Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space conversation revolved around the intertwined topics of blockchain gaming and web3 development. Participants engaged in discussions regarding the introduction of dao based guilds with NPC wallets by YGG, challenges related to decentralized server architecture, and the disruptive nature of blockchains on property rights management. The space highlighted the importance of off-rampability in blockchain gaming and the growing interest in innovative gaming activities and tournaments within the community. The community looks forward to future engagements and collaborations to foster development in the blockchain gaming and web3 ecosystem.


Q: What did YGG introduce related to dao based guilds and NPC wallets?
A: YGG introduced dao based guilds with NPC wallets, allowing shared treasuries for legitimate gaming guilds.

Q: Why is off-rampability considered crucial in blockchain gaming?
A: Off-rampability is vital in blockchain gaming to ensure easy conversion of in-game assets or cryptocurrencies into real-world value.

Q: How do blockchains disrupt traditional property rights management?
A: Blockchains disrupt traditional property rights by offering immutable ownership records and facilitating decentralized ownership transfers.

Q: What challenges emerge from integrating decentralized server architecture?
A: Challenges of integrating decentralized server architecture include ensuring scalability, security, and efficient data distribution.

Q: What activities are engaging participants in the ecosystem?
A: Participants are engaged in various gaming activities, tournaments, and discussions on development aspects within the blockchain gaming and web3 community.

Q: What is the goal behind inviting developers for future discussions?
A: Developers are invited for future discussions to foster collaboration, innovation, and knowledge sharing in the blockchain gaming and web3 development space.

Q: How are shared treasuries benefiting legitimate gaming guilds?
A: Shared treasuries enable legitimate gaming guilds to collectively accumulate and manage resources for communal benefits and growth.

Q: What drives the growing interest in blockchain gaming and web3 development?
A: The growing interest is fueled by the transformative potential of blockchain technology in revolutionizing gaming, digital ownership, and decentralized applications.


Key Takeaways

  • Introduction of dao based guilds with NPC wallets by YGG.
  • Creation of legitimate gaming guilds with shared treasuries.
  • Challenges of decentralized server architecture integration.
  • Significance of off-rampability in blockchain gaming.
  • Disruption of property rights management by blockchains.
  • Engagement in various gaming activities and tournaments.
  • Growing interest in blockchain gaming and web3 development.
  • Invitation for future discussions on development aspects.
  • Community exploring blockchain gaming innovations.
  • Evolving landscape of web3 development and blockchain integration.

