Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space TURBO PARTNER AMA with BRAWL3RS‼️Hosted By Freeman Finance hosted by TurboToadToken. The TURBO ? PARTNER AMA with BRAWL3RS provided deep insights into the creation and community aspects of the first AI-Generated Meme Coin. Discussing innovation, community ownership, and unique launch strategies, the space emphasized the importance of community involvement and strategic partnerships for sustainable growth in the AI cryptocurrency niche. With a focus on AI innovation, challenges faced during launch, community-centric development, and plans for future expansion, TURBO's AMA highlighted the project's commitment to community trust, transparency, and continuous development.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How was TURBO's launch different from traditional cryptocurrency releases?
A: TURBO stood out by leveraging AI for its creation and kicking off with a modest $69 budget, emphasizing innovation.

Q: Why is community ownership significant for TURBO's success?
A: Community ownership fosters trust, engagement, and decentralized decision-making, crucial for sustaining projects like TURBO.

Q: What role does Freeman Finance play in the TURBO AMA?
A: Freeman Finance hosts the AMA, offering a platform for partnership discussions and sharing insights on TURBO's development.

Q: How does TURBO plan to overcome challenges in the crypto market?
A: By prioritizing community feedback, innovation, and a transparent roadmap, TURBO aims to navigate challenges and ensure growth.

Q: What sets TURBO apart from other AI-Generated tokens?
A: TURBO's focus on community-centricity, innovative use of AI, and a unique launch approach distinguishes it within the cryptocurrency space.

Q: What strategies does TURBO have in place for sustainable growth?
A: TURBO relies on community trust, continuous innovation, and strategic partnerships to drive sustainable growth and adoption.

Q: How are the community's voices incorporated in TURBO's development?
A: Community feedback shapes TURBO's decisions, roadmap, and features, ensuring a user-centric approach to development and growth.

Q: What are the future expansion plans for TURBO?
A: TURBO aims to expand its reach, utility, and community base through strategic initiatives, partnerships, and continuous development efforts.

Q: How is the #TurboToken hashtag utilized in the TURBO community?
A: The #TurboToken hashtag serves as an identifier, fostering community engagement and promoting visibility for TURBO within the crypto space.

Q: What challenges and opportunities lie ahead for AI-Generated projects like TURBO?
A: Balancing innovation with market acceptance, regulatory compliance, and community trust are key challenges and opportunities for AI-Generated projects like TURBO.


Time: 00:12:45
TURBO's Unique Launch Exploring how TURBO's AI-Generated concept started with a minimalist budget, setting it apart in the crypto sphere.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Governance and TURBO Insights into how community ownership drives decision-making and sustainability for TURBO.

Time: 00:37:59
Freeman Finance's Hosting Role Understanding the significance of Freeman Finance in facilitating discussions and partnerships related to TURBO.

Time: 00:45:30
Challenges and Solutions Delving into the challenges faced by TURBO during its launch phase and the strategies employed to overcome them.

Time: 01:02:14
Future Vision for TURBO Exploring TURBO's roadmap and aspirations for growth, development, and community engagement in the crypto market.

Time: 01:20:09
AI Innovation in Crypto Analyzing the role of AI in shaping projects like TURBO and its impact on the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Time: 01:35:44
Community-Centric Approach Highlighting TURBO's focus on community feedback, transparency, and inclusivity for sustainable project growth.

Time: 01:50:27
Partnerships and Expansion Discussing how strategic partnerships and expansion plans contribute to TURBO's evolution and success in the crypto space.

Time: 02:10:05
Innovative Use of AI Examining the ways TURBO leverages AI for unique project features and differentiation in the competitive cryptocurrency market.

Time: 02:30:15
Vision for a Decentralized Future Exploring TURBO's alignment with decentralization principles and its role in shaping the future of community-driven cryptocurrency projects.

Key Takeaways

  • TURBO is the first AI-Generated Meme Coin, kickstarted with a mere $69 budget.
  • Emphasis on excellence in Web3 innovation and 100% community ownership of TURBO.
  • Community involvement in decision-making processes for TURBO's development and growth.
  • Freeman Finance hosting the AMA, providing a platform for discussion and partnership insights.
  • Highlight on the hashtag #TurboToken for easy identification and community engagement.
  • The innovative approach of AI in creating TURBO sets it apart in the cryptocurrency space.
  • Discussion on challenges faced during the launch phase of TURBO and how they were overcome.
  • Insights into the future roadmap and plans for TURBO's expansion and adoption in the crypto market.
  • Importance of community trust and engagement for the success and sustainability of AI-Generated tokens like TURBO.
  • Exploration of the unique features and use cases that make TURBO a distinctive project in the crypto landscape.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Apologies

Hello. Am I audible? Yeah. Yes, you are. Okay. Okay. Apologies, guys, for the delay. There was some issue with the Twitter spaces as usual, but yeah. Thank you. Thank you to all the wonderful listeners who've joined in. We have almost more than a thousand listeners, so. Yeah. Great. The drainage army is in full force. Great to see that. So, hello, everyone. Good morning. Good evening, good afternoon from wherever you're joining from all around the world. Thank you so much for joining us with us today for this wonderful panel discussion.

Introduction to the Panel

I am Gary, the brand communications manager at Brain Edge, and I welcome you to our first of many to come panel discussions on the untapped potential of AI across industries. I'm joined by our very insightful and wise speakers who come from a wide variety of niches in web three and they're solving and designing products across varying sectors like NFT five, Gamefi, RWA tokenization, decentralized compute, and of course, AI. Please give them a warm welcome. We have Max, the chief marketing officer at Brain Edge, who's joined from the brain edge account, Himax. Hi. Hi, everyone. Nice to meet you all. We also have Yuyang, the ambassador for four metas, metaverse protocol.

Introduction of Speakers

Hello, everyone. Yes. Yes, you are audible. Please welcome Jake, who's the business development head at T Rex 20, the NFT game pipe protocol on bitcoin. Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. Hi, Jake. Welcome, welcome. And we have Mike, the business development head at Renta Network. Mike, can you please request to be a speaker so you'll be able to talk? I have invited Mike already. Yeah, yeah. Mike, can you accept the request for joining? Thank you guys for being patient. As usual, you're facing a little bit of issues with the Twitter spaces Ui.

