Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Web3 Domains Whale Talk hosted by freenameio. Web3 Domains Whale Talk delved into the future of domain offerings without renewal fees, enabled royalties, and the implications for digital asset ownership. The discussions highlighted the role of Web3 Domains in reshaping domain registration practices, introducing innovative features, and fostering a decentralized web infrastructure. With a focus on multichain integration and decentralization, Web3 Domains aim to revolutionize traditional domain management models, offering a glimpse into the evolving landscape of digital assets and ownership.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: What sets Web3 Domains apart from traditional domain offerings?
A: Web3 Domains introduce novel concepts like no renewal fees and royalties, disrupting traditional domain ownership.

Q: How do royalties on Web3 Domains benefit creators and owners?
A: Royalties enable continuous revenue for creators, ensuring ongoing incentives and rewards for their contributions.

Q: Why is multichain integration significant for Web3 Domains?
A: Multichain integration enhances accessibility, security, and interoperability, expanding the utility and reach of Web3 Domains.

Q: What role do Web3 Domains play in reshaping the web infrastructure?
A: Web3 Domains are pivotal in decentralizing domain ownership, fostering innovation, and reshaping the digital asset landscape.

Q: How can Web3 Domains impact the future of digital asset ownership?
A: By reimagining domain management and ownership models, Web3 Domains pave the way for a more decentralized and inclusive digital asset ecosystem.

Q: What are the key benefits of incorporating blockchain technology in Domain Name Systems?
A: Blockchain technology enhances transparency, security, and immutability in Domain Name Systems, offering new possibilities for domain management.

Q: What drives the growing interest in decentralized naming systems?
A: The appeal of decentralization lies in its potential to empower users, increase security, and reduce reliance on centralized authorities in naming systems.

Q: How does Web3 Domains contribute to the evolution of domain registration?
A: Web3 Domains introduce innovative features, like no renewal fees, royalties, and multichain integration, revolutionizing traditional domain registration practices.

Q: In what ways can Web3 Domains shape the future of digital assets?
A: By introducing novel ownership and revenue models, Web3 Domains have the potential to redefine digital asset ownership, incentivizing creators and fostering a more equitable ecosystem.

Q: What innovations do Web3 Domains bring to the domain industry?
A: Web3 Domains innovate by offering no renewal fees, royalties, and exploring decentralized ownership concepts, setting a new standard in the domain industry.


Time: 00:15:20
Innovative Domain Offerings Exploring Web3 Domains' unique approach with no renewal fees and royalties.

Time: 00:25:45
Decentralized Web Infrastructure Discussing Web3 Domains' role in reshaping domain ownership and the decentralized web landscape.

Time: 00:35:10
Future Trends in Domain Management Insights into how Web3 Domains can revolutionize traditional domain registration practices.

Time: 00:45:30
Impact on Digital Asset Ownership Analyzing how Web3 Domains could impact the future of digital asset ownership and distribution.

Time: 00:55:15
Blockchain Integration Benefits Understanding the advantages of incorporating blockchain technology in Domain Name Systems for increased security and transparency.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 Domains are at the forefront of the multichain Namespace evolution.
  • Innovative approach with domains and TLDs without renewal fees.
  • Royalties enabled on Web3 Domains offer creators ongoing revenue streams.
  • Potential shift in traditional domain ownership and management models.
  • Exploring the implications of blockchain technology in Domain Name Systems.
  • Increased interest in decentralized naming systems and ownership concepts.
  • Understanding the benefits of multichain integration for Web3 Domains.
  • Web3 Domains play a crucial role in the decentralized web infrastructure.
  • Discussing the future impact of Web3 Domains on digital asset ownership.
  • Evolving landscape of domain registration and management in the Web3 era.

Behind the Mic

Opening Greetings

GMGM. Hi, y'all. How are y'all doing? Gm guys, what's good? Happy Friday. It's another free name domain whale space. What's good. And doing good as usual early in the morning on a Friday. Love to end my weekend with the bullish domain conversation. How are you doing today, sir? What do you got going on? Is it like, is it token 2049 yet or whatever it's supposed to be?

Token 2049 Plans

I'm actually like in the transit for token 2049 right now. I thought I'd take a little few days break in Dubai beforehand. I weren't really like bullish on doing like a 20 hours flight like that. Didn't seem like that appealing to me and stuff. So I took a little stopover in Dubai for a few days, catching up with like the crypto community out here. And then token will start on Wednesday, I believe. So it's going to be another semi long flight, I think about seven, 8 hours from here. But it's looking crazy. Like there's so many groups. This is like the consensus of Asia, basically. So as big as like consensus is like in the us tokens, that kind of equivalent.

Previous Event Challenges

Last time there was a token in Dubai but like it was disrupted with like the bad weather, the flood. So hopefully fingers crossed that doesn't happen this time. Free name are going to be there. They're going to be representing, they're sponsoring a few events. One of the events that they're sponsoring is one of the biggest side events I think was currently 5000 people or something signed up. So I don't know how big this venue or capacity is going to be, but free name are one of the headline sponsors with Toby and Brett, which are like active VC's investors in the web free space. They're involved with free name now as well. And yeah, there'll be a lot of events.

Participating Chains

All the different chains are going to be there from EtH to Solana to se to sui ton to whatever. Anything that you think is like web free, it'll be there. You'll probably notice people's like changing their twitter and their telegram handles token 2049. So yeah, it's definitely going to be like a big week for crypto BD mode activated. But yeah, that's just like one of the updates. Like we've got so much going on. You've had a big week as well yourself, right? Yeah, it's been a big week in general for like everybody.

Token 2049 Location

And then yeah, we, you know, some personal wins. Wanted to ask you as well, just for those who may be unfamiliar with token 2049, where is it going to be held at this year? So it's going to be held in Singapore, which is quite a unique place. Like, firstly, the country and the capital city are both called Singapore. So, I feel like that's quite unique. I've never seen that before. Where, country and the capital city both have the same name. And it's, located, like, in the far east. Like, geographically, I think it's close to, like, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Singapore's Unique Attributes

Very small country, I think only a population of like, a couple million or something. So very small compared to other places. And one of these, like, advanced futuristic cities. So futuristic where you can't vape, you can't have gum, like literal, like chewing gum and stuff. So it's going to be a bit intense because a lot of these, like, web free dj's are, like, addicted to these vapes and all this kind of stuff. So it should be pretty interesting discovering new cultures. A lot of people would have probably never been there. I've never been there myself, so we'll see.

