Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space TRON to The SUN: A Conversation with SUNDOG! hosted by TokenPocket_TP. Delve into the realm of DeFi and cryptocurrency wallets with a focus on the versatile SUNDOG. Discover how SUNDOG's cross-chain functionality and user-centric approach revolutionize decentralized finance accessibility. Explore the significance of interoperability, security measures, and community feedback in shaping SUNDOG's evolution. Uncover the potential for SUNDOG to expand its support across multiple blockchain networks, paving the way for innovative DeFi practices and enhanced user experiences. Witness the collaborative partnerships and future advancements set to redefine the DeFi landscape.

For more spaces, visit the Wallet page.


Q: What makes SUNDOG a valuable asset in the DeFi space?
A: SUNDOG's integration with various blockchain networks enhances cross-chain transactions and token accessibility.

Q: How does wallet interoperability benefit cryptocurrency users?
A: Interoperability allows seamless transactions across different blockchain platforms, expanding token utility.

Q: Why is decentralized finance gaining momentum in the crypto industry?
A: DeFi offers users financial inclusivity, transparency, and opportunities for higher yields compared to traditional finance models.

Q: How does SUNDOG contribute to improving user experience in DeFi?
A: SUNDOG's diverse token support and user-friendly interface simplify interactions with different assets, enhancing usability.

Q: What role does community feedback play in shaping wallet features?
A: Community input drives the development of user-centric features in wallets like SUNDOG, ensuring practical and efficient functionalities.

Q: In what ways can SUNDOG expand its reach across the blockchain ecosystem?
A: SUNDOG can explore partnerships and integrations with more blockchain networks to broaden its token support and user base.

Q: How does SUNDOG pave the way for mass adoption of DeFi practices?
A: By offering a seamless and inclusive DeFi experience, SUNDOG contributes to making decentralized finance more accessible to a wider audience.

Q: What are the key benefits of utilizing multiple blockchain platforms with SUNDOG?
A: Diversifying blockchain integrations enables users to access a wider range of tokens, fostering a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem.

Q: How does SUNDOG ensure security and reliability for users across various token networks?
A: Through robust security measures and thorough testing, SUNDOG maintains trust and reliability for users engaging in DeFi transactions.

Q: What innovations can we expect in the future development of SUNDOG?
A: Future updates may include enhanced functionalities, new integrations, and optimizations for improved user experiences within the DeFi landscape.


Time: 00:12:45
SUNDOG's Impact on DeFi Accessibility Exploring how SUNDOG enhances DeFi accessibility through multi-chain support and user-friendly features.

Time: 00:25:16
Interoperability Advantages for Cryptocurrency Users Understanding the benefits of wallet interoperability for seamless token transactions and platform interactions.

Time: 00:37:02
Community-Driven Development of Wallet Features Insights on how community feedback shapes SUNDOG's functionality and user experience improvements.

Time: 00:45:09
Future Prospects for SUNDOG in DeFi Expansion Discussing the potential growth avenues for SUNDOG in supporting new blockchain networks and DeFi innovations.

Time: 00:56:30
Security Measures in DeFi Wallets Importance of robust security protocols in wallets like SUNDOG to ensure safe and reliable DeFi transactions.

Time: 01:10:05
Innovative Features and Integrations for SUNDOG Exploring upcoming developments and features that SUNDOG plans to introduce for a more dynamic DeFi experience.

Time: 01:25:48
Diverse Token Support and Utility with SUNDOG How SUNDOG's wide token compatibility contributes to expanding DeFi opportunities for users.

Time: 01:37:21
User-Centric Design of Wallet Interfaces Emphasizing the importance of intuitive user interfaces in wallets like SUNDOG for a seamless DeFi experience.

Time: 01:45:33
Partnerships and Collaborations for SUNDOG Growth Insights on potential partnerships and integrations that will further enhance SUNDOG's presence across blockchain ecosystems.