Setting the Agenda

Give us a few minutes and we'll just get started. We have a great agenda for all of you. We are going to be covering a wide range of topics about AI and various use cases and applications of AI. And I'm sure our speakers have a lot of insights and actionable advice for all of us. Me personally, I'm very excited to talk to all of you guys and, yeah, let's take a few minutes to sort of give us a few minutes to sort it out and we'll get started. Are you guys, are you guys excited for the AMA? React with your favorite emoji and let us know. Let us see the support of the community. Let's go. Let's, let's.

Introduction of New Speakers

Let's react with 100. Let's take this to hundred. We also have our speaker, Anjali from a cluster protocol. Oh, she's finally joined as the speaker. Yes. Welcome, Anjali. Anjali is the marketing head at Cluster protocol. Hey. Hey, guys. Thank you for inviting us. It's really great to be here. We are really proud to have you. Anjali is the marketing head for Cluster protocol. They are working on a lot of decentralized technologies with compute and everything, and I'm sure Anjali has a lot to contribute to our today's topic.

Mike Joins the Discussion

Mike, if you can hear us, can you please accept the speaker invite? Yes, my. Yes, you can. Okay. Very well. Finally. First time I use this platform, so it's a challenge to connect. No worries, no worries. Yeah, first time for everything. And Twitter spaces after so many years is still a little bit buggy, so that's to be expected. Thank you to all the community for being patient with us. Really appreciate all of you guys support. And, yeah, all of our speakers are here and I'm sure everybody's excited to listen to the advice.

Confirming Readiness

So are we good to go? Max, Anjali, Yuyang, Mike, Jake. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, sure. All right. GM, GM, everyone, and welcome today's roundtable session on exploring AI's untapped opportunities across industries. Can we just go around the table? And just quickly, can each of you please introduce yourself and give us a brief overview of your background? We'll start with Max. Sure. So, hi, everyone. I'm Max from Brainage team. I work there as a chief marketing officer.

Max's Background

I'm having around, like, eight plus years of experience in this crypto space, having seen all the ups and downs of the market since 2017, like, being an early adopter of 2011, while bitcoin was just a name for the people. And I have been started mining that like currency. So I know, like, how this blockchain technology works and what's the potential of what sort of potential it is holding. So. So, like, it's been a pretty much roller coaster journey so far. So now we are looking forward to another opportunity which we can explore in the edtech space.

Anjali's Introduction

Looking forward. Nice to meet you, everyone. Yeah, that was quite a bit of an experience that Gary had, Max has. And. Yeah, definitely. You must be diamond handing something, bro. So thanks. Thanks. Anjali. Can you go next? Yeah, definitely. So, hello, everyone. My name is Anjali. I'm marketing head at cluster protocol. And at Cluster protocol, we are trying to make it easy for anyone to build, use and earn from AI models with just few clicks.

Jake's Introduction

And our goal is to make AI accessible and affordable for everyone, whether you are a developer business or just an individual? As well as we also focus on improving how AI models are trained and used across many networks while keeping your data safe and protected. So, yeah, that's much about our introduction and I would really like to thank brain edge for inviting us to this amazing session and really looking forward to hear insights from other speaker guests as well. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Jake's Background

Thank you, Anjali. Jake, can you go next? Hello guys. My name is Jake and I'm the business development from 2020. So basically my years in crypto, I've also been in this space for like seven years now. It's been a roller coaster. It just says like for our three X 20, basically, if you all are interested on Tox 20, it's like a Gamefi project, Gamefi platform on the BRC 20 protocol, which is the bitcoin protocol and which gives people the security they need.

Yuyang's Introduction

And we also have our nfts that are live if you guys are interested, so you can join in as well. And thank you very much for inviting me as well to the space. That's all for my side. All right, we can efficient Yuyang Europe, my man. All right, thank you for that. Hi everyone. I'm really grateful to be here. And my name is Yuyang and I'm the ambassador formattas. So what is formatas? Formatted is a web three gaming platform that offers attractive gameplay with the use of artificial intelligence and the decentralized physical instructor network, so players can trade and own virtual assets.

Discussion about Metaverse

And we offer land nfts which is coming soon. Furthermore, we have already completed 35 games. You may start games right away on the format as website at fordmataswebsite IO. So there is no need to download and install them. You can just click and play and it reduces the hassle of managing the big game files. So we wish to fulfill our goal of launching over 60 games. We have partnered over 300 web two and web three games because we think that partnership and collaboration is highly effective.

Wrap Up on Collaborative Efforts

So through these collaborations, we are able to reach more people and provide our users with an even greater range of unique experiences. So later on, I will discuss about our plans and so on about our project. So thank you for that post. All right, perfect. And Mike, you're up next. Okay. Hello everyone, my name is Mike. I'm a BD for rent a network project and we're excited to share our innovative project on this platform, which is aimed to transform the rental market.

Mike's Project Overview

This is a decentralized platform that uses blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and tokenization of real world assets to solve problems which are in traditional ranching systems. And the reason why we're here is that we also using AI to create a user friendly experience for everyone, including those who are new to crypto. Our team has a strong experience both in traditional and blockchain space, developers who are skilled in creating smart contracts and building decentralized applications.

AI in Mike's Project

And AI for us means to enhance user experience, as we said, like creating a content and descriptions using the photographs, videos, personalized recommendations, automatic pricing, automatic scheduling, demand forecasting, and yeah, thank you again for giving the opportunity to be here in this platform and with such a good bunch of people. Thank you. All right. All right. Perfect. So we've gotten great sort of introduction to all of our partner projects that are here today.

Addressing Real World Issues

Some very real problems being solved with the renter network and with the cluster protocol while, you know, and some very innovative things being done by the T Rex 20 and the four metas platforms. So, yeah, with this, we'll just straight off jump into our agenda for the day. But just before that, Max, we heard a lot about you and it's great that, you know, with you and others, we have more than two decades of experience between all the speakers, like collective experience.

