Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space TRON COMMUNITY DRILL DAY $ROCK hosted by DaoKwonDo. Explore the intricacies of TRON Community Drill Day, focusing on $ROCK, Memecoin Capitalist ventures, educational initiatives like Hooked On Phonics, and partnership dynamics. Discover insights on community engagement, collaboration trends, and the preferred communication methods within the crypto space. Dive into the world of Memecoin projects and the importance of partnerships for growth and scalability. Uncover how direct messages facilitate meaningful connections and drive collaborative efforts in the crypto community.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How does community engagement impact the success of $ROCK?
A: Active community involvement is crucial in driving adoption, awareness, and sustainability for $ROCK.

Q: What role do partnerships play in Memecoin projects like $ROCK?
A: Partnerships fuel growth opportunities, market reach, and project scalability for Memecoin ventures such as $ROCK.

Q: Why is Hooked On Phonics significant in the crypto space?
A: Educational programs like Hooked On Phonics help users understand complex crypto concepts and promote financial literacy within the community.

Q: How are Memecoin Capitalists approaching collaborations for expansion?
A: Memecoin Capitalists are actively seeking out strategic partnerships to diversify offerings and widen their audience base.

Q: What is the preferred communication method for initiating partnerships in the crypto community?
A: Direct messages (DMs) serve as a personalized and effective way to establish connections and explore collaboration opportunities within the crypto space.


Time: 00:15:32
Community Engagement Strategies for $ROCK Exploring the impact of community involvement on the success of $ROCK in the TRON ecosystem.

Time: 00:25:49
Partnership Dynamics in Memecoin Projects Highlighting the key role partnerships play in driving growth and expansion for Memecoin ventures like $ROCK.

Time: 00:35:17
Educational Initiatives in Crypto: Hooked On Phonics Discussing the importance of educational programs like Hooked On Phonics to enhance crypto literacy and understanding.

Time: 00:45:59
Collaboration Trends Among Memecoin Capitalists Analyzing the strategies Memecoin Capitalists employ to form collaborations and broaden their project reach.

Time: 00:55:28
Effective Partnership Communication: DM Insights Insights into the significance of direct messages (DMs) for initiating partnerships and fostering collaborations within the crypto community.

Key Takeaways

  • TRON's community engagement strategies are vital for $ROCK's success.
  • Partnerships play a significant role in the growth and development of Memecoin projects like $ROCK.
  • The importance of educational initiatives like Hooked On Phonics in the crypto space.
  • Memecoin Capitalists are exploring innovative ways to collaborate and expand their reach.
  • Direct messages (DMs) are a preferred method for initiating partnerships and collaborations in the crypto community.

Behind the Mic


It. Hi everyone. Hi host. Your mic is unmuted in case you don't know I'm speaking to the hosts. Hi guys. Hi everyone. Good evening. We are live at the big brother nida Saturday night bedroom. Unlocked. Unlocked. Unlocked. And guys let me tell you something before we even go too far the oath is going to bring people up. So guys just get ready. We are getting it on lockdown is unlocked in the house but right here we are getting it unlocked down. All right guys get ready. Come up, come wrap your fave and let's talk about the party. Strictly about the party. I'm even serious with this because. And why I want like about the party is because number one this female dj is killing it.

Party Highlights

Like she's really killing it. TJ the doctor has never danced like this before. Look at him dancing. Ben. Ben was standing in one corner. He had no choice. He had to come out between DJ Wannie andy. Like they are jiggling it. They are jiggling it. Jiggling it, jiggling it. Anita. Anita baby. Anita has thrown home training away for this parties. He's dancing. Sued man is rapping in his ashlocks. Looking cool, looking good. The embarrass twins. The embarrass like they've forgotten their age for tonight they are dancing like they are 23 years old. I'm even serious like I've been honest. She's over Onyeka. Yeah. Raping on the dance floor. You know how Mickey does it before now Mickey's shaking everywhere. Mickey's not staying in one place, from one place to another place from one place.

