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TURBO AMA with CRYPTO – Now or Never co-hosted by BTM & Freeman


Space Summary

The Twitter Space TURBO AMA with CRYPTO – Now or Never co-hosted by BTM & Freeman hosted by TurboToadToken. Explore the dynamic realm of AI-Generated Meme Coins and Web3 innovation in the TURBO AMA with CRYPTO Twitter space, co-hosted by BTM & Freeman. The conversation delved into TURBO's unique launch on a modest budget, underlining the significance of community ownership and decentralization in the crypto landscape. With a focus on Web3 excellence, TURBO exemplifies the power of AI influence and grassroots support in shaping the future of cryptocurrencies. The AMA session provided valuable insights on community-driven projects, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity, innovation, and collaborative growth within the AI-centric crypto sphere.

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Total Listeners: 51


Q: What sets TURBO apart from traditional cryptocurrencies?
A: TURBO distinguishes itself with AI generation, meme coin concept, and a unique Web3 innovation focus.

Q: How does community ownership impact TURBO's development?
A: Community ownership fosters trust, decentralization, and active engagement in TURBO's evolution.

Q: What was the significance of launching TURBO with a $69 budget?
A: The minimal budget launch emphasizes grassroots support, innovation, and decentralized funding models.

Q: How does TURBO contribute to the Web3 innovation landscape?
A: TURBO showcases the potential of community-driven projects, AI influence, and novel crypto approaches in Web3.

Q: What role does decentralization play in TURBO's ethos?
A: Decentralization ensures democratic decision-making, transparency, and ownership rights within TURBO's ecosystem.

Q: How does the TURBO AMA with CRYPTO showcase the importance of AI in cryptocurrency?
A: The AMA highlights how AI shapes innovative concepts like meme coins, enhancing the narrative of AI in the crypto sphere.

Q: What are the key takeaways on community involvement from the TURBO AMA?
A: Community involvement fosters sustainability, authenticity, and collective growth in AI-generated projects like TURBO.

Q: How does the TURBO AMA reflect the spirit of decentralization in the crypto industry?
A: The AMA session underlines decentralization's role in empowering communities, promoting inclusivity, and driving progress in crypto projects.

Q: What makes TURBO a compelling project in the realm of Web3 innovation?
A: TURBO's commitment to AI, community ownership, and decentralized principles positions it as a standout project in the Web3 ecosystem.

Q: How do the co-hosts, BTM & Freeman, contribute to the discourse on AI-generated meme coins like TURBO?
A: BTM & Freeman's diverse insights enrich the discussion on AI influence, community-driven initiatives, and the evolution of meme coins in the crypto space.


Time: 00:15:30
TURBO's Unique Launch Story Exploring the narrative behind TURBO's inception with a groundbreaking $69 budget.

Time: 00:25:45
Community-centric Approach of TURBO Delving into the significance of community ownership and decentralization in TURBO's model.

Time: 00:35:20
Web3 Innovation Focus of TURBO Understanding TURBO's commitment to Web3 innovation and AI influence in the crypto sector.

Time: 00:45:10
AI-Generated Meme Coins Discussion Highlighting the role of AI in shaping meme coins like TURBO and their impact on the crypto landscape.

Time: 00:55:55
Importance of Grassroots Support for TURBO Discussing the implications of TURBO's launch on a minimal budget for community backing and innovation.

Time: 01:05:30
BTM & Freeman's Co-Hosting Dynamics Examining the collaborative efforts of BTM & Freeman in presenting the unique aspects of AI in crypto projects like TURBO.

Time: 01:15:20
Future Implications of TURBO's Model Speculating on the potential impact of TURBO's community-driven, AI-infused approach on the future of cryptocurrencies.

Time: 01:25:40
Interactive Session with Viewers Engaging with the audience to gather thoughts on TURBO, AI technologies, and community-centric projects.

Time: 01:35:10
TURBO's Vision for Web3 Excellence Outlining TURBO's vision for excellence in the Web3 space through innovative concepts and community empowerment.

Time: 01:45:55
Closing Remarks and Next Steps for TURBO Summarizing key insights from the TURBO AMA and hinting at future endeavors for the AI-Generated Meme Coin project.

Key Takeaways

  • TURBO is the first AI-Generated, Meme Coin launched on a $69 budget, focusing on Web3 innovation.
  • Emphasis on full decentralization and community ownership in TURBO's model.
  • Insights into the dynamic world of AI in the creation of meme coins like TURBO.
  • Community engagement and involvement are at the forefront of TURBO's ethos.
  • The discussion highlighted the significance of Web3 innovation and its impact on cryptocurrencies like TURBO.
  • TURBO aims for excellence in the Web3 space through a unique, community-driven approach.
  • The space introduced viewers to the concept of meme coins and their role in the crypto landscape.
  • BTM & Freeman co-hosted the space, bringing diverse perspectives on AI, Meme Coins, and community-driven projects.
  • TURBO's launch with a minimal budget showcases the power of decentralized funding and innovation in the crypto sphere.
  • The AMA session provided valuable insights into the future of AI-generated coins and decentralized community projects.
  • Exploration of the ethos of TURBO being 100% community-owned and its implications for the crypto industry.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Technical Difficulties

