Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Unlocking Blockchain Yields- Exploring Pencils Protocol hosted by OKX_Ventures. Delve into the realm of blockchain investments with a focus on the Pencils Protocol within the OKX ecosystem. This space offers valuable insights into the importance of thorough research, collaboration, and global networking to identify top blockchain projects for investment. Learn about the role of investment institutions like OKX in supporting innovative blockchain ventures and facilitating industry transformation. Explore the criteria for selecting promising blockchain protocols and understand how these technologies are reshaping traditional sectors. Join this space to stay updated on emerging trends and investment opportunities in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: Why is thorough research important in blockchain investments?
A: In-depth research mitigates risks and increases the likelihood of successful investments in blockchain projects.

Q: What benefits does OKX offer for investors interested in blockchain projects?
A: OKX provides a platform for investors to explore and invest in promising blockchain protocols under a reputable institution.

Q: How can collaboration with global partners enhance blockchain investment strategies?
A: Partnerships with global entities offer diverse perspectives, insights, and opportunities in the blockchain investment landscape.

Q: What role do investment institutions like OKX play in the blockchain ecosystem?
A: Institutional investors facilitate funding, development, and growth of innovative blockchain projects.

Q: What are some key indicators to consider when evaluating blockchain ventures for investment?
A: Factors like technology innovation, market potential, team expertise, and community support are crucial in assessing blockchain projects.

Q: How do blockchain protocols contribute to industry transformation?
A: Blockchain protocols have the potential to disrupt traditional sectors by enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency in various processes.


Time: 00:15:42
Global Blockchain Opportunities Exploring the diverse landscape of blockchain projects worldwide for investment potential.

Time: 00:25:19
OKX's Investment Insights Gaining valuable insights into investment strategies and trends through OKX's expertise.

Time: 00:35:55
Collaborative Investment Approaches Understanding the power of collaboration and networking in discovering top blockchain ventures.

Time: 00:45:30
Selecting Promising Blockchain Projects Insights into the criteria and evaluations involved in choosing high-potential blockchain initiatives.

Time: 00:55:10
Blockchain Disruption Across Industries Exploring how blockchain protocols revolutionize traditional sectors and processes.

Time: 01:05:48
Future Trends in Blockchain Investments Discussing upcoming trends and opportunities in the dynamic world of blockchain investments.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of robust investment research and due diligence in blockchain projects.
  • The significance of exploring emerging blockchain protocols for potential high returns.
  • The advantages of being part of an investment institution like OKX for access to promising projects.
  • The value of global networking and collaboration in identifying top blockchain opportunities.
  • Investment institutions play a crucial role in evaluating, funding, and supporting blockchain ventures.
  • OKX's commitment to discovering and promoting innovative blockchain initiatives worldwide.
  • The potential for blockchain protocols to revolutionize various industries and sectors.
  • Understanding the key criteria for selecting blockchain projects for investment purposes.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena.

Initial Interaction

Hello? Jenny, you hear me? Yes. Yes. Yeah. Hello? Hello. Hi. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hey. Hello. Hello. Hello? Choppy. What about now? I can hear you. Hello? Hello. Yeah, I'm here. Oh. Hello. I can hear you, Jenny. I can hear you. Hello. Hello? Michelle? Hey, Jenny, this is Michelle.

Session Introduction

Hello. Okay then. Welcome to our today's best tonight we are thrilled to have you here. This session is brought by OCAG two interest. We are the investment arm of Okex. We are founding top web three projects. Today we are diving into pencils protocols approach to yield aggregation, liquid sticking and auction services. I'm Jenny from OCX Ventures and I'll be your host today. We are very excited to welcome our special guest, Michelle, the head of echo from Pencils Protocol, who will share her insights into pencils protocols solutions. Let's begin with a brief introduction. Michelle, could you tell us a bit about yourself?

