Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space $TON Weekly Recap – Ep22 – $300 Giveaway ~ Jeribond & Eliza ~ $SBTs hosted by 0xweb3bond. Delve into the insights and strategies shared during the $TON Weekly Recap Ep22 featuring Jeribond and Eliza. Explore the world of crypto marketing, giveaways, and community engagement within the $TON ecosystem. Learn from industry experts about the significance of partnerships, influencer collaborations, and the role of marketing leads in driving project visibility and growth. Stay connected, informed, and engaged with the vibrant $TON community through exciting giveaways, raffles, and social media interactions.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How can marketing experts contribute to brand promotion in the crypto space?
A: Marketing experts play a pivotal role in enhancing brand visibility, engaging communities, and driving marketing campaigns.

Q: What are the benefits of utilizing giveaways in community engagement?
A: Giveaways help increase brand awareness, engage audiences, and attract new followers, fostering community growth.

Q: How do partnerships with influencers impact project visibility in the crypto community?
A: Influencer partnerships can amplify project reach, establish credibility, and drive user engagement.

Q: Why is community engagement essential for the success of crypto projects like $TON?
A: Community engagement fosters loyalty, trust, and active participation, essential for project sustainability and growth.

Q: What role do marketing leads play in promoting crypto projects to a wider audience?
A: Marketing leads drive strategic promotional activities, engage communities, and coordinate marketing initiatives to reach a broader audience.

Q: How can marketing collaborations benefit both crypto projects and the community?
A: Collaborations enhance brand visibility, create mutually beneficial partnerships, and offer diverse marketing opportunities for both projects and the community.

Q: What steps can individuals take to stay updated on community activities and $TON giveaways?
A: Stay connected with key community members, follow official $TON accounts on social media, and regularly check announcements for the latest updates and giveaway opportunities.

Q: In what ways can ambassadors and influencers contribute to the growth of $TON?
A: Ambassadors and influencers play a crucial role in promoting $TON, expanding its reach, and driving community engagement through their influence and networks.

Q: How do marketing tactics differ in the cryptocurrency and NFT space compared to traditional marketing approaches?
A: Marketing in the crypto and NFT space often involves innovative strategies, community-focused campaigns, and understanding the unique dynamics of decentralized ecosystems.

Q: What impact do raffles and giveaways have on community building and engagement within the $TON ecosystem?
A: Raffles and giveaways create excitement, promote interaction, and strengthen community ties, contributing to a vibrant and engaged $TON community.


Time: 00:14:29
$TON Marketing Strategies Unveiled Insights into the effective marketing tactics adopted by the $TON community for brand promotion.

Time: 00:22:45
Community Engagement through Giveaways The power of giveaways in fostering community engagement and expanding audience reach within the $TON ecosystem.

Time: 00:31:17
Influencer Partnerships Drive Growth Exploring how influencer collaborations contribute to the growth and visibility of $TON projects.

Time: 00:45:02
Role of Marketing Leads in $TON Understanding the pivotal role of marketing leads in orchestrating promotional activities and community outreach for $TON.

Time: 00:56:11
Collaborative Marketing for Crypto Success The benefits of collaboration in marketing efforts to accelerate project success in the crypto space.

Time: 01:05:29
Stay Updated: $TON Giveaway Alerts Tips on staying informed about $TON community activities and exclusive giveaway opportunities.

Time: 01:14:55
Ambassadors: Catalysts for Growth How ambassadors and influencers drive growth and engagement within the $TON community.

Time: 01:25:43
Crypto Marketing Dynamics Exploring the unique strategies and dynamics of marketing initiatives within the crypto and NFT sectors.

Time: 01:35:19
Building Community with Raffles The role of raffles and giveaways in building a strong and engaged $TON community.

Time: 01:45:07
Engaging Through Social Media Strategies for leveraging social media platforms to enhance engagement and visibility in the $TON ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Engage with marketing experts to enhance brand promotion and community outreach.
  • Utilize giveaways as a strategy to boost engagement and attract new audiences.
  • Stay informed about the latest developments and giveaways in the $TON community.
  • Learn about the marketing strategies employed by prominent $TON ambassadors and influencers.
  • Understand the significance of community engagement and partnerships in the $TON ecosystem.
  • Gain insights into marketing tactics within the cryptocurrency and NFT space.
  • Explore the impact of marketing collaborations in expanding project visibility and reach.
  • Participate in community activities like raffles and giveaways for increased interaction.
  • Stay connected with key figures in the $TON community for updates and insights.
  • Learn about the role of marketing leads in driving promotional activities for crypto projects.