Brain Edge Overview

But can you tell a little bit about brain edge so that just for our speakers who didn't learn about the project or aren't very familiar, they can just get a quick learner about what brain age is trying to do? Sure, definitely. So drainage is the next generation AI powered learn to earn protocol that actually gamifies the user's journey while they learn new skills. So imagine like, while you are, you're learning multiple courses in Udemy or Coursera or any other such platform, you spent a lot of time learning new skills, but you don't get any sort of motivation while doing those courses.

Motivation in Learning

So with lack of motivation, users tends to leave those courses in between. So what we are doing now is giving users a chance to get motivated themselves with the help of learn to earn protocol. So users can learn multiple level courses in multiple languages without any language barriers, and they can earn while learning any new skills. So it's basically an opportunity for users to learn new skills while earning some money with our gamification protocol.

Accessibility and Opportunities

And this is going to be a revolution, you know, in terms of like, helping users and gaining new skills and while giving them a chance to earn money as well. And the most important part here is, like, we are eliminating language barriers in the e-learning industry. That makes it accessible to 1 billion of non-English speaking people of the world because most of the courses available right now on the platforms, like, was just in English languages.

Expanding Course Accessibility

But we are giving users a chance to learn these available courses in their own native languages, whether they are from Germans, whether they are Spanish, whether they need that course in French, Mandarin, Italian. So these courses are available in hundred plus languages and it is available in just minutes.

Language Options in Learning

You just need to click on the language button and you can get an array of options to learn that particular course in that particular language. So that's what we are building right now. Perfect. Perfect. And this is such a real issue. I personally have AI course that I've joined for last two months ago and have not even started it. So definitely if that was on drainage, I would be doing it just to get the token. Yeah, and of course, definitely. So, yeah, great, great problems being solved. And so with that, let's just dive straight into our first question for the day.

AI and Web Three Integration

So all of you guys are working on something that relates to AI or is impacted by AI. So being at the forefront of innovation in your respective sectors and seeing these developments happening so quickly, all of us are also seeing this incredible innovation and new use cases at the intersection of AI and web three, in your opinion, I want to ask, how do AI and web three sort of complement each other and what potential do they have to transform the industries? Yeah, let's start with it. I find it really fascinating to see how AI and web three are actually working hand on hand. Each. Each of them is actually complementing each other. So, for example, like if you're taking, taking the decentralized data, like, one of the biggest challenges for AI is like always been getting access to diverse high quality data.

Data Sharing for AI Advancements

But with the use case of like web three, tech like data can be shared securely and transparently across the globe. Which means AI can actually get into, get inside the reacher data sets, like utilizing it for like, predictions, insights, which can actually derive the. Derive the, like accurate results for the users. So you can imagine like healthcare systems are utilizing the AI across the world where. Where they are keeping the patient data securely through blockchain. And AI can actually help analyze this data to make it like more personalized. Personalized in terms of providing the different treatment options to that particular patient. So that is like one of the example, you know, like how AI can actually transforming the scenarios with the help of web three type.

AI Adoption and Industry Use

All right. All right, perfect. Anjali, let's hear from you. Anjali at cluster, you guys are like enabling a lot of this AI adoption and supercharging it. So I'm really curious to hear your perspective as to how you see it develop and where maybe you are seeing adoption for clusters products, in what industries and how they are being used for. Yeah, sure. So first of all, thank you so much for that question. I do feel that AI and WebC do complement each other because, you know, let's understand from the perspective of somebody who's not very, you know, into crypto, let's say. So if somebody who's not into crypto that much.

User Experience with AI in Web Three

So we know that, you know, there's some lot of technical hurdles when it comes to get onboarded into web three. So you must know at least how to create a wallet. How do you know stuff like small stuff you need to understand. And I think when AI comes into the picture, it makes it easy for users, end users to, you know, interact with web three. And then there are lot of amazing and cool products that are building out there. So yesterday also, I was talking to, you know, one of our project over AMA session only. So they are building this technology where like, they've built this product where, you know, they can, people, they can get onboarded directly, like, and they can also do the freelance freelancing work.

Decentralized Solutions and AI Integration

So similar to how centralized organizations are doing it, but it's happening in a decentralized fashion and then they are also leveraging AI to make it even better. So let's say if we have a product where you can just type send transaction to my friend, let's say, Gary, so AI will be able to do that on the back end and then you don't have to do, maybe it's something in a long run, but I do feel that this can happen and then you don't have to take care of, you know, different blockchains and different stuff and AI will be able to do it for you. So this will definitely simplify web three for end user and that's how it complements web three.

Exploring AI Capabilities

So apart from that, you know, we are still on the verge of exploring what's possible in AI. So that's why we've built a cluster protocol where anyone can, you know, hop onto our platform and they can, you know, innovate in AI. So, and they don't have to go through, you know, these centralized platform where they have to pay for, you know, I don't know how much money, so much money for just a simple task to do when it comes to AI development, they can do it do on cluster protocol. And it's like we are leveraging, every, like, we are leveraging these technology so that everyone can participate and benefit from it.

AI's Unlimited Potential

So I think you got the point, like what I'm trying to say, right? Yeah, yeah. And when it comes to the potential, I think it's unlimited. Unlimited potential. And we are, it's just the beginning and I think there are a lot of people building a lot of cool stuff, and we just have to, you know, explore around and see what's happening and how we can get, like, we can get benefit from what's being inherited out there. Yeah, yeah. This chain abstraction is definitely something AI can massively improve. Everybody talks about the UX challenges in web three, so definitely a great insight from Anjali.

Industry Insights on AI and Web Three

Yeah. Jake, your thoughts on this? Yeah, so I basically agree with what the other speaker said about AI and web three. They naturally complement each other in many ways. As you can see, AI provides the intelligent and data driven decision making that can power applications, while web three offers a decentralized, secure and transde infrastructure on which these platforms can run together. So that's an amazing thing we can see right here. Together, they also have the potential to transfer industries by enabling trustless automation, personalized experiences, and new forms of digital interactions and ownerships.

