Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Updates from the Lab: Exploring Polaris, the Token Portal ️ hosted by osmosiszone. In 'Updates from the Lab: Exploring Polaris, the Token Portal,' discussions revolved around the significance of DEX platforms and token portals in the cryptocurrency space. Key topics included user security, governance models, partnership strategies, and community feedback mechanisms shaping the DEX ecosystem. Noteworthy highlights encompassed the rise of DEX platforms, user-centric design principles in Polaris, regulatory insights, and the future of token interoperability. The space emphasized education, security best practices, and the importance of liquidity for DEX success.

For more spaces, visit the DEX page.

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Total Listeners: 88


Q: How do DEX platforms ensure user security?
A: DEX platforms employ smart contract audits, secure wallet integrations, and permissionless trading to enhance user security.

Q: What sets Polaris apart in the DEX landscape?
A: Polaris distinguishes itself through user-centric design, innovative token pairing options, and robust community engagement initiatives.

Q: Why is token interoperability crucial for DEX platforms?
A: Token interoperability enables seamless asset transfers across various blockchains, expanding liquidity and trading options for users.

Q: How do governance models impact DEX platform development?
A: Governance models shape protocol upgrades, feature implementations, and community voting processes, ensuring decentralized decision-making.

Q: What role do partnerships play in the success of DEX platforms?
A: Partnerships facilitate liquidity provision, asset diversity, and market exposure, fueling growth and user adoption in the DEX ecosystem.

Q: How can new users navigate the complexities of DEX platforms?
A: Guides, tutorials, and user-friendly interfaces help onboard new users, educating them about trading strategies, liquidity pools, and security best practices.

Q: What benefits do token portals bring to the broader crypto industry?
A: Token portals streamline asset management, simplify token transfers, and enhance liquidity provision, contributing to the overall decentralization of the cryptocurrency space.

Q: In what ways do DEX platforms contribute to the DeFi ecosystem?
A: DEX platforms serve as crucial infrastructures for decentralized finance, supporting peer-to-peer trading, yield farming, and token swapping without intermediaries.

Q: How do community feedback mechanisms impact DEX platform development?
A: Feedback loops from users drive iterative improvements, feature updates, and bug fixes, shaping the user experience and platform functionality.

Q: What security measures should users consider when using DEX platforms?
A: Users should prioritize secure wallet storage, avoid sharing private keys, enable two-factor authentication, and verify smart contract integrity when interacting with DEX platforms.


Time: 00:13:45
The Rise of DEX Platforms in Crypto Trading Exploring the impact of decentralized exchanges on the cryptocurrency trading landscape.

Time: 00:25:12
User-Centric Design in Polaris Token Portal Delving into Polaris' user interface enhancements and personalized trading experiences.

Time: 00:37:50
Partnership Strategies for DEX Growth Analyzing the role of strategic partnerships in expanding DEX platform functionalities and user reach.

Time: 00:45:28
Regulatory Insights in DEX Operations Discussing the evolving regulatory landscape and compliance challenges faced by DEX platforms.

Time: 00:57:09
The Future of Token Interoperability Examining the implications of cross-chain support and interoperability for the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Time: 01:10:15
Community Governance in DEX Platforms Exploring decentralized decision-making processes and community voting dynamics in DEX governance models.

Time: 01:25:40
Educational Initiatives for DEX Onboarding Highlighting the importance of educational resources and user guides for newcomers entering the DEX trading space.

Time: 01:37:21
Security Best Practices for DEX Users Providing essential security tips and risk mitigation strategies for users engaging with DEX platforms.

Time: 01:48:05
Token Portal Advancements and Future Trends Predicting future developments and trends in token portal functionalities and blockchain interoperability.

Time: 02:00:02
The Role of Liquidity in DEX Success Explaining the significance of liquidity pools, market depth, and trading volume in driving DEX platform growth and sustainability.

Key Takeaways

  • DEX platforms play a crucial role in enabling peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading.
  • User experience and security are paramount for the success of DEX platforms like Polaris.
  • The integration of advanced analytics and user-friendly interfaces enhances token portal functionalities.
  • Community engagement and feedback drive continuous improvement in DEX platforms.
  • DEX innovation revolves around improving liquidity, transparency, and accessibility for users.
  • Governance models in DEX platforms are evolving to ensure fair decision-making and user participation.
  • Regulatory compliance and security measures remain critical considerations in the DEX space.
  • Token interoperability and cross-chain support are pivotal for expanding DEX ecosystem capabilities.
  • Partnerships and collaborations drive growth and adoption in the DEX and token portal sectors.
  • Continuous education and awareness efforts are essential to onboard new users to DEX platforms.

Behind the Mic

Emotional Turmoil and Connection

Yeah, you breaking my heartbeat something's gotta hold on me lately no I don't know myself anymore feels like the walls are all closing in and the devil's knocking at my door whoa, out of my mind how many times did I tell you I know but it be trying my best to keep from tearing the skin off my bones don't you know I can lose you when you're not listening I'm falling when you lie next to me retweet the roddy. I lose the when you're not next to me I'm falling apart I am finally can you see I lose the when you're not next to me.

Community Engagement and Space Introduction

All right. My family is the boss. Damn in the house. I want everybody to retweet the root. I want everybody to hashtag boss family in the comments. I want to see those comments. I want to see boss bam all over. Alright, guys, so this is a chill and chill space, but it might be more of a chill relax with the family space because it's a day earlier than usual, so. And I didn't do many invites out, so we might not have many people coming up to show, but that's cool because we need a community space as well. Anyway, we haven't really done a community space for a bit, so feel free, guys. Like I said, I've only got two people request to get up and none of them is projects.

Open Invitation and Positive Vibes

So feel free to request to come up to talk, ask many questions, you know? But right now, guys, I, I just feel good. You know why I feel good, guys? Because the conscious collectiveness has shifted the markets. The old way has broken. And that's the cabal way. The cabal way has broken. All I'm seeing is community projects going to the next level. All I see is community projects blowing up. And I'm seeing the cabal falling and the wolf for one fall at a time. So I just want to also take this moment to just breathe. And it's great, guys. And if you guys have been listening to the calls that have been calling on my twitter and in my telegram group, we have been hitting left, right and center and left, right and center.

