We Assemble to Fix North Carolina, and Storm issues/FEMA corruption


Space Summary

The Twitter Space We Assemble to Fix North Carolina, and Storm issues/FEMA corruption hosted by RealDaveCares4u. In this Twitter space, participants converge to address pressing issues surrounding North Carolina’s infrastructure, FEMA corruption, and community empowerment through legal activism and Christian values. Discussions revolve around fostering transparency, unity, and grassroots mobilization to tackle challenges effectively. The Christian Law Fighter spearheads efforts to empower individuals by promoting self-reliance, knowledge of rights, and faith-based initiatives. By leveraging platforms like Rumble, the space aims to engage communities and provoke positive societal change. Overall, the space advocates for a proactive approach to addressing societal issues and instilling a sense of empowerment among citizens.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How can legal activism empower communities according to the space?
A: Legal activism instills a sense of empowerment and encourages community members to know and exercise their rights.

Q: What is the key focus regarding FEMA corruption in the discussion?
A: The discussion emphasizes raising awareness about FEMA corruption and advocating for transparency and accountability in disaster response.

Q: Why is community unity crucial in addressing storm-related challenges?
A: Unity among communities ensures effective collaboration to address and overcome the challenges posed by storms and related issues.

Q: How is grassroots mobilization significant in fixing infrastructure problems?
A: Grassroots movements play a vital role in drawing attention to infrastructure issues and mobilizing local efforts to address and improve infrastructure.

Q: What role does faith play in community empowerment strategies?
A: Faith-based initiatives are highlighted as essential drivers in fostering empowerment, unity, and resilience within communities.

Q: How can social media platforms like Rumble contribute to community engagement?
A: Social media platforms like Rumble offer a space for community members to connect, share information, and engage in discussions around issues impacting their locality.

Q: What values or principles guide the efforts of Christian Law Fighter?
A: The Christian Law Fighter is driven by Christian values, advocating for freedom, community empowerment, and legal activism to address societal challenges.

Q: Why is knowledge of individual rights important in community activism?
A: Understanding individual rights empowers community members to demand accountability, participate in decision-making processes, and effect positive change.

Q: How does transparency foster trust in public services?
A: Transparency in public services builds trust among citizens, ensuring accountability, efficient governance, and integrity in the delivery of services.

Q: What benefits come from promoting self-reliance among citizens?
A: Promoting self-reliance fosters independence, resilience, and the ability of individuals to take proactive steps in solving issues that affect their communities.


Time: 00:15:42
Addressing Infrastructure Challenges in North Carolina Exploring strategies and initiatives to improve infrastructure in North Carolina.

Time: 00:25:18
Unveiling Issues of FEMA Corruption Shedding light on corruption issues within FEMA and discussing ways to address them.

Time: 00:35:59
Community Empowerment through Legal Activism Discussing how legal activism empowers communities to advocate for their rights.

Time: 00:45:27
Promoting Faith-Based Initiatives for Change Emphasizing the role of faith-based approaches in fostering community-driven change.

Time: 00:55:13
Raising Awareness on Storm-Related Challenges Highlighting the importance of unity in addressing challenges caused by storms.

Time: 01:05:41
Grassroots Mobilization for Infrastructure Solutions Exploring the impact of grassroots movements in addressing infrastructure issues.

Time: 01:15:20
Transparency and Accountability in Public Services Advocating for transparency and accountability in the delivery of public services.

Time: 01:25:09
Community Engagement on Social Media Platforms Utilizing platforms like Rumble for community engagement and information sharing.

Time: 01:35:33
Embracing Unity for Collective Action Promoting unity among community members to foster collective action and solutions.

Time: 01:45:55
Empowerment through Knowledge of Rights Empowering citizens by educating them about their rights, responsibilities, and avenues for action.

Key Takeaways

  • Empowering communities through legal action and Christian principles.
  • Raising awareness about FEMA corruption and ways to address it.
  • Seeking to fix infrastructure issues in North Carolina.
  • Encouraging unity to tackle storm-related challenges effectively.
  • Promoting transparency and accountability in public services.
  • Advocating for community empowerment and knowledge of individual rights.
  • Using social media platforms like Rumble for community engagement.
  • Highlighting the importance of grassroots movements in addressing societal issues.
  • Fostering a sense of empowerment and self-reliance among citizens.
  • Emphasizing the significance of faith-based initiatives in community activism.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Issues at Hand

Our channel it. Hey, hey everybody. You are here live with Dave, Jose. I pray that you guys can hear me. I did have a class that I was supposed to do tonight, but I did find out that there’s so many bad things happening. As you guys know, I don’t watch the news and I haven’t been watching Twitter very much lately, but I got some messages from a couple of trustees that told me that all hell was breaking loose and wrong was happening across North Carolina and part of Georgia where there was massive flooding.

Decisions Regarding Classes and Current Events

So I decided that I would talk to the group or the membership and ask them if it was okay if I could not do the class for tonight and postpone it maybe into Monday or this upcoming week and deal with the issues that are going on with FEMA and how they are blocking the people from getting remedy help wealth to be able to pay for the food they need and the such. And then I heard, and I have to look it up and check of an outlandish, just bunch of tomfoolery where I was told that the people are being offered $750 and I haven’t looked it up, but I have heard that the money that was supposed to be used for the people in North Carolina was possibly used to send money to unlawfully, well, people who are unlawfully entering the nation.

Concerns about Resource Allocation

And so immigrants that are unlawfully coming through the border, I’m being told that’s where the money has went. Now, there is a couple of issues that I have with all of this stuff, and we got to kind of look at the creation of the nation and how it was done in order to completely understand how to deal with these issues. Now we are going, somebody said South Paul said fine print says it’s a loan, or so I heard. So, yeah, I’m not 100% sure. And I don’t know. So I don’t want to say things that are wrong because I’ll tell you what happens is that bad actors in government and bad actors who are trying to take over our government often put out false information so that we make these claims and sound dumb. I don’t want to do that.

Discussion on Government Actions and Technology

What I’m going to do is deal with the basic necessity and law of the people in order to deal with how we could make this right now, guys, I’m going to tell you something. Some people are saying that they think that it might be some types of activity going on with a device that was made to change the weather. I do believe that could be possible. I do know that I’ve seen information about cloud seeding. I remember in Arizona back in the day, people who had private airplanes would go up in the air after they would, after actors would spray chemtrails into the sky, they would go up in the air, get the samples of what was up there, and they found aluminum, I think it was, and barium, possibly whatever the aluminum, the mix was with the aluminum would cause for the trees up north to become brittle.

Impact of Environmental Changes and Governmental Involvement

And I believe they set fire really easily as well. Now, this is important, guys, because people who, I think one of the ladies who went on to become a politician later a legislator in Arizona, actually was there and was actually doing a report on that issue, I believe. I think I’m correct. Now, Harp is the other technology, Joshua. But either way, there are so many things wrong with what is happening. And I want you guys to kind of look at what is happening and analyze. What I would tell you guys is that if you just pay close attention, you will see people saying once again, it is not fair. Now, if you heard people say it’s not fair, what they’re doing is not fair, that they won’t let people go see their family members and the such right now today.

