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Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space VeeFriends Weekly Recap – 5 @ 5:55pm hosted by veefriends. The VeeFriends Weekly Recap at 5:55pm offers a platform for the community to engage, stay informed on favorite VeeFriends, and connect with official accounts like @veecon, @veefriendscards, @veefriendshelp, and @veefriendsbot for updates and support. By participating in these sessions, VeeFriends enthusiasts can deepen their involvement in the community, get the latest updates, and discover new community favorites.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: Where can I find official VeeFriends updates?
A: You can follow @veecon, @veefriendscards, @veefriendshelp, and @veefriendsbot on Twitter for official news and information.

Q: What time does the VeeFriends Weekly Recap usually happen?
A: The VeeFriends Weekly Recap typically occurs at 5:55 pm, providing the latest community updates.

Q: How can I engage with the VeeFriends community?
A: Engage with the VeeFriends community by participating in the Weekly Recap sessions and following official accounts.

Q: What is the purpose of the VeeFriends Weekly Recap?
A: The VeeFriends Weekly Recap serves to inform the community about the latest VeeFriends activities and favorites.

Q: Which accounts should I follow for VeeFriends support?
A: For VeeFriends support, follow @veecon, @veefriendscards, @veefriendshelp, and @veefriendsbot for assistance and information.


Time: 00:05:55
Weekly Recap Updates Receive the most recent VeeFriends news and community highlights during the weekly recap.

Time: 00:05:56
Favorite VeeFriends Spotlight Explore the latest favorite VeeFriends and their significance within the community.

Time: 00:05:57
VeeFriends Official Accounts Learn about the essential official accounts to follow for detailed VeeFriends updates and support.

Key Takeaways

  • Engage with the VeeFriends community through official accounts for valuable updates.
  • Stay informed about VeeFriends' latest developments and favorite VeeFriends.
  • Join VeeFriends Weekly Recap sessions to stay in the loop with community activities.
  • Connect with @veecon, @veefriendscards, @veefriendshelp, and @veefriendsbot for official information and support.

Behind the Mic

The Essence of Life

Empathy, compassion, ambition and passion. A little bit of everything perfect in the balance. Sweet if you're alone in the end because life is for living in what's life without friends? Challenge raise the dream. Meet me in the v domen. If you're stuck in the mud, try shifting the gear. If you're thinking too much, let go of the fear if you got a friend problem, why not try being kind? Complaining is easy. Building bridges is hard. I'm just being honest. Nobody owes it to you. But if I can do it, you can do it too.

Welcoming Friends

Hey, V friends, we're gonna kick off the show here in just a minute or two. Take a moment, say hello. I've just pinned up today's chat thread in the nest up above at the top of the spaces. Say hello. How was your week? What was your favorite thing about be friends? Or maybe you made a friend? Tag that friend in the comments. Tell them the be friends spaces in this live and it's time for five at 555. Love to have as many of you friends in the room. Shout out to the 30 folks here right now. Hey, Christy. And bag Mandy pants. Cowabunga. KT was the first in the room. We've got a relatively shorter show today, so just a few headlines to run through and we'll get in a convo so we'll kick it off soon. Please share retweet and we'll get off.

Getting Started

Leave me in the bedroom. Five five at 555, five at 555. It's five at 555. It's the five span. With your weekly telegram knowledge, dropping from. The week is about to disperse. So let's see what's new in the Vfriends universe. Hey, everybody, welcome to Vfriends Twitter space. It's five span, y'all. And this is five at 555, where we drop the inside alpha for the fans in five minutes or less. Let's go. Away we go. Thank you, five five. Fan, for that incredible introduction, as always. My name is Jeremy. I'm behind the Vfriends account today.

Weekly Vfriends Updates

I'm very excited to welcome you to the weekly Vfriends spaces where we round up the week's biggest headlines and take questions from the community. Thank you all so much for being here. My inevitable co host, Daniel, is not available to join us right here at the start. Hopefully he can catch us at the end. Got some parent duties he's attending to, but I'm very excited to share with everyone this week's announcement of our partnership with Wonder I think that's the big news this week, but also for all of our VCON attendees, we just released a PO app. The official vCon 2024 attendee PO app is available to claim now through the end of the year. So no rush, no wallet connect needed.

Getting Engaged with Characters

We're actually going to be joined by the Poap team a little bit later to sort of talk about the things, how they've been iterating and improving on their app, moving to the new Poap home app, and just generally all the things po app that we love. So all that being said, you know what time it is now it's time for the question of the day. So today's question of the day is maybe a little unexpected. If you saw the recent wonder announcement or you've been following some of the teasers we've shared about the upcoming VFriends show coming to YouTube, kids produced by entertainment, then you will know that there are a number of characters who take a spotlight in the series above and beyond the many cameos and fun moments we're going to see from many of your favorite V friends. The belly's collaboration with the mini stickers kind of reveals for the first time outside of the 1 minute teaser we saw at VCoN what those characters are.

Character Favorites

And so we're looking at perfect persian cat, gracious grizzly bear, dynamic dinosaur, empathy elephant, dialed in dog, and the fearless fairy. And I would like to know, just sort of like a sentiment poll of those characters that I just named of the stars of the upcoming Moon bug show, the Be Friends show. Which one's your favorite? Which one are you most attracted to? And I know that could be difficult. Dano is going to say dialed in Dog all day. Dano, I want to know your second favorite because I already know your number one. But as we continue to iterate on these characters and tell their stories, obviously we had a couple weeks of dialed in dog comics. Now we're focused on the fearless fairy comics for this week.

Connecting Characters to Community

We're really interested to find authentic connections between the vfriends characters and you, our vfriends community. So it'd be great to know of those characters. Which one are you rocking with the most? It could just be for today. For myself, I'm gonna go with, you know, this is actually really hard. My my gut reaction was fearless fairy. I wear the fearless fairy cap almost every day. I think fearlessness is one of those things that is very difficult to attain but very important to aspire to. But I've also been rocking with the dialed in Dog a lot. And maybe it's because I enjoyed the origin story comic so much, but I just think it's a great character. They all have a lot to offer.

Partnership with Wonder

But I curious for you and you can just tap the chat thread pinned up to the top of the spaces right now to give me your answer for today's question of the day, which star in the vfriend show is your favorite? So moving into our headlines today, the number one headline is our partnership with Wonder. Wonder Ghost Kitchen, which I will pin up to the top for everybody right now. In case you missed it, this is a delicious collaboration that is live now across the tri state area in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, in all places where Wonder operates these kitchens.

Children's Product Surprise

So I'll give you a bit of a brief and at the top you can see the announcement video from Gary and some of the details. TL Doctor this is our version of a happy meal of sorts. So within their, specifically their kids product, bellies by Wonderland, any order of bellies comes with a pack, a sealed pack of a vfriends mini sticker featuring any of eight characters in three different rarities. The hologram, the ten times rarer gold, and the one of one autograph. We know these are going to be super fun to collect. I'm seeing a lot of messages on the timeline asking folks in the tri state like, can you help me get these stickers? Which is awesome.

Collectibles and Engagement

And above and beyond that, it's just really great to have a touch point, a toy, a collectible, a memento for families to be able to hold vfriends in their hand. And obviously there's a QR code execution on the sticker as well where they'll be able to scan and they'll be taken to the befriends show and other befriends content. So we're really excited about this partnership. Wonder operates out of the Wonder app, pioneering the fast find dining so you can get food from some of the best chefs in the world across the eleven locations in New York City, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, making it convenient for your family to enjoy a more gourmet meal.

Combos and Promotion

So each Belly's kids combo, as I said, comes with a surprise of beef friends mini sticker, adding excitement as the kids collect and trade their favorite beef friends. You can see this is a great little gift that I've just pinned up to the top that shows the hologram version of each mini sticker. And below that, you can also see the two primary rarities the hologram and the gold. There's, of course, an ultra rare one of one autograph seen some people interested in that, but most people will be getting that hologram. And if you are going to wonder, make sure you use the promo code vfriends five.

Delivery and Expansion

I don't know if this is case sensitive, actually, but all capitals, vfriends and the number five at checkout, and you'll get $5 off your order at wonder. And this is a delivery service, so don't have to worry about if it's close enough to you, walking distance or whatever. They do deliver. I know that, you know, they don't deliver. Like, I see Oscar has a comment here. Will they deliver to San Francisco? They definitely have a radius for which they will deliver. And I saw wonder actually jump in on a comment. I think it was asking whether or not they operated out of Arizona.

Future Expansion Plans

And they just expressed like they would love to operate in Arizona, but there's no immediate plans that they can share on that expansion. But if you look into wonder, the kind of culture that they built and the way that they're expanding, you know, we hope to see them continue to expand out of the tri state area and beyond, and we're very, very excited to be partnered with them. If you have any questions about the wonder collaboration, as always, feel free to hit the request button. We'll take questions and conversation at the end of the spaces as we get through the headlines.

VCon Throwback Announcement

The second headline for today is a vCon throwback. You know that we love Po app here at vfriends, and we wanted to provide a official poap for all of the attendees. Now, it's important to know that only those who scanned into the VCon event. This is not available to all vcon 2024 NFT holders, but only folks who owned the VCon NFT and scanned successfully into the event. You have up until the end of this year, December 31, at 1159, to claim the PO app.

Introduction to Moments Feature

And something that I'm really excited about that we want to emphasize, and let me actually grab the link and tweet this because it is just so cool to see how active and vibrant the befriends community is. Poap has created an extension of the experience of collecting po apps that they call moments. And through moments, you can add your own photos and video directly to the Poap in question. Let me go ahead and grab this link. I was just so happy to see this tweet, and then I want to pin this up and as we're chatting about this.

Connecting with Christy

I'm going to bring up Christy, who we know in the Poap community as the queen of PO apps. I'll let Christy tell her story, but let me get this pinned up because it was just like, so I don't know, I had a rush of emotion and excitement seeing just moments after this PO app went live, people adding their own photos and video to the digital record the memory of VCon. I highly recommend, as you're listening to the spaces, tap on that link. It's moments Poap XYZ. And just look at all the fun things that have been shared.

Celebrating Community Participation

Go ahead and claim your PO app, add your own, and we're going to get into all this now. So, Christy, I'm so glad that you were able to join us today. Happy Wednesday. How are you? Happy Wednesday, indeed. Thank you, Jeremy, for having me on. Things are great. I'm very excited to see all the moments coming through and being posted. Yeah, I'm super excited about this poap. Yeah. And you know, our community, as you know, is very familiar with Poap.

Explaining Poap to Newcomers

We do them nearly every week and have for the last several years. But in case there's somebody who is hearing about Poap for the first time, can you give us sort of like the 32nd TldR on what Poep is and why Poep is? Yeah. So I've been working on the way I explain Poap because I think it gets confusing sometimes, but POap stands for proof of attendance protocol. It Poap offers a platform to issue and collect precious digital collectibles.

Features and Capabilities of Poap

Let's see how that's good. I mean, that's really to the point. Poap offers a platform to collect precious digital collectibles. I love that. And I also love the whole branding of moments and memories. It all makes a lot of sense, the way you put it. Good. Yeah. As you mentioned, we have this new feature. It's a fairly new feature called Poap Moments, where you can upload media, and it's pretty much a time capsule of the moment through media or, excuse me, the poap through media, so you can upload videos, still images, audio files.

Encouraging Community Engagement

You can leave a note of. It's. It's pretty magical. Time capsule. Yeah. And I'm going to issue a challenge to the community right now. I'm seeing. Let me refresh to get this accurate number. There are currently 47 moments on the official Beacon 2024 PO app. I think we can get it to 55 by the end of the spaces. So if you haven't yet, and I'll go ahead and pin up the. I pinned up the thread from Vicon.

