Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space “Trading Without Limits: Self Custody Crypto Exchanges” hosted by WEB3M, delved into self-custody within the blockchain and crypto realm, stressing its perks like autonomy and heightened security. Participants highlighted the importance of small transactions for accuracy, cross-verifying addresses and chains to prevent irreversible errors, and community engagement for immediate assistance and knowledge exchange. The session underscored the upward trajectory towards decentralized exchanges (DEX) for increased user authority and the ongoing innovations enhancing self-custody solutions for improved safety and user experience. Attendees were urged to tap into community resources and stay updated on self-custody developments to effectively manage their crypto assets.

For more spaces, visit the DEX page.


Q: What is self-custody in cryptocurrencies?

A: Self-custody means having full control over crypto without third-party reliance.

Q: Why is cross-checking addresses and chains crucial?

A: To prevent sending crypto funds to the wrong address, avoiding irreversible losses.

Q: What’s a common practice for transferring large amounts safely?

A: Initiating small transfers first to validate addresses before larger crypto transactions.

Q: How does community support benefit self-custody?

A: Crypto communities provide real-time assistance and share best practices.

Q: What’s the appeal of decentralized exchanges (DEX)?

A: DEX offer more control and enhanced security compared to centralized crypto platforms.

Q: What role do multi-signature wallets play in self-custody?

A: They add security layers by requiring multiple approvals for crypto transactions.

Q: How can innovation impact self-custody practices?

A: Continuous advancements can enhance crypto security and user experience.

Q: Why is understanding custodial vs. non-custodial wallets important?

A: Custodial wallets are managed by third parties, while non-custodial ones give full user control over crypto.

Q: What’s key to safer self-custody management?

A: Education and staying informed on trends and best practices in crypto self-custody.

Q: Can real-time support prevent major issues in self-custody?

A: Yes, timely assistance can significantly lower risks by offering immediate help and guidance in crypto management.


Time: 00:44:25
Emphasis on autonomy in the cryptocurrency space

Time: 00:44:36
Lack of third-party monitoring highlighted

Time: 00:44:45
Insights on best practices for asset deposit and withdrawal

Time: 00:45:11
Importance of double-checking addresses and chains

Time: 00:45:26
Utilizing small transactions for fund protection

Time: 00:55:26
Encouragement for community interaction on self-custody

Time: 00:55:35
Suggestion to listen to the recording for more insights

Time: 00:56:02
Acknowledgment and gratitude to participants

Time: 00:56:10
Thanks expressed by organizers

Time: 00:56:12
Farewell extended to all attendees

Key Takeaways

  • Self-custody offers autonomy without relying on banks.
  • Security is critical; always verify addresses and chains.
  • Using small transactions can safeguard larger transfers.
  • Education on self-custody nuances helps prevent losses.
  • Community support is essential for navigating self-custody.
  • A shift towards decentralized exchanges (DEX) is noted for control.
  • Self-custody innovations are rapidly progressing.
  • Multi-signature wallets boost security measures.
  • Knowing custodial vs. non-custodial wallets is crucial.
  • Real-time support and knowledge-sharing ease concerns.

Behind the Mic

The Importance of Self-Custody

If that’s something that you guys are interested in, but you know, basically we talked to a lot of people and having people shift from centralized solutions to decentralized solutions using self custody, and with that in mind, what are some of the challenges that people encounter when they start to do that sort of implementation like, you know, transferring their funds off of centralized exchanges?

Challenges in Self-Custody

That are spending, sending hundreds of millions, but you don’t see that they probably send, you know, two or three test transactions to make sure that it goes through first and triple and, you know, check your address tender ten or 15 times, you know, before you send that kind of money. But that’s the great thing about this space, the autonomy of being able to do it, not having to wait on the bank to say, yes, you can do this, not having to wait on the bank to tell you when you can do it or where you can do it. You just literally do it, and it’s completely up to you. It’s not monitored. So that’s the great thing about self custody.

Best Practices for Self-Custody

So another question that I have for you guys is what should users keep in mind whenever they’re depositing and withdrawing assets from self custody exchange? Any, any pointers there other than what you guys already mentioned? When a user is depositing from a custodial, say, self-custody wallet or withdrawing, just need to cross-check the address and the chain. Beside that, nothing else is necessary. Sure, definitely. And, yeah, as SpaceX stealth X said I always do a small transaction like send, say a few dollars and then only I send the full transition. That’s the best route. If I remember correctly, that is really important, too.

Community Support and Education

So there’s a lot of concern or talk about how the community can, let’s see, assist or help with getting people on board. Are there any initiatives or steps that you guys are taking in the near term for that? Because that’s something that comes up all the time. People are trying to, you know, bridge that gap for users to understand the autonomy that they can have if they take self custody but then also the security that can be provided if done correctly. Are there any kind of initiatives or focus groups or workshops that you guys are putting together for that sort of thing?

