Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space hosted by thenftopia delved into the NFT drops scene, particularly focusing on virtual memories and special editions targeted towards collectors. It showcased unique promotional arts for different drops, including black and white versions available in English and Japanese, as well as a special commemorative art drop specifically tailored for collectors of the Wolfie series. Discussions also revolved around upcoming plans for manga releases, with a primary focus on the saga of Agent Wolfie, aiming to garner community involvement. The space highlighted the significance of community participation and offered glimpses into forthcoming projects within the NFT niche, such as the WAX Blockchain Drop Calendar and Giveaway, to engage creators, collectors, and enthusiasts in exciting collections and announcements.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page


Q: What is necessary to receive the special edition NFT from the drops?
A: Collectors need specific promotional arts to unlock the special edition NFTs.

Q: How many promotional arts are required to unlock the special edition version?
A: Collectors who own the previous promotional arts can access the special edition version.

Q: What special commemorative art was released for collectors of the Wolfie series?
A: A special commemorative art drop was made for collectors of the old NFT of the Wolfie series.

Q: What plans were discussed regarding future manga releases?
A: The Twitter space mentioned plans to release manga with the saga of Agent Wolfie.

Q: How can individuals get more involved in the project?
A: Encouragement was given for community involvement during the Twitter space discussion.


Time: 00:05:33
Welcoming Participants: Introduction and welcome message to the Wax Calendar X Space.

Time: 00:06:12
Creator Engagement: Invitation for creators in the audience to share their drops and news.

Time: 00:13:14
Game Introduction: Brief introduction about a game hosted on the Discord server.

Time: 00:17:55
Weekly Spaces Confirmation: Assurance that the weekly spaces are here to stay for engagement.

Time: 00:25:07
Elevator Pitch Opportunity: Encouraging creators to give short elevator pitches about their projects.

Time: 00:32:25
Artist Interview Announcement: Revealing a podcast featuring artist interviews.

Time: 00:43:35
Q&A Invitation: Encouraging the audience to ask questions in the chat.

Time: 00:52:10
NFT Verses Explanation: Explaining the breakdown of different verses in the game into NFTs.

Time: 00:56:18
Manga Virtual Memory Drops: Announcing three drops related to the manga ‘Virtual Memory.’

Time: 01:28:00
Participation Guidelines: Final reminders on how to engage and share information in the spaces.

Key Takeaways

  • Various drops were made, including a special edition version for collectors with previous promotional arts.
  • Both English and Japanese versions in black and white were included in the drops.
  • A special commemorative art drop was announced for collectors of the old NFT of the Wolfie series.
  • Plans were shared regarding the release of manga with the saga of Agent Wolfie.
  • Encouragement was given for community involvement in the project.
  • The focus was on NFT drops, virtual memories, and special edition NFTs for collectors.

Behind the Mic

Co-host Introduction

All right, let’s get the co-host on there. I sent you a speaker request. Okay, cool. Yo, what up? How are you? I’m good, I’m good. I’m not seeing anybody. Just us or. No, no, I just started it like on the dot. Okay, cool. Sorry about that. Nah, nah, it’s all good. How you guys doing? Good. My husband’s birthday today. Mazel tov. Thanks. I sent him to the dentist today. It’s a gift. It’s a cool gift. How’s it going, everyone?

Birthday Celebrations and Introductions

What’s up? What up? You had a birthday also. Give us a few minutes to get settled in here. Or didn’t you have your brother’s wedding? He also had a wedding and a birthday, like his birthday, like yesterday or two days ago. Mazel tov. Right? Also, for those of us on the west coast, Bokurtov. It was a pretty interesting atomic hub space, like an hour ago. I think it’s recorded. So after this, if anybody wants, you should check it out. Yeah, I’ll check on that.

Technical Setup and Event Start

I have to restart my computer because my new keyboard was a little funky. But I have a new keyboard, so that’s still good. So just give us a second. We’re going to make sure we got the links on here. I’m going to show up in the metaverse and then we can kind of get started too. I’m going to also join the consumer break twitch. I can make sure we can hear everybody. Thank you guys for joining us to see Sully drone company, afhelion vulnerability agents, crypto gamer, hot rod yet. Thank you so much for joining us today. Let me reinvite Rakeman to co-host. I think he was getting rugged by X again.

Welcome and Event Overview

Hey ran ran, I just saw you come in. Anyways, I’ll just do a little brief intro. Everybody, welcome to our Wax calendar X space or Twitter. This is in collaboration with wacschool. At Wacschool, they’ve been creating drop calendars for the community since September last year and we’ve partnered with them to introduce these drops for people who do not know about us. Nftopia is a metaverse convention that highlights NFT projects. With our most recent event that was this past may 3 to 5th. And with your help, plans for 2025 can be put into motion for these spaces that’s held weekly.

