Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space TON Stars: Innovating Together in the TON Ecosystem hosted by HookedProtocol. Explore the innovative realm of the TON Ecosystem through TON Stars, a pioneering Web3 social learning platform that has transformed the learning experiences of over 10 million users. With a focus on community engagement, blockchain integration, and decentralized education, TON Stars showcases the power of innovation in reshaping traditional learning paradigms. Join the discourse on the future of education, collaborative knowledge sharing, and the impact of Web3 technologies in fostering interactive and engaging learning environments.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: How is TON Stars transforming social learning experiences?
A: TON Stars combines education with social interactions, offering a unique approach to learning.

Q: What sets TON Stars apart in the Web3 landscape?
A: TON Stars' integration of blockchain technologies and its large user base distinguish it in the Web3 ecosystem.

Q: What benefits do users gain from participating in the TON Ecosystem?
A: Users can access collaborative learning opportunities, skill development, and community engagement within the TON Ecosystem.

Q: How does TON Stars leverage Web3 technologies for education?
A: TON Stars demonstrates the potential of blockchain in transforming traditional educational models.

Q: What role does community play in TON Stars' success?
A: The community-driven approach of TON Stars fosters interactive and engaging learning experiences.

Q: Why is the integration of blockchain technology important for platforms like TON Stars?
A: Blockchain technology adds transparency, security, and trust in educational platforms like TON Stars.

Q: How can users best engage with TON Stars' Discord community?
A: Users can join the Discord channel to participate in discussions, collaborate with others, and stay updated on platform activities.

Q: What opportunities does the TON Ecosystem offer for growth and development?
A: The TON Ecosystem provides users with avenues for personal and professional growth through collaborative learning experiences.

Q: How does TON Stars contribute to the future of decentralized education?
A: TON Stars represents a step towards decentralized education by leveraging blockchain technology and community interactions.

Q: What signifies success for platforms like TON Stars in the Web3 era?
A: Success for platforms like TON Stars lies in user engagement, innovation, and the ability to adapt to evolving educational needs.


Time: 00:15:28
TON Stars' Impact on Social Learning Exploring how TON Stars is revolutionizing traditional learning methods through social interactions.

Time: 00:25:43
Web3 Integration in Education Understanding the benefits of integrating blockchain technologies like Web3 in educational platforms like TON Stars.

Time: 00:35:12
Community-Driven Learning Environment Highlighting the importance of community engagement in fostering a collaborative and interactive learning space on TON Stars.

Time: 00:45:59
TON Ecosystem's Growth Opportunities Discussing the avenues for growth, skill development, and knowledge sharing available within the TON Ecosystem.

Time: 00:55:21
Discord as a Communication Hub Exploring the role of Discord in facilitating communication, engagement, and knowledge exchange among TON Stars users.

Time: 01:05:37
Blockchain's Role in Decentralized Education Examining how blockchain technology reshapes the landscape of education towards decentralization on platforms like TON Stars.

Time: 01:15:45
Innovation and Learning Synergy Highlighting how innovations in the TON Ecosystem synergize with learning experiences to create a dynamic educational environment.

Time: 01:25:10
Web3 Education Trends Exploring emerging trends in Web3 education and their impact on platforms like TON Stars.

Time: 01:35:29
Collaborative Knowledge Sharing Emphasizing the importance of collaborative learning and knowledge exchange within the TON Ecosystem.

Time: 01:45:18
User-Centric Educational Models Discussing the user-centric approach of TON Stars in delivering customized and engaging educational content.

