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Trading With An Edge Ep101: Learning more: A Benefit or A Burden


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Trading With An Edge Ep101: Learning more: A Benefit or A Burden hosted by Fairy_Trades. In the 'Trading With An Edge' space, participants delved into the intricate world of trading, emphasizing the importance of balancing education, psychology, risk management, and technological tools. Experts highlighted the significance of continuous learning, adaptability to market conditions, and fostering a disciplined approach. Networking, diversification, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance were also key themes discussed. Ultimately, the space provided valuable insights on enhancing trading skills while avoiding information overload and ensuring sustainable profitability in the dynamic financial markets.

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Q: Why is balancing education and practice important in trading?
A: It ensures a practical application of theoretical knowledge for effective trading strategies.

Q: How does psychology influence decision-making in trading?
A: Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in managing risks and avoiding impulsive trades.

Q: What role does adaptability play in trading strategies?
A: Adjusting strategies to market dynamics is essential for optimizing profitability.

Q: Why is risk management crucial for traders?
A: Effective risk management helps in preserving capital and minimizing losses.

Q: How can continuous learning benefit traders?
A: Staying informed about market trends and innovations gives traders a competitive edge.

Q: Why is networking essential for traders?
A: Networking provides opportunities for knowledge sharing and industry insights.

Q: What are the benefits of discipline in trading?
A: Discipline helps in following trading plans and avoiding emotional decision-making.

Q: Why is work-life balance important for traders?
A: Maintaining balance prevents burnout and supports mental well-being in the trading profession.

Q: How can technology aid traders in their daily activities?
A: Utilizing tools and technology can enhance efficiency and decision-making processes in trading.

Q: Why is asset diversification important in trading?
A: Diversification spreads risks and offers exposure to different market opportunities for traders.


Time: 00:05:45
Psychology in Trading Decisions Exploring the impact of emotions and mental discipline on trade outcomes.

Time: 00:10:22
Risk Management Strategies Discovering effective ways to mitigate risks and protect trading capital.

Time: 00:15:18
Continuous Learning for Success How staying updated with market dynamics can lead to profitable trades.

Time: 00:25:45
Technological Tools for Traders Utilizing data analysis and software for informed trading decisions.

Time: 00:35:12
Networking for Traders Benefits of building connections in the trading community for insights.

Time: 00:45:55
Adaptability in Changing Markets The importance of flexibility in adjusting strategies to market shifts.

Time: 00:55:30
Work-Life Balance Tips Maintaining a healthy equilibrium between trading and personal life.

Time: 01:05:17
Diversifying Asset Portfolios Exploring the advantages of spreading risks across different asset classes.

Time: 01:15:40
Market Analysis and Research The significance of informed decision-making through thorough analysis.

Time: 01:25:22
Discipline in Trading Practices The role of discipline in adhering to trading plans and strategies.

Key Takeaways

  • Balancing education and implementation is vital in trading success.
  • Understanding the psychological aspect of trading can lead to better decision-making.
  • Learning to adapt strategies based on market conditions is crucial for sustained profitability.
  • Risk management and emotional control are key pillars of successful trading.
  • Continuous learning and staying updated with market trends can provide a competitive advantage.
  • Networking with industry professionals can offer valuable insights and opportunities for growth.
  • Discipline and patience are essential virtues for long-term trading success.
  • Embracing technology and data analysis tools can streamline trading processes.
  • Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial to avoid burnout in the trading world.
  • Exploring diverse asset classes can help in risk diversification and broader market exposure.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Overview

Happy Sunday, everybody. Oh my God, I'm seeing a face I've not seen this year. Happy Sunday, guys. Oh my God, this is Defi tycoon. It's been a while to Nuel's. Happy Sunday. Let me send you guys the mic. Okay, so today I want to talk about learning more. Is it, is it benefits or is it a burden? So what do you think? What do you guys think? All right. And I plan on accepting my mic. Definitely talking. Why know I was why? Alright, so I saw some takes on the sale and I think that's what inspired tonight's topic. Learning more. Is it, what are the pros and cons of learning more? Basically? Personally I believe in learning more because you just don't feel ignorant. I mean, it's a different thing to know something and not make use of it. And it's a different thing to just not know it at all. Right? It's good. Like, I don't want a situation where they're talking about something and I have absolutely no idea what it is.

The Importance of Learning

I mean, there was a time I didn't know what every jew is. I was basically trading price action and Etsy's. Etsy is a trading strategy. I don't know. For those who know fortune on the timeline, he also trades Etsy's till dates. He still trades ets. For those who have known me for a while now. You know, I treat ets. I've been trading ets for a long time, so I. It works. But I didn't know what LVG was. I didn't know what other block was. I didn't know what breaker, blog mitigation, all of these things. I didn't know what it was. But I had something that was working for me. I mean, I had, I knew what price action was to details, actually, to actual details, you know, chat patterns and all of those things. You wouldn't say they don't work, right? You wouldn't say they don't work till dates. Those are still the basics of any strategy at all. I mean, I've, curiosity has made me study different things. Yeah.

