TON Nest Weekly Spotlight


Space Summary

The Twitter Space TON Nest Weekly Spotlight hosted by ton_society. In the TON Nest Weekly Spotlight, the TON Community thrives on networking, mutual contributions, and celebrating onchain accomplishments. The platform serves as a hub for showcasing projects, promoting collaboration, and fostering personal and professional growth. With a focus on inclusivity and diversity, community members benefit from engagement through increased visibility, rewards, and development opportunities. The spotlight sessions provide valuable insights, connections, and project showcases, creating a vibrant ecosystem of shared knowledge and collaboration. Participation not only enhances individual integration within the community but also contributes to the collective advancement of projects within the TON infrastructure.

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Q: How does the TON Community benefit from weekly spotlights?
A: Weekly spotlights offer visibility, recognition, and networking opportunities for community members.

Q: Why is community engagement essential for the sustainability of the TON ecosystem?
A: Engagement fosters collaboration, inclusivity, and growth within the TON Community.

Q: What can members gain from contributing to the TON ecosystem?
A: Contributors can receive onchain recognition, rewards, and opportunities for personal development.

Q: How does the TON Nest Weekly Spotlight contribute to project awareness?
A: The spotlight serves as a platform for showcasing community projects, fostering integration and knowledge sharing.

Q: Why is diversity important within the TON Community?
A: Diversity enhances creativity, innovation, and community growth, promoting a more inclusive environment.


Time: 00:15:42
TON Community Networking Discussion on the importance of networking and collaboration within the TON Community.

Time: 00:25:18
Benefits of TON Spotlights Exploring how spotlights offer recognition, visibility, and knowledge sharing opportunities.

Time: 00:35:50
Inclusivity in TON Projects Highlighting the significance of inclusivity and diversity in fostering project creativity and growth.

Key Takeaways

  • TON Community fosters networking, contributions, and recognition of onchain achievements.
  • Community engagement is pivotal for the growth and sustainability of the TON ecosystem.
  • Weekly spotlights provide valuable insights on current projects and achievements within the TON Community.
  • Contributing to the TON ecosystem can lead to onchain recognition and rewards for members.
  • Staying active within the TON Community can offer opportunities for networking and collaboration.
  • The TON Nest Weekly Spotlight serves as a vital platform for showcasing community projects and innovations.
  • Participating in the TON spotlight can increase visibility, connections, and knowledge sharing.
  • Inclusivity and diversity within the TON Community are key for fostering creativity and growth.
  • Engaging with the TON Community can lead to personal and professional development opportunities.
  • Regular participation in TON spotlights can enhance community integration and project awareness.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Format Overview

Hi all. Slowly just starting up the space, more people will be joining. Alec, of course, your co host. Now you can take it away, do what you need to do, but I guess we can wait another couple of minutes for everybody to start joining and we'll start talking soon. Yes, thank you so much zenith. And yeah, maybe I can just start doing the intro about what's going on here. And yeah, my name is Alec and my colleague Zenith is here. Thank you so much for setting this up. And we are here with the next episode of our done Nest weekly Spotlight. You may have noticed the Twitter thread that we published today and we spotlighted three projects this week and you can see the descriptions in that thread. And as per today's format, we are going to do the AMA session with each of those projects. And according to this format, we will have 15 minutes for each project to talk to and that's five minutes for the intro and ten minutes for your questions. If you'd like to ask a question to one of the projects that we had today, just keep your hands up, send us a request by pressing the microphone button and we will accept your request so that you could be able to unmute yourself and ask any question.

Project Introductions and Community Engagement

And we are featuring three projects today. One of them is folk, the second one is tonalytics, and the third one is Amsterdam. And yeah, I think people are joining right now. Just let me check a couple of things. And yeah, I think I can see all today's projects here and tonalytics. Could you please send a request to speak so that we could promote you to speaker two? And yeah, I think that's it for the short intro. Yeah, I'd like to also quickly tell you about where these projects are from. We have a thing named at Don Society. Donest is a place where you enter Don's ecosystem of supporting builders, of supporting startups and projects. If you need to get any help, any mentorship, any advice, any suggestions, any feedbacks, feel free to submit your application. You can just google the thumbnest and easily find the first link where you will see the form where you can submit your application. And yeah, without further ado, I think we can start now.