Concerns about Governmental Transparency and Rights

Just share with me us 20 100-722-9781 method for controlling hurricanes by raising temperature in the eye and or in the outflow of the hurricane by flying a fleet of jet planes with afterburners. There’s a patent for that. A method is disclosed for affecting the formation and or direction of a low atmospheric weather system. That’s another patent. Oh, wait, five to nine. Yeah, that’s another patent. Hurricane and tornado control device. Now that was from today. Thank you for that information today. What we need to do, guys, is we need to realize, and I need you guys to understand this because we’ve seen a lot of games being played.

Historical Context and Accountability

So what I’m going to do is I’m going to talk to you real quick. I had to stop and say this. I need to talk to you about the Jesuits of Rome, guys. They are a militia that Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon and others talked about and the destruction that comes from them as a military order. They are some of the most brilliant men in the world. They are highly trained and they infiltrate governments. Now, the reason I have to speak to you about this is because the Jesuits are very good attacking from multiple places at the same time. So if you look now, you got to stop and slow down and say, how is it that the FBI was involved with actors who are in the middle of our movements in law.

Exploring Accountability and Governmental Behavior

How was it that the FBI was also involved with the gentleman who took part in trying to shoot Trump? There was phone pings of someone in his house or him really close to the FBI building. If you look at what’s happening with schools, how FBI agents and the US DOJ were behind the scenes trying to figure out how to arrest parents who would stay stand up for their children, the same time you see that there is an attack on trying to make children the opposite sex, which is impossible, but they’re trying. Right? So what I need us to see as a people is that we got to stop giving people the benefit of the doubt and thinking that everything is just happening in and of itself and separate from everything else.

Reflections on Historical and Current Issues

One thing that the Jesuits were good at is when the Jesuits funded Hitler. Right? Jesuits and Vatican funded Hitler, and the Jesuits and the Vatican call Hitler their fallen son. But what happened was, is that when things started getting hectic and looking close to Hitler taking over, you’ll see where there was an information dump of a whole bunch of wrong things at once. Let me give you an example. Kind of like there’s an information dump of Diddy, an information dump of vaccines causing autism. Now there’s an information dump of health officials lying to us about how things really work. There’s an information dump about Kamala.

Information Management and Its Effects

Now there’s an information dump about all these different things, right? You got to stop and slow down and say, okay, so how is there an information dump where the Fed is saying that Trump was going to have another assassination attempt within 30 days? Right? So, guys, we got to be very careful because the Jesuits have a thing that they like to do when they’re destroying nations, that they do an information dump to make it look like everything is coming out of so that they could get you to calm down and not attack, not try to fix the situations, right? So what we need to do is realize how and why governments are made up.

Path to Understanding and Improvement

Now, guys, I’m going to tell you this again. I have told people in many different situations how we can reverse this whole situation and fix it. So I’m going to ask you guys, if we could focus, guys, and show people the real way to fix every issue that we’re seeing in government at once. How many of you guys would be interested by show of hands or thumb up somebody else? Watch and check and see if you can see people giving a thumb up or a show of hands that they would like to see that? How many of you guys would like to see every issue that the government is doing coming down anybody? Can anybody see any thumbs up?

Community Engagement and Response

There’s lots of thumbs up, Dave. Lots of thumbs ups. Okay, perfect. I only seen, like, frankfurter, farmer, red blood, and Pilsner and the official now, April. Yeah, right. There’s. There’s a. They’re all the way down the. All the way down there. We’re getting lots of them. Perfect. Okay, so, guys, what’s happening is we’re being attacked in America from different angles. And then because the government themselves are not coming out and saying, we’re purposely attacking you, what happens is in every little situation and big situation, you find people waiting to be given permission to fix the issues.

Clarifying Responsibilities and Rights

Now, guys, I need you to understand. I tried hard to show people with elections how the people could take the whole nation back. Now, that wasn’t a serious enough problem, I guess. So now we’re dealing with people dying, right? Kids dying. I need you guys to slow down. Stop. Pay attention. I need you guys to imagine right now that there’s kids who are being drowned right now, right? I need you to understand that there’s kids who suffocated, right, with big buildings and things falling on top of them right now, right? Sitting crushed right now, waiting on somebody to come help, right?

Emotional Call to Action

I need you to hear that kid screaming, mommy, daddy, daddy, help me. Somebody help me. See, we’ve been desensitized to other people’s pain in many instances. So I need you to slow down and I need you, if you have your kid, right? If you’re blessed enough to have access to your kid or your grandkid, just look over at the grandbaby or imagine them and imagine them alive but in torment because they’re trapped and they’re screaming and they’re believing that their mommy, their daddy, their grandmama, their granddaddy is going to save them because that’s the toughest and strongest person they know. I need you to imagine them bleeding or them seeing water raising up and them saying, I don’t want to die.

Awareness of Others’ Suffering

I don’t want to die. Please don’t let me die. I want you to look over at your spouse and imagine your spouse screaming, don’t let me die. Don’t let me die. Don’t let me die. See, a lot of times we don’t give a freak about anybody else’s pain until it happens to us. We got to stop this bull. See, America is being destroyed from many angles, y’all. Y’all, when we had the situation happen where they cut off the ports in the east coast and the west coast and they wouldn’t let people come pick up stuff, and business started going down, and. And they couldn’t get all these microchips they were supposed to get.

Consequences of Inaction

So the cars started having issues, and the manufacturers. And then people started getting laid off, and then they went and they shut down the oil pipeline. Nobody gave a freak because it wasn’t their situation. Guys, we got to stop that bull. We cannot continue, guys. To only give a freak when it comes knocking on your freaking door. We got. We got to stop it. Right. So you got red blooded Americans right now struggling FEMA, telling them that they can’t do anything about it. I need. I need us to slow down, stop, and realize that we need to know how to deal with our nation, because a lot of times, we start saying stuff like, well, you know, what do we do now?

Understanding Our Power

Well, what do we do from here? Well. Well, what do we have the power to do? Well, well, who do we have to ask to help us? Well, the sheriff ain’t doing his job. Well. Well, the president ain’t doing their job. Well. This person ain’t doing that job. Look, if we understand how the nation works and we take stuff seriously, it don’t matter who the freak ain’t doing their job. We, the people, control and own this country. Now, if somebody could go grab two treatises of government for me, I want to read some stuff for the people to help everybody to understand what we need to do.

Insights into Government and Action Steps

Because, guys, I’m telling you, we have seen thousands of victories with a small amount of people just by. I do have a copy. Dave, I have one with. You got a copy? You got one? Leah? Yes. Okay. Can you go to section 171, please? Yes. Now, guys, I need you to understand how the government is set up here, because if we understand how the government is set up, I’m telling you, every single problem is fixed the exact same way. And some of us care more about one problem than another problem.

The Collective Power of the People

Right? Some of us. Did you say 200? 7171. Sorry. 171. Some of us want to fight and get stuff right in one area. With elections. Some of us want to get stuff right with people coming over the border. Some of us want to get stuff right with what they’re doing, with what seems like weather modification. Right? And people think that, oh, FEMA did it. Oh, the federal Bureau investigation, they did it right. See, what’s happening, guys, is that people are granting, quote unquote, so called authority to actors to do stuff to you.

