Token2049 Debrief With Special Guests!


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Token2049 Debrief With Special Guests! hosted by unstoppableweb. Token2049 Debrief with Special Guests provided valuable insights into the latest trends and innovations in the blockchain space. Discussions focused on key topics such as NFTs, DeFi security, Web3 integration, and regulatory developments. Expert speakers highlighted the importance of scalability, security, and community engagement for the sustainable growth of blockchain projects. The event showcased the significance of cross-chain interoperability, AI integration, and partnership strategies in driving blockchain ecosystem development.

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Total Listeners: 21


Q: Why is blockchain scalability important for mass adoption?
A: Scalability ensures blockchain networks can handle increased transactions efficiently, supporting broader user engagement.

Q: What are the key considerations for DeFi protocols?
A: Security measures, transparency, and user-friendly interfaces are critical for gaining and maintaining user trust in DeFi platforms.

Q: How are NFTs evolving beyond digital art?
A: NFTs now represent diverse assets such as real estate, collectibles, and intellectual property, expanding their utility and value.

Q: What benefits does Web3 integration provide?
A: Web3 promotes decentralized applications, enabling users to interact with blockchain networks without intermediaries, fostering increased privacy and control over personal data.

Q: What challenges do crypto investors face?
A: Price fluctuations, regulatory uncertainties, and security risks pose challenges for cryptocurrency investors, requiring diligent risk management strategies.

Q: How do partnerships impact blockchain ecosystems?
A: Collaborations between projects facilitate innovation, interoperability, and the creation of comprehensive solutions, driving overall ecosystem development.

Q: Why is regulatory clarity important in the blockchain space?
A: Clear regulations provide legal certainty, instilling confidence in investors, developers, and users, fostering sustainable growth and innovation in the blockchain sector.

Q: How does AI contribute to blockchain technologies?
A: AI enhances data analysis, automation, and decision-making processes within blockchain platforms, improving efficiency and performance.

Q: What is the significance of cross-chain interoperability?
A: Interoperability allows different blockchains to communicate and share information, expanding use cases, improving scalability, and enhancing overall blockchain utility.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for blockchain projects?
A: Engaging the community fosters trust, transparency, and support, driving adoption, feedback, and collaboration, ultimately contributing to project success.


Time: 08:15:45
The Future of DeFi Security Experts discuss emerging security protocols to safeguard DeFi platforms and user funds.

Time: 09:25:17
Real-World NFT Use Cases Exploring how NFTs are revolutionizing industries beyond art, including real estate and intellectual property.

Time: 10:35:28
AI Integration in Decentralized Systems Insights on the role of artificial intelligence in optimizing blockchain processes and enhancing user experiences.

Time: 11:45:19
The Importance of Interoperable Blockchains Panelists explain the benefits of cross-chain compatibility for scalability and seamless asset transfer.

Time: 12:55:30
Community-Centric Blockchain Initiatives Highlighting successful projects that prioritize community involvement for sustainable growth and decentralized decision-making.

Time: 13:45:10
Regulatory Developments in Web3 Insights on the evolving regulatory landscape impacting Web3 applications and decentralized technologies.

Time: 14:35:22
Partnership Strategies for Ecosystem Expansion Case studies on effective partnerships driving innovation, cross-platform compatibility, and market diversification.

Time: 15:25:14
Navigating Crypto Market Volatility Expert advice on risk management strategies in navigating the dynamic and volatile cryptocurrency market.

Time: 16:15:33
Decentralized Governance Models Exploring the shift towards community-driven decision-making and governance structures in blockchain projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Blockchain scalability is essential for mainstream adoption.
  • DeFi protocols must prioritize security and user protections.
  • NFTs are expanding into real-world asset tokenization.
  • Web3 integration offers decentralized alternatives to traditional systems.
  • Crypto market volatility remains a key challenge for investors.
  • Partnerships between projects fuel ecosystem growth.
  • Regulatory clarity is crucial for sustainable blockchain development.
  • Innovations in AI are reshaping analytics and decision-making.
  • Cross-chain interoperability enhances blockchain usability.
  • Community engagement is pivotal for project success.

Behind the Mic

Opening Greetings

Good morning. Good morning, indeed. Good morning. Awesome GM. Yeah. You guys up here? I think we're still waiting for Sandy. She's wrapping up a another spaces, but she should join any second here. How's everyone doing? Can you all hear me? Yep, you come through perfect. Doing well. How's your Tuesday? Is it or is it Wednesday? It's Wednesday in Hawaii. It's probably Wednesday night somewhere in Asia, but it's. We just started Wednesday in Hawaii. It's 07:00 a.m. awesome.

Introduction to Unsolvable Spaces

All right, well, I'll get us started here. Yeah. So welcome back to unsolvable spaces. We're excited to have a spaces today regarding token 2049 and just wrapping that up with us, we have representatives from all the teams over at LFG Incorporated, Smokeler and insomnia. So yeah, thanks for tuning in. My name is Adrian. I'm on the unstoppable team. And to start a round of introductions, I'll pass the mic over to you. Loretta. Hello. Aloha. Aloha. Thank you for starting out nice and raspy on. Is it Tuesday, Wednesday morning here in Hawaii? So I'm founder and CEO of Smobler and we are obviously great partners of unstoppable and great friends with Sandy.

