Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter Space captures a deeply personal and insightful conversation on life, professional development, and the upcoming opportunities in various niches. Through a series of candid moments and personal anecdotes, the speaker shares their wisdom and experiences that reshape one’s perspective on life and growth. Key highlights include discussions on emotional and developmental milestones, practical advice for navigating personal and professional dynamics, and an overarching view of future outlooks. This space essentially serves as a roadmap for anyone looking to gain insights into a holistic approach to life and development.



Time: 00:00:00
Introduction to key life perspectives.

Time: 00:00:27
Upcoming opportunities and developments.

Time: 00:01:03
Insights on personal transformations.

Time: 00:01:30
Discussion on professional growth.

Time: 00:01:57
Candid moments shared by the speaker.

Time: 00:02:24
Emotional milestones and wisdom.

Time: 00:02:51
Anecdotes shaping life views.

Time: 00:03:18
Practical advice for growth.

Time: 00:03:45
Dynamics of personal and professional life.

Time: 00:04:12
Overview of future outlooks.

Key Takeaways

  • Life perspective transformations.
  • Upcoming developments in various niches.
  • Insights on life opportunities.
  • Fundamentals of personal and professional development.
  • Candid moments shared by the speaker.
  • Understanding life’s dynamics and future outlooks.
  • Personal anecdotes that shape views.
  • Lingering wisdom from the speaker’s experiences.
  • Practical advice for growth.
  • Emotional and developmental milestones discussed.

