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tomi x Web3 Compass AMA: Collaboration, Products & Tokenomics


Space Summary

The Twitter Space tomi x Web3 Compass AMA: Collaboration, Products & Tokenomics hosted by tomipioneers. Dive into the tomi x Web3 Compass AMA where experts discussed collaboration, product development, and tokenomics in the realm of decentralized internet technologies. The session emphasized the significance of community involvement, innovative approaches, and sustainable models for project success. Through various highlights, topics such as NFT integration, blockchain interoperability, and future trends in decentralized technology were explored. The space's focus on 'Innovation' showcases a commitment to advancing groundbreaking ideas and solutions within the decentralized internet domain.

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Total Listeners: 53


Q: How does community engagement impact Web3 projects?
A: Community involvement fosters credibility, support, and sustainability within decentralized platforms.

Q: Why is innovation crucial in the decentralized internet space?
A: Innovation drives the development of cutting-edge solutions, attracting users and investors.

Q: What role do sustainable tokenomics models play in project longevity?
A: Sustainable tokenomics ensure a balanced ecosystem, preventing token devaluation and promoting growth.

Q: Why is collaboration important in the Web3 ecosystem?
A: Collaboration combines diverse ideas and resources, leading to enhanced products and shared success.

Q: What is the main goal of the decentralized internet?
A: The decentralized internet aims for global accessibility to information without censorship or restrictions.

Q: How can projects increase token utility and value?
A: Real-world applications and user engagement enhance token value and utility, driving project success.

Q: Why is ecosystem support crucial for decentralized projects?
A: Strong ecosystem support provides resources, guidance, and networking opportunities critical for project development.

Q: What are the key factors for building trust in the Web3 community?
A: Transparency, security measures, and consistent communication are vital for establishing trust among Web3 participants.


Time: 05:12:37
NFT Integration in Web3 Exploring the integration of NFTs in decentralized projects for unique digital asset ownership.

Time: 08:25:19
Blockchain Interoperability Benefits Understanding how cross-chain compatibility enhances scalability and efficiency in decentralized systems.

Time: 12:40:55
Decentralized Technology Futures Predictions and discussions on the future prospects and possibilities of decentralized technologies.

Time: 15:02:44
Tokenomics Innovation Innovative approaches to tokenomics shaping sustainable project growth and user incentives.

Time: 18:10:32
Product Collaboration Strategies Insights into effective collaboration methods for creating impactful and scalable Web3 products.

Time: 21:45:11
Sustainability in Decentralized Projects Discussions on strategies for ensuring long-term viability and ecological balance in decentralized initiatives.

Key Takeaways

  • Community engagement is crucial for the success of Web3 projects.
  • Innovation drives the evolution of products and services in the decentralized internet space.
  • Sustainable tokenomics models are key for long-term project viability.
  • Collaboration enhances creativity and growth in the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Decentralized internet aims to provide unrestricted access to information globally.
  • Token utility and value rely on real-world application and user adoption.
  • Ecosystem support is essential for the thriving of decentralized projects.
  • Transparency and security play a vital role in building trust within the Web3 community.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Setting Up

Okay, so I'm in mute at the moment, just in case. Let's check that everything is working. See the guy from web three compass already joined. Yes. Okay, you've been approved. Perfect. We're going to.

Greetings and Initial Interactions

Happy birthday. All right. Hello. Hello, everyone. Let me just do a quick soundtrack right before we get started here. We're going to be starting in just a few minutes. just really quickly, can everyone just unmute their microphones? Let me make sure that everyone sounds good, clear and understandable. Sounds good for my end. Thanks. You okay? Sound good. Ita, you sound good. Ron, you do as well. Hi. Check 1212. Little echoing, but just perfect. Yeah. I hope you're all doing well today. Alex, I didn't hear you speak and hello, mush.

Overview of the Session

Yep. Yep. Perfect. Hey, guys, what's up? How you doing, mush? I can hear you just fine. Perfect. All right, let's give it just a couple more minutes for everyone to join since it's not quite time yet for the beginning of. And we'll get started just in a moment to give a brief overview of the session for the people present. We are going to be having an AMA with web three compass. As you might have already seen. We're going to be talking about the exciting collaboration we're going to be doing alongside their project. We're going to be answering questions about Tommy's product to economics and future plans. Whatever anyone might have for questions, please keep them for the end. And we'll absolutely be taking questions from the people listening.

