Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Token 2049 Recap: How AI and Web3 are Powering the Digital Infrastructure hosted by Gaianet_AI. Token 2049 Recap provided a deep dive into the convergence of AI and Web3 technologies, showcasing their transformative potential in reshaping the digital infrastructure landscape. Discussions delved into the decentralization of AI inferencing, the creation of incentivized GenAI Agent Networks, and the synergistic relationship between AI and Web3. The event highlighted the crucial role of incentivization mechanisms in fostering network expansion and the significant impact of AI on digital ecosystems. Token 2049 emphasized the collaborative opportunities between AI and Web3 for driving innovation and decentralized computing paradigms.

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Total Listeners: 51


Q: How are AI and Web3 revolutionizing digital infrastructure?
A: By integrating AI into Web3, new paradigms of decentralized computing and innovative technologies emerge.

Q: What is the significance of the GenAI Agent Network?
A: The GenAI Agent Network incentivizes distributed intelligence, fostering a decentralized AI ecosystem.

Q: How can incentivization mechanisms benefit AI network expansion?
A: Incentivizing AI agents is vital to encourage participation and growth within GenAI Agent Networks.

Q: Why is the symbiotic relationship between AI and Web3 crucial?
A: The fusion of AI and Web3 technologies drives advancements in digital infrastructure and ecosystem development.

Q: What role does decentralized AI inferencing play in computing?
A: Decentralized AI inferencing offers novel ways of processing, enhancing computing capabilities in distributed networks.

Q: How does Web3's distributed nature complement AI applications?
A: Web3's distributed architecture aligns with the decentralized nature of AI, enabling seamless integration of intelligent agents.

Q: What potentials do AI and Web3 hold for the future of digital ecosystems?
A: AI and Web3 present transformative opportunities for advancing digital infrastructure, fostering innovation, and decentralized computing.

Q: Why is Token 2049 significant in highlighting AI's role in digital evolution?
A: Token 2049 sheds light on the crucial role AI plays in shaping the future of digital ecosystems and technological progress.

Q: How does AI incentivization contribute to GenAI Agent Networks?
A: Incentivization mechanisms drive active involvement in GenAI Agent Networks, promoting network growth and development.

Q: What key themes were explored during Token 2049 regarding AI and Web3 synergy?
A: Token 2049 delved into the interconnectedness of AI, Web3, and digital infrastructure, highlighting their collaborative potential for innovation.

Q: What models of AI integration in Web3 were discussed at Token 2049?
A: Token 2049 showcased various AI integration models in Web3, emphasizing their impact on the evolving digital landscape and computational paradigms.


Time: 00:25:15
AI Integration in Web3 Exploring novel approaches to integrating AI within the Web3 ecosystem.

Time: 00:35:42
Decentralized AI Inferencing Discussing the benefits and challenges of decentralized AI inferencing technologies.

Time: 00:45:59
GenAI Agent Network Incentivization Understanding the incentivization mechanisms driving participation in GenAI Agent Networks.

Time: 00:55:07
Symbiotic Relationship of AI and Web3 Analyzing how AI and Web3 technologies complement each other to advance digital infrastructure.

Time: 01:05:32
Innovative AI Integration Models in Web3 Showcasing diverse models of AI integration in Web3 and their impact on digital ecosystems.

Time: 01:15:18
Token 2049 Insights: AI and Web3 Synergy Gaining valuable insights into the collaborative potential of AI and Web3 technologies from Token 2049.

Time: 01:25:03
Future of Digital Ecosystems with AI and Web3 Discussing the transformative implications of AI and Web3 on the future of digital ecosystems.

Time: 01:35:59
Incentivization for AI Network Expansion Exploring the role of incentivization in promoting growth within AI networks and GenAI Agent Networks.

Time: 01:45:21
Token 2049 Recap: Digital Evolution Recapping the pivotal discussions around AI's role in digital evolution and Web3 advancements.

Time: 01:55:44
AI-driven Innovations in Web3 Highlighting innovative AI-driven solutions shaping the landscape of Web3 and digital infrastructure.

