Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Volted Dragon NFT Club hosted by kenbussey2. The Volted ? Dragon NFT Club space explored the intricacies of NFT club memberships, highlighting the significance of engagement, community collaboration, and artist partnerships. Discussion revolved around exclusive NFT drops, the value of community networking, and the impact of collaborations on the NFT ecosystem. Members were encouraged to actively participate in the club's roadmap, envisioning a future filled with creative projects, virtual events, and unique artistic endeavors.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: What are some common membership benefits in NFT clubs?
A: Exclusive NFT drops, VIP event access, and community collaborations are popular perks.

Q: How can active participation enhance the NFT club experience?
A: Engaging in discussions, events, and collaborations can enrich member interactions.

Q: Why are NFT club communities valuable for artists and collectors?
A: Communities offer support, exposure, and networking opportunities beneficial for creators.

Q: How do collaborations between NFT clubs and artists benefit both parties?
A: Artists gain visibility and a platform, while clubs acquire unique content and collaborations.

Q: What role does the roadmap play in NFT club engagement?
A: Roadmaps provide insight into future plans, events, and projects, keeping members engaged.


Time: 05:12:43
Exclusive NFT Drops and Club Benefits Exploring the perks of membership and limited edition NFT releases.

Time: 08:25:19
Artist Collaborations and NFT Club Projects Discussing the mutual benefits of partnerships between artists and NFT clubs.

Time: 11:40:55
Community Engagement and Creative Networking Highlighting the importance of active participation in NFT club communities.

Time: 14:02:30
Future of NFT Clubs and Virtual Events Delving into upcoming events, initiatives, and the expanding virtual landscape of NFT clubs.

Key Takeaways

  • Membership perks in NFT clubs can range from exclusive NFT drops to VIP access to club events.
  • Engagement and participation are essential for maximizing the NFT club experience.
  • NFT club communities foster creativity, collaboration, and networking opportunities.
  • Understanding the roadmap and vision of NFT clubs can help members stay informed and engaged.
  • Collaborations between NFT clubs and artists can lead to unique and valuable NFT collections.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Session

Our channel it. Hello, hello. Hello. Good day everyone. Hope you guys can hear me. Happy Sunday to all the amazing people today. I hope you people are enjoying your weekend. And ladies and gentlemen, good day to all of you guys. My name is Sadaf and I proudly serve as the community volunteer for a BHE exchange. It is with great pleasure that we gather here once again for another exciting and enlightening ama session. Today's session promises to enrich your crypto journey with valuable insights and information. So before we move forward, I would like to inform you more about BHe exchange. So BHe exchange is a partner in digital platform that stands out with its cutting edge features. It offers API interfaces for efficient trading and introduces copy trading with trade by trade settlement and integrates AIH for advanced trade management. BHE's roadmap includes cross chain protocols and threshold signature TSS, ensuring a safer and efficient digital asset trading environment.

Overview of BHE Exchange

Navigating next frontier innovation with BHe exchange. So let's wait for our guest for tonight because today we are going to talk about gamify in crypto industry. So let's wait for him and we'll be waiting for him in the next two minutes and then we'll start our session. Stay tuned and stay connected with us, okay? Okay. Hello everyone. Hello, hello. Let me introduce you, I mean, to bhe exchange again. So BHe exchange is a partner in distal platform that stands out with its cutting edge features. It offers API interfaces for efficient trading, introduces copy trading with trade by trade settlement, and integrates AI for advanced trade management. So today we are going to talk about the intersection of gaming and trading, which shows how virtual economies in games and tradable assets and currencies, minor real world system. This has to lead, you know, play to earn models where players earn real income and gamified trading platforms that engage users with rewards and interactive features.

Introduction to Masterpop

So today we are joined by Masterpop, which is an innovative blockchain based gaming project that combines the fun of mass three gameplay and real economic opportunities. And to know more, we are joined by Samuel, who is one of the BDM of Masterpop. So can you hear us, sir? Yeah, I can hear you. I can hear you. Okay, so would you like to introduce yourself and. All right, all right. So first and foremost, my name is Samuel and I'm like really excited to hop on this space and to also share some cool ideas about Masterpop. So I'll just be introducing what we are and what our goals are. So Masterpop is like a relaxing and enjoyable game where you match three items, or should I say it's basically like a puzzle game where you can just like ease up and play. And this one does not really requires the like the technical know how because it's kind of easy, easily played.