Exploration of Government Accountability

And then when they do stuff to you, they say, I don’t know how in the world that can happen. We got to call them in and have a conversation with them, and maybe they’ll tell us because we’ve been waiting for this information for 16 years. Right? See, guys, when someone tells you. When someone tells you that somebody is hurting you and destroying your land and destroying your peace and destroying your children and destroying your health, but we can’t do anything about it because we created this agency.

Call to Action Against Injustice

But it’s independent agency. It functions by itself. And nobody is his daddy. Guys, when somebody tells you that there’s something created in America that ain’t got no daddy, nobody created it. You know what that means? That means that in law, it doesn’t exist. Now, a lot of people might laugh, but I told you all this about legislative tribunals that took people’s houses, kids, dogs, grandmas, shut down people’s businesses. And I told y’all, from 2018 to 2020, over and over and over again.

Legal Frameworks and People’s Rights

And then we start putting government on notice. Around 2021 or so, 2022, the government started coming out at the highest levels and telling, yes, you are 100% right. These legislative tribunals are false. They are not corpse Gorsuch came out and said, they’re not courts. Kristen, PTX, you might need to pull out of the space and then come back in and, guys, everybody stop and make sure to share this. We should have 10,000 people in here.

Community Engagement and Activism

If we care about the nation right there, this should be the biggest space ever. Because ain’t nobody gonna tell you what to do to fix this junk anywhere else, right? We keep going through this same situation where people are giving us the news. Sooner or later, we got to say, okay, screw the news. Let’s fix America, right? We can’t be people who just get cool with just being tossed around in an emotional rollercoaster because things are happening. We have to stand up and use our power.

Recognizing Our Collective Power

And we. And look, let me tell you. So since 2021, were giving out all these notices to government. Trump did a notice, an executive order against CPS. Gorsuch came out recently and told everything we told him to tell in, like, five or six different notices. He came out on November 7 and told that the government was cheating against the people. When it came to court cases, right, or tribunal cases.

Understanding the Dynamics of Government

He came out publicly and said, listen, nine times out of ten, you’re going to come into somebody who’s not a real judge, who works for an agency, and not. And you’re not going to see a real judge. You’re not going to go to a real court. Now Kavanaugh is going out trying to tell in public statements, guys, God is doing a new thing. But understand, there was a small amount of us who were doing this and putting this information out, and we didn’t have big Twitter spaceholders who were helping us.

Community Growth and Advocacy

We didn’t have any of the big names helping us. Thank God. Now we got fisherman and Dana who’ve been fighting tooth and nail to get information out to teach people the law and the truth and is making the change. People are excited about learning what it is that they can do. And government officials around America are hearing the people and changing. So, guys, we got to understand that there is value, even if you think you’re smaller.

Empowering the Community

One person in just teaching fisherman and Dana opened up their platform for other people that they saw they could trust to teach the constitutions and fishermen and Dana, make sure that they get taught all the time, right? So there is no excuse to say, I’m just a little guy or whatever. I don’t know if I can make a difference. We started out, guys, with a very few people, and we didn’t know exactly how or where God was going to take us.

Reflection on Achievements and Goals

But we have thousands of wins and we got government that will tell you we taught them, right. So that’s unheard of. But I’m telling you, we can do way more and we can fix this stuff. So what I want to do is I want to go to two treatises of government, and I want you guys to hear from one of the forefathers of law, not forefathers of the nation, but forefathers of law, who we got our law from, right? His name is John Locke.

Historical Foundations of Government’s Purpose

Now, the reason I need you to hear from him is because he explains how the creation of nations works. Now, he’s a little bit different than us in America because he didn’t live with the people being all powerful, right? But he knows what it’s like to have a king and the common law and the will of the people. So when you hear this, you got to realize that we have forefathers who love God and the Bible enough to create nations where or states where what would happen is the states would have the people as all powerful and we would have no king.

Empowerment through Knowledge and Rights

So we would come together and create a state, but we the people would keep our individual power, our rights, our strengthen, and all we would give up is some order, meaning that rather than being a judge of our own cases and if you rob me, I blow your brains out and we have a duel. Right? I set up for officers to be there and judges and people to see if somebody really robbed me. Fair due process of law with the maxims, right? I get all these different things now.

Understanding the Roles of Governance

Guys, I need you to understand, in our nation, the society was created where we have all political power, and we grant servants and agents to handle our business so we don’t have to be there. So when it comes to looking out for our welfare and health, they are granted authority. And here’s where the biggest issue is. None of these people were granted authority, guys. To control your physical health, your children’s sex, your, your money that’s for retirement or money that’s for emergency.

Legal Boundaries of Governance

Nobody granted them authority to give it to illegal people invading the nation. Nobody. Right? Nobody granted them authority to make tribunals where they could take your property, your wealth, anything like that. See, so when it comes to all of these issues, including North Carolina, they’re sitting up there telling you can’t do what God would want you to do. Jesus himself healed a man on the Sabbath, and they’re telling you can’t go in and protect somebody who’s dying.

Justice and Restoration of Rights

That little kid that’s drowning. They don’t want to go do it. They spent up our money unlawfully. And they got some nerve to say, you can’t go in and protect these little babies. Guys, we should look and say, not that we’re going to do evil or hurt people because of this, but we should say what we’re going to do is take back all of our power so we can give out justice in every situation where they’re doing wrong. Right. We need to start handing out justice like lollipops.

Mobilizing for Justice

For real, because this is outrageous. So what we’re going to do, Leah, do you have your two treatises of government? I want everybody to hear how nations are created so we could get some understanding. Yes, I do. I have it. 175. Go ahead, Leah. Okay. Secondly, political power is that power which every man having in the state of nature has given up into the. Okay, so what I want you to understand is that every man individually has political power without any government, without anybody else, and you can fend for your darn self.

Societal Responsibilities and Rights

Okay. This is a real way to live. So we got to know this exists so we understand that we’re not held subject to some people. We give power to. Go ahead, Leah. And therein to the governors whom the society hath set over itself. There are governors in some countries who don’t have law like we have, that they set a governor over themselves. We set a governor, guys, as our servant and trustee, and I’ll prove this to you in a second.

Governance and the Role of the People

Go ahead, Leah. Okay. Hath set over itself with this express or tacit trust that it shall be employed for their good and the preservation of their property. Wait, wait. Why do we now, why do we put them here? For our good and the preservation of our. Okay, now let me ask everybody. How many of y’all think that the government is not preserving people’s property, lives, fortunes and health right now with what FEMA is doing?

Questioning Legitimacy and Authority

Okay, how many of you guys have seen the legislature or the of the federal stand up and say, FEMA needs to go to jail right now? How many of you guys have seen the legislature come out and say, FEMA has no power over the american people? This is wrong. How many of you guys realize that they’re not stepping up and telling us that FEMA has no power over us? Okay, how many of you guys are not seeing the federal legislature coming out and saying, we’ll give whatever amount of money we have to fix everything right now?

Community Resilience and Expectations

How many of you guys are not happy about that foolishness? How many of you guys think that it is not good administration of our money, the services, the power of America right now when they leave all these people to freaking struggle? How many of y’all believe that? Okay, let’s keep reading, y’all, because this gonna get heavy. Go ahead, leah. Now this power which every man has in the state of nature and which he parts with to the society, in all such cases where the society can secure him.