Event Attendance and Support

Fun fact, did you know that someone's Far east is also someone else's close west? Just saying Earth is round and also going back to free name sponsoring that event. Very, very big deal. If any of you guys are out close to Singapore, y'all, please show love and support. Pull up. Love to see free name in the headlines. Connecting with these big events really do make a huge impact. Continue to help. So, you know, the platform in as a household name. So definitely excited to see that.

Free Name Integration Update

And yeah, actually wanted to start this off with free names. Biggest news or one of the biggest news to come out from free name. I don't think we've had a space since then, but the latest integration, which is actually the say chain. I know you mentioned that they probably have a presence out there. 2049. Yeah, I know you're bullish on say. Yeah, break it down for us, bro. Say what you got to say about say.

Market Potential of Two Chains

There you go. I'm actually bullish on sue. Like, it's so confusing because there's two layer ones that are both equally as bullish. One say one sui, one spell sei, which is the one that free name have had the integration with. The other one spell sui, which free name don't yet have an integration with. Who knows? That could be in the work maybe, like, we could see a ton integration. Tons. Picking up a lot. But it's. Sorry about the background noise. Just in a very heavily powered. I don't know.

Communities and Integrations

Is this a taxi chauffeur driven like private? I don't even know. I can't dox the. You could probably tell from the engine it's not a regular vehicle. What's it called? Yeah, so say is actually like an l one. I think it's independent of anything else. It's not like a Ydezenhe fork of ethereum or anything. Very bullish. Good community market cap wise. I think it's sitting sub 10 billion. So a lot of space to grow. And Zach's probably got more info on like why say is actually like a bullish choice overall.

Importance of Integration

Actually it's a great topic. Actually we can talk about generally like why integration are so important for the free name users. Like, we don't have to actually in a one case, like this chain is better or the other chain is better. I guess like two or three weeks ago were talking about like which chain is best for users. Every chain has like own good parts and like every user should choose like the best options that they have.

User Base Expansion

Also the another part is the important for us, especially for the free name users. Like when you have a TLD, you are becoming a marketplace owner. So every integration, which means that opening unique, broader audience that you can promote your TLD's, your domains, your slds. So let's say, like when we have integration with Solana base, let's say 1 million or 2 million people are joined us and another say integration, another half of million people came to us.

Growth through Integrations

So we are always talking about here that like when we have integration, of course, like it's so important. But the most important that you user base part, so to say. Yeah, of course, like it's one of the fastest layer one chain. And also like it's really hype it as a market capacity. They are $1 billion. So it's really huge deal. And also like we have many on the way. Irish Gerard is here also currently we are talking on more integrations, more on the way.

Innovations in the Domain Space

So actually that's all I can say for now. Yeah, I mean, and I'm probably, I don't know, projecting my thoughts, but I love how the free name team is looking at this space. It's like a multi chain highway. And I think at some point it's going to become like extremely obvious why that's beneficial. And I'm glad that we're, you know, ahead of the curve. So if you're not already familiar with free names ecosystem, you do have the ability when you purchase a TLD to choose where that TLD is minted and lives.

Options for TLD Minting

Several blockchains available, such as BNB chain Polygon, that base chain, Solana, say now Aurora. And then they're continuing to add, you know, more lanes to this highway, you know, every chance that they get. Also, a unique thing about, you know, where you can mint your TLD and SLD is no matter where you mint your TLD, when another individual purchases or mints and an SLD off of your TLDE, they also get that same choice. So they're not stuck minting it on the chain that the TLD lives on.

Advantages and Future Directions

So, yeah, a lot of flexibility there. And again, you know, as we continue to develop and continue to make integrations and as the space continues to make sense, I think that those steps will definitely, you know, age well and play out well. I do also want to take the opportunity, I don't know if we have already. But I do want two things I want to remind everybody as you're coming into the space. First of all, thank you.

Community Engagement and Participation

If you could go down to that bottom right hand bubble and like, and retweet and share out the space very much. Do appreciate it. Also, as always, we do love to hear from anyone in the community that wants to come up and talk about anything, especially if you're a TLD owner. We want you to come up and share what you're building, share your TLD so others can learn about it, can join your community. So, yeah, feel free to request a speaker role and hop on up one of the.

Open Invitation to Share

Even if they're not a TLD owner, even if you're, like, new to domains, you might be like, what the hell are these guys talking about? Why are they talking about, like, domains all the time? Why are they so bullish on domains? Come up. We're a friendly bunch. We don't buy unless you ask us to. And I think you were saying that, like, I'm bullish on say, and I was saying, no, sui, I've actually ate both because I know that most people will make the mistake of, like, not knowing which one is the chain that they want to be bullish on.

Investment Strategies

So that could be, like, a little, like, life hack. You might both. And then one might pump, and then the other one that you think is going to pump doesn't pump. So good way to diversify that could also fall into, like, domain thing. Like a lot of people do. Get creative with domains and buy domains that sound similar to other domains just in case they accidentally pick up the traffic. And I feel like that could happen on chain with this as well.

Successful Domain Strategies

Yeah, there was actually example I saw, I think on Twitter yesterday, somebody was speaking about, I think he said he spent like either 30 grand or 60 grand or something on a misspelled domain name. Said he's generated like over 200 grand of revenue from, I guess all the cat, you know, all that missed traffic. I don't know what he's got on his website that generates that. But yeah, that's definitely a successful tactic if you know how to utilize it.

Creativity in Revenue Generation

And again, there's more than one way to make a dollar, I hope, if I haven't inspired anything else in this space since I've been in it and speaking to everybody is that if you believe in yourself and also, you know, if you're creative, if you're a real builder, there's more than one way to make a dollar. So yeah, shout out to the ones that are creative. I see that we've got DJ finesse up on stage. Do you want to say hi to you and give you a chance to introduce yourself.

