Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Transparency at Qubic hosted by _Qubic_. Delve into the world of Transparency at Qubic, a Layer 1 UPoW powered network dedicated to achieving True AI and facilitating high-speed smart contract execution. Explore the intersection of True Finality, blockchain technology, and AI integration within Qubic's innovative framework. Discover how Qubic enhances transparency, efficiency, and reliability in transactions through its cutting-edge solutions. Explore the role of smart contracts in revolutionizing decentralized applications and the importance of data integrity and immutability within the network. Join the exploration of Qubic's commitment to innovation and efficiency in the realm of blockchain technology.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: What powers Qubic's network?
A: Qubic is powered by Layer 1 UPoW technology.

Q: What is the primary goal of Qubic?
A: Qubic aims to achieve True AI with True Finality.

Q: How does Qubic handle smart contract execution speed?
A: Qubic focuses on high-speed smart contract execution.

Q: Why is transparency crucial for Qubic?
A: Transparency plays a key role in fostering trust and reliability within the network.

Q: What benefits does True Finality bring to Qubic transactions?
A: True Finality ensures secure and reliable transaction finality.

Q: How does Qubic integrate AI into its network?
A: Qubic emphasizes efficient and accurate AI integration.

Q: What makes UPoW significant in Qubic's network goals?
A: UPoW is essential for achieving Qubic's network objectives.

Q: Why are smart contracts vital for decentralized applications in Qubic?
A: Smart contracts revolutionize the functionality of decentralized applications.

Q: How does Qubic ensure data integrity and immutability?
A: Qubic's approach guarantees data integrity and immutability.

Q: In what way does Qubic innovate in blockchain technology?
A: Qubic showcases innovation in blockchain through its transparency and efficiency.


Time: 00:15:29
Introduction to Qubic's Layer 1 UPoW Exploring the foundational technology powering Qubic's network.

Time: 00:25:17
True AI Objectives and True Finality Discussing Qubic's goals to achieve True AI with True Finality.

Time: 00:35:40
Smart Contract Speed and Efficiency Highlighting Qubic's focus on high-speed smart contract execution.

Time: 00:45:55
Blockchain Transparency and Trust Examining the importance of transparency for user trust in Qubic.

Time: 00:55:10
Benefits of True Finality in Transactions Understanding the advantages of True Finality for secure transactions.

Time: 01:05:21
AI Integration in Qubic's Network Exploring how Qubic integrates efficient AI solutions.

Time: 01:15:33
UPoW's Role in Network Objectives Highlighting the significance of UPoW for Qubic's goals.

Time: 01:25:46
Smart Contracts Revolution in Decentralized Apps Discussing the transformative impact of smart contracts in decentralized applications.

Time: 01:35:59
Ensuring Data Integrity and Immutability Qubic's approach to maintaining data integrity and immutability in transactions.

Time: 01:45:05
Innovation and Efficiency in Blockchain Exploring Qubic's innovative approaches to blockchain technology.

Key Takeaways

  • Qubic is a Layer 1 UPoW powered network.
  • The network aims for True AI with True Finality.
  • High-speed smart contract execution is a key focus.
  • Exploring transparency and innovation in blockchain technology.
  • Understanding the significance of UPoW in achieving network goals.
  • The role of smart contracts in revolutionizing decentralized applications.
  • Qubic emphasizing efficiency and accuracy in AI integration.
  • Benefits of True Finality for secure and reliable transactions.
  • Examining the impact of blockchain transparency on user trust.
  • The intersection of True AI and blockchain for cutting-edge solutions.
  • Qubic's approach towards ensuring data integrity and immutability.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Introductions

Hello. Welcome everyone at the cubic spaces. Just giving it 1 minute to make sure that everybody is here. I see Chet. Hey. Welcome. Chat. I see Lendix. I see Kirby. Nice to see you folks. Agarth. Marco. I see Kims. Ryan Foley, obviously our boss. Good to see you all. See Alberta. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Joe. Tom as well. Hello. Good afternoon. I see Emmanuel. Also see Matthews. Just reading a couple of names of folks that I see she slays. I see Satoshi. I see im 333. Good to see you folks. I see the ggo diamond. How are you? I see NATO. Hello. Just giving it one additional minute before we want to kick off.

Weekend Updates and Experiences

How's your weekend been, Albert and Jotun? Mine was a very busy weekend. I didn't have time to do anything just for a trip of 6 hours that I'm back where I'm based. I think I can't complain about the weekend. Lots of work, but also I don't feel like I'm working. So that's good. Love it. Yeah. I had a bachelor weekend, actually, this weekend in Cologne. And on the moment when I arrived at the hotel, in front of the hotel, I basically sprained my ankle. So basically, before the drinking, I had to go to the hospital, basically. But I've been, you know, walking around on old, you know, curbs for like the last two days since a bit sad. So. Yeah. So I'm happy to hear that you've been doing better, Albert. Hey, how was your weekend, though, Tom? Like, all good. Better. Don't talk about weekend because I'm really the nerd. I just worked. Sorry, guys.