Legal Structures and Their Functions

Wait. Is to use such cases where the society can what? Secure? Guys, how many of you believe that they are not securing the people of North Carolina right now? How many y’all believe they didn’t secure the people of Hawaii? Y’all remember them, right? See, people get displaced and then people start taking their freaking property and it becomes a place where government can sell it to somebody else. They could do some business with it, some rich people, right, guys, we would be righteous to say, forget this book.

Challenging Corruption in Government

There’s no reason for us to continue to allow this foolishness. Let’s keep going. Okay, so where was I? Here. Okay, in such cases where the society can secure him is to use such means for the preservation of his own property as he thinks good and nature allows him, and to punish the breach of the law of nature in others. Wait, wait. So as he can punish what? He can punish the breach of the law of the, of nature in others.

Divine Guidance and Societal Responsibilities

So, guys, when some, when God tells you to help the sick and the fatherless, the widows, those struggling, those who can’t help themselves. And some idiot in some agency tells you, no, you can’t. Is that not a breach of what God told us to do? That’s a breach, y’all. That’s somebody telling you not to give common love to your dang neighbor. Now, just imagine it’s your own kid strangling right now, coughing up water, screaming, about to go underwater and begging for help.

Moral Imperative to Act

And they’re telling you can’t help. Guys, when we come together in society, we agree to be there for each other. God tells you to give good to your enemy. Bless those who curse you. Let’s go ahead, leah. Okay, so it says that to punish the breach of the law of. Of nature and others, so as according to the best of his reason, may most conduce to the preservation of himself and the rest of the preservation of what?

Community and Societal Preservation

Of himself and the rest. The rest of mankind. So if you got people in your community, you have the right to preserve them, right? Yeah. So can somebody show me anywhere, in any constitution where it says it’s okay to. Not to block people for preserving your community? Where does that exist? Why are we arguing over them telling us we can’t do something? This is cause for us to take the whole nation back peacefully, using the law.

Reclaiming Our Authority

See, if we tell everybody right now, and I know y’all are pissed off, I know that millions, tens of millions are pissed off right now, they just don’t know they could take the nation back. You know how our forefathers took the nation back from the king? By telling everybody they got a power to be free. Guys, we ain’t got to worry about having the power to be free. We own the Dane government. It belongs to us. We have the right to take it all back.

Understanding Our Rights

I will prove it to you. Let me ask you a simple question. We gonna read on, then I’m gonna prove it. How many of y’all believe. How many of y’all believe that the government right now is inadequate across the dang board? How many y’all believe the government is inadequate? Or do y’all believe they’re helping you and taking care of everybody’s business and giving our money away? Well, and they’re doing such a great job at giving it away and making sure that illegals are able to vote and all that stuff.

Questioning Government Decision-Making

And don’t forget, they’re working in programs when they give away our money, that they get paid to give away our money. So in other words, they’re making money off of squandering our money. But there’s nowhere in a trust agreement that I’ve seen in the constitutions that say that they’re allowed to just give our money away. Did y’all have y’all seen that? Where did y’all see it’s okay for them to give away our money, right? For them to say, we don’t have any money left when it’s time for people to get helped in America.

Analysis of Federal Funding Decisions

Guys, that is some dirty stuff where you’re making war against the people you promised to protect. I’m just asking y’all, do y’all think they’re adequate? Are they doing a good job for us? Because what if the very fact that they’re doing a bad job means that we can take all our power back and control the nation right now? What if the law said that? What if you can reclaim any government that gets out of hand like this? Guys, we don’t have to keep dealing with heart.

Pursuing Justice and Accountability

We ain’t got to keep dealing with vaccine forcing people trying to make our kids think they’re boys when they’re girls and girls when they’re boys. We ain’t got to keep worrying about none of this stuff, guys. If we just take back all our power and it’s in the law, how to do it? Plain and simple. Permission is there. All it needs to be is for y’all who pissed off right now to know the law says it. Because I tell you what, the main reason that people don’t do things when stupid people in government collapse everything all around is because they don’t realize they can do something.

Examining the Origins of Government Authority

Because the government hit it. See, I can show you way back in the beginning of the nation, how the government already started trying to hide the law from the people. Already started. All right, leah, let’s keep reading. This gonna get heavy, I promise. Jaren, if you could you go to Virginia constitution? declaration of rights, bill of rights. I’m sorry. Okay, so I think. All right, I was at a. So as according to the best of his reason may most conduce to the preservation of himself and the rest of mankind.

Understanding the Dimensions of Community Governance

So that the end and measure of this power, when in every man’s hands, in the state of nature, being the preservation of all of his society, that is all mankind in general, it can have no other end or measure. When in the hands of the majesty. When your power is in the hand of government, if win isn’t, if all the power went in your individual hands, is there for you to protect yourself and humanity. Not to attack humanity, but protect it, then how much more so guys, when we give our power to government officials, should their hands be working on protecting us and our communities?

Roles and Responsibilities in Governance

I mean, this is simple, guys. Keep going, leah. Okay, when in the hands of the magistrate. But to preserve the members of that society in their lives, liberties and possessions, is that preserve. And the members, right. Yeah. The members of that society and their lives, liberties and possessions, and so cannot be an absolute, arbitrary power over their lives and fortunes, which are the. As much as possible to be preserved.

Continued Reflection on Governance

So are they preserving the wealth of this nation? Are they preserving our elections? No, I would. If you give money to somebody who would be called an illegal. How the freak is that legal? How are you preserving the people’s wealth by squandering it on people who you set up to come into the nation? See, the Jesuits did that to Abraham Lincoln. They put a whole bunch of people inside of his army, and every time he turned his back, they would try to shoot him.

The Legacy of Leadership and Governance

Abraham Lincoln is actually quoted talking about how the Jesuits and Rome kept putting people in his place to shoot him. Trump don’t realize the same dang thing happening to him. Okay, so let’s go deeper. So they’re supposed to be protecting our lives, liberty and fortune. So when they let people. Guys, when you get a HuD house, right, do they check your background and make sure that you’re a good person or decent or that you’re not a killer or rapist?

Government Standards and Accountability

Do they want to know? Guys, if you want to go get a gun right now, guys, let’s just make this simple. If you want to go get a pistol right now, do they check to see if you got felonies and if you’re a killer or rapist or somebody on a list for being a violent criminal? Guys, somebody show me some love. Yes or no? Right? So, guys, if they do that for you as an american, why the freak are they letting people come into the nation who are killers, rapists and et cetera at times and not telling us, and then giving them a $5,000 bank card, shipping them all around the nation, giving them houses and hotels and all this stuff?

Questioning the Legitimacy of Allocations

Guys, where is that? Where in the constitution? Look, I ain’t saying is it okay to help some people. I’m asking you, where in the constitution did we tell them to take our money and give it out by the billions to people, not us? Doesn’t exist, Dave. Does not exist. So how. How in the world are we complaining about it not being fair? Read this. Saying it ain’t in the freaking law. Now, that’s another thing.

