Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space TON Syndicate regional activations in August & plans for September hosted by ton_society. TON Syndicate's regional activations in August set the stage for a promising September, emphasizing community connection, collaboration, and onchain achievements. The focus on ongoing engagement and innovative developments showcases a commitment to community growth within the Infrastructure niche. By highlighting the impact of regional activations, August events, and plans for September, TON Syndicate continues to foster a vibrant and engaged community. Members can look forward to collaborative initiatives, onchain success, and exciting future developments.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How do regional activations benefit the TON Syndicate community?
A: Activations enhance community involvement, awareness, and engagement.

Q: What were the highlights of the August events for TON Syndicate?
A: The August events set the stage for upcoming initiatives and growth in September.

Q: Why is community connection essential for TON Syndicate's activities?
A: Community connection fosters collaboration, contribution, and collective success.

Q: What can members expect from TON Syndicate in September?
A: Members can anticipate ongoing engagement, growth opportunities, and exciting developments.

Q: How do onchain achievements contribute to the Syndicate's success?
A: Onchain achievements play a key role in driving community growth and recognition.

Q: How does collaboration drive the success of TON Syndicate?
A: Collaboration enhances innovation, community involvement, and collective achievements.

Q: What role does community engagement play in the Syndicate's growth?
A: Community engagement is crucial for the Syndicate's expansion, strategy, and future plans.

Q: What is the focus of TON Syndicate's approach to community activities?
A: TON Syndicate emphasizes collaboration, contribution, and community connection.

Q: How do TON Syndicate events pave the way for future developments?
A: Events in August have laid the groundwork for exciting future initiatives and growth.

Q: Why are plans for ongoing engagement important for the Syndicate?
A: Ongoing engagement ensures sustained community growth, involvement, and success.


Time: 00:15:42
Regional Activations Impact Exploring how regional activations boost community involvement and awareness.

Time: 00:31:19
August Events Recap Recapping the key highlights and initiatives from the August events.

Time: 00:47:56
September Plans Unveiled Detailing the exciting plans and initiatives for September in TON Syndicate.

Time: 01:03:40
Community Connection Focus Highlighting the importance of community connection in Syndicate activities.

Time: 01:20:15
Collaboration Cornerstone Discussing how collaboration drives success within TON Syndicate.

Time: 01:36:49
Onchain Achievements Impact Exploring how onchain achievements contribute to the Syndicate's collective success.

Time: 01:52:10
Growth Through Engagement Examining the role of community engagement in the Syndicate's growth strategy.

Time: 02:08:37
Future Developments Teased Teasing upcoming developments and initiatives for the Syndicate's future.

Time: 02:24:59
Community Involvement Success Celebrating the success driven by community involvement within TON Syndicate.

Time: 02:41:28
Strategic Collaboration Insights Insights into the strategic importance of collaboration in Syndicate activities.

Key Takeaways

  • Regional activations boost community involvement and awareness.
  • August events set the stage for upcoming initiatives in September.
  • Involvement in TON Syndicate offers opportunities for onchain achievements.
  • Community connection is a focal point for TON Syndicate's activities.
  • Plans for September show a commitment to ongoing engagement and growth.
  • The TON Syndicate's approach emphasizes collaboration and contribution.
  • Onchain achievements contribute to the collective success of the community.
  • Events in August paved the way for exciting developments in the future.
  • Collaboration is key in driving the success of TON Syndicate.
  • Community engagement plays a vital role in the Syndicate's growth strategy.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Excitement for AMA

Hello everyone. I'm gonna be starting with this space, and I'm very excited today about the AMA that you're gonna be having. Because today we are discussing the tone syndicate activations, and there's plenty of amazing activations that dawn syndicate is doing right now. And we are basically expanding Dawn's presence in all of the different regions and all of the different cities and countries. And we have so many things that are just going on every day and every week that I decided that we need to do these spaces in addition to the publications that we do at the time.