Our channel it. Hey, guys, we're doing a test. Can anyone hear us? We're having a few technical difficulties up here. Black tiger, can you hear? Yes, I can hear. Yes, I sure can. I sure can. Yeah, I know you're having some technical difficulties with the mic, but it's all good. Guys, welcome back. It's your boy freeman on a Turbo Ama. I was having some technical difficulties, but I just want to tell everyone, thank you all for coming. We're back for another AMA. I'm very excited for this, guys. It's been a long ten days since my account was hacked, and I just want to tell everyone in the turbo community, thank you very much for the support. Thank you for turbo. They were able to post a video of me stating that I was hacked, like, right after I found out as soon as possible.

Recent Struggles and Gratitude

Roshan Silva UK crypto queen and just everyone in the community. Guys, it was honestly one of the worst ten days of my life with little sleep and a lot of stress. And on top of that, I developed an illness and currently have pneumonia. I'm on the better side of things. But with that being said, I won't be as active tonight. Black Tiger will being the co host tonight and will be a co host going forward as well. I think it brings amazing, you know, vibes and everything. He's so good at what he does, but just, guys, never click links and always take care of your health. Stress can really get to you. And I really think that's what happened to me because I don't ever get sick. And the fact that I got sick at the time, that was the most stress of my life, I think, you know, goes to show.

Health and Hosting Updates

But I get, I'm, I get long winded, guys. But anyways, as always, none this is ever financial advice. I'm going to pass it over to Black Tiger to introduce our special guest and we will get going. Thank you all. Hello, welcome to x. This is main man BTM, and welcome to the Turbo AmA with our guy crypto now and never. So he'll be the guest speaker tonight, as Freeman mentioned, I'll be co hosting tonight because Freeman's under the weather, so we hope for him to have a speedy recovery and I guess we can bring up crypto now and never, so just gonna keep it going here. And I actually do have, actually show him on my videos and my lives a lot. I like his content and he's part of the turbo tow community. So we want to welcome our guy crypto now and never.

Guest Introduction and Background

What's up? What's up, precious? You guys have me on here. Sure, sure. No problem. Glad you were able to join and seem like get your mic working. So I guess we'll get into it. Gonna actually some, I guess, generic questions, and then we can bring the rest of the community up. Looks like the gang is all here, so shout out to the turbo tow community, the turbo toad warriors. And we're just trying to rebuild the community. So let's get started. Crypto now and never, I guess. How did you get into crypto? Yeah, so I actually haven't been in crypto as long as a lot of people might think. But I got in probably around early 2020, and I have been in pretty much every single day since then.

Early Days in Crypto

And it was kind of interesting just because I had a friend who introduced me to meme coins, and that's kind of where my passion actually started. But then I kind of shifted over to utility coins. And I've always been someone who's been really interested in finance. So I was learning about fractional reserve banking and just understanding how the monetary system works. And then I got really involved with bitcoin, etcetera. And then, as I said, I've been in it pretty much every single day. So I decided eventually to start a YouTube channel. And here we are today. And now I run a discord and invest in meme coins.

Background and Interests in Finance

Okay, so I guess you're just like the rest of us. So do you have a financial background? Were you in financial services before? No, I was nothing. No, I have a. I do have a bachelor degree, but I do not. It's not in finance, believe it or not. No worries. Most of us don't. We just kind of picked it up and started running with it and learned more and more about crypto and investing and kind of how the market works. But what. How did you come up with the name crypto now and never? Yeah, so that's interesting. I just. I don't know. I couldn't come up with a name.

Naming of the Channel

And I was just thinking about it, because when I started my channel, bitcoin was sitting at. If I recall, it was down around, like 17,000 or 18,000, 19,000, somewhere in that range. And it was just. I heard panic all throughout the market. Everyone is just freaking out, oh, bitcoin's going down to ten k, whatever. It's dead. And to me, it was just like, this is the time to have urgency. This is the time to load up. So to me, it just kind of stuck, you know, now or never. This is where your lives. Sorry, go ahead. No, I was just saying this is when you could change your lives.

Crypto and Market Movements

Definitely. Yeah, I like that. Now and never part. Let's see. Really fitting, especially the way that crypto is moving lately. So, yeah, definitely gotta gain in now or never, right? Once we pass that point and no return, it's gonna get crazy. I feel bad for the people who aren't in right now. Definitely. They're definitely going to miss out. So let's see here. I guess what made you interested in Turbo? Yeah, so as I said, I do a lot of meme coin investing, and Turbo is a project that has rated some of my posts before, etcetera.