Behind the Mic

Welcome to the Torn Weekly Recap

Our channel it. Your bed they buy. Me for outside make more money than you yelling my Gc how am I leaving? What am I wearing it for? And what am I drinking is all of my essays I'm sorry I know. Your life is boring please do not. Disturb me when I am working, I'm working when I am playing, I'm playing my baby, please don't delay yeah all that for a show die but we. Don'T want. To take you say they. Wanted it up for die but we come on, you can put die welcome to the torn squad. The torn fellows, the torn brothers, the torn sisters, the torn everybody. Good to see all of you in the house today. It's another great Sunday, and today we're about to go down. Yo, yo. That's how we do it here. This is the torn weekly recap. And what we do here is bring in all the fire that was burning through the week on the torn ecosystem. And I'm super happy and stoked to be here today. I can see a lot of you. All have joined the space. So happy to see you. And let me give it up to my one and only co host, Tommy.

Tommy Joins the Host

Welcome. How you doing, bro? Yo, yo, yo, yo. Shout out to everybody. Shout out to you, jerbo. Shout out to Victor. Shout out to Lisa, bro, I'm doing amazing. Is another weekend, bro, of, you know, tone weekly recap. I'm super excited to be here for sure, to talk about the blockchain that we love and, you know, just connect to the community, right? So, yeah, I'm feeling good. I'm watching, like, the Premier League game. I'm happy the season is live. So I'm just watching some matches and I'm, you know, talking on spaces. So, yeah, let's fucking go, bro. Stoked. Yo, yo. That's how we do it, bro. Welcome. Good to see you. It's another great Sunday and it's sunny out here. I don't know how the weather is at your own end, but it's sunny here and then. I love what is happening.

Exciting Updates and Introductions

Good to see you, Nalae. And good to see you, Victor. Victor, how you doing, bro? GMGM doing good. I just woke up, chatted with the community on my telegram, posted the most important update about the fact that now, you know, deposits of docs to the bitget are also available and they're running campaigns and, yeah, it's been incredible morning. We figure out a lot of shit together this morning. The last 24 hours, I'd say. I mean, it's such an incredible day. Thank you for having me, Jeremy. I'm happy to be here. Yeah. Let's go, guys. Make sure you retweet the room in the bottom right, too. Jerry Bond, I see you also got a $300 giveaway today. You should clue us in on this one. I think a lot of people are curious. Yo, definitely. This is what happened, I think, toss day.

The Excitement of the Giveaway

We were. I was going to do a $150 giveaway, and I was on the space when Elisa just came in a grand style. You know how the babe does it. You know, all the babes on the tonica system are super sweet. And she was like, yo, let's double it. I'm gonna give another 150. And that's how we got to 300. And then, unfortunately, it was just a 25 minutes space. And then we rocked. And it was bad, actually, because Starlings has issues under the rain. It really malfunctions, doesn't work well. And, so I couldn't come back. And so we decided to do it today for all the participants in the space today. So what's going to happen is we're not going to wait for a particular time to do the giveaway. The comment section is going to do all that today. So your comments, your contribution, your answers, everything.

Engaging the Community through Comments

We're going to keep picking winners in the comments today. So if you don't know where the comments is, look at the bottom right part of your screen. You're going to see a black icon, I don't know what color it is on your phone. Click on it, and then you can write a comment there. And then don't forget, we are over 200 people here on this space. And then only 55 people have repost this room. Try and repost because we are going to pick the winners from the comment section. And then maybe probably from some intelligent contributions for some of you all that are going to be joining the speaker role as well. So that's how we're going to do it. Victor, let's go. Thank you for briefing us in on this one. And, yeah, I'm excited for another weekly recap. I also wanted to ask you've got the sbTs, too, yo.

