Trench Warriors Will Win BIG This Cycle


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Trench Warriors Will Win BIG This Cycle hosted by JakeGagain. Explore valuable insights on succeeding in the crypto market through market cycles, content creation, community engagement, and leveraging platforms like ?. Learn about the significance of personal branding, consistency, and audience growth strategies. Stay informed with 24/7 news coverage, engage with weekly live stream podcasts, and build a strong presence as a content creator in the crypto industry.

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Q: How important is it to follow market cycles in crypto?
A: Understanding cycles can help in strategizing and making profitable decisions.

Q: What role does content creation play in the crypto industry?
A: Creating content establishes credibility, attracts followers, and opens up opportunities.

Q: Why is engagement with the crypto community crucial?
A: Engagement fosters trust, builds a loyal following, and encourages discussions.

Q: How can hosting live stream podcasts benefit a crypto figure?
A: Podcasts offer a platform for in-depth discussions, insights, and connecting with the audience.

Q: How does staying informed through news coverage impact decision-making?
A: Being up-to-date helps in making informed choices and understanding market trends.

Q: What advantages does leveraging platforms like ? offer in the crypto space?
A: Platforms like ? provide exclusive news, podcasts, and a community for crypto enthusiasts.

Q: Why is consistency important in content creation and hosting?
A: Consistency builds audience loyalty, establishes authority, and improves visibility.

Q: How can a personal brand benefit content creators in crypto?
A: A brand enhances recognition, attracts opportunities, and fosters trust with the audience.

Q: What are the benefits of diversifying content formats in the crypto industry?
A: Diversification caters to varied preferences, expands reach, and enhances content engagement.

Q: What strategies can help in audience growth for live stream podcasts?
A: Regular scheduling, engaging topics, and audience interaction contribute to growth and retention.


Time: 00:12:45
Strategies for Crypto Success Exploring effective strategies for navigating crypto market cycles.

Time: 00:25:19
The Power of Personal Branding Discussing how personal branding can impact success in the crypto industry.

Time: 00:37:50
Community Engagement Best Practices Highlighting the importance of engaging with the crypto community for growth.

Time: 00:48:15
Podcasting in the Crypto Space Insights on the benefits and strategies of hosting podcasts in the crypto world.

Time: 01:02:30
News Coverage and Decision Making How staying informed with news can influence smart decision-making in crypto.

Time: 01:15:40
? Platform Features Exploring the unique features and benefits of the ? platform for crypto enthusiasts.

Time: 01:28:55
Consistency in Content Creation The impact of consistency on building a successful online presence in crypto.

Time: 01:40:10
Building a Strong Personal Brand Strategies for content creators to develop a compelling personal brand in the crypto space.

Time: 01:55:29
Diversification of Content Formats The advantages of diversifying content formats to reach a wider crypto audience.

Time: 02:05:17
Audience Growth for Live Streams Tips and tactics to enhance audience growth and engagement for live stream podcasts.

Key Takeaways

  • Following market cycles can be crucial for success in the crypto space.
  • Consistent content creation and hosting can build a strong online presence.
  • Leveraging platforms like 𝕏 for news updates and podcasts enhances crypto knowledge.
  • Staying informed with 24/7 news coverage is essential for making informed decisions.
  • Engaging with weekly live stream podcasts provides valuable insights and discussions.
  • Creating a personal brand as a content creator can lead to significant opportunities in the crypto industry.
  • Establishing a niche as a crypto figure can attract a dedicated audience.
  • Diversifying content formats like podcasts can cater to a broader audience.
  • Maintaining a regular schedule for live streams helps in audience retention and growth.
  • Engagement with the crypto community is key to building credibility and trust.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Gathering Participants

You know how it goes. Retweet the room. We're gonna put some tunes on, wait for the room to fill up, and then let's get started, guys.

Market Sentiments

Crazy, but it's. Crazy in my heart. Know, guys, we are going to get the mic moving around the room. I see people joining in. I can see you requesting to come up on stage, guys, if you are new to this show, JSP is on his way. He's going to be joining us in just a second.

Format of the Show

The way that it works, guys, is that we usually go around and do some GM's, just try and find out what people are feeling about the market, what their thoughts are on there. You know what the sentiment is. Feeling a little bit like not looking great this morning. But you know what? We are here. We keep grinding, we keep showing up.

Participation Guidelines

But if you do want to get up on stage, the next half of the show is the shill space. So we try and move around to as many projects as we can. We will rotate you down after you've done your shill. So it's all love. Please do not be offended if we rotate you down. I am going to say, though, I do always check people's pfps before we get you up on the speaker panel.

Engagement with Jake

You do need to be following Jake, guys. I mean, if you're not following Jake already, what are you even doing with your life, right? Are you even interested in crypto? Jake and Rodney do a daily YouTube. Sorry, a daily podcast, and they go live on x every single day.

Current Events and Safety

I do want to find out if anybody is watching the news of what's happening around the world, because, of course, we know that we've got all sorts of things happening with the weather and the hurricane. So I don't know if anybody is connected to that or close to that. I have been seeing stuff on my timeline, so definitely want to check in and make sure everyone is okay today, but that's how we're going to run it, guys.

Checking Profiles Before Speaking

We're going to bring some people up on stage, but I will be checking your profiles out. And if you're not following Jay, if you're not following me, if you're not following JSP, then I am sorry. You need to retweet the room as well.

Rules and Regulations

And if you're not doing that, then I'm sorry, but you won't be coming up. These are the rules, guys. I don't make the rules. This is just the way it goes in Crypto. You've got to be working for your bags, guys.

Market Participation and Energy

So we are going to just start with some GM's, you know, I'm going to start. I just got a feeling that we may be getting a little bit of a high energy GM from the Rooster account. Is. Is that. Is that what's going to happen today? Rooster, are you there?

Rooster's Enthusiasm

Oh, man. You always know I got the rooster energy. How are you doing today, crypto queen? I am actually really good. Still trying to, like, work out how I can save my voice. You know, we spend so much time.

Rooster's Location and Market Sentiment

I mean, I don't know how you do it, Rooster, with. With the amount of talking and the amount of, you know, the energy that you bring, but maybe you could give me some tips because I'm just, like, chucking down the honey and lemon this and trying to keep my voice going, but it's all good. Whereabouts in the World are you, Rooster?

Rooster's Safety

Are you anywhere near the hurricanes? Are you affected by any of that weird weather? No, actually, I am in the New England area, so I am very far away from hurricanes or anything tropical, for that matter.

Market Analysis

Yeah, well, listen, we're going to keep moving around, but, I mean, how are you feeling about the markets, my friend? Oh, I mean, hey, you know, I don't have a crystal ball. Nobody's got a crystal ball.

Risk Management Advice

If anybody did have a crystal ball and could see into the future, into the markets, then the three biggest companies in the world would be Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Morgan Stanley. But they're not. The biggest companies in the world are the ones that make Excel spreadsheets and your iPhone. So there's. That's a big tell.

Managing Market Uncertainty

Nobody can tell the future. So again, just exercise some good risk management. DCA in, DCA out. Don't. Full clip in. You never know what could happen.