Application of Knowledge

So, but everything still boils down. So you hear them say until price breaks a certain level. That's the old thing about break of structure. Then what is break and retest? We, you know break and retest, but you don't know break of structure. You know break and retest, but you don't know change of character. But you know when Price is actually reversing, you know when price is retracing. This is just, they're just different names for different things, right? There are different names for different things, but you don't want to just be totally ignorant. It's a different thing. You might know it, but at least you know what average is. You know what other blocks are, you know what mitigation means. You can't be in the middle of traders and be totally lost. You get like, these are common things. And you're like, oh, I trade, I am good. Oh, you don't know what this thing, what is liquidity? You know what fake out is, but you don't know what liquidity is. That was me.

Personal Experience and Learning Challenges

I mean, I knew what fake out was because I can remember vividly when I watched a particular video. It was FTMO interview. And then this guy said, all it trades is fake out. And what is fake out is basically liquidity sweep. But recently, I mean, it was not until 2022 there was fake out and there was liquidity. Liquidity on the tail. There was a lot of all these SMC names, ICT names on the table. People have been trading before these things came. But you want to just know what these things are about, right? And it doesn't mean trying to learn more doesn't mean, oh, you don't already know something or you're not doing well for yourself or something. It's just that you want to know. You actually just want to know. It doesn't mean you necessarily practice it. It doesn't mean you would like, change your system because of it.

Potential Pitfalls in Learning

But of course, I don't believe there's anything bad in knowing. The only body that comes with learning more is analysis paralysis. Analysis paralysis. And that would be when you actually don't even know anything. You don't know shit like, or you are just, what's it called? You're just modeling the whole thing together. You're learning, and you're not filtering what you're learning. You are immediately trying to implement what you're just learning. And then you now have everything jumped together. I've been in that position too, before. Excuse me? I've been in that position where everything was just like all jumped up in my head and I have to sort them out until I realize these things are basically the same thing. I mean, what I'm just learning what I've known before, they are all the same thing. They are all related. It's just you having a definition of things for yourself.

Conclusion and Reflection

You learn something new. Okay, fine, but there is nothing wrong. I personally don't think there's something, there's anything wrong with learning more. And of course if you have something that works for you protect it with your entire life. I mean if you already have something that actually works, you stick to it because you have back tested it, you have journaled and journaled. You have. Yeah. It has given you money. Basically if you have made money for something from something in particular system, you're not just going to throw it away because you're learning something new. Something new that has not given you money, something new. You don't know, you're not sure yet if it's going to give you money. So having something that works doesn't necessarily mean you're going to throw away that thing that works for you to start implementing something else.

Thoughts on Learning in Trading

You are just learning, you're going to learn something, you're going to back test it, you're going to study it, you're going to get your data before you now implement it. The only way you're not going to do that is if what you have doesn't work or you are not confident in it that much or it has not even fed you well. I mean you've not made enough for it or you just are ignorant of the process which is very common. You just might be ignorant of the process and might be eager to just quickly implement that thing. Yeah, just learning, that's where it gets, chaotic. That's when it gets chaotic. Alright. I like to hear from defy tycoon, uncommon. I see you. Happy Sunday. Welcome all the listeners. Happy Sunday. How was your weekend? All right, so defi tycoon, good evening.

Defi Tycoon's Perspective

It's been a while. Yeah, good evening. Well, yeah, it's actually been a while. I came across your space night. I just felt that you join in. Yeah, I remember that. It's been long. I've been very busy with and all that. Where is an honor to be on space again. And it's a very interesting topic talking about today, learning more if it's a benefit or a burden. Well, my take on this where, okay, generally we're talking about trading. Generally trading maybe my big or anything. Well it's still. They all relate. Yeah. When I say they all relate because all is trading. And the fact is that when we talk about crypto trading, spot those spot trading and future trading in crypto, no knowledge is very important.

Importance of Knowledge in Trading

There's no way someone can grow without knowledge. So when you are talking about trading something that really it involves a lot because if someone that doesn't have knowledge and experience going into trading we know the outcome. We know that it's, it might not end well because the market is not friendly. If you don't understand what is going there, you will definitely lose your money. So it's very important that you understand how the market works, know how to do your analysis, learn how to, you know, trade and these strategies that will work for you. So to me, I feel learning more is a big benefit. Like it's really something, like, it's not just something that we can do away with. It's very important. Even someone that is an expert that has been into trading for like years, even if possibly up to ten years, you still need to learn more.

