Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Token-Gated Commerce: Shaping the Future of Web3 Shopping ️ hosted by digibuynetwork. Token-gated commerce is revolutionizing the way online shopping operates within Web3 environments by integrating blockchain technology and token incentives. Airdrops, TG channels, and innovative marketing strategies are key drivers in engaging users and fostering community growth. The 'shop & earn' concept introduces a novel approach to incentivize consumers, while blockchain ensures transparency and security in e-commerce. Community involvement and exclusive token rewards create a sense of value and exclusivity for users, shaping the future of interactive shopping experiences in Web3.

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Q: How does token-gated commerce differ from traditional e-commerce models?
A: Token-gated commerce integrates blockchain technology and token incentives to revolutionize user engagement and loyalty.

Q: What role do airdrops play in token-gated commerce?
A: Airdrops are powerful tools to distribute tokens, attract new users, and foster community growth within Web3 shopping platforms.

Q: Why are TG channels essential for token-gated commerce initiatives?
A: Telegram channels (TG) facilitate direct communication, community updates, and engagement, enhancing the user experience within Web3 ecosystems.

Q: How can blockchain technology enhance transparency in online shopping?
A: Blockchain ensures secure transactions, traceability of products, and immutability of data, fostering trust and transparency in e-commerce.

Q: What benefits do token rewards bring to online shoppers?
A: Token rewards incentivize user engagement, loyalty, and participation, creating a more interactive and rewarding shopping experience in Web3.

Q: How can Web3's 'shop & earn' concept benefit both consumers and retailers?
A: The 'shop & earn' model provides consumers with token rewards for their purchases, driving customer loyalty, while retailers gain increased customer engagement and retention.

Q: What strategies can businesses use to effectively leverage token utility in Web3 shopping?
A: Businesses can create exclusive experiences, gamify interactions, and offer token-based incentives to enhance user engagement and drive adoption in Web3 shopping platforms.

Q: In what ways can community involvement contribute to the success of token-gated commerce projects?
A: Strong community engagement builds loyalty, word-of-mouth marketing, and sustained interest, driving the success and growth of token-gated commerce initiatives.

Q: How do token-gated commerce platforms promote user exclusivity and value creation?
A: By utilizing tokens for access, rewards, and privileges, Web3 platforms create a sense of exclusivity, value, and personalized experiences for users.

Q: What trends are shaping the future of Web3 shopping experiences?
A: Innovations like blockchain integration, tokenization, decentralized platforms, and interactive rewards are transforming the online shopping landscape, offering more engaging and rewarding experiences.


Time: 00:16:45
Token-Gated Commerce Explained Understanding the concept of token rewards and gated access in Web3 shopping environments.

Time: 00:26:12
Airdrops and Community Growth Exploring the impact of airdrops on community building and user acquisition strategies in Web3 platforms.

Time: 00:35:59
TG Channels: Communication Hub The role of Telegram channels in fostering direct communication, updates, and engagement within Web3 communities.

Time: 00:45:21
Blockchain in E-commerce Discovering how blockchain technology enhances transparency, security, and trust in online shopping transactions.

Time: 00:55:07
Shop & Earn Models Exploring the 'shop & earn' concept in Web3 and its implications for incentivizing consumer behavior.

Time: 01:05:33
Token Utility for Engagement Leveraging token rewards and utility to drive user engagement, loyalty, and participation in Web3 shopping experiences.

Time: 01:15:42
Community Building Strategies Discussing the importance of community involvement, inclusivity, and engagement in token-gated commerce projects.

Time: 01:25:19
Innovative Marketing Techniques Exploring creative marketing strategies that use tokens to enhance user experiences and drive adoption in Web3 shopping platforms.

Time: 01:35:08
Future of Interactive Shopping Embracing the future trends of Web3 shopping, including personalized experiences, interactive rewards, and decentralized commerce models.

Key Takeaways

  • Token-gated commerce offers innovative ways to incentivize and engage users within Web3 ecosystems.
  • Integrating token rewards can enhance user participation and loyalty in online shopping platforms.
  • Airdrops serve as effective strategies to distribute tokens, attract users, and increase community engagement.
  • Telegram (TG) channels play a significant role in fostering communication, updates, and community interaction.
  • Blockchain technology is reshaping the landscape of e-commerce by introducing decentralized and transparent systems.
  • The concept of 'shop & earn' in Web3 introduces a novel approach to incentivize consumers through token rewards.
  • Community building and involvement are crucial for the success and sustainability of token-gated commerce initiatives.
  • Token utility within Web3 ecosystems can create value, exclusivity, and unique experiences for users.
  • Innovative marketing techniques leveraging tokens can drive user engagement and adoption of Web3 shopping platforms.
  • The future of online shopping is evolving towards more interactive, rewarding, and decentralized experiences.