Kicking Off the Meeting

Yeah, no worries. No worries. No worries. All right, well, let's kick it off. Welcome, everyone, to our spaces. I actually think it's the third edition. Maybe the fourth thing is the third edition. But we're so excited to have you all here and also to listening in. And we're here to give you a general update about what's happening at cubic. But we would also like to deep dive into another yeah, we would also like to deep dive into another topic, one that actually comes very close to our heart, which is transparency here at cubic. What does it mean to us? What initiatives are we running to further improve transparency at cubic? What are our considerations that we take into account while designing and implementing these initiatives as well? We would really like to give you a. A look behind the scenes, I guess, on how we've been thinking and how we want to improve transparency as well.

Updates on Project X

What you might have noticed, for example, today, is that we are preparing a proposal to commit to our computers. And if you would go now to the computer proposal channel on Discord, you could actually see a very fine example of how we try to drive transparency at cubic. But before we get into the nitty gritty, I would like to introduce some of my co hosts. Also today, I'm not sitting here alone. I'm joined by Jotung, who's our famous also stacko member with a focus on tech and engineering. You will probably see an interview with Jotung very soon. Very excited about that. Albert is also here, our Go champion. Also, thank you to DDS for facilitating this ama. And I also see that crypto has joined to see that Foley is also here. So we are well presented, at least from the steering committee point of view. Obviously we like also getting questions. So you can ask questions to us by leaving a comment under the spaces or simply by asking under the AMA channel on the cubic discord.

Grant Updates

I believe the DDS will keep an eye on all the questions that are coming in to make sure that we're not leaving anything out. If we're not able to answer your questions right now, don't worry, we will follow up with you as well. Otherwise, you can always send me a DM. Yeah. So let's move on to the first segment of the spaces, which is a general update on some of the most exciting events that we had over the last couple of two weeks. And we would like to start off with a quick update on Project X. It's a big week, as we will try to propose a new smart contract for the CCF. As Joss actually mentioned, we've just actually shared the draft proposal in the computer proposal channel, and I would highly recommend basically everyone to jump into the channel, follow the discussion, also contribute also where you can. I think it's decentralization at its finest, I would say, because we're discussing how we can actually fund also a large proportion of cubic in the future.

Conclusion and Future Activities

So I think it's important that you will be part of that discussion. So what does it mean? It means that computers would donate 8% of emissions to the CCF smart contract. We also believe that everyone should be able to request the. Yeah, we also believe that everyone should be able to request a payout from the CCF. Where for example, now also discussing, you know, some guidance, right? Is there something that needs to be included in that proposal? You know, yes or no? Every proposal will cost around 1 million cubic. And also the fees collected for the proposal cost would be burned. We are currently working on the technical details on how computers could actually vote most effectively. And as of this point, we believe that the general quorum rules should apply. But look, this is part of that discussion. So I think it's important that. Yeah. That if you're interested in this topic, that you follow the discussion in the channel itself.

Excitement About Marketing and Brand Positioning

So we're actually quite excited, by the way, how they are talking about marketing, and how they've used practical examples, I would say, to convince us to go ahead with serotonin. So last week, we had our kickoff where were presenting how we think about cubic, what our mission is, what our values are, what we're trying to achieve. And now they will basically start with building a positioning or brand narrative. Basically, that narrative will evolve over the upcoming few weeks. Because this is obviously not the last time that we'll speak. We'll speak on a weekly basis to make sure that this gets refined. And once I think there is something that is more meaty, I would say also to share with your community, then obviously we will do this.

Marketing Goals and OKRs

But yeah, maybe more in detail. What are things that you could actually expect from serotonin? So that will basically help us to sharpen our marketing goals. And okRs, which basically stands for object key results. For objective, key results. That basically means that it allows us to track the progression that we're making according to certain milestones. And it helps us basically to be accountable. Right. It makes sure that every task or any initiative that we run, that it has a clear owner, and that person is also accountable for that specific initiative that we're running.

Strategy and Channels for Growth

They will also help us with creating an overarching multichannel marketing strategy. They will help us with channel based marketing strategies across social content growth, pr, thought leadership, which is awesome. They will also help us with creating an approach to pr in earned media. It's important that once we have announcements, like for example, Project X, that those announcements actually land with the media channels that matter. Think about Coindesk or when we talk about igarth that it's with the White Street Journal, for example. And these are connections that they have. And I think it's important for us to build that bridge to mainstream as well. And that's where they will help us with.

Data Capture and Growth Campaigns

What they will also help us with in terms of growth marketing is that they will make sure that we are capable of capturing all the data that is flowing through our marketing channels. So they will help us with tooling, implementation to allow for behavior analysis and also segmentation and attribution. They will run growth campaigns, give us the insights and optimizations. Look, it's a lot of. And let me be clear, this all looks great on paper. Obviously, they will also need to prove it. And I do think that we're now in a great position here at Cubic to work also with a partner of this stature.

Impact on the Crypto Ecosystem

Because I think they've had an amazing impact on the crypto ecosystem thus far. And I'm very confident that they will do the same thing for cubic as well. Yeah, that was my creep, you know, my brief sell of, you know, of serotonin. If it doesn't work out here at cubic, then I can always work for serotonin, I think. But I will pass the ball, I think, to you, Joto.

Tech Updates and Recent Developments

Thank you. I hope you don't go to serotonin. Yeah, I want to share some tech updates. We were, or let's say we, the devs are really hard working the last weeks. So one of the most significant changes were implemented with the supply watchers smart contract, which is active since last week. This is the. For the. Yeah, let's say for the user base. This is known as the supply burner. So this takes basically the donations of the computers and burn the cubics.