The Necessity of Continuous Learning

You still need to learn more because you can't just depend on the things that you already know. Because later on, maybe, for instance, some new developments in the market and new market structure, the way the market is being, you know, play the way the market is supposed to play out, it is different from the old way. And that person that feels, oh, he knows it already, he goes into a goal to play or place a trade, is there we going to lose his money? Is going to lose the money because he's not, he has not like, updated his knowledge. So it's not just a benefit, but it's a necessity. It's very important. Learning, learning, doing your research, trying to acquire more knowledge. In fact, when we talk about crypto, when you talk about trading in general, I see it as the more knowledge you get, the more money you're going to make.

The Nature of Change

And so, irrespective of how little it is, the truth is this, human beings actually change. They are subtle changes that happens over a long period of time that in the end leads to bigger changes. There are many things that we have right now that are accepted, that are seen as normal in our present day and society that would never have been seen as normal a couple of years back. We have access to more information right now, even in different fields, that make some of the things that we had previously known look obsolete, right? And it's the same thing that goes for the market. Whether you say the market is controlled by algorithm, whether you say the market is controlled by big phones somewhere up, right? The truth is this. The money, the people behind these funds, the people behind the algorithm, right? It's not the same people that were there 70, 80, 9100 years ago, right? Everything is changing and everything is evolving. Although the market stays the same, right? There are little changes we see, right? If you can't even see anything on the charts. What are things you see fundamentally that can affect different stocks, affect different currency pairs, a lot of different economic policies and things that happen.

The Importance of Staying Updated

I'm just trying to paint a picture. The world is always changing, moving and evolving. And if you are not up to date with it, if you are not conscious of that fact every single day of your life, then you may live a life thinking that everything is business as usual. Right? Like Omotaya was saying earlier in the space, for those of you that may have, that may trade crypto, but you would understand how important it is to constantly learn, to constantly relearn, and to constantly refine your strategy. She was giving an example using trading bots, right? So five years ago, were just talking about get the contract address, paste it on the dex, uniswap, pancakeswap, or whatever you're using, right, and buy the token. But right now, if you want to buy into a token, if you're a DJ trader, you're a defi trader, and you want to buy into a token, and you're first going to the, exchange, you're going to paste the CA before you buy, you set your slippage and all. Trust me, you may miss out on some opportunities, right? And people have already made money. They've already done their two x, their three x, their four x, and you're still trying to swap, I'm still trying to adjust, and then they are already selling off and taking profit.

The Necessity of Applying Knowledge

And you, before you sell off, before the transaction goes through, you're already in losses. Why? Because the space has moved forward and the space has evolved. It is the same thing with learning more. Right? Irrespective of what you learn, right? Irrespective of how much knowledge you gain, whether it is relevant to you at that point in time or not. The truth is this, knowledge is knowledge, right? What is most important is the application of the knowledge you get, right? I forgot how they say this is that knowledge is just knowledge. And wisdom is the application of knowledge. Or if it's the other way around, I'm not so sure now. But the truth is this, no matter what you are assimilating, no matter what you learn, irrespective of the field, right, be it in trading, be in social skills, be in tech skills, right, business management, whatever it is you do, or it could be in fields that you necessarily are not so particular about, but you just want to know more about it.

The Value of Diverse Knowledge

Let's say you want to know what's happening in the medical field, you want to know what's happening in the engineering field, in the manufacturing field, you can literally gather a lot of knowledge from everything happening in the world. But what matters is not what you store in your head. What matters is not what you read about. What matters is not what you listen to. What matters is what you make of that information, how you use it, how you apply it, and most importantly, if you apply it. So I would explain a little bit, right? No knowledge is wasted or lost, right? Whether it concerns you or not, whether it's related to your field or nothing, right? Because nobody wants to be in a place like one of the speakers said earlier, nobody wants to be in a place where people are talking and they are completely lost. And you're just looking and you're staring and you're like, what are these guys saying? And all you can contribute is, wow, that's so nice. Really? This thing is happening. And if you're around a lot of intelligence people, right? And I believe that it should be every single person's desire to be around intelligent people.

The Need for Continuous Learning

The truth is this. You don't just talk about trading, right? I don't want to believe that. The only thing, Omotayo, big Tami, dark stuff, and the rest on this, on the speaker lineup that are friends with each other, the only thing they talk about is trading. From time to time, they may venture into talking about things like business, talking about things like politics, talking about things like healthcare, right? What happens when the friends you talk to, whenever you try to raise up any conversation outside of trading, they fall flat. They can't have a meaningful conversation, right? You find them that they lack, let's say, general understanding of what's even going on, or even, let's say they are not so current, but they just lack certain information that you would think it's normal for people to know about. Truth is this. You may not say it or not, but you tend to limit your interactions with such people to just trading, right? And that affects the relationship.

