Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space TUESDAY $TRUMP TRAIN hosted by Shawn_Farash. Immerse yourself in the high-energy TUESDAY $TRUMP TRAIN space, where Captain Deplorable hosts lively discussions on Trump's first RT on Truth Social, emphasizing media skepticism and the importance of connectivity between NY and TN. Dive into a unique project that challenges mainstream narratives and invites engaging conversations.

For more spaces, visit the SocialFi page.


Q: What platform did Trump first RT on?
A: Truth Social.

Q: Who is the host of the TUESDAY $TRUMP TRAIN space?
A: Captain Deplorable.

Q: Which TV network hosts the space?

Q: Where does the space highlight connectivity between?
A: NY and TN.

Q: What is the overarching theme of the discussions in the space?
A: Media skepticism and lack of friendliness.


Time: 00:10:45
Insights on Trump's RT on Truth Social Discussing the significance of Trump's first retweet on Truth Social.

Time: 00:25:18
Media Skepticism Exploration Delving into the theme of skepticism towards the mainstream media.

Time: 00:40:02
High-Energy Discussions Engaging in dynamic and energetic conversations in the space.

Time: 00:55:30
NY ?? TN Connectivity Highlighting the connection between New York and Tennessee in the discussions.

Time: 01:10:15
Captain Deplorable's Hosting on LFA TV Exploring the hosting role of Captain Deplorable on LFA TV.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on Trump's first RT on Truth Social.
  • Discussion on media skepticism and lack of friendliness.
  • Exploration of high-energy content and discussions in the space.
  • Connectivity between NY and TN emphasized in the space.
  • Engagement with the 'Captain Deplorable' persona and hosting on LFA TV.

Behind the Mic


All right. Good evening, everybody. Here on the Tuesday Trump train mega meme coin spaces. If everyone can just confirm real quick that you can hear me. I just want to make sure that we're not starting off with any crazy issues or anything like that. I see blockchain basement saying yes. Steve is saying yes. Very good. All right. I. Excellent. Welcome to the space, everybody. We're not going to have any intro music tonight to start us off, but that is okay if I can ask everybody here, Steven Steele usually does. We'll be hearing from him in a second because I know there's going to be some really exciting news and exciting times. Lots of news, lots of stuff on the agenda for tonight. As Stephen always asks, the beginning of every space, let me see if I could say this right. It takes a split second of your time, doesn't cost you a dime. Please repost this space so that it can be spread across the exosphere. Did I do that right? Hopefully I did. I'll hear from him in a second. But spread the space around everywhere. Please repost it. Please share it with your friends. And let's get right into it.

Community Engagement

Because you know what I've been seeing this community kind of start to throw its weight around a little bit, kind of telling everybody who's who, right, who's been here since day one. If you remember, a year ago, we had launched spaces 52 weeks, 53 weeks ago. And we've been out here every single Tuesday doing what we got to do. And obviously, there's a number of elements to our approach. Right. There's the first and foremost, you're a meme coin, whole thing or a meme coin. The element of entertaining entertainment and different types of, you know, shareable content memes. And we've seen many high profile people in the Trump camp and Trump orbit share that mean tweets, world peace meme, which is one of my favorites. I put that on truth a lot. We put that up over here a lot. It's a good one. That certainly made the rounds all over the place. Right? So you have that and it's, this is just, it's a little different, but beside. A little different, excuse me, than a dog wearing a hat or anything like that. Right? This is serving a bit of a different purpose because now you find out we're talking about forming the MAGA movement on the blockchain, make America great again in support of Donald Trump, in support of the president that we had, that we experienced just for a little over four years ago when our country was prosperous when we had a secure border, when we had safer streets, when we had a booming economy, we had lower inflation, we had a more friendly housing market, we had better interest rates, we had manufacturing jobs coming back to this country.

Economic Challenges

We had more jobs, good jobs, good paying jobs being created in this country. We had, at one point in time, one of the most healthy signs of a growing economy is that there were far more job openings than there were people looking for work. That's amazing. That is amazing, because when the employee becomes the hot commodity versus the job, that employee is going to what? That employee is going to be in higher demand from multiple companies. It's going to create competition. It's going to create higher wages. That's going to increase the standard of living in this country. It's going to help everybody. This country was prospering not that long ago. And then 2020 happened, and we could talk about what happened there or anything at that point in time. But you look at where we are now. You look at what were, what we had, versus what we have, and the last three and a half plus years have been a complete and total disaster. And that continued last night with the DNC, and we'll get into that in just a second. But Magame Coin was here, and were talking about the early utilities of this token serving as a means of expressing your confidence in Donald Trump's candidacy in the 2024 election. We've now started to see sites like poly market and other indicators kind of step in there and play a role in what were really carving out ourselves just a year ago today.

Charitable Contributions

Giving back to homeless veterans, trying to help homeless veterans, nvhs. The amount of money that we've donated now north of, I believe, $2 million across all of our charity partners to help find a home for homeless veterans. The government's not going to do it. Somebody has to. We decided, let's fill that void, right? And we've heard from NVHS a number of times on our spaces, and they've told us that because of the donations and charitable contributions that this project has made, they've been able to expand their model from a local or regional model to a more national model. We're donating to help fight child trafficking. There's an epidemic on our border. 291,000 lost children. Where did they go? What do you mean they're lost? This isn't like losing your keys or losing your debit card. You cancel it, you go get another. What I mean is 290,000 lost children, billion dollar industry worldwide, and a lot of it is being facilitated on our border. We need to know who knows about it? What do they know about it? When did they know about it? And how are they profiting from not saying anything about it? And profits mean more than money, by the way. So giving back to help children who got ensnared in that brutal industry, but coming together as a community and kind of expanding.

Community Engagement and Events

I mean, last Thursday night, I don't know about you guys. Did you guys, let me see in the chat emojis, thumbs. Did you guys have fun last Thursday? Was that a good time? I've been getting feedback ever since then. Was that a good time, that Trump Kamala debate? See a lot of people interacting and responding. That was a good time. I think there's no crypto project. There's no meme coin project, literally, that has more fun than mega meme coin fact. And it's not just fun goofing off and then, you know, coming back next week and talking B's. I mean, we're trying to get real world problems solved. We're talking policy here. We're motivating each other. We're coming up with new ideas, innovative ways to help the project. We're creating content, making people laugh. If you're not laughing, you're crying. Does anybody have more fun than mega meme coin? I don't think so. Nobody has more fun than we do. That's the best part because last night kind of proves that we're going to have to be a little bit, you know, we got to be happy warriors. I'm not saying like Tim walls where you start kicking your leg up in the air everywhere you go. I don't know what that's about. By the way. Some people say that it's he got tampon stuck. Other people have other definite other reasons as to why he's. I'm gonna start calling him. We're gonna call it happy feet. Okay. It looks like happy feet. Looks like an emperor penguin. He's stomping around all over the place.

Engagement with Participants

Here she comes now. Here she comes now. What I miss, she's coming around the mountain. You see this? And by the mountain, we mean Willie Brown. She wants to know what she missed. She was probably drinking. You know, she's got a severe drinking problem, a huge shrinking. She says, one tequila, two tequila, three tequila floor. That's what happens. Donald, you know, I got all your text messages, and I just want to let you know that I know the September 10 date is still happening, right? I don't know why you're spreading the rumor that I said that I wasn't gonna come on September 4? You know who told you that? Because we heard about it. You said it. Your people said it. You're not going to be debating as of number four. That's disgusting. Because you're afraid. You're a coward like your running mate. You know that? You have a running mate. And he avoided deployment tampon. And he stole valid tampon.

Discussion of Political Landscape

Yes. And the only thing he deployed tampon. You understand me? You call us tampon because that's what we're going by. It's campon. We like that campon. We need to be happy warriors is, I think, what our community can embrace. Yes, we do. And SD is a good reason. A big, a big addition to the team. Look, nobody does Kamala like that. And I always tell people, you know, people. Some people. Did you ever see the Kamala? Some people still don't know. You ever see the Kamala girl? She does Kamala. She's great. I'm like, yeah, we've done content. Oh, my gosh. Really? No way. I mean, you'll never reach everybody, but that's okay. So everyone always asks me, and I'm gonna ask you this, everyone always asks me, is it hard to do trump? Because, you know, you're a trump supporter, so you like them. I would imagine it's fun for me. It's fun. But, like, how do you put yourself in that mindset to sound like that woman?

Challenges of Impersonating Political Figures

It's hard, especially sometimes when me and you are going back and forth and you really get into, like, you know, you're saying things that I'm agreeing with, so I'm going against every instinct that I have. It's like, you know, you're that instinct you get and you want to save your child. Imagine getting the instinct to kick your child in the head instead. That's how this whole thing feels. And, you know, so I'm going against every natural instinct I have, but, you know, I'm trying to twist it and turn it in a way. And, you know, it's gotten a lot of coverage in the past few weeks, which is great for mega meme coin. The debates are just everywhere. And, you know, I'm humble, but I really don't see anybody doing what we're doing, especially with the Kamala and the trump, like, just back and forth. I really, you know, like, some of the biggest names I've spoken to just in the past few weeks, and they're all telling me the same thing. We don't know anyone that's doing this on this level, and I think it's great, and I love being a part of it, but, yeah, I want to, you know, slit my wrists at the end of every day. That's how I feel.

Personal Reflections and Observations

Is that because now, is that because you have to. Is that because you have to sound like Kamala, or do you actually have, like, damaging information on Hillary Clinton? Is that why you're not feeling, like, sound like her? You know, just this whole thing just kind of forces you to constantly consume content around them. So watching them willingly is not something that I like to do. It used to be that they came across my feed, I picked up my phone, I made a piece of content, and I went on my merry way. Now it's like I feel like my life is kampun and this entire campaign and these, like, bits of Tim waltz, and it's just. It seems like an episode of the Twilight Zone that I can't shake because she is so. Oh, my God. Like, she's just, like I said, like, her energy just transfers from. From, you know, from the screen. She's so in genuine. And, you know, you could see that they have these tricks up their sleeves, and I just hate it. I hate that I have to absorb it and I have to watch it.

Critique of Political Events

And watching the DNC, this is not something I would willingly do. And just watching that, what is up with. You know, I'm gonna. I'm gonna go off a tangent for a second. You guys are gonna get to know I probably have undiagnosed adhd. What was up with that woman, that senator Marjorie, the one with her tongue sneaking out to her fucking chin every time she said a sentence. I don't understand how Twitter is not filled with people making fun of her today. This was like insanity from yesterday. It's like reptile people on the stage. But, you know, just watching these people interact with one another, it's like a twilight zone thing. It's not something I willingly ever did. Like, I didn't use my time to ever watch it. I would just, you know, let the highlights speak for themselves when it comes to that. Like, I'll watch the RNC. So now, yeah, I have to absorb a lot more content of theirs than I would like. You know, it's part of the territory, I suppose, but just watching them makes me even more, like, angry sometimes.

Political Commentary

Like, these people can't win. This can't be happening. There's. There's not. You know, there's no way. There's no way this is even a thing. So we gotta be joy. Like happy warriors. I'm happy you didn't say joyful because if somebody else says joyful, I'll slip my heel and then my wrists. Yeah. I mean, it's so funny because I posted a video earlier today of Trump's reception in Michigan. I said, this is what joy looks like. It doesn't look like a woman taking multiple, you know, videos of her buying Doritos. Right? I mean, like, what are we, I just, I can't believe you. You, and this is something, you know, you obviously are experiencing this because you have to study this person. Have you ever had to, like, watch somebody who is just so blatantly fake? Like, how do you.

Analyzing Public Figures

It's just, it's, and I'm not saying, like, Donald Trump's not perfect. And I watch him and I sound like I get it, but, like, she's so fake. I just, I can't. You see that Doritos thing, stint that she did with Waltz, where he's basically hammering down on the white people. And I know Megyn Kelly covered it in her show, but it really, like, pissed me off because first of all, this whole manufacturer thing, like, why aren't you guys doing press conferences? Why aren't you out there and debating each other and, or, I mean, you know, going out there discussing policy and talking about what you're going to do. No. Instead you got, you know, a nice, expensive production to sit there and, you know, film. You guys talk to each other and she's, you know, she's all acting like, oh, you know, how do you eat your tacos? And he's like, oh, yeah.