Starting the Session

Sounds good. We're going to start in a few minutes to let more people join. Yep. I would say in about five minutes we'll start with the introduction of the teams and then from there we can get started. Let's just put the music back on for another two, three minutes and we'll get started then it. All right, I think it's about time. Let's just start setting up with a few introductions. Why don't we start with the Tommy team? Introductions from everyone, your channel respective role within the project, and then we can move on to web three compass and their respective roles in their projects.

Team Introductions – Tomi

Ite, you want to start this off for us? Sure. Yes. So my name is Itai. I'm in charge of the marketing and I think I will elaborate a little bit more about what our future plans, specifically about collaborations later on. Thanks. Yeah, I'll go next. So I'm Ron. I was appointed as the GM of the project around a month and a half ago. Something like that. Very happy to be here. Very appreciate everyone that joined and listening to us and talk about the cooperation in this AMa. Hi, this is Bamba. I'm the chief product officer here at Tomye, and I will speak here during the AMA about the collaboration and the user experience that we expect to achieve in this partnership with web three compass.

Team Introductions – Tomi Continued

Hey, everyone. Alex, chief of technology here in Tomy. We will talk about the integrations with the web three compass? If you have any technical questions, we'll address them as well. Let's see. Hey, guys, I'm Moshe. I'm one of the founders and a senior advisor in the project. Thank you all for the introductions. And why don't we hear a little something from the web three compass team?

Introduction to Web Three Compass

Hey, thanks. I'm Arty and I'm the founder of web three compass. Thanks. All right. I mean, why don't we start with a little collaboration overview? And can you maybe introduce web three compass and explain how your search engine enhances the decentralized web experience? Okay, sure. Thanks. So most of the people, I'm not sure the expertise of people who are joining us today, but they've heard about web three. But not many know that web three isn't just the NFT, pictures of monkeys and cryptocurrencies and so on.

Understanding Web Three

And in that matter, the web three is the next generation of Internet. And it's something like previously known Darknet Deep web, which is a totally different layer of Internet. So that web three is made of three key parts. One is the decentralized domain names. Yeah, I can see there is a hand raising for questions, but the questions are at the end. Please wait till then. So it consists of three points, like decentralized domain names. Instead of backend, having some blockchain or other system, a decentralized system. And instead of having front end, it's like ipfs or torrent style thing.

Decentralized Concept

So end to end, it is fully decentralized, unstoppable, uncensorship and fully fair. That's what is web three. And obviously, the web three isn't searchable by any search engine. So Google can't go into ens or unstoppable domains or tommy DNS and find that decentralized DNS and go to index those decentralized pages and so on. So this puts us in a situation where everyone are kind of creating web three, but it's totally unsearchable and unusable, then why would someone create a decentralized page if it's not searchable through Google and people can't find it.

Web Three Compass Functionality

So that's what web three compass is doing. We are indexing all ddnses like ens, unstoppable and so on. And we go and look in decentralized ipfs, sky or torrent based decentralized front end and index them. So now you can go to web three compass.net and search data just like on Google, only for the third network. That's great. I got a touch base regarding this subject. So you mentioned the darknet, one of the things that we see today in web three, that it's just like you said, it's 99% assets, digital assets regarding websites, information, alternative Internet or decentralized net, it doesn't really exist yet, and we need together to build the building blocks that will allow this to happen.

Censorship and Control in Decentralization

So the docnet was a good attempt, but the fact that it's completely uncensored, not even by the community, brought it to be from a free net to a darknet. In Tommy, we believe that censorship is important. The question is, who is the censor? If the censor is a specific country or a ruler based on his agenda, it's a big problem. If the censor is the community through a dao, that's completely different, and that's what we're looking for. We're looking for consensus. So trying to say no one wants a web that allows terror organizations or drug dealers to commit crimes.

Need for a Decentralized Internet

But from the other side, look at what happens in Brazil right now. Okay, so the president doesn't like Elon Musk, so he's blocking Twitter X from Brazil. Makes zero sense. Same thing's happening in some of the arab countries, in China, in Russia. So the need for a decentralized Internet is increasingly getting higher and higher with time. Now we see projects that are working on decentralized storage, decentralized computing, and at Tomi we are working on different tools that eventually will allow you to create decentralized websites without the ability to search them.

Challenges of Darknet and User Experience

It's just like what's happening right now in the darknet. So it's worth nothing. If you don't know the website, then you cannot reach it. The user experience is terrible and it leads to a nice concept without real success. Now, to develop things that are meaningful, it takes time. Now, some of the token holders, not only in Tommy, in all web three, you don't see a lot of patience, and you want to see results immediately and you want to see token prices go up. But in reality, in order to create something impactful and meaningful, it takes time.