Limiting Interactions due to Lack of Knowledge

See, every intelligent person in this life wants to be around other intelligent people. And intelligent people are not just classified or grouped according to their specific knowledge in a particular field. It stems from their ability to understand things, process information quickly, right? Adapt to new information, offer a wide range of advice on various fields. So, like I was saying. Like I was saying, right? Nobody wants to be around people who just know a particular field. So gathering different knowledge is important. Reading books is important. Learning about different fields is very important. And the more you do so, the more it opens up your mind. You can't say you are just a trader and you're not reading things like, okay, fine. Time management. You're not trying to learn, okay, fine, monetary principles, how can I manage money better, right? How can I learn how to save? You're not reading things like, okay, fine, capitalism, right? Business investment. You're not reading things like, okay, fine.

The Importance of Diverse Knowledge for Traders

This is how you should be positioning for this cycle, right? You're not learning things like, okay, fine. This is where the world is going right now. Let's say we're moving from general computing, or we're going towards accelerated computing, or this is why companies like Nivida, their stocks are growing. This is what's happening basically in the world right now. Or you're reading things like, okay, fine, this is how I can become a better person. You're reading books on social etiquette, right? How to have better communication, how to build better relationships, how to understand people. I don't think there's any speaker here that would advise you that as a trader, you should only read about trading. And so you see, in our everyday lives, we're even encouraged to read a lot, right? And read about vast fields. As long as it is important to our self development, as long as it's important to helping us become a better person per day, right? So learning more learning should be a consistent thing we always do, right? Because once you stop learning, like someone said, you've stopped living.

The Need to Practice Knowledge

It takes seconds, like or minutes and weeks to stay outdated in the crypto space. But the honest truth is this. It doesn't just work in the crypto space, it also affects your life generally. It takes minutes. There are people that you may see that when you talk to them, when you. This person is so out of touch in with reality. Because why you feel this person does not know you feel how this person is just lacking information with victim is laughing. Let me confirm. Am I rocking or you're laughing at something I said? Okay. Your network has been good, right? It's the 101 space. Omotayo has prayed for my network. So like I was saying, you just feel that this person is out of touch with reality. This person does not know what's happening. So I've already established that fact. As human beings, it is normal for us to constantly seek more information and constantly aim to get better in whatever it is, be it related to our trading life, our trading journey, or generally how we behave, how we act, how we interact with people, our financial life, or anything else that we feel is important for us to learn about.

Striking a Balance in Learning

That's one side. The second important thing we need to note, is this how much is too much? When do you draw the line between constantly gaining more knowledge, right. And knowing when you are so saturated to the point that you need to relax, chill out, right? And do what you have right now, for the couple of spaces we've been having, we've been saying something like, it's for those of you that have been coming on these spaces for different episodes, you've been learning different things, but you're not practicing anything, right? You have saving videos and the rest. Go back and practice those videos you saved. Watch the videos. Don't just keep them in your archive. I've forgotten the speaker who mentioned it in last space, right? But don't just keep them in your archive. Don't just keep them somewhere. Actually, practice whatever you see. And it's the same thing with knowledge. See, when we usually say it's a burden is when at a point in time, you are so choked up with new information, you are so choked up with new strategies that you are learning in relation to trading.

Avoiding Overload and Stagnation

You are so choked up with something you read somewhere, something that someone mentioned, a video you watched or you saw, right? And it keeps playing on in your mind. And then, like one of the speakers also said, it leads to paralysis. You are stuck. You don't know what to do. Your head is muddled, right? Is modeled. You just do not know the next direction, because there are so many things, so many scenarios, so many possible strategies and possible outcomes that you could be going through. And so that is why it is very important that as human beings, we do not just assimilate blindly. We do not just read blindly. We do not just learn blindly, right? We learn with the intention, like juicy trade said, we learn with the intention to refine, not replace. We learn with the intention of practicing and seeing how it affects us, not to be kept in our storage.

Applying Knowledge and Strategies Effectively

If you are reading a book about trading, after reading that book about trading, what should be your next point of contact? I have read this book. I have seen this information. How can this information be applied to my life now? And you go ahead and you put it out there. You practice it, you do whatever you need to do. I read this book about savings. How can it be applied to my life? You finish the book, then you start practicing whatever it is that you've seen in that book. Do you know one of the biggest problem with people? You say, get information, get information. And so you sit down and you watch. Read the first book, you read the second book, you read the third book, you read the fourth book, you read the fixed book and you come here, you are so proud. And it's been like, I've read five books concerning trading. I've read this, trading in the zone by this.