Introduction by Michelle

Yeah, of course. Thanks Jenny, for inviting us. Hello? Hey everyone, this is Michelle from Pennsylvania. I. Can anybody hear me? Anyone from the audience? Can you raise your hand? Don't know is my problem with yours. How about now? Hello? So what about now? Okay, I think the connection is quite shocking now. Okay, so this is Michelle from Pencils protocol. I drank Crypto in 2019 and before that I spent almost ten years working in capital markets and traditional finance institutions. And it's very lucky for me to fund crypto five years ago and I have been really enjoying this rabbit hole trip ever since. Before building pencils, my team helped quite a number of projects to be spent into APAC region for ecosystem building.

Further Insights from Michelle

And we have accumulated a very solid community for developers, builders and users. And score, as you know, is one of the top layer tools of Ethereum. Similarly, extend Ethereum's capabilities through zero knowledge technology and their EVM compatibility. With such a technical stable and solid public training as an infrastructure, we joined very early to become an active contributor. And firstly we started pencils protocol as a launchpad on scroll to really help with strap the ecosystem building. And then we quickly pivot to become the liquid gateway serving the entire scroll ecosystem. After listening to the feedbacks from our community and our investors. Yeah, that's like a very brief introduction about myself and the pencils. Hand back to you, Jenny.

Technical Issues and Q&A Preparation

It feels like our host is having a technical issues now. I will just keep going. We did prepare a list of questions from the oks side and happy to answer that, the first one is or just Q and a myself. So first one is the overview of pencils and our core products. So pencils is scrolls, native gateway for yields, auctions and multilayer rewards. We have two main product pillars. The first one is the yield aggregation. We basically have two product lines, design artists category to tailor for different user risk appetites. First one is farming. So basically this project provides low risk, very stable opportunities for risk averse users to earn stable use and model their rewards.

Innovative Product Launch

And for those products we are about to launch in the coming week is more like an innovative hub for risking risk taking users to chase for leverage yield through our diversified strategies such as yield farming, on chain synthetics, exotic options, et cetera.

Yield Auction Aggregation Overview

So those are the two main pillars under our yield auction aggregation pillars. And the other main pillar is auction and shops. We currently not only we plan to offer various type of for example token on traditional crypto assets and some non standard token assets and non standard assets such as nfts, nodes, rwas deep, etcetera. So all of those will serve as an entry for more web two users by providing very lucrative early access opportunities. So far pencils, we are backed by very top institutions such as oks, ventures, galaxy animal comparisons, etcetera.

Funding and Market Recognition

And we recently also announced a very new fundraising of 80 million valuation led by Taesu, DPX, etcetera. And thanks so much for supporting us. And recently we also had a very strong social attractions. First we being recognized as number one native dub on scroll across the entire crypto ecosystem where right now the number three reforming protocols in the crypto space. Our recent TVL has been despite the market fluctuations, our TVL has been maintained more than 300 mil and actually our active ZK verify users has more than just 4000k marks. So now we are moving into our next phase of our journey by launching our token Dapp token on Tokensoft platform. The sale will start on 18 September, basically going to happen next week.

Token Sale Developments

The restoration is now open, so we have seen more than 13,000 users in queue for the upcoming Tozin sale. So do check our official Twitter check our official communicated channels for more information on this exciting opportunities pass to our host. Second question let me see the reply. So the next question will be what role do yield aggregation and liquids taking play in the current blockchain ecosystem? How do these innovations address the needs of DeFi participants and investors? Thanks Jenny. I think today's blockchain space, as you probably all agree, is flooded with all kinds of chains. So there are more and more ecosystems being introduced to the market and users are facing constant fragmented liquidity issues across different ecosystems.

The Importance of Liquid Staking

I think liquid staking provides a unified and yield bearing vehicle for all users. So traditional staking requires users lock their assets for a period of time, resulting in a loss of liquidity. So liquidity staking introduce a new way of earning yields without losing this liquidity. So users can stay as their assets while still maintaining the ability to trade, to collateralize or to participate in other DeFi projects. So this mechanism not only improve capital efficiency, but also reduce our trade off between returns. Liquidity for the crypto users is also particularly favored by all kinds of investors who want to earn stable like a staking rewards while also engaging actively in those market activities.