Invitation to Creators

We invite creators in our audience to come up, raise your hand if you have a drop on the calendar and want to talk about it. You’ll need to press the mic on a PC or raise your hand on mobile to request to come up. And if you didn’t get your drop into the calendar on time, we’ll ask about any drops that we missed at the end. I’m your host, Waffles Kitty, co-founder of Enotopia and Small, creator of the Waffles Kitty Collection on Wax. Joining me is Breakman, co-founder of Enotopia and founder of the consumer Break Collection.

Regular Hosts and Special Guests

We usually have Christiah on here, who’s a variety streamer, community manager, and part of Enotopia staff. But she did get tied up and I think also at the dentist where I also sent my husband. Special guests, we love our broken dolls founder. And then I believe if we have anybody else that would like to come up, don’t forget to hit that mic or the request to speak so you can get to your stuff. Breakman is adding all of the relevant links for our rare pin giveaway. We have the droplets available for you guys and the live will be on the consumer break twitch.

Event Setup and Introductions

Twitch TV consumer break. And if you’d like, you can join me in the metaverse that we use for Nftopia four. It’s going to be bit ly, so bit ly at so bit ly. Nftopia four. I will also share the consumer break twitch on that, on a big screen over there. Welcome back. Went through the intros and we’re all good. These rugs. All right, I’m still getting a little settled, but I am live on the twitch now on consumer break. I do have, well, I did pin the stuff on the top. Now I don’t see it. Let’s try again. There they all right, we got a droplet it.

Technical Difficulties and Settling In

All right, I also have this stream up in the metaverse if anyone is joining us there. And then I think it says consumer break is live on Twitch. But it’s not refreshing for me. Oh, yeah. I should be live. I got people speaking. My computer should also be good to go now. What? I had a doctor come over and hook fix it up, but I’m still too involved with things to get in the metaverse at the moment. Maybe I will in a little bit. All right, but we have in the top of the space now we got the drops list. We got all the things. I’m just going to roll with this now outside of metaverse for now. Maybe I’ll pop in later.

Show Start and Introductions

Let’s get the show on the road. How we all doing today? We doing good. Doing great. You had a birthday, right? I had a birthday on Monday. I was a groomsman on Saturday for my brother. We had an absolutely amazing weekend. That’s right. Great weekend. Happy birthday. Yeah, man. All right. All right. We about ready to get started? Yes, sir. I went through the intro, but I think you may have got kicked at that time.

Continuing with Introductions

All right, well, then maybe I’ll pop in the metaverse later, but otherwise I’m on Twitch and also in the Twitter, the Twitx live video, which is also pinned. And you can follow along there and see what we’re doing. Otherwise you can actually click onto the spreadsheet yourself and follow along there as well. All right, we got us another slew of wax news and wax drops to go over here. Anybody that is listening that wants to get up on stage and tell us about your stuff. Filliam, you’re here. You asked if you could get on earlier. You’re welcome to raise your hand, get on stage and we’ll, and whoever’s on stage, we’ll go to you first. We’ll go look at your stuff first.

Inviting Participation and Announcements

And then after everyone is off stage, we’ll continue with the rest of the stuff. Shouts to everybody in the twitch. Welcome, everybody. Welcome, welcome. I also haven’t done the announcements yet. See, I’m behind, behind, but it’s okay. But if we want to look at the drops list and get going here, I’m real quick, real quick, I’m just going to throw on, throw on the announcement and I just got afhelion to come up to speak too. Oh, fantastic. Let’s do that. Let’s do that. And then I can carry on while you continue. Welcome afhelion. How’s it going your world? Yeah, fantastic.

Afhelion’s Introduction

Yeah, guys, thank you very much for the opportunity, guys. Of course. So I’m over here on the lefty blocks, drops, and I see just your miscellaneous drops going on. Alien freezer, the collector orbital fertilizer, drone, merchant crystal starter chest, but also anything else about your season in the game, anything you want to tell us about what’s going on? Go ahead. Okay, I’m going to do a quick introduction about the game. So we are a play-to-earn game, but based on Discord. So the most part of the game happens on our Discord server and you play by Discord directly. And there’s also a website completely integrated with the Discord bot. So you’re going to play on Discord and do the blockchain transaction on the website.

Game Mechanics and Features

So you can get your gears on the website and keep your gears on that. And then you use them to pay on the Discord server. There’s also, well, the main mechanic to link the blockchain to Discord is actually a mechanic to mint and burn NFTs. So you can craft NFTs on the Discord game and you can mint them to have them on the blockchain so you can trade or keep them for the next season since we are going to reset your inventory at every season. So you want to craft and mint your NFTs to keep them for the next one. And by burning them they will become available again in the game as game items so you can use your assets to the game.

Community and Rewards

We did it on Discord also to make it more social. So we also have a very active community and we also have a very active ZilE page where we have some tasks, some social tasks, and some of them require social media interaction or interaction in the Discord chat. And with the ZilE we are going to reward players with our stickers which are used mainly in our blends. So you can actually get some NFTs for free just by doing ZilE tasks. And you can also have some NFTs for free as well since you are going to use your stickers that you earn with ZilE to blend actual NFTs.