Behind the Mic

Greeting and Introduction

Hey, guys. Good morning or evening, wherever you are in the world. It, it, it. Hello? Hi, can anyone hear me? Yep, I'm right here. Can you guys hear me? Oh, yeah. Perfect. Now there was some amazing. Yeah, there was some issue, I guess, with my microphone somehow, and then I was talking to you all the time and then I thought the issue was on your side, so. But now, finally we have figured it out. Well, here we are. So, yeah, great and perfect time here in Asia region for the morning coffee. I know, for you it's a little bit late, right? Yeah, it's okay. It's okay. I'm a night owl, so it's all good. Okay, awesome. So, yeah, let's start. Let's go through. We have three topics we want to talk about. So let me briefly start and introduce Digiby, maybe from some people from your community. And with Digiby, we are building an on chain marketplace, but we try to go beyond the traditional online stores we know so far.

Discussion on Digiby's Marketplace

Right. So we want to combine the shopping entertainment aspects. We have this already, but now we want also integrate a whole reward economy around it. So everything will be blockchain powered and we drive everything from a community perspective. So this is basically, in short terms, what we are trying to build. I guess during the talk I will elaborate a little bit, but now let's talk about you. I'm awesome. Our guests today is representing perks and all. Your mission statement says you want to onboard 1 million brands to web three. And you're also the creators of the Farcaster frames for Shopify. So, yeah, I guess it's your turn now to introduce yourself, talk a little bit about perks or maybe also explain the farcaster frames for people who don't know it yet. So, yeah, the stage is your. I'm really happy to talk, so let's go. Amazing. Thank you so much for having me as a guest here. Good evening or good morning to everyone that is around. I'm actually on the eastern standards time.

Introduction and Background of the Guest

We're just right outside of Toronto in Canada. Just a quick kind of like introduction of myself. I'm one of the co founders for Percs. It's a small kind of like company in web three based in Canada. But all our clients are basically global. We were the first company to ever basically launch nfts on Shopify as well as do token gating on Shopify. And so I was so excited to kind of like figure out like what, how Digiby is doing is on what on chain marketplace, because that's always also our kind of like main focus, but with our concept, it was always designed in such a way that we create tooling for the likes of Digiby and other companies that want to get in the space. I know we kind of mentioned brands because brands are really the ones that end up experimenting first and then essentially create tooling and APIs that enable this so that the ones that are kind of like web three creators that don't really have deep pockets can kind of like join the space in a more seamless and like no code kind of like solution.

Background in Asset Management

So that's kind of like how we're approaching it. By also way of background, I came from 15 years of asset management prior to this and I was one of the first people to basically launch the first publicly listed bitcoin fund in the world. Essentially this is before I moseyed into and started this startup called perks. So, you know, if anyone has any questions regarding that, happy to answer questions, but you know, our focus is mainly on chain marketplace and I'm really excited to kind of like see what people are building at the same time, what kind of feature requests people are kind of like looking into so that we can keep building in the space. Thank you. Awesome. And yeah, I checked a little bit what you guys are doing and I think especially this, sorry the noise, I'm on my terrace. So sometimes I hope it's okay. But yeah, I wanted to say I checked your market, NFT for the shopify system and I think this is a really awesome thing because of course if you want to spin up something like this, many people don't have the resources or the knowledge to develop this by themselves.

Web Three Mass Adoption

So yeah, I think this is the perfect use case basically to blend over to our topic, our first one and that's the web three mass adoption. Right. And especially right now when you have talks with VC's, now that they not buying the hype anymore, they want to see the user. Right? So I guess you have some experience with that as well, at least. We have. So yeah, let's dive in. So maybe I actually have to chime in there because it's really funny because when we initially started the company, it was all about creating nfts and being able to sell it directly and people be able to check out with Mastercard, Visa and so were able to make that live. And so non native ethereum users were able to complete a purchase fairly seamlessly even though they're not at home or something like that. And. But within like two months after that were like, you know what, it defeats the purpose of what NFTs and blockchain is all about.