Joining the Telegram Channel

Society Telegram channel. So, first of all, I have to say that if you are looking to learn more about the events that are happening, and if you are looking to find the offline gatherings offline activations about tone in your city, just join our Telegram channel, which is town society with no space on telegram. And I am publishing the Tone Events digest on the eastern society channel. They're happening very regularly. I usually try to publish them every week, every Monday. And that's where you can find lots of the different events that are happening. And that's where you always can find a cool occupation to attend and a cool offline event to join, to talk to the tone enthusiasts, to meet the tone ambassadors, to pitch your project for thornnest if you want, and to learn more about tone and how to join the tone's revolution of the traditional finance space.

Ambassadors and Their Contributions

And today I have some of the amazing ambassadors joining us and I would love to talk more about the particular things that we are doing because I think that even though we started posting more photos and posts on the socials, there are still many more cool things that are happening that we should mentioned. And today I wanted to discuss the. I want to talk about the events that we had in August and all of the different things that we funded through tone syndicate in August, but also about all of the events that are upcoming in September, because there is going to be many more interesting and cool things happening in September right before a new huge offline experience that we are gonna launch in October. So first of all, I see that we have with us on the stage ambassadors that have. That have run the offline activations in that offline that have run offline activations in August.

Overview of August's Activations

So I'm just gonna say that in August, we had 14 activations online and offline run by tone syndicate ambassadors. Most of them, 13 of them were funded through tone syndicate. One of them was. One of them was an activity, an event with the partners. So it was just the activity that was co hosted by an ambassador and we had the activations run in Japan, in. Let me check in Japan, in Sri Lanka, in Armenia, in Belarus, in Tbilisi, in Riga, Latvia, in Poland, in Helsinki, Finland and in, and on the Twitter space, on the online space for the brazilian market which was an activity run by Jana in Portuguese.

The Sri Lanka Activation

Of course I'm excited the most about the activities that are run in different languages, different local languages, but well I just want to welcome on the stage our ambassadors that have run some of these events. I have with me today artem that arthom, how do you pronounce your name? In English? That's Artem. Yes, the randy event on Sri Lanka. Can you tell us how did it go? What did you do on Sri Lanka? Hi Elena and hi all tone community. I'm happy to be here. So in the 17 August we did the tone activation. It's called ton day party. So it was special format tropical event. So our event was around six maybe 7 hours, started in the middle of the day and around eight or 09:00 p.m.

Event Participation and Outcomes

so more than 100 people registered for our event in Luma and unfortunately two days before it was hard tropical raining and we absorbed around more than 50 people for that 7 hours who was with us. So we discussed all what was possible to discuss for 7 hours. So we discussed all news, pitched some projects and most important thing for me that after that event all Sri Lanka community, all developers and entrepreneurs decided to work together to create some super touristic app for Sri Lanka. And it's something amazing. We did some interviews for entrepreneurs, developers who gave to us opinion about tone ecosystem, tone payments, about telegram, about all of that.

Next Steps for Sri Lanka Activations

So and unfortunately we still haven't video and photos. I think it will be on that week. Of course I will do a report and share all information with you. Thank you so much. And what are your next plans for activating Sri Lanka? Our next plan is to work. So that event was more foreigners, community in Sri Lanka, for russian speaking community, for english speaking community, but it's more about expats and foreigners who live here in Sri Lanka. Unfortunately our ambassadors from Colombia, Sri Lanka and ambassadors through tropical rain couldn't come to us and join to us. But I think next activation will about universities, about developers, about students.

Future Activations and Community Engagement

Absolutely. Sri lankan event with professors, with students and with all of ambassadors. So that's what we want to do in next activation. Thank you everyone that's listening us right now and is tuning in from Sri Lanka. I have to say that there is a whole Sri Lanka community online where our sri lankan, like native sri lankan ambassadors are posting all the announcements. So just look for town society, Sri Lanka unofficial. There is a telegram community. Please do join and subscribe. I think that. I think we have chances of reaching out to Sri Lanka audience today.

Engagement with Sri Lankan Audience

So I hope that you're gonna join the Sri Lanka channels. And I'm looking forward to the students activation. I think that's something that just resonates with me a lot. I have been doing lots of student focused activities in the past and I've been working on a lot of student activations back in Ukraine. So I really hope that this will bring more activation to the tone space too. Okay. And I think I have more ambassadors that have run their events in August, I see that I have Maliana joining.