Future Plans and Tournaments

We also have a plan to release our tokens by the end of this year. Since then we are having tournaments with wax prizes. We already had three and we are about to start the fourth one which is going to go live next Wednesday. So June 4 and it will last for 45 days. So it will end on, sorry, 60 days. It will end on August 3 and this time we have a prize pool of 3k USD and 3 billion woof token and also 2 million AFG which is our grind token which is like a virtual token you can earn on our Discord server just by being active and chat in the general chat.

Playing the Game

This is actually the best time to join the server and start playing. Since we are on off season, you can just get familiar with the mechanic of the game and maybe also be able to craft some NFTs. Get prepared for the next season. And just the last note, our Discord bot is completely open source and it can be seen on our GitHub page. So if you are curious about our code, it is open source and you can even run it on your own server. That is cool. So how do we play? How do we start?

Getting Started with Afhelion

The main requirement to play our game is to have a verified role on the Discord server. So you just have to enter the server and get the verified role. There is also a small task to claim a role for free players and paid players. Free players will just get access to some early game gears and a limited amount of energy and we have four energy resets per day. You can actually be a free player and keep playing by just claiming your energy every six hours. And you also have a paid role which will give you more access to more content of the game and have unlimited energy claims per day.

Free and Paid Mechanics

So we actually have like free and paid mechanics to play. They are not exclusive to each other. You can play just for free or get some gears, some paid gears and become a paid player and enjoy more content of the game. That’s cool. I’m having a look at the Discord server and I see quite a few people online on there. So that’s good. There’s an active community. Yes, we are almost hitting 3000 users right now. And we had like a growth of 2k since the start of this year. So we are growing very fast.

Community Growth

Nice. So yeah, definitely give that a look if you’re into, especially if you’re into gaming, that’s a good entry level point for a free-to-play game. Yeah, I’ve already joined the Discord. Thank you. Yeah, thanks. That’s very cool. And you have some free NFTs for the drops right now as well. So those are available and you can find those on the wax calendar drops list, which we have on the top of this space. So thanks a lot for coming up and sharing. Thank you guys. Yes, thank you. You’re welcome.

Suli Drone Company Introduction

All right, we’ll move on to the next person on stage. Let’s see here, Suli drone company. You’re welcome to come up next. You had your hand up first. Hello? Hello. Yes. Hey, how’s it going? Great. Thank you. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for this opportunity. Okay. Just like Afhelion before me, I’d like to give a brief intro. The project first, it’s in line with Wax. I believe a very interesting and unique project that’s coming out. The drones that you’re going to see and hopefully you will interact with in the future.

Educational Robotics and Drones

This is on the robotics side. It’s something very unique. The drones are built and designed. As we know, it was designed, built, manufactured and put out with a lot of education for the field of robotics. The unique part of this, which is in line with this, which I think is really cool, is that our NFTs that we are dropping, these drops will actually interact with the drones in real life. So if you have one of these NFTs, you will be able to control and interact with the drones anywhere in the world that you are.

Teaser Drop and Future Plans

So it’s a really cool project. You can actually interact with the drone wherever you are with these NFTs. So what we did today for this drop, for this calendar drop is we introduced a teaser with our free NFT. So these will be available and then they will allow you to see what future drops are and how the drops will be and how they will interact. And then we will be putting in a few premium packs which you will have the chance to do, but not just yet. So right now, the link, you will have access to the free NFT, which is really cool.

Special Features and Rewards

And in line with this, I also like to add that for free drop holders, if you have three or more of these free NFTs, we will be introducing to you guys special features and rewards that will be unique for each and every one of you. This is one way that we can say thank you to the community for supporting us. And one way to say, hey, let’s come on and let’s see what we’re doing and how we can go and take it from there. So that’s something really cool. And as I said, it’s something that we are excited about and I hope you guys are too. If there are any questions that I can answer. Yeah, I’m happy to go.

Free NFTs Availability

So you said there’s free NFTs right now? Yeah, there’s free NFTs right now. They’re available and there’s a drop list on the calendar that you can see and it’s linked to this on Twitter space. The free NFT are ready to be given out and then you will see more drops that will be coming out in the future. Cool. Let me have a look. What’s this game called? It’s not a game. Right? It’s drones. So you can interact with drones. Yes. So you can interact with drones and in the future, what we are doing also, we’re working with a few kids and students for robotics to show them how they can use robotics and build these drones and they can use this in real life.

Future Applications and Education

So let’s say for instance, if you have a medical drop that you need to take to a remote location and you want to test it out, these students will be learning how to do this with the help of robotics and these NFTs will be built with that in mind. So that’s what we’re working on as well. We’re working with education in the field of robotics. That’s very interesting. So do you like build a drone as you collect NFTs or? You can also. Yes. That’s a good question. So with the collection of these NFTs and the first drop that we are introducing today, it’s like a teaser. And then with the future drops, you will be able to build out the drone with these NFTs and then you will be able to have the drone wherever you are and you can interact with it from anywhere in the world.