Dancing Observations

As his dancing is distant as his dancing is just Femi. Guys I don't know. I don't know about you but to me Femi is a natural dancer. Let me reduce the volume of my tv sets. Femi is a natural dancer to me personally. To me I know the double k. Nobody knows that game plan in the house. Only we on the outside like they are couple. But inside the house they are rocking each other. Victoria is even like she don't agree for anybody. You understand what I wear. The ash looks put on the glasses shaking everything. So guys come just with big brother. Come just with me. I want to rise life here on the space. And we are yet to do us to talk about the party. Come and tell me. You know come and tell me who is rocking it for you the most tonight.

Audience Engagement

Your most handsome. Not. Not necessarily you speak about your faith but this person they make my head shark sister. Oh uk man. He did better. You know, I'm feeling this person. I'm feeling this person. This person is trekking good. This person looks so cute in this clothes. This person looks so beautiful. Just come and tell us about it. And right here, we're about to start tonight, guys, get ready. But one rule, guys, once you come up, please reduce the volume of your tv sets. Reduce the volume of your tv sets and please remember, remember, remember. This is probably sponsored by Big Brother. Sponsored by, you know, DStv. Go tv. And we are yet to do it. We are streaming it live also on show marks. Okay, guys, let's get it started.

Big Brother Discussions

Let's bring people up. I. Tiny. Is it tiny barbs? It's tiny. Bubbly. How you doing? How you doing tonight? I'm good, yeah. Actually I'm not at home to watch the big brother stuff. All right. I just come on this pace so I can be able to like just get idea of what's going on. Don't worry. Just, just before you call me off and I've been in your dm, I actually want to drop my ep, so I'm actually like chatting up for some stuff. No worry, she got you covered. Don't worry. I. Julius, this is not Agawa, but this is. Julius. Julius, are you there? I'm alive. I'm here and alive. I'm glad you are there and alive. Are you watching it right now? Yeah, actually. Well, I actually came to my room.

Watching Big Brother

I'm going back soon. All right, all right. But where are you watching it from? Adaria. No, no, I know, like that's where you're spacing from, like my tv. Go tv. DStv. DStv. Interesting, interesting. Hope you enjoy your DStv. So which package are you on? DST. Which package are you on? Compact. Compact. yes, that's a very rich man. No space. compact. Julius. Nice one though. Nice. Thank you, thank you. But you hope, you know, like, we hope you don't like. Yeah, even like for those who are listening that are saying, compact is for big people, guys, to be honest, you know, too big. Like if you just have, you can watch this brother on dollar package, on good tv, less than five k or younger package on DStv.

Viewership Packages

5100 per is not up to the amount to stick every weekend or the amount I used to buy barbecue or fish. Fish and this thing, you know, I'm saying, well, let's move on to the dance floor. Julius, who's cleaning for you tonight? Who is cleaning for you tonight? Talk to me. Who is cleaning for you tonight? Julius, are you there? Julius, are you there? Good evening. Oh, Julius is not there. Let me move on to precious. Big precious, are you there? Yeah, I'm here. Good evening. How are you doing tonight? Are you watching? Yes, I'm watching it. Andy is killing me, man. Where are you spacing from first? Where are you spacing from? I'm spacing from Lagos Legos.

More Guest Interactions

So where are you watching the show on? Is he on DStv? On DStv package are you doing? I want to know your package. I can't remember the package. But in case. In case your neighbor is coming to your room to come and watch it, please. And please tell them to go and subscribe for chicken emoney on go. But who is the most beautiful person on the dance club for you tonight? It doesn't have to be your favorite, but this person. Yeah, I'm feeling. I'm feeling Victoria. Yeah. Asatra. Victoria. Asatra. All the way from where? All the way from Satoria team. Yes. All the way from Satoria.

Predictions for the Evening

All right, so who is the cute guy for you tonight? I think I'm going for Kelly Rayde. They are not together. Do you think Victoria and Kelly, they will be a good ship to you personally? No, no, I don't think so. Who is the best dancer for you tonight? Andy X one E. And no big. Brother will say Andy and Wani. All right, that's interesting. Okay, aside from that. Aside from that. With the. With the party dollar tonight, with the door. The party tonight. I think Chin, we. Yeah, Chinwe. Maybe she. Maybe because she's pregnant.

