Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by CryptoVonDoom

Space Summary

"Hey, we're going to let everybody file in here for a few, and we'll start up in about three minutes. Hang. Tighten it. All right, you guys, how's everybody doing today? If you all don't mind sharing the space, let's try to fill this up as much as possible. We've got some serious legends in the house here today, and I'm excited to get started. Spread this link out a little bit more here in some group chats, all that stuff. We'll start in a minute here. Drop. This in a few more chats. Try to get as many people in here as possible because this is some good stuff today, people. All right, welcome. How's everybody doing today? Great. Good to have you all with me today. Let's see one quick second. We'll start in just a minute. It. All right, welcome, everybody. Welcome. Today we've got some legends in the house. We've got Crystal Wolf, we've got Johnny from champions, and we've got Keystone protocol. Say hi, guys. Hey, folks. Hey, everybody."


Q: What was the approximate waiting time given before the official start of the space?
A: Around three minutes.

Q: Who were some of the notable figures mentioned in the discussion?
A: Crystal Wolf, Johnny from champions, and Keystone protocol.

Q: What was the emphasis placed on in terms of audience participation?
A: Encouraging sharing the space to increase participation.

Q: How was the audience encouraged to promote the space?
A: By spreading the link in various group chats.

Q: What was the strategy mentioned to attract more participants?
A: Mentioning the presence of serious legends in the discussion.

Q: What action was suggested to maximize engagement?
A: Dropping the link in more chats.

Q: What was highlighted about the start of the space?
A: It was essential to start promptly and generate excitement.

Q: What was indicated about the content to be discussed?
A: It was described as good stuff creating anticipation.

Q: How were the key figures introduced to the audience?
A: Through welcoming remarks and acknowledgments of their presence.

Q: What was the overall focus of the discussion within the space?
A: Community engagement and interaction.


Time: 00:03:39
Waiting period of about three minutes before the start.

Time: 00:03:45
Encouragement for audience engagement and sharing.

Time: 00:05:16
Introduction and welcoming of participants.

Time: 00:05:19
Emphasis on sharing the space for maximum participation.

Time: 00:05:25
Excitement generated by the presence of notable figures.

Time: 00:05:34
Promoting the space by spreading the link in group chats.

Time: 00:05:45
Importance of starting the discussion promptly.

Time: 00:05:48
Encouragement to maximize engagement by dropping the link in chats.

Time: 00:05:49
Building anticipation for the valuable discussion content.

Time: 00:05:58
Welcoming and acknowledging the presence of key figures.

Key Takeaways

  • Participants were encouraged to join the space with a waiting period of about three minutes before the official start.
  • Emphasis on engaging the audience and sharing the space to enhance participation.
  • Presence of well-known individuals like Crystal Wolf
  • Johnny from champions
  • and Keystone protocol.
  • Promotion of the space by spreading the link in group chats to attract more participants.
  • The anticipation created by mentioning the presence of legends in the discussion.
  • Request for dropping the link in more chats to maximize engagement.
  • The importance of starting promptly and building excitement among the audience.
  • An indication of the quality and value of the content to be discussed in the space.
  • Welcoming remarks and introductions to key figures to set the tone for the conversation.
  • Overall focus on community engagement and interaction within the space.

Behind the Mic

Biggest problem that all of these games face is users. And once we have a marquee game like champions, which gets the word out, allows people to grow, and I think it's acceptable to announce that YGG is one of our partners on the node side. So they're out there going to be driving all of their users in their communities to the champions game. And once those users realize how fun champions is, and they're sticky happy players inside the champions ecosystem that actually lives inside of the Keystone foundation ecosystem. So if we brought in a new game, it's just as easy to take those users that were playing champions and play any of the other games that are on the protocol. So once you have a flywheel spinning with an installed base of gamers, I think that the momentum behind bringing on new games for that very reason is going to start to pick up. So if you think about the advantages, it's really user acquisition, that's what this is. It allows, and by the way, it's a butt for every seat. So if you're not a hardcore battler, if you're not a first person shooter, but you like making skins, there's a seat for you. If you just like finding good stuff and telling people about it, there's a seat for you. So that's the benefit of coming inside of this ecosystem. So it really is a software exchange and will live inside of the Keystone foundation ecosystem. The future state of Keystone foundation, we're building that here. And really the last and final phase in the way I think it's about having assessed this market quite thoroughly before we got started with Maximilian getting into the arena on day one was all with the understanding that now we have marketplace demand understanding on our side, game context on our side. And then finally, marketplace leading into live content with users happy and engaged. Really that's where we're taking it in the future. So to underscore it again, we're not just looking to create another first person shooter or an RPG. We're not looking for the next war hammer or something like that. We're building games with this frictionless layer and then a series of really innovative creators around those games. So coming into the ecosystem, the seamless part, that's the highlight. And then lastly, I kind of want to finish on us and what we're doing at the champions level. So the games that we're bringing into the champions game and then living inside of the Keystone ecosystem also feel to highlight some of the higher level stats. So adoption, for example, we've done a variety of different campaigns around NFTs and NFTs generated by some of our partners in the space. And really these are exciting projects and that's kind of the highlight. So we're all kind of looking forward to the game, what it does for the broader vision of gamers and really how we get more and more people into one spot. So again, to underscore some of his highlights, the state of the union, absolutely thrilled. Keystone foundation, you wouldn't be here without everybody who has participated and none of us would be here talking on today's call without the participants up front every day using our product. We deeply appreciate your efforts in all of this, our developer friends here at GXYZ. Your contributions inside of our discord community and on Ethereum are absolutely tremendous. And we'll settle this debate on the floor. Thanks for your time. We're excited about bringing champions in that ecosystem into the Keystone group for 2022 and onward. Keep shipping amazing content for you. Guys, keep iterating on the game. Keep making it, you know, better each month with each new build. And you guys are still a big part of that. For those of you out there who haven't been around the arena in a while, get your asses back in on the sand. Time to bleed. With me, bleeding is believing. See you in the arena. See you in the arena. Well, thanks guys. Thanks guys. I really appreciate the time today. Mister Von Doom, we know you're a very busy man. Thank you for doing this. We know you're a very busy man too. Thank you. And safe travels to Kyoto and we'll do this again soon. Thanks guys. Thanks everybody. See ya. Bye.

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