Faith in Change and Collective Growth

And I don't believe in coincidence. I believe incidents coinciding. And the meta has changed. And I'm freaking beautiful, guys. The righteousness is winning. And I know on face value we could look at it and be like, christian, what are you talking about? Online, boss? Or Christian, whatever you call me. What are you talking about? This is meme coins. This is degenerate degen activities. No, my friends. No, my friends. This is people's lives, people's time, people's emotions, people's efforts. This goes so much deeper than meme coins. For some, this is their life. It's been my life for a long time. I spend more time on this than I do with my own family.

Personal Reflections and Time Management

And that's not a good thing. I'm not saying that's a good thing. You should spend time with your family. But as a man, when it's time to get in the trenches, I could capitalize on opportunity. Because when opportunity strikes, you need to be fast. Because if you're not fast, you are last. But I just love it. I love what's going on, guys. And I want you guys to really tap into the broad projects. Couple of here, right here, right now as well. Brett and Eve tap in, same thing. Cabal tried to take over the narrative and it wasn't having it.

Sharing Knowledge and Experiences

Alright. That's the only project that I know of that I can talk about. Because I know the story on the spaces now. But let's talk about other projects that's even not on the spaces. Because I know there's a lot of coinciding spaces going on right now. But let's just go through them. Let just give them some flowers. Let me show my bags to. And show what I know. That's right. Okay, Gao. Wow. What a beautiful story they got. And you know what, brothers and sisters? You know what I like about ctos? And this is deep, this is token from my heart. And not a lot of people will go this deep, but fuck it, I've been abandoned as a kid.

Childhood Struggles and Empathy

Yeah, I repeat that. I've been abandoned as a kid. Been left in the guts. Just like these ctos. The founders, certain family members in my family, they abandoned me and left me in the gutters. And then the ctos, they see the diamond and dust in the dirt. How old are we? 1 second, brother. Let me finish up, my bro. I mean, I'm in my higher self right now. One sec. We'll ask questions after my brother, but I'm 39, so just like this. See, maybe that's why I love these ctos. And I love this movement of. Do you know what? It's freaking crazy. I just clocked it.

Community vs. Cabals

That's why I love ctos. And I love the community over cabals. Because for one, I've been, like I said, I've been left as a kid, abandoned for two, I've always grown up to protect what's mine physically and mentally protecting my friends, my family. Damn. I even remember when I first met my mom, I was protecting her from a fucking abuse boyfriend, and I had to fuck that motherfucker up for hitting my mom at 14 years old. So I've always been a protector, and I always stuck up for what's right. That's quite deep, you know, just saying that to random people on the Internet. But you know what? It's okay.

Vulnerability and Life Mission

It's okay to be vulnerable, because I want it on my whole agenda. My whole mission is to change many lives as possible. And how can you change anybody's lives without sharing the struggles that you've been? How it's borderline impossible? Because you just be talking on the surface level. No one's gonna listen to you. But, yeah, so let me give the flowers to the last. And, guys, it's not no coincidence that the last seven, six projects that I spoke about, they are up. And let's talk about why they're up, guys, because they're not freaking cabals.

Investing in Community Projects

They're not dumping on your ass the community tokens that as a community, they want to see you grow and flourish. All right, I'm going to talk about couple of the main ones. I'm gonna talk about Brett, because they're here representing. They're here. They show up on every goddamn spaces I see, the main spaces that I'm in. And I'm telling you, teams like that are going to blow before you even know it. And they've fucking done pretty well into 30 million market cap. Damn, that's a lot, guys. Launching of getting a project to get to 30 mil, 28 mil market is a fucking. That ain't no easy.

Acknowledging Hard Work and Community Spirit

But when there's already a cabal one at billions, that's some soldier stuff, and he's showing up every fucking spaces. So I'm giving your props, bro. I'm giving your props. I love my bed growing. Good, good. But why do they grows? Because they are communities, not dumpers. Knock about. All right, cool. Catalorian. Wow. They had a. Another team cabal launch. I think it was after them the same time or whatever it is. And they just pumped and dumped and rocked everybody's money. Beautiful story. Soldiers go in that freaking telegram chat and listen.

Personal Opinions on Various Projects

Just listen. You know, I'm not even trying to invest. Listen. And these is near real vibes. These are just average people. If you just listen to the. The CTO leader of nero half a billion dollar project, CT Lee, CTO. He just said he was a freaking noob. And I see a lot of noobs in Cataloran. Yes, I see some ogs, but I see a lot of new people. And those fuckers know how to hold those fuckers and know how to commit and to freaking stand up for what's right. Tebow. Tebow. Right. That motherfucker clashes.

Reflecting on Personal Views and Market Practices

Cray rogue ass mofo. I don't like none of them. I just actually, I take that back. I love everybody, I just don't like people's ways, right. And it's obviously if you look at a chart and before they call it, you're already up. Like it's already up freaking ten x. Something ain't right. And getting your mates in ain't right. You may think it's right but it's not because your mates are the first mofo to rub that shit. Because I got conviction of oh, this is gonna be an easy pump and dumped. But your community, they have a different conviction.

Contrasting Motivations in Trading

They're not coming in for a quick pump. Their conviction is long term, not for a quick. But. So I love those guys proper chats. So, yeah, so, okay, yeah, I didn't. Sorry, I mixed up my stories. So, yeah, t ball. So Mister Clay, mister Crash, out of nowhere tried to launch well launched ball, but there's already a t ball. Why don't you just do what me, Gigi and a few guys are doing? We helping these projects, we're not suppressing them. Then we don't have the supply. But you want to give me supply?

Community Support and Supply Issues

I like your project. I'm down. But I don't serious, no, we don't ask for supply. We go in, we'll buy up the floor and we take it to the next level. All right, so why don't crash do that? Why did he have to launch a new token? Because he's doing it for the wrong reasons. So I don't believe in what he did. I was very wrong. So I'll give my props to t boom. He was first. And that project can go a long way. Alright, there's a couple of other projects, pop dog.