Interest in Turbo Project

And I just decided to actually sit back and do a little research into the project because I also, as I said, I run a private discord, and a lot of the people in that discord are extremely bullish on turbo. So I was like, okay, I'm going to sit back and take a closer look at Turbo, because usually I invest in projects that are under like 10 million, you know, the micro caps. And I just could not ignore Turbo because when I see the turbo community, I truly believe that they match any of the top meme coins in terms of the rating power, just their community in general.

Community and Future Prospects

They're very vibrant. And that is honestly what drew me in. Like, I wouldn't be shocked if this is a project that makes its way into the top three, four meme coins during the bull run. So I could. I just couldn't stay away. Oh, well, believe it. Believe it. And thanks for the shout out, because there definitely is a very strong community here. One of the things that pulled me in Washington, the community, and how nice and open and helpful everyone is. Everyone's always willing to pitch in or to help out or to keep the project moving forward.

Discussion on Finance and Community Engagement

And that was one of the things I wanted to talk about, too, is working with finance and the finance earn, which we talked about before in the binance convert, which I'm not sure we talked about, but we'll check that out later on. I just want to get a shameless binance plug in there while were talking. So, next question. What do you look for when making a call in your discord? Like, I think you called hoppy early on. Yeah, I did. I posted a buy alert for Hoppy at 580K.

Analyzing Projects for Investment

Usually when I'm looking for a project, first thing I'm looking, obviously, is narrative. I want to see, okay, what is running right now. And at the time I called Hoppy Matt fury the entire narrative was extremely hot. So that was number one thing I'm looking for then. I know some people talk about the holders not really mattering and stuff like that, but I always like to check the contract, I like to check the holders. I don't like investing in projects that have, you know, a couple people that hold most of the supply.

The Importance of Holder Distribution

And I love that about Turbo is, it's very, you know, very well distributed. So yeah, when I'm looking for projects, mainly narrative, I check the contract, check the holders, etc. Check the community telegram. I think Telegram is extremely important. You don't want to have a dead community. So I also take a lot of feedback from my discord. My discord's constantly calling out projects too. So it's not really just me that's pointing out the projects.

Using Community Input for Insight

Like, I have someone. I don't want to bring up a bunch of other projects in here because it's a turbo Ama. But I have a dude in my discord, his name's Manchester dudes a g. But he called bread on ETH recently at a 200K market cap. He held that for a long time and recently did over 200 x. So I definitely take a lot of feedback from other people too. Okay. Definitely, definitely need to listen to the community so you can rebuild that community.

Future of Turbo

But also, let's see here, where do you see Turbo going? Or what do you think is going top this cycle? That's an excellent question. I don't want to necessarily just say a certain price point just because you can kind of lock yourself in and then you're kind of held to those standards of what you say. But I don't know. I definitely think Turbo, I could definitely see it going multi billions. Now, how high? I know a lot of people are gonna say 2030, 40 billion, something like that.

Growth Potential and Market Analysis

I think that depends a lot more on bitcoin. I am a, I'm big into technical analysis, etc. I just, I am someone who tries to take it one day at a time. So if Turbo is a project I'm super bullish on, it still doesn't mean I'm going to have an outlook where I'm expecting crazy returns. I'm going to take it one day at a time. If bitcoin and the charts are showing me, yeah, I think there's a good chance we're going to get a move to the upside. Then I'm going to leverage my highest conviction plays and Turbo is one of those plays for me.

Concluding Insights

So to answer your question though, I could definitely see it going multi billions. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I'm trying to keep it open myself. So, yeah, I don't want to actually give a number, but I do agree with you. Definitely. Multi billions, at least. Multi billions. So I definitely agree with you on that one. Just looking at my notes here. Okay. So what it does, the US election, what effects does the US election have on crypto as a whole?

Political Impacts on Market Dynamics

And I don't want to get too political, but just kind of general. Right. How you think it will affect the market or the upcoming market, and if it's just going to fuel the bull run or take away from the bull run or you think we'll make the market get a little bearish. Yeah. So without going super into politics, I think that a lot of people need to understand the concept of buy the rumor, sell the news. I don't think a lot of people understand that well enough because, like, the same thing with October.

Market Observations and Predictions

Like I was hearing constantly people talking about pumptober, pumptober.

Market Analysis and Predictions

And for me, again, I'm someone who looks at the charts. And I was just seeing, you know, bitcoin had pumped constantly for about three weeks straight. And it's just were extremely overbought on the RSI, the stochastics, etcetera. And I'm expecting a pullback, but everyone's like, oh, October. And I think that a lot of people can get wrecked when they just think that one narrative, whether it's politics or whatever, is going to drive the market. I think definitely being an election year, things could get crazy. Which direction is it going to go? I think a lot of people might be surprised. I don't. I mean, obviously, I have no idea, but do I think it will have a lot of volatility? Yes, I do. I absolutely could see us having a very explosive run, but I think people need to be prepared for all scenarios.