Understanding Market Variables

Right? And so, you know, my philosophy is nobody knows the future. Anybody who says they do is either crazy or they're lying to you. Just exercise good risk management. That is really 90% of the game is just risk management.

Emphasizing Education

You know, that is such good advice. That is such good advice. And I think the thing is, you know, people are always saying, Dyor, right? You hear it all the time, do your own research, never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Resources for Research

And, well, we are on that. Nothing that you hear on this stage, in this show is financial advice. So definitely always do your own research. But sometimes people will say, well, you keep saying that, but how do I do that? Right?

Community Engagement

Find communities. Join communities that are big on education. You know, join communities that will help you. You know, I was hanging out in the Kim with TG. We opened the VC today. We were just hanging out in there. Right?

Learning and Support

So a lot of these communities, I know that Acehock is going. I'm going to go to Ashok next, but I know that the ninja community is another one like this, where they hang out in the VC, they will help you.

Adapting to New Faces in the Community

So if you don't know where to start, because I know what's going to happen now is we're going to have a lot of new people coming into the space. They are. Unfortunately, some of them will get wrecked because they do not know what they are doing.

Best Practices for Newcomers

So find your way to good communities. That is my absolute best advice I can give you. Find good people who are willing to share knowledge and wisdom with you. Hang out, learn, ask questions.

Ongoing Education and Risk Management

Right? So, and like Rista says, do that risk management once you have that knowledge and that intelligence there. I'm going to go to Ashok because I'm sure you've got something to say on the matter.

Ashok's Commitment to Education

I know you guys do this a lot. You hang out in VC, you help people. Tell us what's going on. Ashok Gm well, good morning. UK crypto queen Jake Roost.

Importance of Continuous Learning

Everybody on the speaker panel, everybody down below. I mean, yeah, you hear me on spaces all the time. You know what the ninjas are about. We're all about educating people.

Call to Action for Participants

But aside from us guys, I mean, if you aren't in this space every morning, listening in and taking something away from it, then I don't know what the heck is wrong with you. Like, there's so many good, helpful, just communities out there.

Sharing Knowledge Among Peers

I mean, obviously, the ninja's included, but there's a lot of other good, helpful communities out there. I'm always in the doug e pg, the YouTube pg. There's just a lot of good speakers, and we can all learn something from each other.

Listening Over Speaking

At the end of the day, the more we. You know, I've said this before on spaces, but we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. We should do a lot more listening than talking.

Encouragement for Community Engagement

I know that sounds funny coming from me, because sometimes I don't want to shut the hell up. And I know Rooster knows what I'm talking about. And you guys hear John from 1776 rambling on all the time.

Understanding Market Dynamics

But, you know, we all have good intentions, those of us that are up here every day. And I think it's important that we begin to not just invest in the projects, but invest in the people behind the pfps in these projects, because it just. It speaks volumes.

Gratitude for Community Discussions

And I just, I'm grateful every day to have the space to be able to talk about whatever topic of discussion we're talking about. Obviously, I love shilling, but I also love educating and I love learning myself.

Emphasizing Lifelong Learning

So I think it's important that we all kind of listen in and just realize that we can learn something from everybody. It doesn't matter where you're from in the world, what time of day it is, what type of project it is, there's always people in the space that you can learn something from, and I think it's just important that we keep that in mind every day.

Importance of Self-Care

Yeah, absolutely. Well said. A shock. And you know what the other thing as well is, you know, I've been talking for a while now in the. I speak on a lot of spaces.

Maintaining Balance in Life

I mean, I spend all day talking, right. Because that's what I do irl as well. So it is also about looking after ourselves, right? So looking after ourselves physically, looking after ourselves mentally, looking after ourselves spiritually.

Acknowledging Burnout

You know, we are just getting started. Burnout is real. And one of the things that I was listening to at the weekend, and somebody was having this conversation, they were saying, you know, the reason is that this is a 24/7 industry.

Managing the Extremes

This industry never sleeps, right? And this is what happens. And because there are opportunities like left, right, center. Like we said this the other day, there's always a new ticker, there's always a new project launching, there's always a new chain popping off.

Navigating the Chaos

There's so much going on. And with that will come, like, this need and this feeling of, like, right, okay, I've got to be in everything, and we just can't possibly do that, because we are mere mortals.

Reflection on Existence

I mean, in this incarnation, we are mere mortals. Although I do believe that I am a soul, and my soul will go on, but that's a whole new conversation.

Prioritizing Health

But the point is, look after yourselves, guys. Look after your voices, look after. Get some sleep, get some rest, eat well. You know, all of this stuff.

Collective Care

We're a family. Let's look after each other. I want to go to tsunami next because I do know that the person behind that project is very big on all of this stuff.

Market Preparation with Tsunami

So I'm very keen to hear what you're feeling about the markets, but also, how are you looking after yourself these days, girl? Tsunami, are you there?

Transitioning to New Discussions

I'll tell you what, we're going to come back soon. Good morning. Now. Good morning.

Continuing Conversations

Good morning. The button was not working now. Good morning. How are you doing, Sharon?

Tsunami's Perspective

Really, really good, my darling. I was just saying we're trying to talk about obviously what's going in the markets, but also about how are we getting ourselves prepared for the coming bull cycle, for the craziness that is about to hit us.

Understanding Market Trends

Like a tsunami. Like a tsunami is going to hit you. And that's not far from the truth because it is. When things are taken off, it's going to be these steeped, steep waves.

Market Strategies

Right. And so you want to be prepared. You want to be looking where you are on the blockchains. You want to have a plan, which tokens, and you need to do your research.

Understanding Individual Needs

Right. And that is different for everybody. And I cannot give you financial advice, but, you know, just you need to risk manage and because your money is your money and it's important.

Emotions in Trading

And so you got to think about it. Right. And it's an emotional game. I know this. But, you know, regulate the emotions, stay cool, because some of the best strategies, well, the best strategy in the stock market, this has been proven in crypto as well, is through dollar cost average in the things that you researched.

Conclusion on Market Strategies

And that's still the best way to go. And so that means that, you know, got to think about these things.

Insights from Max Financial

Yeah, no, that's absolutely good advice. And I think, you know, I know you and I have had conversations in the past before about kind of, you know, setting those goals, having sort of, you know, some targets, like you said, trying to kind of have a plan so that you are not suddenly going, you know, wow, number go up.

Preparing for New Market Participants

Number go up. Oh, my God, this is going to go higher, high, you know, and just trying to regulate that and kind of, you know, maybe we'll host another space on that. Maybe we will do that on another space.

Strategy Sessions

We will just kind of devote that to sort of strategy around, you know, how to do that. Yeah. New people will be joining the market soon and you know that they are going to be out looking.

Research and Community Importance

And all I can say is just do your research and look for good teams out there who are ambitious and who are willing to work for it.

Encouragement for New Market Participants

Just like you, right? Yeah, absolutely, my darling. Thank you for that. We will come back in a second when we get into the next bit of the show.

Project Showcases

We're going to get some shills going. We're going to hear about those projects, find out what you guys are working on. I'm going to go to Axel next.