Introduction of DJ Finesse

How you doing to. Hey, what's up, man? Sure can. Great, great. Yeah, man. Just gladly be part of this great space. I am a holder of several domains. My first one I bought was dot turntabless. To start creating a turntableist community. I'm not going to say it's difficult, but, you know, trying to convince people, you know, how to, you know, buy into the space has been kind of troublesome for me.

Building a Community

But I'm getting some people. I have another domain, I'm not going to mention it because another derivative could knock me out the box. So. But I have, what I started to do is started gifting those domain names to prominent people in that community. And I also use, I think it's called Colablan. I've started to, basically what I've done is I've kind of token gated my discord server based on the domains. So I'm thinking that's how I'm going to create the community at first.

Innovative Approaches

Yo, DJ finesse is living in the year 2040. Token gate a discord with domains. Bullish. Yeah, man, you got it. My thing is, my thing is you either got to be the first, the best, or both. So if you get to be first, you know what I'm saying? You can make that bag. But anyway, last thing I want to say is collab land. I'm thinking about token gating a website and offering like, you know, based, some products based on like the domain that you have.

Seeking Integration Resources

So do you have any resources to, I guess integrate the domains into websites? Yeah. So like is it about like intervening building website? Like such as like using website builder or could you specify your question because like currently, like you can use any, almost any website builder and you can build up your website and with freemium DNS you can make it live.

Clarification on Token Gating

Okay. No, I'm talking about in a system with like token gating. For the token gate. Actually were talking about generally with like with Web United, actually web two, web three token gated. Controversial, but the thing is like directly web three token gated. Actually this is one of the is like or to do list we can say because like page was always talking about like about it, such as like I would like to create my own VLD and like I would like to reach out my community who bought under it.

Communications with Users

But this is also, as I mentioned, actually this type of reaching out to the user that was already contacting with you through your KLD, through your domain. So currently there is no, but this is all, this is really good chance that, for example, you can create your discord, you can create own token gated session.

Discussion on Interfaces

Yeah, yeah. Are you asking like are you wanting to create a token gated interface for like a traditional website? That's that what you're asking? Yeah. So right now I do, I develop using Laravel, it's a PHP framework. I found out how to get metamask, like so people can just log in with their wallet.

Product Offerings through Domains

So I guess the idea what I'm trying to do is like say I want to offer like, you know, an exclusive t shirt. And only people who have, you know, a subdomain of on the turntables domain, they keep the only ones who can buy it. Yeah, I would say so. And I was trying to just FYI, I'm kind of trying to figure out the same thing for our verbs hangout irL event, because we want to quote unquote token gate via Poap, people who are able to go in and claim freebies.

Exploratory Interface Techniques

What I'm kind of exploring right now. So the answer to your question is, have I found like an I interface? It can just be like you can use the API and just build it into your website yet? No, but I'm experimenting with like deform. And deform has at least for their platform, they have that function available there and you can kind of play with a little bit and tweak it good enough until, or maybe there's a way to integrate it or travel down that rabbit hole that's something I was intending to do after this hangout but yeah.

Closing Thoughts

I don't know if that answers your question or not. Yeah, it kind of answered my question. there's another guy, he hit me up like via DM. He has a Shopify plugin that you can token gate with that might help you out. Cool. Cool.

Web 3 Domains and Integration

Also like you can use the free name who is service. For example if you know a little bit like website building for example you can make like some kind of sub it more and people can submit that who bought your I domains. They can type their vault address and like from free name whois address. It can be approved by it because you know, because if you don't know a free name who is serviced. Like it's working whole the web three areas such as in unstable or dear other providers as well. So you can make some kind of token gate system as well. Cool.

Exclusive Communities and Token Gating

Yeah, a great question. And also kind of going back to you were saying earlier as well, a great use case. Also as I've mentioned, you know, again, this is for those who say that these don't work, you got to figure out a way to make them work in a way that's beneficial for you. And token gating, creating these exclusive communities is definitely I think one of the biggest use cases that we'll see for especially these exclusive TLD communities. You know, the artist community, influencer community. These are the people that are going to use this type of ecosystem to really elevate the brand. So great question. Also, you know, that's it signals another thing as well is that we are extremely early.

Opportunities and Development in Web 3

There's a ton of opportunity and room for development. There are tons of ideas that if they are executed well, I think we'll facilitate a lot of adoption. And so yeah, for those of you who are listening on the space, if you're not inspired by both the questions and the answers, I don't know what to do for you. Also, this is also kind of another example too, depending on who develops. This is why it's important to celebrate everyone's wins. And I want to take a moment to do so while we're here in the space to celebrate some wins this week. Because. Because this also helps for adoption and inspires people to take not only digital identity a little bit more seriously, but take the development and the opportunity a bit more seriously.

Integrating Payment Systems

You know, Ens and their integration just made it a whole lot easier for us to go to real people in real life and talk about web three domains with their newest integration. That they have now with PayPal and Venmo as a big deal to celebrate. That is just the beginning of the huge world that we predict and huge ecosystem that we foresee for web three domains. And again if you didn't need any other sign to believe that these things have traction or valuable real estate, I don't know what to tell you. Yeah, and the great thing is you own it for life. Like my thing with the Ens, like I bought a, you know, DJ finesse eth. I mean I bought it for like ten years out.

Future of Domains and Pricing.

But what happens when, you know, Eve goes through the roof? Like will you be able to afford your brand? I think in that case they're priced on the dollar value rather than the e value. So it should still be affordable and stuff. Yeah, you just gotta worry about, it's actually like. But even then, gas on ETH has recently been very cheap. Less than a dollar and stuff. Back in the day it was like $40, $50 per transaction. But I feel like theyve optimized the gas to be a lot more affordable. Now its less than a dollar and stuff and no one even talks about that. That hasnt even been a bullish factor or bullishen, driver of ETH at all. Like no one cares that gas is down.

Market Observations and Trends

It's like, this is how ungrateful web three is. When we demand something and it happens, we still don't care. It's because of base. By the time they fixed the Eth gas situation, base was like, yo, don't even look over there, we got you. But even with base here, it didn't get that like massive traction that everyone thought it would. Okay. When it first launched there was crazy hype and then the platforms like Warpcaster came out and adapted it straight away so it just looked like, holy shit, like base is going to take off. But I don't know. And like someone was talking to me about base over there and they were like, do you think that base is ever going to have a native token? I was like, probably not.