Understanding SBTs

Yo, definitely. The sbts are like the biggest magic on the ton ecosystem right now. If you are not claiming, yo, let's go, yo, the sbts are like the biggest magic on the tone ecosystem right now. And let me tell you guys, sbts are soul bound tokens. And recently, the tone society started minting these sbts. And you attend events, and then you get this these sbts. But what we're yet to figure out completely is the fact that there's so much potential for these SBT's, and nobody knows what is happening, what's gonna be already. But I know that these SBT's are gonna cook. You understand? I'm not saying it's gonna cook better than dogs. I'm not saying it's gonna cook better than not coin. But we don't know. Come on.

Call for Community Participation

I've been saying, sbt's, sbt. Viktor has been shouting, SBT's in spaces. Tommy and everybody and Damx have been saying, sBT's, sBTs. And I think a lot of you are just fading it. That's why we decided to bring it home. So, for all of you here, you have the opportunity of claiming these SBTs towards the end of this space today. So, Victor, do you have something more to say on the sbts? Yeah. Well, they are very important. I've been saying that over and over again. Look, I really have no idea when we get to share this piece of information. Like, I'm not the one responsible for it. I'm sorry, but they are very important. Okay. At some point, we will tell you how important they are.

Community Education Importance

And you will be like, holy shit, these are PFP. Guy really told us. And. Yes. So, yeah, I mean, like, look, not joking, you know, that's serious. It's like, for real. That SVT's is like, we're speaking of, you know, not the short period of time. We're talking about, like, 2510 years. It's like, you know that there is a plan for SBTs. They are very crucial in this ecosystem going forward. So it is important that you guys collect as many as you can for all the different activities that you do. And, yeah, I'm just gonna say that for now, but eventually, you will know more information about them, too. When the time is right, we will announce it.

The Value of SBTs

But, yeah, for now, just collect them. They're free. They're gasless. They are the reward for participating in different events. For example, today's space. So Jared bond gotta have an SBT. He got to tell you the secret code. So you're going to be able to go and claim it. That's pretty much it. The SBTs are given away by tone syndicate member, by tone society, and that's pretty much it. So, the tone society hosting different events, as in real life events, as online events. We call it online and offline activations, basically. And on those activations on those events, we're constantly giving away the SBTs.

SBTs – Not Just Collectibles

And yes, they do have a purpose. They are not just a cool collectible, which, like an achievement for certain things. This is just the little portion of what they are. They look awesome just inside of your wallet. They all have different designs and stuff. It also has a reason. And then going into the future, that will be so important that I can't tell you now, but you will get to this point very soon. Yo. Definitely. Guys, I think this disaster sounds. Yeah, Victor has just said it all. Nobody is gonna, like, tell you SBT's are gonna do this. Nobody.

Introduction to the Ton Society and Hypo Updates

Yes. And I think we've been using hypo now for over four months. Four to five months. Like, we've been active on hypo, doing stuff. There is a liquid staking and then actually, we're looking forward to their token HBO, which will be coming very soon. I don't know when TGE is, but I'm sure it's pretty soon. And now announcing tone nest. Yeah. Tommy actually led the dog out of the bag or the cat out of the bag there. Yes, I introducing secret tone nest for Ellie Builders. Yeah. Yo, yo, yo. The dogs are coming. So Ton Society has launched tonnes, a program designed to support early stage builders. I'm see, guys, you don't have to be a pro, you understand? You don't have to be a pro is just for early people, you understand?

Support for Builders and the Program's Community

So there's so much support here in house and the program is designed to support early stage builders on their journey to achieving initial traction. This program brings together people, workshops and a leaderboard, creating a community where builders can access private community gated workshops. And compete in leaderboard for rewards. Yes. To join the nest, you need to fill out the application form and pitch your project live at events organized by tons, society, hubs or syndicate. Like I told you guys. Yes. Yes. Yes. You can attend an event in Lagos, wherever, in Brussels. You can attend an event in, Turkey, in Japan, wherever. And then you pitch your project there to join the next.

