Transitioning into Nursing #NIUKNurse


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Transitioning into Nursing #NIUKNurse hosted by NIUKCommunity. Transitioning into Nursing #NIUKNurse space delves into the support and networking opportunities available for Nigerians in the UK. With a focus on fostering connections and cultural exchange, this community provides a valuable platform for Nigerians to come together, share experiences, and build a strong support system. By joining the community, members can expect to engage in meaningful interactions, gain support, and network with like-minded individuals. The community's dedication to creating a sense of belonging and offering valuable resources for Nigerians in the UK highlights its importance in providing a supportive environment for its members.

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Q: What is the purpose of the Nigerians in UK community?
A: The community aims to provide support and connections for Nigerians residing in the UK.

Q: How can one join the community?
A: You can join the community by visiting the provided link and following the instructions for membership.

Q: What benefits can one expect from joining the community?
A: Joining the community offers networking opportunities, support, and a platform for cultural exchange with fellow Nigerians in the UK.

Q: Is the community exclusively for Nigerians in the UK?
A: Yes, the community is specifically designed to support and connect Nigerians living in the UK.

Q: What activities or engagements does the community offer?
A: The community provides a platform for networking, support, and cultural exchange activities among Nigerians in the UK.


Time: 00:15:29
Introduction to Nigerians in the UK Community Learning about the support systems and connections available to Nigerians residing in the UK.

Time: 00:25:17
Joining the Community Exploring the process of joining and engaging with the Nigerians in UK community for networking and support.

Time: 00:35:40
Cultural Exchange Opportunities Discovering the platform provided by the community for cultural exchange among Nigerian residents in the UK.

Key Takeaways

  • The Nigerians in UK community offers support and connections for Nigerians residing in the UK.
  • Engaging with the community via the provided link can provide opportunities to connect with fellow Nigerians.
  • An official page dedicated to fostering a sense of belonging and support for Nigerians in the UK.
  • Joining the community can lead to valuable networking opportunities and a sense of community.
  • The community aims to create a support system and a platform for cultural exchange among Nigerians in the UK.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Purpose

Yo, Gm. Gm. Welcome to the space. This is a sunrise on Genesis tech hub community meetup. Right? Are we just beginning? Please retweet the space link and let other people know what we're doing here. Remember, I unvindicated always retribiated about diversifying. Yeah. So the diversification. We are pushing diversification and letting people get to know about all the chains and other projects out there. Because most of the people who are following us are stuck with torn. And basically 80% of them just know about torn. They do not know the opportunities and lies outside of torn. Yeah. So, Sunny, welcome, guys. Before we start, we need to get people in here, let people know what we're doing here while we wait for the. What do I call it, Sunny? Genesis tech. The guest speakers. Yeah. Why would wait for them? Please help me retweet the space link. Let the words go out there. We have a lot to learn and you get to interact with the owners of this project.

Introduction to Soundrig

Soundrig is here. You all know soundrig already. And if you do not know soundrig, welcome. Sunrig is a music streaming platform and beyond. And more than that, and also a music marketing platform that tries on a hybrid streaming platform that incorporates their blockchain technology on traditional music streaming and bridges the gap between the blockchain and the people out there. The web too. Yeah. So that's what sound rig is all about. You haven't interacted with them before today. You have the chance to ask your questions to Sunny, the CEO and founder, directly. And also to ask questions to Genesis Tech hub. I am very delighted to host this AMA. I hope Genesis comes around because I have personal questions myself to ask to them. Welcome, Sunny. How are you doing? Good evening, brother. Thank you so much for setting this up. I'm very well, very excited. Haven't been happy in a long time considering what's happening. And I'm sure you're all going to find out later, but yeah, very excited for the space.

Engagement Rules

I do apologize for the silence when I came in. I was trying to retweet the space. So everyone who's in here, please retweet the space. Let everyone know we've started and we've got a lot to tell and also lots to answer. Because an AMA means ask me anything. And I literally mean ask me anything. So whatever is on your mind about the project, about anything. Let's have a conversation tonight. All right? Okay. So I always have a policy on my spaces. If you want to speak on this space, you would have to retrieve the space link. Support this space and let you go. Get out there. Let people know that we got it here. Beavers, you're down there. Yeah. Support the space. Let people know we got it here. Right, beavers, how are you doing? Retweeted space link request for the mark. If you have a question to ask the sound rig, you ask them. And then if you have a question for Genesis tech hub, probably is an introduction for them because we haven't posted them before.

Technical Details and Collaboration

I personally do nothing really. We are part of the community. We do not really know about Genesis tech. So they would have a chance to tell us what they're doing, what they're building and how the collaboration with sound Rig is going and why they collaborated. We're still waiting for them to come before we start proper. Sunny, have you send them an invite or they're a bit late? Yeah, they have got a link. I've just messaged him on WhatsApp. So let's give it a few minutes and then we can go. If you like. We can maybe listen to some music while we wait since we are a music project. But if you want that, I want to quickly go and get the speaker so that it's a good sound. Yeah, yeah. You should play the music. Yeah. Okay, so while we set up the music. Sound rig is all about music. Think about it as Spotify or itunes or modified like more advanced because. Yeah, of course the blockchain tech is integrated. Is integrated into the blockchain and as well as serving the web too.

Sound Rig's Features and Artist Empowerment

Right. So it's a bit of a hybrid of our streaming platform where artists can get to earn their revenue with crypto. Yeah. Instead of depending on traditional record labels, you exploit artists and all of that. This here you can create your sound, put it, upload it directly and manage your portfolio, manage your music revenue and earn directly without going through a third party. You can see for iTunes and Spotify, you cannot upload your song as an independent artist directly without going through some processes of getting affiliated with labor. Setting up a company to become a label before you can get your song put there through another platform or a marketing platform with sound rig, you as an independent artist, you just put your music out there is a no project. Right. They're building a streaming platform and a marketing platform. Just be here. Make sure you stick around to ask questions of what sound rig is all about and you get clarity.

Introduction of Genesis Tech Hub

Robin, I see you. Welcome, Robin. Welcome, Prince. Yeah. So that's what sound rig is all about. I don't know if someone is back with the Music cert. Yeah, let's get some music. Because it's a music firm. He's a music firm. Robin, how are you doing? It's been a while. I had in space. Right. Okay, appreciate. How are you doing, guys? Retweet the space link. Retweet the space link. Prince, you would be. I brought you happier because you're very good with asking questions and moderating. Right. Please help me that the space goes smoothly. Assist me with that. If you have technical issues when the space becomes filled off, you have put it back on track. Prince, how are you doing?

Ensuring Language Verification

And I'll probably get some people to verify that the language is correct and it makes sense and all of that stuff. Right. But we can do this now with the tools that we have at our disposal. So, yeah, so it will be available in your local language wherever you are in the world.

Satisfaction Confirmation

Okay. Okay, I hope that answers your question. Big E, are you satisfied before we move to a canbrn? Big e, you're good? Yeah. His hand is raised again. I think he's not here. So let's move to Akani. Yeah, yeah, I was just listening behind the scenes. So, yeah, I'm good. I'm good. I feel he was on point with delivering direct answers to my questions. So it's a very good thing. There's a very good thing to see from, you know, soundbreak so that a lot of persons will not be left out because I'm actually building something, like, so similar for next year.

Upcoming Projects and Inspiration

It will be websites so that people can have good understanding of how, most of all this tech works. So I just feel inspired this evening by Genesis and how they are, you know, helping a lot of persons get something from the tech aspect. And it just relates to the events that I went for this evening. So I feel people can give more value by creating, building than just looking for just that piece of cash out mentality for most projects. Because when you build, that's the real value, especially when you're building individuals in how to, you know, navigate in this blockchain space. So thank you very much, saundry. Thank you, Lodri. I had my mic. All right.

Responses to Questions

Thank you for the question. All right, akambi, you're there? Yeah, I'm good. Amir, can you hear? Can be. Hello, how are you? Okay, I'm fine. Thank you very much. yeah, appreciate on to, sound. Rig like for what you are trying to do. You know, it's like, It's kind of like, what's. What they are trying to give away to, you know, to the community, which is impressive. But my question is for the Genesis tech hub, like, first question is, like, you mentioned that the old tech program is free. Like, I'm now kind of wondering if for. Because of. For me now, personally, I want to go into more web three, front and back end development.