Folk – Project Overview

And our first project for today is folk. Hello folk. Hey guys, what's up? Yeah, thank you for being with us here today. And yeah, I think we can start our today's AMA session and the next five minutes are yours. Yeah, you can just tell us more about your project and what you're building. And yeah, the next five minutes are for the intro and after that we'll have ten minutes for the questions. Great. Thank you so much, guys. Thank you for the opportunity. My name is Alex. I'm here with Sasha and Giovanni. So the three of us are folk, basically, we're three friends that know each other since about eight years. So we're Berlin based. We met here in Berlin, working in a small startup back then. And throughout the years, we've always been hanging out together, talking about maybe trying to build a project together. And so we all have different backgrounds, all devs, but, for example, Sasha is a front end wizard.

Development Journey and Community Building

Giovanni has worked extensively in the gaming industry, and I've done lots of infra back end stuff, also with some EVM chains. So, yeah, at some point, we kind of, like, got to finally working onto something together, which, like, turned out to be folk, the game that we're promoting now and, yeah, so we started working on folk on some EVM chain, and at some point, we kind of, like, got curious into the telegram ecosystem, so we decided to give it a shot. What we found amazing with Telegram was the integration of how everything is made. So easy to just develop applications on Telegram. So the mini apps, the SDK is very nice to work with. The wallet integration is seamless, so that was pretty cool for us. Yeah, and then. So we started to develop a bit on Telegram, and at the same moment we started to look into telegram. There was this hackathon happening in Berlin from town society, and we just joined, and luckily, well, we won the hackathon from then on, like, we got a bunch of traction, amazing feedback.

Gratitude to the Community

Lots of people started to join the game. The community started to grow. It was. And it's still amazing to see, like, we have amazing people playing the game. It's very interactive and, yeah, so it's been a super fun ride for us so far. So it's like an indie project, right? Three devs. We have other side gigs, so we're trying to spend as much time as we can on folk because, to be honest, like, this is what I think we have the most fun doing right now. So, yeah, it's been a bit of a rocky ride because there's, like, a bunch of learnings from our side because were not very much experienced with the tonico system, so we're learning a lot. But again, like, going back to the community, these guys have been very patient with us. There was, like, the funny moment where we went from season one to season two, and we kind of had to roll back, so we named it season 1.5 because we had a bunch of problems with the wallet integration with Ton.

Current Developments and Future Goals

I mean, it's nothing with ton. It's just really us again, like, learning how the whole ecosystem is working. So, yeah, we got a bunch of stuff in the pipeline for the game. Right. We just released season two. Amazing traction. It was fantastic to see, honestly, and thanks to my two partners here, like, we've worked pretty hard, like, making this go through and a bunch of things in the pipeline. So we want to give, like, more utility to the folk in the game, the NFTs. So we will come up soon with a fighting system, single mode, multiplayer. We're going to release some spells for the folks and such goodies like this. So I don't know if I'm, like, getting closer to the five minutes. How are we on time? You have one more minute. One more minute, yeah.

Community Focus and Engagement

So basically we are just looking forward for what's ahead because we have lots of ideas to put into the gameplay and we have, like, the backing again of the. Of our very nice players, nice communities. We have, like, bunch of cool memes in the chats. Like, these guys are super active. And basically it's like, we're doing this for them because this is like the. They are the backbone. This is what's motivating for us. So, yeah, thanks to the community, like, I'm sure a bunch of you are listening right now and we're looking forward to get some of your questions. Okay, thank you so much. And I just approved a couple of requests here and I see Metja is among our speakers. Hello, Metja. If you have a question, please go first. Yeah, we don't have questions. Thank you. Okay.

Questions and Community Metrics

And we also have. Just a second, let me have a look. Yeah. Princess Uduak, so you're still on mute. So, yeah, I'd like to ask you to send us a request if you have a question, and ask any questions to folk. And, yeah, while we are waiting for the requests, I'd like to ask you folk to share some of the metrics, some of them numbers that you are most proud of. Yeah, so I'll pass along to Giovanni. We're all, like, crammed up around the same laptop, so I think. I hope the sound will be good. So metrics coming up? Yeah. At the moment, we have around 30,000 active users and active players for the month with a total of 50,000 players.

