Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Trump Assassins | J6 Updates & More w/ Steve Baker @TPC4USA hosted by TrashDiscourse. Delve into the intricacies of the J6 investigation and beyond in this insightful Twitter space led by Steve Baker. Explore diverse opinions, societal impacts, and expert insights shared during the engaging discussions with the audience. Stay up-to-date on current events and gain a deeper understanding of the ongoing narrative. With a focus on interactive conversations and thought-provoking dialogues, this space offers a unique perspective on recent news and developments.

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Total Listeners: 715


Q: What are the latest updates on the J6 investigation?
A: The latest information on the J6 investigation is discussed in detail by Steve Baker.

Q: How do current events impact society?
A: The space delves into the societal impact of current events and potential future consequences.

Q: What perspectives were shared during the conversation?
A: Various perspectives and opinions were shared by industry experts and participants.

Q: How interactive were the discussions with the audience?
A: Engagement with the audience was high, with interactive conversations and Q&A sessions.

Q: What key insights were highlighted by Steve Baker?
A: Steve Baker provided key insights and updates on important topics discussed in the space.


Time: 00:15:20
J6 Investigation Updates Detailed overview of the latest updates on the J6 investigation.

Time: 00:25:45
Societal Implications of Current Events Discussion on how current events impact society and potential consequences.

Time: 00:35:10
Expert Opinions and Perspectives Insights from industry experts and various perspectives shared during the conversation.

Time: 00:45:30
Interactive Audience Engagement Engaging with the audience through interactive conversations and Q&A sessions.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on the ongoing J6 investigation and updates.
  • Discussion on current events and potential future implications.
  • Exploration of various perspectives and opinions on recent news.
  • Informative discussion with industry experts and thought leaders.
  • Engagement with the audience through interactive conversations and Q&A sessions.

Behind the Mic

Opening the Space

I figured I would start up a little earlier, get everybody kind of filed in here. Steve will be here in about seven minutes, I would suspect. So I figured I'd open up the space, let everybody kind of file in a little bit. This is going to be a really interesting space. Aaron's here with me. I actually did Aaron's podcast. God, I don't know how long ago that was now three or four months. And it was, and Steve was on there, and we talked a lot about a lot of things. And so it's really good that we're going to be able to talk with Steve again, as he's had a lot of updates. And I think Steve's done a lot of great work over at the blaze on always being ahead of the curve on January 6 things. And now he's also kind of getting some inside sources on some of the stuff surrounding the Trump assassination. So I figured the best thing to do would be start the space up, you know, five to seven minutes early, let everybody get in here, and we'll get Steve in here.

Setting the Agenda

And so what we're going to do here is essentially probably take like the first 45 minutes or an hour and kind of talk. And Steve's going to kind of talk about where, and Aaron and I are going to interview Steve a little bit on some of the revelations and inside information that he's gotten regarding the Trump assassins. Kind of like what was going on last of Secret Service, what happened in Butler, what happened down at Doral, and kind of what it looks like moving forward. And then eventually we will bring some people up for some Q and A. It looks like if you look at Steve's pinned tweet, he said no holds barred. He's promised he'll answer any question he's been asked. No holds barred. And if you guys don't know, Steve doesn't like to do a lot of spaces, obviously, because he does a lot of hits with, like, you know, blaze and in a more formal setting. And so spaces can get chaotic. But I believe that's why he agreed to do the space, like with me and Aaron is because, you guys know, I try to keep these things very professional, especially when it's topical.

Importance of the Space

Just stay on topic and get through the information, because we do need to be present on this app. This app, in my opinion, is the most free speech for the, for a downloadable, you know, Apple Store, Google Play Store type app, social media company. So I think we would do an injustice if weren't having it here. So I'm sure. Steve will make his way here in the next five minutes or so, but until now, let's get the room filled up a little bit. Aaron, good to see you. I haven't talked in a little while. Yeah. And here we are. Yeah. This is excellent. I'm glad. Yeah. Actually, it's pretty smart to start it a little bit earlier. Yeah. That's a good call. So, yeah, we're going to have a very interesting conversation with Steve.

Steve's Participation

And again, this is a huge credit to Steve because he doesn't like these kinds of formats because it could get a little chaotic. Sometimes you get some wise guys up here and they start ruining the space. So, you know, if you're going to deal with a professional person who does this for a living in a professional manner, you're really going to have to show what you got. So this is all credit for him that he is willing to do this again. He's, he is willing to do interviews, but not so much on spaces because sometimes it gets chaotic. This guy has been talking about the, nothing, only about the issues about the both shootings, but also the January 6 issue. He has been really out there, especially when it comes to, especially with Sarah Gonzalez. If you guys got to watch whenever those two are on the plays, you know it's going to be a good show.

Steve's Experience

So, yeah, that is more or less the breakdown on that front that you really got to start listening to this guy. If you never heard about him. He is, I'm going to let him, in his own words, explain to you what the significance of if a Harris administration wins the dangers of not only for us, but to him personally in a personal capacity, this administration would be threatening. Well, because, right. I mean, he was at the center of basically, like a lot of his time. Like after January 6, he spent, I want to say, aaron, close to two years with full access to all the videotapes of January 6, where he actually had to physically go to the Capitol, check in with Capitol police, and basically sit down with computers and go over all the thousands and thousands of hours of January 6 footage on his own with specific requests.

Access to Footage

And he was doing that for years. This is before he was even, I believe, even signed with the blaze. I think he's, I think he signed with the blaze now, but at the time he wasn't. And he had access to the tapes and he was reporting on January 6 stuff and putting out content when nobody was and there was a complete media blackout. That's what I remember about Steve and that's where I came across him because I was like, wow, he's got access. He's going to the Capitol every day. And he was doing a lot of hits with Glenn Beck, where he was kind of bringing this stuff to the forefront and then also was part of, like, the coordinated effort of the pressure onto the House Republicans and Mike Johnson to start releasing these tapes and these recordings, which are on rumble right now. If you go to the oversight channel on Rumble.