Building and Interacting with Drones

Once you have the NFT, you will be able to control the drone in real time and it will be the drone. So it’s like you’re part of the design of the drone from day one and you’ll have that drone as part of your collection and as part of the design build. So as long as you have these NFTs, you will be able to interact with the drone. So in the future, it’s like you design it and you have it. What kind of control do you get with the drones with the NFT? The drone that we’re building with these NFTs and you can see the first teaser one, it gives you limited control, meaning that the NFT that you will have, it gives you access to a special feature that you will be able to control the drone and then you’ll be able to move it.

Enhancing Drone Features

So if you want to get a full control of the drone, you need to have more of these NFTs because what we did, we built out certain features with the NFTs. So the more features that you want, you can add and you can build out. So the more features that you will have, that will give you more control of the drone. So it depends on what you’re building and how you want to do it and how you want to interact with the drone. We build it in such a way that you can build out. So the more you want to build, you add features, you’ll have more control of the drone.

Future Drops and Features

That’s cool. So you can collect all these NFTs and have more features on your drone? Exactly. You can have more features on your drone and what we did. The drop that’s here right now, it’s just a teaser. So the first drop, the one that’s coming out, is a teaser for what it is. And then we’re going to have the free ones. And then in the future, you’re going to see the premium packs that will be coming out in the future as well. I’m seeing right now in the calendar list, I have one for the 30th.
That’s today. Correct? So that’s today’s drop. This one is a teaser drop that we are doing just to get everybody excited. And this is just for one free drop. And then the ones that you will see in the future, those will be the premium packs, which will have more features.

Excitement for Future Drops

Okay, great. Well, I’m excited to see what comes out of it. Thank you. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Yes, thank you. Appreciate you. All right. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Next on stage. Let’s go with Vulnerability Agents. You’re next. Yo, what up? How’s it going? It’s going good. All right. Let’s see here. We got Vulnerability Agents here on the wax calendar list for Friday, May 31. You have a drop coming up? Yeah. The big one for me right now is the drop that’s currently live on NFT blocks. So if you go to my profile, you’ll see it there. It’s also listed on the calendar. I do have drops later this week, though, for sure.

Upcoming Drops and Auctions

On Tuesday, I actually have a drop that is going to be on an auction. So it’s going to be an NFT blocks auction for my Vulnerability Agents. It’s actually going to be for the one of one of the Tenoch Tutu collection. And I’m going to be doing a Twitter spaces that night with Walking with Wizards, the team on Tuesday at 06:00 PM. So it’s going to be Tuesday, May 28 at 06:00 PM. And then this drop, it’s an auction. So the starting bid is going to be $20 and then it’s going to last for 48 hours. So two days. Okay. And then I have another drop at the end of the week on Friday. And this one is really exciting because it’s for the NFT and Tales collection, which is an entire universe that I’m building.

Vulnerability Agents Collection

And so the NFT entails it’s a collection of stories and every collection is based on a genre. And so the one that we’re going to be doing this time around is actually based on horror. And it’s just going to be like a one of one single page, which is part of the entire collection. Okay, so all right. So let me get this straight. You got one drop on an auction right now on May 31. Yeah, I see you got one coming out here for horror, which is pretty cool. Yeah, the one for the auction right now is for the Tenoch Tutu collection. And so that’s actually a collection of cyberpunk illustrations and stories. And so that one is actually on an auction. And then the other drop is for the NFT entails, which is an entirely different collection of stories. Okay, got you.

Appreciation and Support

Well, yeah, it sounds like it’s going to be pretty fun, especially if you can get into the horror stuff. I’m not going to say I’m a big fan of horror, but I know some people that are. So, well, awesome. Anything else that you want to tell us about that before you go? I just really appreciate being on here. And thank you for all your support. Of course. We have a couple more people on stage here, but we will continue to go through the list as we go. But let’s go with Crypto Gamer next. Hello? Hello. Hi. Hey, how’s it going? Doing good, doing good. How about you guys? We’re doing great.

Crypto Gamer’s Wax Dashboard

All right. So I’m on the list here. We’re going on down the list here to Crypto Gamer, which looks like you have a drop for the Wax dashboard coming out tomorrow. What’s going on there? Yeah, so we’re dropping a Wax dashboard. So it’ll be a token that you can hold in your wallet and that will allow you to use our Wax dashboard. And then also you can stake it to get some passive income. So that’ll be the first dashboard that we launch. And then we have another one in the works for the H bar community. So I started in Wax and then I moved to H bar, so now I’m trying to connect both communities together. Cool.