The Native Token Concept

And they were like, Coinbase stock is probably the native token that they have. They don't need like a on chain version if they've already got one approved in like the S and P or the Nasdaq or whatever it's trading on. Yeah, I mean that truly could be the case. And counter to what you were saying, I've seen nothing but continued explosive growth on base chain. As a matter of fact they launched their own naming system again, you know, super value in this for those who don't think the names are cool, but they just launched their own naming system. I think they surpassed 420,000 names minted on a third level domain. Again, like, it just takes creativity and solid marketing campaign and the value prop and this could be what happens with your TLD.

Growth and Adoption

But yeah, congrats to the base team for launching that. But yeah, now I've seen nothing but explosive growth, continued adoption. They are continuing to. For me personally, you know, I think that they'll be able to credit themselves as probably the bridge that brings normies into web three, to be honest with you. I mean, almost every tool that I'm coming up with in IRL to introduce to normies, to even make this make sense or somehow some way connected to base. The ironic part is that were once normies. We were once these people that people on these spaces would refer to, and we've all embraced it.

Shoutout and Accolades

Now, if anything, I actually want to take a quick moment to shill wen. Like, you're actually more active on bass than I am. Like, we know this is public flexor. I see your hand up as well. We'll get to you in a second. But yeah, when I just want to actually take a moment to give your flowers, your accolades, your credit where it's due. You had a big week as well, personally, a big announcement, big shout out from a very reputable brand. I don't know if Zach, if anything, you take the honors and tell us, like, the accolade that Big Wen had, I'm going to pin up in the meantime.

Recent Developments

Of course. Of course. I heard domain. Would you like to talk about, for example, from yesterday's discussion? But if you want, before that, we can give a chance to flex or talk. Oh, thanks, guys. Yeah, just you were on the coin base topic and the base network and stuff, and I just to keep you guys up to speed, I'm not sure if you did see it, but CB BTC now is available there. So there's wrapped bitcoin on the Ethereum network and on the base network. So now. Yeah, so when you're talking about wins and you guys were talking about the wins within the space, with Coinbase especially.

Coinbase Integration

Yeah. They have now wrapped bitcoin that you can get on the Ethereum network and on the base network. I just want to chime in on that. Thanks, guys. Good conversation. That's bullish. And it's the same price as, like, bitcoin on bitcoin. Yes. Yes. So. And I talked. It's one for one. I talked about this briefly think it was yesterday. And I get my days mixed up a lot of spaces. But yeah, that opens up like now the entire. So again, normies, Coinbase, now bitcoin through these normies, because almost all norm, most normies, exposure to web three or to crypto in general, the first thing that they hear is bitcoin before they even hear east or any of these other things.

Adoption of Bitcoin

And so I think probably bitcoin is the most adopted cryptocurrency that there is. Well, now we have an easy way for normies to do something with that bitcoin. And not only normies, but also people with big ass bags of bitcoin that you've been sitting there because it's all it could do. Now they've just turned it into a defi asset on Coinbase. That's what I'm saying. Like basement built. And also we have AC double wrestling. How are you, sir? Good morning, everybody. And first of all, big congratulations to Mister win airdrop.

Achievements Recognized

Congratulations on the Forbes announcement. That is fantastic news. Really happy for you. Thank you very much, bro. I really appreciate it. And for those ahead, that was the. Alpha I was actually trying to get to. Sorry, I apologize because I came and I was having some hearing things, so I wanted to make sure it didn't mean to steal anyone's thunder. Not, not intentional. I'm glad that you did it.

Forbes Mention

Like, so Forbes web three, if you guys aren't aware, is like the web free arms of Forbes, as in like Forbes list. Forbes magazine acknowledged when they've got a dog, a picture of this handsome man up there as well, joining the Forbes legacy pass. So, yeah, ECW, thank you for mentioning that. Very, very bullish. It's not necessarily a free name update, but when is free name? Free name is when, if you see like free name on these spaces.

Recognition and Impact

He's been repping free name. Wen's been repping free name since day one. Since day. He's had the multiple TLD's. He's been on these spaces. He hosts his own spaces. And now to be recognized part of the Forbes community as well. Very, very bullish. I just. Oh, go ahead. I was going to say, brian, and appreciate it. Sorry for cutting you off.

Honoring Community Contributions

Yeah, I don't know if y'all ever see me in person, but I do bless sometimes, bro. And I, I appreciate the love and definitely honored by, by Forbes, honored to be a part of their community. It is a rock solid community and definitely looking forward to everything that is to come. It's been said by almost every great person that your network is your net worth. I feel like a very rich person right now.

Networking and Value

Definitely do. Yeah. For. Yeah. Thank you. And again, I apologize for cutting you off. Go for it. Ecw. No, just another Irl conversation topic and I was just going to ask thought process here. If you give me just 1 minute to explain, then I'm opening it up to your thoughts. Because that's why I'm here, to make sure for all of us, it's a hybrid web two, web three.

Real Life Application and Integration

In real life, people can actually understand it and that it does bridge in with some of the virtual real estate, some NFT, but also can be used because free name has. If we own the Tl or any Sld. Excuse me. We can redirect it back to a web two temporarily. Almost like a 301 redirect in Godaddy if I'm not mistaken. I haven't tested it yet. Of all the things we tested, I haven't tested the basics. But here's what happened yesterday, a client of mine had to meet, and for those of you familiar with in the professional football in America, the Dallas Cowboys, they have their offices and their practice facility in the very far north Dallas area.

Client Interaction and Testing

You look on a map, it's a city called Frisco, Texas, but it's about 30 miles from where the Cowboys actually play their games. And in there they have an executive suite where people have their offices. Met the client there and we're on the third floor and trying to test something to help him for his business. But that's just where he offices. So I tested that augmented reality tied with the virtual real estate and one of these platforms, that's a web two, web three, hybridization web two domains, web two links.

Augmented Reality Integration

But you can own as an NFT and then poap and everything else, the underlying virtual real estate land. But in this particular one, I was able to do something where I actually found the exact latitude and longitude of where were supposedly sitting coming from the top down from the satellite. And even though were on the third floor, I uploaded his logo and a short little video with it. And then he was actually able to hold his phone up with a link. And it was through Google Chrome, which is a web XR enabled browser.