Current Applications of AI

As for the project that I'm working on currently tues. 20, it also, for example, if you, such as digital asset management, AI's potential is still far from fully realized. Like for object, we integrate, like, we integrate AI for predictive analytics, like smart contracts that are used for the gameplay, that is live for our project, and also for user engagement. So just, if you think about it, we're just still scratching the surface of what's possible between the AI and three.

Advancements in AI Integration

The integration of AI in like decentralized networks could lead to even more sophisticated and autonomous systems. So, like, that's really something good, that's really something interesting to look forward to as we go on. So, yeah, that's all for my side. Yeah, that's really important, especially how you are doing the predictive data analytics using AI. And that's something that's really, you know, it's like a natural progression of AI from where we are right now and definitely something very interesting to, you know, look at the future. So I guess we appear to have lost Mike again.

Continuation of the Discussion

Yeah, let's go to Yuyang and. Yeah, Yuyange, what do you have to say about this? Yes, thank you for. Yes, thank you for that. Yes, yes. You're on it. All right. I really agree with our speaker said, and also I agree with Max, that AI and web three complement each other by, for me, it enhanced security and privacy. You know, integrating AI with blockchain like data can be securely encrypted and stored across decentralized networks.

Security Solutions in AI

So it will reduce the risk of unauthorized access and also enhance user privacy and prevent further activities. Like we can see it in other web three projects for KYC or other things that they use AI for verification process and all. Also, the chatbots that we have, or, I mean, that have an AI that we see or experience in different projects can give our customers quick and accurate answers to their questions. There is also a live chat option if the users want to chat live for an agent or admin.

Customer Experience Enhancements

So it will save them both your time and money. So customers can great experience, they feel valued, and you get the focus on the more important tasks. So that will be my stand for this question. Thank you so much, Gary. All right. All right. I like how the first of our users talked about how web three enabled and sort of strengthens AI. And it's nice how Yuyang and T Rex talked about how AI is benefiting web three applications.

Complementary Growth of Technologies

So we are seeing that both of these technologies are complementing each other so differently and how it's not like web three strengthening AI, but there's also, like, AI strengthening web three, which is really interesting trend that I noticed in your answers. So, yeah, you know, let's. Let's move on to. Let's move on to the next question. Meanwhile, I guess the mic is we'll ask Mike to join again. I guess he's having some problem.

Exploring Advanced AI Models

But, you know, given the. Given the sort of advancements that we are witnessing, where sort of new models and, like, new use cases are coming, we have generative industrial networks and transformers like chat, GPT, and Dali, which are, you know, doing something that, you know, we couldn't even imagine, especially with the newer models. So given these advancements that we are witnessing, do you guys think, like, the AI's potential is being fully realized in the sectors that you're involved in, or are we just, like, scratching the surface and there's so much more that, you know, could be.

Further Exploration of AI's Potential

Could be happening? So, yeah, let's start with Anjali. Anjri, what would you say about that? Yeah, sure. Thank you so much for the question. So is AI's potential fully realized? No, not yet. So we are still scratching the surface when it comes to AI's potential and especially when combined with web three. Right. So even though some progress has been made, as you said, like, people are building, but when it comes to full capabilities that is yet to be explored.

Decentralized Collaborative Environment

And, you know, like, that's why, you know, at cluster protocol, we are trying to, like, we are trying to do where we can harness this, untapped potential and we are trying to, you know, create a decentralized environment where, people, they can come to our platform and, you know, create different innovations and that too in a collaborative manner so everyone will help everyone. So that sort of mindset that we have here and, yeah, like, collaboration is the key in decentralization, of course.

Building AI Innovations Together

And I think people are building really cool stuff out there. So, yeah, from my perspective, we are still scratching the surface. All right. All right. Superb. And, yeah, that's great to hear that. You know, we have a far too far to go, but, yeah, hopefully it comes soon. I'm really excited to see what happens. Yeah. Jake, what is your perspective on it?

Sector Analysis on AI Applications

So basically, what I think about, yeah, is in the sector that I'm involved in. I think I already said it back then, but we're just truly scratching the surfaces. Like for some, like some examples that illustrate how it works in three days. Like, first of all, Defi, right, AI plays a beginning role on DeFi, particularly in the areas like predictive analytics and risk assessments that I talked about earlier.

Predictive Analytics Use Cases

For example, AI can analyze vast amounts of data to predict price trends or assets or the risk of a particular lending platform. Like, that's just one thing, though. And then after that, there are, like, NFT marketplaces as well. So AI is currently used in NFT marketplaces to recommend artworks or to assess the value of digital assets based on the historical data. This is just the beginning, though. Like, they can also add, like, AI generated entities.

Future Trends in AI and Web Three

AI enhanced authentication is also a possibility that we could talk about, and then there's so much more that we can talk about with AI and web three. So. So, like, as I said, we're just scratching the surface right now. Maybe in the next few years, it will likely bring about, like, significant advancements that could redefine how this sector is all from insight. All right, all right.

Further Insights on AI's Role

Perfect. Max, what about you? So I actually agree with my fellow colleagues. Like, in terms of AI, we are just scratching the surface. Even, like, despite the rapid growth of. AI in the recent years, like, AI's potential in education is, like, far from fully realized. Like, we at drainage are actually just touching the surface of it, where we are actually utilizing the AI for personalization income and as well as using the hyper realistic AI avatars to actually generate courses in the native languages of the users.

AI-Driven Personalized Learning

And it is going to help users in learning in real time within their promising language, which they wanted to adopt, and as well as it is going to help users in engagement and improving the completion rate across the platform. But if I say overall, there is a whole lot of potential we can still explore at drainage while making the users journey completely gamified with the help of AIH. So, for example, if a user is coming on our platform and started doing a course, so we can actually utilize AI to track their overall journey in terms of like what sort of user behavior he's giving to us, what sort of profile he is having, in terms of which sort of courses he is learning, what sort of skills he are gaining, so that, you know, once he's going to come back again, we can give him more personalized sort of experience, you know, so that it is going to increase more retention rate across the platform.