Future Developments with Supply Watcher

We call this internally supply watcher, because this supply watcher will extend in the future to watch the supply. So it will basically ensure that the cubic supply is steady and is in balance with the ecosystem burns. Yeah. Then we also released another smart contract which is used for proposal for proposing things you can. This is a replacement for the. For, let's say a legacy implementation which was in the cubic core.

Improvements in Code and Features

Since I can't say it yet, but it wasn't a cubic course in a long time. And it was like a legacy part of the code. And this now is done in a better clear coding style way in the new proposal smart contract, which was also provided, I guess, one week ago. One of the coolest feature coming this week is the, we call it event logging. This is a part inside of the cubic core of the node software which allows us to lock events, specific events.

Event Logging in the Cubic Core

You can imagine that there is something like storage or a buffer inside of the cubic core, and everything that happens, goes into that buffer. And any developer or any program can connect to the core and read this buffer and is able to follow everything that happens in the network. When I'm talking about everything, this is like if a smart contract transfers cubic from a to b, or if a smart contract is doing this, or this.

Updates on Mining Algorithm

So everything is locked and this can now, or let's say after Wednesday's update, this can then be read out and used in any application which is building on cubic. The other big update this Wednesday will be the mining change, or let's say the algorithm of mining will change, means that in favor of aguard, we're gonna change how the cubic AI miners are looking for solutions, let's say this way. And normally, if we change the mining algorithm, it is a period of like a stress test for the network.

Adaptation to New Mining Circumstances

Because the minor devs need to adapt to the new circumstances, they normally try to optimize their miners. So it will be one, two, three, maybe four weeks of fighting. And this gives a cool view to cubic, from my point of view. And what changed significantly is that currently 100% of, let's say, of the mining power inside of the cubic network is dedicated to Aguard.

Initiatives for Mining Diversification

We assume that if we say we just take 50% and give 50% to other use, that the miners will grow. So at the end, agard will get the same mining power, or the same calculation computing power. But at the same time, we will be able to maybe give the rest to another project, to another partner, or to the miners themselves, so they can use the 50% of the mining time.

Idle Mining Benefits

We call that idle mining for their own purposes. So that's a very interesting feature right now implemented into cubic, which will start also this Wednesday. Yeah, I'm really excited to see how this will go. What more? Yeah, I sometimes like to tell also some success stories. So that's why I'm happy also to say that we had our first technical Amae.

Technical AMA and Community Engagement

Luke did this. Luke is at cubic for it's head of integration. So he's doing the coding for the integration layer, and he had his first technical AMA. Maybe some of you guys joined there. We hope that we can repeat his technical mas to give more insights also into the cubic core technology, like dive deep into code or something like this, just to showcase what the devs really are doing.

Updates on Developer Presence

Good. And then I guess Alberto already said it, if you want to meet some devs, go to the hackathons in Kyrgyzstan or in Barcelona. You will for sure meet some of them there. I guess that's everything I wanted to say for now, to keep it short. Well, I think it was good. Yeah.

Recent Hires and Framework Development

I could talk the whole day, but I think people should do better things. Right? Yeah, yeah. No, you need to get back to diving. So now I understand. Yeah. And I think also, lastly. Right, I think before we move on to the topic of transparency, there were a couple of ops and I would say also finance updates that are worthy noting.

Updates on New Team Members

We made three hires also this week. These are folks that will join also the Kubik team as a paid member. We have also Francisca, who will join the core development team. She's an absolute rock star and I think we can be super proud as a community that we've been able to hire her. We also have Ahmed, who will join our front end team.

Roles and Contributions of New Members

And we also hired a very much needed growth representative for the North America region. So, you know, Chad, if you ever want to give a high five, then you can do this now in person, hopefully. And I think also second. Yeah, so we spent a lot of time over the last six weeks to create a framework here at Cubic where we have objectives, bets and initiatives as an extension of a roadmap.

Framework for Accountability and Goals

The goal of this framework is to make us basically more accountable, to make sure that we have initiatives that have the appropriate, also timings, the appropriate or resources, and that it has a plan behind it that says what we want to achieve, why, how, when and who is accountable and how success is measured. It's basically an OKR model.

Enhancing Transparency through OKR Model

I'm actually pretty sure that some of you have worked with that model yourselves, perhaps for the companies that you worked for, but it's basically intended to get shit done, but also to create more transparency and accountability towards achieving our goals. In the end. Right? Cupic will only succeed if we actually achieve things.

Commitment to Success and Metrics Tracking

We do things that help us move the needle. So for each of these different initiatives, objectives and bets, we've defined metrics that are the milestones that we aim to achieve. And what we will do is that we will report on these metrics also to you through yet to be developed dashboards.

Plans for Dashboard Development and Reporting

So that's something that is in the works, but it's something that we would like to build. And I hope that within the next two weeks or so, we can talk about this a little bit more. We're also thinking about organizing, what is it? A spaces that is specifically focused around the objectives, bets and initiatives that we have and the progress that we've made also thus far on our roadmap.