Behind the Mic

[ "Zack's unmuted.", "I should really pass over to him because he is, you know, like.", "No, no, that was great.", "Yeah.", "I mean, certainly, you know, one of the things we looked at, I think ygg is actually introducing it now, but is dao based guilds with NPC wallets.", "Right.", "You can create like legitimate gaming guilds with shared treasuries, which is something that you couldn't previously do.", "I mean, particularly then when you look at decentralized distribution as well.", "Obviously you have to plug into decentralized back end server architecture.", "So there are complexities, but it is rapidly changing.", "But what I love that we recently found out that dear Theo has spent an untold fortune on the steam store.", "The off rampability is part of, it's a core element which is driven into this.", "And can I take over here?", "Because like, wait, wait.", "Not to make a comparison in any way, but, you know, if you look at like the foundation of the state structure of why we have nation states is property rights management.", "And I love that, you know, blockchains, which disrupt property rights management, literally, I mean, this is going to be the eye of the storm in terms of why blockchains matter.", "Because I end up going so extreme with all the possibilities.", "Yeah.", "And again, I love property rights as the hammer and the wrench being the sub property rights structures.", "Like IT structure specifically helps absolutely with IP, helps with which helps with, you need a censorship resistance base, you need decent activities.", "And the big problem invariably is people would be very resistant to having governance tokens in games from time to time because the tokenomics are so poor.", "I mean, look at Gala games.", "Look at those different ecosystems where the inflation rate of the token is insane because they didn't necessarily cater for non NFT holders in the token distribution model.", "And it's crucially important that you create rather like regulatory energy that people buy into, which is at least semi correlated with the distribution mechanisms in optimal ecosystems.", "Otherwise all value extraction will be from one quarter because it's such an extreme filter that nobody else can understand what's happening.", "And it's like just beyond elite gaming audience economics.", "Yeah, I mean, it even goes down beyond gaming audience, I think that the important element is creating community which benefits all the people involved in the project.", "Sure.", "And creating those structures that enable people to get real value out of participation without simply going like, well, I can make $0.40 today for doing this for six hours.", "Yeah.", "And you know, you just waste life force there.", "Which is absolutely no material benefit to most people.", "Yeah, but yeah.", "I guess my one big thing is, and I'm sure some people from kind of every space would say the same is, just because two NFTs are the same price doesn't mean they're the same underlying or they have the same underlying value in the protocols they're built in.", "I find that's huge in crypto.", "The comparison between an NFT on Ethereum and NFT on like on chain, for example.", "It's like night and day.", "And so I think that's really important.", "I'm sure you would agree in games as well, right?", "Yes.", "You want shared methodologies, but you don't want shared methodologies to necessarily become nominal standards until the ecosystems can actually prove loosely shared methodologies over time.", "And that's why you've got to watch, right?", "Absolutely.", "And it's super important as well that like, like I actually love what Jules was saying there, because you do have those systems like EIP-1559 created, which is with deflationary burn mechanism in the protocol.", "I mean, if you look at like academically some elements of like game state algorithms in game EIP-1559, that type of idea of having a deflationary ship, these things are all what create that inherent value plug into it.", "But the problem is pulling that plug ever pulls it loose.", "Yeah.", "That's why you need to have multiple rows of redundancy in your systems.", "And governance.", "Yes, especially governance.", "And even if Axie had probably built triple redundant models, you look at the bridges that took down Axie, right?", "Sure.", "And like, I don't want to say I called that because I also believe in economic design, but it's the measures of safety.", "So it's not about about design, it's about the engineers you bring in, the fail safe mechanisms that you put into place.", "And then overall getting governance systems that are robust and scalable, like we need regulation for user based communities.", "We need to create environments that are safe for our users given the economic incentive that users can gain.", "Yeah, exactly.", "Mathematically provable, you know incentive structures that don't necessarily feed out the small and well, you know to your general percentage that people miss massive sections of actually how you could work on the incentive structure in a decentralized project.", "Which is why I think a lot of kind of like post run applications often reasonably fail.", "Because applications and gameplay elements have not been examined with the kind of robustness and thoroughness from game mechanics designers in order to create those kinds of elements like shelling security and other elements that people have been researching for some time.", "Interesting.", "Interesting.", "Yeah, I mean, I hope we don't blow ourselves up by experiment with those in a DAO sense.", "That's a wonderful example of the dangers of bringing people to walk out economies.", "But like we are play to own, DAO to own, all these different elements all simultaneously.", "Yeah, "I appreciate the term DAO to own.", "Yeah.", "That's great.", "Well, yeah, I mean, the idea that, you know, that block chain applications solve some of those problems again like containers on block chains.", "And again, phenomenal story about the property rights analogy and what we, what we tell it for kind of rationalizing