TON Real Talk: TON Syndicate Activations & More


Space Summary

The Twitter Space TON Real Talk: TON Syndicate Activations & More hosted by ton_society. TON Real Talk delves into the unique world of TON Syndicate activations, emphasizing community engagement, transparency, and collaboration. Members are recognized for onchain achievements, fostering a sense of belonging and shared success. The space serves as a hub for connecting, contributing, and collecting within the TON Community, promoting inclusivity and collective initiatives.

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Q: How do TON Syndicate activations enhance community engagement?
A: By incentivizing participation through onchain achievements and rewards.

Q: What role do onchain achievements play in the TON Community?
A: They recognize and encourage valuable contributions within the community.

Q: Why is collaboration important in the TON Syndicate?
A: Collaboration fosters a supportive environment and drives collective success.

Q: What values are promoted in the TON Real Talk space?
A: Transparency, inclusivity, and community-driven initiatives.

Q: How do TON Syndicate activations strengthen community bonds?
A: By creating a sense of ownership and shared purpose among members.


Time: 00:15:20
TON Syndicate Activations Overview Understanding the mechanics and benefits of TON Syndicate activations.

Time: 00:25:40
Community Engagement Strategies Exploring effective ways to increase community involvement within the TON Syndicate.

Time: 00:35:10
Onchain Achievements Showcase Highlighting notable achievements and contributions recognized onchain.

Time: 00:45:55
Collaboration Success Stories Real-life examples of successful collaborations within the TON Community.

Time: 00:55:30
Inclusivity and Transparency Values Emphasizing the importance of inclusive and transparent practices in the TON Real Talk space.

Key Takeaways

  • TON Syndicate activations drive community engagement and participation.
  • Onchain achievements provide opportunities for rewarding contributions within the TON Community.
  • Collaboration and connection are fundamental for the growth and success of the TON Syndicate.
  • Transparency and inclusivity play pivotal roles in the TON Real Talk space.
  • Exploring TON Syndicate activations fosters a sense of belonging and ownership among members.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Space Purpose

Good morning everyone, we can slowly start GMGM, everyone. How are we today? I hope I'm, how do we say, audible? We're going to wait for some more of our syndicates to come up as well, because at first, the space is reserved for the syndicates to talk about their activations. What activations? They hosted previously in September and any of the activations that they will be hosting in October. And after that we will open up the floor and just. We can change subjects. We can talk about whatever anybody feels like they want to talk about, whether it's meme coins, whether it's projects, whether it's anything, you know, of course, anything to do with Tom. We don't really want to be getting political or anything of the sort. So we'll see. We'll see how it goes. These are. This is a new series of spaces that we're going to host at Ton society because we don't want to be doing too many different spaces.

Community Engagement and Expectations

So we'd like to host it all in one and let the community speak, listen to everyone and just enjoy and talk, really. How are you doing, Victor? GMGM doing good. Vibing. What about you guys? Thank you, everyone, for joining us. Make sure you retweet the room in the bottom right corner. And yeah, thank you for hosting one. Zanif, how are you doing today? Yeah, not too bad. Was quite excited to start hosting this space, to be honest with you. It's going to be very interesting to see how everyone's going to enjoy these spaces, because, of course, as we previously had, spaces about specific subjects, people just come on and they ask about completely different subjects. So in this type of space, you can come up and ask about anything to do with ton, of course. So that's going to be very good. Now we have a couple of people to come up and speak about ton syndicates.

Activations and Participation

Ton Italia, I see you're in the chat if you want to come up because you wanted to talk about your activations, Dev must see. I see you're here as well. Just request and I'll bring you guys up. Zed already brought you up. Slowly does it. How we doing, Zed? Doing awesome. Hope you guys can hear me well. Just checking if everything is fine and I'm doing great, thank you. Lovely, lovely. Yeah, we can hear you all. Good. There we go. Dev Masiyas up. Tonatali is up. How are we today? Tony Tal, how are you? Good, I'm good. How are you doing? Bonjour. Manjourner. Yeah. Everybody good? That's what we like to see. It's an open floor. You can talk. You can talk. That's not a problem. Don't be shy. We don't bite. I know Victor can be scary at times. No, I'm not.

Introduction to Global Communities

Look, come on. I'm probably the friendliest dude in the room here. Let's go. We also have ton France, Azara joining us here too. Let's go. And I heard a rumor that Don blockchain handle may also join us today. Oh, fancy. But will they speak? That would be the question. Okay, guys, so from the syndicates that wanted to come up and actually talk about their activation, you're all here. So who would like to begin to speak about their activations? And actually, as we will talk about them, I would like for one of you to actually explain what the activations are for everybody who understands exactly what the ton syndicates do, I presume. Zed, would you like to go first? Yes, Mirai could go first.

Explaining Activations

So, yeah, the first question, you know what activations are? These are like online or in real life. We focus a lot on in real life to bring community building on ton to come together and, you know, to connect with the community, you know, make them understand what are their gaps and how we can help support them at their early stage or whichever stage they are. Personally, I have been hosting a couple of activations. I want to talk about two things here and going to take around two minutes. The first activation that I hosted, the last one that I hosted was India. This was in New Delhi in the capital city of India. We had somewhere around 100 plus people who joined us. It was a mixed crowd of people, some projects and mostly developers, and was a really nice one because we could meet people and help them understand, like how to work on Funsi or Takt or fifth or solve their problems that they had.

Activations and Success Stories

There was also members from the Taunt society, India, who supported us. They were there as speakers. Ankit was there to help people understand how things were going and what they look in, especially the boot camps that are happening India. So it was a great experience. What we are doing is even more interesting now. So we have, especially because gateway is just around the corner for ton and, you know, Dubai is buzzing with the crypto scene. Like, we have 13 rod conferences happening out. I don't know, a few hundred side events, but we wanted to do something really exclusive as ton society ambassadors. And here we are. So we have two big activations coming up. One is on the 22nd of this month. So anyone here who's listening to us or listens to this space later. Please reach out to us on the UAE group Faton and we can share the invites stuff, but join us on 22nd.

Networking Opportunities

This is going to be a nice networking event for projects and for community to come together. We're also trying to do something, you know, on the 24th, which is more on the Kol and the hustling side of web three again for ton. And the big one will be the 30th, which is an exclusive yacht party that we're doing with, you know, some top members of the foundation of society and few others from the community. So it's a lot happening for Tohon in this side of the world and yeah, and then of course this will be followed up all by gateway. So if you guys are coming around, please feel free to let us know. It's me and a couple of other ambassadors from this region. So we'd be very happy to meet you, to support, to learn more about you and more interestingly, figure out how we can help you on your journey in tutorial.

Networking Council and the Importance of Connections

Thank you. Wow. No way. You're hosting yacht party on the 30th and I'm getting there on the 31st. I am so sad. If I knew this before, I would have booked a day, a ticket for a tape and for your activations then. But it's okay, I'm sure I'm there until the 9th. So maybe if you are planning to do any more during the start of November, then I will gladly come down to some of your activations too. Yes, hopefully we will have something in the November 1 week after gateways are over. We are meeting for sure. Oh yeah, definitely. Definitely. I mean, that all sounds very exciting. Do you want to talk about maybe how many people actually attended some of your activations India and what was the response, I guess from them?

Success in Activations and Attendance

Well, we had, if I remember it correctly, because it's been a couple of weeks, but were around 107 people. This was held at the Constitution Club of India, which is like a very great governmental building. So we had support from them to host it. This nice activation. This was the first time were doing something as taunt society members, apart from torn society India, which has already been operating. This was in south Delhi, which is, sorry, central Delhi, which is the starting point of how the capital city goes. The people were a mixed bag. So we had, you know, tons of developers, especially in the early stages of learning tact or funcy, and, you know, they were somewhere stuck with, you know, how to bring the smart contracts.

Community Growth and Collaboration

There were a couple of projects too, but I think they were a little less compared to the number of people, of developers that we had. What we helped and how, you know, were supporting was to, you know, make them understand and simplifying and also being a point of contact for them to come back to us. The projects that we had usually, you know, somehow had no idea about torn nest and, you know, the other programs that we as society support. So it was good to funnel those people into torn nest and, you know, make them understand that there's a pre acceleration before the actual acceleration of torn works. So what's really interesting, I think, you know, we want to do more of this, but you know, maybe once a year or so bring in these developers, because of course, you know, as we are growing as a chain, we need everyone, you know, we need developers, we need community members, we need high quality projects.

Geographic Differences in Community Engagement

While I'm doing this in Dubai, I think there's a complete different vibe and different people that we interact here. Here it's more project driven and the projects are also of different categories. So we have, you know, a lot of torn games that have catched up a lot of them and, you know, some other infrastructure guys on torn and, you know, others as well. Right. So it's. I'll share more insights once these activations are done, and probably we are done with Gateway, that'll be nice for me to come up and give you more insight on, you know, what sort of projects we interacted with. But it's quite a lot of new tone games is how I can see it. I mean, that's very interesting. It's also really good to see that such a large amount of people attended an activation from ton syndicates.

Importance of Community Empowerment

It's showing that it's needed, not just Tom hosting their own events and inviting everyone to come. This is what it's about, us giving the power to our community to host things for the community. Because of course we can't be everywhere. Look at Victor, he is all over the place, everywhere, all the time. He can't be doing these events and I'm in one place. Victor is flying about a lot, but this is the point of the syndicates. We have syndicates all over the world to help host events and introduce people and help them, whether it's to become a developer or just become part of the community or network with other individuals in the ton space.

Networking as a Fundamental Strategy

And networking is definitely something that everybody should be trying. Yes, crypto is online and you spend all your days online on XDev, be sitting on spaces or talking to people. But some of the best people that you will meet and build the best connections is when you actually go to in real life events and network with them. That's how I met a lot of my friends and how I've met, you know, how I made my network, too. It was actually going to events where I live here in Lisbon. There's usually quite a lot of events for crypto. I would attend a lot of them, build my network, find people, you know, this is for some of you who want to be starting projects as well. This probably be one of the best ways for you to maybe to find teammates as well, because you're going to find more like minded people who actually want to build projects going to these type of events.

