WAT Friday: Join the Rat Revolution


Space Summary

The Twitter Space WAT Friday: Join the Rat Revolution hosted by Wat0x63. Join the Rat Revolution with $WAT, a unique project intertwined with the $PEPE ecosystem and Matt Furie's pet Rat. Discover the significance of community support, explore growth potential, and engage in insightful discussions on Telegram. Unravel the story behind $WAT and its role within the $PEPE context, showcasing a blend of creativity and community involvement. Embrace the uniqueness of $WAT and its evolving impact within this distinctive project niche.

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Q: What is the relationship between $WAT and $PEPE?
A: $WAT is intricately linked to the $PEPE ecosystem, reflecting Matt Furie's pet Rat.

Q: How can individuals participate in the Rat Revolution?
A: Engage with the Rat Revolution by joining the $WAT community and participating in Telegram discussions.

Q: Why is community support crucial for $WAT's growth?
A: Community backing is essential for fostering $WAT's success and development.

Q: Where can one find more information about $WAT?
A: Join Telegram for comprehensive details, insights, and connections related to $WAT.

Q: What potential does $WAT hold in the future?
A: $WAT has the potential for significant growth and impact within the $PEPE community.

Q: Who is Matt Furie in relation to $WAT?
A: Matt Furie's connection to $WAT stems from his pet Rat, symbolizing a unique aspect of the $PEPE ecosystem.


Time: 00:15:42
Exploring $WAT's Role in $PEPE Unveiling the significance of $WAT within the broader $PEPE context.

Time: 00:25:18
Matt Furie's Rat: The Story Behind $WAT Understanding the origins and symbolism of Matt Furie's pet Rat in $WAT.

Time: 00:35:55
Join the Rat Revolution on Telegram Participate in the unique movement surrounding $WAT and Matt Furie's Rat.

Time: 00:45:07
Community Support and $WAT's Growth Delving into the impact of community backing on the success of $WAT.

Time: 00:55:32
Future Prospects of $WAT Looking ahead at the potential growth and influence of $WAT within the $PEPE community.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the significance of $WAT within the $PEPE ecosystem.
  • Understand the role of Matt Furie's pet Rat in the $WAT community.
  • Engage with the Rat Revolution and be part of a unique movement.
  • Join Telegram for in-depth insights and connections.
  • Explore the potential impact and future growth of $WAT.
  • Acknowledge the importance of community support for $WAT's success.

Behind the Mic

Technical Issues with Hosting

What's up, guys? Prince having that issue once again where it's saying you're only allowed to co host. To have this person remove one co host and add another one. How can I remove another one if there is no other one? So I'm going to have to add you as a speaker, unfortunately. But I put the invite. Hope everyone's doing great on this beautiful Friday.

Confusion About Spaces

Rosh, you good? I'm good, man. How you doing, brother? I don't know what. Something happened. There's two of them that. It, it said you created one, and then. And then another one popped up. Another what? Another spaces. Oh, really? I don't know. Yeah, I'm looking at the. I'm looking at the Twitter right now. It says it has two spaces going on. I don't know what's happening. Oh, that's weird. I'm gonna. I'm gonna delete the other one, I guess. Yeah, look at that. Weird. It's gone now, right? I, let me look. I still see it.

Discussion on Elon Musk and Twitter

That's good. We're here. All that matters, everybody's coming. Did they. They'll never get this right. The space. No, no. Elon's probably fired a lot of people, and, he's got no one left to run Twitter. Yeah. anyone who's voting for Kamala, they got the boot. So he's got. He lost, like, half his staff. For real? Are you looking for music, princess? I used to say my mind was made up. I couldn't take love breaking. I got gamerdeh.

Music Preferences

I'm willing to bet this is not on Kush's playlist. I mean, I know. Gotta be honest, Prince, I wasn't really feeling that one, man. What? I wasn't really feeling that one. I mean, I don't know why you guys aren't feeling that one. it's Joe Jonas. you know, makes a lot more money than all of us, so. What do you mean? Prince, he's doing something right.

Stock Market Discussion

I'm sorry, man. Prince, the stock. The stock market is hitting all time high. What do you mean? There's, everything's not great here in America. What are you talking about, man? Yeah, okay. If there was ever a false, you know, sentiment, I guess it's like, I don't know. This happens every election year. right before an election day.

Economic Observations

They got to make the stock market look like it's doing great. You know, the economy is doing great, rather so, you know, you see the. Stock market, look at gas prices. Yeah. Look at gas prices are like 2200 8290 in New Jersey. Well, once the election's over, it's going to go back to like. Yeah, exactly. I'm not, I'm not drinking the Kool Aid, but I've seen this movie before.

Inflation and Spending

They'll say inflation's down by 2.5%. And, well, you think about like this. If the stock market reflects consumers, like, going out and spending money and buying things, who? I don't, I don't know anybody right now who's in that position to be able to spend like that. And it just seems to me like it's just, it's the, maybe the big guys, maybe the people with a lot of money, they can always spend money like that.

Concerns About Market Dynamics

So maybe they're contributing to this sort of stock market boom. But it's not, it doesn't make sense, you know, given the international crisis that's going on, given the ridiculous cost of living. Yeah, the inflation cuts it very little, in my opinion. So all that stuff is like, it makes you wonder, it makes you scratch. Your head like there's nothing to scratch. I mean, it's, they do it every single. Yeah, well, that's true. Right.

Market Patterns

It's not a mystery, I guess. No, it's not a mystery. This happens every time. I mean, it's, it's like, it's like a cycle. I mean, kind of like a crypto cycle in a way. They have to do this. They have to say, we're gonna cut interest rates. You know, their, the gas prices are down. Obviously there's a lot of players involved where they want, you know, the Democratic Party to continue doing what they're doing to, so they push prices, so they push things down.

Inflationary Trends

The food prices, you'll see them like, kind of like dip a little bit and you'll go to supermarket, be like, oh, this was like a dollar more last week. What happened? You know, you start seeing all these things happening, and then once it's over, it's back to normal again. It's back to being inflated, it's back to being whatever. I mean, it's, they play and it's kind of like, you know, pumping a token, you know?

Perception of Reality

Yeah, yeah, I, it really is. Everything's, everything is not what it seems in life, I guess, 100%. I mean, you just, I don't know. I got my dog over here looking at me. I don't even know what he's thinking. He's probably, I think he loves question everything now, man. But, he hates you. Oh, he. Did you tell.