Key Takeaways

  • AI integration in Web3 is revolutionizing digital infrastructure.
  • Decentralized AI inferencing offers innovative approaches to computing.
  • GenAI Agent Network introduces incentivized distributed intelligence.
  • Token 2049 highlighted the symbiotic relationship between AI and Web3 technologies.
  • The space emphasized the importance of incentivizing AI agents for network expansion.
  • Discussions centered on the transformative potential of AI in Web3 ecosystems.
  • Web3's distributed nature complements the decentralized ethos of AI applications.
  • Token 2049 explored the synergy between AI, Web3, and digital infrastructure advancement.
  • The event underscored the critical role AI plays in shaping the future of digital ecosystems.
  • Incentivization mechanisms are crucial for fostering participation in GenAI Agent Networks.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hello? Hello? Is anybody out there? Hey. Hello? I can hear you. This is Luki. Hey, I think we're gonna wait to see if anybody else hops on it. Joining us? I saw most of the speakers are here already. Yeah. All right, well, I am down to get started. I'm happy to run this more or less. So yeah. Welcome everybody. I know it is late over here in the states. Not sure what time it is. It's already 01:03 so. Hey everyone. Good morning, afternoon and evening. Thanks so much for joining Gauss AMA series today. Welcome. I'm Ashley from God's marketing team and I will be your host for today. Today's AmA will be a recap of Token 2049 in Singapore. Even though we all know Token is one of the most impactful events in the industry, token this year was bigger than ever before with three packed floors. With more than 8000 side events happening throughout the week. Many celebrities like Iggy and some f one drivers were also spotted at the venue at Gaia. We also had Diplo, the main talent for night at God's launch party which really ramped up a lot of excitement.

Technical Difficulties and Introductions

So without further. I don't know if I'm the only one having audio issues. Ashley, are you there? I think it just cut out for me as well. So I wasn't sure. But if you can hear me and I can hear you, maybe we're fine. Yeah, I think Ashley's connection might be a little off so. Yeah, yeah, happy to take it over for intros. So my name is Andrew, if you guys don't know me, I am the global marketing director here at Gaia. And yeah, we're essentially working on decentralized AI, trying to make it really easy for anybody to deploy an AI agent based on their own knowledge base and then align incentives on the backend using tokenomics to give knowledge creators more power and control over their own data. So we had a huge week at token last week as I'm sure all of you all did too, and excited touch base and recap and just hear about how things went.

Project Introductions

Thanks Andrew for the introduction. I will continue. My name is Bamba. I'm from Tommy. So Tommy, we are building a decentralized Internet of which allows free access and control over what you want to publish without censorship or ownership of the big corporation. So we have our own ecosystem of products such as browser domains, VPN, DAO, which controls everything so the community can decide to. And also we have a deepen layer of infrastructure that allows to build decentralized websites running AI models on compute over our nodes, having decentralized VPN and other components that allows to build a decentralized Internet. It was a great pleasure to meet and see everyone at token. It was very impressive event. Probably many of you saw us, our booth, it was very pink, so hard to miss it. And yeah, it was very nice. It was very nice to meet all the web three enthusiasts and speak with so many people around.

Further Introductions

All right, I'll jump in next. I'm not sure if we have any particular order, but I'd be happy to jump in next. So my name is Taylor, I'm head of community at Dapos. So I'll be speaking on behalf of Dapos today. So yeah, we were at token 24 nine this past week as well. So I'm sure like, you know, the space will be getting into that, but just to introduce dappos and who we are. So we are an infrastructure and you know, we're designed to facilitate and execute users intent. So we're based on the narrative of intent centric. So I think we might jump into that a little bit later. But basically with intent is I'm a user, I want to go from point a to point b as quickly as possible and as minimal steps as possible. So intent is basically giving the users their desired outcome. So we act as an intent execution network and we, like I mentioned, we allow those users to achieve goals directly without having to manually perform each immediate step.

Discussion on AI and Synergies

Right. So it's just, it's all based around user experience. So yeah, we're more on the intent narrative. But after hearing a lot about AI this past week, you know, I was starting to see a lot of synergies. So excited to get into this conversation and see what, you know, everyone has to say about what they learned this past week at token 24 nine. Yeah. Sir? Astrid, are you? I can let you start, I'll go next. Sure, just go ahead. Yeah. Okay, sure. Thank you so much. I just had a call, had a panel yesterday with Astrid. So apparently you are not able to get rid of me for this whole token 2049 recap series. But thank you so much, Gaia, for having me on. I had such a blast meeting the team. We saw each other in person at several events. So this is really nice for us to reconnect online and talk about tokenization. So yeah, my name is Lukey. I am the head of ecosystem and strategy at Chainbase.