Political Discourse

Like, I'm a plain guy. Like, I'm, you know, black pepper is my max in Minnesota, which, by the way, I discovered that's a complete blatant lie. Shocking. Shocking. He had entered some kind of, like, food contest. Like the hottest. He won an award, like, for the hottest dish at some point. So that's, that right there is just, and that's something so small. You know, I'm not, like, the left to sit there and nitpick over something like, oh, he said this recipe, you know, all he does is eat black pepper. And he lied. No, it's just the principle. If you lie about small things, you know what, that tells a lot about your character. That means you're a pathological liar and you're comfortable to lie about anything. And, you know, they're forcing this down. Their voter base is wrote this manufactured, like, presentation, and it pisses me off that they're putting down white people during this.

Frustrations with Political Tactics

You know, she's, she basically sat there and set them up to, you know how they, like, they'll make fun of, like, a karen, but this is, like, on a higher level. And she's like, trying to act all like, oh, like, we're gonna change that up. You know, we're gonna season you up. Like, shut up. It's so. Shut up. You're not even black. Just shut up so you can hear my irritation. I really despise that aspect of it, that this is the administration that we're up against, because, come on. Like, they are walking frauds. That's how I feel about them. Like, they're the kind of people that ask for a wheelchair, for easy accessibility in the airport when, you know, they don't need one. That's the kind of people they are.

Economic Perspectives

Oh, I don't, I don't disagree at all. And, you know, as detestable as their personalities are, you know, I could look at their policies. When you look at a 25% unrealized gains tax, I'm at 44% capital gains tax, 28% corporate tax. You know, we're coming up from 21%. These are things that, when you institute these types of taxes on businesses in this country, you don't wind up in a good place. The, under Kamala Harris, our corporate tax rate would be higher than China. China. We don't want to be higher than China. It's like, to me, it's, I just look at this and I'm like, how could this, how could there be people behind it? How could there be enthusiasm? But I think what we're finally watching, and the DNC, I always thought I was like, oh, she's going to get a bump at the convention. And that might mean two things or three things. But, you know, when you look at the DNC and what they're putting out on stage and the policy, you know, the policy platforms, the talking points they have, it's just, to me, it's like, I don't think this is going to help them because they can only go one direction.

Political Predictions

They're not going to come to the center. They're going to go radically left. That's what the people want to hear. That's what they're going to applaud. Well, look at AOC list for people like Mister wonderful. You know, that he's one of the guys, Kevin O'Leary. And he came out and he spoke directly on this, you know, because this is not something that he wants as a businessman. Those people always, you know, the billionaires especially, they're very much interested in who's going to win the election for these reasons alone. And he was talking about how these policies don't work. He spoke about every single country that adopted what she's trying to talk about when she talks about, you know, the price gouging policies that she's trying to introduce. And he's like, yeah, well, it doesn't work. It didn't work in North Korea, Venezuela, China, Russia. You know, it doesn't work. It's not formidable and it creates a situation of famine. And that's, this is because, this is all because she's radical.

Concerns about Political Strategies

And I'm hoping that more of her policies are going to be brought more to the limelight. Like, yeah, they're unveiling their economic plan, but she's obviously not talking about it on a public, you know, like, she's not doing the conferences and doing what she's supposed to do and campaigning correctly. It's almost like the campaign trail is fake because the election is rigged. And that's really my biggest fear here. That's, I mean, we know that's what they're going to try to do. But her confidence in all of this, like, bothers me because it's almost like she knows that they have it in the bag. Yeah, I would say you see them talking about some of the most ridiculous things, knowing it's not actually going to hurt them in the end.

Analyzing Political Attitudes

And you can take that, you know, you can definitely interpret that as confidence, cockiness, swagger. Like, they'll do whatever, you know, they put a, they put a special ed person on stage giving them the mic, trying to look up their, that was gross. I don't understand, like, you know, who's eating this up? Are you? It looks like they're just really catering to the mentally ill of these people, you know, the ones that are just hanging by every word that these people say. I just, you know, I really, I don't understand it. So it makes me feel a lot of anger and resentment because I feel like the fix is in. So, you know, we have to do, like, primary elections matter, all these things matter, and people have to go out there and do stuff to get Trump's policies out.

Strategizing for Political Success

Oh, we got to be too big to rig. We have to overwhelm the system. I'm going to go to high res. He's got his hand up. And then as we circle through this segment of the conversation, we're going to go to Stephen. He gave us some updates on the project, Jackie, some updates on the market, and then we'll go from there. Hi, Rez. You got your hand up. I know you jumping into space. You've been all over the place. You had a song running up the charts on itunes a few weeks ago. What's going on? What's up? What's up? Yeah. Like Este said, I don't know if she's been in here when I'm in here. I'm going to try to keep it quick because I also probably have undiagnosed ADHD. I could talk forever about nothing, so I'm going to keep it quick.

Discussion on Political Humor

I have a question, I guess, for both you guys, and it's kind of just a general, open situation. Like, I don't see any of this type of, like, obviously, most of us are Trump supporters. We're conservative, we're libertarian, whatever it is, right. We want, we want minimal government. But my question to both of you is, why doesn't any of this exist on the left? Why is there no comedy on the. I understand the left can't mean people say these things. Why isn't like they're a Kamala Harris impersonator on the left? Why is all of anything that's funny and remotely comical, like, considered conservative? Now, can you guys both answer from your perspective? Because they're getting fans over there. What I'll say is this is the left is very anti joke because they're very anti victim, unless the victim is a political opponent, and then they'll make jokes all day long. But they're focused one thing and one thing only, and it's power.

The Politics of Humor

And if they're making fun of their own people and giving the right material, they're just not going to do it. Right. So I think they know that mockery, they're easily mockable. They're very insecure, so they don't want to open the door. Yeah. You know, they're not going to do our work for them, so for us. And I think they understand that joking about themselves, the comedy and all of that, because it, you know, there's a butt of every joke. They don't want to do that because it hurts. It hurts their power. Yeah. And, yeah, I'll add to that. He hit Sean. Hit it right on the money. I can tell you right now, there is a Kamala impressionist on the left. Me and her probably started at the same time. She's, you know, I don't find her funny at all. Her name is Alison Reese.

Media Representation

But recently, Yahoo News, CNN, they're all pushing her out. And I'll give it, I'll even go as far as this much. The left is so quick to announce, like, Maya Rudolph is going to be doing the CNN, the, you know, the SNL skit. And so many people have reached out to me and told me, like, has SNL reached out to you? It's strange that they haven't yet. And I was told, you know, like, they're never going to, they're not going to pick someone that's going to make their side look weak because their entire thing is, you know, we can dish it, but we can't take it. They're not going to open that door. And, you know, Maya Rudolph came out today and said, I don't know what this buzz is about me being Kamala Harris on SNL. Nobody asked me to. So I don't know where that's coming from.

Insecurity within Media

So that's funny that we're seeing that in their space because they don't want to seem like they're insecure, but they sure as hell do not have the balls to open that door. And they haven't for years on SNL. They haven't made fun of their side, but they, you know, they crucify trump any which way they can. You know, Kathie Lee Gifford even went as far as to hold up a bloody head. They went all the way as far as tasteless. They kind of still chuckle and, you know, laugh about the assassination attempt. These are narcissists and they're, and they won't see it the same way if I give you and tell you, like the kinds of things that I've been told, like, you're a racist. You're this, how dare you make fun of a black woman. You don't have the right. And I tell all of them, like, shut the f up. Are you out of your goddamn minds?

Censorship in Comedy

Like, who the hell told you that? You're even in charge of the comedy space? But that's their entire demeanor. Like, what are you doing? And they block me. And they block me. So it's funny to me because it's like, oh, so you can't even handle it. You have to remove it from your vision. So they like to create that echo chamber of themselves because they're also star spangled awesome. Except they're not patriotic and that's what they do. So they're not gonna, you know, they're not gonna enter this realm of ballsiness because they, you know, they snipped all their balls at the DNC last night. That's it.

Reflections on Political Climate

I think they all got those old, they got all, they all got those free vasectomies across the street, which is crazy. There's always gotta be like a sideshow. How is that even real life? I told my role, I told him about this. There's always got to be like a sideshow. Yeah, this is insanity. He said what? He said, what are you talking about? And I'm like, yeah, this is a thing. And he's like, but why is, why would that appeal to somebody? And I'm like, well, I'm glad that your brain at eleven years old can see the ridiculousness of it. That means I'm doing something right. But it's insane. I don't know.

Political Discourse Reflections

Very good. Yeah, it is wild to see. And I don't remember any infanticide or for that matter, any riots breaking out across from the RNC in Milwaukee. Steven Steele was there. He was on the ground doing some guerrilla marketing with the Trump fans, for Trump fans down there in Milwaukee and Wisconsin. And I don't remember him getting involved in any riots. But the biggest piece of news, I think that, and I guess maybe Stephen will expound on it after we talk about some project related stuff. Is this RFK news? RFK, Nicole Shanahan, his running mate, expressing potential interest in maybe joining the Trump campaign. And I asked a question on x and I asked a question on my show.

Political Collaborations

Would you be okay with RFK getting a position in the next Trump administration? If, if it had to do with cutting the bureaucracy, reining in big pharma, or handling crypto related issues, and Donald Trump gets RFK's endorsement and his active help in the 2024 campaign trailhead. The pros of that would be, you're getting a significant, you know, even if it's 2% or 3% in the polls, that's a huge number right now in a tight race. RFK's following is very loyal. They're very loyal to him. And if he makes a heartfelt statement to unify and come together with Donald Trump to prevent a communist presidency from taking hold, I think you will see a lot of those RFK voters vote for Donald Trump, even if they have to walk into the voting booth with a hazmat suit on the. I think they're going to do it now. I don't trust him 100% of the way. I don't love the way he talks about the second amendment.

Electoral Strategy Discussion

I don't love the way he talks about abortion. I'm not into his climate takes. But I do think he's got good things to say when it comes to big pharma. I do think he's got good things to say with freedom of speech. Obviously, the deep state, what the deep state's done to his family. And crypto, you know, he's pretty pro crypto. So I think there are pros and cons. I don't want to let democrats too close to the circle, but is he a Democrat or is he a disillusioned Democrat? Is he somebody who is eating red pills every single day? I don't know. My question was, would you be okay with RFK getting that position if it didn't have to do with the issues that he leaned very left on and he was able to campaign for Donald Trump and actively endorse and actively campaign for Donald Trump to help our electoral chances? Because as far as I'm concerned, that partnership, while it is risky, comes with less risks than trying to win over that two, three, or 4% of voters who are voting for him and potentially allowing Kamala Harris to win.

Conclusion and Forward Strategy

So we could all chew on that question a little bit later. But I do want to pass this on to Steven Steele, Stephen, who obviously will have some updates on the project for us. So without further ado, let's give it to the real deal. Steven Steele, what's going on, everyone? Yeah, what we can. What an awesome first debate that we. Had last Thursday night. My inbox was just absolutely continuously blowing up with compliments and people wondering if there's me another one. And I think we're up to over 40,000 listeners on that space now and hundreds of thousands of impressions of people that maybe listen to little snippets of it, but 40,000 long term listeners on that space, and it keeps going. And people are asking, is there going to be a second MAGA meme coin debate? There is, and the date will be announced soon, but it's going to be happening in September.

Introduction and Overview

Another thing I want to say quickly, before we bounce to our good friend Wayne, who just dropped in, is this you're going to continue to see? Well, first of all, there's been so many copycats of this project, so many cheap knockoffs and derivatives. I know that's pretty common. And anytime you get a successful kind of blue chip meme coin project like this one, but this one is really seen, even in an exceptional amount, particularly now that we're getting closer to the final stretches of election season. And look, folks, we've been here for over a year. We are the largest holding in Donald Trump's actual crypto wallethead. We've donated about $2 million in counting to veterans and fighting child trafficking, even though there's been countless copycats. We are the OG, we are the first mover. We are the original. We're a 100% american based team. And I would dare say at least 95% of all these derivatives and copycats. Cannot say that. They cannot say that. And as the election draws closer, you're going to see countless more overseas scammers that are going to continue to launch Trump themed projects that are only going to rug its investors.

Mega Meme Coin's Credibility

So, mega meme coin, I say that to you because mega meme coin is by far the most credible, the most transparent, the most based Trump themed cryptocurrency in the industry. It's not even close. It's not even close. And I say that because now it's time to ditch those zeros and get with the heroes. Rally around a true hero in this space, a rare hero in this space that is mega meme coin. Those of you who are familiar with the space know who GCR is. For example, he's a whale of mega meme coin, I guess. How many mega meme coins he sold? Zero. He was one of the most successful traders in the industry. Do the math on that. Do the math on that. So those that have faded this project early, you think you know better than GCR. You think you know better than what the team's been developing all this time. Really? Really. Okay. Okay.