Evaluating Governmental Decisions

People coming over the border and getting some nice fancy automatic weapons like the cartels did in Arizona from Obama and fast and Furious. Y’all should be wondering where these cartel people are getting these high level weapons from. Automatic weapons and all the fully automatic, where they get those from. See, all? We gotta stop just thinking that everything is a separate occurrence and, oh, this agency did it. Oh, no, no. It was that agency.

Political Interconnections

No, guys, first of all, I need you to help me understand where in the constitution do we see anything about any agency ruling the people? Oh, okay. So if it doesn’t say it’s not written anywhere, if it don’t talk about any agency ruling the people, why the freak is there any excuse for any agency to be talking us? Let’s just get this straight. We found out from the supreme court that the ATF was throwing people in prison unlawfully.

Clarifying Legal Rights

We found out from the Supreme Court that OSHA didn’t have the power to do what they did. We found out that the EPA didn’t have the power to do what they did. We found out that other administrative tribunals are not even actually courts and they got hearing officers and can’t make judgments from the Supreme Court. Chief justice himself, are we not paying attention, guys? These people are doing stuff to us with no power.

Understanding Governance and Authority

And we got government officials talking about, let me call this dumb agency up here so we can ask them why they’re doing what they do. And if you watch closely, you’ll find that some legislative body members have asked the question, where did the bar association get power to tell us anything? Where did this agency get the power to do this or that? Guys, some of the people are trying to tell you that things are being done wrong. But it’s not until we realize, guys, that this is the wrong way and understand how government is made up, that we’re going to fix this.

Our Future is in Our Hands

And we will fix it by God, if y’all want to. All right, let’s keep reading. And then we’re going to read Virginia real quick so the people can hear. Okay? Are you wanting me to finish this section? Where was I? Here. Okay, in such cases where the society can secure him is to use such means for the preservation of his own property as he thinks good and nature allows him, and to punish the breach of the law of nature in others.

Principles of Just governance

Wait, wait. So as he can punish what? He can punish the breach of the law of the, of nature in others. So, guys, when some, when God tells you to help the sick and the fatherless, the widows, those struggling, those who can’t help themselves. And some idiot in some agency tells you, no, you can’t. Is that not a breach of what God told us to do? That’s a breach, y’all. That’s somebody telling you not to give common love to your dang neighbor.

Urgency in Responding to Injustice

Now, just imagine it’s your own kid strangling right now, coughing up water, screaming, about to go underwater and begging for help. And they’re telling you can’t help. Guys, when we come together in society, we agree to be there for each other. God tells you to give good to your enemy. Bless those who curse you. Let’s go ahead, leah. Okay, so it says that to punish the breach of the law of. Of nature and others, so as according to the best of his reason, may most conduce to the preservation of himself and the rest of the preservation of what?

Community Dynamics and Governance

Of himself and the rest. The rest of mankind. So if you got people in your community, you have the right to preserve them, right? Yeah. So can somebody show me anywhere, in any constitution where it says it’s okay to. Not to block people for preserving your community? Where does that exist? Why are we arguing over them telling us we can’t do something? This is cause for us to take the whole nation back peacefully, using the law.

Collective Empowerment of the Community

See, if we tell everybody right now, and I know y’all are pissed off, I know that millions, tens of millions are pissed off right now, they just don’t know they could take the nation back. You know how our forefathers took the nation back from the king? By telling everybody they got a power to be free. Guys, we ain’t got to worry about having the power to be free. We own the Dane government. It belongs to us. We have the right to take it all back.

Jury Power and Government Authority

When the jury says so, we get these dumb attorneys talking about something. You got the jury box or the voting box? Shut your anus up. We got all power. You be quiet. Go ahead, Jared. And whenever. Any government. Any government. Yeah, not just for government. Any government. So. That’s right. Right. Any government. Whenever any government is found to be. What, Jared, shall be found in. Adequate. Guys, I asked y’all if these idiots are inadequate. I asked y’all if these people who talk about you can’t go save people are inadequate. Y’all said, yeah, this is Virginia constitution. Y’all your forefathers telling you what we the people have the power to do with any government. If y’all want to do this, all we got to do is tell everybody. If we tell everybody and make a plan to assemble. Guys, everybody who’s watching this junk, who’s pissed the freak off can actually do something.

Inadequate Government and People’s Rights

Go ahead, Jared. Inadequate or contrary to these purposes. Okay. If they’re contrary to our happiness, if they’re contrary to our safety, if they’re contrary to making sure that our property and lives and liberty is protected, if they’re giving away our freaking security and money, what can we do? Jeremy, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it. Guys, we can reform, alter, or abolish all of it. We ain’t gotta wait for permission. And I wish you guys would see this as a remedy, because a lot of times people say, well, David, I just don’t know what it looks like. Just freaking readdez. The. The words give you insight on what you can do. Our forefathers did it when we got rid of a king. Now, guys, we don’t belong to a king.

Power of the People and Government Responsibility

We own the government. They are our service. We ain’t doing nothing. Wrong by saying we don’t want none of y’all no more. What about we just do a do over, rewrite the constitutions if necessary to say what we needed to say. So y’all can’t do this no more and remove every single person in office? You can sit there and keep making excuses in office if you want to, but we gonna protect each other and fix stuff. So we’ll just remove your anus if you in the way. What about that? Right? Why do we keep giving them the chance to keep doing wrong rather than riveting all the issues? We got the power to fix all of it. We don’t need them to do it. Go ahead, Jared. Well, it says you have the right to reform, alter, or abolish in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public will.

Public Will and Government Accountability

So the people coming together based on the public good, we can decide how we want to redo things, reorganize, rewrite, reform, alter, abolish whatever we freaking want to. So why are we dealing with something called a fEMA? Why are we allowing something called a FEMA to allow people to die? Why are we allowing state governments to sit there and is there watching when people are dying? Why the freak are we allowing them to give our money away like they got the power to do so? We ain’t got to give them a dang thing. They’re not gods over our money. And I’m talking like this. So y’all see have a change of mind about what the law really says. Now, if you don’t believe that we got the power to do this and this is right, we gonna go back to the forefather of law who our nation’s laws are created from.

Historical Principles and Legislative Power

John Locke. Leah, can you read section 214 for us? Yes. Just give me 2 seconds, and everybody, please share this space out. Okay? Two, four. Yes, ma’am. First, that when such a single person or prince sets up his own arbitrary will in place of. Okay, guys. Which are the law, the fundamental law shows that we protect each other. How the freak does somebody call a freaking FEMA say, you can’t protect each other? The reason for coming together as a people was to protect each other. These dumbs are saying that somebody gave them some power to tell us no, go ahead, Leah.

Nature of Government and Rights of the People

Well, they’re. They’re breaking the laws of. Yes. Amen. They are breaking the law of nature by preventing people from saving lives. Yes. So I’ll continue. Sorry. So set up. Set up his own arbitrary will in place of the laws which are the will of society declared by the legislative, then the legislative is changed. For that being in, for that being in effect, the legislative, whose rules and laws are put in execution and required to be obeyed. Now, let me say this in our constitutions, guys. We, the people, created. Created. So the fundamental law is created by us, right? And the fundamental law tells that we put things together for our prosperity, for the protection of our communities and people. That’s the first law.