Game Statistics and Revenue

And we released two collections on Getgems at the moment with total volume that is. Around. Wait, sorry. 1000 tonnes in total. If we sum both collections and most of our revenues are coming from Telegram stars and we have a repurchase rate of users that buys telegram stars of around 70% or more. But we also integrated the telegram ads and yeah, we are looking forward to make the revenues split, let's say, more balanced between Telegram stars and also NFT sales fees. We have a retention on day seven of 15% at the moment, end of day 30 of 5% with a conversion rate of about 2%. And average revenue per paying user is more than $8. And yeah, a cost per click, let's say per acquisition of $0.01. So we are pretty happy at the moment with our numbers, to be honest.

Community Engagement and Future Plans

And being a mid core game, we know that we are not targeting a huge audience, but we also know that the audience that we have, let's say it's very solid and very engaged with the game. So we are very happy that our community is responding so positively to the current gameplay and to the game that we are offering them. Okay, yeah, that sounds amazing. And I just accepted the request from Mushfi Khur Rahman. Hello. Do you have any questions? Okay, if no questions. Yeah, I have another one for you. So what are your plans for the upcoming future? Let's say for the next quarter, I mean, until the end of this year.

Upcoming Features and Collaborations

So the next feature that is going to come, I would say very soon is the single player fight mode. And together with that, a bit later, there's going to be also a cloud system. Since we are collaborating with some influencers on Telegram, we thought it would have been very nice to give them the chance to also create their own clients within the game. In parallel with these features, there's going to be the release of some new folks. The current collection is made of 30 characters, but we're planning to expanding it in order to offer new opportunities of gameplay to the users. And then there's going to be a pretty big feature that is going to be the PvP mode, so multiplayer.

Future Competitions and Rewards

And in that case, this is going to be joined by the different competitions organized to allow our users to compete against each other and also possibly to win rewards in nfts or tokens. That's a tone, that's something that, let's say we're going to announce when the time is going to come. Okay. And do you maybe guys have any kind of hacks that could help you to scale and to run faster than others could? So you mean like technically how we could scale up the app or like how we could. Yep. Yeah. So right now we are hosting on Vercel, right? And Vercel is pretty good with like automatically scaling the request.

Scalability Challenges and Solutions

It's all edge requests they distributed left and right. But to be fair, like Vercel can also be very expensive. So we learned it like as soon as we have lots of good traffic that the price of Vercel really spikes. So we're kind of like looking a bit left and right to solutions that would allow us to scale at not like a ridiculous price.

Balancing Deployment and Costs

So it's like always trying to find the balance between how easy is it to deploy the app on XYZ platform versus how much it will cost. We already started to port some of our traffic to Cloudflare so if there's one recommendation I would give to other projects, use Cloudflare for like caching of the requests if you are hosted on Vercel as well because this will save you lots of costs. Like we've seen it on our end. Okay, thank you.

Recommendations for New Projects

And one more thing that could be interesting for all those people who are starting to build or maybe just having some ideas to start building. So how do you guys, so did you attract any investments for now or any grants? Did you win any hackathons and yeah, what was your history? I hope that will be very motivating for those people who are having the ideas to participate at hackathons and to start building and join our ecosystem. Yes we can.

The Importance of Hackathons

I mean definitely recommend joining hackathons for us. As we mentioned in the intro. Like we participated in the Berlin hackathon and we won it. So we got 2500 USD of ton right at the time and this really kicked us off like you know, it could we from, with this money we, I think we did some collabs marketing left and right. I think we've also had a few grants if I'm not mistaken. Right from Adsgram Dun society gave us some backing as well if I'm not mistaken. So yeah, definitely.

Networking Benefits

I mean yes, other projects get into all the hackathons that you can and it's not only like trying to win some money but honestly for us. Like we met super fun people and that we all still in touch with. So it's just not only to win some prizes but networking. Right. Networking is pretty important. Okay, thank you. That's really great. Yeah and thank you for noticing this networking effect and the networking thing and.

Active Channels and Collaborative Opportunities

We sorry to go to but about the networking like good job to you guys with all the channels right? The levels, the different levels channel like these channels are super active and there's like lots of nice opportunities. Talking of networking, you're doing a great job to help us out. Yep. Very happy to hear that. And, yeah, I think we have something like two minutes more. Do you guys have something to add or comment or suggest or maybe.

Technical Advice for New Developers

Yeah. Any ideas you'd like to share? Yeah, maybe. Like, on the tech side of things, if you guys are starting to build on ton, I would say look a bit into the different types of wallets contracts because we've been bitten a bit by it. So there's like, wallet version three, version four, version five, and they all have, like, different types of use cases. So if we could go back, like before, we would have looked a bit more into this. So, yeah, that would be one piece of advice in terms of, like, the tech side of things.

