Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space tomi’s New Path: Tokenomics & Leadership hosted by tomipioneers. Explore the realm of tokenomics, leadership, and the decentralized internet in this insightful Twitter space. Discover how tokenomics shapes decentralized platforms, the importance of inclusive leadership, and the global impact of decentralized internet projects. Learn about empowering individuals through tokenization, promoting transparency, and inclusivity in decentralized systems, and overcoming challenges to innovate in the decentralized space. Dive into the driving forces behind the decentralized internet movement and how tokenomics incentivizes user engagement. Join the conversation on building a more transparent, accessible, and decentralized online environment for all.

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Q: Why is tokenomics important in decentralized platforms?
A: Tokenomics design influences governance, incentives, and sustainability within decentralized ecosystems.

Q: How does decentralized leadership differ from traditional models?
A: Decentralized leadership involves shared decision-making, transparency, and community-driven initiatives.

Q: What role does freedom of speech play in decentralized internet projects?
A: Freedom of speech is fundamental in creating open and inclusive online environments that empower individuals.

Q: Why is global accessibility a core focus of decentralized internet initiatives?
A: Ensuring worldwide access to information and communication is a key objective of decentralized internet advocates.

Q: How can tokenization benefit individuals in decentralized networks?
A: Tokenization allows individuals to have a stake in decentralized platforms, participate in governance, and be rewarded for contributions.

Q: What is the significance of community involvement in building decentralized solutions?
A: Community engagement fosters a sense of ownership, drives innovation, and ensures the platform meets diverse needs.

Q: How do decentralized platforms promote transparency and inclusivity?
A: Decentralized platforms leverage transparency and inclusivity to build trust, encourage participation, and prevent centralization.

Q: What challenges do decentralized internet projects face in adopting innovative approaches?
A: Challenges include regulatory hurdles, scalability issues, and educating the public about the benefits of decentralized technologies.

Q: What drives the movement towards decentralized internet amidst traditional centralized systems?
A: The desire for autonomy, data privacy, censorship resistance, and democratization of online spaces are key drivers of decentralized internet adoption.

Q: How do tokenomics principles incentivize user engagement in decentralized ecosystems?
A: Tokenomics provides rewards, voting rights, and governance opportunities, motivating users to actively participate and contribute to the network.


Time: 00:07:15
Tokenomics in Decentralized Platforms Exploring the impact of token economics on decentralized ecosystems.

Time: 00:15:42
Leadership Strategies for Decentralized Solutions Discussing effective leadership models for decentralized projects.

Time: 00:25:19
Freedom of Speech in Decentralized Internet Highlighting the importance of free expression in decentralized online environments.

Time: 00:35:50
Building Global Accessibility with Decentralized Internet Examining initiatives to make decentralized internet accessible worldwide.

Time: 00:45:11
Empowering Individuals through Tokenization Analyzing how tokenization empowers users in decentralized networks.

Time: 00:55:30
Community-Centric Development in Decentralized Platforms The role of community involvement in shaping decentralized solutions.

Time: 01:05:10
Transparency and Inclusivity in Decentralized Systems Importance of transparent and inclusive practices in decentralized platforms.

Time: 01:15:22
Challenges and Opportunities in Decentralized Internet Projects Exploring obstacles and potentials in decentralized internet initiatives.

Time: 01:25:45
Drivers of Decentralized Internet Movement Understanding the motivations behind the shift towards decentralized online spaces.

Time: 01:35:55
User Engagement through Tokenomics Incentivizing user participation through tokenomics in decentralized ecosystems.