Program Details

Like, is the program also available for us? I have two questions. The way. Okay, the first question. Yes, web three and front end, apart of the learning tracks we offer. So, yes, those are very available. I pinned. I added the. The flyer for program on the. I shared it to the space. So you can see that the top of your space, the program we're doing, you could see web three there. You could see front end. So, yeah, they're all there. Okay. Thank you very much. And, also, is it going to be a physical training program or like. It'S online because I'm in Lagos and.

Location of the Institute

I want to assume most of everything that goes on, like, all these kind. Of things happens in Lagos, but, like, I don't want to be presumptuous, but where's the location of the. Of the institutes? Or is it going to be, like, just on the next. Okay. Okay. Yes, it's. It's completely virtual. It's a six month virtual program. So it covers everything from learning the skill to working with teams to build the products according to these skills. Then alongside this, we also offer business training, scrum programs, build design sprints, and other, you know, little things to make it a fully immersive curriculum.

Wrapping Up Questions

Okay, thank you very much. Thank you, everybody. Thank you for answering my questions. I think that is all I wanted to ask. And again, appreciation to the host and sound rig and also the Genesis tech hub. Thank you, everybody. All right, you're welcome, beavers. There you go. Okay. good evening, laundry. Good evening, soundbreak. Vindicated Genesis one and two. Good evening, Antapi Akambi. prince. Good evening. And to the rest listener. I appreciate you all. I also want to appreciate Sandrick for, you know, your new development and all you do. You know, you are bringing something new into the industry, and that's actually wonderful.

Support for the African Community

And to the african community, too. It's now almost like what you build is for the Africans alone. So I kind of appreciate you. So I have two questions, but one was, it's almost similar to just the last brother question. So the second one is probably maybe to both of you, but the first one is, maybe I should just ask is, how do you provide to the genesis? How do you provide your services? You know, because, you know, we. I know everything is going digital. I know, but, you know, it's good that probably will know that. But I think maybe that is answered then, to my second question is, since Genesis, how can Genesis profit soundbreak, since Genesis is a non profitable blockchain organization, like, I just want to know even to Genesis itself, because, I don't know, maybe if I didn't hear properly, like, all your services are kind of free, then how do you kind of generate funds?

Genesis Training Programs

Thank you. Okay. Thank you very much for that question. So what we do at Genesis, we. We train people, right? We train people with the relevant tech skills. So our goal is to improve the number of techies we have in Nigeria and the world at large, basically. So our collaboration with sound rig, it's very simple, right? So we're trying to. The people we train, we just give them an avenue, you know, to, you know, have something to do after the internship program. So after we train them, the collaboration we have with sound rig is that we push them into sound rig so they walk with sound read, and from there, this kickstart their career.

Sustainability of the Program

So it's as simple as that then, in terms of being sustainable, yes. We don't have tuition fees for our program. We just have only application fees. So what the application fee does is to at least offset some of. Some of the costs we bear. Some, not all. It can be all because, you know, there's a lot of cost in terms of training people for the tools and all, but it helps to offset some of the cost. And also it makes people serious. You know, when you pay for something, it makes you serious because you want to really gain from something you paid for. But if it's completely free and there's no application fee, people just, you know, take it as one of these things that you just come in, you know, and waste some time and leave.

Application Fees and Value Creation

So that's why we added the application fee number one, to offset some of the cost and also to make people serious. So, yes, we don't make profits from what we do, but, yeah, the goal is to train people and put them out there and make sure they can start their career and make it. And can I just add something to that? That was an excellent answer, by the way. So I can't give you all the details because it is confidential information, but I do want to be transparent as well. So the way I thought about the deal in my head when I first approached them was like, I obviously, I wanted to have the partnership happen.

Partnership Details

I needed the help. We wanted sound rig to actually make it and to be able to do everything that we envision. Right. To bring the opportunities there. And so, obviously, my on my side, I was like, I need to give something because I wouldn't feel right if we're getting all of this work done and there's no return. Right. It just. It doesn't balance out the universe. Right. So I offered a piece of sound rig, which they graciously accepted without any negotiating. This is beautiful. Thank you. Oh, I was just going to say your name there. Leisure is the person who made this happen with me. I'm going to bring him up as a speaker.

Continuing the Partnership

But, yeah. Alicia, thank you for making it so easy and such a beautifully smooth process. But basically what happened was, yeah, I've given a piece of sound rig to Genesis and the reason for that is because we want to continue this partnership way into the future. And I saw it as a way of rewarding the academy and giving them the resources so that when we make profit and we actually, you know, get out there and start become revenue generating, they will get a percentage of that so they can keep the school going and keep doing the courses for free, as they have.

Circular Economy of Opportunity

Right. So for me, it was a, you know, the circular economy of opportunity, as I always call it. Right. So the idea is that we all stick together. We'll help each other, so they are helping us know, and you won't even believe it, and we won't be going where we thought we wanted to without their help. But at the same time, we had to also give back to balance it out. And therefore, like I said, they accepted, and were very happy with that. And the rest is history, as they say.

Genesis Foundation

So, Alicia. Hello, sir. Do you want to say hello? Well, hi. Hi, Sunny. Hi, everyone. Yeah, just want to say hi, and, yeah, continue the good work. And if there are any other questions I can also answer, I'm also happy to share that, too. Do you want to tell everyone who you are and what you do? Oh, sorry, sorry. I run the foundation, Genesis Foundation. I just typically. That's kind of what I do on Genesis.

Building Connections

Yes. Basically. I am happy to be here. It's definitely good to see you, or you're the founder here. It's good to connect with our young founders. You have insight, and, yeah, Sunny, that was a great one. I've always known you to be a transparent human being. Yeah. So I was expecting that you would clear the air with that, because this community is built and transparency and understanding.

Encouraging Questions

Of course, nobody has another question. If you want to ask questions, okay, request the mic. And. Oh, we would just assume we didn't. Have a couple people, but they didn't. They haven't put their hand up, but they are on the stage. And that was Naziru in the purple. And tapi x. Naziru, are you there? that's crazy. Okay, so I. What am I thinking of? Because I really know all about sound rig. There's nothing I would be asking personally, because I already know all about sound rig.

Upcoming Airdrop

So I will take this opportunity while I wait for all the people to come up and ask questions to tell you guys, too. I don't know if you've landed on sound rigs landing page. Remember, it's been a while we've been here. Some people might actually forget that there would be an airdrop in the future. Nothing promised, right? We're not saying you're going to get rich tomorrow, but definitely there would be an airdrop. And the requirement to get qualified for that airdrop, you're not even doing any task.

Landing Page and Beta Testing

You just go to that landing page and write your email address and put your name wherever is required, and that's all. And maybe you'd be invited for the better testing. Okay. The audience would be doing the testing. Right. Or would the members of the community be doing the testing, too? Yeah. So it's gonna. So what we're calling it is a private beta and a public beta. Right. So the first stage is the private beta, where the artist will test out the platform, make sure that everything is running smooth, and I.

Launching the Platform

And also will be acting as the community as well, checking each other's, you know, like trying to buy, test, buy and stuff like that. And then once we know that everything is good, then we will go public beta, which is basically, we only launch with those 50 artists. The doors will effectively be closed for a few months while we are now any kinks, any bugs or anything like that will, you know, prevent us from scaling to big, much bigger numbers.

Managing Artist Experience

Right. So what we want to do is we don't want to be in a situation where we've got hundreds of thousands of artists coming, and there's a. There's a bug that ruins everyone's experience. That's not what we want. So the idea is that we go with the 50 artists so that we. That's something that's manageable, and then what we'll be doing is working on the feedback from the community, the wider numbers, and that's going to be unlimited.

Public Beta Launch

So that's gonna be public, open to the whole world. Everyone can come, support the artist, fall in love with new talent, etcetera. Right. Once we've done that, probably take a couple of months, then we'll open the doors to. To everyone in the world. Every artist doesn't matter where they're from. And so that's the. That's the idea that I've got. And I did consult the new team and said, look, guys, this is what I'm thinking.