Challenges in Data Measurement

But yeah, some of these metrics, obviously they need to be built. You have to keep in mind that cubic is obviously built from scratch, which means that we sometimes don't have data about certain things that we would like to start measuring. And that means that sometimes we need to build the right models or acquire the right software in order to start measuring this.

Community Support and Overcoming Obstacles

So we will also make sure that we will report on our failures and maybe you can help overcoming some of those. But I think this is also part of running an early project or building a startup. And then last but not least, there's a community update.

Composition of the Community Team

So we've completed our Telegram moderation team. Just some quick also call outs for the guys. There's Alclib, Hess, Satoshi, and there's a bunch of volunteers that are supported by the legendary B two B. Then there is another update that comes from the community team that we had, Xarco or Doge, and also famous Eric that conducted the first chinese AMA last week to also make sure that they are also aligned with our goals.

Updating FAQs and Community Engagement

And something that we're working on right now, as you probably notice, is that some of the FAQ updates, sorry, some of the faqs on the Discord are a little bit outdated. So what the community team is also doing is updating that information to make sure that all the new joiners of the project are aware of everything that makes Cubic awesome on the discord.

Discussion on Transparency

Yeah. So we took a lot of time, I think, to discuss these updates, which is great. But we had one other topic that we would like to discuss with you in detail, which is the topic of transparency. And transparency, I think is important. It's probably also one of the building blocks, at least from my perspective, when it comes to blockchain, when it comes to crypto, it's one of the reasons that I actually got very excited about crypto overall.

Significance of Transparency in Blockchain

Decentralization, privacy, but also transparency. And yeah, let me also give you, also pass you the ball also jotung, what does transparency mean for you? So when I find the button for the mic on, then I can start.

Personal Views on Transparency

For me it's like, yeah, for me it's a very personal answer. So for me, transparency means that I be authentic in what I do. So I don't try to hide or to, I don't know, to manipulate and doing the things as promised or as bespoken. And I would also add that for me, it's very important to.

Trust and Community Understanding

Not to play with the trust of the people and. And focused on processes, or maybe on cubic. Let's say transparency should give insights to the processes. So it should document the listeners, like here, or the users or the community. They should have access to the documents to understand the decisions which were made.

Wider Perspective on Transparency

Yeah, something like that. Yeah. Well put, Albert. What does it mean for you? Oh, well, for me, transparency. Well, I agree with Jotung, but I think also that transparency means that the community has knowledge, knows how many resources have been dedicated to each activity, each department, and each initiative.

Community Engagement and Clarity on Initiatives

Also, for me, transparency means that the community knows what steps we are taking and how they can help us to achieve the set goals that we have. So they don't have to ask what you guys are doing, how we can help you. They know exactly what we are doing and how they can help you.

Shared Goals and common Ground

This is because the community. We are members of the community first, that we are working inside cubic, and we all have the same goals. So that's what transparency means for me. Yeah, I mean, 100%, I think with. 100% agreed with the two of you, I think, to add, I think it's important, I guess, also is to communicate.

Timely Communication and Early Involvement

Right. On a timely manner, ideally as early as possible. Right. So that we can, you know, involve the community early. And I think by involving the community early, it will hopefully also create more trust, like, about the things that we're doing.

Strategies for Continuous Improvement

Right. And that, I think, accounts for, like, the strategies. Right. That we're running, how we're running ops, how we're doing things, you know, financially, at the same time, while also, you know, maintaining a pro. What is it? The appropriate privacy and also legal safety for the teams.

Initiatives to Improve Transparency

Now, I would like to move over a bit to what initiatives we're running to further improve, also transparency. I think also here again, it's important to understand is that we are a starting project. We will do things wrong. There will be things that are not optimal at this point.

Acknowledging Challenges and Moving Forward

I believe the majority of things that we're doing currently is not optimal. But that's fine. It's important to move things around and to improve also while you go. So, yeah, let's quickly take on a few initiatives that we're currently running that we believe will improve transparency at cubic in terms of governance and decision making.

Proposal Channel Implementation

We have created the computer proposal channel. It's already in place. It's already being used. And I'm very glad to see that we already have a couple of community members that are actively making use of that channel as well, for themselves, to give feedback and whatnot.

Community Engagement and Feedback

But the purpose of this channel is that we really want to involve the community as early as possible when it comes to future proposals that will be made to quorum. It allows the community to discuss a draft proposal in all transparency. And I think it's a great instrument for the proposal to get the feedback, to sharpen the proposal that one might want to make.

Inclusivity in Proposals

And let me amplify once more, everyone can make a proposal. So everyone in the community can make a proposal that's not just stucco, it could be everyone. But we do think that this channel is a great channel to start with.

Regular Announcements and Stakeholder Updates

The second initiative that we're running that will help us to further improve transparency is that we've been pushing regular announcements. We've also been publishing our bi weekly Steko updates quite rigorously.

Commitment to Keep the Community in the Loop

I believe there's another one that will be pushed out, I think in 30 minutes because we think it's important that you get to know what it is, what we're working on. And sometimes we also feel like, hey, this is not a bit boring, but we would rather, I guess, also over communicate at this point than not communicate at all.

Encouragement for Community Feedback

But look, if you see that there are improvements that can be made in the bi weekly stakeholder announcement or updates, feel free to send me a DM and I'll make sure that we work on the feedback that you will share.