Key Takeaways

  • Tokenomics plays a crucial role in shaping decentralized platforms and communities.
  • Effective leadership is essential for the successful implementation of decentralized solutions.
  • Decentralized internet fosters freedom of speech and access to information worldwide.
  • Building an alternative internet requires innovative approaches and community involvement.
  • Global accessibility is a key driving force behind decentralized internet projects.
  • Tokenization empowers individuals to participate in and benefit from decentralized networks.
  • Ensuring inclusivity and transparency is vital for the sustainability of decentralized platforms.
  • Tokenomics principles can incentivize active participation and contribution within decentralized ecosystems.
  • Decentralized leadership models aim to distribute power and decision-making among community members.
  • The decentralized internet movement aims to challenge traditional centralized systems and empower users.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Opening Remarks

Hello. I'm just going to be posting the Twitter link here and I'll be just a second. All right. Hello. Hello, everyone. I see everyone still joining. Let's give it a little bit of time for everyone to join. Thank you for joining us here today. And today's MMA is going to be about, you know, to economics and new leadership, as everyone might know from the title. We'll start with the introductions and every proper start to the AMA in just about four or five minutes. Give people time to join, get everyone some time to get settled in, and then we'll introduce all the speakers. Just to double check with the speakers. Everyone can hear me well and fine. Yes. Yeah, we can hear you well. Perfect. Let's take a second to maybe mic check, everyone. Alex, your mic is working fine. If you as well. Yep. Yes, you can. Perfect. Making sure all social medias have the links posted so that they can join us right away. And again, we'll be starting in just three minutes or so. So. Okay, settle down and thank you for joining.

Introductions of the Team

While the people join us, why don't we. This is recorded, so this will be available for people to go back through after the fact. So for now, let's just maybe begin with some introductions. Let's introduce the team, have some self representation of the speakers, and each of you can say a few sentences about your role in the project. Yeah, thanks. I'll start. Go ahead. So, I'm Ron. I'm the new GM of the project. I was one of the very early team members of Tommy. Afterwards, I went and participated in some other projects. Recently, I was offered to return tomi in a full time job to take the project. And I'm very excited to be here. I'm very happy to see the community of Verge. We have such a diverse community and we have a lot of plans for the future. And good luck to us all. Wonderful. Thank you for that. I look forward to working with you.

Speaker Contributions

Okay, I will be here. My name is Itai. I'm in charge of the marketing in Tomi, and I'm here to push the project forward, which is both building a very strong and powerful marketing operation machine that will be able to carry out project campaigns and initiatives, and both that will be able to make this project grow and to support new product launches. And we have a great vision, a great team, and looking forward to hear your questions and to answer. Thank you. Thank you. It's honestly been such a pleasure working with you. And you can really tell that the vision is really being pushed through by people who believe in it. It's really good to see people who want to achieve this dream and are working for the community and what the project really stands for. I'll say a few words about myself. I'm the holo, my real name is Chris and I am the community manager and I work towards events, hosting and just looking out for the community in general.

Roles and Responsibilities

I have been with Tommy for quite a long time now and I've just seen us go through a lot of changes and I feel like it's always been the right foot forward, whether things always go exactly how we want them or not. It's always been a pleasure working with this team. So yeah, my main role is events and as you can tell, also hosting the such AMA's and things. So yeah, thank you. And Alex, why don't we hear a little bit from you. Hey everyone. So some of you might know, my name is Alex, I'm the head of technology. Tomi. I'm having the privilege of creating our system architecture, designing and implement all those bleeding edge technologies that we're using in our products and overall overseas, the development process. That's it. Thank you for the introduction, Alex. Sorry, I so thank you for the introduction.

Key Team Members and Their Vision

Yeah. One more important person to introduce, which is here with me, so he will use my account, is Moshe Hogeg, our new chief advisor, and here I will let him introduce himself. Hey guys, nice to meet everyone. My name is Moshe, I'm one of the original co founders of Tomi. I'm coming back to the, hopefully coming back if you will approve it. I will come back to the project soon. As a senior advisor. I have an extensive background in entrepreneurship, in developing technologies and managing investments. I used to have a vc, I'm in crypto for almost twelve years now. That's it. Looking forward for your questions. And I can be the last. I just want to add that I just saw a community member writing on Telegram that he can't join this AMA because it's from Brazil.