Application and Event Participation

Like I said, you need to fill out the application form. Yes. Awesome. Or in online sessions. Yes. You can also pitch your projects in an online session like this. Yes. Start your journey in the open league simulator for young projects by applying. Definitely. So this has been the wonderful updates from the ecosystem through the week and it has been massive. You know, the ecosystem has been bubbling. We can see all the alphas dropping back to back and it's like, whoa. Yes. Like, whoa. Like, are you for your. Wow. Like everybody has just been surprised through the week at what is coming and that's how it happens on the Tony.

Community Contributions and Ecosystem Developments

Good stuff. So thank you all for actually getting all these alphas. I hope you take action. And so right now I'm just going to give Victor the mic. If there's anything he just needs to add. Probably something I skip, maybe somebody has something I didn't really emphasize on. And then we move down to other businesses the day. Yo, I hope Victor is here. Yeah, I'm here. Sorry, can you repeat? I've been drinking coffee and texting. Yo, bro, I understand, bro. I can feel the strong scent of that coffee, man. It's just hitting my nose over here. So my question was, is there any alpha? Is there anything from the ecosystem? I didn't really mention here.

Community Feedback and Progress Updates

Well, yeah, you've actually touched on a lot of important news from zonesight. There is also a lot on the side of the projects that have been happening. And yeah, I mean, it's phenomenal to see the community just experiencing right now the seamless experience of claiming for dogs. I mean, there is, you know, majority of people said that it's been easy experience for them. I've made a poll on that. I think 91% voted out of everyone that placed their vote there that it was easy. And that is a big win because it's another project that do it properly, do it in advance, do it easy, nicely, smoothly for everyone. I think it's very crucial educational step.

Education and Community Efforts

You see how many people learn how to create centralized exchange, how to create a wallet, where to go to withdraw what the information need to be inputted. All of that is not just for this use case in particular, not only for this project, but that's going to be the case with many other things you're going to be doing along the ecosystem, interacting with crypto. The greatest part is the amount of education that people got from that. And I can say that at this point, people been trying to get a little bit more educated rather than just, you know, go and do that. They've been waiting for a great instruction and for video instructions. And I wanted also to thank everyone creating those video instructions.

Instructional Content and Engagement

There's been, you know, one, how to withdraw to the by bid. There's been one, how to withdraw to the wallet. Two different people did that. I posted it all, gave them credit. And those posts got a lot of views and interactions and bookmarks because people were wondering how to do that. Even though the instruction seems very simple and it's easy to navigate, some people had questions. So seeing the process step by step like this helps. And I wanted to thank everyone for doing that. I mean, I just hope to see more and if you have more, make sure that I'm aware somehow and I will share. That's the whole point. So, yeah, and I love how much new education being created.

Community Support and Future Aspirations

And I hope going forward we're going to see more and more great educational materials that get help all the people around. But yeah, the huge progress being made in the sense of community supporting each other, helping to provide valuable insights and answers on questions and creating the guides. So I'm very proud just seeing how you guys are doing steps forward, growing and this is incredible. So just keep on doing you. I will keep on supporting you all and yeah, and I think that is pretty much it. Oh, and yeah, there is going to be a lot of events happening where if anyone going to any of the events where ton will be representing as well, just make sure you come over, just say hi, I will give you a couple stickers.

Community Engagement and Upcoming Events

I mean, this orange beef pee and the diamond, if you want this to just come over, you know. And yeah, I would be happy to give them to you. I have more than a thousand of each, so no worry, I'm not gonna run out. And if I will, it's okay. The next time I will order several thousands, maybe I will start them to question their reality. Why this guy is ordering so many stickers every fucking time. Yeah, but it's gonna be hilarious. Anyways, can't wait for you all. Also of the important side of the news, there is going to be a lot of spaces coming out next week together with me, Anton and ton society and we're going to bring several projects as well to chat a little bit and it's going to be interesting.

Market Trends and Project Updates

So, yeah, waiting for the updates from them. I've seen one of the updates from their side was that every week you can get a new job for your cat. I don't know it upgrades. So yeah, they said to check it out and then share it. I think it's pretty dope that it's changing in that sense. Check it out, take a look. But there has been a also, you know, a lot of smaller things that happening. However, it's very interesting time to see that people doing steps forward and yeah, also at the binance launch pool, the campaign with ton, I think it surpassed already like around 10 billion. I think that's been insane, the amount of value locked into it.