Concerns About the Market

Okay. Okay. Yes. I was thinking, too, especially with bitcoin. Will it go up or will it go down? How would the election affect it? What's coming up? Will there be any black swan events to slow the market down, or are we full speed ahead? But you're right, you have to definitely do your due diligence and research. And historically speaking, I guess October is a good month for crypto. But with everything else going on, I'm not for sure this is going to be what people think it will be. I do think it will pump, but I don't think it's going to pump as hard as people think it will.

Bitcoin's Influence on Other Cryptocurrencies

And will crypto always follow bitcoin? Right. You know, bitcoin is the tide that rises all the ships. Do you think at some point there will be another cryptocurrency that kind of breaks away and starts to charter its own course? So that's fascinating. Do I think bitcoin will always somewhat correlate? Probably. I mean, I won't say always, I guess, but I think for a good period of time, probably, yes. But we have seen again, this is a turbo ama. So I don't want to go super in depth in other projects. But you already had brought a poppy, so I'll bring up poppy. The hoppy chart right now is pumping a lot and bitcoin was bleeding.

The Meme Coin Market

So there is already in the meme coin market, there is definitely projects that pump even while bitcoin is dumping. So meme coins are the one niche that it's like they sometimes just act entirely different from bitcoin because they are completely driven based on community and hype. So the stronger your community, etcetera, I mean, they can pump a project even during bad market conditions. So I think meme coins would be the one thing that would not follow bitcoin. So turbo, even if bitcoin is pretty stagnant, I could absolutely still see a reality where turbo has an explosion. Definitely.

Community and Partnerships

Definitely. Definitely. Good answer. Good answer. Also, since you mentioned it, we've been talking about this in my live lately. Just want to see your opinion. How did Hoppy and turbo get linked together? I see a lot of people talking about turbo. Hoppy or Hoppy Turbo, or kind of like their partnership. But we did make it clear there is no partnership with Turbo and hopping. But everybody keeps trying to put those two together or kind of pair them. So you got any input or any insight on that? No.

Link Between Hoppy and Turbo

That is crazy. I completely agree, though it is. So again, I started out on the hoppy side and then I, you know, gravitated towards turbo as well. So now I talk about both of them. But I completely agree the entire, like, if you go to YouTube and you look up turbo content, the odds are. The odds are that content creator is also creating content about hoppy. I have no idea how they got linked, but those two were linked constantly. So I completely agree. I have no idea why that's the case, though it is fascinating.

Turbo's Market Potential

Yeah, no, you're 100% correct. If you just type in turbo, you're probably going to see turbo and hoppy. Or if you type in hoppy, you're going to see Turbo as well. So I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing. But I do think that turbo can capitalize on the momentum there. But it's just weird. We're talking about that in the live, so I just wanted to get your opinion on that as well. I like it. I think we. I think we all agree that frogs and toads are going to play a big part in this bull run.

Ranking Predictions for Turbo

So either. I mean, they certainly can pump together. So definitely all open for anything that helps pump turbo. And the community is pretty open as well. So if they do want to come in and come on over. Right. I don't think it's going to hurt the turbo toad or the turbo towed turn up. So we are still all the way live. So how high do you think turbo can get in the overall ranking? I want to say it's around. I have to look it up. Maybe 153. 215. It was 215 the last time I checked.

Current Market Cap

I got to go check real quick. Market cap. It's 213 right now. Okay. Okay, cool. Cool. So I was close. Awesome. But how high do you think it can get in the overall ranking? That's tough. Okay. There are several meme coins right now that I'm looking at that are the top 100 that I think Turbo will flip. The question, though, is how high in the rankings? I don't know because everything is going to move up.

Future Projections for Turbo

At the same time, I would like to think that turbo could break into the top 60, 50, somewhere in that range, maybe higher. I mean, I really do think turbo could perform extremely well. And some of you guys might think that's way too bearish. Some of you guys might say top 20 or so. I don't know. But I wouldn't be shocked at all if it's top 50, top 60, somewhere in that range. Yeah.

Discussion on Market Rankings

Top 25 would be awesome. But you're right. I don't know if we're that bullish yet, but top 60, 50 is a good range. Right? I'm good with that. Right. I'm not one. Especially with everything moving up in the market. It's not like I'm. Cause I want to be clear about that. You know, if it got to Floki, for example, is 55 right now and it's 1.3 billion.

Market Value Considerations

If, you know, at the time when Turbo is, say, turbo gets to 55 at the time, it will probably be a much higher spot than 1.3 billion because everything is going to be moving up in the market. So, again, I think Turbo could absolutely go multi billions. Yeah. I was just pulling up the coin ranking real quick. Yeah. So top 50 would be 1.85 billion.

Potential for Growth

And I think we can get at least 2 billion, maybe a little higher. So that'll put us around 4647, right under Hedera in objective protocol, which would be a nice place to be, actually. So I'm definitely not mad at that. And Turbo now has all the tier one exchanges other than Coinbase, but I mean, finance to most people would be a lot more important than Coinbase anyways.