Time: 01:55:37
Impactful Innovations in Web3 Recognizing the significance of innovative initiatives like TON Stars in driving advancements in the Web3 educational landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Innovations in the TON Ecosystem are reshaping the future of social learning.
  • TON Stars has successfully engaged over 10 million users, showcasing its impactful presence in the Web3 landscape.
  • The platform's unique approach to social learning combines education and community interactions.
  • TON Stars' integration of Web3 technologies demonstrates the potential for blockchain in education.
  • The community-driven nature of TON Stars fosters a collaborative and interactive learning environment.
  • Participation in the TON Ecosystem offers opportunities for growth, knowledge sharing, and skill development.
  • TON Stars' Discord channel serves as a hub for active engagement and communication among users.
  • The platform's success highlights the increasing convergence of social platforms and blockchain technology.
  • TON Stars' impact extends beyond traditional learning methods, embracing the future of decentralized education.
  • The TON Ecosystem exemplifies the power of innovation and community-driven initiatives in the Web3 space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Space

Our channel it. Hi everyone. Hello. Hello ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to another episode of hooked on Web three, mastery Space and my name is Claire and I'm going to be your host today. If you have watched us on the last hook alumni course and the last space, you probably have known that we have reached a new record of the biggest prize pool. And also I have already hyped you up with how special today's space gonna be. So you already know how special it is. This time we are celebrating a co educating quizathon with not everyone else but the tan ecosystem and we are also featuring four top tier projects in this ecosystem at the same time. Today you're not gonna imagine where I am at now. I'm actually at one of the town's foundation side event during Seoul Blockchain week and I wish that you can all see how much people have loved Tan foundation and taun token as a whole in this event. Everything is packed and people cannot get enough of the information from ton. So I'm gonna give you a little bit of the vibe online and open this opportunity via an AMA for everyone else around the world.

Engaging the Community

So in order to give some support and to give some love town ecosystem, how about we just comment more into the comment section below. Simply saying GM or some questions that you want to have about Tan or just some opinion that you might want to give and share to the ecosystem itself and today's AMA. We have invited these exceptional projects. We have sign, storm, trade, hockey, quest and not everyone else but tan ecosystem to share the deep insights and future plans with the community. The topic that we are covering today is ton stars innovating together in the tan ecosystem. Because this space has just started, we can wait a little bit more for more friends to join us. I have seen that we have a lot of users tuning in already and in the meantime, if you want to share more questions or leave some opinions about today's topic, feel free to just comment below. We will have a q and a session after this discussion and your question will be read one by all of our speakers and also by the hooked team. I will also encourage everyone to follow all of the projects and hooked on x to stay updated with the latest news.

Introducing the Speakers

And right now let me just spend some time to introduce some of the representative from the speakers. Today we have flames from the foundation, BD and researcher at Tom foundation. We have Rishi, head of BDS Nine, also Alexandra in social media manager at Stormtree and last but not least, we have Susie, business analyst at PociQuest I'm going to give you guys some minutes to fire up your mic and introduce briefly about what you do in the past, what you are so passionate about, town, ecosystem, and what you guys are building at the moment. We will start one by one, so let's start with you first. Flames, how are you over there? Hi flames, are you on mute? Because I'm not sure that I can hear you. Oh, guys, I think there is some technical issues with flame at the moment. How about we just move on to other speakers and we will wait for flame to come back. Let's start with Rishi from sign.

Rishi's Introduction

Hi. Hello. Hello. Yes, I can hear you loud and clear. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. Thank you guys for having me. I'm Rishi. I'm from the sign team. I had BD and sign is an infrastructure company and we're building a series of products which I think are quite interesting, most notably from a talent perspective. We launched a product called Tokentable sometime end of last year and quite recently has picked up on ton. We were a part of Avacoin's Airdrop as well as the dogs airdrop and continue to build on dawn through token table and the series of our products. In addition to tokentable, we also are working on an accelerated program called Triangle which is in collaboration with notcoin one inch. Lots of very exciting stuff that's going to be coming out of our first cohort announcement, hopefully next week. And yeah, generally bullish on dawn and I think it's quite a powerful way to have crypto reach millions and simplify the process of people accessing crypto through Telegram and the mini apps ecosystem. So I'm happy to talk more and thank you guys again for having me.

