Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space revolved around sharing personal stories and reflections, from nostalgic memories of stormy winters to discussions on family trees and emotional reflections on past experiences. Participants engaged in conversations that varied in duration, from short one-minute reflections to longer discussions lasting almost two minutes. Questions on memories and personal anecdotes added depth to the conversations, creating a diverse and rich exchange of thoughts and experiences. The space also touched upon topics related to Trade Accounts Launch – THORChain Spaces #95, adoption, synthetix, roadmap, liquidity, trade accounts, and protocol, providing an interesting blend of personal reflections and industry-related discussions.


Q: What were some of the topics discussed?
A: The topics included stormy winter memories, family trees, emotional reflections, and personal experiences.

Q: How varied were the discussions?
A: The discussions ranged from memories to emotional reflections, showcasing diversity.

Q: What was the duration of the longest discussion?
A: One discussion lasted almost two minutes, showcasing depth.

Q: Were questions raised during the space?
A: Yes, questions about memories and experiences were brought up, adding depth to the conversations.

Q: What was the overall nature of the content?
A: A wide array of thoughts and reflections were shared, creating a rich tapestry of personal experiences.


Time: 00:01:50
Reflecting on the Last Usage of Spaces, Discussion on the previous utilization of spaces.

Time: 00:10:07
Yield Generation Strategies, Outlining strategies to maximize yield for the protocol.

Time: 00:13:01
Introduction to New Trade Account Features, Motivation and design overview of the new trade account features.

Time: 00:20:37
Community Engagement: Questions and Feedback, Opening the floor to community questions and feedback.

Time: 00:27:24
Emphasis on Liquidity Arbitrage, Highlighting the importance of liquidity arbitrage and integration advantages.

Time: 00:35:50
Underrated Role of Arbitrage, Discussing the undervalued importance of arbitrage within the protocol.

Time: 00:50:23
Execution of the Roadmap, Addressing the need for increased bandwidth to execute the roadmap effectively.

Time: 00:56:40
Vision of a Decentralized Exchange Ecosystem, Detailing the vision of establishing a decentralized exchange ecosystem.

Time: 01:04:00
Challenges in Talent Acquisition, Identifying the challenges faced in attracting and retaining developer talent.

Time: 01:12:32
Final Thoughts on Trade Account Rollout, Concluding remarks on the trade account rollout and future plans.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussions covered stormy winter memories and family trees.
  • Topics included emotional reflections and personal experiences.
  • Questions on memories and experiences were raised.
  • The discussions ranged from one-minute reflections to longer discussions.
  • Participants shared a diverse array of thoughts and reflections.

Behind the Mic

Hi. Can you hear me? We can hear you. Okay, great. I was wondering what happens to the battle when distributing the votes versus updating the ratio requirements?. Yeah, just a sec. Maybe I might be able to answer. At the end of a trading competition, there are a few open limit orders. Those will become the closing prices of those assets. Okay. And will we be able to keep those or those? Do they just liquidate? Yeah, that's kind of the whole point. So I'm going to drop, like, a big, a huge hammer. So Rune staking is going to make an entrance into the pool. It's going to be a big deal. If you have any more questions about that, let me know. But it's something that's going to be announced in the future. Okay, I see. Thanks. Appreciate the answer. I'm confused. Are we going to get more staking rewards, and will you announce it? Yeah. So it will be, like, a ladder staking. So you will get more rewards. Okay. Do you have any more details? No, I don't know. I'm not sure. But yes, it will be more than the traditional staking. I see. Also, there will be a few changes with treasury swaps. We'll work with the community to raise a little bit more money. Just so I think there are a few people who are going to be on board with us on this matter. So we're building some kind of swaps. Okay. Um, yeah. I mean, you guys have been great. I appreciate it. Appreciate everything you do. We'll relay the feedback, yeah. I have a question, kind of along the L1s, if that's okay. Go ahead. One issue we're seeing is the amount of rewards being distributed to validators. It's disrupting the network, and we feel it's impacting the price as well cause the trade-offs. Is there anything planned to address this? Yeah, the rewards are directly linked with ecosystem incentives at the moment. I'm not sure exactly how you feel like it's impacting the network. Could you explain more about that? Well, it's the amount of rewards being distributed is so high it's causing the value of the token itself to suffer. Right. I see. Okay, that's definitely something we can take into consideration. The rewards are quite high, but we like to keep our incentivization strong. Is there a limit in the amount that you're planning on adjusting the rewards to? Yeah, absolutely. We're thinking about capping it at some point. Maybe not just the linear reduction as we go along, but somewhat of a token burn as well to balance it out. Sounds fair. We'll definitely work with the community on this. Yeah, there's actually been talk of introducing a governance vote. What do you guys think? Yeah, I support that. Absolutely. So do we. That's something we can definitely integrate into our roadmap. All right. Thanks for the answer. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Any other questions? My question is a little bit off-topic from what you've been talking about. So on the front of new product development, what's the next biggest thing we should look out for? The next big thing is going to be the launch of trade accounts. Trade accounts? Yeah. These will be very integral in enabling users to aggregate liquidity from multiple sources and basically swap and trade across different protocols in one unified interface. Oh wow. Yeah, it's a big deal for us. That's coming pretty soon then? Yeah, absolutely. And with the launch of trade accounts, it's going to come with the hard fork as well, which should open up some additional functionalities, including the ORDBooks and INSTANTSwaps. I see. And that's still scheduled for? Yep. Okay. Anything else? No, that answered my question. Thank you. No problem. Anyone else? I think we're good over here. Just wanted to thank all the speakers tonight and appreciate everyone's time, especially the team answering all our questions and everything. Yeah, thanks a lot. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. You're welcome. Thanks for joining. I have one last question if it's possible. Sure, go ahead. So something I've been seeing around is a growing concern with the bots. Bot trading has been affecting the volume and liquidity in the swaps. Is there any fix for this coming soon? Yeah, that's a good point. We are aware of the high frequency bot trading impacting the liquidity, and we're currently working on some internal threshold limits to mitigate that effect. Okay, sounds promising. Appreciate the update. Should be in the next release. When are you guys planning that? It's on the horizon. We don't have an exact date yet, but soon. Appreciate it. Thank you, of course. Anyone else has a question? Any thoughts from the community? I think we're good. Just so closing words from our side. That's it for tonight. We'll gather all your feedback and share what's going forward. Stay tuned for more updates. Thank you all for joining. Yeah, and feel free to reach out to us if you have more questions. Great. Appreciate it. Thanks, everybody. Goodbye. Goodbye, everyone.

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