academia to really delve down deep into those various problems.", "Definitely.", "It's like, oh yeah, we have the same problem as like, right, cool.", "Let's use that with a bunch of these other problems that had the same problem.", "Oh, well, let's push for EIP 1559 to like create like insane value return on transaction state.", "Let's make sure about solidity contracts that people can actually trust to triple redundant measures.", "And like, again, that's just helping people own staking participation.", "And which axial was built on, which I'm sure axial wasn't built on at any level other than for some topographies.", "Actually, I can't talk about Axie because you have to remember 500 billion dollars of market cap disappeared from our industry over literally the last 12 months.", "Sure.", "So I think NFTs can actually cut a lot more with large scale collectibles based on kind of like that element of robust resilience constructed in the underlying algorithmic property right frameworks.", "And they're coming faster.", "And they are coming faster.", "They don't claim the good stuff.", "Exactly.", "It changes and I think not just the timeline to kind of like delivery, but more importantly, the direction, point of direction is twofold, right?", "One is, how do we increase application getulation in NFTs or the retraction elements versus the other is, "How do we make sure the contract is actually performing for those communities that develop those elements?", "Or whatever evidence of sculpt we might want in game along this line?", "And finally how do those games dealers actually create some level of approaching centralized servers?", "That is the elephant in the room.", "The elephant in the room.", "Yeah, the true elephant in the room.", "So, combination of talking about the last point.", "Again, you go further and further down like those Defi game state economics.", "And how much can projects realistically raise these gaming items when getting real level value enhancement.", "Yeah, totally.", "Like how often can projects realistically ensure semi centralization.", "Also ensuring how we try in at the user base level.", "Because I was on with Luis Thorne and the guys built a bunch of the background theory, the organizational level ethic of automatically ON LIKE.", "Sorry, but like yeah.", "He had done awesome stuff in DAO. We haven't seen yet like the hardcore game space gaming area showdown maybe forums.", "So those incremental bridges.", "From particular place to actual place to value the inherent community they get at place.", "Is protection and puzzling predominant worstifications going to trap out of mainstream specifications pocket values.", "And greed.","And how does an intrinsic game state everything chain meta legally fit scales.", } }"I'm so down.", "I'm sure you would agree in games as well without layered instrutorate pathways, then the overlay effect tensively through studying some older box. "trillion peral value meta down resilience till ending all staking to reality.",“`json { "response": [ "Zack's unmuted.", "I should really pass over to him because he is, you know, like.", "No, no, that was great.", "Yeah.", "I mean, certainly, you know, one of the things we looked at, I think ygg is actually introducing it now, but is dao based guilds with NPC wallets.", "Right.", "You can create like legitimate gaming guilds with shared treasuries, which is something that you couldn't previously do.", "I mean, particularly then when you look at decentralized distribution as well.", "Obviously you have to plug into decentralized back end server architecture.", "So there are complexities, but it is rapidly changing.", "But what I love that we recently found out that dear Theo has spent an untold fortune on the steam store.", "The off rampability is part of it's a core element which is driven into this.", "And can I take over here?", "Because like, wait, wait.", "Not to make a comparison in any way, but, you know, if you look at like the foundation of the state structure of why we have nation states is property rights management.", "And I love that, you know, blockchains, which disrupt property rights management, literally, I mean, this is going to be the eye of the storm in terms of why blockchains matter.", "Because I end up going so extreme with all the possibilities.", "Yeah.", "And again, I love property rights as the hammer and the wrench being the sub property rights structures.", "Like IT structure specifically helps absolutely with IP, helps with which helps with, you need a censorship resistance base, you need decent activities.", "And the big problem invariably is people would be very resistant to having governance tokens in games from time to time because the tokenomics are so poor.", "I mean, look at Gala games.", "Look at those different ecosystems where the inflation rate of the token is insane because they didn't necessarily cater for non NFT holders in the token distribution model.", "And it's crucially important that you create rather like regulatory energy that people buy into, which is at least semi correlated with the distribution mechanisms in optimal ecosystems.", "Otherwise all value extraction will be from one quarter because it's such an extreme filter that nobody else can understand what's happening.", "And it's like just beyond elite gaming audience economics.", "Yeah, I mean, it even goes down beyond gaming audience, I think that the important element is creating community which benefits all the people involved in the project.", "Sure.", "And creating those structures that enable people to get real value out of participation without simply going like, well, I can make $0.40 today for doing this for six hours.", "Yeah.", "And you know, you just waste life force there.", "Which is absolutely no material benefit to most people.", "Yeah, but yeah.", "I guess my one big thing is, and I'm sure some people from kind of every space would say the same is, just because two NFTs are the same price doesn't mean they're the same underlying or they have the same underlying value in the protocols they're built