Community Engagement and Concerns

But yeah, it's great that binance doing the steps and supporting tone ecosystem and to be honest, it's phenomenal. I think more and more people and players discovering that yeah, it is valuable, it is a huge community and we need to pay attention closer to it. So there's been a lot of campaigns launched around docs as well. I think you've seen guys and there has been a lot of giveaways for some taunt and especially for a bigger, larger amount of people with a smaller value so that the people that we needed for the gas fees could get it. Because everyone heard your worries about the fact that you may need a gas fee to cover.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

So yeah, a lot of big brands and centralized exchanges decided to do giveaways fee because of that, which is very great too. So make sure you just scroll through and see if there's any you would or could participate in. Maybe that worth a while trying if you really need it. So yeah, because I've seen a lot of people have been giving away like to 50 people, to 100 people, like a massive number, you know, but just a little bit. So you could have a little bonus for your gas fee. But that's pretty dope. So just wanted to say this. You guys are amazing. Also I wanted to say that I've seen Damx been exploding out of growth.

Opportunities in NFT and Meme Space

NFT. Yeah. Which is booster stuff. I did booster and in less than how many days or there, but I gone past 75. Level 75. You have opportunities like this. We have them spread across with pocket files with, terrain, terrarium tower, with banana, with, the core of these guys. And I noticed big yet is going around to partner these guys. So these are unique opportunities. And you just wanting Defi is coming very strongly on tone. You have the likes of Kibuya, likes of people. You have the like. There's this tweet that Tommy made recently about some stickers you have. You have to stick us. These are defi products. But a particular niche I have known to give people some shit ton of money has been the meme. They have the meme niche. I don't joke with this me, this niche. This niche has been what I has made me the most money. All of the cycles I've witnessed from 2017 into today. And I'm not sleeping on tink candy especially.

Bullish on Autikandi and Tokenomics

Why am I bullish on Autikandi? Simple. The distribution. That's why I'm. You don't have this wheels, guys. And that's one of the problem with a lot of meme that do not go to Vala. You have the distribution side is messed up many times where you have some hand, some wallet having 40%, 50% of the supply that we naturally push off buyers and they want to stay away from such red flags. Yeah. So you see, you're seeing plain, you're seeing reggie, you're seeing tcandy especially. I am actually. I'm very bullish on t candy. A storm machine narrative, just like the BTC machine. I love how they executed many of their programs and how they are, you know, pushing for these stuff. They have the tea, the billionaire candy stuff, a particular group where, you know, I know that kind of setup. I've seen a lot of big projects gone through this type of setup. I've gone to Vala.

Future Projects and Market Observations

One of those things I'm looking out for, yeah. Is projects like this, the likes of ton, the like of the wave, the likes of spam and all of these guys, you know, once I'm looking out for is this poor doing $100 million, doing a $500 million. I want to see what dogs is going to do tomorrow. Is it on Monday or is it on Tuesday? I want to see what dog is going to do. Yeah. And when that happens, all of these things we are fighting for the last couple of months, all of the liquidity, the attention, the american buyers coming in, all of these things are naturally going to fall in place. See, guys, I was, I saw Solana when it was very much attractive. I can pay for free. Tony's following that trajectory. I kept shouting. I kept saying, this is felt like I was mad until Binance listed. And now binance is doing something.

Market Trends and Community Engagement

I think Victor mentioned it where it went under ten minutes or thereabout. So we are actually very early in a lot of narrative. Guys, two minutes. Guys, guys, we are freaking early. There's something, I'm sorry, Jerry. I'm gonna bring this in. I'll cap it with this thing. I was in a space with some other big guys, you know, and they were asking, they were asking that question. They said, how many of you folks right here. There. Yeah. Now hold an undress line. And we're like, it really occurred to us early, like, man, see, guys, sometimes in the future, we're going to ask you folks here, I'm going to ask you guys here, I want to ask you users, you say you love tongue, right? You say Ton is whatever it is. We're going to ask you how many ton do you own right now? If I was you, all of this opportunity meetings I'm having, I'll be buying Tony Mars and locking up.