Excitement and Collaboration

Very excited to be here and definitely I'm really excited to have this special token 24 90 brief with all of you. Great. Happy to have you on. And next, passing the mic over to Jason. Greetings and salutations, everyone. It is five minutes past midnight here. I'm calling you from Thailand. I am very happy to be here. Partners of unstoppable as well. We just launched the LFG TLD with all of you wonderful people. I've been in crypto now for a long freaking time. Over, over. I think it's twelve years now. And, have, been following everything that's been happening with, you know, domains and ownable TLD's and things like that for a long time. I am the founder and CEO of LFG and, prior to that I was the president of Blockchain for Gala, which I just recently left to do this.

Further Introductions and Insights

So very happy to be here talking to you guys. Awesome. Thank you for the introduction. I think Sandy just joined. I'm just passing the mic to Sal and then we wrapped up the instructions. But yeah, Sal would love to hear from you. Yeah. Hey guys, this is Sal. Here it is 10:00 a.m. in sunny Los Angeles. And yeah, I can't say I've been in crypto as long as Jason there. I've had been, I've been full time in crypto for about three years now. Prior to that I did some casual investing and trading and things like that, but made the full time jump into crypto and web three in the fall of 2021. I worked for almost two years in business development for Polygon, where I was focusing a lot in consumer crypto applications and helping onboard developers onto polygon ecosystem.

Transition to Somnia

And then in June of this year, just a couple of months ago, I jumped on board with Somnia as their head of BD. And I'm happy to be here to talk with you guys about our new collaboration with unstoppable where we just launched the dot dream domain. So thanks for having me. Awesome. Thank you for the intro. And finally to our coo, Sandy GmgmGm. My name is Sandy Carter and I'm the coo of unstoppable domains and we're here to really just debrief on token and all these. I mean, you couldn't ask for three more amazing TLD's and you're going to hear about today. And all happened at Token, which was a phenomenal conference. Jason and Sal and Loretta, thank you guys all for your support and for helping us help you deliver some great value to your users.

Key Moments from Token 2049

Thank you, thank you. Very excited. Awesome. And to get us kicked off here, Sandy, for those who may have not attended Token 2049, could you highlight some of the key events that stood out to you? Yeah, so there were so many amazing things that happened at token. If you weren't there, you should know that things are really, I think, much more powerful in Asia. Crypto was very well received. I even got into two taxis that accepted crypto for payment. That was, I thought, pretty amazing. You saw restaurants taking crypto and the entire, I think there were 20,000 people, 805 events at the amazing show. Some of the things that I would highlight, one was really the fusion of AI and blockchain was discussed a whole lot and we had a panel that was actually led at the Smoblar event with Loretta and I.

Fusion of Technologies

And really fascinating because we introduced Smobler there, the first TLD on base. But the interesting thing was the learnings that came out of that was why AI and blockchain are truly a power couple. She had AWS talking about, you know, what's going on and why the two go together. She had some interesting colleagues from PwC. I mean, the guy was like freaking brilliant talking about, you know, what's really going to happen in the future and republic. And so I think, I thought it was really fascinating that AI and blockchain kind of made the mainstream there at token. The other thing that was really cool was we also attended a party with Somnia and Sal's on the line. The Somnia party was amazing.

Networking and Collaborations

And there I just met such a diversity of partners. Dpin was really hot at token. There were several DPIN partners, and if you don't know what DPIn is, it's decentralized physical infrastructure. And so I met partners or potential companies like Silencio that you monitor noise and you earn tokens or you earn crypto. I met several of the Solana folks. They were getting ready for breakpoint, which happened at the same time of token. At his party, I met someone from Franklin Templeton who I didn't even know was jumping on board with Solana. So, you know, it was really fascinating to see AI pop out real world assets a Dpen. Solana was really a force.

Gaming Highlights

And then I would say, probably the last thing I'll call out and I could do this forever was blockchain gaming. The BGA was there and there were so many more games that participated. My big one was I spent a lot of time with Ton or the Telegram team to see how they're making their app more exciting with gaming, too. So those are just some of the highlights from the overall event. And many of the folks here on the line were part of that or hosted events themselves, where I really got to get firsthand knowledge and expertise for what they were doing. Thanks for highlighting that.

Reflections and Insights

Yeah, definitely super interesting stuff. I'll open up the floor here to everybody else. What was everybody else's takeaway from Token 2049 or what did you all think was most interesting, specifically? Token was absolutely fantastic for us. I mean, we had a great team manning our booth, met a lot of different people, connected with everybody. I was coming in from a sort of this literal world circling trip of different events and meetings and things like that. Sandy and I unfortunately never had an opportunity to connect because I was just so completely, totally wrecked from travel that we never made it. I think, finally coming out of it now, but you know how it is.

Reflections on Experience

September is always like, brutal for events and stuff like that. But yeah, I would underscore the connection with AI and blockchain as well. There's some really powerful things moving on in that space right now and then also just the absolutely frenetic pace of activity. I mean, it feels like a, everyone likes to say that we're in a bear market, which we're finally starting to come out of, but it didn't feel remotely like a bear market there. There were so many people, so many projects, so many builders, so much actually happening on the ground that you can't look at it and say, yeah, this is a bear market condition or anything like that.