Invitation to Take Action

Because a lot of people ask me like, oh, how do I find such and such person to come and help me? And, you know, because, of course, maybe not everybody has the money to build a project, but you can, of course, find somebody who is in the exact same position as you, but is better at doing something else that's needed for a project, and you can connect with them there and talk to them. It's just how it is. I personally, I love in real life events, just meeting people, talking with everyone, having a couple of drinks, if that's allowed, of course, and just enjoying the time being spent there. It's much better than, you know, sitting on x all day long, you know, just to. Just to add what you've said, man, you know, I completely agree. I think, you know, everyone who's listening to us here and, you know, anyone who listens to this later, I know you must be on your taunt journey, you know, you're thinking or either you're planning.

Global Connection through Activations

I think we have syndicates all across the world. It's not just here in this side of the world. So we have, you know, we can connect you with your local syndicates, too, if that's needed. Please go out. Don't just sit in a silo and, you know, start working on your app, which is great to do at the start. But I think when partnerships come into picture and when scaling of products come into picture, the best that you can do and invest your time on is to meet people in real life, develop connections. And I've had tons of these connections, you know, which are now my forever friends, and they're going to remain forever, right? So just go out of your shell, meet, talk to people, and then see. And, you know, if you have a problem, just reach out to anyone. And we're always very happy to support you and help you on your journey.

Syndicates' Contributions and Global Growth

Exactly. Exactly. You know it. And of course, you know, as you said, it's all over the world. As you can see, Zed here is hosting them and hosting some india, hosting some in Dubai. We have Tony Talley here who will be hosting them in Italy. Azar hosts some in France. I know Jerry Bond will host some in Nigeria. You know, we have it all over the world. So you're going to have a chance to be going to these activations and meeting people and meeting maybe even Kols and just networking and actually getting to know people better than you would just online. But yeah, you know, that's my point and why I think these activations are so important for people to attend to as well. But speaking of activations, ton Italia, my friend, do you have any lined up for October?

Community Development in Italy

Gm Gm? Bon Giorno. Bon giorno. Thanks for having me here today. It's first time. I'm Christian and with Ton Italia we are building a community around town here in Italy. And yeah, I would like to share. A bit about our experience with the. First Tom breakfast in Italy, which we organized just two or three weeks ago. And yeah, this was a special event. Because it was a side event of Ethereum Milano, the largest and most important web three event in Italy. And yeah, it was a. A big opportunity to connect our community. And introduce tone to wider audience.

Successful Participation and Future Plans

And were honored to have also a special guest, Rostislav from toneups and Tonekeeper. The participation was amazing. We received around 80 requests. We only had 20 spots available. This made us understand how much interest there is also in Italy around ton. But yeah, we are still far behind in Italy in terms of web three and crypto adoption. But this means that we have a lot of work that we can do and must do for the next two months. I think that we do not plan. To organize many more meetups, but we are already in contact with several italian communities to organize the space and live events.

Looking Ahead

Looking ahead, we are thinking about organizing. Maybe something bigger, maybe in March in Rome. And yeah, of course we are thinking about different options and we will do our best to create a big community also here in Italy. Yeah, that's it. Thanks. I mean, that is wonderful to hear. I know that ton Italia is relatively new when it comes to your community on ton because you guys just started last month. So to see that you received over 80 requests for the Tom breakfast is also very good. And sadly, you only did have 20 spots. But as you said yourself, you guys are planning to do some more, right?

Building Global Connections

You're planning to do some more activations and of course some more spaces and things. So it's really good to see that different communities are slowly starting to grow on ton, and that's exactly what we want to see all around the world. But yeah, I guess the only other, well, no, actually we do have some autonom syndicates in here, but. Dev Massey. Look, Casey, wait, wait. I wanted to say, look, first of all, shout out tony Talley. I've met a guy when I was in Italy. It's been a big pleasure to meet up with you, bro, and glad to see you on the spaces here. And doing some activations is incredible, great progress and absolutely love seeing this.

Acknowledgment of Individual Efforts

I also wanted to say, I see Casey with his flipped, got PfP. What the hell, bro? Like he flipped. Even got. Amazing, amazing. Hoddle goddle Gm to the entire society, the orange Pfp guy. Zenith geo Devmusti. It's an honor to be here. I'm extremely excited with everything I'm hearing because actually, myself, I'm trying to have a ton breakfast here, just waiting for approval. Supposed to come up this Saturday, but we're trying to get the approval for the breakfast, and I will continue to have all of those breakfast around the world to connect and unite the entire con community.

Significance of In-Person Events

It's very important we have all of this IRL event, this breakfast, this activations. It actually gives, you know, the web two folks a sense of realness, the sense of legitness, because a lot of times they see these things just on the Internet. Oh, it's one of those Internet things, especially those ones who have never had interactions with the blockchain and magic Internet money, they see all of these things as scam, fraud and all of that. But when they start to have, like, more of these activations, more of this breakfast, they know, oh, this weekend there's going to be a breakfast in my region, and I'll be going there to meet with, like, minds, with members from the syndicate, aspiring syndicates like myself, and all of that.

Trust Building through In-Person Engagement

Then they will definitely have that trust and that believe in transitioning from web to web three. I really applaud the society for this initiative, because trust me, there is nothing better than IRL connection, nothing better than that. And that's a way to unite the community and keep the community bond as strong as it should be. And I want to applaud the Ton foundation and the Ton society and all other ventures in the tan ecosystem for, you know, continually supporting this movement. And I also want to urge them to do more. We can have more of this.

Exciting Future Prospects

You know, we can make it so crazy that every week around the world, every region will have a breakfast. And we could just, you know, mess up the whole timeline with breakfast. Breakfast, breakfast. Breakfast from Uganda, breakfast from South Africa, breakfast from the UK, breakfast from. It's going to be insane. It's going to be mad and explosive. And I trust on society is definitely going to look into that. And we could make it a weekly thing, you know, to have breakfast around the world and Hodl GodO.

Organizing Community Events

Well, I definitely can't promise you that we can do that, but we definitely have applications for activations for the syndicates every single month for the month ahead that they want to. So if syndicates want to do that themselves and they can of course apply and they would have to kind of organize themselves a little bit to try to do a breakfast every single week because we do have quite a lot to do. However, as all the syndicates know, there is a form, they fill it out and then they get approved for their activations and we help out as much as we possibly can. So that could be possible.

Potential for Global Events

You never know. You never know. And yeah, I can see that you really do love rules. Hodulkodle indeed I. But yes, let's go a bit to some of our syndicates as well. My friend Dev Massi, you wanted to talk a little bit about some of the activations that you did. Yeah. GM James Society GMGM by legend Victor Zenet blockchain Jio Acne, Azara, Tony Italia and everyone. Actually, it's been a pleasure to be with you at this moment. Talking about the past breakfast event we hosted in Nigeria. I hosted recently two breakfasts.

Success in Nigeria

Last woman I hosted one in Yola Adamao state, which is in Nigeria at the border of Cameroon. And lastly, last month I hosted Tom Breakfast in Kano, one of the largest and the most highly populated individuals in Nigeria, which shares the border with Niger. Actually, Kano is the largest population of web three enthusiasts. Even the higher number of the new users of the telegram that we experience, the LeDCa you get a sen from Nigeria is from Kano. You know, the breakfast turned out with almost over 100 attendees.

Community Engagement and Education

I explored them, you know, within the tone ecosystem. I told them about everything we are doing, the tone society, the grants, the tone nest, the opportunities also in the tone society. Actually the impact of the becoming tone society members and the SBTs also. And the latest good news also the Mem season that will be coming blockchain. Why? Because I feel it's very important for them to even know more about the memes actually come and come in. Because Kano is the largest deja community, which everyone know in Africa, I can say because we have worked with Kano crypto community.

Past Experiences and Contributions

During the beginning of the BNB, when I was binance angels together with crypto solutions, one of the syndicate also. So we work directly with them. I was the dev maintained tokens on the BNB. We have, you know, put a lot of liquidity we have onboard a lot of people to the ecosystem as at that time through daisin. And they have made a lot of profit. And this is why I feel it's very important also for them to know something like this is coming. Because they no longer make loss profit on dangers from BNB and even Solana.

Future Opportunities in the Ecosystem

Now the hive, everything, the traction is moving toll, which they are really impressed and they are happy looking up to the development that will give them a lot of opportunities to make 10,000 to 20,000 50,000 exits on the tone blockchain during the upcoming meme season, which is maybe December 2025 or 2025. You get, I'm saying. So I onboarded all of them to some society. They claimed their ex business and a lot of them are almost about 20. They were even interested if I can host a meetup also in Kano, so that we can brainstorm a lot more about the ecosystem to take them round through the protocols and even the development of the telegram media.

Innovative Development in the Community

Because I even had a meeting with some of them immediately after the explanation, which they are of large and they are ready with their money they can invest and even build an mvp, a telegram miniature. And one of them, one of the developers, one from conversity, also built one of the very big projects I have never seen on tone blockchain. You get, I'm saying, which is one of a unique decks that we have built. And currently we are having a discussion with him. I want to guide him also to bring him on board to register for thunderstorms. And in Yola during the breakfast also I developed a Telegram mini app. I showed the community how to develop telegraph miniature real life.

Educational Initiatives and Collaboration

Casey Newell, who was there online watching Jerry Bone and a lot of syndicate and even ogis have watched, you know, throughout the development also which even the Telegram mini app we developed through the turn Breakfast Yola, which for the Yola community definitely will bring it into the ecosystem and launch it very soon. And there are even some of the developers also from Federal University of Technology in Yola also that are building something. I think it's just like a farm or something on tone, which is a very great idea. I have a bit of idea about the game actually, but I will guide them to see that they have brought it to the ecosystem so that, you know, it will make a lot of impact and it will onboard millions of users to the ecosystem.

Focus on Developer Support

I like fancy supporting developers to come and build on the turn blockchain more than even onboarding individual users. Why? Because if I will be onboarding individual users, it's not so easier for the individual users to onboard 1020 people monthly. But if I onboard a developer that builds a solution, a game on telegram, that Telegram mini app can be able to onboard millions of users. So we can tell how many million people can be able to be onboarded to the ecosystem through that telegram miniature. So this is why I feel it's very important to be, you know, concentrated on the developer page and even currently I'm even in discussion for the activations that we are going to do in the northern Nigeria.