Discussing Project Vision and Challenges

And everyone knows that. Everyone knows that Twitter is now blocked in Brazil. So I'm sorry to John that he couldn't participate, but this showcases why our vision is so important and needed. Absolutely. And I mean, if we see things getting worse now in real time, imagine how things might be in ten years, where then, like maybe now some people might not see the utility in this project, but you know, as things just keep progressively getting worse and more censored and more centralized, the need for Tommy just increases and increases. What is it that we can really expect from Tommy for the future? I mean, Bama, you were talking about being in marketing.

Future Marketing Plans

What is it that we're going to be marketing next? What are our development plans and roadmaps that we have for the future? Yes. So we now look a few things. Some of them will be released very soon. So top things that we are planning to release is first, is the VPN, the decentralized VPN. We believe that to provide the true access to the Internet is via decentralized VPN. It will actually resolve this problem in Brazil that you cannot join. Twitter is using our decentralized VPN. Unlike others VPN's which are controlled by big companies like NordVPN, OpenVPN and so on, in the end of day, they can be blocked because, okay, the government need to block 10,000 ips, 20,000 ips, it's doable. But when you have millions of users worldwide that share their computer resources, so it's totally free and allow access. Also in our plans, we are going to launch in the first two three weeks of November our storage solution which will allow take files, put them in decentralized on ipfs infrastructure, very friendly UI, very easy and no one can take your files with backup and CDN which will allow you to share.

Aligning with Vision

Also in some of our plans to align with this vision, as you all know and tried, we have the dummy browser. So in our browser we have mode of web two, the regular Internet and web three. We plan to have very nice new UI and dashboard for web two users with search via third party. And for the excited news is about how to search websites which are on web three. Like we have companies which our competitors but at the same moment share with our same vision like Ens or unstoppable domains. So we plan to make as default search engine that would allowed to explore truly the web three Internet, the websites that are connected to unstoppable Ens and of course tomi domains. So these things will be launched very soon. At the upcoming months we work on it, but we truly believe that this is the steps into launching through web three apps. That's quite exciting.

Challenges in Development

I mean, these products obviously seem like, you know, they are cutting edge technology to some point, some things using older technologies, but some things are definitely new and I imagine some of that would have quite a few difficulties. Can you talk about what kind of challenges you faced and when you're developing these kind of products and how you're really working to overcome them? Yes. So, you know, it's funny, but the first challenge is to find the right talent. So there is not enough. Everything is very new. It's very innovative approaches and these technologies are all the time evolving, moving forward. So it's hard to find the right talent even we are globally and we are all around the globe. It's challenge number one is to find really good teams and really strong developers that are keeping track after all the updates. This is challenge number one. Challenge number two is the security and privacy. So as we build in decentralized Internet, if you want to store your files or records in databases that serves a decentralized app, it distributed.

Ensuring Security and Privacy

So we must be sure that these machines, which can be computer pieces or computer desktop, it's truly encrypted and cannot be hacked. So the privacy will be kept there. So this is also a challenge that we see in every product requirements is to how to make it in the most secured way. And, you know, security requires more testing and more testing requires more resources and more time because there is so many possibilities and scenarios that must be looked at which may create an illusion that we don't work hard enough. But this is because we do want to be sure that everything that we launch will be truly secured and private and reduce chances of any leak. I mean, absolutely. If I've ever seen anything working with this company, it's that nothing is released unless it is absolutely perfect. It needs to have the right design. It needs to be perfectly functional.

Timeline for Product Releases

There is bug testing and. No, absolutely. I don't think I've ever seen Tommy release something that was imperfect, and I think that's something to strive for. But at the same time, it creates delays, which it's to be expected just for the community, for the people listening. I do want to emphasize one thing, which is that we want to answer your questions. We have a time slot for answering your questions. The questions that I'm asking currently are questions that were asked within the community that we have been collecting over two weeks now. So these are all questions that have been asked in the community that we're trying to get to, as many of them as possible before we take some live questions. So if you have questions, please hold on. Towards the end, we're going to give you some time to raise your arm. We'll put you up on stage and you can ask anything you like. For right now, I just need to get through this list because it is quite a big list. So I'm going to get into some of the harder topics.