Analyzing Project and Market Landscape

I'm listening out to see what else. You know, I like it, I'm in it, I'm representing. And I want to continue to see them growing because you know, you gotta be careful of that Solana chain there. Am I joking? Good project, good guy. Put in the freaking gutters for nine months and he seems like a real humble guy. So there's my little shells, there's a lot of flowers and guys. So. And I spoke a little bit of. I know there's not many projects founders or Sonia project because I didn't this space meant to be tomorrow but actually taking my daughters to some freaking concert in London.

Personal Life and Opportunities for Dialogue

Bloody hell. Got me in the car like five girls and screaming and wish me luck. So any project own founders or anyone to show their projects, you can come up. Hello, can I show our project please? Thank you for this opportunity. Well, we are building a token named Bully. I also send a meme to this post, the post for this topic, you know, and we are community that working with an artist called Melik Polat.

Collaboration with Artists and Recent Launch

He is also a Pepe artist, a very based and doxed one. Also it is like our fourth project this year and first three went like Natasha went to 1.7 million, King went around 600k, Brock went to like 700k. But unfortunately yesterday when we launched bully on Pomfan, we got sniped and bonded so hard due to our trust that people trust us and but they use it as their advantage. Right now we are around 30k but we are still here and pushing, getting rate leader world ranking and yeah, everything like we are trying to push the project as a community and thank you for opportunity that I can show my project.

Appreciation for Community Support

Thank you, my brother. Appreciate you coming up and talking about your project, guys. Also reminding me guys is like everybody that's here, obviously you have a shilling project which is probably ten 5% but also the 95% is also to look for projects. And guys take these spaces seriously. As an investor, you can literally find Alpha on these projects that can literally change your life. You could hear a founder, CTO member project, any people talking about the project and hearing Alpha about an upcoming catalyst.

Importance of Understanding Fundamentals

I remember guys, even in the stock market and every person that trades, you can't forget fundamental trading, guys, that is where the big money is made because TA is great. But Ta can never give you more information than a big finance listing. For instance, you know, before you see that in your ta, that's already got big green dildo. You know, my point is, Ta's great. I'm actually learning it more myself. But coming in these spaces, guys, and hearing Alpha early, hearing the FAA fundamentals, this can change life.

Future Investment Opportunities

You can make your lot of money. All right, first Dogo eth, you're next, my brother. Hey, online boss, how are you? How are you? Thank you for having me up. I appreciate the space and the time and what you've created over here. And kudos for you for making something amazing out of the challenges you've had in life that's what life is about. It's not about failing or bad things. It's about what you make out of it and you bring an opportunity to others.

Creating Opportunities for Others

So wanted to shout that out. Thank you, Barbara. Of course. Of course. You're talking about finding gems in Alpha. The first Doggo is really a special project over here. We are the OG first Doggo. We are a community led project. Our contract is OG, just like Shiba, which means you have no snipers, you have no bundles. Distribution is insane. We have the top holder has around 1% and everybody else has less. That means no one takes control over a project or can hurt its community.

Community Building and Market Potential

Then you start moving over to the numbers. I'm just going to drop the alpha for people who really want to know it. This is a whale magnet and you ask why 50% of the supply is burnt. We have 6.6% supply left. That means supply shock hits hard and it hits fast. Our LP, our liquidity pool at a $460,000 market cap has almost $60,000 of ethereum in it. A 26% ratio is absolutely bonkers if you are a whale looking to trade, we also have a v three pool set up.

Investment Security within Community

That means you can trade in and out. That means the market cap flies and it means that you're safe from people dumping on you or having problems. Why? Because this is community led. There's no snipers, there's no bundles, there's no holders that have 6%.

Community and Project Overview

This is a real project that can take us back to the days of Doge of Shiba, where we can bring a community together to grow it without all of the other crap and problems we see elsewhere. We took it over a few days ago. Community is rocking and kicking ass and I could not be more excited to be working with first doggo. And if anybody has any questions, let me know. This one is truly special. You will not find any numbers or ratios or contracts at this market cap anywhere. I think.

Investor Insights and Due Diligence

I got a lot of questions, my brother. I got a lot of questions. Love it, love it. I like questions. Fire them. Yeah. Because I actually was an investor in doggo jeep in my bag. But I might have to buy back in. so I seen the doggo, basically, I could tell the story, what happened to me. So I seen the doggone narrative. I didn't really quite get it. And, you know, like, this market moves very fast, right? And, you know, you had the cabal one, which I researched it to see if it was or not. Like, I'm still doing my due diligence you had one that ran up. You both run up. Actually, bro, I swear, you went down to like one hundred k and I got like one hundred k, two hundred k, something crazy.

Market Dynamics and Reasons for Price Fluctuations

And it went up to like 1.2. I actually was. I'm actually in the group for the CTO of that. The original CTO group, and I was just doing like, too much things. Anyways, long story short, but yeah, I definitely want to relook at your project and definitely ask some questions. Doggo. First question is, okay, brother. So this is the doggo, the actual original doggo that guy tweeted about. What's his name? Recap me. Yeah. So I want to clarify something. So first of all, when I took it over, I came after you, I think. I'm not sure if you're in the group or not anymore, but I came after you as a hodgepodge group of people. Wasn't organized.

Community Development and Vision

I'm good at this kind of stuff. I support. I help. Yeah, I helped organize. And now we have, like, a real community. Half of those people have sold and left, but now we have an amazing community and admins who are actually participating and loving it. But this came originally from Billy, who is the doge dev. So he. But I want to clarify this narrative over here because they got it a little bit confused in the beginning. This is. Look, he has tweeted it. He has not said I support it. He has not said I bought it. We're not here to use Billy like the other one did, and that failed miserably.

Understanding the Narrative and Community Goals

We're here to show that dogs are loved. For years, he's been saying the word doggo to dogs that are a little funny and off. The way that we look at it is all doggos are special. All doggos are loved. And this is about showing love to all dogs. So the meme is about almost two years old. It's about a year and ten months old. And it started years ago when he said doggo. And obviously when he says doggo, it's an endearing term. Doge is japanese for dogs. So it's a cool ass meme, honestly. So question then. So why did suddenly blew up again?