Maliana's Contribution to Tone Events

Hello. How are you doing? And how was your meetup in English in Tbilisi? Hi everyone. Nice to meet you. It's my first time when I'm speaking on the Twitter audience yet. I hadn't do any podcasts here. I usually do them in telegram in my community. And so what about the event in Belize? I think it went gorgeous, actually, it was my first english speaking event ever, so it was a little hard for me to do this because it was a new experience, but everything really went great.

Positive Feedback from the Belize Event

We had a lot of new people from Georgia. There are a lot of people who don't speak Russian. And finally they could come and visit, get to know my tone community. And we had very cool speakers there. Slavaje Kimenka, especially the Devereux Tone foundation. He came from Moscow especially for our event. So also we had Andronic from Armenia, who was speaker, and Dima from Batumi. After the event, we drank around 50 liters of wine. I think that's amazing results. And we had a very good networking there.

Planning for Future Events

So I'm really happy that the event went great and we are planning to develop our english speaking community more and make more interactions with the english speaking auditory. And I think that was a great idea and experience. And also huge thanks to Iraqli Abloita. I think he's not here now, but he's also tone ambassador in Georgia because all the work we did together on this event. So thank you for the words. Helena. I think I told everything. No, no.

Pitching Contest Highlights

Also we had tone pitching, toned nest pitching contest where the projects were pitching, and it was a very cool experience for them. Also because I asked them to pitch their projects in English. Actually, all projects we have, most of them are russian based but we even had people from Canada who were pitching their projects and making projects on tornado. It was very good and I think that is really important for projects to pitch themselves in English because they need this experience and I hope it was good for all of us.

Conclusion and Acknowledgments

Thank you. Yes, I was very excited for this too. This was our second ever offline event pitch session. So that was so cute. That was so cute that you supported my idea and that was such a last minute thing. I'm very happy that we have the ambassadors that are able to do all of this last minute initiatives and activations. And I have another ambassador here with us that have done the tone speech session and that have run an event in August. Alex, how are you doing?

Feedback on Latvian Event

That was an amazing event in Riga, Latvia that I attended myself. So I'm proudly sharing that the event was very good and that we have amazing ambassadors in Baltics. Finally, baltic states were never the countries where we had any events or exposure by ton society or of tone. So I'm very happy that we finally have it. Alex, how did the event go? Even though I can tell that myself, I'm gonna give the space to you and give the stage for you.

Baltics Getting Hotter

Yeah, definitely. Thanks for the feedback. You know, that's something I was looking forward. I mean, yeah, we had our first idea town in Riga. I mean, Baltics are getting hotter and hotter each month. You know, we are having activation of 20 as well. So probably in the next few months, Baltic is going to be one of the number one that actually hosts the original events. We did have the pitching session for Tom Nest as well.

Event Attendance and Participation

So overall we had about 40, 42 people at the event.

Luma's Project Pitches

Actually, Luma says it is 48. And we ended up having ten teams pitched their projects during the AV atone. I mean, I was not expecting that much people pitching, but yeah, it was totally a great experience. We had some people, you know, we had a Helena, we had someone, you know, we had Victor jumping on stage, so it was a blast. We organized event at the skyscraper, so it was pretty neat for people to see Riga. And we had people coming from Lithuania, from Estonia, and even from different countries of Europe as well. So yeah, it was a blast. It was amazing. Looking forward for the next event. I mean, I was on a killing spree. I organized one event each month. So it was like, you know, over summer had three events. So probably I'm going to take a little pause right now. But yeah, we're getting back and yeah, Baltic is going to be hot, mark my words. Thank you.