Building a Professional Team

You guys are the tech experts. What do you think? And they all gave their blessing, and that's how we're going. So I'm very much looking at these people, not as my subordinates. No way. I'm looking at them as my professionals and my experts, and that's what they are, because they've been through Genesis Academy, they've been through the real world. They've been through everything that has given them the justification to be in soundbreak.

Transformations of the Team

Right? So they are my founding team, not my subordinates. And because of that, I will consult them on it and everything. And they're the ones that are saying, sunny, let them. This is how you were going to do it before, but this is how it actually should be. And I was like, I wish you were here six months ago. But anyway, that's a different story. So, yeah, that's the way that the testing and the official, you know, public and private and public beta is going to go.

Development Team Improvements

Okay. So that's a testament that development, the development team has improved. In a week. They've just come in and said, this is not the way we should be doing it. You know, and obviously, the people bringing on earlier, they weren't vested like these guys. They were coming in with. With the thought and the hope that we're gonna launch quickly and then they can start getting paid. And. And obviously they weren't there for a reason.

Fresh Perspectives

Right, for the right reasons. So these guys are coming and because they're fresh minded and they can see the opportunity and they're like, okay, we want this to succeed properly. So they're. They're basically not starting from scratch because, you know, the Nubis team had done some quality work. They'd lay down the foundation and the framework, but the. The pieces that are going to make sound rig work are not.

Ongoing Developments

Haven't been fully built and haven't been connected together in a way that is seamless. Right. So that's where we are right now. Wow. Okay. Yeah. That's what happens when you're connected to Nigerians. Nigerians have too many talents. Right? So I'm happy you met myself and vindicated, and that has brought you closer to the Nigerians. We had too many talents here in the tech world. We have them.

Catalyst for Change

You were the catalyst, right? You were the catalyst. That's what got me started. Right. So I'm very proud of my brothers. What's his name? Know that I am loved. Yeah. I'm very proud of you. You're doing a great job. My name is Eliezer. That's my display name. But yeah. Know that I have love to. Okay, you're welcome. Please. We want you guys to do a great job with sound break.

Future Potential

He asks potential. Just look at how Spotify is. I am saying soundbreak bigger than that, because he's a hybrid streaming platform and has better utility. It would draw in revenue from the web three and the web two, you know how that's a banger, you understand? And artists would have that freedom not to be assigned to laborers because their earning would be independent.

Promoting Artistic Freedom

You just go to Sandra, you play your sound, and you have millions of users waiting to recognize you and even buy your sound. You have a special collection as an NFT and all of that. Right? So if you guys are not familiar with the web, three, we with the fourth people, we know how big this really is, and that's why we are really invested in it. Right?

Collective Progress and Investment

Maybe not materially, maybe not monetarily, but invested in it in our interest and working towards its progress collectively, knowing the potential of this project. So we thank you for coming up. I really appreciate it. And I'm very happy to hear that soundway rig is improving from how I left it a month ago. I didn't leave it. Yeah.

Recap of Progress Made

How we heard about it a month ago. Yeah, it's great. So, guys, come and ask your questions. Come and ask your questions, or we will. Their hands up. So we can't really tell who wants. To want to speak. Yeah. Yeah. Please put your hands up when you come up. I was gonna say, but while we get them hands up, should we listen to another crap?

Question and Feedback

Oh, okay. The hands are coming up. Okay. Chan. Chan, is it? Chuck? Zeva. Chazeva? Yeah. Okay. Gm. Jim, everyone. Gm, good evening. Evening. Yeah. I wanted to ask a question to Jenny's learnable. So my question is, for those who don't, who are non Nigerians, are there possibility for them to pay using the blockchain? And that is one, two.

Blockchain Payment Inquiries

At the end of the training, is there like a kind of. Maybe a little certification, maybe from Janice learning? Would themselves kind of, you know, share this? Due to the deadline of this burglar registration, when is the training going to start? Okay. Yeah, that's all right. Thank you for the question regarding the first one. So just get it clear.

Application Process and Payment

We're asking if you could pay with blockchain. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. When you want to apply. Right. We use Facebook for applications, so we don't integrate blockchain into it. But if you want to make your payment, you can pay with Facebook. So whatever currency you want to use, then. The second question you asked was regarding at the end of the program.

Certification at Program Completion

So, yes, we. After you. At the end of the program, you are certified. We give your certificate and certify you. And, you know, we have an event to, you know, formally thank you and close the program, where we also pass you over to the potential companies that are working with our outsourcing arm, you know, for the next steps after joining our program.

Application Deadline Details

So did I cover all your questions? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That was the last question you asked? Yeah. So the deadline for the application, as shown in the form is 19 November. And we usually take one week to process all the application before we start. So that means that the program is actually going to start on the last week of November.

Final Notes on Application Process

So 25th the week starting 22. But of course if you apply then in the email trade you get the exact date communicated it to you. All right, thank you very much. I think there was another question there something about he's not from Nigeria, can he still join? Was that a question? Okay. Yes, yes. It's open to you wherever you are in the world.

International Participation

It's a virtual program. So yeah, last year we had people joining from East Africa, Tanzania and Kenya. So we have lots of people from the african community join us, you know. So wherever you are, you're free to join our program. We're here for you. Yo. This is an opportunity that could not be wasted. Oh, sorry Tanger. I just also want to say that I appreciate the first question because it's an interesting use case, especially now that we're also trying to maximize the blockchain part of it.

Maximizing Blockchain Opportunities

And yeah, it's something that we'd also even look at implementing because it makes more sense that, you know, we're doing this and we can also tap into the web three market properly. And thank you for that suggestion. I don't know, you just gave us something we'll also try to implement. Yeah. So how long would it take me to learn to write in Haskell?

Learning Haskell

Assuming I understand basic Java and the rest, and I understand solidity and then I want integrate hardscale, would it take me like a week? Oh, thank you. That's an interestingly interesting question. Very interesting question. So, but you know, the learning bowl, we have to think about the audience who are looking at their learning. We're looking for experienced beginners, so people that start in but need like a structure to scale properly and based on the learning and development experts we have that do our instructional design and curriculum development, there's usually like a six to eight month path towards learning where we start from foundationals.

Path to Learning

So ideally you would even start from solidity. If you already know solidity, you want to go into Haskell. We have other advanced programs that would take like one to three months depending on the need analysis we do. But in programs that we do like this in learning the people that we target are people that are starting and in the six to eight months life cycle of the learning, that starts from literal zero to hero, that starts from them starting understanding foundations, basics and scaling up. So, but for people that have the experience and now need to go into frameworks and go into specializations, we have separate programs outside this that cater for that.

Tailored Learning Options

I don't know if that answers your question. I'm definitely not. One week. Yeah, I was basically. I was basically asking a question I was expecting from the people down there, but I didn't get it. Yes. Yes. All right. Run rock then nzubi. Run rock. The one for us. GM jam Luxury. James Sound rig and James Genesee Lennabu. So thank you for the opportunity for being on the space and I love everything that's happening here.

Asking Key Questions

And I just have a little question. So, Sandrig, we have been doing research on knowing more about them, but I don't understand how they will want us to be able to stream the music once the project comes life. So maybe it would be the web two way or. I don't understand, maybe it would be a mobile app or we have to go to the site to stream music or how are we going to do it? Thank you.

Music Streaming Options

That's actually a great question. So our intentions are to be able to get the music in every hand in the world, right? We know for a fact that in a lot of developing countries, it's much easier to get a phone than it is a laptop. So, you know, being on mobile is the end goal. But we obviously, we can't get there before we haven't got the platform. And because we already had version one, we need to get that live again.

Phased Launch Strategy

So we're going to do it in stages, right? So initially, what's going to come out? Hopefully before Christmas or by Christmas. But. And, but let me just say, we want to do this properly, right? So if for any reason the tech is not ready, I'm not gonna, you know, self sabotage us, ourselves and just to get it out by an arbitrary date, it makes no sense, right? If it takes another month, it has to be done properly.

Platform Improvements

So we will get it out ASAP. Let's say that. And that platform will be on the web and then what we intend to do is create a mobile version of that. So once we've gone through all the bugs, once we've got, like, you know, streamlined it and made it, you know, implemented the feedback from the community and all of that good stuff, right, what we can do is we can have half of the team start working on the next thing and then have half of the team basically maintenance, doing maintenance and.