Speculating Contestant Relationships

How did you know she's pregnant? Yes. Now she's carrying biggie baby already. She said, she said she has not seen an menstrual period, so yes, definitely she's carrying biggest baby. Big questions. You are following the show and you are making my as well. If to sound right. I'm on it, but don't worry. Don't worry. I really enjoy that. But one more question before you go. One more question before you. Okay. Is tell me your prediction for bottom for tomorrow. I think, Chin Wei chin. We're Zion. Like, oh, God, I don't know how to, like.

Discussing Contestant Eliminations

Together. Yes. Zinway. Is it as Zinway or CJ and Ben go? Yes. The production is between the two of them. Pick one out of those two better or Zinway. What do you think is going tomorrow? Zinway is going. Zinway. You want to send Biggie junior baby? They should go and they should go and solve the. Baby don't picture ivy. No. All right, all right. Thank you very much. Big precious, we love you over here. God bless. We love you too. Take care of the volume of your tv set. The DJ is killing it like the study rise of female DJ nowadays and they've taken over and I love it.

DJ Appreciation

Yes, yes. Hundred. Let me tell you one fun fact about this female dj. When they are playing, they also dance along and that dancing along is one boss my brain the most. But you know what, let's move. Let me move on to the next person. I young premium gadget technology. Young pre tech are you there? Your name is pre tech premium tech but you have technology on your phone. These are the issues you are facing in this country. Panat, are you there? Hi Fanat. Oh, good evening Omolomo. Good evening Panaj how you doing?

Engaging the Audience

Hey, how every now are you watching the live show? Yeah, I'm watching it and I think my, I think I would like to talk about my babies. My one energy Andy. Now this I'm going to catch you. You just have to pick one person. Just one person. Who is the most beautiful on the dance floor for you tonight? For me? One person. I would say. I would say lady. Okay, who is the cutest guy on the dance floor for you tonight? Oh, it has to be such is giving it back to back like it's one of the badges.

Selecting Favorites

Like I was killing it on the dance floor with dance. And definitely you understand if biggie give you cane now say go flog one person come up for this dance floor. I think, I think I'll go between I'll go with you. The money is pregnant. When a woman does not like just put on you understand and you get so I get it. What do you think is drunk? What do you think is probably likely to lose God after the party? It's my baby zoo. My babies. You know that after the party hey, I might be your baby.

Anticipating Future Developments

These people they would definitely give content after the party. Now interesting. Yes, there was a breaking news that saw her period Shah so for those expecting baby and Ikomo money go and keep it somewhere. Go and keep your baby shower money somewhere. She will see a period still need it. There are some people that are which package? Which subscription package are you using to watch this currently? I think the one before premium. I don't know the one before premium is not the one paying.

Subscription Plans

Guys, I'm sorry. No, I I don't know their names but I want us to pay money. I said, I know your own is just to pay money. Yeah, but you will go and subscribe it all your neighbors that are coming to your room to come and be saying, what happens, big brother? What happened? And I know you probably don't want to tell them the package because your eyes is on that die your neighbor gay. But we'll come back about that. Tell them that for BBA, the jolly package on go tv, they watch big brother if you don't come and disturb in your room.

Accessing Big Brother Content

Or they can subscribe for the younger package on DStv. Sickening money. Five k. Five. One baby less than 5000. Please, we don't accept. We don't accept all those sound effects. Please, please, mister Didi, let's act like we all used toy when we are young, please. Thank you very much. Panache, are you there? Yeah, I'm there. Loud and clear. You say, I wanted to say something about one x and the. Go on, let me give you the chance.

Concluding Perspectives

Let's go. Like, I really like my babies. Like, I really like them. I like their energy. I like what they're bringing. And for people that say they are too dramatic or they are too real is a reality tv show, you understand? And I think another thing growing on me is, I think Victoria and Suge, they're actually growing on me. I like everything going on with Nelly. I like the love story, the roller coaster and everything, you understand? So those people just give me hope for a very great. Before I move on to the next person, we don't want to spend too much time on it.