Fundamental Law and Public Safety

The stuff from the legislature is secondary. But go ahead, Leah. Okay, whose rules and laws are put in execution and requires to be obeyed? When other laws are set up and other rules pretended and enforced. Pretended. Then what? They got people telling you can’t go save people. That’s pretended law. Ain’t nobody write that nowhere. That the people can’t help each other. That’s freaking crazy. Go ahead, Leah. Okay, so when and other rules pretended and enforced, then what the legislative constituted. By society, we constitute as the people in our society. Go ahead. Oh, no, you’re good. I’m just saying we got to tell people in our nation is different than what would happen in England or somewhere else.

People’s Power in Society

We, the people, write the fundamental law to tell what’s going to happen, period. So when they go against what we say, that we can protect our own rights and property in every state constitution, it says we got the power to protect our own privacy. Rights, powers, life, liberty, etcetera. They don’t get to tell us no, keep going. Okay, so it says, constituted by the society have enacted. It is plain that the legislative is changed. Whoever introduces new laws, not being there unto authorized, characterized by the fundamental appointment of the society or subverts the whole. When you say we got a power to protect each other and our nation and our life and liberty, and they tell you, no, they’re subverting the fundamental law.

Subversion of Law and Legislative Accountability

Keep going. Okay. Or subverts the old, disowns and overturns the power by which they were made of, and so sets up a new legislative. Okay, so when they go against our fundamental laws and say that they can do something other than what we said, they subvert the old and they throw off their own power. They could be working by now. Guys, we demanded that the Supreme Court tell you that we the people have all power. Government is our servants. And they do not have this so-called sovereign immunity bull crap. They’re not sovereign. They don’t rule over us. There is no immunity for any idiot that does anything that’s not in the dang constitution, period.

Accountability and Constitutional Authority

Including the president, the Supreme Court, came out and said, there is no immunity for Trump if he does stuff outside the Constitution. So it don’t matter if it’s Trump himself. He has no immunity. But if he does stuff that we tell him to do inside of the law, he got immunity. How the freak did somebody say, you can’t go protect people who dying and we call ourselves FEMA while the dumb ain’t his freaking legislature sitting there behind back not saying anything? See, this is where it gets serious, guys. They’re watching to see what we, the people do.

Public Awareness and the Role of Government

If we’re going to do something about it and say something, are we going to allow them to continue on because they say an agency is doing it? Screw that. Ain’t no dang agency doing a dang thing. It’s y’all. When you give some idiots some power and you say, yeah, you could run stuff. Get your anus out of here. You don’t run stuff if you don’t follow what the freak, the people tell you to do. Your enemy. Okay, so this junk they’re doing, where they sit back and just look at what happens. Now, we’re not gonna play this game.

Power of the People and Action Against Tyranny

We go put them on notice and let them know. Y’all better fix this junk now or it’s on you. Screw these other people who out here, we already know they don’t have power and will nullify everything. We’ll remove everybody’s power and change constitutions and we’ll prosecute all y’all because we really don’t like very many of y’all, right? You breaking the law. You going against the people, and you always act like you don’t have power to figure it out. Okay, that’s fine. We’ll fix it. We the people can fix it, period.

Elections and Accountability

And everybody was waiting for Mike Lindell symposium to show pcaps, right? We got Carrie Lake talking about we gonna do a million cases. We got other people talking about they’re gonna do cases, and none of them can even get standing, except for when we got Kerry standing. But other than that, all the big names went through doing the same thing over and over again, which did not include using our power to remove these idiots. And they just tell us, we’re waiting till next time we gonna do better. Give me more money and we go. We gonna fight harder to win the election. Man, shut your dumb anus up. That’s retarded. You gonna keep trying to spend money to win an election that you say you’ll sell? It’s illegitimate because they’re changing stuff. How stupid do you want us to be? Now, I’m not saying don’t vote because maybe we could get the votes, right? But gosh darn it, when you’re trying to convince us that they’re cheating on the votes and then at the same time telling us we gonna vote harder, that’s not a good solution.

The Need for Election Reform

I’m sorry. That don’t make sense. We need to fix the elections first. Make them right and proper again. Right? Make sure the government servants are following the law or remove them. And then it would be easy to have a real election. Now, don’t tell me how hard it is to fix government and start over because our forefathers did it to win the nation when they had a king. So don’t tell me that’s not possible. That’s too hard. We never see that before. You would be lying. We didn’t see it before. Right? And we didn’t have. We don’t have a king like we did. It’s easier for us to deal with fixing this thing if we want to. We can spread information a million times faster than our forefathers. We don’t even have to get on a horse to go down the street. We literally can email and text message people immediately and give them this space and tell them exactly what to do.

Taking Action against the Government

So here’s what I’m offering, guys. I shut down my class tonight because I wanted to bring the truth to the people. I’m gonna give you all some mics in a second. I. It is my will to do a notice to government to let them know that we want them to get rid of all these agencies and get them out the way or we want to remove them all. I ask if you wish to do the right thing and to use your remedies that your forefather said in law. I just ask that you share the information and you let me know. Do y’all want to do a notice with us? Now, when we did a notice to the Supreme Court, we told the justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Gorsuch, to come out and tell that we, the people, are sovereign. Y’all saw him on video doing it. We told him to. We told the Supreme Court there’s no sovereign immunity. They said there was no sovereign immunity.

Empowering the People

Nine to zero against these agencies right now. FEMA is an agency trying to interfere with your life. We sent stuff to the federal legislature telling them to come out and tell that we the people have all political power. We can remove government at will. Marjorie Taylor Greene came out and said we got the power to remove them at will. Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch came out and said, we the people can rewrite the constitutions at will. This is real life stuff. We’re not trying to play with the law, guys. We’ve studied, we’ve been precise, and we can show you video where we told y’all before we made the ATF get their anus, whoop. That were going to do it before the Supreme Court start taking cases. We told you were going to make them take cases. We told you were going to go against sovereign immunity and had y’all help us.

Victory Through Awareness and Knowledge

And we did thousands upon thousands of notices which never happened in government before. And we got victory. And they’re coming out telling what we told them to say. Guys, this is our freaking nation. Are you going to be weak? A freaking whippy chip. And if you want to, that’s okay. Just take your anus home and freaking hide up under your blankie and turn the freaking heat on and get cozy. But for everybody else who want to stand up and stop this stuff, if y’all want me to do a notice, we can have a notice. I’ll get it done. If the Lord wills by tonight, or first thing in the morning, by tomorrow, we’ll ask one of our strong fighters if he could put together a job form so we can flood the government with notices, letting it know that it’s the intention and will of the people to remove everybody for interfering with our power.

Discussion on Government Agencies

And I’ll show the law in the notice that tells them we can do this. I’ll give it to Jim Jordan, by God, through our people. We’ll give it to Marjorie Taylor Greene. We’ll give it to Thomas Massey. We’ll give it to the Supreme Court. And, guys, we ain’t gotta wait or beg nobody to let our freaking people, our families in North Carolina and in Tennessee and in Georgia, we ain’t gotta beg nobody to do us right. We ain’t gotta beg nobody to fix a. Guys, elections are coming up soon. Let’s let these clowns know that we want to nullify everything they do and get rid of all of them all together and start over by our power. I’ll put together a notice. If you all want me to, just tell me, I’ll do it right away.