Gameplay and Features of Masterpop

Get a. We also have like what we call m pop, which is our native token and which is used for fueling our economy. And we also have a total supply of 100 million tokens. And players can also earn pop, which is our points we reward by playing the game. And after the furnace is activated, players can also like forge their points into our tokens. You can also stick these tokens in like farming pool. And these tokens can yield you amazing rewards. And also we have, we also have our synthetic token. And this, synthetic token represents our game, is like our game token which, players obtain when they burn their m pop. It gets. So I'll just, stop there. Okay, let me just introduce some. Okay.

Game Levels and Community Engagement

Also in the game we also have like three levels. The first level is kind of the beginner's level where the new ones, which do not really know they are about the game, can just come and explore. Then after that one you like is a right of passes as if you are graduating to the next level, which is the, next, the beginner's level. Or let's say like the regular level where you can also end like 5. Also we have like the hard level you get where you can also end like ten cop. And also for now we are like in a better testnet and where we like invite the general community to come and also like test out the game and find out some bugs and also get rewarded. So I'll stop here for now. Thank you. Wow, that's amazing.

Discussion on Masterpop Features

And I, you know, I was just going through Masterpop. I just went through the. Can hear me? Yes, yes we can hear you. Yes we can hear you. Am I audible? Hello? Yes we can hear you, Samuel. So as you mentioned about all these exciting features that Masterpop has and I was just going through scrolling all the websites and the medium articles that we have about Masterpop as I was really fantasized. Or you can say I was very much excited to know more about it. So would you like to explain the missions or the core missions of Masterpop and how would you like to differentiate it with the other platforms that we have, you know, similar to Masterpop? I wasn't hearing you clearly. I think I had some network issue. Can you please go over the question again.

Core Missions and Vision of Masterpop

Oh, yes. Sure, sure. So, yeah, I wanted. Yes, we can hear you. Can you hear. I'm audible to you? Hello, Samuel. Yeah, I can hear you and I can hear you now. Okay. Okay. So, yeah, my question was, yes, there is some network issue, I guess. Okay, so my question was that, would you like to inform us the core missions of Masterpop and how would you like to differentiate it with the other platforms that we have similar to Masterpop? Okay, okay, thank you for that. So our co missions are like to create vibrant. Yes, yes, we can hear you. We can. Yes. You're completely audible, Samuel. All right, all right, all right. So our core vision of for Masterpop is like, we are like, to create our image to create a vibrant and like, inclusive gaming community powered by blockchain technology where players can, like, come together and enjoy, like a good gaming experience.

Masterpop's Mission and Gaming Ecosystem

And also Masterpop mission is aimed at redefining the gaming ecosystem by enabling players to, like, actually aim from what they are participating in. And also we are like, are trying to like merge, engage in engaging gameplay with like, real economic opportunities. Like creating an ecosystem where every action not only just brings about fun, but also like financial rewards. And our goal is like, to empower players to become like earners and first type community. Well, like skills and like strategy, which also with participation translates good value in the community and also the be part of it. Like what differentiates ourselves from other communities.

Game Features and Player Motivation

Okay, we are like a match three gameplay, which incorporates like a units play model, earning it gets. And what sets us apart is the integration of cryptocurrency reward, which is m pop we get, which adds like an extra layer of motivation and engagement for players. And also this combination of fun game with the opportunity to earn reward creates a distinctive experience compared to, like, other games you get in this, our game, you don't just like play for the phone, but aside from the phone, you also get like the real chance and opportunity to end while you're playing, which gives you more motivation to play the game. So that's it.