Benefits of Yield Aggregation

On the other hand, yield aggregation really helps users to minimize research costs to find optimized routes, help them to achieve the maximum return with minimum efforts. This approach can be optimized across different strategies, avoiding the complexity of manual operations while providing users higher APIs. So in today's dispersed liquidity of the entire blockchain system, yield aggregator actually allow users to flexibly participate in multiple projects and obtain the highest returns. So just like what we did offering users with different choices so they can gain all kinds of yields in just one click. We all think sales attention is a very scarce resource and where our value added to users is to provide those easy and simple way yes, safe and maximize their asset utilization.

Unique Features of Yaw Staking Services

Thank you for the explanation. So could you elaborate on the benefits and unique features of yaw staking services and how do they differ from traditional yield aggregation methods? Yeah, thanks Jenny. Like I said previously, we have two different product lines under the discovery. Different like tailor maze to different users. For farmings we provide low risk stable opportunities for risk tailored for risk averse users to earn yields and multilayer rewards with support top bitcoin and ETH staking assets such as and will work with all kinds of top tier LSD LRT projects such as Dystone Buffer. So kelp, easterfi and more.

Expanding Asset Choices

We're expanding the asset supporting classes and work with all kinds of projects to providing more asset choices for the users. We not only providing our own points, but also we have providing users with scroll marks which is the official score rewarding point systems, eigen layer points and each partners their own boosted points so user can enjoy six to seven different yields in just one click on pencils. That's how we differ from other traditional yield aggregators. For both projects, both is being more like innovative hub for risky king users. We offer leverage yields for our diversified strategies such as yield farming entrance aesthetics. We will also move on like gradually from votes 1.0 to vote two and VoS three offering more exciting on chain innovations, introducing exotic options, delta neutral strategies and other specific risks opportunities.

Upcoming Product Launches and Results

And so we believe that with the capabilities we're already showing to the industry how we can really providing users with our farming products, we're very excited to also announce the voice product will be live in the coming weeks and also at the same time we are doing token sale on Tokensoft in the coming week as well. So do check us out through our official channels and know more about opportunities there. So from the statistics side, despite the market valuations, our strong product design, the strong ecosystem building capability has won us more than 300 mil TVL risks, number one on scroll and number three in all yield farming path and our own valuation has grown from 25 mil to 80 million and now we have 150 million valuation.

Token Purchase Options

We offer three different choices for users to purchase tokens on Tokensoft platform and all comes with different for users to choose from with different vesting schedules and the percentage of releasing on TGD. Do check us out. If you have any questions, just go to our official Twitter go to our official Discord channel. Ask away. Thanks Jenny. Yeah, yes, it sounds quite convenient for users to use your platform as is.

Auction Services for Native Assets

And the last question is pencils protocol offers auction services for blockchain, native assets and rwas. Can you explain how these auctions work and the impact on the market? Thanks. Yeah. Firstly, we will have the auction function online after we launch votes and we will also quickly start our shop functions as well. So all of those will offering not only token assets but also non standardized assets such as NFT nodes, AWA, RWA, et cetera. So it definitely will serve as the entry for users by providing all kinds of different and locative early access opportunities for the blockchain native assets.

Auction Process and Transparency

We will offer different auction types for the projects to choose. It could be dodge auction, british auction, etcetera. So all of those will be for on chain asset opportunities. The whole process is designed to be decentralized and automatic, executed by our smart contracts, ensuring full transparency and security in a whole bidding process. And for the rwas, we support auctions of real world assets such as tokenized real estate, artwork and commodities, etcetera. We wanted to build this platform to really bridge the real world assets into crypto in a very easy to understand way.

Addressing Real World Assets

For those, we believe RWA is a new trend and we yet haven't seen any successful implementation in the space. We're definitely looking forward to contributing that aspect as well. So providing those platforms for auctions and shops, we wanted to significantly enhance liquidity for all of those assets and also enhance the transparency and security in the asset bidding process. And definitely we hope that can also contribute to the discovery price discovery of those traditionally non liquid asset classes.

Enhancing Asset Liquidity and Trading Environment

So overall, I think Pennzo's decentralized auction services and shop services will only enhance the liquidity, but also create also like a very efficient trading environment through transparent and fair bidding process. And this innovation done by my team, we hope to really give it back to the community and let the users to basically have more exciting choices they can make through our one stop platform on pencils. Yes, as you mentioned, the launch, what are the upcoming plans and developments for pencils protocol that the community should look forward to?