Acknowledging Regular Contributors

Again, Axel is becoming a regular contributor to this show every single day, showing up day in, day out. We appreciate you, my friend. That is why you are here on stage.

Axel's Excitement and Research

Thank you, what have you got going on, GM queen? GM panelists love to see the familiar faces out in the audience as well. I am driving into work, so forgive.

Market Observations

Me if I, but I'm excited. A lot of things going on. I know everybody's talking about price action, but I think the price action on Sui has been pretty stable.

Team Exploration

And you see a lot of inflows. From some of the other chains. And I myself personally with this team. Are just exploring the chain and discovering so many new cool things about it.

Discovering Opportunities

Discovered a perp site on it yesterday. Some of the NFT communities and learning. How to airdrop, learning how to burn things.

New Security Measures

And so it's exciting for me to. Put all the new safety tabs in. My phone and on the PC to make sure I'm going to the right.

Understanding the Chain

Sites and see all the new security measures and learning about the chain and. Just seeing why it's a little bit faster and how it's set up as.

Encouraging Participation

A network in comparison to salon and Ethereum. And so super fun to be supporting this meme. So encourage you guys all to check us out.

Appreciation for Contributions

And I can't stay up for the. Show part, sorry for that soft show. But GM to everybody and love to all, hey, no worries at all.

Community Engagement and Projects

I will pin something up on the jombatron for you so that people can check this out because I know JSP, we got JSP really excited about Siri as well, and I'm excited about it.

Interest in Various Chains

I know that tsunami is as well. And obviously we love Solana and we love Ethereum. So if you are a project on any of those chains, listen, we're all going to make it as long as we do the research and we find out.

Commitment to Learning and Evolution

But we just keep evolving and we keep learning. So we really appreciate you and have a safe journey and a good day, my friend.

Feedback and Regular Contributions

And thank you for showing up for us again. I do want to go next to Max Financial, one of our regulars.

Max Financial's Consistent Engagement

Right from the start, when JSP started doing this, you would come in every day and I know that you have been busy with what you're doing with your project, but GM, my friend, how are you?

Acknowledging Early Morning Engagement

It's early for you. I know. Good morning, everybody.

Dynamic Market Changes

Yeah, I mean, like this market is, everything changes so fast. There's so much information and so many projects that are starting up to do your own research is absolutely imperative.

Encouragement for Investors

And I just want to encourage anybody that you know, whether or not you make gains on your first trade or your investment or you lose, don't get discouraged.

Investment Mindset

It's all a learning experience. And there's opportunity here in this market to really change people's lives. I witnessed it back in 2017.

Personal Experience

I hit the last six weeks of the bull run. Ten grand blew up into 150. I watched it vape rise all the way back down to $30,000.

Reflections on Market Experiences

And I was just like, oh, my God, like, what have I done right? And, you know, some people would take that as, you know, an experience where they're like, oh, like, I'm gonna stay away from this.

Understanding Volatility

Look at how fast your money can disappear. But if you are to actually, you know, do a little bit of. Of learning and investigating into how markets work and how charts work and all that sort of stuff, I mean, there's.

Resources and Learning in Crypto

There's a lot of information out there, you guys, that can really, you know, impact or change your life. And, you know, whether or not you're a long term investor or a short term trader, just know your style and know where you go.

Identifying Styles and Preferences

And if you don't know what you are yet, I would say you're probably an investor at that point, right? Do your own research.

Communicating Research Strategies

Don't really want to trade so much. You just want to look for a really solid project, solid communities, solid fundamentals, and, you know, and just really make sure that you're convicted with what you got and know why you.

Staying Committed to Research

There's a lot of times, especially, you know, in these last few weeks, where people, they bought convection bags. They were heavily convicted in why they bought that bag.

Understanding Investment Decisions

But if you don't remember why you bought that bag, when things are going down, you might panic, sell like the rest of them, and just flop into somebody else's hands that are going to make the money that you should have made.

The Role of Patience in Investing

So, you guys just. Patience is a great character trait for people that are in the markets.

Observations on Bitcoin

Bitcoin itself, we just recently bounced off of the eight hour 200 ma. We're challenging the four hour 200 ma.

Looking Ahead with Bitcoin

If we break that four hour 200 ma to the upside, we go up, we hit the 1 hour 200 ma, which is also right above head, and we can see a pretty nice little breakout coming.

Positive Signals in the Market

We're able to get above those key mas, but the fact that we bounce off of the eight hour 200 ma is a very good signal. And after the eight hour comes the four hour.

October Outlook

So we're. We're right on that doorstep right now, you guys. And we all know October is, well, October, so, yeah, stay strong, and, yeah, do your.

Concluding Thoughts

Do your own research, and let's go. Absolutely. Max Financial, thank you so much for that insight.

Insights for Newcomers

And again, you know, you've, we just dropped some pearls of wisdom for everyone, you know, for new people listening in.

Finding Community and Support

You know, I love that you were saying, you know, just find your style and if you are just starting out, that probably means that you're going to find communities and you're going to find things that you're going to hold on to.

Identifying Good Teams

But I also like that you said know what you hold because I think, you know, when you're doing your own research, you know, you are looking like tsunami just said, you are looking for good teams.

Key Aspects of Research

You're looking for teams that are working. You're looking for teams that have a plan potentially, teams that have a good strategy, a budget maybe.

Establishing Roadmaps

Where are they going? What is the roadmap? Just showing up, asking these questions, going into the TG, seeing what the vibe is like in the TG, asking questions.

Welcoming Questions and Engagement

If you get the answers, great. Keep going back, ask more questions. If you're getting shut down or you're not getting welcomed, get your ass out of there, you know, because you know, you're just going to pick up the vibes.

Community Insights

And those questions, if everything is lining up, if everything is there and everything should be there, then they are going to welcome those questions with open arms and they're going to help you and you're going to get the answers that you need.

Sharing Experiences and Insights

So, you know, so many things that people need to kind of discover on this journey. And some of us, you know, plenty of people that are, and that's why I love this community because plenty of the people that are here are people that have got this experience and experience of going through the bear market and just learning some of this stuff the hard way.

Encouragement for New Participants

Right. So we want to share that with people. We want new people to come up and ask questions and, yeah, we're all over that stuff.

Continuing the Discussion

Keep going. Let's keep going. We have some other friends joining us.

Welcoming New Friends

I see pumbish, I know that we've seen you before and I think you tried to get up yesterday and weren't able to get to you, but it's good to see you, my friend. How are you doing?

Reflections on Previous Engagement

Thank you. Yeah, I wasn't yesterday trying to get in, but, you know, it happens sometimes.

Feeling Discouraged

So yeah, I was discouraged by that. I'm here today. Nice to see you, my friend. How are you doing? How you feeling about the markets? Me personally, I'm doing quite okay, to be honest. Everything, everything is good. Nice and quiet. Just how I like it. Oh, no, when it comes to the market. What did you say? Nice. Just peace. Peace. Is peace is the most important thing. Right? Just peace. 100%.