Upcoming Events and Opportunities

And, yeah, and just last thing, we hope to meet some of you in a couple of weeks here in Berlin. There's going to be another bootcamp organized by ton, and we're going to be there, so would be nice to, in case you're there, just come at us and say hi. Yep. That's amazing. By the way, the bootcamps are happening all over the world. And right now I am at the bootcamp too, here in Astana.

Global Bootcamps

And I know that there are several other bootcamps happening this weekend. I think three or four at the moment. Yeah. And yeah. Thank you so much, folk. I think that's it. Yeah. It's a pleasure to spotlight you here. Thank you guys for being so proactive and active at Donnes programs, at Donnes pitching sessions at this spotlight on next. Yeah. Thank you once again. We'd be very happy to hear from you soon.

Project Introduction: Tonalytics

Thank you. Thank you, guys. Thanks. And we have our next project for now, the project named Tonalytics. Hello, guys. Hello, everybody. Do you hear me? Yep. So welcome to our spotlight session and I'd like to ask you to give an introduction about your project for the next five minutes. And after that we can proceed to the questions.

Founders' Background

Okay. Hello. We are two brothers from St. Petersburg, Alexei and Pavel. We took first place in the boot camp by Eton Society and we made it to the hackathon finalists a year ago. We knew nothing about cryptocurrencies and so on. In the beginning, we faced a lot of difficulties, so we decided to create a user friendly application. We have been working on projects about a month.

Introduction of Tonalytics

Like many others, we border from not coin. So tonalytics is a portfolio tracker to track all of your assets on ton. We have been very focused on a major update to our app. So here's what we've done. We've taken an important step towards the tone community by removing the paid plan. Now all features are free. Defi Analytics a long awaited feature, assets in liquidity pools, farming, staking and lending protocols.

Features of Tonalytics

We are already tracking assets in Stonefi, DDust and EVa protocol. More protocols will be added soon. Now, in one app you can see all your assets at once. Tokens Defi and NFTs at analytics, we. Synchronize buying and selling points with the chart of any token. You can conveniently view this over a day, week, month time frame. Simply click on a point or long tab on the chart to open a tooltip window with the rate at the desired point.

Wallet Features

Wallet you can group wallets into folders, add several personal ones and those you want to monitor. In Spyview. You can search for a wallet by address or domain and analytics will suggest options as you type and save the last five search results for quick access. We are participating in the open link. We continue to work and develop the app. Soon the app will feature a light theme, quick wallet assets viewing via direct link and more protocols defy will be added.

Origin of the Idea

So that's all. Okay, yeah. Could you please also tell me guys, how was your idea born? It started from not coin from the first steps in blockchain tone. We just. It was started from nfts when we claimed our not coin vouchers. We. Have some. We have some difficulties with analyze it, how much it costs. So we have so much difficulties with tone and we thought that we can build an app to compare everything together to solve our problems in one app.

Acknowledgment and Questions

We don't know that it is portfolio tracker. Okay. Yep. And I just approved the speaking request of Flibber. Hi Flibber, do you have any questions tonalytics? Hi Jim, everyone. Thank you Alec for giving me the mic to speak. thank you ton society for this amazing program. Jim everyone. Yeah, we are flipper. We are bidding on tone. We are bidding the.

Inquiry About Questions

So do you have any questions to analytics right now? Yeah, sorry, I didn't get Ali, can you please come again? Okay. He said, did you have any questions for them? Photon analytics? Oh, no, not really. Yeah. Okay then yeah, I'd like to remind everyone to ask any questions if you have data analytics. But if there will be no people sending us requests, I would have another question.

Metrics and Growth

And yeah, I would like to also ask analytics about the metrics you have. Guys, for now, what are the numbers that you are most proud of? We have more than 100,000 connected wallets. And more than 140 thousand monthly active users. Yeah, about, yeah, 40,000 monthly active users. About 7000 daily active users. Okay. And how fast are you growing right now?

Active User Growth

About 500 new users in a day. Yep. And what techniques do you use to scale and to grow? Now we just working on our application. So we try to use telegram ads, telegram bloggers. So we just develop our app now and focused on that. And we have organic traffic from tone society, telegram app center and trending apps, catalog referral system from our users.


Okay. Yep. And yeah, I'm very happy that you are already doing that right now.

