Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Wealthy Anonymous presents: The Black Capsule: Off The Cuff EP. 20 hosted by ceotim. In The Black Capsule EP. 20, experts delve into blockchain, NFTs, and DeFi strategies, providing valuable insights for investors and collectors in the Web3 era. From understanding blockchain advancements to maximizing NFT investments and seizing DeFi opportunities, this space offers a comprehensive guide for navigating the evolving crypto landscape.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: How can blockchain technology advancements influence crypto investments?
A: Blockchain advancements enhance security and efficiency, positively impacting crypto investment strategies.

Q: What are key strategies for successful NFT investments?
A: Understanding NFT market trends, rarity, and demand is crucial for maximizing investment returns.

Q: Why is staying updated on DeFi trends essential for financial growth?
A: DeFi innovations offer lucrative opportunities for yield farming, lending, and decentralized exchanges.

Q: What tips can help individuals succeed as crypto investors, collectors, and advisors?
A: Developing a sound investment strategy, diversifying portfolios, and networking with industry experts are key for success in Web3.


Time: 15:45:00
Blockchain Evolution and Investment Strategies Exploring the evolving blockchain landscape and its implications for crypto investors.

Time: 35:20:00
NFT Market Insights and Investment Tips Discussing valuable strategies for navigating the NFT market and maximizing investment returns.

Time: 52:10:00
DeFi Trends and Financial Opportunities Analyzing the latest developments in DeFi and how they can be leveraged for financial growth in Web3.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights into blockchain technology advancements and their impact on crypto investments.
  • Strategies for navigating the dynamic world of NFTs and maximizing investment opportunities.
  • The importance of staying informed about DeFi trends and leveraging them for financial growth.
  • Tips on becoming a successful crypto investor, collector, and advisor in the evolving Web3 landscape.

Behind the Mic


All right, all right, all right. What's going on, y'all? Welcome to episode 20 off the cuff, presented by the wealthy anonymous crew. Want to get started shortly. And just saw a message on the back channel. So let's see if I have that song and queued up already. Maybe I don't have that song queued up. So, Ryan, that may have to be. The song for next week. Brooklyn was going on. What's going on, family? How you doing, man?

Casual Conversation

Kosher, bro. Here. Okay. Okay. Majestic, how you doing? I think she's only a listener for this moment in time, sir. I just brought her up. Oh, no, she probably went back down. what is the song that. Hold on, let me see what Ryan said. I'm not sure what album that's from. Hold on. Gonna bring him up to. All right, all right. So, yeah, I may have that song queued up, Ryan. So I may have to get that for next week. Oh, okay. Okay. That's fair.

Discussion on Songs

Is it a new. Is a new song? No, no, that's. That's all for the salty. Yeah, yeah. Hold on, hold on. No, no, I like. I like the request. So, I mean, we get that. Let me get that cooking kind of what the song, it sounds like, but this is. So when you guys hear it, this is a Ryan recommendation, 100% to kick off the show. All the one people say something. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Are we doing recommendations now? Recommendation now? Yeah.

Song Recommendations

I'm like. I'm like, if that's. That. Is that next week that your boozy needs to be playing. I'm done with that, too. Y'all can always recommend songs. Yeah. I think everybody, every week should recommend a song that's always. I agree. All right, so this one is by Rome from Ryan. It's no fabulous. Fabiolo us slow down. Featuring Trey songs from man an old dat piff.

About Dat Piff

If y'all know that pif and old that piff mixtape, the soul tape. And, you know, this is probably before y'all time, if you're. If you guys are not ogs. That piff used to be a platform used to get everybody's mixtapes from, and I think it got shut down now, if I'm not mistaken. Right, right. Honestly, I think it's still active, but I don't know if they're adding any new stuff to it. That's got you.

Listening to Fabulous

Yeah. So this archival type of stuff. Exactly. Got you. I will lean. Let's jump to the song Fabulous slow down featuring trey songs, and then we'll get into the podium. Niggas by watching just for making time face save it up never had the ass they call hardy sneak up girl I never wore a mask baby ain't you tired of life in this fast lane packing love is rushing trying to catch that last plane the game wins like the alarm on the truck the small talk she told me that I make her laugh when the trauma but for that she had to go the chat just quickly changed she was chilling now she leaving I mean, that was constrained ask can we meet again?

Continued Lyrics and Dialogue

She said, that can be a range and I'm sure we both have phone numbers that can be exchanged. We did. She said, that'll be explained. But for now, she just hopped into a plan of grains. You know, like. Vip sections and flight confirmation jumping stop at your own constellation you say. Maybe I never follow your. All right, y'all. That was fabulous.

Reflections on the Song

Slow down. Featuring Trey songs from the old mixtape soul tape from, like, man 20. 2011. Yes, 2011. Geez, it's a long time ago. It's like a lifetime ago. Long time ago. Music, though. Music, though. And Ryan, so as I get my bluetooth turned on, you can explain that you must have, like, a. An affinity with that song. So why did you want to hear that song? To kick off the show today?

Discussion on Song Meaning

I mean, for one, I think within that song, there's a. There's a bit of mental stimulation, right? In a sense of we're in that era where we're where the dating scene is kind of, like, iffy. Some people look at it. It's like, yeah, there's nothing out there. Some people are hopeless romantics. But if you guys were listening to the lyrics of the song, it's just like, one. One lyric that stands out to me is when he goes, my approach is smoother than an arm on.

Lyrics Resonating

He tucks the small talk warming up. I'm charming it. I'm charminess. She told me that I make. No, she told me that I make her laugh and I'm charminess. So there's just, like, bits and pieces in that song that when I listen to it kind of gives me a sense of, like, a different approach if I'm supposed to talk to somebody female, to be exact. And, yeah, I'll be honest, when I first heard it, I was probably, like, in high school, so it didn't really resonate with me that much.

Growth in Understanding Music

But as I got older and, you know, started taking in the lyrics, it just hits different, and I feel like that goes for a lot of songs, especially when you're younger. They don't really hit the same way, but when you get older and you actually understand what they're saying, it's a whole different ballgame. So then that leads me to ask a question to you, Ryan, Tim, and majestic.

Engaging with the Audience

oh. Good afternoon, everybody. How are you guys doing? How about we start off with that? We did. You just wasn't around, ma'am. We said it. We said it. And everybody and every. And everybody went through how they were doing. Not everybody. Not everybody. How you doing? Okay. How are you doing? Thank you.

Participants Sharing Experiences

Thank you. Don't leave me out. I'm doing well. Thank you. This week was a good week for me. This weekend was a good weekend. Blessed as always. And I'm happy to be back to do this podcast for another Sunday. Now you guys can continue. Ryan, how you doing? How you doing? Right? Oh, yeah. No, Brooke, what are you saying?

Ryan's Feelings

Honestly, I'm feeling soulful. So that's kind of the reason for the song choice as well, off of that album. But, the week, hasn't been bad. You know, work week was fairly calm. Not too many hiccups. I guess I was out a little bit, kind of socialized with some friends that are, you know, that live in the city. So I kind of stepped out with them for a bit.

Reunion with Friends

It was good to see them. And, as per usual, always spend time with the family as well. Right? So, yeah, back for another Sunday to chop it up with you guys and, you know, get things popping. Yeah, that's what's up. Ryan again. Brian, Ryan was missing yesterday. Ryan was missing yesterday because he was on his pod.