in.", "I find that's huge in crypto.", "The comparison between an NFT on Ethereum and NFT on like on chain, for example.", "It's like night and day.", "And so I think that's really important.", "I'm sure you would agree in games as well, right?", "Yes.", "You want shared methodologies, but you don't want shared methodologies to necessarily become nominal standards until the ecosystems can actually prove loosely shared methodologies over time.", "And that's why you've got to watch, right?", "Absolutely.", "And it's super important as well that like, like I actually love what Jules was saying there, because you do have those systems like EIP-1559 created, which is with deflationary burn mechanism in the protocol.", "I mean, if you look at like academically some elements of like game state algorithms in game EIP-1559, that type of idea of having a deflationary shift, these things are all what create that inherent value plug into it.", "But the problem is pulling that plug ever pulls it loose.", "Yeah.", "That's why you need to have multiple rows of redundancy in your systems.", "And governance.", "Yes, especially governance.", "And even if Axie had probably built triple redundant models, you look at the bridges that took down Axie, right?", "Sure.", "And like, I don't want to say I called that because I also believe in economic design, but it's the measures of safety.", "So it's not about about design, it's about the engineers you bring in, the fail safe mechanisms that you put into place.", "And then overall getting governance systems that are robust and scalable, like we need regulation for user based communities.", "We need to create environments that are safe for our users given the economic incentive that users can gain.", "Yeah, exactly.", "Mathematically provable, you know incentive structures that don't necessarily feed out the small and well, you know to your general percentage that people miss massive sections of actually how you could work on the incentive structure in a decentralized project.", "Which is why I think a lot of kind of like post run applications often reasonably fail.", "Because applications and gameplay elements have not been examined with the kind of robustness and thoroughness from game mechanics designers in order to create those kinds of elements like shelling security and other elements that people have been researching for some time.", "Interesting.", "Interesting.", "Yeah, I mean, I hope we don't blow ourselves up by experiment with those in a DAO sense.", "That's a wonderful example of the dangers of bringing people to walk out economies.", "But like we are play to own, DAO to own, all these different elements all simultaneously.", "Yeah.", "I appreciate the term DAO to own.", "Yeah.", "That's great.", "Well, yeah, I mean, the idea that, you know, that block chain applications solve some of those problems again like containers on block chains.", "And again, phenomenal story about the property rights analogy and what we, what we telllet for kind of rationalizing academia to really delve down deep into those various problems.", "Definitely.", "It's like, oh yeah, we have the same problem as like, right, cool.", "Let's use that with a bunch of these other problems that had the same problem.", "Oh, well, let's push for EIP 1559 to like create like insane value return on transaction state.", "Let's make sure about solidity contracts that people can actually trust to triple redundant measures.", "And like, again, that's just helping people own staking participation.", "And which axial was built on, which I'm sure axial wasn't built on at any level other than for some topographies.", "Actually, I can't talk about Axie because you have to remember 500 billion dollars of market cap disappeared from our industry over literally the last 12 months.", "Sure.", "So I think NFTs can actually cut a lot more with large scale collectibles based on kind of like that element of robust resilience constructed in the underlying algorithmic property right frameworks.", "And they're coming faster.", "And they are coming faster.", "They don't claim the good stuff.", "Exactly.", "It changes and I think not just the timeline to kind of like delivery, but more importantly, the direction, point of direction is twofold, right?", "One is, how do we increase application getulation in NFTs or the retraction elements versus the other is, How do we make sure the contract is actually performing for those communities that develop those elements?", "Or whatever evidence of sculpt we might want in game along this line?", "And finally how do those game dealers actually create some level of approaching centralized servers?", "That is the elephant in the room.", "The elephant in the room.", "Yeah, the true elephant in the room.", "So, a combination of talking about the last point.", "Again, you go further and further down like those Defi game state economics.", "And how much can projects realistically raise these gaming items when getting real level value enhancement.", "Yeah, totally.", "Like how often can projects realistically ensure semi centralization.", "Also ensuring how we try in at the user base level.", "Because I was on with Luis Thorne and the guys built a bunch of the background theory, the organizational level ethic of automatically ON LIKE.", "Sorry, but like yeah.", "He had done awesome stuff in DAO.", "We haven't seen yet like the hardcore game space gaming area showdown maybe forums.", "So those incremental bridges.", "From particular place to actual place to value the inherent community they get at place.", "Is protection and puzzling predominant worstifications going to trap out of mainstream specifications pocket values.", "And greed.", "And how does an intrinsic game state everything chain meta legally fit scales.", "I'm so down.", "I'm sure you would agree in games as well without layered instrutorate pathways, then the overlay effect tensively through studying some older box.", "Trillion peral value meta down resilience till ending all staking to reality." ]

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