Introduction and Initial Remarks

The waist. What, what do they call her? Onyeka. On. Yeah, you know. You know what I call big? He's a waste warrior. It's always moving. Subgirl, where are you facing from? Where are you person from? I'm in South Africa. From South Africa. We got sharp girl in the building. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, you guys. Oh, now I see why you pick Oyeka. Yes, I understand. I understand. Yeah, I know, I know. When you look into our face, all you see is our ways. I understand.

Party Dynamics and Predictions

Okay, so who is dulling the party for you tonight? Who is dulling it for you? it's Chinwe. Chinwe, everybody. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be fun. All of you are putting eyes on tiny way, but we move, sir. Okay, why are predicted? Why you predicted? Bottom three for tomorrow. Zinwe, double k and beta. And beta. That's interesting. Peak. Wow, that was nice. And before you go, rate the Gigi. One to 1010 out of ten. Super pretty. Also. You know, I used to say it's sharp girl. The ladies would say period and that's period.

Host Interaction and Audience Engagement

All right, all right. Moving on to the next person. Hi, Victoria, are you there? Oh, Fatima. No, Victoria. Fatima, are you there? I'm here. How you doing? I'm good, how are you? I'm fine. You're enjoying your DStv package, right? No, actually I'm. I'm using boss tv. what's boss tv again? I'm watching from Canada, so it's. I can. But let's go to the dance floor. To the dance floor. Quickly, quickly. We sensitizing to you. Like you want to rush that person. I can do me one knee. And Andy. Interesting. Always the best guy for you tonight.

Party Preferences and Dancing

Cute things. I'll say. Sean, if Ashley said we want to give person one clothes for the rest of the year because this guy is killing our address. Why are you giving it to Sean? Of course he's cute. Interesting, interesting. All right, so who is darling the party for you? If they give you kids, like, go and flog this person out of this party. I know they enjoy. Who are you picking? I'm picking Victoria tonight. I don't know why. She's improving, actually, but not yet. Not yet. You see Canada and Victoria is dancing to it. She is, but no, like, I'm not seeing what I, what I'm expecting from Victoria yet.

Dancing and Surprise Performances

So who shocked you on the dance floor tonight? Like, someone who is shocking. Like, you know, this person wouldn't dance, but the person is dancing. Who are you picking? I still Victoria. Anyways, but not there yet. Guys, before we continue, the name of this dj is called was. DJ. Was. Play something. Sorry, something, please. Something play. Oh, my gosh. I'm not paying attention. Did you, I am, but not really about the name. Why? Your bottom three? Tomorrow, I'll give you the name. She's pretty and she's playing well, that's her name.

Dance Floor Revelations

Did you pretty play? Pretty play? Yeah, yeah. For tomorrow, better Zinwe and better Zinway. Checkers. Yeah, checkers. Better Zinway and checkers. Okay, I think Zinway and beta are in. Everybody, bottom three. So is the third one that is just, you know, flung to 18th, though you are more in Nigeria, you are still keeping up with big brother. And I just have to show you what at the end of the day, biggie loves you all. You also love Biggie. We really appreciate you, Fatima.

Continuing the Conversation

Thank you. All right, all right. Moving on to the next person I have. Sharon, are you there? Sharon with the rose, are you there? Good evening. Where are you spacing from? Calabar. Curse of estate that Calabar is. Sounded like Canada. Not yet. I must go. If you sign to jackpot, don't worry. But what's up? Which, which, where are you watching? Like, which platform are you on currently? I use show marks as I'm not around the moment, so I just watch on my show, Max, I stream on my showmax rather.

Streaming Experience

You can stream it on your phone too, you know. Yes, yes, certainly. That's what I do. These are the advantage. These are the advantage. Guys you can see on is a testimony about this no network failure. You watch it mostly you catch up with it. And you are good to go. So, Sharon, let's go quickly to the dance floor. I see you're a lady. And if you have to take a prince Charming home tonight, based on the dressing, based on the vibe, based on the cuteness, why are you on the dance floor?