User Experience with Augmented Reality

No glasses, no headsets, nothing. Just his phone. Hold his phone. He was facing south toward like the elevators or whatever, didn't see anything. He turns 20 degrees to the left, facing a little bit more east. Boom. He saw his image or the logo and he was able to play his video holding it there like a digital overlay and then he hit the clickable link and it went to the landing page, which was happened to be his restaurant that he was trying to promote.

Potential in Real World Applications

So when you don't mind if I'll reach back out to you on this way. But I was thinking all of a sudden, because his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree over the age of 50, but he actually understood it. Now, I know it's not necessarily a web three asset, it's integrated with web three, but I was thinking, for those of us who own TLD's, where we could sell. Let's say we owned. Let's say we owned. I don't even know who would own it, but they would say, like, just location or whatever.

Creative Marketing Strategies

And then you could type in whatever it is as the SLD location, currently redirect it to the web two URL, which is the thing that he had to have and run through Google Chrome. But therefore, people can actually go around in real life and play like where's Waldo? Or you could do a scavenger hunt or whatever it is, where you can find things, hidden treasures on your phone, like Pokemon go. And then the clickable link takes it to whatever landing page, either for affiliate marketing, it could even be used in a messed up way for domain parking.

Exploring New Ideas and Future Conversations

But I wasn't sure. So I needed. I wanted to bounce it off you. So I'm opening up the conversation, even for a future talk weeks down the road, and when, of course, I'll send it to you separately with a little more detail. But I just wanted to open that up as a conversation topic only because the guy's eyes, over the age of 50, he got it his and whatever anyone else thought about it. And again, congratulations on Forbes. I'm really proud of you.

Introduction to Upcoming Conversations

Yeah, I was actually going to invite you to a conversation I believe I'm going to have next week. And it's. I know they're two kind of different spaces, but they're in the same space and sharing kind of the same text, but augmented reality, as you mentioned in the metaverse as well. I actually did an AMA in Decentraland last week for like the first time and it was pretty cool and we started going down that topic. And next week I'm supposed to do a spaces with potentially sandbox their Dow and I'm going to invite the central and their Dow back to the spaces and want to get your input as well. But yeah, it's definitely a big deal.

Integration of Merchandise in Digital Real Estate

Merchandise and product do product placement and advertising both in augmented reality and also in this other digital real estate world. And also, you know, interestingly enough, all the property, or I think any of the property that's in Decentraland can also be linked to digital identity that they have. You can actually, if you own one of their domain names, I think it comes with property attached to it or the ability to build something on it. One last thing, and next time you have one of your meetups, like in, where is it? Down in San Antonio.

Planning for a Meetup in San Antonio

Typically you're going to have them. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Okay. When you do, before you do, just give me. I'll reach out separately, let me know the actual location, and I'll get on the. I have to get down to very hyper specific latitude and longitude, but I'll even drop one of your. When airdrop pins, like either an image or one of your videos or one of your audio files there, I'll send you the link. And that way you can show people in the real world they'll be staring at a patch of grass.

Augmented Reality Demonstration

But if they have the link location turned on their phone and like a browser, like Google Chrome connected with their camera, boom, you can show them that here's this patch of grass, and then here I am. And then you can share the link with them and they can click. And then all of a sudden, now your stuff is on their phone. So if they forgot about you two weeks later because real life kicked in that way, you're still on their phone, and then they become your. You become more loyal followers and. Or they can share it with other people.

Utilizing Airdrop Pins

Yeah, definitely. Just let me know. Thinking my blank again. Was that me? Yes. Same here. No, sorry. I'll drop three or four pins for you, and that way you have a little bit to play with. I'll put the same one in a couple locations, so that way nobody misses it. Just let me know what it is. When you're ready, give me the address and I'll drop a few pins and we'll test them out. Yeah, and that'll be cool to play with.

Realization of Augmented Reality Understanding

Like I said, I'm starting to realize that I think more people get that more people actually understand augmented reality and. What do you call it? What's those goggles that you can walk around with and shit? Oh, the other. The X rails or whatever it is. Or oculus or whatever. Yeah. Like, normal people understand that, then they do crypto. So, hey, that's a way to, again, start a conversation.

Transitioning to Big News in Branding

And I did want to transition the conversation also to some more big news that we actually just learned about, which I think is pretty cool. And kind of also, like, really stamps in the value of branding and the value of having your own TLD or if you can afford it in this case, which it had to be a couple million dollars at least. And I guess we'll see the reporting eventually. But Azuki purchase of anime.com, i mean, that's. That's pretty solid.

Thoughts on Azuki's Purchase of Anime.com

Yeah. What are your thoughts about that before I kind of dive into my thoughts? So maybe I can start with, for example, this new Disney Azuki or actually who doesn't know is like Azuki is a popular NFT collection and they recently acquired anime.com. a pretty huge move. This raises an interesting question also that today actually we sent a tweet about it. Our NFT enthusiast beginning to shift their focus toward domains.

The Significance of Domain Names

So I believe like this move by the Azuki is a perfect example of how domains are becoming a key part of conversation in web three space. Because it makes sense that domain offers long term utility and identity much like nfts. But they have also like foundational aspect that can drive project forward. That anime.com is a powerful domain. I think we are going to see more NFT projects looking at domains and the way they expand their digital footprint and especially that we will see this part in the web three domain area as well.

Branding and Domain Name Acquisition

Yeah, and I'm feeling that and all that's like all good. And I'm like Azuki.com, right? Fits the bill for that. But annabe.com is like some chad stuff and even with Pepe.com, but Pepe's still like, I mean it's a solid big old brand. But anime.com immediately the immediate thought that came to my mind when I thought about that was this is real estate. And I know we've said that before, but. But I really want to break this down to you because making a purchase like that has less to do with them and their brand as it does with purchasing a valuable piece of real estate that now they can park in and put their sign at the top of this big old Trump tower.

Real Estate Analogy in Domain Names

They can lease out space from other people who are going to get traffic from ads that are on that piece of real estate until they decide to finally move out and sell it for a big old multiple. And it's crazy that we've got entities in our space that are looking at domains like that. And that's extremely bullish. Not only bullish for, I guess, all the whales in the web two space that are sitting on these grails. But I think at some point it's going to come around and be bullish even for those of us who have invested in, you know, some of our hand reggies that are maybe more specific to the web three space.