Ensuring Optimal Performance

And ensuring that the. The platform is running properly. So that's the way we can do it. So, yes, we do want to get to mobile and if we are looking to make a streaming app which does actually have utility for the sound rig token, and so that needs to be factored in as well. How does that look? How does that work? How is it rewarded? How you know all of these things?

Utilizing Expertise

Right. Fortunately for us, we have Steven Ward, which you should know by now. He's our resident expert of the market and the industry. Right? You, if you've been in the spaces recently, you've done the demystifying Dex defi index spaces that drain vindict with him. Super, super detailed. And this guy is. Is probably as raw as it gets when it comes to this technology and the blockchain.

Industry Expertise

And what, you can do it with it economically as. As in with tokens and, you know, defi and stuff like that. And he is one of the foremost tokenomics experts in the industry around the world. And we're lucky to have him as one of our advisors. He's actually my business partner on t minus one, so we are in very good hands. And he's working on the paper.

Developing a Comprehensive Strategy

So when he's ready with the paper and we know exactly how this works, how the token will integrate into a mobile platform, that's when we will start building out. So it's kind of like doing it in reverse engineering, right. We'll know what, how we want the token to function and we also know how we want the music side to function and then we need to bring that all together to make it a.

Circular Economy Concept

Again, I keep saying circular economy, but that's what things. That's the way things should be. It needs to so serve itself and serve the ecosystem and serve the artist and serve the fans. Right? So once we have all of that's when we start building out the mobile version, the app. So it could be, I'm hoping, let's say, by summer next year, we could have the app out.

Future Projections

But then let's see. I don't want to. I don't want to put out any dates and make any promises, but my hope would definitely be next year. Like, you know, somewhere in q two, let's say. Oh, so our Steve is handling the tokenomics here? Yeah, Steve is doing the tokenomics. So, you know it's going to be the shit. Yeah, it's going to be bombed by trustee run rock carrier.

Subscription and Payments

So my next question was, how are we going to do, to pay for subscription and to pay for the streaming or to buy NFT to buy anything. How are we going to do that? Is it going to have a web three wallet in built or we are going to connect our external wallet to make purchase? Because we can't do, we can't use any card payment right here in Nigeria because we have too many restrictions.

Payment Methods

Yeah. No, absolutely. So, but they're not going to be a subscription. It's going to be per sale of, per item. Right. So the artists are going to be in charge of everything. We want to give the power back to the artist. Right. So they are in charge of the pricing of their tunes, they're in charge of the volume. How many could be? They could be do one of one, which would be crazy.

Artist Empowerment

I wouldn't recommend that unless you're like, I don't know, Doctor Dre or someone. Right. But they could be one of one or it could be one of 10,000, 50,000, whatever. So they in charge of the volume and the price and the content. Right. So by giving them the power to do all that, we then create a system where you're going to have all these artists joining and the fans will be able to support, fall in love with the artist first.

Artist Profiles and Discovery

Because each artist has a profile page, like a home, a mini hub, let's call it right on sound rig, where. And that's completely free for them. And they will put all of their outlets as in like wherever they're streaming, Spotify, iTunes, you know, whatever, and also all of their socials so that people can fall in love with them, discover new artists and then like, you know, listen to their music, Spotify, watch their videos on YouTube, follow them Insta, and then what they'll discover when they visit their profile is that there's only one of 500 or one of 10,000 of these that will ever exist in the world.

Connecting Artists and Fans

Now, for the user, when you come and see that, when you join sound rig, you're gonna have, if you already are crypto native, you've been in crypto, you know, you have wallets, you know what to do. There will be a wallet connect button where you can just connect your wallet and off you go. Right, but if you're brand new, you've never used crypto before. You, you've never been in web three.

User-Friendly Access

You don't have a wallet. We creating a login system where it's already been created. We're just going to implement it from Newfire. Newfire, an incredible tech company, and they've built things that allowing the barriers to entry be completely dropped. And so what people can do is come to sound rig and join Soundrig via Google. So it's going to be a social login.

Simplified User Entry

So whether you use your Twitter account, your discord, your Facebook, your Google, whatever, and what that creates is something called a seedless wallet. Now, for somebody who's brand new to crypto and only using sound rig for the music, that's enough. You won't need to be stressed about having your seed phrase because you're not going to have crypto in there to begin with. Once you learn more, you are obviously free to go and create a secure seed wallet where you have the seed phrase and you know what you're doing and that's where you keep your crypto, etc.

Lowering Barriers to Entry

But to get people involved in blockchain, we want to lower the barriers to entry as much as we can. So what they'll do is they'll come to sound rig, join sound rig via the Google or they Twitter and then they're in. And then when they're in, they find the artists that they like, then they'll buy that artist's tunes with crypto or credit card. So it'll have both options.

Diverse Payment Options

It'll be fiat and also in crypto. And that's how we want to do it. Later on, we'll discuss further things of, you know, subscriptions, but there's no need for anything to subscribe to yet. It's purely about getting our doors open and, you know, getting the artists, giving them a stage so they can start building their fan bases now.

Facilitating Artist Discovery

Right. And start, you know, selling and making money. So put food on the table now for people to start discovering these artists and collecting their tunes now, because you don't know if we're gonna find the next Davido or the next burner boy or the next, you know, tight. What's the name? What's the girl from South Africa who's absolutely smashed? It's like Sarah.

Unlocking Talent

Yeah, yeah. We have the potential to unlock talent that's never been done before because unless you have, unless your family's rich in Nigeria, you're not going to be able to get in front of the people that you want to get. Unfortunately, that is the case. But what if you create a system where people can get in front of millions of eyes on an equal footing to other artists?

Artist Empowerment and Equality

And I. So that's. I hope that's answered your question. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. I have more questions, but I think we are clearly on, so we just keep it for later when the development is more. That's very nice of you. Yeah, that's very fair. So we'll let other people ask, and then when the questions are finished, you can come back.

Future Initiatives

Exactly. Additionally, Soundrig also has an initiative called Project Simba. And. Yeah, they are. They already built a studio in the eastern part of Africa where they try to reach the talents in the street who has no opportunity, who cannot afford studio sessions. So they can get to have the opportunity to express their art and maybe get seen, leverage the platform.

Expanding Initiatives

And Sandrag is hoping to replicate what they did in East Africa, in Kenya, right. In Nigeria, and every other part of the world. The pilot project is going Kenya. Yeah, exactly. So that same initiative would be replicated in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa. With time. Right. You know, scaling, you don't just grab a product and scale it.

Scaling and Growth Plans

Once. You scale after the product and then ideas come, you attach it. And with regards to that payment you were talking about, I am very certain in the future, Sandra would integrate and have his own wallet and know how to integrate it into the system. But first of all, let the product go out, the scaling would come up, and the attachment would come up in the future, just like every other product.

Updates on Progress

Updates. Updates happen at Noah Futures features. Yeah. All right, so we would go to the next hand. Who was the next person? David Forth. David Forth. Go on. All right. JM ladre. JM Sandra. JM, everyone. All right. I have a question for Genesis tech. Oh, I visited their site, and. I noticed, you guys are located in, courts.

Inquiry About Locations

Okay. if I were to apply, I'm located in a legos. so I wanted to know if. If it is something I can learn online or it has to be a physical class. Okay. Hello. David, right. I'm guessing you just in recently because you can physically present in our home. Right. So wherever you are, Nigeria, outside Nigeria, you can join our program.

Virtual Learning Experience

It's fully immersive. All right. I also want to know if, there will be a sort of a certificate after, learning. Yes, yes. After the program, we give out certifications to every single person that completes the program. All right. Yeah. So, yes, you get certificate after the program. All right. Thank you.

Concluding Comments

You're welcome. Yeah. Okay. Someone's requesting ktiago.

Initial Connection and Interaction

Why did you connect straight? Was that, David forth that just spoke? Yeah, it was the one I accepted. Someone that requested. Yeah, no, I'm just going to keep them rotating so that, you know, we keep it enough space up here for. For people to join. So once people have asked their questions, they can. We'll drop them down, if that's okay. Yeah, yeah. That's how it should be. And also, we don't really need to drag this space on for long if they. If people are not asking questions, we should just wrap it up and, you know, shutter space. Yeah, absolutely. But there are someone. Katie Argo is trying to speak. Daniel Namani is trying to speak, but keeps getting dropped down.