Picking Favorites

Femme David. Fermi freaking David. I was so surprised. Like, nobody has Femi all this way because Femi is dancing. I saw Femi dance with Nellie and. I'm like, that's right. I, you have ISO. You pick the one that has been reserved. That's fine. So which lady are you picking tonight. If I'm to go with ladies? Yeah, I really don't have a favorite lady, but I will go with Anita. Anita is giving it very well. But to be honest, they say who is my shocking person for tonight is Anita.

Final Thoughts on Performances

Because Anita has never danced like this before. Exactly. She danced so well tonight. Actually was even alone. She doesn't need to rock anybody. It's the guys that are coming to meet her or us. Now I give it to Anita. To be honest, I give it to her tonight. That's interesting. So who is darling, the party for you? I'm going to go with Chinwe specifically because of, you know, a lot. Has been going on in the house. And then she has been, you know, feeling very unwell, you know, so probably that's why it's affecting her, you know.

Predictions and Audience Engagement

But I'm going to give it to her. She's not very active this night, so she's in it for me. That's, that's, that's interesting. So your bottom three picture for tonight. you see that bottom three as much as everybody's, you know, giving these obvious threes here. You might be surprised, man. You might be surprised, you know, but I'm going for the two. I'm going to say better and, zingwe. But for the third one, I'm not. Very certain because, I mean, their fan base are putting lots of energy, so you never can tell who is going to come out bottom three tomorrow.

Conclusion and Farewell

But, I can go with, Better and, the same way I can go with both of them. Interesting, interesting. That's interesting. All right, that's, I know what Sharon, to be honest, thanks for joining the space. Thank you. Following on your mobile, and that is one thing we love. Thank passion, you know, just love everything you guys are doing. We're so grateful. All right, I'll move on to the next person. Guys, it really simple when you come up here. I know you're watching.

Introduction and Discussion on DJ

I know nelly and anita. What are you doing? All right, I'll pick. You can carry two at once. You have, you have to. And did you pretty play over 1010 over ten. Honest. First of all, did you pretty? Let's, let's dissect the name dj. She's pretty. Pretty. Dancing and playing all around is also ten over ten. This lady is accurate. She's a good djdeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh thanks to biggie. I don't where biggie brought her from. What biggie you just airport sauce for you. Good. And one of the best out there. Really enjoys. So who is done in the party for you tonight? Like make the commercial? What will this baby do for us like this. Wait, let me ask you one question, right? Let me move away from number question.

Talk about the Party

Do you think I she was dulling Zion on the dance floor because Zion has to stand with her? Yes, because, you know, throughout the week she has not been feeling too well. Even when they are playing their games and all she's done in everything. And I'm 100% sure she's going tomorrow. Hey, I would even ask for the next question you give me. Does not want someone that does his house. Exactly. Must go tomorrow. Him for this year is no loose guard, but she's already loose guarding and that's on. See, when you say fact on this pace always anyway, period, bro. So say it again. Say she's already loose guardian. I said period four and we ended there. That's all. She's already lose guarding. Period, bro. Thank you. Thank you very much. We love you. Sam, are you there? Is that Samony or Samone or Samoan Samony? Someone Samony. I'm understanding some two is not someone anything. Kamala, that is not.

Continuing the Conversation

Iris, are you there? I'm here. No, I went to Manchester mostly to buy Suya because of this bedou. Hey, this bedroom quickly. Why? Your bottom three prediction for today. I'm waiting. The quibetta and my ex pregnant woman. You know? You know what I'm saying? Those are the two, I think. Okay, so what do you think is going on? If it's one, it's better. If it's two, both of them are going. Hey, way this one. What do you think? That's better? Definitely. All right. But we're skilling the dance floor for you tonight. One person like you. You really enjoy on the dance floor like you have coming one person tonight. Why are you setting it on? I'm seeing my twins, so my twins. Girls have two twins too. And Victoria, she's done.