Empowering Gamers with New Opportunities

Thank you so much. And I think it's quite empowering for the people who are related to gaming industry or they want to earn something in the gaming industry and you're giving them chances to be a part of your community and earn rewards in several ways. So that's amazing. And we all know that people who join crypto industry or I mean, in any field, if I get into any field, the main motto is that we want to earn some profits through it. We want to earn something from that so that we can stick to that field for a longer time. So that's nice to know. And surely Masterpop has some amazing features. As I was going through the articles, I got to know about those things.

Content Generation and Community Engagement

Okay, so moving forward, I have my next question from you that could you walk us through the process of how Masterpop generates and curates its content? Like, there are several, I was just going through the website and I got to know about the referral programs also. So would you like to shed some light on that? All right. Okay, so Masterpop content is like designed with both casual gamers and like crypto enthusiast in mind. Get the game development team creates dynamic and challenging levels. Why also we integrate, we make like integrations on the blockchain to support the game rewards. And also we also give a room also to the communities for like, ideas on how they will love to have a nice experience to get because by the time you open room for such innovations, you see that you can get like Nike's support because it's the, actually, the game is actually for the whole community.

Community Feedback and Continuous Improvement

So love to like incorporate with everybody to see if we can get like cool updates and like events that have been deployed already. And also we do regular updates and events which are created based on like, the players feedback. And also we make like some data analysis to keep the gameplay freshen and engaging. And the process is also a blend of like, creative levels, design and technical innovations which drives the community and give it good enhancements. Thank you. Thank you so much. And I think it's important thing to get the feedback from the community because we come up with several updates, several, you know, new things or new features that get added to the platform.

Overcoming Challenges in Development

And sometimes people do not understand them and they do not think that they're getting profit through it. So it's nice that you guys take the feedback from the community so that you can make changes according to them. So that's awesome and great to know. Samuel, moving forward, I wanted to know what were some of the lingers that Masterpop has faced in its development and how were they overcome. Okay. Okay. Okay. So yeah, one of the like, significant challenges was actually balancing the gameplay to ensure that it actually remains fun and quite accessible while also integrating, like, the complexities and the issues of the blockchain technologies.

Focus on User Experience and Education

And also to overcome this, the development team, like, focused on like, the user experience and extensive testing gets and also refining the game mechanism and tokenomics to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience. And also we actually made it free to air because actually during the first test of our beta test we actually made it exclusive whereby if we didn't like have the CM pop or our whitelist, you won't be able to access the game. But also like now we also made it like free that you could actually assess it, the gameplay and everything. And also the team also faced the challenges of like educating players about the crypto aspect of the game, which was addressed through tutorials and also in community engagement on our jeep book.

Ensuring Security and Transparency

Yeah, thank you. That's great. That's great to know. And I think as I have also learned some of the things about Masterpop, it's building something that is going to beneficial to everyone who get connected to the platform. This ecosystem that you guys are building is surely profitable for everyone. So as you mentioned that you have also, you know, done like, you guys are also getting, giving some things in free or there are some git book also that can, that can be helpful for the people who get connected to your platform. So that's great to know. As we know that there are artificial intelligence that making waves throughout the industry and in bhe exchange also we have got artificial intelligence which will be helping all the users to get their trade in the best way possible and help them to maximize their profits by using the artificial intelligence as their own personal assistant.

Blockchain Technology and Future Innovations

So how do you think this, how Masterpop ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided on its platform? Do you guys use, and do you guys use any artificial intelligence or any new technologies that we have seen emerging in the recent days? Okay, so basically the only technology raising now is actually the blockchain and also in the aspect of like accuracy and reliability. Like we ensure like by maintaining transparency in our tokenomics and our game mechanism, we get so the platform like actually undergoes like regular audits and we employ like robust security measures to ensure that we also protect like our users data and actually our transaction.

Ongoing Development and Future Plans

So for now, we don't have like any integrated technology such as the AI for now because we are structurally building up here. But as time goes on we actually work on that. So additionally like the team is communicated to integrate like some click communications within the, communicate within the community and also like provide like timely updates and detailed explanation of like any changes or any features in terms of people that like are not like used to the space yet. So we do make out like new explanations. Explanations are like new updates for any changes you make around the game and all of that.