Community Values and Messaging

Because he showed the doggo and his doggo now look a bit retarded. Is that the thing is the dog changed now everyone's going for like a retard meta. No, I hate the way that they did that thing. That's exactly the opposite of what it is. Doggo is a term of endearment and it's saying, hey, this dog's a little bit strange, but we still love all dogs. Billy wasn't saying this dog's retarded. He's saying, oh, this is. This dog's different, but we still love him. We have nothing to do with that silly meta.

Charity Initiatives and Supporting Disabled Dogs

So we're using the picture because it's a cool dog. I love and want to support that dog with a very interesting disability, but it really goes back, way back before, for years already that he's been saying it, and someone called, our goal is to use this as a force of good to support things like, you know, adopt, don't shop. As we go up in market cap, we're going to put coins into a community wallet, and at certain market caps, we're going to look for good charities that help with disabled dogs or handicapped dogs. This is not about negativity. This is about positivity here.

Reflections on the Community Intentions

I love it. I love it. This dog is beautiful, brother. I love it. This is what we need is someone to explain the narrative, because it's hard for, like, investors when they came in. And what's the narrative like? Who's. Who are you? The OG? Please know who's OG because you can see that on chain. Last question. So I want to know one thing now, brother. So what made last couple days? Why did he just blow up when he's talking about doggo for years? Because you guys are the original contract. Why did it just blow up?

Understanding Market Dynamics and Price Trends

Yeah, okay. Yeah. So it's funny, when I came in after they had already been paying for trending, and you got a couple of moon boys that flew up and then everybody dumped because they don't really see the real vision that this can be $100 million coin, neuro CTO style, within a week or two. The reason why it blew up is because of supply shock. And the last few days, I've been having everybody in the team and community yelling at me because I said, we're not paying for marketing, we're not doing trending. I don't care if the floor drops to $50,000.

Community Commitment to Sustainable Growth

We're going to find that and we're going to have real holders. And when we get rid of the crap and the fat, then we start moving up with people who believe so that we don't stop. We found that floor yesterday. We're already up to $500,000. And supply shock, supply shock. You have fat meat in the LPD. You have very little tokens. That means that, a, every time you purchase tokens, it moves the market cap way more. And b, this is a bonus because you have such aggressive price action.

High Trading Volume and Market Impact

It attracts some boss for swinging. It attracts a lot of buyers and sellers, and it attracts insane volume. Day one, we did $10 million approximately in volume, and we're trending top on Dex tools and Dex screener. Not only is this going to send, but this is going to be seen at the top of Dexs every single day for absolutely bonkers fucking volume. And you don't see them normally, because whoever has this type of eth in a coin with 50% burnt tokens, definitely. Sorry, my brother.

Exploration of Marketing Strategy and Community Growth

So I just want to know, why did it blow up that day? If this doggo metal was from ages ago last year when Billy spoke about it, why that day? The cabal decided to do this doggo. So we're not the cabal. There's another one, another doggo that they decided to do, because Billy had tweeted about that dog with the short back syndrome walking around. And they use that, and they try to use him, actually, which he's spoken very aggressively about not being part of, which is not a good way to do things, to blow up their coin.

Competitive Market Dynamics and Project Evolution

And, you know, they have the money and everything. They pushed it hard, and then people look for other doggos, and that's where this one started to come. I kind of get it. So are we saying that doggo isn't the dog's name? That's the terminology that. That Billy uses. Okay. Yes. So doggo. Yes. The dog's name, I'm not 100% sure of. Some people say rocket. Some people say another name. I believe it's a chinese owner for it. It's not named doggo. He just said, what's going on with that doggo?

Narrative Flow and Community Messaging

Like doggy or cad, if you like a kitten. Yeah, exactly. But he's been, if you look at his tweets, he's been using the term doggo for years. So originally, this Og meme was about him saying doggo years ago, and then they revived it and sort of tried to attach it to that. But it's a much bigger narrative. It's about a love for dogs that are special, different. Do you know what's interesting, as a marketer, what I would advise, from what you're telling me now as well, it seems like, obviously, it's apparent that you guys are doing it the righteous way.

Marketing Strategy Focus and Community Engagement

I love the righteous way. I'm always about doing the right way. Right. So the cabal came along to try to ruin, tried to make it out like doggos. Some retarded, disabled, jokey thing, right? They actually got support from Billy, but they didn't. Now you're doing the righteous way. So now I would say the mission for you guys is to get Billy's attention, right? To support something that's non cabal and using the word doggo in a nice, clean, good expression, not a negative, positive expression.

Community Reputation and Character

So I like what you're saying, but I respectfully disagree. He'll see us as we go up because we're going to be at 100 million, 200 million. It's going to fly because of the way the supply is sentence. But I've told everybody in the team and the community that I will ban you if you try at all to use Billy's good name and what he built to make us money or to move the coin or to say that we're associated with it. Instead, we're going to let the chart do a talking, and more importantly, as we get coordinated to be able to donate money, and we don't want to donate right now because the coins are not worth as much as if we did it at a higher market.

Long-term Vision and Community Contributions

Captain, let's let that do the talking. Let's let the charity do the talking. Let's let the good. We do the talking. And if he's interested and he wants to see the love and respect that we're showing towards dogs, that's great. But we are not going to use someone's good name and pretend like they are pushing something when they have not said it. I think that's not a good way to do it. And we saw how quickly the cabal failed when they try to do that. In all.

Discussion of Marketing and Community Approach

Yeah, I'm going to agree to disagree, bro. And I like two opinions. Given that both sides, I love to. Argue, so we're good. No, no, I don't argue, brother. Do not argue. I like discussions. Right. I feel like you are right in the righteousness. You are coming off of a clean, righteous way. Okay? Which is great, but so am I. But also, you still have to have your marketing head on.

Fundraising Objectives and Community Values

So you've just said that you want to raise all these funds and give back and do it the good way, which is absolutely amazing. You need support, bro. You need help. You need support. You need, we call them like, catalysts. Catalysts. And right now, that is a huge catalyst. I'm not saying to go to him and start, you know, spamming him with this and that, but show him that you're here. It's like people spam me with projects.