Discussion on Leadership and Moshe Hogeg

Clearly, it's been a bit of an uproar. It's always kind of created, even in the past, and now a bit of a ruffle, ruffling the feathers, you could say, when we do speak about Moshe Hogeg. So I do have to kind of get into these questions as we've gotten quite a few. And so to euron being our new leadership, I would have to ask, why are we approaching Moshe Hogeg again? Being one of the main questions that we've gotten. Yeah. So I wrote about it in the community, but I will extend you now, I had a decision to make whether to approach and have Moshe back as an advisor to the project or to continue without him. Now one of the community members ask, why are we not looking beyond Moshe now? Moshe is what I think is the best option we currently have. If we had Justin san and, I don't know, Vitalik Buto in waiting outside our door, then maybe we would have taken them as advisors.

Returning Moshe to Leadership

But when I returned to the project and I knew that I wanted to bring the project back to its glory days, the project was not so long ago at the top 100 projects of CMC. It was a leading project. It really launched with a very big. It seems your audio is cut out. We don't hear you any longer. Yes. Perfect. So what I was. When did I disconnect? You were saying that it was one of the top projects on top 100 virus on CDC that had started the. Project was a great success. In the beginning. It was a leading project. It was one of the top one other projects, and the team, or one of the most important team members that brought us there was Moshe. Now, I'm not a judge. I don't know what Moshe did or didn't do. I have no idea.

Understanding the Allegations

What I do know is that the. Yes, we can. So I don't know what Moshe did or didn't do. What I do know is that the allegations are more than three years old. There was no indictment. There was no charge. There's no trial currently. Moshe was not innocent. Nothing has ever really brought out up against him in court. And on the other end is a very. He's a leading expert in the field of crypto. He has an extensive knowledge both about the technology, the marketing, all the relevant areas. He knows projects. He really cares about Tommy and its values, the values behind Tommy. He was eager to return, but he wanted it to be public. He didn't want to hide.

Community Transparency

So we made sure. And I didn't want it to. I didn't want to go behind the communities back. So as far as I can tell, is return is the best option to the community. It's for the best option for the project. I support his return, and I think we're doing the right thing here. And I think that it would really bring us the best chance to return Tomi to its glory. Guys, this is Moshe. I would like to add something. First of all, thank you for your kind words. Let me speak about this question, since I'm the subject. I was investigated. There's no allegations. I was investigated three years ago, almost three years ago.

Conclusion on Legal Standing

And as you said, I'm a free man. There's no indictment. I wasn't even had the chance to defend myself because I wasn't indicted. The case is still three years after. He's still under investigation. So even though I cannot speak about the case too much, I think it should be indicating something that three years later, there's no indictment. Now, it's damaged me a lot. It's damaged my reputation. It's damaged a lot of aspects of my life. In the end, a person I believe in a free country, in a free world, should be innocent until proven otherwise. I wasn't even given the chance to prove anything because I wasn't indicted. So I'm in a situation right now that Tommy is dear to my heart, it's dear to my values, and I can contribute.

Commitment to Tommy's Future

I think I contributed a lot at the beginning. As Ron mentioned, Tommy was in the best days back then, reaching the top 100. The best day so far. Yeah, right? Yeah, yeah. Until now. So then I was asked to step down because some community, some team members thought that maybe the reputation could damage the potential of the project to go to certain places I left. I see that. As you mentioned, the guys approached me not too long ago. The situation of Tommy right now, it went from the best to the worst.

Project Status and Potential

The project is not even in the topic 1000. And the community trust and the stages that the project is in is not at its peak. It's not an it's peak. I'm eager to try to do everything in my power to help the team, to help the project, to bring more money, to bring more marketing experts, and to deal a lot with the technology side and with the marketing strategy side in order to try to gain back momentum, to build the right tools, and to take Tomi back to what it should be. And it's one of the most important projects. If you look at the top 100 and you will see a lot of blockchains over there, it's kind of strange that you don't see any real competitor to what Tom is trying to do, to decentralize the Internet, to bring a real alternative web. It's a noble cause. It's something that we all see that is needed.