Upcoming Events in Europe

And I'm very excited for that because politics are not that far from me and it's all in Europe. So I can fly to the events and I can attend more events that we are organizing with our ambassadors. Well, I think that we had most of the offline activations that happened in August already shared. But there is also an online activation that we run with George. Or are you introducing yourself as Georg? Well, the stage is yours. Can you tell us more? What have you, what have you done in August? What were the activities that you run with Thompson? Of course. Hi, everyone. Yeah, you can call me George. So in August I've been in armenian tone meetup and who organized by Andronique and that was really amazing event. I've been there like that was about five or 6 hours. But very interesting panel session with some guys who making telegram, mini apps and very good network.

George's Experiences and Future Plans

That was in one of the startup hub in Armenia in year one. And also in this summer I've been in Georgia, the event which organized by Malena and also that was very interesting meetup. And I can say what we are also making online event with the Okeex exchange and with my project. And in this moment, more than 500 users who participate at contest. And also I have the plans making the mid of this autumn, a few events in Barcelona and I will try to make a side event on the web summit in Lisbon. We will try to do all of that in this autumn and have a look. Maybe I can invite all of you in Barcelona in this autumn and we can have our first activation in Spain. So that's the plans. Thank you.

Exciting Plans for October

I'm very excited for those. We haven't shared the plans with Malena yet, but there are huge plans for dvd and there's lots of plans that we have for October. But I'm very happy that we have lots of plants that we can already reveal. And I have the musty with us. Are you here? How are you doing? I think that you had the tone breakfast in August, right? Sorry, were you asking me apologies? No, no. I'm asking Dev Musty, Dev Mostie. Sorry. I'm still figuring out how to introduce everyone properly. Okay. Once you're with us and you are able to jump on the stage, feel free to tune in because I would love to share more about the breakfast that we are happening, that we have happening in Africa. I know that many people are asking about that. If you have any offline activations in Africa, we do have them as well as a lot of activations in other cities and we have a lot of activations around the conferences.

Activations and Conferences

So if anyone here is attending the conferences and is traveling around the conferences, there's lots of things that are happening specifically around the blockchain conferences, such as Korea blockchain week. We had, well, were all present in Korea, like the whole town team, but additional to that, we had a lot of side events happening in Korea. And same with it, Warsaw, that was happening at the same time. Even though it was happening at the same time, it did not lose the focus. And we had three or four events around the war. So we had lots of exposure for tone around the blockchain conferences, where all of the blockchain wanderers are, anyways attending and appearing, even if they don't like conferences that much. Okay. And besides that, we had the events in Poland, as I already mentioned, in Finland, in Japan, and in Armenia.

Sneak Peeks for September

That's what Georgia already shared, too. So I think we can move to the announcements and the sneak peeks to what's going to be happening in September, because I see that I have ambassadors joining me today that do have some things planned for September, and I'm very excited for that, too. First of all, I have to say that for September, we have even more different activations planned. So right now, I'm looking at the spreadsheet where I am tracking all of the different activations that we support and fund. True tone syndicate. And there's going to be 16 events happening in all of the different parts of the world. We already had an event in Kenya, and we are having an event tomorrow in Vietnam. And then also during the weekend, we are having an event in Vietnam, but in a different city.

Events and Activations Worldwide

We are having the activations in Warsaw and in Wroclaw, all in Poland. And we're also. We're also going to be running a chess tournament during the Singapore conference, a road show india, an event in Belarus, two events in Kazakhstan, an event in Vilnius, and an event in Dubai, where I'm going to be attending myself. So there's a lot of things that are planned, and I'm just gonna give the stage to the ambassadors that are organizing them. I see Jerry joining us, and Jerry is an amazing ambassador that just recently joined, but is already creating lots of different things in Dubai. Can you just share more? What are the plans for the Dubai activation? I'm not gonna even tell. What's the format of the event? I'm gonna leave the honors to you.

Jerry's Plans for Dubai Event

Thanks, Elena. Thank you so much for having me. And thank you so much for Tun society. Yeah. So we're basically going to have a second edition of the Tan Breakfast, but more of a. With a little bit of a twist where we'll have a little bit of, you know, quiz updates, a little bit of engagement and introduction tonnest. And, of course, we'll be giving a little bit of a rundown in terms of what's going to be happening in the region as we'll be looking into. Potentially looking to set our flag in Saudi as well. But going back to the Dubai event, I guess what we're going to do is just have a breakfast with some food and drinks. So you guys are welcome to join us. I think it'll be pretty cool because I think Helena is going to be there as well. So I'm looking forward to that event.