Personal Story of a Dog Incident

Did you tell the community the story one time of you know, going into the cage? Oh, well, anyone who's dog owners, you know, cush, you know, this. I think I might have told this story. You know, he was sleeping. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was right already. I've done something that you're not into. The cage like Meek Mill did. And that one pic.

Unexpected Dog Interaction

Yeah. Not AI. It's actually a real picture. Long story short, his eyes were open, but he was sleeping, and he bit the shit out of my face. But thankfully, you know, I was, like, bleeding. Like, you know, like, he got me, like, in three spots or whatever. He's a big boy. But, again, there was a lesson that I.

Reflections on the Incident

I knew and knew better. I've owned dogs my whole life, and I deserved it. But, he. Yeah. And when he realized what he did, he was just kind of, like. Kind of shrugged and walked away, like, all right, that's the thing. I'd be like, well, you. You. It was my fault.

Wisdom from Life Experiences

Yeah, exactly. It's not my fault. You know, Forrest Gump always says, stupid is a. Stupid does 100%, and it's always true, man. That's the fact of life, right? He came out, you know, he never sent me. He says there's a video out there where he's going, oh, where you got. Yeah, no, there is.

Video Documentation of the Event

Yeah, I have a. My ring camera video. Caught the whole thing. Yeah. I told Prince about it. I'm like, dude, my dog just bit my face. He just bursts out laughing. No empathy. I was cracking up the whole time. There was no sympathy for me. I remember you told me this story, too.

Community Engagement and Humor

Oh, my goodness, man, that was funny. I'm like, can you show me? He did not. Like, can you show me your wounds? Like, no, I'm gonna. You're not gonna see my face until. Until I heal. I'm like, that's bullshit. Come on. Yeah.

Market Trends and Token Dynamics

What are you gonna do, guys? But anyway, market's looking good for memes. Of course, we're seeing this new kind of meme theme come up, which is the stock tokens. Given how the market's doing, it's kind of not going to last, I don't think. But again, you never know. SBX 6900.

Project Resilience

That thing has been around for a while. You know, Prince and I have talked about it, and we saw it early, and it took off. But you know what? Some of these things do, some of them don't. But the end of the day, we've seen this before. What will happen is one of the big one will dump at some point because it's just, you know, it has to.

Investment Strategies

And then you see the other ones dump, and then the. The wheel spins a little bit and then rotates back to the other. Another narrative, and it's like. And we're probably in queue, you know, like it's either us or the actually probably be the political tokens. Like were saying, prince. It'll probably be the political tokens because of just the timing of it.

Market Predictions

And after the political tokens be ready, because it could very well be the map fury theme tokens again. So it's like a spinning wheel. It just does the same thing over and over. But the upside is that as more rotations happened, we keep growing like we're picking up. We're like a snowball.

Community Strengths

We're continuing to grow. We're still going around. And not every moment's gonna be our moment, but every time it comes back around to us, we get stronger and stronger, and we last. We outlast a lot of other projects, so time is always on our side. Just because we've been around so long, because we're such a strong community and unwavering in that way, it's going to pay off in the long run.

Knowledge and Understanding

We just have to be patient because we've seen this. We know how the market works. It's not. It's actually very. It's very simple. The way the market moves, it's like. It's like just a cycle. That's all it does. It just, you know, like you were just saying, prince, it's like no different than election cycles.

Cycles of Change

It's just, you know, what to expect. Just like, instead of every four years, it's really every. In crypto, it's like every four days. The narrative lasts maybe two days now before going to the other one, so. And just be careful. Probably, like I said in the last spaces, I said, by Wednesday, you'll probably start seeing a lot more politifi tokens.

Upcoming Trends

The index tokens will start, you know, dissipating a little bit because you're starting to see them coming out. Tesla's and Pepe 6900 and all this stuff. You'll start seeing them go away, and then you might see a couple more politify tokens come up. Anything that Trump says, anything that Kamala says will be a token soon.

Market Caution

So just be careful out there. Don't get wrecked, don't get rugged. Stick to strong narratives. Stick to things that have been around for a while, even though they're at a higher market cap. It doesn't matter. Those are the ones where you make your money at.

Investment Reliability

And then. Yeah, like Hiroshi said, you never know. You might start seeing the Matt fury narrative after the elections. You. We may hop back into that. How does that happen? That depends on what Pepe does. You know, Pepe pumps, if Andy pumps, if land will pumps any of those Brett derivs, any of those come out and they start pumping, we'll do well.

Investment Strategy Overview

So it's just it. Even hoppy, you know, hoppy does well. We start pumping. It's just the name of the game. But we just got to be patient, and we just got to continue on this path. Exactly. That's the. That's the main thing, is just being patient. We've seen it time and time again.

Trends in Market Activity

Some of these tokens that were not really doing a whole lot price wise, price action wise, all of a sudden, boom, 100,000,200, then almost a billion in market cap. We've seen it over and over in this market, especially where a lot of the people look for, it seems to be. Is that tokens that have been around for a while versus the new ones, because the new ones, a lot of them are money grabs.

Long-Term Investment Perspective

I mean, the ones that have been around, you can trust them a bit more because the team's been active. I mean, I'm putting my trust in the team and the community that's. That's been around for six months, a year, whatever, way more than I am a token that pops up that's just skyrocketing. That's a day or two old.

Investment Risks

I mean, that thing is like, that's a pretty scary investment to me. I wouldn't want to ensure sometimes you can take that risk, but my big positions are always going to be in the rock solid projects that shown longevity and just the communities. Very strong half.

Milestone Achievements

Oh, yeah. And we almost at the four month mark, too, man, that's. That's dope. Dope. Yeah. That's crazy. Four months. That went by quick, didn't it? Fast. I remember when y'all was holding the first spaces, man, it felt like yesterday.

Time Flies in Business

Oh, my goodness. That's crazy. That was what? That was June. That was June, right? Yeah. Yep. Wow, man, how went from a. From a 200K market cap project to 30, 33 mil back down to, I don't even know, 1.2.

Current Market Status

Like, one push? Yeah, like somewhere between 1.2 and 1.5. And now we're like, what, 6.5 right now? 6.76.8. Somewhere under go. That's not bad, man. You know, we're like. We. We're like a two, three x away from our all time high, so we're not, you know, we're not far.