Vision for Future Development

It takes time and you need to build it slowly, carefully and in a high quality, but once it's there, it can boom. And I think that what you guys at web three campus are doing is an extremely important piece of this puzzle of decentralized Internet. I'm happy for this collaboration. All of us in Tomi are happy for this collaboration and partnership, and hopefully this is a critical tool to allow a good user experience for people that will use this alternative net.

Closing Thoughts

So good luck to you guys, and we are very happy to work together. Thanks. Same here. Good luck to all of us. Absolutely.

Collaboration and Motivation

And I mean, you've pretty much already answered what I was going to ask. Nest being the motivation behind the collaboration, which should really very much go without saying, with Tommy building the web three web and web three compass easing in with that search engine. I will ask in order to streamline. I would like to say a few words on that too, because there's another thing that Moshe didn't mention on this aspect, and like I said in the previous AMA, and it was also included in the DaO proposal, that just recently, one of the things that we do different now is that we decentralize the development of our project.

Decentralizing Development

So until just recently, our team took a lot of components of the project on itself. Now we are a pretty big team. I think that overall we have around 50 to 60 people working on Tomi in different capacities, different positions worldwide, but. Still. We develop basically from scratch. So it's a very difficult development. Now, taking everything on ourselves is difficult, and it also doesn't align with our values of decentralization, because if you want to decentralize the Internet, you can't ever decentralized development. So one of the things we do to make the development better and also more decentralized is searching for this kind of partnerships with high quality developers, partners and collaborators that will join us in our journey.

Fostering Community Involvement

This way we can kind of both decentralize the development and make it faster in higher quality and have more people join our, more people with mutual values join our journey. Absolutely. I mean, I believe one of the things people were most excited about was being able to vote as a community member when went through with that proposal as well, because truly decentralizing things really stands amongst so many different aspects that we have to implement. I absolutely agree with you. I wanted to ask more of a technical question when it comes to this.

Technical Integration

So this would go to Alex, I believe. How is it that we can integrate the search engine into the Tommy browser? Would it work just like Google is in Chrome? Well, kind of. Basically, we're integrating using web three compass API from our browser. So it's just really straightforward secured communication between the two components. I'm not a technical person, I guess it is just that straightforward. I will continue Alex web three compass they support API so in our next stage, even not the next stage, I will say about our next vision is that we want to build an experience for the user at which the users can search in one search bar in the browser and get access in parallel.

User Experience and Web Integration

If this is a question so given a search results we are doing some experiment of building our search engine. So giving web two results. If this is not question but URL, let's say if it's dot standard URL and the user wants to visit I don't know, the pharmacy shop website, the user will go to this.com or any other icon domain. Now when it relates to web three, we want to make an experience that the user will be able to search from the search bar in parallel. So it means that if I want to go and read some type of news according to the topic that I'm interested in, let's say Middle east news, so the user will see multiple results.

Results from Multiple Platforms

It will see results that come in from Ens, from Tommy, from unstoppable domains and the user will be able to go into the page, the dedicated page and see the results coming from web three compass wherever they map their results according to algorithm and to relevancy following the user keywords for web three. And this will be very significant improvement in the user experience. So you don't need to go to a web page and decide you want to gogo duck or to Google or to web three page or two Tommy domains. We want to do it in one search bar in the browser according to farsing of the phrase that being entered show the relevant results.

Future Enhancements and AI Integration

Of course we also will add some, maybe some UI sorry component that will be able if it's open question about how do or what if or anything that it's not a text but a question. So we will be able to present also some AI results. But as I said, this is like more long term vision. In the short term. What we want to achieve is to have for every browser user that opens Tomi browser go tominet to the tab see a page which designed in and displays the collaboration between us and web three compass and be able to search multiple network systems.

Community Interaction and Educational Aspects

As I said us unstoppable domains and DNS in one place. And this is I think a good start for all of also our community to be exposed to websites which are on web three and get visibility and explore it. And of course it will give a motivation to our community to build their own websites. Once we will introduce Tomy web hosting solution on top of our storage. So the builders will be able to start build and not only build the websites, these websites will be discovered thanks to web three compass search engine. I hope my answer is clear.

Addressing Community Questions

I wanted to hear it more from at Yomni if possible. So what kind of specific features of web three compass can we expect in the Tommy browser? Kind of from your perspective as the founder. Just 1 second before if I may, I see we have some questions from the listeners and we're gonna address those questions. We have dedicated about 20 minutes for open Q and a later on so stay with us. Thanks. Sorry, I completely forgot to re mention it. I mentioned it at the start and yeah, absolutely. If you're listening and you have any questions please towards the end we'll have absolutely some time to answer every question you have. So do not worry about that.