Utilization Aspect of NFTs

We really need to figure out what this utilization aspect of it is. And quickly moved away token gating because were like, you know what, we don't want to be a printer where, you know, you use toner and then that's it, right? We have to be able to do, you know, we have to give the shovels to the people to be able to basically, you know, utilize what NFTs is all about rather than it being kind of like, you know, glorified art or anything like that. So anyway, that was really important with us to segment ourselves to just be like, we're not about shilling or rug pulling anyone, but it's more like, let's give people, you know, a special access or something like that, whether or not it's in real life or through commerce or something. But bottom line, it always hits, you know, commerce in some way, shape or form.

Defining NFT Utility

So that's one thing that we adopted fairly fast. Right. As soon as we got out of the gate. I wanted to make that clear just, you know, because people always have a negative connotation. NFTs, you know, even Sec right now is coming back, you know, saying that NFTs should be considered as security when it's not because there is like a, you know, that factor that it's a utility. Sorry. Anyway, I'm just shut down. Yeah, but awesome. I agree. One thing I maybe would like to add is I think we need to differentiate a little bit between those basic NFT JPEG style where you just have a JPEG or as you say it, that there can be a utility attached to it. And this is really the challenge we are also currently facing with our NFT.

Challenges in NFT Utility

Maybe I talk about this later as well a little bit to really provide utility to those nfts. And this is, I think in many cases, if you see there is not much utility behind it in many cases. So this is a big challenge. I think the space as a whole, especially if you come to mass adoption topics again, it's very important. So yeah, thank you for adding this. So yeah, maybe I can start a little bit and explain how we at Digibyte try to tackle this mass adoption topic. So far we are definitely under the right track. We had just launched our Telegram bot, which also was like a useful tool to onboard user to our ecosystem. And the number were really high. I haven't the news numbers, but we surpassed, I think 200, 300,000 already.

Strategies for Mass Adoption

But here again, then of course you face the challenge, how you actually utilize them. But yeah, and what is stitchy by doing, we try to tackle this when we take a look at the universal act of shopping because shopping is something everyone has to do and everyone has the same motivation behind this. You want to get something and in the best way possible for yourself. So that's our approach and how we want to do it. We want to give the rewards to the merchants and the user for cutting out the middleman. Right. For example, if you now take a look at Amazon, for example, if you sell something there, you have a really high rate you have to give to Amazon.

Reward System in Digibyte Ecosystem

And there's then of course a lot of room if you take this share and then you distribute it first to the merchants, of course with our reward as a service model and secondly, then to the consumer. But yeah, our reward as a service is really interesting because basically every shop, every store, every merchant has the interest that he gets loyal customers, that he can reward his customers to increase retention. And on the other hand, not everyone has the resources to build a really engaging and sustainable reboot system. So here we are coming and offering our reboot as a service. So he can just join our ecosystem, can participate in our reboot program which is already finished and therefore he can then attract new customers.

Consumer Incentives in the Ecosystem

And yeah, secondly, on the consumer side, we have to shop to earn model, right? So the philosophy is basically shop with every earn with every purchase. So every time you buy something in our ecosystem, you will be rewarded. So this is a little bit our approach to get the masses through their shopping behavior. I'm incentivizing them to make this web three step. And of course, from a user experience perspective, the web three part shouldn't be in the forefront that we have it in the background that you can use it as you used to in web two. So this is basically our approach. And now I'm very excited to hear how you drive on your goals.

Onboarding Brands to Web Three

I mentioned it before, you want to onboard 1 million brands. You talked about it a little bit. So very impressive target first. Yeah, I'm curious to hear about your strategy a little bit and what unique approaches you have, what you can share with us about this, right? Yes. Okay.

Introduction and Company Focus

So first things first. You know, I do actually have a whole bunch of questions for you guys as well because I wanted to see why the focus on Bac as and with the model behind this. For us as a company, we are Ethereum first. So always on the EVM chain, initially, the way we had kind of envisioned you know, a million brands coming into space was more like targeting big brands and getting them onboarded to the concept of what NFT linked token access gating is. So, for example, back in 2021, in the fall, towards December to February of 2022, we actually launched NFTs for Budweiser. So, but Anheuser Busch is the main parent company behind it, and we ended up deploying over 35,000 NFTs and ethereum based nfts for them back then. And with the aspect of basically being able token gate merchant.