Continued Growth in the Space

This, in terms of builders, there's just absolutely next level amazing stuff happening. And it was all over the place there. Definitely. That's what I referred to. Loretta and Sal, is there anything you guys wanted to add as well? Yeah, I'll just jump in. I think speaking as a Singaporean, even though I reside in the United States and dialing in right here from Hawaii, I think obviously I take great pride in going home as a Singaporean and often seeing just how big web three has become.

Growing Acceptance of Web 3

I think for most of us in the space right here, it's like when you would tell anybody that you're going to the web three space or the crypto space, people looking at you like, either you're either scammy or you're scummy, or there's something wrong with you. And I think just to have my country Singapore embraces and just seeing how, like, to Sandy's point, taxi drivers, just regular people, is becoming part of the vernacular and the conversation that for me is one to show growth, because Singapore is a very formidable capital market and reputable space to launch any business because of our regulations and branding.

Innovative Launches and Collaborations

I think that's one incredible to watch. The other is just to also see, especially for us at small blur, because how we often tried to position ourselves differently from all the other companies in the space building and metaverse and games is to often always say, we bridge and we build. That's also why we want to partner with the good people at unstoppable. We bridge brands into the web three space and we bridge. Right. So one of the big things that we created this year was to talk about our launch of Aquarium, which is going to be the first cross chain, cross platform ip that allows ordinals inscription holders playability in the sandbox in Roblox.

Institutional Engagements

So we talk about that. But also more significantly, and Sandy already underscored this earlier, that we brought folks from PwC and AWS institutional players to meet with our partners at Pukka, at ordinals Autza. And so just being able to see the interpolation of institutional partners, having panelists from PwC meet with Polka, from AWS meet with Otza, having the president of Animoca brands sit in and just having these very crucial dialogues witnessed by folks in a web three space enthusiasts, crypto Bros, web three gals, and just also having, you know, support from the community because we had a lot of community sponsors come in sponsoring croissants and beer and Heinekens.

Celebrating Community and Growth

I mean, just looking through our list, we also had celebrities like Chan Medici, as well as DJ Agaria, who spun at a closing of Paris Olympics. Jump in and join in with us. So it's really fascinating to see how for us, as mobler, we have grown year on year, but also the Nova brand, which is what we've created precisely to create in real life events, to bridge web two and web three. Like that in itself, it's significantly grown because the space was completely packed, as Sandy can attest. In fact, was too noisy sometimes when the panelists were speaking.

Impression of Token 2049

But in many ways, it shows that, to your point, I think one of you was speaking earlier, that it didn't feel like a bull market. It didn't feel like a bear market at all. If anything, everyone was bullish, enthusiastic and raring to go. Definitely. Thank you for your summary. And Sal, what was your takeaway from token? Yeah, the downside of having to go last year, I don't really have anything new to add to the speakers.

Reflecting on the Conference Experience

Nailed everything on the head there for me. It was definitely one of the better crypto conferences I've attended. Just the sheer number of people in attendance, the energy, the enthusiasm, again, like the previous speakers mentioned, like, would have never known that were in, like, bear market conditions. The Asia crypto market is booming. I think it's a very different field than what I'm currently experiencing being in North America and specifically in the United States. You know, it is just full of energy, full of enthusiasm over there, and it was a fantastic event for us at Somnia. It was a very quick turnaround for me, personally. I think I landed in Singapore Tuesday evening and was already on a plane back to LA on Friday morning. So it was a whirlwind of a two day trip, a lot of travel for two days, but it was very impactful, very fruitful. And I met so many incredible builders and it just made me so excited to be. To be here in this space. So, yeah, that was my takeaway. Great, thank you.

Meeting New Collaborators

Yeah, I've heard so many good things about token and passing it over to Sandy. Now, how did you meet the folks from LFG, smuggler and insomnia? Wow. So that's an interesting question. So Loretta and I actually met at a. An event for women of web three and AI down in Austin, Texas. And I don't even know if you had found a smoblur at that time, Loretta, I think you would. You had, okay, you had just started it and we had met there. And then, you know, I had this idea about doing something, you know, getting customers together at token. And Loretta said, oh, well, I'm singaporean. My company's based here, we'll take it on. And she created this new event series called Nova, which she's now done two in Singapore and one in Austin, maybe more. Those are the three I know about. And that's how she and I really got together to know each other. And then Somnia, I met the Somnia team through a contact from one of the conferences I've been to. I can't even remember anymore, but they invited me to their very wet event in Brussels at ECC.

Recalling an Event Experience

And so I don't know if you were there or not, but you guys had this amazing event planned. Thousands and thousands of people had signed up, and then, baboom. They had, like, this massive rainstorm that came in. And so I made it there barely right when the rain started, but a lot of people didn't. So it was a smaller event, which I really like. So I got to meet a lot of the team, and that's how I started chatting with them. We were launching another TLD at the time, and they were asking questions about it. So that's how I met the somnia team. And then, of course, Jason, we started. I started talking from an outreach from Gala games when he was the president at Gala games, and we had started there. He was really trying to help us, you know, break through a lot of the. The items at Gala. And then when he formed his company, let's fight giants, or LFG, we reconnected. And he's just amazing to work with. And so he's like, let's get it done, like, let's just do it.