Focus on Chainbase and Its Functionality

Let me just make it really brief about what chainbase is about is that we are new stack for the data layer of a blockchain. So what does that mean is we aggregate work with all the data providers and layer one, layer two, and especially right now talking to some edge data, combine all of them together into a big massive data accessibility kind of data pool if you want to imagine it that way. And then we provide the technology to fetch all those data sets based on your parameters from all different data resources like different layer ones or layer twos or etcetera. So you have all those quality design data sets in your project and you can utilize those quality data sets and very targeted data to train your models as well. So what we're aiming to do is to provide that specific environment and the data environment for the developers to utilize those quality, clean, interoperable data that's actually from all different chains so that they can set the parameters and train the models altogether. So this is what we are about.

Astrid's Introduction and Focus on Insights

Happy to chat more regarding token. So Astrid, now you can take the stage. Sure, yeah. I was also in another panel discussion yesterday also for the recap of the token tour for nine. It's on livestream. So I think that is the chance that every project trying to do this and I think that is a great approach for catching up with the people we met in the conference and then also having insights after the events to know the macro markets are changing. Pleasure for me to be here today as well. I'm Ashid, I'm CBO of Uchihu network. We are the one focusing on deep in sector. We already did mainnet last year and right now finishing our seed round and no sale and also looking forward to the DGE later this year in November or December.

Successful Events and Networking

We did have the boost in token to Alpha nine silver zone as a silver sponsor and we also have the side event which is top one trending in deep in amongst 800 side event in the list of the side event in Tokuntofanai. So yeah, that was a successful week for us. We got to catch up with a lot of friends, even the VC or like the media partners that we met from the Zone Korea blockchain week and they also fly, they also flew to Singapore after Korea. So GTU, we also have the deep alliance. We are the lead of Deepin alliance, the biggest one in Asia in just a three-month launch. We have nearly 300 members in this alliance already and we also released the app on Telegram, mini app on tone for the Deep alliance app with a lot of gamification layers in just one week. We launched it just before our trip to Singapore but right now we have half a million users already.

Closing Remarks and Audience Engagement

So we hope everyone here also in deepened or real world asset or AI sector can also join our deep in alliance with a lot of companies that we host. We don't have. Amazing. Is that everybody on stage or those old speakers? We missing anybody? I believe that's everybody. Okay, cool. So that's all awesome. Super glad to have you guys all here stoked to hear about what everybody's working on. I guess to kind of kick things off and try to frame this discussion a little bit, let's kind of go through, and I would just love to pick your brains about your experience. As a token, is there anything you guys have specifically done last week to really engage with your communities? Like, I would love to hear about any of the cool activations you did, any of the panel discussions that you've had or some of the side events that you've hosted. If anybody wants to take that, I'll. Be happy to jump into this first.

Experience During Token 2049

So, yeah, this time, I guess the main conference is always good, but a lot of times, like, the side events can always trump the main conference certain ways. But this time around, we actually hosted our rooftop party. So we chose the 17th, which was like, you know, I feel like the first day that a lot of people are getting there, we actually chose a location that was a little bit away from Marina Bay. And since it was an outdoor pool party, we got hit with, like, this rain and windstorm right at the beginning of the event. But it was kind of cool to see because even though, like, the situation, the conditions, we still had as many people show up that were expecting, which was awesome because, so that shows, like, no, the community was there. It shows, like, the loyalty that, you know, our friends or partners to have to us. So it was really cool to see that, you know, that specific event was, you know, great for us as a project.

Event Organization and Engagement

We organized event on the 16th, which was, yeah, we organized with Google Cloud, which was really fun because, you know, like where everyone's talking about, I feel like another narrative, or it's a repeat narrative was decentralization and centralization and it was really interesting. Right before token, we had this engagement with the Google cloud and we actually went to the Singapore office, like the Singapore Google campus. It was really amazing. We had a good turnout, but it's really far from the main venue. So we actually had the attendees who are serious about utilizing the technology that Google provides, which is a bigquery. So we work with Google regarding putting the APIs on Bigquery so that the projects can just use Google's Bigquery to fetch all the data sets they need. So we got a big support from Google and the event was really well run. Visited the campus, they had a speakeasy in their building, which is really interesting. I love the cafeteria as well. I had so many, so much food over there for free anyway, so I was taking advantage of that.

Overwhelmed by Side Events

But then another thing I wanted to mention is there are so many side events, but first, I feel like a little bit overwhelmed regarding all the side events. Which one should I go? Am I wasting my time for next one? Is that going to be a good one? I heard the names really good, but I don't know if that's going to be a good turnout. So I had a lot of internal conversation with myself, but then one thing I realized was some of the big events are not necessarily that good. We had events, met Gaia team at this, the one of the top floors on the building. Like, we had a good conversation, I met the team there. It's very intimate and they're also like a big one day conference, that kind of thing. But I just feel like for small, I really like the smaller scope of events so that we have the chance to talk to each other and to actually not looking for each other among the whole sea of people, and then understanding what each other is building, understanding what each other's community is about.