Future Prospects

We just got to keep building and pushing, you know? And if we do that, you know, we'll get rewarded in this bull run. I mean, it's. It's a great narrative, man. We talk about it all the time. Obviously, we talk about. Until we can't talk about it anymore.

Endless Discussion

It's. It's. It's just such a great narrative. And I just. I just feel it's. It's out of all the narratives. Like, even, like, when you look at the index narrative, if you told me that was going to hit 5600 million, I was like, I would tell you there's no effing way. It's just not a strong.

Market Analysis

What is it? It's nothing. It's just an index. A fake index name. Like, it doesn't. What's the narrative behind it? Do they talk about what that index is currently doing? Probably not. It's just a meme. I get it. But the narrative is not that strong.

Revelation of Longevity

Course. But, I mean, I. Who would have known? Who would. I can't believe it that they've been around for over a year, too.

Investment Perspective

If you guys. I know you guys are degenerates in here, but if you guys. If you guys. I know a whale group that's behind this one. I didn't buy it, but book of Etherium, pay attention to that one. There's some big ass whales behind that. That's a good, that's a good. You know, let me just sit back and relax and let these guys use their money to pump my bags type project. So, you know, take a look at that one. If you're. If you want to just throw a couple dollars in something at some point.

Market Trends and Strategies

But listen, at the end of the day, it's either those types of tokens that you want to buy into things that whales control or tokens that have strong communities or a strong narrative. You know, you don't want to jump into these eth trending tokens, man. About two weeks ago, I was just playing around a little bit with $50, $100, man, I got wrecked. Let me tell you. It was stupid. It's just a waste of money to, you know, anything that pops up a tweet or anything like that. I was just bored. I didn't lose too much. But you know, it's, that's the degen in us, you know.

Current Market Dynamics

Hell yeah. That shit is a little more easier when the shit, everything is pumping though, you know. But like times like this, man, you're definitely going to get rinse. Oh, you're going to get wrecked, bro. You're going to get. When things are quiet, that's when you get. Hell yeah, you're right. When things are pumping and things are looking good in the market, you get even when something's pretty much pumping, you'll make like, you can make a two, three x. Hell yeah. Easily. Yeah. But nah, like, you're just not doing it in this quiet mode.

KOL Strategies in Quiet Markets

You know, Hiroshi was talking about, you know what kols typically do when it's quiet like this? They'll find a higher market cap project with like a good, with a good narrative behind it and they'll buy into it and then they'll call it so they can make like two, three x fasten, then go gamble it on their gambling sites and lose that again. You see that all yesterday they did. It with Jesus token. A couple, like yesterday day before. I mean they, that thing was basically doing nothing. You know, it was community is good. So they knew that they were going to hold and that's the other thing they look for. They look for project.

Understanding Market Dynamics

It's kind of like they're a little bit like predatory because they look for projects that they know when it does pump they're not going to dump on them. So do they buy in a position they call the project, they know has really strongholders that are there for a billion dollar markup. They're not there for a three x. But guess who is there for three x? The Kol that called them. So they buy in a position, they call it does that to three x. They dump it and then that's it. They made their, they made their money that then the project goes back. So basically close to where it was. If it doesn't hold, sometimes it holds up a little bit, but that's the plan. That's why they do that.

Community and Integrity in Markets

And you know that. So it's artificial, you know, thankfully we haven't had that happen to us. I don't want that to happen to us. It's like, you know, it's better for us to keep growing organically and just believing in one another versus putting our belief in a couple individuals who are there to basically take your money, you know, 100%, man. I mean, it's the name of the game, it's a sick game. But if you have that little power, Hiroshi, and you use it at the right times. You know, I need to go. I need to go get some groceries.

Investment Strategies in Community Dynamics

Let me put a $500 in this and call it, you know, exactly. Yeah, right. They put more than $500 in it. But I'm just saying, I'm just throwing it in. I need grocery money. So they'll do that. They'll use their power, and Degens will always be Dejan. So they'll go and purchase it. You know, it's just the way. But it's a trapdeen. They're not calling it so you can make money. Just remember that. You know, they're. That's not what they're doing.

Navigating Market Risks

And again, it's not a knock on all Kols, but it is something that happens. I'm seeing it happen more and more. So beware when you see, unless you sell before them, which means you're going to probably sell in a one and a half or two x. They're usually looking for like a two to three x. Remember, it's not a long term play for them. They're looking to make some money. So. And then they'll probably, like you said, they'll probably gamble it away because again, these Kols that have been around for. Since 2021 or before that, a lot of them are DJ's.

The Role of Influencers in Market Dynamics

They lost a lot of money. They may have made a lot of money, but they're. They're. They're gamblers. You know, they. If they wouldn't still be doing this, for the most part, they move on to something else where you can be made millions of dollars. Guess what? You can. You can do something outside of crypto now. Their money, man, they gamble their money again. I know, I know. A pretty big influencer from 2021. He's not big anymore, but he was supposedly, he's.

Impact of Market Dynamics on Influencers

He scrounged all his money, and now he's just trying to get it back from, you know, degenerating again and, you know, making calls and doing all this. It happens. I mean, people are bored, you know, you make that money, you're like, what am I going to do? Let me just gamble and play plinko, you know? Or gamble on plinko, bro. Yeah, you know, I see what's his name playing, though. Drake always plays that stupid game. A little ball goes down and it does.

Gambling and Entertainment in Market Dynamics

Like, you ever seen it? Oh, my God. Yo, he hit a big one time. It was like, I don't even know he hit like a million bucks on it. I don't even. It was crazy because it shows you, like, you can make a three x or you can make like a negative one x or two X or whatever. Like, it's scary game, man. You know? But they. That's what they do. That's what they do, these guys.

Importance of Community in Market Gains

But anybody else want to come up? Beam gems? I don't have. I don't know who's coming up. Rosh. I don't have powers on that. Oh, yeah. No, I don't have any other requests, but, guys, feel free to make that request. We'll get you up here. Oh, Uncle Ed, I believe that you've joined us. Uncle Ed. Hey, what's up, gentlemen? What's going on? How you doing today? Good, good.