Collaboration and Community Building

And I love that kind of person who just wants to make it happen, and that's how I got connected with him. We're kind of, you know, cut of the same cloth, and we just got this one out pretty quickly. Awesome. Love to hear it. And opening up the floor again here. How do each of you envision LFG smuggler dream domains, strengthening the bonds of your community, as well as opening the door for more potential in the future? Well, we have a lot of stuff going on over here at LFG, and we're going to be using the LFG TLD in the long term as a part of an identity solution. For a lot of what we've got going on the platform right now, people see LFG as one thing, but the long term goal is significantly larger than what is visible right now. And that identity solution and domain is going to be important there.

Future Vision and Strengthening Identity

So if you're a member of the LFG community, you're going to want to make sure that you snap that up because there's going to be some cool stuff that we'll be able to do with it in the near future. I'll just jump in. I mean, for us at Smoblar, I think Sandy underscored it already earlier that I think first off, we met as like sort of two outspoken girl bosses in a space that is still quite dominated by wonderful male allies and male energy. But I think just being able to differentiate ourselves in a space itself with our dot smobber branding, working together with unstoppable and being the first to launch on base for us, we've always, at Smobla, wanted to ensure that we push margins as frontier. We often always want to, we're not afraid to be different, to stand up, take chances, and even if we make mistakes, we want to make them early along the way, make them fast, make them well with our partners, learn from them.

Building on Partnerships and Unique Branding

So I think that's how we've always built our brand at Smobla. We never say we're the best, but we always say that we definitely are not afraid to be future forward, to lean in, to try. And so that's also always why when Sandy has a new partnership, a new idea, we're often always the first to lean in and now the first to be on base. But the second is also because mobler, we're not a chain. We are. We pride ourselves first and foremost as builders and creators that. That we bridge, we built. We've brought the bhutanese government, we've brought. We brought the bhutanese government, for example, onto the web three space. Built the games for one of the biggest projects on the Cardano chain, Clay Nation, right, brought them onto the sandbox game.

Strategic Partnerships and Expanding Opportunities

We're now partnering with Pukka, which is one of the biggest korean ips, and taking them onto the web three space. We are also partnered with eight CHN and Asian Women founder Project and building out their games. The point I'm trying to make is that smugglers never shied away from taking on interesting ips and then wanting to proliferate them and build their brand and so I think having dot Smobler as a unifier, bringing some of our biggest brands and collaborators, whether from Animoca, the sandbox, or champ, or Agoria, and then unifying them, and of course, coupled with the unstoppable brand itself. Right, providing users with control over the domains that we create. I think also pushing through the narrative that web three doesn't have to be scary, that it can be as simple as being a dot smoker domain, and that you don't have to futz with all of these numbers and digits.

Simplifying Access and User Experience

And it's very scary and unsurmountable. I think the whole point for us at smogler is to ensure our players, our users, our community feel that it is fuss free, easy to access. So whether or not it's web two, web three, that doesn't even bother, whether that's on chain, off chain, it shouldn't bother. But the sense of just being able to access should be key. The way we access quite a few of our things now, without even thinking about it, I think that is what we hope to be able to achieve with our partnerships with unstoppable, our brands, our partners, and what we want to achieve with Dot Smoger as well. Awesome. Thank you. And then passing it over to Sal.

Collaborating for Digital Identity Solutions

Yeah, I think, you know, we're obviously super excited to be partnering with unstoppable. We were looking for a digital identity solution for our community. And, you know, it's been fantastic working with Sandy and the rest of the team there to bring this to our community. You know, for those who are not aware, you know, part of what we do here at Somnia is we're building interoperability protocols for 3d assets so that players and consumers can take their assets across digital spaces, across virtual worlds, across games, and take them all over the Internet. And to be able to do that and align yourself with an identity, with an actual name that means something to you and can actually build that social clout.

Emphasizing User Generated Content

A lot of our platform encourages a lot of user generated content and the remixing of content. And so for people to be able to build their identities in this new digital world that we're living in was really important to us. And so we're excited about that opportunity to partner with unstoppable on that, definitely. Thank you. And, Sandy, do you mind sharing how unstoppable demands are used for anybody who's listening that's interested in their utility? Yeah. So there's a couple things that I think Jason, Loretta and Sal have already mentioned, but our number one use case is using, you know, Sandy, LFG to transact in crypto.

Exploring Use Cases for Unstoppable Domains

We do 30 million transactions every week where someone just takes, you know, Sandy Dot, let's say, smobler, and takes that to a wallet address or takes the wallet address back. That could be for a gaming leaderboard, or it could be for a, you know, crypto transaction itself or just checking on something. So that's our number one use case is that crypto transaction number two is around messaging and chats. So once you have a domain, it opens up the ability for you to do an encrypted chat. And as you get badges, you know, like an LFG badge or a smugler badge or a dream badge, you're then opened up to some token gated time as well. So that, to me, would be really, you know, an excellent way to communicate with people, and it's an excellent way to market by segment to reach people by segment, and for people to be with those that, you know, kind of like their own tribe.

The Importance of Community and Communication

Right. People who are very, very similar, for example. And so that would be super. I think that would be super interesting. And then, you know, other things are, you know, a gamer tag. I'm a gamer, so pink mamba is my tag. So you can use that as a gamer tag. And I could go on and on, but those are our top three use cases today. Awesome. Thank you. And opening up the floor again here. What is one thing that other web three conferences should take note of from token and implement across future events in our industry? Say that. Okay, sorry, did you hear him? You broke up for me. Adrian, can you say that one more time?