Behind the Mic

{ “response”: “Hello, we are in the space that is going on tangents. So I appreciate all the tangents we’ve been taking. Tangents welcome anytime. Definitely like well 95 100 percent concentration on on these numbers. And then you know almost a you know as an aside there is this is the crypto element of the investment opportunity. And so yeah, absolutely looks looks awesome appreciate you sharing all those details. A hundred percent. We talked about this I think last week and it’s in our conference at Jake. We we absolutely know that’s how it works. It’s just trying to communicate that out. So maybe creating a little media of hey here’s what being a third person entails. Right. It’s less of being a thing that like you hear Elon or you hear Jeff Bezos or whatever like those kind of founder mentalities. It’s more actually being a resource, you know. And I find that to be how I’m treated. I really appreciate the opportunity to be, you know, to be a wrestler and all these things. So I just can’t imagine thinking of myself as being this underdog when actually I realized now it’s like, okay, I am gonna learn how to be a better supporter, how to be a better leader. And so that requires me to be tough. And so I’m really I’m really leaning into that. And I appreciate the support system that brown things like this in the chat, people coming, showing their love. And you know, I just I’m very grateful for that. So thank you, thank you. You know, since we’re working down our speaker list, let’s go over to see I see Tom and then to Mike. Posted some interesting stuff to say in the chat so we’d love to get more here. So seeing like where it came and then can we get from you. Thanks, thanks a lot. NAID devices got devices. But in general if you think about we’ve talked about the ratio. And we so we so I know I don’t mean to do this but I know that I think I met one earlier, and it stood out to me is like you know when we think about oversight at least it’s one factor. But like what I started thinking about which makes me think of the incentive program that Nick is running is like okay, how can you do things on chain and off chain to connect the values? Because that’s the issue, is the intent is to let people have fun with it, but also you know you can earn you can withdraw a value from it at the same time. So God I’m starting to see things that would get people because inevitably there are systems to even further weed out the users that are just trying to extract. Because if you make, users have to do something to earn an off chain point first before they can ever earn an on chain asset of any kind, and you make them work for that a little bit more, you can definitely weed out the people that are not really long term invested into where the project is going and the value of what the project is going to be sharing with the community for those who put in the time and the effort. So I’m also really glad to see the points meta getting stronger and more teams utilizing points for seasonal purposes or even for their initial airdrop up to really get a sense of who is just trying to extract and who are real users that are trying to play and trying to participate and really trying to add value back before they extract any type of value as well. And I think that over time, we’re going to continue to see that also continue to develop utilizing the off chain stuff to then allow users to earn the on chain stuff. Let’s swing it over to mark, and then I’d love to hear from space Mavericks before we close things out here. God, I can’t even believe we’re already that far into it. That’s crazy. I love this conversation. Two things. One, I want to correct you on something. If somebody’s just there for extraction, don’t call them value extractors. Second you know just on on your point, so I know that I’m not as long winded but two things are worth mentioning like one, one it’s like okay because what I like everybody said about and the the only thing really worth saying is one is just if you’re in the space. So and on the other hand some some of the others I just want to encourage everyone no matter if like it’s just like you know even if you don’t plan on like pulling the rip cord anytime soon and just like I’m just around for the vibes it’s important to like understand, not only molding that narrative because I think there’s a very different place if I have been right from like 1819 when posting content to now, I’ve matured in that sense to understanding like almost like a specialist in this space. And really and really honest understanding the the defy mechanic on social media in and of itself. and wanting people to just be overall healthier in the industry and so like for, for them to take that narrative up for yourself you know, and you gotta move through these cycles and I was laughing because I visited laugh and see so it was just getting out of comfort zone and now I’m understanding like wow I really want to contribute in a positive way and so I think when you move, in that positive direction you’ll see much more. And I just so even even more personally like as someone who is not just trying to make others understand that but understanding that understanding the game is about continuing to step it up. And then your game gets stronger and stronger and within a competitive landscape that is that is and I think just now we’re seeing just like even though the space no matter what the market like right now whatever there’s always that running narrative this is meme centric narrative, but but theres and so like sure it’s it’s funny but you always see that like beneath the surface you on a competitive stand front and so words so to your point of sitting out with a session if you can take that it’s really been if you play play the right way it can be so much more beneficial which is oh how someone said to me recently like her and so giving if you are in the growth stages if you’re in you know your your in some cases like me your second startup your gay whatever like truly hitting hitting your milestones and seeing those results taking comfort also be patience bolstered and not questioning that so I’ll I’ll close off on that but yeah, love the love the space a lot. And yeah if you see the ending cycle thank you Mark cool space Mavericks would love to hear from you if you’re still there, Noah. I’m here. Can you hear me home clear, awesome just to paint the picture for everyone as well since we’re all here live today and just thankful as we’re just rolling into the night tonight literally wheels up in two hours off to Japan so if you know if you’re on the Japanese timezone interested to dive deep in with you folks definitely yes Tokyo definitely gonna break into most of those that are listening tonight or in the US as well as we’ll still be on west coast any timezone. But yeah, quick update from space Mavericks just definitely in the open sonar benefits of and all these things I think were evolving and evolving into like yeah, we’re seeing this next phase of you know the conversation around the narrative and the direction were going when those kinds of things really start to matter more I think talking about on your blog and those conversations around like okay you were having a positive narrative more then tell us about the student with no alpha and like truly bringing it back on chain and having conversations like well but like to the extent that okay cool, we want to see more of that student, just giving back and but like seeing at the students play book level so if one way of giving like thinking back and this also came up recently on some hacks and other things like you know folks just giving back and volunteering like still creating a plan and seeing it follow out and so let’s on the last piece and I think there thanks for swinging in holding the space above and cool, thanks for sharing, definitely look forward to reading more updates and I hope everyone has a good evening. look foward to just yeah we’re bringing the noise bringing our feet on the ground into the community and and also want to mention like would love to connect with folks in any type of medium actually in our when we’re connecting to do some kind of coding if you’re interested so always be on for another different. For sure I’m diving into all the details into all the details I was connecting dots and I think marxese would love to set the ball, there are different things different processes just want to see others kind of trying to dive into that’s why we have these on chain things built into and then we can see that those rewards go to some. So thank you is there anything else like love for this, our dope and positive. Yeah thank you I appreciate all the words everyone’s shared and especially with you know not being so long-winded myself I just appreciate bringing things full circle and I think we see this in the one of the healthier places we see we build and create value as was shared so now great seeing you guys just a last shout out and ending Thank you everyone that space thanks for bringing more positive vibes everywhere. Was there anything any closing chats Oh you’re closing here literally last words on the piece like thank you that everything was shared bringing an addition. Super helpful cool space, really dope shout out to folks for the positive energy continuing moving forward we know it takes some time hard to get into in first some and then getting really cool. these up but yeah just moving into next space really appreciate. Great running into a team to here and the network that’s coming to chat on a week to week basis. But with that being said, we’d love to have you guys back. So definitely expect for those of you who aren’t already in our telegram group, expect a message from our co host, Leo. He will shoot you guys an invite to our telegram where we post the space link every week. And we have some chats from time to time in there as well. We implore you guys to network in there, share what you’re building in there, share your updates, all the things. And we’d love to have you guys in there and have you guys back on a future space. With that being said, we didn’t get a chance to dive into the alphas tonight because the chat was just too good. So went over on time. But I look forward to catching up with you guys next week and we’ll be on the lookout for some more alphas on the timeline for what you guys have cooking up in the week to come. I hope you guys all have an amazing day, an amazing evening, wherever you’re tuning in from, and we’ll catch you all next week. Take care, everybody. Sa it puppy. I see it is a normal.”

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