Taking Urgent Action

And we can go at this situation with everything we got. And, guys, we can shut the whole thing down. We ain’t got a play around. We got a big. We ain’t got a. Guys, I showed you in the law where we have this as our right and power. I know you all sick of this bull. And, guys, I trust that God has put you here in a time such as this to be fire, to restore the nation to what it’s supposed to be. A lot of you guys have given up money, given up your livelihood. You’ve seen your kids suffer because of these dumb shots that it just came out that they do cause autism. You all done seen all this smoke, all this fire that came against us. And now God has given you a chance to take back over.

Reclaiming Our Power

It’s happened already in history. It is nothing for us to come together and do what God already gave us as a power and authority to do, to take everything back. But you got to believe. You got to believe that you got power like your forefathers have power. And I’m gonna tell you got the power of the Internet. So your forefathers were struggling. They were riding around on a dang donkey, like two and a half mile per hour, right? Trying to get the word out to people meeting in taverns, right? Meeting in barns late at night, afraid to get caught. Guys, we can share stuff in a drop of a hat. Guys, we could have stuff all over America. Why are we playing? Why are we waiting? Why are we doubting? God has made you powerful for a time such as this.

The Importance of Action and Faith

You give a freak about the law. Why? Because something has happened with you that made you see with clarity that something ain’t right. And you have taken your own part and done what is necessary to be a freaking beast and to be a freaking monster when it comes to shutting down foolishness. You were created for this time, and you can do big and powerful things. We win in thousands of situations because were something great. It’s because we trusted and took massive action. This is your nation and can’t nobody do it like you. So I’m saying if y’all want me to do this, I’ll drop everything. I’ll get the, I mean, the notices together.

Progress Through Collective Effort

I’ll write up everything. I’ll try to get with our team and see if we can have a job for him ready by tomorrow or Monday morning at the latest, if the Lord wills. And we’ll get all you guys to sign it. And I want you guys to give this video, this space, to everybody so that everybody can know that we want to come together and retake the nation and that this space shows the exact law that says that you can do it. Multiple laws, multiple forefathers in law, multiple scholars that say, you got the right to do this right now. Your state constitutions say, you got the power to do this right now. John Locke said, this is a remedy, except for if you wait till it’s too late, why the freak we gonna wait for these clowns?

God’s Guidance and Personal Accountability

God has given us a chance to take the victory. Now, don’t look and get fearful. Say, oh, my gosh, but they got power. Yeah, they have power and guns. When they told us they were going to shut down our businesses and we opened up hundreds of entities and saw the cops do the walk of shame away from the entities, couldn’t shut us down. Yeah, they had guns. We didn’t care. We used the law. When we shut down lockdowns and mandates across the nation, we didn’t give a freak about somebody’s guns. We got all political power. We don’t have time to play. Guys. Most people in government who’ve been doing you wrong only do it because they don’t know the law says what it says.

Bridging the Knowledge Gap

But when you show them in plain English, in writing what the law says, they start saying, wait, I don’t want to be part of these other people. When they see the nation coming together and saying, we got all power to help each other and build each other, they ain’t going to want to be on the other side. Hey, Dave, choice. It’s your choice, Dave. Yes, sir. Hey. I want to provide people additional encouragement and specifics. I am directly involved in multiple federal lawsuits against many people in government, and they are not responding. They don’t answer when you go against them in precision, showing the law, and you swear under penalty of perjury, they don’t want to answer.

Realizing the Power of Law

And it’s not just me. It’s multiple other people who are not me who are doing this. And as this is happening, I’m learning. Like I asked Dave this afternoon, I was like, why aren’t they answering? Why aren’t they responding? Why are literally none of them saying anything? And, you know, I’ll let him talk about it if he wants. But, when you use the truth and you go directly at bad government, it breaks. It absolutely breaks, because that’s the law, and that’s what we’ve been trained out of. That’s what’s been taught out of us. That’s what’s been educated out of us is this spirit of freedom, this understanding of the law and truth, and we’ve separated it from something that’s actually true.

Finding Strength in Knowledge

Like, we will think an idea is true. You can read words on paper, and we’re like, okay, it does say that, but then that’s not what happens. It’s what we tell ourselves. And that’s a lie straight from the pit of hell. I believe it’s actually one of the most dominating and controlling lies that we have, and that is that the words in the constitutions don’t mean anything. That’s the lie. The truth is, when you take those simple, plainly written words, you swear to them, and you go directly at the people in government who are hurting you, they break. They absolutely break. They get to the position where they do not want to even answer a basic question.

The Role of Personal Courage

I’m. I’m literally see, I’m literally seeing that in real life, in real time, in multiple districts, multiple different government agencies. And I’ll say one last thing. God has absolutely given Dave wisdom to teach the fundamental law in a plain way with precision. And I’m going to tell you, if you do not have the courage to stand on truth, you are not going to get the remedy. If you are too cowardly to not take action, nothing will change. If, however, you see the wickedness and you’re reminded of the scripture that says, be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good, if you see that and you recognize that history is full of opportunities, and you are now standing in one where you have to tell the truth, stand and take action against evil, I’m telling you, I see God working.

Action Based on Faith

I’ve seen him teach through Dave, Jose, the basics, the fundamentals. I’ve seen government break using this guy’s throwaway comments. This guy will say stuff like, it’s nothing, but if you use it’s like, holy crap, these people don’t want touch this stuff. And it’s. It’s fire. It’s. It’s nuclear power. They can’t touch it because it’s the law. I just really want to appeal to your understanding of what truth is, because it’s been trained out of us that we can’t do anything about our problems, that we should just wait and wait for everybody else to take action. That’s a hoax. That’s a lie. That’s stupid. It’s cowardice.

Mobilizing Collective Action

This is the time for us to, in peace, in love, go directly at these vicious, wicked, dumb, negligent, incompetent government actors and leave them no quarter. Go directly at them. So, Dave, my vote is that you absolutely do the notice and let me know whatever I need to do to help. And I’ll be praying for you, brother. All right, then. So that’s what we will do, will get that action in. What I’m going to do now is let you guys also take some mics. And thank you for that. Jaren, Jackie is going to control the space. I think we had Greg, Leah, Celestial, Danette, Julio, then Pilsner.

Recognizing Community Efforts

So, Greg, celestial, Leah, Danette, Julio, then Pilsner. You could control the mics if you can, Jackie, but let’s get Greg up first, and then we’re going to go back across the line. Celestial, Leah, Danette, Julio, Ben, Pilsner. Okay. I’ll do my best to keep in that order. Great. Dave, let me start by thanking you. You laid it out beautifully. You’ve educated us all. Many on this call have been on numerous calls with you. So we know the basis of the law. We know what this. This is the right thing to do. This is the right time to do it.

Government’s Recurrent Failures

The government has just gone so rogue. I think many of them know that this is coming. So they have taken more actions to try to secure more assets for themselves. Who knows what they’re doing? But the sooner we get these notices out, the sooner we put them on notice. And clearly, they don’t have the. Especially their representation, their attorneys. They don’t have the guts to respond. So, Jaron, I’m not surprised they’re not responding to you. They’re not going to respond to us either. But that even gives us all the more power. So it. The sooner we can get this done, and anything I can do to help, I’m here.