Community Contributions and Engagement

It's Friday. Beautiful sunny day here. So all's good in the world. Wet is doing its thing, our community's doing their thing, I think, way. What are we missing? I don't think we're missing anything. Oh, no? Really not. I mean, this thing's kind of. This thing's kind of on autopilot. You know, we're all doing our job, you know, we're all pushing this project and we just have to be patient.

Future Outlook and Strategy Planning

I'm glad it sounds repetitive, but it's absolutely true that at the end of the day, as long as you're here and you're relevant during the bull cycle, especially where I think after election, things will ramp up a little bit, kind of towards, you know, February, March, that's when things get a little hectic. You know, you might see, you know, you might see watt at, you know, 8100, 100 mil, you know, somewhere around there. You never know. You never know.

Importance of Persistence and Community Support

Exactly. And we have to be here to win it, right? So the way I look at it, too, is look at all the work we've done. So if you start throttling back and say, oh, shit, this isn't gonna happen, well, what the fuck? Give me the amount of energy that was, you know, expelled there. So we need to just keep doing what we're doing. I would like to see more.

Engagement and Community Building

You know, we have new people. I see new faces liking our stuff and reposting. We need a lot more people to get involved on the twitter side of things. You know, if that number on our telegram is true, that, like, 7800 people are online at one time and you can't even get a raid done. I mean, come on. So everyone wants the lambo, but not everyone's willing to work for it.

Community Dedication and Efforts

So you gotta step. Now you're talking. Now you're talking, uncle. You see that? Listen, communities are built through communities. Teams cannot build communities. No, I've said that many times. And if we don't keep getting more community members to join into our revolution, whatever the heck we're doing, it's just not gonna work. You know, like I.

Team Efforts Versus Community Growth

We always told you guys, a team could do so much. You can market and you could do billboards, you could do whatever, and that's great. And that always looks good on the aesthetic side. But when you don't have that core community and that core community is not growing, not that your token is going to fail, it's just going to be stagnant. It's just going to stay where it's at. It might go up, you might get a two, three x, but you're not going to get that cult like feel.

Community Engagement and Symbolism

And that doesn't come from the team. That comes from us. If you don't build that cult like community, then people are gonna get tired, they're not gonna want to show the project, and then it's just gonna be us sitting here, you know, excuse my language. Holding our dicks. Yeah. So you know what? I don't want to hold your dick.

Concluding Thoughts and Community Involvement

And I don't really want to be. Holding. A character from my disgusting. Stop it. Hey, I'm sending the vehicle, bro. Away. Hey. I had to step away. This conversation got out of hand. No, but here's the thing.

Market Awareness and Positioning

What I think people need to realize is, all right, if were just some rogue meme that didn't have any association with anybody, that's one thing, right? Oh, shit. I'm putting all this energy. But, man, we're just an island unto ourselves. We're nothing. We're associated with Pepe, the whole boys club, the Matt fury narrative. Hoppe or hoppy.

Strategic Positioning in Market Context

So just think about that. And that's what I think about. So, listen, I mean. I mean, the stars have aligned for wet because wet is the pet rat, and he's a pet of a founder, if you will, quote unquote. So if these other ones can do it, we can definitely do it. And Pepe is, what, 4 billion? Hoppy? 60 million. I mean, these have a lot of people behind them, and they're tried and true.

Potential Growth and Community Action

So it's a no miss. But we got to be in it to win it, and we got to be out there. Ten x the others. We really do. I believe that. And, you know, you see it. We were on a roll earlier this afternoon. And just look at when all of us are out there banging and look at the price. You see it creep up. You see people making buys, you see the holder count go up.

Collective Impact on Market Movement

You know, that's not just coincidental. That's because of what we're doing. And so I keep saying it, and I'll say it again. What other investment do you have where you can have a direct impact on it? None. Exactly. None. This is it. So people realize that shit. And don't be lazy.

Team Efforts and Community Dedication

And I'm nothing saying you are, but there's a group, a core, about 20 of us, that are constantly hammering it. If there was ten x, that. Can you imagine? No, there was one and a half exit. Right? So that's what we got to do. 20 people is. Is really good.

Dynamic Market Analysis and Future Projections

Listen, at the end of the day, okay, so if Watt had launched. Let's just talk about this for a second. If Watt had launched in 2021, I'm guaranteeing it at this point in time, right now, this would have been about a $300 to $400 million market cap project. The problem is the crypto market turned into this rotating system where you have your rotators and you have your. Your long term holders.

Market Dynamics and Community Behavior

And the long term holders don't mind buying projects at 2030. 40 bill. They're cool with a five to ten x through a bull cycle, because if they buy five or six of those projects, you know, five to ten x, count it, you know, you'll 50 x your money, maybe you'll 25 money. And they're usually going heavy, too, and. They go in heavy.

Community Dynamics and Historical Comparisons

And that's the kind of stuff that we used to see in the 2021 bull run, where you used to see communities build from the ground up, and they would shoot the damn thing. Now, it's just there's too many tokens. People are spread out. There's a lot of rotators. The two three x, four x callers have kind of, like, ruined this space a little bit.

Challenges and Community Dynamics

They're kind of like the tier two, tier three kols, where they say, hey, look, I got a four x, five x, and the next day the project's dead. Those. There's a lot of those. Community members have. Have become sort of like a. A rotating door. Like, they just keep coming in and out, in and out.

Market Trends and Community Responses

They like to get their two three x and get the hell out of there. Eventually, they'll get rubbed. If this was 2021, you would have seen a difference. That's why as a community, we have to push harder, because back then you didn't need to push that hard because there wasn't as many tokens out. Now there's a lot of competition, a lot of things popping up.

Classifying Market Narratives

Doesn't matter if the narrative sucks as long as there's a. It could be a good community that likes the project or a whale group team that pumps it to hundreds of millions. But we have to, as a community, because we're more community driven than anything else. We have to make noise.

Objective of Community Engagement

And if we make noise, we'll get to our. We'll get to our goals, but we have to show everyone around us what we're made of, as uncle had said. Yeah, I agree. Can I just say something real quick about the raids, man? So like, it's cool that we rate our own statuses or where our own whatever post that we do.

Raiding Strategies

but find posts like under finance or Kucoin or some big influencer make a post there and then come pin it in the TG, you know, like that's how you do the rates cuz you know, like, yeah, we can get more eyes that way, you know, cuz we're trying to raid, you know, the people with more followers, not just our own stuff where we only got, you know, 50 followers at the most or some, like, we got it. The point of rating is to get more eyes out. So, like fine post.