Ease of Use for Members

Here is the tweet with the link to claim there's no wallet connect needed, simply paste your Ethereum address that held your VCon ticket at the time and hit claim. In a matter of seconds. It'll show up in your wallet and you can tap in and add moments. You will need the Poap home app to do so. So many of you who have been collecting Po apps for years will have the legacy Poap app and simply just go to your app store, search Po app.

Promoting Community Participation

You'll see the new app there, and from your phone, you'll be able to add these moments. Let's see if we can get. Yeah, eight more moments for the end of the spaces. I think that's an easy challenge. I think that's a great challenge. If anybody has any questions or needs help uploading moments, hit me up DM's or just ping me, you know, at me on Twitter. But it's. It's pretty smooth, pretty seamless, and, yeah, I'm very excited to see everything that comes through.

Record Keeping of Moments

Yeah, likewise. Now. Now I want to go over the top. I'm channeling Gary's competitive energy. I don't know if you know the answer to this, Christy, but what is the. What is the current record for number of moments on a single Po app? This is really fun. So when I got home from VCOn, I went in and started uploading moments in bulk.

Uploading Experiences

So if you are on a desktop right now, we're working on making bulk uploads available on mobile. But I would say, like, in over the next couple of days, you should be able to do bull couples. But I was going through trying to upload everything on desktop from all of the pictures I've got from vcon to my own PO app. And a lot of you collected it. So I was capped in the app.

Technical Issues Resolved

I was only able to view 100. We fixed it, and now you should be able to view any of them that come up. but in. In testing this, I noticed that, I think I'm the record holder of moments. My personal poet. That's amazing. Okay, so. So it's definitely over 100. So we have a ways to go. Vfriends, claim your official vCon 2024 attendee Po app, drop a moment, and then tell a friend to do the same.

Community Engagement

Because I think. I think it'll just be a fun challenge for. For our community. Share your moments. It's super fun. Yeah. And you can link them in the chat here. Tweet them, tag vfriends, tag vcon, tag poapp. And it'll just be. It'll be nice to kind of like, have a taste of vCon a month later. I mean, believe it or not, vCon was a whole month ago now at this point. So it's really nice to see the vCon energy on the timeline.

Introduction and Gratitude

And yeah, all of us are be friends are grateful to poap for helping us set this all up. I don't know if there's anything that Poap is sort of cooking on that maybe you can share, but I'd love whether that's true or not, I'd love for you to give people an idea of how easy it is to create a Po app. I think doing anything for the first time can be a little intimidating. And in the last. I feel like in the last six to eight months, you've really streamlined the process of creating your own poap. It can take as little as ten minutes if you have your media and you know what you want to say. So if I am wanting to make my first PO app, where do I start and what do I need to do?

Starting with Poap

Yes. So you're going to go to drops, Poap Xyz, and you can log in through your gmail, Google, or any email. We will send you a one time verification code. And you go in and just hit create drop. If you've got your artwork ready, upload it there and then title, description, date, and hit submit. Then you're going to want to go select your distribution method, whether it's mint links, secret delivery, or a website, and then request the amount of PO apps that you're going to want to issue. You know, it's pretty smart to think ahead and know about how many people are going to be attending that you want to collect your poap. Enter the number and hit submit.

Curating Your Poap Experience

We offer a form. You can fill out the form. It is highly recommended that you fill out the form so curation at POap can get a better idea as to what your plan is for your poap. It's not required, but it is recommended. And then curation reviews and typically speaking these days, curation goes through and reviews, drops and approves or gets back to you within an hour, sometimes faster, sometimes a little bit longer. But we ask that you give us up to like 24 hours to review the actual drop. But we also have cs available 24/7 pretty much any POap website go to the bottom right. There's a chat bubble. You can reach out and ask questions.

Community Support and Experiences

If you have submitted something and that you haven't heard back or, you know, there's no progress been made. You just open up a chat with us and we. We say, hey. It's that simple. Yeah. In all my experience, I mean, I'm not a Po app. I'm not. What's the word I'm looking for? It's on the tip of my tongue. I'm not a prolific poap maker, but I've made a few in my time, and the Poap team has always been so quick to help, and there's a lot of folks. Christy's my go to source, but tons of us in the community have made these po apps, and I encourage you to try it. I don't know that it needs to necessarily be a ceremonial event to have a Po app.

Creative Uses for Poaps

I've seen people make po apps for birthdays, for accomplishments. They hit a certain follower goal, or they stuck with a diet routine for a week. I. You know, maybe it's for anniversary of some kind. It's a really great way to, like Christy said, have these memories on chain and. And also share it with the friends and family that you love. So I pinned up a. Oh, go ahead, Christy. I just was agreeing. Absolutely. It's. We. We've tried to make it a pretty seamless experience, but you. You really can commemorate any event that is important to you.

Events and Community Engagement

It doesn't have to be a conference. It doesn't have to be a big thing. It's two or more people can be involved. It's a really special way. You can also reserve your po apps via email. So if you don't have an account or, excuse me, a wallet, you can reserve it using an email address. And that opens up a whole new can of worms we don't have time for right now. But if you do create an account, you can actually go through and create an on Poap eth. So it's basically an ens that we offer to you, and it opens up a wallet for you, creates a wallet for you, and then. Amazing.

Community Platforms and Engagement

Yeah, you can go from there. That's very cool. I wasn't aware of that. Sort of, like, on that note of the sort of second and third layer offerings that Poap has, where does the poap community congregate? I know that there's been a discord for. Since as long as I can remember. Is the discord still, like, the main place, or where should people who are enjoying collecting po apps relate with each other? That's a great question. So we've got a telegram group. We have a discord server, and there's a lot of community members that are very active on Farcaster as well as Twitter, but less so. It's more active on Farcaster.

Farcaster and Community Interaction

Warpcast, Farcaster. That makes perfect sense. Wonderful. Just by show of emojis. I know we talked a little bit about Warpcast and Farcaster with the release of the Beacon 2024 tickets on base. As a reminder, Farcaster is a decentralized social infrastructure built on top of base. Very, very popular in the general Ethereum community. I'm just curious if folks are on that platform. If you want to throw up a hundred, if you have a. Oh, Evan definitely does. Nice. That makes sense. Good to see you in here, Evan. Thanks for. Thanks for popping by.

Event Highlights and Interactions

Kelso's got one. Yep. It's. I don't want to get too off topic with Farcaster, but it's such a. In my mind, it's so worth exploring. It's not like the hypest platform of the moment, and it looks similar to Twitter, but the functionality goes so much deeper. It's a great place to play and build. It feels kind of like a sandbox where you can test the content you're making without necessarily the eyes that you would get on a Twitter or an Instagram. Definitely worthwhile checking out and follow Poap if you go over there. Awesome. Christy. You know, we're mostly done with the headlines.

Encouraging Engagement with the Community

I'm happy to open this up to the rest of the community if they want to come up and chat, ask questions, whatever. Is there anything else that is top of mind for you that you want to share about what Poap is doing or how people can participate? The biggest thing I would like to share is we are iterating and changing and updating and doing all sorts of stuff behind the scenes and when we really are building every single day. So if you've had a negative experience or a struggle with creating a poap or any kind of past experience, then revisit the idea of poap in your life and create the PO apps.

Continuous Improvement and Community Feedback

We are always changing, we're always innovating, and there's always new stuff coming out. So again, if you've had any discouraging experiences or something that was a struggle, please reach out to us. Like I said, we've got the chat bubble on all of our websites. And just stay tuned because while we're still growing, we're still iterating. Things now versus where they were even six months ago, two years ago are so much better. And it's a much smoother experience. But we are here to help you and we want you to be successful in your poep experience 1000%.

Upcoming Events and Community Connection

If you're in the crowd would love to open up this conversation. Feel free to request up. The only other thing that I wanted to share with everybody is that we are just ten days away from Collectacon in Atlanta. So if you're in the Atlanta area, be sure to keep an eye out for that. We'll be there. The exact dates are September 21 and 22nd. It's always great to have an IRL touch point with the community and introduce the be friends characters and brand to a new audience. So we're really looking forward to that.

Exciting Future Announcements

And I know that many folks are looking forward to our official announcements around New York Comic Con, which is coming later next month in October. I can't believe October is next month. Those words literally just came out of my mouth. A question for you, Christy. Sort of thinking about how to not just. Not just use POaP as a memento, but as a community building tool. Obviously one of the greatest opportunities that come from having an on chain token like this is being able to use a smart contract and recognize who are the owners, users, participants in a given event.

Utilizing Poap for Community Building

I'm sure there are probably also third party tools, but from POap, is there an easy way to sort of like export a list of wallets that have a poet from a particular event? And maybe separately, are there some fun activations that you've seen from creators after the fact? One that comes to mind is when Gee money launched his admit one NFT off the back of the poep that he gave at vcon 2022. That was a massive moment, a first for him. And I think about the Adidas PO app that they use for whitelisting for their NFC collection. Is it easy to access those records and what are some creative executions that you might have seen?

Accessing Poap Data for Events

Yeah, so anybody can go to the Poap gallery and view a list of collectors that have minted the PO apps on any drop unless it's selected private. Just go to the Poap gallery and you can go download the CSV as the issuer. You have a little bit more access to holders within your own set of tools, but yeah, that's. It's pretty public information. Just download the CSV and do what you need and want with it. As far as other activations, I think some other team members I don't see. You said Evan was in here.

Creative Activations and Events

I don't see him right now, but he might have a little bit more valuable insight to share, because my team is curation. It's called drop operations, curation and customer support. We see all this stuff come through, but we don't necessarily see it through to the end. So I might not be the best person to answer that, but one really cool activation that just recently happened and I think was a pretty cool success, was the Tokyo rally. It was a Poap rally held in Tokyo during east Tokyo and Dao Tokyo.

GPS-Enabled Poaps

And what the Poap team did, along with some external help, was we created several drops that were located via gps to different shrines and temples. So once you attended the initial event, you go collect the first PO app, and then you go through this. We handed out pamphlets, and it had a map on it. You visit different shrines and temples, and when you approach the shrine or the temple, the location of the PO app, you get a notification where you can go into your app and mint it via GPS instead of tapping or having to scan a QR code. And I think that was a pretty cool success.

Conclusion and Community Discussion

That is worth sharing. Yeah, I love that you invoked him on stage. He's here for everybody to see. The quantum cat himself. Evan, I'm so glad you could hop up. Happy Wednesday. How are you? Hey, happy Wednesday. Yep, I can hear you just fine. Wonderful. Yeah, I think another relevant thing we just did that Christopher's as well, was right during VCon, the burglar brunch for the V cards competition, we had a big time poap there.

New Features and Enhancements

Not only did the organizers do a good job of promoting the Poap Home app prior to the event, Poap Home is the new Poap app that we have. So you may have had an app from Poap in the past, but Poap Home is our new one, which has a lot of new features, including moments where you can upload images and audio and pictures and video from your event, you can upload them into the Po app and create almost a time capsule of the event, as well as, you know, having the pop itself, but they also had a raffle through our Poap fun raffle product, where everyone who did collect the poap on chain with their wallet was automatically entered into a raffle.

Community Engagement through Raffles

And then we have a website that just automatically cycles through and picks winners from that. So, you know, that's one where it wasn't that big of an event, but they really did a great job. And again, Christy and I were there as well, but they really did a great job of taking advantage of all the new features that Poap has to offer, and the community really responded and now has this Po app with all the content right in it forever. So that's the type of stuff you can do with your community.