Interaction on Predictions

They give me some. You know, this is a week anyway for the guys. Who are you giving for the guys? For the guys, you know, such they do gumbo. Do you now follow the twins now? So what do you call. No, what I mean is that even on? No. You call the name of the housemates. What do you call? Sarge. Sarge. Whatever you say. No, I'm just teasing you, to be honest. You're even correct. Just locate the twins anytime. Where she won, he won't do. Wait. They locate any awandi for even the. What? I call it the poor party last week. I. Yesterday. I'm just watching because not. Not for anything. No, just. It doesn't vibe with them because especially when they did that tax yesterday.

Discussion on Vibes at the Party

I know vibes to dance, you understand? So it won't flow with people waiting on this level. You understand? Let me dissect this. What you're trying to say now is Suj is like the life of the party one. So he wants to also chew with life of the party. And the life of the party on the female side is Annie and Wandi. That's what you. Yes. Okay. Okay. It's enjoying their vibes. And that's why always, especially when they want. When a particular song comes up, you understand it, we just even. It will just sneak it. We just sneak out from nelly to. With them to dance together. You understand enough for anything, you know? No. Lose God. If you date with man and your man sleep from your hand.

Summary of Opinions

Go dance another person. Now you lose God. No. I mean, the guy they get catching fun and, you know, I'm sure that Zion would have done more better, but because antite now, I mean, the guy, he had one boss. You understand this one. I advise to all men, if you never mind any competition like this. Go carry your fellow guy. Go. Thank you very much, Kamala. You are welcome. Thank you very much. We appreciate you. Sgltm, are you there? Hello? Good evening. How you doing? I'm fine, I'm fine. Where are you spacing from? Let's start from there. I'm spacing from the capital city, Abuja. There's one fun fact about Abuja. Abuja.

More on Abuja and Other Topics

I see. Of course, I'm streaming from my phone. Yeah, on my phone. On my phone. Abuja, man, I sabi day. But let's move away from Abuja. Let's go into Biggie's house. All right, counselor, tonight, talk to us. let's see, this fair guy from the radical femi. Femi feminine. It's been a while. It's been a while. Nobody has called his name on this space. That's the guy is good. He's a good dancer. Even from the region presentation. Yeah. Is Femi. David, someone has caught Femi. So which lady are you feeling tonight? Lady, are you feeling, Lady, I don't want to be biased, but I'm feeling, I was feeling Anita.

Ladies and Observations

I would have said Oyuka because you guys my favorite boys. I would just say Anita for SGlTM tonight, it patronize. And that's why I told people, put your favor aside, face. Who are you? Yeah, you get what it? Yeah. For me. I know one day by us. And I like because of my package tomorrow, because my own package, my go tv package. Let me have my. I won't subscribe. So I will continue watching big brother tomorrow. You want to why? Your bottom three for tomorrow. Your bottom three prediction. Okay, my bottom. My bottom three is, But I can only predict. I don't really know.

Final Predictions

Yeah, it's not like certainty or prediction. Yeah. Okay. But predicts our predict. double key zwei and better double K Zinway. And so what do you think is going on? Just one person. I feel this guy now. Better make the guy go see him twins now then. sorry, CJ. I mean, yeah, TJ. Yeah. So I just feel he will likely be evicted tomorrow. All right, nice having you. Sgltm nice having you. Thank you very much. You are getting sweet for me. I will watch the party together. Okay, no problem. All right. All right. Thank you, guys.

Audience Engagement

You can always request. You can come up. We love you. We are waiting for you here. We have many things to like, even aside from pariah to dissect. You understand? And like I told you guys, it's so simple. Make sure you have a DStv, go tv or showmark subscription if you don't have one today so that you won't miss out of the phone. It's so simple, so cheap. Go tv. Less than 5000 naira. Subscribe for the jolly package. Younger package on DStv is 5100 naira. Guess how we do it on Saturday. Every Saturday night, 11:00 p.m.

Weekly Events and Engagement

west african time on nigerian time, like we call it till 12:00 a.m. we are always on this space with big brother. You can see the official account. You can follow it, guys. We are always on here to join the housemate virtually. And what? And enjoy with them. It's so cheap. It's so simple. At least to join. This place is free. Are you there? Akpa akamu mazi, are you there? I full ground. I full ground. Well done. Your face show with the voice alone. My leg face shake like I did the dance floor. Where are you from?