Call for Engagement

So whether you're into Trump and support crypto, if you're into Trump and you support crypto, then join us. Join us. Because what we're doing, we are changing the industry for the better. So support something that means something, is what I'm saying. And even if you have zero experience with crypto, we've got super easy to understand, user friendly tutorials, thanks to Jackie. And any one of us in this community, and we have an awesome community, would be happy to help you. We'd be happy to help you. So with that, I would like to hand the microphone over to another one of our awesome partners on the team, none other than the absolute legend himself, Wayne Allen Root. How you doing, Wayne? I'm doing great. How are you tonight? Fantastic. It's so awesome to have you. And I've been keeping up with your articles lately and as well as your show, and it's just been phenomenal.

Discussion on Trump's Influence

And look, guys, Wayne has a direct line to President Trump. And I think it's fair. I mean, Wayne's, Wayne may not tell you himself, but you do see, many times I think it's more than coincidence where Wayne will bring up certain policy proposals or emphasises on certain things that end up playing out in the Trump campaign. Anyway, Wayne, I don't want to occupy any more of your mic time. Love to hear what you've been up to, your thoughts on the convention and everything else going on in the election news cycle. Speaker one sure. And I'll let you in on conversation I haven't had yet, but I'm about to have with President Trump. But I sent to you just, I think yesterday I sent you Trump's voicemail to me. He called me last Monday night, excuse me, last Tuesday night. And I was driving to dinner and I saw no caller id, so I didn't answer the phone.

Trump's Communication and Policies

And then I hear a message and it's Donald Trump. Hey, it's your favorite president calling. Come on, Wayne, where are you? Call me back. So we've been trading calls for a week now, but hopefully I'll speak to him the next day or two. Listen, I was the guy who invented the idea for no tax for seniors on Social Security. That's my idea, has been for several years. And I've written about it and pushed President Trump on that topic for many months now and actually made it my number one story on my America's top ten countdown show and real America's Voice. About a month ago, or maybe three weeks ago, it was, whenever Trump announced it was literally three days before he announced that. He announced that on Monday, on that Saturday, it was my number one story. I said, I've never in two years on this tv show ever given anything but a news story as the number one story of the week.

Setting Up Tax Initiatives

But I'm going to give you my idea, no tax on Social Security for senior citizens. And then I sent that to President Trump's office and they assured me they'd hand it to him and he'd watch it. And sure enough, 24 or 48 hours later, he was announcing no tax on Social Security for seniors. So that's my baby. And I'm about to write a column and I'm about to tell him and that's what I've been waiting to speak to him about, that I think there's four things that can build a coalition. Okay? No tax on tips is brilliant. And there are 12 million service employees in America. So that's a big one. No tax on Social Security. There are about 64 million people over the age of 65 in America. That's a huge one. And I think he should add to this triumvirate. He should add a third one. No tax on overtime.

Creating a Broad Coalition

And what I mean by that is no tax on people who work overtime. If you work 40 hours, you know, you pay your taxes and you get your salary. But if they ask you to work overtime, then you should pay no taxes on overtime. And he will win over every worker in America. And it will. More importantly, it's good for America that everybody will suddenly want to work overtime. Every restaurant employee, every corporate employee, everybody will be dying to work overtime if they get time and a half or double time. And no taxes on it. It'll make us a nation of such productivity. And he will beloved by all the people at work overtime hours. So that's unlimited. That's probably, like 80 million workers in America that will love that one.

Veteran Support and Additional Proposals

And then I want to combine it with a fourth one. A $2,000 a year tax credit for military service. And there's 16 million retired military vets in the United States. And it would be just like the child tax credit for parents. There's a $2,000 child tax credit for you having kids, because that's good for America to have kids and raise families. Well, it's even better for America if you were willing to join the military and you're a veteran and you risked your life for your country, $2,000 a year, just like the child tax credit, I think would be fantastic. So now you're combining this coalition of service employees and workers who work overtime and seniors on Social Security and military veterans. And you add it up, and it's a lot of people.

Strategies for Winning the Election

It's 12 million plus 16 million is 28 plus. No tax on tips is 1216 plus 64 million seniors. Now you're talking 92 million. And whatever the number of workers is, I got to go look it up. But I think there's, like 80 million workers in America. So you're talking about a coalition of 160 million plus people. So I'm going to try and sell President Trump on that really hard, because I think that's a winning coalition. Let me, let me talk about some stories that were in the news on my show today, I think you'll enjoy hearing about. I've argued for many months now that democrats are not just communists and not just radical and not just America haters, and not just jew haters and Israel haters, but they are crazy control freaks like the old Soviet Union or like the chinese communist republic.

Concerns Regarding Democratic Policies

They want to have control over our lives. And if they ever get in again, now that it's Kamala and Tim Waltz, if they ever get in, you know, there's going to be lockdowns for pandemics. There's going to be lockdowns for climate change. We could be locked down for years, and they're going to force poisonous vaccines on us. Despite the fact that I have hundreds of studies that prove that the COVID vaccine is dangerous and deadly and reckless and never should have been put out of. And there are so many injuries and at least 17 million deaths worldwide directly from the COVID vaccine. So what news comes out today that proves me right, that if these people are elected, they're madmen. They will force vaccinate all of us, or you won't be able to walk into a grocery store? Kamala Harris imposes new Covid-19 vaccine mandate for all campaign employees.

Mandates and Public Reactions

I mean, let just absorb that for a minute. Think about that. This is all these years after Covid. Covid was 2020. We're about to be 2025. Covid was almost six years ago, and nobody needs a vac. No one needed a vaccine then. Studies now prove they shouldn't have taken them then. But certainly everyone knows no one needs a COVID vaccine now and nobody wants it. Obviously, the. The numbers taking it are like 3% of the population, because they all know someone who died after they got the COVID vaccine. She's mandating every up to date COVID vaccine. So if at this point, you probably need, like, six vaccines, two original shots, and four boosters, at this point, she's saying every employee that works for her will be fired.

The Insanity of Mandates

They will not retain them if they do not show proof they got every vaccine. This is the insanity of the left. That's exhibit a at its finest. Wow, that is scary. So nobody can debate with me that she will do that to all of us. She's doing it to her own campaign workers. In the year almost 2025, there's no need for a COVID vaccine. Why doesn't anyone have freedom of choice? The party that believes in your body, your choice, abortion to the last minute doesn't believe I have a choice whether I want an experimental, dangerous, deadly vaccine. Poison in my body. Oh, my God. So that's story number one. Story number two is, I don't know how many of you heard this, but Robert F.

Kennedy's Possible Endorsement

Kennedy junior, at least his vp, Nicole Shanahan, says they are seriously considering dropping out and endorsing Trump for president. That would be great news. In every poll, he's dropped now from 15, 20% to only, like, four or 5%. But if he could endorse Trump as a lifelong Democrat and drop out of the presidential race with the Kennedy name and say, I'm behind Donald Trump and I'm going to serve in his administration, I'm telling you that, you know, that 5% goes to Trump, and that changes the entire complexity of the election, complexion of the election. It's amazing. So I think that's good news. And just, you know, toot my own horn a little bit. I wrote column probably a year ago, and I said, President Trump.

Prior Recommendations for Trump

Never make Robert F. Kennedy your vice president. A lot of people were suggesting that a year ago, and I said, no, but make him. Offer him that. He can be the special counselor. He's an attorney. Let him be the special counselor. Investigation to oversight. Oversight of big pharma and the vaccines. He would love that. Give him that role. That's the only thing I like him for. He's like an old Kennedy liberal on every other issue. He's great on vaccines. Let him go. Attack big pharma and the vaccines and prove to the world that they're deadly. And maybe that's just what Trump's doing now. So that'd be great. And they also said, we, you know, if we don't join forces with Trump, we're afraid we run the risk of enabling a Harris Wall presidency.

Concerns on Harris and the Election

What a powerful statement from the Kennedy group. Wow. Elon Musk says he's ready to serve in a Trump cabinet role. I think that's very exciting. And then last but not least, I've been arguing for three weeks now that Kamala Harris is the single most unlikable, incompetent, unpopular, radical communist in history. No way is she beating Trump in polls. They're all polls that over sample democrats by as many as ten points. So if the real poll number should be Democrats plus one or Republicans plus one in the electorate, they're polling an electorate that's Democrats plus eight plus nine plus ten. If I polled an entire group that was all wain roots, relatives, of course I'd be in the lead.

Trump's Support Among Key Demographics

So all those polls were total b's. But now, interestingly, those same polls that are oversampling democrats, there are like six of them that have come out in the last 48 hours that show Trump leading. So even though they're oversampling democrats and they showed Kamala was up by one or two or three or four, now they're showing Trump up by one or two or three or four. And I think that's great news. It just shows you Kamala's honeymoon is over. Even in the middle of the DNC, very bad numbers. And my gut instincts were the following. I'm not a pollster, and I don't claim to be a pollster, but I think I have good common sense and good instincts. And every poll that I've seen tells me that Trump has doubled his support with black people.

Strengthening Support from Diverse Groups

He's dramatically up with Latinos. He's dramatically up with young people. I think he's going to be dramatically up with jewish voters based on the jew hatred of the Democrat party. How could you be doing so much better with all those groups and be losing a Kamala when last time around you got half the votes of Latinos that you're getting now, half the votes of blacks YoU're getting now, half the votes of young people you're getting now, and you still really beat Joe Biden. It came down to 60,000 votes in six battleground states where you would have beaten him in electoral landslide. So, I mean, how could he be down when he's doing so much better with all those groups?

Insights from Recent Polling

And Dove comes out of, and YouGov says today that key demographics show significant gains for Trump in the upcoming election. And they're talking about young people, Hispanics and blacks. How could you be doing significantly better with all those groups? And yet now you're not beating Kamala Harris. It makes no sense. And then finally, the founder of the main outside spending group backing Kamala Harris for president says their own internal opinion polling is much less rosy than the public polls and warns Democrats they face much closer races in key states. So even they admit that the public polls are oversampling Democrats and way too rosy. And I think it's very clear that she has a very tough electoral path to the presidency and Trump has a great and clear path to the presidency.

Evaluating Campaign Strategies

So I feel like the news is all good, even in the middle of the week of the Democrat convention. I think it's much better news than we've had for the last three weeks. So all good stuff, I got a new column out. Let me know if you want me to talk about that at all or if you've had enough of me, I'm good with that, too. Let me know what you want. Briefly extrapolate on your latest column I just finished reading before hopping on here. Just, look, if you listen to Biden last night, everything was a lie. Everything. And look, I'm a sales expert. You know, there's not a lot of things in life I do well, but I will claim that I'm as good and I have an understanding of sales as anybody in the world because I've been in sales my whole adult life, always a tv sales pitchman.

Trump's Economic Messaging

And I've sold close to a billion dollars on television of my own products. And I'm a pretty good salesman of myself as well because, you know, I'm 63 years old now and I've got three tv shows on real America's Voice TV and on Frank Speech TV. And when I was 26, I got my first show as a host of six sports shows on CNBC. So, I mean, I've been almost 40 years on television. There's really nobody out there besides Dick Clark who's ever spent five decades on television besides me. So I must be a damn good salesman, and my product is me. And the reason I don't have to lie is because I have a good product. But if you're a salesman and you don't have a good product, then you have to lie. And so the Democrats have a terrible product, and their biggest problem is inflation, and they keep lying about it.

Focus on Inflation Issues

But it's the one thing you can't lie about because most people maybe don't know that the border is open and things are horrible and millions are coming in because they don't see it and they don't know what happened in Afghanistan, the worst retreat in America's history, because they couldn't see it with their own eyes. Maybe they don't understand all the failures of the Biden administration, but the one thing that everybody can see is inflation because they buy things every day. Everybody sees that inflation is terrible. So I think that Trump's entire campaign, like 90% of it, maybe 10%, should be about the open border and all the people being killed, the women and children being murdered by illegal aliens. But other than that, 90% of what he does between now and November 5 should be about inflation because that's, look, my issue is the open border.

