. There's always, there's already something with the CFTC. Like they are looking to finalize a predictions market rule and that would affect, you know, your poly market, your hedgehog market, kal she and etcetera.

Government Regulation and Its Implications

So yeah, like last week or. Yeah, gosh man, this month is going by too fast. But last week you had a bunch of like us senators. Of course, Warren is the party senators. The senator from goodness from Berkeley, from Oregon, Jamie Raskin, who's Maryland senator. A few senators. Democrat. Yeah, Democrat senators. Actually. That are trying to get the FD, the CFTC to pass this rule, you know, and their main focus is the gambling on the us elections. And obviously I think there's several shows on Twitter spaces that talk about, you know, what's going on polymarket with like, with the election.

Market Predictions and Political Concerns

So that's their main focus. So it'll be interesting to see if the CFTC does finalize a rule and what the exact language is because if it's just in relation to politics, then I think those decentralized markets will be fine. But yeah, so that's one thing I did want to say is that their eye is already on it. They're already trying to get the CFTC to hurry up and finalize the rule to ban, what is it, event contracts. But again, they're focusing on politics. So, yeah, I just want to add that.

Considerations on Betting Platforms

But wouldn't that be like the biggest threat to anything is like focusing on politics specifically when you're looking at any kind of betting platform. Like people should be able to bet on whatever they want and if they want to bet on politics, they should be able to do so. So I, I think they're, they're worried about risk of, you know, potential that, you know, it could sway elections. But the reality is how is it going to sway elections? You're just betting on who you think will win. Doesn't mean it's going to be the person you're going to vote for.

Personal Voting Perspectives

I have no, like, I don't know why, you know, but again, if this is like, you know, everyone's favorite senator that's involved in this, Elizabeth Warren, like, again, they're all democratic senators that are senators and House of Representatives that are like putting this forward. So like I said just last week, this CFCC rule was probably put forth, or was put forth earlier this year. So it's definitely been in the news. But again, it was last week where they were trying to apply some pressure to get it finalized.

Final Reflections on Market Dynamics

So again, you're still waiting for the CFTC to finalize it and for them to, and to see what the language says because then those marketplaces, those platforms know what they can and what they can't do if they want to be in compliance. But I don't know why they would go after it because I don't know how it's going to affect the election. I don't even, look, I don't, I've never gone to poly market. It is not going to affect how I'm going to vote. So I think people just trying to get their, you know, get their bag.

Polling Perspectives in Betting Markets

That's. That's it. I don't see how it's really correlated either. People are using them like polls, actually. So they're actually. So I recently on Polymarket, when the rumor came out that, RFK was gonna. Was gonna drop out of the election and endorse Trump, there was like something like 70 million or $80 million that went towards Trump, like, within the polymarket. And people are actually looking at it. Like it's a poll.

Understanding Market Reactions

So. And people have been looking. It's not just poly market, though. They've had political betting. That's a free market. That's a free market that can be read. I'm just telling you. I'm telling you what, like, what the whole thing about it being within the elections and what it has to do with the elections is because it actually does work. Something like a poll. So they want to have control of the polls, is what you said.

Market Control and Its Implications

It's a couple of things, I guess. I don't know. I'm just giving you a reasoning behind it there. No, no, I'm just. I'm just kind of pointing out the obvious, that's all. And they're usually right, too, when they say Biden was going to get out and quit. Every time you guys started talking about who controls shit, I just. This is what I think about. Fuck the free world. This is how I feel.

Concluding Thoughts

Oh, my God, you guys, listen to Nicholas. I know I told him I missed him, but, man, we are gonna jump into today's ama and get through this with ease because I'm excited that they're here. I want them to jump right into what they got going on. Shout out to Cincoverse. You guys are a good group of people. Actually, my guy Thomas connected me. He's the founder's actually been on the stage before. And if you guys remember, when Kirill was trying to debate him, he stood his ground.

The Impact of AI on Jobs

You know, as, you know, the people that come to me for jobs and things like that, you know, the ones that are using AI and know how to take advantage of it are. Yeah, like you said, you know, they're the ones that can adapt to it and they're the ones that are succeeding in this new age and, you know, same thing happened when, I guess, computers came out and typewriters went extinct and then I, and, you know, live streaming is coming out and the people on tv are going, you know, are not getting as many views. So, you know, it's a tough thing. It's really a tough thing. But it's human evolution. You know, humans are innovators, and we're always going to try to find the easiest, best way to do things. So, yeah, it's tough. Yeah.

Education and AI Integration

The education, I think. Definitely. So actually, one of the mentioning education, one of the things we are actually doing with one of our team members, he's a professor of technology and artificial intelligence in Dominican Republic, and we are basically providing a free demo for that school in Dominican Republic to be able to teach the kids and the students about AI and sort of use the AI, one of our AI characters, as a teaching assistant and help them really get excited and understand the technology. So, you know, I think it definitely starts young. I think, well, the, you know, the younger generation picks up on all the technology so fast, so that's not a problem there. But definitely, I think, you know, having even sort of AI concierge, virtual AI concierge, as educators of the technology itself would be actually pretty interesting, you know, learn about AI through with AI.