Future Plans for the App

And what are your plans for the upcoming future? So in the future we want to make a light theme. So quick wallet asset viewing with a direct link and more protocols like storm trade, aqua protocol. So we have huge plans for our app and also we have a new app in new hackathon. What is a secret now? Yeah. Do you have enough time and capacity for that? Yeah. Yeah, that would be great. Which hackathon are you planning to participate? Winter hackathon? We already participated. Okay. And I would like to also know if there are any, if there have been any kind of difficulties from the technical aspects from the technical side during your journey and how did you handle them? How did what, how did you handle.

Technical Challenges and Team Dynamics

Any difficult, any difficulties related to the technical aspects of your building the project we don't have. Yeah. So it's how to say, I'm Alexey and I'm front end developer, but both of us are full stack developers. But I like front end, I like back end. And it's our team. It's just two people in our team. We are the team and we don't have difficult technical things. We do everything together. Okay. Yeah, that's great. And I just accepted another request from Elvis. He's here as a speaker. Hi, Elvis. Yo. GM. GM everyone. Gm ton society. GM zenith. GM alec. GM everyone. The building devustee.

User Inquiries About DeFi Tracking

I just have two questions for tone analytics. As I heard what they were saying, it was really amazing to see a portfolio tracker on tone. I think we had one, but I was able to really track my defi activities. So this is just for to turn analytics. Will I be able to like track my defi activities? Like, let's say I'm able to like deposit on Eva on the rest of the DeFi protocols. And also, secondly, do I get to, do I get like such a wallet address without actually connecting my wallet? Like can I actually copy my wallet address and paste it on your app and then get to, like, search all the activities on my wallet without actually connecting my wallet ton analytics? I don't know if you guys got my question.

Introducing Features for Wallet Analytics

So we have a wallet center new feature in our app and you could just copy and paste your wallet address of everybody in tone blockchain to see token defi and NFT analytics, Eva protocol, liquidity pools, farming stake, and you can see everything in one place in our app. All right. All right. That's amazing. That's amazing. I would definitely look into this and, yeah, thank you for bringing me up. Thank you for your question. Yeah, thank you so much. Elvis, do we have any more questions? Yep, I see. Elvis, you are keeping your hand raised once again. If you have any questions, just, yeah, just send us a request.

Project Closing Remarks and Introduction to Amsterdam

Okay. If there are no more questions for now, I'd like to say thank you to you, donalytics. Very happy to hear you here. And, yeah, thank you for being so active at Donnest and, yeah, good luck to you in your journey. Thank you. Thank you. And we have our final project for today, who we would like to spotlight here. It's Amsterdam. I like the name, actually. And hello, guys. Are you here with us? Yeah, yeah. Hello. Yep. Welcome. And, yeah, please use the next five minutes for your intro.

Introduction and Background of the Amsterdam Team

Yeah, it's a pleasure to be here. And I'd like to thank you. Thank you. And thank the whole tone society people who are making this incredible work and creating this incredible engagement for developers and for everyone. It's really interesting to be here. And what about Habsburg? Let me start from the beginning. How did I. How. It was at early stages, so we are a small team, a small team of hard workers and crypto lovers, and we’re just having some fun and enjoying our time and discussing the crypto.

Game Development Concept and Strategy

And as you know, the crypto is really not a boring topic. So there is always some culture happening, and in the same time, the sec is always angry at someone and everyone, sometimes someone does something silly or some crazy stuff happens, like these ethics and stuff like that, and it's always full of interesting things. So, yeah, we're just making fun of this and we just decided to make a game about this because it's really interesting for us and we think it might be interesting for more people. And as we saw in the telegram, there were a lot of clickers and we decided to make our game interesting in terms of gameplay, too.

Game Mechanics and Player Engagement

So, yeah, we intentionally made to have not a lot of clicks. So, yeah, just a couple of clicks per day, so you don't need to be constantly in the game, but it is strategic. You have to balance between risky and regular strategies. So yeah, if you are risky you will be banned by SEC and if you are just too safe you will be not earning as much hamsters as possible. So yeah, that was the first idea and we continued to develop it further. So generally there is a limit in hamsters. There is only 8 billion hamsters in our world and when these hamsters are all mined, the game is finished and the new cool stuff happens next.