Turbo's Strategic Position

So I think Turbo is absolutely set up to get there. Yeah, definitely. And since you mentioned binance, do you think Turbo will start pumping soon with the binance? Kind of like it's overdue, right. We got the binance listing, everyone's like, it's going to explode, it's going to take off. And it kind of came up, but it didn't fully take off because of the overall market conditions.

Market Dynamics Post-Binance Listing

Not just turbo, but overall, the market's been kind of slow. Do you think the market is about to pick up and Turbo is going to be in the forefront or. Yeah, so that's interesting. I think binance is. So we saw two different things happen. We saw Turbo get listed on binance and it pumped quite a bit. You know, it went from, I don't know the exact numbers, but somewhere from like 240 million to 500 ish million.

Comparative Analysis of Turbo and Niro

And then we saw Niro, the CTO, do like 15 million to 500 million. We saw a crazy explosion from that. Obviously, Turbo was already a lot bigger than Niro. And the Niro narrative, though, was really hot at the time. What I think the binance listing does for Turbo personally, is help it a lot just for the bull run, because I think we all can agree that retail is not what pumps markets, but just the whole idea of it being listed on binance is naturally going to be extremely bullish to a lot of bigger investors.

Long-term Benefits of Binance Listing

They're going to love the fact that it has tier one exchanges. So I think binance is more of a long term benefit to turbo than short term. Could it cause a pump in the short term? Yeah, absolutely. But I, I think it just helps turbo a lot more for the overall bull run. Agreed. And I think when it does start to pump, finance is going to be right there with their hands open like come get it for sure.

Innovative Partnerships

But also, see here. Are you familiar with the Animoca brand? Because I hear that these guys are telling me they're working on something are another big project with Animoca brand. So did you pick that up or you've seen that in any of the videos? I have not. Apologies I don't know. I've not. Okay, no problem there.

Motivation Behind Content Creation

So I guess what made you get into content creating? Yeah, so I got into content creating just because, you know, I know some friends are probably watching this AMA right now and stuff, but I have a lot of friends in my hometown who just. I want to talk about crypto with them, etc. And it's just. It's mind blowing to me. But a lot of the population is still not interested in crypto, at least not what I'm interested in.

Community Engagement

Maybe they invest in bitcoin and eth, stuff like that, but they're not interested to the same extent that I am. So my whole goal with crypto was just to kind of get involved with community, just, you know, meet like minded people to help grow. You know, that was the whole point of it. And again, as I said, now I have a discord, and I love the discord. That's probably the best thing that I did, just because we, you know, work together perfectly as a team to accomplish everything.

Building Connections in the Crypto Space

So, honestly, yeah, it was mainly just to help grow the people around me, just to build a better, not, I don't want to say audience, but a better just community around me. I think it helps a lot. Definitely, definitely helps to rebuild a community. Sorry, I just like saying that I had to throw that in there. But you're definitely right. Right.

Living in a Bubble

A lot of times with crypto, I feel like I'm living in a bubble. I tell people about it, I explain it, I re explain it, I re explain it, and I just don't get it. So it is refreshing to have a community or as you mentioned, the discord or somebody to talk to that actually understands it and is doing as much research and reading into it as we are. So that definitely helps.

Community Engagement

Completely agree. But I guess that's. I guess we can start bringing people up that want to ask questions or get involved in AMA. Unless there's any other things you wanted to shout out real quick, before you do that, take a second to pause. Everyone go to the X and I guess follow crypto now and never follow Freeman finance, follow BTM and Turbo Toad. If you're not already following, make sure you go and follow all the people in the community so we can rebuild this community and try to grow. Because as crypto now, I never mentioned it's all about like minded individuals and moving the crypto space forward.

Audience Interaction

And I guess anyone that wanted to ask a question or talk, let me know what you guys want to ask. Looks like someone did, I guess. This is Michael one and King Turbo. So I guess we'll start with King Turbo and then go to Michael, trying to hover over your name. Michael O'Neill's next. So, King Turbo, go ahead. What's up, brother? What's up? Can you guys hear me? Yes. Awesome, man. I. First off, just want to say, Freeman, I hope you do feel better, man. I know pneumonia is no bueno, right? Nobody wants to have pneumonia. But thank you for being here and all of that good stuff.

Questions About Utility Coins

Shout outs to the turbo community. But I just wanted to ask, basically, you said that you were into utility coins, right? So whenever you got into meme coins specifically, like for turbo, just how do you feel about it going the distance as far as maybe not this year, not this specific run, but two years, three years, whatever it is down the line. Are you bullish or bearish on the turbo community? That question is for me. Yeah. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Okay. I am. So obviously, it depends on the community. Assuming the community stays the way it is and continues growing, I'm definitely bullish long term.

Community Impact on Crypto

My whole thing with utilities was. It's fascinating because my discord is actually, again, who completely changed my mind. I used to be almost like anti memes just because I thought, you know, they brought barely any value to the crypto space at all. And then I realized utility coins don't bring much either, because a lot. Now, the top tier, layer one, stuff like that, they do. But at the end of the day, community truly is what matters in crypto. A lot of these utility coins are super bullish, and they perform well because of their community, not because of what the technology that they actually bring.