The Value of Domain Investments

I mean, we may not all have a big Trump tower, but I think I got, you know, one of them shopping centers that's got like a blood donation center in it, maybe a dollar store and some stuff like that. My point is that we all are sitting on some good solid real estate and I think we need to start looking if you aren't already looking at, you know, both our web through the main investments and especially, you know, these big old web two comms that way. Yeah, because I'm like, it definitely can't be about words at this point.

Investment in Domain Name Ownership

You know, people spending that kind of capital, acquire these assets. And another thing on that's the second, like, big, like, domain purchase in the last few months with a single word domain. The other one was a friend.com, or am I mistaken? It was a friend.com. Yeah, it was friend.com. actually, there's been a few. There's been quite a few since. I'm thinking Azuki isn't the only web pre brand that's made, like, a statement like this.

Recent Domain Purchase Trends

But I can't think of, like, another example. But I'm sure there's been others that have done maybe not to this extent and stuff, but there's been other, like, web pre rans. I've made, like, a statement in, like, web two like this. Yeah. And that's what I'm saying. This one's a little. The difference in this one is, like, I'm saying, like, even the big perk. So land Wolfenhe purchased, of course, their domain, I think, was for $69,420, which is.

Comparisons with Other Domain Purchases

I mean, a lot. Pepe. I'm not sure what they paid for theirs. I know the number was public or think it was public. I just don't remember because why would I? But these are all, like, branded. That's what I'm saying. Like, Azuki.com already in and of itself would have been a signal that, okay, having your.com as a brand or having your dad as, you know, hopefully, you know, for those of you who can't afford whatever it is your name is.com or should get your.com, you should also follow up that branding with your dot, whatever it is, TLD.

The Importance of The Right TLD

But, yeah, that in and of itself, I would have been like, okay, that's solid branding. That makes sense. Cool. But going the whole anime route, like, they. They went out of their way to reach into that treasure chest and to buy a universal premium keyword and to sit on it like. Like that. And I don't know if you guys have already been to anime.com, but they've already built on it.

Functional Aspects of Anime.com

Like, if you go there's a waiting list. You can sign up for it. You can get some stickers. They have rares and commons and all that. I don't know if I'm lucky, but I got four stickers and three of them are rare. So whatever that means, I'm happy about that. But I mean, there they've already put it to work. And again, this is. It signals a couple things for me.

The Future of Domain Naming

Like I said, you know, starting to look at these words as what they are and as the example that these people are setting forth is this is some serious real estate. People are doing some really big things with these domains. These numbers are wowing the hell out of us and they're surprising us. But it's great because this is the. Space that we bought a whole community.

Expanding the Anime Community

They've got a whole community. Imagine how many people, how many anime fans there are in the world and how many people know Azuki. So now all these, like, anime fans that have no exposure to web three have never heard of a zookee. Now they're like, what the. Exactly. Anime words, Brian. But now they will.

Anticipation for Future Developments

Yeah. So again, we took a now three. Like, I'm super bullish on that of sorry for cutting you off. Even if they paid like a million dollars for this or even more. Yeah, they've purchased like 10 million users. Whatever. 10 million new people. 100 million new people that are anime fans that are involved in this industry that I've never heard of. Like a zookee. Web three are now, like, their customers.

Potential Revenue from New Customers

So say, like, the conversion rate is like $1 a customer. Boom. A million customers easily came. Like, the amount of traffic that's just going to come from this. Personally, I don't know too much about Zuki. I know that it's like a bullish EtH PFP collection. I haven't been involved myself, but big w.

Encouragement for Other Web Three Projects

Yes. So not financial advice, but to any of you other large web three projects out there might want to follow suit. Get yourself a good, normal, premium keyword so we can force web three down the throat to people who are looking for something else. Looking for, you know, popular anime from back in the two thousands that you grew up on.

Path to Wider Web Three Adoption

You're gonna get a zookee instead. Yeah, we should start buying things like food, hotels.com, afford that stuff to board apes or something else. And that's how we'll. We'll get people to adopt web three, but not that. Like you said, big Chad move. Shouts out to Suzuki. Definitely a solid branding move. And again, like, all these wins from other people.

Building a Community Around Branding

These are all wins for us because this makes it easier for us to talk about this to normal people when we try to make this make sense. Yeah, I mean, you definitely have to find a community that people can connect with. I mean, I think that's the biggest thing in web three. But I think for me, where it becomes problematic.

Challenges to Web Three Adoption

Problematic, that may be the wrong word, but just like I said, the adoption of it, we have to show people why, you know, having a wallet is important and what it's used for, because that's the, that's where people get choked up at. They're like, all right, cool. Yeah, this is cool. But what can I use a wallet for? Like, they'll get my domain and then that'll be the last thing they do, a web three until 2049.

Explaining Practical Uses of Web Three

Like, you know, so you have to make it, like, what is the practical use case for it right now? 100% agree. And that is, you know, one of the reasons why we host these spaces, obviously, you know, this is, was these spaces are hosted within the web three bubble. So, I mean, our education is just re educating people who just want more education.

Role of Education in Web Three

But also in addition to that, you know, I know I'm doing my part with our verbs, hangout spaces. You know, TLD's, the dot verbs TLD that we're onboarding people into the space with is sponsored by freedme. So they are helping us also do that part. I know several others are out there with IrL mixers, meetups, gatherings, bringing people into the space.

Practical Introduction to Web Three

And most of them are focused on, you know, trying to introduce people to web three in a way that they can use practically. You know, we've said it a million times, a lot of people aren't going to use it in the same that we do as degen. Some people will use it just to, you know, play fun games. And our last mixer, we met an older lady who had really no familiar with how cryptocurrency or any of that worked at all.

Understanding Cryptocurrency Use Cases

But she plays with bitcoin all the time in a bitcoin casino, so she understood how it worked that way. So, yeah, I completely agree with you. We definitely need a more actual onboarding in addition to just introducing people to the product itself. We need to show them how to use it, show them why it makes sense to use it.