Investment Strategies and Future Predictions

I said something went on nuked. The last time the market nuked. I tweeted when everyone was going, the BTC is going this turn is going to $2 or whatever. I said, whatever tone price is currently. At the time I was speaking, I snapped a picture on the gym with my gift casino. So by the way, they say, I'm going to bring your DN about the autonomy, saying we need it. Give casinos very strongly. I posted, I tweet, I said, this is not the time to freaking get out. The market isn't to buy more tone, create a separate wallet in wallet. You're not going to connect to any dump. Guys, this what we do to make money. I've done everything with business else. I've done it, Solana.

Community Trust and Project Development

I'm doing it now. Return by Tony Mass lock it up somewhere. I gave a price target for this pay. I said 15, $20. And these are just very saintly estimates. We're going to see prices at this point and to just be at the beginning it like, it will feel like it's the beginning of some movement. Every project that are building, solid building. Yeah. Forget the price as it is and buy into it. If it's not, if you can't buy into it, participate into it. If you can't participate into it, do anything. Be a mobile, contribute. Let them know you're with them. Yeah, there'll be grifters, there will be scams and all of those things, but there'll be more legit project out there building with their sweat, tears and blood.

Moving Forward with Projects

You want to be with them now that they are not attractive people is still 15,000 users. I tweeted about people immediately came out. I think I did something with Kibu. I hooked people's energy, nfts stuff in different groups and even on my ex, I'm pretty sure a lot of people have not bought into it. These are things. You don't dip that much, guys. You don't dip this thing that much. So go on my highlights, you see couple of projects I kept mentioning. Rules nft. Maybe Jerry Bond is not bearish. I don't give a damn. Maybe anyone is not speaking about who's NFT. But I'm very sure that who's those guys that beat the first anime character or anime movies?

Historical Context and Future Opportunities

Or you have seen a couple of that, episode on YouTube. I'm not joking with those guys. I'm not joking with anyone who's building from January into this time. I'm not playing with this these guys. I'm putting my efforts, put my money and putting my time. Where these things are done is the future. Guys, don't. Yeah, Jay. Yeah. I'm gonna be manning the rules NFT boot in Singapore. So if there's anybody that is the first bullish ever, I was with the rules when the community was less than 500 community members and I, we grew to one point something community members. So, guys, I'm the first bullish human on the rules platform. And see you in Singapore.

Networking and Continued Engagement

Yeah, Jerry. So you're going to Singapore. Wow, that's great. Nice one. So if I took our advice, that's good. I love this. I love this, man. I love this, man. I love this, man. I love this, man. I love you so much. Nice one. Nice one, brother. Nice one, brother. I would love to see you. Mom. Please post your pictures, man. Post your pictures, man. Yeah. Okay. I need to ask something before I go. Bro. Bro. Yeah, we need to hurry up and then, and we still have giveaway. We have money to give. Only give twelve people. I think we have over close to 40 people we need to reward.

Finalizing Giveaways and Community Dynamics

So it's only twelve people giving. Let me just please. Last one year. Last one year. I'm actually an official ambassador with Oyster lab. Yeah. So you want to check my team? Tweet and engage the. The links if you want to get your tongue phone. I have my bias positively for Oyster lab. You want to look into it? And lastly, UTF is one project I'm very much bullish on. The UTF is going to $1. I don't know how, I don't know when, but I think it is so Gm. JM, everyone. Once again, Jaguar, thank you for the opportunity. Tommy. Bullish, Tommy, Victor, Dave, musty, every one of you.

Community Lifecycle and Engagement

Gm, massive shout out to you guys. Thank you. Yo, yo, yo. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I hope you can hear me, guys. Tommy, you there, bro? Yeah, we can hear you, bro. We can hear you loud and clear. Definitely. Definitely. So, our. Our. Our SBT is life. Yes. Let me just pin it to the jumbo troll. The password is Aug. 22, so you can go and mint it right now. Aug. 22. Give me a second. All right, I just pinned it up to the jumbo troll, so you can go and mint right now. Yes, the password is Aug. 22. Aug. 22. So, Boss eight. Oh, are you there? Yeah, I'm here.