Engagement with the Community

Yeah, I’m in conversations with the community regularly. Yeah, I noticed most of the community is, like, struggling but always asking for what opportunities are there to engage. So yeah do try to engage more from side from stealth x side of it from our sales side. That seems to be the case, definitely. So having these spaces helps quite a bit as well, people can jump in, ask questions, so definitely helpful. But that’s awesome to hear. I think what you’ve mentioned, you know, providing the opportunities for people to join in and ask questions is super helpful, and then allowing people to identify, OK, what’s the best avenue for my particular situation if I’m trying to jump into this or try to secure this piece of my crypto journey, right? So that’s really good.

Educational Barriers and Overcoming Them

So then is there any, do you feel like there’s a major barrier in that communication too? Like, once people are kind of plugged in and they’re starting to figure things out, do you think there’s any barriers that stop people from taking that step from learning? Were the main ones already addressed and may now just kind of a matter of time and consistency within the community? Is that kind of what you’re thinking? Yes, education is key here. Most people educated themselves first. They are already quite used to centralized services like big CFi platforms. They want to bring the same level of convenience to decentralized services. Once they educate themselves, they realize that it can be safer, more autonomous.

Continued Learning and Awareness

Definitely, the most important thing is for them to observe and research. Once people start asking around and researching, they find their own answers eventually, right? Yes, yes, of course. Now, it’s just about connecting with more people and having more people experience the same that it only takes them five minutes extra to do that. And then you see the light bulb go off for them that, oh, once I connect my wallet and I do that, it now makes sense. I’m sure users find it quite enlightening. Exactly. Yeah, I think there’s still that, that’s kind of the biggest, I guess, initiative for the next little while, I think for everybody, is just spreading that awareness and making sure that people understand the benefits of doing exactly this, taking things into their own hands.

Personal Experiences and Advice

Yeah, listen to my story. As I also said, when we started, I was active in the digital space with exchanges and it’s looked at for quite some time. And where I started, just as you said, go through different videos and different communities and surround yourself with those kind of people who are aligned with your goals, that’s what brings in a lot more knowledge, like spaces, let’s say. And, you know, online forums reading articles really helps getting to learn more when blown away. Like this and trying to get it as much as possible. And that really helped me get knowledge about everything with space. So that’s where I got it from.

Future Initiatives and Developments

That’s great. Yeah, I think something like even reaching out to new people or friends or acquaintances, that’s always the key. I should say it’s key. Yeah they’re great conversations icebreakers as well when you talk about the potential there and what it means to be part of it, right? So very much so. And so for the kind of future here as we begin to wrap up and where this trend is going, I guess, in the next six months to a year, is there anything big you guys are working on, initiatives that you’re looking forward to?

Looking Ahead

We at Stealth X or in the lookout starting podcast and more engaging with AMAs with other projects going to be AMA another chain on. Joining this channel for podcast other chains more engagement and more interaction with community from transparent safe noncustodial access your assets anyway right now good just general awareness. Yeah that’s essential for sure. Yeah, that’s about it, mostly I think it’s the same our colleagues you know from Fox 5, Plutope are also working on more enhancements where we’re integrating two more chains. We’re working on new initiatives, making it more accessible, you know, overall layouts of the UIs to make it more user friendly. Fabulous that goes such a long way that’s awesome.

Final Thoughts and Farewell

Well that’s about all I had. I really, I was really happy to hear you guys insights. You know, answers to the questions that come up a lot and just keeping keeping up the communication, it’s the big thing and that’s what we always hear here. And it’s it’s awesome to see that you guys are taking this kind of leap forward, making sure anybody has access to kind of learn, right? And that’s the name of the game here. So I want to thank you guys for joining. Any last words as we wrap up, go down the line here. Yeah, thanks for the invitation. I would like to come back again if invited on this space. I hope you guys learned something new. And if you have any questions about, you know, self custody or anything, just feel free to hop on cell Deck’s Twitter telegram or dm me, or just drop a message in our community and we’ll be happy to answer and help you out.


Nice. Well, thank you so much, everybody, for joining us today. Stealth x Fox vibe, Plutope influx. You guys are awesome. I learned a ton. If anybody else hasn’t heard or wasn’t here from the beginning, I would definitely urge you to jump in to the recording. Listen, if you guys have any questions or want to learn something about the potential within these applications up here, don’t hesitate to jump in to their communities and ask them questions because really awesome companies, awesome people behind these companies and would definitely do that myself. So if anybody else has anything else before we jump out, thanks so much for coming, and until next time, we’ll talk to you later. Thanks, guys. Yeah, thanks, everyone. Thanks, guys. See ya. Yeah, see you. Bye, everyone.

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