Collaborative Efforts and Future Plans

We even had call with Jerry Bone this morning. Also I'm part of the stakeholders of Google Developers group in Africa, so I can be able to see how I can even create a bootcamp in collaboration with the GDG in order to show them how to integrate their app to the Telegram, you know, and Tony blockchain. So this is a bit of some of the assignment I'm doing in Nigeria and the plus I have for the activations, I even push a proposal for Tom Meetup Eula, which hopefully the developers from the Federal University of Technology, American University of Nigeria which is residing in Yola, Andamaster University and some of the polytechnics computer department developers also we are still in communication for the upcoming tribute of Yola which will be holding next month, I think ending next month when we come back from this way.

Summary of Achievements and Future Contributions

So that's a bit of, you know, the summary of that. Did you just say that's a bit, bro, I have to congratulate you. You've done so much and thank you. Honestly, it's really good to see that we have, you know, amazing people like yourself hosting and trying so much for, you know, for the Tom blockchain, just the Tom community in general. You know, the more, as I said, you know, the more of these activations that we have, the more people that get to go to them, the more networking that happens, the better for everyone, believe me. And as you saw or as you heard there guys Dev Massey is talking about projects, right?

Opportunities for Collaboration

He's talking about projects that came to those activations. If you're building your project and you want to be able to network and you want to be able to build a community, you want to meet maybe a Kol or you want to meet somebody who's got maybe a bit of a community, like Dev Massey himself, you know, go to these activations, speak to people. In my opinion, that's probably one of the best ways that you can, you know, start growing your community and actually meet people. Because outside of that, imagine trying to message Jio, imagine trying to message Azar, abuzz your project. You know how many messages a day they get about people asking them to see their project? But now, if you go to one of these activations and talk to them directly and actually show them that it's worth their time, and of course, they are really good people.

Building Relationships in the Community

Everyone here is, you know, all of our, everyone who's part of our community, everyone who's building their own brand and presence, they're all great people, and they are all willing to listen to everyone to see what they're building. And of course, if you present them with something that's really good, like, clearly those projects have presented to Devmassi. Of course they're going to want to help you grow a community and share it to their communities as well. That's, you know, that's how it goes. That's the whole point of these activations. But Dev Massey, are you planning. Well, you said you were planning some more activations, so does that mean you've put in some proposals, right?

Planning for Future Activations

Yeah, I have put in a proposal for the submit of since last two months. There are some corrections. That's why it's not been approved. I even have more activations, actually, because I'm connected to a larger community of developers and even web three enthusiasts within the african country. Because, you know, I have, you know, I built a larger project which is African Dao, which even tasty Nuel was my ambassador that time. And I built african interborder remittance solution through the Africanium Dao.

Building Networks for Community Engagement

So during the, you know, during my journey in the Africanium, I connected with all of the communities, our three communities in Africa, in Cameroon, in Egypt, in Ghana. Some of them were even some of the guys we work in binance, the Binance angel community. Some of them were some of our members in the Afro bitcoin. We met in some of the african bitcoin activations 2018 2019. So this makes it very easier for me to reach out to all these people in all those countries. Wow. Sorry. Your mic is getting really robotic. You must be getting very excited. I don't know what it is, but it's.

Communication and Ecosystem Interactions

The more. The more you spoke, the louder the robot sound. I think it's static. Yeah, the louder the static sound got. Sorry, my friend, it kind of. I couldn't really hear you at the end there. I hope everything's okay in your end there. Yeah, yeah, I was using Mike, actually. That's much better. Okay. Okay. So I am highly connected actually, with web three communities within Africa. And they knew everything that we are doing. And they look upon me to see how I can be able to create some activations also in those countries and some of the states.

Exploring the Community and Educational Efforts

I'm a Nigerian. My dad is from Chad, actually. Republic of church. I'm biracial. I have almost about two residents, you know, within the african countries. And I've schooled in two different countries in Africa. So I am highly connected actually. And currently, even in my group, my WhatsApp group, I'm still guiding a lot of people to navigate through the ecosystem. This is why I'm even making videos also to educate them. With the support of my boss, Victor, he have been sponsoring all the videos for the education, both in English and even in Hausa on TikTok, which I'm guiding them also on everything they need to know about the ecosystem.

Community Support and Empowerment

Amazing. No, thank you for that, honestly. That's really good. You're doing so much and we can. See that all of you is amazing. Yeah, I love what he's doing. All of you guys, you're doing incredible steps forward. And without you, that wouldn't be possible. And I'm very happy to see that people helping to develop this ecosystem further, helping to innovate, helping to provide more insights into the things that are happening around. And yeah, I'm very happy to be able to support you guys one way or another. And thank you, Dev, most you for doing what you're doing. You see, I cannot be doing those things myself, but I'm glad when someone doing, I truly am.

Acknowledging the Contributions

And you guys know that I do care, that I do value, that. I do appreciate your efforts and I always will. I mean, every single day, highlight someone on my page. I mean, just scroll through. There's not a single day when I'm online that I'm not sharing someone's content else. And the reason is because I love you guys doing it. Please do more. Don't stop talking about. I will continue to say this devmosti and crypto solutions are two of my biggest onboarding on ton. I am proud, you know, like a father has seen his child grow. I am proud. Every time I come to the timeline and I see what these guys are doing, I have this tiny little tear that tries to drop from my eyes because I am proud.

The Impact of Collective Efforts

I see the efforts they put in. I see the sleepless night. I see the traveling to different regions in the north to do this whole onboarding. And I look at myself and I sometimes feel proud. I'm a proud father. That's, you know, some sort of feeling I have in my mind. And, guys, don't stop doing what you're doing and keep this flame born in. Keep this flame born in. Let everybody know about this. In all part of the world, everybody has to hear and everybody has to be part of greatness. And I love you guys, basically.

Strengthening Community Bonds

Yeah. To be honest, boss Victor, when I was building Africanium, Kesi was my ambassador. I was building Africanium on BNB and we had some support also from the BNB a bit. We have partnered with Dexcel. We have did an audit with Fusinteche, but we lose the fair launch, actually, which we get back to the drawing board strategy to see how we can maybe make it a multi chain and get some grants, maybe on Solana. Then Casey said no, we should come tone. So to be honest, it's Casey that introduced me tone. Block ten. You get what I'm saying? I said no. Casey said no.

Transition to New Opportunities

Come to turn and see what's really going on, to be honest. And when I come tone, I didn't forget about my project, actually. I fell in love with the technology, with the blockchain, the shard chain, the multi chain, everything you get, I'm saying. And I have just. I don't even know when I even started contributing to the ecosystem, actually. And up till today, I don't. You know what I'm saying? I'm not even ready on building something yet. I have an idea, though, but definitely it will come to reality as time goes on. But for now, my priority is to promote the adoption of.

Cultural Connections and Community Recognition

Of the blockchain. And even currently there is one of the popular singer hausa singer in Nigeria, Wararara. He even sing for the president, Bola Tinibu. We had a conversation with him. We met in Abuja and I told him, this is what I did, this is what I do. We met at the airport when I came back for some events ton breakfast in Yaba, that time hosted by Damilola. We met at the airport, I told him this is what we do, this stuff like this. And I introduced him to some of the telegram miniats, which last month he called me that he is very happy.

Showcasing Tone's Reach

He makes some dolls and he even sing a song for us, actually, which we even had a conversation with Jerry Bond this morning that he is hosting a meetup in Abuja. That we're going to invite him to make a performance for the song, his thing for the turn blockchain. And we are even planning to maybe give him a giveaway of some turns. Actually, I think I wanted to even get the full song from him that I can even post it in the twitter. But before then, we have arranged with Jerry Bond to get somebody that can translate the song as a caption on the video so that everyone can be able to understand.

Language and Cultural Inclusion

A lot of you here cannot understand Hausa language, which is a great achievement. And another achievement, actually, to be honest, was Victor. You get, I'm saying, if you will contest in Nigeria, I don't think there is any candidate that can, you know, that can take away, you know, some votes from you. Because everyone know Victor. Everyone in Nigeria. Everyone. To be honest, everyone. If I met people, because it's like. You walking down the streets and people know me. Everybody is asking me about you. I used to wear tony t shirt all the time.

Community Pride and Recognition

Walking days. I wore. I wore torn t shirts. I have over 30 tone t shirts. You get. I'm saying, this is what I used to wear like every day. And when so ever I met people, when they see tone, they will be asking me, why is someone you know, everyone is like these guys, like a trap. Everyone is on me. Like, why is someone you know, why is Victor? And I will ask them that, did you know him? They say, we know him now. You know, they even have your pictures actually in their phones. So, yeah, let's go.

Community Impact and Personal Connections

I'm really happy that they recognize you and also me. They recognize that I'm working with you. Actually, this is incredible. I'm very happy. I'm very happy. And now I've got another thousand stickers for you all. I'm bringing them to Dubai and to the Thailand. If anyone is getting me there, me for some, I'll give you a lot. I've got another thousand on me. So don't worry, I won't run out. Now we know where all your airdrop money is going on. Stickers.

Financial Contributions to Community Growth

To be honest, I've got to be honest with you. I spent on stickers more than I received the airdrop from hamster combat about ten times more. So yeah, you see, it's okay. I have gotten my airdrop already, sir. Haven't you told him? Sir, I have gotten my airdrop of tones now from you since last week. So the stickers is what I need now. Let's go now. Yeah, I'm gonna bring all the stickers with me to those trips as well.

Sharing the Love

Gonna give it to more people. I gave a lot to people also in the UK. And also after my presentation, by the way, I wanted to say, you know, my, I don't know if you guys seen my presentation. You know how to grow your social media, Twitter in particular. Yeah. Thank you. Just watch it. But after this presentation, some people came over to me later on, like the after party were like, hey, orange. Hey, orange guy. And I was hilarious because now they actually associate it after this presentation.

Building an Identity through Community Engagement

Like people that never saw me, never knew me before, now associated, you see, and this is the point of branding. And once you will be listening the presentation, you will understand what I'm saying. But yeah, it's pretty hilarious. And that is a great example of how the branding can be done. And even just this presentation is what added to the whole point. And now people could associate and easily. Remember, honestly, I watched it yesterday. Great presentation. It's only about 20 minutes long and it's very easy to digest, it's very easy to understand.