Community Participation and Updates

Yes. Okay. Okay. I'm waiting. I was waiting for your two winners. Okay. I've been going through the whole stuff, and, we have a whole lot of comments, so just, you know, I'm just trying to take my time to. All right, should I just speak randomly or something? Yeah, randomly. Just whatever catches your eye. Yes. We are. We're not here to really just pick. We still have, We were supposed to pick 40 people, I think. So we. Yes, we have only. We have only picked. We have only picked twelve. After you give us yours, it is just twelve.

Speed and Efficiency in Picking Winners

We have peaked. And so tell me, what do you think? How should we make this faster to just pick more winners, bro? Community decides. I don't know. I wouldn't want to make it centralized, bro. So, yeah, community decide. All right. All right, so we have most of the community up here. We have. Basically, the mic is filled up. So what up? What do you guys say? How. How do you want us to do this? Yeah, I think.

Reflection and Additional Questions

I think Jerry Bondara. I think just like, what everybody's trying to put out there. Did you hear when Victor said something? He said if he had a chance, he would love to give it to everyone. Just like how not coin did. So do you want to buy a random meme token and share to everybody on space, bro? So what do you guys think, yeah. What's the secret words? Okay. Aug. 22. Yes. That is August 22. My birthday is on the 22. August next Thursday. Yo. So we're gonna have you having another party.

Continuous Engagement and Personal Connections

Yeah, we got a party. Yeah. So Aug. 22. That's the password. And hope, everybody has claimed their SBT's right now. Hope, you've claimed. Yay. I've claimed mine. I've got my SBT. Tommy, have you claimed yours? It's gonna. Because I sometimes need to, like, use the freaking VPN. Yeah. So if you're in Nigeria and then you're having issues with the page telling you that you're blocked or something, just turn on your VPN and then you can claim.

Community Trust and Engagement

Once again, I repeat, if you're around Nigeria and then you have any issues with claiming, turn on your VPN and it's gonna go smooth. Please do that. Hurry up and claim. I think I'm seeing a lot of people claiming already. The numbers. Accounting, yo. Yeah. The thing is, even I have to claim all this SBTs as much as I can, too. Like, I'm not different from anyone. Like, I'm telling you, like, sBts are very important. All of us just have to go and claim them and, you know, participate in different activities.

Community Activity and Participation

Like, even me, because it is important. And myself as well. I'm no different. I'm collecting them. Just got this one. Victor, you know what? Right now, I think we have over 500 people claim this SBT already. Let's go. Is it 500? Yes, it's. It's. It's over. It's over. Don't know, maybe six, seven, eight. But right now, I'm scrolling through all. Let me see. Let me export this. Let me see. Wow. The numbers are crazy, actually.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

Yo, that's what we're talking about. Yo, what damn time? Guys, hurry up. I think in the next few minutes, it's gonna expire. Probably towards the end of the space. So anyway, thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Claim your SBT. I hope you've claimed. Thank you. Secret ward, again, is Aug. 22. Good. Now we have a. We have a.

Giveaways and Future Engagements

Let's just finish the giveaway. Yes. That's what we're going to do for the community. So, Tommy, you guys, we're not here at the resolution yet. What are we going to do? How are we going to give the next. Are we going to pick the next 28 people? Because if boss Ito gives us the two, that means we have 28 more to go. So what do you suggest? You know. You know, the hardest thing to do is actually picking winners. Right now, we're just rewarding community randomly.

Community Interaction and Questions

Yo, Victor. I love. I love. I love this PFP. I love this photo. Not the PFP, though. The picture you tweeted 2 hours ago is awesome. It's awesome. Oh, yeah. Someone did this art, by the way. Yeah. Jerry, I think, yeah. This is one thing we could just do. And if you just. Okay, then we just pick the first. Five that will drop.

Opening Greeting

My guy. Gm, bro. I. Looks like Casey's unavailable right now, so. Yeah, I'm. Yes, that's cool. Probably watching football match. So. Yeah, what's up? What's up, mf? Are you there, bro? Yo, what's good? Yo, yo. have you guys had the. Are you guys are talk. Yeah, get with Tonita. I came in late. I want to quickly drop my link. Oh, someone already did that. They actually did some freaking born on spaces like, a while ago. You know, it bonds about $10,000 worth of panita, so, you know. Yo, yo, where is the bone? It bullish.