Feedback and Audience Types

Can I jump in? Sorry. Sure. How was the feedback from Budweiser? How were they at that time? It was very positive because it was a big hype for nfts at that time. We also did it for around the same time for Robert Mondavi Winery. And so you could see dichotomy on, like, the type of audience. So, for example, Budweiser audience, a bit more younger and hip. And then at the same time, Robert Mondavi Winery is a bit more like a, you know, a top brand for wine. And so for that one in particular, we ended up creating nfts for them not in the same mass, because what happened was that each NFT cost more money, and it came with a handcrafted, like, magnum size of wine bottle. And that particular wine bottle was made in limoges. And so that was kind of unique. And then it also came with an access of the wine tour after. So, like, it really is all about use case.

Market Changes and Client Experiences

But I can tell you know, these are not the most hyped up nfts, right? Like, one of our big clients as well was the hundreds team who did the Atom bomb squad, and they had a bit of a big following. And so what we saw from 2021 to 2022 is a little bit of a correction with the price of the NFT is. And this is really, you know, where the value of the NFT is all about what you promise after, right? What do you deliver and what do you. What special access do you provide for your followers or your, you know, your ogs? Right? So I think the way you, baby and you guys, how have approached it was like an on chain marketplace when you have the consumer and also the merchants, this is really the right balance of how it is because you're meeting the supply and demand that requires to kind of, like, create that true marketplace.

Evolving Strategies and Use of Technology

Now, because our approach is a little bit different. We've looked at, we've served both, like, blue chip companies, including concept shoes, or like, even like, one of the, like, san Sal, the ones that basically, were part of the beats, like, headphones, right, versus the ones that are kind of like new commerce in the space, like, you know, women and weapons and all that, where they've created nfts and then they come back into the picture to just be like, well, how do we create longevity to the Persona that we created as a, you know, as. And so now the eruption of like, all these like, technologies such as iyk, wherever you put chips, essentially on your, on, you know, something that is unique to you, right? Another company that is leading the forefront on that is 90 cc, basically, where all the caps or all the jackets that sell for like $1,000 or something like that all come with the, you know, the chips basically that gives them access.

Social Interactions and Event Engagement

And, you know, I know that's kind of funny because you now go to a, like a live event and people are like, you know, tapping their phones, you know, to say I met you or something like that. Or they get their autograph that way. And I think approaching it that way in more social aspects is the one that really gives you the footing in a way. So how are we approaching it on our end? You know, we mentioned forecaster on chain. On chain social, right? This is the new Twitter. Even like Vitaliks in the space. I don't know if you guys are in it. Like, we're heavy users of warpcast and. Which is not yet, but we maybe will expand. So it's time. Let's get you guys on there, right? So let's quickly explain what it is. It's like basically Twitter on steroids, on Twitter.

Functionality and Commerce Integration

Basically you can get canceled, but in this space, it's not just a regular, you know, you. There's very small users, but it's the same as when Telegram started technically, right? And what happened is now we've created this thing called frames, forecaster frames. And what it is an app within an app, right? So instead of just being able to do a like on Twitter, right, or recast or retweet, right now, we are able to recast and re, you know, and re, basically redistribute a post that has actionable insights in it. Look, what could these actionable insights be? It could be a vote. It could be like a mini game. But most importantly, on the side of the commerce side, what we're able to do is basically you can complete a buy now within that frame. And the model was like, the way my team had thought about it was more like, you know what? It's like a wechat, almost like you're there, you're having conversation, and you have something in your cart and you've abandoned in your cart.

Brand Interactions and Purchase Completion

So now there's a way for brands to reach out back to their followers, right. And say, hey, you left this in your car. Do you want to complete your purchase? And the purchase can neither be again through, like, you know, stripe or I think PayPal's not there yet, but, like, you know, getting there. But we also have been able to develop in such a way that, you know, merchants can sell and complete transaction and be, and receive payment through either USDC, which is a circle, stablecoin or ethereum or whatever meme coin they want to receive. And I think that's really powerful. Yeah, super fun. We're having a lot of fun. Yeah. I just saw it today in the morning. I'm not sure, but I thought I saw someone. He even developed, like, a Pokemon game inside his frames.

Gaming Elements and User Engagement

So. Yes, yes. I'm not sure if we created a Pokemon, but lately what we've been playing with is more like guests movie. So it's like a blurred movie, and we kind of give a little bit of tidbits to say, hey, you know, this actor is there or something like that, and guess it and then create prizes from that. Okay. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, I definitely, I'm very interested in what you said about it. And it's also, what about when we have ordered this debate about freedom of speech on X? How is it on the platform there? Well, that is. Yes. Absolutely challenging. Especially because if you think about it, when you post something on chain, it is permanently there.