Setting the Scene

I'm reaching out to this man. Yo, by the way, just randomly, because, you know, this is a random pod, but your pet peeve when people tell me. Gonna laugh when people don't answer your text message when he post on WhatsApp. I mean, on instagram. Pet peeve. Ryan, I'm talking to you.

Texting Conversations

Nah, that's not me. Yes, it is. You did it. Yes. If I genuinely see a text, and I don't. Because what it. What it is, like, I don't. Notifications, like, popping up on my phone. So even those badges that you see on your phone that says, one, two, three, listen, I don't keep that. I don't.

Avoiding Notifications

I just don't like it. So if I don't open up my messages, then I just haven't seen your message wholeheartedly. And it's not that I'm avoiding you, acting like I didn't see it. He wanted to be one of them people that be there just being like, I ain't gonna say nothing. I'm just gonna post.

Communication Challenges

And we. Hopefully he get the message, though. No, no, I definitely got the message, but like I told you, man, I was wrapping up. My pod went a little bit longer than expected. I just. I'm just. I'm just writing jokes with you, fam. But, you know, to start off, though, I would like to ask you guys a question, because, you know, the song choice, and I would like to ask you guys, do you guys consider yourself to be polygamous?

Polygamy Discussion

I guess I'll start off because I was the one. Yes. Who sent yes. And because you're the one that sent it to us, I'm gonna have yes. It'd be nice for you to start, but please explain what polyjamorous is. Based on the post. Polyjamris is basically somebody who has an eclectic music taste, so they are able to jam to, whether it be country, pop, hip hop, rap, soul, anything.

Definition of Polyjamorous

They. They're able to find enjoyment in every genre of music. So I sent it because I wholeheartedly think that I'm that type of person. Why? Based on my music taste throughout life. And just now, I'm still very eclectic. Growing up, obviously, growing up in a Caribbean background, you listen to a lot of Caribbean music at home.

Background and Exposure to Music

So it was a lot of dancehall, a lot of reggae, a lot of soca. But with the school that I went to, I grew up with a lot of people who listen to pop and rock, so I was listening to limp Bizkit and Slipknot and NsyNc and Backstreet boys and a whole slew of other things, and then some of my older family members, a lot of CHF five and rides and country stars and things like that.

Influences on Music Taste

So I've been exposed to a lot, and I've been able to enjoy a lot of different genres growing up. So I think that spearheaded my eclectic taste to then further taking different genres as I got older in life. Say less. That is all. What about you? Tim and Ryan, one of y'all, buddy.

Engagement in Music Culture

And examples of what you mean by, like, your guys taste like, if you guys do, like, for example, and I'll go quickly. For me, I consider myself that definitely. I grew up around a family of DJ's, but they dj anything. So I grew up when I. My mom was also used to, like, do some stuff for my uncles when it comes to djing.

Influence of Family on Music Taste

So I grew up listening to eighties Metallica, old school music, like, you know, the four tops. Like, I've been to slipknot concerts. I've blink 182. Like, I've done all of those different things. I've. I listened to the Dolly Parton's, the Shania Twain's, red hot chili peppers. Like, I've went through all of those.

Diverse Musical Influences

And of course, your regular, your hip hop, you all the different things. So for me, I believe a bop is a bop. If it bangs, I'm here for it. I blast it, I listen to it. My new things is Hanuman kind and Shabuzi. A lot of, like, afrobeat stuff. And I think it's like, defines who I am as a person.

Self-Reflection on Music Preferences

Just how I'm open to different cultures and different situations. So I consider myself that because I love enjoying music, especially, like, from when we. Tim, you can account for this. When we're in the music industry and how we took in music and what we cared about, that. That alone has left me in this space.

Music Industry Influence

But I like to hear, like, what you guys consider yourselves and what genres of music you guys have listened to and you guys really mess with besides go. First off, y'all coming after trying. Go ahead. For myself, I want to say, yeah, to a certain extent, only because I would say growing up, sometimes I had no choice what I was listening to.

Childhood Music Experiences

So you just, you know, you learn to. To have an ear for a certain type of music. I don't know about everybody in the audience, but when I used to get dropped off to school and I was. My trip to school is probably like half hour or so every day.

Long Commutes and Music

Sometimes I'll be in the car, listen to, I think it's 98.1 chfi and they don't play no type of rap music. That was. I remember listening to Shania Twain in the mornings and I'm just like, it's not really my thing, but over time, I guess, you know, you hear it enough, I'm just like, alright, song ain't too bad.

Growing Appreciation for Different Genres

And then I catch myself kind of, let's jig into it, whatever. And then, you know, as far as, like, rap, r and b, dancehall, reggae, all those things, I think that's just a part of our culture. So it's something you just kind of. You're born into in a sense.

Cultural Impact on Musical Taste

I won't say, like, I like all dance, all, and I like all reggae. But if we're looking at music from a general standpoint, I think within every genre, like, I can find a song that I might like or an artist that I might, you know, gravitate towards and just kind of open up my music horizon, in a sense.

Exploring Different Music Genres

Yeah. To follow that as well. And I completely hear what Ryan saying, what everybody's saying, actually. And I think, once again, growing up, because, you know, family, parents, whatever. Yeah. Caribbean descent. See here, a lot of that kind of stuff.

Continuing Background Influence

And then as you kind of. As you get older and have, like, the. The. The ability to kind of explore, you kind of get your hands on other music, then you kind of open your horizons. Right? And then, yeah, where I went to school as well, all types of different kind of music.

School and Music Diversity

And then when I started djing when I was younger as well, and I got into, you know, doing, what should I say? I was a music provider for my school, right? So I used to. I don't say I was a bootlegger, but I was a bootlegger, right.

Early DJ Experiences

So I got. So people request certain types of music. Hey, can you get, you know, this. This album from this artist, say it's green dare or something? Or can you get, you know, whatever, maybe? Or can you make a mixtape for me with these. With these artists and these songs?

Requests and Mixtapes

So from that age, I'm probably like 13. Yeah, 13 years old ish. And that's like grade seven, where I started to kind of really expand my horizons outside of just urban music, you know, from hip hop and r and b and reggae and all that kind of stuff to all the other genres.

Expanding Horizons

And then as I got older, I started to kind of dive deeper into, like, other genres of music. I got into, like, house and deep house and that kind of stuff really heavily because it has so many influences from so many different types of genres of music and cultures.

Exploring House Music

And it's like, it's. It transcends borders, it transcends language and all of that. I said, okay, cool. This is what music, to me, is where, you know, it's. It's, you know, this. This. This thing that has so many different layers to it that can connect so many different types of people from all walks of life.

Universal Language of Music

And then music became that for me, how it allowed me to connect with other people from around the world. Because music is kind of a universal language in a sense. Right? So can I ask you all a question, since we're on the topic of being polyjammeris? Have you guys ever been to an EDM concert or EDM Fett, if you want to call it that?

Engagement with EDM

Most definitely. 1000%. Unfortunately, I haven't.

Missing Out

you're missing out. Gotta be honest. You're missing out.