Suggestions for Future Events

Yeah, definitely. So what is one thing that other web three conferences should take note of from tokenization? Implement across future events in our industry? Okay, go ahead, Lauren. I'll just jump in here. This is nothing to do with blockchain or web three or domains, but speaking as a proud Singaporean, that one of the things that I often always miss about Singapore is always the food. And I think people always talk about that. And one of the things that obviously I miss when I go to conferences is that, you know, you usually have the usual, you know, sodas and sandwiches and salads, but, you know, oftentimes when we have a conference in Singapore, it's, we go all out with food.

Highlighting Cultural Elements

And even for us at Nova, we ensure that we have a full grazing table. We have local delights from, like, Ota to Satay, and often wanting to treat all our guests with unique singaporean hospitality, having all our sponsors from Heineken to moet Hennessy to also the good people from Panguine, but often always really going overboard with our asian and singaporean hospitality with eclectic, you know, food and f and b and hospitality. So I will say, hopefully the other conferences take note. I think that is something that Singapore definitely goes over and beyond. Love to hear that. Yeah, I got a second. I got a second. That for sure they.

Celebrating the Event Experience

Food was fantastic. The hospitality was fantastic, everybody working the event was so kind, so friendly, so welcoming. Singapore is obviously an extremely safe city. So it just felt, you know, it felt good to be there. And, yeah, I think also, you know, going back to, like, specifically the event, you know, I think the programming was fantastic. So I think. I think it's all about, you know, who you're bringing to the conference as well, you know, having interesting conversations. I mean, at the end of the day, we all want to network and meet interesting people and have interesting conversations and come up with really interesting revelations as to how this space continues to move forward.

Concluding Thoughts on Future Conferences

So, you know, the programming was. Was definitely top notch and something to be mirrored in the future. Awesome. And then Sandy and Jason, is there anything you guys would want to add to that as well? I think you guys covered it pretty well. I mean, if only they could schedule conferences somewhere where it's more convenient for wherever I am at that point in time that make my life much easier. Flying in from the other side of the planet. I was back and forth the entire time. It was a little nuts, but I absolutely loved the conference, of course, and just the insane frenetic activity.

The Origin of LFG Incorporated

Loved it. Awesome. Thank you. And another question here. Just opening up before, again, in case our listeners are curious, what was the origin story behind LFG incorporated? Smobler and insomnia. Sure. So for the last four years, I've been president of blockchain and gala, and I was getting to the point where I. Things were not moving as quickly as I would like, and I didn't feel that I was able to serve the community in my capacity there. So I decided to take a few people and we split off to go do our own thing. And that eventually became the formation of LFG. Unfortunately, very much like Richard Branson with the founding of Virgin, it's kind of difficult to get some companies and especially government organizations to take you seriously if you put let's fucking go on a form.

Community-Centric Approach

So LFG standing for let's fight giants is the closest and best thing to what we're trying to do, because we very strongly believe in the power of the community and the responsibility of companies to work with their communities and to support their communities, especially in the web three space, because without community, you don't have anything here. And so that is the very beginning of LFG. We just started a few months ago, and we're going to be doing a lot of stuff here in the very near future. And I can't wait to have everybody see and watch as we go through this transition period together. It's going to be great. I'll just jump in after you, even though that. Those are some really big shoes and words to fill.

Loretta's Journey to LFG

But I also figured, LFG is Loretta effing go, so I have to go after you. But no, seriously, I think. I think I've had a very long career. My entire family has often been in the media. We are a creator family, which is already very different from a typical asian family. I mean, I've been born and raised to been really proud and humbled to have my parents say, you know, Loretta, LFG, do whatever you want, kick ass, and we support you. Which is already. I know I'm generalizing, which is already rare for an asian woman. Having said that, because I've had the privilege of having been a creator all my life and had the ability to create and broadcast institutional, what we now call Web one, Web two, media.

Challenges in Media and Art

I recognize to your point that it was difficult in the early days for a lot of community creators and regular folk who wanted to create. This is before the advent of social media, because I'm pushing 50. So it kind of gives you a sense of my ethos and why I believe so strongly in creating a creator's economy and a community centered one. Because I saw the evolution of how folks were excluded from mainstream media because we looked a certain way or officer in gender like. My brother was a kick ass, like, top actor in Singapore, and he's past 60 now. But the point I'm trying to make was that he was, even though he was kick ass and what he was doing when he went to Hollywood, he was just given, like, itty bitty roles, even though he. He was like the top actor in Asia.

Recognition of Media Evolution

The point I'm trying to make is that I recognize the evolution of media and what all of us are trying to create more ubiquity, to create more democratization, to create more space for diversity, equity, inclusion, all the things that we admire and adhere and love. And now we see it finally happening with the conflation of blockchain and technology and space and time and just more intentionality and awareness. So fast forward to because I've always been in mainstream media and being a professor and just such an idealist and wanted to champion growth in 2020. When one of my ex staff called me and asked me to help him out during COVID And that goes out to our origin story of smugler, I recognized that it was an opportunity for me to either, if not me, then who? If not now, then when to lean in and then say, how can I support creators, artists who lost jobs and work over Covid?