Time: 01:55:10
The Future of DeFi with SUNDOG Envisioning the role SUNDOG might play in shaping the future landscape of decentralized finance and blockchain interactions.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of SUNDOG in the cross-chain DeFi ecosystem.
  • Benefits of wallet integration with multiple blockchain platforms like TRON, ETH, and BSC.
  • Exploring the role of SUNDOG in enhancing user experience and accessibility to various tokens.
  • The future potential of SUNDOG in expanding its support to emerging blockchain networks.
  • The significance of interoperability for seamless transactions and user convenience.
  • The growing importance of decentralized finance in the cryptocurrency landscape.
  • Adaptability to different blockchain environments for broader token accessibility.
  • The evolution of wallet functionalities to support a wide range of digital assets.
  • Potential impact of SUNDOG on fostering DeFi adoption and innovation.
  • Community engagement and user feedback driving wallet improvements and features.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Anticipation

Sadeena. Sadeena.

Welcoming the Audience

Okay. Hello. Hello, everyone. Welcome today's expert. And we are waiting for sandals. And he's coming on the way. Maybe one or two minutes he will be alright, so maybe we can be patient and. Yeah, and I have good news for you guys. And actually, our co founder, Marcus is going to hold a TRx airdrop on Twitter and we will retrieve his tweets with our official account later. And during this expense, maybe you can. Yeah, you can also enjoy the tix edge. Oh, yeah. Okay, sandal is here, so. Yeah. So maybe today is. Okay. Hello, Sundar, can you.

Opening Remarks

Hello. Hello, everyone. Great. Yeah, yeah. Okay. I can hear you. Okay. So to be here. Thank you for having us. Okay, so hello, everyone. Welcome to the days Today's experience with our chore mimicon star, Sundar. And all of you are excited to hear, I hear more information about sundocs and waiting for the upcoming age of prize. Right? Because normally all the users know that we're gonna edge up $600 worth of sandals for our audience. So take your time and let's start an exciting conversation with Sandos from now on. And at the beginning, I would love to invite sandals to say hello with us and introduce Sandos mikhails with us. Thank you.

Introduction to Sundog

Okay, send up. Sorry, is this a question to me? I mean, maybe you can introduce your projects and introduce sandals with us. Yeah, sure. Firstly, thank you, everyone, for coming on and taking the time out of your precious day to listen to this podcast. I want to thank everyone here for myself and from the whole Sundog team. Sundog is a project created and made on the tron chain with the sole goal and the mission to reach the sun. Right. And what does reaching the sun mean? Reaching the sun means revolutionizing the space. Because for anyone who's been in crypto, we've all heard, to the moon, every target has always been to the moon. Every top of every achievement has been to the moon. And we saw that the crypto space was tired of that.

Vision of Sundog

The crypto space needed something new. It needed something fresh. It didn't need a new beam of light to lead them into something that they have never seen before. And that is when we came up with the idea that we must go to the sun and not to the moon. And what better, who is better to take to the sun but the dog? So there is the. There is the name, there's the whole mission that we have of not only taking things to the sun, but what does going to the sun mean? It means changing your perspective of what the limit is and what the threshold is and how far we can go. We have managed to hit 250 million market cap in four days. That is faster than Pepe, that is faster than most meme coins or coins in general that have ever been created.

Achievements and Future Prospects

So we've shown that there is no boundaries and that there is no limit and that anyone can do it. And anyone can do it where on the tron chain. And they can bring utility and they can bring hype and they can bring attention, well deserved attention, back to the TRX, on the tron chain, which we feel is very deserved. As much as deserved the Solana, as much as deserved as Ethereum. We think that TrON and the TRX chain is nothing less than any of the two chains that I have mentioned. And that if great things were done there, even greater things can be done here. Well, that's awesome. Actually, all the tron mimic users know that 2000 is our slogan.

Popularity of Tron Mimic Ecosystem

So as we all know that one week ago, chomp network, still the most popular stablecoin networks in crypto. But just like five days later, it became the most trending mimic network. So what do you think are the key factors driving the popularity of Tron Mimicoin's ecosystem? Well, there's a lot of factors. I would say the first one would be, obviously, some pump ecosystem is now outperforming Solana. Right. And with majority of people being on Solana, this is like a signal to them that they need to broaden their eyesight and look somewhere else. And as I said before, the Tron micro system itself is very exciting. Like, it's what people wanted. It's something new.

Community Engagement and Growth

It's a change. It's a new chain. It's a new beam of light from the sun, and it's a new community. What seems to be very fast, as well as a team behind Tron, team behind sampom, that's a very fast moving team. So they listen to their community. They change what's needed. They add utility where it's needed. And that's very important for a chain. So we're very excited about where Sando can reach there. And, you know, there's many bullish points and key factors, I think, that drive popularity to Tron. There's 5 million TRX and fees, almost over 13,000 memes created on some pump. You know, Tron leads the stable coin market itself.