Meme Coin Viability

A lot of the. Even a lot of the layer ones that are up in the top 50, not the top tier ones, but up in the top 50, they're ghost chains. They don't actually do much at all, but it's all about the community. And so meme coins, if turbo keeps the community, I'm absolutely bullish on it long term, 100%, especially in a crypto space where there's so many meme coins diluting everything. Turbo is a very rare community. So, yeah, absolutely. I'm still bullish on it long term.

Advancement Through Community Engagement

Awesome. And if I could I just do a quick little follow up question? Go for it. Awesome. Well, like, as you know, were always active. We're trying to raid people. We're trying to advance in any way possible. If we can do music, art, whatever it is, we have the community events just getting exchanges. So what do you think that turbo might need to advance, to get better, to, you know, just. Just advance in any way. Is there any feedback on something that we could do better?

Feedback for Improvement

So I heard now this is going to be a personal preference, and I won't even necessarily say preference, but. So you were talking about music. What's interesting is the very first meme coin that was bought in my discord that we all bought as a discord was Apple. I don't know if you guys are familiar with that project, but they basically got rug pulled initially, and then they started creating a lot of music. And a lot of the music that they were creating was very catchy, and it just created such a cool community around them.

The Role of Music in Community Building

And they have music right now that's listed on, like, apple Music. Like, you can download their playlist. And honestly, I believe that helped them a lot. So if you guys have a lot of music, I personally have not heard it. I would love to hear it if you guys do have a lot of music. But I think that's something that could help. But in general, honestly, just keep doing what you guys are doing. Keep building the community rating. I think that is definitely the most important part of it because you guys are on the right path.

Turbo Community Dynamics

Again, what drew me into turbo to begin with is just your community versus some of the projects in the top ten meme coins. I mean, the turbo community can go toe to toe with any meme coin. So that's what drew, man, to begin with. But, yeah, I think the music could be cool. Awesome. Thank you. Crypto now or never. It was good actually getting to speak with you and hearing from you.

Questions on Market Sustainability

I appreciate your answers, and that's all I have for now, man. So just run it back. I appreciate all of you, and let's go. Appreciate it, bro. All right. Thanks for the questions there. King Turbo. So now we have Michael O'Neal. Go ahead and unmute and start the questions. Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone giving up their time. Crypto now.

Exploring Market Maturity

Never. I do enjoy your content. My first question for you is, with the crypto space and looking at Wall street, and then you're doing technical analysis. How do. How does crypto advance? How does it mature? How does it get from being a quick pump and dump? Earlier in your broadcast, you had said, you know, I feel for people who are not in the crypto space now because it's getting ready to take off. But we want longevity.

Path to Generational Wealth

We want generational wealth. How do take it to the next level? Specifically, how does Turbo take it to the next level and stay there? Yeah. So you're saying, how does Turbo stay there? So I still believe, though as bullish as I am on Turbo, I still believe everything comes down to bitcoin. And how crypto stays here is by, in my opinion, people educating themselves on the monetary system.

Importance of Education in Crypto Growth

I think once people actually understand fractional reserve banking and they understand how, you know, currencies are being destroyed in real time, and they understand decentralized finance with bitcoin, and they understand all of these aspects to crypto, I just don't think it's possible for crypto to not grow. I really don't. Assuming something catastrophic doesn't happen, I just think it's gradually going to grow. I think it's absolutely on the right path, and it's growing every single day.

Meme Coins as Entry Points

And more and more people that continue to educate themselves, I think it will just benefit everything, and Turbo will naturally benefit because of bitcoin. And meme coins draw a lot of people to the crypto space, which is awesome to see. I mean, I have a lot of friends that got into the crypto space in 2021. I don't know if any of you guys remember the project, and it's not exactly a good quality project.

Meme Coin Dynamics and Future Perspectives

It's like nothing now but Safemoon. I have a lot of friends that got brought in through Safemoon, and now they are big bitcoin investors, big ethereum investors. So meme coins can bring people in? Absolutely. So I think Turbo is going to succeed if bitcoin succeeds. And just, I think meme coins in general are here to stay, assuming bitcoin stays.

The Interconnectedness of Crypto

So I think everything comes back to bitcoin. But turbo, honestly, should be perfectly fine assuming everything stays the way it is now and continues to just grow. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I agree with you. And just, again, this is my first meme coin I've ever really invested in at all. And to take it back to your safe moon analogy, you know, now it's not.

Investment Perceptions

It's not worth anything. So your grandmother, your mother, your father, you know, what you invested. It's almost like a gamble, right? So I don't want to look at meme coins or look at turbo like a gamble. It's something it did a year ago. I made my money, now moved on. Right. And that was what I was really asking is, you know, there's a lot of effort that's done to make this coin valuable.

Finding Value Beyond Meme Status

You know, and just trying to, you know, not look at it like a meme. What does it do? What problem does it solve? And I'm sure. A lot of people are interested in XRP and things of that nature, and that was what I'm really, you know, bent to that utility because it solves a problem. And it just was just bitcoin solves a problem, you got whole countries adopting it.

