Trikon <> Genesis Universe AMA


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Trikon <> Genesis Universe AMA hosted by 0xTrikon. In the Trikon Genesis Universe AMA, the focus was on exploring the potential of Web3 infrastructure to empower gamers and revolutionize the gaming industry. Discussions emphasized the importance of collaboration, DeFi integration, user-centric design, and scalability in creating immersive gaming experiences. Trikon Genesis aims to engage a billion gamers through innovative and inclusive Web3 initiatives, offering new opportunities for creators and players in decentralized ecosystems. The AMA highlighted how blockchain integration can redefine the future of gaming, fostering community engagement and envisioning a Web3-driven gaming Metaverse.

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Q: How will Web3 innovations impact the gaming industry?
A: Web3 innovations will transform the gaming landscape, providing enhanced experiences and opportunities for gamers.

Q: What is the focus of the Trikon Genesis Universe?
A: Trikon Genesis Universe concentrates on constructing robust Web3 infrastructure to empower gamers.

Q: Why is empowering a billion gamers through Web3 technologies crucial?
A: Empowering a vast number of gamers through Web3 technologies drives inclusivity and innovation in the gaming sector.

Q: How important is collaboration in Web3 projects like Trikon Genesis Universe?
A: Collaboration and community engagement are essential for the success and sustainability of Web3 endeavors.

Q: What role does DeFi play in revolutionizing gaming ecosystems?
A: Decentralized finance (DeFi) is pivotal in reshaping gaming ecosystems and introducing new possibilities.

Q: Why is innovation in infrastructure significant for Web3 gaming?
A: Innovation in infrastructure is critical for scalability, performance, and the future growth of Web3 gaming.

Q: How does Trikon Genesis prioritize user-centric design in its initiatives?
A: Trikon Genesis emphasizes user-centric design and inclusive development practices to enhance gaming experiences.

Q: What kind of environment does Trikon Genesis aim to create through Web3 technologies?
A: Trikon Genesis strives to establish a diverse, immersive gaming environment leveraging Web3 advancements.

Q: What opportunities do Web3 initiatives offer to creators and players?
A: Web3 initiatives like Trikon Genesis provide unique opportunities for creators and players to engage in decentralized ecosystems.

Q: How can blockchain integration redefine the future of gaming?
A: Blockchain integration has the potential to transform gaming processes, introducing new levels of security, ownership, and interaction.


Time: 00:15:43
Web3 Revolutionizing Gaming Exploring how Web3 innovations are reshaping the gaming industry.

Time: 00:25:12
Trikon Genesis Universe Mission Understanding the core mission of Trikon Genesis Universe in empowering gamers.

Time: 00:35:59
DeFi's Role in Gaming Ecosystems Discussing the impact of DeFi on decentralized gaming ecosystems.

Time: 00:45:27
Innovation and Scalability in Web3 Gaming Highlighting the importance of innovation and scalability in Web3 gaming infrastructure.

Time: 01:05:18
User-Centric Design in Web3 Gaming Emphasizing the significance of user-centric design in enhancing Web3 gaming experiences.

Time: 01:15:47
Decentralized Opportunities for Creators Exploring the decentralized opportunities Web3 initiatives like Trikon Genesis offer to creators.

Time: 01:25:33
Blockchain's Impact on Gaming Future Analyzing how blockchain integration can shape the future of the gaming industry.

Time: 01:35:22
Community Engagement in Web3 Projects Understanding the role of collaboration and community engagement in Web3 projects like Trikon Genesis Universe.

Time: 01:45:11
Scalability Challenges in Web3 Gaming Addressing the challenges and importance of scalability in Web3 gaming environments.

Time: 01:55:29
Future Visions of a Web3 Gaming Metaverse Discussing futuristic scenarios where Web3 technologies shape the gaming Metaverse.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 innovations will revolutionize the gaming industry, benefiting a vast community of gamers.
  • The Trikon Genesis Universe focuses on building robust Web3 infrastructure for enhanced gaming experiences.
  • Empowering a billion gamers through Web3 technologies is at the core of the Trikon Genesis mission.
  • Collaboration and community involvement are pivotal for the success of Web3 projects like Trikon Genesis Universe.
  • The AMA highlighted the significance of decentralized finance (DeFi) in revolutionizing gaming ecosystems.
  • Innovation in infrastructure is crucial for scalability and sustainability in the Web3 gaming space.
  • The importance of user-centric design and inclusive development practices in Web3 gaming initiatives was emphasized.
  • Trikon Genesis aims to create a versatile and immersive gaming environment through Web3 technologies.
  • Web3 initiatives like Trikon Genesis offer unique opportunities for creators and players to engage in decentralized ecosystems.
  • The AMA discussion shed light on the potential of blockchain integration in redefining the future of gaming.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the AMA Session