Utilizing Data for Engagement

You also, as Christy was saying, you can download all the wallet addresses and email addresses who collect your PO app so that you can reward them with airdrops or see who's collected multiple of your Po apps and reward them in some other way. But yeah, I did really think, you know, us being on the vfriends space here, it would be great to highlight this VCon event that we helped out with. Yeah, no, I appreciate that. It's like a lot of things in this space, you know, there's so many.

Web3 Tools for Community Building

As much as web three, quote unquote, web three gets a bad rapid for user interface. There are so many tools available to folks, many, many of them completely free to access, that can just really enhance the things that you're already doing, whether in your personal life, as a content creator, casually among friends, or even in your business. And I'm really looking forward. I've like, this is so random, but I've actually been, like, slowly onboarding my barber to po apps and just been like, telling him a little bit of this and that.

Local Business Integration with Poap

Because specifically barber shops and there are other examples, but businesses that are local, physical, and require a tight knit community, like client based businesses, I feel like, are really good example of businesses that can benefit from integration with nfTs. But for them to learn how to deploy a smart contract, even whether using a no code solution is just sort of a little difficult for them to fill out a web form and upload some media, is very simple, and then it's the follow up execution of just sort of building out the network, saying like, hey, thanks for getting a haircut today.

Gratitude and Closing Remarks

We want you to have this gif. Here's a claim code. Simply just put it in your email. And I've been like, I've been very slow. When I say slowly, I mean very slowly, because he speaks mostly Spanish and my Spanish is only so okay. But the point being, it's a very friendly user interface using these tools, and you should use them, they're available to you and they can really enhance the things you're already doing. Yeah, I agree. I think that falls under loyalty, in my estimation.

Reflecting on Loyalty and Future Potential

Last cycle, there were a bunch of sort of web three loyalty products that launched that, you know, they did okay, but like, it didn't really sort of take hold. But we love the idea of po apps for loyalty. And just like you're saying you don't have to pay for a whole new platform. You don't need to, you know, launch a smart contract. And I once people collect your poap, then it doesn't matter what tools are built now. But if tools are built in the future or if we build tools, you say, hey, I'd love for you to build these tools, and we think they're universal.

Community Loyalty Programs and Expectations

Or if someone else builds tools, once you have people who have collected the PO app, they're always going to have that poap in their wallet so you can then interact with them in the future, even if you don't have as much to do with it right now. So we've always thought loyalty is just a great use of nfts, web three, especially Po apps, and hopefully in this next cycle that's upcoming, we'll see another push for that. But time will tell. Time will tell.

Conclusion and Open Invitation

Well, this has been super informative, and I don't see anybody in their request, so I want to encourage you again, I'd love to open this up to conversation. Just hit the request button in the bottom left hand corner. Evan and Christy are here to answer questions. Whether you're a poap veteran or a newbie, it's a great opportunity to get to know the team. And like Christy said, they're very much available to help you through any technical difficulties you might be facing or questions you have before you make one.

Final Reminders and Encouragements

And like I said, make sure that if you did attend vcon 2024, that you go to the link that's pinned up above. It's the second pinned. Tweet and claim your Po app. You have until the end of the year to do so, but might as well claim it now and add a moment. And while we're at it, let's get a check. Oh, my gosh. Wow. I was about to, like, hedge and say, I really hope that this 47 number moved.

Celebrating Community Engagement

Like, I hope it's at least 50, but I just refresh and we have 72 moments on the official vcon 2024 poem, which. That is so cool. You know, we're rounding out the show, but, like, can we get to 80? Can we get to 80 before the end of the show? Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it. I was going to say 100, but I don't.

Show Closure and Engagement

The show might be ending soon. I don't have an 80 button, so, you know, I figured 100 would be a good button to throw up instead. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you're right. You know what? Let's go for 100. Throw up 100 if you're willing to help get our vCon official Po app to 100 moments by the end of the spaces. All right, that was fun, cryptokies, thanks for joining us. Happy Wednesday. And how are you? Yeah, thank you. Happy Wednesday. I'm good. And that is an awesome PO app. I wish that I went to this vcon so that I could have gotten that poet, but I wanted to talk about ebay real quick.

Creating PO Apps

But before that, I wanted to ask either you or christy a question about PO apps. How easy is it and where do we go to create our own PO apps? Super, super easy. Go to drops Poap XYZ. You sign in with a Gmail account or an email account. We send you a one time verification, and then you go in and hit create drop. It's suggested that you have artwork available or prepared in advance, and then you select a title and a description, the dates. You can attach any website to the PO app that you want to share, and then you hit submit. There might be a couple more fields to fill out, maybe location, things like that, but then you hit submit. You can fill out a form to help curation better understand your desires and your ideas, distribution plan. And then go select your distribution method.

Engaging in the Community

You're going to see mints, let's see, mint links, secret website and delivery. And so you select one of those, you decide how many attendees you're going to have, and you hit submit. And that is then delivered to curation. And they go through their review process. If there's any questions or concerns that they have with the drop itself, they will reach out to you or the CS team will reach out to you and help you get over the finish line. Nice. Awesome. And of course, you have to create your image, right? And then just drag and drop it in that process as well. Yep, yep. And we have a cool cropping tool in drops where you can, if it's a little too small or it needs to be, you know, enlarged, or you want to crop it a little bit differently, you can crop it that way, too. But, yeah, it is just as simple as drag and drop.

Collecting and Trading

So, yeah, the only other thing I wanted to say is I've been having a lot of fun. I went to the first whatnot vfriend space, and that was huge. I actually won my first giveaway, and I was so excited, I'm not even sure what it is. So when I open that, it's gonna be a surprise to me, which is pretty cool. But, I also bought a couple other things and I'm selling a couple pieces, and I've been doing really well. I've been getting pretty lucky with the picks and the drops. I'm selling one or two pieces so I can keep the rest, and I think I'm gonna make a little bit of profit. Keep buying more. So. So anyone who's not over there and in that space, it's a really cool space, and there's plenty of money to be made if.

Collaborative Efforts

If you're willing to just buy. And you know what I mean? Every couple packs definitely has a foil, and once you hit a foil, that's pretty awesome. One of those fours I want to talk about is gratitude gorilla. 39 out of 100. I really wanted to keep that, but. But by selling that, like I said, I can keep all of the rest of the items that I got and then buy some more, so I'm definitely having fun. V friends has brought me back to eBay for the first time in 20 years. I used to buy Sega and Nintendo games from there, but. But, yeah. Awesome. Okay, well, I know there's a lot of gratitude, guerrilla fans out there, and I would recommend, you know, just shooting out a tweet, tag, vfriends, maybe some of the folks who are active in the card community, and they can probably help you.

Community Involvement

You know, the community is very responsive, very helpful, very honest, very generous. So if you don't have any luck on Twitter, if, like, your engagement's getting nerfed or anything, I would encourage you to go to the discord. We have a vfriends cards channel, and you can also create a dedicated channel to the collectibles that you're looking to trade or sell. So you can make a dedicated channel to whatever it is that you're looking to part with. Nice. Yeah. Thank you. I'm glad that you reminded me of the weekend be friends card channel and discord, but definitely a couple people have already reached out to me in a post that I made, so, yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to watching that this week.

Sharing Achievements

Yeah, 100%. Very cool. Well, I appreciate that. On that note, I'll pass it over to savvy. Savvy, I like your new PFP. Hope you had a great weekend. Happy Wednesday. What's up? Happy Wednesday, everybody. I hope everyone's having a beautiful day. Thank you so much, Jeremy. Actually, it is one of our own community members, Rarity Dale, released a set of NFTs under ethereal Warrior. He has. Yeah, I saw those. He has a page for it as well. So if everyone looks that up, I can pin it on. I think maybe I can share it in the comments. I can do that later, but yeah.

Supporting Fellow Creators

Please share it in the comments. I don't necessarily want to pin up a mint as much as I support what Dale is doing. You know, want to like kind of always over communicate when there's like any kind of wallet connect necessary. I know Dale is very trustworthy, just sort of out of an excess of caution. But absolutely if you have a tweet from Dale that doesn't have the mint link then I'm happy to pin it up. And you know, I know the cards community is really turning out to show to support Dale and in fact, yeah, so that would be my recommendation. 100%. Yeah, I can share in the comments the ethereal Warrior page on X and if you follow that you'll get all of the updates for the account and everything else like that.

Community Events

This particular piece I didn't actually get in the original mint, but form chaos was awesome. He and I switched a couple, traded a couple and I was able to get this and I feel like it really just speaks to who I want to be. It's very much about light and dark and being a warrior in it. So I love it. But I did want to come up for two things. One is that Mister Messer with the VFAM sessions is now the last Thursday of each month doing something called a trading post on the VFAM Sessions network on Twitch, which is an awesome opportunity for community members to bring their collectibles and either sell or trade them.

Acts of Kindness

So he has like a form to fill out where you just kind of give him information on what it is that you're wanting to sell, what you're looking for. If you're looking to do trades or if you're just looking to sell, like, you know, just have an idea of your costs and stuff. But every, the last Thursday of each month is when he's doing it. So it's at Mister Messer and it's just a super awesome opportunity for the community to get together and kind of trade collectibles and just have fun and enjoy company and things like that. Besides the other three Thursdays of the month where we just have fun. And then also, I don't know if anybody has brought it up yet, but I did see the sticker pin post and I wanted to put out there the most beautiful thing happened in a group chat, that Ross Brown, a wonderful human being overall, but he offered to try and get some of the stickers for people who aren't local and because they do come with meals, he came up with the idea to potentially donate those meals.

Charitable Initiatives

And now it's become a wonderful thing where it's over 200 at this point. He's spoken with a local shelter in New York and so each meal is $12 and then he's doing a $10 flat rate shipping, whether you get one or 1000 of the stickers. And he will ship the stickers themselves out, but the meals are going to be donated to a local shelter in New York. And at this point, I think it's just under 250 meals thus far that are going to be donated. And so I'm literally getting chills just thinking about it. So huge shout out to the moon as well. That team donated 200 meals to the get together and then community members, everything's still kind of rolling in.

Collective Impact

And then whatever meal, whatever is excess funds that we can't get meals with due to, like availability or whatever, the rest of the money will be donated directly to the shelter itself to help with any costs associated with the care of those who receive services there. So he is trying to get everything set up to actually do the drop on to do the food drop this weekend. And so if anybody is interested in that, he did put out a tweet. Ross Brown, he is at lsutiger 95 and he is just, he's doing all of him and sky and I believe a couple other v friends in the area have volunteered to come over and help as well. And so there's a beautiful, like, movement happening right now where this collectible journey, what we all knew this community was going to be, is now we're taking our world of vfriends and what we believe in and making it the world and putting it out there.

Community Connection

And so if you or anyone, you know, might want to get some of the stickers and also do something beautiful, get in touch with Ross and he can give you the information and we can all come together and make a little difference in the world. Be friends style. I love that. Thank you for sharing that. I wanted to include that in the community. Highlights. Actually saw Ross in the office yesterday and he was telling me about this and my main concern was with hot meals, it can be, it can sometimes be difficult. And so it's amazing that he was able to find a partner in this. And like his tweet says, up at the top, this community is just incredible.

Rallying Around a Cause

So I know that a lot of people who are not in the tri state area wanted these stickers. They're actively collecting super stickers and cards and other things, or they have a favorite v friend that's in the set. And it's so amazing to see this come to life. I think next week, once it's all said and done, we can maybe get ross on here to talk about it. Or just like, I definitely want to share how many meals. It's an incredible effort and it's nice to see people rallying around, doing good. That's what v friends is all about. And thanks for. Thanks for sharing that. Savvy? Absolutely.