Future Developments and Community Engagement

Yeah, there are a few things actually I've been longing to tell all of you guys. First is our votes. Like I explained in the past 20 minutes, we are launching the vote functions very soon. In the coming week and together with lots of the top AI projects in the space, we will introduce the first votes 1.0 and providing underneath with some co partners in this space, we're providing extensive Ethereum's stability and to providing the same scalable and stability to those AI top AI projects. So the first flows will be ready in the coming week. And so stay tuned for our new announcement and another equal and even more exciting campaigns we're going to have is our token sell.

Token Sale on Tokensoft

We will have 20% token list on Tokensoft platform. Thank you. Tokensoft, as you know, has been a very successful token platform in the space for a long time. They have assist approximately more than 100 projects in the coming before and they raised more than 1 billion in the past. They supported successful projects such as Avalanche, the Graph, Arbitram, Tezos, et cetera.

Successful Launch Announcements

And all of those are very successful launch. So for us, we're very happy to work with Tokensoft to make it a very successful launch in the coming week. So we already started registration. We have more than 13,000 people are waiting in queue because it's the first process and we will start sell on 18 September. So stay tuned. Do check us out on our official channels and see how you can participate.

Floor Open for Questions

Yes, congratulations on that. Followers if you are interested, please go to their official website and check the information. We will now open the floor for questions from our listeners. Please raise your hands. Let me see. Gray can you hear us? Hello Gray. Hello Jackie. Hi Jackie. Hello? Am I audible? Hello. Yeah, I just have a quick question about this and thank you for OKX Venture and Hazel protocol for this. Impressive. Like NFA. Yeah, I think that's Michelle. So could you remind me of the, like the token. You guys are the token self. When is the token itself and where, which platform? Should I just go and buy the token?

Token Sale Information

Oh, yeah, of course. Our token salary is already opened. Do come, do our KYC and the assets ready to shoot on 18 September in the coming week. So go to our website and click on the banner. You will be got into our token sale. A dedicated token sale page divided by Tokensoft. So go get your kYCs and we'll be ready to launch on 18th. So we basically offer three different choices for users. Each comes with different vesting schedules and your preferred token like valuations that in your mind. So just to remind that we already started registration and there is a long queue already and for those purchase rules, it's just simply a first come, first serve.

Payment and Allocation Details

So do come click on our official website and see how you can get into this exciting token launch in the coming week. We accept stable coins and also ease as payments. And this Tokensoft launch is just right across the corner. We have allocated 20% of our entire token supply to this launch. And. Yeah. Ready to go? Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Let's fucking go. That's great news. That's very great news. So let's move to next person. Joseph? Hello? Am I audible? Hi, Joseph. Yeah.

Open Discussion on Staking

Is Gray speaking? I don't know if you can hear. Hi, Joseph, can you hear us? Hello? I don't know if I'm audible. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. All right, thank you so much. My question is, I don't know, like, you have a sticky, like a staking program. So please can you share, like, more light on it? Because I would like to know, like, is there like any minimum or maximum amount of your token required for staking? Thank you.

Staking Program Details

Actually there's no minimum requirements. If you go to our website and click the farming, you will see how you can participate in our staking. There's no minimum requirements and also there's no locking, period. So the asset that your assets are free to come and go. But we believe we had accumulated a very strong community and support from lots of the wealth and institutions in the space. So that's why we have been successfully maintaining our grow and maintain our 300 mil tbl. Compared to that, our project valuation also increased from originally, like a few months ago.

Valuation and Token Offerings

We have valuated 25 million, now we have more than 150 million. So we also showed this relative that we also designed based on our position in the space and also the feedback from the community to design three tier different token offers on the Tokensoft platform. So we offer different price ranging from 0.8 to 0.2 to 1.2 and 1.5. So there is a purchase limit. The minimum purchase price is $100 and the Max one is 200,000. So the purchase rules, as again I wanted to emphasize it's a first comma, first serve basis and the tokens are only for the first 5000 participants.