The Importance of Audits and Security

Yeah, thank you. That's great. And I think audit is something that, you know, provides more security and reliability to the users when they, then they get connected to the crypto industry because we have seen that a lot of projects have, you know, kind of scammed people in the past and due to that they have this thing in their mind that they want to get the proof of, you know, audification in all the platforms that they join. So yes, even I have read about this, that how Masterpop is actually, you know, they, at every step they come up with orification and order so that people can have the reliability that the platform that they have joined is actually profitable plus secure for them and their assets.

Future Features and Expansion Plans

So that's great to know. And I think security is one of the most important thing for any user. And through this only we can expand this crypto industry field or industry so that more people can join us in the coming future. Okay, so as we are talking about expansion, so what future features or expansions are planned for Masterpop and how will they enhance the user experience in the coming time? Okay, according to expansion, I like introduce like a new gameplay mode, some kind of special events and like expanded in game economics to like for that enhance the user experience.

Enhancing User Interactivity

Like further updates may also include like, multiplayer. You don't just have to play with yourself alone, like now. You can now play along with your friends, like where you can play with your friends and compete or like collaborate on any new challenges and even like win more rewards. And this expansion are like designed to keep the game engaging and also to provide players with small ways because by the time, like, you could actually play and connect with people all over the space, it brings more fun to the gaming gate and it's also a good way that gamers can connect again apart from the outside you also where you cannot play and connect around.

Looking Ahead at Masterpop's Roadmap

So I think that's how I actually have for. That's, that's awesome. Yes, yes, we can hear you. Yes, we can hear you, Samuel. Okay, so as were going through the roadmap, I was just going through the website and I saw the roadmap and I saw that how you guys are planning to expand the game modes as well in the coming future. I think this will keep the gameplay diverse and engaging for the people. As you've also mentioned that in the coming future, there are several plans for the games.

Building Community Interest

So that's built up a different kind of, you know, interest in the mind of the people. As. As I have also followed mathematic for a longer time. To be honest, I think I'm following this since last year and I know that there are several expansion that has been made in the last year or in the one year that I have joined this community. And so it's great to know. I want to inform our listeners that we have also got some of the amazing technical, or you can say technological development roadmap.

Exciting Features on the Horizon

So bhe's roadmap includes exciting features. In the coming time, we are going to come up with cross chain protocols. Imagine seamlessly transferring assets between different blockchains. It's like teleporting money across para universe. We are also planning to come up with hybrid architecture.

Overview of the BHE Exchange

Think of BHE exchange as a hybrid car. Combine the best of centralized and decentralized worlds. It's like having an eco-friendly vehicle that also runs on electricity. We are also planning to come up with threshold signature TSS which will ensure secure multi-signature transactions. It is like requiring multiple keys to open a vault. This will be for the security concern of our users and we are also planning to come up with layer two and bitswap. These enhance scalability and efficiency. It's like a grading from dial-up Internet to fiber optic speeds. I hope that gives an idea about the roadmap of BHE exchange.

Success Stories of Masterpop

Okay, Samuel, moving forward, I have my next question from you, which is quite related to the success stories or notable impact. So would you like to share any success stories or notable impact that Masterpop has had on its users or the industry? yeah, you know, we are actually, new, and early feedback from players have been overwhelmingly positive, particularly regarding the integration of crypto reward into gaming. You know, some users have actually reported some success in earning significant rewards through the gameplay. And the community is kind of growing, and also the game is kind of gaining attention. Blockchain industry and lots of game and some partnerships to get some. How I put, we do get some improvement about our game and also we've made some good match. That's great.

Importance of Community Feedback

I think it's very important to take the feedback from the users that you have because I feel the community can guide you the best, no matter from which place you're coming from or what kind of technical development or technological support you have. But at the end, the community, the real-time community that you have, will guide you the best because they know through which feature they are getting more of most of the profits. So they can give you feedback, the feedback that you receive you can incorporate it with your profit-making mechanism and then you can produce the best out of it. So that's something amazing.