Experiences and Impressions

It's turn. It's actually pretty good. Like, I think it's surprising how, like, I, like, remember my first time, I was like a little bit, you know, culture shock, because, you know, it's not something. But by the time you get in 20 minutes and you're like, yo, this is lick. It ain't. To be honest. It's just a little bit different. That's overfit. It's not that different.

First Experiences

No, you're absolutely right. I'll say this. My first experience, I think it was my only experience for something like this. It was a, it's like a phone. No, a paint. I think it was foam and paint. But anyways, I went to government, and I'll be honest, when I was in there, I want to say the first 45 minutes, it was great. But I just don't think when it comes to fets in general, I feel like you got to have a different type of energy because I'm telling you, after that 45 minutes stretch, I was just like, yeah. Nah.

Physical Experience

Oh, sir. It's like cardio. It's like, it's a cardio bike session, fam. It's bare sweat. You walk out of. I tell people when you go to Ahsoka fat, walk with extra clothes when you leave, I promise you famous, you. Drenched and a hundred percent if you don't, guys. And if you don't have any cardio, you'll have some after that jump off because it's get turned quick in there. Listen, weight loss at his finest. That's all I gotta say. True, true. Very true.

Music as Expression

I honor percent agree. I think I got a question. I'd like to. Go ahead. No, I was just gonna echo what you're saying. Yes, yes. Like a cardio sense. I like house music too, because you're nothing. You're not in there to kind of like, pick up somebody or try to either, just to enjoy the music. And you're dancing for like mad hours and you're there for like 5 hours, 6 hours. Just dance. So you're like super cardio. You're enjoying the vibe. You get lost in the music.

Impact of Music

So when I, you know, I watch these videos online with, these guys are doing like house music, dance competitions, and like, there are b boys, they're popping the lock in. And when you hear that, the dancers speak, they go, no. Music is our language. Music, like, it touches our soul. And then my body just starts moving to the me. I don't control my body anymore. The music starts to, you know, like, almost like music is their ventriloquist, right? And they're like the dummy. Right.

Artistic Flow

And music starts using their body like it's, you know, how to, I don't know how to just maneuver and how to, like, just flow and all that kind. And they say they have, like, an out of body experience when they hear certain types of music. And I truly believe that, too. Right? Yeah, definitely. Question I want to ask, though, is I feel like, so, like, I was talking about different artists. I listened to hannah, mankind being one of the people that I listen to.

Cultural Appropriation Discussion

Shabuzi, these are people who are not from a culture that are doing music that is attached to specific cultures. So Hannah Moonkind, being that he's from India, well, that's where he's bringing his music from. He's actually, for, you, started from the US, but. And he's a bringing out hip hop music. Other people are saying, hey, he's appropriate in the culture. Same thing you have with shabuzi. People are saying the same thing. What do you guys believe about the so called belief of someone? Is preparation the culture, or.

Gatekeeping in Music

And also about gatekeeping as we gatekeep music, two specific cultures. I would. I would say for that specifically. I think as an artist, you got to look at that name specifically. They're an artist. So the artist doesn't only work from one point of view or do things from one point of view. And they are. I'm not going to say they're forced, but in a sense, they are forced to dip and dabble in certain areas. Because I feel like, as a consumer and I've seen it time and time again, people will get at an artist for dropping the same thing over and over.

Balancing Artistic Expression

And then when they drop something new, it's just like, yo, this is trash. Like, I'm not feeling this. We want that old stuff back. So it's just like, you can't please everybody, right? So I feel like when artists dim and dabble in different genres, you know, sometimes they may fail at it, sometimes they do good. But just from, you know, an artist's point of view, I would say it's. It's showing, in a sense, appreciation for that genre, and it's also giving them.

Homage to Genres

What's the word I'm looking for? It's like paying homage, in a sense, I should say. So that's. That's my point of view of it. I think, to piggyback off what Ryan said with regards to music. Yeah, I definitely. I do feel like you are showing an appreciation and paying homage. But I also agree with the fact that it is an art expression and who is to say that the way that they are expressing their art is the wrong way.

Art as Personal Expression

Just like an artist paint in a certain way or somebody makes a sculpture in a certain way. We don't say, oh, you know, that sculpture is more of this culture or that culture. It's just a part of their expression. So I think that we need to. Except if a certain artist does lean more towards country music or more towards pop music, and it wouldn't necessarily be something that is considered a part of their culture. It is a part of their expression, and we need to accept that expression for what it is.

Letting Artists Be Artists

And if you like it, and if you don't, then you don't. Not everybody likes everything that's out there, but I think we should allow them to express it in the way that they want to and not look down on them and gatekeep it as if it's something that solely belongs to one person. And that's my point. Yeah, and majestic. And Ryan, you guys are saying great points. And I agree wholeheartedly.

Cultural Misappropriation

And I remember, you know, when, for example, I'm trying to think of, you know, you think about vanilla ice, you think about Eminem, you think about whoever people kind of said, oh, they're misappropriating the culture. And I'm like, I never agree with that. Come I k. They have a struggle. They have a way they want to depict and kind of convey that struggle, and it comes out in this style of music.

Musical Diversity

Who says it's wrong for them to use it right? And then, you know, I remember when now when I'm in the music business now, and, you know, Brooklyn, you know, this is why we had artists that were of asian descent or of sri lankan descent or of all different ethnicities that were doing, you know, quote unquote urban music. But some of the stuff that we would get, that they were kind of integrating their culture so they would speak in their native, like, language.

Integrating Cultures

They spoke multiple languages. And I'm like, okay, this is super dope because they're. They're integrating and merging, like, their traditional culture and kind of now fusing it with, like, their, quote unquote, like, urban execution of the music, but still staying true to their culture. And to me, it was never appropriate in the culture at all. Like, okay, this is a really cool, artistic take on this genre of music.

Cultural Misunderstanding

I don't want to even call it herbies. It's just a particular genre that they were doing a twist on it when it came to their culture. And I'm like, that's not to me. It was never appropriate. I can see how people, you know, that may be closed minded, would see it that way. But if you're, you know, an advocate and a supporter of just, like, creative freedom.

Celebrating Creativity

Yeah, this is super dope. And you fully encourage it and you fully kind of. You celebrate as well, right? Yeah, most definitely. Because I feel like a lot of times people forget is like, for example, I'm using hip hop specifically this in my conversation here from. From what I'm trying to come across with.

Struggles Through Music

But it's. We talk about hip hop as a sense, and we also forget that hip hop was a literally a genre for. About the struggle for. About being able to speak out, say things and have conversations, and people forget that. Like, I've traveled a lot. I've traveled to different places in the world. Every place has a ghetto.

Connecting Through Similar Experiences

Every place has, people who are struggling and fighting for something. So for me, it's just like, what is different and what holds them back from the ability to use this specific type of genre which they are able to, bond with because of the same struggle that they've been through, which is similar, coming from the ghetto, being from poor families, all the different things.

Art as a Voice

Being able to be able to, you know, have a connection with this and then use this as a way for them to also speak out in their form and their fashion. And I feel like we have to remember that art is subjective, as we, everyone has said, and this is them being able to use something to speak out just to show who they truly are.

Beyond Categories

Because not everything is considered black, white, spanish. Like, there are certain things that just international and music is that. And I think that's one of the things that I think people need to learn to use as a way to be able to find things that bond us instead of things that separate us.