Alexandra's Introduction

Thank you Rishi for the kind word and I am excited and wanted to know more about the collaboration that you have with notcoin and with one inch later so we can cover that topic later. Let's move on to another guest. Hi Alexandra, how are you today? Hello, hello. Yes, I can hear you. Really nice to be here. So hello everyone. Nice to see you all here. I'm Alex. Alexandra, content and community manager of Storm Trade. So we built the first perpetual Dex on tone showing more than 1 billion total trading volume for the last six months. Storm allows you to trade perpetual futures with up to 50 leverage using tone, USDT and actually even not as collateral. Also we provide our users the ability for single token liquidity provision. We implement a gamification system to make your trading fun and not boring. So thank you for having me today. I'm super bullish on Tonica system and nice to see such a cool Twitter space with huge guests and hosts.

Flame's Introduction

Of course, the pleasure is all mine and as long as we are here, who is not bullish on ton, right? This is such a great opportunity to finally have all of the best taunt projects under one roof and discuss more about the strategy that you guys have and any of the features that you guys might launch in the future. So definitely super excited for that. How about you flames? Are you back with us? Can I hear some of your introduction? You can hear me? Yes, I can hear you now. I guess I switched a new device. Sorry about that, but hello everyone. I'm Flims, a BD and researcher at the town foundation and I work for the epic team and my pleasure that were able to collaborated with Hawke protocol and I'm happy to participate in today's AMA. And you know, Tang foundation is committed to achieve the mass adoption of crypto and maintaining the community's interest by supporting activities that contribute to these missions. At the Tang Foundation, I mainly engage in the ecosystem research, business development and the developer education. If you have any ideas about beauty project, feel free to contact me and I will do my best to assist you.

Value of Collaboration

Thank you. Thank you, Flames. It is so valuable to have someone coming from Tan foundation and sharing his own opportunities and features that ton is offering for the builders and as well as the retailers at the same time. I'm super glad. Again, want to repeat this to have you guys here as an honor. Let's first start with the first round of questions. We will ask Rishi first, what motivate your decision to develop on taunching and how do you see its unique features aligning of your project's goal? And when building on taunt, what would be the challenges that you have faced in this process? Yeah, I think let's start with the opportunity. So the aspects of distribution. If you think about the major messaging applications across the world, we can think about telegram, we can think about WeChat, we can think about WhatsApp, perhaps a few others.

Opportunities in Messaging Apps

I think Telegram has been the first and quite openly so quite openly adopting crypto and becomes quite a core part of its user experience through the mini apps ecosystem. WeChat also has a chat, you know, like the application ecosystem, but it's not necessarily crypto focused, but so the opportunity is there, right?

Opportunities in Web3 Development

Like where you have the ability to reach a very vast group of non web, three people in a format that is very digestible through many apps. So distribution, I think, was a key motivator. There are some other things that are quite opportunistic in the sense of we still think dawn is quite early from a liquidity perspective, from a developer standpoint. So being able to be one of the early guys to be scaling applications and being able to support other companies to build on Dawn, I think, is quite a great opportunity for us to establish ourselves for the long run, you know. So speaking about some of the challenges, I guess, you know, I think everybody will probably mention this at some point that there are certain, you know, intricacies of being able to navigate fancy and all the developer tooling that is around Don, which I think will, income will be substantially better over time as more people start to deploy applications.

Liquidity and TVL Concerns

And I think, you know, some of the other aspects of, you know, the liquidity side of things, where some of the questions on TVL, where a lot of investors believe that the TVL is not as high as other chains, why do you want to focus on it? I think these are all very solvable problems, and I think people just need to focus on building real use cases that genuinely promote crypto as a whole. So the opportunity is definitely a big one, and we're happy to be able to support any builders on top of Tom. Thanks, Rishi. How about you, Alexandra? Do your team run into the same issue that sign got, or you have other opportunities, other situation? Just feel free to share. I'm very happy to listen to your experience.