Hello, everyone, and welcome to our exciting AMA session with Janice's universe today. So I just give us two to three more minutes to all our listeners to join in and then we will get started. And in the meantime, I would like to welcome the speaker for the day and just want to test the mic quickly that if you are able to hear me and also if you can just say a few words so that we can have the mic test from Team Genesis. Are you able to hear me? I believe you are on mute. Can you please quickly check your mic? All right, I will try to test the mic again. So, Team Genesis, are you able to hear me? I will just call you as a speaker again. So, Team Genesis, I have sent you a request for the speaker. All right, can you please test your mic? Hello? Can you guys hear me? I can hear you now. Are you? Yeah. All right. Better. All right, cool. Hi. All right, perfect. So we will just give it two more minutes and we'll get started.

Excitement for the Session

All right, cool. All right, so I can see listeners have joined us and I'm really excited for today's session. So I will start with, like, quick introductions about ourselves. My name is Rohit and I am a chief product officer with Recon and currently we are building a team of web three. And today we are excited to announce our official partnership with Genesis Universe and with this AMA that we are conducting today, we are at a verge of scheduling few things and also making the gaming infrastructure and at the same time with this establishment identifying the different strategies level. So would like to quickly welcome our speaker for the day and would like to hand over the mic to him to know, like, have a quick introduction from him and also know about the project as well.

Introduction of the Genesis Universe Speaker

All right, thank you so much, team triconous. Very good evening, guys, and thanks so much for spending your time with us for this AMA tonight. So, my name is Tyrone and I am the CMO of Genesis universe. So I'm very glad to be here today with you guys to share a little bit info about Genesis universe and what is it that we do. All right, so to make it short, we invite all of you to step into the world of Genesis universe New Horizon, which is a groundbreaking metaverse where the ancient mythologies come alive in an immersive exploration game. So just for you guys to know, we actually run on the binance smart chain. And our aim within this project is to break down the cultural barriers, allowing players to traverse stunning landscapes inspired by legends from cultures around the world.

Developments and Features of Genesis Universe

We have also launched free to earn for version 2.0 and also this further helps us break down the gatekeeping barrier for players to play for free. So we are actually launched back in March 2023, and we have recently relaunched our game into a version 2.0 in June 2024. So in the first version of our game, we promote a play to earn. And now in the newest version, we are promoting a free to earn in which player needs zero capital or zero investment for them to start playing within our game. So I hope this gives you guys a little bit of insight of what is it that we do and what is it Genesis universe is about. Yes, it does. And we are really excited to have your insights and also the moment you talk about gaming and also changing the standard terminologies, like, just like you mentioned about play to earn to free to earn.

Gaming Market Insights

So I'm really excited to have your insights and outlook onto the gaming market in web three. So let's get started and have the ball rolling. And my first question from you for the day is, like, I was going through the genesis, and also, like, there are things that I have understood from the methodologies I have seen that you are working upon the metaverse exploration and a lot of things. So right now, Genesis integrates ancient method like methodologies into the metaverse exploration game. So if you can explain me what actually inspired you with this unique concept and how it shapes us, the gaming world inside the Genesis universe?

Inspiration for the Genesis Universe Concept

Well, that's a very good question to start. So. Well, you know, I believe within the gamefi industry, everything is evolving all the time. While we're sleeping, while we're eating, or while we're driving, whatever it is that we do. The Gamefi world within web three is always evolving. So our team consists of players, sorry. Our team consists of people around the globe as well. From the colorful festivities india, we have our moderators, we have our community managers. From India to the rich multiracial harmony in Malaysia. So we have our team from Malaysia, which handles the marketing, which handles the operation as well, and also to the ancestry great wall of China and the extravagant fashion culture in France.

Genesis Universe's Cultural Foundation

Genesis universe draws inspiration from the rich tapestry of all these ancient mythologies around the world, weaving them into an immersive metaverse exploration game. So when we have a team of a very rich culture from around the globe, were thinking, why not evolve or adapt this into our game? So this inspiration actually creates a very huge motivation for us to diversify the cultural or the cultural background that we have around the globe into our game. So by integrating these various mythologies, such as greek, nordic, egyptian and others. The game itself celebrates the diversity of human storytelling.