Learning Opportunities through Presentations

And everything that you said makes a lot of sense, right? So if anyone is planning to build or is currently building, maybe you're stuck at some points along your journey. Give it a watch. You never know. You know, there is definitely a lot of, let's say, alpha in there from you, Victor. And of course, as you are numero uno, we can say it that way. When it comes to building brands and building your profiles, everyone take it. It's free education. Most people will be charging you thousands to even watch a video like this, you know, and trying to sell you their courses.

Victor's Commitment to Community Growth

Victor's here for the community. He's here to teach as much. Breaking news and teaching is what Victor does. And take a watch. I've pinned it up top, click on it, watch through it. And I also did retweet it. And I said, if you can't watch this for 20 minutes, I'm sorry, but you're not going to make it. Because all it is just 20 minutes of your time to watch, take some notes and understand and try to digest as much as possible. But. Hello, Jerry Bond. I see you've joined us up at the top.

Community Introductions and Greetings

Good morning. Maybe he's still sleeping. Maybe he's chilling. You see, he can figure out it's more likely. Hello, guys. GMGM, everybody. Victor, is that. How you doing? We're good. Yeah? Victor, you're sounding as if you're just taking coffee. Yeah, I am taking coffee. How did you know? I know my brother, man. How you doing? I know. I know. You're chilling.

Looking Ahead to Future Meetings

Zenith. Good to see you. And every other person. Jill Casey. Dev Mostie. Sorry for joining up. I don't know if I'm late, but I. By the way, I just thought for a second. Gerbil. Wait, wait, wait. I just got an idea. Devmustic, would you send me your address on telegram? I'll order stickers to your house. I'll order you a thousand orange peep. You guys stickers as well because I gave to Gerry Bond in person. But then I thought it would be nice if you guys have more there.

Expanding Community Resources

So I will just as well. Definitely, definitely. Want more. Send me the address. I'm going to send you. We need a lot of it. We don't even have a single one in this region and we stay in different regions, so we need a lot of it. Okay, I will order to you too. The next time I'm gonna get to ordering, I'll get it to the most address. And your address. I'll need your address. Casey as well. Or send your address to the mousti.

Final Thoughts and Future Directions

Let him send it to me. I will check from place so I don't forget. Victor. I think we should be meeting pretty soon. So I think ordering it that far maybe. Dev Mosty, you should be getting your stickers hand. Hand to hand. So what do you guys think? I think we should be. We should be meeting the next two weeks.

Introduction and Enthusiasm

Some more as. I'll get diamonds and I'll get my orange PFP guy. Definitely. Definitely. So gm. Good to be here. Turn syndicate activations and more. I see. Amazing. We're going to be having some many activations. I don't know how. How long has the space been so that we just learn about all the activations that are coming? Well, we've been speaking for about 40 minutes, but the space here is. This is a new type of space that we're doing. It's going to be a daily, basically roundtable talk and we start off with some, let's say pre booked, you know, either speakers or something, and then we just go into everything. So yeah, you can talk about anything you want, but if you want to talk about activations going, all right, awesome. I actually saw the schedule for the week's spaces.

Year's Activations and Learning Opportunities

I saw that yesterday actually in one of the closed circles, but cool actually. And I know we got a lot of people here listening. We've had quite a number of activations this year already. And activations are one of the ways actually to reach most of the people that don't have active participation online, like the tech hubs, the developers in the local communities. You understand, you get to bring them closer, they get to interact and then get to talk about how we can actually achieve a lot of things on chain. And to anyone actually hosting the activation next month, one thing I want to tell you is make it as flexible as possible, make it as interactive as possible, because a lot of people would want to learn, would want to ask questions. And then make sure you don't restrict your invitation. Because for one thing, I know about blockchain crypto right now. A lot of people are actually asking a lot of questions. You understand?

Encouraging Creativity and Engagement

Everywhere you go and then you just say crypto or you just say people just want to learn a lot. And right now with the tone hype, with everything happening, people just want to learn more. So all your activations, make sure you make it flexible for people to actually interact and then learn. And I think we're going to have more and more beautiful activations going forward because we're learning. I've had six activations this year already and my first was in my best, but my 6th was actually awesome, so I believe the next one will be amazing. So for everybody hosting activations and awesome, try to make posts as early as possible before the activation so that a lot of people can also make plans to attend. That's one thing that's key. Don't put out activation schedule or date or something like three days to the event. Make sure a week, two weeks, you have everything ready, your flyers, so that when you put it up there, people are going to make plans to actually attend.

Flexibility and Accessibility in Activations

There's just so much to it, but it's always beautiful. So all the best to everybody actually preparing for activations. And if you have developers, actually refer them to anyone that can help them. If you need questions you want you, sorry, you need clarification on where they could actually get the best information. Like I always refer some of them to the developer community on Telegram where they could have access to other developers. I would also ask questions from the syndicate community on anything. So ton is actually an open network where everything is made available. So try as much as possible to make sure if you have developers come to your event, they don't go back without actually getting answers to some of their questions. While the event is ongoing, you can always go back and ask questions and then there will be answers so that we can actually have more people come with new ideas from different demographics.

Engagement and Memes Culture

And what are we talking about? Let's have more memes. Let's have more memes. Talk to the people about the memes, talk to them about the meme culture on time and let's fucking do this, guys. Thank you. That sounds great, Mandy. Wow, six activations so far this year. How many months? We have ten so far, right? Or eleven, maybe 1010. Yeah. Wow, that's a lot, my man. Six activations and that's just one syndicate. We have a lot of syndicates and there could be a lot of activations. Guys. Azara, you wanted to speak. Your hand is down but your mic is on. Oh, hello. GMGM. Sorry, I was like doing another thing at the same time. Sorry. GM. GM Zenith, GM Victor Geo, Casey, Dave Musty, Tony, Talia, Jerry Bond, GM.

Experiences from Activations

To all of you guys, I'm super happy to be with you. Yeah, I'm sorry, isn't it? I actually, you know, I didn't fill up the form because I was not sure I would be able to join but I finally, I'm here and yeah, so about the activation, like I, first of all, I'm super happy to hear all the different syndicates sharing their activation because it's just amazing and I just want to say that this is just a small part of it because, you know, like we are in the syndicate chat and I can see like all the activation that the ambassadors are doing and it's just amazing because it's monthly activation all over the world and you know, I'm super proud to be part of this ambassadorship because yeah, it's, I think it's pretty unique. And about mine, we did a first activation in France in September. We did a town breakfast. It was pretty interesting people.

Community Engagement and Learning

I say, Jerry Brown, people have a lot of questions. Of course I was surprised, you know, because sometimes people come and they just have, you know, used tone one time or they just, you know, an active users of telegram, they don't know so much about this ecosystem and so people are asking a lot of questions but they all, you know, they all left with the same feeling that something huge is coming. You know, like, they see the potential. They can feel it because they, you know, when you start to explain them what is tone blockchain and how it is integrated within telegrams, they all like, wow, this is crazy. You know, I did an activation where I was like, sending a tone directly with my wallet in telegram. So I was just sending tone to the guy next to me, like, and he was just shocked, like, wow, it's so easy, you know, like, you just.

Technological Advances and Community Growth

You don't need to put tone wallet address. You just need to send to a contact and he receives, you know, the crypto. It's just crazy. And so we're gonna keep going with activation in France. I'm sure we're gonna do activation in Paris soon, but next week there is actually the tomb boot camp in Paris in station F. So I'm super excited about that also because we are working hard for it every day. But now it's very soon, so I can wait to. For me, it will be my first bootcamp, so I can wait to be in this event. And also in November, we will do a town meetup in Lyon again, because in Lyon there is a quite a big web three community and many builders also, and my friends from France also are in Lyon.

Upcoming Events and Community Interaction

So there is actually a place called Lyon Meetup. They do like Reptari Meetup every month and in November that will host. Turn it up. So we'll do this. And tomorrow we have also something I'm very happy about. We are. We have a space. It's like a podcast from John Capp. John Capp is a founder of NFT submit. And by the way, great guy. I've met with him many times in person. He knows me. You can tell him if you meet him. Okay, I will. Yeah, he's a great dude. I will, I will. Yeah. It's very nice guy. You know, I was chatting with him and he's very open and he was like, yeah, yes, let's do.

Potential Collaborations and Strategic Planning

Let's do a podcast about town. Let's go. You know, and he also wants to help us, you know, because we have the bootcamp this weekend. He want to share the event to his community because he's one of the most, I think, listen podcast, web three podcast in France. So this is pretty cool. And yeah, we will do more space, of course, and more activation, I hope, in other cities also, because we need to spread it, guys. And I see there is. We could actually also speak with John to organize some panel for discussion about Tom on the NFC show that he is a founder of. I think that would be also interesting. Maybe we could do that. I'll send him a message and I will talk to Bruno. But, yeah, maybe we could also do something in Portugal there on his event.

Innovative Ideas and Community Engagement

Maybe we could bring an actual interesting discussion onto the stage. Sorry for interrupting you, Azar. I just thought maybe we could do that too. Yeah, no problem. Of course. I'm sure it'll be, it would be very open to do that. And, and I will. Happy to come because I never been to NFT summit, so it's amazing. One of my favorite events. Which one? NFC in. Yeah, I was there two months ago and actually that's where I found. Not too. Sorry, it was three, four months ago now. That's where I actually got introduced tom, which is amazing. Not that I was there as well. Yeah, but at the time I didn't know who the orange PFP guy was. Sadly. Very unfortunate. But I was there.

Memorable Experiences and Conclusions

A lot of people already knew me. I had a great time hanging out. It was amazing. no, it was such a fun event. I really, really enjoyed it. They had a lot of really cool stuff there. Did you see the death to feed? Not, sorry, the funeral for fiat that they had? Yeah, of course. I even got some of those dollars with me back at home here. I put them as a souvenirs on my wall too. Like. Yeah, of course I did. It was hilarious. I think I took a video, actually. They basically, they had a massive casket full of basically fake money. Of course it wasn't real, but they were carrying it around and basically saying death. Well, funeral for the Fiat. Right? And they had a load of stickers.

Creative Expressions and Community Bonding

I have a load of those stickers all over my MacBook right now. Yeah, it was like, look, let me tell, it's a fiat funeral. Basically they grabbed the coffin with a bunch of fake fiat money in it and several guys been carrying it in the ski masks, all dressed in the outfits, as you know, the funerals, like all black tie suit. So yeah, that was hilarious. It was pretty cool. Flash model. I think I've posted it. So if you gotta search for the hashtag fiatfuneral on my page, you will find it. I think I could find it too. I will pin it. Yeah, I have it too. Maybe I'll post it. But we'll see.