Search Methods for Visibility

Like, like what I did the other morning, I seen finance was having a AMA, I made a post under their stuff and then I pinned it into TG, something like that, you know, and we do it like that. Trust me. Like, more people will start joining. Exactly. And the best way to do it is just go to the search bar, you know, put in like a hashtag gem or hashtag meme coin or hashtag thousand x or something like that.

Maximizing Social Media Impact

And they'll be. There'll be somebody like a kol or somebody with a lot of followers is show me your next 100 x gem and look at the time when they did it. Like if they did it in the last, like 30 seconds to a minute, post underneath it, go, you know, have a written script ready with a photo and then bring it to the telegram and have everyone rated it stays at the top of the. Of that post.

Strategies for Effective Engagement

So that not only does that kol or that important person or that exchange sees that, it just. It just helps the algorithm and then everyone sees it. Whoever, somebody who never even knew what wad is and you never know, that might catch their eye. They might be a big whale, they might be a big mogwell.

Leveraging Influencer Networks

They might be a big pepe well. And say, hey, you know, I like this project. Why did I miss this? You know, let me go tell my other whale friends what's happening over here, and so on and so forth. And that's how you do it, and that's how you build it. If you guys remember when I was rating in the beginning, I would do exactly that.

Building Foundations Through Engagement

I would go on the search bar. I would search, you know, a certain thing. Show me your next this. And then I post right underneath it. I'm like, oh, it's definitely wet. And then I put a picture there or whatever, or it's the, it's the last Infinity stone. This and that. And then I posted it, and people would rate it.

Engagement Through Alt Accounts

I have some of my alt accounts that would rate it as well. Just helps with the algorithm, as Cush always says. Helps with the algorithm. Helps with the algorithm. It's all you need to do.

Friday Greetings

So happy Friday, guys. Meme Jen's. Happy Friday, man. How you doing today? I'm fine. How are you boys today? Friday? Doing well. How are you? I. It's great. Yeah. My way to see it, boys. I have to say, we keep going.

Wide Outreach Strategy

What we're doing, we're going wide. You describe it. Good cash there, because we do that as well today. We have one guy who was like a post for a couple of days ago with 40,000 members or followers on his ex account, and he put up a thing on Reddit today. I will send it to you as well in your dm so you can see it there. It was perfect. It was a good example that we do the right things, so we should just keep going. But you mentioned it in the right way. We need more people.

Call for Collaboration

So we have to tell the ones who listen. Now, come on, help us. Help your bag and help our bags. We do this together. We need more people. I was away one day on a flight, but every single day, five, 6 hours per day, grinding, grinding together with the rest. So we are like ten people who do the same every single day.

Amplifying the Message

Then we add some guys who put some posts, but we need more people. When we reach that level, then everybody will know about us. This is how I see it. Absolutely, man. I agree. So it sounds like we're all aligned. I mean, you know, we all know what the task is, right? It's just to get more eyes on this.

Targeting the Right Audience

I think that's spot on as far as just making sure we're targeted in the audience that we're trying to capture like we're not. Once again, we're all. We've all been here for some time so we don't have to appeal to each other about this project. We need to bring new eyes onto this project. So it definitely both lengths to start for sure.

Engagement Metrics

I believe guys like today for instance, I believe every single one who have account bigger than 100,000 followers have reached some posts from us. Can you agree with that? I'm sure. And zero x 2030 we. I believe we have reached everybody. Dave has been around as well. Do the same. I don't know how many we have reached today.

Consistency in Goals

It's millions of people. That's amazing. So we are on the track. We just keep going. But as yes mentioned, we also do that to the exchange accounts but we do it wide and this is branding. We go and crazy now and a couple of weeks from now we go into the moon. I'm 100% sure about it.

Preparing for Market Movements

We prepare the market now so we will, don't we keep up with the good energy, go out and breathe some fresh air, be with a family and then keep going like this. Yeah, I mean, look, we know that there's so like this is a crazy month, at least here in the US, and well, actually it kind of affects the whole world.

Political Context

So we don't know if it like, you know, what will be or the Matt Fury narrative will be all the hype in a week or two weeks or three weeks just because I personally feel like, you know, we got to get through this election cycle, you know, this election season that will. And then we'll see a real lot of hype around the whole Matt Fury thing.

Future Expectations

That's my opinion. I could be wrong, but I think it. But my point is that it doesn't matter if it's. It really doesn't matter if it's a week from now, two weeks or even a month or two months from now. The fact is, it's going to be our time.

Being Patient

We know that it's coming. The table say we're already in queue. Basically, we're in queue to be that next big meme runner along with the other Matt Fury narratives. Especially given that Pepe is still very much at the top.

Market Stability

So that hasn't changed. You have a lot of these rotations. But Pepe's maintained this really high market cap all the major exchanges, which you can't say that for the majority of meme tokens in general, there's only a handful that are on all the exchanges like that, including the most notable ones like Coinbase and finance and everything.

Locked in for Growth

So when you take that into consideration it only makes sense that, you know, we're locked in basically I feel like we're locked in. So it's just a waiting game and you know just staying busy, not having to look at it like oh, we need to take off or you know we're giving ourselves a timeline.

Moving Forward

It doesn't even matter because we know it's going to happen. So I think we're going to look back a couple of years from now and I mean you look how fast his last four months went by, right? On one hand it seems like its taken some time.

Reflection on Time

On the other hand its like wow, that was like a blink of an eye. And the same will be true four months from now. And were at a much higher market cap I believe. So its just well get there.

Maintaining Enthusiasm

But the main thing is we just continue to keep that enthusiasm, keep the activity up and just remind ourselves why were here. What we have something that is, you know, we're the rat, we're the only pet of Matt Fury that's, you know that's a character in a book, in one of his books.

Character Significance

We're the first character in any of his published books. We're the most sentimental character to him from what we can gather. You know given the connection to the Night Riders, given to the fact that you know he correlates himself with the frog in the book.

Symbol of Connection

But the rat he kind of like looks at his almost like his daughter in a sense. You know the adventure they went on and what they mean to one another. So he looks at his daughter as a rat.

Recognition of Efforts

Jeez. Well I know I was trying to word it in another way but my. God that Guy is coming back to that Guy who sent Text that things on Reddit today. This is like a proof for us our side.