Inspiration and Contagion of Knowledge

And, you know, hopefully what we're doing and what others are doing and talking about just continues to be contagious and inspire other people to do the same. Yeah, def. Yeah, definitely. I mean, just think, I mean, you know, I mean, I guess most of us are old enough to before Facebook, but, like, you know, when Facebook first came out, it was, you know, you got a Facebook if you were in college, whatever, not too many people had it, but in 2009 when they opened it up, open it up to everybody, you know, it just kind of exploded.

Comparisons to Social Media Evolution

Now you can't find anybody without a Facebook. We just have to find a way to turn that switch on. Yeah, and it's coming again. Gotta get that shout out back to the newest, biggest news in the space. You know, hundreds of millions of people now have the option to go learn and figure out what at least the dot e is, which should hopefully travel them down the rabbit hole of other naming systems at some point.

Future of Web Three Domains

I mean, we're certainly going to capture some of that traffic. But like the integration with, like I said, with Venmo and PayPal, putting something, putting basically the simplest and probably the most valuable value of what a web three domain does in an app that literally is what it's used for. You know, the p two p transfer of funds crypto domain name helps facilitate and simplify the p two p transfer of crypto funds.

Simplifying User Interaction with Crypto

They married the simplest utility with an app that people can understand and, yeah, I mean, hopefully that's just the beginning of the type of integrations that bring people into the space of the level that they can get it. And, yeah, I mean, I'm excited about it again because keeping it simple and hundreds of millions of people now have access to it should be the first of many. You know, I can't wait to see cash app and other things like that to start coming into the space as well.

Big Players in the Space

Absolutely. Also, like when you see big players, especially in finance, like integrating web three domains, it's a sign that at the adoption is here. Like the fact that you can use non web three domains in such wide use platform makes them not just like nice to have, but necessity. This is going to drive a lot of people to more explore web three domains.

The Evolving Nature of Web Three

And I think it's just the beginning. For example, we start to see like the web three domains are evolving from the being part of the niche crypto conversation to being something that essential to digital identity and transactions. So I believe, like all of us in this stage, we are still early, but the future is really bright for us.

Future Perspectives in Web Three

Definitely, definitely. Day by day and month by month, things are changing again. Everything that we thought wouldn't be possible even if we hadn't said it out loud. I think, you know, the bullish people in this space are proven to be possible. So for those of you who are early believers, you know, keep on believing, don't listen to the outside noise, you know, again, like these winds that you see from other people are just the outline for the, or just laying the path for you to walk to start getting your own wins.

Optimism for Future Wins

And, and trust me, I mean, there's, we've got a lot of wins to come. Our space is extraordinarily early, but that door is about to be kicked wide open. I know we're getting close to the top of the space, but we do have joy up on the stage. Do definitely want to hear from you. How you doing, sir?

Welcoming Audience Participation

Yo, yo, yo. It's a, it's a free name space.

Initial Remarks

You know, it's always a very cute conversation, but fm guys, right? I think that's something new for you guys. Free name. That's free name. Morning. Fm. Fm, people. It's joy on the space again, firstly, congratulations. When it drop? I don't know. I just find that stuff yesterday. A big stuff. Right. I think you were nominated as a community builder in Web 3D on Forbes. Right? And I guess that's the Forbes, like, the real Forbes. That's mass, that's like, yo, that's really. Thank you, collector for the sound bite. You know, I'm just trying to keep it cool, but that's really massive, you know, showing all the time spent. People actually recognize that, you know, you're a legend in the space. Right. And yesterday, I got to meet another side of when the, you know, interviewing Wen, that was nice. That was nice. Now keep it up, bro. Keep it up.

Web 3D Achievements

When I drop a and, yeah, before I get into. This is like a proud father moment for joy. He's like, when's been, like, my web free sugar daddy now? Like, I get to, like, give him his flowers. Yeah. Yes. Even if, you know, when, when sometimes, you know, there's like, the father and son scuffle moments, stuff like that. But yes, when remains an OG. I saw that stuff and I was like, yo, when it drop on Forbes web, that's massive. That's. I've not seen anyone on there. That's the first time I'm even seeing such stuff. I did not even know stuff like that exists, but I'm sorry. It's a free name space. Let me, let me wrap it up. Let me get on to. I was hearing something about Azuki and anime, I think, something I'm bullish on myself. I would ask about that. I want to know about what you guys are talking about on there. My connection was bad when you guys were talking about that, but this is what I want to know. What were you guys talking about? The Azuki stuff. But this is mine. This is what I want to talk about.

Partnerships and Market Trends

So Kleinosaurs on Solana, they also partnered with Gameloft. Yesterday. They announced that on his face. And if anyone knows Gameloft as well is like a game developer or game development environment where they've been around for a long time. Like, long time. I grew up to know about Gameloft, but that's another bullish partnership right there. And again, I don't know. You might not find it bullish, but microstrategy, the og of all ogs, just bought another BBBA of BTC. Tastes like. It's really strange that these new articles call Collector microstrategy. I don't know why they keep getting our names mixed up. Yo. And honestly, it came around when collectors started telling us to, you know, get some BTC, make sure that we are exposed to it because it is widely accepted. And yo, like, most of collectors calls is just crazy. Collector told the house, like, I think a few months ago as well, buy some sweet.

Investment Insights

I mean, sui, I don't know if you guys know that as well. And that suddenly came from 0.8. And I feel like, yes, that's where I would buy. I mean, I'll buy some BTC because people just keep bugging it. Although it's already big, it's wide, it's huge. But firstly, let's go about the Azuki, please. Can someone just tell me what happened with Azuki? And then did anyone see the other two stuff I mentioned, the Kleinosaurs and then Microstart strategy. They just DCA'd another billion. Like, casual. Like, it's nothing for real. That's. That's some massive stuff right there. Like, someone's. My net worth. My net worth in DCA. That's crazy. Like putting under dollars in a token to, like, pump and see some movement. It's like, oh, that's a lot of money.