Future Events in the Middle East

Besides that, I think there's lots of things going to be happening Middle east in general. I think there's going to be a lot of things that's going to be happening in Dubai. I've got Zed Zain with me as well, who's also an ambassador in the Middle east, so he's going to be attending the event. So I'm definitely looking forward to making things happen and, you know, super excited. Thank you so much, Helena. Thank you, guys. Thank you. And I'm going to pass the mic directly to Zainab. Welcome on the stage. I already know that you're gonna be joining the Dubai event, but tell us about the India roadshow, please. Yes, Helena, thank you. And thank you, Jerry.

Zainab's Roadshow Plans in India

I think, you know, we are. Meena, as a region, is, of course, going to burst out with some cool activations running across. And so I'll talk a little about the quickly about the roadshow. And this is a very cool format for anyone who's joined us in this chat. Like this is, we try to make, raise more awareness about torn, especially in this subcontinent where we have a lot of developers who can be a part of this. So we try and make people understand about how torn nest works, how you can actually be a part of torn, and we'll just go out in public, chill and talk. That's the first part of the activation that we're doing india.

Interactive Meetups in India

Along with that, we'll also have a second part, which will be like a tailor made meetup, probably. You know, I have some more alpha. I don't want to release it now, but, you know, something really nice that has not happened in the ecosystem before. And then, you know, we'll do this sort of meetup where we'll have a group of people. So especially if you're based and you're listening to this or you listen to this later and you're a part of the Delhi NCR region. This might be perfect. Well, and apart from that, yeah, we've done some online activations, we've done some offline stuff in the past with Danelle. We hosted in July 1 of the torn breakfasts as well.

Building Connections in the UAE

And then we have all our cool guys, Jerry's side, and others who are supporting and creating this good network in the UAE side. So, yeah, Helena, that's majorly what I wanted to share, buddy. Thank you.

Excitement for Future Activations in India

Thank you, too. I'm very excited for having more different activations in India, especially those that are kind of going beyond just the introductory lessons and sharing more about the ecosystem and more about building on Tone. And hopefully I haven't. I actually haven't texted Zain about that yet, but hopefully we are going to run the Tone Nest fishing session at one of the stops of the road show. Nice. I'm gonna text you the details, but just like dropping the speed. Okay. And I have Alan's with us.

Details about the Vilnius Activations

Hello. How are you doing? Can you tell us more about the Vilnius activations and about the first ever meetup? Full scale meetup in Vilnius. Yeah. Thank you, Helena. It's a pleasure to be here. As you mentioned, it's going to be the first full scale meetup, but it's not actually the first meetup ever. We had a little breakfast hosted a couple months ago, and to be honest, it was a blast. It was a success. People are very eager to actually go and meet people in person. So we got tons of very positive feedback.

Expectations for Future Events

So the time has come to host a bigger event with more participants, more activities, and hopefully people are gonna like it as much as they like the first one. In terms of the date, it's gonna happen next week, it's gonna happen in the evening. So we hope to attract everybody who's available at that time. Yeah. On a general note, as Alex mentioned, I'm very bullish on the Baltics because we really have a strong community here of Ton. And even on this level of ambassadors, it's great to have this strong bond and sharing of knowledge and experience.

Appreciation for Community Building

I'm very thankful to Alex for providing his knowledge because he's one step ahead. So if you guys still only planning to host something, talk to guys who have more experience, and they're gonna definitely bring you some advice which you can use. So. Yeah. Excited for that. Thank you. And I'm very happy that we have the knowledge and expertise, share vibes in Ton syndicate.

Acknowledging Global Presence

I think that's very nice. And thank you, Alex, for being the first. As the first person to run the Baltic states meetups, I'm very happy to see that we have the projects and we have the builders in all of the different countries. That's the most fun part, that somehow there are people that are figuring out that they want to build on Ton while they are located in all of these different corners of the world and they read different content and they participate in very different communities.