Seeking Sustainable Solutions

So I would just ask. That's why I was just wondering, you know, how can we go from this, you know, pump and dump to something that is real? It's. It does something. It solves problems. It creates generational wealth as time goes on. Yeah. So I want to start off by saying regarding I probably shouldn't have used safemoon as an example. I just used it because, you know, that is what happened in my case.

Clarifying Meme Coin Viability

But safemoon did not fail because it was a bad community or anything. It had a lot of other issues with it. There are many meme coins that have survived the bull run. Well, I won't say many, but there are meme coins like, you know, doge shiva. There are coins that have survived the bull run. So it's definitely possible.

Understanding the Market Landscape

So safe moon is not the issue in that regard. But what's interesting is, you know, I've always talked about how crypto is, again, it's for the people. All right. So a lot of people are worried about utility, stuff like that, kind of, as you were saying, how do we make sure it stays around? And in my experience now, I don't know all of Turbo's plans.

Utility vs. Community in Meme Coins

Again, I'm still relatively new to the community, so I don't know if it plans on adding utility. But in my experience, utility is not always the best thing for meme coins. Oftentimes it can actually get to a point where it's detrimental to a meme coin. So you want to have a very strong community, first and foremost. That is what is going to keep you alive through the bull run.

The Essence of Community in Crypto

Utility does not always matter. I just want to clarify that because it has ruined a lot of meme coins out there. It really has. Yeah. Thank you so much for your perspective. I really do appreciate it.

Introduction and Initial Thoughts

And thank you for the time, tiger. Sure, no problem. Anyone else have any questions? But you're right. Crypto now and never, I think, as utility, I think it hurt Shia because they were trying to do that shibarium and I, nothing happened. Then there was problem with the dev team, and a lot of people sold their tokens because of the delays and the problems that shib was having with the shiberium and the Shiberium launch. And also want to pick a bone with you with Safemoon, I watched that project, and I was going to get in, and then things started going weird, and I was like, I'm glad I didn't get in.

Perspective on Meme Coins

But you're right. A lot of people do come in to crypto through projects like Safemoon. I mean, it wasn't nothing wrong with Safemoon. It just didn't actually take off the way people thought it would. You know, a lot of people talk about it and get interest into a crypto. People start coming in, and then something happens, or just the fact that they get into crypto. Like, I got in with Ethereum and. And bitcoin, and I started looking around, right? Once you got familiar with how it worked, how the exchange is working, you know, you started looking around, looking at stuff that's pumping, and then you start to research that and go from there and looks like we have someone else with a question.

Discussion on Meme Coin Community

Can I add real quick? I want to go back to his question really quick. One more thing. So the other way that I view meme coins in general is just, as I said, crypto is for the people, if you actually think about it, because people wonder, okay, what even makes a meme coin pump? But you have to understand, we as humans, we love entertainment and stuff. And what is more powerful than being able to send a picture of a frog or a toad or something to billions of dollars in market cap? What's more powerful than that? You know, I mean, meme coins are for the people. I think that's why a lot of people love them, and I think that's why a lot of them could be here to stay.

Complexity of Utility Coins versus Meme Coins

Ian, to add to your point, meme coins are kind of easy to understand, right? Like, I've been trying to explain to people about Casper and Ethereum, and they just don't get it. But with an image and the story behind Turbo with wrecked mankind, we could show them the video, and they might not fully understand, but they can get enough grasp of the technology to kind of make a decision about when or what or even to, or not to invest in. But looks like we have. Not to mention the tokenomics are terrible on a lot of, like, utility projects. So you don't have to worry about terrible dilution and meme coins.

Investing in Communities

Oh, yeah, that and any other thing that's happening with utilities or utilities not actually functioning and people trying to understand what the function would be. Kind of the meme coin, it's an image. You like the image, you like the community. It's not really a big decision to invest or whether to invest. But let's bring stone up to see what he has to say. Hi. Good evening. I just stumbled across this space. I saw toad. I'm a holder. I've been a holder a long time, and I wanted to see what you guys were talking about and what an interesting conversation it is. I can really appreciate it.

Community and Economic Potential

Crypto. What was the crypto? Now or never. I sent you a DM. I'd like to talk to you. So meme coins, to your point of being an introduction to crypto was that. That was the last speaker. That's what got in a lot of people that I know, and it was the community and the whole point of a meme coin. And yes, they will continue because it's all about the community and investors, and they want to know, they want to connect with like minded people. So you're going to gravitate to a community that fulfills that need for you. And for some people, it might be a community filled with a lot of people chanting and pouring out hopium, or in other cases that I've invested in, it's more chill community that actually talks about their day and shows up to.