Challenges of On-Chain Posting

Right. And so in many ways, you have to be, you know, self governing. You know, if you want to be known as the guy who keeps making mistakes or putting inappropriate things right there, that's unfortunate. And so there's a little bit of a, like a balance that you have with us as tool creators, right. That we have to create disclaimers in such a way to say that, hey, you know, if you post this, you know, we've had the same questions before with nfts, right. One, you know, especially people that might sort of, like, repurpose it for, you know, inappropriate material, right. And we do have to be very clear with any particular brand, especially for the big ones to say, you know, the likes of Budweisers to say, like, we had to explain to them, listen, you know, all those big signs that you see on the highway when you're going through, that's practically like, what an nft is, you know, once you put it up there, you can't really put it down.

Regulatory Context and Brand Education

Right. And so there's a lot of education that needs to be placed in. But for them, that was least of their worries in some ways because they were more concerned about as a publicly listed company, they actually have accountants who basically say, we don't know how we're going to put this on the books, on the balance sheet. And so we had to maneuver and figure that out for them and help and hold their hands on being able to say, okay, you know, this is how we're going to do it. And this is how we established the, you know, the price at that time because it was, you know, highly volatile type of asset. Right. In a way, yeah.

Market Fluctuations and Future Insights

Yeah. But really interesting. And maybe one more addition to what you said earlier. I mean, if you take a look at the NFT prices, for sure they are falling. But on the other hand, if we're talking about mathematic mass adoption, right. It has to fall to a certain degree to become really a mass phenomenon. Right. If you have only those high value nfts, it's hard to sell those to the peoples. Right. So you rather go now for. Yeah, I think the way you're approaching it more like as a point system is actually the overall arching kind of like value of what it is. It's the same as, you know, obviously you will have the same legal framework as how a point system would be for American Express or something like that.

Comparative Value and Market Stability

Right. The value of it is more like going to be, I think, less volatile and will have a more established kind of like Mark to say that, okay, this x amount will be, you know, equivalent to this amount of points or something depending on which lens you're looking at it, whether or not it's on the merchant side or if it's on the consumer side. But I think that it will eventually kind of like taper down but like sort of stabilize. That's the way I see it. I could be completely wrong because there's obviously going to be the likes of, you know, people and all these like bigger nfts. But ultimately though, it's all driving down. And this is when really the utility factor of it is going to be more highlighted.

Future of NFTs and Broader Applications

And I know we're not there yet. It's so funny, like, I argue with my CEO of purse all the time because like, the way I see nfts could also be kind of like really useful for Internet of things and being able to say, hey, this is my, you know, I want to put my medical records on blockchain, essentially, so that if I was terminally ill and I bring all my records, including like my x rays, my ct scans and EEG or whatever, and bring it over to Europe for example, to get better treatment, then I could easily port it.

Advanced Use Cases in Technology

Or some people are, you know, other use cases, for example are blood banks and all that. And so these are kind of like all other more advanced use cases. But in his view, he said it's impossible or it's not yet there. But I feel like, yeah, I especially hear your thoughts. Yeah, especially I remember when I joined the space, I think around 2017 really one of the first use cases was this medical record approach and there were really a ton of projects who promised this, but of course this was like in the hype phase. Right. So I never followed up if there anything materialized. But yeah, that this idea is around since the beginning because it makes sense. Right. So, yeah, but I'm not sure if.

Technological Abuses and Responsibilities

They voting on change. Yeah, I think there's a few states in the US that's able to do it, I think, properly. But like, you know, it's all about regardless, any technology is going to get abused regardless. Right. Like, you know, we see that now with chat, GPT and AI and how people are misusing it and passing it as their own work. Right. So there's like all these, you know, we just have to all be sort of responsible and it's up to companies that are, you know, startups, whether or not a startup or like innovative companies to be able to establish a little bit of a framework to say this is how we're going to do it. That is a responsible use case and basically drive adoption through that. Right. And so yeah, I feel like the features there, the technology moves so fast, even things like when we created the token gating, we didn't even know what the terminology was.

Consumer Market for Web Three

We were like, oh, it does this and that. You're like, you mean token data? And you're like, I guess it is. Okay. Yeah. So yeah, I think we talked a little bit already about our second topic, which is where is the consumer market for web three? And yeah, I mentioned it before for us as digiby, we really want to have not only the web three niche, we are really aiming for the average show, let's say. And yeah, this is of course the challenge to get them in those parts of web three where you can really influence everything in the space, let's say in Daos. We also plan to set up a Dao at a later stage. And then here we have the challenge, how we can educate them on how the Dao works, how we can motivate them to take part. Because at the end, if we not, in our example, if we're not turning it into a Dao, we basically also trust a centralized identity.