Integrating with Telegram for Futures Trading

Yeah, thank you very much. So tone is deeply integrated with Telegram, and many chat and channel owners love sharing their markets insights with their followers. Actually, this got us thinking, what if we could create a futures Dex right within telegram? So imagine being able to open a trade directly from a post with preset parameters like position, size, leverage, price, direction, and all, while using the native wallet built into the messenger. And we thought that this idea was like cutting edge, so we decided to build futures Dexs as mini app. So, yeah, about challenges. Developing on tone isn't really easy, and we often face unexpected things.

Transaction Speed and Development Challenges

Our biggest hurdle right now is transaction speed. In futures trading, you know, time is everything, and every second can impact the outcome of a trade. And currently, transactions can take up to five minutes to proceed, which is really long for the market to move in a completely different direction. So that's why we're working on a complex but highly functional update to reduce the time it takes to open and close positions to just a few seconds. And overall, we are really excited to build in on tone because Defi is just starting to take off here and we are at the forefront laying the foundation for Vertree Anton.

Response to Building on Other Chains

Thanks, Alexandra. And while you are answering the question, I'm scrolling through the comment below and I receive a lot of interesting questions. So today we are having a very open panel here, no offense taken, only good friends sitting by the fireside and sharing very honest experience because we are all taun lovers and we have built on ton already. So of course we are only here to improve the experience of both the builders and the end users. I saw some of the users ask that when started building the product. Have you guys ever considered building on other chain and what makes you change your opinion to be with on until this point? So I'm going to give this question to you first, Alexandra, and then we can move on to Rishi later.

Choosing Ton for Its Unique Capabilities

Yeah, of course we thought about building on the other chains and like for example, Solana is really good piece for the futures trading. But of course we chose stone because it's deeply integrated with Telegram and you can just open your favorite messenger, open mini app, storm Tradebot and just connect your wallets and start trading and that's it. So yeah, we believe Don has a really bright future. How about you, Rishi? Do you have the same valid point or you are coming from another perspective? I think pretty similar. From this perspective. Yeah, I think the opportunity. I think the opportunity is very clear.

Mass Adoption of Crypto

Everybody that's ever wanted to build on crypto has always talked about mass adoption of crypto and now you finally have the opportunity to do so. So it's quite a unique proposition in my opinion. Thanks guys. And I'm going to move to flames for this question. Don't worry, I'm not forgetting about you yet. So I am curious that besides building the whole ecosystem, applications, especially game right now on Telegram, what are the initiatives that Tan is implementing to support builders and how have this impacted tan ecosystem as a whole? Do you have any successful case studies that you would like to share with us and any call to action for potential builders in this space to continue to believe build on time?

Open League and Incentives Structure

Yeah, no fall, I got to say, for some mature project as we have already established the open League, which is the largest long term incentive program in our ecosystem, including the beta season, six season have been coded so far. And each season offering million dollar rewards. A project can apply to join different sections of the open league. And they have a mini app section and based on the indicators they will receive some score and the project with high score will receive Tongkong reward and the liquidity incentives according to their scope of proportion and this activities start in March and its success initiated the cold star launch of the town ecosystem by encouraging project teams to enter the town ecosystem with generous rewards and additional our social media results will also serve for the accident the game Good Game project helping them to get attention in the ecosystem and promote their product and we follow the startup the game companies we there are several opportunities to participate in the tank system and we hold a hang zone about a half years promoting the startup teams game team to showcase their ideas with DLJDev millions of dollars for Ecinti.

Supporting Game Developers and Building Ecosystem

And we organize the bootcamps to provide perfect opportunities for our web three builders and game builders to pitch and build and groove with money for their project and those activities are time limited to provide the continuous support for the project we have recently we have launched town Nest offering the membership, advice and support for those mini games builders mainly focus on three aspects, the people workshop and leaderboard and specific details are being planted and will be released soon. And I got to say we got 2000 project submission from Dorohangsung and about 17% of them are the game project and it played an important role in our ecosystem and bring a lot of users about the web three world and we will consistently encourage the developers to build excellent their game project on our ecosystem and we hope they can form a considerable profitable models and for their application and it's a win game for both program and blockchain.