Discussion on Bone Wallets and Alpha

Yeah, the devil. The dev could drop the bone wallets that opposed the jumbotron. So the djs will check the transaction on chain to see to verify if everything was good. So, yeah, let's go, bro. What's up? What's the alpha, my guy? Can you guys hear me? Is anybody talking? Yeah, loud and clear. We can hear you loud and clear. All right, all right. Casey, do you have. Do I have my winners? My five winners? Yeah. Yeah. Please send your usernames to my GM bosses. classified. GM legend was good, bro. The comment and pick those numbers. Sorry, I didn't get. Sorry. Yeah, I was like. You called my name then. I was not close by like, the question you asked.

Engagement in the Winner's Process

I guess you can just easily pick the winners now, right? Okay, I think the one of the question was. I think the question I went for ten questions for ten winners is when was. When did turn test for the fastest blockchain? and I asked Damex to and Casey to pick those winners. Damex. Do I have the five winners? Yeah, yeah. I played them with one trick, so can just check. Okay. I I needed their usernames because I'm actually making an excel sheet. Okay, is it a telegram? Username. So Twitter. No, no, there are Twitter usernames. I'm just going to publish it after the.

Telegram Community Guidelines

And then we allow them alone to drop their wallet addresses. All right. And you guys, I noticed as I was going to the winners, I saw some of you were not following. Also, I skipped some. Yeah, I was a little bit. Guys, you know, you see, guys. So make sure you follow all everybody on the speaker. See, see, you are losing. You are losing this thing because you are not following. That's the way is in the Bible. You know, the passover. You see that. The code is Aug. 22. Aug. 22 guys. You can see the amount of people that are fomoing.

Community Engagement and Importance

Victor was here fomoing for the code. Classified is everyone is just following for this code. Everybody wants to grab these sbts. That's how important they are. So don't play, don't fade. Make sure you grab them, guys. You're very lucky. You guys are getting some. Some Aug stands for August 22 is a date. So let's fucking go, guys. Don't sleep if you. Tommy, don't you think we should just have a new. A new music today? Like, you know, a new song? Aug. 22, Aug 22 just.

Community Networking and Updates

Yo, so anyways, I'm just waiting for the list to come in from the results to come in from InEc. My boss. It's literally been what I've been on the tongue. Big go to you guys that miss my boss. Like, Victor, like MF Tommy, like putting it up, like, back to back. Like, I don't. I don't really understand you guys get exchanged from. But that was that. And as they are getting winners for possibility to give away, I would just like to chime in a little bit. should I call it afa? I don't know.

Community Values and Engagement

Probably nothing. still, even in real life, everywhere I get to go, I can't stay minutes to start talking about tone. Like, it's not like. And even my house, they're always like, don't go out because you go out now. You go and start talking about this thing about that. Like, literally inside. So, literally following base chart here. like following them back to back.

Final Words and Community Growth

And also literally, like verified tons committee is literally the alpha. Like, that's literally the offer. And like doing a. I brought up posts which day? I think it's Casey. Like, I will get paid for doing what you do on telegram, on tone and yeah, it's that crazy. And, I'm using this opportunity, this episode 22 of don't weekly recap. And if you have been coming here since the very first day and you are still coming here now, and you don't have the changes in your life, please, just go back to your village and Charlie, there's something going somewhere like this.

Community Engagement and Support

No, cap. Yeah, it's just like, if you come into the GM show every day and like, your life is not changing or one thing I do my life, like, literally there's something. Or maybe seriously, like there's something on somewhere. Let's, Maybe we should check into your probably nothing and go to. Let's choose this choices back to where you come from. And, you know, yeah, Victor is here. That means, like, yeah, people you should learn from.

Final Touches and Closing Remarks

Yeah. And I'm seeing a crypto solution. Like, cool. Like, cool. So probably not. I'm just here to drop. To drop a sense. And, yeah, let's. Let's take all of this stuff, like, serious, and we are going to see a lot. Funny enough, nothing has even started yet.

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