Understanding AI and Evolution

Yeah, I just wanted to mention, I think a lot of people are still not quite understanding AI or not quite on board, but I can give kind of a visual scenario that people can understand, and it's, you know, look at engineering. I would say, and I say this because the field I'm familiar with, just FYI, but you went from hand drafters to 2d drafters to what are now 3d drafters, and now you're basically in a world where you're basically able to scan buildings and recreate structures that already exist. Like, the world evolves so fast and at such a pace that most people can't even keep up. And these same people that started out as hand drafters, even though they're much older than the younger generations, they have to learn that stuff as they progress through life. They can't just stay hand drafted forever and still have a career. It doesn't work like that. You have to evolve with time. And as time evolves, you have to evolve. Even engineered degreed engineers, they have to, you know, learn new things as they're even lawyers, right? They have to learn new laws as they move forward and things change and they shift and you have to be able to move with them. AI is just going to be a new part of everything.

Teaching AI to Understand

That, that's the great thing about it, specifically say same thing. You know, it's like the Internet all over again, except in a new way. I think the biggest part for AI that I've seen, and I'm just making a little bit of a statement, is just understanding that sometimes you have to restructure sentences to it to make it understand what you're trying to get to or what you're trying to achieve. And I think once people get that part down and they understand that I have to keep on asking the same question multiple different ways to get it to understand. Once they understand that portion specifically, AI will be a lot more useful to a lot of people. They don't understand that AI is like an infant that has to be taught, and you teach it in such a way through having conversations with it continuously until it's able to grasp what you're trying to get to or what you're trying to achieve.

Exploring Blockchain Integration

Yeah, no, great question. I don't know. The icon went away from me in the email. You can hear me. Okay, perfect. Yeah. So there's a few parts, right, to the decentralization. So I would say three parts. So the first part is the thing that we have been talking about, I think, for the last year or two, which is the decentralization of hosting AI engines, hosting databases. It's not a chain it's not a private chain. We are building technology on top of existing chains because it just makes it a lot easier to be interoperable between different systems and not ties down to one single thing. We have no need to actually create a separate chain. We want to just really take advantage of the beautiful thing that is web three, decentralized infrastructure and community.

Future Prospects with Web3

Basically power of all these beautiful things that is web three. So two things. Yes. So like the data. Yes, decentralization of data. You know, obviously it all depends on how the customer, obviously they want to handle it. The powering of the community, of the AI engines. As I mentioned, the two models, the hosted model will be the hosted model, we will be creating the decentralized infrastructure aspect where instead of paying these massive fees to AWS or these crazy cloud servers, we can use the power of decentralization in web three to reward our community for their competing power. So as we get more users onboarded, it will create buying pressure for the token. And I'm not talking about just web three games, okay. Our technology is able to be used by web two games as well.

Character Development Challenges

And the beautiful part is actually bread. I think it might have been you that I talked about this with hiding the wires, right? So a web two game doesn't really know that their AI model is being hosted by a web three decentralized infrastructure. And the beautiful part about it is that we can onboard as many web two games as we want, using the decentralized structure to reward our community for providing their infrastructure, their computing power nodes and all these different aspects, and really create a year round not determined by bull market or bear market demand on our token and infrastructure, and reward the community for this. So that part is the infrastructure part that I think is going to be really big. Once we start getting a lot of customers and we can get the infrastructure set up, then, man, it becomes a whole different ballgame because now we're able to onboard, like I said, so many users from web two and you know, we know how big that industry is.

Character Data Utilization

I don't remember the exact statistics, but let's just call it ten x of web three, right? So all those customers are able to come in and unknowingly contribute to web three and the infrastructure that's happening there and helping us out in that regard. So that part I'm super excited about. And then the other part, the decentralization part is we are tapping into, and of course it depends on the projects we are teaching our AI and connecting to different things. Like, for example, like NFT metadata. Obviously metaverses and all these web three applications will be able to take advantage of NFT metadata to build their character personalities, change aspects of their character.

Conclusion on AI and Ethics

If they have dynamic NFTs and use that metadata to really shape their world and their character. If they have like different lands with different data in those NFTs, they can use that to really train our AI in the system that they're using in their application to shape their world and their interactions between the players and the characters in the world. So all those few different aspects. And of course we can always get into more technical stuff, but that's really the base of what we're doing. You're talking about metadata, right. Data for the AI infrastructure that can serve web two without them even realizing it. And then the data decentralization, which is also a very important thing.

Closing Remarks and Future Speculation

So Brett, any follow up on that? Yeah, just like real quick because I know we're running up on time and Shekinah's got her hand up too, but real quick. So is the decentralized data storage. Are you guys using IPFS arweave or using another third-party type provider like Celestia for your data availability? So our current developers now that are, you know, on we are, we have a team working on IPFS. We're really trying to, we're trying out different systems. I'll be honest with you, right at this point, because we want to make sure that the data is, you got to think about if the player, we have to make sure it's also private in a way for certain things. Because if the player is speaking to the character, we don't want to store all the players private conversations with different things.

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