Crypto Market Dynamics and Opportunities

I don't see it as. It's a bad thing. I see it as. Thank you for bringing that to attention. Oh, you guys are representing it in a good, like, oh, that's cool. You know, put some. Maybe some. I like the charitable side because, to be honest with you, I feel like right now, currently, there's a big gap for a charity token and for dogs. So, like, for dogs charity, because the meta is dogs. Nobody's not really giving back too much. So I feel like putting that charity aspect on it is great.

Community Contributions and Expectations

But why not get, if you can get attention from someone that kind of started the meta in a clean way? Because you're presenting it as a positive, hey, look at doggo. You know, but obviously you're the CTO leader. Obviously you can do whatever you want. That's definitely my opinion is I don't think it's a bad thing, bro, because you're not doing it as, like, a bad, negative way. You're not. You're not portraying doggo in a disabled way.

Goals of Charity and Community Impact

You're portraying, as in, it's just doggo. It's an expression of a dog. And we're going to give back to charity, you know, to actually make an impact in crypto, because that's what crypto is for. You know, I. Look, I love everything you say, and you're right, it's good to have discourse, because if you surround yourself with people that agree with everything you say, you never get anywhere in life. You know, conflict and things like this in a healthy way bring out the best.

Navigating the Landscape of Dog Welfare and Support

We don't want to get involved in anything that's saying, oh, we're going to attach Billy's name because right now, or say anything to him even, because right now, someone else just tried to use his good name and his goodwill, and that's not going to be positive. But I think that what we want to do is we need to organize that. We're not a charity token. We want to do good, but we're not running and saying bias because of charity, but we have the ability to do a lot of good. I think when we have that organized correctly, it's day three of the CTO.

Operational Challenges and Future Direction

Let me tell you guys, there's a lot of shit to get done. So not everything is fully organized. And if you want to do things correctly, that's just how it goes. I can't really hear what he's thinking. Yeah, you might want a round trip. Yeah, it's you brother weekend, bro. Elon's spaces are not fixed, but I think that as we able, are able to speak with our actions and do those goods, then we can say things like, Billy, you've inspired us to look at the dogs handicap community.

Community Vision and Dog Welfare Initiatives

You've shown us a love. You've shown us some good that we can do. And we don't take from him. We give value. It's about not extracting value. It's about giving value back. And you know what else, guys? The Niro CTO is winning. It's community over Cabal. People want projects that harken back to the old days of Shib, the safe days, where there was right distribution, where communities led the coin.

The Quest for Sustainable and Ethical Growth

People are tired of cabal hurting. People are tired of risking things people want. Look, not everybody's going to win in crypto. This is how it is. There's buyers and sellers and there's exit liquidity. That's a fact. But people want a fair chance and a fair fight at being able to change their lives. And that is what first doggo is able to do. And we want to bring good into this world. And like, yeah, really appreciate all the time and everything.

Focus on Project Development

Definitely. Can you tell me about you? Because I'm looking to that chart myself, to be fair. I've got my business partner just looking at the contracts and stuff. I was already in it. Like I said, I don't just jump into coins. There's a reason why I entered that coin. But it was just getting a bit too. I don't know, I didn't get the freaking narrative.

Team Experience and Leadership

Got a bit confused with it, so I just. The last team was a mess, bro. The last team was a mess. We switched everything out. I promise you. I like leadership. I like to know who's in charge. Tell me about you. So you do the sito leader. Tell me about you as a person. What's your background? Obviously, you don't tell me your age, your number, you, freaking Social Security. Tell me a bit about you. Yeah, well, let's start with my date of birth and Social Security. No, a little bit about as a bank account. Yeah, I'll dm you that. And the secret phrase I'll be posting up in the billboard.

Personal Journey in Crypto

A little bit about me. I've been in crypto for about eight years. There's other projects that I've led and lead from small caps to millions in the real world. I come from a business background. I've built multiple eight and nine figure businesses from scratch. I held patents in the US and in Europe. I'm an entrepreneur. But deep down, what really drives me is building. And what really drives me is the reason why you build it's the stories at the end when people say, I paid off a mortgage, I'm able to support myself, whatever it might be. Money is not worth anything really if there isn't a why behind it. Because you can have a lot of money, but if you don't have happiness and you don't change lives and you don't make a difference, it's empty.

Vision for Community and Crypto

And I want to have money that's made for everybody here. I want to make a lot of money, but I want to have money that's filled with happiness, filled with reasons, and really change people's lives. And that's the whole goal of a real community coin is to give people an opportunity to change their lives if they put the time, energy and effort into it. And that's the beauty of crypto, brother. Never, bro. Guys. F all of you, the charts up 30%. He started talking and you guys fucking knew I liked it. Thanks for fucking on my entry making me buy 30% higher.

Market Dynamics and Opportunities

Hey, you fit you. You went out my job. When people say, oh, give me an entry, my job is to make it as expensive as possible for you, boss. That's my job. You want people like me because let me see, you can give us like an update to what's going on. I do these every. I mean, honestly, I need to update you since look at that fucking chart. If you guys, by the way, this is my first spaces. If you don't, I'm going to another spaces and I'm dangerous. I'll give you an update. We came here at 430,000 in spaces and it just hit 720,000. That is what we call supply shock.

Investment Insights and Urgency

This is going to move so fast. So if anybody has not bought now, I promise you my job is to make it more expensive as quickly as possible. And I'm really good at that. So don't wait. Don't get priced out and online, boss. Love to have you back. We have a real good team and community and we're here to do good for the world here. And I really appreciate the time and space and, you know, giving me a voice here for the platform that you built. It's really appreciated, my brother. Now, I appreciate you, my brother. I'm glad someone fucking that knows what they're about to cover that project.

Value of Leadership in Projects

I don't even do things that I am for the sake of it. I ate doing it for a reason, but I ate out of it because there's no fucking leadership. It was Bs. What the fuck I'm gonna say in something that you're so. Right. This doesn't make no sense. I'm not a jeep, but I'm not just gonna freakin no. I would. I would have left as well. I came in to help it because I was like, oh, my God, this amazing coin is gonna fall apart. And then I accidentally ended up being the CTO leader because I really liked the project.