The Importance of Art and Culture

Because we're often always not seen as essential workers. Art and culture is often seen as just being. By the way, if you have it, great. But it's so integral to identity and who we are. All of us are on the phone. We know this in Twitter and in this space right now, we know this. But it's not what mainstream corporate environments, institutions think. So anyway, fast forward to and when my friend reached out for help, I said yes and founded Smolbau with him and wanted to create a space where folks could really own, monetize, create their identity, their creations with no middleman. So this is really the origin story of smoller and we've built for four years now and we're growing strong together for all our partners and support, like our friends Sandy and unstoppable as well.

The Metaverse and Gaming Transition

Thank you. And then passing it over to you, Sal. Yeah, somnia was we've a deepen gaming and metaverse background. So our founder Paul was with improbable for many years. Improbable is a gaming company out of the UK that builds, that has built a metaverse platform called M Squared. They're also the folks that are building the other side metaverse for Yuga labs and the bored apes community. And so while Paul was still working at improbable had a lot of ambitions to work more with web three projects, especially kicking off with the other side project with Yugalabs, and envisioned a future where these metaverse platforms were on change. And so they began internally doing due diligence and research around, you know, what networks they could work with to bring some of these metaverses and virtual worlds on chain.

Challenges in Metaverse Development

And of course, when we're talking about scaling these sorts of environments and we're talking about in a future state, hopefully one day, where everybody's kind of transacting and playing and exploring these virtual spaces, the throughput and the bandwidth and the performance that a network would need to have is enormous. And so really through that due diligence, they couldn't really find something that existed on the market. Today it stands, you know, there's a lot of, you know, stuff being worked on in theory and there's a lot of future state stuff being talked about. But as it stands today, there really isn't truly a network and a blockchain that can support the bringing these environments on chain. And so it's one of those classic moments where they decided, you know, if we can't find it out in the market, we're going to build it ourselves.

The Birth of Somnia

And so of course, that spun out into Somnia. That was the basic origin story of Somnia. And somnia became a separate entity from that. Paul went and founded Somnia, left improbable to found insomnia and were off to the races. And so we exist to, you know, build this layer one EVM based, layer one chain that can be highly performant with low latency geared towards gaming and metaverse applications. Although that's not going to be the sole focus. That is where our origin story came from. But we feel that like any application really, that requires truly high performance and high throughput, put low latency would benefit through building on this chain.

Interoperability in Gaming and Metaverse

So, and then that, in combination with the interoperability protocols that we're working on, trying to make these assets interoperable across different spaces, that's, you know, were really born out of that gaming and metaverse background and that's kind of the story. And so we kind of launched out of stealth at the beginning of this year and it's been a rollercoaster ride since. And we've been fortunate to have a lot of early traction, a lot of early excitement and yeah, that's kind of our origin story. Great. Thank you all for the words about the origin stories and your companies. Another open for question here. What trends did you all notice that might shape the future of the industry based on your time at token?

Trends in the Industry

Yeah, I think we touched a bit on that. I mean, mainly the cross collaboration of the AI industry and the crypto industry is going to be fascinating. And then Sandy also mentioned Deepin. I think, me personally, I think those are two huge areas that are going to continue to explode and shape the future of both industries, really. And so I'll have a keen eye and very interested to see where that goes for sure. So those two areas. And then of course, like I just mentioned us, we're really bullish on gaming. I think we're still waiting for that huge breakout, mainstream web three game to come forth, but I think we're closer than ever.

Excitement in Gaming Development

And I'm excited. Some of just even the recent games that have launched into their betas and their public tests have been really exciting to see and check out. That's another area that we're obviously very bullish on and excited about. I'll just jump in after you, since you talked about gaming, because Smokeler first and foremost started as a gaming studio, we built on the sandbox platform, and then obviously then ventured onto building both on chain and off chain, venturing now as well into immersive walls. We partnered with Hank Rogers Tetris company, called immersive walls tools to build out experiences for virtual reality oculus, in addition to building both on chain.

Digital Lives and Gaming

But I think to follow both your point and the points of view that I've been articulated by our speakers today, is that we are definitely living more and more of our lives digitally. I don't think anyone can ever deny that. And a lot of our younger folks who generation alphas, they were just born with. With a cord, not an umbilical cord, right? But like a digital cord attached to their devices. So I think for anyone to say, like, this is not happening, I think they're definitely being little ostriches in the mud. But it's also to see that gaming is, I think, as an educator, as a cultural critique and advocate as well, that gaming is going to seep into even education.

The Role of Gaming in Education

I remember 20 years ago, if I ever tried to bring gaming in the same breath and sentence as education or deans would be like, no, I mean, back in the day, I even said, let's try to make education fun. This was like 30 years ago when I started as a professor. And they're like, this is impossible. It has to be about the institution and about the labs. And today we recognize fun and lifestyle is really part of it. Vernacular. You can't really design anything without having that fun element and the engagement. And so while the concept of quote unquote, the metaverse may have fallen out of favor, the fact is we are already leading metaverse lives.

Intertwined Digital and Real Lives

Our digital and real lives are so intertwined. And so I think what we're all building out, whether it is about building out digital identities, building a gaming environment, the fact that this interpolation has already happened. And for us at Smobler, we want to be able to create gaming experiences that are sticky, that are also profitable, but also good for planet people, and also creating content that reflects the realities of folks that. That look like every one of us around the planet, that. Not just content that is created from a dominant discourse, because we know that the realities no longer exist.