Final Remarks and Encouragement

And there's a long queue already. So do joining us and don't miss this golden chance to be part of the ever growing pencils protocol ecosystems. Thanks for the reply. Hi, Joseph. Hi Joseph. Looks like he's not connecting.

Introduction and Clarification

But we do have another speaker now. Right? Gray, hello. Hi, vaz. I was, I was the one that asked question is grey that asked question that you answer about this teaching. I was the one that asked. I'm sorry, I didn't hear your question clearly. Can you repeat it? Yeah. Hello. Yes. Yes, it was great. I asked the question about staking that you just elaborated. Are you getting me? Oh, yes. Thank you. Thank you. I think I have explained how the staking works and how we will further innovate to introduce more risk taking for risk taking users for our both products, what's going to launch in the coming week as well. So please stay tuned for the new, exciting, upcoming, exciting news for our ecosystems. All right. All right. Thank you so much.

Inquiries about Ambassador Program

Hello, sir, can I hear me? Yes, yes. Thank you. We have another person who will raise questions, have advice. Okay, thank you. My question is ambassador play a very important role in very. Do you have an ambassador program? If yes, how I can ib one? Thank you. Thank you, Joseph. Yes, we do have ambassador program. Actually we announced ambassador programs a few months ago and very had successfully reached ambassador from basically all across the globe. We have ambassador from all over the continent to really help us to go into the community, establish local communities and really spread the word about how great the platform is and offering to the users in crypto. Yeah, do Dm our account on Twitter and we will see how we can also help you to set our own community for pencils. Thank you.

Discussion on Token Sale and Limits

Yeah, thank you. I believe we still have one more question, right? Yeah, Michelle, thank you so much. I'm super bullish on Peso's protocol right now and I think the token sale itself is really interesting. And you know, I just wondering as an individual how much money I can put in a single account. And if I'm like investing, you know, half a million or a million, how should I attribute those accounts? Oh, thanks Wes. Thanks for the support. We do have a purchase limit. Let me explain the rule first and a minimum $100, but Max is 200,000 per registered users. So if you have more than that, I believe you have to work with your friends and think of a way to work that out.

Community and Accessibility Focus

But to be fair, we wanted this opportunity for every community members, totally. We only allocated 20% of the total supply tokensoft platform and we first come, first served. So we wanted to be fair and square for all committee members. No matter how much you wanted to purchase. Everybody have different situations and definitely don't want only one or two big whales to take. The whole lot is going to contradictory to what we really value about crypto, about how this innovative defi solutions and really rock what I believe to be the only financial world I know ten years ago. So if you have more than 200,000, I'm sorry, you can't do it one account.

Developer Team and Project Goals

I definitely wanted to have more users, more diversified user base for pencils, have it go for a long run. We also have a very strong developer team working on pencils for a long time. We want this project not only taken by a few wheels, but also, but actually supported by thousands and millions of users across the space. So yeah, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Michelle. So there is a key by sea requirements for token sale, right? If a person who wants to make multiple purchases, is that okay? Actually, no one KYC user can only eligible for maximum 200,000 worth of the purchase.

Regulatory Compliance and Future Opportunities

I'm sorry, that is the rule. With that in order to really benefit the whole community. Yeah. Thank you. And could you also share with us, which country are you focusing on for the token sale? As you probably already know, Tokensoft, they have their own restrictions on which places and regions in the globe are allowed to participate. So I do wish someday in the future we all have the freedom to really enjoy the future fairness and convenience brought by deFi. But unfortunately right now we still have to obey to the rules and regulations and play safely. So please do check out the requirements on Tokensoft platform.

Conclusion and Closing Remarks

They have a clear instructions on how you can do your KYC still, if you cannot participate in the cell on Tokensoft platform, we also have very exciting news to be announced later this month, and do stay tuned for more opportunities there. The doors will be open to all of you and yeah. Thank you. Thank you, Michelle. Thank you all for joining us today. We hope you enjoyed the discussion and gained valuable insights into Penn source protocol. A big thank you to our speaker, Michelle for sharing the expertise. Do follow us for more updates. Thank you so much for inviting us. Yes. And also follow pencils protocol for more updates. Thank you.

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