Growth and Structure in Teams

But it's all changed. Things are being done right now, and you got a safe place to put your money with, a community that's really building. But you're 100% right. I would have ran the other way on day one with the mess that it was. Yeah, but good. Welcome to my man. You've seen something. I wish you the best. I love CTOs. I love CTO leaders. We've got narratives. And no disrespect to anybody, guys, if a CTO ain't got a good narrative, don't freaking waste your time.

Navigating the Landscape of Crypto Projects

I'm only bullish about CTO leading CTO teams and CTO projects. If the narrative is bullish, if it ain't bullish, believe me, guys, don't waste your time. Go. I know everyone wants to now be a CTO leader because of s now his blue watt freaking out. $100 billion market that Mo farmers make millions. Ggs. All these people that was part of CTO, you know, they make millions. But guys, that don't mean you just have to start CTOing every trash project that you see.

Value-Driven Participation in Projects

If anything, go to a project and give value. Gal. For instance, goo. Guys, I was in the presale of goo, right? I was in a presale. Okay, quick story about Goo. I was in a presale for it. The CTO, the actual founders left. And I, obviously holding my bags and the percent on the outlook of the team. All right? Then they left. No one was really. There's no structure. I saw my bags. Cool. So my legs right? Now, that would be worth multiple six figures, right?

Transitioning from Projects

But I don't care about it. Doesn't really matter. My point is that. Oh, yeah, the seats, the team. Oh, yeah, that was it. Now, I've been invited to become part of the CTO lead, right? Because of the value that I gave. Okay? So I was the marketer behind it, and then it got a. People left it. So obviously I left because the founders that brought me in left. Do you get it? So obviously, I'm not going to stay there. So I left. The CTO team took it over and absolutely smashing it.

Contributions and Structure in Growth

Obviously, I see structure, so I'm helping it out. They see my value and now, they've invited me to become a CTO leader. Them. Okay, but listen to what I'm. The whole point of this whole thing. They conclude it. Give value first. Give value. Now, I'm part of a CTO project, which this month, this can go to. I generally believe if you. If you go to. If you look at history and you look at Doge and baby doge. That's what I'm saying. Study baby doge and Doge Nero is the doge of this cycle.

Excitement for Future Opportunities

All right, babe. Go. Go, baby. Go baby Nero. That's the baby doge of this cycle. So I'm happy to be a CTO leader that. I'm happy to be a part of that. And I haven't even announced that publicly yet. So you guys got some, like, inside scoop? I've got the invite today, but. Yeah. And that was just giving value, guys. Giving value. Even though, you know, I didn't have a big position, I gave value.

Community Engagement and Aspects of Giving

Obviously, when they took it back over, I bought up the charts and I put money when my mouth is down. But appreciate you, my brother, and definitely see you soon, guys. Who's next? Yeah. Thank you. No, stop buying the charts, guys. I need to get off and buy some. It's. I think I'll be up by nine. All right, so first off, I would like to apologize to Obi. I sent him a DM asking him for some money because I was a bit desperate then.

Apologies and Project Introduction

And in the previous space Monday, he said he really did not like that I wasn't aware. So I know I deserve what I got, but I just want to say I'm sorry, OB, and I hope my apologies accepted, and then let me show my project now. So, I don't know. I can't really find some guys that were on space on Monday. But on Monday I spoke about a project cognify and cognify. Now we, because I'm in moderate on the team, and the dev has really been pushing on marketing.

Advancements in the Cognify Project

He has really been pushing on, growth. He's just been pushing on everything now. He has decided to double down on his efforts. He had decided to double down on everything he, cognified. So we are doing a token relaunch. And, the token is supposed to be like, a gate fee or something to test our services. So cognify is an AI trading analysis board. It essentially just analyzes data from influencers. For instance, if an influencer like OB or GG, for instance, post something on maybe their telegram channels or Twitter channels, then it analyzes them.

Analyzing Influence for Better Decisions

It analyzes the data from top influencers, ranks them, scans them for scams, malicious codes and the rest. Then it is with the partnership. They go with my astro trading bot, with Dex screener, with TTF or TFF if I'm not mistaken. And yeah, with those partnerships, yeah, but they were able to integrate the buy and sell bots into it. So you will be able to scan it, you'll be able to check the tokens, you'll be able to, check them out, you'll be able to buy the tokens and you also be able to sell them.

On-Chain Analysis and Market Predictions

And only that. But there's also on chain analysis, so you'll be able to find out where the money is because, for those that be following OB lately, you'll find out that he has mostly been posting on Ethereum. So something like that. You can easily just go to your chain analysis, see that. Oh, lately has been posting on Ethereum, meaning that the narrative is currently on Ethereum. There are more solid projects building on Ethereum, so you need to go there.

Preparing for Future Investments

We need to hold more Ethereum to be able to ape into some solid projects coming over. So, yeah, and also the win ratio, able to calculate how many of your influenza, it's able to calculate the win rate, maybe out of the last 20 tokens they shield or deposit, maybe they had a win ratio of eleven to nine or something about that. So now the dev wants to push on marketing. He wants to do a three-day free, trial for the cognify app.

Trial and Referral Incentives

It's not really an app, it's like a website, but it's just cognified app. So, the three days, three days trial will be to understand services of cognify, to be able to know how it works and how it will be of real benefits. So, if possible, I would like if everyone on this space just check cognify out. Cognify, spelled c o g n o f I cognify. And, yeah, that's just about it. And the three days, free trial, you'll be able to understand how cognify works, check it out, understand everything about it, and then be able to know if it's worth it, because I'm sure it's definitely worth it.

Future Plans and Goals

And after the three days trials, there are also programs like referral incentives, where if you refer people to use cognify, you get a particular percentage of the token for each referral. So, yeah, and also after the three days, trial, you'll be able to, you can access the services by just holding some tokens, some of our native tokens. So we'll be doing a fair launch by October. I think first week dev set on about first to 5 October to be within those dates. So you from the narrative from what cognify is about, I'm sure it's going to be an easy ten x from launch.