Market Outlook

As far as the market goes, I'm a little bit excited because I feel like it's kind of quiet right now. So it's like I'm getting the feeling of the quiet before the storm and before everything just goes ballistic. So I'm just. I'm really excited, to be honest. You know, I am definitely feeling that. I was listening in to someone speaking yesterday, someone who I really respect in the space. Jules. Jules in Defi. And he was talking about this and saying how it just feels like people are getting really angsty. You know, you're seeing a little bit of it. You know, you see a bit of negativity creeping in. People are just getting. We're exhausted, right. People are getting tired. People are getting irritable.

Efforts to Stay Positive

Be like, when, when. And it's kind of getting to that point where things are getting really, like, really. People are digging deep, right. We got to dig deep. And that is when it's just going to go and we're just waiting. So we're here. Got to this point. You are. So that is when it is pico bottom and everybody is just sick and tired of it all. Yeah, that's the point. That's the point, though, where you either need to, you know, clinch the butt cheeks and huddle on, or you're going to make some weird decisions and you're going to, you know, be sorry later and. Because people are going to buy that bag, so.

Signs of Market Change

Yeah, that's. That's a sign, right? That's a sign that things will start to pick up fast and accelerate and then you're too late. Right? And that's. Yeah, yeah. And there are so many opportunities right now to buy. I mean, I'm looking at some of these charts and I'm like, wow. You know, I'm just, like, so many lessons learned, right? I'm thinking about, wow, I should have just kept more dry powder. I should have waited for some of these things. So, again, it's a learning experience. We're all going through it and we're just gonna keep going, keep showing up every day, but, yeah, I love that.

Community and Preparation for Change

I love that is the sentiment. And we're just getting ready to explode, guys. It's all going to happen. I'm going to go to the meme of Thrones team next. I'm not sure who is behind the PFP, but are you there? Yes. Tom is here. And welcome, everyone. Welcome you, queen two. I didn't really check the market, honestly, but I have to say that what you said about it's a 24 hours work the crypto market, and don't forget to take your rest. You know, it's a. It's a long game. Nothing's gonna change too big in an hour or in 7 hours.

Importance of Rest and Health

Yeah, I know. Crypto is volatility, high volatility. So it could happen. But take your rest, because your health is above all. And if you are tired, if you are exhausted, you will make bad decisions. And it's really important to take your rest time, even if you are an investor or if you are a dev or a team member. Just take your time to rest, and you can hop back to work as soon as you are well rested. That is so true. And also, I think when you have that rest, I mean, I don't know about anyone else.

Mental Clarity and Decision Making

My brain kind of gets to the point where I don't. It's not functioning well. Right. Because. And then when you're not, your brain isn't functioning well because of lack of sleep or lack of nutrition or whatever. You know, lack of water. I mean, I think I was, like, severely dehydrated the other day, and I was like, right, okay, drinking lots of water. But you are not going to make good decisions. You're not going to make good calls. You're just going to do daft stuff. So it's going to be counterintuitive for you to want to take a rest, but rests come back stronger, and then you're going to be absolutely on fire when you come back.

Continuing to Show Up

Absolutely agree, 100%. Let's keep going. I see we have Kim Wythe joining us, and I. And I believe that is Gavin behind there. I'm pretty sure it is, because Gavin's, like, absolutely everywhere at the moment. Hello, Queen. Yes. Good morning. Good morning to everyone. I'm the same at the moment. Like, I'm not. I don't read charts, but I listen. To a lot of people that do. And the sentiment, I would say, is 95% positive at the moment. And I think it is right. It's just a bit of a holding pattern, and this stat isn't going to be exactly correct, but it's something like the last bull market, and all big runs in the stock market, 70 or 80% is made in a twelve day period or over twelve days.

Investment Strategy

I think that's about correct. That's not twelve consecutive days. It'll be one day, there'll be 30% gain, and there'll be. It'll be. It'll hold for two months, and there'll be another day where there's a 20% gain of. So you've got to, if you're in this market, you've got to be finding the coins you like, buying what you like, and just holding them. Because if you're trading at the moment, you're going to miss one of those days, and you'll miss, you know, half the bull market in one or two days. So look for the projects you like and buy them and don't be selling at the moment.

Safe Spaces for Investment

And if you're looking for a safe place, wherever you see Queenie, she's. She doesn't really let many people up on stage if she, you know, she doesn't already, haven't checked them out, and knows a little bit about them. So this is a safe place to Shillenhe and a safe place to start your research. Don't always do your own research, but if you start with the projects up on stage in a Queenie space, you're probably halfway there, unless you've got a good starting point.

Due Diligence in Crypto

Thank you for that, Gavin. And the thing is, you know that because you reached out to me. I've been working with you this last week, and I do not work with anybody. I'm telling you now, I am not all about just talking about stuff that I don't believe in. I know that there's a lot of people that are out there that do that, and good luck to everybody that is out there working hard, but, you know, do that research, guys. I'm not here saying that, and I don't like trying to practice what I preach.

The Importance of Research

You know, at the end of the day, it's really important to, like, have conviction. And what is it they say? Believe in something, but before you can believe in something, you gotta be checking it out. Don't just believe in something blindly. I had to learn that the hard way, guys. I did learn that the hard way, and it's happened to me a couple of times because I am a trusting person. I do want to see the good, but I'm sorry to say some people are bad actors, and they do not have your best interests at heart.

Being Cautious in the Market

So just be sure that you follow in the real ones. Plenty of. Plenty of real ones in here every single day. And this is why you guys get up on stage. I do just want to say that I can see that we have a number of requests down there, and I see that we're getting some requests from some new projects, and it's great to have you joining us, and great to have you wanting to come up and speak if you do want to come up on stage. I mean, I always do look for people that come in and support this, the show every day.

Encouragement for New Projects

That's not to say if you're new that you won't get up, but as an absolute minimum, you do need to be retweeting the room, guys. And you do need to be following Jake and following myself and JSP, because, you know, we show up every day for this and we want to help you to promote your project, and we will do that. One of the great ways to do that and to get that visibility is to come in every day. If you can. I see another project superess on stage who is, again, someone that shows up every single day.

Community Support

We really appreciate you, super s Gm, my friend. How's it going? And I know that it's Jo behind. They're probably having problems with these mics are really sticky at the minute. Or maybe not. Oh, Joe's gone. Joe's dropped out. That's okay. I'm sure he will be back. So listen, guys, we are on the half hour. Let's jump into. Oh, I haven't said hello to Solpark yet, soul park. I do apologize. I can see that you're a speaker.

Engagement in Crypto Discussions

How are you, my friend? Hello. Hello. Yeah, excited. I'm super excited about the market at the moment because I'm in crypto since 2017. I been through, I think, two bulls cycles, and I know that the project that are grinding in the hard markets, like now are the ones that survive and that thrive and everything like that. So, yeah, I'm super excited. Yesterday, I also got a new computer so I can make the animations for Soul park better.

Contributions to the Community

Yeah. And when I heard, when I read about the trench warriors, I said, I must speak because I don't know if anyone here is more of a trench warrior than Seoul park. At the moment, we are fighting this low market cap, but at the moment, I really don't give a rat's ass about that because the animations, the whole team, the whales behind the project, are super excited. And the niche for cartoons and memes in this cycle, you got all the legends in here.