Connecting Wax and H Bar

Yeah. I’m looking here, just trying to find out what your account name was. Could you tell me what your account name is? Yeah, it’s crypto gamer dot wham. Okay, cool. So I’m just seeing this collection now. So how long have you been doing this on wax? So I’ve been on Wax for over a year. I started with blockchain kingdoms, which is I guess they’ve changed their name now, but it’s a blockchain gaming company. And then after that I started going into H bar, so then I started doing a lot of H bar stuff and now I decided to go back to Wax. But the problem I saw with Wax is a lot of information is scattered everywhere, so I wanted to create a dashboard so people could just go to one place and be able to see everything.

Wax Dashboard Launch

So this is a staking platform as well? Correct. Yes. Okay. Okay. So, yeah, you can look for it tomorrow. What time is the drop tomorrow? It’s 02:00 PM Eastern. Okay. And then they can start staking right away? Or is there a waiting time? Yeah, so the dashboard itself is already built, and the staking contract, it’s a custom staking contract that we built. So you would be able to stake that right away as well. Cool. All right. Well, yeah, definitely check that out if you want to start. I guess this will be the new staking platform. Definitely get into that. It’s going to be 02:00 PM. Eastern tomorrow. Crypto Gamer wham. Anything else you want to tell us? That’s it. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I love this. Thank you. Yeah, thank you for joining us.

Hot Rod Yeti’s First Drop

All right, we’ll move on here to Hot Rod Yeti. Hey, what’s up, everybody? How are you doing? Great. How are you? Oh, I’m doing well. Sorry, my phone always goes off at the wrong time, doesn’t it? We do have our first official drop going on tomorrow. I’m pretty excited about it. We’ve been working on this one for quite a while. All original artwork, hand-drawn and illustrated by me. We’ve got a pack going off tomorrow with 30 cards in it. The cards are already put in order, which they’re random, but they’re like in a specific order. So if you open your pack and you get a bunch of cards in a row, it’s kind of like getting a strip card back in the day. But the order is already set. So it’s random order, but the cards are already pre-packed, if that makes sense.

Card Packs and Features

But we do have one card. It’s going to be a little bit rare. It’s the Honcho or the Notcho? I can’t think of the name of it right now. The CEO card? I’m sorry. CEO card? Yeah, it’s called CEO card. It’s going to be our first official drop. It is coming out tomorrow. We’re going to have that up for one week. It is going to be limited, though. We’re only going to have 1000 packs. Right. But these cards are they’re all like you said, they’re all hand-drawn. Yes, all of them are hand-drawn.

Order and Rarity Clarification

Okay, so just going back to what you’re saying before, I just want to clarify, are they all in order? And so it’s like a strip from the old school baseball cards where they were stuck together? Yes. So when you open a pack, it’s going to have 30 cards in it. And if you open it and you get a bunch of cards in a row, then you’ll know that you actually got the strip. Right? We don’t have any duplicates. So every pack, when you open it, you’re going to get 30 cards, no duplicates at all. And every card has got some value to it. Some might be a little bit more rare than others. But the order of the cards, when you open the pack, you’re going to get a random order of the cards. But those cards are already set.

Hot Rod Yeti Drop Details

Right. Okay. So yeah, just to be clear, the order is set. So you get 30 cards in a pack. The order is set, but the rarity is random. Yes. And if you get some in a row, like say if you get cards four to ten, you get the strip, right? Right. But even if you don’t get cards four to ten, there’s no duplicates. So you’re going to get 30 random cards. But yeah, so if you get them all in a row, that’s going to be like having a strip back in the day. But if you don’t get them all in a row, you’re still going to have a unique, rare card in that pack. Right. And that’s kind of the way we wanted to set it up, where there’s no duplicates, but they are random when you open the pack.

Drop Time and Packs Availability

Right. No, that sounds great. That sounds really cool. So what time is the drop tomorrow? It’s going to be
at 12:00 PM Central Time. Okay. And there’s how many packs? We’re going to have 1000 packs available. Okay, great. So 1000 packs tomorrow, 12:00 PM Central Time. Hot Rod Yeti. Go ahead and check it out. Anything else you want to say? Yeah. If you check out our Twitter, you’ll be able to get more links, information. We’ve got a discord and Telegram, and we love to have more people join us. And we’re doing a lot of fun things. We’ve got a really good community growing. So yeah, we’re just excited to be here. We’ve been working on this for quite a while, and we’ve got more plans for the future. So stay tuned.

Excitement and Community Engagement

Yeah, I mean, it sounds great. It sounds really interesting. I’m excited to see how it goes. And if you want to get in, everybody, if you want to get in on the ground floor, get in right now. So thanks for coming up. Thank you. Yes, sir. All right. Thank you. All right. We have next. Let’s see here. We have time to bring up Wax Whiskey. How’s it going? Hey, hey, hey. How are you guys? All right. Good, good. Thank you. I do apologize. I had some Bluetooth issues. My phone didn’t connect, and I’m just able to get connected. So, sorry about that. Oh, yeah, it happens.