Challenges of Centralized Trust

Right. So this defeats the purpose. So, yeah. Is there anything from your side? I saw you also. We looked also in the ton community. Right. We launched our telegram. Yeah. I want to hear about how you guys are approaching it. We kind of, like, looked it at it, but we haven't, you know, how we build in this space. It's also very tunnel vision in a way. Like, we focus on EVM because that's where the mass adoption is. Obviously, tan is huge. Right. But, like, when we create things, we want to do things correctly. And, you know, we're also one of the companies who I'm proud to say that, you know, when we say something worse because we created it really does work and not just like a hype. Right. And because we do have, want to protect the, you know, the integrity of like how, like how we build things for the most part.

Team Dynamics and Reality Checks

And like, I have two ctos, basically one web two and one web three that, like, that the focus is unreal. Right. And my web two CTO thinks actually bitcoin is going to go to zero. Meanwhile, the rest of the team is just like absolutely nothing. And this is kind of like how we do a reality check and like to say, are we not out to lunch or what? Right. And so it's always like shouting and like, you know, battles, but in a very fun and amicable, but sometimes gets really heated with team. But, like, with that respect, you know, even with the dialogue system, we're also, we've looked at that. We got approached before to ask whether or not were interested in doing our own coin, but weren't sure yet. We're looking at it in a way that it's approached more like, you know, the same way as, oh, it's escaping me right now.

Building on Ecosystem and Community Integration

But the Dao, that basically helps you kind of, like, build an ecosystem and have people be able to contribute in the system more meaningfully, in a more simple manner the way we've created. Also, we've developed web three messaging fairly seamlessly as well for, you know, this is kind of like how we mosey into on chain social. We highly leverage XMTP and push protocol for people to be able to communicate directly in web three wallets. Right. And we're tightly integrated with Coinbase, for example, wherever you know, you through as an exchange, they can send a message to all their wallet users that is non custodian and web based to say, hey, you know, bitcoin pop or ethereum pop or whatever, dogecoin pop or whatever, and just say, do you want to put in a trade or something like that?

Direct Communication in Web Three

But also in any particular announcement that you want to send via web three wallets, again, Ethereum based, versus, you know, being lumped into the 2000 emails that regularly, I think on average we all received or something like that. Right? And so we looked at it. I guess a more evolved version of this would be, you know, as builders in the space, you get a lot of messages from people saying, I want you to do this, I want you to do that as a feature. But then you don't really know how invested they are in that feature. So we kind of, I think a dao system would, or more like if you really are part of the community and invested in what we're doing, that you should be able to directly message us through this particular web three wallet so that you're, you know, think about it as more like a product.

Customer Engagement through NFT and Feedback

If Dyson decides that they're going to do an NFT, for example, for any purchase made through them, and be able to approach warranties as a direct feedback or message to say, hey, I'm your customer, this is broken. And instead of it being sent as an email, it's basically on chain. Yeah, also very interesting. And I had to laugh before because it's always the same. You either think bitcoin goes to zero or you think it will be the world currency right there. Not many people in the middle, but. Yeah, I still have laser eyes. Yeah, I saw it already. My son, my son, he's five now and he's like, mommy, how do you have laser eyes? I'm like, I have superpower.

Exploring the Ton Ecosystem

Okay, awesome. And touch back on your own, your question regarding ton, and this is really interesting. On the ton ecosystem, you have a really easy touch point through the Telegram app, right? So you can deploy your telegram bot very easily. So the technology behind it is basically you build a regular HDD HTML website or bot or game, whatever you want to build, and then you just link it with the Telegram app. And like this, you can ship your app, like, to the whole telegram ecosystem very fast. And that's why it has so much traction right now. I'm not sure if you followed it, but if you take the user numbers of those bots, they're really high, even our number is very high.

Unique Opportunities with Telegram

So this is then the first touch point. And then I think then you can still consider if you want to get involved with the ton coin in the first place. Right. So it's not even mandatory to have anything to do with ton, but you can still leverage the telegram community. So I think this is a really unique, I think it's really powerful scenario. Yeah. Did you guys get into the hamster combat thing? Yeah, I checked it personally out due to just the research purposes, since we also built a small telegram game. And yeah, at the beginning I was a little bit surprised that the game only consists on tapping.

