Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space centered on lifestyle narratives, particularly stormy winter experiences in cityscapes. Starting with an engaging musical interlude, the hosts established a warm and inviting atmosphere for listeners. They emphasized the power of personal storytelling, shared practical advice on qualitative audience engagement using audiovisual elements and relatable anecdotes. The key message highlighted the importance of creating an engaging ambiance early with a blend of personal experiences and music to enhance the listener experience.


Q: What was the initial atmosphere of the Twitter Space?
A: The session began with a stormy winter cityscape setting.

Q: What element did the host use to engage the audience at the start?
A: Music was played to engage the audience for a couple of seconds.

Q: What type of storytelling was emphasized in the session?
A: Personal narratives and anecdotal experiences of city life during winter.

Q: How did the session suggest engaging the audience effectively?
A: Through a combination of music and sharing personal stories.

Q: What was considered more important, quality or quantity of audience engagement?
A: Quality of audience engagement.

Q: What practical tips were shared for creating an ambient environment?
A: Use of audiovisual elements like music and setting the tone early.

Q: Why is setting the tone early in the conversation important?
A: It helps in anchoring the audience's mood and interest.

Q: How can storytelling be enhanced in such sessions?
A: Through the use of audiovisual elements and personal stories.

Q: What memorable settings were discussed during the session?
A: Stormy winter city moments.

Q: What impact does heartfelt sharing of experiences have?
A: Provides a personal touch and increases listener engagement.

Q: What element did musical interlude play in the session?
A: Playing music served to maintain audience engagement.


Time: 00:00:43
Stormy winter cityscape – Detailed narrative on a stormy winter experience.

Time: 00:00:50
Personal memories – Sharing a memorable but unclear moment.

Time: 00:01:23
Engaging Start – Setting an inviting tone from the beginning.

Time: 00:01:24
Musical Interlude – Keeping the audience engaged with music.

Key Takeaways

  • The session stressed the importance of personal narratives in cityscapes.
  • Engaging the audience from the start was highlighted.
  • Musical interludes added to the ambiance and experience for the listeners.
  • Insights into memorable city moments during winter were shared.
  • Quality over quantity in audience engagement was discussed.
  • Practical tips for creating an ambient environment were provided.
  • Heartfelt sharing of experiences brought a personal touch to the session.
  • Setting the tone early in the conversation was deemed crucial.
  • Enhancing storytelling through audiovisual elements was encouraged.
  • Maintaining a conversational pace to retain listener engagement.
  • Blending personal experiences with music for an enriched experience.