Community Appreciation and Transition

But yeah. Thank you, Azar, for hosting all these events in Leon. It's actually really nice to see that we have such a good community there, too. But as much as everyone's heard about activations and ton syndicates, I think we can actually change the subject now, guys. And Jerry Bond, yourself went up here and you just said, let's talk about meme coins. So let's talk about meme coins. What would you like to talk about? Meme? Well, what would you like to say? Because, of course, everyone's got a lot of things, but in mind, when it comes to meme coins. All right, all right. First of all, I just saw post by someone, you know, talking about fish heating 50,000 holders.

Current Trends in Meme Coins

Am I correct? 60,060. 60,000 guys. So fish is, like a major mover in the, in the memes market on ton. And lately, when it comes to the meme culture on ton that I've actually been talking about, like, hey, where's our memes? Where are they? What's going on, guys? You understand? And so I think we're beginning to sleep when it comes to the meme culture. So I needed everybody to wake up because memes are beautiful. I love memes. You understand? I want to buy memes any day, anytime. I just buy memes without even thinking, like, you. You just sell me a meme. Tell me that Victor is a meme. I'm gonna go right ahead and buy it before I like, hey, who's actually after this project?

Strategies and Responsibilities

That's to tell if I ever launch a meme, I think everyone will firstly try to buy it, and then they only will share it. Like, I feel that there will be a playbook that people gotta follow, bro, in case. In case I ever would. I'm not saying I will not think I want. I am just like, in case, bro. Bro, you remember when, when, what? What? What? When gas pump was actually on fire? Right now that we actually have in the space, you would have seen a meme called Victor, because I remember we're on a space some time back when Gaspom actually launched, and then we were just talking like, hey, guys, imagine I just launched a meme with my name.

Reflections on Meme Culture

And then, guys, before that space ended, there was a meme in my name. There was a meme in mfocus name. And I think my meme actually went to, like, six k dollars in minutes, $6,000, you understand, and stuff people were buying. And then others actually went as far as actually pushing their own memes and so on. I didn't really push, actually, because memes really come with a lot of responsibilities, you know, it comes, it does. And at this point, I don't think I have the hearts to actually take it because I would be like, hey, guys, Jerry born actually rocked us or something. I don't like the sound of that. You understand? If I was, if I was actually undoxed, I would actually go ahead.

Community Engagement and Fun

But right now, I think everybody knows my house, knows my PFP, knows my real face, knows my voice. I was just gonna sit down, then I'm just gonna see the police just come over to pick me because I actually rocked the community. But anyway, that's just on a lighter note, I love the community, and I love memes. Guys, the meme culture on ton is something that is actually amazing. See, there's nothing that is usual about the ton ecosystem. First of all, it's not EVM. First of all, we don't operate like other chains where we use wallets and stuff. We, we only have to, we need telegram to exist and then be happy.

Reviving the Meme Culture

And then the community on tone is a very happy bubbling community. You understand? So, guys, let's bring back the meme culture. I don't know what is happening to gas pump. I think we need to have gas pump starts printing those memes. We need to have people building their memes. Whatever you just think right now, it could just be like, hey, someone you know, why don't we have a project called someone you know, why don't you have a project called, okay, for me, I have a project already called Jerry Bond. Yes, I know. Or is even Jerry Tone? I think it's Jerry Tone. That's the name of the project, actually. And so, come on, guys, Elisa is just laughing at me.

Creativity and Fun in Meme Culture

Yeah, there's a project actually called Jerry Turn. And so for every other person that's actually on this space right now, I think it's amazing you share your thought, actually, about memes. Youre understand, for me, I feel memes are great. They are gateway for liquidity. They are gateway for fun, for a lot of things on an ecosystem. And whatever idea you have, I think you should just bring it. Let's just turn the space into an idea. Tone, what do you think about memes? How can we bring memes? How can we make the memes on tone? Just like we always say, make America great again. Let's make the memes on ton great once more. Like great. Like amazing. And this time around, once they go great, they ain't going back to the village anymore. So that's just my thought about memes.

Investment and Commitment

And I want to buy into memes. Guys, for anybody that has actually been tracking my wallet, you know, any meme I'm holding, like, in the last 20 years, I'm still holding down meme. I just so much believe in community. Like, if I buy into a meme, I just hold it, like, to Valhalli. Valhalla. Sorry. I just want it to just go. If it doesn't go, like, I will still have to wait. That's how I do it. Because I believe that memes have their time. They take their time, and then when it's time to actually move, they move. Let's look at the culture with. With Shiba, with Kishu, with Dodge. You understand, a lot of other memes, actually, they never just moved.

Community Trust and Longevity

And right now, you see the communities strongly holding onto their dodge. A lot of people are still holding on to Sheba. That is the culture we're talking about. Not just jeeting the bags and then. No, no. You understand, community is still holding for me. I still believe in Dodge. I still believe in, she bar, even though they actually came from the last cycle. And right now, I'm holding my fish. It's funny if I tell you when I. When I actually bought my first fish and then how strong I'm actually holding to fish, and. And I still have a lot, so much part of fish that actually got as an airdrop, because actually, fish did a very large airdrop on the tonic system for those that were there in the early days.

Beliefs and Anticipations

And I still believe in fish. I believe the cycle is coming, and then it's going to happen. Are we talking about the resistance dog? I know right now. I said resistant dog. I know. Victor wants to say something else because he loves the resistant dog, and Victor is now a fish eater. Understand? We also eat fish. You get. So the culture has to be maintained. You need to see beyond just buying them and cheating for little profits. No, come on, guys. You wouldn't want to be caught on fresh. Being caught on fresh means the market is going to pump, and fish is going to get to, like, $5 billion, like, within 24 hours.

Community Engagement and Fun

And you'll be like, hey, I wish I never sold my fish. We don't want to. You don't. You don't want be caught up in that kind of, circle. So we need to. We need. We need to revive it. We need to have more fun. I'm looking at having, like, a meme party. Yes. In November. That's probably going to be my. My activation where. Where you're going to actually represent your meme project on the Tony ecosystem. If the project is not there, it's going to have a representative. It's going to be like a meme party. Come on, guys, let's come, let's have fun. Let's, let's.

Creative Ideas and Community Bonding

It's beyond just buying projects online. It goes beyond that because we can actually bring the memes to life, but actually showcasing, probably wearing some mds, you understand, making some matches and a lot of other things, and then having fun. Imagine what will happen if we get somebody to create a song for fish or get somebody to create a song for resistant dogs. Somebody create a song for Duroff or Durev, you get. That's, that's the beauty about memes. We saw all this. Shiva has a song, doge has a song, a lot of them, you understand? And that's how excited the community is about the memes, you understand?

Revitalizing Memes in the Community

So let's get that excited. That's what I'm trying to reignite. And for me, guys, you're going to see a lot of meme talk from me because right now, I'm taking my meme. Game on. Turn quite serious. So that's fucking go. Azara, you should post about five memes every day. Eliza, geo, Casey, Dev, mosty, uche. Let's fucking go, guys. We need to bring these memes. Let's bring them. Probably a lot of people are coming into the chains and they're asking questions like, do we really have memes on the tonica system? Yes, fucking yes, we do. We have those memes.

Continuous Development and Engagement

We have a lot of them. A lot of them are minted every day, every minute. A lot of memes are minted, yes. So a lot of people coming from eat, coming from Solana, coming from Susie, wherever they're coming from, asking questions like, hey, do we really have this? They're asking, do we have this structure? We got every structure on ton. Like, we got it all. You understand, guys? So that's my take, Zenith, about the memes, and I hope somebody else will talk more about the memes. Thanks. Don't worry, we're going to talk more about memes. And thank you for that. Honestly. I love meme coins, too.

Excitement and Opportunities

And just listening to you has got me more excited about meme coins already, especially on Tom. Guys, come on. We need to really, really need to actually start researching, understanding what memes are. And of course, as you asked here so nicely for everybody to start posting more about meme coins. Of course, guys, it's your choice. Please do it. There is one thing I would like to say, though, as you can see, I've pinned up to the top. Of course, we have Tom memlandia. If you guys haven't seen Tom meme Landia, the competition is starting soon for all of our meme coins. Don't worry, it's in the works.

Anticipating the Future

It will be starting actually very soon, and I'm very excited for it. But as you can see at the top, Tommy Milandia quoted Victor's post yesterday, about 71% of people have never even tried to buy memes or try to access Dexs and try to buy coins on Dexs. Right. And one thing that ive been seeing is that theres a lot of people chasing narratives for meme coins on other chains. So, for instance, Solana, sui, Tron, when Tron had its meme coin season, now sue is having its meme coin season. Ive seen people talk about, oh, how do I get onto Sui to go and trade their memes? But the thing is, youre already late.

Market Awareness and Timing

The people that made most of their money on those meme coins and Subi were the ones that bought them maybe three months ago when Sui wasn't doing anything with meme coins. Right. And then those meme coins started to surge and do 100 x, and then they made their money. It's the same thing here. Why are you looking at other chains when there's something happening there, when you know that soon enough there will be something here? So just prepare yourself and get ready for it and explore memes. Get ready. I'm not saying, you know, go and buy them, but at least explore and understand what the meme culture is, what, you know, maybe explore some really good communities and just get yourself prepared for it.

Final Thoughts

Because that's what it's about. And I personally love memes, especially really, because really good meme coins have really good communities, and we all have, you know, there's a really good community on Tom. So for me, it's a little bit surprising that a lot more people are not exploring meme coins. I know it's a, how do I put it? It's a bit of a scary ground, you know, when you compare it to try to farming airdrops and telegram mini apps, because, of course, you actually have to go and make on chain transactions. You have to go and do a little bit of research. You have to understand what happens on chain. You have to understand how to use Dex tools, how to use different decentralized exchanges to buy and sell meme coins, how to use gas pump.

Exploration and Learning in Meme Coins

But if you won't do it, then you won't make it. So just go and explore and find out. It's all there for you to learn. Eliza, you've had your hand up for a while, haven't you? Would you like to talk a little bit? Sure. Gm. Gm everyone. Hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to. To tell Jerry, bro, you're actually opening. The wait for ride pools. What the heck you're talking about? You say, yeah, just go ahead. If you have any idea in your. Mind, go ahead and do something, and. Then we're going to buy it. Bro, please, for God's sake.