Finalizing Metrics for Transparency

Now, as Joss also shared as part of the Ops and finance update, we are currently also finalizing the last bits of metrics that we want to develop and measure as part of the roadmap and strategic plan. We think it's very important for the community, investors, partners and miners, basically all our stakeholders, to know how we are progressing towards our roadmap and ideally even what targets we are trying to achieve.

Importance of Communicating Success Metrics

Because how else would you know what success looks like? So we think it's important to share the progression that we're making also with the community, as you might be able to help to overcome obstacles as a collective force. Basically, like I said before, we are thinking about showcasing these developed metrics in yet to be developed desperately.

Plans for Future Communication

But we will get back to you.

Investor Newsletter Initiative

And one of the initiatives also that we're running is to create an investor newsletter. So if you would like to have a summarized overview, then this would be your go to. Basically, I think, another initiative that is already running but that meets improvement is our financial reporting. So from the start, Jothun created the publicly available CCF spending list. However, admittedly, this list doesn't break down the cost or expenses one would like to see in terms of financial reporting, or as you would see at other companies, this is a point of attention. And over the next couple of weeks, we'll improve our financial reporting to the community in the near to the short term, also broken down by known cost lines. I would say easier for you also to see how we're actually spending funds.

Cubic Team Structure and Meetings

I think something else also important to mention is that there is a cubic team, right? We have about 50 members that are working on cubic. About 30 members are paid. And then there is another 20 members that is working as volunteers. Our ogs or our advisors that are helping their project because they're incredibly passionate about all the stuff that we do at cubic. We have a bi weekly, all hands also with them, which means that we get together, we discuss also progression, we discuss problems. Sometimes there are members that are presenting the work that they've done. It's really awesome. But it's another way for us to make sure that everyone within the team is aligned and that all the noses are pointed towards the same direction.

Roadmap Progression Meetings

And something else is probably the last initiative that we would like to run, which already leaked or spoiled a little bit, I guess, is that we would like to organize regular spaces that are just focused on talking about the roadmap progression. Like I just said, as a cubic team, we talk with each other almost daily about the progression of many bets and initiatives that we're running. But it's also important to offer that view to you as well. So, to you being the community, and to give you more opportunity to interact with the team and the items that we're working on. So, yeah, we think that having a monthly spaces or maybe on, you know, on Discord will also give the cubic team enough time to work on things.

Data Collection and Progress Review

Because often you need also time, right, to work on things and to collect enough data to actually review and doing that, I guess, on a monthly or maybe a, you know, a bimonthly, you know, frequency would basically allow the teams to make enough progression, but also to, you know, create enough data to look back at the month and say like, hey, this is how we have done, you know, compared with, you know, the previous month. So, yeah, but I would probably think that we would test with this, and if we think that we need to increase the frequency, we would increase the frequency. But obviously this would all happen in collaboration with you folks, the community.

Community Engagement and AMAs

But look, these spaces could also include Ama's with partners. Not a long time ago, we had our AMA with the two scientists. I believe the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. So we would 100% like to do this again. We would also like to organize more AMA's with partners with similar projects. And, you know, this way we can offer, I think, the community a very wide, you know, variety of, you know, of insights when it comes to the cubic ecosystem. Now, obviously, when we're designing these initiatives and when we're talking with these, when we're designing these initiatives and implementing these initiatives, there are obviously a couple of different considerations, right. That we would need to make.

Transparency vs Operational Security

So we have to consider that, you know, we want to improve transparency, but we don't want to risk our operations. So imagine that we have, like, a very big announcement or a very big partnership, that it's going to improve a lot the world image of cubic. So we don't want to use all our gunpowder early because it gets diluted. For instance, if we have in. If we are in a very deep bear market where we see that, you know, some kind of nudes, it's going to affect the positive or the effect that it's going to have is quite low. Because, you know, when these times, when the negative sentiment of the market happens, then it's very hard to push it.

Timing of Announcements

So we will always strive to find the appropriate. The appropriate timing for each announcement. So, bear in mind, so, transparency, we will be as transparent as we can be in order to have the best positive effect possible with every announcement, on every action that we do also. Nevertheless, we always want to be able to give the community useful updates that assume that the dean at Cubic is working hard to accomplish our roadmap. And also, on the other hand, some updates cannot be communicated with a very fine level of granularity, because they depend on NDAs that do not allow to disclose certain information.

Risks of Information Leaks

Or even we can put in danger an interaction with an exchange. Exchange, you know, they are very well known that they are very cautious with the communications. So if we have a leak, you know, about any iteration with an exchange, you can put in, bridge the whole operation with that exchange. And it happens also with some partners. So that's why, you know, it's almost impossible to have 1% transparency of the whole operation that we are doing every time. So you have to understand that sometimes we can explain what's happening behind the curtains a little bit, but not completely, because it can put in danger.

Cubic's Achievements and Timeline

Solar operation, a partnership. Okay? So that's something that we want the community to consider and to know that we are getting things done. It's almost when you think that where we are and when were only eight months ago, where we didn't have a webpage, it's like crazy. All the things that we have achieved during these eight months. Also, were just in a couple of exchanges not tied to with a new, completely from scratch blockchain. So we are more than happy, you know, everything we have achieved. And consider this, okay, that we won't use for our gunpowder early.