Staking and Community Engagement in Masterpop

And as I was going through the unique features of Masterpop, I also got to know that it has staking facility as well. People can stake master pop token to earn rewards, including rare items and additional tokens, which is quite amazing. So, okay, so here is my next question from you. So what role does community engagement play in the Masterpop ecosystem and how can users get involved? And do you have any social media platform? Like, we know that you have Twitter, but do you have any, you know, general chat kind of community where people can communicate?

Masterpop's Engagement Platforms

Yeah, yeah, actually we have a community on discord and a community on telegram where users can also like interact and give their feedback and also because we also take community engagements very vital because players are encouraged to participate in discussions. It's through these communities where we can actually share their gameplay experience and contribute to the game's development. And users can also get involved by joining the Masterpop social channels like participation in community events and providing feedback on some new features. Active community members are often rewarded with in-game packs and exclusive opportunities. And also we do have a constant giveaway whereby we just host giveaways for the most active members.

Magic Shop and Player Engagement

So we do take community engagement very vital. So that's it? Yeah. Wow, that's amazing. So it's for all the listeners if you guys can hear this. I think that's amazing. Masterpop actively involves its community in the development process. Players can vote on new features, participate in beta testing and provide feedback to shape the future of the game, as Samuel already mentioned. And there are several giveaways and all the things that we have so that all the people can get some good amount of profits or reports through it. Okay, so I was just going through it and I got to know something about the magic shop.

Functionality of the Magic Shop

Would you like to shed some light up there? How it is beneficial and what it is actually. Okay. He has already shared every participant so that you guys can follow this and can get some rewards through it. Okay, Samuel, go ahead. Okay. Yes, loud and clear. All right. So like magic shop is just like a place where you can get some kind of tools. Yeah, some tools here to help you have a nice gaming experience. And you know, the game is like kind of a magical because if you've played the game you've seen that. There are some if you take the, by your left, right side you see some lines of like cool tools you can use. It could help you.

Benefits and Giveaways in Masterpop

Should I say like a easy access to the game which if you use this stuff, these stuff like help you like, should I say complete the level more better and all these stuff, you can actually purchase them in the magic store. So the magic store is just like full of components that can help make your gaming experience better? Yeah. So that's all about our magic store. And also I just shared our recent giveaway here and everyone who participates in this giveaway, it is going towards receive 100 cm pop and you get so all what you just need to do just to follow these steps that have been listed down there. And definitely you'll be giving a whitelist and you can also enjoy your gaming experience. And also even if you have any complaints, our handles are everywhere.

Introduction to Game Registration

You can just join up and we'll follow up with game registration. Thank you. So you can proceed more.

Participating in Staking and Mining Features

Wow, that's awesome. And guys, you guys can participate and receive. 100 was just going through and I saw that there's staking. Staking or. Yeah. So staking and mining features also available for the M pop. So people who are holding M pop can also stake and mine on the platform. Samuel. Yes, yes. Loud and clear. We can hear you.

Current Gameplay Focus

Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So, you can actually, stick, but those features are not really available for now. So we are actually focused on making sure that the gameplay is actually, a bit smooth. So coming up next, like, the future updates are going to be like part of the staking aspect where you can actually stick all what you've accumulated. So now we're just based on the gameplay.

Staking Features and Future Events

So work on the staking aspect next. Wow, that's amazing. And I think we will have our eye on the staking event or the staking features as well. And as I already mentioned, that Masterpop has been, you know, shaping the future or shaping the crypto journey of a lot of people. So guys, listening to me, you guys can surely follow Masterpop and get to know more about it and participate in the upcoming features and upcoming events.

Advice for New Users

And also this event that is shared by Samuel. So here's my last question from you, Samuel. And it's about the newcomers or the new people getting joined or learning about Masterpop. So what advice would you give to new users of Masterpop to help them get most out of the platform? All right. All right.

Community Engagement and Game Exploration

So for actually, for new users, we do have like, people who are, we do have like communities like Discord and actually telegram. And we do have like, people who are in those communities managing them. And they are always like really active and looking out for people who have issues going about the game. And so for most, out of Masterpop is just to start exploring the game at your own pace.