Key Features of the Tommy Browser

So please. Yes, let's go back to you Chomney if possible. Yep. So well, first and the most obvious thing is the search itself. So when you're searching in Tomi browser, you'll be able to get all the search results from web three compass as well. Through API you'll get not only Tomy related web pages but also the other decentralized web pages. In that sense, Tomi browser isn't going to be a browser for Tommy, it's going to be browser for web three. Right. So it will find everything related to web three.

Additional Features and Integrations

Second. Yeah, second we have loads of other features in the search engine which will slowly get integrated just like the for example we have time machine, we store every single change in the web three, so even if one web page is changed, you will be able to go back to its original state or, you know, previous state. We do have the host local hosting services as well. So in case you've got your webpage hosted on some third party IPFs web page and it is for some reason censored, let's say Tomy DNS didn't censor one webpage, but some third party companies censorship did. Our backup webpage will show it either way, so it is making it less censorable if the community haven't decided on censorshiping it.

Google Capabilities in Web Three

And the rest is like nearly everything that Google does for web two we are going to do for web three. You'll be able to come to us and go buy site builder from Tomi or site hosting from Tomi or any other feature that will be available in Tomi will be integrated in the web three compass as well. That's amazing. And I mean, I absolutely adore taking all the web, two things that just work that people love and putting them in web three, because, you know, some innovation is always going to be amazing, but there's also things that just work that people like and need when it comes to stuff like a search browser, when it comes to stuff like a browser in general.

Long-Term Vision of the Partnership

So, absolutely. With you there now to kind of take this back tommy and maybe Ron, you can answer this for me. What is the long term vision for his partnership? I mean, it goes without saying how it aligns with Tommy's essentialized Internet goals. Creating the browser, having a search engine that is centered around web three, is absolutely necessary. But how do you see this kind of evolving in the long term? So, first of all, I think it's very clear to everyone how important is search engine in an Internet environment.

Future Developments in Search Engine

And a search engine is a thing, is a product that always keeps developing, and there's always things to add to it. Just now we see the all AI revolution that takes place. So there are endless possibilities to this partnership, to the future developments. Of course, as we will see that the actual network will grow and we see websites start joining the web three, we will see how important it is and how basically, when you have more than a few websites, you will have to use a search engine, and it will be a very basic and important component of the Internet.

Excitement about the Revolution

Absolutely agree. I mean, it's just amazing to see everything kind of build up. And when AI came out, I feel like we all saw it being integrated everywhere, and to some degree it was very unnecessary. But it was also really exciting to see something new come up, something that hadn't happened before, and it just opened up so many possibilities. And in the same way, creating a web three, you know, search engine, a web three browser, and it kind of opening that up and to possibilities to just expand on and expand on is such an exciting thing now.

Overview of Collaboration

I mean, that should generally kind of just include everything about the collaboration as an overview. If there's anything else anyone would like to add, then we can. If not, then we can move back towards Tommy in general, the products, the marketing, and some of the tokenomics that people have been generally wanting to hear more about. Yeah, I want to say one thing. I think it's important.

Long-Term Outlook and User Experience

A lot of the community are looking at the project and asking questions majorly token holders, and I gotta say that when I see all of those tools that under, that is under development and the partnerships, I really see how it's funny to call one either long term, it's really funny, but in crypto it's considered long term. So in the crypto, long term, because in normal startups, one year, it's not even short term, but in a timeframe of one year, I think that not only a proof of concept like exists right now, but the full working, decentralized Internet will be operational with a user experience suitable for web two users.

Web Two User Attraction

And I think this is the key to getting to a point that you have a user experience that can appeal, web two users that doesn't even care whether it's web three, web two, it just gives them benefits and starting to use marketing strategies just like web two companies user acquisition advertising, getting people to use your software, to use your application. That is a combination of all of those web three tools that essentially will give you the benefits we spoke about before in one place, really convenient, really easy.

Innovative Experiences and Future Plans

There's really exciting things in that aspect. A lot of the like, for example, a wallet slash. This wallet id is the beginning of a digital identity in some way. And you see that it takes us a bit time to update the new wallet because the user experience we see is not suitable enough and or good enough for web two users, which should be the benchmark. But we do have plans that is under construction right now and the team is working and building and developing.