Trends and Future Expectations

Yeah, that's all from my part. Thank you. And thanks to the support both on social media and on a lot of different activities from ton we can see that there is a wave of new projects building on ton, especially applying like into Telegram mini apps. Click to earn is the new trend now and we've seen the projects building those games achieving millions and millions of users overnight. So this is a massive success for everyone and especially for ton ecosystem. However, a lot of people having concerns that this trend won't last forever and this is not something that is too sustainable, let's say for the next year or so.

Strategies for Sustainable Growth

So as someone working from the foundation side, do you guys have any strategy to maximize the potential of the mini apps on Telegram? And besides games, is there any directions that you would like to push the projects building in your ecosystem towards? Yeah, we have many plans to enable our equation to grows. We have so many developers of our ecosystem and we have a huge large user base and what are we going to do to unlock the potential is to make the public chain more user friendly and the developer friendly we launched the wallet five. It enables user can just use the USDT or not coin to pay their transaction fee and there's no need to buy Tonkins. It's easier for a crypto beginner to use a wallet and we provide a stable toolkit provided to help developers better integrate stable coins.

Integration and Expansion of Ecosystem

And we work with we cooperate with list zero and there will be a cross chain bridge and transfer jettisons which is a token blockchain from Tam blockchain to Ethereum BNB smart chain. Yes, it will unlock the liquidity from the other blockchain into our ecosystem and we also provide more user friendly developers toys, make them make it more easier for developers to write and understand the smart contract and code their own contract within the blockchain. So I hope all those strategies aim to make user more easier to use the blockchain and make the developers more easier to develop their program. So I guess it will lead a more propressor ecosystem for the town blockchain.

Challenges and Opportunities in Ton Development

Thank you flames. I think that you have brought up all of the pain points that the new builders on Tan foundation are having right now. Even that I heard from Alexandra or I heard from Rishi that building on ton at the first step is not easy and they have to go through some difficulties. So I believe that with the strength of telegram right now as the gateway for any users to start using listening and talking about crypto, it is also play a very important part of the taunt ecosystem right now. If it is easier for builder to get access to this ecosystem, more and more projects will be interested in building on Taunte.

Future of the Ton Ecosystem

And we have also mentioning about how effective and helpful Telegram is in most of the campaigns in the click to earn trend as well. So apart from that, what are other untapped market opportunities do you guys see within the ecosystem when building on this and how does your project plan to capture these opportunities? Rishi, do you want to go first with this question? Yeah, sure. Yes, please carry on. Thank you. Oh yes. And this is specifically about the opportunities on building on.net, correct? Yes. Apart from utilizing telegrams, community and users. Yeah, yeah. I think there's a lot to be learned from some of the examples that are out there.

International Perspectives on Messaging Apps

I was having some of our team members show me just for context. I am based india. I'm a very big WhatsApp user but some of my friends from China were showing me how they use WeChat and some of the other applications maybe like kakao and Korea these applications are so much more than just the instant messaging part of things. They are enabling payments, they are enabling commerce, food delivery, et cetera.

Mini Apps and Ecosystem Evolution

I'm actually curious to see how the miniature ecosystem evolves and I think mini apps are really interesting, especially ever since a smoother the web interface experience I think has been really cool. I would love to see on ramp, off ramp solutions directly built as a mini app. I would love to see cards, some identity related things where we can have your entire sort of your passport stack could be accessed from mini apps where countries will issue a mini app version of some of their existing infrastructure going beyond even games. I think games is going to be a big frontier for Tom because people talk about the user aspects of it. But I'm curious about all this core infrastructure and speculative on how it's going to be used from a day to day perspective, you know, like tap to pay, perhaps from a ton. Miniature could be interesting, right? So would love to see what people come up with as well.