Steve's Preparing the Space

So he goes way back with this. So I appreciate that. And, Steve, I just wanted to kind of start the space a little early to kind of let people file in before we brought you in. That way we don't have to waste time with waiting for the space to fill up. But, Steve, I appreciate you being here. It's good to see you. Hi. Good to be here. Thanks for having me. Hope you can hear me okay. Oh, no, you sound great, Steve. You sound great. All right. And so since you're here, we can get into it because your time is precious, and I appreciate you allowing us and lending your time. You had a bombshell revelation a couple days ago, or a day ago, I guess, regarding this.

The Nature of the Discussion

So this is kind of what the premise of the space is going to be about. And like I was explaining to people, Steve, like, you don't typically like to do these, so we appreciate your time. But most importantly, I think that eventually, once we kind of get through this content, we kind of work our way through this reporting in this story that you had offered to bring some people up to ask some questions. And so obviously, we're going to be very judicious and how we do that. However, I think that what you came out with in regards to the Trump assassination attempts is actually pretty groundbreaking. I don't know if a lot of people caught it. I did attach that clip that blaze put out. I want to say at this point, it was 13 hours when I posted to the space.

Secret Service and Incompetence

Now you pissed off the Secret Service because now you're actually illuminating through your story that you came out with 20 hours ago on the blaze nightly news about what went down not only in Butler, Pennsylvania, but also what happened on the golf course in Doral. And I think that's the meat and potatoes of this conversation. So do you want to kind of set the stage for people here so people can kind of make this transition? Because now you've got Ron Rowe, who failed upwards like usual, and many other people inside the Secret Service now piss at you as well, because you're receiving inside tips like Dan Bongino seems to be Persona non grata with the secret service, but you seem to be number two this point. So now you pissed off them as well.

Surveillance and Responsibility

Yeah, well, I'm kind of making a career pissing off the various federal law enforcement agencies, not on purpose. It's based upon what they're doing and their failure to be upfront, their failure to be honest, their failure to be transparent about both their own mistakes, their inconsistencies and their own cover ups. And let's be honest, you always go to government and competency first, and then the next thing you see from these agencies is that they start the process of covering up. So when they start covering up, then they launch all of the conspiracy theories. It's their fault if they would just be transparent about their failures, because they are, you know, and I always say this about the federal government. We are, we are talking about the security forces, whether we're talking about the Capitol Police, whose responsibility it is to the safety of the House of Representatives and the Senate members, or we're talking about the secret Service, whose responsibility it is for presidential candidates, the president, former presidents, vice presidents, etc.

Government Incompetency

We're talking about the largest government in the world. So we're probably also talking about ultimately the most incompetent government in the world as well, just by the numbers, just by an order of magnitude. And they seem to becoming more incompetent of late. And we can, you know, I don't really want to get into those issues here, whether it's a DEI or lowering of standard hiring standards or whatever the case may be. We don't need to go off on that tangent. Everybody knows that. That's true. But the bottom line is that in the case of the two assassination attempts, and by the way, I'll just tell everybody right now, I wish to God people would stop trying to shoot Trump because I don't want to cover this. I have other projects that my stack of stuff that I'm most interested in and the stuff that I've been developing some of it for three and a half years, and I can't wait to finally get it to press or get it to video so that I can release it, is being interrupted by these yahoos that keep trying to take Trump out.

Monitoring Assassination Attempts

I wish they'd stop for a lot of reasons, but I think everybody gets my point there. But once were assigned, and when I say we, myself and Joe Hanneman, who's now with us at the blaze, once our editor in chief, assigned he and I to the first assassination attempt, obviously, I've had to monitor and I've had to be as tuned in to all of the revelations, all of the Senate and House hearings, the task force hearing today that took place in Congress I had to have that going in the background. I had to be monitoring that. I've got to be reading all of these documents that was released, like, yesterday by the Senate, which is 134 pages that I had to go through. It's my responsibility. I have to go through that. So other than the things that we learned by and through our own sources, because fortunately, Joe and I had a couple of sources on the ground. We had a couple of eyeballs in Butler. We had no eyeballs in Florida for that attempt, but in Butler, we did.

Drone Surveillance Insights

And so through our own sources, and because of our tentativeness to what's going on, we've been able to highlight some things. So I'm not going to say that I released a bombshell yesterday about this, but by going through that 134 pages of the senatorial review, I was able to find something that I thought was highly, disturbingly embarrassing. And I called it on blaze these tonight. I said, it's either just the height of incompetence or they just don't care. And, and that's, you know, I think you're setting me up. Correct me if I'm wrong. Are you talking about my story about. About the drones? The drones, yeah. So, like, I'm setting up your drone story, number one. But number two, like, I'm. I'm on the fence as well, Steve. Like, I actually want to put this into the public ether.

Public Concerns Over Government Incompetence

I'm not convinced completely that there's some, like, kind of, like, orchestrated plot inside our governmental agencies. I think it's a failure of incompetency and other factors, and they basically just don't care. And therefore, they're culpable because they don't care. But I'm not suggesting that there's some kind of, like, high level orchestrated plot, because as you pointed out, and this is my own opinion, I'm not speaking for you or anybody else in the space, but from what I can tell from government, and I go after government corruption, my lane is the censorship industrial complex. My lane is lawfare. Like, that's my lane. That's where I spend most of my time. It's evident to me that incompetence and gross incompetence, the larger that the government builds itself, the more incompetent it becomes.

Vulnerabilities in Security

And it only takes one or two people inside a network of incompetence to actually affect real change. Where you have an open rooftop or you have a known media bush spot where you can get a clips of the former president and you can exist there, and that those vulnerabilities are also known by the Secret Service. And like a simple tertiary floating of a drone with IR imagery equipment attached to it would have picked us up because the guy was there 12 hours ago. But what you were talking about in that reporting on Blaze news tonight, I think, is the meat and potatoes of where we're at in this space tonight. And I think that a lot of people need to hear what you're talking about because it's actually, it was very prescient.