Anticipating Developments

To see all of this come together within six to twelve months is exciting and understanding that right now when we look at a token, we see speculation. Price is a result of the speculation. But when you have a product and you have sales and you have to economics that allows the sales to, to do buyback burn with the revenues of the project, then you have a module that essentially eventually will bring success also to the reflection of the token itself. But those things that are taking time, the web three campus guys are working on their products for some time, and I'm sure they have another long roadmap ahead of them.

Maintaining Patient Expectations

Same goes for Tommy, same goes for other companies. People need to be patient. It took bitcoin time, it took Ethereum time, it took Solana time. It takes time to build something impactful and meaningful. But once you're there, then the results will be impactful and important. So I'm really excited about this. The challenge is not normal. The challenge is big.

Ambitious Goals

To try to do to the Internet what bitcoin did to money is not something that is lightly taken. It's difficult, but the team is in place and the will of the industry is there as well. So just be patient and look at the quality of the products that will be introduced to the market soon. Thank you for that.

Upcoming Products and Community Expectations

That's amazing. And speaking of products that will be introduced, Bamba, why don't you tell us a little bit about what the community can be expecting soon in terms of new products, any launches that we have upcoming and maybe the next steps for Tommy. So the most urgent things is to align with community expectations due to the latest DAO voting. The proposal number 20 so we finished the contract that allows payoneers to claim their Tommy tokens.

Security and Improvement

The smart contract is ready and going into review the security audit by our partner company, very well known cybersecurity company named hacking IO to make sure that everything in the contract is right. So this is something that all our pioneers are waiting for. This is the first thing and there are some additional contracts that will be introduced following the latest DaO proposal.

Changes in DAO Regulations

Also we started to work on the new Dao, the Dao rules that are based on this vote. So the DaO rules will be changed as there is no more payoneer and it will impact. So this is from the Dow side and the most urgent. Also as Moshe mentioned, the wallet. So we are doing additional fixes in the wallet based on the previous feedback to make it more accessible and more user friendly and different small things that are crucial for the user experience.

Enhancing User Experience

So we are adding them into the wallet in order to really launch it as soon as possible and everyone will enjoy our new wallet. Additional things that we have right now and we are building. So there is our storage.

Product Launch Announcement

As I promised in the previous AMA, the launch date will be around the first weeks of November. It takes time but the product is very interesting. Our storage is all based on APIs and very flexible and really looks on the needs of developers. We are all waiting for it and I will be very happy to make some demo to the community to introduce it in action. Additionally we work on our new VPN and Alex will give us some update about why we have a bit delay in the VPN introduction. So Alex moving to you.

Focus on User Experience

I think it's a been mentioned here several times also mother, own and Bamba. One of very important aspects to us is the user experience and so we took a little pause just to make sure. Like for example the integration with the web three compass to so the user will have an experience in one place, one stop shop to search and be able to browse the web three much more easily and in much more intuitive way and ease the mass adoption. So we had a delay because of this focus around the VPN. It's a bit different since today. I don't know how many of you are familiar, but today also in the VPN you can have features such as adblock and Malloc protection also they not designed for it from the beginning. There are today features that you can implement as well that overlaps with some of our browser features. So this is another point that we are figuring out now how to balance between those two. So which we can add to the VPN and which we will add to the browser in order to fully Orlando to achieve the maximum protection from tracking and ad blockers as well.

Project Development Timeline

But it's coming, it's getting shape already and hopefully it will be ready in the couple of next weeks. Thank you for that. Amazing. I feel like we've always said this and it. I don't know if people have a hard time believing it, but it's really more the fact that things take time. And I'm not sure people understand that things take a lot of time because there's a lot of testing and new products. There's also a lot of like making sure everything is perfect and then there's the marketing behind it. And like, there's just so much behind any one launch that like, if anything, it's more understandable that there are some like some delays around them than if there weren't. Because it's a lot better to release something that is polished and perfect than it is to release something that isn't and then try and fix it afterwards, which is like a huge issue everywhere, whether it be in the tech scene, gaming scene, or pretty much every scene ever created. A lot of the time you see things just being released, a lot of bugs, people complain and then they start being fixed.

Community Engagement and Communication

Whilst we've always taken the stance of releasing everything to be perfectly polished. So if it takes another week, I say so be it. I want to try and turn this around and try and address more of the talking I say issue, but it's really more of questions that we're getting in the community. We've already answered this in the community multiple times. So I will say the answer is in the community and it is fully available for people to find. But since we're doing an Ama and we are addressing the community, then I'd love to have the answer once again here. And I'd like to address the. $1. Million worth of like Tommy coins that are minted every month, the reasons behind the new tokonomic structure, how it can benefit Tommy, the long term sustainability and all that.