Community Interaction and Game Mechanics

So by doing this, we hope that we can touch base with our players from around the globe because they know their history. And it is going to be a rich history, as I say, to allowing them, like offering them a unique character from each of these mythology and landscapes, providing a vast canvas for exploration. Because when you are hooked into the storytelling part of the game, you will definitely want to play it. So how is it that all these mythologies from around the world shape the Gamefi world with Genesis universe? So, I mean, community and collaboration, like what we're doing with Trikon right now, we've never heard of Tricon before, and I'm sure you guys never heard of us before.

Collaborative Efforts in the Metaverse

But by diversifying our multiracial background and also by tapping into this metaverse storytelling with different mythologies around the world, we get to connect with each other. Hence the MA tonight. So the metaverse aspects fosters community interactions where players can share experiences, collaborate on quests and events, and also engage in events that celebrate certain myths, creating a living, evolving narrative tapestry. So that's our aim. We want to break down the cultural barriers within the gamefi industry.

Digital Connectivity

Amazing. And obviously then talking about not just bringing the world together, but bringing the world together digitally. So that's something that actually gives a better insight. And obviously, whenever I think about it, the way you are looking at this methodology and obviously bringing out multiple insights from multiple regions at the same time. So obviously that's something which brings the win and then bringing that community inside the game. So I believe now I understand your inspiration of the unique concepts that you are getting it.

Faction Selection in the Game

So, like, just to know about, like for example, players are required to select the faction in the game. That's something that I have noticed. So do these factions differ and how does it creating an impact onto the gameplay and the strategies that player probably would be making? Well, to be honest, the faction itself doesn't have a huge impact on the gameplay and the strategy itself within the game. However, the heroes from each faction does play a huge role in terms of winning in PvP, PvE or faction wars.

Hero Dynamics and Gameplay

Well, each heroes have their own skills, like we always do whatever games we play. Heroes have different skills, different powers and whatnot. And in Genesis universe, it's the same. So different heroes from different factions have different skills and elements, and some heroes have elements that are dire to other heroes. That's the element restraint feature within our Genesis universe game. Like, for example, fire is stronger when it comes to battling ice and water is stronger when it comes to fighting fire and so on.

Resource Mining and Player Engagement

So we have different elements within our game which allows us to like tap not only into the storytelling part, this gives the players an excitement like ooh, I would like to get this hero with these specific elements so that I can definitely defeat that hero with that power. So with all these features evolving around Genesis universe, there's a unique feature in our game that allow players to mine for resources using their NFT cards. But these NFT cards are actually limited to four star and five Star heroes.

Player Monetization through Faction Wars

Now, upon successfully conquering a camp either in the enemy faction or within the neutral faction in our faction wars, players can then use this four star and five star NFT hero cards to deploy their cards to start mining for resources. It's a way of letting our player earn static income. So what they got to do is just to defend your camp against attack from any other enemies and they can mine resources successfully.

Impact of Factions and Narrative

Amazing. And again, like, one of the things we are like, just like you mentioned in the beginning of the statement that you have given that it does not have a huge impact, but still you have given such a detailed description where I actually do not agree to your statement where you have mentioned that it does not have a major impact. I guess it does have. I see.

Agreeing on Game Features

All right. Yeah, in a way it does. But that's, we're not trying to promote that. It's, it has a huge impact because it still goes down to the very core or how of how the player wants to play the game. That makes sense. All right, and the, if we talk about the game features. Right, and let's get on to that point.

NFTs and the Overall Economy

There are things like hero card nfts that can be obtained and not just obtained, but even can be traded. So how does these NFTs enhance the players experience, the players gaming experience, and what is the role do they play in genesis universe as like an overall economy? All right, so, right, this is somehow a tricky question. All right, so I'm gonna speak.

Ownership and Authenticity in Gameplay

I'm gonna talk about how does this NFTs enhance the player's experience first. Alright? So within the game itself, Genesis universe, hero card nfts are the very cornerstone of gameplay because without NFT heroes or without NFT cards, players are unable to do anything within the game itself. So when, thus when a player obtains an NFT cards, it actually binds itself to the wallets of that player. So this further enhance what the Gamefi industry or what the Webtree industry or even the crypto industry itself wants to enhance, which is the ownership and the authenticity of the game, of the assets itself.