Thoughts on Proceeding with Music

So I think people are trying to come up. And I was thinking, maybe while we're dealing with these connection issues, why don't we play one more track? Because it's getting very late. I was about to say we would. Yeah, bring my music so we can get other people up while the music's playing. Beautiful. Okay, so this track is the second winner of our competition about a month ago. His name is Ice kid, and his track was all my life. So this is one of the winning tracks. And these artists, if you guys don't know about the competition, we did a competition. 27 people entered, 5. And these five people are going to be part of the 50 opening artists on the sound rig. MVP. So, yeah, it was an amazing track. Here, check this out.

Music Performance and Evaluation

This is all my life by ice kidney. And I'm sure you know I've gone the vibe. More than love you need I'll give you my heart I got all that you are denying you need I'll give you my heart don't make this nothing going on me make this laugh is. Gone on me. A baby jack I know give me love, make you guided make I be the one for even love you want I've got all that you want. Deny me unique I'll give to you my own you are God thought that you are, you know me you need so maybe make this laugh and follow. Me. Make I got money. This song is too good. It's my favorite. Yeah.

Introduction of Daniel

Okay, so, Daniel. Daniel. Hi. Good evening, everyone. Gm Lodri. Good evening, sonny. This is Dandy, the guy you communicate with on Facebook. The upcoming artist. I'm an upcoming artist from the east, and this is the first time I'm speaking on this live space. I make good music. Yes, I remember yeah, I make good. Music and yeah, remember now. Good, good. Hey, I messedaged you and you never replied back, man. What's up? No, I wrote to you. I wrote to you. That was on Instagram. I guess you're busy. You haven't seen that. So I like everything you guys are doing.

Appreciation for the Community

You guys are really doing great. I'm just like, I'm super excited as an upcoming artist. We have a lot of upcoming artists out here and we have no, you know, let me not go deep to that, but this really going to help us so much. And I will have two questions to ask. After the questions to ask. One goes to sound Drake and the other one goes to Genesis. And I'm getting to know about Genesis recently. I'm just getting to know about Genesis today. And I want to ask how can Genesis be beneficial to an artist like me? My song is not yet out on any platform. I just have them on files. Brought it out anywhere. It's just there.

Questions about Genesis

So how is gonna. How is Genesis going to help you scale up, like navigation? I think there might be confusion there. So Genesis is not into music. They are into music by Sonny. Sonny. Yeah, Sonny. So interestingly, there's a use case. But yeah. Yeah. So you can learn. You can learn digital marketing. You can learn digital marketing at Genesis and use that skill to push your. Music because there's a learning path called. Digital marketing primarily by training institutes. And our partnership with sound rig enables people that led web three at Genesis who work and get actual experience in a company that matters like sound rig.

Educational Opportunities in Music

So. But there are other learning parts too, like digital marketing. You can lend digital marketing and know how to push your music, sell your music and, you know, be the next Danny boy. Okay. Okay. That's cool. That's really nice. And I want to know about nfts, though. Does Genesis also teach about nfts, like, and also how to navigate through the sound? Okay. Okay, that's cool. And the second question, sort of. Sort of. I'll say sort of to that. Yeah, sort of to that. Since there's a partnership with Soundrick, we can connect you to the highest people in soundrick to teach how to navigate their platform.

Navigating the Sound Platform

And then, yeah, we take the program. Okay, that's awesome. And Sonny, I have a question for you. As I can understand, the soundrick platform haven't been launched in Nigeria yet, I think so. So if it's actually, if it launches, I guess that's going to be in Lagos and out here in most like east of Africa. There are a lot of talents out here that barely know about any of these things that can even find it difficult to locate sound. Drake, like, how do you, how are you going to make it easy for some of these artists that are, you know, that are going to find it so difficult to maybe come to Lagos, come to sound rig, something like that? I hope you understand me.

Soundrig's Global Availability

I do. And I think there's a lot of. Not confusion, but there's a few elements of soundbreak, the ecosystem they were talking about. It's not just one thing, so you might have to mute yourself. Offense. Okay, so look, it's the digital platform, so it's going to be on the Internet, right? So when we launch, I'm going to mute you. When we launch is going to be available globally, right? There is no physical location yet because we are a tech company and that tech lives online. Right? Same with the blockchain. So any artist from anywhere, as long as they are able to get their music professionally recorded, they're going to be able to join soundrig, upload and, you know, create their tunes, the music experiences, and then launch them.

Quality Control Measures

Right. However, and there will be quality control, by the way, because we can't, you know, it's representative of soundrigs, I say reputation as well as the artist of themselves. If artists come on and they. Yeah, they can join sound rig for free, anyone can when it opens publicly, and they can upload their music and videos. But if they've created something that's a shoddy video on a mobile phone with bad sound and like, some tracks that are basically samples or whatever, right, that we're not going to accept them, we'll reject them and say, we're not saying no completely. Just go back, do it properly and come back.

Project Simba

So there will be that element. But when you're talking about physical locations. Now this is connected to the video that I posted at the top. That's the third one, right? This gives you an idea. So if you guys don't know about Project Simba, then watch that video. Ignore the bit about Catalyst fund twelve. We're now in Catalyst Fund 13, which is something I want to talk to you guys about, maybe probably more thoroughly in another space, but I'll touch on it today. Project Simba is the social impact side of sound right? So you're sound rig, the tech platform, and you've got Project Simba that is trying to bring the opportunity of sound rig and not just sound rig, but all of Internet, basically all of web three and two to the places that don't have it.

Focus on Developing Nations

And the reason why we started in Kenya is because when I was first for the first version, when I was looking for artists around the world, I really wanted to give opportunities to artists in developing nations. I obviously was looking in Africa, also Latin America, Southeast Asia. But Africa was a big focus of mine because the Cardano blockchain had its big focus on Africa, right? So I looked and I found these artists in a refugee camp, and in my mind was, well, this is probably one of the toughest places in the world to grow up to live. Nobody chooses to be a refugee, right? So these people, why don't. Why shouldn't they have the opportunity? Same as anyone else from any other city in the world, right?

Realizing Innovative Solutions

So I. And because I knew and I saw that they were amazingly talented, I came up with this name, first of all, which is Simba, which means social impact through business alliances. That means we want to work with local companies and global companies, focus on a problem and many hands made light work, right? So we focus on the problem and we solve that problem by putting our resources and energy. It's not all about money. It's about time, is about effort. It's about love, right? We put all that together and we focus on the things that we're good at, and then hopefully we can create something that is sustainable, that is everlasting.

Infrastructure for Music Production

And so the idea that came to my head was to have a. Again, here it is, a circular economy of opportunity, right? But what does that look like? Well, the idea is that they need somewhere safe, somewhere secure, somewhere that's kitted out with whatever, everything they need to be able to make music for free. Like, you know, and nothing in life is for free. So I'll tell you how that works in a second. But the idea was that we want to put this in on their doorstep so they have a place that they can book, they can go to, and whatever's in their head and in their heart, like whatever song, album, whatever, they can go there. Book time, like a professional studio and record, right?

Additional Resources for Development

And then. And then also as part of that establishment, so to speak, would be like a training set, an IT center, so to speak, like keep it simple. Places that have computers that allow them to learn everything about web two, web three, and how to turn their passion into something that they can survive on and thrive on, right? Make a living from and make a career out of. So because we know these people have got talent, we know they've got dreams and ambitions. What they don't have is a safe space to do it, the tech to do it, and the education to do it, the training. Right. So then, now there's obviously we got one side of the puzzle now.

Collaborations for Skill Development

Where does the education come from? To make music, you need sound engineers, you need music producers. To make content, you need videographers, you need editors, you might need a presenter. Like there's all these things that go into making the. The song, the music and the film, but also the marketing of it, right? So we teamed up with the University of Nairobi and the dean of the school of the. The department of the Arts. They call it department of literature, but it covers, you know, everything for drama, music, all of the arts, right? They loved it. Professor Moussonier, who actually had personal experience of Kakuma refugee income because she did her PhD there, she was so taken aback by this, the ambition of the project.