Wax Whiskey Drop Announcement

So you have a drop here on Friday, May 31. We got? Yes, we do. We do. We’re going to be we dropped it on the 31st. It goes live at 06:00 PM. Eastern. We’re going to have a 20 pack drop for the new fire series that we’re doing with Tagaloa from the tribe Quabo Kingdom. We collabed on this one, and we’re looking forward to releasing it to the masses. Cool. So, yeah, I mean, is this your first drop or is this a continuing series? No, this is not our first drop. This is a continuing series. This is series six. We’re kind of winding down on the fire series. We’re going to start. I’m sorry, on the whiskey series, we’re going to be moving to the fire series. And the fire series is going to be centered around weed, marijuana.

Upcoming Collaborations and Game Development

We have some of the premier artists and producers that we’re going to be working with to help us along with that. And we’re hoping that this would be a fantastic summer and going forward. Right now, we’re currently working on our game, the Barrel wars game. We just announced that we’re going to be working on a custom fungible token for the game, the whiskey token. And we partnered with Pug Revolution, so that should be exciting. We have some staking mechanisms built into the cards. So, yeah, there’s a lot of interesting things happening in the wax whiskey world. Yeah. So it sounds like you guys have a lot going on. That’s good. What do you expect for the game to come out?

Game Development Timeline

Well, we’re hoping by the fall. You know how these things go. We’re taking it slow. We’re not trying to rush it, so we’re going to take our time. But we’re hoping by the fall, we’ll have it at least the Beta version of it. Cool. That sounds good. Well, thank you for joining us. Do you have anything else you want to say? No, I just want to thank you guys for giving me the opportunity to come up here and speak, and thank you. Of course. Thank you. Thank you.

All the Dads Mint One Drops

All right, we’ll go down the list here. We got Vin Bar next. You want to come up and say a few words? Good morning. Hi, everyone. I’m good. How are you? Good. Thank you. I’m just popping in to let everyone know about our drops happening tomorrow. It’s exciting. All the dads. So we’ve had quite a few drops over the last few weeks, as you know, with all the dads mint ones. And we just want to say a big thank you to the community because everything has sold out. We’ve got the last of our mint one drops happening tomorrow. We start at 04:00 PM UTC with our Ninja Dad, and then we’ve got our Egyptian dad at 08:00 PM. UTC. And our final all the dad will be a pirate dad. And that’s at midnight. UTC on Thursday night. Well, tomorrow night, obviously. So we hope that you can all join us.

Community Support and Final Drops

And yeah, like I said, a big thank you for your support so far. All right. Yeah. Well, thank you for coming up. Just to clarify, what time is the drop tomorrow? So the first one is at 04:00 PM UTC. And we’ve got one at 08:00 PM. UTC. And then at midnight. UTC. Okay. So three drops tomorrow for All the Dads series. Ninja Dad, Egyptian Dad, and a third one, Pirate Dad. Pirate Dad. Pirate Dad. Okay. That’s cool. So yeah, definitely check out all the dads tomorrow. Thank you so much. No problem. Thank you for having me. Have a great day. Thank you.

Dark and Hidden Fun Auction

All right. I see we got Dark and Hidden Fun up here. Go ahead. Tell us about your stuff. Hey, how’s it going? It’s going good. How are you doing? Oh, pretty good. Pretty good. So I’m going to be doing the Invisible Art Museum and doing an auction on this today. It’s going to be starting in about an hour or so. So it’s pretty exciting. Going to be doing some more of these. They’re pretty fun. The last one we did with the 24 hours and it was pretty nice. So pretty much just an art piece and we have it pretty much have people bid on it and it has about five wax or so to go on it. And then the last five minutes, it continues if there’s another bid. So it makes a little more fun. I’m going to be starting it at about one hour.

Invisible Art Museum Overview

Okay. And what is this Invisible Art Museum? Yeah, so we started out with the Invisible Art Museum with our original collection and we did a drop in collaboration with Mortals and Dragons. So we did that. Then I decided to do some art auctions for Invisible Art Museum for some more funding because it helps me fund my original collection, Invisible People. So that was pretty fun. And then I got some one on one art for the auctions and then I started doing some collaboration with those as well. So it’s been pretty nice. We have some more art coming soon with the Mortals and Dragons and some art with my original collection and then with Invisible Art Museum, we’ve been doing a lot of stuff with that. So I’m going to be doing more one on one art for that and the drops as well. So a lot of fun.