Understanding Tokenomics

Yeah, yeah, sure. So I've been in crypto since eleven years now and there was like different times that you took and learned different lessons from. So I can tell you that at 1718, when the initial ICO boom happened, there was a certain type of tokenomics that a lot of companies are suffering from it today and they're trying to change it. You will see. I don't want to names but I can assure you that most of the successful projects that started at 1718 changed their tokenomics in the late. Let'S. Say in the last two to three years because the tokenomics back there were wrong. Now there's a new trend that is very new. It's really starting now with tokenomics that is denominated by dollars. What does it mean?

Impact of Token Holder Incentives

It means when a project, as a token holder, you want a strong team to work daily, full time job around the clock to create value for the project that you are in and then from there it will be translated into the token that you're holding. Now when a project has a certain amount of tokens, obviously you have the incentive to make it work. But if eventually the tokens are finished and it doesn't have money to operate and to pay salaries and to do marketing, then you will get to a point that the team has no incentive to keep working. Eventually we'll make the project die. And I've seen many of those. Some of them I wore, part of, some of them I invested in, I've seen many of those. Now that's a big problem. So people look at inflation and say, oh, it's not good, but I disagree.

Economic Value Creation

I'm not the only one. The question is where the money goes. If there's healthy inflation, not too much money, but enough to create value, and the money goes into value creation, not into fat salaries but to value creation, then the result should be that for each dollar that you mint you should get a value of three to $4 back. Now it doesn't happen instantly. It doesn't happen instantly. If the project now minted $1 and he's investing this $1 into a developer salary, it will take him some time to develop something that will be worth more than the dollar that was invested. What we've asked the community to vote on in this new tokenomics is to move from token based tokenomics to dollar dominated or an hybrid model that contain both and allow the project to have this $1 million per month to allow the project to do serious marketing and to push for more development at the higher level with more people, hiring more people, more developers.

DAO's Role and Future Planning

Of course the DAO can change it whenever he wants, right? So if the DAO thinks that's too much or it's too low or it's not good at all, the Dao can always vote. But the Dow voted yes. And you want, you're not going to see the results immediately. Okay. This happened like two weeks ago. So far, the impact is not seen. But I can tell you that anyone that is in the project knows that we're hiring more people. It takes time to hire more people, but we're hiring more people, 20 people more for the team. And probably it will take around six months to create meaningful value that will impact everything. But once it does, it gives the project the resources needed to do world class level marketing, going top conferences, making and forming big partnerships, and investing in new technologies.

Timelines for Results and Measurement

All of this will come together. All of this will come together within around six months. Then you can judge and say whether this was worth over $6 million or not. I'm very positive that in six months from now, the impact that will be created and the value that will be created by this will be far more valuable than $6 million. And if not, then again, the DAo can change it all the time. So that was the idea behind it. And I see and hear more and more projects talking about an hybrid model that, aside of the tokens, will also have some dollar based denominated tokenomics. That's it. That was my answer.

Marketing Plans and Collaborations

Thank you for that. I mean, good answer. Again, I've already seen the answer in the community so many times. The question keeps being brought up and we keep answering it. And I mean, absolutely, I would love to see everything coming together. It feels like even being on the side of working within the team, there is just so many different parts of the company. Everyone is working on something different. And when everything is going to come together, eventually it's going to be just. I cannot even begin to imagine it. So it's absolutely amazing to just think about because you're talking about all these different products and plans eventually just turning into this one big product and for speaking about the future, the next six months and everything coming together. Ite, why don't I ask you as the marketing manager about like, the marketing plans, you know, with these tokenomics in place, what are the future collaborations we're planning on doing?

Increasing Visibility and Community Engagement

Where does Tommy aim to, you know, and how do you plan to aim to increase visibility and community engagement? You know, these marketing plans that we have. Could you talk a little bit more about that? Yeah, sure. Thanks for the question. So I've been giving some hints about it in the community group recently because we have quite a lot of announcement collaborations and some listings also in exchanges coming up. And I want to say that collaborations are really a super important part of the Tomi project growth and our option to increase our visibility in the market. So when we collaborate with other projects like web free compass from for example, first and foremost, we can bring new features into our own products, which is obviously great, and we can make our ecosystem of tools much more valuable for our users.