Music as Unity

I also feel like, just like how we always say music is something that. Is. Something that brings us all together because it multirace, multicultural. If it's something that's able to bring us together in that way, because no matter the genre of music, we can all register and resonate with something, then why can we not then express ourselves in the same way and it register and resonate in the same way?

Empowering Artistic Growth

We have to be able to do it from both sides. Yeah, one thing I was going to say to that as well. I guess just from, like, an artist's point of view, I feel like with them, you know, trying out different genres as well, they're also opening up their fan base versus just one specific target audience.

Broadening Horizons

Right. And especially, I guess, you know, Tim and Brooklyn, you guys could probably, like, speak to this more, like when artists go on tour and whatnot, and it's like, yeah, they're becoming international stars, but I like to use, I guess, Drakan as an example when he did that whole, I guess you want to call it EdM album, honestly, nevermind or whatever.

Adapting to Change

I remember when it came out, everybody was dissing it, and before you know it was like hit after hit, they were playing this stuff in the club, right? So I'm just like, in a sense of, like, that's good on him, that he's able to cater to, like, that crowd in a sense, versus just being, like, for a hip hop and the rap, you know, culture kind of thing.

Industry Limitations

For sure, man. And I think, once again, people maybe are too close minded to appreciate and allow an artist to kind of break out of that box, right? And I remember, you know, a guy, Ryan Leslie, right. He kind of, he's a producer, but. You know, he very dope, by the way.

Talented Innovators

He did a lot of work with fab. Yeah, tons of work with fab, right? But like, tons of artists, right? And people kind of known from the urban stuff. But this guy's dabbled in every. He plays. He plays the harp, he plays all instruments, this guy, right? And he said the music industry likes to put people in a box, right?

Breaking Free from Constraints

They don't like to let them to expand. So if you're known for doing a certain genre of music, you kind of have to stay in the labels kind of almost push you that way unless you are, you know, you have the independence of, like, you know, and you kind of control the label and say, hey, I'm kind of signed because I want to be signed or I control the narrative, whatever.

Struggles for Independence

But a lot of artists don't control the narrative, so they get put in a box. Right. I think of a guy like post Malone as well. He came out one way, right? And then he was able to transcend and kind of go back to what he wanted to doing kind of country and rock and pop and a fusion of different genres all, you know, one album.

Navigating Genre Boundaries

But he had enough power to be able to do that. He was stuck in a box until he kind of broke free from the shackles. And that's kind of, you know, the. The crappy part about the industry, the business out of it, because if you don't have the control, you're not independent. You get stuck into a corner and you're kind of, like, only looked at, hey, you can only do this kind of music.

Personal Preferences

Right? So. And that's the sad part of it. Yeah, definitely. And post is fire, too. And what. And his transition from what he did to now, I really do enjoy his music from. From. From just an artistic standpoint, you know, I really can pivot from here. Yo, pivot.

Discussion on Hobbies

Okay. Okay. something. I think you may have sent it in the group chat, majestic. And it's. It's. It's a. It's a funny topic. Kind of similar to, like, that marriage one we had last week, but it was about, like, the. The list of the. The least attractive hobbies for a man, according to women.

Hobbies Survey

Right. And top of that list was playing video games, then it was collecting figurines, then it was, like, magic tricks, then online trolling, I guess. I don't know. You know, if you're, like, you're on Twitter all day, kind of, you know, Twitter fingers and dissing people. I don't know, whatever. Right?

Assessing Preferences

You mean a trolleye gambling. Then it was building model trains and then taxidermy, comic book collecting, and then bird watching. That was the list they left off. Stuff like, if you're. You collect cars or you rebuild classic cars or whatever, if you collect sneakers, like, those weren't on the list, but it was like, a funny list to see.

Personal Reflection on the List

And majestic, I asked, I think you shared it when you seen the list, you know, from a woman's perspective, what was your thought on that list? And really, were you asking who. Who. Which woman did the interview for this? Like, whose perspective is this? Is this from.

Diverse Opinions

Right. I personally don't agree with the list. it's not. Those are not things that would necessarily turn me off. the gambling? Yes, the gambling definitely would turn me off. I think things that are destructive to yourself and others are hobbies that I wouldn't necessarily want an individual to entertain, watching anime, playing video games, bird watching.

Healthy Hobbies

Those things are not hurting anybody. They're not hurting yourself. Simply taking time for yourself in those moments. So I don't think those are anything that is detrimental to yourself or others. So I think that's positive. As long as you find a positive way to.

Values of Hobbies

And a healthy way to, I guess, get back to your zen, your chi, then I'm all for it. But I don't agree with some of those. So here's a question now, from your perspective. So why do you think the women that were surveyed had some of those things so high in the list that it was like, this is a huge turn off, and if a man approaches me.

Perceptions and Societal Influences

And he does these things. I don't even want to talk to him. Why do you think that the women that were interviewed or surveyed put those certain things so high on the list and were so. Had so much disdain towards those hobbies? I think social media kind of plays into it.

Social Media Influences

Those aren't necessarily things that are highlighted as hobbies. You're more seeing, oh, let's go to restaurants and go on trips and do all of these different activities versus those types of things. So I don't think people would necessarily sit down and view those as hobbies that they'd be more inclined to be okay with.

Understanding Perspectives

Other than that, I don't really know. I honestly don't really know because it baffles me because, as I said, as long as you're not hurting anybody else, then I don't see the issue, and I can overindulge as well. I don't mean you're coming home and you're spending 10 hours, you know, after work or you're not even working, and you're just playing video games.

Finding Balance

Like, this is something that you know, an hour or so a day, you take to yourself to de stress 100%. So here's a question. So Brooklyn, I asked. No, actually, I asked Ryan and Brooklyn last afterwards. So are there any hobbies that you guys can think of that would be a turn off in a woman?

Hobbies and Relationships

Right? And I think a lot of men don't even think about the question. Everyone crosses a man's mind, I don't think. But to ask you guys, is there any topic that, any hobby a woman could have that would turn you off from even wanted to date her or approach her or anything of that nature?

Culinary Preferences

She want to go out to eat all the time. That'll turn you off. Okay, so, okay, say she's like, but, you know, here's a question. Say, is that because she. You're. You're anticipating that you have to pay?

Dining Experiences

Say she was like, yo, I got it. Like that. We go to eat. I'm a foodie. I like restaurants. I want to bring you to experience restaurants with me. Like, is that still a turn off if she's offering to pay?

Considering Perspectives

Well, when you put it like that, no. Okay, then. So the problem with you it is like, hey, if I got to pay for it, then I got a problem with it. But if she's taking care of the hobby she's bringing, she's inviting you.

Balancing Activities

Right? So, you know, in all honesty, I gotta put it like this. I feel like, for myself, like, you know, going out to eat is cool, but, like, you know, like, majestic was. Was saying, like, I think there has to be a balance, right? You can't just overindulge in certain things, because I feel, like, for one, when you overindulge in things, me personally, like, it kind of loses its effect in a sense.

Finding Common Ground

So I would just say having that balance is what's most important. But to keep it a stack, like, I don't think I really sat down and said, like, you know, what hobbies don't I like about a girl? I think the only one that would kind of stand out, but this could be for men and women, is, like, somebody that goes to the club too often.