Art Auctions and Collaborations

Cool. Yeah, I mean, sounds like you got a lot of stuff going on. What time is the auction? It’s going to be in about an hour. So probably about 02:00 PM. 02:00 PM Eastern. Eastern. Okay. Yeah. All right. Well, yeah, check out Dark Hidden Fun in about an hour. Eastern Time. About 02:00 PM. Eastern. Thanks for joining us. Do you have anything else? Yeah, just join the auction. Just see how it goes. We do this on NFT blocks and we usually do it for 24 hours, so it’s a lot of fun. All right. Thank you. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Wax Games and Wax Dow

All right, I’m going to move on down the list here, but if anybody else in the audience has a drop that wants to come up and talk about it, don’t be afraid to raise your hand. You can get on stage and we can get to you next, but I’m going to move on down the list here. Let’s go with the drops that are coming out tomorrow. What is it? May 31. So you can go ahead and look at the list at the top of the page, but we’re going to move on down the list and start with Wax Games. Let’s see here. I’m going to read this. Wax Dow is now launched for a wax games token holders for those early adopters. You can now create your own custom proposals and vote on Wax Games Development Fund initiatives. So if you guys are into wax games, waxdow is now live. And if you are a holder, you can go vote. You can go check that out.

Blockchain Brawlers Anniversary Edition

And then for drops, we have Friday the 31st. Wax Dow NFT drop May 31. Pre sale, six drops, 10 K supply. We have that in the pinned links. I think we do, right? Yes, I believe we do. You can go ahead and look at that. I’m going to move on down the list here to let’s see. Oh, I’m seeing things out of order. My bad. I’m going to move on down the list here. Let’s go to blockchain brawlers. We’re going to go blockchain brawlers. Yes, sir. Blockchain Brawlers. Go ahead. Tomorrow. May 31. Check out the blockchain brawlers. Drop a link for blockchain Brawlers Anniversary Edition. Go ahead and check out the links in the calendar. We’re going to move on down to let’s see. Xp Network has now launched on Wax. So XP Network is now on Wax. You can check that out as well.

Xp Network on Wax

Xp Network? Xp Network. Let’s see here. The drop list says the leading NFT bridge. So XP Network is an NFT bridge and they are now launched on Wax. You can bridge NFTs to other chains. So if you guys are into that, go ahead and check that out. All right. Xp Network. Let’s see here. We’re going to move on down to Graffiti Kings. And the Graffiti Kings have a drop tomorrow, May 31. Graffiti Kongs, Kings Kongs. The Graffiti Kongs. Yes, sir. And if you’re into Graffiti Kongs, the summer party continues. We have another Graffiti Kong collection for tomorrow. Go ahead and check that out. Right on. Graffiti Kongs. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. We’re going to move on down the list here to I Survived the Drop Bear Attack. And they have a drop tomorrow. That’s cool. Yeah.

International Survival Society

I survived the drop bear attack. The International Survival Society. Drop a pack and a sticker pack. So if you want to check that out, they have a drop for tomorrow. The Drop Bears. I know the community loves them. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. All right. Let’s move on down the list here to Jose Navarro. Sorry. Go ahead. And they have a drop tomorrow. May 31. Drops the NFT pack, a bundle pack. You can check that out. Isn’t it Josan? Josan Navarro. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Mispronounced that. Josan Navarro. I got it right. But if you want to check out the drop tomorrow, May 31. Drops the bundle pack. Go ahead and look at the calendar links. Going to move on down the list here to let’s see here. Let’s go to that’s it for tomorrow. I’m going to move on to the June 1. Drops.

June 1 Drops Overview

The list is wrong? Sorry, if we missed you, go ahead and raise your hand and get on stage. Hey, how’s it going? Sorry, I joined late. Yes, sir. How’s it going? Thank you. Hello, hello. How’s everybody doing? Great. How are you? I’m doing good. Good, good. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for this opportunity. I got a drop coming out tomorrow. May 31 for Mclove. Going to be dropping a little EP in the drop tomorrow. It’s going to be like a mystery drop. It’s going to be a limited supply of 100 with a 10 max per account. And there’s going to be two mystery cards for each song. So you’re going to be getting two mystery cards of one out of the three songs on the EP. So it’s just kind of like a little mystery drop. And I did a drop today for airdrops, so it’s like if you have four or more of my NFTs, I’m going to be air dropping them to everybody.

McLoves Music Drop Details

But that’s a different thing, you know? But just trying to get the music out there and trying to bring like a different vibe to the wax blockchain. Yeah, that sounds cool. So what was the limit on the drop again? It’s going to be a limited supply of 100, and it’s going to be a limit of ten packs per account. Okay, great. And what time is the drop? It’s going to be at 12:00 PM. Eastern. All right. Go ahead and check out McLoves music drop tomorrow. Thank you for joining us. Yes, sir. Thank you.

Hot Rod Yeti Recap

All right. Let’s see here. Moving on to we already talked about hot rod yeti. We did. We went through most of the drops tomorrow. We’re going to move on to June 1 and June 1 drops start with Hentai Nudes. That’s cool. That’s pretty cool. We got a hentai news drop for the community card pack drop, the collector’s edition drop. And then you can go ahead and check that out. On June 1, they have a calendar link. Let’s see here. Moving on to the next drop. We have drops of the Crypt. I know drops the crypt drops all the time, but they have another drop. June 1 drops the sticker pack. If you guys are into sticker packs, drops the crypt sticker pack. Sticker packs are always fun. Yes, sir. I know. So if you’re into that, go ahead and check out Drops the Crypt.