Community Support and Vision

When I say all of us see this, when I say all of us see this, it's enough to see that Elon Musk spent $44 billion just to support free speech, to understand the magnitude of this mission and the vision. Therefore, I think that with the strong support from the community to try to achieve it, we can all build something meaningful. And again, I will try my best to help in the marketing field and in the technology side. Other than that, it's not up to me. And again, just to summarize this, I asked the team, if the community won't vote, and I have my own pioneers. I'm not voting. If the community won't vote me in. I'm out. I'm not in. Only if you don't think I can help. Then I wish you luck. If you think I can help and you want me to help, I'll be happy to.

Project Values and Human Rights

And I mean, absolutely. We all live in a world where you're meant to be, you know, you're innocent until proven guilty. And I won't say much on the topic but I can say I can most definitely agree that, you know, things were really good. Tommy had an amazing start and I've been there for a very long time now and it would be amazing to see the project take charge again. As we are building something new, we're building something that is needed. We're building something that in many countries can help people access information which I genuinely believe should be no less than a human right. And moving forward from here we do have a lot of questions to get through so we'll have to keep moving forward here. The next thing we have on the list of questions is the tokenomics and we had quite a few questions about these so we had some inflation concerns and we had to economic concerns within the community and one of the main questions that were asked is to reduce inflation.

Addressing Inflation and Tokenomics

Should we set a maximum supply to prevent surprises? Ron, if you could take this. Sure. So first of all, we planned, we gave a lot of thought to the tokenomics and how to make it work. I will say that it's not like planning a new tokenomic we need to take the existing tokenomics we have because there are already tokens out there. It's an ongoing project. It's not like we're. It's not like we're sorry, it's not like we are stuck starting again. It's an ongoing project. Tokens are out there, they belong to people. We can't take them away. We can't take the tokens out from exchanges and so obviously we have to rely on existing economics. Now capping the supply of the token, it gives you a very difficult challenge. Why? Because you need to bring the project to a point where to a success level where you don't need to issue more tokens to support it.

Value Creation and Managing Tokens

Now if you got there, that's your bet. Whether you succeed or not. If you got there then everything is great. If you didn't get there then the project ran out of air because tokens are the project's air and now or run out of oxygen and now the project is suffocating and it will most likely die. Now the way I think that a big project needs to create value is by adding value to the product, to the products, to the community and not by only dealing with the tokens and how to burn more tokens. I'm not saying we will not burn tokens. Right but I'm not. I don't think that's the only way that a project, a big project that f aspirations needs to act now. For example ethereum doesn't have a captain bitcoin has a cap. Bitcoin did reach a great level of success before the cap was have been close to met you know bitcoin will never meet its cap but bitcoin was lucky enough to get there before it ran out of oxygen.

Inflation and Project Incentives

I think that if we'll be able to create the value that we plan to create there's, there will be deflation mechanisms and there won't be needed a. Captain you've cut out again sorry? I said I think you cut out again. Sorry I don't hear so well. I said I think you had cut out your voice sorry. So I'm not sure when I was cut out of but I say. It wouldn't be needed. I've heard you so let me just add to what you said and try to make it briefly. So as on mentioned in the end project run by people and if people are ran out of incentives then the project eventually dies. We can see it over and over again from projects that started five, six, seven years ago when they ran out of incentives the project eventually died. The opposite projects like bitcoin which have capped but they are inflated until what is the year 2040 I think the last bitcoin will be mined.

Sustaining Project Incentives

Up until then there's incentive for everyone to work and even then there's incentive because of the fees. But he understood when he created that he will need over 140 years or over 120 years in order to reach a system that wouldn't need more minted incentives. Same goes with a project like this. We see it more and more that old projects that understood it lately changed their tokenomics. Projects like Chile's for example. Change of tokonomics change of tokonomics many projects changing the tokenomics because they ran out of incentives. So if we want the project to keep going we need smart people to get compensated for their hard work every month just like all of you guys in the community. All of you have work, all of you have jobs. So to create and it's important to understand also that this inflation it's not money that goes to the pocket of the team or stuff like that it's salaries, it's marketing budgets, it's liquidity, it's suppliers, it's the technology.