Enhancing User Experience with AI

So we are still building the product and we are going to leverage the leverage as much as potential we can for the, with the help of AI to solve the genuine, meaningful problems for the users.

Introduction of AI in Education

We have Max with us. So I want to quiz you, Max, a little bit on this. Like, and of course, other speakers can also chime into your thoughts on this, but, you know, focusing on the education sector for a moment, how do you see AI transforming education? And sort of what challenges or what opportunities do you anticipate integrating AI into educational platforms, especially like platforms like drainage? Nice question.

Content Accessibility in Native Languages

So I'll start with this. So there is a lot of content, you know, that is going like every minute on Internet. So, but if you'll see, like, majority of the content is available only in english language. But if we'll see the stats overall, like, 75% of the world's population doesn't speak English. They have their own regional language in which they prefer to speak or read or learn things. So what we can see is the vast majority of the content is actually not accessible to this 75% of the audience. So here the brain edge comes in place where we are helping these users in learning those skills in their own native language.

Skills and Opportunities via Localization

So, for example, if someone wants to learn a digital marketing course which is available in english language, but they are not able to gain that skill in their own, like, in English, well, so we are providing them a platform where they can find that course in their own language, and they can gain that new skill within minutes of time. They just need to complete the course according to the modules available, and they can gain that skill while even earning money. And that is going to be utilized on their next course as well. They can do a whole lot of things, you know, with that learn tokens which they're going to earn from the platform.

AI's Role in Testing and Grading

And moreover, like beyond this use case, AI can also be used for the testing, grading in terms of testing and grading of grading performance of the learners. So where, for example, you know, in physical tutoring sessions, like teachers were used to ask the questions to the learners, you know, during their exam sessions, you know, where they're going to ask the learner a question like what they have learned and they are going to actually grade the users, right. But now with AI, we can actually make it pretty much dynamic, you know, whatever the courses users are learning, we can actually utilize AI to sense, you know, what sort of skill he is gaining and which questions we need to ask to that particular learner as a part of an exam.

Dynamic Questioning and Certification

So there will be questions with each module which they will be answering on a general basis. But if a user wanted to gain more knowledge, we can have some kind of certification with the help of AI where we will be going to test in depth knowledge of that particular learner and we will be going to grade them and providing them for the certifications and everything which he can actually utilize in his overall career journey while putting that mention in this cv or zoom for finding them, finding their next job as well. So like, this is just like an example, you know, which I have given you, like, how we are going to complement our platform with AI.

Future Applications of AI in Education

So, but there are a lot of applications which are yet to realize with like AI while we are like, while the world are going to start slowly moving towards, you know, with a, with the potential of AGI and AI, you know, where AGI is. AGI and AI are going to progress, like combined, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Honestly, that's the grading part was really spot on. Like, I can imagine, like when we do online courses, it's just of, after doing a course, it's like a ten MCQ questions.

Cheating in Online Courses

And then when you go to that courses forum, most of the answers are there in the comments and everything. So people just, it's very easy to sort of, you know, cheat and basically ace the tests. While not necessarily you might have learned everything, so it's easy to game these courses and just get the certifications without actually learning. So, you know, dynamically, like adjusting questions, like you said, based on how the user response will be definitely a greater sort of boost in, you know, validity of that course that the only when the learner has actually learned it will they get the certificate and will they pass the exam.

Implementing Large Question Banks

Yeah. Actually it is going to be a, you know, huge question bank, you know, which can be built with the help of AI and which can be integrated to that particular course. With, with every new learner coming will be having a set of different questions to answer with so that they don't have a chance to find those questions outside because it is going to be every time something new, so they can't search it on like Quora or Google, you know, to find those answers and like ace that particular exam. Because we are giving opportunity to user to learn a skill while earning.

Earning While Learning

So like when they are earning money they should be having, you know, some realization or potential to ace that skill and then they should earn those tokens, you know, which they can utilize for their further courses or either they can withdraw in their wallets and do anything according to their choice. Perfect. Perfect. Superb. Yeah. Yuyang, can you add on to that? Do you have any insight to share the.

Personalized Learning through AI

Yes, of course. Thanks for that. As you can see, all transforming education for me is pretty good since most of the users didn't have textbooks to learn about specific information. And through this education powered by AI, it will help our users to access and widen their knowledge. So for the challenges, so I can give a data privacy and security. Ensuring the protection of the personal data is crucial when implementing AI in education.

Addressing Data Privacy Challenges

We need to address how user data is collected, stored and used to prevent breaches and main trust to our users. So for the opportunities is that to enhance personalization it can adopt the educational resources to individual learning style and needs. As you know that the users or learners have different learning style and needs on how they can understand certain topics or information. So through this enhanced personalization will make our users to learn more effectively, engaging and also efficiently.

Lifelong Learning and Accessibility

So next will be the, I mean, utilizing the AI powered tools it can provide adapting learning resources that can be accessed by large number of people, including those who live in underdeveloped or rural places. So this promotes a lifetime learning for individuals worldwide and promotes access to high quality education. So thank you for that, Gary. Yeah, most welcome.

Final Thoughts from the Group

Thank you for, thank you for the insights. Jake, you're up. I sorry, Gary, I'll have to leave after this question though. I thought this hearing would take an hour, but I think it's gonna be an hour so I already have a. Call scheduled, so I was at the end. This is just we have a community questions, beyond this, but yeah, I understand. Actually due to the technical difficulties at the start, we waited quite a long time, so we started a little late.

Closing Remarks

Yeah, for sure. Awesome. Thank you for having me. Do you have anything to add to this question, Nana? It's okay, guys. Please check out T Rex 20. Jake, you can drop your links and I'd urge everybody to follow EDX 20 and check out what they're doing. Definitely the most premier project on bitcoin for Gamefi and NFT PI. All right, I think so. Like, I think I agree.