Building Relationships for Education

They immediately got the. Well, not immediately. Things take time over there, right? But it's because it's an educational establishment, lots of bureaucracy, but it took about a month, but they basically got the vice chancellor of the university to sign a groundbreaking pioneering agreement contract with sound Rick and project Simba. And why is it groundbreaking? Well, first of all, no one's attempted to do this ever. Secondly, what does it bring to the university? That was another groundbreaking thing. A lot of what came to my head was, right, a lot of producers, sound engineers, etcetera, they want to be paid for their work. So who would do this work that will do it for free? People who want to build the experience maybe need the portfolio.

Addressing Job Experience Deficits

So I came up with this concept where like, the final year students, because my own personal experience of having left university was that when you go for a graduate job, for some stupid reason, these people who are advertising graduate jobs are also asking you for fucking two years experience. Excuse my language, but this is where I get a bit frustrated and passionate. But they're asking you for two years experience, a portfolio, and blah, blah, etc. Etc. And you're like, I've just left university. This is. And I'm a graduate, and this is a graduate job. You're advertising. So why are you asking me that stuff? Right? But also at the same time, it's not the university's fault that they're not able, they don't have the resources, they don't have the opportunities to give these guys.

Innovative Collaboration for Students

Unless you're Genesis academy, of course, but you don't have these. The traditional universities mainly, like because like I said, there's lots of bureaucracy and stuff like that. Those final year students don't get the real world experience they need to make it in the real world, they don't have a portfolio when they leave. Right. They don't have the experience of working with real life artists. So. But the vision was that we will give the opportunity to final year students who have built the technical skills, to do music production, to do sound engineering, because they're final year students. So they're going to have a final year project before they graduate.

Practical Projects for Student Development

So for them, the agreement was that whatever they do with the artists from sound rig or from the studios in Kokruma refugee camp, which we called Kokuma Studios, so say the refugees group, they want to make music. They want it produced, and they want someone to do the editing, etcetera, through sound rig and, like, a back end that we're going to create, they would be able to match what they need with the skills of the students. So what we'll have is a database of students saying, yes, I want to join this program. I want real world experience, and I want to have a portfolio. But the magic bit was that the work they do with it, with the.

Credits and Experience

With the studios, will actually go towards their final year degree credits. That was a bit that's never been done before. So we are now in a partnership where we will offer the students the opportunity to work with real world artists, whether they're from a refugee camp or whatever, in Kenya, and be able to. So it's a win situation. That's why I call it a circular economy opportunity, because the artists are winning. Cause they're getting real world experience. They're getting a body of work to put towards their portfolio. And they're also getting to put that work towards a university degree. Never been done before over there.

Community Engagement and Feedback

I'm not sure ever anywhere. And then, obviously, for the artists, they get a safe space to do their work. They get access to all the equipment they will ever need to record film and music, and then also the people to work with to create that thing. Once they have that's when they put that body of work, whether it's the film, you know, whatever experience music, spears they're creating for sound ring or not, for sound rig, sorry, for themselves. We're gonna give them. They're gonna have sound rig to distribute all around the world.

Distribution Platforms and Structure

And when they come to sound rig, they're gonna have obviously, you know, access to a platform which can distribute their music to web, two platforms such as Spotify, iTunes. We know itunes and the rest of them are never gonna give them what they deserve, but it doesn't mean that they shouldn't be there because this is all exposure, right? It's all you got to be everywhere. But we also want them to have the opportunity to be able to make money instantly and grow their fan base in a more intimate way. Right. And have a loyal, build a loyal fan base.

NFT Experiences

So that's what they'll do on sound ring with the tunes. These music nfts that we're creating are unique experiences, and they can only be enjoyed by the people who support that artist. So you got one place where they everywhere, all over the Internet or on all streaming sites. But those fans that fall in love with them can buy something that they can cherish and then actually be rewarded for having in the future. Because once you've bought one of those tunes and supported artists, that artists can then add bonus tracks anytime they want to reward the artist.

Community and Future Goals

They can add another video, they can say a message of thanks, you can have a one one with them. They can do a little private gig where only the person that supported them get to see it. So that's the physical side of it. And that whole concept, that pilot project that we still got live in Kenya, and we're still waiting to get the funding to do that. Once that's established and we've proven that works, then we take that system and put it in every city in Africa, every capital city in Africa, then the world, right? So we'll probably most likely, hundred percent come to Nigeria next.

Expanding to More Regions

But we've got people waiting in Ghana, we've got people waiting in south, sorry, Uganda, in Gambia, in South Africa. Like, a lot. There's more and more countries saying, we want this as well. And I was like, yes, but we need to do that. And I need to fulfill my promise to those young kids in the refugee camp, because they have been promised the world time and time again and everyone's let them down, and I'm not going to be one of those people. Right. So we, once we do that, then we can do it.

Community Support for Future Projects

Now I want to finish off with the concept and then I want to go on to quickly onto the fund. Right. So when I sense that nothing is for free, that's true. So how does the, how does this circular economy of opportunity become self sustaining and become sustainable for the long term? Well, the artists that create whatever they create in the studios that they use for free, in their contract, in their agreement with the studio, they're gonna give 20% of their income back to the studio. And so what that means is that they will be able to use that for free, for life if they.

Vision for Sustainability

If they stay in the Kakuma refugee camp. But, sorry, what we hope is that they will make enough money to go, to leave the refugee camp and finally get out and make a life for themselves. Right. So we want to use it as a launch pad for the artists, for anyone talented and creative in Kakuma refugee camp. And that can be the same. The same. Sorry, can be said for the studios that are going to be in. In Lagos. Yeah, in. In Mombasa and in, you know, like, Accra. Everywhere. Everywhere we go, there's gonna be the same concept that the student.

Fiscal Responsibilities and Growth

The artists can use those studios for free for as long as they want. But at some point, they're gonna get to a point they're like, we don't actually need this. We should opportunity. The space, the time should be going to other artists that need it, right? Because they would have made their money and hopefully got to a point where they're self sustaining now. The name is getting out there. They're doing shows, etcetera. But we want these studios to be there to help them to get to that level. And for doing that, like I said, they'll give 20% of that back into the running of the studio.

Job Creation and Infrastructure

So that studio will obviously have people running it. So we're going to create jobs as well. So we'll have a studio managers, we'll have in house producers that can, you know, do it. So if there's no students out there, they've all. They're on a wage anyway. So if they're on a wage, anytime that somebody books a studio time, there'll be a studio there, a producer there for them, there'll be a sound engineer there for them. Right. But, yeah, there's many ways that we can work this.

Building a Community Around Soundrig

So that's the grand vision now for the community. If you love what you're hearing and you already part of sound rig, you've given us your email address on the thing, and you're going to be part of our. Our launch. And you are the initial loyal community of sound rig. Then I urge you to listen to this. Now, we have something called the Catalyst Fund. It's a community vc venture capitalist. Basically, what it means is that there's a big pot of money, and every four months, the Cardano ecosystem allows projects to come forth and present their ideas.

Funding and Community Involvement

And then the community votes. Before, now this is. This time is a game changer, because before, you needed to have a Cardano native wallet, which is easy, it's free. But you also need to have 500 AdA staked. Now, that's a lot of money for someone to just put away in stake, right? You do get rewards on that, but it won't be life changing, put it that way. But now that's been dropped down to 25 AdA only, and you will be able to vote on as many proposals as you want. Like I said, this whole thing will need its own space for us to show you how it works, what to do, etcetera.

Proposal Submission and Future Goals

But both sound rig and the other project, t minus one, who is. Who Stephen is a part of, that's where we're going to do the sound rig token launch, by the way. Both of us are to have a proposal for catalyst Fund 13. Now, unfortunately, what they've done is they. They've messed around a bit with the categories. They've massively dropped how much we can. We can be awarded, but money is money, right? So at this time, we're going for 100 ADA, which is around about $30,000 for Project Simba, because that's the maximum they will allow.

Funding Distribution Challenges

And we're going for 150,000 ADA, which is about $50,000 for sound rig, because that's the maximum they will allow for the concept. So you have something, a category called Cardano Open, which is open, is like any project out there that's trying to do good for the community and for the public, right? So that's where project Simba fits in. And the maximum we can apply for is 100,000 there. And the sound rig one, the maximum is that the. Sorry. The category going for is concept category, and that is 150,000 ADA, and we really need the community support.