Interactively Engaging with the Audience

I think that's. That's so cute. okay. I think that, I think that all of the ambassadors on the stage have talked, but I have to share that unspoken yet. Helena. Hello. How are you doing? What? Oh, I think maybe that was your breakfast that you run in Africa. I was. I was previously asking the most, see if that was his activation, but I think that was yours. Yo. Hello.

Finding Common Ground

So, Helena, anyway, I'm just up here. I'm not holding any activation for this. Month, so I just wanted to say hi to everybody and kudos to everybody. That's holding activations in different regions of the world if you need help with anything. At least. I've held like five, seven activations this year already, so I've seen quite a number of things, so we could always help out and we're looking at doing more.

Upcoming Events in Singapore

And then for those that are actually going to Singapore as well, for the Token 2049, I'm going to be there live. So we can actually connect possibly for. Most of the syndicates and I don't. Know, maybe I missed the part where is there going to be any activation in Singapore as well so that we make our time to attend. Thank you, Helena.

Events Coordination and Information Sharing

Yes, there is going to be the activation since in Singapore today, I see RT is not joining us, but RT from Eva protocol is working on the Chesdao tournament during the Singapore conference. So if anyone is going to Singapore, please do join. And there's gonna be another event happening. So there is gonna be. There's gonna be a meetup during the Singapore conference where there's gonna be many more speakers attending.

Engagement and Feedback from Past Events

Please just check the thought society post. I'm gonna. I'm gonna just collect all of the Luma links there for the registration. And I see that we have Azara today with us and I'm. I'm desperately trying to add more speakers, but it seems that the space is just not working. So sorry for the. Sorry for this issue. I'm gonna just. I'm gonna just share that myself.

Reflections on the Japan Meetup

That during the. During August we had an amazing meetup in Japan where I participated online and I was speaking online. So I know myself that this meetup was very cute. And first of all, there was a very good view. And second of all, Aro was able to engage so many different projects, including Top and others to join and speak and give more visibility to Ton, which was just amazing.

Plans for Future Engagement

Thank you so much. And maybe I will be able to add you as a speaker so you will be able to jump in and share more about how was that experience and what are your next plans? But well, now I think I can give the. Oh, sorry. Now I think I can give the stage to Azara. Can you share more about what are your next plans and how was the Paris? How were the Paris vibes during the digital resistance movement?

Exciting Developments in France

Hello. Hi Elena. Hello to all the amazing passados. Thank you. Actually we are going to do our first event in France. Normally it will be the 21 September. We are going to do a Ton breakfast in Lyon, but I haven't told you yet, but I will share more info and we will announce everything on our social media.

Collaboration with Local Influencers

Also were invited by Fahim. Fahim is a French builder to do an event in the station FDA. Station F is the largest startup campus in the world. So it's a very big place where you find the Binance team, the Meta team, like all the big startups in France, they are in Station F and he invited us to make a Ton effort.

Growth and Engagement in France

So now we are working on that. I hope we will make it maybe in October. We have to discuss more. But actually it was quite crazy what happened with Favel because we start to have to gain more visibility and like many people contacted us, some builders also. I'm talking also with people from Montpellier. They want to do an event.

Building the French Community

I'm talking with someone else who is also in Paris and wants to host a monthly activation event in Paris. So I think many things are going to happen in France soon. We just have to work on it. I created a chat for all the French builders also and all the people who want to create events.

Engaging French Speakers

So if there are French people who are listening to us or even just French speakers, please, you can just send me a DM and we can connect because we France gonna be like. It will turn everywhere in France soon. We're gonna put Ton in all the French people's pockets. Get ready.

Looking Forward to More Activations in France

I love this. Thank you so much for. Thank you so much for sharing the Lyon breakfast details here. For the first time, I am very happy that we're having more activations in France, especially since now the French community knows about Ton more than before. I think that this is very cool to have more exposure and more community spaces for Ton now.

Wrapping Up the Conversation

Well, I think that is the wrap up for today in regards of the activations.