Community Engagement through Trading

So within this, players that minted cards truly own their hero cards as nfts because it's definitely automatically buying to your wallet, allowing them to buy, sell or trade then in a secure manner, which is everything is recorded on chain. Now, this sense of ownership adds value and also personal investment to the game, making each player's NFT cards unique and special in a way. Now, moving on, there's definitely this community interaction because the trading expect encourages community engagement.

Player Interaction and Card Trading

Like, for example, I'm a player and definitely you are a player. So whenever I wanted one, let's say a hero card, Poseidon, for example, and then you wanted, for example, you wanted Atul from the India mythology. So when. Sorry. From the Egypt mythology.

Card Trading and Community Engagement

Sorry. So when you wanted this card, but I couldn't mean it. I don't have the luck to min one and I couldn't find it on the NFT marketplace. So what I will do is that I'll definitely go around the community and then I'll search like who's having, who has this card that I want? If you guys are down for it, we can do a trade in whatever it is, right? So there's this community interaction based on these nfts are trading. Now, this social dynamic enhances the overall experience, making this a shared journey for everyone. Because if I manage to win by trading this card with you, it not only brings me success, it brings you like a sense of proud as well. Like, oh, I traded card with this guy. That's the reason that he's on number one on the leaderboard right now.

The In-Game Economy and Currency

Now when it comes to the in game economy, on how these nfts affect the in game economy, well, there's this in game currency that we have in our version 2.0 in which in order for players to like min card for free without gas fee, we actually created, or we actually designed a new currency within the game called platinum vouchers. Now, platinum vouchers are actually a one to one exchange ratio with our project token, which is the gut. But since gut is buying on chain, so when we allow our players to mint NFT cards using gut, there's definitely a need for them to spend gas fee. So when we created or when we design these platinum vouchers, players can use duty to exchange it into platinum vouchers. And then when they use platinum vouchers and mint NFT cards, there's no need for a transaction fee, meaning it's a gas fee transaction.

Facilitating Transactions Without Gas Fees

Now, these serve as a form of in game occurrence, facilitating transactions between players. This creates not only a vibrant marketplace where players can trade cards for resources earns and also other nfts as well. This further enhance our economic interactions because whenever we have players telling us about oh no, I need to mean, but the gas fee is so high, what can I do? It breaks our heart. Like we have players that want to play our game, but just because the gas fee is too high, they find it hard to do so. Because I mean, yeah, BTC is on the rise, EtH is on the rise. So everything is rising. Even Bnb is rising. It used to cost only like for example like $0.5 cents dollars to Mina cart for gas fee. Now it's going to cost like one to $2. That's too high for some players.

The Impact of In-Game Currency Value

Now moving on to the overall economy, when we have this in game currency, it creates a value for it. The rarity and demand for certain hero cards contribute to their market value. Like for example, we recently launched our wukong NFT cards riding the hype of the black me fucongous. This allows players to potentially profit from this investment because we know a few players who managed to mint a wukong card and it basically helps them within the game. These players that managed to min this limited edition NFT card is currently sitting on rank number one or number two on our leaderboard, which guarantees a huge amount of rewards for them. Okay, so all this being said is that we're hoping that whatever we do within the game itself is actually a way of adding value to our in game economy, allowing our players to continue to experience the best gaming gameplay within Genesis universe without breaking too much of their wallethood.

The Role of Super Chain in Game Development

And just like not the utilization, but obviously taking the nfts onto like the player intentions. So that's something that I can see that how you are building up a stronger community. And then I believe I am more curious to know about the features and benefits. So like what are the main features and benefits that super chain brings to the development of blockchain games like Genesis universe? And how does the company plan to evolve in the blockchain gaming space? All right, so just in case you guys are unaware, our project is definitely Genesis universe New Horizon. That's our version 2.0 name. And Super Chan is the company that brings this Genesis universe to life. So Super Chan is currently headquartered in Singapore. We have a few satellite office around Asia. We have some in Malaysia, we have some in sorry, in Philippines, and we have some satellite office as well in Taiwan.

Innovative Features and Interoperability

Now by saying how will super chain bring the development of blockchain gamefi like Genesis universe to evolve within the blockchain gaming space? I think there's a few that I'm gonna talk about here. So first I'm gonna talk about the development. So we're talking about interoperability here. Like super chain itself allows different blockchain networks to communicate seamlessly. I mean, we are built on blockchain. So this interoperability enables games like us to leverage multiple blockchains because, yes, I'm gonna ditch, I'm gonna like mention something that's in the works because we are definitely looking forward to a cross chain Genesis universe. Now, this only enhanced asset transferability and expanding player engagement across platforms.