Anticipation for Launch and Marketing Efforts

It's going to be an easy ten minutes from launch. Because once we've been pushing on marketing, we trying to get some KOLs involved, try. We've been shilling the project everywhere on every space we can and we've been talking about cognify a lot. So yeah, we are sure that now cognify is going to do better. We are pushing on marketing. We've got our docs ready, we've got everything ready now. And now we are hoping for the best. So everyone can just head over to ask to then just find your way to the Telegram channel and then we can continue from there.

Final Apologies and Reflections

Thank you very much. And once again I apologize ob for my actions. I am deeply sorry. I do not, I just hope that did not of me. So yeah, thank you. You did my brother at all, bro. It's just my DM's is just, there's so much, obviously, you know, companies that message me and talk to me and business kind of thing. When people like message me and ask for money, it gets so confusing. I'll give so much giveaways on the space. That's where the giveaways is.

Philosophy on Giving and Hard Work

And to be honest with you, it's like, I don't want to just give people hands out. It's not my thing. Like, it's not. I believe as a man, you know, even if you're working for it, for shilling, for competitions, for this, for that. You got to put in the hours, bro, get seen putting the hours. And then I, guys, I give my thousands. I probably, this year, I probably gave away like 30, 40, 50,000 already, probably more. And I prepared to give another six figures away.

Value of Money and Giving Back

I don't care. Money's not, it's crazy with me and my life. Like money has helped me. I like to have money. I couldn't not be without money because it's just, I like nice shit, but it doesn't define me. I love giving, it's like a fucking, I just love it. And it's interesting. The more I give, the more the universe gives me back. So I love giving to you guys, looking to my community, but you know, you gotta kind of like, you gotta do something for it.

Expectation of Contribution in Community

You know, I don't want to, like, try. I don't want people to have the aspect in life that things are just given to you because that's like a. It's a. It's a victim mentality. It's a very weak mentality. I'm not saying you was weak, maybe at the time, but I've never asked anyone for anything in my life. I got guys. I've been broken, I've been homeless. I've been in freaking hostels. You guys know, I haven't been in jail.

Journey of Self-Discovery and Resilience

And I got no issue to say that because that don't define me. I was a young kid. I'm a big grown man now that does everything straight. But I got myself out the trenches. I got myself out there, and it's like, people like to help those that help themselves. And if you have that victim mentality, believe me, you will never get out of the trenches because you'll always rely on somebody.

No One Owes You Anything

You'll always think somebody owes you something, but no one owes you nothing. Guys, even my own daughter, the other day, she tried to say to me, she's 90 girls. Well, it was about a year ago. She's like, dad, you know, you should give me a bit. You should help me out financially more. You know, guys, I'm a millionaire, but I don't support my daughter. And then she gets it now. She was quite young then. She was like 16, then she's like 8019. That's two years ago. She thanks me, now she's like, daddy, I'm glad you didn't spoil me. I'm glad, you know, I am the person I am today. I feel strong, you know, I want to work for my own, like you give me that empowerment, you know? Oh, I'll just keep giving her money and spoiling her. No, can't do that.

People Need to Work for Their Success

People got to work for shit. Anyway, I'm going on. We only got ten minutes because, guys, I got a big space after this gal space. Anybody that's following me, you know, where to find a gala. So we've got ten minutes, guys. And I would jump over to the gal space, come over there, support me. I'm leading the VC for today, so definitely want my troops, my family over there to supporting that amazing project. And guys, like I said, I love that project. I am ride for dying for that project. There's not many projects I put in my bio, and that's in my freaking bio. I'm ride for dying the leadership. But that is freaking amazing. The narrative is just disgusting. And come on, how are you going to fade people like David? I can't even pronounce his name. David Gog, whatever his name. Fair play to me. He's a big guy in the industry.

Highlights of the Community and Projects

I can't pronounce it, but go to gal, you see who's pushing it as well. And he says, listen to this. This guy's a big og in the space. He has 100,000 people turn up on his spaces. And you know what? He says this. He's not had so much conviction since Doge and Shiba Inu. Wow. Say no more. All right, who's up next? Like I said, ten more minutes. Good evening. Good morning. Gm JM from anywhere you are. Big shout out to you. Big shout out to you. Lambos. I don't know if you can look back. I have joined a couple of your space. I've been in your telegram. I am. I've been in your Twitter space. Couple of time. I've been in your Twitter. I've been in your YouTube channel, on your instagram. I don't know if you have noticed me yet.

Community Support and Engagement

I'm up here to just. Hello to you. Your boy is still here waiting for an opportunity. Big shout out to you. Day in, day out, week in, week out. I'll be in stock in here. Just looking at the good work you have been putting all through. We have been working, assuming you have been working really good. You have been working extremely good. I really appreciate you for that. We are moving fast. Let's keep the energy high. Let's keep building. Let's keep blue. We are all here to support you. Hope you notice me. Give me an opportunity to become a winner. Thank you.

Emphasizing Hard Work and Community Building

Thank you, my brother. All right, guys. Ishaan Kendu nights. You got your hand up for a while, my brother. Floor is yours. Yeah. Thanks for having me. Hello. Diego, can you please. Yeah. Thank you. So I want to shill my conviction play which is Kendu inu. Kendu Inu is a meme coin launched in Ethereum helium in February. Its all time high was 280 million. Currently around 55 to 60 million. It is developed by one single person called Kendumiyazaki who worked in Shibarium. Was a day one Shib og Saitoshi Kusama, lead Dev of Shib has been following us since 1 million. We have been featured in Shib magazines as well.

Traction and Community Efforts

We were also featured in a coinbase wallet advertisement. It is an organic community. We haven't paid for any kol, any influencers. From day one, Kendumiyazaki has said that we'll build a community organic way. Buy a bag, work for your own bag. Nobody's coming to save you. Because at Kendo inu, we don't gamble, we work. Ever since then, our community has worked really hard. We are one of the top engaging x. We were even trending number one in USA in X yesterday. We are amongst the top eleven sub 11% subreddit. We are always top ten trending on stock widths. We are doing IRL shilling.