Proof of Success

We hand brand it so hard now and inform everybody that this is a ratified of Matt Fury. So this guy who wrote the text there put up with 40,000 viewers or followers. This is a good example that we do the right things.

Engagement and Continuous Effort

Just keep informing everybody they can take off. Next week can be two weeks from now, two months from now. We don't know, nobody here know but we are doing the right things. We need more people.

Energy Maintenance

We have to keep up the energy. I have a good belief, high beliefs. I will not stop grinding for sure. Can't be in the guys. Yeah absolutely.

Collective Strength

I think, I think we all got that you know like that fire in us that we all have been pushing this thing, and we're not letting up, and it just. It's inevitable we get to where we want to go.

Technical Difficulties

So now it's just. Hello? Can you guys hear me? I think the whole space rug. I think the whole space rug did it. That's what it looks like. Hell, yeah.

Connection Issues

Can you hear us, Uncle Ed? You can hear us? Okay, what do we do here? The host is having connection issues. Yeah, no, Hiroshi always has issues.

Conversation Continuation

That's a whole different story, right? Hiroshi can't even defend himself. We're the only two in here, man. That's it. Yeah. Hey, I'm here.

Speaker Situation

Oh, God. So it looks like just the speakers. No one else. That's it. I mean, the american speakers, it looks like. I think memes Jen got rugged.

Next Steps

Oh, my God. Let's open it, I guess. Let's open it back up. Let's. Let's see if you could open it. Back up right off. All right.

Ongoing Issues

I'm it. Hold on, guys. I don't know what's going on here. I think Prince left, came back in. We had some type of technical issue.

Apologies and Clarification

I apologize if I was talking over anyone. I could only hear myself speak, so I didn't think anyone else was talking for the last, like, five minutes. Let me add Prince back.


Bear with me, guys. Are you rugging us? What the hell happened? I. You hear. I was talking, but I couldn't hear anyone else talking so much here.

Technical Glitches

You just disappeared. Me? It was me, Uncle Ed, and Cush in the room. That's it. Weird. I don't know what the hell happened, man.


It's been you pissed off cushion. He left. You got mad. Oh, he didn't, this guy. I'm out of here. No, what was happening was I was. You better talk to him.

Addressing Conflicts

He got cush. Got mad at the. I can't see Chris getting mad at me, man. That seems crazy. Coach, tell him how pissed off you were, dude, when he cut off the space.

Apologies and Misunderstandings

Well, I apologize. I gotta say, I don't know. I could only hear myself talking. I was like, why is nobody else talking? So I'm, like, trying to think of stuff to say.


I'm like, all right, well, I guess it's just me up here. I guess no one's interested in what I have to say. I mean, yeah, I was just like, all right, well, I guess this is, It's the. It's the Hiroshi show.

Learning from Experience

I guess we'll just call it a day today and continue what he's doing, and we'll be great. Oh, man, I don't know. X has been weird all day.


We had, you know, weird. It was weird on our other spaces earlier. Yeah, yeah. It's just being weird. I don't knows weird.

Current Topics

But anyway, guys focused on them robo taxis and his little robots now, man. Yeah, we talked. We didn't get to talk about that in our last basis, the robo taxes, but we got to talk about, you know, TD bank in the.

Exploration of Current Events

In the three point in the money lawn. Oh, yeah. Jesus, man. Come on, bro. Are you kidding me? Yeah, man. What a time to be alive, huh?

Banking Experiences

Yeah, that's my bank. I never trusted to literally has literally been my bank since they bought commerce bank. I used to. I used to be a commerce bank customer.

Long-Term Banking Relationship

Yeah. Bought them out. So I've had that account since, like, actually, I believe it's 2001. Now I look back, I think it was 2001.

Time Span Reflections

So I've had that account for, like, 23. 23 years. So it's crazy. And they're forgetting money laundering.

Curiosity About Banking Practices

I was telling Hiroshi, I was like, I want to walk in the bank and, like, kind of like live streaming. I'd be like, hey, guys, did you guys really money launder?

Hypothetical Scenarios

And I want to see what the teller person says. I mean, it's not surprising, you know, these other institutions do it, too. It's just, who gets caught?

Confrontation with Employees

She looks at me because she goes, oh, absolutely. Yeah, were money laundering. I'm like, oh, what are you going to say? It's true.

Judgments on Banking

Like, it's. It's out there, you know, it's not like they're. They pled guilty. Yeah. This is crazy.

Cultural Observations

What do you think about that, Uncle Ed? I think it's a sign. Like, you're saying it's where we are societally, culturally.

A Sign of the Times

I mean, what the fuck? People look, right? Seriously. And they got fined $3,000,000,000.03.5. You're 3.5.

Lack of Consequences

Yeah, and that's probably nothing. That's nothing. No, it's sad. But you know what? It's a free for all everywhere.

Cultural Commentary

Everyone. The greed. Yeah, well, it's the wild. It's the wild west everywhere. Now. It is in Normie world and in crypto world.

Political Forecasts

Yeah. What you were saying earlier, you're probably right, you know, after the elections, because, yeah, you know, the political tokens are going to come on again.

Anticipating Future Events

You know, they have to. Right? So Wednesday, I'm calling Wednesday. Wednesday things will be pumping politifi tokens.

Market Predictions

There'll be new coming out. There'll be some stupid ones coming out. Just don't go and buy them unless you're there to flip them quickly because they're not going to last.

Investing Strategies

Yeah, you know, that. That's why I just, you know, like. Like, mean gens, too, and Dave and ox and cush and me and, you know, all the other guys that we're focusing on this, and it's obvious and it's making a difference.

Commitment to Progress

So as long as I see progress, I'm fucking balls to the wall. And that's how we all gotta be, right? And just like Kush said, guys, and I don't know if anyone missed it, but, you know, just don't shill it to each other.

Encouraging Engagement

You know, start rating influencers. You know, any of the top ones that are. That are kind of hot right now. Like that guy Gigi, who shield Nero, that CTO, you know, hit him up.

Building Relationships

You know, he usually messages back, you know, be like, hey, man, what's up? What's going on? You should buy some watt.

Communication with Influencers

You know, this is our narrative, blah. He might respond, you never know. But any of those types of things, or exchanges, tier one exchanges, you know, any of those, you know, big hitters where there's a lot more numbers and followers.