Acknowledging Evidence and Incompetence

You're very spot on. And you seem to also have sourcing to back up that story. And I think that's important to talk about because I want to talk about receipts. I don't want to talk about conjecture. And I think that you have the receipts. Steve, go ahead. Yeah, and I'll, before I get into the actual story that we're referencing, I will set this up a little bit further by talking about the difference between, you know, the incompetence, the gross incompetence, the just near lackadaisical, I don't care, and then all the way to the conspiracy theories. Just before went on the air tonight, you know, I had somebody that posted on our feed that if I wanted to be on the right side of history, I would agree to the fact that there were multiple shooters shooting at Trump and Butler.

Government Agencies as Perpetrators of Conspiracy

And I don't agree with that. I don't agree with that. Based on the evidence and based on the research that I've done and based on the actual boots on the ground sourcing that we had that day, which we can talk about later on. But there are reasons, as I said earlier, why conspiracy theories are easily hatched. And the worst perpetrator of all are the government agencies who won't just come forward with the facts and won't answer questions when they are called before Congress. They are the biggest sources. And the reason why these conspiracy theories proliferate, just because they're trying to cover the ass, their own ass, even if it is just incompetence. They start the COVID up of that and then that launches into the conspiracy conjecturing. But having said that, there's also a middle ground in there.

Possibility of Purposeful Incompetence

And that's the possibility that it is purposeful incompetence. Because if you can be incompetent to the point to where you allow, and look, they don't have to have, and when I say they, the secret Service, the FBI, any of the other investigative agencies, they don't have to have real time, identifiable threats on the ground knowing of a particular group or an individual, a lone gunman, an iranian terrorist carousel or a venezuelan gang. They don't have to have real time intel that is existing, and it's somebody from one of those groups or one of those individuals is moving on. Trump, they know that Trump is in danger every day of his life. He is the number one target of all the secret Service protectees.

Historical Targeting and Threats

You don't believe it? Who else has had a shot taken at him in the last ten years? No one. None of them. None of them. He's had two in the last two months. And that includes Tim Walls. That's right. And this is what, you know, when I talk about sourcing, sometimes it's, some of the people that we work with closest are people that have the background. We have, we have a couple of our main sources. Their jobs for years is that they train secret Service sniper teams, secret service counter assault teams. They're the people that train them, and they know them very well. And they have provided sourcing directly to the ground in those particular circumstances.

Threat Assessment and Preparation

And as a result of having people of that quality, of that expertise, we tend to learn a lot more about where those failures were. And one of the things that they have taught me, it's not something I learned in school, but one of the things that they have taught me is there's this thing called a threat matrix that has to be applied to every single one of the secret Service protectees. And, and what I mean by that is they believe that Donald Trump, even though he's not the sitting president, he should have the highest security package of any of the Secret Service protectees because of the threat matrix, because they believe that his threat is at least, the very least ten times higher than even President Biden.

Contrasting Threat Levels

First of all, it's probably worse than that if you compare it to Biden, because nobody wants to take Biden out. He's taking himself out. He's already out. He's out of the game. He's not president anyway. He is checked out. And so there's nobody wanting to take him out. There's no need to from anybody, any hostel of any kind. And, and certainly nobody's willing or wanting to take Jimmy Carter out. Jimmy Carter is in hospice. He is on his way out. Nobody is threatening him. And yet they continue to fail as it relates to former President Trump. And this is where we go to the heart of the story.

Inadequate Drone Surveillance and Technology

Now, let me just give you an example. This is what I reported on yesterday, and this was taken directly from the Senate document that was released yesterday. One of the 134 document page document I was referring to, and this report revealed that on the morning of the Butler rally, that the counter, and I'm not going to use the fancier phrasing because I like to keep it simple for everyone. There's such a thing as a counter drone technology. And the guy in charge of the counter drone technology, and by the way, drones themselves are the things right now that security, businesses, security forces, the people that have protectees, vip's of all types, all over the world. Drones are what they fear the most right now, especially in these outdoor rally situations.

Challenges in Counter Drone Implementation

If you're, if you don't know what I'm talking about, go watch some of these Ukrainian battlefield situations with drone attacks that could happen to a former president or a current president standing on a stage in an outdoor rally without a counter drone presence. Without a counter drone presence. That's correct. Successful counter drone presence. So in Butler, they sent out their counter drone specialist, who, as we learned from the report, only had three months of experience period with the technology that he was in charge of that day. Three months, that's total training and experience. He arrives at 1030. He cannot get the counter drone system to work. His first thing that he thinks of is that he's getting some sort of signal interference from all the other things that are taking place.

InSitu Technical Failures

So he moved to a more isolated area and set up shop there. He still could not get the system to work, so he spends the next four or 5 hours on the phone. He called 1800 counter drone help, y'all. Whatever it's called. You know I'm joking. So it's whatever the, he literally called an 800 number to get tech support service. This is the secret service specialist in counter drone technology, or the level of incompetent specialist, quote unquote, that the secret Service decided to provide in the Trump security package that day. He couldn't get it to work. Finally, at about, well, about 345, if you remember and recall the details of the story, one young Thomas Crooks managed to get his drone up and he did his recon surveillance with his drone at about 345 that afternoon.

Gaps in Operational Awareness

And because there was no operational counter drone system working, nobody knew that Thomas Crooks, the shooter, had his own drone up doing recon surveillance. Then at about 430, they figured out that Mister counter drone specialist needed an Ethernet cable. He had to go to the audio visual team, the people running the big giant sound system and all the big screens. And he, they went over and asked them if they had a spare Ethernet cable and their box of cords and cables. They had one. And lo and behold, he gets his system to work and about 430, he's got it up and running. Of course, by then I, Thomas Crooks drone is back in the box. And Thomas Crooks has already learned what he needed to learn to get over to the her building.