Final Thoughts

Of course. All right, last but not least, Kelso, great to see you. Happy, optimistic otter day. I mean, I say that because optimistic otter day is every day. How are you? Happy Wednesday. Thanks for having me. I'm always optimistic. I want to offer a testimonial and a question for the PO apps. So I've been using them for a few years. It's actually probably been a couple years since I've actually used them. I used them for a spaces I was running for while to sleep over. It was like a twelve hour no sound space. And then I would give away a poap to everybody that attended and then I would use that PO app for giveaways because I already had the address for that.

Addressing Past Challenges

And with that I wanted to ask because there was a problem back in the day and where you don't post that, the link, the QR code, whatever you get. It's kind of a tip for creators, too. If you make a PO app, you don't post that QR code publicly. And here goes the kind of question for the team or PoAp team, is it still a problem where there's what we used to call poap hunters out there, they're just seeking to mint every poap out there. So the answer is yes. But the other answer is that we've done a lot to mitigate that possibility. So right now, most of the time, if you're going to drop a PO app, you would not be given a static QR code.

Enhancements in Technology

So that's really the biggest issue is if there was a static QR code and it gets out and, you know, it's just anyone can scan it from anywhere. What we have now is our kiosk product at Kiosk Poap XYZ. I believe it is. That's one way. If you have a screen, it actually gives you a dynamic QR code, and that dynamic QR code will allow you to, every time someone scans it actually changes to a different QR code. So if someone screenshotted it would only work one time. We also. Within the new Poap home app, a feature we just launched, is where you can actually get one of those QR codes on your phone.

Future of PO Apps

So let's say you create a Po app and you. You would just have to enter the drop id and the edit code that you're given, and within the app, you now it'll show that QR code. So anyone can just scan the QR code off your phone. So we're really dedicated to not having that be an issue and are always figuring out new distribution methods. We also have NFC devices, near field communication, where people can just tap their phone to the physical chip on, you know, on a plastic disc that we have, and that'll open up the po app. So that's, you know, only one person can tap their phone at a time.

Mitigating Farming Issues

So those are the types of things we're doing to mitigate any of what we call it as farming. So it's really not a big. As big of an issue these days. Okay. Yeah, that's very helpful, because I know, like, a couple years ago, that was a big problem. Like, I would have a space with 300 people in it, and 200 of them were chinese accounts. Just asking when poap win poap. So. Yeah, I see that. That's very helpful. Yeah. A Twitter space. And that's more of, you know, potentially our secret word option.

Creative Distribution Techniques

It's that thing where often people will, like, do it more of as a surprise. We're like, okay, there's not a poap for every single space. Or maybe we do it at different times of the space. You know, hey, if someone, even if they are a farmer, if they sit through your entire space for 45 minutes to get the po app, hey, that's not really farming. They really actually sat there and listened to the space and collected the poap, you know, so people will have different times that they drop it. Maybe they'll only drop it once a month, but they won't know. You won't know which episode it's going to be on. Or maybe it's, you know, just randomly do it.

Evolving Drop Strategies

So there's ways people are doing that as well. but we have. We do make it a priority on our side. Nice. also want to mention, it's great for IRL. Like, I know we're all web three. It's a lot of crypto stuff, but I've used it at my brick and mortar business, as a dispensary. I brought people in on 420, and they minted, I think it was when you first launched the kiosk thing. I put up on an iPad and had the QR code changing. People didn't even know they were getting an NFT for it. They just thought they were getting, like, something to prove that they were there.

Onboarding New Customers

And then that onboarded them and allowed me to give other crypto stuff away to my customers and help onboard them into web three also. So, yeah, it's great for web three and IRL. It really helps. So I'm going to get back into it more. It's been a couple of years since I've used po app, so, yeah, thanks for having me up, guys.

Introduction and Invitation

Yeah, appreciate it. And, you know, hit us up. Hit me up. Hit Christie up. If you have any questions with the new stuff.

Experiences with Drops

Kelso, you're going to have a totally different experience creating a drop these days than you did a couple years ago. Really great stuff. And I can attest to that. I remember when Christy messaged me, was like, you have. You have to set up with the. Not the kiosk. What is it? What is it called where you actually set it up? Drops. Poap. You text me. So excited. You have to see what we did with drops of. And it really is just so much smoother. It is so smooth. Cool.

Continuing the Conversation

Let's keep going around. Afakasi, happy Wednesday, brother. Aloha. Do folks see Afakasi on stage? Oh, good. Yes. Hey, how are you? You're a little choppy, my friend. You're. You're doing the rare robot. All right, we're gonna swing back to. Oh, that does sound better. Yeah, that does sound better. I hear an echo now, though. Aloha. I muted, but I think I muted to stop the echo, but I think Afikazi did, too. Take three. All good. We'll circle back to you in a minute. Cowabunga. I'm gonna pass the mic to you. How are you? Happy Wednesday.

Creative Discussions

Hey. Hey. Happy Wednesday. I am all fired up with this po app talk. I'm just every. Yeah, it's super fun, and it's creative, too. Like, my creative crab vibes are going wild. Like, oh, I've been wanting to do this, and you kind of touched on the NFC tags and the website and being able to link to that, and I'm just loving all of it. So now I want to be immersed in. Into it more, and I'm like, okay, are there some videos? Is there a. Is there a space coming up that we can all kind of hang out in and just talk po apps and cool ideas. Yeah, I'm just loving it. Appreciate this. This education tonight. This is great.

Engagement and Outreach

We don't have any spaces planned right now, but you can definitely hit us up on the social media, the platforms. Awesome. Yeah. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I'll definitely do that and reach out. And I'm going to just go back and scroll through the website. I'm logging in every time you guys are dropping the URL's, just trying to check it all out and see what it all looks like. So super cool. Yeah. Thanks for being here, too. Yeah, absolutely. Appreciate you guys answering and ask all these questions.

Final Notes

Absolutely. Just hit us up. Evan and I are definitely available. Any of our Poap team members on any social platform. We're always very responsive and receptive. Will do. I love the photos, too. I was. I was looking at that when it came out. I thought that was such an awesome component to add to it. And I think I've got 50 po apps now altogether, something like 44 of the vfriends. Po ops. Fantastic. Yeah. And you can upload moments to any. Any po op that you have. Oh, cool. So you can just go back and just. If I found something from that date me, like, oh, let me go ahead and upload that.

Using PoApps Effectively

I knew what was going on. Yep. All the way back to the first po op you've ever collected. Now, I noticed the one that we did for the VCom one. Like, you know, when we posted on it, like, it went to the feed, so everybody saw that. And I thought that was. I thought that was just so cool. And if you post your own. Yeah, no, my brain's just going wild now. Think of all the different things you could do. Isn't it fun? It's so fun. So incredible. I love this product that we've built.

Engagement and Feedback

Awesome. Aficaci, I want to try and come back to you. We'll give it a shot. Hey, how you doing? Aloha, beautiful people. How's everybody doing? Sorry. You're good. I was in the commissary. Aloha. A little bit of shopping for my military folks. So first and foremost, thank you, Christy. Christy is the Po app queen. She has helped me tremendously on getting po apps for the last couple years and just bringing smiles to people's faces, especially during vcon, during different events.

App User Experience

Still trying to get used to it. Hopefully, as she said, the intuitiveness of the app and the user friendliness will make it a little bit easier because it was always confusing. Just want to put that out there a little bit. But I'm excited to mess around with the new application that she has mentioned. But also, you know, we did one over VCon for the Fay Lounge, which benefited mental health awareness and suicide prevention, being that this is suicide prevention month and yesterday was, well, suicide prevention day.

Community and Special Events

And I just want to remind those who were in attendance at VCON to grab a PO app if you didn't get one from the fade lounge in the barbershop. We're gonna do something special with that PO app. We've got some. A cool giveaway we're gonna do. And if you didn't as well, I got some extra shirts. I want to get involved with the PO app. Christy is amazing as well, because she did show me for the first time the moments and her dumping the photos in there. And I was just. Just heartfelt seeing all the people.

Contributions and Community Involvement

And I've got a bunch to add into their. I christie, so I might up you one with a hundred uploads. Shout out to 21 in the rv friends community for being the creator that night. And content captured all the content as well. But truly, I love Po app. It has definitely fun collecting them and, you know, going to these events. And then, Jeremy, you did touch on something that I am aware of. It, that I've been doing in my community as well with our barbers is one of those things as a PO app because it is something that is great because there's so many barbers and different ways of bringing in business and creating a community.

Barbershop Community Engagement

And Poap is a great way to do that and as well as get people on board into the NFT world. So I think that is a great way and great uses of the barbershop. Appreciate you for that. Yeah, 100%. I feel like most people know, but if you haven't tapped in with what alficasi is doing live on Twitter, spaces generally in the community highly recommend it. That goes for everybody who's on stage and everybody in the audience, for that matter.

Wrap Up and Thank You

Yeah, we get good people. We get good people that be friends. All right. I think that's our show, everybody. I do want to give Christy the last word, or Evan, if there's anything you want to kind of, like, double tap on before we wrap up. And then I'll close this out. Yeah. Just would read. Kristi, you can go first. I'll go second. Yeah, please go. I just wanted to highlight. We hit 106 moments so far before.

Moments and Records

No way. Yes. Wow. Well done, well done. Oh, wait. So, Chrissy, I asked this to Evan, or. Sorry, Evan, I asked this to Chrissy, I don't know if you were in the room, but I would love to figure out what is the all time, the current all time record for moments on a single Po app. And then the vfriends community is going to crush it. I mean, moments is pretty new. There's a chance that this is already the record.

Claiming PoAPs

Well, Christy said she did 100 on her own po app, so. Okay, well, then you're probably chasing Christie with whatever, you know, that record, and just. Yeah, I just wanted to double click on, you know, everyone who's wondering, oh, how did we get to 100? It is in one of the pinned tweets above, or I think the last tweet from vfriends, but it's that people are going into that tweet, they're finding the link to the Poap Home app in the Apple or Google App Store, or you can just search those stores for Poap Home, and then they're going and claiming the vfriends, the vCon Poapp that is in the tweet as well through that website.

Using PoAP Home Effectively

And then they're able to upload very easily within Poap home into the Poap itself. And that's how we've gotten so many moments. And also with his breaking news for Jeremy, we're also going to be featuring this drop in our newsletter next week, where we're really starting to build out the newsletter with featuring a big drop every week. That's at Poap News. If you want to go and get on our email list, we feature probably 50 drops a week.

Newsletter Details

So if you're doing a drop, you might be featured in the newsletter. But we're also going to now be doing a little bit more of, like, you know, medium form content one or two of the big drops each week. So if you want to sign up for our newsletter, it's Poap news. And if you want to do po apps, the best and easiest way to do that is through the new Poap home app. So thanks, everyone.

Community Updates

Love it. That's great news, Evan. And, yeah, definitely. I'm sure you will, but definitely share that link. When does that get published, that newsletter? So the newsletter, I think, went out. It goes out on Tuesdays. So if you go to poap news between now and Tuesday, just enter your email address, you'll get on the newsletter list. And, yeah, next week on Tuesday, there will be an email that goes out talking all about this drop.

Closing Remarks

Cool. We'll definitely want to include it in our weekly roundup as well. It's been a wonderful spaces. So grateful to be joined by 55 v friends on this Wednesday afternoon. We say it every week because we mean it. You could have been anywhere on this Wednesday afternoon, morning, evening, wherever you are, but you chose to be a v friend. It means the world to us. We hope that you all have an absolutely wonderful rest of the night, wonderful rest of the week, and we can't wait to see you at our upcoming live streams.

Conclusion and Goodbye

Thanks so much for being here. And I'm going to play us out with our five theme song. Have a great night, everybody. Oh, snap. That's all for now. Thank you all for joining the spaces. I'm Five's fan. Your biggest fan. See ya. Five five to 555. We own a mission of ambition and.