The Fallacy of Accumulating Information without Application

I've read this, I've read that. Okay, fine. Which one are you practicing? None. And so when you sit at the charts, you have five books in your head, five different people saying five different things, right? And you are stuck. Or if it's something relating to life, generally, if it's something related to your field, generally, you've gotten all that exposure. And then you say, what leads to this? Because, come on, for those of us that may have gone to the university or those of us that are still students, right? See, you cannot come and be looking at the 400 level work when you've not passed through the hundred level and 200 level work. And it's not by passing through, it is by understanding it. The principles you learn in your 400 level are based off or are built upon the blocks that have been laid in your hundred level and your 200 level, right? And so when you come into the university at 100 level, they give you the basics they teach you, right?

The Continuous Learning and Application Process

And they expect that you learn it, you understand it, and they give you an exam to test if you learn it. And after you pass that exam to show that whatever you have learned has become a part of you understand the principles they have taught, you understand the different things they have said. What happens? You move on to the next level, 200 level. And so the two things you learn in 200 level are built upon the foundation that have been laid in your hundred level. And so you learn, you learn. And after a while it's expected that you've learned everything, and then you are tested upon it again. And only when you pass that 200 level are you permitted to move on to 300 level. And so what happens in the 300 level? You learn, you learn again, as sometimes new information is added, sometimes the old information is changed and you get things like, okay, fine, at that level, you were asked before this was the truth, but now at this level you are at, this is the new reality.

Foundational Knowledge and Learning in Life

And so when you engage in one, they will tell you one. You cannot remove one from one, or you cannot remove three from one, right? It must be zero. You can only, you can only get zero at a point in time, right? You can't go below zero. But when you are in ss one, when you are in ss two, when you're ss three, they now tell you, yes, there's another end of the divide. The negative side. And so when you can remove three from one because when you remove three from one, you get negative two. It's the same thing that happens when we now enter the 300 level. New information is built upon. And so for those that maybe studied engineering or studied some field in your 400 level, you may get like, go for it, right? Go and practicalize what you have been learning in the real world sector.

The Importance of Practical Application

For those that study education, right? They tell them, go for teaching practice, you'll be learning how to teach. You'll be learning how to teach, right? Go for teaching practice and practice what you've been teaching. And when they go for that teaching practice, they have supervisors that come to check, is this students of education really practicalizing whatever they learnt in the classrooms? Is this student of education, does he understand the different principles we've been teaching from 100 level to 300 level? How well are they teaching? How well are they doing classroom management, doing the different things that they've spent three years in school learning about in the real world, right? And so what happens after they finish all that? They move. You move on to final year and you graduate. And then it's assumed that you've satisfied every single requirement and you're pushed out of the university with your degree and your certificates. It's the same thing with life, it's the same thing with trading.

The Journey of Growth and Improvement

And it's one of the biggest problems we have. Like I said earlier, we want to move from one level of information to the other without first of all, consolidating the base that we found ourselves on. Without first of all, consolidating the amount of information we have right now. And so, like I said, it's not enough for you to just learn. It's not enough for you to just watch videos, gather those videos, gather those content, gather those strategies. What's important is that you are actively practicing it. You learn something new, you put it into action, right? You refine yourself based on that and then you move on to the next thing. Because the next thing, the next phase is an improvement of whatever it is that you just finished learning. And then that is where wisdom comes into play. To understand something, I have five videos, right? The five of them, two of them are based one strategy, three of them are based on other strategies, right?

Strategic Learning and Improving Trading Skills

I have currently length, I'm currently using this strategy. So these two videos right now are important to me. They can make me better right now in my trading journey. But these three other videos, because they are different strategies to me, they actually require me learning something completely new and completely different. Do I need to do them right now at this moment? Right? Or should I be looking for more information that consolidates on what those two videos have taught me? And so it is wisdom that tells you, okay, fine, let me keep these three videos first in my archive, right? Because right now it's not in the direction of what I need to be learning at this moment and gather more information that is relevant to me right now. And so after a while, what happens? You have gotten better, you've gotten to a certain level, and so you cannot come and say, okay, fine, let me check out these other videos, these other strategies that I saw.

Evaluating Learning Materials

And then you are watching those strategies, you are watching those videos and what happens? Like some of the speakers have been saying, you now begin to see similarities from those news trading strategies with what you are currently doing, but just with different names, just with a different approach. But why can you see those similarities? You can only see those similarities because you have grown to a certain level. You have grown to a certain extent. A beginner, trader, somebody that is just coming in, trust me, he or she is not going to see the similarities. Different trading strategies. The person will not know that what we are calling other block here is this year. The person will not know what we are calling imbalance here is this year, the person will not understand. This strip of liquidity is the same thing that can be applied in this scenario that this strategy is talking about. Why? Because the person does not have any base on foundation on which the knowledge has been built on, right?