Social Preferences

Yeah, that's what I was gonna say, ryan. That's what I was gonna say. That was my. That's probably the only one that would come to my mind. But other than that, like, I don't know. Everybody has their thing, so.

Accepting Differences

Yeah, I agree. Like, I feel like as long as your thing isn't, like, majestic, so long as your thing isn't negatively affecting you or us, like, I don't have an issue with it. Like, if you're into reality tv or you were into shopping or whatever you choose to do, as long as it's not negatively affecting us, I'm okay with it.

Age and Activities

But clubbing will probably be the only thing, especially after a certain age. Like, when you're younger, you really don't care as much.

Maturity and Entertainment

But once you get to a certain age, it's like, okay. I'm like, let's do more interesting things. And if it's something where it's a consistent basis, you're kind of just like, okay. And I think that's just more of a maturity thing. Whereas it's like, okay, have you not gotten past that stage in your life where you can't. You need constant, I guess, entertainment or something in that sense. But outside of that, I think that's it. I think also, because for me personally, I feel like, as a man, I most so focus on the fact of, is my partner happy, and do they have something that allows them to blow off steam? And if that's the case, then, yeah, you support the best you can. And I think that's what a lot of people, like majestic was saying with the gaming and stuff like that is because a lot of people see their partner and they may play long hours or they may do whatever, and it sometimes takes away from them.

The Balance of Gaming

I had this conversation, my best friend, and her first thought was, hey, listen, I don't like it because, you know, she said, I don't mind it, but if the person's on there for this many hours that are doing this, are they doing that? And it's. It's just that balance. I think once people have balance, they'd be able to say to accept it. But I just think right now, because that is something that's seen socially as something that's done by a lot of men. And people have forgotten that the generation of the men before who are older men who are now in their thirties and forties, were the ones who started playing games at a younger age. So we've continued that behavior as we've. Grown, not just men and women, because I. And women, too. Sorry, sorry, women too. Yes. The men and women of this age are continuing growing. I got guys who I know are 50, 60 years old, they game still because that's what we grew up doing. Right.

Changing Perspectives on Gaming

So the days of where you looked at our aunts, uncles, pops, and everyone who's older, where they didn't really look into that as something that they did as at an old age, people look at it as an immature thing when it's not. It's just a lot of us back in the day, we're nerds. We've grown up and have a little bit of money now. So even to add on to that, I think if we look at gaming and on a bigger spectrum there, the way gaming has evolved has been crazy, right? Because we used to, like, we come from a time where, like, if we wanted to play games with our friends, like, you got to have two controllers. You got to come to the crib, make sure you bring your own memory card. All of these things to now you. With a man across the world. Exactly. Now you're gaming across the world.

Building Friendships Through Gaming

And, like, you know, from time to time, I'll see a post where it's like, yo, this guy that's been gaming with another online homie for like, 15 years, they finally me. And it's just like, yo, like, a genuine friendship was built over a game. True. And it's just like, that's like, that's a beautiful thing to see because, like, think about for the people that can't really interact on the outside, you have your introverts that don't really, like, aren't very outspoken, but they're on people with social anxiety. Exactly. So their online presence is felt. And if they're able to build a friendship off of that, it's just like, yo, that's dope to see. And for any other thing. Like, you know, you want to come home and you. You just want to unwind. Yo, sometimes picking up that. That controller, getting a one two hour in can really destress, and, you know, sorry, decompress.

Making a Living Through Gaming

And then it's just like, you're good to go, like, back to reality. But I feel like everybody has their thing, and there's the. The benefits to it. And just to add one more thing to the whole gaming thing, a lot of people make a living off of gaming now, both men and women. And it's crazy to see that. Like, I see some woman streamers that, like, they demolish these games. Like, they go crazy. And it's just like, I never thought I'd be the person to sit down and watch a stream, like, personally, but on those nights that I can't sleep and I just happen to be scrolling, it's like, you come across some dope streamers, and you're just like, damn, this is actually pretty entertaining to watch and see how they kind of maneuver the game. And no, maybe one day you might run into the same lobby or room as them. Now you're. You're playing on their team or you're playing against them.

Lifelong Friendships Through Gaming

So you. I think, like, there's a lot of benefits to it, to be honest. It's just a matter of the perspective you look at it from. Oh, to be honest, one of my closest friends in New York, that's how I met him. Like, one of my closest friends nicknamed was Killer. And that's what we met. We met playing Gears of War online. Just so happened to be from grenadian guys and fam. We've been friends since, and it's been hella shoot, 20 years. 20 year friendship, bro. That's my bread. And every. Every so often, we still stay in contact or we jump on the game and we came out together. So you can make lifelong friends doing it that way, and it can help you with a lot of different things. I think hobbies are meant for you to be able to find people of like mindedness, and you guys can actually develop friendships and build off of that. And I think people forget those important things 100%.

Friendships Beyond Barriers

And to add to that, so, like, the industry that I'm in, so web three, crypto, defi nfs, all that kind of stuff, that's also the ethos here. So that's why everybody worse PFP. So you can't. So, you know, you guys have, like, an understanding. Hey, we kind of like the same things. We have a similar, you know, thought pattern on certain topics, whatever, maybe. And then you kind of transcends, you know, your race or your social class or your gender and all that kind of stuff, right? And then you hear a lot of people in this industry say, hey, like, yeah, you know, I have a family or whatever. Like, you know, but the people that I met in this industry are like, my closest friends because we can connect on so many other levels without having to say, hey, this is where you grew up or where you came from.

Removing Barriers in Friendships

And, you know, society says we really can't be friends because of x, Y and Z. And I think same thing in gaming. You kind of remove those. Kind of those barriers or those. Those titles or those boxes that society puts people in and just. You have a love for the game or you have a love for this technology, you have a love for this thing, and you're able to connect on that pure. That kind of this. Yeah, that pure level of just understanding and liking this thing, right. And then I think you build a real, genuine friendship because, like, just the pureness and once again, there's no other variables to kind of, like what sort of looking for to tarnish the friendship for whatever reason. Right? So that's why it's kind of cool.

Transitioning to New Topics

Well said. Well said. So, Majestic, I know you said you want. You had something you wanted to discuss. We can pivot again from this topic to another topic. And I wanted to give you the floor if you wanted to. I think he says a little bit spicy. So I think we're ready for spicy. It was 347. Holy. We were almost been talking for almost an hour, so, yeah, time to get spicy, majestic. Time to get spicy. Don't give me so much pressure, but I will go into the topic. I watched the video, and I will go into what the video is about. So I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with Cam Newton.

Discussion on Cam Newton

He's a football player. NFL. Or was, of course. Of course. One of the greatest ever. Brooklyn. One of the greatest ever. Or is that cap? I don't know about all that from cat. I knew you'd say something. He was good, but he wasn't the greatest ever. Yeah. So he was doing an interview with a lady and I, and he brought up the topic about. When speaking about himself, he brought up the topic about whether or not people considered him high functioning. And he said that, well, let me state, he is currently in a relationship with a female. The female just recently had a baby.