Equipment Preparedness and Inadequacies

So that's the level of incompetence that we had. And by the way, just so you know, in my briefcase or in my backpack, I have a bag of cables and cords and connectors and adapters that I carry with me. I carry an Ethernet cable with me. I started carrying. So Steve, I started carrying an Ethernet cable in my backpack of USB C, USB, A, apple, lightning chargers. I started carrying Ethernet cable on top of the HDMI and everything else because of this story. I was like, oh fuck, man, I gotta have that cable. I gotta have that cable ready.

Implications of Inefficient Protocol

Yeah, I care. I carry one with them with, exactly, with all, with the adapters from the Ethernet to USC or USB C and etcetera. And for whatever possibility that I need it, for whatever circumstance I'm in at a hotel or wherever. And so that's just standard operating procedure. But for some reason, the United States Secret Service specialist didn't know enough about his own equipment to be properly equipped himself that day. Now, that's bad enough. Okay, so butler, that's one of the huge, most horrific failures there. Not only to mention that we had learned from the acting chief of the United States Secret Service in multiple testimonies, and it has been confirmed even today in the hearings today, is that in Butler, the Secret Service did not have their own drones, surveillance drones.

Local Law Enforcement Gaps

And when offered surveillance drones from local law enforcement, from the local sheriff's departments, the secret Service turned it down. Now, we have since learned that on the periphery, and you can see it and people, they've captured it in their cameras, and they add that to their list of conspiracy episodes and curiosities. You can see a couple of drones and some people's cameras, and they're on the outside of the perimeter because local law enforcement put their drones up anyway. They did fly their drones, but the secret Service turned down the coverage over the event itself in the secured area. Okay, so that's the situation in Butler. You would think, having learned their lesson and having taken such a black eye and such an embarrassment as it relates to drones itself, that they would have been prepared going forward for the next time President Trump was doing something outside.

Historical Context of Secret Service Responses

Well, you know, Steve, to that point, like, remember like Kimberly Cheadle was like, in front of Congress and she had her name placard and she was, like, trying to explain it away. And then she was able to resign with dignity, whatever it may be. And then Ron Rowe took over on point man for the Secret Service. During that hearing in Congress, they were allowed to, like, basically get away with all of this. And then Ron Rose says, listen, we need, we have a new dichotomy here in the US. In the US SSS. We believe in being not no longer reactive, but proactive, and we are going to do x, Y and Z. And then what happened at Trump Doral was not a deviation from the plan at all.

Failures during Trump's Appearance in Doral

At all. In response to what happened at what you just laid out in Butler. Like, Steve, this was crazy to me. This was crazy to me. That's why I say that what happened in Florida is a bigger failure now. Nobody took a shot at Trump, as far as we know, in Florida, but it was a larger failure without the obvious death and a couple of other injuries, but it was a larger failure from the United States Secret Service because they had already taken the pr hit, they had already taken the black eye, they'd already been embarrassed, they had already been castigated by senators and congressmen and by the press and in general. And yet on that day, as far as we know, they had no drones up, which would have been the simplest thing in the world for them.

Involvement of Counter Drone Technology

A, first of all, I don't even yet know whether they had counter drone capabilities there with the president on the golf course. We don't know yet. They have told us that they didn't have drones up that day. And we know beyond any shadow of a doubt, had they had drones up with thermal and infrared technology, that they could have immediately ascertained that there was a guy in the prone position laying on the fence line, as you mentioned earlier, where paparazzi and other photographers have taken photos of the president before, and to not have been sweeping that area to begin with and not to have already recognized that possibly hours in advance because he was there 12 hours in advance.

Timing for Threat Assessment

We're talking about Ryan, Ruth or Ralph, however you want to say his name. And he, and he wasn't discovered until just minutes before Trump would have been going down that fairway. I believe it was the 6th fairway, and that is inexcusable. There's a couple of other oddities about that situation which I don't believe happened. I find it very hard to believe that a Ydezenhe Secret Service agent in a golf court, golf cart driving by happened to see a gun barrel, as he or she has reported, and then suddenly jumped off the golf cart and took shots at the direction of the gun barrel. If they were close enough in a heavily wooded, bushy area to see an actual gun barrel, Secret Service agent should have been skilled enough, even with their service weapon, their handgun, to have hit that target.

Operational Failures in Detail

So that's another embarrassment right there. Let me touch on this. This is what, this is what, you know, former Secret Service agent Dan Bungino said that when it comes to the Secret Service, they have three years ago, technology tomorrow, something like that. That's, I think that's one of the things that they have. Like, they use, like, the very old technology. And it's, I mean, it's just, he. Says that they do more with less. They do more. Yeah. Yes. So. And he has been calling out a lot of the things that's going on and good on him. And. Yeah. Probably is the number one, you know, the number one person on the crap list for the.

The Acceptable Incompetence Narrative

For the secret Service, for calling them out to you, probably. And trash. You're probably right about Steve, that he is not probably number two for also calling out the crap where it needs to be called out. But everything that you're explaining right now here, this is only, this only confirms my biases about the Secret Service, that this was planned. Now, let me just. I want to make sure that people understand this is a. I'm just conspiratorializing here, okay? I'm. Nothing bought into. Like, this is literally what happened, or definitely what happened. But I'm allowed. We're allowed to have some theories, and I. And I dare the establishment to debunk my theories.

Questioning Intentions and Mechanisms

Please debunk it. So we. So I don't have to think this way. I know we're. Conspiracy theories become so terrible. I'm like, we're allowed to talk about these things. We're allowed to theorize. It's your job to debunk them. And if you're unable to, well, you're just confirming everything. And you know, so when you have people like Kim Cheadle, like, well, is, was this part of the plan to assassinate Donald Trump? This happened two times, and I believe that there was a plan to assassinate Donald Trump and not just assassinate him. They could have just killed him in his sleep and, you know, nobody would have been the wiser.