The Believers of Bitcoin and Meme Coins

The bitcoin maxers. They are believers. They believe in bitcoin. They trade bitcoin all the time. And even Jerry Bone, this is what they do. They hold fish, they believe fish, they trade fish. You get insane. And even the turn coin believers, you get them. They are taking profit. This is why I really love all these projects coming with trading boats. You get, I'm saying, ideas, really. It will really support the disease community when the bureau has started because a lot of people will not believe about the meme season until when they have seen the bull run. And what I want you to know, people are making money even in the bear market, you get, I'm saying, by trading. It's just simple. Know a very good position of entry and know when you can take profits, you get, I'm saying. So it's very important.

Initiation of the Bull Market

The bull, the meme season has started on the turn blockchain. So nobody is taking that away from us. Let's go. You can have it from there. Jerry. Bonnie, I see like you have something to say. Wow. I felt that through the microphone. I want to go buy some memes right now. But honestly, Jerry Bond, I agree with you completely on what it is you said when it comes to buying memes. However, guys, Jerry Bond didn't take 100% of everything that he has and just put it into memes. Please don't do this. Jerry Bonds most likely put money he is willing to lose. Bro, can I. Can I say my disclaimer myself? This is not financial advice. This is not financial advice. Do your own research. That's what we are always say, don't come back to the TL and say, Jerry Bond made me buy this. No, come on, guys.

Advice on Meme Coin Investments

We're far gone from that. We're not in those days where you're going to come back. No, no, bro, forgot to say the disclaimer. Because I was talking. I was talking about every time I write, I don't forget to say it. So make sure you use funds you can afford to lose. Yes. Don't use your school fee. Exactly. And this is why he said he bought them. And he doesn't even look at them right. They just sit there and you just. Say, like, I bought them all. And I don't. I don't care. Unless we see, you know, that they're all skyrocketing or something. Exactly. Yeah, but. But I don't really stress out about few, you know, things here and there. Guys, once again, please don't do like we do you? Okay. Do not spend ever your last money into gambling your wealth onto the meme coins.

Research and Strategic Investments

That is not a wise decision. That's not what you should be doing. Please be cautious, be careful. It's never a financial advice, but I have a bunch of memes. Yeah, I have a lot. Like, really a lot. It's just exposure. I'm ready. Yeah, exactly. But look, right, everybody you got. There's some hands up. I know you guys have had some hands up for a little while, so you're free to talk. It's a, you know, it's open mic. Barrick, I know you've had your hand up for a little while, my friend. Would you like to ask anything? No, I just want to talk about something, guys, like, about the memes and all this stuff. Like, am I a lucky guy or. I don't know, about like a month ago. I just.

Personal Experiences with Meme Coins

No, not a month ago. Just before. Before tone got to like $5, I put like I bought like 3000 us worth of tone. And right now I'm waiting for any miracle that will happen. This is not financial advice. Two weeks ago, I just bought 500. 500 us. Yes. Worth of, what do we call it? The sweet blockchain. Yes, I bought 500 us worth of it. And right now it has doubled to like, it was $1. I think it was $1 and right now it's going to 2.5 us. So that's almost double of my. Almost double of my money. Like, you have to do a lot of research for these meme coins and this all blockchains and this stuff. I did a lot of research on tone and I knew, like, if I spend all my money, I used to be a freelancer, so I got a lot of money from freelancing and put.

Investing in the Future

And I wiped all my money from my accounts and decided, yo, let me put this on tone blockchain because I know tone blockchain will blow up soon. And right now I know soon enough, tone will get like two, $8, $10. Yeah, guys, I know that. I know that's gonna happen because if it happens, oh, my God, I'm going to be a real huge millionaire because I'm spending like, I'm putting all my faith on tone right now. I'm starting, I just started to spend my money on meme coins. I wasn't into meme coins initially, so I just started buying this. Is it fish or is it tone fish? Yes, it's the tone fish meme. Yeah, I bought a lot of it and right now it's skyrocketing. I know soon enough, the fish meme coins have a lot of people, a lot of communities.

Spreading Awareness in Kenya

The sweet meme coins. Yeah. And I really need, like, to onboard a lot of people from Kenya. Yes, I'm from Kenya. And most people here in this country don't know about web three. I feel like I'm the only person in this country who really knows about tone blockchain for real. I just invited like 20 people like last time and nobody knew about tone. I feel like in the coming ten years, I'll be like the Damix of Kenya because I think Damix is the Og of Nigeria. I don't know. You can correct me, but I think it's him. But I think after ten years, I'll be like 28 years. I don't know what you guys age, but right now I just turned 18 and on May and I invested a lot of money because right now I'm independent.

Community Engagement and Future Goals

I can use my accounts. I registered everything. I want to onboard a lot of people in Kenya. I want to start the act. The activation you are talking about. Yes, I want to onboard a lot of people in Kenya. Like, huge amounts of people. I want everybody to know about tone here. I feel like a lot of people are missing a lot of. Of things. Many people are just complaining about being poor, like, not having money. I'm not giving any advice on whether to buy sue, whether to buy tone, where to buy meme coins from tone blockchain. Yeah, just take your own advice. I said, as I said earlier, I'm a lucky guy. So I just bought a lot of tone.

Wealth Building Through Research

And right now, just before it dipped to $5. Yes, I bought a lot of tones. Right now I'm waiting for it to get, like, to ten us. I don't have a lot of money. Yeah. Thank you, guys. Always good to hear from everyone. And thank you for all the love and the support that you're offering for us at Don here as well, and all the meme coins, too. And I'm sure that everybody else feels exactly the same way that you do. Yeah, I was gonna say you had your hand up previously. You're free to speak. Yeah, GMGM, everyone. Yeah. Thank you very much, Zenith, for giving me. I think I would have to permit me to digress a bit because I.

Events and Engagement in Nigeria

Think I came in a bit late. When syndicates were pushing out the activations for the month. So I was still go to the memes here. Jerry has said a lot of things. He gave a lot of financial advice and then put out a disclaimer. But then, yeah, I'll still go to the memes here. So, for here in Nigeria, we'll be having an activation where sponsoring three events in Lagos. Zenith. Am I permitted to pin it to the jumbotron? I want to seek your permission first. Yeah, of course, if. Course, if it's inaccurate, go for it. Sure, sure. Okay, I'll push it. I'll put it up right now. So we tone society is sponsoring the.

Social Activity and Meme Coins

The problem that I see myself is that the most active meme coin, socially, it's fish. And to be honest, like, in my opinion, every other meme coin could and should be even outperforming fish. And it means not only replies and rates, but it means tweeting several times a day. You may ask, what should you post about? Well, I don't fucking know. Think of something. Okay? Like, I can think over thousands of ideas to post every single day. And look, I post a lot. I mean, right now I post a little less than I used to. No worry, guys, I'll get back to tweeting more. But my point is, if I can tweet a thousand different things in a day, why can't you? Why? Why shouldn't you? You see, even if you're going to be talking about the same topic, which would be the memes or your meme coin or your community, or highlighting what the other people in your community say, that's all it takes.

Importance of Original Tweets

I mean, just place your own tweets, not only the replies. I want to really stress it out. Like, your own fucking tweets are important, okay? So it's replies are also very helpful and also very important. I'm not saying don't do replies. What I'm saying is, like, every single meme project, every single day, should be tweeting at least 20 times. If you're right now a meme coin and you tweet every day less than 20 times, then, you know, I have nothing to add to. To it, bro. Like, everyone, I totally agree with what you're saying. I totally agree with you. They should be like, in the faces of everybody. Like, choke me. I want to be choke. I want to get to the point where I just.

Memes and Market Visibility

All I see when I wake up in the morning. Yeah, exactly. I turn this way, I see one. Exactly. And that way I'll be like, hey, I'm need to get more of this. Exactly. Like, to the point that it becomes actually even annoying. Like, you see all the time. Every single fucking place you go to. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. And every single project doesn't matter if NFT project, meme coin project, I don't know, a utility project, a meme coin, like, I don't know, the blockchain, anyone. It should be posting more. Do you know tone blockchain handle posts quite a lot and it, you know, like, I could be helping it to post even more, you know, my point is it's already tweeting a lot and there is a lot of important information.

The Nature of Engagement

Tone society post a lot. I mean, I post a lot. Don't you see the similarity that every single massive page on x post a lot. Every single meme coin that does well within any ecosystem being posted a lot. And yeah, I mean, look, just bring social activity. Literally start with posting 20 tweets a day. Tell people how to buy, where to buy your meme coin, tell why do you believe it's the best meme coin ever? Like, I don't know. You see, share the culture, create meme context. I don't know, collaborate with other projects. Like collaborate with Wonton. You see, they're happily drawing wontons with bunch of communities. Why wouldn't you be, want to be one, right? But once again, just have social activity.

Educating the Community

Like, I wish more meme coins just been socially active. Like, because the attention is here, the massive user base is here, but people don't know how to trade meme coins. Never did. So. And then they don't see you on the timeline because all the meme coins are not tweeting enough, not hosting spaces on their own. It's like, just do those things. You see, if I'm going to be like, look, just for the sake of experiment, and I've done that in the past, like, I could create the page today on Twitter having zero followers, and within a week, I will have more than 10,000 followers. Within a month, it will be one of the most hyped projects in crypto without even telling that I'm behind overd it. Because this is how simple it is.

Uniqueness and Representation

And the only real suggestion that I would give, because everything supposed to be unique, it is that you need to be socially active. I mean, if you combine uniqueness with great representation visually, it will fall onto the hearts of many and it will work every single time. There is no version of reality that wouldn't work, especially at the market that we're currently in. Like, look, just start tweeting, hosting spaces, joining spaces, being up your community to rate 100 times a day. They like it. They love helping and supporting their favorite project, getting to the next hundred thousand x. You see, everyone wants it, but it seems like the project founders very often don't want it enough otherwise.

Getting Community Involved

I don't understand. Why don't you tweet 20 times a day from your project page? You see that? That is my point. That is what I got to say, bro. Bro. And then just to add on that as well, I think the projects also need to have great people, great intern, taking care of their handles sometimes. It's. It's all right if you don't have. If you can't really do it yourself, you understand? It's fine. You understand? So get someone that could actually do it. You understand? Put the fire, ignite the fire. Let that handle be accessed to a lot of people, you know? So don't. Don't just sit there expecting the community to just go buying.