AI and Personalized Learning

I agree with what and Max said for education. First of all, like, how AI could affect the personalized learning of a person. Like, if you think about it, AI can analyze the student's performance in real time and adapt the content on difficulty level accordingly, which then ensures that each student learns at their own pace and receives the right level of challenge, maximizing their potential. And like, also like Max said, automated grading and feedbacks.

Feedback and Improvement in Learning

This would be a good thing for the education system if AI power tools can provide students with immediate feedback on assignments and quizzes. So it will take the time hassle away and like, it will also allow them to learn from their mistakes right away. So, like, it will fasten the process for learning as well. And then let's say, like I talked about, predictive analytics, right, for AI.

Predictive Analytics in Education

So, yeah, you can. AI can analyze like vast amounts of data to predict which students might be at a risk of failing behind or dropping out as you unseen. Like, AI can analyze the personal behaviors of a student and then once they have been analyzed, they can like contact an educator or educator to intervene early, like providing additional support where most is needed according to the students data. It might be wrong sometimes, but if the AI applications are like correct, then it will be right.

Insights on Classroom Dynamics

I guess that's about it from my side. Yeah, that's a great point. I hadn't thought about it like that. Especially like in places where there are a lot of people in the classroom and the teacher cannot give individual attention to everybody or the course module cannot perform it that way. With AI, it's like almost everybody is receiving individual attention and analysis of their behavior and their progress. So, yeah, that was point, that was really insightful.

Appreciation for Contributions

Did point. Jake and I. Yeah, thank you for having me. I'm sorry that I have to be so early. And thank you for having me. No worries, no worries. Yeah, yeah. But please, definitely in the comments, share all your links, so that way our community can basically check out T Rex 20. Yeah, sure, I will.

Recap and Conclusion

And thank you for having me again as well. Thank you. Thank you for coming. Thank you, everyone. So Anjali, I guess you had dropped in between, but you're back. So what do you think? How. I guess we have had a lot of great insights about education. You have anything to add to this? Please, please do share. I'm really curious to know.

Anjali's Thoughts on Education

Yeah, sure hope I'm audible. Yes, yes, you're audible. Okay. Okay. I had to switch device because it was, I don't know why it was. Stuck in my hand. So, yeah, when it comes to educational side of AI, I would say, you. Know, there are a lot of things. That, that are possible, especially when it comes to, as Yu Young said about personalization.

Diversity in Learning Styles

Right. So we all have different learning capabilities. So I might be a slow learner, you might be a fast learner. So when it comes to AI, it can actually, you know, analyze and it can also help us, you know, giving the right information that we need. So maybe I am more curious learning about basics. Other person is more interested about, you know, some advanced because it, they have already covered basics.

Mass Adoption of AI in Education

So I think there AI can be leveraged and apart from that, when it comes to mass adoption, it can be leveraged there as well. So AI can help simplify a lot of things and also efficient. So, yeah, that is something I would like to add and really appreciate. Insights from everyone. I'm learning a lot here.

Closing Remarks and Community Engagement

All right. All right. Superb. Great sort of insights from all of our speakers and yeah, we are getting close to the, we are getting close to our time, but it's such a great insights we are receiving that I can do this for one more hour just to learn from all of you guys. So community, thank you so much for sticking by. And I'm sure you're getting a lot of value from this react with the heart emoji or the hundred emoji and, you know, show us the love.

Looking Ahead

So we'll move on to our sort of last agenda question for the day. And from then, sort of, you know, we can dive straight into our community questions. So looking ahead, how do you say, see, like AI and web three evolving in the next 510 years, what exciting developments should be as a community or as users of AI and web three should we be on the lookout for? Let's start. Let's start with you.

Future of AI and Web 3

Yeah, yeah. Thank you for that question. Actually have a lot in imagination right now. So real. So AI and web three has a potential to reshape the industries and society. So I see it as a futuristic one, like how you imagine it. Actually, that's it. So I expect that it will be more advancement in technologies and capabilities. So I am looking forward to the future of NFTs where it will integrate in the real world as we know that the world of NFT is rapidly expanding beyond digital art and collectibles.

Real World Applications of NFTs

So it can be applicable also in our daily life. So users can able to feel the same way like when you exercise or go to gym or anything you do in your daily life. So it will be like similar to metaverse. So for sure in the five to ten years it will be more upgraded and more integratable. So also in a digital ids example for that is for governments and organization may explore like using nfts to create secure and tamper proof digital identities and so on.

Data Privacy and Ownership

So they can use this in their organization. So next for me is really important is the data privacy and ownership. So they need to strengthen this one in order to provide a framework for individual to own and control the data, while AI can help also to analyze and support this data responsibly. So that will be my answer for this one. Actually, I do have a lot of answers.

Final Thoughts on AI and Privacy

So yeah, this will be the best for now. Thank you so much, Gary. All right, all right, great cluster. Anjali, what do you think? I. I guess Anjali has some reconnection issues. So, Max. Yeah? Take us away.

Integration of AI and Web 3 in Everyday Life

Yeah, sure. So I think like in the next five to ten years, AI and web three s are going to be deeply integrated into our everyday life, like in terms of providing more personalized, secure and secure decentralized solutions, you know, and while like AI is going to enhance our learning, providing adaptive real time content based on our individual progresses, you know, and while web three is going to help us in ensuring secure credentialing, ownership of data and seamless transactions.

Vision for the Future of Education

And like overall, like at brain edge. We see the future where AI is going to drive education, which is going to empower students with tailor made experiences, you know, and while web three will going to enable learners to securely own their credentials on chain itself, and that is going to make their learning process more transparent, efficient and globally accessible from a single place, you know. Oh. And there is one more thing.

AI Potential in Healthcare

Like I can say, like there are a lot potential of AI in healthcare industry which is yet to be explored. And I think like it is going to be explored really fast in the next two to three years itself. Instead of like five to ten, where patients, doctors are going to utilize AI at a very high level with the utilization of data of patients and in terms of doctors utilizing the AIs for finding the multiple solutions, you know, in terms of like, treating the patients with like personalized, you know, treatments, like with the help of AIs too.