Game Dynamics and Addictive Elements

I'm not sure if, you know, you just have to tap and. Yeah, but it has a little bit like those tamagotchi aspects, if you can remember. Yeah. So people have very addictive personalities. I think. I think simple as tapping is just like, you know, enough. Yeah, yeah. But as I say, at the end, you, even the sounds may be a little bit hard, but you try as a business or as a program or whatever to make your audience addicted somehow. Right, right. And are they doing it? I haven't been really in it, so I don't really know.

Monetization Models in Games

Are they, first, a few questions, you know, with respect to the VC's, like, or eventually them launching, you know, a company that is put a potential company out of it. Like, is it more like, is this idea that they're gonna be like monetizing it through advertising or something like that in the background or like, or what are they just building for fun? You mean the hamster combat game? Yes, yes, of course. Usually the idea behind those telegram bots is that you earn points. You have also this reboot point system and then at a later stage you convert, that can then convert them token.

Interest and Future Developments

And of course for hamster, it's so interesting now because so many people are playing this game and then they anticipate that the interest in the token will be very high. So, and I guess they also want to launch on binance first. So they have big plans, right? Yeah. And this is usually the idea behind it. And this is also now a perfect transition to our last topic, the role of tokens. And, yeah, that's what we also doing currently with our game.

Introducing the Telegram Bot

So check out our telegram bot. We have, I think you can see it on our twitter profile. And there you also can earn points. And those digis you earn, they are called Digis. You can later then convert to our BAC token. And, yeah, let me explain a little bit about our token and our business alliance coin. And as the name suggests, the idea, as I mentioned before, is to build this reboot ecosystem. We have already on local markets and partnered with really significant brands. Also, we are expanding now to Vietnam as the next market. And yeah, our goal is to build this ecosystem for rewards. So you buy it, for example, you buy a t shirt with those rewards, you can later get a flight ticket, for example. Really, this cross industry. Yeah, and of course this is a huge goal, right. But it's also like a little bit like the cycle economy. The more ecosystems, the more partner we get in our ecosystem, the more utility we have for our token.

Vision for the New Ecosystem

And so, yeah, that's the reason we really want to have a little bit like this shopify shopping and finance merge. Because in our platform, it's also the idea that you can, with your rewards points, you not only can spend them or convert them, but you actually can make like defi. Right. We have seven ways throughout the ecosystem how you can get more interest on your points. So this is our vision for that. And yeah, our token is about to launch very soon. So get your points on our telegram board and later you can convert them to our token. And yeah, this is our role for Bac in our ecosystem. And yeah, maybe you have something to add. You mentioned already you were considering a perks token as well, right? And yeah, this is always a tough decision. And of course, if you want to deliver value, not only have a token for the token sake. Right?

Approach to Market Development

See, yeah, you're right. We had considered a couple times, but we, the way we see our company is not a consumer-based company. We're more like a b two b company as opposed to like how you guys are approaching, which is more like a b two c. We, as a team, we are strong on the tech side, but not, I can tell you right now, we're not the greatest in the market sign. And so, you know, if that's not our kind of like, you know, essentially our strength, we try to deviate away from it because, you know, we leave it for the likes of you guys. We're like so much better at like, you know, essentially, yes, we have, we've touched a ton of users, right, thousands of users. But it's always because of the b two b side of things. So there. And the b two b side of it things is more like the beast. Clients are always going to be their clients and not our clients, right. And so this is kind of like how we perceive ourselves and segment ourselves in such a way that's why we kind of, like, never really, when we approach things, we say that we're more like a web three marketing tooling company for the likes of.

The Role of Existing CRM Systems

If a merchant, for example, you know, some people would say, yeah, with their, the CRM of, like, web three or something like that. We would never say something like that because, like, the way we see things is more like, why are we going to compete with somebody that is huge, such as, what do you call this? Like, all these massive CRM companies? And the way we're looking at it is more like, well, what if a company already has an existing host and just wants to plug web three in? And how do they make that happen? They might be using Klavi or they might be using all other ecosystems and just say that, you know, they just add perks as a, an app or component to it, and voila, they're like web three connected. Right. That's kind of like how we're seeing, you know, like who we are. And so, you know, we've got a few follow, I mean, listeners right now, if you guys are part of Klaviyo or another company, and, like, you know, like, ideally as a startup, we want to be bought out by Klaviyo. That's kind of like how we're thinking about ourselves, right?