Lower Transaction Costs and Community Engagement

All right, that's one. Now, second, we're talking about lower transaction cost. That's what I mentioned earlier. We are now in the gas free era. We used to call ourselves the premier play to earn game, but now we are calling ourselves the premier free to earn game within the web three industry. I create a new term, see, so super chain reduces transaction fees to zero here in this 2.0 version through optimized protocols. When we design a new in game currency, platinum vouchers, making it more, all the more affordable for players to engage in our game, like trading nfts, minting nfts, or by executing all these in game transactions guest free, this encourages greater participation and also foster a thriving in game community.

Security and Reliability of Blockchain Games

So, moving on, we also have the talking about the blockchain. The development of Genesis universe is definitely the security and reliability of the game itself. So since everything is built on chain, everything is transparent to our player. So we've enhanced security protocols like we have our contracts vetted and also checked on by third party audit firm. This ensures that the transactions and players data are always safeguarded, building trust within the gaming community of our game. I believe this is definitely vital for the adoption of blockchain games compared to the traditional web two games where everything is controlled by the project itself. So when we do this, everything is built on chain, players have assurance of their own assets. Definitely.

Continuous Innovation in Gaming

Now, speaking of the evolution of blockchain gaming space, Superchain is definitely dedicated to continuous innovation where we aim to be at the forefront of blockchain gamefi technology. By continuously updating our infrastructure structures and features. We can see this through our Genesis universe definitely, as we definitely launch multiple features or multiple new features within each season. So this commitment to innovation will definitely support the evolving needs of blockchain games and also our communities. Because like I mentioned earlier, blockchain web three Gamfi crypto itself is a very fast paced, evolving product itself. While we're sleeping, we're eating.

Future Developments and Community Involvement

I mean while I'm sitting right here talking to you guys on this ma, during this ma, the blockchain space is continuously evolving. So by doing continuous innovation, we have this expanded use cases where beyond gaming, the mother company aims to explore, which is the mother company here mentioned is super chain aims to explore additional applications of this blockchain technology in other parts of our game where we aim to be a game aggregator platform in the future, where we integrate multiple projects, multiple gaming projects into one platform, hereby utilizing only gut across the whole platform. This allow players like to transfer nfts, transfer assets to multiple game projects within different chain. So I hope that clarifies your question.

Community Engagement and Future Features

It definitely does. And I believe you have been so much detailed around it. Whatever that you are building, you have connected the node so well that I actually able, I'm able to understand that why this is something we needed and just to be a little biased. But yes, whatever that we are building at Trickon, there were a few things that I was not able to have answer to, but your insights have actually helped me in identifying the answer. So really thank you for that. All right, so looking ahead, what are the exciting features, events or updates can players expect from Genesis universe in the near future? And also, how can the community get involved in shaping the game's future development?

Seasonal Updates and Community Interaction

All right, so regarding this, we definitely have a lot of exciting updates incoming to our game and also to our community itself. So I'm going to speak of the seasonal updates first, where we collaborate with other third party projects, like what we're doing right now with Tricon and all other amazing other gamefi projects and also other blockchain projects to. How do you say this? To enhance the community interaction. Because we want to get to know each other and within the blockchain space we help each other. So when we do this multicolored collaboration projects or MA, Twitter space, whatever it is, it actually foster an ever growing community growth.

Feedback Mechanisms for Game Development

So yeah, we do this MA and then it helps in a way to engage with the community and also experience, let other players experience the game in a new and exciting way. Then next we have these feedback forums. Like we at Genesis universe, our community is the heart of everything. So our team encourages our players to share their thoughts and suggestions, like what's the issue with the game? What's the like, what's bothering them. Like what's the problem that they encounter? Just mention it to us and if we think it's logical, it makes sense, right? We change it in the next season. That's what we call a patch update.

Shaping the Future of Genesis Universe

So all these feedbacks will be instrumental in shaping game updates and new features within Genesis universe because we want to feel, we want to let our players feel like they're part of the team. So that's what we have been doing since 1.0, the very first version when we first launched in March 2023. And then next is what I mentioned earlier, a one stop gaming platform. Well, our ultimate aim is to become a comprehensive one stop gaming platform, integrating different projects of gaming projects into one ultimate platform, seamlessly blending immersive gameplay, including community engagement, blockchain technology, allowing all the players to utilize our project token throughout the entire platform, enhancing their overall gaming experience.