Creating Value and Budgeting

It's creating value. It's creating value. The goal is to create value for each dollar that is printed and invested in the project. If doing it correctly, you should create back more than two x in the value. Tommy, in the early days created a lot of value through investing in marketing and investing in the technology. Lately it wasn't the case, and the price of the token fluctuated a lot. We need to make sure that the team has the resources to create value again. And that's the goal of this all new to economics architecture, to have the ability to create value for the community. That's the goal. The DAO is in full control. And if this won't succeed, then I'm sure that in six months or twelve months, we will have a different proposal, or maybe one of the community members will have a different proposal.

Monthly Token Allocation and Management

But from everything we think, and we think were thinking a lot about this, we think that the tokenomics should be changed to the extent that we offered in order to allow the team to recreate value to the token holders. Speaking of that inflation, speaking of some of that being refinanced into the project with the new economics, it mentions the monthly token allocation. How will that be managed and why is it necessary? I've seen quite a few people ask about it, or it may being too high or not necessary. If you could answer me that. Can you repeat the question I was. Asking about the monthly token allocation? Right, right. So let me answer about it. So up until now, the tokenomics were missing. It had a lot of issues. One of the issues there is that there was no separation between the team tokens, which are the incentives for the team to take part and to lead the project, and the budget for development and operation and running the project.

Operational Budgets and Future Changes

So there was one budget that was basically, that was supposed to be sufficient for everything. Now we create a separate budget. The budget for the team reward will be the team's rewards. The budget for the operations will be $1 million. That's not that much. A monthly budget of $1 million is not that much. We had up until now, we had a development fund of $10 million annually. This is being cancelled. So it comes instead of the development fund. And basically it should be sufficient for salaries, for marketing, for listing in exchanges, to paying the rent and the bills, the electricity bills and all the surrounding expenses. And it's not that much. It's not that much. Looking at a project that aspires to be a leading project, that needs to do some very significant changes and to take some steps to return to his former glory days. It's just about the right number, I think.

Token Allocation and Decentralized Cloud

All right, thank you for the answer. I want to get into more of a technical question that we got. So this one goes out to you, Alex. We got a question asking how will the decentralized cloud node operator compensation work and why is it important? Right, so basically all the nodes are the backbone of tummy products. So for example, all the products, storage, compute, VPN, they're going to utilize those nodes in one way or another. So the compensation is based on the contribution to the network activities. Again like, same as I mentioned, like storage bandwidth and compute. Obviously in return they get rewarded with Tommy tokens. Now this is of course based on their performance and their contribution to the network.

Incentives for Network Reliability

The importance is, I'm guessing it's pretty clear, it's to, you know, to create an incentivize ecosystem where the node operators will get rewarded first of all for their contribution and also ensuring the network reliability and growth. So yeah, I hope I answered. Yeah, I mean, I hope they're in here listening. If not, it'll be in a recording, but yeah, no, you explain it quite well. Thank you. I have to ask this one question. It has been everywhere in the chats, the DoP claim. I mean this has been discussed quite a bit. Can we talk about that a little bit? Yeah, sure.

Allocating DOP Tokens

So this is Moshe, again, just to be clear, because I also seen a bunch of questions regarding this, Tommy deserve a portion of the DOP tokens. And the question is, how can Tommy utilize those tokens to benefit the project the most? The project and its token holders the most.

Token Holder Options for DOP Tokens

Now one option that was the, like, the easy option was to just allow Tomi token holders to claim DOP tokens based on a certain vesting schedule. Or could be that it should be based on something like staking, like stake your Tommy and receive rewards in DOP. This could be another option. Another option came from the team that we think is better, but again, we think we're open to hear what the community has to say about this. But one other option that arose was that the project can take the DOP tokens, convert them to USDT, convert the USDT tommy tokens and then burn them or burn half of them and the other half deposit in the Dao treasury. We think if we do this, the buyback burn mechanism of the Tommy token should result in value creation for the token holders. We think it's probably better for the token holders to have something like this other than just receiving something like, I don't know, a few dollars or $100. Depends how many tokens of Tommy you hold per user, per holder.