Boston and Dancefloor Discussion

I'm spacing from Boston. Boston? As Caru said. No be so. No be so. No. Let me Boston people want your hair, dude. You know the vibe. You know the vibe. Tell me your bottom three prediction for tomorrow. Omar biggie. Call me for phone. I go commerce one on the bottom three. Number one it tomorrow. Why the drama is too much. I think this year the money is married. This year the money is married. I'll be diabetic. I'll be biased here. I like. Wait. Number one.

Further Analysis on the Show

Say you get future. Say you want the biased. I like them. I appreciate that one. Not to talk now. Not true talk you want. The bias is to say you lie. I for fight you. But you know lie. I be real. Gina. I believe so to you. The money is married. And I know where they go like that too much. You understand? Noah, this is the first person here that wants to remove any Andy from the house. Okay. Mahala. All right. So who is dulling the dance floor for you tonight?

Who is Performing Well?

Almost to me I feel like I could say TJ. TJ. He won't. They give Odogu vibe or, you know, show, you know. Sure. I know they feel. Okay. Oh, you want to give. You want to give a dog viber. Yeah. That dogo is not dogoing. It's not odoguing. I tell you the flow. No. This one will be those olden days music. This one are contemporary, you know. I know they feel. Yeah. See, let me ask you something. Let me tell you something, right? Tell you something. Feel me?

Engagement and Interactions

I didn't feel you. If you know, say you won't come out person you know, say you won't come up a scene. You understand? But this is not even for you, for everybody on space. It is by your votes. So please. And please. There's a good. I will say, hey, DStv. I only subscribe it for my mommy. I'm using stomachs not to consign me. Go and call your mommy and say mom, your sim card. I used to register DStv. Go and vote for so so person. You get what I'm saying? If you know, say you won't come up as if nothing won't make your face stay in the house.

Final Vote Encouragement

Go and call your opinion that you subscribe for your auntie or your uncle, your wife or your husband and tell them to vote for your favorites. Because you know why your votes makes the decision. Starting from tomorrow, your vote has been making the decision, you know, and the custodian makes the choice before, but now your vote is the final decision. If you want to keep your favor in the house, please, guys, make sure you go and subscribe, make sure you vote and make sure you have it. But more just continue. Quick one, Mazi. Why are you like, why are you feeling on the dance floor? Guy, which guy? They feel for the dance floor.

Concluding Remarks

Where you gonna give the Mazi tie to the way you say Mazi yourself? I'll give it to Femi. Femi. Femi. Femi is turning up. I'll give it to him. He's everywhere. I think Femi is someone who grow on people now. Like, a lot of people are really feeling feminine now. Like, after the third week, Femi is starting to grow on people. Would you agree with me on that? Yes. Yes. I think he tried to force a different personality on his housemates the first week. So I think his real personality is beginning to come out. He's a very warm person.

Final Take on the Show

And you can tell even from the votes in house, you know, it looks like his housemates are the ones keeping that particular team. Once he gets on the chopping block outside, I think they're going to leave. But right now they seem to have a very good relationship with their peers. Oh, that's cool. And which, aside from your favorite, which ladies, clean it for you tonight? Anita. Anita. I like her. I wasn't a very big fan of her, you know, but I think tonight she's showing up. I really like the fact that her energy is so too good.

Engagement with Audience

Yeah, Anita has so much energy tonight. Guys, request and come up. We are bringing people up. We've moved a lot of people down so that you new speakers can come up. Guys, feel free to request. Don't worry, big brother. We know we don't put in the diary room. Yeah, this is not diary. We are just here to calm ourselves down. You understand what I'll say? All right, now. Thank you very much, Mazi. Thank you very much, Mazi.

Ending Thoughts and Feedback

No. Well, thank you. Radicals, are you there? Radicals. X Fermi night. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. I'm here, man. Rastafa, man. How you doing? Good, bro. Morning is dancing. You know, guys, the money is dancing. But you know what, I've seen your name. I know, you're a radicalist already. So aside from your radicals, who is killing it on the dance floor for you tonight? Because, yeah, we want to be. You understand what I'm saying? Okay. Well, for me, just like my friend, for me, I like Nashville.