Collective Support and Solidarity

Thank you so much. And I’m sure I speak for everyone else. Many that may not even get on and speak, but we thank you so much and we’re praying for you. I’m here to do whatever you need us to do. Thank you, thank you. Thank you for that, Greg. And definitely, I’m in. I’m going to get on it if the Lord lets me live. I just want to say, guys, I told people a long time ago on some of my first webinars and my first teachings that when you know the truth and you start hitting the government with precise information and wisdom and knowledge that you can prove in writing, none of this fake stuff where you guessing where you’re saying, I think this is what’s happening or they’re doing this to us, but you can’t prove from anywhere.

The Power of Knowledge

By giving broad diffusion of knowledge of the basic powers and the law of the nation, people will naturally, they will very easily take the corruption and the stupidity and the evil and the oppression that they see, that they experience. They will naturally see the pain they’re going through, and they will connect it with the remedy. And that is how quick God’s wisdom shoots through the people. You can’t control it. This is when Jesus is teaching, I’m going to preach. This is when Jesus is teaching in John chapter three, and he tells Nicodemus, don’t be amazed that I say that you must be born again, but that the Holy Spirit moves. You don’t know where he comes from, you don’t know where he goes, but you know he’s there. People underestimate God because they try to, you know, because they don’t want to listen what God says in the Bible. They want to project themselves onto God and imagine themselves.

Human Limitations and Divine Authority

Well, what would I do if I was in charge of everything? Well, you’re a dumb schmuck, and you need to shut up because you’re not God. When God’s in charge, or I should say because God is in charge, he does things his way. And what I’m blessed to see is that whenever Dave humbled himself to learn the law and then walk in obedience with God, people have betrayed, people have backstabbed, people have tried to steal content, people have tried to distract. People have tried to take away from this man, and he does not fit the mold. I’m a white guy from rural Oklahoma. My choice of teacher would never be and just be straight. It would never have been a black dude from urban Detroit would not have been my preference. If you would have said Jaron, who do you want to learn the law from? I would have said some older white guy with a baritone voice that can speak, you know, the words that make me feel comfortable because they sound smart. That’s what I would have said.

Unexpected Teachers and Wisdom in Diversity

Instead I get Mike Tyson, black dude, ebonics, barely conjugating verbs, spitting watermelon seeds while eating chicken, and all this stuff is like, precision in the law, and it’s like, holy crap, this dude is legit. Wait, wait. Yes. You mean all that in love, obviously. Oh, yeah. It’s all in love. I mean, all of this in love. And Dave knows that. He knows he ain’t dumb. And by the way, Dave’s iq is, like, incredibly high. He just plays dumb. I don’t know if y’all know that or not, but, like, the dude. The dudes, like, super smart. He just has that ib. No smart game on lock. And the other. The other reason I came up is because I really appreciate the fire, and it’s a. I am just so thrilled right now. I am just excited to make this happen and move forward. And so thank you very much, David.

The Journey of Learning and Growth

I really appreciate it, and I’m looking forward to the notice. And, Jaron, the only other thing is that you need, I think, to learn how to say amenable. Is it? Or what’s the word that you. Yeah, amenable. Yeah. You say amenable. I think amenable, you guys. No, no. It really is amenable. It is amenable. So Darren has it right. You have it wrong. I have it wrong. It’s amenable. I thought it was a mean. So the beautiful thing about this situation. And this is what I realized. I’ve learned a lot from Dave. I’ve learned a lot of stuff that he’s not said. I just observe patterns. But then I’ve learned a lot from confirmation. Like, I’ll tell you here, earlier today, I was telling Dave, I was like, dude, these dumb judges. Cause I’m suing a lot of judges.

Navigating the Legal System

Like, I’m sue. I’m suing a lot of judges. And I’m like, none of them are answering. And, you know, he was just like, yeah, there’s an earlier video I did, and I’ve never seen this earlier video. I’ve never heard him say this. And I was like, hold on. I could go ask people in connect we where this video is. Some of them may know what I’m talking about, and some of them might not. I don’t know. But I stopped and I go, hold on. Dave’s my brother. He’s going to go, what does the Bible say about this? And so I just goes like, God, what does your bible say about this issue? And so I remembered the book of proverbs, chapter 29. And it says that, you know, basically, when you catch your servants doing wrong, when you correct your servants, they’re not going to answer you.

The Role of Law in Society

And here I am in multiple federal lawsuits in many districts. It’s not just me, it’s other people that I’m helping. No one is answering. Now, if you hear me say this, you might be like, well, Kujern, what are you going to do? You’re not understanding what the law is. We live in a civil society. We don’t use guns or bullets or knives or bombs to make things happen. We use words. And the truth silences. Yes, yes. And so, and so when these people, now, I’m going to tell you, I’ve written, at this point, I’ve written several federal lawsuits. I’m getting pretty good. I’m getting pretty good at it. But it took practice. But I write these things.

The Importance of Clear Communication

God bless. Like, I’ve learned a lot from Dave, this, man. I write these things and I don’t leave any wiggle room. By the time you get done reading it, you’re like, holy crap, these guys are screwed. And that’s why they don’t even answer. They literally don’t even respond. And I’m sitting here going, Dave, why aren’t they answering, man? And he’s like, yeah, I taught this couple years ago, and I have no doubt that he was teaching this years ago. What I love about Dave is the fact that whenever he learned it, he didn’t go make himself rich. He didn’t go elevate himself. What he did was he realized he had to teach, which is what our savior teaches. Our savior commanded.

Embracing the Call to Teach

Whenever he came out of the grave, before he went to heaven, before he ascended, he goes, teach all nations, baptize in them in the name of the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And then he says, teaching all of them to obey all of my commands. See, Christ wants everything that he says to be obeyed, not some of it and not by some people. He wants all of it obeyed by all people. And so we are in the practice of obeying our lord if you’re in his church, but if you’re not, amen. Let’s talk the gospel. But we are in the practice of our savior when we are teaching and distributing his wisdom. And because he controls literally everything, heaven and earth.

The Nature of God’s Influence

When you say words that are spirit, you can’t grab them, you can’t see them, you can’t touch them, taste them, lock them up tight. When you say that, he will move things in a way that you can’t predict, you can’t measure, you can’t understand completely, but he does it. And it’s just. It is one of those is the coolest thing in the world. And I’ve even called in airstrikes on bad guys. So, like, I’ve done some really cool stuff. There’s nothing cooler than, like, writing a notice or an affidavit knowing the government agent is trapped and they won’t answer because you’ve locked them and you’ve bound them so tightly in the law, there’s no answer.

A Call to Action

And so my encouragement, and I’ll shut up because I didn’t have my hand raised. But I wanted to answer. Sleepy selfie, was that we don’t need the big accounts. And I would lovingly encourage you. Just be like, dude, like, I did. Yeah, I’m off it now. I’m off. I just. I wanted to let everybody know that I tried it, and it’s very eye open. And so I’m now off of it, and I won. I want a. I helped a guy. I helped a guy who’s a very famous guy. Everyone here would know who he is. I helped him get out of. Well, I helped his friend get out of a multimillion dollar penalty from the feds.

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