Smartest Strategy for Token Holders

So we thought that the smartest thing for the token would be to take all of the dlps, convert them to USDT, convert the USDT tommy tokens and borrow them and burn them and deposit burn f deposit in the DAO. As I said before, we have seen that some community members, including some influential community members, think otherwise. They think that claiming and airdropping the tokens is the right way to go. We I think I support to have like a separate discussion on this with the community and maybe we have a separate vote. Invite everyone to discuss this on Telegram. Say what they think, what they want. In the end, I think it should be a community decision. We say what we think is best for the community, but if the community thinks otherwise, this must be a community controlled project. And if the community wants to get airdrop instead of buyback, burn, and they think this is a better economical value for them and it's better for the project itself.

Democratic Process with the DAO

Okay, let's vote on it. We think otherwise. Let's convince each other and vote like a democratic process in a DAO should be. That's it. I think I summarized the DoP discussion. Thank you for that. I absolutely think that putting it to a vote might just be the best way to do it. Let democratic process take over and just have people see what they think is best. The whole Dob discussion has just been this huge upstair in the community and it's good to finally have answer on it. Whether it's voted on, discussed on within the chats will be good. Ite, I have a question for you. So I've seen within the community a lot of questions about marketing. Some people try and say that we're not doing any marketing, but I mean, obviously we are.

Marketing Plans for Tommy

I'd like to know what you as it being your main role within the company, what are your marketing plans for the near and long term future? How do they align with Tommy's overall mission and anything else you can add? Yeah, hi, this is Italy speaking. Thanks for the question. So basically we have plenty of plans, both for the short term and for the long run. In the short term, we'll focus mostly on both building the foundation of the Tomi marketing machine, as I mentioned before, which means establishing a strong community, supporting new product launches, creating some buzz in the industry with working with Kols and activities like that. Also, our plans include some significant participation in conferences like the Token 2049 in Singapore, in this month. And we have some plans for other conferences as well.

Future Activities and Partnerships

So that's like in the short term, in the long run, we have some actually exciting surprises in our sleeves in the coming weeks, like things like new branding that we're going to reveal in the new website, new videos, an upcoming video about the project itself that will explain what is Tommy, what is the vision, what is the story behind the project. So all of that is going to be revealed soon. We also doing a lot of efforts while building all these things that I discussed. We're also doing a lot of efforts to grow our community by running campaigns, growth campaigns such as the one we just ended with, Questen, and to maintain a high level of content all the time. All the time. Which means regularly creating great articles, tweets, some interactions for engagement inside the community and stuff like that. And I feel like we're getting better every day that goes. And we have a lot of plans going ahead.

Community Engagement and Partnerships

We're also going to announce some exciting partnerships with some project. One of them, perhaps Bamba has mentioned it before, is web free compass, which will integrate their search engine in our Tomi browser. And we have some other partnership that we cannot yet disclose until it's more closed and final. But it's part of our strategy. So we want to make Tommy great again. We have all these activities and plans in order to do that and to support the product development from our side, from the marketing side and yeah, we're going to do our best and let's do it together. Thanks. Sounds amazing. Thank you. That's all very exciting things and I can't wait. I mean, the videos, we've seen teasers of it, I think in the Tommycore live they were posted and it looked really good.

Final Wrap-Up and Q&A

I can't wait to see it to, I mean finalize this. I want to take some questions from the community, but time is running really late. I have one more question. I'll get through here and then we'll see if we can take any questions. This question goes out to you, Ron, which is how will the DaO control change under the new tokenomics? That's a great question. So until recently, until now, we had the concept that only pioneers are the members of the community that both a right to participate in the ICO have the option to vote, to make proposals and to vote in the DAO. We see that it's not relevant anymore. Many pioneer holders are no longer engaged in the community. Some don't exercise there the right and we see that a lot of token holders that don't hold the pioneer wanting to participate, they are our community now.