Community Funding Goals

So without you guys, last time we did this, the minimum threshold is 44 million. To be able to get that thing. That sounds like a high number. Some of the projects out there getting that 2300 million. You know why? Because it's one AdA per vote. And now this is where it's been really shitty, because there's, like, any. Anywhere that. Where money can be made. You will get sharks and you will get people trying to game the system. And Cardano is. Has its own issues as well, I'll be honest with you.

Addressing Funding Concerns

So what's happened is you have groups of people that know the whales, and they have the whales with them. So when they have a proposal, those whales will vote for them and they will get the biggest amount of, and then they'll get the awarded. We've been involved in this for four, but four funds. Now, we've never got the funding. You know why? Because we came out with a music platform that was. That really shook the foundations of the other music platforms that had already launched on Cardano. They want to be the kings of Cardano. Fair enough, be the kings of Cardano.

Competition and Future Vision

But they're not in it for the social impact we are. But because we came out as competition, we basically never were getting voted on. And we've always fell short by about five or 10 million votes. Remember, it's one eight or one vote. So it's a numbers game. So however much ada that you. You stock up and you should do anyway for your own personal future well being, right, because Cardano is here to stay. So if you're accumulating crypto, not for quick get rich quick scheme, but you're accumulating for the future, then if Cardano's not in your bag, it sure, probably should be.

Community Engagement for Collective Growth

But I'm not saying it. Just do it for us, do it for yourself. But if you do it, if you do it, then I urge you guys to follow the instructions that we're going to be coming out with soon. Dre, we definitely need to do a space on this, because it is of paramount importance, right, to our projects and for the people there. Because in the future, anyone of you guys who come up with an idea for a tech or an app or anything, you will also be able to apply for these grants, for this money.

Preparation for Future Grants

So it's in your interest to find out how this works as well. So, anyway, I want to finish it there. So soon. We will be announcing our fund 13 proposals, I believe, in the next week or so. And then we just need the community support and it's absolutely free to vote. And you just. Yeah. So how make your voices heard through your wallets, so to speak. Right. And it's like I said, it's very much a numbers game.

Engagement with the Community

We've got big, wealthy people who are not interested in the slightest, who help the people on the ground, right, in the. In the communities, and they're underserved areas that need this the most. And because they're not interested in it, they'll never vote in it. So for us, it's very much a community thing. Rather than having a few rich friends who can make a couple of votes and they get all of the money. And it's been happening for the last, I don't know, five, six funds.

Reflection on Community Dynamics

It certainly says were part of it. So that's my. My big ask of the community. And like I said, we'll keep you posted on exactly how to do it, what to do yeah, I know I went over a massive tangent there. I can't even remember if there was a question in the beginning of this, but, oh yeah, that was it, about the physical studios. So thank you, Daniel, for that question. I'm sorry that I went off on a tangent, but I hope you found it relevant to what it was, to what I was saying.

Appreciation for Engagement

Absolutely. You gave us details. All right, thanks for that. No, thank you for the question, for allowing me to have, you know, the opportunity to actually put all that out there because everything is connected. Right? And if we get that 30,000 USD, we can build that studio in Kokuma refugee camp. It'll be a game changer, and then we can start getting these artists out there. But what that also proves is once we built that studio and the whole system works, you know what we can do then?

Future Opportunities for Collaboration

That's when all the eyes of the world, all of the tech, all the manufacturers of music equipment, like Roland, like Sony, like Pioneer, we can then go to them and say, look at what we did. Now, do you want your equipment being used by every studio in the world that's helping people? Of course they fucking do. This is a, they all have big CSR, corporate social responsibility programs. So what we're going to do is going to pull their heartstrings and say, look at what we're doing.

Attracting Support for Projects

You can be a part of this. This is good for your company. And we hope and expect to get sponsorship from them and also local businesses who also want to help. So there might be very wealthy people in Lagos who look at what we're doing and say, I love this, I want to support it. Bam. And they can donate to that and help support these projects come to life, but nobody's going to do it if they haven't seen it done already.

Societal Challenges and Approaches

And unfortunately, that's the way the world works. Everyone would pile on when it's cool or when they see, oh, you know, it works. But when you absolutely need it, nobody puts their hand in their pocket, right? And you have to do it yourselves. And I think maybe that's the way that it should be. Because if you're not willing to do it yourself and put in the pain and the hours and the, and, you know, just the tenacity to make an idea come to life, then maybe it shouldn't be alive.

Project Sustainability and Community Roles

Maybe it shouldn't actually be out there. So my big vision is that we need to make that work, but we can fast track that with your guys help with everyone here, everyone that, you know, if they're interested in crypto, they definitely should be part of Cardano. If they become part of Cardano, they should definitely get involved in this vote and. And help us get this out. Because if you do, when we do it in Kokuma refugee camp, we can then come to Nigeria and then do it everywhere else.

Encouragement for Involvement

Yeah, I definitely. Personally, I would vote. If there is a voting going on, I would definitely vote. Cardano is a very good chain. Yeah. Charles Hoskinson did a great job with Cardano. All right, guys, I don't know of other things, but. Yeah, you're right. He did a massive job. Yeah. I think it's only the first blockchain that solved the blockchain trilemma, scalability, security and decentralization. It was the first blockchain initially was his idea, that gave birth to what we now know as proof of stake.

Historical Context of Blockchain Development

Without Cardano, there would be no proof of stake. The proof of stake everyone is now copying came from Cardano and Charles Hoskinson. Right. Yeah. So it's a very good tech, solid chain for the future. I think when the proper mass adoption actually comes, all of these hyped hype blockchain with average tech would die off and the ones with actual quality would prevail. And that's Cardano and XRP. Yeah. Cardano would be here. XRP would be here.

Skepticism Surrounding New Projects

And remember these chains that come pop up and then disappear, they. They feed off the people who are new to the space. They feed off the hype. And everyone here who's, who came in and saw something shiny, flashy, right. And then didn't do your research or whatever, right. You come in, you put your money into it, and then you complain that, you know, they rugged you, but you need to look. But the thing is.

Challenges in the Crypto Space

Oh, you got you. You guys are lucky because you have, like, dream vin talking to you. And if you don't listen to them. Right? But this, these things come with experience. Everyone's been. I've been scammed when I first came into the space. Right? So it happens. Right? But what you have to look at is for the fundamentals. Who are the team? How long have they been around? What have they built? What's happening in the ecosystem? What's the vision of the founders or the vision of the ecosystem? And where is it going?

Key Considerations for Investors

Right. These five, six questions will probably eliminate, I'd say, 90% of the things that you see in web three. Many people actually give too much credit to Vitalik Buterin people who do not really make research think he's a genius. He's not a genius. He's not that smart. The whole thing. In short, most of the course of Cardano was written by Charles Hoskinson. And in fact, as Oskinskin actually left Cardano. Ethereum.

Historical Context of Cardano

Yeah, he left Ethereum because they were not doing it right. He was saying, let's make it a proof of stake. This is how we should be. They didn't want to do it and then he had to live and actually create the actual blockchain that he was envisioning that Ethereum failed to be. And look at it today, the ethereum has eventually failed and started adopted the proof of stake that they actually shied away from the pool. But Charles told you, let's make a proof of stake. You didn't agree and he left and built Cardano.

NFT Evolution

Then you copied the Cardano and in the end, and high transaction fees, it was lagging, low throughput and all of that. Because proof of stake is actually better. You will now integrate into pool of stake. So people give too much credit to Vitalik. Vitellic is not a genius. Chance. Hoskinson is the genius. But you know how the world works, marketing. If you have the media you have, your name flies around, nobody knows. Charles is not interested in media hype and all.

Long-Term Viability of Blockchain

He's just interested in building and being the genes that it really is and building things. Yeah. So Cardano is a really good chain and I think it would be here. It would be here for a long time with XRP. So if you are stacking up tokens for the future and you do not have XRP and Cardano in your portfolio, I don't know what research you're doing. Those are long, long term projects that would be here. You will see, they would have their bull market and everyone will be surprised.