Strategies for Countering Democratic Claims

It's the destruction of America. It's the intentional destruction of our country. It's how Democrats will make this into a one party country. But that it doesn't matter what I think it matters with the average american thinks. And the only thing that they care about is their pocketbook. And the only thing they know for sure is that steak costs too much and chicken costs too much, and going out to eat costs too much. And fast food restaurants are even unaffordable now. And their insurance bills are out of control and their electric bills are out of control, and the gas they put in their car is doubled since Trump became president, you know, with Biden. So they know all that. So every ad he takes on tv day in and day out should be about inflation.

Practical Examples for Campaign Ads

And I gave him, you know, some tips. I think he should go to a grocery store and Donald Trump should walk through a supermarket and lift up tomatoes and lift up meat and lift up ice cream. And whatever he lifts up, put on the screen what it costs under him and what it costs now. And let Trump talk about pocketbook issues with the american people. You know, they can't hide from that. He should do another ad at a gas station and be pumping his own gas in the ad. And then people should walk up to him and say, oh, my God, it was so great when you were president. Look at the price now. And he quotes on the screen, you know, it was $2 when I was president. Now it's almost dollar five a gallon.

Insights on Healthcare Costs

I think he should be in a doctor's office and he should quote the price of health insurance and the price of medical bills. Then and now they're out of control. And last but not least, he should go inside Americans homes, a typical american home, maybe in the midwest, maybe in, you know, Peoria, Illinois, and sit with someone and run a tv ad where they talk about how their electric bill has tripled under Joe Biden and show the bill. Show their bill from four years ago, my electric bill was $90, and today it's $370. If he does that, he wins this election going away. It'll be a Reagan Mondale like landslide. It'll be a Nixon McGovern landslide. It'll be a Reagan Carter landslide.

Decisive Messaging for Election Success

He's just got to make sure he hammers home day and night that he's the president where there was no inflation. And now they're lying to you. It's terrible since they took power. And look at the prices. Here's the proof. If he does that, he wins. Wayne, I had another question for you because you mentioned your sales background. I have a sales background, too, and I talked a bunch about this. You know, last night, they mentioned Donald Trump's name, 100 name, 147 times at the DNC, and it seems like they're spending so much more time telling Americans what they aren't saying, hey, we're not Trump, versus telling Americans what they are.

Marketing Strategies in Politics

In my experience, selling products, and, you know, I would never, ever focus my pitch just on the competition. I'm aware of my competition. I'm aware of how I'm better than my competition. But I did not spend the better portion of my pitch telling my prospect that, you know, you should buy my product because I'm not them. Right. Do you think that this is effective or not effective? And how long can they continue, you know, campaigning this way? Until Americans start going, well, okay, I get you're not Trump. I mean, you don't look like him, you don't sound like him, but what are you.

Election Strategies for Differentiation

Yeah, no, I agree with you 110%. I mean, listen, think about what I just said moments ago, that I'm going to tell Trump that he should be pitching, you know, no tax on Social Security, no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and a tax credit just for military service. Well, all of those are things that you are doing to make everyone's life better. Not talking about Kamala Harris or Joe Biden, talking about what you would do to make people's life better. And then when I talk about the inflation, I'm talking about going in a supermarket and going in a doctor's office and showing the difference between how great life was four years ago under my administration versus how terrible it is now.

Effective Campaigning Tactics

Again, that's not really attacking them, it's just stating facts to me. He's got to stop. He's got to stop. I know they are nuts, and they should not be attacking Trump all day. It's a mistake. But he is also guilty of the same thing. He's got to stop with the crowd size. He's got to stop with the color of Kamala's skin. Who cares? Nobody cares. The only job now is he's won over, you know, 90 million Americans, but to, or maybe 80 to 90 million Americans, but to win the election, he needs, like, another 5 million.

Navigating Independent Voters

And those are people that are very independent. They don't love him the way you and I do. They don't understand him and his policies the way you and I do. Maybe they remember four years ago as positively as you and I do, and they fester on his tweets and the things he says. And if he wants to win them over, he's just got to stop with the crowd size and Kamala's race and how dumb Kamala is. Look, I think she's a moron. I think she's the lowest IQ candidate in history. But you don't say that when you're the one running. I could say it on tv. I'm an entertainer. Leave it to me to say it. Don't let him say it.

Staying on Message

He just needs to stick with how great it was four years ago. And are you better off now than you were four years ago? No. And here's what inflation looked like four years ago. Here's what it looks like now. And then here's what I'm going to do for you. If he does that, he wins the election. If he keeps talking about her crowd size, he's not going to win the election. That's all the extraneous bullshit. Excuse the language and just stick to policy and inflation. Inflation, inflation.

Gratitude and Acknowledgements

Thank you so much for your insights, Wayne. They're always appreciated. You're on fire, man. You're on fire. And one of the reasons, many reasons, why we love having you on the Maga meme coin team. And boy, oh, boy, toot our own horn, I think we've assembled the a team, the axeman of the meme coin space with the quality individuals that we have involved here. Thank you so much, Wayne. Really, really appreciated, Mandev. I appreciate you guys. Thanks for having me on. And you know I'm available any Tuesday and every Tuesday, so thank you.

Transition to Roger Stone

Right on. And, guys, make sure you're following Wayne as well as his respective tv shows where he talks about mega meme coin as well. So thank. Thanks. Thanks again, Wayne. Speaking of Dream Team members, it is none other than the real deal himself, political fire brand and icon slash legend. None other than Mister Roger Stone. How are you, sir? Excellent. And great to be with you. Watching this, I had a hard time tearing myself away from the Democrat national Convention, which seems to me to be an orgy of hate, divisiveness, and attacks on the greatest president in my lifetime, Donald Trump.

Reflections on the DNC

But I think, honestly, it's time to take a step back, because I know that there are some in the MAGA world, some among our supporters, who are buying into what I think is a gigantic psyop. In other words, they inflate the polls by oversampling Democrats to manufacture this fake surge by Kamala Harris. They insist in the mainstream media that Governor Tim Walsh is not guilty of stolen valor when it is indisputably proven again and again, Kamala Harris pretends like she was never part of the Biden administration. She's not responsible for the current inflation rate, or even worse, the mass invasion of this country by 20 million illegals or more.

The Reality of the Situation

This is a hoax on the american people. But for those who are concerned about the Trump campaign, I have reviewed the fundamentals over and over again. I think that we are better positioned than were in 2016. Better positioned than were in 2020. No. For those who say that we didn't anticipate Joe Biden being tossed aside like a dog, this was completely anticipated. All of the basic research on Kamala Harris's record has been done. Various themes to expose her record as favoring defunding the police, favoring the decriminalization of an illegal border crossing, favoring a proposal to have american taxpayers foot the bill for the health care of 20 plus illegals.

Candidate Positioning in the Election

These are all things that the american people need to hear and will hear. So right now, even as we speak, there's a hard hitting comer on in every swing state at, I think, really significant levels of buy, exposing the fact that, well, guess what? Kamala Harris was Joe Biden's vice president. I'm not slightest bit discouraged, nor am I pessimistic. I believe that I agree with my good friend Wayne when he says the key to this is to contrast the ticket of Kamala Harris and Wacky Tim Walsh. That guy's wacky. That's the word. Wacky. Strange mincing around the stage like a lunatic on some kind of sugar high. Hard to figure out once you compare the epic record of Donald Trump and his four years in the presidency.

Contrasting Political Legacies

The most robust economy in our history, real economic growth, real wage growth, real job growth, lowest rates of inflation in recent years with the catastrophic chaos of the Biden Harris years. That is absolutely the key to victory. The other thing I noticed today is the claim by the Harris campaign that they have now topped $400 million. Well, yes, $400 million in largely money laundered, fake contributions, laundered through ActBlue. This is one of the great frauds of all time. You can trace these individual donors. So far, I believe we've documented as many as 60,000, quote, unquote, donors who don't really exist or who gave once, but now someone has given in their name repeatedly.

Investigating Fundraising Tactics

It's part of the same Psyop to convince us that Kamala Harris is popular. She's surging. People love her. The Donald Trump is somehow falling behind. These are, these are all manufactured. This is a fabrication. But the fabrication is coming to an end, in my opinion. And you've seen that it's odds. Wayne can tell you more about that than anybody I know. But you also see it in polling that's reliable polling, where you have a valid sample, where you don't have rigged questions, where the order of the questions is methodologically solid. And when you start to look at those polls, you realize that this race today is about in the same place the race was against Joe Biden.

Expectations for the Upcoming Race

By that, I mean this was always going to be a tough, difficult, competitive race. Why? I'll tell you why. Because the mainstream media is still dominant in America. They're no longer monolithic as they used to be, but they still have a huge voice. And secondarily, let's be candid, democrats cheat. The way they bludgeon Joe Biden out of this race is disgraceful. The way they shuffled him off, made sure that he didn't appear in primetime so that no one would see him last night and then got him out of town as quickly as they possibly could. It really is disgraceful. Can anyone on the call tell me how many Democrat primary or caucus voters voted to nominate Kamala Harris for president? Oh, wait a minute. I know the answer. It's zero.

Democratic Nomination Concerns

This was a coup and it will not in the end succeed. I think the american people are onto it. Very interesting to see today a Rasmussen poll which showed that almost two thirds of independents are concerned about the way Kamala Harris got promoted into this race. That's a very significant finding. So overall, I'm still an optimist. I also have no illusions this was never going to be a cakewalk. It was never going to be a landslide. It was never going to be easy. But I can just tell you Trump's head is in a very good place. He is more determined. He is more persistent. He is more confident than ever before.

Trump's Campaign Landscape

And this idea that his campaign is shook or they weren't expecting any of this, I can just tell you categorically that is false. I think we're still on course to win a very tough, tight race. But if you look at these swing states and you look at polling that I respect, I still think we're in an excellent position. Fantastic. Roger, thank you for chiming in with your insights. And that's very interesting. I noticed both you and Wayne. Think. That the general polling that has happened so far in this race has been doctored or skewed to a certain degree.

Poll Skewing Discussion

Do you think that's due to now, Wayne seems to think that's due to these polling agencies probably purposely polling Democrat heavy areas or whatnot. What have been your general thoughts on the general election polling thus far since Kamala seized the role? I think it's very important to recognize that polling is very easily skewed in a number of ways. First, of course, there is the basic sample. If the sample is not really representative of a sub sample of the american voters, if you have too many democrats, for example, and not enough republicans in the sample, that's one way to jigger a poll.

Methodology in Polling Techniques

The other way is the way you word the questions. You can word the questions in a biased way that will give you a desired result. Then, thirdly, there's the order of the questions, meaning if you introduce some negative piece of information first and then do the ballot test second, well, you're going to taint the ballot in that, what's called order bias. It's very common. Also recognize that any poll, every poll is a snapshot in time. It is only valid for the episecond in which it is tabulated. And by the time it's published, it's already outdated because we have a very volatile electorate and events are moving very quickly.

The Importance of Upcoming Events

And speaking of events, I think it is key to recognize that we have some high ticket events yet here in this race that still may have, I think, almost certainly will have a profound effect on the outcome. I think we will finally get Kamala Harris, who clearly cannot string together a sentence without a teleprompter, into two debates. And Donald Trump is a championship debater. He's a proven, brutal, focused debater. For those who say, oh, he's lost his mojo, watch that debate with Joe Biden. He was disciplined. He didn't take the bait. He pounded Biden on the economy and the border.

Expectations for Debates Ahead

My money remains on Donald Trump. But these polls, I think, have been perfectly manipulated, along with the mainstream media narrative trying to convince us that Kamala Harris is beloved or that she's a historic figure. The one concern I continue to have, I'll be very blunt about this, is that somehow Biden does not finish this term were he to be removed under the 25th Amendment. And don't think that Barack Obama won't do that if he thinks that's what necessary, is necessary to win this election, or God forbid, I don't wish this on him, but were he to die in his sleep, or we, or would he be taken out the way JFK was, the way they tried to take Ronald Reagan out, let's face it, the way they tried to take Donald Trump out only weeks ago, just so they could elevate Kamala Harris and give her the status of being the first woman president in an effort to enhance her chances.

Concerns about Political Manipulation

This is something that I fear, something that I pray against every day. The people we're dealing with here are certainly capable of such skullduggery. It disturbs me that we learn only in the last 72 hours more about Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man that they accused of trying to kill President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. We know a couple things. One, that the secret service was well aware of his, that he was on the site and he was armed for 92 minutes, yet they never warned President Trump, and they let him take the stage. Now we learn that the FBI and the social and the Secret Service and the state police and the local police were not all on the same radio frequency, meaning that when local police saw the man, they claimed to be crooks on the roof with a gun.