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space VeeFriends Weekly Recap – 5 @ 5:55pm hosted by veefriends. The VeeFriends Weekly Recap at 5:55pm offers a platform for the community to engage, stay informed on favorite VeeFriends, and connect with official accounts like @veecon, @veefriendscards, @veefriendshelp, and @veefriendsbot for updates and support. By participating in these sessions, VeeFriends enthusiasts can deepen their involvement in the community, get the latest updates, and discover new community favorites.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: Where can I find official VeeFriends updates?
A: You can follow @veecon, @veefriendscards, @veefriendshelp, and @veefriendsbot on Twitter for official news and information.

Q: What time does the VeeFriends Weekly Recap usually happen?
A: The VeeFriends Weekly Recap typically occurs at 5:55 pm, providing the latest community updates.

Q: How can I engage with the VeeFriends community?
A: Engage with the VeeFriends community by participating in the Weekly Recap sessions and following official accounts.

Q: What is the purpose of the VeeFriends Weekly Recap?
A: The VeeFriends Weekly Recap serves to inform the community about the latest VeeFriends activities and favorites.

Q: Which accounts should I follow for VeeFriends support?
A: For VeeFriends support, follow @veecon, @veefriendscards, @veefriendshelp, and @veefriendsbot for assistance and information.


Time: 00:05:55
Weekly Recap Updates Receive the most recent VeeFriends news and community highlights during the weekly recap.

Time: 00:05:56
Favorite VeeFriends Spotlight Explore the latest favorite VeeFriends and their significance within the community.

Time: 00:05:57
VeeFriends Official Accounts Learn about the essential official accounts to follow for detailed VeeFriends updates and support.

Key Takeaways

  • Engage with the VeeFriends community through official accounts for valuable updates.
  • Stay informed about VeeFriends' latest developments and favorite VeeFriends.
  • Join VeeFriends Weekly Recap sessions to stay in the loop with community activities.
  • Connect with @veecon, @veefriendscards, @veefriendshelp, and @veefriendsbot for official information and support.

Behind the Mic

The Essence of Life

Empathy, compassion, ambition and passion. A little bit of everything perfect in the balance. Sweet if you're alone in the end because life is for living in what's life without friends? Challenge raise the dream. Meet me in the v domen. If you're stuck in the mud, try shifting the gear. If you're thinking too much, let go of the fear if you got a friend problem, why not try being kind? Complaining is easy. Building bridges is hard. I'm just being honest. Nobody owes it to you. But if I can do it, you can do it too.

Welcoming Friends

Hey, V friends, we're gonna kick off the show here in just a minute or two. Take a moment, say hello. I've just pinned up today's chat thread in the nest up above at the top of the spaces. Say hello. How was your week? What was your favorite thing about be friends? Or maybe you made a friend? Tag that friend in the comments. Tell them the be friends spaces in this live and it's time for five at 555. Love to have as many of you friends in the room. Shout out to the 30 folks here right now. Hey, Christy. And bag Mandy pants. Cowabunga. KT was the first in the room. We've got a relatively shorter show today, so just a few headlines to run through and we'll get in a convo so we'll kick it off soon. Please share retweet and we'll get off.

Getting Started

Leave me in the bedroom. Five five at 555, five at 555. It's five at 555. It's the five span. With your weekly telegram knowledge, dropping from. The week is about to disperse. So let's see what's new in the Vfriends universe. Hey, everybody, welcome to Vfriends Twitter space. It's five span, y'all. And this is five at 555, where we drop the inside alpha for the fans in five minutes or less. Let's go. Away we go. Thank you, five five. Fan, for that incredible introduction, as always. My name is Jeremy. I'm behind the Vfriends account today.

Weekly Vfriends Updates

I'm very excited to welcome you to the weekly Vfriends spaces where we round up the week's biggest headlines and take questions from the community. Thank you all so much for being here. My inevitable co host, Daniel, is not available to join us right here at the start. Hopefully he can catch us at the end. Got some parent duties he's attending to, but I'm very excited to share with everyone this week's announcement of our partnership with Wonder I think that's the big news this week, but also for all of our VCON attendees, we just released a PO app. The official vCon 2024 attendee PO app is available to claim now through the end of the year. So no rush, no wallet connect needed.

Getting Engaged with Characters

We're actually going to be joined by the Poap team a little bit later to sort of talk about the things, how they've been iterating and improving on their app, moving to the new Poap home app, and just generally all the things po app that we love. So all that being said, you know what time it is now it's time for the question of the day. So today's question of the day is maybe a little unexpected. If you saw the recent wonder announcement or you've been following some of the teasers we've shared about the upcoming VFriends show coming to YouTube, kids produced by entertainment, then you will know that there are a number of characters who take a spotlight in the series above and beyond the many cameos and fun moments we're going to see from many of your favorite V friends. The belly's collaboration with the mini stickers kind of reveals for the first time outside of the 1 minute teaser we saw at VCoN what those characters are.

Character Favorites

And so we're looking at perfect persian cat, gracious grizzly bear, dynamic dinosaur, empathy elephant, dialed in dog, and the fearless fairy. And I would like to know, just sort of like a sentiment poll of those characters that I just named of the stars of the upcoming Moon bug show, the Be Friends show. Which one's your favorite? Which one are you most attracted to? And I know that could be difficult. Dano is going to say dialed in Dog all day. Dano, I want to know your second favorite because I already know your number one. But as we continue to iterate on these characters and tell their stories, obviously we had a couple weeks of dialed in dog comics. Now we're focused on the fearless fairy comics for this week.

Connecting Characters to Community

We're really interested to find authentic connections between the vfriends characters and you, our vfriends community. So it'd be great to know of those characters. Which one are you rocking with the most? It could just be for today. For myself, I'm gonna go with, you know, this is actually really hard. My my gut reaction was fearless fairy. I wear the fearless fairy cap almost every day. I think fearlessness is one of those things that is very difficult to attain but very important to aspire to. But I've also been rocking with the dialed in Dog a lot. And maybe it's because I enjoyed the origin story comic so much, but I just think it's a great character. They all have a lot to offer.

Partnership with Wonder

But I curious for you and you can just tap the chat thread pinned up to the top of the spaces right now to give me your answer for today's question of the day, which star in the vfriend show is your favorite? So moving into our headlines today, the number one headline is our partnership with Wonder. Wonder Ghost Kitchen, which I will pin up to the top for everybody right now. In case you missed it, this is a delicious collaboration that is live now across the tri state area in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, in all places where Wonder operates these kitchens.

Children's Product Surprise

So I'll give you a bit of a brief and at the top you can see the announcement video from Gary and some of the details. TL Doctor this is our version of a happy meal of sorts. So within their, specifically their kids product, bellies by Wonderland, any order of bellies comes with a pack, a sealed pack of a vfriends mini sticker featuring any of eight characters in three different rarities. The hologram, the ten times rarer gold, and the one of one autograph. We know these are going to be super fun to collect. I'm seeing a lot of messages on the timeline asking folks in the tri state like, can you help me get these stickers? Which is awesome.

Collectibles and Engagement

And above and beyond that, it's just really great to have a touch point, a toy, a collectible, a memento for families to be able to hold vfriends in their hand. And obviously there's a QR code execution on the sticker as well where they'll be able to scan and they'll be taken to the befriends show and other befriends content. So we're really excited about this partnership. Wonder operates out of the Wonder app, pioneering the fast find dining so you can get food from some of the best chefs in the world across the eleven locations in New York City, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, making it convenient for your family to enjoy a more gourmet meal.

Combos and Promotion

So each Belly's kids combo, as I said, comes with a surprise of beef friends mini sticker, adding excitement as the kids collect and trade their favorite beef friends. You can see this is a great little gift that I've just pinned up to the top that shows the hologram version of each mini sticker. And below that, you can also see the two primary rarities the hologram and the gold. There's, of course, an ultra rare one of one autograph seen some people interested in that, but most people will be getting that hologram. And if you are going to wonder, make sure you use the promo code vfriends five.

Delivery and Expansion

I don't know if this is case sensitive, actually, but all capitals, vfriends and the number five at checkout, and you'll get $5 off your order at wonder. And this is a delivery service, so don't have to worry about if it's close enough to you, walking distance or whatever. They do deliver. I know that, you know, they don't deliver. Like, I see Oscar has a comment here. Will they deliver to San Francisco? They definitely have a radius for which they will deliver. And I saw wonder actually jump in on a comment. I think it was asking whether or not they operated out of Arizona.

Future Expansion Plans

And they just expressed like they would love to operate in Arizona, but there's no immediate plans that they can share on that expansion. But if you look into wonder, the kind of culture that they built and the way that they're expanding, you know, we hope to see them continue to expand out of the tri state area and beyond, and we're very, very excited to be partnered with them. If you have any questions about the wonder collaboration, as always, feel free to hit the request button. We'll take questions and conversation at the end of the spaces as we get through the headlines.

VCon Throwback Announcement

The second headline for today is a vCon throwback. You know that we love Po app here at vfriends, and we wanted to provide a official poap for all of the attendees. Now, it's important to know that only those who scanned into the VCon event. This is not available to all vcon 2024 NFT holders, but only folks who owned the VCon NFT and scanned successfully into the event. You have up until the end of this year, December 31, at 1159, to claim the PO app.

Introduction to Moments Feature

And something that I'm really excited about that we want to emphasize, and let me actually grab the link and tweet this because it is just so cool to see how active and vibrant the befriends community is. Poap has created an extension of the experience of collecting po apps that they call moments. And through moments, you can add your own photos and video directly to the Poap in question. Let me go ahead and grab this link. I was just so happy to see this tweet, and then I want to pin this up and as we're chatting about this.

Connecting with Christy

I'm going to bring up Christy, who we know in the Poap community as the queen of PO apps. I'll let Christy tell her story, but let me get this pinned up because it was just like, so I don't know, I had a rush of emotion and excitement seeing just moments after this PO app went live, people adding their own photos and video to the digital record the memory of VCon. I highly recommend, as you're listening to the spaces, tap on that link. It's moments Poap XYZ. And just look at all the fun things that have been shared.

Celebrating Community Participation

Go ahead and claim your PO app, add your own, and we're going to get into all this now. So, Christy, I'm so glad that you were able to join us today. Happy Wednesday. How are you? Happy Wednesday, indeed. Thank you, Jeremy, for having me on. Things are great. I'm very excited to see all the moments coming through and being posted. Yeah, I'm super excited about this poap. Yeah. And you know, our community, as you know, is very familiar with Poap.

Explaining Poap to Newcomers

We do them nearly every week and have for the last several years. But in case there's somebody who is hearing about Poap for the first time, can you give us sort of like the 32nd TldR on what Poep is and why Poep is? Yeah. So I've been working on the way I explain Poap because I think it gets confusing sometimes, but POap stands for proof of attendance protocol. It Poap offers a platform to issue and collect precious digital collectibles.

Features and Capabilities of Poap

Let's see how that's good. I mean, that's really to the point. Poap offers a platform to collect precious digital collectibles. I love that. And I also love the whole branding of moments and memories. It all makes a lot of sense, the way you put it. Good. Yeah. As you mentioned, we have this new feature. It's a fairly new feature called Poap Moments, where you can upload media, and it's pretty much a time capsule of the moment through media or, excuse me, the poap through media, so you can upload videos, still images, audio files.

Encouraging Community Engagement

You can leave a note of. It's. It's pretty magical. Time capsule. Yeah. And I'm going to issue a challenge to the community right now. I'm seeing. Let me refresh to get this accurate number. There are currently 47 moments on the official Beacon 2024 PO app. I think we can get it to 55 by the end of the spaces. So if you haven't yet, and I'll go ahead and pin up the. I pinned up the thread from Vicon.