Building a Foundation for Knowledge

So all those things are just coming in new. But when the person has a solid foundation, when the person already has established knowledge, what happens? The person can begin to connect the dots. So like I said, the second thing, it is very important that information is not just left or acquired for the sake of acquiring it. For you, to ensure that information does not become a burden for you, to ensure you do not get overloaded, it is important that you try to understand whatever you get as fast as possible. Assimilate it right before moving on to the next step, and it is profitable for you to now know exactly what you want to be learning at that point in time. Like I mentioned earlier, see, wisdom is the application of whatever knowledge you're getting, whatever. Hopefully I'm quoting this thing right, so God help me if I'm not quoting it right, please. They should listen, they should change it in the recording. But in the end, how you apply whatever it is that you learn is what is vital to you, is what turns it to a benefit or a body, right?

The Continuous Quest for Knowledge

But never, ever get stuck in that lie that it is not okay to learn. Because even what's it called again? Very profitable traders, when they see other things that are profitable as well, they want to know what it is. You're curious about it. See, curiosity is the first or it's one of the most important values. Is it values now or traits of successful people? Right. Curiosity. Curiosity is one of the most important traits of successful people. Right. Successful people are very curious to learn more about things. And so if Omotayo sees a strategy, she's already profitable. She already has what works for her. But if she sees that Dax is doing something new, right, and sees that Dax is getting profits, she's going to be curious and ask, Dax, what exactly are you doing here? What exactly is this that you're doing? Right. And she may say, okay, fine. This is a new approach that I have never seen.

Enhancing Profitability through Learning

And although she's profitable now, whatever she learns from Dax may increase her profitability. Let's say she was taking ten trades in the week and out of those ten trades, she was getting, like, seven, right, and losing three, right. But let's say with what she learns now, she's getting eight trades, right, and losing just two. Trust me, no matter how you look at it, that one extra trade, that one extra, that increased profitability from that new information learned is very important to Omotayo. Right? So nobody stops learning. Nobody stops growing. Even some of the best traders out there that you see in the world are constantly backtesting. They're constantly learning. Why would an established trader that is making millions from the market still to backtest, to study what happens if learning ever ends, right? It just shows you they still want to learn more.

Deepening Market Familiarity

You can never know. Like I said way earlier on in this series, right, the more you look at the markets, the more familiar you are with the markets, the more your eyes become open to see certain things. There are many things you would never see and realize there are many patterns you will never see until you become more and more familiar with the market, until you spend longer time, until you spend more hours with the market, there are things that would never see. You can be trading a strategy, right? And you can only see that strategy on was on AUd, USD or eurUsD. You're only seeing that strategy on those pairs. But the more you look, the more you practice, the more you get familiar with it, the more you add more knowledge, the more you pick this one from Omotayo. Pick this. Amy, pick this. One from Dax. Pick this. What happens after six months? You are beginning to see this pattern forming on another pair.

The Evolution of Trading Perceptions

Right. You are beginning to see this pattern now. It's not only on the 15 minutes time frame. You are beginning to see it more clearly on the. Okay, that's my cue to stop. Right. You're beginning to see the pattern more clearly on the different time frames. Right. Why? Familiarity. Consistent learning. So you must understand that consistent learning, see, is a vital part of our lives and it can never end. But what you do with that knowledge is going to be the defining points between it being a benefit or a burden. So I'm done. Omata, you no need to meet me again. Thank you. Wait, David, my guy. See, you told me that you are going to be quick. I was quick. Now, this is one of the quickest sessions I've had, actually, to be very honest, I did not. I did not say how quick was quicker than.

Acknowledgments and Closing

Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. I mean, David is one of those guys that, you know, easy, has been joining these places for God knows when and since the first day he joined. I mean, he's always been sharing good things. So, yeah. Motto. Thank you very much for that, David. I think Geoffrey was trying to. I saw you tweet from Joffrey. Anyway, let me know. Let me not say was a shade or let me not say what, talking to David. But I saw a tweet and then it was like when somebody says, hey, I can't find a tweet again. So once everybody says, I'll be quick, that's your clue. To know that the person will not be. Will not be quick. Geoffrey, is. Was that tweet for David? Be honest. Anyway, thank you for that, David. You never fail to share value. I see you. Ict queen Shrida Benny Kelvin.

Truth and Approaches in Life

I've been doing those things, right. But, you know, when I saw that truth, a different approach to it and what he was doing was actually making him, what did I do? I reach out to the guy, see, let me put there something about tricks. When in 2022 troops are reach out to me. I asked him to teach him training, right? He reached out to me sometimes like, bro Alpha, how much did they charge for your, for your mentorship? For, like, me to trade this thing, right? I was like, I actually, I told him the amount I was charging, right? I don't know. He didn't come back to, he didn't come back to me. Just, he felt like he went somewhere else to get that knowledge. But he didn't come back to me today. But this was somebody that I knew I'd reach out to me before, right, to learn something. I don't put my pride as I'm like, that's when I reach out to make a noble bro.