Investigating Security Failures

We don't know that the FBI or the Secret Service ever heard those reports. Deeply disturbing. Now we see that there's actually an image, which anyone can go online and see, of crooks talking on a cell phone just before the shooting. I have an obvious question. Who is he talking to? And why don't we know who he was talking to? Did he have Confederates? Or are we supposed to believe, like they told us about Lee Harvey Oswald, that he acted alone? And then, of course, is the question of how he can be seen openly walking within the perimeter carrying a gun. I've seen this myself, and he wasn't stopped.

Concerns Over Security and Transparency

The more we look at this, and when we hear that his body was cremated without notice to the family or to any of the agencies of government who are supposed to be investigating this crime, this adds up to more questions than we have answers. And it's why I believe my apprehension about Joe Biden finishing his term is not a conspiracy theory. It's a legitimate concern. Thank you for that. Roger, a final question I had for you. There's been a lot of speculation recently that Kamala Harris has been taking to the campaign trail under the influence of alcohol.

Speculations Around Kamala Harris

It's seeming various states of inebriation. Some are speculating that's just her speaking style. Do you have any thoughts on that matter? Well, it certainly appears strange, but then everything about her seems strange. So she sometimes talks and appears to be incomprehensible, but that's not necessarily because she's under the influence. So I don't have any hard proof that she's either drunk or high, but anything is possible. What is clear is she's completely devoid of substance. Her answer to the high prices that are plaguing american consumers are wage and price controls.

Ineffective Policy Solutions

Let me be candid. President Nixon tried that. It was perhaps his second biggest mistake. His largest mistake would be taking us off the gold standard. Governor John Connally, then treasury secretary, convinced Nixon to enact wage and price controls. And my friend Wayne Allen Root can tell you they were unmitigated disaster. They do not work. But that's, that is her prescription for America. Now, add to it the bold boast the other day that she can just seize your company if she wants. She can just seize your assets or your patents if she wants. That is full blown authoritarian communism.

Optimism and Conclusion

I don't think the american people will buy it anytime soon. So I remain bullish. I remain bullish both on Trump's prospects. I remain bullish, certainly on MAGA meme coin, which I'm a proud partner and I'm proud to be part of this movement and this great space tonight. Also, a special shout out to my friend ramble Rance, who really turned out an amazing video today, which I thought I looked really great. Fantastic. Roger.

Closing Remarks

Well, we know you're busy, man. I hugely appreciate your time with us this evening and for giving your insights, and we are just so pleased to have you a part of the MAGA meme coin team. I know the community here as well, and it's always great to have you in the space. Well, the key message, I guess, I want to impart to every supporter of the president and everybody on the call is keep the faith. Don't let the mainstream media shake you. Don't let them. Don't let them sell you this false narrative that Kamala Harris is somehow surging, that Kamala Harris is somehow popular or beloved. Bill Clinton is going to speak tonight.

Final Thoughts on the DNC

I, I can't wait to see that. I don't think any of his victims of sexual assault will be available in the hall, but this is going to be very interesting. I, frankly, it's hard not to watch their convention. It is such an extraordinary clown show. Thanks for having me tonight, and God bless you. You know, Roger, just one thing, you know, before you throw insults and run away, you know, I got your message, and I'll see you on your show. There's some things I want to squash. I love you.

Commendations and Concerns

You are so good. She does a tremendous job. I can tell you that. She does a tremendous job. She does a tremendous. What an incredible person. What a. What a crazy person. I'm speaking. You know that. You know that. Now that you said that now I'm going to say you're a nasty person. I can say that, too, because I love to say that we call all the people we don't like. We call them nasty people. And it ended crooked Hillary and it ended your career. It's going to end your career again.

Political Dynamics and Collaborations

You know, we have what's called Hurricane Tulsi. She's going to help us. Hurricane Tulsa. She's a tremendous person. I'm not that afraid of that. You remember what happened the last time. You remember what happened the last time. Look, I actually think that Tosie Gabbard coming on board, it is a very significant development. It's not that Donald Trump needs to be coached about how to debate. He's a proven winner. He's a very strong debater. Where I do think she can be particularly helpful, though, is that she's studied Kamala Harris.

Concerns Over Surveillance

She studied her record. She studied her debate style, if you can call it that. I think she's going to be a tremendous asset. By the way, she's not a Republican. She's an independent, former Democrat. And the idea for anybody who didn't see this, that the Biden Harris administration began surveilling her, spying on her. That they placed her on a secret domestic terrorist watch list back in July when she simply criticized Kamala Harris, you know, on a public show, is outrageous. That is. I don't know how you justify spying on and putting someone under surveillance who is a lieutenant colonel in the US army reserve, who proudly served in combat in both Iraq and Kuwait.

Implications for Future Political Landscape

And who's spoken out against Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the war machine. This is a disgrace for our country. Somebody, the director of the TSA really needs to be asked by the Republican Congress why Tosi Gabbard, who served your country honorably, is being treated this way. Extraordinary. I think, as you saw, I did a couple quick videos about it. Don't you think that there's also an inherent, from a strategic point of view by Trump, the Trump camp, bringing her on for debate strategy in prep, that it has an inherent kind of psychological advantage in terms of getting under Kamala's skin? It definitely does that.

Trump's Campaign Strategies

Although I must tell you, I've been in American politics for 45 years, really, have I seen anybody with the natural talent that Tulsi Gabbard has? Obviously, I'd like her to become a Republican someday. I think that might ultimately happen. But I'm really glad that the Trump campaign has embraced her. I understand she's going to be doing some surrogate speaking as well as working with the president, in all honesty, he doesn't. Do, you know, the traditional debate preparation where they bring in somebody to play Kamala Harris, where they bring in a battery of aids to act like reporters and pepper him with questions?

Unexpected Political Calculations

He doesn't operate like that. He's more of an instinctive player. He's more of a natural. But I do think she's going to add to that effort, and I do think it is designed to get in Kamala's head. Roger, one more question. And this is kind of a little bit like, you know, I'm thinking the Tulsi move was a little bit of gamesmanship. Like you said, kind of get in her head. She remembers what happened the last time, you know, they met on a debate stage. But there was other, there are other rumors now about RFK and him potentially endorsing Donald Trump dropping out of the race.

The Possibility of Strategic Endorsements

Obviously, Trump's a transactional guy. Do you think there'd benefit for the campaign at this point in time, you know, seeing as how the polling, it looks like it has shifted where RFK may be bringing more votes away from Trump than originally thought when Biden was in the race. Is there a benefit to possibly behind the scenes or something working out a deal with RFK to be in charge of something in the administration? Maybe it's big pharma, maybe it's the deep state special counsel type role. And having RFK support on the campaign trail from now until the election, you think that might be something that could help?

Potential Deals and Political Implications

Or would it not really move the needle much? Let me say two things. First of all, I saw these media reports and I think it's a. I think what we're seeing is a head fake. I know Robert Kennedy. He's a very smart guy. I agree with him on a few things. I disagree with him with a lot of other things. But I don't think that he's going to get out of this race. I think this was a ploy for enormous publicity. And I think from that point of view, it has been successful, by the way, just technically, to promise someone a federal job in return for dropping out of a race for president or any federal office is actually technically a crime.

Campaign Strategies and Risks

I don't think anybody's ever been prosecuted for it, but it is. It would be technically a crime, and I don't think Trump would ever do that. But in all honesty, look, I'd like to be wrong. Yes. I think it'd beneficial if RFK got out of the race because based on all the data I'm seeing, I do think he's pulling disproportionately from Trump, although it is on a state by state basis. So, for example, in New York or in New Jersey, just to use two examples, he would pull disproportionately from Biden rather than Trump. So you can't make an across the board statement.

Looking Forward to the Election

But, look, I don't think this is going to happen. I think we're being subjected to a giant publicity stunt. I'd like to be wrong. Let's see, tomorrow morning, perhaps I'll be wrong. Fantastic. Well, again, thank you for your time, Roger. It's always a pleasure and we really appreciate you making time for us. And we're just pleased as punch to have you a part of the mega meme coin team. Have you mix it up with us, sharing your insights as the election season really heats up here. Any final thoughts?

Reflections on Current Events

Just pray for our country. Pray for the safety of President Donald Trump. Pray for the, for the revival of our country. There's real, there's real power in prayer. I've had six miracles in my own life in a very short period, two year period of time. I've experienced it firsthand. Never underestimate the power of prayer, my friends. It is powerful. And if there's ever a time our country needed it, that moment is right now. Thanks so much, Roger. Roger Stone, ladies and gentlemen. Make sure everybody is following Roger Stone. Absolute legend.

Final Thoughts and Initiatives

We're, we're just honored to have him a part of the mega meme coin team, and make sure to follow him on rumble as well. He has a fantastic show called the Stone Zone. It runs Monday through Friday. And so just make sure to get involved. All of that a follow. Thank you again, Roger. Really appreciate your time. What do you think, Sean? I think what we just got was insight into the 2024 election that you're not going to find anywhere else. That's number one.

Broader Perspectives on the Election

I love hearing from both gentlemen, Wayne Allen Root and Roger Stone. And it just shows you kind of, you know, where this project is and what we're about. You know, it's not just fun and games. We want to win, and we want to do it the right way. We want to win with integrity. And it's great to have guys like Wayne Allen Root, Roger Stone, and so many other people coming in, being a part and, you know, giving their takes, but especially guys with the political instinct like Wayne and Roger, you know, it's great to hear from guys like that.

Challenges Ahead for Democratic Party

I'm super excited as this DNC continues on. We know there's massive amounts of protests right now on the streets of Chicago. This is going to be a problem for the Democrat party. And again, no matter where you land on the Israel Palestine conflict, this is division. Because what you're seeing outside the DNC versus inside the DNC, it's all Democrats on the outside. It's all Democrats on the inside side. These are people who can't seem to agree with one another.

Reflections on Biden's Performance

And Joe Biden had his own very fine people moment last night, except he did say that they were good people on both sides. And adding to that, if you caught, I don't know if anybody did, but I'm sure many people did, while Joe Biden was giving his farewell address, if you want to call it that, and I agree with Roger. They delayed it all the way until the east coast was sleeping so that he was in front of fewer eyeballs. You know, they said all these great things about him during prime time when they pushed him back to close to midnight.

Perception of Media Strategies

where he was introduced by Ashley Biden, who everybody knows is only his daughter, because of the damn diary that had some really nasty admissions in it. You know, then he speaks, and they gave him what looked to be the state of the Union cocktail because it was almost the exact same speech from the exact same tone as his state of the Union address. But you saw him every time they chanted, thank you, Joe. He said, thank you, Kamala, too.

Accountability and Public Perception

You know, in other words, you don't get to run from accountability over why Joe Biden's approval rating fell. Remember, America started souring on Joe Biden after Afghanistan. They started souring on Joe Biden when inflation got out of control with the bare shelves Biden crisis. They didn't start souring on him because of his age. They started to really dump him in it. And he reached that point of no return June 27 after people realized the emperor had no clothes.

Political Context and Economic Realities

But America was souring on him because of his policy and how that negatively impacted us. And last night, as Joe Biden made it very clear. No, no. Just thank me. Thank Kamala, too. She's a part of this whole equation. So I think that's something to consider as well. As night two of the DNC is underway, I think Michelle Obama is slated to speak. Let's pivot away from politics for just a minute. Let's go to Jackie, mother of DJ's.

Shifting Focus to the Crypto Market

Let's get some updates on the crypto market. Anything on her mind? Always, always great to get that perspective as well. And how the two worlds, politics and crypto are colliding this week. Jackie, what's up? You know, it's just another week of all of this madness. Football season's about to start, so that's just going to add to my anxiety. I'm going to need a sedative before November, basically.

Sports and Personal Anecdotes

Now, is that college football? The NFL, Jack, you have to put it college. College, of course. Roll tide forever. Always. There you go. You see, I'm an Alabama fan, too, because I'm a Jets fan. And the only quarterback that took us to the Super bowl and won was Joe Namath. He came from Alabama, so I have to do it. Roll tide.

Humor and Personal Connections in Politics

Yes. Broadway Joe. He's one of our most proudest exports there. He's the only guy who drinks more than Kamala Harris. Yeah. On that particular topic, I bartended for a very long time. She looks fucking drunk. I'm just saying, like, she does. I had to spot that from a mile away. She seems, whoo. I would.