Communication Management and Community Questions

And some updates we are not able to disclose completely because of these NDAs. Good. All right, well, thank you so much, Albert. Yeah, so what I would like to do next, because I'm looking at the time, I think we officially had like another sort of, you know, ten minutes left. But I think we can go on a little bit more if Albert and also Jotun have the time, because we had some questions from the community as well. So I would just read them up and then I will ask you, Albert Jotung or myself, to just answer them for now.

Community Communication Channels

So the first question is, what steps are taken to ensure the updates and changes to the protocol are communicated clearly to the community? And what about the follow up of these updates and impact? Right, so I can take this question. So our main communication channel is discord. We use the dev channel to actively communicate change in cubic. And this communication is primarily technical. And until now, it was part of the community work to discuss and elaborate also such changes and also what the impact is of a certain change. And I think that the community devs are doing a great job in this now also moving forward.

Visual Aids for Protocol Updates

Right. You should be able to see the proposals also in a very early stage, if a proposal has been made in the computer proposal channel. But this is generally how these have been communicated thus far. Then, Albert, I have a question for you. CFB posts a lot about Agarth, but the reality is that all of this at the moment are posts from him. Can he accompany his post with a video or diagram showing what he is talking about? So, for example, the below, there was not actually a below, but you know, maybe there is something that he could actually accompany in his pose with a video or like a diagram. Like, what do you think?

Improving Clarity Around Agarth

Yeah, well, I totally understand that concern. We are working behind the scenes with providing some information that can be understood clearly, because we know that CFD post, they are incredibly intelligent, but very hard to understand. And this is something that we have in mind with the most proven and clear concepts regarding agart. It's 100% clear that it's the direction where agard is going, and it also aligns with the scientific paper on agard that is currently in development. We don't have an ETA for when we're going to have the paper on agars, you know, when it will be reviewed by many people, many peers.

Expectations for Future Papers

But we definitely want to make eyegard easier to understand, and that's something that we are going to do. I think you will see a lot of improvements at the end of the. This year, this quarter. Q four agar team also, it's not like it's only CFB. CFB now is working with a team that is focused on agars. And one of the things that we have to work, and we will work, it's on the plan is to make iguard easier to be understood. So.

Whitepaper Progress and Future Expectations

Yeah, and. Yeah, I see that. Well, I have another question that it's related to this one. Yeah, it's when whitepaper. Yeah. When the full white paper and paper view. So these are two things. And though we don't have an EPA for the scientific paper yet, I personally expect to have some progress next month. I'm really pushing, and all the team is really pushing to have it before the end of the year. But realistically, I think it's very likely to be completed by February next year. Also, bear in mind that we also have to send the paper to be reviewed by more peers.

Expected Timelines for Delays

It will take some time, but I'm very happy to say that, you know, by October, maybe we will have some preliminary texts or preliminary sections as a draft that we can share. And on the other hand, the white paper is work in progress. We don't have an ETA defined, but based on the progression, it is likely to be finished before the end of the year. But this is something that is not fixed, you know, written on stone. It has to be fully completed. It has to be reviewed by so many people that it's very likely that we will have delays.

Goals and Expectations for Community Engagement

But, you know, as a preliminary version, we can expect to have by the end of the year. This is our goals. Great. Yeah. Awesome. And like, I think that. I think it will be very exciting for folks to read, I think, especially after waiting, I guess, for some time. All right, so up to the next question. So, since the steering committee has now 39 members, what framework have you adopted to enhance collaboration and decision making?

Steering Committee Size and Structure

All right, so, first of all, Steoco doesn't have 39 members at this point. We actually have five elected members. And then we have two additional members who have recently joined, which is Albert and Eric as a deputy. And what we basically do is that we help to coordinate work that needs to be done within the cubic community. That's our angle. We currently have 30 paid members. And then again, we have about 20 volunteers, ogs and advisors. That are just very passionate to work on cubic.

Communication Channels and Tools

We actually use several channels. We also have a couple of different servers that we use to streamline our work. And to keep also conversations focused. And as I said before, we also bi weekly, all hands to streamline all our communication. As also mentioned before, we are in the absolute final stages of implementing this objective bets and initiative key results model that will help us in tracking our progression, completion and accountability of a work all in public and on top.

Framework for Major Decisions

We aim to communicate. Yeah, that's basically what I just said. But we would like to do all of this also in public and in all transparency. That's the framework that we've actually adopted. And yeah, for any major decisions, I think that's also been discussed earlier. So any major decisions made, for example, where we're going to request funds or, I don't know, like a protocol extension. Right. But we had also recently, we will follow the appropriate rules.

Draft Proposal Process

Which basically means that we prepare a draft proposal. We will present it in the computer proposal channel. And once we feel that has been discussed enough, then it will go as an official proposal to the computers. So I hope that answers that question. Next, I have another one for you, Albert, which is, how do you monitor and maintain progress in igarth development?

Monitoring Progress in Igar Development

I see so many questions about Igar. So yeah, the progress is monitored and studied within the iguard team that is led by confirm VM. So this is for them. Now, it's not one single person. NCSV has a team. And every few weeks you may notice changes in the mining algorithm driven by Agar's development. So with deeper changes to the algorithm and the network that are occurring every three months.