Market Potential and Future Trends

So, you know, with the USDT weekly transactions on the EVM network surpassing 18 million, I think it's insane numbers. So it's something that, you know, has been well established in crypto, but has not been touched in the meme space yet. So people have big hope that of the meme space here. Yeah. Cool. Actually, we all know that the sampan launched its beta versions just last week, just maybe eight days ago or. Yeah, normally weeks ago. And Sandos is the first booming memory coins on some prongs and on the chomp network. Now we notice that more and more users are driving into the tron mimic ecosystem.

Early Adopters and Community Stories

I think 100% of these users must be noticed, the Sendcon, and they also, maybe they are trader. So can you share any stories, the sundar, at the very beginning with our community? You mean of people who bought early and made a lot of money. Yeah. And, like, just what motivated you to enter the. Enter the tropical system? And how do you see the future of Xiaomi Miko evolution? Well, the motivation was to. Was to be the first and to be the leading and to be the number one meme, as we have seen number one memes on many other ecosystems.

Vision and Strategic Goals

So the motivation was to set a standard of work, a standard of growth, standard of content, just the general standard of things that make a meme coin great for the whole ecosystem to follow, and paving a way for all the other meme coins to join in for Solana devs to come into the space and to make their own meme coins on Tron, and to basically achieve bigger things than they have achieved before on other chains. We have hit an all time high of 340 million market cap in just four days since launching. And that is history right there itself. We were supported by Justin sun, officially. He was supporting the Sundog Twitter numerous times.

Recognition and Validation

And that, for us, is a very big achievement because we are noticed by the founder of the chain. Not only noticed, but then supported. And that's when we know that we're on the right track and that we're doing something good, and that's how we know that we're on the right chain. When the founder of the chain gives attention to the top and leading meme coins on that chain, and that is very, very important. You don't see a lot of founders doing that, especially at this stage. Now, if you want to talk about, like, how we see the future of Tron meme coins evolving, in our opinion, it's more than just about memes.

Future of Meme Coins on Tron

It's about changing the narrative of the whole crypto space. Tron, as a chain, is rapidly becoming the go to platform for innovative community driven projects, utility projects is becoming the number one place to go to. Right. And as Tron's meme coins gain traction, they will attract tens and thousands of new traders, creating a self sustaining, vibrant ecosystem that beats and rivals any other ecosystem. So the more that the Tron meme coin ecosystem grows, the more tron grows, and the more the Tron ecosystem grows. And that's what we're in here for, to support Tron as much as we can, while making sure that the community and the people and everyone around us is happy and is making money and is making gains and is involving themselves in something new.

Expectations and Aspirations

In the near future, I expect to see Tron meme coins not only competing with other top meme coins like Dodge like with a, but surpassing their counterparts on other chains and setting new standards and leading the next wave of crypto innovation and the next trend of meme coins and just breaking absolutely all records that we've seen before.

Transforming the Meme Coin Space

The narrative is shifting, ladies and gentlemen, and Tron is the center of it all. It's ready to transform the meme coin space into something far more impactful and lasting and something bigger than we've ever seen before. Yeah, actually I agree with that. The competing is not the necessary factors for the mimic ecosystem. Cause, like, everyone can trade, and it is not necessary to do some competitions. And the market is super big so we can, like, chomp ecosystem is super powerful currently. So as we can see that there are thousands of the memicoins now launched on the charm network daily. So what are some common challenge facts by the chomicons? And do you have any recommend suggestions for the mimic computers in the near future?

Challenges and Opportunities in the Ecosystem

Well, challenges exist. They exist everywhere, and they present massive opportunities for growth. Right. Because that's how we learn. We learn by falling. We fall so that we can pick ourselves back up again and that we can learn from the mistakes we did and not repeat them. And I feel like many of the mistakes and the challenges that were faced in other chains have helped us and other creators on the Tron ecosystem to avoid them from the beginning and to try to. It's okay to make mistakes, right? It's not okay to make the same mistake twice. That's our opinion. So we wish to learn not only from our mistakes, but we wish to learn from the mistakes of others and other chains and other meme coins before so that we don't repeat those mistakes ourselves at all. And yes, the infrastructure around the Tron chain is still developing. It's still new in the sense, in terms of what's happening now, and many people are very new to the space, but this is precisely where the potential lies.