Ease of Use for Members

Here is the tweet with the link to claim there's no wallet connect needed, simply paste your Ethereum address that held your VCon ticket at the time and hit claim. In a matter of seconds. It'll show up in your wallet and you can tap in and add moments. You will need the Poap home app to do so. So many of you who have been collecting Po apps for years will have the legacy Poap app and simply just go to your app store, search Po app.

Promoting Community Participation

You'll see the new app there, and from your phone, you'll be able to add these moments. Let's see if we can get. Yeah, eight more moments for the end of the spaces. I think that's an easy challenge. I think that's a great challenge. If anybody has any questions or needs help uploading moments, hit me up DM's or just ping me, you know, at me on Twitter. But it's. It's pretty smooth, pretty seamless, and, yeah, I'm very excited to see everything that comes through.

Record Keeping of Moments

Yeah, likewise. Now. Now I want to go over the top. I'm channeling Gary's competitive energy. I don't know if you know the answer to this, Christy, but what is the. What is the current record for number of moments on a single Po app? This is really fun. So when I got home from VCOn, I went in and started uploading moments in bulk.

Uploading Experiences

So if you are on a desktop right now, we're working on making bulk uploads available on mobile. But I would say, like, in over the next couple of days, you should be able to do bull couples. But I was going through trying to upload everything on desktop from all of the pictures I've got from vcon to my own PO app. And a lot of you collected it. So I was capped in the app.

Technical Issues Resolved

I was only able to view 100. We fixed it, and now you should be able to view any of them that come up. but in. In testing this, I noticed that, I think I'm the record holder of moments. My personal poet. That's amazing. Okay, so. So it's definitely over 100. So we have a ways to go. Vfriends, claim your official vCon 2024 attendee Po app, drop a moment, and then tell a friend to do the same.

Community Engagement

Because I think. I think it'll just be a fun challenge for. For our community. Share your moments. It's super fun. Yeah. And you can link them in the chat here. Tweet them, tag vfriends, tag vcon, tag poapp. And it'll just be. It'll be nice to kind of like, have a taste of vCon a month later. I mean, believe it or not, vCon was a whole month ago now at this point. So it's really nice to see the vCon energy on the timeline.

Introduction and Gratitude

And yeah, all of us are be friends are grateful to poap for helping us set this all up. I don't know if there's anything that Poap is sort of cooking on that maybe you can share, but I'd love whether that's true or not, I'd love for you to give people an idea of how easy it is to create a Po app. I think doing anything for the first time can be a little intimidating. And in the last. I feel like in the last six to eight months, you've really streamlined the process of creating your own poap. It can take as little as ten minutes if you have your media and you know what you want to say. So if I am wanting to make my first PO app, where do I start and what do I need to do?

Starting with Poap

Yes. So you're going to go to drops, Poap Xyz, and you can log in through your gmail, Google, or any email. We will send you a one time verification code. And you go in and just hit create drop. If you've got your artwork ready, upload it there and then title, description, date, and hit submit. Then you're going to want to go select your distribution method, whether it's mint links, secret delivery, or a website, and then request the amount of PO apps that you're going to want to issue. You know, it's pretty smart to think ahead and know about how many people are going to be attending that you want to collect your poap. Enter the number and hit submit.

Curating Your Poap Experience

We offer a form. You can fill out the form. It is highly recommended that you fill out the form so curation at POap can get a better idea as to what your plan is for your poap. It's not required, but it is recommended. And then curation reviews and typically speaking these days, curation goes through and reviews, drops and approves or gets back to you within an hour, sometimes faster, sometimes a little bit longer. But we ask that you give us up to like 24 hours to review the actual drop. But we also have cs available 24/7 pretty much any POap website go to the bottom right. There's a chat bubble. You can reach out and ask questions.

Community Support and Experiences

If you have submitted something and that you haven't heard back or, you know, there's no progress been made. You just open up a chat with us and we. We say, hey. It's that simple. Yeah. In all my experience, I mean, I'm not a Po app. I'm not. What's the word I'm looking for? It's on the tip of my tongue. I'm not a prolific poap maker, but I've made a few in my time, and the Poap team has always been so quick to help, and there's a lot of folks. Christy's my go to source, but tons of us in the community have made these po apps, and I encourage you to try it. I don't know that it needs to necessarily be a ceremonial event to have a Po app.

Creative Uses for Poaps

I've seen people make po apps for birthdays, for accomplishments. They hit a certain follower goal, or they stuck with a diet routine for a week. I. You know, maybe it's for anniversary of some kind. It's a really great way to, like Christy said, have these memories on chain and. And also share it with the friends and family that you love. So I pinned up a. Oh, go ahead, Christy. I just was agreeing. Absolutely. It's. We. We've tried to make it a pretty seamless experience, but you. You really can commemorate any event that is important to you.

Events and Community Engagement

It doesn't have to be a conference. It doesn't have to be a big thing. It's two or more people can be involved. It's a really special way. You can also reserve your po apps via email. So if you don't have an account or, excuse me, a wallet, you can reserve it using an email address. And that opens up a whole new can of worms we don't have time for right now. But if you do create an account, you can actually go through and create an on Poap eth. So it's basically an ens that we offer to you, and it opens up a wallet for you, creates a wallet for you, and then. Amazing.

Community Platforms and Engagement

Yeah, you can go from there. That's very cool. I wasn't aware of that. Sort of, like, on that note of the sort of second and third layer offerings that Poap has, where does the poap community congregate? I know that there's been a discord for. Since as long as I can remember. Is the discord still, like, the main place, or where should people who are enjoying collecting po apps relate with each other? That's a great question. So we've got a telegram group. We have a discord server, and there's a lot of community members that are very active on Farcaster as well as Twitter, but less so. It's more active on Farcaster.

Farcaster and Community Interaction

Warpcast, Farcaster. That makes perfect sense. Wonderful. Just by show of emojis. I know we talked a little bit about Warpcast and Farcaster with the release of the Beacon 2024 tickets on base. As a reminder, Farcaster is a decentralized social infrastructure built on top of base. Very, very popular in the general Ethereum community. I'm just curious if folks are on that platform. If you want to throw up a hundred, if you have a. Oh, Evan definitely does. Nice. That makes sense. Good to see you in here, Evan. Thanks for. Thanks for popping by.

Event Highlights and Interactions

Kelso's got one. Yep. It's. I don't want to get too off topic with Farcaster, but it's such a. In my mind, it's so worth exploring. It's not like the hypest platform of the moment, and it looks similar to Twitter, but the functionality goes so much deeper. It's a great place to play and build. It feels kind of like a sandbox where you can test the content you're making without necessarily the eyes that you would get on a Twitter or an Instagram. Definitely worthwhile checking out and follow Poap if you go over there. Awesome. Christy. You know, we're mostly done with the headlines.

Encouraging Engagement with the Community

I'm happy to open this up to the rest of the community if they want to come up and chat, ask questions, whatever. Is there anything else that is top of mind for you that you want to share about what Poap is doing or how people can participate? The biggest thing I would like to share is we are iterating and changing and updating and doing all sorts of stuff behind the scenes and when we really are building every single day. So if you've had a negative experience or a struggle with creating a poap or any kind of past experience, then revisit the idea of poap in your life and create the PO apps.

Continuous Improvement and Community Feedback

We are always changing, we're always innovating, and there's always new stuff coming out. So again, if you've had any discouraging experiences or something that was a struggle, please reach out to us. Like I said, we've got the chat bubble on all of our websites. And just stay tuned because while we're still growing, we're still iterating. Things now versus where they were even six months ago, two years ago are so much better. And it's a much smoother experience. But we are here to help you and we want you to be successful in your poep experience 1000%.

Upcoming Events and Community Connection

If you're in the crowd would love to open up this conversation. Feel free to request up. The only other thing that I wanted to share with everybody is that we are just ten days away from Collectacon in Atlanta. So if you're in the Atlanta area, be sure to keep an eye out for that. We'll be there. The exact dates are September 21 and 22nd. It's always great to have an IRL touch point with the community and introduce the be friends characters and brand to a new audience. So we're really looking forward to that.

Exciting Future Announcements

And I know that many folks are looking forward to our official announcements around New York Comic Con, which is coming later next month in October. I can't believe October is next month. Those words literally just came out of my mouth. A question for you, Christy. Sort of thinking about how to not just. Not just use POaP as a memento, but as a community building tool. Obviously one of the greatest opportunities that come from having an on chain token like this is being able to use a smart contract and recognize who are the owners, users, participants in a given event.

Utilizing Poap for Community Building

I'm sure there are probably also third party tools, but from POap, is there an easy way to sort of like export a list of wallets that have a poet from a particular event? And maybe separately, are there some fun activations that you've seen from creators after the fact? One that comes to mind is when Gee money launched his admit one NFT off the back of the poep that he gave at vcon 2022. That was a massive moment, a first for him. And I think about the Adidas PO app that they use for whitelisting for their NFC collection. Is it easy to access those records and what are some creative executions that you might have seen?

Accessing Poap Data for Events

Yeah, so anybody can go to the Poap gallery and view a list of collectors that have minted the PO apps on any drop unless it's selected private. Just go to the Poap gallery and you can go download the CSV as the issuer. You have a little bit more access to holders within your own set of tools, but yeah, that's. It's pretty public information. Just download the CSV and do what you need and want with it. As far as other activations, I think some other team members I don't see. You said Evan was in here.

Creative Activations and Events

I don't see him right now, but he might have a little bit more valuable insight to share, because my team is curation. It's called drop operations, curation and customer support. We see all this stuff come through, but we don't necessarily see it through to the end. So I might not be the best person to answer that, but one really cool activation that just recently happened and I think was a pretty cool success, was the Tokyo rally. It was a Poap rally held in Tokyo during east Tokyo and Dao Tokyo.

GPS-Enabled Poaps

And what the Poap team did, along with some external help, was we created several drops that were located via gps to different shrines and temples. So once you attended the initial event, you go collect the first PO app, and then you go through this. We handed out pamphlets, and it had a map on it. You visit different shrines and temples, and when you approach the shrine or the temple, the location of the PO app, you get a notification where you can go into your app and mint it via GPS instead of tapping or having to scan a QR code. And I think that was a pretty cool success.

Conclusion and Community Discussion

That is worth sharing. Yeah, I love that you invoked him on stage. He's here for everybody to see. The quantum cat himself. Evan, I'm so glad you could hop up. Happy Wednesday. How are you? Hey, happy Wednesday. Yep, I can hear you just fine. Wonderful. Yeah, I think another relevant thing we just did that Christopher's as well, was right during VCon, the burglar brunch for the V cards competition, we had a big time poap there.

New Features and Enhancements

Not only did the organizers do a good job of promoting the Poap Home app prior to the event, Poap Home is the new Poap app that we have. So you may have had an app from Poap in the past, but Poap Home is our new one, which has a lot of new features, including moments where you can upload images and audio and pictures and video from your event, you can upload them into the Po app and create almost a time capsule of the event, as well as, you know, having the pop itself, but they also had a raffle through our Poap fun raffle product, where everyone who did collect the poap on chain with their wallet was automatically entered into a raffle.

Community Engagement through Raffles

And then we have a website that just automatically cycles through and picks winners from that. So, you know, that's one where it wasn't that big of an event, but they really did a great job. And again, Christy and I were there as well, but they really did a great job of taking advantage of all the new features that Poap has to offer, and the community really responded and now has this Po app with all the content right in it forever. So that's the type of stuff you can do with your community.