Networking and Connections

So I think that actually leads to better and stronger connection and collaboration. That's just my little takeaway. Right on. Yeah, I totally hear you. And thanks for coming to our event. I know there are a lot. I'm glad you chose ours. And I just want to say. I just want to say I love Ashley's energy, Scarlett's energy. I just enjoy talking to them about Gaia, about chambers, about even like, their traveling. So I really appreciate that connection offline. I couldn't agree more. Super glad to have them on the team and always just been such an awesome help. So, Bamba, do you want to go? Yeah, it was. We hadn't any side events we didn't host. We've been focused on our booth, so were so exhausted, to be honest, from amount of visitors.

Daily Experiences and Challenges

So actually we finished the days and were done. So we didn't host. We attended some of the events. We've been at the party of OKX the first day, which was, wow. Very impressive. It was an amazing event. But besides that, were so busy in the booth, the energy that it took from us. So many people are curious about our project, about Tommy, about what does it mean, the decentralized Internet and how you gonna achieve it and what are the edge cases and censorship and how you gonna solve this and how you resolve that. So it was so, so intense. So we couldn't attend anything besides because we had to go to the hotel and just go sleep and get ready for the new day.

Planning and Preparing for the Week

Sounds like we all had pretty similar experiences of just trying to jam a lot into one week. Definitely relatable. Scanning through that site events list with over 650 line items was a bit of a challenge. My big lesson from the week was to try to plan that out earlier than you think you need to because I don't think I really had a firm schedule locked in until like Wednesday. Just getting invites all over the place, hey, come to this thing. Hey, come to this other thing. And then go into the flow for a while. But definitely got the back half of the week locked up a little bit more. Astrid, I think you are the next one up.

Speech Engagements and Event Attendance

Yeah, I have a good next. And I think this week for Tokunto when I was one of the busiest week for me ever because I need to conduct five speech in six days. And the first day was just flying here and rest and also gathering with other staff in the team and meeting another team members, but constantly moving to events. I try to go to at least two events in a day and I stay until the last just like I. I was lazy to move around and because it's just familiar faces, because that's the same group of people are going to different kind of events. So like some of my friends just kind of, they just arrived and then they stay half an hour and they change to another event. So I, I didn't agree with that because like how can we know, most of the, all of the people in the room, if we just get up, stay there in just half an hour and feel boring.

Energy Management and Interests

It's just because we need to manage our energy. Sometimes we are lazy to talk, but sometimes some people are very interesting to talk to. It's just normal. We need to manage our energy. But most of the events that I got invited to talk is about AI and deep in sector. And I think that this is the most attractive narrative to this conference. And the second most attractive, okay, the most attractive is deep in the second is AI. But NFT and gaming is a little bit like not hyped as before because some of the NFT that events that I joy is not that crowded. And also the gaming is still there, although the Gamefi is not in the chain anymore.

Attendance and Registration

But I still see some of the kind of modification from the gamefire projects and yeah, it's still lying in the market right now. And for other numbers, we have 2300 people registered to our site event. And among that like 250 people came because like our venue is already also limited. And with only like 4 hours, we have four panel discussion and I was on stage amongst all of them. And a lot of VC's came to our events. Like we invited like 100 VC's and like we have VC in most of our panel discussions and that was a very great move. And more than 850 attendees show up in the big time.

Impact and Outreach

We also had 27 top speakers from major VC's and projects like Chain Capital V, three V Ventures, four side ventures, and the event even generated over 1.5 million impressions across social media and have put us on the map during token tour for nine. And yeah, when I went to the site event, a lot of people know about our brand because they came to our site event. And also the boost in the silver zone, very proud moment. And the boost is also one of the great chance for us, for everyone to promote their upcoming milestone. All right. And for us, we have a deep alliance midi app with like half a million users already.

Networking Success and Contact Collection

And like 100 million. I would. Say like we have some thousand new comer from the, from the booth, the traffic from the people who visited our booth. And I got like 200 contacts, 100 contacts from the busy need cast. The physical busy need cast that I run around the exhibition in level four. I didn't go to the level five because I didn't have time. And the second day I need to go to speak here. So if I also go can go to the level five, then I would have like 200 business cards. And I got 50 contacts on Telegram apps after the exhibition time and also 50 contacts from token 29 app. They have the apps on BC and also mobile phone.