Market Observations

But then microstrategy just does a billion. Well, the market does not feel it yet until we're at hundred k. I think we still. Wait, wait. Yeah, bitcoin still has a ton of room. And like I said, it's pretty much like the poster child of cryptocurrency, which, again, like, hopefully for those of you who are invested in the defi space or invest in tokens or cryptocurrency, you know, the more you start to look at that, you'll understand and the magnitude of coinbase, you know, creating their. What do you call it? I would. Is it a derivative? We wouldn't call it derivative, whatever it is. They're their CB BTC. So, yeah, definitely. Check that out. Thank you also for the love, Joy. Really appreciate it. Again, making me blush. All that good stuff. And, yeah, it's crazy. It is the real Forbes. To answer your question about Zuki thing, yeah.

Azuki's Recent Acquisition

Azuki bought anime.com. don't know yet what the price was for. We know that. Or we've been seeing reports that it was listed for 10 million. Don't know if that's what they paid for it, but I'm sure they paid something with an m behind it. In the ultimate Chad move, rather than just buy a zookee.com, they decided to go for a straight-up grail and turn a household name into. So, yeah, that's what they did. Yo, and, you know, I, like, I just refreshed my timeline, and that just came. That just popped up. What the fuck? So, yo, that's. That's massive. Like, for the whole of China, Korea, wherever. That's like, they make animes. People watch animes a lot.

Significance of Investments

Whoa, that's. That's. That's a massive move right there. But 10 million for a domain? This is. Yo, guys, listen up. This is why you should be bullish on training. If you don't know already, free name is a domain company in web three, right? This is why, like, I'm sorry, I know they would have said this, but this is the joy Shield moment, right? Let me shield. Give me my own time. Let me shine, right? So if you don't know, free name is a web three domain company that allows you to earn 50% when you buy a TLD and someone buys a domain, I mean, an SLD on top your TLD. What do I mean? So the left side, let's say Google, for instance, that's the SLD.com, is the TLD.

Business Model Explanation

So if someone buys anything in front of your TLD, right, you get 50%. Someone. I'm coming. I'm coming. Yeah. That's the sound bite for that moment. That's the exact sound bite for it, right? So why not. Why not sit down, spend some days, buy, you know, buy some mind-blowing, you know, TLD that I've forgotten Paige would call you for and be like, bro, I need that TLD. Or maybe when a drop will call you and be like, bro, send that to the over or collector. And the funny thing is, most of the trds I think of is it a collector owns it or when Airdrop owns it, like these guys. But guys. Anyways, I have exchangenow sat. So if anyone is interested in exchangenow sat that is going for $10,000 if you need it eats me up.

Future Projections

I'll send it over for that price. It's on BTC, right? You can try to buy it. It's already mine for moments like this, right? It's so. I love when stuff like this is related to something I have because I know someday the time would come for it, right? That's the serious part. Like I know someday the market will come for what I have. And that is why I try to take my time to think about domains and buy the good ones just so that I can be valuable when that time comes. But right now I think on free name I own some that I'm proud of. And yeah, when the time comes, the time would just be right. Imagine and the owner of that domain might not even know this time would come, but because they have it, I don't know if it's, I don't know how they do for web two really.

Investing in Web 3 Domains

But imagine someone owns that $10 million right now is a lot of money anywhere in the world. It will take you for, you know, some time, some years, and you can even buy another domain that would worth that much. And you just continue investing that way and you continue, you know, retaining your worth, your assets that way. So free name is an opportunity for you to invest early in web three domains, right? If you're an artist I don't think it would be available. It's not possible. But you can buy your name dot art or you know, just be creative. If you're an artist, if you develop, I don't know if is available. But there are sweet domains that you can just try to own.

Ownership Benefits

And one thing about free name is you own for life instead of web two where you renew your domains yearly, monthly depending on your contract. In web three, you own it for life, you buy it once and it is yours for life. I think nothing is changing about that. That remains the case, you know, as for now that I know about Web 3d domains, so you own it for life, it is yours. No one is arguing that for you. And freedom just makes it possible for you to own your. And you know, one sweet thing freedom is, you know, got that collaboration with icann recently. Icann is the web two part, you know, like the og of domains in web two, they pass, you know, domains to say, yeah, this one is available, this one is good, like stuff like that.

Conclusion and Call to Action

So web three, I mean free name is your web three access to owning your own domains? Don't miss it. It's an early Alpha. Make sure you jump on it. Thank you. Yeah, I like to interject. you know, if you see something you want, you might as well get it right now because there was a domain that I wanted, it was $699. I was like, oh, me come back fit. Now it's $4,900. So if you can get it, if you think about it and you can get it, you might as well do it because you don't know when or if it'll go up. And there's a reason, you know, I'm saying it from 699 to 49 99. Yo, did you finesse, was that on free name? Yes.

Market Response

Whoa. Wow, wow. That real estate appreciates. So yeah, as you said, when you're looking at the markets now, today's price isn't tomorrow's price, but yeah, one of the things that you said that couldn't be truer, especially with what I believe as well, is that eventually that time will come for all of these, especially for this space where the world just eventually gets it and it clicks and then that faucet turns on. Obviously do want to advise everybody to take advantage of the opportunities to start building in advance of that. We keep hearing of examples, you know, every single day of people using their digital identities from all over the space to create unique things, including the example that we just got with DJ finesse token, getting your discord pages and also doing more things like with our dot verbs, reusing it to help fundraise for the Dow.

Final Remarks

If anybody mints one of the verbs, domain names, then that revenue goes into our Dow treasury and we're to keep track of that stuff. So yeah, multiple, many ways to be creative. Start building in advance of the future that we know is coming. I know that we are at an hour right now. That's generally how long we'd like to keep this space. Do want to thank all of our speakers. Got a wealth of insight. Thank you for that, Joy. Thank you DJ Finesse. I know collector just dropped off. Also, thank you to ECW. I don't know if you've got some last words for us, Zach. Alright, alright. Thank you so much, iheart domain.


Alright everyone, that's all we have got for today, a massive thank you again to iHeart domain, ac double resting Flexter, DJfinus, joy and the collector for sharing their insight. And of course, a big shout out to all of you for joining us. As always, do not forget to join our telegram group if you want to keep conversation going. However, unfortunately today we will not have weekly appraisals. But no worries, next week we will cover you. So take care everyone and have an awesome day and see you next time. Hey, one last thing. I just posted a link to the NFT token gating for our shopify if anybody wants to check it out.

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