Cam Newton's Family Dynamics

He has eight children, three different women. And as I said, the most recent one just gave birth so the interviewer asked him whether or not he wanted more kids and whether or not he wanted them with the current lady that he was with. And he said that he wanted the kids to just come to him. It didn't necessarily have to be the lady that he was with, but he just wanted God to just bring the kids to him. I don't know how, but that was his sentiment and that he believed that he was taking his time with marriage, he was taking his time with making decisions in life and that he wanted to take things slow.

Intentionality in Relationships

So she was saying that in fact he wasn't taking his time, that he was being very intentional, he was being intentional with how and when he wanted to be intentional, if that makes sense to you guys. So that he was selectively choosing when to act and when he wanted to take his time. And that the fact that he shies away from marriage because of fear, he's being selfish, but he shies away from marriage because of fear. But he's also being selfish in the fact that he's producing all of these broken homes knowing that he doesn't have the ability to sit down individually and care for each of these children and be an active, not saying that he's not actively in their lives, but be active there on the day to day basis.

The Commitment of Parenthood

You want to be a plus eight? Yes. Yes. So my thing is, if men are so scared of marriage and the commitment that it brings, then why aren't they afraid of procreation and the commitment of having children? Because if I'm being frank, the commitment when you have a child is far longer and far more expensive than marriage. You do the 18 years of taking care of the child, then they go on to post secondary and then they may have kids or, you know, you have grandkids and then you help and you chip in with that. So it's basically a lifelong commitment when you have kids. When you get married, you may get divorced, move on to somebody else, alimony is done, you know, so why is it so easy to have children but not so easy to get married?

Men's Perceptions of Parenthood vs. Marriage

And is he high functioning in the way that he, do you consider him high functioning in the way that he deals with things or is he low functioning? I could jump in on that one. So it's interesting. So I saw the interview as well and I'm going to add another person to context. It's he has a larger, but he's very similar to Cam. Nick Cannon. Nick Cannon, exactly. He's got twelve kids by six baby mothers. And he's like, somebody's like, hey, what's your philosophy on financial support and being there for the families? Like, hey, what they need, they get, right? So he doesn't pay child support, nothing like that.

Nick Cannon's Family Approach

Doesn't pay Alamo, he's never married to any of these women, right? I think only Mariah Carey was only when he was married to. And then he's like, he spends $3 million a year on all his children just to, you know, support them. They all have, you know, every mom has a house and this and that. And then I think I seen him, somebody asked him, but how do you father them all? Like, yeah, you give, you have the money, cool, you have career, you're a millionaire, cool, you have the money, but you can't, you physically can't be there with every child, right. 24 hours a day or even 10 hours a day because you got to travel here and there. They're all in different states.

Consequences of Absentee Parenting

You got to travel for work. So you're building all these broken, to your point, majestic, you're building all these broken homes, ensured. The kids don't want for anything. The moms don't want forget the ass to get it. But then they're missing that father figure. And I shouldn't say missing because you're there. You're not like your absentee father. They know, your kids know you're the father, but you're not taking care of the day to day. Right. You kind of palm that off onto the mother. Hey, you, essentially there's a deficit that's a, created by the father not being present there in the home on a day to day basis because it's a different type of experience, 100%.

The Impact of Parenting Styles

So I still think the kids are going to grow up with some type of complex because the father wasn't in the home. Right. And they go, oh, my father had twelve other kids and is this a lifestyle that, you know, and once again that now perpetuates a certain lifestyle that the kids, now let's say he has sons, right? Right. The sons are not going to be able to keep up with that unless they have a similar, you know, way of making money the way he does or they have to say they end up thinking the exact same way as their father, which tends are, they're not going to, right. But they saw that as being normal, that, you know, this male fathers all these kids and doesn't have to be in the household with any one of them.

The Cycle of Broken Homes

And is that, you know, to me I don't know, that's once again, just, you're going to create a cycle that it's never going to end again. And then those males are going to do the same thing. Hey, I don't have to be a father. I can just, I have enough money. I can, I can sow my oats. I have this mother over here, this baby mom over there. I pay them to take care of the kids, and I'll keep on doing that. Right? And then do you ever then really get back to a society or whatever way of life where, you know, there's a patriarch and a matriarch in the household, co parenting, actually building that nuclear family together. Right. And we're getting so far away from that in this day and age.

The Struggle with Commitment

So to my question, why do you think it's easier for men to procreate versus then marriage? Because the money, I think the guys with money and they, hey, I got money, I'll throw money at it, right? You don't need me to be that race. I don't go to a football game. I just throw money at it. And those are rich guys. The other guys that still have the mentality that are not rich, like, I'm a guy. Guys supposed to have whatever, right? I don't know about those guys. I don't understand where they come from, where they can't afford to have multiple kids, but they keep on doing it anyways.

Questions of Responsibility

I don't understand that. The guys with the money, I get where. I don't agree with it, but I understand why they think it's okay because they have enough money to take care of every single child, so no child is struggling. So I understand why they think that way. But once again, I don't agree with that way of thought. It's diabolical behavior. I don't care how you put it. Diabolical. I think, though, Tim, to agree with you, I think what the problem, the issue is that a lot of men believe being a father just means being a provider.

The Role of Fathers

They don't understand that there's a part of it, of actually being present, teaching, guiding. Like, there's those things that you also need to do. I think, to be honest, that's one of the reasons why a lot of men do that, because they do not. Because here's the difference. If a man has multiple kids, right, he can go wherever he wants to do and move however he wants to move, because 90% of the time, those men do not have custody of that child. So technically, he's a part time parent, so he's not really a parent in the sense he's part time.

Consequences of Part-Time Parenting

So I can have multiple kids. As long as I keep moving around and do what I have to do, I know I can still live my life, and it doesn't affect me. There is no actual effect that he physically feels, because he doesn't have to actually be there. Right. Because the mom is responsible for the child. They're the ones taking care of the day to day. So he's able to move and go and come as he wants to. As long as he's physically, I mean, financially providing, he feels like he's okay. So a lot of men feel like, well, it's not really costing me money because I'm taking care of mines.

Fear of Commitment

Whereas if I'm married to a person, then, you know, they always talk about the divorce rate and they talk about all the drama they can give me and this. That there's all these different excuses and. And concepts that they're coming up with, but it's a short term thing, whereas they're only thinking about themselves and the fact that they don't have to be there full time. So it's like having a part time job with full time pay. I think that's how they look at it.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Okay, Ryan, you have anything to add? Listen, I'm a young one, so I'm just listening to this topic. I got you. I just thought it was interesting to see his standpoint on himself and just his standpoint on marriage and even just the fact that he felt like he was taking his time with life because he was being very active. Very, very active. Just active in the parts that he felt he wanted to be active and not active in maybe healing those other parts so that he can be the man he needs to be to the people in his life. But, yeah, liked him, because I digress.

Outside Praise and Perception

That outside praise. So, like, I praise from, you know, people on the street or your peers or whatever the case may be, versus a good man. It's just like a good man continues to do good things or remains a good man when nobody's watching, when the spotlight's not on them kind of thing. So that was my whole perception of it. And, yeah, just want to get a. Some insight what you guys thought.