Changes in DAO Structure

So the new tokenomics cancels the pioneer system. It gives a certain reward to the pioneers and it takes away their right. They get to remain, they still get to hold their pioneer as a kind of memorabilia. But when the new to economics passed, any token holders, or maybe there will be a certain thresholds, but basically token holders who don't have pioneers will be able to make proposals to vote. And if a proposal gets enough votes, then it will pass and it can change the entire project. Community members will be able to say let's develop this or let's change that, or let's change economics or let's do that, or let's even take some money from the DAO treasury and finance some development.

Community Control and Member Involvement

So there are a lot of things that the token holders will be able to do through the DAO. It will literally give the DAO control to our current community which are the token holders. That's amazing. I mean there's always been discussion about members of the community wanting to vote because not everyone's a pioneer. And as you said, a lot of the pioneers haven't been in the community as much. So you definitely have this grouping of people that are active but don't have much of a say in it. So yeah, I'm totally with you. I think we should give the wider community the voting power, but at the same time that comes with a.

DAO Expertise and Collaboration

By. The way, trusting the general goods of the project to it. Yeah, I want to say a few things in continuous to what Ron mentioned is if there is in our community Dow experts and you believe that your ideas is better and we can do a much better, more transparent and better voting and utilize it. So you have my telegram, reach me directly and I'll be more than happy both to listen to you and to collaborate with you in building the next generation of Dao. So feel free to reach me. All right. Amazing. And with that, I mean we are reaching the end time of this. I want to take some questions from the community.

Community Questions and Engagement

So if you have any, please request to speak and I'll be pulling you up on stage. Any questions at all, we'll be happy to answer. And if you don't have any questions, then I'll generally assume as always that we answered any questions you might have had and that'll make me happy enough. But please, yeah, if you have any questions, just request to speak and we'll pull you up. You need to be on phone to be able to speak. If you are on a computer, then you will not be able to request to speak. We'll give it a second, see if anyone shows up.

Final Community Interaction

You have questions about anything, the tokenomics, the DAO, the team. Please feel free to ask. Also you can write us in the communities if you'd rather have your question written. I tried to get through everything that was asked within the communities. We collected them all in documents. But if you have anything and you'd rather type it, please type it within the communities right now and I'll see it. Yes, Chris mentioned we're gonna respond and answer questions also after the MA is ending, so feel comfortable if you're not.

Discussion on Tommy's Success

If you prefer to type your questions and to get response later on in the telegram group, please do so. Someone has asked with the community. I'll take this. Since no one's requesting to speak right now. They said, how do you plan to restore the Tommy success? I mean, I think we've already answered that from quite a few facets, so I can answer this already just from the discussion we've just had. There are quite a few marketing efforts being put forward. We have a lot of things that we are launching soon. Early November was some of the biggest things that were mentioned.

Collaborative Efforts for the Future

The new roadmaps and there are quite a few things involved and currently being planned as well as the inflation and to economic changes bringing Tombi success. Is every one of these facets working together. So you have all the team members being in marketing, being development, being technology, being just community efforts, everything working together. And every one side has already spoken about how they are doing their part in making that happen. So I hope that answers your question. And if you'd like more in-depth of answer, then I would go back and listen to the recording of this because we did just answer that from every one direction, from every team member.

Conclusion and Community Appreciation

Okay, that is going to have to be time. Sadly, we are past our time limit here. So thank you all for being here. Thank you so much for showing up. Thank you for listening. Very happy to have everyone here. Very happy to speak with the core team again. This is something that people have been asking for a while, so it's very nice to have, you know, done it and put everything out there and yep, if we don't have a lot of questions, that just means we answered everything. Thank you everyone. And in the communities, if you have any questions, just ping us and ask us anything.

Wrap-Up and Farewell

Thank you so much. Thanks everyone. Bye for now. Bye bye. Thank you very much.

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