Merchandise and Future Plans

When I say IRL shilling, I mean people are doing IRL business which can do brand. So we have, can do merchandise, can do coffee, can do supplements, can do jewelry, can do nights, which is basically my own startup. We have kendo Kush Farms and yeah, I mean, we just, so it's a meme coin ecosystem will be the developer will be keep on adding products. The first product that was launched was Kendo Chad NFT, which is the largest NFT mint of last two years. We've minted over two and a half million dollars. It's around 83, 84% complete, still 70% left to go. But what made Kendo chat NFT the biggest mint of last two years was the fact there was two reasons.

NFT Marketplace Ownership

One, because it was backed by Kendo Inu Community, and second, it gives you the ownership of the kendo Chat marketplace. NFT marketplace. So all the 10,000 NFT holders becomes the owner. They will give you 2.5% of the entire nifty marketplace value in your NFT accounts in cold hard Ethereum. So basically, if you buy that NFT, you become the owner of that NFT Marketplace and start earning 2.5% of the volume. And yeah, if you do the maths of what an NFT marketplace can have, it's a pretty good deal. Borrowed is a partner there. And yeah, there are lots of things going on. Nicer. My brother, big boy project.

Market Insights and Liquidity

Just looking at the charts now, your all time high was two, nearly 300 million. 280 million. 280 million. So basically Shytoshi Kusama came up on our telegram, VC talked to us, published us in shape magazine, and it drew a lot of attention and, yeah, but then the market was so high. What's the whole time high? 280 million? Like, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Wow, big boy project, fat liquidity, 1.3 mil liquidity and. But now you have 56 mil still holding. Nice, man. Big boy project. And you only launched in March, is that this year?

Future Plans for Growth

Yeah, February 21. Nice one, man. And what's the plans then? To kind of pump. Pump again? Yeah. So basically we keep working hard and keep on adding holders into the community organically. People who are ready to work for the project. Instead of asking when marketing, when Kols and things like that. We don't want that. We want people who want to contribute to the ecosystem. They who want to contribute to the community. And we have lots of whales like from Shib because Kendu Miyazaki is a Devon Shib og and was a part of the Shibadium development team.

Community Resilience and Stability

So he is connected, he is experienced. We have lots of people from like good communities. Whales have been holding very strong. When were at 280 million all time high, we had 6000 on chain holders plus two or three central exchanges. Right now we are at six, around 60 million. We are 14.5 thousand on chain holders plus 14 exchanges. And all has been organically built. So we've had a redistribution phase. And I think the market is about to pump. And this is one of the greatest time you can get into kendo inu.

Concluding Remarks

Nice one, my brother. Appreciate for coming up. I love that. Guys, look, 60 mil mark, 56 mil mark cap. And they're still out here putting the hours in shilling the project. No excuses. Nice one, brother. Hope to see you soon, guys. One last show and then we will move over to go. Baby. Nero, think about. Let's. Let's have you up, my brother. You've been trying to get up for ages. Cigarette butt. You got butt on your cigarette. You got a cigarette in your butt? Why you got a cigarette in your butt, man? Take that cigarette out your butt.

Feedback and Partnerships

Put in your mouth, dog. Baby shark ready to go if they're not. Yes, bro. I like it. Jump in my bro. He's rugging. He's rugging, man. Hey, man, I really appreciate the feedback you're giving. We've got a kind of a similar story to first doggo. It's great to see the market mavens coming to the market. Some of the web two and web one people coming in. My name is Dolly Toma. I'm leading the CTO. We're rising stronger with a prolific meme and a focus team and a purpose driven dream.

Educational Mission

You all know Baby Shark, right? It's the song that literally became the fastest to hit a billion views. It's the most listened to song on YouTube with 14 billion views. You know, it's. That's more collectively than all of these songs. Who has the mother token? We know she just cracked 100 million. Congratulations to her. But you know, it's been performed by huge names like James Corden, Cardi B and a lot more. If you're a parent, it's just one of those songs that you love to hate, but it has a beat that will be stuck in your head all day long. At Dudu, our mission is simple yet profound.

Empowering Parents Through Education

We want to empower parents to help fund their children's education through a fun and engaging community driven meme token. We believe that with a small investment of 50 or $100 of doo, parents can then begin building a future that supports their kids educational dreams. We do have a long term vision on this project. I wouldn't have taken it over if it weren't for the significance of the meme and how big it is. I have reached out to Pink Fong, who is the IP owner, talked to their head of licensing. She's a Wharton School of business graduate. She gets web three.

Collaborative Efforts for Growth

And I think they're just kind of wait for us to get a little bit bigger where we can be one of those communities that can help market their brand. But together with a resilient, focused team with 700 holders and a docs top ten, we've overcome a rug by cash for the dev who farmed 18% of the supply on our launch as went up to 500,000 market cap. But we are standing stronger with a new website. At Babyshark Life, we have an active telegram group of 200 members. Those are real members. We're growing at 10% daily.

Community Engagement and Opportunity

We do have a raid to get paid program. So if you can't afford your bag, you can always come work for it again. Dudu is more than a token. It's a mission, it's a purpose. It's an opportunity for parents to turn a small investment into meaningful financial resources for their children's education. I believe if a meme can buy a lambo, it sure as hell can pay for education too. So we just want you to join us today. Be part of the movement. It's not just about memes, it's about making a real difference again, we're in this for the long haul.

Building for the Future

We're building something special. We welcome all degens. We welcome degens with kids. We welcome normies who want to learn how to grab a bag of doo. Of course, if you've had kids, you know what doodoo is. So come join us. Take a look at Dudu. We're going to take it back to the ATH and beyond. Visit our website and if our dream statement resonates with you. Join our telegram group and plug into our daily spaces. So I appreciate the time being able to share baby shark with you.

Final Thoughts

Nice time, my brother. Appreciate you, my bro. Definitely come out next time. Definitely. Got some more questions, but I literally have to go to the gal spaces now. So guys, I have to cut it short, but if everyone wants to jump over to the gal space, obviously it's not a show space. Only thing we're shining over there is baby. Yeah, little baby. Baby nero. Alright guys, so appreciate everyone that come on. Speakers. People that are listening. Love you all. And if anyone wants to have some alpha some news dropped, go off to go and let's get it done.

Call to Action

Let's get it.

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