Looking Towards the Future

You will make it because the next, this cycle is going to be legendary for Solana, for memes, for other chains. So, yeah, I'm super excited. Thanks for letting me speak. Hey, no problem at all. It's good to hear from you. I know that you've been requesting up a few times, and it's good that were able to get you in today. Again, we appreciate you and, you know, supporting us and, you know, there's, like we said, there's 24/7 right.

Continuing Connections

But there's, sometimes you just feel like you have still haven't managed to get enough done. So we know that you're all busy. So the fact that you come and share this time with us every morning definitely does mean a lot. I'm trying to bring Joe up because I see that Joe dropped out and has come back up. Joe, are you there? Gm, my friend. Gm. I hear you loud and clear, my friend.

Community Dynamics

How you doing? I'm doing pretty good. I think it's because I was starting out by saying good morning, Simon Cowell. So it wasn't like Carmel wasn't just gonna let that happen. So it wasn't the move, I guess. But I'm gonna be nice today. I'm in a good mood today. I'm going to be nice to everyone today. We'll see about that. Only time will tell. No, I'm just kidding, guys. Gm, everybody. Gm.

Bot Referral Links and Passive Income

And when version four drops, get your bot referral link out there, because after three bot referral links, you're going to have free transactions on the bot. And as you get more referral links after that, there's going to be various bonuses associated with getting your bot referral link out there. So it's another way to give back to the community and get passive income. And everybody loves passive income, guys. So again, I just want you guys to be a part of something great. And I'll be up on Jake spaces every single day that I can, as well as various other spaces. So follow me. And when I have new alpha, I'll be sure to drop it first thing in the morning in here for all of you guys. And I look forward to seeing you guys on spaces. Make sure you guys hit that purple pill in the corner in the room here. Show engagement. Like, retweet out the space, you know, like all the comments associated with the Jumbotron post. And yeah, let's fucking go and let's have a good rest of the day. Thanks again, UK crypto clean, Jake and JSP, wherever you are.

Version Four and Telegram Bots

Thank you so much, Ashok. We appreciate you, and I'm so excited for this version four. So, listen, if we sign up for this bot in its current evolution, then presumably the new bot will come out and we'll just get upgraded to that. How does that work? Yes, so essentially, once you're within our telegram, if you type in forward slash bots, you're going to get four bot links that show up. And if you already have your bot set up by clicking a referral link, one of those four bots that all run off different servers but are actually the same bot, that will be the interface that gets upgraded. So you just got to kind of wait patiently because at the current moment, the bots features are down just until the dev releases version four. And the interface is super seamless as far as using one of those four bots within the telegram. Once you click one of those four bots, though, you can import your private key to your phantom or soulflare wallet, which it makes the seamlessness even easier to see what's in the wallet and moving Solana, you know, between wallets or whatever. Yeah, but yeah, essentially that's the gist of it.

Navigating the Telegram Bots

Forward slash bots within the telegram, and then one of those four bots. I like using the fourth bot because it has a little less, when it is active, it has a little less traffic on it. So, you know, with version four upgrading the seamlessness of it and the transaction speeds associated with the validator, I think all four bots will kind of work in conjunction with each other. They're all going to work at the same speed. But prior to that, I was using the fourth part just because I noticed there was less users on it. But guys, again, as this ramps up and version four is released, there's going to be a lot of people using the bot. And that's the idea of having a massive validator to back up the transactions associated with it. So nobody has any failed transactions, which if you use the bonkbot or Trojan bot, that happens a lot because they have a high user base and that's just what happens when there's a lot of people using bots. So, yeah, check out the Shinobi ninja bot. I hope that answered your question.

Community Engagement and Support

And I think a general piece of advice for everybody is like, get, you know, go and join the ninja team because there will be help available. So any of these questions, obviously, you know, this is an opportunity. Go and check that out. I know Ashok has posted that information on the jumbotron, so check it out. Go and check the community out, do some research and get help. So thank you so much. We appreciate you. Ayshock. I am going to move on to Rooster, who is patiently waiting with his hand up. Rooster, over to you, my friend.

Rooster's Call to the Community

All right, well, thank you for giving me the mic here. Yes. So we got a lot of trench warriors here in todaydegh. So this message is for you. Imagine you're a token, Dev. You've had a horrible week. The markets are red. You've been chewed up and spit out by the market. You decide to step away from your computer for a while. You're fully clothed. You enter the shower, you turn the water on, you sit down in the fetal position and you start crying. And after you cry like a little baby for an hour or two, you get out of the shower still fully clothed and wet. You make your way to the telegram. You have a thousand unread messages from your community. Where's Dev Wen moon when marketing, sir, do you need promotions? Why is market cap not rising? Why is market falling? Why red candle? Can the dev do something, please? I know almost all of you devs go through this on a daily basis.

Rooster's Advice on Token Management

Stop burning your tokens and stop locking up your liquidity without getting paid. Nieces and nephews, let uncle Rooster give you some of this learning to help you keep earning vaults. Revolutionary liquidity locker allows projects to collect V two lp fees without unlocking. The free vault version will allow you to earn 0.08% of all transaction volume with no upfront costs. This is the only liquidity locker that is free and helps your project earn money. That's right, free. And if you want to earn more, the full 0.2% of transaction volume, all you got to do is pay 0.1 eth up front. That is not too shabby for some of you bigger projects out there. Your project could potentially earn 0.2% per transaction on top of any taxes. This means more funds for development, token buybacks, marketing raiders, community initiatives and more.

Features of the Revolutionary Liquidity Locker

It is the only liquidity locker that allows you to collect Uniswap V two and V three fees without unlocking the vault allows project teams to choose where the fees go. This means it can go to a team's marketing wallet, or it can even be used to pay a marketing person or a kol as a way to pay with the performance of the token. It is all fully customizable. The vault interface allows teams to seamlessly use their own token contract or a contract generated by the vault. Plus, the biggest cost savings to you as the token team is that there are no relocking fees at the vault. Most competitors will charge a 1% relocking fee, but not at vault relock at no cost. Look at the post up on the jumbotron or nest.

Potential Earnings and Opportunities

Look what could have been if that project, bitcoin, the Harry Potter, Obama Sega team had locked with vault instead of burning tokens, they would have made $37,000 per day in fees at their current volume. Let me say that again. $37,000 per day in fees at their current volume. Oh, my God. Shoulda, woulda, coulda, fate now, cry later. Do yourself a favor. Make vault the one two to your three four. Don't be a dummy. Use vault and get that money, honey. And if you'd like to see what the vault can do for your project, or you'd like to collab or partner with us. Hey, DM me. Yours truly, Rooster Brewster. My DM's are open.

Community and Project Updates

Be on the lookout. For what? We cook it in our cookout UK crypto queen. Thank you for the spotlight, Brewster. Brewster never disappoints. Bringing the energy. Do you know what is funny, right? We were talking about you. I was talking to Gavin. We were in the kim with VC today, and were saying, like, we really need your energy on some project they were working on. So maybe we'll be in your DM soon. But listen, guys, Rooster Barista has posted the information on the vault. I love the idea of these projects being able to generate that revenue as well. And, you know, like you said, look at your lp.