The Danger of Assassination and Public Impact

I mean, except for us, but nobody would have been the wiser. Oh, well, these kinds of things happen. He. Oh, he. Food poisoning or whatever, but I believe that they wanted to kill him in 4k front of everybody. So everybody knows we're gonna kill your president. You can't do anything about it. Now. This is what I'm putting out there. Why? Because I think now you might say, well, what it was. I would say that it is actually just a. It's just incompetence. I'm like, no, the incompetence is part of the equation, that they would staff people who are shorter than Trump, such as those women who like three Stooges they were trying to put in their gun, pull out their gun.

Behavioral Patterns in Security Measures

They have no idea. You have other woman who was hiding behind. I don't know, whatever. And so you have people who are smaller than Trump. You have all kinds of crazy failures, such as him, such as the shooter being. Being disguised. Not really disguised, but wearing more or less the same attire that the local law enforcement were wearing it. So they. So we blended in with the crowd. There was supposed to be a sniper team on the other roof, but there were none. Why? Because it was. It was, you know, a slanted roof, like. But on the other side, you have other guys on the roof.

Assessing Accountability

Well, not really. Not much of answer there from Kim Cheadle. And she didn't even feel like she needs to resign or anything. She didn't feel it was appropriate for her to resign. So when you have all these things, I'm like, okay, so it seems as though the incompetence is part of the equation. If you're going to try to assassinate the president, you would staff his staff and his security with people who are highly incompetent. You would put in people who cannot defend them, who are shorter than him. Make it everything ever so easier for an assassination attempt. Now, I've thrown out a lot of things.

Exploring Conspiracy Theories

I think it's spiritualizing right here. A lot, right. But the same as you do with Sarah Gonzalez when she conspiratorial puts out the conspiracy theory on the show. You bring her back to reality, you pull back the rope. Okay, calm down. Let's go. Let's take a step back. Here's what actually is going on. Let's not jump to conclusions. Do the same thing here, because I've thrown out a whole bunch of things. Tell me, if anything, what I'm saying here is wrong or if I am jumping the gun here.

Conclusions and Reactions

Well, I'll just say. I'll just say this because it's pretty easy. I think that in both cases, it can be chalked up to gross incompetence. But also, it can be chalked up to, as I said on Blaze news tonight, last night, I said, or they just don't care. Which leads us to the possibility that, as I said earlier, this is what I was. The point that I was making earlier is that Trump is under constant threat without known, specific threats. And leaving by purposeful incompetence, vulnerabilities open, means that they're leaving him open to the possibility of attack.

Reflections on Intelligence Community's Involvement

Now, that is a possible possibility, and it's also a conspiracy theory, but it's a middle road, one. I mean, I don't buy into the fact that in Butler, there was three or four shooters, you know, and different trees and water tower and me. Neither. Necessary to believe. To believe that is part of the narrative. I think the narrative is more or less, the establishment narrative is more or less true. But I. But that does not contradict anything that I'm saying that. Well, no, you still try to kill the president.

Testing the Boundaries of Theories

But. I know, but I. But I will give everyone tonight, I will give you my conspiracy theory. Why not? Right? Because I want to hear this. I want to hear this, Steve. I want to hear it. Let's go. I am open to a very specific conspiracy related to both Butler and the Florida incident, but not connected. I don't believe that the two incidents were connected, except for one possibility, is that every single one of the intelligence community sources that we have, and I'm not talking about one guy, one nutcase that retired from the CIA, you know, 15 years ago.

Recognizing Patterns of Recruitment

I'm talking about an entire bevy of sources, not only american, not only from the Department of Defense, not only from our other intelligence services, but also from foreign intelligence services, all recognize in both incidences, what they call, they see their own handiwork. Now, what do I mean by that? Overseas, both in our very highly elite special operations forces, as well as CIA and a couple of other agencies, we have people that are very skilled, very trained, and what they call grooming disaffected young men as potential weapons whenever needed, whenever they need to activate them in a circumstance.

Potential Threats from Grooming Tactics

It doesn't mean that they're being groomed for a specific operation, but as I've been told and as I've been shared with by multiple sources, that what we do, whether we're in a conflict or a potential coming conflict in the Middle east, in Africa, Asia, Central America, South America, wherever the hotspots are, where the hot spots are growing, that our IC, our intelligence community grooms disaffected, lonely young men that can be activated as potential resources or assets when needed, if a potentiality arises. In the case of.

Open Discussion on Recent Incidents

Let's just say, and this is a. All I'm saying is that this is a possibility. I am not saying that I have. Oh, no, it's happening. I have. Well, I'll get there. I'm not saying that I have absolute, 100% evidence that this took place. All I'm saying is that all of the signs are there that Thomas Crooks had been groomed. And it just so happened. Two weeks, 30 days, whatever it was, in advance of the Trump rally, it was announced that Trump was about to be in his backyard, literally, and that he was activated, or that he self activated because of his grooming.

Assessing Potential Connections

The second possibility down in Florida is that we had an individual, equally disaffected, equally shunned, who had already been very active by virtue of his activities in Ukraine, recruiting people himself. The fact that the guy had over a hundred or over seven, or had 74 arrests in his career, criminal history, over right, at 100 charges brought against him, many felonies, and had somehow, not only. Not only those felonies, I don't know that everybody on this call realizes that in the period of five or six months in 2002, before Ryan Ruth had his standoff, his three hour standoff, allegedly with a machine gun, where held off the Greensboro, North Carolina Police Department and the Guilford County, North Carolina Sheriff's Department for 3 hours.

Prior Criminal History of Threatening Behavior

I don't know that everybody has seen the story that we've done on this. This is another revelation that we put out there. Again, we didn't find it. This was found by other sources, but were able to amplify this, is that Ralph Aruth had been arrested five or six months before that incident. He was found to be in possession of multiple explosive devices. And yet somehow now the danger that a person could be for building his own explosive devices, he had been released on his own recognizance. He was on probation. While on probation for a charge of having in his possession explosives.