Targeting Large and Small Brands

And so, you know, going back to how we approach things, we, yes, we serve smaller brands and also, or noning brands like big blue chip companies because we want this to be like a mass adoption kind of like strategy, right. But it always boils down to we serve customers that already have a clear, defined use case. Like, you know, like, you guys outdid. You already know what you're doing in the web three, rather than people coming to us to say, well, I want to get involved in web three, but we don't know what we're going to do. And we're like, we can't help you there because, you know, you can do so much, right? And that's, you know, essentially subject to failure if you don't, if you need to have a very narrow approach on what your plan is. Otherwise, if you're trying to do everything, that's really, you know, that's terrible because then, you know, you're not really able to define what is a winning situation going to look like. Right.

Perks Token Perspective

And so on the perks token side, we're kind of like, put that in the back burner because we'd rather be able to create the actual tools that help people actually concentrate on what they're trying to achieve. And that's why we've narrowly kind of like picked a lane to say, okay, it's got to be e commerce related. It's got something to do with marketing or some kind of like data analytics with respect, whether or not it's a Venn diagram of who your buyers are or like whatever, and being able to create that report to say, these are the kind of people that are following you know, if we, in the terms. But although, you know, I love the way that you guys are approaching it in such a way that because we did think about it, I basically said right from the get go, you know, if I have my points there, you know, the word system is really funny. If it's a very close ecosystem where you're only limited to what you can purchase or you can kind of like converted with, that will have very long, I mean, very low longevity.

The Importance of Flexibility in Reward Systems

Right. Because the ecosystem defeats the purpose of what a decentralized idea is. So how you're approaching it to say, hey, next week I want to buy a pair of shoes with my rewards, but the following month I want to be able to fly to like Vietnam or Malaysia or something like that, then that would be, I think, ideal. And you see that time and again in Canada, there's a few reward system that is existing. And I know the ones that are doing really well and hold value are the ones that basically say, I can get gas with these points and then I can buy, you know, stuff in this particular pharmacy or cosmetics with it. Because people like that optionality. Right. And approaching it that way would be kind of neat. Exactly.

Differentiating NFTs and Tokens

Yeah. And you summed it up very good. Maybe also to add to your point before, I think there's a big difference between launching an NFT, right. And actually token. I mean, if you have no idea about like the economic model of a token and you just making one without any clue, this usually ends up not so well for the investor. So I think it makes sense that you are a little bit more cautious. And on the other hand, for NFT, I think it's so straightforward, even small or business which have no knowledge in web three can utilize it. So, yeah, this is very true. Exciting. So can you maybe fill us in on like what your process is with respect to like your, you know, bac launch, how you guys are going to do it, how people can participate in a way.

Token Launch and Community Involvement

Right. And is there for the merchants? Have you already created a dashboard or is this something that you guys are still working towards building? Maybe give us a glimpse. Perfect. Yeah, I mean this is the perfect transition because looking at the time, I have not so much time, I have to hop onto the next call. But this is the perfect chance to answer your questions and give a little bit of an outlook. So yeah, for us, the token launch is of course the most important topic for the next weeks. So we are currently in talks with the exchanges. Right. And then we will launch it and have a lot of traction already through our application, which is live already as well.

Future Developments

And here we also in the process of turning it into a web three application. Currently it's more web two, but the dev gets its new features very soon as well. So with our users from the app and the Telegram community, we try to get attraction for the upcoming launch. This is a little bit the approach. So yeah. And with that I want to invite everyone to check out our socials and become part and also want to give you the chance to have the final sentences to the audience. I want to say thank you very much. And yeah, it's your stage now, so thanks. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yes, if anyone wants to reach out, we are on webcast, we're on Twitter, I'm on LinkedIn as Kate Ginsburg Chua.

Collaboration and Invitations

And then Ginsburg's g I n s b u r g. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. We are very. We're the type of company that basically likes to build things and want to, you know, if you have a solid idea of a use case, we'd like to explore and see what we can do about it. Like, yeah, but super prompt and baby. And I think, I hope that we can also reach out to you guys if you have any questions and want to explore more about like, you know, collaborating. For sure. Yeah. And I want to say that the next space we will want to host in Wabkaster.

Conclusion and Future Interactions

Oh, that would be cool. Yes. Yeah, that would be the perfect spot. Okay, awesome. So thank you very much. I wish you a good time and let's stay in contact and to the audience depending on where you are. Have a good day as well. All right, awesome. Take care. Thank you very much.

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