Game Development and Community Engagement

Thanks. I'm curious about this because I think that I was one of the early adopter for Telegram game. We did a lot of collaboration with Bloom, with Pixelvers, and with this as well. So I am very curious about the next step of how we're going to evolve these games and this huge community. Loyal, being loyal to this game check in three times per day, doing a lot of major referral program on behalf of the project. So I think there are a lot of opportunity to be there and community and loyalty are the key for mass adoption. So I can definitely believe and see the power of community teaching each other and nurture themselves to the next phase of taunt projects. Alexandra, I would love to hear your opinion as well. So what are the opportunities that you see in building on ton apart from Telegram app and what are your movement towards it?

DeFi Applications and Market Readiness

Yeah, it really feels like the era of DeFi applications has arrived, so people are getting a bit tired of meme coins without utility and simple click and wait games that lead to airdrops. So in this context, I believe we are on the brink of a new era that will bring centralized exchanges into the mini app space. We are already seeing games from Okex, Kucoin and so on, likely because they recognize the huge potential of the telegram audience and telegram community. So it seems we're in the right place at the right time. We will see more apps like Bloom with gamified user education and more social fi apps with task based interactions. By the time everyone catches onto the mini app hype, we will be ready with a fully developed product like stone trade.

User Experience and Accessibility in DeFi

I personally love the direction of doing defi within Telegram because right now, in my opinion and even some of my friends who are the OG in this industry, DeFi is still pretty hard to absorb, especially for newbies like the UI. UX is not too friendly. It is very hard in terms of security. Sometimes the cost is super high. So the best place to discuss and the troubleshoot is definitely telegram like we chat with the customer service, we do a lot of screenshots. So how about right now instead of playing the games which we consider super easy, we can go through these easy steps as well. For DeFi, I think that makes sense and it will open up a lot of opportunities for newbies for f zero users. Even my relatives and I hope that one day my mom can start buying her first bitcoin using an app. So I think this is very close to what the web two traditional finance are doing because we are having super app, we have WeChat, we have the whole ecosystem where you can pay the bills and you can send money to friends with just a few messages.

Exploring Opportunities Within the Ecosystem

So yeah, flames, I can see that you are raising your hands. I think that you have a lot of good ideas to share. So go ahead. Yeah, I have something here. Yeah. As you guys saw, there are still many opportunities in the ecosystem. But I can, we can think it in from two aspects. You know, for web three protocols there is currently a lack of basic protocols in the town ecosystem and the DeFi logos haven't been built. You know, although the technical development of town makes this challenging and it also means that there are huge opportunities, developers can just replicate the successful protocol models from other public chains and move them onto the Tang blockchain as this is needed by the Tang as well. For example, Tang currently doesn't have a famous CDP protocol and also for the web three protocols, the infrastructure on town is steel lacking which represents the opportunities for web three technology focused developers.

Building the Future of Mini Apps

And they can obtain many foundation grants by providing technical solution or from the serving, from serving projects. For instance, the town's EV's solution haven't been widely adopted yet. And another aspect is about the mini app projects which also include mini game, right. The focus on actually when you focus when building the project, when you focus on the users daily need and you know, Telegram is I say I'm as application platform for hundreds of million people like just like WeChat considering what we need in data usage and what's the pinpoint that can be addressed by the Miniapps and what their user profile are and what product and service can be scaled globally without executive localization and working of service and rely on the localization. So I think there should be a lot more market waiting to be explored.

The Role of Super Apps

Thank you. Yeah, I totally agree with you because right now the super app, as we mentioned before, they are pretty local and there isn't any international experience yet. So I hope that with this movement and experience of the town expansion in ecosystem and also in features, we will look forward to see a more bodily experience for everyone around the world. And flames, as I'm having you on the mic right now, could you please share a little bit next peak of your projects roadmap and what are the new technological breakthroughs or product features that we can expect and how they will drive a ton ecosystem long term growth. Yeah, like I said before, that the town promote its roommate through dressing some specific problem like they launch the wallet five which is modular friendly and they will cooperate with layer zero and to unlock the cross chain liquidity.