Behind the Mic

So, first things first, what is Fractal? Fractal is a Web3 community of gamers and game developers building infrastructure to revolutionize how games are purchased, owned, and therefore utilized. We're doing this in a space that, frankly, is really, really ideal for URNFTs, which is gaming. Gaming is the future of NFTs. \ I think we're going to get to diving into that shortly, but first off, nice to meet everyone. Cade, nice to meet you. I'm Robbie, I'm the co-founder at Fractal. And yeah, looking forward to talking a bit more about what we're building and excited to hear from you all. \ Robbie, awesome to have you here. First question for you, how did Fractal come about? My co-founder Justin was the previous COO at Twitch, and he was very interested in the Web3 space in general and decided that he wanted to build something in the games ecosystem. \ He approached me, and a couple of us got together and started brainstorming what we could build specifically in the game space to help revolutionize what we think is happening, which is that gamers get to own their assets. And yeah, we think this is fundamentally a breakthrough and something that hadn't been done before. \ So Fractal was born with the mission to help bring in new ways for gamers to enjoy digital experiences, take ownership of their digital assets, and just build better and more fun games. \ Man, that's really awesome to understand the vision behind it. I'd love to know what kind of experiences you had before Fractal, and how did they inspire Fractal's current direction? \ I've been building startups for around 4-5 years now, and I've always been passionate about Web3. I started off my Web3 career in 2017, buying my first Bitcoin and going down the rabbit hole from there. So I've been a long-time believer in the space. \ Justin, as I mentioned, came from Twitch. Gamers love Twitch, and he knew the landscape well. Gaming is a natural fit for NFTs because gamers already understand digital ownership in the form of skins, downloadable content, etc. So all of this coming together just felt like the right trajectory for Fractal. \ Awesome. So you're at number 3, and/or NFTs put on different network chains. Are there any ecosystems you particularly prefer or are excited about? \ We are chain agnostic. We believe that ultimately, the games will become increasingly cross-chain. It's about the experiences; it's about the games themselves. And by being chain agnostic, we can help facilitate games and users wherever they are. \ Having said that, I think the place where we're seeing the most traction for gaming right now is Solana. I think Solana is doing a fantastic job in building ecosystems, bringing games on board, and the communities are really vibrant there. \ Would you attribute Solana's success with interoperability or something else? The technology on Solana enables gaming at a higher speed and lower cost, which is important when you're talking about gaming transactions. Also, the development ecosystem around it is very supportive of devs building games. \ Web3 gaming devs have a ton of excitement around building on Solana due to these factors. There are also a lot of talented devs there. \ Yeah, I totally agree and see those trends happening as well. \ Man, you're building Fractal, growing a community of gamers and game developers. What has that journey been like? \ It's been a rollercoaster, especially in the Web3 space. There's been a lot of learning, lots of iteration, and engagement with communities. We truly believe that the future of Web3 is building communities around great products. One reason why we're focused so much on community and outreach is to ensure we build the right product that people actually want to use. \ We hope to continue doubling down on helping game developers bring their projects to life. Also, we spend a lot of time ensuring our community is heard, so they feel part of building the product itself. \ Are there specific roadmaps or milestones you're targeting for the next 6-12 months? Yeah, great question. We have a very aggressive roadmap. We believe getting more games launched through Fractal, growing the community, and consistently improving the product is key. \ We are launching the Fractal Storefront, allowing these developers and communities to connect in unique ways. Already, we've onboarded many games and are partnering closely with these developers to ensure their launches are successful. Another huge focus for us is improving overall user experience. \ Our goal is to make it easy for players to purchase, trade, and utilize their assets within games. By providing fewer steps and more seamless processes, we think we'll attract more gamers to use our platform. \ Sounds exciting! Thanks, Robbie. \ Charlie, can you tell us briefly where you fit into the picture and your thoughts on the same? I'm leading the community efforts at Fractal. It's our mission to amplify the voice of our community and ensure we are building prioritized features they need. \ We regularly host AMA sessions, community feedbacks, and workshops. Engaging with them while building a better ecosystem is fascinating. We're trying to iterate on the fly and build products people love. We're community-centric in our approach and let that guide how we prioritize and execute our development. \ For sure. That's really admirable and I appreciate you giving us that insight. \ So, games launched via other chains, games launched via Solana, does it make a big difference to your approach when they launch? Being chain agnostic, we're prepared for any and all chains. It's about ensuring the developers and communities get the right attention. \ Charlie, closing thoughts? Stay bullish, keep participating, and believe in the community! This space has a ton of opportunities ahead, and we're super excited. Thanks to anyone and everyone who's here. Your participation in the community makes a difference. \ We appreciate your questions, interactions, and enthusiasm. That collective effort drives change. So thank you guys for joining us. Awesome. Thank you. \ So, final thoughts before we close out? Robbie, anything? I really enjoyed this chat. Thank you, everyone here. I'm excited about what the future holds for gaming and Web3. Few things: we're doing a community collaboration day next month. Ask us anything! \ It’s vital to ensure we're forming the right groups and receiving feedback as we continue to scale the platform. So, the collaboration day will be a sort of focus group for key community members and game developers to participate in. \ Aside from community efforts, keep a lookout for more partnerships and games coming to Fractal very soon. Jump into discussions, ask questions, provide feedback. \ Thank you for being here and supporting Fractal. Your involvement makes a significant difference. We can't wait to grow together. Thanks, Robbie. \ Charlie, final note? Just a shout-out to the community. You mean everything to us. We're building for you, and we're only getting started. Stay involved, and here's to great things ahead. \ So that wraps it up, everyone. Thanks to all our speakers, thanks to everyone who joined. Have a great day. Thanks. Take care, everyone. Awesome. Thank you guys so much! Bye! \

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