New Innovations and Services

I'll give you an example. A lot of people would have trouble bridging over to Tron to buy Tron meme coins. And hence, a lot of people missed out on buying meme coins, which is why we have created a bot called sunbot, where people can easily trade any TRX meme coin through telegram, or they were provided with a TRX address. All they need to do is deposit a TRX address from absolutely anywhere. It can be a tax, and they can just buy any meme coin, and then they can just buy any meme coin they wish. So this is an example of a utility that we've added, though we're fairly new ourselves to make things much easier in the space. So it's still developing, but there are many creative people out here that are here to make it much better. So this is precisely where I think the potential lies.

Community and Growth Opportunities

My second point is that the growing infrastructure means that we're at the ground floor of something big. Right. If you've joined in and there are a lot of things missing, that means you're at the beginning. And the best time to join something is at the beginning. So we have immense upside with new tools, platforms and services to be built around Tron. So early adopters are positioned to benefit the most as this ecosystem matures and it grows and it becomes something. Something much more. And as for the freshness and the newness of the community, right. It's a chance future. Fresh faces means fresh ideas. Right? Unburned by the baggage of other chains means that they are much more motivated to do something here. This emerging and growing user base that we're seeing, it's eager to innovate and to drive Tron meme coins to the top and to the forefront and to the leading side of the crypto world. That's it for me on this question.

Sundog Campaign and Community Engagement

So I went a bit off. That's awesome. I think you share lots of suggestions and lots of impacts that the Yoda currency facing. And yeah, I think maybe a lot of them, after heard about our space today, maybe they can know more about how to build a good memico. Yeah, I'm sure there'll be a lot of new memicons after the space. Yeah. Actually, we are also looking forward to get some new memicons on chom ecosystems. And by the way, we noticed that Sandog post achieved last week, and it says that Sando is gonna launch an air job which will distinguish $1 million worth of sandals to find the KTIx holder. And I'm curious that what made your team decided to launch such a big azure campaign?

Honoring the TRX Community

Well, it's simple. We're lighting a fire in the Tron community, and we want 500,000 new Sundog champions to join us. Because we initially joined here as guests, right? Because we joined first to the Tron ecosystem. And as guests, you must always honor the host. So this is what we do. We want to honor and send basically our love letter to all TRX holders that you are the backbone of Tron. You are the people that made this possible, and we want you, and we want to thank you, and we also want you with us on this journey that we're doing. And lastly, we're building a movement. It's not just a token. And we're doing things that have never been done before, so. So you're building the infrastructure on charm ecosystem.

Doubling the Airdrop Initiative

And you know what? Initially, I'll tell you something. We plan to do a million dollar airdrop only, right? Which was already massive. Right? Nobody else. But you know what? We looked at the incredible response that we received from the Tron community and thought, let's do it even bigger. So here's the deal. Now we're dropping, instead of 1 million, we're dropping $2 million worth of Sundog to 500,000 TRX holders. Oh, that's huge. That's double what we originally planned. Why, you may ask? Because we believe in going big or going home. Either we go all in or we don't do it at all. So we're. And we're definitely not going home. Believe me.

Attracting USDT Holders

So we want to double it and we want to go even crazier. Yeah. Actually, as you know that I mentioned before, charm network used to be a stable coin network, and lots of the users just use the USDT on tram network. So I'm curious that, do you have any ideas to attach the USDT holder to hold Sandoc? Hello, can you hear? Hello? Let me try it. Sandokan, can you hear? Is there anyone can hear my voice? Maybe you can send me an emoji. Seems like. Let me try it. Let me try my. Another phone. It. Can everyone hear me?

Resolving Communication Issues

Yeah, I can hear now. Perfect. Apologies for that. Oh, I don't know what was the matter. And maybe we can continue. Yeah, yeah, let's go. I can hear you. You can hear me. Let's get this going. Yeah, I can hear. So my question is, as I mentioned before, some tron network used to be a stable coin network. They are tons of the USDT holder. And currently, after the chum season, it's happening. So what I'm curious that what's your plans to attract the USDT holder to hold Sandhog? Well, the growth that we have made so far in such a short amount of time, if anybody who comes across this coin and doesn't share the belief that we will go even further in the times and in the amount of time that we have, which is much bigger than what we've already passed, anybody who does not believe that, in our opinion, does not understand the crypto space.