Max Financial's Upcoming Developments

Get paid, you know, make some money. Make some money while you're not making, like, you know, money. But yeah, you know what I'm saying? So, yeah, check it out, guys. Thank you so much, Rooster. We're going to keep. Keep moving around. Listen, guys, what I will probably do, because we do have some regular contributors up here anyway, what I'm going to do is I'm just going to keep the mic moving along to you guys so that you don't have to listen to my boring voice in between times. We just keep it going so that you all get an opportunity. And then if we can get some more up here, we will. But we're kind of running short of time, so I'm going to go to Tsu Nami next, who is waiting patiently. What have you got going on?

Sui Chain and Tsunami Token

Yeah, we all know that Sui chain is booming, right? It's gonna catch the ice. That's just not a matter of if. That's a when. Sui network is fast, cheap, and compatible and new. Right? And that's an edge. That's an edge that people like to build on. And so did we. So tsunami is a meme token spearheading a shiba inu. And we really do have these early sheep vibes. We really got to go. And you guys gotta hop into a TG and come and find out. Give us a follow, you know, two k holders, which I'm just gonna pin right here. Oh, let me go. Let's do this right away.

Community Engagement and Growth

There we go. Pin two k holders today. We're growing every day, you know, have a look. Take a look at the chart. Because I'm always saying, charts don't lie, right? Charts don't lie. People lie. Everybody lies. Charts don't lie. Bullish. And we got such a good community that we actually had, like, a really funny contribution because last time were on the hair, we heard all these crazy songs, bullish rappers and stuff. And so, you know, our community got cooked and we like you to have a listen. Let's go.

Creative Contributions from the Community

I don't ask for Dubai now. Me broken because I don't. Get. Finally. Oh, that was it. I love it. I love that. You know what? I'm getting some chulo vibes from the Nami tsunami community. Oh, my God. No, it's been crazy. And we still got that meme contest going on. And this was just one of the contributions that I like to play and some people coming with some very good art. And we are proud. We are a proud token already. But we're going places, right?

Art and Community Involvement

And. I do like the art. I just think that is. I really like it. I really like it. So. Yeah. And, you know, it's not just that. It's. It's. It's just. It's. It's in the ticker. It's in the name. And people feel it. They come into the TG and they're like, oh, my God, this just makes sense. And it does. It does. We'll see you in the TG, guys. I'm coming into that. TJ, it's so funny.

Meme Super Cycle Discussions

I was having this conversation, stuff that Murad was saying in his speech, which so many people have sent me about, you know, why this is going to be the meme super cycle. And one of the things, I was on a space yesterday and I said, you know what, people just want to feel part of something. And sometimes it just makes sense. And when it does, it just makes sense. And when it does, you're just in and you're just like, I get it. I get it. I want to vibe with you guys. So I love that and I love that you said that. So thank you so much for sharing it.

Updates and Information Sharing

Guys, check out the pin posts. We have some stuff above on the jumbotron. I also put the one on that had your CA in there as well because I think that's useful to have up there whilst I'm on here. I did also pin up some stuff that Jake had posted about, some stuff that's going on with Trump at the moment and also just some information about what's happening on the sort of bigger global political and crypto stage because obviously we know that it's affecting all of our bags right now. So go and check that out, too. I'm going to go next to Max Financial, who again, is waiting patiently.

Max Financial's Future Plans

We're going to try and get to everyone. We have some hands up and we may not be able to bring anyone else up, but certainly I'm going to go to Max Financial next. Next. What you got going on, Max? Hey, guys, fine's got some pretty interesting things coming up. We have a centralized exchange that's about to get listed here, I think, in the next couple days. So that's pretty big news there as well. We also have Alpha being dropped, you guys. And there's also, we've got a fine academy that's being developed as well. And as soon as I get financially stable myself, I'm going to jump in there and we're going to start offering a trading program as well. Free trading, just for experience and knowledge.

Community Support and Growth

And if you guys are interested in that sort of thing, we also have a meme bot. There's another fellow that's a part of the community there. He's just training people up and just helping people make some really good memes. So, you know, that's another positive that's going on as well. We knew the market is about like, we're at that kind of turning point of things right now. So everything is timing. Lord Keck, the original developer of Pepe, has launched fine. Right? So you guys are new to that or you haven't heard that before.

Updates on Development and Community Growth

You can verify that in telegram. Go to Telegram, check out his profile. Go to the find telegram. Check out his profile. It's the exact same Lord Keck. He is the owner of the Pepe Telegram. He is the dev of our telegram. So, you know, that's quite the interesting thing to be aware of. Right. Pepe has hit close to $7 billion in market cap since September 12. We have done about a four x. We're still up about 100% from that rise. So people are asking, you know, like, is Lord Kex still around?

The Future of Pepe and Market Insights

Well, I tell you what, Lord Kex never left. He's always been here and he's. He's cooking. He's cooking, you guys, Pepe, Toshi, Nakamoto in the background as well. He's been dropping some hints on. On Twitter and stuff like that and just telling everybody to, you know, challenges will arise, storms will develop, but always remember that everything will be fine. So, you know, there's a lot of lore and stuff going on behind there. And when the money picks up, you guys, when the buyers start coming in, like, it's.

Market Movement and Growth Dynamics

It happens and it happens heavy and fast. So went up 1.5 million percent in our first run up. And we've since consolidated. We broke that long term downtrend and we've retested it now. So things are looking pretty juicy and bullish. One of the projects, we are still above the four hour 200 ma. Well, so that's another bullish signal. I'm going to leave it at that. I'm just about to work here, you guys, and I just everybody have a. Have a fine Thanksgiving weekend and all that sort of stuff. I guess that's Canada Thanksgiving. So if. Yeah, if you're in Canada, happy thanksgiving to everybody, and, yeah, have a good weekend.

Community Sentiment and Forward Moving

Thank you, Max. Everything's gonna be fine. We absolutely love it. I'm gonna go next to Joe behind super s, and then after that, I will go to Soul park. So let's go to Joe and then let's go to Soul park. That's right. And I'll try and keep things pretty quick here, guys, because I know a lot of you guys hear from us pretty frequently. I really just want to throw out there real quick. This could be a recency bias, but potentially never more in human history have you had so much of a say or so much of an actual voice in general.

Engagement and Influence in the Marketplace

Not only do a lot of us get to vote at polls or whatever, but you vote with your dollars and you vote with your attention. And that's something very unique and very powerful. So, you know, whatever you like, retweet, comment under help promote the algorithm. You know, you're essentially voting for those people, those businesses, those projects, wherever we want to call them to succeed. And you also vote with your dollars because, same thing, a lot of those people are lobbying and getting things passed. So I just wanted to throw that out there. And at supress, of course, we also try and lift up the average person and we're as community oriented as possible.

Art and Community Driven Engagement

So that goes all the way down to our art. I mean, this is a very art and community driven thing. It's a true culture coin or a true cultural phenomena. Nobody knows where this s thing came from. That's part of the allure of bitcoin. And what makes it so like all enticing is nobody knows where it came from. Same thing with this s thing. Nobody knows where it came from. It's data back over 100 years. We're just a part of that next natural evolution of this global phenomena. It transcends all political boundaries, all of that stuff, as all you guys know.