Utilizing Data for Engagement

You also, as Christy was saying, you can download all the wallet addresses and email addresses who collect your PO app so that you can reward them with airdrops or see who's collected multiple of your Po apps and reward them in some other way. But yeah, I did really think, you know, us being on the vfriends space here, it would be great to highlight this VCon event that we helped out with. Yeah, no, I appreciate that. It's like a lot of things in this space, you know, there's so many.

Web3 Tools for Community Building

As much as web three, quote unquote, web three gets a bad rapid for user interface. There are so many tools available to folks, many, many of them completely free to access, that can just really enhance the things that you're already doing, whether in your personal life, as a content creator, casually among friends, or even in your business. And I'm really looking forward. I've like, this is so random, but I've actually been, like, slowly onboarding my barber to po apps and just been like, telling him a little bit of this and that.

Local Business Integration with Poap

Because specifically barber shops and there are other examples, but businesses that are local, physical, and require a tight knit community, like client based businesses, I feel like, are really good example of businesses that can benefit from integration with nfTs. But for them to learn how to deploy a smart contract, even whether using a no code solution is just sort of a little difficult for them to fill out a web form and upload some media, is very simple, and then it's the follow up execution of just sort of building out the network, saying like, hey, thanks for getting a haircut today.

Gratitude and Closing Remarks

We want you to have this gif. Here's a claim code. Simply just put it in your email. And I've been like, I've been very slow. When I say slowly, I mean very slowly, because he speaks mostly Spanish and my Spanish is only so okay. But the point being, it's a very friendly user interface using these tools, and you should use them, they're available to you and they can really enhance the things you're already doing. Yeah, I agree. I think that falls under loyalty, in my estimation.

Reflecting on Loyalty and Future Potential

Last cycle, there were a bunch of sort of web three loyalty products that launched that, you know, they did okay, but like, it didn't really sort of take hold. But we love the idea of po apps for loyalty. And just like you're saying you don't have to pay for a whole new platform. You don't need to, you know, launch a smart contract. And I once people collect your poap, then it doesn't matter what tools are built now. But if tools are built in the future or if we build tools, you say, hey, I'd love for you to build these tools, and we think they're universal.

Community Loyalty Programs and Expectations

Or if someone else builds tools, once you have people who have collected the PO app, they're always going to have that poap in their wallet so you can then interact with them in the future, even if you don't have as much to do with it right now. So we've always thought loyalty is just a great use of nfts, web three, especially Po apps, and hopefully in this next cycle that's upcoming, we'll see another push for that. But time will tell. Time will tell.

Conclusion and Open Invitation

Well, this has been super informative, and I don't see anybody in their request, so I want to encourage you again, I'd love to open this up to conversation. Just hit the request button in the bottom left hand corner. Evan and Christy are here to answer questions. Whether you're a poap veteran or a newbie, it's a great opportunity to get to know the team. And like Christy said, they're very much available to help you through any technical difficulties you might be facing or questions you have before you make one.

Final Reminders and Encouragements

And like I said, make sure that if you did attend vcon 2024, that you go to the link that's pinned up above. It's the second pinned. Tweet and claim your Po app. You have until the end of the year to do so, but might as well claim it now and add a moment. And while we're at it, let's get a check. Oh, my gosh. Wow. I was about to, like, hedge and say, I really hope that this 47 number moved.

Celebrating Community Engagement

Like, I hope it's at least 50, but I just refresh and we have 72 moments on the official vcon 2024 poem, which. That is so cool. You know, we're rounding out the show, but, like, can we get to 80? Can we get to 80 before the end of the show? Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it. I was going to say 100, but I don't.

Show Closure and Engagement

The show might be ending soon. I don't have an 80 button, so, you know, I figured 100 would be a good button to throw up instead. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you're right. You know what? Let's go for 100. Throw up 100 if you're willing to help get our vCon official Po app to 100 moments by the end of the spaces. All right, that was fun, cryptokies, thanks for joining us. Happy Wednesday. And how are you? Yeah, thank you. Happy Wednesday. I'm good. And that is an awesome PO app. I wish that I went to this vcon so that I could have gotten that poet, but I wanted to talk about ebay real quick.

Creating PO Apps

But before that, I wanted to ask either you or christy a question about PO apps. How easy is it and where do we go to create our own PO apps? Super, super easy. Go to drops Poap XYZ. You sign in with a Gmail account or an email account. We send you a one time verification, and then you go in and hit create drop. It's suggested that you have artwork available or prepared in advance, and then you select a title and a description, the dates. You can attach any website to the PO app that you want to share, and then you hit submit. There might be a couple more fields to fill out, maybe location, things like that, but then you hit submit. You can fill out a form to help curation better understand your desires and your ideas, distribution plan. And then go select your distribution method.

Engaging in the Community

You're going to see mints, let's see, mint links, secret website and delivery. And so you select one of those, you decide how many attendees you're going to have, and you hit submit. And that is then delivered to curation. And they go through their review process. If there's any questions or concerns that they have with the drop itself, they will reach out to you or the CS team will reach out to you and help you get over the finish line. Nice. Awesome. And of course, you have to create your image, right? And then just drag and drop it in that process as well. Yep, yep. And we have a cool cropping tool in drops where you can, if it's a little too small or it needs to be, you know, enlarged, or you want to crop it a little bit differently, you can crop it that way, too. But, yeah, it is just as simple as drag and drop.

Collecting and Trading

So, yeah, the only other thing I wanted to say is I've been having a lot of fun. I went to the first whatnot vfriend space, and that was huge. I actually won my first giveaway, and I was so excited, I'm not even sure what it is. So when I open that, it's gonna be a surprise to me, which is pretty cool. But, I also bought a couple other things and I'm selling a couple pieces, and I've been doing really well. I've been getting pretty lucky with the picks and the drops. I'm selling one or two pieces so I can keep the rest, and I think I'm gonna make a little bit of profit. Keep buying more. So. So anyone who's not over there and in that space, it's a really cool space, and there's plenty of money to be made if.

Collaborative Efforts

If you're willing to just buy. And you know what I mean? Every couple packs definitely has a foil, and once you hit a foil, that's pretty awesome. One of those fours I want to talk about is gratitude gorilla. 39 out of 100. I really wanted to keep that, but. But by selling that, like I said, I can keep all of the rest of the items that I got and then buy some more, so I'm definitely having fun. V friends has brought me back to eBay for the first time in 20 years. I used to buy Sega and Nintendo games from there, but. But, yeah. Awesome. Okay, well, I know there's a lot of gratitude, guerrilla fans out there, and I would recommend, you know, just shooting out a tweet, tag, vfriends, maybe some of the folks who are active in the card community, and they can probably help you.

Community Involvement

You know, the community is very responsive, very helpful, very honest, very generous. So if you don't have any luck on Twitter, if, like, your engagement's getting nerfed or anything, I would encourage you to go to the discord. We have a vfriends cards channel, and you can also create a dedicated channel to the collectibles that you're looking to trade or sell. So you can make a dedicated channel to whatever it is that you're looking to part with. Nice. Yeah. Thank you. I'm glad that you reminded me of the weekend be friends card channel and discord, but definitely a couple people have already reached out to me in a post that I made, so, yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to watching that this week.

Sharing Achievements

Yeah, 100%. Very cool. Well, I appreciate that. On that note, I'll pass it over to savvy. Savvy, I like your new PFP. Hope you had a great weekend. Happy Wednesday. What's up? Happy Wednesday, everybody. I hope everyone's having a beautiful day. Thank you so much, Jeremy. Actually, it is one of our own community members, Rarity Dale, released a set of NFTs under ethereal Warrior. He has. Yeah, I saw those. He has a page for it as well. So if everyone looks that up, I can pin it on. I think maybe I can share it in the comments. I can do that later, but yeah.

Supporting Fellow Creators

Please share it in the comments. I don't necessarily want to pin up a mint as much as I support what Dale is doing. You know, want to like kind of always over communicate when there's like any kind of wallet connect necessary. I know Dale is very trustworthy, just sort of out of an excess of caution. But absolutely if you have a tweet from Dale that doesn't have the mint link then I'm happy to pin it up. And you know, I know the cards community is really turning out to show to support Dale and in fact, yeah, so that would be my recommendation. 100%. Yeah, I can share in the comments the ethereal Warrior page on X and if you follow that you'll get all of the updates for the account and everything else like that.

Community Events

This particular piece I didn't actually get in the original mint, but form chaos was awesome. He and I switched a couple, traded a couple and I was able to get this and I feel like it really just speaks to who I want to be. It's very much about light and dark and being a warrior in it. So I love it. But I did want to come up for two things. One is that Mister Messer with the VFAM sessions is now the last Thursday of each month doing something called a trading post on the VFAM Sessions network on Twitch, which is an awesome opportunity for community members to bring their collectibles and either sell or trade them.

Acts of Kindness

So he has like a form to fill out where you just kind of give him information on what it is that you're wanting to sell, what you're looking for. If you're looking to do trades or if you're just looking to sell, like, you know, just have an idea of your costs and stuff. But every, the last Thursday of each month is when he's doing it. So it's at Mister Messer and it's just a super awesome opportunity for the community to get together and kind of trade collectibles and just have fun and enjoy company and things like that. Besides the other three Thursdays of the month where we just have fun. And then also, I don't know if anybody has brought it up yet, but I did see the sticker pin post and I wanted to put out there the most beautiful thing happened in a group chat, that Ross Brown, a wonderful human being overall, but he offered to try and get some of the stickers for people who aren't local and because they do come with meals, he came up with the idea to potentially donate those meals.

Charitable Initiatives

And now it's become a wonderful thing where it's over 200 at this point. He's spoken with a local shelter in New York and so each meal is $12 and then he's doing a $10 flat rate shipping, whether you get one or 1000 of the stickers. And he will ship the stickers themselves out, but the meals are going to be donated to a local shelter in New York. And at this point, I think it's just under 250 meals thus far that are going to be donated. And so I'm literally getting chills just thinking about it. So huge shout out to the moon as well. That team donated 200 meals to the get together and then community members, everything's still kind of rolling in.

Collective Impact

And then whatever meal, whatever is excess funds that we can't get meals with due to, like availability or whatever, the rest of the money will be donated directly to the shelter itself to help with any costs associated with the care of those who receive services there. So he is trying to get everything set up to actually do the drop on to do the food drop this weekend. And so if anybody is interested in that, he did put out a tweet. Ross Brown, he is at lsutiger 95 and he is just, he's doing all of him and sky and I believe a couple other v friends in the area have volunteered to come over and help as well. And so there's a beautiful, like, movement happening right now where this collectible journey, what we all knew this community was going to be, is now we're taking our world of vfriends and what we believe in and making it the world and putting it out there.

Community Connection

And so if you or anyone, you know, might want to get some of the stickers and also do something beautiful, get in touch with Ross and he can give you the information and we can all come together and make a little difference in the world. Be friends style. I love that. Thank you for sharing that. I wanted to include that in the community. Highlights. Actually saw Ross in the office yesterday and he was telling me about this and my main concern was with hot meals, it can be, it can sometimes be difficult. And so it's amazing that he was able to find a partner in this. And like his tweet says, up at the top, this community is just incredible.

Rallying Around a Cause

So I know that a lot of people who are not in the tri state area wanted these stickers. They're actively collecting super stickers and cards and other things, or they have a favorite v friend that's in the set. And it's so amazing to see this come to life. I think next week, once it's all said and done, we can maybe get ross on here to talk about it. Or just like, I definitely want to share how many meals. It's an incredible effort and it's nice to see people rallying around, doing good. That's what v friends is all about. And thanks for. Thanks for sharing that. Savvy? Absolutely.