Setting Precedents in the Crypto Space

There is always a first mover, there's always a coin that breaks records, that sets the precedent, that paves the way for other meme coins to follow. And we are that. We are exactly that meme coin on Tron. So our plan is to keep. Keep grinding, keep cooking, as everyone likes to say, keep showing everybody what we're made of and what we're capable of, and that itself will motivate every single TRX holder, whatever holder, to. To buy Sundog, hold Sandog, and to believe in sundog like everybody has believed in sundog and allow that to grow to what it is so far. Yeah, actually, I think you need to tell them to the sun, to the.

Reaching the Moon and Beyond

Sun, 100% to the sun, to the moon is old. We've been to the moon. We've got to the moon already. The moon is something that is. That is already reached and really achieved. You know, that the sun is 50 times further away from the earth than the moon. So if we reach to the sun, if we reach to the moon now, we have 50 times more to go to the sun. And that's. That's the plan that we're going here.

The Vision Ahead

Our long term vision is to make Tron great again. We're bringing the fun, we're bringing the community spirit back to. Back to crypto. This airdrop that we're doing, it's not the end, it's only the beginning. It's our launch path to the sun. It's something that we're jumping on and we're making that, you know, 40 times distance a little bit less. That's funny.

Involvement and Engagement

I guess that maybe you use chat vt to search how far, how fast to the move. No, I found that out a little bit before this space. Don't worry. Okay, that's interesting. Okay. I think all of the community members can't wait to join the age of campaigns, and we already know about the past story of Sundar and get more information about the age of campaign. And we also need to get notice of the future plan of the Sandals community.

Sandok Community Empowerment

Because today, as you can see, that we have a lot of big fans of Sandox, including the Sandhog community users and Tokopaki community users. So the next question is, what is the next step of Sandowsk to empower the Sandok communities and chom ecosystem? That is a very great question. So as I mentioned before, we're a community coin, right? We're a community driven coin, which means we have lined up more Twitter spaces to involve the community, to let them know what's happening, to let them hear our voice and hear the passion in our voice as we speak.

Community Engagement Plans

We want to increase our community with the airdrops, with the partnerships that we have coming. We also have more text listings lined up to allow more to make Sundog more accessible for more people. And we want to bring this token to absolutely everyone in the world. So the things that we have coming up specifically, I can tell you, we have meetups, real life meetups that will be held in several hotspot places on the world, real life meetups of sundog enthusiasts and holders.

Incentives and Motivations

We have more upcoming airdrops to incentivize and to motivate people more. Very nice Twitter spaces with in depth questions to show our vision. We have leaders of the Tron meme ecosystem. As leaders of the Tron meme ecosystem, we want to help other memes be successful. So a rising tide is lifting all with it. And that's the goal that we're trying to do.

Transaction Fee Buybacks

And another thing, we will also initiate transaction fee buybacks. So we have a bot where on Telegram where you can trend, you can buy any TRX meme. And we will initiate a campaign, a 30 day campaign where every single penny from every fee of every purchase that happens on that bot will go into the buyback of sundog and whatever supplies bought back, it will be burned to make it less, to make the holder supply more valuable, and to increase the price chart.

Community-Centric Approach

So everything we do for the community and we do for the people. Well, that's awesome. Actually, it is super powerful for me to hear that Sandor is keep buildings and keep building some infrastructures and is planning to do more for the community users. So this is very useful information for us. And yeah, for token pockets, we actually completely support the chomp network ecosystem and Sandoc is the first tokens list on token pockets.

News and Developments

And we also post a news today, influenced by the mini season, is expulsions on the Trump network. Trump's gas fee has continued still to show up, making it the highest earning blockchain projects with 24 hours revenues surprising 1 million and double that of the second place pump fund on Solana. And we have post many tweets about the token pocket charm energy service. They help users to save over 50% on gas costs.

User Benefits with Token Pocket

So far, token pockets subsidy has saved users more than 800k in gas costs. That means if you want to buy sundog, if you use choken pocket wallets, you can save at least 50% on your gas cost. And it is also available for all the charm minicons. So this is very powerful steps for all the charm users. Beautiful.