Open Communication with Community

Sometimes the community needs to know that you are there. Sometimes they just need to see, like, ten times, they'll be like, I wanted to buy this thing, you know? You know, people can actually procrastinate it a lot. Like, for me, I was like, I want to buy fish. I want to buy fish. I'll buy fish later. I want to buy more wanton. I want to do this, like, and I keep procrastinating, but if I keep saying this shit in my face, like, hey, wanton just said this one turn on the notification is going to choke me. Like, choke me. Just like I said, choke me. Get me to do this thing. That's what the community need. The community needs that push and actually shows that you're actually building.

Relevance of Updates and Communication

I'm not coming to just put out updates, like, once in a week. Come on. Victor is a better meme coin than a lot of meme coin. Look out here. Look, if big. What I'm saying is, look, I, you know, sign, right? Sign intern is actually my friend. Look, we've been hanging out in person for quite a lot. I've shared a lot of information with this person as well, onto how to, you know, given more in terms of social media interactions. And then look at signpage, it got a bunch of interactions, ground zero, literally, from having, like, a hundred followers. Like, that's manageable. That's possible.

Social Media Growth Strategies

You see? It's obtainable. What I'm saying is, I did not do the work. The person did the work. They in turn, did the work. And then if the project struggle, maybe the founder, let's say, doesn't have enough time, hire an intern for $500 a month, someone from the community to help you. Like, that's manageable. Like, I believe it is, and that will add up value way more than just $500 that you get to spend every single month. I mean, it's, you know, the last time I've posted, because my friend was looking for an intern to help him manage his page, and I've posted about it, like, my friend offering $700 a month.

High Demand for Opportunities

Like, he doesn't have necessarily a lot of money. There has been more than two and a half thousand people that replied they want a job. They want this job, like if that does not sell you anything, I don't know what will. You've got thousands of people that want to be an intern, that want to be staying socially active. As much as they can post a hundred times a day. Just hire them. You see, they are right here on Twitter, available on X. They are waiting for their opportunity to improve their lives. So yeah, that's what I will say. Okay, seems like he's not yet.

Engaging in Conversations

Not yet. I'm not quick to launch in, but I believe we'll get to that point. Now, this is it. Take for example, God gas. Or what's that project? Is it gas God? Gas God bro. Gas God is everywhere. Like on every comment section you go, every space he comes in, he blesses the space and he leaves. You just have to be active. That's it. Go right now and check out gas God on gasp. And you see exactly what I'm talking about. He's been active 03:00 a.m. 04:00 a.m. whatever time you see gas God. I'm even surprised gas God is not here yet.

Response and Participation

He will just come up. If he requests the mic, you give him the mic. He will bless the space with a prayer. Oh dear father made a green candle. I've literally just went into the chat on telegram and it's 14,000 missed messages. Wow. So I agree with you. I mean look, I agree with you. And I was just gonna say something quickly to back up Victor on what he says. I have a list on my ex, actually on all the x's that I host for meme coins on Tom, right. And there is about twelve to 13 actually the one on Tommy millennia is about 27. But I'm going through one of my other lists and I can tell you meme coins that post Pavel juror has posted, you know, every couple of hours, you know, just right now fish has been posting a lot.

The Importance of Consistency

And then yeah, that's about it. I go down 2 hours ago, resistance cat and then we go down more. 6 hours ago juror token, you know, 7 hours ago jiro token again 8 hours ago. You know, it's like we should be. There is twelve meme coins right there who are very big on tom, but they are just not posting. They should be posting at least maybe once or twice every hour just to get, you know, get the community pumped again, get the community going, get, you know, get more impressions for new people to see their token. And that's just how it is.

Proactive Engagement Strategies

I just wanted to kind of prove Victor's point, you know? I know, of course we can all listen to Victor, and everything that he does say is usually true, but I just wanted to say it because I always try to interact with meme coins on ton as well. That's why I have this list from the ton society page. But you guys don't really post much for me to interact with. Except for maybe good morning posts. Exactly. So it's like, I can't interact with you if you don't post much.

The Need for More Dynamic Content

Zenith. I just. I just want to say something. I just want to ask, is this, like, the first episode of this show? Because this is about to get heated. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's about to get heated. So let's do this. Let's. Let's bring more of the meme coins. Come tell us what you. We don't want slow rocks. We don't want you guys to just put in fire today and then you're slow tomorrow. Come on. No, you know, it's meme. So you got to put that energy you can hear from my voice.

Authenticity and Energy in Engagement

You know, for anybody that met me, like, in real life, you know that this is the same energy I bring to the table when I meet you in real life. So I don't expect you to have level 400 when it comes to launching the project. And then after two months, you're going to have, like, a level 50 you get. So we need that energy to get better. I think we need. Let memes be memes. I think we see a lot of memes working so hard to build some sort of utility.

Keeping Memes as Catalysts for Fun

Can we just have memes for meme sake? Can. Of course. Can just bro me. Of course, bro. For if what I'm trying. What I'm trying to say have mean. What I'm trying to say is choke. Yes. Yes. The memes just have to be there. You understand what I mean by the memes being there? I don't need you to build any fucking utility. All I just need you to do is make sure you're always there when we're checking you out. That's just it.

Community Engagement and Value Creation

Be memes. That's where you are. Don't. Don't build any shit. We don't need you to build shit. Just be memes. We'll see Tonki up here. Anytime I look at the Tonki PFP, I like it. Looks quite funny. I wonder if it's a gorilla or whatever, but I like it. That's what we're talking about. Anytime I see one turn, I think about food. There's so much so many things that brings out the excitement in us, actually. So why not let's translate it.

Exploration and Enjoyment in Memes

Yes. Let's turn it into anything right now. Is it a little war gecko you got in your house or something? Yes. Let's have fun. Memes are actually making money while you enjoy it. You understand? That's it. You don't need analysis. That was what I was telling. These are the other time I need to check. Shit. I'm going to buy it before I come in. Do your own research. This is not financial advice from Jerry born.

The Market and Meme Coin Dynamics

It's insane that we had Pavel Durer's birthday and they didn't. We didn't see any meme coin go ballistic. It's insane, right? We need to. We need to meme. We need to look at something and it's funny and then we turn it into something. Let's meme. Stop all of this trying to build so much utility. You're building this. You're trying to bring the world down. Just build meme community.

The Role of Community and Engagement

Sizzling in here. Community. That's about it. Yes. Now, right? I know. Victor, put your hand up a geo. You. I know you've been putting your hand up for a little while. Come on, my friend. You can talk. Yeah. I wanted to say something very important. It's not. Victor. Victor, you can go on, bro. Then I will go after you. Thank you.

Community Impact and Engagement

Thank you. Yeah. You know what I wanted to say? We actually have seen already 100 xs happening on Tom that already took place. Okay. It's just I think community forgot. How does it feels? I think everyone is like eager for the next one. You see, that's what I'm saying. But we had examples. You know, the first time I ever shared Rado that they were at 1 million market cap. I'm just saying.

Sharing Success Stories

Then you can check to where did they go so. And where they are now. You know, what I'm saying is we've seen those stories already. We just. A lot of new people that just joined crypto for the first time ever that never interacted with the Defi side of things. Never really explore the real meme coins on any blockchain. They don't even know or understand how to do it. It's okay.

Educating New Participants

They need to discover. They need to get education. And I think it's a natural progression. You see, I don't like it being necessarily forceful. What I like happening is community figure outing themselves like right now that they want more. The opportunity to earn and gain a lot of money rather than just spending a lot of time and getting just a little bit of airdrop.

Understanding Risks and Potential

But what I think the airdrops are important because they can let you to start literally from zero. You could then explore all other sides of ecosystem. I'm not saying that you will be 100% safe doing so. No, there's a lot of risks involved and associated with it. Even with farming airdrop, you're risking your time. You see, it's important.

The Challenge of Risk and Reward

And of course, you should always do your own decision. But what I'm saying is, I think eventually people will realize the potential of getting something from zero and then using this something into trying to make more out of it. And yes, you will probably fail many times, but not trying is going to be very silly decision. That's what I'm gonna say.

The Excitement of Meme Coins

It's not a financial advice. I'm saying you will lose many times and it's okay. But what I'm saying is sometimes you may win big as well. That's why people love meme coins. Because they can go -100% or they can go up thousand x. Like both scenarios are probable, don't get me wrong. And majority of the meme coins going to complete zero.

Sustainability and Market Fluctuations

It's very small portion that really do 100,000 x, 10,000 x. But it does not mean that does not happen. And people are, I know a lot of people. That's all they do. Every single day, they look for the next meme coin that got to do at least ten x. I mean, and very often they do a lot of money. And, you know, of course, many times they also burn somewhere on the way.

Capitalizing on Opportunities

That's why I'm saying it is risky, but it is the part of this ecosystem that makes it so attractive to the masses. The reason why people enter crypto is because of its volatility. If you're looking for the slow growth of 10% a year, stock market is your best go to strategy. I would assume a crypto is for the DeGeneres. They're trying to change their life because it is so early and the opportunity is present.

Exploring Opportunities

I mean, I also have fun, and I don't really care for even ten x as much like 400 x. I do. So you see, it's like I'm waiting for those things to happen, and I'm here to explore them. The first reason why I'm in crypto is because I want to explore those opportunities. And I've seen a lot of people changing their lives. I've changed my life.

The Journey in Crypto

I mean, at this point, I don't necessarily even have to have Twitter or be writing anything. If I want. I could just go and vegen trade meme coins every day, all day long. And a lot of people will be happy to add me to all the chat to even more than I am in already. What I'm saying is, it's just a matter of what you want to do. And if you start looking into the meme coins today, you firstly find the education, you firstly find where you go for it.

Research and Analysis

Then you find the largest memes already existing. Then you look at where they could potentially go. What is the case scenarios on other chains? What is the next thing that will get to this level that will become big? That may be only a $10,000 market cap right now. You see, those things still exist every single day. They have equal opportunity to either die or actually grow.