Final Thoughts

Of course. All right, last but not least, Kelso, great to see you. Happy, optimistic otter day. I mean, I say that because optimistic otter day is every day. How are you? Happy Wednesday. Thanks for having me. I'm always optimistic. I want to offer a testimonial and a question for the PO apps. So I've been using them for a few years. It's actually probably been a couple years since I've actually used them. I used them for a spaces I was running for while to sleep over. It was like a twelve hour no sound space. And then I would give away a poap to everybody that attended and then I would use that PO app for giveaways because I already had the address for that.

Addressing Past Challenges

And with that I wanted to ask because there was a problem back in the day and where you don't post that, the link, the QR code, whatever you get. It's kind of a tip for creators, too. If you make a PO app, you don't post that QR code publicly. And here goes the kind of question for the team or PoAp team, is it still a problem where there's what we used to call poap hunters out there, they're just seeking to mint every poap out there. So the answer is yes. But the other answer is that we've done a lot to mitigate that possibility. So right now, most of the time, if you're going to drop a PO app, you would not be given a static QR code.

Enhancements in Technology

So that's really the biggest issue is if there was a static QR code and it gets out and, you know, it's just anyone can scan it from anywhere. What we have now is our kiosk product at Kiosk Poap XYZ. I believe it is. That's one way. If you have a screen, it actually gives you a dynamic QR code, and that dynamic QR code will allow you to, every time someone scans it actually changes to a different QR code. So if someone screenshotted it would only work one time. We also. Within the new Poap home app, a feature we just launched, is where you can actually get one of those QR codes on your phone.

Future of PO Apps

So let's say you create a Po app and you. You would just have to enter the drop id and the edit code that you're given, and within the app, you now it'll show that QR code. So anyone can just scan the QR code off your phone. So we're really dedicated to not having that be an issue and are always figuring out new distribution methods. We also have NFC devices, near field communication, where people can just tap their phone to the physical chip on, you know, on a plastic disc that we have, and that'll open up the po app. So that's, you know, only one person can tap their phone at a time.

Mitigating Farming Issues

So those are the types of things we're doing to mitigate any of what we call it as farming. So it's really not a big. As big of an issue these days. Okay. Yeah, that's very helpful, because I know, like, a couple years ago, that was a big problem. Like, I would have a space with 300 people in it, and 200 of them were chinese accounts. Just asking when poap win poap. So. Yeah, I see that. That's very helpful. Yeah. A Twitter space. And that's more of, you know, potentially our secret word option.

Creative Distribution Techniques

It's that thing where often people will, like, do it more of as a surprise. We're like, okay, there's not a poap for every single space. Or maybe we do it at different times of the space. You know, hey, if someone, even if they are a farmer, if they sit through your entire space for 45 minutes to get the po app, hey, that's not really farming. They really actually sat there and listened to the space and collected the poap, you know, so people will have different times that they drop it. Maybe they'll only drop it once a month, but they won't know. You won't know which episode it's going to be on. Or maybe it's, you know, just randomly do it.

Evolving Drop Strategies

So there's ways people are doing that as well. but we have. We do make it a priority on our side. Nice. also want to mention, it's great for IRL. Like, I know we're all web three. It's a lot of crypto stuff, but I've used it at my brick and mortar business, as a dispensary. I brought people in on 420, and they minted, I think it was when you first launched the kiosk thing. I put up on an iPad and had the QR code changing. People didn't even know they were getting an NFT for it. They just thought they were getting, like, something to prove that they were there.

Onboarding New Customers

And then that onboarded them and allowed me to give other crypto stuff away to my customers and help onboard them into web three also. So, yeah, it's great for web three and IRL. It really helps. So I'm going to get back into it more. It's been a couple of years since I've used po app, so, yeah, thanks for having me up, guys.

Introduction and Invitation

Yeah, appreciate it. And, you know, hit us up. Hit me up. Hit Christie up. If you have any questions with the new stuff.

Experiences with Drops

Kelso, you're going to have a totally different experience creating a drop these days than you did a couple years ago. Really great stuff. And I can attest to that. I remember when Christy messaged me, was like, you have. You have to set up with the. Not the kiosk. What is it? What is it called where you actually set it up? Drops. Poap. You text me. So excited. You have to see what we did with drops of. And it really is just so much smoother. It is so smooth. Cool.

Continuing the Conversation

Let's keep going around. Afakasi, happy Wednesday, brother. Aloha. Do folks see Afakasi on stage? Oh, good. Yes. Hey, how are you? You're a little choppy, my friend. You're. You're doing the rare robot. All right, we're gonna swing back to. Oh, that does sound better. Yeah, that does sound better. I hear an echo now, though. Aloha. I muted, but I think I muted to stop the echo, but I think Afikazi did, too. Take three. All good. We'll circle back to you in a minute. Cowabunga. I'm gonna pass the mic to you. How are you? Happy Wednesday.

Creative Discussions

Hey. Hey. Happy Wednesday. I am all fired up with this po app talk. I'm just every. Yeah, it's super fun, and it's creative, too. Like, my creative crab vibes are going wild. Like, oh, I've been wanting to do this, and you kind of touched on the NFC tags and the website and being able to link to that, and I'm just loving all of it. So now I want to be immersed in. Into it more, and I'm like, okay, are there some videos? Is there a. Is there a space coming up that we can all kind of hang out in and just talk po apps and cool ideas. Yeah, I'm just loving it. Appreciate this. This education tonight. This is great.

Engagement and Outreach

We don't have any spaces planned right now, but you can definitely hit us up on the social media, the platforms. Awesome. Yeah. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I'll definitely do that and reach out. And I'm going to just go back and scroll through the website. I'm logging in every time you guys are dropping the URL's, just trying to check it all out and see what it all looks like. So super cool. Yeah. Thanks for being here, too. Yeah, absolutely. Appreciate you guys answering and ask all these questions.

Final Notes

Absolutely. Just hit us up. Evan and I are definitely available. Any of our Poap team members on any social platform. We're always very responsive and receptive. Will do. I love the photos, too. I was. I was looking at that when it came out. I thought that was such an awesome component to add to it. And I think I've got 50 po apps now altogether, something like 44 of the vfriends. Po ops. Fantastic. Yeah. And you can upload moments to any. Any po op that you have. Oh, cool. So you can just go back and just. If I found something from that date me, like, oh, let me go ahead and upload that.

Using PoApps Effectively

I knew what was going on. Yep. All the way back to the first po op you've ever collected. Now, I noticed the one that we did for the VCom one. Like, you know, when we posted on it, like, it went to the feed, so everybody saw that. And I thought that was. I thought that was just so cool. And if you post your own. Yeah, no, my brain's just going wild now. Think of all the different things you could do. Isn't it fun? It's so fun. So incredible. I love this product that we've built.

Engagement and Feedback

Awesome. Aficaci, I want to try and come back to you. We'll give it a shot. Hey, how you doing? Aloha, beautiful people. How's everybody doing? Sorry. You're good. I was in the commissary. Aloha. A little bit of shopping for my military folks. So first and foremost, thank you, Christy. Christy is the Po app queen. She has helped me tremendously on getting po apps for the last couple years and just bringing smiles to people's faces, especially during vcon, during different events.

App User Experience

Still trying to get used to it. Hopefully, as she said, the intuitiveness of the app and the user friendliness will make it a little bit easier because it was always confusing. Just want to put that out there a little bit. But I'm excited to mess around with the new application that she has mentioned. But also, you know, we did one over VCon for the Fay Lounge, which benefited mental health awareness and suicide prevention, being that this is suicide prevention month and yesterday was, well, suicide prevention day.

Community and Special Events

And I just want to remind those who were in attendance at VCON to grab a PO app if you didn't get one from the fade lounge in the barbershop. We're gonna do something special with that PO app. We've got some. A cool giveaway we're gonna do. And if you didn't as well, I got some extra shirts. I want to get involved with the PO app. Christy is amazing as well, because she did show me for the first time the moments and her dumping the photos in there. And I was just. Just heartfelt seeing all the people.

Contributions and Community Involvement

And I've got a bunch to add into their. I christie, so I might up you one with a hundred uploads. Shout out to 21 in the rv friends community for being the creator that night. And content captured all the content as well. But truly, I love Po app. It has definitely fun collecting them and, you know, going to these events. And then, Jeremy, you did touch on something that I am aware of. It, that I've been doing in my community as well with our barbers is one of those things as a PO app because it is something that is great because there's so many barbers and different ways of bringing in business and creating a community.

Barbershop Community Engagement

And Poap is a great way to do that and as well as get people on board into the NFT world. So I think that is a great way and great uses of the barbershop. Appreciate you for that. Yeah, 100%. I feel like most people know, but if you haven't tapped in with what alficasi is doing live on Twitter, spaces generally in the community highly recommend it. That goes for everybody who's on stage and everybody in the audience, for that matter.

Wrap Up and Thank You

Yeah, we get good people. We get good people that be friends. All right. I think that's our show, everybody. I do want to give Christy the last word, or Evan, if there's anything you want to kind of, like, double tap on before we wrap up. And then I'll close this out. Yeah. Just would read. Kristi, you can go first. I'll go second. Yeah, please go. I just wanted to highlight. We hit 106 moments so far before.

Moments and Records

No way. Yes. Wow. Well done, well done. Oh, wait. So, Chrissy, I asked this to Evan, or. Sorry, Evan, I asked this to Chrissy, I don't know if you were in the room, but I would love to figure out what is the all time, the current all time record for moments on a single Po app. And then the vfriends community is going to crush it. I mean, moments is pretty new. There's a chance that this is already the record.

Claiming PoAPs

Well, Christy said she did 100 on her own po app, so. Okay, well, then you're probably chasing Christie with whatever, you know, that record, and just. Yeah, I just wanted to double click on, you know, everyone who's wondering, oh, how did we get to 100? It is in one of the pinned tweets above, or I think the last tweet from vfriends, but it's that people are going into that tweet, they're finding the link to the Poap Home app in the Apple or Google App Store, or you can just search those stores for Poap Home, and then they're going and claiming the vfriends, the vCon Poapp that is in the tweet as well through that website.

Using PoAP Home Effectively

And then they're able to upload very easily within Poap home into the Poap itself. And that's how we've gotten so many moments. And also with his breaking news for Jeremy, we're also going to be featuring this drop in our newsletter next week, where we're really starting to build out the newsletter with featuring a big drop every week. That's at Poap News. If you want to go and get on our email list, we feature probably 50 drops a week.

Newsletter Details

So if you're doing a drop, you might be featured in the newsletter. But we're also going to now be doing a little bit more of, like, you know, medium form content one or two of the big drops each week. So if you want to sign up for our newsletter, it's Poap news. And if you want to do po apps, the best and easiest way to do that is through the new Poap home app. So thanks, everyone.

Community Updates

Love it. That's great news, Evan. And, yeah, definitely. I'm sure you will, but definitely share that link. When does that get published, that newsletter? So the newsletter, I think, went out. It goes out on Tuesdays. So if you go to poap news between now and Tuesday, just enter your email address, you'll get on the newsletter list. And, yeah, next week on Tuesday, there will be an email that goes out talking all about this drop.

Closing Remarks

Cool. We'll definitely want to include it in our weekly roundup as well. It's been a wonderful spaces. So grateful to be joined by 55 v friends on this Wednesday afternoon. We say it every week because we mean it. You could have been anywhere on this Wednesday afternoon, morning, evening, wherever you are, but you chose to be a v friend. It means the world to us. We hope that you all have an absolutely wonderful rest of the night, wonderful rest of the week, and we can't wait to see you at our upcoming live streams.

Conclusion and Goodbye

Thanks so much for being here. And I'm going to play us out with our five theme song. Have a great night, everybody. Oh, snap. That's all for now. Thank you all for joining the spaces. I'm Five's fan. Your biggest fan. See ya. Five five to 555. We own a mission of ambition and.

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