Modesty in Women

I think it's like the same thing we're talking about earlier, Tim, majestic. We're having Orion. We're having a conversation, even in the group chat about a modest woman versus a loud woman and why modest women aren't seen as much. I think it's that same kind of. That same collective thought process. And that's thing maybe something that I'd like to hear your guys thoughts on, too. Whereas the guy was asking a lady, asked the young man, she said, why is it that modest women aren't pursued as much as the loud and the obnoxious and those are out there? So I'd like to see what you guys think and why is and whatnot.

Attention Dynamics

Well, she didn't necessarily say more than the ones that are out there, but the guy who responded said that the ones that are loud and boisterous and are more extroverted are the ones that are going to be noticed the most because they put themselves out there versus the ones who go quietly past and, you know, go to their spot and do what they want they need to do, not seeking the attention or the approval of anybody. They're not going to be noticed as much as the one who. Who is loud. So that was his response to. To her question. And you believe to be that to be it?

Individual Factors and Characteristics

That's what it is. Or do you believe that there's also other factors to it. I do believe, obviously, there are other factors because it does also come down to the person as an individual, who they are, their character, their morals, what they bring to the table. It doesn't necessarily only have to do with whether or not they're an introvert or an extrovert. But I do believe that, yes, there are some good females who do get overlooked for the fact that they aren't out there. They're not the ones who are always posting and, you know, they're not the baddies and the bbls. And you know what? Some people go for it. They're very much the quiet ones who go to their corner and stay at home and, you know, aren't necessarily looking for attention, but they have a lot to bring to the table.

Awareness of Desires

They just don't, they aren't socially comfortable or socially out there to show people and showcase that. So I do think they do exist, but I don't think that is the only factor. It does come down to who they are and what they have to bring to the table. So can I ask this majestic. So those same women, do you think that they know the type of man that they want to attract or the type of man that they want, even though they said they're holding the corner, they were kind of living their life. They're not really focused on that. But do you think deep down, they have an idea of the type of man that they would want to attract?

Societal Expectations

And then to your point now, is that the type of man that is running after the BBL girls like? It's stuff that's. That society says that a man should run after the things that a man should desire based on marketing, based on commercials, based on what you see in movies and tvs and blah, blah, or does she want an entirely different type of man that doesn't fit those type of stereotypes as well? I think you're right in the latter. She doesn't want the type of man that it's those types, those stereotypes. And I think he, the guy in the video mentioned that as well to the lady, to be grateful that the ones that are noticing, the loud and boisterous ones aren't noticing you and aren't pursuing you.

Not Seeking Temporary Relationships

Because more nine times out of ten, those ones still want to be in the game. And you're not looking for somebody who still wants to be in the game. You're looking for somebody who wants to settle down, who wants the quiet life. So somebody who does want those things will eventually see you. So don't feel like it's a loss if those people don't see you, because that's not what you want anyways. And I agree to that extent, I'm sorry to add. I also feel like. So there's this big thing, until we've had this conversation where it's like, I feel like a lot of times with a lot of men who we sit and we chat and we talk about, for example, things with women, we highlight a lot of things about the other gender that's bad.

Reflection on Men's Views

And vice versa, they may do the same, but for men, I could only speak for us because I like to hold us responsible for us. I feel like we complain about the. These women, so we'll complain about, oh, we got to pay for this date and this dad and that, and you have all these different people, and then there's a landscape of women on the other end who are completely different, who completely don't even look for that. They're just looking for someone who is. Has the characteristics and the. The same thought process that they do. And the problem is that the people who we. Who bring forth these people or the people that we talk about in those situations, those people are promoting the women that they say they shouldn't, that we shouldn't go after.

Over Looking Quality

Those are the women that they go after. Right. They go after the girls who, with the bbls, they go after the girls who are on the onlyfans or who are doing all these different things. They go after all these women. So our thought process of because has been so focused on these are the only women that are around that we forget about Sally Joe down the street, who, wonderful, beautiful girl who has a lot of the characteristics that we have, but because we're not seeing her, and I've say seen her in quotations, because she's not out there, you know, acting buck. Wow.

Personal Reflection

We overlook her not realizing, yo, this is a really dope person who has a lot of the qualities that we want, all right? And we don't. We never really look to her until we've gotten to the point of, we're settled down. We've been through a bunch of stuff. Some of us already have a bunch of baby about have kids, and we're dealing with baby mama drama, and it's a whole bunch of drama coming with us. And then we expect her to accept us with all our baggage.

What People Really Want

Some people just want to LLC. Yo, Ryan. Hear me out. Is love, laughter, and companionship. I'm gonna leave that right there. Bars. Bars, LLC. I like that one. I like that one. I'm thinking limited liability company. You're talking something different. I thought it was going so far left. I was saying, here comes the sound effects. But then you said something so far left. But it's okay. You brought it back. Y'all gotta have faith in me, huh?

Conversation on Relationships

We do. But as you said, you're the youngin. Valid point. Oh, go ahead, Tim. You're gonna say something, man. I lost my thought. you know what? You move off me. The LLC. Yeah, they get me. You did get me. Yeah, they get me. You did get me. Yeah, they get me. So majestic, once again, back to the. The topic at hand, right, that you brought up so impact to being overlooked and all that kind of stuff.

Self-Reflection and Growth

And so I asked this question, too. Or not. I'll use my life example. So I guess a lot of us were, you know, as we grew up, you know, things we see were attracted to something very specific, right? And you hear people say, I kind of have a similar type, or everybody has a quote unquote type, right? And I think as I got older, like, I kind of tried to erase the type that I, you know, would gravitate towards when I was younger. And then even. Why even, you know, attempted online dating, because I wanted to kind of come across women that I would have never met or come across in any other walk of life because the lifestyle that I lived, I would never meet those types of women.

Exploring New Opportunities

So me, I said, okay, let me try something different. And I said, okay. And this, I think, you know, that's why online dating kind of also exists. So you can come across paths of people that in your everyday life, you would never, ever meet them or cross paths with them as well, right? And then maybe once again, that. That girl that's sitting at home, that's the nice girl that's in that maybe she's on the online dating site and you come across her because you guys actually have similar interests. You guys actually are compatible based on all those different, like, IQ tests and personality tests that, oh, we have a 98% match.

The Importance of Chance Encounters

Right. But, you know, if you've seen her at the grocery store or whatever, you guys would just walk by each other, not even notice each other, right? Because she looks at you, oh, you look like this type of guy, this and that, and you look at her, oh, you look at this type of girl, and you don't even. You don't even think twice about it, right? So it's very, very interesting, for sure.

Cautions of Online Dating

Yeah, I definitely agree. I think that with the online thing, though, we have to be mindful because a lot of people are online and we have to use a bit of discernment. Even though we may encounter people that we may have never necessarily encountered before, some of those people we still should have never encountered in the first place. Very true. Very, very true. We need to remember that as well.

Life Lessons and Opportunities

As my, as my daughter wonderfully said last night. Catfish. Exactly. Bars beyond bars is the truth. There's a reason why you never cross paths before with these types of people. There's a reason sometimes, right. The universe make mistakes. Right. Universe is always divine and right on time. True.

Honesty in Relationships

But I also think, like, a lot of people go on there and they're not honest about what part of, and I think this is men and women, we're not honest about what part of their life they're in. So they're not honest if they're in the part of their life where they're ready for fun and, or, I mean, they're ready to just have fun with this person, or they're ready to settle down and sit and be honest and, you know, grow and build with a person. I think people sometimes just out here just like, yo, I'll just, I'm gonna take whatever I can get.