Joining the Syndicate Program

But I still have a couple of important things to share about syndicate. First of all, everyone that wants to join on syndicate, you have to fill out the form that we have on our website. But the form is not open always. So we are announcing the waves of application to the syndicate program on our socials. But there is a shortcut to that. If you know any one of our ambassadors, and you know that those ambassadors would vouch for you can just ask them to vouch for you. And we're gonna add you to the syndicate program without the line and without the requirements of filling any applications. Because the ambassadors program and on syndicate program is basically a program of the handshake theory. So we are just a network of people around the world and everyone knows someone and that's how we're all connected.

Connecting with Ambassadors

So if you know anyone from our ambassadors and you want to join syndicate, you can just simply do that via connecting with them and asking them to vouch for you and get you added via fast track to transyndicate. And I already shared where you can find all of the details about the upcoming events, such as our socials. I'm working, I'm hard working on the posts every week to make sure that we have the tone events digest. Please do check them out. I'm trying to post most of them, but for those that want to dive deeper or for those that want to make sure that they don't miss any announcements, please join the tone breakfast chat on Telegram.

Community Engagement and Updates

There is just a tone breakfast chat on Telegram and it's very simple to find because we have this amazing username and it's secret, but I actually reserved a username on Twitter, which also is the tone breakfast username. Wait for. Wait for the updates because we are going to have Twitter presence soon. So if you want to learn more and if you want to do the tone breakfasts, you can just join tone breakfast chat on Telegram. There is all of the details, there is an instruction, there are links, how to join, how to plan your first breakfast, how to apply, blah, blah. Everything is there and all of the ambassadors are there too. Okay.

Event Insights and Plans

And I see that I was able to add Aru as a speaker. Wanna jump on the stage and tell more about the event in Japan? You're welcome. Hello. Hello. Yeah, thank you for inviting me. So can you hear my voice? Actually, I think. Yeah, I think I can speak later. So yeah, I'm Alu from Japan. I hosted one event during Webex. Webex is one of the biggest crypto event in Japan. And I hosted the event with Katizen Top and Tekthar. And we invited speaker from Ion and I elena want to study. Yeah. And we received the application over one three k and.

Event Experience and Future Prospects

But actually the date of event was heavy, right? So kind of the small attendees in that event, but we invited like some japanese big name gaming company. So actually I cannot say the correct name. So they already decided to build on tone and they said it's kind of confidential, but definitely that I want to say in near future, a lot of japanese companies will launch their own telegram mini application on tongue and the differential japanese market will be more bigger. And actually not just japanese companies, there are some asian project and company which attended that event. So definitely I can onboard them to the japanese industry and a lot of project interesting in japanese industries.

Upcoming Events and Networking Opportunities

Yeah. Anyway, again, so definitely in the future japanese town ecosystem will be more bigger and if you are interested that part, so please let me know so I can support that part as well. And around end of September there will be Tokyo game show. So one of the big gaming event. So probably around 2000 gaming company will be joined that event from Japan. If I included a global gaming company, so probably around five k gaming company will be joined that event. So during that event, I'm planning to set a boost and I'm asking to some a global project to join that event.

Engaging the Community in Japan

So through that event, so I'm planning to expand tone ecosystem in Japan as well. Yeah, and I forget the names, but someone mentioned about token 2049, so probably I will be token 2049 as well. So let's meet in person. I'm really looking forward to meeting you. Yeah, thanks so much. Thank you. And I have to say, that event that Ari invited me to was fully comfortable for japanese people because they even had a translator for my presentation and I found that very cool because I think that's how we can achieve localization and that's how we can do.

Acknowledging Positive Experiences

We can create the events that are truly convenient for the locals that are coming to them. That was very nice. That was a very cool, that was a very cool gesture from your side and I really loved that. Yeah. Thanks so much. All right. Thank you so much for listening to us today. I was very happy to welcome all of our ambassadors and tell more about the activations that we have planned. Tom Syndicate is one of the most cozy programs that we have, and I love the handshake theory vibes that we are having. So I hope that we are just gonna grow this program, and I hope that we are gonna grow the number of cool and interesting activations.