Diverse Narratives and Storytelling

There's not one way of telling a story. I think the development and growth of the media landscape, the kind of narratives we're seeing now from Netflix, and even the kind of games that we see people create reflect all sorts of realities. So I think I'm really excited at Smallville to be able to represent and partake in a different type of narrative and storytelling, which allows people to have agency, to have ownership, to express their difference, and be able to monetize that and be able to create community. So all the possibilities that I envisioned as a young person but didn't have the technology and time and tools is now finally at our fingertips.

Future of Smobler and Community Creation

So I feel at smobler and leading smobler to be really excited to be in this space india, co creating this space with all of you as we speak. Definitely. Thank you. And opening up the floor again. I think Jason might have gotten rugged out of the space, but if I see him, I'll invite him back up. But, yeah, if anybody here has any questions, feel free to jump on. In the last five minutes of the space, we'll be giving away a premium LFG or smuggler or dream domain. So, yeah, just hang in there, and then last five minutes of the space, we'll invite you up, but, yeah, moving forward here.

Engaging with Unstoppable Domains

So, opening up the floor. Tell us about a use case that you wish unstoppable could utilize now. Or tell us about a use case that you really enjoy with unstoppable domains. I'll just jump in. We. I think last year we created. It's just part of our, you know how it is when we get together, we're just doing talk stories and, you know, we say, okay, let's create this, like, gaming environment, like, your own uncertainty. Unstoppable digital real estate. And so we actually created this entire unstoppable domains mansion that we've created. And so I was just texting Sandy, I said, that's already created.

Future Collaborations

So offline, we might have that conversation again. Unstoppable to see. Now that we officially have a partnership with Dots Mobler on base, maybe we'll find a way to link this little gamified environment and this space that we've created. Because it's a mansion with pool and elevator. It's like, imagine living your best life in the digital space of your own digital identity and domain. So that's actually already created, so on the back end. So stay tuned. I'll have that conversation with Sandy and good people unstoppable to see how we could bring that reality to life, because we built it and then we left it, we got busy.

Exciting Developments Ahead

And so hopefully in the next Twitter space, we'll say that we'll be able to announce that collaboration, but that would be a fun use case for us to have. And just so that, you know, if you ask us a question. Yeah. And I'll just say, I'm just really excited for our community to dive into the, you know, the token gated messaging feature. It's not something that I was aware of, you know, ahead of conversations that when we kicked off conversations with unstoppable. And so I'm really interested to see how we could utilize that feature to drive even more engagement.

Community Engagement and Future Vision

And the idea of token gating chats is really interesting because all of the folks that are in that group and in that chat are obviously folks that are very enthusiastic about what's going on in the ecosystem and the community and just encourages a lot deeper conversation and really good, and just really good engagement. And so I'm just excited to really dive into that use case with our community and see what blossoms from that. Definitely. And as we start to wrap up here, where do you guys envision insomnia and smuggler in three to five years?

Future Vision of the Internet

You want to go for insomnia? Sure. Yeah. It's a big question, but yeah, I think what we envision in the future is an Internet where a much more interactive and engaging Internet, essentially, we feel that the way in which people interact with the common website today is going to be different. And I don't know if is a three to five year timeframe or if this is like, further out than that, but the future that we envision is a future where all of these websites are essentially engaging experiences. A couple of years ago, the metaverse was really a hot topic, and I think AI is kind of taken some of the thunder there. But like the technology and the foundation of the metaverse conversation is still very, very sound. And we believe in the future where all of these spaces are interoperable spaces, they are not siloed spaces, they are not siloed experiences where people can jump from world to world.

Interoperable Spaces

We kind of think that there's this larger metaverse at play, and then with which is essentially the Internet as we see it today, and then diving down deeper into that, you get into, you know, smaller, unique niche, metaverse type experiences, whether they're independent websites or they're games, or they're just places to hang out on the Internet. Like it doesn't matter. We want all of these spaces to be seamlessly interoperable. We don't want them to be siloed. We want them all to play nice with each other. And so if you have assets and credits and an avatar and a domain name and a social identity online, we don't want you to lose that stuff just because you go to a different virtual world that may not support that. So that's the future we envision, and we're also trying to build the infrastructure that can support that future state as well.

Building on the Blockchain

So we envision insomnia, a blockchain to be the go to ecosystem to build on top of for these large interactive spaces. Thanks. Tough act to follow. And I think first off, three to five years is something it's hard to envision their web three space. I think it's like doggy years. But micro level for smoger, I think we've grown from having, you know, one pillar of business which is building Gamefi, to having our own ip, to creating our own event brand that's now going international. And we're working with other bigger collaborators to also now working on special projects where we want to be able to collaborate with very established change to create real world use cases, uses that I can't quite share right now, but then, hey, might even reach out to you at Somnia to see how we can collaborate.

Gamefi and Collaboration

So from one vertical of business metaverse architecture into creating our own ip, into creating our own digital and live events, armed to now even a special projects arm. So from a micro Smolbus scale, we're growing and excited to grow our community and our family. And thank you to our team listening in as well. Aaron, I know you're there on a macro scale, I echo your sentiments as well. Again, going back to my own background as a creator as well as an academic, I definitely envision a future where we have more accessibility for us to be able to create, own, monetize our own data for us to have, create a world where it's not just we give platitudes and say, a world without borders and a world without class difference, et cetera.