Future Development Expectations

For instance, in September, now, changes that Jotun mentioned as the ether delay that we are going to have in the network are coming in this regard. So the reason is that it has been discovered that an either period in the algorithm does not affect development. So we will be able to use certain computing capacity for the benefit of the whole cubic ecosystem. So after September, the next major update is expected to happen in December. Where we can anticipate significant progress with Aguard.

Scientific Committee and Roadmap Monitoring

And apart from this monitoring maintenance of progress of aguardous. The cubic scientific committee also will notarize the roadmap progress and the vision of cubic to achieve through the ultimate goal of cubic. So this is how it's working nowadays. Yeah. Very cool, Albert, thank you so much. And then passing about to you, Jotham, we have two more questions for you.

Tools and Software in Development

What popular tools and software do you use in your development work? I guess the question is not just for me. So I answer for the whole cubic team. Imagine that cubic is basically a community project. So I tried to explain it in words. I should better do a diagram, so maybe I have time to create a diagram. But on the lowest layer, let's say layer zero, we have the cubic core and the smart contract engine.

Layered Development Structure

So that's basically where the network runs. We call that layer zero, then one layer on top, the layer one, we call it integration layer. So this is the part where integration can be made. So where, for example, where we have the RPC API, which let's connect any program to the cubic network. Then one layer up, we are now on layer two. We can have maybe a backend layer. This is needed for specific applications, like for the Qatari or for maybe a Qx or whatever.

Purpose of Backend and Client Layers

So the backend layer maybe cache some things or maybe holds data for users instead of constant polling of the network. And the layer on top, let's say layer three is on the client layer where the software runs, which you normally use, like maybe an explorer or a wallet or any other client. And on each of these layers you can use different tools, you can use different software. One is fixed, the layer zero, the cubic core and the smart contracts engine runs with c code, means we are working there with classical visual studio.

Development Environment and Code Compilation

We're currently developing this on Windows. And there are plans to also migrate it to, or let's say to allow it to be compiled on Linux, which is yet not done. So everything which will be developed in layer zero, in the cubic core or the smart contract engine needs to be circumental. And there is no, let's say there is currently no way to have other languages or tools inside of the core. Then if you go upper from layer one to three, you can basically use whatever you want.

Flexibility in Development Tools

So there are every language or every tool you like. What I can say is for the integration layer on level one or layer one, we have for example, client implementations in Go JavaScript, C, c, c sharp or rust. So there are plenty of already existing tools which are able to use cubic and. Yeah, so back to the first question. What software do we use? The community use, I guess, what is what exists on the market?

Community Software Preferences in Development

So everything, I guess. And we do not have like. Yeah, you don't say. We do not say use this or this every developer has its own preferences and should work with them.

Introduction and Logistics

Good. One last thing. Thank you so much. Yeah, there was one more question. No, wait. I want one. Okay. I'm sorry. I was very concentrated on the technical level. Of course, there are like. We need to coordinate the work. So you need to know which. Who is working on what. So we are using for this GitHub, it's public. So because we create only open source software. And everybody can watch the progress. So if you are interested in what is happening on cubic or in the development department, you just go to our disk, just go to our GitHub, and you can see the issues, the roadmap, the milestones, and everything is there.

Cubic's Development and Participation

So everybody can basically participate in the development of cubic, which is. I like it. So sorry. Yeah. Okay. No worries. No worries. I like it. All right then. Last question for you. I think it's a bit of a long one, so I will speak slowly. There's obviously been a lot around cubic handling the 55 million transfers per second. But the metric I see used most often when referring to blockchain performance is transactions per second. I also see people on x mixing terms without the understanding that they are likely measuring different things. Wherein transfers typically may not require the same level of optimisticity or complexity as transactions. And could be as simple as a data movement from a to b. While a transaction typically involves multiple steps.

Understanding Transfers vs Transactions

And include the verification of the operation. And therefore may be more representative of the real world applicability, if my understanding is correct. Jotunna, can you explain. Can you explain why cubic has specifically chosen transfers per second. And not the more widely seen standard of transactions per second? Leslie, one question. You know the quote from CFP that he says, too much checks. I don't understand something like that. Like I just read three lines or something like this. I have the same problem. I have the same problem. No, but just to recap, your question is, why do we communicate transfers per second and not transaction per second? Right, exactly. Exactly. Okay, maybe I'm the wrong you asked for, because it's basically marketing.

Cubic's Measurement Methodology

But I can answer you something technically, which I think makes sense, why we use this term, because basically it outlines, or the number 55 million transfers per second outlines for me the capability and the performance of the cubic network. So it's basically a really good indicator to showcase what is possible with cubic. So that's the first thing. And, yeah, I guess this is a good reason why we can choose, or we should choose this for communication. And if you have a distributed network like cubic, this inner ability to have that many transfers of cubic, or it can even be assets or tokens or whatever, it's not just limited to cubics.

Future Focus on Transfers

So to have the ability to transfer these cubics from a to b seems for me more important for the future use and growth of cubic, because I think that the future use will be more focused on such use cases than just simple transactions. Maybe something like this. Yeah. Thank you so much. All right. We're a little bit over time, but I noticed that we have, we actually got two questions from cubic Maxi, and he's asking if someone from the AMA speaker sees this. Yes, we do. I'd like to ask if tests on the new mining algorithm are good to go at the 4 September when we will be renting off computational power start.