The Future of AI and Healthcare

All right, all right. Perfect. Yeah, yeah. And healthcare, everybody talked about healthcare, but it's always like on the horizon. But I guess now with the renewed sort of, you know, interest into AI will definitely see a lot faster, as you said, in the next, like two to three years. So this wraps up. Yeah, yeah, Gary. Yeah. Actually, I just wanted to add one more thing here.

Decentralization and Security in Healthcare

So basically, a lot of healthcare companies are also planning to utilize the, utilizing the decentralized solutions. So for example, like a US based company, I can't say the name right now, but they are planning to utilize one of the decentralized storage solutions in terms of storing their patients data in that particular decentralized storage space where it is going to be highly secured. Instead of storing that data in a centralized server like in line with Amazon or Facebook or Google, they will be utilizing some blockchain companies decentralized storage space to secure that highly secured patient data for the day to day, everyday use.

Patient Data Accessibility and Blockchain

And that is going to between, you know, patient and the patient, the healthcare company itself, which can be easily accessible with the help of, you know, like wallet and the nominee. Okay. Okay. Well, folks, you've got some interesting insights and knowledge from Max. This is definitely not investment advice, but, yeah, great insight. And, you know, it's really nice to see, you know, web three, we always talk, being in web three, we always talk about mass adoption of web three, and, you know, these technologies solving real world problems.

Impact of Web3 in Healthcare

So healthcare is a big industry and, you know, having a web three technology being of utility in something so crucial as healthcare is really sort of nice to see. And, you know, I can't wait to see how all of this, you know, come together. So, great insight, Max. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I guess we have Anjali back. So Anjali, while you had disconnected, were talking about what sort of we can see as like the evolving or evolving, how we can see.

Future Developments in AI and Web3

Imagine web three and AI evolve over the next ten years and what like exciting developments could be on, we could be on the lookout for. So, you know, as somebody who's working towards an AI project and your focus being there, what can you tell us about these developments that you envision coming in the next five to ten years? Yeah, definitely. Hope I'm audible now. Yeah, yeah, you are. Perfect. Okay, so what I feel is first of all regulation will come into the picture for sure.

Evolving Awareness Around Data

And as we are already evolving very fast, even like when AI will come into the picture, it will also, you know, increase the speed of more and more innovation happening and stuff like that. Definitely. But I do feel that people will understand the importance of their, you know, be data, be it, you know, contributing in web three applications out there. So people will be able to realize how it can actually make a difference in their personal life as well.

Data Privacy Importance

So we are giving out data without even understanding how important it is. So I think people will be more aware how they are interacting with other different platforms and they will make sure that this data that they have can actually make a difference in this world with building cool AI models out there and making it more efficient and benefit so that it gives benefit to everyone. So I think only, not just like very few people, I think everyone will have to come together to make it actually super beneficial for everyone, not just few centralized organization.

Financial and Data Awareness

I'm not, I'm not in, like, I don't have any problem with them. But I think we all need to understand how important it is when it comes to our, you know, we are very conservative when it comes to our financial, like when it comes to our money, our earnings. But then why we are not understanding that our data is also like very important. And we have, we all have to understand that how we are giving out our data without realizing that, you know, it can be used in many better ways as well.

Future Prospects and Collaboration

So I think it's gonna be great and we will see a lot of developments incoming future and many might fail, many will be, many will succeed. But I think we all need to keep trying and just support each other. That's what I feel. Yeah, yeah, that's a great point that you brought up about data privacy and yeah, a lot of like AI is currently like OpenAI is a closed source, but meta recently open sourced their entire Lama models.

Open Source and Community Awareness

So like definitely the future of AI should be open source so everybody can benefit and collectively we can push this. And I believe also web three can contribute to sort of, you know, alleviate some of these concerns about privacy. But yeah, I guess there is definitely a lack of awareness of how sensitive and how important data privacy is and a lot of people don't really understand. So it is of course on us being part of this industry to create, you know, more and more awareness about it.

Contributions to Awareness

And I'm sure all of us are doing our part into, you know, making sure that we are making people aware about data privacy and how AI can impact our lives and so on. So yeah, great insights from all of our wonderful speakers. Thank you. Thank you so much. We are almost at the end and this wraps up our agenda.

Community Engagement and Questions

We got a lot of great community questions from the community. So thank you so much. It really was very difficult to choose so many questions and we had chosen quite a few. But I guess due to the time constraints, we'll only be looking for one community question. So the question now is from Damon. So this is to of course every speaker that we have. So what are your projects is we've now understood what you are building.

Future Plans and Milestones

So what are your projects next future plans? And could you please share with us the milestones that your projects have achieved so far? We can start with you, Yang all. Right, thank you so much for that, Gary and Damon. So actually for Meta strat, I will launch a new game soon. So that is still in testing phase now. And we will soon launch the land NFT too.

Innovations in Gaming with AI

So we have upcoming AI space, I mean AI based gaming that combines a cutting edge game design and development. We advanced AI technology to revolutionize the game experience. So by automating content creation, enhancing NPC behavior, that AI adds complexity and immersion to games. So next is the personalization experience. It tailors the gameplay to each player's behavior and preferences.

Engagement and User Experience

So the player behavior analysis optimizes the design for engagement and retention for that. So the next one is our augmented and virtual reality. So are elevated by AI for heightened realism while intelligent coaching systems offer personalized feedback to improve player skills, voice and facial recognition. Also so you can check our developments in our roadmap so you can search it on the website format us IO so as we continue to develop and adapt, our team is focused on growing and overcoming challenges to deliver a high quality gaming experience to all.

Play to Earn Mechanism

So as you can see that you don't need to download our games, you can just play the games and earn points as you finish the level and defeating the boss. You earn points so that points will be convertible during the minute launch. So as we are committed to creating a balanced environment where genuine players can thrive and be rewarded and also innovating to stay ahead in the evolving gamefi space.

Future Developments and Community Growth

So thank you for everyone to support and interest in the formatas project and this space. So stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments formattas. So thank you so much Gary and. To all, thank you. Thank you Yuyang and definitely please drop your all the links for the project in the comments so the community can easily access them.