Trends in Alcohol Consumption

Somebody asked on Twitter, they were like, what do you think she's drinking? And it definitely looks stronger than white wine. So that's just tequila. Just a general thought. Yeah, it's a, it's a liquor. It's probably vodka, but, yeah, somebody said she's working with a Russian agent, and then they put a Smirnoff bottle, like, up next to it. So I thought that was funny.

Market Updates and Political Influence

But as far as crypto is concerned, I really do feel like this market is kind of holding its breath right now. I think, you know, as Trump pulled really well until they started all of this fake bullshit about how everybody's so excited to see her all of the sudden. Before that happened, the market was really, you know, doing pretty well. And then now I just feel like everything is in this wait and see issue.

Complications of Merging Crypto with Politics

And, you know, as far as it's hard not to combine crypto with politics. So I'm just going to bring this up, but Trump got a standing ovation at Bitcoin conference for saying that he would fire Gary Gensler and Kamala, reportedly, according to certain Senate sources, plans on promoting him and giving him the job as treasurer. I don't know if that's true, but that has seemed likely.

Political Forecasting in Crypto Context

That seemed like his path this whole time. And if Biden stayed in office, that seemed like where his next job would be. So one party mentioned it clearly on their party's platform and what they were looking forward to. The Republicans clearly stated that they would protect the right to self custody. Bitcoin. The Dems released all of their platform policies yesterday, and there was a zero mention of crypto on it.

Campaign Strategies and Asset Taxation

The word crypto wasn't anywhere in it. Bitcoin, nothing. And I just think whatever this feigned bs of outreach is from her is, it's not real. I see this like Harris for crypto or crypto for Harris or something, and Mark Cuban seems to be the one who keeps pushing it, but I just. It's not real. They've spent the last four years attacking it, and I don't see them doing anything different with their announced meant that she supports that.

Tax Implications for Crypto Assets

She's just going to copy pasta, the tax plan that Biden had originally proposed, where they also want to tax unrealized gains. So let me just let you know what that means. Whatever's in your wallet right now, even though you didn't cash out, it's not in your bank account. They want you to pay money on whatever that is, even though it's not real. It's not realized you haven't sold it.

Taxation and Investment Concerns

And this is stocks, this is crypto, this is every asset class. They want you to pay an unrealized gain. And I, to be fair, I think it is, if you have, there's a threshold for this, but still, how much wealth will leave the country in the event that this goes into effect? I know Nancy Pelosi is shitting her pants right now, so I just think it's. I think once we start seeing some real numbers, I think once we see some real debate, the actual one, not like the best one that you're ever going to find on social media.

Real Debates and Market Reactions

But when we start seeing the actual debates, I think all of this is going to get exposed and we're finally going to get a real look at what this is. But this feels like the preseason crap that's going on. You can't tell if your quarterback's good, they won't play them. You can't tell if your receivers or your line really has it together, and you're not going to be able to tell until you finally get on the field and every, all your starters are out and everybody's playing.

Anticipation of Upcoming Events

So it just feels like the preseason whatever right now, but it is unfortunately, I think, affecting the crypto market. But regardless, you know, it's not a loss if you sell. If you just hold it, you can just wait. So I do expect a major rebound here as we get a little clarity going forward, but otherwise, yeah, that's about it. And let me see, I have some notes that I wrote, so.

Surveying Issues and Public Opinion

Oh, and my last comment is, whenever they ask people about issues, is it like, how do you feel about the economy? How do you feel about crypto? How do you feel about this? How do you feel about that? Trump wins in every single category. But then they're showing this poll where, like, head to head, the two of them, he's behind her until today. And then when her copy pasta tax plan came out, it flipped Polly market, and he's back ahead of her.

Investment Strategies in Cryptocurrency

So, you know, just Hodl. It's hold on for dear life for that reason. But if you don't like the roller coaster, you gotta get off. Yeah, I saw you mixing it up with a couple of people a couple of days ago. People screaming, and you're like, bro, what are you talking about? You don't mess with her on x. Jackie's not. She's not fucking around.

Anticipation for Upcoming Debates

It was a literal dev, do something. And I'm like, I don't. This is not a pump fun shitter. Like, what do you mean? We've been doing things, but yeah, and we are so excited. Stephen and I are talking to and planning the next debate. We cannot wait. It will be on video. I think I can say we can talk about this now, right, Stephen? Yeah.

Planning Future Events

It will be an actual live stream. So that was the number one request that we got of. I want to see this live. I want to see faces. So we are going to make that happen. And we are very excited to do that. That's going to be so much fun. I apologize in advance, everybody who does have to see my face, but it should be fun anyway. Just close your eyes, you know, just.

Lighthearted Interactions

Just close your eyes. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Yeah, I can't do the voice, but you're beautiful. That's going to be a good time. What were you saying, estee? Oh, same here. You know, when I make the voices and I get into the Kamala, like, you know, I turn into her. So I apologize in advance to everyone that's going to be incredibly uncomfortable. But if she reminds me of someone, that's, like, trying to get out of, like, you know, when, like, venom's trying to get out of the mask and he's trying to get like out of the.

Personal Observations on Kamala Harris

That's when she does that. She contorts her face in all these ways. So I apologize to all of you that have tolerate that, but, you know, it's for the good of the country. Also. But I agree with that, actually. My wife and I were talking about what watching Kamala's face last night. And she. My wife goes. She just. She holds her face in such a weird way.

Critical Reception of Harris's Appearance

Like, it's always like, backd, you know, like she's disgusted by something. By the way, an arrestor. Multiple arrests are being made right now. It looks like, outside the DNC, so just keep an eye on that. I love when they eat each other, but, you know, I had actually called my dentist earlier, and after watching that clip from the DNC when she surprised everyone on stage with her shit brown suit, I don't understand who dresses her.

Fashion Statements and Public Image

And, like, it's almost like they. They pick the ugliest stuff on purpose. But she comes out in this shit brown blazer, and the smile is like. It's to the point where I'm uncomfortable with the amount of teeth I have to look at the same time. And all, you know, all 73 of her teeth are out. So I asked my dentist, I said, remember that. That ridiculous concoction that you put into my mouth to try to get all the way to the top back of the tooth?

Humorous Takes on Public Figures

And my mouth was really wide open and he's like, yeah, why? And I'm like, I need that so I can make a video of Kamala Harris. You know, I noticed that last night, too. I said, holy crap. You could see every tooth. There's something wrong with this woman. And did you? I'm going to share this into the. Just so we could all have a laugh.

Political Commentary and Performative Acts

Tim Walls did it again. He's out there flailing on stage. I don't know. I don't know what's wrong with this guy. I've never seen anything like it. This guy, I call him happy feet because this guy, he's kicking, he's flailing, he's throwing his hands. What the hell is this guy's deal? I just. I don't get it. He's a little joyful warrior, you know?

Humor in Political Discourse

Leave Timmy Tampon alone. Camp on. I love it. That's so funny. All right, let's go. Let's go. Blockchain basement. We got blockchain basement in here. I know he's excited. Let's go. Let's see Drew. We got Drew here, my ladies and gentlemen. All right, what's up? Shout out to you guys. And hello, mega beam coin family. You know, I got a.

Community Engagement and Updates

I got a lot to tell you guys here. I got kind of a. My teeth into a bone that I just can't let go of. And it's in relevance to these protests that are happening outside of the DNC convention right now. This is information I released on the black site for the blockchain basement. But this is dangerous info. So everyone in this space, just get ready to be put on a list.

Concerns about Funding and Protests

Fair warning for listening to me tell you what I'm about to say. So there's a call from Shelley Moore, Capito, and Pete Ricketts talking about the Inflation Reduction Act and the funding within the act, about $2 billion worth of funding, hundreds of millions of dollars of that, is actually going directly to anti-American groups. Now, the interesting thing about this, these anti-American groups, namely, I got names here, Climate Justice Alliance, which is directly connected to the LCSC with a director, Eric Mann, with two ends.

Funding for Activism and Demonstrations

And also within that, Eric Mann, directly connected to Susan Rosenberg of a thousand currents, who has direct ties to the BLM founders, as well as Bill Arrows, Bill Ayers. So these three people, extreme leftists, that were kind of the funding guts of this big upswing in the BLM summer of love riots that we all saw in the last season of civil unrest, have received our tax dollars once again to build out this Palestinian chaos army that we're seeing ferment outside the DNC. You're damn right you're going to see it come out of the RNC as well.

Taxpayer Money and Political Protests

But our own money is being used against us actively. And in my appropriate. In my assertion, they're preparing for a Trump victory to utilize these groups to sow chaos. And it is just salt in the wound for every American that's out there doing the right thing, paying your taxes, trying to do the right stuff. As high as the taxes are nowadays, it is painful as hell. And then you guys are mentioning some pretty important stuff. The Kamala Harris proposed unrealized gains tax.

Implications of Unrealized Gains Tax

Anyone that's in crypto is out of their mind. If they're voting for the left at this point, like, I can't even imagine holding crypto in my wallet and even conceiving or potentially even thinking about voting for Kamala Harris and Joe Biden at this point, it's absolutely insane. And I'm coming to you guys with the names. This is exactly how it started. Up it goes climate justice alliance to the LLC, SC with director Eriche man, and then down to Chelsea Bowdoin.

Political Connections and Funding Streams

Chelsea directly connected to none other than George Soros and his funding campaigns. This is all just a gargantuan consortium that is restarting the next leg of their civil unrest. And it's happening with our tax dollars. It's insane to see it happening. I know that we're crushing it at the polls, and what Wayne Allen Root was saying is very important. Important. Trump needs to highlight how life was when he was in office.

The Contrast of Past and Present Policies

Because they're using this Inflation Reduction Act, the labeling of it's exactly opposite of what it's going to accomplish, first of all. But they're trying to get ahead of his ability to use that conversation in front of the American public as a good reminder. And I don't think that they're going to be able to stop him from reminding people about how amazing the economy was. You guys brought up some really good points at the beginning of this space.

Past Economic Performance Under Trump

When you're talking about the hiring activity during the Trump presidency. I was a headhunter. I'd been a headhunter for ten years. During the Trump presidency. There were absolute premiums on people with experience that were willing to work, that had experience doing the work. People were getting paid hand over fist to go and do specific jobs. Now we have people just looking for anything.

Present Economic Conditions

The economy's in the absolute shitter. They mis labeled, misrepresented a million jobs on the jobs report. That is the jobs report that the Federal Reserve has been utilizing to try to act like they know what's going on in the economy and to try to time out these Federal Reserve rate cuts. They are completely flying in the blind. They're flying off of fake data.

Future Outlook for Cities and Investments

And to compound it, city centers, large commercial real estate buildings are selling for $0.10 on the dollar right now in adjusted interest rates. These banks are sitting on a knife's edge. So the Federal Reserve is stuck in a hard place right now. And on the crypto side, I very much feel like this is the average season for crypto. We are only 120 days after the bitcoin halving.

Historical Trends in Cryptocurrency

Usually we don't have a really good time in altcoins or even meme coins until we reach about a 230 day timeframe after the having. Meaning that in the middle of October is when we see things really start to run. And it is incredible that it's timed up with the election somehow. Satoshi Nakamoto set it up just right in line. 2008, it falls under each different presidential election in November is 230 days after that bitcoin having.

Optimism in Cryptocurrency Future

So it's a beautiful design. And really right now on the crypto prices, I'm not worried at all. I'm stacking more MAGA token. I'm not buying, I'm not interested in literally any other meme token. The Solana pump and dump pump fund chaos has been absolutely brutal to the average retail investor. Blood and guts all over the place.

Warning Against Market Volatility

I really recommend against going in there and getting sniped by these meme coin sniping bots right now, because they are laying waste to the average person that's seeing the number go up. They want to have involvement. They see 10,000% up, and then they wake up the next day, guess what? 9000% or, you know, 99% down, they're getting wrecked up there.

Community Support and Project Direction

So a huge shout out to you guys for leading a project that, you know, isn't destroying people that are just wanting to have some fun and to represent their, you know, their political beliefs in a meme token way. It's really refreshing that you guys have, you know, it's been a year now, and if you. If you do keep it up and you keep the momentum, especially after this election, I can't even.

Looking Ahead in the Meme Coin Market

It's hard to say how high this token will go, honestly. It really is. Doge accomplished absolutely insane things. Now you have dojanos, you know, and shout out to all of them here in the chat. I mean, and you see the ecosystem that's built out from these meme coins. If they really hold on, it can get massive.