Marketing Strategies for Collaborations

And secondly, in the marketing perspective, it's also help us to introduce Tomi for new audiences to other communities, to other projects, and expand our reach to more users, more people in the industry. So basically, what do we do when we have announcement? When we have a partnership or collaboration in the marketing perspective, we try to support it with a full marketing push that includes both social media content, blog posts or medium articles for a more in depth, detailed information, some PR articles and some walking with Kols. Actually, in fact, straight after this AMA session, I will be heading for a meeting about our new media plan for kols. So this is what we do on a daily basis to help boost this type of announcement, like collaborations, listings, new product launches and stuff like that.

Community Engagement through Events

And also this AMA, for example, is part of a marketing activity we do to amplify this technological collaboration with web through a free campus. We also did a collaborate participation in the token 2049 conference two weeks ago, which was very successful. Autumn was right with us on the booth explaining people about this collaboration and the advantages it brings. And this is all combined efforts we do to ensure that the news that Tommy has will reach wider audiences and keep the community that we have much more engaged all the time with the fresh news and fresh development and collaborations we have. So that's about it. By the way, as I mentioned at the start, we have a few more collaborations coming next.

Announcing New Collaborations

Ron, can we announce the latest one over here to give some spicy news? Yeah, sure. I mean, were planning to announce it in our social media channels, but I think that the people that attended this AMA deserve to know first. You know? Yeah, it's another collaboration we've been working on. You will see the first products of the collaboration very shortly. It's a collaboration with PAl. Basically what we are developing with them is an AI product that will provide information on our project, on our goals, on our products. It will be incorporated into the social media channels, I think mainly telegram channel, and later it will also be incorporated into our homepage, in our browser.

Collaborations that Benefit the Ecosystem

So that's another collaboration that is now taking shape. And I, we've been working on it for the past few months, I think. And yeah, that's another exciting collaboration, just one of many. That's absolutely amazing. And I have to just add this one thing, which is just being so happy that when you talk about collaborating and how collaborations can help a project, sure, collaborating can, you know, give you the exposure to another community and give them exposure tommy. But at the same time, I feel like every collaboration we focus on has genuinely been, especially with web three compass as one of the best examples. It's really been things that will benefit Tommy greatly. It is something that our entire ecosystem can work with and around to where these aren't meaningless collaborations, simply to try and get some exposure.

Collaborations for Meaningful Engagement

But it is exposure for the right reasons. It's exposure because it fits within our entire dynamic, the browser and everything that we are building. And I think that is just amazing to see. Thank you all so much for answering the questions, and for now, I would like to just direct this to the community, please. If you have any questions, now would be the time to raise your hand, ask them, and we would love to answer anything you have. I have some questions from the community that I can ask, but I would much rather that we just hear some people from our communities come up on stage and talk to us.

Community Participation in the Discussion

Yeah, we had some people with questions before. Let's wait a minute or two to give people the chance to wake up and ask what they are interesting about.

Community Engagement

Absolutely. I will say, I feel like we've also been doing a really good job within the community to just try and get to every question anyone asks and just instantly answer. I think that's something that I'm personally, as a community manager, proud of. I will say so.

Question and Answer Session

We have one question, I will approve it. The stage is yours to ask the question. Thanks. Hello? Hello. We cannot hear you. Yes. Perfect. Please. What questions you have? Amazing. Thank you for letting me give you permission to ask the question. So I've been around for a while. I wanted to ask, how does Tami ensure that its products, like the browser and wallet, stay user friendly while you guys maintaining the highest level of privacy?

Finding Balance

I will take it. Thank you, Tomer. Thank you for the question. Yeah, it's always something. It's a challenge to find the balance between security and user experience. It sounds very trivial and everyone speaks about it, but it's really challenging. I can say that about the wallet. Not only the wallet, let's start from the browser, which is more challengable. I think I will tell you about the privacy this way. We just don't collaborate with any data brokers.

Privacy Measures

Yes, we don't have any collaboration. We use open source libraries like by Chromium and by Mozilla. Purely the code without any tracking, without no partnerships. So it means that we don't sell any data and we don't use any these cross platforms or close rows devices, tools that collect data. It just doesn't exist in our solution. We use purely the chromium libraries. On top of it, we can build the user experience, which is pretty. It's a challenge, but we face it in a simple way.

User Testing Approach

We do tests and we try to do it for the less experienced users. It's called the mother test. Give a product to your mom and ask her to do some actions if she can. Everyone will can. So this is generally the approach. Make it as simple as possible and without selling data or collaborating with any data brokers. So I think, I hope tomorrow that I answered your question. Yeah. Thank you.