Audience Questions and Developer Support

All right, and so let's just bring few questions that we have from our audience and then I will open this space to let people speak as well and ask their questions if they wish to. So let me just take a first question that I have that where we have this question from you, Barry Hut, where she's asking about how does your platform support the mass market adoption of web three gaming and also ensuring the comprehensive support for developers and players. Sorry, she was asking how does the, our game support the mass. So how does your platform support the mass market adoption of web three gaming and also ensuring the comprehensive support for developers and players?

Cultural Barriers and Global Accessibility

All right, so the mass marketed option, right? Correct. Is that what she's asking? Correct. So mass marketed. So like I mentioned earlier, Genesis universe Create was created based on the ultimate aim to break down the cultural barriers. It's within the Gamefi industry. So I believe that's the core of our mass marketing option. Right. So we do not want this game to be targeted just at a certain market. For example, I want to be focusing on those that are able to play, that are able to invest within the game because those are the players that are going to bring profit to us. We don't want that. And definitely I'm not just targeting at the players that are within certain region.

Inclusivity in Game Design

If not, if that's the target of our project, then definitely there's no point that we have this multiple cultural mythology embedded into our game. So I believe Genesis universe speaks over for itself when it comes to this mass marketed option because welcome players from all around the globe. Be it that you can invest within the game, you are unable to invest within the game if you are from different region. We welcome you.

Joining the Community

There's no prejudice or there's no barriers for you guys to join. So I believe that's the game speaking itself to our target audience. So I hope that answers her questions. I believe definitely it does. So let's move on to the next question. Wherever though, we are talking about free to earn, but there is one question which is related to play to earn.

Differentiation in Gaming Ecosystems

So play to one. Gaming has gained significant attention in recent years. So how do you see your gaming ecosystem differentiating itself from other play to earn platforms and guilds and what are the unique value that you are bringing to the table? Right. So, it's very. Well, it's a very good question. first of all. So. So, yes, I believe there's some confusion with the question itself. So yes, Genesis universe, the first version, which is the one that was launched in March 2023, were definitely a premier play to earn gamefire project.

Transition to Genesis Universe 2.0

But as mentioned in June 2024, which is recently this year, we have revamped our game into Genesis Universe 2.0. We are now called Genesis Universe New Horizon, allowing our players to earn for free. As in there's a free gas fee registration, free gas fee. Nft minting. All these are free for players to join. All right. You just have to register the game and every 12 hours you get to have a chance at minting. Right? So when we do this, we hope to be a project that not only. I mean, yes, let's be true, let's be honest, right? Which project on the market right now isn't focusing of earning?

Breaking Stereotypes in Gamefi

Some project earns, some project don't. And when some project finally earn a huge, I mean, like, not to say a huge sum, I mean, like when some project does really earn some money from their players or from the community, what happens next? Rug pull. So we want to break these stereotypes of Gamefi project rock pooling within the market. So we have endured the worst, which is the bear. Sorry, yes, the bear market, all year long, last year and we're still surviving. We're not saying that we are very self sustainable projects, but we want to let our community and also other community know that we are here to stay.

Commitment to Longevity

We don't want to be a project that exists for a while, one to two years, and then that's it. Bam, we're gone. So what makes us different is that, as mentioned earlier, the community itself is the heart of everything. We put our community first, then the project second. So whatever feedbacks, whatever complaints that our community have, we listen. And if it brings if it has a logical sense to their feedbacks, we adapt them or we adopt them into our game. I believe that's the strongest selling point that we have. That makes us different. Like exactly or entirely 100% different from other projects.

Onboarding Users for 2025

Got it. All right, so let's move on to the next question that we have on. Give me 1 second. Okay, so how exactly is Genesis universe making the game five space actively, Great again. So I guess this is something that you already have answered and let me see. Yeah, so how does Genesis universe plan to onboard more users in upcoming 2025? All right, so yeah, this is a very good question. All right, so the team itself, I mean, the marketing team itself is actually having a huge headache right now. So yes, how do we onboard more players into Genesis universe in 2025? That's a very good question because I myself is also definitely asking myself that question all the time.

Collaborative Efforts in Game Expansion

How can I onboard more players? So what we have right now is that we are going to collaborate with multiple guilds in our upcoming season. So we are also promoting our guild wars, which is allowing different guilds members to battle each other for the best ranking. And the top three ranking guilds on the leaderboard will earn a lot of rewards. So that's a way for us to promote or onboard more players because I do see a huge increase of new players coming into our game since we launched this new feature, which is the Guild wars. So I believe it's going to bring more momentum and also bring more possibility of onboarding more players once we have successfully run through this guild collaboration in the upcoming season.