Engagement Tactics

Like I said, it doesn't matter if you have 50 or 100 followers, it doesn't matter. Shilling is shilling that you should continue doing that.

Calls to Action

But if you can, and you see a new post from anyone that's an influencer type or tier one exchange, hit them up. Put a post up, have it ready.


You know, keep it on the drafts. You could keep it on drafts on X. So it's post right away, it's quick, and then, you know, shill it out to the telegram and have people rate it.

Community Engagement

And that's it on X. I think that's what most of us are doing. You know, we all repost and like each other's stuff.

Mutual Support

But I noticed that we're all kind of going after kols. I know. That's my mode. Every morning they're up, bang.

Proactive Engagement

I try to hit them as soon as they post something. And now I'm, you know, it's like I've done it so many times, I just, you know, put in a wink or a smiley.

Activity and Response

You know what I'm putting so and so. You know what I'm gonna say? And they do, and they like it consistently so, but they got hundreds of thousands of people.

Outreach Success

And like me, gents was saying we probably reached over a million people today, easy. You know, I've got our name in front of them, so it's just more of the same.

Strategy and Best Practices

And it works, and it's not that hard. Right, guys? It's really not that hard. Not. Let's continue to push, man.

Persistence in Efforts

Just continue to push. I mean, well, we're not.

Current Market Observations

We're not even. Like I said, we're probably in, like, quarter two of the bull run right now. It's like, the beginning of quarter two. you know, we still have a lot more time to go, except, you know, we want to get on the forefront of things and just keep continuing to push harder. you know, try and break that. Break that resistance. it seems like resistance is at five, six mil right now. You know, we'll pump to ten, and then I'll come back down. There's a lot of traders, you know, that come in and start pumping, and you get excited, and you're like, oh, here it is. Here it is. And it dips back down to six, seven mil because they know how to trade it. you know, some of these guys are professional traders. They know exactly when to buy and how to make a, you know, a 50, 60% gain.

Community and Market Dynamics

You know, let's wreck them. Well, let's. Let's keep building, you know, and keep trying to push these guys out. Once we. Once we break that resistance, then ten mil will be the floor, and then from there on, it's no holds barred, and then we reach, like, the 1520 mil mark. We talk about this all the time. That's when the whales come in. They love to see an established token. What happened to us is, yes, we reached 20 mil. We reached 30 mil. But it was so fast, and people took profits. They didn't keep that floor. You have to build that floor to 20 mil for then whales to come in and see your project. That's when they want to buy in. At about 20 to 30 mil is when they want to buy in.

Growth and Flooring Strategy

So, you know, when we reach that floor and we build on that, we'll start. We'll start pumping higher. It's a numbers game. Hey. Hey, prince. I see some new faces. Why don't you do a quick Cliff notes version of our narrative? Cliff notes? Okay. Well, thank you for letting me do the honors. All right, so we are all you pray. You want to go for it, Hiroshi? Go for it, man. No, no. I think you do it more eloquently. So you do it? I do it more eloquently. Thanks. Well, hello, everybody. No, I'm just kidding. Yeah, we're. We're Watt. We are Matt Fury's pet rat.

Background and Inspiration

At some point in his life, he owned a rat named Watt. You know, let's. Let's. Let's get this story straight. Pepe was technically first, yes, but not in publication. The Knight Riders book came out in 2012. That was the first published book of Matt Fury, and Watt was the dedication to that book. So whatever Watt was in his life, what it meant to him was obviously a big inspiration because he literally, you know, dedicated a book to him. So that's one thing in that narrative. The second narrative is the ox six three, which is the crypto. Our contract code is ox six three, which predates Pepe, which makes it kind of like a little crypto flare.

Narrative and Community Engagement

And obviously, the third one kind of is we are the book. We are the narration in Knight Riders, which is kind of like a children's book. And, you know, it came out prior to the boys club. There was an unpublished boys club product, but it wasn't the published one. You know, we always go by timestamps, you know, book stamps, you know, what was technically the first, if you look at it in perspective when it comes to publications, narration, all that stuff. So, yeah, I mean, that's it. Hiroshi, want to add to it a little bit? I just want to say, if you guys are just joining us, welcome. You know, I think you'll find that we have a really awesome community.

Community Spirit and Engagement

I mean, this community is like, since day one, we've just been, like, just having so much fun and really just become a big family. And, you know, we're glad that you guys joined us and hope you stick around and become a big part of this, because this is, to me, this is the best community I've ever been a part of in crypto in. In the seven plus years I've been in the space. So it's really just, you know, we have fun. You know, we got a great token, of course, a great project and community and a great team. If you are just joining us, the team here is still very active, and they're always coming up with new ideas, most recently a couple new billboards, a billboard campaign that just got us more eyes on the project.

Participation and Community Activities

And of course, they're always, you know, delivering on different things. So, you know, you guys are in good hands here, and everyone has a voice. So just, if you do have any ideas or anything you want to talk about or thoughts, whatever, you can always come up here and speak one of the spaces or there's always somebody available in the x. In the telegram or on x, for that matter. You can just message an admin. You could just ask a question right in the telegram chat. Whatever is easy. Wattpacks. Another thing. Yeah. If you guys are just joining us, also, the Wattpacks initiative that Christian Uncle Eddie took up and Uncle Ed and Kush are two really prominent, important community members since the very beginning.

Community Initiatives and Collaborations

And the Wattpac is basically an extension of this project. It's a big part of it. They're doing a lot of creative things to push the project and hold spaces of their own sometimes. I highly encourage you guys to participate in whatever the wattbacks doing and also join their spaces. Follow these guys, follow one another for that matter, if you guys haven't already. we have a good amount of people on the space. We're all part of the same community. So let's support each other, follow each other, and, you know, like each other's posts and all the. That good stuff. So, that's all I got for the day, guys. I mean, I'm excited, man.

Market Sentiment and Encouragement

I'm really excited about the market. I'm excited about where wise going, man. I wanted to add one thing, hirosh, to. To everything that's going on lately. Everyone has been seeing that, you know, ctos are. Are more bullish than projects ran by teams. But obviously, in the last couple days, I don't know if you guys have been reading up that a lot of these ctos are actually fake. And I've been talking about this, if you go back to some of my spaces, before this was ever announced, is that a lot of these ctos are run by either the team. Prior to calling it a CTO, they sell all their bags, cto it, and then. And then repurchase and pretend the community took over.