Encouraging Community Participation

Which means that if anyone here knows someone that should apply to syndicate, you should definitely let them know that they should apply, and you should definitely tell them that this would be a cool way for them to promote tone and be part of tone. As for example, I see that there is ton Italia commenting on our posts, and I see that there is a Koan official community happening in Italia. Please do join tone syndicate. I think you are the best example of the community that should be part of the tone syndicate, and that should do the activation, because you are already activating the region and activating the locals.

Wrapping Up and Future Engagement

And now I just want to give a stage to the ambassadors and to my amazing speakers today. If you want to share anything else, if you want to share any, if you want to do any shilling, if you want to share any announcements, please go ahead. We still have five or seven minutes for that, so the stage is just open for anyone that wants to jump in and tell something for our listeners. All right, Helena, I'll just take this opportunity to quickly jump over and give everyone some alpha round gateway. And maybe, you know, Jerry, if you're still here, you can go next and, you know, just share some high level insights.

Community Involvement at Gateway

But from our end, you know, we just try to make this, you know, we all know that torn Gateway is happening in Dubai, and, you know, we're all going to be on that side of the world. So if anyone from the community, any builder, anyone who's interested and wants to get involved, the dawn ecosystem is there. We might have a very cool activation, an exclusive one this time, because Dawn Gateway has also is going to go bigger in size this year. So just, you know, just be prepared and have fun and join us, you know, if you're there at the gateway.

Looking Ahead to Major Events

Yeah, thanks. Thanks, Zane. I think you're definitely preparing for something really big, considering the size of the attendees this time around. We're planning for about 1000 to 1500 people, so it's going to be really huge, guys, so really something not to be missed. If you really want to get connected, you want to meet the right people and obviously build a solid network of people that are actually from town, know better when you could possibly be in. Besides, of course, the actual activations that are done by the ambassadors without that said, you know, that goes.

Announcing Exciting Opportunities

That saying, of course. Anyways, thank you so much, guys. That's pretty much the big alpha. And of course the little more alpha to that is that we have something on the side that's going to be happening, which is a side event, which is pretty cool and we're all looking forward to welcoming to Dubai, guys. Oh, that's actually a very good announcement and I totally forgot about this, but this is so cool. And I will be personally very excited to join the event that guys are organizing. And I have to say that this is just completely independent and that's how Tom syndicate works.

Community-Driven Initiatives

That everything in Tom syndicate is just a community led and fully run by our ambassadors. There's no centralized control or any centralized directions. We are just all functioning in a decentralized and autonomous manner. And I see there is. Luciana, do you want to share anything? Welcome. How are you doing? Hey, Helena. Good morning everyone. Umgm, Jerry and everyone on the platform, but everyone listening and everyone speaking here.

Acknowledging and Supporting Community Ambassadors

So, I really want to commend each and every ambassador here hosting events this August. I wish you all well in your forthcoming activations here. And also with regards to, I know there are a lot of the african community here, the nigerian community that I've been in my tm asking about the nest meetups and all that. I want to let you guys know that more meetups are coming to Africa, more meetups are coming to Nigeria. I jury bond damage devices indicate here we're trying to restructure some certain things and it's going to be fun going forward.

Engaging with the Community

Yeah. Thank you very much. I think Jerry Bone posted something on the jumbotron. You could interact with that and let us know where you are and we'll see if we can come to your region here. Thank you very much, Elina. Thank you. And thank you, everyone for joining us today. Let's see if there is anyone else that want to share any closing remarks because in a minute, I'm going to be finishing our AMA for today and hopefully we're gonna be meeting each other in a month for the same AMA, but happening with the topic on the activations in September and October.

Concluding Remarks

All right, thank you so much for listening us today. Thank you so much for tuning in and thank you so much, our amazing ambassadors for joining and sharing more insight to what's happening in Tan syndicate and what are the activations that we are running. It's a great pleasure to host you on town society and it's a great pleasure to give more exposure to the world on. What are we doing and what are those local initiatives that everyone can join? Just today or just tomorrow? I hope that I'm gonna see.

Looking Forward to the Next Meeting

I'm gonna hear you the next time.

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