Highlighting Individual Contributions

So we've really tried to highlight the individual. We have a lot of different artists that have put together a lot of amazing content and we actually have them organized by folder in our telegram. If you type in memes, you can see it pop up. And then we're working right now and adding them to our website as well. So anyone? I love the songs that I heard earlier is great by Sue Nami. And we have a couple of music videos and songs as well that are added into that content folder.

Future Collaborations and Community Engagement

So any artists or anybody that is creative or just wants to come and be a part of the community, welcome you guys and definitely want you to jump in. So the real alpha that I'll drop is this super Sunday we are dropping one of our animations from. The guy really leading the charge is Ryan Katam. You guys always hear me talking about him or at Nikoons NFT. He is the professional animator and we are dropping our fourth and personally my favorite animation. So I'm really excited for that.

Excitement for Upcoming Releases

Definitely tune in on Sunday. And if you're a project, hit me in the DM's. I've been shooting out as many as possible. I got a lot left to do, but we're going to be running the shill space too. It'll probably go on about four to 5 hours. So that's us guys. That s thing brought to life and on the blockchain, as you know, got that animator on our team from SpongeBob.

Discussion on Animation and Community Engagement

We're dropping animation from him on Sunday and we're really just about the people. True culture coin, a true, like, global phenomenon. We're just trying to get in front of as many different people possible. So yeah, guys, come check us out. Come be a part of the process. Appreciate you guys for listening.

Excitement About Animation & Personal Stories

Joe. I'm excited to see that animation. I mean, SpongeBob, when my kids were little, was like one of our favorites. In fact, it still is. It's just such a funny one. So, yeah, I'm excited to see that. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. And I know that you're going to post something on the jumbotron. People can check it out. Go and check out super esque guys. Not financial advice, always do your own research. But this project, this team is working hard every single day. So go ahead, have a look. Check it out.

Personal Insights and Parenting

I'm going to go to pumbus. So we're going to go to Soul park and then we're going to go to. Thank you for letting me speak. Every day around 03:00 at night time, I'm getting the chance to speak on your spaces. Thank you very much. Next I'm gonna probably put on a rap song. I need. Just need to figure this shit out. Sorry for that. So, yeah, you can see there. I have put out the. For our partnership with YouTube. YouTube is here in these spaces. I wanted to say thanks to them because they are supporting us since day one of CTO. They reached to our first developers which dumped their backs and let us bled on the street. So thanks to YouTube, we can all.

Life and Challenges

I can. Or how can I say that we wait for this platform to go live. Like, I don't know. My baby waits for me to wake up in the middle of the night. So every day grinding 24/7 thank God I'm father of an eight-month-year-old lady girl, baby girl. And she keeps me up at night so I can check the ex account and make a little tweets for the USA. Because, you know, in Europe and USA we have like these time zones and I don't want to like wake up in Athens 02:00 a.m. in the morning and just tweet about it. But yeah, my baby girl just don't let me sleep.

Community and Financial Freedom

So I keep on grinding. We keep on grinding and shout out to all the mothers, the fathers out there. Keep it real. We all know what we are grinding for. We are grinding for financial freedom. We are grinding for new opportunities. Because when we were younger, we didn't have this choice to invest in companies so early on. So every legend in here, thumbs up to you. Definitely gonna buy a little back of it and of your project, gonna support you. Gonna like your post, gonna retweet your rooms and everything you can say, you can do on X or on TikTok or everywhere.

Support and Connection

I'm looking for all of you, everywhere to support you, to give you some fun memes or something like that. And yeah, if you like, just jump into telegram, have a word with me where I can tell you a little bit about myself so you can see the man behind the project. I'm a legit one. I'm working hard. You can ask our community, you can ask everyone. So, yeah, thanks to UK crypto queen, this is a kind of different kind of pitch today, but just wanted to tell you about the man behind the project and everything like that. And I'm super excited because these animations and super s and everyone here doing that knows that you need a monster computer for that.

Quality Content and Future Goals

And I'm super excited. I got that one. And I'm gonna step up my game and we gonna push out more quality content. Because at the moment, I think it, the quality isn't the problem. The problem is people trusting the low market cap projects. But, you know, I doxed myself. I'm 100%, 150% behind this project. I'm gonna keep on grinding because we are doing this for the future. We are doing this for our financial freedom, for our children, for everyone here. And, yeah, super excited. Super excited about the little bit.

Looking Ahead

I think we are, like, in the middle of the thunderstorm, in the eye, when everything is full, every time everything is chilly, everyone thinks, okay, it's over. But no, the big meme cycle is at its beginning. And I'm. Everyone here in the middle of 2025, we are going to laugh about these prices and we're gonna, I don't know, meet up in Dubai and have a big party or something like that. And UK crypto queen, thank you for letting me speak today. I'm alone in the office so I can be a little bit more excited because, you know, after all, we all need a job in these trenches.

Appreciation for Support

So thanks for giving us the thanks for letting me speak. And everyone, have a green week, have. Green months, have green years, and you are so welcome. And you know what always, always comes across is your passion and your drive and your commitment. And guys, listen, go and check out the TG. You know, there's always a good opportunity when these guys are in the TG, go and check out the TG. Go and connect with people. If you like what you're hearing on stage in this space, just go and check it out. Right? Go and check it out.

Insistence on Research and Community

Do your own research and feel the vibes. Ask questions and definitely Solpok showing up every day. I love that you said that. We're all doing it here. We're all doing this for a better life, for ourselves, for our families, for the people that we love, and for our communities. Right? So go and check it out. Find the people that are working every day, showing up every day and doing the work. So we appreciate you, my friend. I'm really pleased that you were able to come and spend some more time with us today and hopefully we'll see more of you.

Encouragement and Future Engagements

Always good to see you. I'm going to go to Pumbus. Yeah, you're welcome, my friend. I'm going to go to Pumbus next, and then we are going to go to meme of thrones. So let's go to Pumbus next. Yeah. What's up? By the way, my name is Pumbish, but yeah, doesn't matter. I apologize. Pumbish. Pumbish. I got it. I apologize. Thank you. No, no worries. No worries. Okay. I'm going to be brief today because I know you don't have too much time. And today I'm speaking on behalf of Pop, which is a community takeover from.

Addressing Scams and Taking Control

There was some scammers that made this coin and just ran it to the ground. And all of us were like, no, we can't let it happen. So we just took it over with one of the, like, the lead one is the top holder of Snoofy. So we decided that, you know what? For once, we need some justice. So that's what we did. We did it justice and we're working with it. So pop, it's a. It's a pub. A golden retriever discouring the Solana network.

Community Building and Future Plans

Just, you know, meeting up with people and trying to do some good stuff. So what we have right now, we have a text to image bot. We have a cartoon that went really well, and we got a lot of views on that episode two coming out. We also have a game that's being made coming out this week. So there's a lot of stuff. Tomorrow I'll come back as the main and get more in depth explanation of what this is, but be sure to check us out.