Cluster Protocol Developments

Do check format us out and, yeah, we'll move on to Anjali. Anjali, what is your, answer to this question? Definitely you guys are doing a lot and would like to know all the future exciting developments cluster has in store for us. Yeah, definitely. So currently we are expanding our ecosystem and we've onboarded more than a hundred ecosystem partners and, you know, figure out a way how we can leverage their tech and, you know, make it even better for people to build cool, innovative AI models out there.

Engagement Activities and Testnet Feedback

So we are also doing multiple marketing activities as well. And we are also hosting AMA's spaces to, you know, make people aware about how AI and deep in can help them, not just with learning aspect, but also as well as, you know, earn monetary rewards. So, you know, yeah, that's what we are doing. And we have also did our testnet phase one and received, you know, more than 50,000 folks participated in our testnet.

Future Vision and Community Inclusion

And in future, we are building cool stuff and we are looking to launch our AI suites, which will be available pretty soon. So I would suggest everyone to join Cluster protocol. Follow us on Twitter and you can join our community. We also have our regional community as well. So if you are not comfortable with english language, you can join our community.

Global Community Initiatives

So we recently, we have built our Vietnam, Philippine, Korea, Japan, China and Turkey community so that, you know, people from around the world, they can come and participate in this amazing innovation at cluster protocol. And, yeah, we are also looking to have great campaigns around so you can participate in that as well. Yeah, really so many things on plate right now, and this year is gonna be like, very big for cluster protocol.

Gratitude and Informative Sessions

And, yeah, I would like to say also thank you to Gary and brain edge for hosting this space. These, these kind of spaces are actually, you know, informational and very insightful to not just understand about the project, but understand about the technology in general. And, yeah, do keep participating in such insightful AMAs that brain edge is hosting.

Acknowledgment and Roadmap

Yes, yes, definitely. And great to see, you know, your roadmap being so extensive and tackling a lot of issues. Congratulations on the 50,000 participants at the Testnas. That's a huge number, and I hope you got some valuable insights from that. So please, Andres, do drop all the links for cluster protocol so that the community has the easy access. And, yeah, I've seen a lot of our listeners who've joined from the start and are still with us.

Wrap Up and Gratitude

Damon Prim Olaj and thank you so much. And yeah, now we move to Max. Max, please talk a lot about. Talk about the drainage roadmap and both the links so everybody has easy access to it. Yeah, thank you, Gary for giving me a space to speak. So like at drainage, we are for. We are following a step by step approach.

Key Metrics and User Engagement

So currently, like so far we have launched our MVP where we have received around like 15,000 plus users on our platform who have actually registered on for the different courses and they are learning those skills out while earning the learn tokens. And second, we have built a strong community of 120k plus users across our social media channels, which is another milestone for us.

Upcoming Features and Launch Details

We and currently we are focusing on our alpha launch where we are going to reveal our full fledged platform with around like 100 plus courses where users can use, can learn multiple skills from around like twelve to 15 plus categories and which is going to have like 20 to 25 plus subcategories as well. And apart from that, we are, we're planning to do our public launch which is going to be in the, by. The end of September.

Marketing and Growth Strategies

So we have closed a few of the launch bets already and we are in the process of closing few more. So you can stay tuned for our launch. It is coming very soon and there will be a lot of marketing activities you will going to see in the coming weeks going across, you know, everywhere in the web three world. You will going to see our name for sure.

Enhancing User Experience

And then we have another miles, like we have another plan of improving our gamification protocol. So we are coming up with a new dashboard where users are going to have some more gamification tasks which they can play around on our platform and gain some tokens as part of our protocol. And they can actually help us with their insights which we can leverage, you know, to build out more personalized experience for them.

Website and Long-term Goals

So this is just the current plan. So far, but there are a lot. Of things, you know, which is going to come come every quarter. So I will always suggest you guys to visit our like, website or even. You can check out our white paper. For a detailed roadmap where you can see like what we are focusing on a quarterly basis and how we are going to achieve those results in the longer term.

Session Conclusion

All right, thank you. Yeah, great stuff, Max. And yeah, guys, we are working on extensive courses list. As Max mentioned, there's more than 100 courses that are currently being worked on. And it's not like just AI or not just web three or tech based courses, but there's actually a lot of, like, behavioral courses, and they are, we have a wide variety of courses that are coming on the platform, and so that will benefit not just career wise to upskill yourself, but also, you know, learn soft skills and other areas of your life as well.

Comprehensive Learning Opportunities

So we are trying to build a whole encompassing platform at brain edge. And, yeah, do check us out, get upskill yourself on the learn tokens. And yeah, wag me. So I guess that's it for this wonderful session that we had today. Please, Max, can you drop all the links in the comments and I'll just close.

Appreciation for the Audience

Thank you. Thank you all the community members for joining and staying with us through this very long session. I'm really hoping that you got a lot of insights and a lot of knowledge from our wonderful speakers, Anjali, Yuyang. We don't have Jake right now and Mike, but Max, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and taking time out to have this session with us.

Closing Remarks

Thank you, everybody, for coming, and if there's anything else that the speakers would like to talk about, let's hear from you and we'll wrap up this session. Thank you, everybody. Yeah, I just want to say, thank you, everyone, and thank you, Brainer, for inviting us.

Encouragement for Exploration

Looking forward to more collaborations together and to our audience, I would like to say that keep exploring AI and keep drinking water. Bye bye. Yeah, it's definitely, I definitely need to drink water after the long session, but thank you. Thank you so much, Anjali.

Health Reminder and Gratitude

Stay hydrated, everybody. Thank you, Yuyang. Thank you, Max, for taking the time out. You guys shared some real knowledge. Bombs and yeah, this is just the episode one. We at brain edge, our mission is to educate everybody and help you upscale.

Commitment to Continuous Learning

And we are definitely going to, you know, keep doing this, keep bringing you more and more insights, more and more upskill opportunities for you to become better at everything that you want to do. So, yeah, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you for, you know, staying active and dm to everybody. See you around.


Take care. Bye bye. Bye bye. Thank you so much. Bye, everyone. Have a good day.

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