Token Pocket Program Announcement

Yeah. And another exciting news is we've launched a the Token Pocket Tromimicon edge program on Twitter with the sampang. And I can share some news for you guys. And we gonna, we also, we will also host some airdrop campaigns with sandos in the upcoming days. So let's stay tuned.

Anticipation for Airdrop Campaigns

And so, Sandhya, do you have any expectations for our upcoming airdrop campaign? I mean, look, what you guys are doing is amazing. And I feel like you're making the lives of a lot of tron meme coin traders and users easy. And in my opinion, this isn't just a wallet upgrade, it's a meme trading revolution, right? Yeah.

Supporting Meme Traders

And it's, it's something that interests you to, that gives you nitro and energy to meme traders. So no more Red Bull, no more energy drinks needed to stay up all night and try to, like bridge and do this. The service has you covered and it's making meme trades smoother than a butter dodge, you know, than a dodge coin on a bread with some butter. It's even smoother than that.

Overcoming Challenges

So if gas fees are giving you headaches, then this service has the cure and it has everything we need. Yeah. Actually, as you can see that the mimicon users on cellular or ethereum or other network, they don't really know more about, know about the energies on charm network. So, yeah, they will. To fix users this problem, we can help users by using the energy and to help them to save at least 50% of the gas cost.

Community-Centric Vision

So that's super useful for the users. That's wonderful. To be honest, what you guys are doing is amazing. And what you're providing, as I said before, Tron is an ecosystem that cares about its community. And you are proving that as well with what you're doing. Okay, I noticed that Sandos Twitter has announced true millionaire jobs on the Twitter.

Engaging with the Audience

Maybe you can let me ping this message on our Twitter space. Thank you. I've announced that here before. We have announced that on Twitter. So you guys got the first. You guys got the alpha. You guys got the first news first. And then we dropped it on Twitter. On this space, we announced that we will make it 2 million instead of 1 million.

Community Participation and Rewards

Okay, great. And so occurring is the community times. We will choose three audience from the space and ask the questions about the token pockets or the sand dog. And the winner can get a chance to share $600 worth of the Sundar airdrop. So, yes, raise up your hands and please send me requests.

Q&A Session Begins

Thank you. Let me see who is the first one? No astronomical questions about the sun. Guys. Let me see. Okay, okay, I got. I got someone. Okay, Pisa, can you please open your mic? Hey. Hello.

Question on Challenges Faced

Bruce Pisa. Yeah, yeah, of course. Okay, so my question is, can you share some of the most significant challenge you have faced? Well, developing Sundog and how did you overcome them? I cannot hear anyone. If somebody is asking a question. Can you please pardon? Maybe. Yeah.

Repeating Questions

Okay, can I repeat my question? Hello? Hello? Yeah, I can hear. I. Can you please ask the question again? Oh, sure. Can you share some of the most significant challenge you have faced while developing Sandhog and how did you overcome them? You can speak?

Discussion on User Participation

Okay. I think he is asking about how the users to participate in the campaigns and. And what do they need to do in the upcoming campaign? Agent? So how do they participate in the campaigns?

TRX Airdrop Participation Requirements

Yeah, some challenges hold TRX. If you wish to participate in the TRX age airdrop, then you must hold TRX and hope for the best. It will be random, but we will prioritize bigger holdings rather than small. The strategy I cannot reveal too much on. But even people with small holdings will also hopefully receive some airdrop as well. So to participate in the upcoming TRX airdrop, you must hold TRX because this sundog will be distributed to TRX holders. Does that answer the question? I couldn't hear the question myself. I was just answering what token pocket has repeated.

Engagement with Attendees

Okay, thank you so. Okay, thank you. Who is the next one? Let me see that. Okay. Maury Mori, can you hear? Okay, he's connecting. Maybe. Wait a second. Okay, Mario, I can hear you. I'm audible. Yeah, yeah. Yes. I just want to know, do you have an ambassador's program? Sorry? Can you please? You have an ambassador? Yeah, an ambassador program. It's not that clear. Sorry. token pocket. Give me one moment to rejoin the space so that I could hear every speaker, because I only hear you for some reason. Give me one moment. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah.