Game Progress and Future Developments

So yeah, and we have been developing this game for pretty much long time and it improved a lot for the past several months. We released a lot of features like wheels. We have launched our own NFTs with Legends from Crypto World and we are constantly tapping new features. So yeah, and meanwhile we are preparing for the next stages of the game. We are partnering with new projects. So yeah, we are planning to make it more like a huge, so we are planning to make it make the exit token and unite with this token. Our other projects which we are developing right now, maybe some of you saw that we have launched our own NFT sale platform and the first NFT sale was on our own platform and we are continuing to develop some new games that will be launched in tandem with hamstring.

Closing and Summary

So yeah, that is us and that's what we are doing. Thank you. Okay. Yeah, thank you guys for presenting. And my first question would be so how do you guys force your project so that you could outstand among all of the other games and projects who might be having some similar mechanics since, you know, the topic is a bit overhyped right now. Yeah. Do you maybe have any hacks and tricks and strategies about that? Yeah. The first of all is just a simple and obvious thing that you have to engage your users.

Differentiating the Project and User Engagement

So yeah, if you are really, if there is no difference between you and other competitors, you are just the same gray game and that's it. But unique differ, you can differ in multiple things. Like you can make your game look very cool. It's just a lot of colors or stuff like that, some pretty images and animations and more. Or you can create beautiful content, maybe fun content. So a lot of jokes. So you have to fill your game with things that will be memorable which people will consider fun or consider interesting. And these things, they are making people discuss your game.

Quality and User Experience in Game Development

So this makeshi a lot of noise and helps you with promotion. And of course we believe also that the product has to be high quality so users should have smooth experience. It should be fast, there should be a minimum amount of bugs and yeah, just a good technical implementation is also important. Yep. Thank you for making it clear. And I see a couple of speakers joined here. Yeah. Abdul, you are unmuted. Do you have any questions to ask to Amsterdam? Okay, if you don't have any questions, maybe someone else has. If so you just unmute yourself and to ask any questions to hamster down.

Discussion on Metrics and Numbers

Yeah, boss. Alec. Jem. Jem Zeret, everyone. I don't have question really for now, please check your dm, please. Yeah, sure, we'll do that right after this session. And yeah, another thing that we would like to discuss here is the metrics and numbers of Amsterdam. So what are your metrics and numbers which you are most proud of? Yeah, so right now we have 900,000 users. A little bit more than that, but yeah, just 900,000 users. It's total onboarded users but yeah, it's more accurate to talk about monthly active users.

Core Metrics Overview

So this number is around 260,000. Right now. It jumps a little bit but yeah, that's our core metrics.

Revenue and NFT Sales

And yeah, we have some revenue. We have completed the NFT sale, it was completed in 18 minutes and you can see on the getgames the floor price and the total supply, it's completely open. So yeah, we have sold 500 nfts for more than five ton each and right now we are continuing to expanding to scaling to do some collaborations and stuff like that.

Community Collaboration Hopes

Yeah, I hope you'll be able to do that and find new collaborations in communities and. Yeah, I see Elvis with a raised hand. Hi, Elvis, once again you have something to ask. Hi, yeah, thank you so much again for bringing me up. Hamster, I just checked you. I just went into the bot on Telegram to check out the project. I love the name, like Alex said as well. But I have a question, like what's the game like? Because I think it really is taking me through certain places.

Game Mechanics Inquiries

Go check this, go check that. So is it a tap to end or is it just basically on task? Any points from task? What's the game like? What's the game like of Amsterdam? Yeah, it's not. Yeah, it's tab to earn but not tap to earn. Yes, there's no tapping. So you just complete some in game activities. So it's. They complete in game. So it's not like not partnership activities, it's just some stuff like you should go to the Dubai to conference and on the conference on hamsters you come back and you now can go and launch your own coin and you're going there.

Earning Mechanism Explanation

And in the process you earn more and more hamsters. And this provides you with new opportunities and you continue to develop further. So, yeah, and during this process, you also need to balance your strategies to be not too risky, otherwise the SEC will come after you. So, yeah, we also have some partnership opportunities with in game quests, but that's not really a part of the game. And there is no clicker. It's not a clicker and it's not just a simple quest machine.

Game Educational Aspects

All right. Thank you so much. But is the quest I'm going to be engaging on like is it educational basis based on, like is it teaching something maybe has to do with defi literacy or like the quest I'll be engaging on taking me from different tasks, like n different points. Like is it based on education on the blockchain or based on education on the. What exactly is the SCE? I think you mentioned that before, but I didn't really get that.