Embracing Market Characteristics

You see, it's literally, in a sense, as a casino type of situation. I really tell people it's not a financial advice, but that's why it is so attractive, because you can either lose 100% of whatever you put in, or make a thousand x on it. And even if it's $10, it can be substantial. Like it can be that.

Understanding Market Dynamics

That's the whole point. That that's why we endlessly talk about memes and when are they gonna get a lot of attention, what is happening, what is going on and etcetera. And I think, you know, for me personally, I like seeing the 1000 approach to the things, because they're helping to support meme coins that have got a lot of traffic. Got what, like one and a half million users more?

Capitalization on Existing Platforms

I don't know, guys. So is the data. But then my point is, they are providing a lot of this attention to where the meme coins, by simply creating a design with those, some of the largest memes on chain. It's very cool. And I think if, let's say a hamster combo, which got more than 300 million users in total, still for a second, right, if they would highlight a list of 20 meme coins on ton, they would get a lot of attention, a lot of traction.

Collaborative Opportunities

What I'm saying is, would be cool if we see more projects also supporting memes, and memes collaborating and reaching out to projects and maybe doing campaigns together. I would love to see to market, for example, do the campaign with, let's say, Paul Durev with us on stage here today. Just dropped out a second ago. I mean, imagine if that would happen. It would be so cool. They would just give away some portion of supply, etcetera.

Building Connections

That is a collaboration that the ecosystem need. Because you see, as those projects got a lot of traffic as they exist, why wouldn't you try to benefit from it as a meme coin that has been here for a long time and get a portion of their audience to also have your token? I mean, collaboration over competition. The ecosystem is massive. We got tens of millions and hundreds of millions of users. Like, can someone please connect the dots here? Like, it's not that complicated.

The Value of Presentation

Okay, can I go first? If I can? Yeah, yeah, of course you can. Go. Create meme coin. Geo. Hundred percent breaking. Guys, I want to say one thing about this marketing on memes because it's really bothering me. Like, Victor said post 20 times, I don't want to see your, like, good morning post. Tell me why you are actually building, like, what you're building. What's your community like? Give me the, like, guys, no, give me the vibe.

Effective Communication

Like, I don't want to see my gm. Like, no, no. I like the guys. Good morning. The good morning culture is that different thing, but I want to see that. Like, push your community. Like, let's say you're at 50k, right? Just say, good morning, guys. Are you ready for 100k? Like, give something to people, you know. Just, like, make it easy, bro. If, like, crypto is a bloody market, right? And if you're in on memes, you have to be the sales guy, right?

Selling the Value of the Project

You have to sell your product. You have to give people that why you are actually doing well and why you are actually different than other communities, right? So just host your spaces as a funder. Tell them why you're actually believing in this community, right? And tell them, guys, are you ready? We are gonna. We're gonna do this. Actually getting excited. Yeah. And they will talk about your project.

Creating Excitement

They will post about you. So, bro, it's a dirty market, bsa sky, okay? Like, you have nothing to lose, right? The people are believing you. But, bro, I used to work, like, I used to work as a, like, investment advisor, and I actually have that confidence to sit with a person and tell him, you know, the way I can sell him the product, okay? Like, even he knows that it's not something good, but if I just make it, like, that exciting, he would buy it.

Engagement Through Excitement

You know, I'm not saying he's gonna buy every, like, with all his money, but you can actually do that. So it's really bothering me. Just create those unique and different contents, please. Like, please, guys, because you have to do this. You have to be unique, and you. Have to create your own way. Just do the dirty marketing police. It's like every actually ecosystem actually doing this.

Building a Unique Brand Identity

And just give them those wipes to your community. Do not just say how, like, how you feeling today? Or like, yeah, we have this many, like, let's say, holders and stuff. Just say, guys, such a perfect day to buy this token right now. Such a perfect day to be part of our commit, right? Then just push your community to talk about you and create those pictures. Arts, you know, look at Tom, Yimnandia.

Utilizing Visual Engagement

Look at Tom society. Look at Tom. Look at the pictures that they create, right? Do the same things. Put your profile picture and push the fucking candle to the moon. Like, this is, like, easy. Just have some designers, right? And it's not gonna cost you a lot, but it's gonna give, like, good. Energy to your community. They will take the picture.

The Impact of Visual Content

They will use their good mornings. Then some people will see the picture. They say, like, what is this token boy? Then this is the marketing. People will talk about your token day by day. I'm not seeing these things. And it's really sad, bro. And, yeah, that's my take. Thank you. But if you are from the police, do those things, you know, I believe.

Offering Value and Feedback to Community

It'S gonna give you, like, a good. Feedback from the community. Oh, that's very true, Drew. It's very true. Look, guys, last ten minutes. I know I said this about half an hour ago, but we do need to finish up soon. And I think one of the really good things to finish up with is donkey. I've let them up to talk because I know that you guys are building something really cool.

Building Meaningful Collaborations

And you're here, you've been around for a while and just. And you still want to. I know. You guys are so donkey, my friend. How are you? Very good. Oh, finally. We've been cheated so many times on a space. Like, I'm not sure if people noticed. We've joined so many spaces, been invited as a speaker, and then just can't speak. So it's been a nightmare for the past few weeks.

Challenges in Engagement

Weeks? Yeah. Ryan here. I'm the co founder of Tonki, and, yeah, we've been grinding hard since our launch from gas pump in June. Just want touch on a few points that everyone's mentioned. The first thing is, yes, memes on Ton shouldn't expect the ton foundation or ton society to pump their own bags. Community and the team should be pushing their own means.

Community Responsibility

The second thing is artwork. I think if you haven't seen any Tonki artwork on Twitter, where have you been? I think I might be quite biased, but I think we have some of the best content on Ton at the moment and it is everywhere. We're really proud of the artwork we have and the content we're pushing out. We wrote a thread a few weeks ago that's now got about 20,000 views about meme coins, about ton memes, about Tonki.

Achievements and Future Goals

Yes, we're really proud of what we're building. Yeah. So we're really proud to be here and we know we've been through quite a few issues over the past few months, but it's the teams that have never gave up on Ton and have been around since then that are going to definitely be on top in the next few months for sure. And we really hope that ton Memlandia will be a catalyst for that.

Collaboration for Success

Ton Memlandia will be a catalyst for that, but only if the memes themselves will be doing as much posting as we will be doing. And it will work. Believe me, it will be fun. Everybody will be enjoying it. And yes, thank you, Tonki, for being up here and speaking. I know it's been difficult. I know you've tried to join quite a lot for the other Tom Memlandia spaces over the last couple of weeks, and you've been getting rugged.

Building Connections and Community

So I'm glad to hear that you're up here. I've just added you guys to my meme coin ton list. And yeah, I wanted to say this. It doesn't matter if you're big or small meme coin, start posting. If I'm going to start seeing you on my timeline, I'm going to start adding you to my Tom meme coin list on ton society, on my personal, my Tom meme Landian. And we're going to be interacting with you, right?

Engagement through Action

Because we are here to interact. I've literally, for the past month that I've been handling the page, I've been looking at the Tom meme coin list every single day and there's just not much to interact with. So if you want us to interact with you, start posting. I will be there and you'll see me interacting all the time. That's all I had to say.

The Need for Continuous Engagement

But yes, guys, that's great. And I just wanted touch on what somebody said earlier about memes staying memes. I think that's something we're proud to stick at because we have seen over the past few months where ton memes have started as a meme and then maybe volumes dried up or some other issues and they think, okay, we need to push something else out.

The Value of Authenticity in Community

Let's. Let's. Let's build a buy bot. Let's do a trading bot. Let's do this. Let's do that. We're very proud that we stayed away from that. And Tonki will always be a one, for sure. Love to hear that. That's all we need. We need memes, guys. But, yeah, so if any of the speakers, anything else you would like to speak or talk about, otherwise, we'll be ending off the space.

Final Thoughts

If not, go for it. Just share the. Share the list with us, bro. Thank you so much, Zenith. Please share the list with us. Right? We always, like, welcome with Alpha. Okay. Thank you. I mean, we can make the list public. I will watch them. I will watch them. I mean. I mean, to be honest with you guys, right, geo, Jerry Bond, you guys most likely have lists.

Collaborative Resources

I know you have lists. Like, you have the Tonka, they talk about list, don't you, Geo? Make your. Make yourself some ton meme coin list and just share them publicly for everyone to join, because, of course, not everybody is going to be, you know, maybe around on twitter the whole day and seeing all of the. All of the that are there, because there are actually a lot of smaller memes that I've been seeing are going around, and I'm trying to add them to lists.

Engagement and Recognition

So everybody is following you guys. They're following us. Let's share these lists. Let's make them public. Good idea. Actually, I just did a post about that. I just did a post about that zenith. Like, I asked, like, are you positioning yourself from memes on tone? And. Yeah, I will actually, I was actually. Thinking about, like, making a list.

Channel for Discussion

Share them. So, yeah, I think we should take. We should all be responsible for the memes on ton. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to make my own private from my account list public. Because if I do it from the ton society page, there will always be somebody saying, oh, but you guys like these memes, but not these memes. You know, so I don't want to.

Setting Expectations

I don't want it to look like that. So from my own personal account, I will share my list for you guys to see publicly. And I hope that everyone here does as well. And the more that we share, the more exposure that memes get, the better it will be for the community, and then I will 100, you know? Okay, I'm gonna say 100, but maybe you're 100% sure that memes will become large, and I think we said it here a couple of times.

Closing Remarks

What was it? Make memes on tongue great again. You know, like Maga, like, make America great again. So I'm just waiting for somebody to launch that. Really. You never know. That could happen too. But yeah, guys, I. Guys, listen, it's been two and a half hours. It's been pleasant and it's been lovely. I do need to run off.

Acknowledging Contributions

And of course, I'm sure a lot of you other guys have a lot of other spaces to go to and many other things to do. Eliza, I saw you. I think you have in your space soon as well, so everyone be sure to join there too. But, yeah, we'll catch you all around. Speakers. Thank you so much. It's honestly, this, for the first ton real talk, this has been amazing.

Addressing the Audience

We had an amazing audience. We've had loads of amazing speakers. I know a lot of you guys requested to come up and talk, and I'm sorry that we couldn't get around to it, but everyone's just excited, right? And this excitement's come from memes, so it's there. Everybody wants it. Let's make it happen. All right. Thank you, speaker, so much. Thank you, Victor.

Final Thanks

Thank you, everyone.

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