Sharing Information with Influential Figures

But, you know, I really wanted to get that info to Roger Stone and Wayne Allen Root. It's kind of sad I wasn't able to butt in because I need them to get this info. I'm assuming Trump has really intelligent people around him that are highlighting all of this funding and basically this building out of anti-American army with our own tax dollars right as the elections right around the corner.

Historical Context of Activist Movements

But this mirrors exactly how BLM just popped up out of nowhere with all this millions of dollars of funding and was able to be flown from city to city, pallets of bricks left for them on the sides of the roads, u hauls, moving materials around, and logistics. That stuff doesn't happen by accident. It's a. It's a good. It's a cohesive, concerted effort.

Preparing for Unforeseen Events

And so, you know, we're in for one. Either way this election goes, we're in for one. And I woke up after I found all this information released on the black site. You know, my tweet this morning? Epic. You know, let Kamala steal this election and let her try and take away the weapons and the finances of 80 million already pissed off Americans.

Power of the People

See how far they get because there's still extreme power in we the people. And I am. I've been sitting on the outside being called, what, you know, they call a white American males. The most dangerous thing to American democracy. Overdose. The course of the last ten years, I don't even have a speeding ticket. I, you know, I have four kids.

Community and Public Responsibility

All I try to do is do right by my neighbors, go to farmers markets, all this stuff. But to be called those things has lit a fire in my heart. And I know for 100% fact it's lit the fire and at least 20 million other American males in this country that are feeling just the same way as I am. So I'm coming to you guys with the facts.

Release of Critical Information and Its Impact

I found them all, we released them all on the black side. And this. This election is going to be absolutely nuts. I still feel like Trump is leading on the grassroots level by a long shot, but there is a lot of obscurity behind closed doors still, and we have to keep cognizant of that. This thing is not in the books.

Significance of the Upcoming Election

And we. We got a hell of a fight ahead of us. We. I said it on a few spaces back. We needed a five x. I feel like we needed 20 x right now. Because if we don't make this heinously obvious that the American people want Trump back and they want a good economy back, they're not only going to rug the election, they're going to rug our buying power, they're going to rug this bull market, they're going to rug everything that they can, man.

Commitment to Action

So we have to fight with everything in this. I know it's been a long train, and we have two, three months left to go. You got to dig deep, you got to look inward and realize how important this election really is.

The State of Crypto During the Trump Administration

Because I'm fairly new to crypto and everything, but, so my question was, how is crypto doing, like, during the Trump years in terms of everybody, how was it like, how is it performing? Like, how are people like price action, things like that? Yep. So we can go. I have, we have Jackie, Andrew, I'm sure they're going to, they'll know that. But I want to first, before we go into just general price action is, you know, the current administration is very hostile to it. So if this environment continues, I mean, think of it this way. If you plant a garden and it stays out in the bald, hot sun with no water for long enough, the whole thing is going to be dead. Right? So the environment that the industry is being placed in right now isn't just, you know, it's not just not conducive for growth, it is very conducive for death. As you mentioned, they're going to regulate it. When the government does that, it essentially strangles the industry of any sort of organic growth. And it's really a mess under Trump. I don't believe there was any of that. Well, there were questions about it, but there wasn't this much hostility towards it.

Comparisons of Administration Policies

If I remember correctly, price action right now, it is increased in price, but that's a factor of time as well from a policy standpoint, the way a Trump administration would treat the crypto space and the way a Harris administration would treat a crypto space or the crypto space are two totally different animals. So, you know, I think we can look at how both administrations have treated the space in general instead of just comparing what the price was, because, you know, the price of gold was cheaper under Trump, too, and it has increased. But is that a good thing, or is that a factor of inflation? Like, there's no. I don't know if there's a, there's necessarily answer in terms of what the price action was. I think bitcoin hit like, what, $4,000 right when the COVID pandemic started, but then it ripped shortly after that. So, you know, that's. I think there's two questions there, but I think that if it makes sense, the administration, now, the incumbent administration, the Democrat administration, will be very hostile to the space. And the Trump administration, especially if an RFK can give his input, it will be very constructive to the space.

Discussion on Bitcoin and Market Trends

Not no rules or anything, but Donald Trump is an America first guy, and he wants the talent that's in that space to be here, to be starting jobs here, so that the talent can remain in the United States, that we could be on the cutting edge of this industry and this technology is going to play a role in the future. I think that makes sense. But, Jackie or Drew, do you want to take a stab at maybe the original question about the price action? Yeah, I mean, ultimately, we did see bitcoins all time highs, I think at least twice within Trump cycle, and it went up around 20, it got up around 21 or 26, maybe in 2017, and then it ripped all the way up to 69,000 ultimately in 2021, right after he left office. But that had, you know, been building for quite a while. His administration at the time didn't really do anything. It's. It's like they almost kind of didn't know what to think of it. But more importantly, what they didn't do was they didn't attack it and they didn't stifle it, and they didn't file Wells notices and let an SEC chairman just run rampant and make crypto his own personal enemy.

Consequences of Regulatory Actions

So I do think that a lot can be said for, you know, the fact that they just didn't do anything at all originally, as opposed to what, the last four years it's been for crypto, which had an enormous target on its back. And the SEC, acting under its own volition, has actually ruined some legitimate projects. One called library, had a utility to put books on the blockchain. And they were completely destroyed by the SEC going after them and attacking them. So I think what Trump will not want to do is to stifle legitimate business with enterprise that they're going to build in America. They're going to have their tech in America, and they're going to put us on the forefront of this technology. I also think that his choice of JD Vance is a great signal that he's moving forward in that direction, as JD Vance is also in, with Silicon Valley.

Implications of Political Landscape on Crypto

He's big in tech. He's pro crypto. He himself personally holds crypto. So I think all of these things are, you know, public knowledge. And in the last four years, Trump has launched his own NFT campaign. Like several collections. Melania has launched them and supposedly Barron. Yeah, I'm holding that mugshot NFT. Still, I wonder how much that mugshot NFT is going to be. And like these two administrations, the results of this election are going to have vastly different outcomes for our bags. I can clearly state it that way. And the reason why Jackie highlighted this. When Trump was in office, he didn't really know what to think of bitcoin, other than it competed with the us dollar. And Trump is an American, Maxi. He's looking at this tech that is just ripping. He saw the upside, but he wanted dominance for the us dollar.

Economic Factors Influencing Crypto Prices

He needed to retain power within the us dollar, because when we did have that Covid snap crash, our GDP hit levels it hadn't seen since the civil war of 1861 in America. So at that time, you saw an emergency injection of liquidity. You know, near 40, 50% of all dollars ever created were put into circulation to put the band aid over the bullet wound of our economy that was going to come to a halt at the time of the economic lockdowns. And in the light of that, we did see bitcoin accomplish two all time highs. But I do think that the real all time high for bitcoin in the realm of inflation was actually the first peak, somewhere around $64,000, because at that point, your buying power was stronger. Now, to accomplish a true buying power all time high right now for bitcoin, you actually have to breach over $80,000 in the current inflationary market. So that's something to keep in context.

Role of Future Leadership in Shaping Crypto

Yes, the number has gone up beyond what it was, but the buying power has not. And in that we talked earlier about RFK potentially reaching out to the Trump camp. And I did a deep dive on the blockchain basement about this. Trump spoke very bullishly and has some extremely exciting ideas about how he can utilize bitcoin to back the us dollar, to shore up the us dollar, and to actually get us on a track of fixing the deficit. We reached $35 trillion in deficit. We are on pace to reach $50 trillion in deficit by 2035 at current rate. But RFK had an even bigger plan. He wanted to buy 4 million bitcoin and back the us dollar with 4 million bitcoin. If. If RFK has anything to do with the Trump camp, that idea is going to come across Trump's desk.

Potential Strategies in American Politics and Crypto

He's going to give Trump a lot of really good ideas, because RFK, I mean, he knows a lot about the background and the use case of bitcoin. And primarily, he highlighted at bitcoin Nashville, how it can be used to harden our infrastructure. We are going into a, essentially the third world championship against China and Russia. It's clear as day it's coming. We're there. And the Pentagon, Department of Defense earlier this, I think over the last two years, they released the concept, or they acknowledged the concept of proof of power through a kind of a write up from named software from Jason Lowry, and highlights how bitcoin can actually be used as a proven data block to secure american information systems and data infrastructure. On top of that, I think we're going to see a gold rush of data centers when Trump is put into the seat.

Future Growth and Competitive Landscape

And that would not only spur an immense amount of construction and tech jobs and the build out of that infrastructure, almost like the new deal of our previous past in America, but it'll also put us ahead of China in the digital arms race. And I think that Trump is going to have a very strong focus on outpacing China's data movement capabilities. Data is the new oil. It seems that Trump has the right people on his shoulder telling him where this country needs to move to remain competitive. And with RFK at, you know, anywhere near his cabinet, helping him out with those decisions and being a part of that conversation, I. This is the bitcoin super cycle. If we get those people into office with the ideas that they have in this given time, it is the super cycle.

Challenges from the Current Administration

Now, on the flip side, as you said, Democrats in Operation Choke .2.0 have been in full swing. They want to shut down our on ramps and off ramps of fiat to crypto. They can't shut down crypto in and of itself. It's too decentralized. But what they can do is shut off your off and on ramp so that you can't exit and you can't leave once you're in. And this is a very dangerous precedent, because the whole power of bitcoin, and the only reason why it's been able to make it this far in opposition to fiat currencies and governments across the world for the last ten years plus, even more than that, I mean, what are we talking, like, since 2008, is because it's decentralized and people can self custody it, and it has a system called a randomizer within it that is one of the most unbreakable data sets on the planet. That's the only reason why this thing hasn't been arbitraged out of existence.

Implications of Potential Outcomes

So if we do see a Kamala Harris Tim waltz freak of nature presidency happen, they are going to implement these massive taxes, they are going to outlaw self custody of your crypto. And that is where the literal chance of freedom that we're looking in the face right now will go away into a vanish of dust. This is a very serious moment for humanity as a whole. They don't understand, like, we have this chance. Bitcoin's gotten this far. The government understands bitcoin is a contender, and now we see Trump trying to leverage it. Made in America, you know, mine all the bitcoin that you can in America, make us the world dominant country when it comes to bitcoin holding, bitcoin utilization, and crypto utilization to harden our energy and infrastructure grids.

Future Opportunities Amid Risks

Or we can get a Kamala Harris hyena situation where she outlaws your self custody rights and they tax the living hell out of not only the retail, but also the mining organizations and consolidate it down to where basically only oil companies will be incentivized to capture methane flares to stop the climate emissions with their bitcoin mining. And that is where the consolidation of power makes it all the way up to the elites. Once again, this is a very serious subject. I mean, it's a reasonable question for someone on the outside looking in that's new to crypto. This is a very good question. And I know I gave a very long winded answer, but I gave you a very concise answer that I have accumulated over, you know, six, seven years of obsessive research, paying attention to what's happening to this field on a daily basis at a very deep level.

The Future of Bitcoin and National Security

And the concept of proof of power within bitcoin is something that nation states are going to fight over for the next 50 years. So this next two months will make the difference on if America is a contender in that or not. So it's a big deal. Big. And honestly is a good question, man. So shout out to you for bringing that up and all right. Appreciate it. Thank you. Absolutely, bro. That's why I love these. Thank you, Drew. Thank you, Drew. Thank you, Jackie. And thank you to I don't care anymore, Sam nor at Sam, underscore nor knorr one. Appreciate the. Appreciate the question. And obviously, another great reason why I love these spaces. You get these information, these pieces of information can be filtered out to everybody to generate a better understanding of the space.

Remarks on Emerging Trends and Community Support

So it's great. Shiba and books are here from bark meta. Let's start with Shibo. What's going on, bro? What's going on, family? A lot of good things were said today. One thing were talking about spaces a little bit earlier today, and I kind of felt the same vibe in here is that retail is sick of these empty pump funds. I would like to call it fatigue. Like, it's tiring. Right? 23,000 tokens are getting printed daily, and by the end of the day, only 0.12% of them remain above 60k. Market captain, were talking in spaces, and were saying, okay, well, what was the last, what was last. Last bull market? What was the market cap of Shiba Inu? It was like 44 billion. What was the market cap of Dogecoin? It was like 88 billion. Now, this bull market is. Is going to be bigger than the last one.