Community Questions

Thanks. Thanks very much. Thank you for coming up and asking it. Do we have anyone else trying to ask a question? Has someone in the community saying that they have their hands raised? Are they showing up for you? Itae. Not at the moment, but let's give it another minute. It's weird to have a couple people saying that they're listening, but they're not showing up within like amongst the listeners for me.

Telegram Questions

So it might just be a Twitter bug or I'm not sure why they're not showing up. I'll take this time to answer two questions that I've seen before in Telegram. One was regarding Dop, the Dop tokens. And so first let me touch base regarding this. We agreed upon that one of the first votes that we will have in the new DAO that will be denominated by Tomi Token will ask the question, what should we do with the DOP tokens?

Future Plans for DOP Tokens

Whether we should do kind of a staking program for Tom yielders or I from the other side to sell them and then use the USDT to buy back burn Tommy tokens. Some of us thought that's the better way to go. Some of the community members said that they were expecting to receive DOP tokens as kind of like an airdrop. So this subject will go on a vote once the Tommy Dow will be live, that the new Tommy Dow will be live soon.

Token Price Discussions

So that's one question that I've seen. The other one that you sent in the group was regarding the token price. I think I touched it in a different way during this, amae, we don't control token price. Token price has been controlled by the community and the market, buying and selling. But of course, if we'll build, as I said before, if we build a very strong product, then the price wouldn't be dependent so much on speculation.

Profit Expectations

And it will be a result of the success of the product, which this is the place we're aiming for. But again, to be realistic, I don't think it will happen before six months. It will take at least six months to get to a point that the speculation is only a part, but not the main one from the token performance. The token performance at the beginning of Tommy was sensational.

Token Performance Reflection

It was the best performing tokenization. 23 when the market went down, when the market started to go up from various reasons, including some of the key team members, including myself, departing from the project, things happened in a way that ultimately and eventually made the token go. Token as a reflection of community trust went south. Right now, I think there's a lot of things that is happening to rebuild the trust and rebuild the project, and I'm very optimistic about the future of it.

Looking Forward

Let's see. Let's look at the token value as a reflection of the community trust in the project. Let's look in one year from now, where will it be? Thank you for that. It seems. I mean, I'm getting the DM's from them. They're still not able to get up on stage in order to ask the questions, so I'm just going to ask the questions for them.

Analyzing Trends

It seems to just be the quickest way to do this. So we have one person who asked this question. They said obviously the Tommy price went low while the market went up. Did the team analyze the trend and behavior and can tell what were the reasons for that? But this was exactly the question I've seen over there and I answered. That's what I just answered.

Final Thoughts

Now, I was going to say, so you've already answered pretty much most of this, but wanted to reiterate it. We also. I mean, we've already answered the other questions I have here. Let me see. I'm going to see if the MoD team has some other questions. I feel like we might have just gotten through everything. That's great. So we can wrap it up.

Closing Remarks

Yeah, I mean, it is just on time. Actually, we're exactly on schedule to be ending it around here if no one else has anything to add. Thank you so much for joining us here. Tiomni, thank you so much for the Tommy team for joining us here. If no one else is raising their hand, then I feel like we can wrap this up for sure. Thank you all so much.

Availability for Future Questions

I'll be available in the next hour or so in the coming. So if you have any further questions that you were a little shy to ask here or something, I'm available. I will address that in the community. Okay. Also, I want to add. I want, I want to add it.

WebThree Compass

I, before you go, first of all, I did see that web three compass raised their hand, so probably they want to say something. I want to say that is a crypto investor, I'm looking at web three campus and what they're doing, and I think it's tremendously important. Right? So if we really believe not only in speculation, but in web three and in decentralized Internet, then we would need a search engine, and Google won't be the first one, let me tell you that.

Future Opportunities

Okay. It will take some time until the big guys will join this. So I think there's a big opportunity over there and what they're doing, I didn't know them much before you guys shared with me about them. But good luck to you guys. Your success is our success and let's hope to do to build this together.

Final Agreements

Thanks a lot for kind words. And yes, totally agreed. Google and the rest are not joining yet. And even if they join, they will join on their conditions. So not tommy community will decide whom to censor, whom to not, but Google, which we obviously can't let them do, and we will not.

Looking Forward to Collaboration

All right, looking forward to working closer to each other and let's see where we get up to the next four months. Great. Thanks a lot, Artium and all web three tools team. Thank you. Also the holo Chris for hosting this, for moderating this, and this is not a one time thing.

Continuous Engagement

We're gonna do a lot of mas like this one and on other topics with other emphasized soon. Thanks a lot for everyone that joined.

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