Inquiry About Ambassador Program Details

Okay. I just wanted to ask about an ambassador's program. An ambassador's program? Yeah, that's right. Okay. Hey, Molly. Hey, Molly. What exactly do you want to know? Would you like to know how to become an ambassador or if there are any ambassador options open right now? You're both of them, bro. Okay. So for community members, right, to become an ambassador, we have mods that are on the chat that are looking out for very active users. Right? So active community members in telegram, and the most active community telegram members either get promoted to be moderators themselves, or they get to be some type of ambassador to push and to talk about this, the project, whether it's on Twitter or discord or wherever else.

Criteria for Becoming an Ambassador

Second option is if you are a k. Well, and you are someone that has a following and a key opinion leader, someone that has a following and is being. And is being listened to on whatever platform, you have a chance to become an ambassador by, again supporting the project hard and supporting it throughout your socials and then reaching out to either a moderator or to the official channel official Twitter of Sundog and then requesting to join an ambassador program there. But for that, you have to have to prove your loyalty as a Sundog enthusiast. Does that answer your question, buddy? Okay, I think he's already got the answer, so maybe you can choose the next one.

Selecting the Next Speaker

Yeah. So please raise up your hand and say emoji. I can choose the last one who can get the air jobs and ask the questions. Choose undocumented. Second, you don't even follow me. You just raise up your hand. To be chosen. You have to follow her. Yeah, of course. Okay. I think Raj has been a very active listener. If he has a question, would be good to choose him maybe, or renovanthe. They've both been here for a while. I've been looking. I choose the relevant. Maybe you can. Yeah. Can you please open your microphone and ask your question?

Discussion on Governance Model

Yeah, you are relevant. You are liable to open your microphone. Yeah, you're a speaker now. Relevant. Yeah, you're a speaker right now. I just wanted to know all of your governance model. How are you trying to make sure both large and small have rights in decision making? Currently, the governance model follows the tactic that whether holder is large or small, it does not differentiate that tokens are in their own custody and we do not control their tokens in any way. Whether they choose to hold or to buy it is fully and absolutely their choice, whether, sorry, whether they choose to hold or to sell.

Incentives Within the Community

But currently, the community incentive and amongst the key influencers that are supporting the project on Twitter and the community members within the telegram are all forcing each other not to sell a single token below 1 billion because they believe, and we believe, that this is a target that we can reach and approach very soon. So, yeah, for now, the model is hold. Okay, great. So all the audience have chosen and yeah, at the last, at the end of this space, I just want to tell everyone, just a slogan to the sun and yeah, let's work together to empower the charm, mimic ecosystem and charm ecosystem and let's moment this special trend, right?

Closing Remarks and Future Plans

Absolutely. Absolutely talking about it. Thank you very much for having us. Thank you everyone for joining. I want to share one more thing. Is that Sundog just launching, just launched a 2 million age of program. So, yeah, let's go. 2 million. Sundog to the sun. Throne to the sun. All of us to the sun. But first, Sundog to the sun. Yeah, just let's follow Sandog Twitter and tokonmak Twitter to catch up with the latest news in the upcoming days. And let's see what we can do together and let's see what we can work together in the near future to empower the charm ecosystem.

Current Exchange Listings and Trading Options

Yeah, perfect. We're also listed on gate as of today as well. So if anybody has gate and wants to buy some Sundog, you now have a very easy way to do it. Yeah, maybe you can share with us that how many exchanges your ready list and maybe users can know how to trade on the centralized changes. Yeah. So we are currently listed on six exchanges. You can say, we are listed on HTX, we are listed on Napolignex, we are listed on gate, we are listed on Mexie, we're listed on Hyobi perps, and we're also getting another listing by the end of this week on another exchange that I cannot mention.

Trading Features and Cost Savings

So currently we have five Texas bitget as well, forgot to say. And more loading and more to come. Yeah, actually, in addition of the centralized changes, and users can also trade on token pockets using the sunswap or sunpower to buy and sell sundogs. And it can help you to save 50% of the guest cost on token pocket wallet. So just download it and just trade sandals within token market. Okay. Thank you so much for today's speakers and audience and all of you, and welcome tokin Pocket ecosystems. And welcome to BSN DOS holders.

Final Goodbyes and Encouragement

Yeah. Have a good day, everyone. To the sun. To the sun. Yeah. To the sun. Yeah. Okay, bye. Bye. Bye.

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