Evolving in a Dynamic Space

But that's a question that I cannot answer. Definitely, because like mentioned earlier, as mentioned earlier, blockchain space is ever evolving. So we have to do what we can at best and then see how things goes from time to time. So it's like take it one step at a time and see how it goes. Got it. Amazing. And then taking up the next question. So there is one question. The when the guild feature will be opened. And I saw that the leadership or leaderboard section, there are already around like ten guilds.

Guild Feature Activation and Existing Framework

Correct. So when is it planned to open the guild feature? Like more features towards the guilds. Oh, okay, I see. All right, I got your question right now. So currently we are in the miss or we're halfway through season four. So what you guys see right now is what we have currently with all the guilds, which they registered way ahead, way before season four opens. So when season five comes, which means it's going to be a few two more weeks from now. So we are currently actively looking for guilds collapse and we are also actively looking recruiting guild members to create their own guild and also to join in these guild wars.

Earn Points in Guild Wars

So what you see right now is that players from different guilds, for example, we have Guild A, Guild B, Guild C. All these guild members have to participate in PvE and also PvP in order to earn points. Now, all these points will definitely contribute to their ranking on the guild war leaderboard. All right, sorry. Onto their. Yeah, guild leaderboard. So the higher the ranking of your guild leaderboards, the more rewards you get. Amazing. And then I believe there is one last question that we have specific to varied one region.

Plans for New Factions

Like. So I guess there are two questions from the same person. So first that any plan to add few more factions for Philippines, like Philippines, and then where players can earn the most from the game. So these are the two questions from the same person. Right. Cool. This is very good question, actually. So for now, I'm sorry to say we do not have a new or an objective or a mission or an aim to add another fraction because we do not want to. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's exciting. I mean, I'm excited to explore dimitriethere the myth and the tradition or the history of Philippines.

Focus on Current Factions

But for now, we want to make what we have, which is the six factions. We have India, Egypt, China, Nordic, Greece, and also Japan. Perfect. All right. We want to make everything the current existing fashion to be on its tip top condition first before we add in more faction, because as mentioned, adding a new faction is going to cost us a lot of time and also resources, because we have to hire a new design team to get into the Philippines. Because I'm going to indulge you guys something that I believe wasn't mentioned in a long time.

In-Depth Design and Resource Allocation

When we first designed all these six factions, we have a team, a specific team created. Like, we have this team where they really indulge, where they really dive into the history of all these six factions. Day and night. They survey what's the cultural, historical buildings. How does it look to every detail of it? Like, we have the Taj Mahal india. We have the, what do you call that? The battleground of the ancient Greek. All these details takes up a lot of time. So when we are going to do a new fashion, this is going to divert a lot of our resources into diving into that particular history.

Prioritizing Current Development

So that's going to take up a lot of our time. And we do not want that because we want to focus on what we have right now and by creating more features instead of diving. Sorry. Instead of bringing into bringing in a new function. And I hope that answered the first question and then the second question is that how or where can players earn the most within Genesis universe right now? So, to be honest, we have a grand prize pool. If any one of you is aware of how our game works, we have a grand prize pool where it's accumulative every season.

Distribution of Grand Prize Pool

So from this grand prize pool, we will take a portion out and distributed, distribute it for. Allocate it, sorry, allocate it for each season. So, for example, we have like best on this current season four, we have approximately around 2600 plus or 2600 700 plus dollar as of today.

Faction Wars and Reward Distribution

I just checked just now earlier on. So this price pool, this seasonal price pool, 70% of it will go to the faction wars. All right, so I guess that answers the question immediately. So faction wars is where players can earn the most. All right, the remaining 30% is split evenly into PvP and also PvE. So players will have to get onto the leaderboard in order for them to get rewards. All right, so from this 70% into faction wars, it's divided into two sections. One conquering leaderboard. The second one is for resource mining. Now, this is what makes it super exciting, like I mentioned earlier. So when players get lucky, they minted four star or five star cards. They can use these four star and five stars hero cards to mean in faction. Sorry. To mine for resources in faction wars. Now, what they got to do is just to conquer some camps and then deploy the heroes. That's it. They don't have to be online in front of our game 24 hours. They just have to make sure that their camps stay strong so that they don't get attacked by other players. And I, like, get stolen by the players so they can continuously mine for their resources.