Judicial System and Law Enforcement Failures

He now holds off two law enforcement departments with a machine gun. You know how many days in prison he got for that? Zero. So the sheriff, then sheriff of Guilford county told me in an interview, we published the entire content of the interview on the Blaze.com. he told me in the interview. I asked him, I said, how is it possible that a guy gets 74 arrests and a hundred charges over his career, going all the way back to when he was a teenager, multiple felony convictions, and he's never served any time in prison, and he said to me, he said, well, he said, the guy's probably just crazy.

Circumventing Accountability and Justice

And the courts have decided that there's just no reason to put him through the process because what's going to happen is a judge or a jury is just going to rule that he is guilty by reason of insanity and they're just going to slap him on the wrist and put him out on the street anyway. So rather than go through the process, that's just what they did. And they didn't bother to put him through the process and they kept releasing him. But then the sheriff said to me, but he's exactly the kind of guy that the CIA likes to recruit.

Judges and Political Influences

That's his quote, not mine. Absolutely. That is, I mean, it is extraordinary. I want to make sure for our viewers that I post, for those who want to look into that. I posted the link to the blaze on what you described right now, and you also asked, was it Sorosmona used against you and other conservative sheriffs? And that is in regards to the allowing him to be released because of the liberal judges. And Barnes, the sheriff said, no doubt about it. So you have also George Soros being, inserting his disgusting fingers into our political realm again, as he has done.

Intertwined Political and Legal Concerns

He's done so many times. What you're describing right now, and trash. And I'll go to you in a moment. What you're describing right now, Steve, is something that I. Exactly what I've talked, and this is exactly what plays into, again, the conspiracy. I just want to make sure people understand. I'm not putting out a narrative as is. This is what happened. Objectively speaking, this is what I believe happened. And it's a conspiracy theory. I want to acknowledge it's a theory.

The Acceptability of Discussion on Theories

Okay, everybody, I'm not, you know, people think, oh, you must be crazy. No, I understand theory. So here's theory. Here's what I'm thinking, that everything that you described plays very well into what I'm trying to say, that this is exactly what they tried to do, try to assassinate the president by recruiting these disillusioned, crazy or mentally struggling young men or in the other, or in the later shooter. And he's a little older, but trying to recruit such people through an MkUltra program.

Mind Control Theories in the Political Context

Again, mind control program. That's what MkUltra stands for. So through a mind control program of a constant assessment. Talk about Trump is Hitler, Trump is this. He's going to destroy democracy. He's going to do this, that and the other. So dangerous, so terrible that people get a little bit more than just Trump derangement syndrome. They get a little violent through that. Through that. So, again, this plays into when the CIA or whatever wants to activate that person, they would do so however they want through that Mkultra and through a media.

Media Influence on Potential Violence

Through a media apparatus, which constantly reinforces that. So everything that they seed matches up with what the CIA or FBI or whoever is making sure that these people get radicalized or come extreme. So everything matches up, then they become violent. And when the, you know, apparatus wants them to act, they act. So, again, this is a theory, again, theory that I'm putting out there, but which I believe nonetheless. This is why we have Stevie, just to reel in.

Balancing Discussion and Realities

If we get a little too. Of the, you know, of the rocker. We are here just to make sure that people understand we're not going to go off the deep end. And that's what I. And that's what I want to very succinctly clarify to everyone who has just heard. That possibility that I put forth is that I have no evidence, either through sourcing or otherwise, that either one of these men were groomed for their operations or what their activities are, their actions that they took part in.

Assessing Statements and Claims

I have no proof of that whatsoever. Let's just state that clearly. But our sourcing, who are trained, highly trained, decades and decades, cumulatively, of experience in the intelligence community, have each one, without exception, said that they recognize their own handiwork in various components and background issues as it relates to both of these men. So that's it. So that's the extent of that. You know, I don't know where you guys are right now in terms of where you want to go with this at this time.

Opening the Floor for Discussions

I don't know if you want to open it up to questions, I'm certainly willing to dive into that at this point. Now, I will. I think. I think I'll just. I'll just say this, and I'll let trash. And Aaron, I'll allow you guys to adjudicate this. But one of the reasons why I don't like doing spaces is typically when it becomes question time, it becomes chaos. And. And the other thing that happens that I really hate is people want to make speeches instead of answering, asking questions.

Guidelines for the Discussion

You know what I mean? And so they want to advance their theories instead of asking question. So I. So what I'm asking here is that if you want to hear my answers to a question, ask the question. But if you want to make a speech, go do your own space. Fair enough. Yes, exactly, Josh. You will. I'll allow you to speak just in a moment. I want to make sure that people understand, if you are going to start with, you're going to make a statement or whatever, then you're going to be kicked off the questions.

Encouraging Insightful Queries

You cannot over speak. Can't speak unless you're called upon and keep your question. If you're nervous, it's fine. You could be nervous. Ask the question. Take your time, but ask a freaking question. Do not start with a. With a speech. Okay. Go ahead, trash. And I say, and I see, and. I see some of my sedition hunter buddies on here. And so. So I'm willing to take questions from anybody at this time. As long as everybody's polite and cordial.

Facing Intense Questions

I don't care what the intensity of your question is. I'll answer the question. No, I think that's a fair point. A lot of people hate me, Steve, because I launch them off a space or I block them or whatever, because I'm like, you're not adding any kind of value to the conversation. Like, we are trying to create a conversation. You're not adding any value. You're fucking out. But also, comma, like, there are some people that are actually going to come up and probably ask the right questions, I think.

A Collaborative Approach to Conversations

And I'll do my best at filtering, Steve. So thank you. Let's rock. Let's do it. All right, here we go. Linda, you came up. Warren, I'm going to come to you in a second. But, Linda, you came up.

Initial Comments on Leadership

You have a question, Linda. Linda. Rari. Yep. Now, okay, I'm gonna. I'm gonna back off, because I just. Steve and I had talked a couple days ago, but. But I don't really have a question. I was just gonna make a comment. But that's not gonna. You're not open. I mean, you can make the comment. Like, is it, like, be pithy, Linda. That's the key. Pithy.