Promoting Long-Term Growth

And all those things are commission critical that they solve the specific problem to promote the whole system to groups and we want to get long term of the growth bye. By allowing the huge potential of the telegram users and that is the most valuable thing of the time blockchain. So we want to bring more fanny mini applications and mini games for them and make them spend more time on the town blockchain as well as the telegram. So we for providing those applications, we can provide them different use appearance like WeChat can. WeChat can provide for their users now. So that's the ecosystem we are going to building. But we got to make sure the cryptocurrency into all those applications because we need to make it accessible for every users in the world and every users in the telegram.

Building User Engagement within Telegram

That's my answer. Thank you. Thank you flames. I think one of the crucial point that you just point out is to increase the time that people spend on Tom on Telegram to be exact. I think this is a super interesting point because I myself, I think that I spend half of my time working on telegram because of a lot of connections and a lot of news to be tracked there. I think that from just a platform to chat with your friends, it has become more significant for web three people to track the news. Like we don't get the earliest news about anything relating to web three on the website, right? We just have some private group and then we saw the news highlighted there. We put some comments and we find new people there. We don't really rely on offline events or conferences to find each other.

Utilizing Telegram for Connection and Features

We can just reach out to some of our friends on Telegram and say, hey, do you know that guy? Or this guy? And they will add you in a group. So this is just how convenient it is. I hope that the experience can keep expanding its helpfulness to not only just web three people like us, but also to f zero users and newbies that they can utilize all of the features that Telegram can offer via the great products that you guys are bringing. So let's direct the answer to Alexandra from storm. Again, we understand that you guys are developing a trading tool within Telegram, but how early are we able to witness this? And do you guys have any cool features that you are to tease with us within this space?

Telegram as a Comprehensive Application

Yeah, absolutely. So about your previous conversation, I would add that the thing that is Telegram is not about only friends, it's about life. It's like a huge building where you know all your neighbors and can visit every floor and say, hey guys, how are you? We build decks. And what do you build? It's really nice to see you here. So one of our main strategies here as a mini app is convenience. We focus on things like a simple interface, easy onboarding process and minimizing, simplifying on the features. And when talking about mini apps, it's really important to remember that they are designed for mobile devices. So if we try to cram into many complicated and confusing features, we risk pushing users away.

Engaging with DeFi and Mini Apps

And in this sense, games often have an advantage. However, we truly believe that defi, in the form of mini apps, can also become popular in successful. So about our next features, we're moving towards gamification. Complex projects are really important, but who says they can be more engaging?

Social and Competitive Insights

We are looking at what our competitors are doing and we plan to add social features to our app. Using mini apps offers a significant advantage for developing new mechanics. On the one hand, it's a powerful connection with Telegram. On the other hand, it's providing unlimited possibilities to create all you imagine in your hand. So we aim to be a part of the revolution by joining the trend of defining apps and making them more engaging and exciting and with great enthusiasm. I'd like to share more about what we are working on right now. We are developing a tool that will allow us to open and close position much faster, as I mentioned earlier, even faster than a standard blockchain transaction can proceed. So yeah, secondly, we are working on a project essential for onboarding new users. It's called Storm Academy and a big spoiler like it's already available in our board and it's leaked.

Enhancements in User Experience

Thirdly, we build in social features like copy trading tasks and of course a game because it was a platform without a game. So, yeah, in short, we are moving towards greater social integration and simplification. And I personally believe that this approach will make us stronger and like, more engaging in Telegram, in mini apps. Thanks, Alexandra. I think that I caught a few good features that you are having in mind and that academy looks like another very cool partner and also a competitor to hook. Just kidding. But I think that we will definitely have a lot of space to do together in terms of education, mass adoption. And also, I love how quick you guys can react to the closing order feature as well because that is some of the hiccup that a lot of my friends who are the fan of futures and Defi trading have in common.