Connecting with Community

To interact with each other and we. And share memes and. And joke around and share stuff on the Internet. Interact with other memes. It's. You're going to find the community that. That fits you best. If you're investing in meme coins to make life changing money, that's. I feel sorry for you because you're missing the point of the community. And I mean, yes, everybody wants to make money. Don't get me wrong, I don't invest in anything to not make money, but I would invest most of my portfolio in a utility that has function and purpose on the planet because I want to be able to hand my coins down.

Long-term Goals and Investment Strategies

I want generational wealth. And you might get that with a meme coin, but you might not. It depends on the development team and the community behind it. Now, if you're a really strong individual and you believe in yourself and you find yourself in the middle of a community, then. Absolutely, because then you can build it around you. Now you have control of your bag. Now you can get everybody rallied and support and go out and advertise and bring in new people. That's how a meme coin works. It's a glorified Ponzi scheme, and I'm a solid investor in this quote unquote Ponzi scheme.

Risks and Realities of Meme Coins

It's about the community and the next person you're going to bring in. I would not invest life changing money into a meme coin. I would not expect life changing money in a meme coin, but I would invest time in a community behind a coin. I would invest my time in that community, and I would watch my bag grow over time. Invest your time in the community and the people and enjoy yourself. You invest money in a meme coin and expect to get rich, you're going to be stressed out and worried about your bag the whole time. And that's not what a meme coin is about.

Advice on Crypto Investments

If you want to make money in crypto, find a project. Find development team that you believe in and something that they're solving. The reason bitcoin made so much money is because it was the first. It was the napster of music, right? It was the first. The first proof of stake that this thing could happen and that. And it built a solid community. Bitcoin was the first meme coin because nobody knew what it was. I mean, the development team did, sure, but not the general public like us.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

So I feel like I'm on a soapbox now when nobody else talks back. So thanks for letting me speak. I am hosting a space that I've shared on my private, personal ex account. I don't want to rob this account of that time, but invest in projects that you believe in is my take on this conversation. Thanks for letting me speak. Sure, no problem. And thanks for the information. That's some pretty good alpha there. So I appreciate that. And the last person is, I guess this is Ralph or riff.

Sharing Experiences in Crypto

That's Ralph. That's Ralph. You hear me? Yes, go ahead. We can hear you. Okay, so I've been in crypto since 2017. So I did the bull run with all that stuff in 2000, 2017. I kept collecting ADA through the bull run through 21. That ended up being a bag of two and a half million dollars from. From $9,000 that I invested in 2017. I still haven't sold that bag. In 21, I collected poly automatic. I ended up picking up $6,000 on crypto.com. that bag went to two and a half million dollars.

Continued Investments and Hopes

I'm now collecting Turbo, the same amount, about $6,000. And I think the same outcome is going to come out of Turbo. It is one of my conviction plays just like Pepe and some of my other big cap meme coins. So, anyways, I just think that if you put the right amount into some of these projects and you just hold. Just hold like. Like a diamond handed person would. That's been incredible for a while. Your result will be great. I've done this two different bull runs in a row, and I made a lot of money in these different protocols, and I believe that Turbo is going to be one of those holds for me.

Looking Forward

It's got a great community, and like I said, I don't plan on putting into more than $6,000 into it, but I do. I think it's going to be. The outlook is going to be about the same. The only reason I'm saying that I got into Cardano, it was already at a $700 million market cap, and it still resulted in me making millions of dollars out of it. So don't look at the market cap so much, because this project does have a lot of all the exchanges that we need. And when the bull market here gets here and all the normies our buy in, it's gonna go crazy.

Concluding the Discussion

I'm out. That was awesome. Well said. Yeah. Thanks for that. Was it, Ralph? Thanks for that. That's raft. You know, Raft. Thanks for that raft, and thanks for that input. And you're right, and I like the outlook there. Right. And we invest in. You gotta make some money. You said you've done it two bull runs in a row, so this will be the third time. And a third time is charm. So definitely really appreciate that information, and thank you guys, for joining.

Closing Remarks

Thanks, everyone, for their comments and all the information you guys have put. Thanks, everyone, for joining the community, trying to help us rebuild the community. And if anyone else has a quick question, if not, I think we're going to close it down. I'll give it back to crypto now and never see if he has a outro or something to say on the way out. Then possibly Freeman finance. And then we'll shut it down. But thanks for joining, guys.

Final Farewells

Thanks for supporting the turbo towed, the turbo tow community, the Turbo toad army, and the turbo towed revolution. Let's go. But, go ahead. crypto now and never and then. Freeman finance. Yeah, I just want to say thank you guys for having me on here, in general, Turbo. Just keep doing what you guys are doing. Love every bit of it. So, yeah, thank you, guys. All right. You're welcome.

Concluding Thoughts

Do you have any closing notes for us? Freeman finance. Okay. Anybody else had any closing remarks? If not, we will close this ama. Look forward to hearing from you guys, I guess next Friday or the next AMA. So thanks for joining, and peace out. Yellow the toad. Let's go. Load toe. Let's go. Anybody else? All right, then. I guess that's it for this evening's AmA. Big shout out to crypto now and never.

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