FGL Games Premium Drop

Going to move on to our next drop. Let’s see here. Fgl games on wax. We got some special guests here too, if you want to introduce them as well. Yes, sir. We do have I’m going to move on to the list here, but we have Flooded Kingdom on stage. Do you guys want to tell us a little bit about your drops? You got a couple of drops coming up? Yeah. Good day, everybody. Flooded Kingdom here. How’s it going? Great. Thank you very much. So, yeah, I’m very excited to announce our first NFT drop on wax. We are from the Avalanche network. We’ve been around since last year, and this is our first official NFT drop on wax. And our drop is happening on Thursday. So it’s actually a fun game where you get these NFT and you are supposed to create a team of NFT of the same class. And if you’re able to create a team, you get to play a treasure chest where you get the opportunity to win either free nfts or you get to win our native token called Fin tokens.

Flooded Kingdom NFT Drop

So it’s going to be very interesting. It’s our first time coming to wax and we have a very strong community in the Avalos network. And we hope to build that kind of community here on wax. So, yeah, we’re looking forward to this drop and we’re very excited. Yeah, we’re glad to have you. So you have a drop tomorrow, right? Yes. Correct. Our first drop is happening tomorrow. What time is the drop? The drop is happening at 00:00 UTC. So it’s basically midnight UTC time. Okay. And that’s for packs, right? Yes, correct. We have the adventurer pack. The first set of drops, the adventurer pack. Then we’re going to have the same pack on Saturday and the warrior pack on Sunday. So we’ve got like 33 different classes of NFT coming to wax. So we are going to do a drop of each of them every week so that our community can get enough time to grab them before we go to the next drop.

Competition and Community Engagement

Right. So that will be like a drop in every two weeks. Sorry, every two days. No, that sounds great. That sounds like a lot of fun. We’re excited to see what you guys got coming up. Anything else you want to say? Okay. So for those who are listening to us today, please, if you get a chance, do grab our NFTs and get to join our discord because we are running a competition. If you are able to get a team of four of the same class, you get to win our token and you get to play some of the games. We are going to have fun together. Just give us a shout out. We’re here for everybody. Yeah, that sounds great. So, everybody, go ahead and check out Flooded Kingdom. Join their discord, get some packs and then have some fun. So, thank you for joining us. And, yeah, go ahead and check out their drop. Thank you very much for having us.

June 1 Drops Overview

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. All right, let’s move on down the list here. We got some more drops to cover here, but if you have anybody that wants to come up, don’t be afraid to raise your hand. You can get on stage and we can get you next, but I’m going to move on down the list here. Let’s see here. June 1 drops. Let’s see. I’m going to look at the list here. First one I have is the Zoo token and they have a drop June 2. Zoo token NFTs pack. Go ahead and check that out. Next one I have is for the bounty block June 2. Bounty block and ft collector’s edition drop. Go ahead and check that out. Next one I have is NFT war game June 2. NFT war game. Go ahead and check that out for the NFT token pack.

June 2 Drops Overview

A war game? Yes, sir. NFT war game. Next, I’m going to move on to the let’s see here. The wax ambassador token drops on June 2. The Wax Ambassador token. If you are an ambassador for wax, go ahead and check that out. All right. So what was the list, then? Next one I have is for cards and tokens. They have a drop on June 2 for the collection drop. Go ahead and check that
out. If you’re into cards and tokens, let’s see here. Moving on to me. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Well, that is our list for the drops that we have currently. If you have a drop that I missed, I’m sorry about that. But if you want to come up on stage, you can raise your hand and you can tell us about your drop and we can get you up here. But those are the drops for today, tomorrow and the rest of the week. And you can check out the list and the calendar links at the top of the page. If you have any questions, just feel free to ask us and we’ll get to you.

Rugburn Auction House Announcement

If anybody has a drop that we didn’t get to, you can also request to speak. Yes, sir. If you have a drop that we missed, go ahead and request to speak and we can get you on stage and you can tell us about your drop and we can get to you next. But otherwise, that’s the drops for this week. Did you have anything else to say? Waffle kitty. Not much, really. That’s just for drops this week. The drops for June 1. We do have another calendar spaces the same time on the same day next week. So if we miss you, just try to get your drop in the calendar and we can get to you next week as well. But yeah, I think that’s about it.

Concluding Remarks

All right. Well, thank you guys for joining us. Thank you for everybody that came up on stage. It was nice to hear from you. Go ahead and check out the drops on the list. And if you have any questions, just feel free to ask and we’ll get to you. Otherwise, that’s it for this week. Thank you for joining us and have a nice day.


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