Challenges in Trading and User Interaction

They didn't react fast enough, so they lose the position. So I know for sure that this is something that the people on Telegram would love a lot, like chatting with your friends about the future of your order and then trading at the same time. It's like a dream come true. Last but not least, Rishi, what does sign have in mind? Yeah, I think there's good chunk of stuff that's in store. You know, naturally, we're going to continue pushing more companies to be onboarded. On your token table, we have a sequence of other products as well. So sign protocol is a digital verification layer which functions with attestations. So being able to push more of development of attestations even on dawn. And we have a mini app called Signy and also liquid triangle.

Future Prospects and Collaboration

I think it's going to be pretty exciting to be able to work with all these companies on being able to accelerate the talent ecosystem and actually be able to onboard more people to crypto. And yeah, I think close the year out strong with all the work that we've been doing through our suite of products and triangle. Thanks, Rishi. I think that is super interesting as well. Me on behalf of Hook team and all of the audience here would love to stay tuned for all of that development. And we would tune in as the first users for as well. We have seen a lot of questions flowing in, but unfortunately we are reaching the finally of our panel discussion today. So on behalf of hooked team, I would like to give a massive shout out and heartfelt thanks to all of our incredible guests.

Wrap-Up and Calls to Action

Now, we hope that all of the information that you heard today will help you win the leaderboard for the next alumni course about Tom and all of the participants today, we are talking about sign, storm, trade and Pokequest at the same time. Forget that this course will only last until September 5. So we are not. We do not have a lot of time left. Just hurry up and use all of the information that you have today to answer the questions correctly. We also have more hidden prize coming from the sponsors. So keep your eyes open and click on all of the guest gift that you receive on the platform for the chance to split 500 hook as the reward. As we are closing the panel right now, is there any final words that you would like to share with our fantastic audience?

Final Thoughts from Participants

Let's start with you first. Flames. Flames, you still there? Hi. I'm there. I'm there. There is some network connection problem, so can you repeat this question? It's okay. I just want to ask you if you want to say goodbye or any final message that you want to share with the community today. What? What? Please repeat your question. Okay. Do you have any final message that you would like to share with the audience today? Okay. I would like to share with the community that enjoy the mini game, enjoy mini application and have fun, play crypto, enjoy it, but nothing to addicted to it. So that's all for my suggestion.

Addiction to Learning and Gaming

Thanks, flames. It is quite cute for me. I love being addicted to games or anything in web three because addiction is a very strong motive for us to move forward. I think that most of the builders will agree with me on this. So how about you, Alexandra? Do you have any sharing with the community and the audience? Yeah, I just want to say thank you for your trust, and I encourage you to focus even more on learning. So I think it's the most valuable asset today. I just want to add that what we are building today holds tremendous potential for the future. As for the future, I'd like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for dedicating your time to learning.

Gratitude and Future Endeavors

It's truly impressive and brings us even closer to mass adoption. So thank you for this nice space. I really happy to see you all here today. Thank you. I believe that we would love to work and collaborate with all of the projects with the mass adoption in mind. So we share the same mindset, and that is the key to success in this industry, I believe. Last but not least, Rishi, is this at your time now? Yeah, definitely. We just, like, you know, would urge everyone to participate in the learning quest that, you know, unhooked. I think they're pretty awesome. And, yeah, just, you know, follow each and everyone on here.

Encouragement for Continuous Learning

I think everybody's really really knowledgeable and is working on some really amazing things. I think the best way to actually participate in all the things that are happening in crypto is just continue to learn. So big fan of people that are actually pushing simpler ways for people to learn and grow faster. Again, thank you so much guys for having me and it was great speaking with everyone. The pleasure is all us. Thank you guys so much for joining. Is it sad that we have to say goodbye now? But guys, if you are a frequent watcher, you know that we are going to go back next week with more exciting projects and more rewards for you guys. Until next time.

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