Background and Observations

Okay. I was just gonna say, okay, my background. I'm retired FBI agent, and just a comment about the leadership in the secret service. And what I see, I just keep thinking Darvo, you know, deflect attack and reverse the victim, and. Yeah, yeah. So I just. I see a lot of narcissism up. There, and then I see up here or up in the brass. In the brass. Okay, well, they get promoted and then you have. Then you have the underlings who don't have the spine to stand up to them. So that's. Yeah, thanks, Linda. And that is. And I'll just. I'll just. I'll take that as a thing to. Just to comment on. And that is true.

Current Agency Dynamics

We are. We are at a time now where all of our primary agencies, whether they're intelligence agencies, security agencies, police, federal law enforcement agencies, whether it's the DoD, they are all political activists. Now, without exception, the top brass. And all these agencies are political activists. And that's not what any of them should be. They all should be apolitical. None of us individually are apolitical, but there are individuals who are able to do their job in an apolitical way, despite their personal feelings. And that's not what we have at the top operation lines at any of these agencies today. All right, who's next? Right? No, like. Like, you're not wrong. Like, I wasn't gonna, like, trying to chastise you.

Concerns on Political Influence

If you want to talk about, like, top brass. Like what? Yes. Like that welcomed. Like, what are you talking about, Linda? Like you were actually in a space of good company. Like, yeah, no, okay. No, like, I don't have a problem with any government organizations. I don't think anybody in the space does. However, comma, if you are going to, you know, like, weaponizer. Weaponize us against, like, the top brass. Like, don't do that. Don't. Like, don't do that. But I don't think you were doing that. Like, your. Your comment was valid, actually.

Trial and Legal Matters

Okay. Okay. So anyway, that's my two cent. All right. Okay, Linda, thank you. Thank you. All right. Helena, J. Six. Helena, go ahead. Wait a minute. Treasure Warren was. Was before, so. Either way, I don't care. I mean, I can wait or the. Elena can go ahead. Please. Go ahead. Okay. Actually, I only have two questions. And actually, nice to get to talk to you, Steve. Thank you for doing this. Big fan. Have been on. On the Ryan Ralph. Do you know if he ever attended any of the schools of higher learning there in the triangle around Greensboro or up towards Roblox?

Inquiry about Ryan Ralph's Background

No, not that I'm aware of. I mean, we've looked at his entire arrest record. I mean, he's got arrests going all the way back to when he was in high school. And then he's even got. He's even made the green local Greensboro paper as a hero. It was some sort of rescue thing where he rescued some damn damsel in distress when he was 25 years old. And there was a really nice picture of him in a suit, and he looks like a normal guy back when he was 25. So we, you know, we found all of those kind of things, but I'm. I'm not familiar, or at least I don't remember what his actual education is. Yeah, okay.

Community and Legal Concerns

And then my other one was. Well, because the reason why I ask is, I mean, that's right. Pickings for the three letter agencies, you know. But anyway, the other question is, do you know if he has ever spent time in Dorothea Dix? To my knowledge, no. And of course, you know, I actually still, even though I'm never there, I'm still a resident of Raleigh, North Carolina. So I know what Dorothea Dix is. We can explain to the rest of the country. It's a, it's a, it's a combination of a detention center and a mental health center as well, there in Raleigh. And I have no record.

Criminal History Insights

All we see in his, you know, in his arrest records and his legal files going back through the years is just. We see suspended sentences, we see probation, we see the word parole, which is interesting word, because we don't know that he was ever paroled from anything. But the one thing that, other than, you know, other than the various single nights or whatever that he spent in the tank until he was booted out onto the street. Again, the one thing that we've been able to determine what's, you know, pretty fair certainty is that he certainly never did any actual prison time for any of his crimes or convictions.

Additional Perspectives

Okay. And then just a quick comment, you know, for the folks that don't believe that you can actually mind control somebody into pulling the trigger kind of thing, there's actually a hypnotist from over there in Great Britain, a fellow named Darren Brown. And if you go and look him up on YouTube, there's actually one on there where he actually hypnotizes this guy over a period of time. But yes, he does hypnotize him and he pulls the trigger. But anyways, yeah, it is possible. So anyways, just parting with that and appreciate you all letting me have the mic.

Discussion on Threats and Security

Thank you. Helena, go ahead. Hi, trash. Erin, thank you very much for hosting the space and allowing me to come up and speak. Hi, Steve. We had just seen each other at Jeremy Brown's status hearing. Well, the trial was supposed to start, but you know, what's going on with Jeremy Brown. I did want to, at that time, ask you, but you know, it kind of gets hectic at the courthouse, especially when there's so many Jan Sixers there in cases. And, you know, were all there that day to support Tylene, of course, Jeremy Brown's girlfriend. But I wanted to ask you, just out of great concern for you, what the status is with your case and where are you at right now.

Discussion of Joe Biggs and the Proud Boys

He was, he was way ahead of me in that regard. Right. Right. And so, but then Joe Biggs, I don't know if he's still in jail or not, but there's some kind of odd background with him is he might have been at fourth operation psychops out of Fort Bragg, and yet he was leading a group of people called Proud Boys with orange hats and maybe some Ukrainians running around. It just seems kind of odd how this all happened. And those pictures of, were not part of the blue Trump hat, the red Trump. Well, there's, yeah, there are plenty of photos out there. I mean, there's, I've had literally, I've had people literally accuse me of withholding video evidence of the, you know, the orange hat people, of orange tape people, the Proud Boys.