Critical Perspective on CTO Dynamics

Or you can get up, like. Like, for instance, like the Nero CTO, which was a bunch of chinese whales who went in there, bought up 80% of the supply. This is all out there. Go look at it. Kind of like. Kind of like I was talking about it. So don't get discouraged. When you have a team behind a project, you want that. You know, I know ctos have gotten this popularity thing. Oh, it's a CTO. It's a CTO. Forget that. You know, if the team's doing right for their community, stick with it. You know, if whales are running a project and, you know, it's whales behind it and they're doing it right, stick with it.

Value of Strong Leadership

It doesn't have to be a community driven project over here, we have a very strong team behind us. We have a very strong community behind us, which is driven by them. But obviously, team supports us, and we talked about it. If you guys weren't in this space about 2030 minutes ago, me and Uncle Ed, we're going back and forth, you know, talking about that. We have to make a little more noise as a community. You know, we have to go out there and. And shill this. This product. A team could do so much at certain points, but if a community doesn't build, then a project can't go up from there.

Collective Effort for Growth

I'll just stay stagnant. So, as community members, we have to keep pushing this project to meet where we want our expectations. You know, put, you know, work for your bags. As the old saying is, it sounds repetitive and ridiculous sometimes, but it's actually true. You know, if you want to invest in something here, when it comes to the meme coin space, you have to shield your bag. This is not Wall street, where you buy into Apple and just let Apple do all the work for you here. You got to work. So the more work we do, the more we'll get rewarded and in a faster time.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

So just continue doing what you're doing, guys. I'll let Hiroshi finish off from here. Can I add one thing, guys, a little bit? Friday inspiration. Good. Go for me. I see in the background now when I look at what's happening in the market land. Wolf, up 25 percentage. Andy, 25 percentage. Pepe, ten percentage as well. With Brett. Ten percentage as well. So it happens a lot in the background. So, of course, we're going hand with them a lot, so expect a lot of fun this weekend. Exactly.

Weekend Market Outlook

I mean, typically. Typically, weekends aren't good in crypto, but, let's see what happens. You know, sometimes we get surprised on the weekends, and, you know, yeah. We'Ve had some of our best days. We're on Sundays. I mean, huge days on Sundays, so you never know. We were not. Wouldn't be the first time. We were the exception. But crypto space is not so many. Who's going through the weekends like a normal weekend when they are? Like, October, November, December, I believe. I think the next basic meme gens, I think I'm gonna play bot and Anna, and I think that's gonna be the next song. do that, please.

Community Engagement and Conclusion

Yes, coach. You're gonna love it. Don't worry. All right, guys. well, listen, guys, another great spaces. Yeah, man. Looking forward to it. In a sense, that was, how he truly feels. But you know, I. I saw at the x space here we have some from China as well. So this is nice to coming in from. As I just mentioned in my post, we going global. I love that because we see people now here in the space as well from around the world. So I believe this should be a sign for us going global.

Global Community Engagement

Yeah, absolutely, man. By the way, mim, Jen, you don't you see this is a random question, but. So I live in Boston and I didn't see it last night. A bunch of my friends took pictures, but we could see the aurora bore yellow. The northern light is amazing. There's a lot of it. They went yesterday. It was around whole Sweden. Wow. I missed it. Aurora. Yeah, I can send. Send a picture on DM to what's happening yesterday. I'll send one right now.

Nature and Community Interaction

I'll send you a picture that I took. That I took last night. You guys want to see it? Oh, yeah, please. I was mad that I didn't see it, but I also live in the city, so it was a little bit. No, nobody wants to see your strawberry white sprints, man. Please stop it. There you go. Well, why is it saying this post has been deleted? Where can I put. Where is this? Hold on. Even I have a company that's named Aurora.

Community Dynamics and Communication

You're not prince. You're not holding Uncle Ed's dick in that picture, are you? Because I'm not opening. Jesus. Did you hear. Did you hear that, Uncle Ed? No, no. I was just confirming that. He's not confirming that he's. Nothing sick today, man. My goodness. Excuse our sickness to the new members in this. Why can't I. Why can't I post in the space? Did you delete it or something like that?

Technical Issues and Closing

I didn't delete anything. I don't know why it's saying can't retrieve it this time. I don't know what's going on with. If the color is green is perfect. No, it says. It says post cannot be sent. No. Yeah, we can't. We can't post, man. Yeah. Come on. Geez. Okay, look, I'm going to post it underneath. Okay. So look at.

Final Communication

Let me see if this one works. Let's try this one. Hold on. It's a beautiful picture. There we go. Okay. I posted it under the set. A reminder for upcoming space today at 130. That was the post. That was 5 hours ago. Check it out. Let's see what we got here. Oh, yeah. Wow. You saw that last night, prince? Yes, sir. Wow, even. Tell me, man.

Concluding Thoughts

Kind of friend are you able to. Wake you up at, 09:00 at night. Will it be again today? Is it gonna happen again or no? I don't know. I don't know. But it was cool, man. It was cool. All I did there was, like, a DJ to, like, just start going, you know? Yeah. Wow, that's amazing. Look, that's a nice picture. I like that.

Nature Appreciation and Ending Note

Yes, sir. It's beautiful. Nature is fantastic. That's like. That's like a bucket list that you never thought you'd get to see in New Jersey. You're like, oh, northern lights. I don't have to. I don't have to go to Iceland to go see it, you know, I could just hang out here and watch it, you know? So that was cool. Wow. All right, guys. Beautiful, guys.

Wrapping Up

Catch you on the next spaces, as always. And, man, have a great weekend. I mean, it's going into a nice weekend, and it's fall leaves are changing colors depending on where you are and. The community in touch on Sunday, guys. Thank you. Good stuff, guys. Thanks, Benjamin. Thank you. Good weekend. Enjoy with your families.

Community Encouragement

Keep pushing wat as we do every day, you know? You know, we talked about different strategies here. You guys are doing a great job. Just change it up a little bit. Hit up tier one exchanges, hit up some stronger kols, change it up a little bit, you know, do a little bit of research, and that's it, man. Just continue pushing. Great space. All right, guys, catch you on the next one.

Final Goodbye

Yeah. What webp, guys?

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