Process of Earning Rewards

Now, these resources are actually rewards in which they can change to gut immediately. All right, so let's have few questions. I guess there are a few speaker requests that we currently have, so let me just allow a few of them. So let me just take a first flexi. So. All right, it's getting connected. All right, Flexi. So you have the access. So is it possible that if you can just quickly ask your question. Flexibility. All right, I guess there is a disconnect. So let me just remove and quickly give an access to the next one. So I'm giving an access to link now. All right, link, you have an access for the speaker now. Yeah. Yes. All right, so can you explain how the zero fee gaming experience actually works? And does it involve magic, or is there any sort of, like, how does it work? Like, there's no fees. And how do you not generate your revenue?

Understanding Zero Fee Gaming Experience

What? Sorry, I couldn't really hear what he was asking. I'm sorry. Yeah. The question is, how does the zero fee gaming experience actually work, and how do you not generate revenue since it's a zero fee kind of gaming? It was not about the zero fee functionalities. Yes, correct. I heard him the second time. So. All right. I guess there's this misconception of zero fee letting the project earn. So I'm sure you guys are aware, gas fee does not go to the project. Definitely. Since the beginning of time, gas fee does not go to the project. All right, so as you mentioned, how does these zero fee things work? Is it magic, or how does it work? So, definitely, I can tell you straight to the point, it's not magic. What I mentioned earlier was that we created a new in game currency within our version 2.0, which is the platinum vouchers.

Revenue Generation in Zero Fee Model

Now, gut, which is our project token, is on chain. That's definitely. If we let our players continue what we have back in 1.0, which is using gut to mint for nfts, that's definitely going to create. Or that's definitely going to generate gas fee because it's on chain. So when we created a platinum voucher, it's off chain. But platinum vouchers and gut is a one to one exchange. So when we have these platinum vouchers, to let pairs mean, it's off chain, meaning everything is not generated on chain. We do not let our players generate or mean anything on chain, but still, they do get their nfts. That's how we have this zero fee feature. Now, how does the project earn revenue when we have zero gas fee thing? Like mentioned, gas fee does not go to the project ever.

Conclusion and Future Engagements

How does the project generate revenue when players swap for gut or when players mint? That's how the player. Sorry. That's how the project generates revenue. All right. I hope that answer your question. Amazing. And so next, I have given the access to Sara for asking the question, and I believe this. We are like, let's keep the last question for the day, because we are almost at the time. So, Sara, you have an access for the day? Sure. Sorry. You better hear us. We cannot hear you. Seems like a disconnect. So instead of Sarah, let me try to pull someone audible. All right. I will pull Tyler now for asking the question. Yeah, sure. Scholar, are you able to hear us? Scholar, are you able to hear us? I guess everyone has. So no worries. So I guess we are good to go.

Final Thoughts and Acknowledgments

So any closing statement that you would like to give the day today? All right, cool. So those questions that was handpicked by our Trikon host tonight, do remember to register on our website because you guys are entitled to nfts. And also, I believe Tricon sponsored a 50,000 Txe token in which five questions were picked earlier. So each of you will get 10,000 Txe tokens and also three nfts each. All right, so do remember to register on the official website. You can get the link through our Twitter profile. So once you registered your account, just send us your wallet address, BSc wallet address through our DM and you will receive your reward. I guess that's it tonight. So thank you so much guys, for having us. Tricon, thank you so much for the time. And once again, thank you so much guys. I hope you guys have fun. Thank you.

Community Engagement and Future Prospects

Amazing. Thank you. And also apologies to few of the listeners. I can see still on having few requests for the speaker, but due to the time limitations, we cannot take up all the questions. But we are more than happy to answer your questions in our community channel. So make sure that you join Genesis and Trikon official channels on Telegram and put your questions there. And we would be more than happy to answer. At the same time, with this partnership that we have announced officially, they are very excited to unblock a lot of letters that would be coming in and also to stay connected with recon. I ask, I would request everyone to join our miniature to get closer to our upcoming airdrop. So just like with announcement, even if you were not one of the five winners for earning those txe tokens, you can still earn those tokens by being a member to our miniapp.

Important Links and Community Participation

So the bot link is trikonbot that t r I k o n b o t. So make sure that you join in. I will repeat, t r I k o n b o t. So join in there and make sure that you are earning your txe tokens. So thank you everyone, and thanks to our speaker for the day as well. And we are very excited to have your more insights and stay connected in the longer future. Thank you for joining in. Thank you.

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