Wrapping Up and Transitioning

Thank you for giving me the time and I hope I kept it short and simple. Yeah. You have done pumbish. We really appreciate that. And that means that we are able to keep moving on to other projects and hearing from them. But go ahead. And I see that you pinned that up. So that's great. People can come and have a look and hopefully we can hear more as the days and weeks go on from you. I'm going to go to the meme of I see Tsunami has her hand up.

Celebrating Achievements and Future Meetings

So did you have something to comment on that one? No, I don't. But I do want to do this because we have reached a new all-time high. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. You heard it here on the Jake Gagan show. Let's go, guys. Let's get. Congratulations. Let's go to meme of Thrones and then we are going to go to Kim with Putin. And then after that, I think our final hand then will be tequila, who I believe is at the gym.

Transitioning to Meme of Thrones

But let's go to meme of Thrones next. Thank you, Queen. I will be as fast as I can. We have meme of Thrones, a party animated version of Game of Thrones with meme characters. And we updated the website. So check it out. Every important information is on the website. Four-member team is leading. I'm a member myself too. We are fully doxed. You can see it on the website.

Commitment to Community

And we logged our token for six months. We want to make sure the community that we are here to stay. We are a multicycle project. And yeah, we have just a new content out. It's about Mister average guy whose life changed because of meme of Thrones. So check it out. I won't spoil it. And just some alpha for the Jake space attenders.

Future Episodes and Community Engagement

We are preparing for new contents, kind of side stories, a little bit shorter than the average episodes. But you can meet very new characters and. And it will be hilarious, I think. So let's check out our website with sound on and check out our new content and follow us on x two because we are sharing our episodes there. And join the telegram, of course, because we are grinding every day with the community.

Thankful for Opportunities

Thank you for the opportunity. Opportunity. And I'm giving the voice to someone else. Amazing. Thank you so much. We appreciate you. The animations on this. I do love the animations on this project. So definitely go and check out this series. I think you're on about number four. Episode number four, if I'm correct or.

Continuing Projects and Community Building

Yes, the latest was episode four. We have this side episode of Mister average guy. And we will continue with episode five. But before that, we will have these little short side stories. Very, very entertaining, very good quality animations and community starting to build and starting to form there, which is always really good to see. And thank you for sharing again and for coming in every day.

Transitioning to Next Speaker

We appreciate you and we love seeing you. I'm going to go now to Kim with. And then finally, we will end with tequila. And I apologize if you didn't manage to get up on stage. Please come again. We are live every day, Monday to Friday, 08:00 a.m. eastern standard time. We're here.

Looking for Future Collaborations

JSP is usually with us, but he wasn't able to join today. But we are normally here with JSP. And if you are, whilst I have got you as well, if you are looking to partner with Jake, with myself or with JSP, our DMs are always open. So do get in touch with us if you are looking to partner with any of us. Let's go to Kim wef and then we're going to go to Tequila.

Attempting to Connect with Kim Wef

In fact, I don't even know if. Oh, is Kim Wef still here? Right. Well, let's try and go to tequila. Are you there? Tequila. Because I know that you're at the gym right now. Now. And then what? Are you going to try and get Kim whiff back up again? Maybe tequila isn't there.

Connection Issues and Understanding

Let's see if Kim Whiff is back with Tequila's. There's a crazy scenario that I had. So I'm working on a gym. My phone is charging in the office because it was dying. I just realized, right, that's a let it charge. While I was listening in my wireless headphones and I just heard you say, you know, I was up next.

Shout Out and Support for the Community

So I thought I better run to the phone before it gets cut out, man, I just wanted to give a shout out to everyone that came in here, everyone that keeps coming in here every day. You know, the usual suspects, man. You know, you guys doing a great job making this space a great space. So I'm not even here to show Pap Chula, man. I'm just, you know, here to support, show some love and, you know, keep it moving.

Leaving and Future Engagements

So, yeah, we'll be seeing each other again around these spaces. Maybe tomorrow we might come in, talk about something. But yeah, it's great to, you know, visit, like the telegram chat of all the projects that are going on. You find interest in Alpha. You find interesting information about some of the people that, you know, you see his faces that, you know, you never even thought about.

Continuing and Staying Positive

So, man, it's great to do that and explore these projects that are here right now because they are the big ones that will be popping next year. So just stay in the game, you know, stay committed, and let's stay bullish forever, baby. Let's go. Let's go. Tequila. And, you know, again, you said a good thing there. Stay in the game.

Importance of Community and Resilience

How many people have come and gone before and are not here now? We are here. We stayed in the game, guys. We're gonna get rewarded. Just keep grinding every day. Keep coming in, keep showing up. We are still here, and we continue to be here, and we're gonna get rewarded. I just feel it.

A Message of Hope

I can feel it in my bones. It's gonna happen. So finally, we're gonna go to Kim whiff. Thank you for waiting patiently. I know you've had some connection issues. I mean, this is the other great thing. I mean, Kenworth is actually in Australia, like the other side of the world. And, like, the fact that we can all connect with me in England, you know, lots of you guys in the US, people in Europe. This is great.

Appreciation for Global Community

I love that we're growing this global community in this space. But are you there, Gavin, behind Kimworth? Putin? I think that Gavin may be having some connection issues. So I'm not sure if we're going to get to hear from Gavin today. But you know what? If we're not hearing from Gavin, I am actually going to speak on Gavin's behalf because I've been working with Gavin on Kim Whiff.

Personal Connection with Gavin

And the reason is that I think it's a very funny meme first. That's one of my criteria. I know that I've built a relationship with Gavin in the back channels over the months where we've been in spaces, sharing the stage together. I know that he is a committed dev. I know that they have a lot of project, a lot of stuff coming.

Confidence in Gavin's Project

I know that they have lots of plans, and I know they have multi cycle experience. And I think these are some of the things that I look for, and I know that they work really hard as well. I don't know whether he can join us, but I do just want to give him a shout out and just say, listen, come and hang out in the TG because I think that's where you are going to make those connections and be able to ask questions and hear about what these projects have got.

Encouragement to Join the Community

And that goes for Kim, with Putin. That goes for all of the projects that are up here on stage. I can see. I can see that the mic keeps flashing on and off, but I can't hear you. Gavin, I'm sorry, but not to worry. We're definitely going to be back here tomorrow at the same time.

Conclusion and Future Participation

08:00 a.m. eST. If you are a project and you want to come up and you want to shell get in early, come and request to join. Just know that if you are requesting to come up, I am going to be checking out your profile. I am going to be looking at whether or not you've retweeted the room, whether or not you're following myself, Jake, or JSP, you need to be following all of us.

Final Remarks and Appreciation

And then we will give you a shout. We'll give you a shot. We'll give you a slot to come and tell us about your project. For everyone else that comes in every day, thank you. Big, big thank you. Check out the stuff that is on the jumbotron. All of the projects have posted stuff up there. There's some new projects. There's some familiar faces.

Hope and Support for Florida

I hope that the worst has passed now for everyone that is in Florida, I'm seeing on my timeline that people are saying that kind of things have, you know, seem to have been subsided. So hopefully that is the case. But keep in touch, guys. Check in, stay locked in, and we will definitely be back tomorrow. At the same time, hopefully JSP will be with us as well, and we'll see you all then.

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