Consequences of Unresolved Issues

And then they leave a wake of heartache and destruction on as they go through. And then by the time they get to that point and they're like, oh, now I'm looking for somebody good. And guess what? You've wrecked 1516 different people on your way to getting to where you're at now. That definitely does happen, for sure.

Mindfulness in Interactions

Like, people kind of, you know, they have to be very much more mindful with, you know, what they're doing when they're out there for sure, I think that goes even when you're not even online, even just in regular, you go into bars or you're whatever at the store, you're getting hooked up by friends. Friends are setting you up. You gotta be mindful with where you are at in your life and are you ready for whatever and be transparent and upfront with what you're looking for and, you know, yeah.

Importance of Upfront Honesty

What you're able to provide. I think upfront honesty is the most important thing in any relationship. I don't care if it's friendship, whatever it is, upfront honesty is the most important because I also feel like we also need to be honest with ourselves about what we're going to actually allow. Because even though people want to say, and I'm going to take a shot at somebody who I know is listening and I love you to death, but I'm taking a shot.


Even though I know we like to say that, oh, I've been through this and I did this and this person and I didn't do this and do that. Listen, understand when yourself need to be able to say to yourself, this is not a healthy situation, and walk away. You also need to understand for yourself when you're not being the healthy person in that situation and walk away. And you also need to understand when your actions or the action that you're allowing someone to do may negatively affect you down the road, because it'll warp how you look at people, how you treat people, and how you deal with situations.

Life Lessons

Right. Life is a lesson, and every lesson, or, sorry, every relationship is a bus stop. My mother used to say, and what every stop, you will take on new passengers. So new passengers are literally new mindsets, new baggage, different things that may affect you. Right. Characteristics.

Choices and Their Impact

So be careful which stops you stop at as a bus, because sometimes some things, some buses, some. Some stops you need to just bypass, become the express bus. Just bypass that. Because it. Sometimes it leaves you with different outlooks that affects you down the road. So when you are finally blessed with the thing that you're supposed to have, you can't even appreciate it because you're so focused on all the negative you've been through.

Closing Thoughts

100%, man. No, very nicely said. Nicely put. Nicely put. All right, so I'm looking at time 415. You know, we're running an hour and 15 minutes. You know, we was running hour and a half. It depends on the conversation before I moved on. So you know what time it's going to be. Is there any other topics anybody else wanted to bring to the table for us to discuss before we kind of went into the final segment of the episode? No, I'm good to go.

Final Segments

I'll just say that I'll go last because I don't want anybody to come for me. You need to go last because you annoying. She sets the tone, though. Majestic, comes with bars, and that kind of forces all to write to rise to her level, right? For sure. For sure. Definitely. Oh, one thing I want to ask, Ryan. How did the pod go yesterday? Was it dope? What was the topic?

Podcast Experience

the pod yesterday, it was dope. In regards to how it went, one thing I'll share about having a podcast, especially when you're doing it on your own, there's, you run into technical difficulties to you, I'll definitely say that. So, our guest, like, his mic was kind of finicky. But because we have so many sources of audio, you know, we're able to work around it, thankfully. But aside from that, the conversation was really dope.

Guest Insights

he was a. It was one of my boy's cousins. He was a soccer player, and he kind of switched career paths after the passing of his father, and he picked up a camera and started doing videography and photography. And, yeah, he kind of just shed some light on that and, you know, discussed how he overcame certain things and, like, you know. You know, just like the times where he felt like he was just kind of, like, coasting through life and he kind of became numb.

Vulnerability in Storytelling

Did he discuss some of this? You know, the habits he picked up by not, you know, healing and stuff or, like, going through the grieving process and stuff like that? So, really good episode. He was able to be vulnerable and just, like, you know, share his story. So, all in all, I was happy, and it was my first time meeting him for real, so.

Conversations and Connections

And we kicked it off. Well, so, dope guy. Probably not the last time. Me and him, like, you know, hard kind of converse. Yeah, no, actually, Ryan, you gotta call you when you want to start first, Ryan, I'll give you the floor, bro. Oh, Mandy. All right, I'm gonna end it on a light note, and you guys take this as you will.

Light-hearted Closure

The man who says his wife can't take a joke forgets that she took him. Okay, okay. Another one, another one, another bomb. There you go. Right there. Brooklyn, you ready for your bars? Yeah, I got. I got two, but I'm trying to figure out which one is which one I want to go with. I know which one. I go.

Parting Words of Wisdom

I will go it. It goes. If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. All right. Bars, bars. Bon. Thank you, Bob. Yeah, yeah. Majesty, you want to go first, or should I go first? You go first, Tim. She ends it. Because, you know, when she ends it. Okay, she. Yeah, she can have the final windmill alley.

Final Thoughts

You, you know, slam dunk, for sure. Okay, so mine's the 80 20 principle. There's a few layers, but it's kind of quick. Right. So, health, 80% eating 20% exercising wealth, 80% habits 20% math talking 80% listening 20% speaking learning 80% understanding 20% reading achieving, 80% doing, 20% dreaming happiness 80% purpose 20% fun relationships 80% given 20% receiving, empowering, 80% persistence or.

Principles for Life

Sorry. Improving, 80% persistence, 20% ideas. So prioritize the 80%, and the rest will fall into place. That is the 80 20 principle that applies to many different things in life. Another bomb. Two bombs. Two in a row. Boom, boom. Yo, listen, I'm not gonna hold you. If I could extend the bomb, I would extend the bomb. You're gonna have to drop that quote in the other group. That one?

Shared Perspectives

Yeah. That one hit different. Majestic, the floor is yours. That was light work for me. Give us a queen is here. The champ is here. The champ is here. Okay, so I'm gonna leave you guys with. This week, we must let go of the life we have planned so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

Embracing Change

And I say this along with the when one door closes, another door opens. Sometimes when we get rejection or we get a no, whether that be in relationships, work, family, we get so upset and so tied down with the no, thinking that we want this thing so bad. And sometimes the no is a blessing, because it was never meant for us to begin with.

Finding The Right Path

So don't take every no as a rejection. Some no's are leading to the actual door that is meant for you. So, with that being said, have a blessed Sunday. I hope you guys enjoyed your weekend. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your Sunday. I hope you guys have a good work week. Go into with. With a positive mindset, and I look forward to seeing you guys next week.

Acknowledgments and Encouragement

So, Ryan, clap bomb, air horn, every sound effect you got, run it. She has spoken. Yo, they should have never gave me that sound effect because, yo, next. Next week, I'll bear yard. Bye. Amen to that. All right, guys, always blast, everybody. Enjoy, everyone. Thank you for coming out.

Gratitude and Well Wishes

As always, every week. We do appreciate you guys. Yeah, everybody, have a great weekend. Love as always. Yes. Success and all that great stuff. And everybody, keep your head focused on remembering one. One day, every day, just try to get 1% better. That's all that matters.

Closing Episode Recap

That's it. 1% better, y'all. So that was episode 20 off the cuff by the wealthy anonymous crew. That's the Black Capsule series. We'll see you all next week, same time, same place. Thanks for being here.

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