Hope for the Future

But really, I do think that while it comes with its fair share of ills, I do see so much more intentionality in this space that we're co creating together. And I really do think that the younger generation, every time I interpolate with them, I'm filled with a lot of hope. But of course, people can always kind of thrash and say this and that. But as an entrepreneur, it's almost like I must have discipline, optimism. And what I do see is that folks really do want to sort of rebuild and take away the ills of, you know, very the ills of capitalism, but now make it into a more democratized, share stakeholder based kind of capitalism, which is what we're all co creating together, that we get to be able to monetize and create and be able to create a good living from what we provide and create and put into the ecosystem.

Breaking Down Barriers

I think this is the space that we're co creating where we don't envision walls, where it's always split by classes and race and religion and gender. And again, is this altruistic and is this idealistic? Yes, it absolutely is. But I do envision a world, as I think rightfully said, insomnia, where a lot of these distinctions and differences that we had in a more patriarchal, older world is now beginning to dissolve and co creating this more democratized space digitally that we can all benefit and grow from together. Definitely. Thank you for your input. And as we move along here, if anybody wants to raise their hand to ask everybody on stage here a question, feel free to, and you'll win an opinion domain.

LFG, Dot Smuggler and Dodge Room Domains

And Sandy, this next question is for you. For any listeners that are curious how many LFG, dot smuggler and dodge room domains exist out there since launch. Okay, so can you guys hear me first of all? Yep, you're coming through. Okay, great. Okay. Okay, so Drumroll, please. So, Sal, you're in first place. Dream has 2442. That is one of our fastest growing TLD's that we've had. So that's a. That's a fabulous result. So 24, 42, our second place. Drumroll, please, is LFG. And Jason just said he's trying to get back in, but it won't let him in. They have 778, so they're very close behind dream and Loretta. We have to do some work.

Competition in the TLD Space

Smollettlers. And last time. I know we do, 462. Now, base is brand new, so we can work through that and let's see what we can do there. So it's mobilers at 462, our very first TLD on base. So those are the numbers. LFG will definitely have to grow that together. So now that I'm back in Hawaii, now that token 2049 is done and dusted, we'll grow that together for sure. Yeah, that sounds great. That. That sounds great. And Sal, congrats. Oops. Oh, shoot. We may have lost another speaker. Jason said he's been trying to get back in and trying to get back in, but he won't. He can't get back in. So that's interesting.

Updates and Acknowledgements

Oh, I see Jenny there with t ball. T balls on. Also moving up our pack as well. They're doing quite well. So thank you for joining us, Jenny. Jenny and her team are there at tetherball. If you haven't checked out t ball, you should do that. And I do want to do a call out for many of our whales. I see John Han. That's on here. I see 135 LFG. Who designed the unstoppable tennis shoes? That's on here. Let's see. I did see Seaport, but it looks like maybe he had too. And then, of course, Metarise. Thank you guys for being so supportive. Any questions? Because you're going to get a free LFG, dot dream and or dot smoblar.

Q&A Session

Any questions anybody has? And I think 135. I think you have 135 lft, smoblar and dot dream, right? Looks like. Oh, and Sal's back. Thank you. Sal, I said congratulations for being number one. I don't know if you heard me. Sorry. No, I dropped out because I lost your audio. I could hear everybody else but you, so I just did a quick drop out. It's working again, but thank you. Okay, Adrian, where do you want to go next? Any questions coming in? No questions coming in so far. I think we'll start wrapping it up.

Final Thoughts

If I do get a question, I'm happy to invite that person up. So, yeah, as we move towards final thoughts, I can pass the mic towards you, Sandy, if there's anything you want to say. Well, let's let each of the participants give us their final words. So, Loretta, I'll go to you. Just give us any advice and why people should grab their smuggler. And then Sab will go to you and then I'll close it out unless we get Jason back in. Okay. So just quickly, it's going to be the first on base. You're going to be plugged into obviously unstoppable domains and entire smolite ecosystem.

Exciting Opportunities

And just to be the first to own TLD on base and Dots mobile, I think that's an exciting proposition. First place is always a great place to be in, so I'll pass it on to the second place, whose efforts after me. Yeah, I would say, come join the dream. We're excited about everything we're doing here. We were excited about the idea of making assets interoperable. We are creating a, you know, web based sandbox for people to be able to come create content, remix content, participate in really fascinating and interesting and immersive experiences with our partners. Improbable and M squared. And it's just a fun time here in the somni ecosystem.

Invitation to Join

So we encourage you to join, see what we're all about. Grab a. Grab an awesome dream domain. We love that. We love that handle. We love that tag and come join because we're having fun over here. And we love, the more the merrier. Awesome. And no questions so far, but if you want to wrap up Sandy passing them back to you, okay, great. Thank you. Well, thank you. First of all, I want to express my sincere gratitude to Loretta from smobler. You know, she's just an innovation machine, gets things done.

Acknowledging Contributions

Thank you, Sal, for coming up with such a great TLD dream and for being such a dream to work with as well. We really appreciate you. And I know Jason got dropped, but I do want to thank as well the LFG team, who's been phenomenal to work with as well. Thank you all for listening. Grab your TLD's for your favorite community. Join them as they create their tribes because you'll get such tremendous value. And thank you for taking your time to join us today. We'll chat with you guys later.

Closing Remarks

Thank you. Thank you so much.

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