Expectations for Increased Market Capitalization

The top, the ceiling for meme coins is also going to rise. And having a strong ticker like Trump and a strong team, right? Not just some random pump fund. Dev that clicked a couple buttons, made his money after the first 20 minutes, 30 minutes, and then left the project. I mean, this is the perfect project to get into. And over the next two months, as this election narrative really starts picking up, we should all be working double time, working for the bags and keeping up with the team members. Guys, as holders, we should be. You know, you guys set a really good example of leaders leading from the front of the pack, not at the back of the pack yelling at us what to do. So I really appreciate the way you guys hustle for our bags.

Community Engagement and Future Prospects

And to everyone who's listening, especially the Dojano dog community, let's hustle for our bags with this Trump ticker, because it's time. The next three months, double down time. Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a really good three months ahead of us. I think a lot of our community, I don't care. A lot of our community is saying, if yo, if Kamala wins, we might be. We might be jumping the fence south. She so. So, brother, we need trumping off. There is no, there is no if Kamala wins, we have to manifest this w for Trump. He's a hero. And, yo, Steven, Sean, Jack, you guys do a great job every week. I'm just proud to be a part of this community, and I'm looking forward to the next couple months with you guys.

Final Thoughts and Future Engagement

For real. Appreciate it, Shiva. Thank you, pal. Really, really appreciate it. You know, it's super motivating to hear folks that have come in and become a part of this community after so long. So, you know, after we've been around for a year now, we're hanging in. We're staying strong, and we got election season coming up. I mean, we've been through a Super Tuesday wave. We've been through the conviction wave. We had sentencing September 18, potentially. And then it's election season, guys. And this is going to. This is just going to be a wild ride. It's going to be amazing. As Jackie said, you know, if you're. If you're not ready for the roller coaster, get off. If not, buckle up, right?

Upcoming Engagement and Excitement for Future Events

So, really excited. We got books from Bark Manna. He's got the new PFP up. I see something's going on with this new PFP. What's going on, guys? This, man, this is just something we've been working on for a minute. I don't know if it's gonna be a new PFP, though. It's just somewhere we're having fun with right now. I appreciate you guys, man, and I agree with everything that was said here. I don't know about hopping the border to go south, Shibo. I don't think it was a joke. I don't think we're gonna have to do that. I think we're gonna be all right. There's a lot of stuff I want to say, but I don't want to sound crazy.

Community Sentiments and Future Outlook

I hope that there is an election, fam. I really hope that there is. I'm buying a tank, bro. What is it? I'm buying a tank, that's what. I'm rolling with him, Brian. I'm rolling with him. Chechnya and president. He mounted a fucking gun on top of the Tesla truck. We might need to do that, fellas. Very bullish. Very bullish. We might need to do the same fucking thing. I don't know, guys. I really hope there is an election. I hope, I hope it's fair, because this is, like, the last bit of hope. That's that I've got left in me. We need this guy to win, guys. So we'll see how it goes. I think he's going to win.

Skepticism and Motivation Going Forward

I think we have every right to be skeptical. And I think we take that skepticism, we turn that into motivation to be too big to rig because as many of us have mentioned on the space tonight, we just, the country simply cannot afford the alternative. Right? They can't afford. We can't afford it. The country can't afford it. It's not going to, it's not going to work out. We've been rolling for almost 2 hours. Another great Tuesday. The DNC is still rocking. Protests are getting crazy. I got a few friends on the ground there, so keep looking. They keep watching the news. Keep watching. XDev X is ahead of the news now. So it's always cool to keep it locked in this platform.

Reflections on Community Strength and Engagement

I love this platform. It's come a long way. It's certainly a lot better than it was four years ago, if you guys remember that nightmare. So let's start closing it up. Let's go to SD. Closing thoughts for you or your alter ego? All good, whatever you prefer to do. But another Tuesday night and another debate's been announced. Yeah, listen, I'm just, you know, real talk for a second. You know, I hear everyone's skepticism and I myself hear myself saying that, you know, I definitely will feel tricks up their sleeve. I love that, you know, the people support what we're doing. I'm glad that people see it past the, you know, the comedic level levity that it has.

Manifestation and Positive Outlook

But I truly believe in manifestation. And, you know, the more positive we are and the more hopeful we are. And if we see it, you just keep, you know, keep imagining Trump's hand like on that Bible and the liberals crying. That's what I see. You know what I see, guys? I see a bunch of people on their knees pulling out their blue hair, going absolutely apeshit, going on to x with their frustrations and me goading the fuck out of them, Sean, doing the exact same thing, all of us just making them all get so triggered to the point where all the mental asylums will have to get reopened because by then it's just going to have to be, you know, it's out of control. So you got to manifest things like that.

Unity and Resilience in the Face of Adversity

And I'll be honest with you know, we all watched a miracle just because the media cycle decided to run. Like Will Smith getting slapped by, or, yeah, I should say Will Smith slap it ran the media cycle longer than Trump's assassination attempted. And that miracle is something that we all felt the next day, like, were all saddened and scared. But you know what I felt? I felt like how we all felt on September 12, that feeling of unity and that feeling of, like, oh, my God, that patriotism. And we need to get that energy, like, screaming back here at the end of day, these morons are like pigeons that just, you know, shit on the chessboard and pretend like they won anyway, even though they have no idea what they're doing.

Maintaining Hope and Fighting Narcissism

And we need to not give in to their narcissism. We need to never, ever give into their narcissism. So if my closing thoughts, you know, give away, take away any message, is that stay completely hopeful, Trump is going to win. It is not, you know, I think he's going to win. I don't know, things are looking this, he better win or else. I know that's been the atmosphere fear for everybody for a long time, because it's, you know, there is a lot at stake here, but I truly believe in the power of God, in whatever religion that you look into.

Faith and Resilience in the Political Arena

I look at, I look to hashem, and everything at the end of the day is in his hands, and this man is protected. I've seen the hand of God over him. You all have many times. I don't know anyone that should be even standing morally after what they've done to him, to his family. And we all know he doesn't need this and he doesn't give up fights. And we have to have that resilience behind each and every one of us, depending on what our purpose is. So if my purpose is to laugh like a hyena on spaces like this to get people to wake up and to join the movement, then that's my freaking, you know, that's my thing, and I'm going to run with it no matter what.

Connections and Shared Experiences within the Community

And everything in life is pushing us towards this space to be together or towards everything that's happening. So I'm very much like a believer in nothing happens by accident. I didn't find the community by accident, even. Everything that's happening for me personally now, it's all part of a bigger picture. So in the grand scheme of things, we all have to be just like diehard patriots, money aside, crypto aside, you know, and the hope is going to really land it for this country, then that's what I think we all need to completely hold on to.

Political Engagement and Future Directions

I'm actually voting for SD for president. Like, can you imagine, you know, I just replaced her last minute, and then you guys all get fucking confused. Like, what do we do now? We like her. Oh, man, that is good stuff. No, that's really good. It's a great message. And you're right. You know, I look, you know, and I consume this stuff daily. I think you were mentioning at the beginning of this space. You know, sometimes it's hard because you're watching. You're watching Harris. I'm watching Trump. Well, I'm watching everybody. You're watching everybody.

Perceptions of Political Figures and Their Influence

But for the bits that we do and all that, you know, and it's, a lot of this news is not great news. And it's hard sometimes when you're just watching this to have that hope. But it's easy, though, to get it because you're sitting there going, look at how crazy. We know the power of the mainstream media. But I truly believe in the power of rational, sane beings. I obviously believe in that. What happened to Trump on July 13 was divine intervention. And I think God saved him for a reason.

Anticipation and Strategic Planning Ahead of Elections

Yeah, I don't know if that reason is to win the election, but I do know that he saved him for a reason. And that would seem to be a pretty obvious one there. So you know what? We work our asses off from now till November 5, and then when we win, we work our asses off till January 20. And then when, you know, when he's inaugurated, we work our asses off, you know, and we just keep building on it. That's how, that's how movements survive and that's how they grow. And I see, that's where I see that's, I see this movement going to those places.

Community Sentiments and Closing Remarks

Amen, brother. Appreciate you and looking forward to our next debate. Jackie, closing thoughts tonight. What's going on? Another successful Trump Tuesday. I want to thank everybody who came and spoke, obviously, our new lovely edition. Estee, to the main powerhouse of people that we see here every week. It's. So they said that today only 5% of the crypto space is women. So, yeah, just, we need more men, guys. We just, we don't have enough men in this space.

Encouragement for Women in Crypto

But, yeah, proud to be a unicorn along with SD as well. So since we have a 50 panel up here, which is so nice, really digging that, as always, protect your seed phrase. Never give that out, protect your wallet. I don't know if you know, if you raw dot the links, we talk about this. If you just click any link that anybody sends, you might wind up losing your crypto. So it would be a good idea for you to transfer it off, maybe into a cold storage wallet or somewhere that. That the device that you use regularly is not exposing your bag to the scammers, because scammers are the crackheads of crypto.

Awareness and Caution in the Crypto Space

They don't wake up and say, I'm too tired to smoke crack. They get out and go get that bag. So the scammers do this. Let me get some. If they worked hard, if they worked just as hard at actually doing something positive, the world would be a better place. But instead, they wake up and work really hard to steal your shit. So just be very aware of that. Do not fall victim to anything like that. If you have any questions, never fomo, never freak out.

Future Engagement and Community Gathering

Never just ape into something at the last minute. You can always join the telegram. There's always somebody in there day in and day out to answer your questions. Other than that, we will see you guys next week, and we are so looking forward to letting you guys know the exact day and time link and location for you to share of the first ever live video. MAgA meme coin Trump versus Kamala debate can't wait. And I think that is before. Well, I don't. I have intel as to when it might be, but I'm thinking if it is before his sentencing, because the.

Excitement for Upcoming Political Events

The original debate is before sentencing, and Donald Trump is going to have to be in his outlaw apparel. That means the let's go, Brandon cowboy hat is coming out. So, you know, I mean, Stephen's not going to be the only one with a cool hat on that night. Let's. Let's roll over to Stephen to take us home. Stephen Steele, the real deal. The real. The realest deal. Nobody's ever seen a deal so real, you know, out of no deals. Deals are great. We're fantastic.

Encouraging Community Participation and Optimism

Stephen, take us home. No one's ever seen a deal surreal. And the Trump voice is peak. Is peak. That's just me my whole week right there. Anyway, guys, I gotta stop thinking about that because I won't be able to stop laughing. Many of you have been asking me, is the tattoo real? Is the MAGA meme coin tattoo real that I posted a video of a few days ago? And I'm here to tell you, literally right now, I am looking at the exact same tattoo on my arm that you saw in that video. So that's what I have to say about that. So anyway, what a phenomenal week.

Team Spirit and Unity in the Crypto Community

What a dream team lineup. Roger Stone, Wayne Allyn root Sean Farosh esti Jackie Dutton. Jackie, pointing out that is estimated that only 5% of the crypto space is comprised of females. So here at mega meme coin, we not only have equal representation, we have an over. A huge over representation going on here of women. So we are in an. We are actually. Diversity is our strengthen. I'm just kidding. That's my policy.

Community Engagement and Humor

No, no. You see, that's what I'm talking about. He always comes out and just steals everything and then tells me that you stole the no tax on tips. You know, I'm rolling with it. You stole that from me. All right, exactly. Diverse. What a nasty person. Diversity. Go ahead. You got to give me a few more. I mean, whore island was a good one. You got to. You got to spice it up a little bit, Sean.

Encouragement for Humor and Lightheartedness

I allow it, okay? This is the one time in my life I will tell a man, roast me to, you know, to the gates of hell. It's okay. I allow it. I welcome it. You can call me, you know, we know I'm nasty. You have to. You have to get spicier with it. You gotta. We need more spice. All right. I'm gonna have to, we'll have to. We'll have to cook.

Reflections on Community and Personal Growth

You know how many comments I got on that tacos? You know how many comments I got? I took it on my instagram, on my YouTube. They went ballistic. They're like real estate on Horror island, you know? Please make merch with that line. And I was like, okay. And like I said, I'm like that, you know, Sean has to spice it up. It has to be more nasty is great. We need spice. Yeah, we need just a little, you know, just a little Cajun.

Anticipation for Upcoming Discussions

Nothing too spicy, you know, tampon. Can't handle it. Just a little, you know, black pepper. Just a little. That's good. Well, we'll be supposed. We'll dial up the spice then. And if you guys want to see. The spice factor, you know how hot we get. You know, it's more than hot ones. It's more. Do the hot ones. Do the trump hot ones thing, please. It's going to be so hot.

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