Seeking Knowledge and Growth

I went today, I told him, like, bro, this thing that you want to do, I want to know it too. How much can I pay? I, like, I was, I put my head down because you need to know, like, in this life, need to elevate, you know what? And I was like, bro, don't worry, I got you. You know what? It taught me the things I needed to know. You know, I took my time, went back, tested these things, put some money, try, and I was doing, and I was replacing the same result right now. Whatever, whatever. I've been able to achieve that. If I was like, carrying my shoulder, I be dolo, I be, I get how many followers for Twitter, bro, Twitter and real life are two different places. There are two different places. When life don't hit you go find way to elevate.

Understanding the Importance of Elevation

There are two different places, right? And you must understand that there are two different places. Like I say, I've been Twitter in place. I've been doing that. When life hits you go, go find, make you grow. I reach out to that. That's what tell you. And you go down almost every day. I say, bro, see, whenever you see, when, see, when you see value, chase value. That's just the thing. When you see, value. Chess value. Keep your pride down. Chess value. That is, it is the simplest way. Like the simplest anybody can grow. That's why people say that as you are growing in life, your circle will change. Because if you are, if example, let me give money to example. If you are making $1,000 per month, right, your circle will change from people that are making $1,000 a month.

Mindset Matters

Like you see. But you should change 1000 people that are making ten k. Why? Because that should be that. Because that's your next target. If you're saying if I know so many people that are making ten k dollars, right, you will not be able to aim at making ten k. Now, when you are ten k dollars, your sake will change. People that make it one hundred k dollars, your mindset will not change, not be aiming at all those steps needs growth and that good. It's people that will take you. There is no doubt you, they be easy to make or everybody, but they do arm. It's someone that will take you. This would someone, I'll tell you, okay, these are you. Get it done now.

Adapting Through Experience

You get it done. So which out is like when I was making money, bro, I've been making money. But when I saw you go down like, bro, I want to do this thing, I saw that skill. I was that bro. Me and, yeah, me and yafi best me and your brothers now, like we need to like this thing I do, I need to learn it too, right? And I keep my, and I listen and these guys have to share their idea. I'm killing it, this, like I'm killing it, like for the fact that I'm doing this in front of, like, I mean, I created a telegram channel. Get free signals. Like, I'm not gonna drop my trades. It's, it's one thing to analyze and trade on your own and maybe take your stop loss in silence.

The Value of Relationships

Parasitic so if I say that I'm not benefiting from you I'll have to treat you from a distance and I would not, definitely not give you my attention because my attention needs to be something that would attract value to me as well so if you are here and you are fighting everybody and scattering our relationships a day will come. You wake up alone. And you'll be what? Isolated. So let's come together and support us. We can support. I don't like your post. No, missy, I hate you. You know, like my post? No, me say you hate me. It's just matter of what you feel like. You are valuable to you at that time and it's totally okay. So let's not be envious of someone's growth and be happy.

Reactions to Others' Success

When something bad is happening to that person. You are happy, you are excited, you are, you know, you want to talk about it, you want to celebrate. Then there's something in you that is representing devil that you need to meet God to deliver you. If you are happy for people downfall, there's something in you that represents the devil that you need to reach out to God for deliverance. So you can have a heart to actually be happy. When people are doing things good and feel sober. When somebody is going through pain, feel the pain. I am not someone that I will say, okay, I'm a big fan of always committing a dark spouse. I'm not always on his timeline. But when I saw this happen, I went there also, you know, give my own part of my quota to say at least. I sympathize with you and we are all together in this community and I support you.

Consequences of Neglecting Value

Getting valuable knowledge is what everybody should do. And if you are there paying you money and you're not giving back value, a day will come. A day of reckoning will come. And I don't think you would escape it. So that's just all I have to say. I'm not that dollar that flaunts millions on social media because naturally, I like private life. I'm not a private person. I'm not a quiet person. I'm a social butterfly. But I'm from a very conservative home. So I don't like to post certain things on social media for personal reasons because I know my parents might find it's okay, frown at it. So there's some things I would not want to show off on social media. That doesn't mean that I'm hungry. I don't. If you see me on real life, you know, this person is not hungry.

Personal Life and Social Media Presence

I look well taken care of. I look real good. I look like I've seen money and I have money, but at the same time, I don't need to flaunt it on social media. But I don't stand against people that does that. Because that's the. I told people on Saturday, if someone is flaunting on social media and you are angry. You are what? You are a thief. You are a thief. Why? Why would you be? Conversion for people's property. When someone is celebrating their success and posting their lifestyle, celebrate with them but do not convert it to want to be yours. Look for how they get to work hard to get to that level. Whether they didn't trade for us or whether they do affiliate.