Game's Core Educational Concept

Yeah, the core idea is to intro. Is to make for, is to make an intro for users to join the Crypton. So, yeah, it's mostly for education of the side effect is education of the people who are playing this game. So yeah, you are learning some crypto awards and you are learning how the crypto works itself. We are also launching the crypto staking during the next week or so, and we are also adding some more on chain activity so people will onboard even more into the tone and the crypto world.

Project Inspiration Discussion

All right. All right. Gotcha. Thank you so much. Thank you ton society. Thank you, Zeni. Thank you, alik. Thank you, everyone. Yeah, yeah. Thank you, Alice, for being so active today and asking your questions. And if someone from the approved speakers here would like to ask any questions, just go for it. And yeah, one more thing which is interesting to me is how also, what is the inspiration behind your project? I mean, how did you get that idea and how your project was born?

Origin of Hamsterdam

Yeah, that's a good question. So it may be surprising for someone, but were not looking at another hamster project which is happening, which was happening on telegram. We were not aware of this project. Really. It's just an honest, yeah, it's honest. We were not looking at this project because were just having fun. We were just like, yeah, hamsters shave. Yeah, some crypto stuff. Yeah, FTX. Yeah. Sse and, yeah, just the day full of jokes. And we are developing this game and like a couple of weeks during, after the beginning of the development, we are finding out that there is a competitor and I, etcetera.

Clarifying Misunderstandings

And you can see that we are really different just because the game is really different. There is nothing common between us, just a simple name coincidence. Yeah. The answer is that were inspired by. Just by the ruffles, the fun and. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. Thank you. That's a great story. Yeah. And, yeah, hamsters are not only hamster combat. And so that term is pretty known, well known in crypto communities.

Game Aesthetic Influences

So. And does it have something to do with Amsterdam? Yeah, it's a beautiful city. Like, it's. It's like from all. Every street that you see is from Pinterest. It's like, yeah, really fancy. So were aware of the city, like, when were naming our project. And it's just a cool game of war. So that you, like, have Amsterdam and you have hamsters. And it's. And Hamster is a city of hamsters. And this is. And it's a beautiful city. And we also made our game beautiful. We believe it's good.

Conclusion and Thank Yous

Yep. Thank you. That's really interesting. And, yeah, if our audience has any questions, just go for it. Yeah. My question to Hamsterdam is I'm trying. To figure out the difference between the Hamsterdam and Hamster compact. Looking at the Hamster compact founder is Amsterdam Gerrard and his project is hamster. And this is something just similar. I'm just trying to. I'm confused, actually. Just if you go out the difference. Between the hamster compact, the Hamsterdam, maybe there is any relationship between them.

Distinct Projects: Hamsterdam and Hamster Combat

Between the two. Yeah, there is actually no relation. So, yeah, we are completely different. And you can try the game. It's completely different, too. So you have the hamster combat is clicker. We are not a clicker. Have a strategy in our game. Like the general layout of the game, the interface, everything is different. So there's like were. We haven't even seen the hamster combat when we started the development. When we started the development of our game. So, yeah, just naturally that we have nothing in common.

Final Remarks

Yeah. As mentioned before, that's just a coincidence. And yeah, I'd like to ask all of the people who were here today, or listening to this episode as a recording to check out all those projects we spotlighted here today to Amsterdam folk and analytics, too. And yeah, thank you so much, guys, for being here with us. Really happy to host you here and to give this space to you, to support you at Donnest. And yeah, whenever somebody has any questions about Donnest, feel free to dm me here on Exo or on Telegram.

Acknowledgments and Closure

My handles are same. And yeah, thank you so much guys for coming here. Thank you so much to all those listeners who've been here today. And thank you so much zenith, for setting this up. I think that's it for today. I'd like to also remind you that there are tons of content happening and appearing on tonsociety's pages. Even some bootcamps are streamed. Lots of content about the hackathon which is applicable not only for the hackathon, but still very useful content for all those people who are trying to build something or to join the tons ecosystem.

Weekend Wishes and Invites

Please check them out and yeah, enjoy your Friday and the a weekend ahead. I think that's it for now. Stay tuned for the updates. Thank you everyone for joining and thank you alec. Don't worry, I just sit here and look pretty. It's all good. You do most of the work. Thank you everyone for coming and thank you for all the projects and all the speakers that were speaking. I'll see you guys at the next one.

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