Closing Thoughts

Where was I? Yeah, this channel has been here for a long time. It just exploded. Yeah, you get that's how this space work. When the hype dies down, those projects pop up. Yeah. So I don't know if anyone still have questions they want to ask. I'm not seeing any requests. Sunny, maybe you should play us a song and then maybe we call it a night.

Conclusion and Future Steps

Yeah, we can see it. Yeah. I was just going to say we could probably close out. I did want to bring it back round to Genesis and see if they wanted to say any final things. But before they do, I just want to say this partnership is now solid. It's for life. And we've taken on nine people. I'm sure there'll probably be a few more tappy. I'm sure I'll be tapping on your shoulder over the next week, by the way. We got this and that, because today I learned that they also have market people who have done digital marketing.

Free Access and Education Requirements

Right, because it is free, then you have to pay the registration fee, but it gives them access to that real world experience. So what level of education is required for people coming to do your nine month course? Okay, thank you very much for that question. Yeah, you don't have any educational requirements, you know, for you to join our program. Right. So whether you're in high school, whether you live in high school or, you know, your university, wherever you are with education, it doesn't really matter, right. Because we're trying to even change the narrative that you don't actually have to, like, get a, you know, a formal education degree, you know, before you can even excel in tech, right? All you just need is the passion and to learn the technical skills. Jastan. So you don't need to have any sort of degree or qualification, right, to get in that before you can, you know, move into tech or join our program.

Engagement and Program Participation

Do you know what? If I wasn't so busy, I'd really do it myself as well. Yo. Okay, Chinedu, why are you here? Okay. Okay. Come up and speak. So we. Yeah. Chinedu, how are you doing? Chinedu, how are you doing? Oh, I'm good. Good evening. Sorry, I was at the place. I just have to move away from the. That place, GM, Sandrick and every other person in this room. So I really came late. Seriously. Did we lose him? Oh, I guess it's using glow erogged. Chinedu, I'll just wait for you for, like, two minutes and see if you can come back up. Or we call it night. And, guys, while you're here, please do not lose that opportunity to leverage on Genesis tech. Yeah. Many people have been looking for an opportunity to get a tech skill. You can just go dm them, follow them, make your findings, use the opportunity to learn. Right? Equip yourself, build yourself that position for the future. This is an opportunity for you. So follow them, get positioned is actually free.

Affordable Training and Opportunities

Yeah. They say you gotta. You get to buy from 40,000. That's very cheap from my point of view and knowing I. What tech is and how you get to get. Excuse very. It's nothing. It's just very cheap. Yeah. So please leverage this opportunity right now and develop yourself. Go follow them, partner with them. Find a way. Just find a way not to waste it. Learn something. Even if you had no interest before, have it now, develop it. Learn a tech skill. Maybe you wouldn't. You wouldn't use it today, but it would come up. And in the future, no knowledge is lost. So, yeah, they're here. Please prioritize this. This is an opportunity. Do it. And also, if you haven't landed on Sandrigg's landing page, I told you, there'll be an airdrop in the future.

Tokenomics and Product Focus

There we. So Steve is still designing the tokenomics and trying to see how it would get integrated into the whole sound rig ecosystem and all. And, you know, it's best. I am a person of utility. Utility. Utility. I always emphasize on utility tokens. So sound rig is not all about the token. The product comes first. Right. The product is more important than the token because if the product has a use case and people are streaming and using the platform, it powers the token itself. So the token is just secondary. The product is what's important. And soundbreak is focused in putting a product out there, not just giving you a token to go into the market and trade highs and lows. And tomorrow after three years is dead and it's forgotten. And as long as sound rig as a streaming platform and a music marketing platform stays out there and people are using it, the token remains viable.

Community Engagement and Support Programs

Look at Binance BNB because Binance chain is a binance as an exchange that's useful. The token would always be viable because it's the product that powers the token itself, not just minting token and giving it to people. And they speculate in the market. After six months, the hype is dead and everyone goes back home and move to the next project. No, that's not what Sam Rig is building. That's why I love the project. The product first. The most important thing is a product. What use case does it have would people be using in as much as people are using a product and it has a token, the token would do very well. Yeah, so please go to that landing page. Sorry, Drake.

Reward Systems and Community Contributions

Yes. Right now we don't know exactly what the reward looks like. Want to use the term airdrop loosely because there will be exclusive rewards. That's what I can promise to the initial, to the community that support us now and what that looks like, I don't even know myself yet. Right. But let me give you some examples that we can do. So there's something called a whitelist. That is a community list, an exclusive list that a project has and kind of reward. So anyone who gets in that list, normally you have to do some random tasks and you have all these like marketing and all this type of stuff. Stuff, right. That whitelist then is then utilized for things like airdrops for token launches and stuff like that. So one thing we can utilize is when we take the snapshot and all of the email addresses that we have up until that point, all those people, all those names, they will be in our sound rig, you know, community whitelist.

Potential Sponsorship Programs

And so when we go to launch the token, we can, we'll do a token sale on t minus one. Sometimes what that looks like is you get the token at a 50% discount and two days before the whole world. And so anyone who wants to come and invest in sound rig become a, you know, a token holder, so to speak, you will get that at a 50% discount. That's more or less the general thing. Then other things can happen. You can get rewarded in nfts, you can get rewarded in, you know, whatever. So when we get the tokenomics from. From Stephen, the guy that you've been listening to and learning from for the last few weeks, he's the best around. So if you guys didn't hear me earlier, he is our advisor and he's doing the tokenomics for sound rig and he's going to create economy that is, you know, that utilizes the token to the best of its ability.

Future Opportunities and Community Engagement

Right, simple as that. So the more usage there is of the token, the more value the token has. Hence the price stays there. I mean, goes up and then is stable and hopefully keeps going up or you have market crashes. But if you have a true utility and the token is utilized and people want it because there is value there and is creating value, as in for us, we're creating value for building studios and stuff like that, then there's going to be an element there where, you know, people will want to buy it, right. And hold on to it. So once he has that tokenomics done, then we will know what kind of systems we can use to reward the community that's been supporting us from the ground up from now. And all you need to do is go to soundrig IO, put in your name, your email address, and, you know, support us.

Closing Remarks and Community Connection

Repost what we do. Come and show up at these spaces. If you can afford to buy 25 Ada when the vote happens, do that and vote for us. And let's see if we can get the money that we want to build this quicker and build the studios and stuff like that. So that's. I just wanted to make it clear that there is going to be rewards. We don't know what this airdrop looks like, but there will be something definitely 100% for the community here. All right. You heard that? You know, one thing about sunny is transparency. It's probably nothing. Don't expect so much. But I am telling you as a person who knows how this page works, go to that landing page and put your name, don't hope for anything and see how it goes.

Final Thoughts and Program Information

Right. I'm telling you as a, you know me already, I won't lie to you. Just go there and do it. Sonny is trying to be transparent, so not raise your expectations and all of that. I'm not raising your expectations. I'm just saying go position yourself. Probably you might be lucky to get it or not, right, but just position. I prefer to be ready. Don't miss out. Understand? All right, Chinee do let me bring you up. And after that, we handing the space Chinedu. How are you doing? You wrong before. Okay. I think you're wrong again, Sonny. Yeah. We should end it there, I think. Let's give Genesis the one last. Give the mic to him. And then I've chosen one last track, one of the.

Recognition and Appreciation

One of the winners. His name is Calvin Rain. This guy is unbelievable. He was probably my favorite out the 27, even though they were all very good. But this track just hits different. So I want to play that out. And then, you know, I hope you all enjoy your evening. Keep your eyes on us, on this space, and be part of the community. That's all we can ask for. But, you know, we're here for the people. That's what sound rig is. That's what project Simba is. And yeah, much love. Thank you. Genesis is over to you. I think he's not here. Maybe you just play the song before then he would be back and then say something and then we close.

Final Goodbyes

Oh, he's here. Oh, she's here. Which one is it? Okay, yeah, is it a genesis she or he just like. Yeah, Genesis is every. Every he or she. We recover everywhere. So, yeah, just to, wrap it up, I. Before we go, I just want to appreciate Sandra for, you know, setting this up. And I'll thank those that came in, you know, to listen to joining interact, you know, on this ama. I really appreciate that. Just before we wrap up, just want to encourage everyone, check out our program. You know, if you want to go into tech, whatever you want to learn, try yours, and of course, be happy about it.

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