Introduction and Acknowledgements

Okay, let's go. Shout out to big brother, period. Okay. Shout out to big brother, period. We move. We move. We move, guys. We move. Hi, any baby? Hello? And are you there? Hi. Sorry, I had to mute my laptop. First of all, thank you for. Thank you for what? Following the introduction. Because you say when people come here, you can just mute or, you know, lower the volume of your tv set, your iPad, your laptop, or your mobile phone, and we really appreciate that. So on the dance floor for you tonight, who's killing it? You know what is funny and surprising to me? And you're welcome. First of all, you're welcome. You know what's funny is Victoria. She has come out of her shell a whole lot. Like, guys, please. We don't like effect here. Please dance. Please stop. I'm going to lose my train of thought anyways. It's Victoria.

Victoria's Transformation

She struggled, even. I'm sorry. Like, I judged her way too soon. I was like, how can you come on a reality tv show and you're doing, like, you don't. Like, you don't want to be here. But look at her. She's dancing, she's vibing. This is so not Victoria. I'm glad she's come out of her shell. She's very comfortable now, and she's getting along with people in the house, and she's. And even when she wasn't getting along with people in the house, like, it's been. I don't think she's done anything crazy or anything serious. Silly for me not to like her. Even when she had the opportunity to, like, talk shit about her teammates, which our teammates would do, and throw her under the bus, like, she actually defended him. So she's just somebody that. I think she's growing on me. It's crazy because usually I fertilizer for everybody. I'm telling you, I don't like boring housemates.

Preferences for Housemates

You see, my type of housemates, you have to be chaotic. That's reality tv show. I'm obsessed with reality tv show. If you're not a little bit of. If you're not cray, I can't stand you. Sorry. Like, you have to give me something. You have to evoke emotions, good or bad, like you do. So, yeah, Victoria is really growing on me a whole lot. Like, I like her now. It's crazy. I can't believe I'm saying this. I am. And then who else? Anita. I like Anita, but it's not like. It's not that deep. I just think she's a cool girl. She's a girl's girl. She's. She seems very sweet. Always minding her business, not indulging in, do you know, kind of. And she seems like a very strict babe.

Reflections on the Show and its Cast

So. Yeah. Me, I don't. I don't care for me. You know, me, I don't know. Nobody's doing it for me. Sorry. I don't acknowledge men over here. Sorry. Like any baby. Your button for tomorrow. What would that open game? Because I'm following like, that same way. Better checkers wanna Andy, that's, four. And I think, who is the next person or I think it's Shatoria, if I'm right. Okay, so better, for sure, like they are leaving. that's like a strong, what's it called? That's like a strong lineup. Oh, let's be honest. So better, for sure. Double k up. Are they up? Those the married couple? Oh, yeah. Okay. Not, not Satori is double k. Yeah. Okay. Those ones are boring.

Impressions of the Current Housemates

I think Nigerians are obsessed with marriage and, you know, fine face tags and that one too. And just, I don't know, but I just, since this show started, maybe their only. This thing is like when they were like, oh, I've missed you. I can't believe we stayed from each other like, them. Kissing has been the only highlight for me. Like, when the party is boring, let me not lie. Yeah, the party is boring. The DJ is not helping the transition. Did you get. Help? Information, but we'll move on to that, all right? I think so, if I've been, honey. All right, let me, let me say this right. I want to say this. Thanks for everyone who has come up here to speak their mind, because number one is wanting to be outfit is not giving.

Comments on Current Events

W. Yes, there's that giving. I want to first address. Young man, your name looks like World War. I'm even scared to pronounce it wwss. Please, we are not fighting World War here. I'll get to your tone and you have the time to speak. Please, I promise you. Don't interject. That's just the simple. We are free to speak. Your choice. We don't go against it. All right, any. Baby, are you there? Yes, I'm here. Right, in less than 10 seconds. Just round it up so I can move on to the next. How are you tying me? No, no, I want to because we close this space to 12:00 p.m. and. Oh, okay. I just wanted to say that I don't know if BBN host whoever is here, but I don't.

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