Withholding Evidence and Research Interests

I mean, it is to be perfectly honest with you, my interest in that group is totally different than everybody else's interest in that group. And I'll be getting to that story soon. But it's not for the reasons that everybody else wants to. They think I'm hiding something or I'm withholding something or that I've literally deleted my own video, that I never took any video of them. I wasn't there when they were marching around the Capitol. When they reached the first barricade line, I wasn't even there yet. So, you know, I don't. I don't have any. It's not like I. It's not like I don't have anything to hide with regards to that. But we. The research that we're doing right now, and I've talked about it, so I don't mind mentioning it. Mentioning it again. Brief, briefly, but my most intense curiosity, we'll put it that way right now. And what happened on January 6 is the Department of Defense's deployment of assets that day.

Interest in January 6 Events and Evidence Suppression

And as much as that's. As much as that is, I'll say about that right now here on these spaces. Gotcha. Thanks, Steve. Yep. Yep. Read the Ranger. Go ahead. Oh, yeah. Yep. Gotcha. Good deal. I just. Quick question, since you're living. Living the problem, I'm wondering, has there. Been any updates on the bomber, on the pipe bomber? Who they had a suspect and the guy just. They decided not to do anything with him. No, that's not exactly the way. There was an update yesterday from Darren Beatty with revolver on the pipe, on the DNC pipe bomb story. I would encourage everybody to go look at that without me getting into it myself and trying to. Trying to explain or cover his work on that. But it's something that we've been suspicious of all along, is that there's two different sets of video cameras there at the department, at the democratic National Committee headquarter where the second pipe bomb was found.

FBI and DNC Video Surveillance

There are the better quality, apparently better quality United States Capitol Police CCTV cameras, of which there were several in the area, which myself, the blaze, have done extensive work on those and within, through those cameras. And all of that's available on YouTube. If you go to Blaze TV, go to the playlist and then select our truth about January 6 series, you'll be able to find our videos related to that there. But the. The biggest curiosity is why the FBI and or the DNC itself have withheld from us the cameras and the videos that the DNC itself controls. Like their own security cameras on the exterior where those benches were, they have only shown us for three and a half years now. A couple of very selective, highly edited, apparently purposely even distorted images from those cameras, but have shown us directional cameras that would be able to prove whether this guy actually placed the pipe bomb there that night or not.

Questions Regarding Evidence and Accountability

But they won't show it to us. But we know that they had a camera pointed in that direction. And Darren Beatty believes that they've deleted those. He thinks that they, you know, based on testimonies that we've been able to call from, you know, congressional testimonies and IG reports and such as that, is that it's very likely that those cameras, which would answer some serious questions, have been deleted. And I don't know. I don't know if they've been deleted or not, but they're sure as hell not showing them to us. But they've shown us other footage from the same camera. And so it's very hard to believe that they would not have preserved that in and in their totality. So there's something being withheld from us there, then, as it relates to the bomber itself. To my knowledge, no one has ever known who, the hoodie, little, the scrawny, five foot seven, thin, he or she, I think it's a she person that on the evening of the January 5, allegedly dropped the bombs at the RNC and at the DNC.

Accountability and Governance Issues

So we have reason to believe through testimony through whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, who was on that task force. And then they were pulled off of a lead there, that they were actually on the trail not of that individual, but of somebody who may have had association with that individual. And then they were pulled off of it. And that's about as far as I can go on it right now. Yeah. And if you want some more, you could definitely, you should definitely look up his profile on the plays. You will find all of his reporting there. I'm telling you that it gets even. It gets crazier. A lot of things get crazier once you really look into the pipe bomb story. Just an interesting thing, especially the DNC pipe bomb story, because it has much more camera coverage. The RNC. The RNC bomb was dropped in a alleyway behind the Capitol Hill club.

Inoperability of the Bombs

It was actually right behind the Capitol Hill club, which is next to cross the alley from the RNC. And there was no cameras down in that alleyway. Yeah, there. I mean, it is definitely weird. Just, just one thing that, like, entice the viewers to go look at that, is that it seems as though the pie bomb itself was inoperable. I think we could use that word. It was highly inoperable. The dogs were. The dogs were not sniffing it out. They were not reacting to it. So, yeah, it seemed as though the bombs were not. Were not operable. They didn't. They weren't supposed to do any damage for some reason. So that only makes it more. Even more weird. All right, let's go to Abby.

Questions about Ryan Reynolds

Hi. Thank you. I've got a question that is not about January 6, so you may want me to stop after I ask the question. No, go ahead. Last night, I got a breaking news pop up that took me to YouTube, and it was a man who had been investigating, Osama bin Laden's, you. Know, time period, the, SeAL team. Six, that was destroyed. And, and I just. Okay, yeah, I'm familiar they have topic and I'm familiar with. They have turned over the doc. Go ahead, Steve. No, I'm. What I'm saying is that I'm familiar with that story. I have not spent enough time on it to speak to it authoritatively in any way, shape or form. And I'm. I'm not going to sit here and just try to baffle you with my bullshit. So I'm just. I'm just not. I have not turned my.

Interest in Future Discussions

I've been so busy on too many other things to turn my attention to that. Yeah. All right, let's go to Grant cardoon. Go ahead, Grant. Grant, are you there? Hey, I'm just listening to the great conversation. I have nothing to add. Okay, thanks. All right, there's one more person who wants to ask a question. I'm going to bring them up as speaker. And let's see. Still connecting. I'm ready if they are. Okay, there we go. James. Go ahead. James. James, if you're not going to speak, then I'm going to have to kick you off. Hello? James, are you there? All right, we got. We got time quickly before top the hour here. Anybody else? All right, yeah. Thanks.

Closing Remarks

Steve. Steve, I really appreciate you. Yeah. Oh, okay. I was wondering what was going on. Dean, go ahead. Hi, thank you for the mic, Steve. Thank you so much for being here. Please come back again. Okay, so I don't know the answer to this. I'm hoping you do. Who has possession of Ryan Reynolds? I'm hoping Martin county, because I feel like they won't let anything happen to him. I don't want the feds, to get their hands on him, because it could be like any of the other people that they've been in charge of, and they've, you know. Yeah, well, I will, you know, tell you. I will tell you. And it's interesting that you bring that up. Just yesterday, I was having a conversation with a european intelligence community.

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