Utilizing Game Resources Effectively

You get, you can actually take your time, go about the game, learning new stuff. And you can, you could actually like, take advantages of tutorials to, like, understand the mechanics you get. And also, you will also, like, encourage our users not to hesitate to engage with the game community for tips and strategy gets and also like, encourage them to manage their M pop and CMP wisely.

Managing Energy and Gameplay Strategy

Get. Because these are all, these are like the assets you use to play the game. And it's just like an energy you get in the game and without this energy, you can like actually play the game. So we do advise them to manage the game wisely because now, once you've clicked on a game to play, you get, you don't just rush and go back, you get, you have to make sure that you complete the game, even though if you don't complete the game, that energy is being wasted.

Maximizing Profit and Engagement in Masterpop

So we do advise them to make good use of their energy and also advise them, like, to make good use of their MPop while enhancing their game experience. So that's basically it. Okay, thank you so much about new players or the people who are listening to us right now, if they get into the Masterpop ecosystem, how they can maximize their profit.

Conclusion and Closing Remarks

And thank you so much for showing the pathway or the roadmap to join the ecosystem. So, guys, Masterpop is not just a game, it's a thriving ecosystem where players can have fun and rewards and be a part of the growing community. So there are several events that they hold every time.

Acknowledgements and Future Developments

And you guys can see that Samuel has already pinned up an event where you can participate and earn hundred centimeters. So this is something exciting, I would say. Thank you so much, Samuel, for joining us today. It was an amazing session with you. I know there were some problems with the network, I guess, but still, we got to know a lot of things about Master pop.

Invitation to Join Community

And I'm sure that all our listeners are surely going to be a part of this growing ecosystem and earning more rewards from your platform. So another thing is that to all our listeners, guys, you guys can join their platform and if you have any issue or you do not understand anything, you can get in touch with the people or with the admins or the monitors that they have on Discord and Telegram.

Final Thoughts and Engagement Opportunities

Samuel, would you like to add some closing remarks? Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I would love to, like, add some things that I feel like I missed during the session. So, actually, we do have some functions called the forge.

Overview of Game Functions

And this forge is kind of like a system whereby once the finance is, like, activated, players can, like, put in their points and like, all they've earned into the finance. And like, it's now be converted to the m pop. And like, we also have like the, a function called the bone. You get ps can like, actually born.

Preparing for Future Features

Like, it's kind of like convert, you get, could actually convert your mpop to, and to obtain, cmp. And actually, you could actually stick, other items aside from the m pop. You could actually stick your elixirs, you can actually stick your, magic chests, among other, like, assets and stick, you could actually stick your stuff, actually.

Community Feedback and Engagement

So make preparations for all of that. Well, after we've done, we, after we are done with this, first stage of ours. Thank you. So if in case you just have like any issue, you could heat us up, we are ready to reply to you and also, want to like employ all of us, like engage in this, giveaway is ending shortly.

Openness to Feedback and Suggestions

And if you have any feedback, you actually reach out to us. I'll be listen to your suggestions. Wow, that's great. Thank you so much, Samuel. Guys, you can, you know, join their community and you can also become an integral part of the development process that they have because they give 100% importance to the community and to all the feedbacks that everyone provides.

Updates on DDO Subscription

So that's great to know. I would also like to add that PHe platform is all set to launch the second round of DDO subscription and stay tuned for the more details. And guys, you know that we have already completed the first round of DDO subscription which was very much successful.

Staying Informed and Upcoming Events

So if you haven't checked it out, do not forget to check out on our twitter, we post several things. Several development news or the technical development news and all the things, all the recent trends in the blockchain that we have. All the important trends that we have in the blockchain we keep posting on our Twitter.

Final Thanks and Encouragement to Join

Do not forget to join that and do not forget to check out the recent tweets that we have posted. And thank you so much, Samuel, for joining us today. It was an amazing session with you. Got to know about the other project, about the masterpop and how it's adding a lot of value to the community, to the existing people that we have in the crypto industry.

Closing Statements

So thank you so much guys, for tuning at tuning up tonight. It was an amazing session with all of you people. And do not forget to join us next week as well. We'll be back with some other project which will add more value to your crypto journey. Thank you so much.

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