Computational Power Rental Inquiry

So I think his question is, when will be able to rent out computational power? So I believe that in September, we will only start to test this. And we already started exploring multiple ways on how to use the computational power, either for our own purposes. So, writing on narrow AI's, or for example, using it pro bono for interesting projects, or also potentially for selling. But yeah, look, it's very complex because software also needs to run on all miners totem, do you have anything to add? Albert, do you have anything to add also to his question? I agree, the tests were all positive.

Current Status of Tests

So we are starting this week, and I think that it will show how this split of the mining and idling processes is going. So it is really something we need to see how it goes. Yeah, yeah. And I think the second question from Cubic Max is when QX, right? And I can answer maybe this for at least half of it also Jotham look, I think it's important, right, to know that QX is a community also project, which means that we are speaking with also different teams that are looking to build QX also further.

Developing QX as a Community Project

But I think it's also important to understand that we've basically said also at Cubic, that the core development team is mostly focused, or is actually only focusing on building the ultimate infrastructure for other teams. Basically to build on top of, they will need to make also decisions on what projects they can actually work on and what they would actually like to give to the community. And I think also QX is an example of a smart contract that we have given also back to the community. And we're actually very excited about some of the projects that have said that they will make a proposal to build this further out.

Progress Updates on Smart Contracts

Do you have anything to add also? Jotham, on this one? Yeah, from a core perspective, the product is ready. I agree that from a user perspective it doesn't look ready at the moment, but we have the Wallis wallet, which has implemented the interfaces for QX. So you can go there and start trading of assets or tokens. You can even see in their explorer that the order book. So it's basically, let's say that the. The functionality is here. So what is missing is maybe a cool fancy Ui. No?

Current State of QX and UI

Yeah, and I think also maybe adjacent also to this question we had cubic heifer. I think that's how I pronounce it. Who asked the question like, there are supposedly multiple smart contracts in the work since May, after MLM, Q launch, liquid Gateway, et cetera. Some of them have been actually talked about now for five months. Can we get some updates on progress, ETA's and possible changes about what has happened? Look, I think that's a similar answer as what we actually shared about QX. Most of the projects that you've actually mentioned are community projects.

Updates on Community Projects

And if the community, you know, doesn't decide that they want to build them, that it also means that a delay also might occur right on some of these projects. And that's, I think, also what happened with some of these projects. Now we are now also, because of the grand salsa program, we are in a better position, I think, to also encourage future builders to go ahead. Also, basically with these projects as for example, QX, we've actively, actually gone out and tried to fight teams that would like to push this forward.

Encouragement for Future Builders

And I can imagine that we will be doing the same for the ones also that you mentioned. But look, there are some community projects out there as well. And sometimes it's also hard for us to exactly see how fast they are progressing. But yeah, we will do whatever we can also to make sure that for the projects where we see most potential, that we will help to drive them forward as much as we can. Anything to add? Albert Jotun, this was our last question. I can just add some numbers.

Current Active Projects

Currently we have seven active contracts on the chain which are currently running and productive. We know from, I guess four. The ones, the one who asked the question, liquidity pool and such things, they are in progress. So they are working on this smart contract. We have two in pipeline which are coming very soon. One is what we are discussing about the CCF. The computer controlled found smart contracts which will handle the, let's say, the finance stuff from the quorum from the computers.

Upcoming Smart Contracts

And the second one, which is right now in testing, is the q earn smart contract. So you can imagine if the cubic aims to have quality smart contract. We do not want quantity. So for example, at the example of qearn, this means that the developer is a community effort. So they wrote the code, they give, they technically they did a pull request to the core repository. Then the first core developer is reviewing it and giving feedback.

Review Process for Smart Contracts

Then it's like iteration. So until the smart contract is more or less ready for testing, then a second core developer will do another review. If then everything is good, it goes to the test team, which is then running a specific testnet for the smart contract. And as soon all the steps are completed, the smart contract can be integrated into the chain. And that's from a process perspective, important to know that not just everybody can come and put some code or smart contract into cubic.

Integration and Quality Control

It needs to follow some process. Yeah. Thank you so much. And Ayudhap, on top of what Jotun said, that for the hackathons and for the grants, we are aiming to have quality smart contracts that are really going to enrich the cubic ecosystem. And we are looking for DeFi applications, more crypto applications, because we want to leverage also the quality of the performance that cubic, that the cubic network has. And that's what we are aiming for.

Quality Over Quantity in Smart Contracts

And it's something that also, I would say that it's very important that we don't want to be a platform of 1000 smart contracts that are useless. We want to have few smart contracts that have very high quality. Really adds value. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Look, there were two more other questions. I will take them also from now. And then I would like to close the, you know, the AMA for now. The question from Echo is, when can we see some proof that aguard actually exists and is evolving?

Final Questions and Conclusion

I actually believe that we answered this question already, or that Albert has answered that question already. Echo. So if you don't mind, what I would like to do is maybe Albert can send you a DM with the answer, or we can answer directly on discord. So you have it there. But I believe that Albert, you gave like a sort of a five minute answer. Right. So I don't want to have Albert sort of to repeat this again. And then there is a third also question from cubic. Maxi, last question for me. Is a tier one listing possible in September? I think I answered this question to you already before.

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