Effort and Persistence in Trading

Do you think doing affiliates and using link or doing rebate is easy? If it's easy, go and post your link. Let people use it to trade. Everything has some certain level of commitment. So when people post their lifestyle and you're not there yet, don't be carried away. Go and do your own homework and get to that level. But many people you post educative things, they will not comment when you see cars. Shaman. I'm lawyer Shaman. Your boy is lawyer Shaman. This shame and that you are it. Thief. You're a thief. You want to convert people's property, people's wealth and you are not yet in that level. God will see you like someone who is unserious and keep you in your level till you are ready to grow.

The Necessity of Growth and Humility

And growth is from the heart. When you're ready to grow, you start growing inside your mind and the growth begins to come out by your actions. Growth is motivated by your actions. When you're doing things, you see yourself driving towards go growth. But when you are, your eyes is always on people that pulled. Celebrate them and get to your drawing board so that when your time comes, you celebrate people and God will bring other people to celebrate with you and let it be genuine. Don't try to fake ad work. And all of you that comes, this is for the viewers. I appreciate every one of you that supporting the influencers, truly you, every one of you, we are valuable and you see that we try as much as possible to support your growth.

Appreciating Support vs. Personal Effort

I wish I had someone to support me when I was coming up. But let me tell you something, you cannot come to my gym and tell me. Queen, thank you for all you've been giving to the community. May God bless you. You have been doing so well. You are praising, you are thanking me with one voice at the same voice time. Can you give me prophet? No, you can't go and give thanks. You can't go and be doing Thanksgiving in church at the same time. You're asking pastor, I beg if you know you can be, you can't. You can't do two things at the same time. Stop this action.

Importance of Genuine Acknowledgment

You come to my then queen. Thank you for your value. Your setup has helped me grow. Give me one five k profit. I can show you. I can trade all of those things don't move me. I am someone that highly. I'm highly like. I try to think things through so others, I'll just delete the chat. When you're giving somebody a praise and thanking them for impact, they've done your life. Thank them and let it be. They will notice you. Trust me. They know you. They will see you. A day will come. I told someone on my comment session, the guy is very active and I've given him gift before. I told him my next giveaway.

Expectations and Importance of Community

I'm going to give you one prophet. You know, he didn't ask me. People see you. They watch you. They know all you do. But when your loyalties, you're always wanting to get, get. You lose. You won't get anything. So try to work hard. When time comes for God to reward you, he will put men in your path that will reward you. Trust God. Don't be too fast. Don't try to plan for God. Let God plan for you. And just do your own due diligence to be hardworking. Respect people who have the results. Don't troll them. You cannot be what you envy.

Recognizing Growth and Humility

You cannot. Malicious envy. You cannot be what you envy. You cannot be what you talk down on. You cannot be what you use your mouth and destroy. There is grace that God. I used to always say this on spaces. There are great people. God have given grace. It took them time. They had to bear so many pains to get to that level. You cannot rubbish that grace God has given them by talking them down. And you want to attain that level. You will not attain it. If you want to get there, replicate their pattern and humility, modesty, kindness, and what peace are part of all the rudiments you will need to get to attain some level of grace and success if you want to get there.

Commitment to Helping Others

This is just all I have. Thank you, Matayo, for keeping me here. And I'm still committed to, you know, giving people my knowledge and helping people to grow in the community. But don't depend on me for your success. Depend only on God and yourself. I owe you nothing. Thank you. Thank you. I mean, I think. I don't even know what to say. I mean, I'm. See, a lot of people felt your speech because I could see reactions everywhere. I was seeing laughing emoji, hundred emoji. You know, the scream, the yay, gosh, I want to digest itself.

Reflections on Value in Speaking

I see queen, that was. That was a lot. And that was a lot of fact as well. I don't even know where to start from, but, yeah, everybody felt it. Even the comment section, they felt it. I mean, I could see it. Oh, my God, that was a lot. Thank you so much for giving that much value with straight face. I'm glad you're not smiling. I mean, I think you just changed your PFP. Really nice PFP, by the way. Thank God you changed it because would have been distracted, like, no, I can't match this thing. Anyway, thank you so much for that.

Conclusion and Gratitude

That was. That was really awesome. All right. Huh. I don't know. As we are seeing. I don't even know what to say. I want to pick on some things you said, but then I think I'll just leave it because it was a lot. Mind blowing. All right, so daddy, baby is here. I mean, should I. Benny, happy Sunday. Our regular pastor. Pastor Bobby. Thank you for joining. Okay. No, m Kelvin talents. See, I'm sorry, Peter, if you love. Me, should I help you with. I don't understand.

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