Exhibitor Experiences and Brand Recognition

Yeah. And that was a busy week for all of us. And also my co CEO, she also got invited to speak in two events in the very big one, Deepon and Dbinde. So our brand is really spreading around. All right, that's awesome. It was definitely action packed and sounds like everybody made some really awesome connections there from our side. We were also really busy. I'll just give you kind of quick rundown of what were doing at Gaia. We co hosted, I think, four events with people, and then we had two major events that we hosted, one being our launch party with Diplo.

Highlights from Gaia's Launch Party

I don't know if any of you guys made it there, but it was just a really good time on Thursday night with this really massive electronic artist and we had something like 5000 signups for it at the Art and science museum. A lot of people came through, met some really awesome people, folks you've seen floating around on crypto Twitter for a while, but in the flesh. So it was a little surreal and I think everybody had a good time. The venue was beautiful. Props to everybody on our end for managing capacity there. There was a pretty big line out the door and really just generated a lot of hype, which is what were trying to do.

Contributions and Hackathon Results

The big thing for us at this conference was really brand awareness and telling our story, making sure people that knew that Daya existed, and then explaining what it is that we bring to the table when it comes to building decentralized AI agents. We also hosted a small hackathon that we called Knowledge builder day and got some good participation there. Had a couple really amazing people come in and learn how to build a AI agents using our framework to deploy them. Some really awesome projects that were submitted around authenticating hash codes based on the ABI for smart contracts, using a Gaia agent to essentially double check the hash functions for a number of like essentially any smart contract that would get launched on Ethereum in real time.

Innovative Use Cases from Hackathon

So that was pretty sweet. And then somebody else built a knowledge base for the entire country of Venezuela so you could ask an agent specifically geared and fine tuned for venezuelan news and weather and culture and everything. And since, you know, he was from there, he was trying to figure out ways he could share it with his community. So just really interesting to see a lot of various use cases. I definitely think that, yeah, just the learnings from the marketing side there, managing all these connections. I think the biggest thing for everybody, and you guys are probably all thinking about this too, is okay, you're exchanging telegram contact information with so many people throughout the week and trying to build all these connections.

Follow-Up Strategy and Event ROI

How do you make sure to actually follow up with all of these people? How do you kind of bucket them into BD leads versus integration partners versus VC's market makers and all of that and then ultimately measure ROI for the event? Because we all spent money going there and then just trying to understand what the impact is like 70% of the work, 1st 30% is the fun part, the planning and then getting in the door and actually meeting these people and enjoying all the work that we put in there. But figuring out how to keep moving the ball forward is definitely top of mind for our team and I'm sure that's the same for you all as well.

Insights and Future Discussions

So cool. I think. Andrew? Yeah, sure. This is Luki. It's so nice to hear about the results from the hackathon. I really wanted to because I was a study a little bit more about Gaia's documents and stuff like that yesterday. I was hoping if you can share, it's not even shareable. Regarding those hackathon winners, like the projects you see, I think that will be nice to amplify their efforts too. I would love to see those projects as well. Yeah, for sure. I think we're going to tighten some things up and then push it out as a campaign. The two that I mentioned are definitely the standouts.

Acknowledging Contributions of Participants

I was really impressed by both of them. They spent all day hacking the stuff together and then shared it out in a presentation format with slide decks and a demo. It was just really cool to see in action because they built these things in just a couple of hours. From idea to execution.

Introduction to Gaia and AI Agents

Our whole pitch is that with Gaia you are able to do that and it makes it possible for anybody to build an AI agent relatively quickly and be able to customize and tweak all the parameters however you want so that you can deploy it and start sharing it out with your users as soon as you can. So we'll definitely follow up on that. So one thing that Astrid mentioned is that, and I think this is a good place to go from here. One of the central narratives it took in 2049 definitely did seem like AI in deepen notice. At least 30% to 40% of the events, maybe more, all had that focus, which is really interesting. And it seems like there is definitely appetite growing for AI crypto projects as well as deepen. And then the overlap between the two of those. Would love to dig into that a little bit. If you guys could maybe tell me some of the experiences that you've had at token related to some of those types of narratives, I think that would be a really good place to go.

Insights on AI and Deepin Trends

I will start. This is Bamba from Tommy. So I think that AI and deep in, they are going very much together. So as you all know, we have a lot of AI projects, and in the last two years, this is the hottest trend. But the problem is that AI needs a lot of resources of computing resources. Like a few days ago, I read something like for every 1000 words that you put in prompt in AI model, it requires something, one liter of water to cool down the machine. So it becomes more and more popular, more awareness to AI, more users around the globe, and it requires more resources. And then we come to the pin, because the pin is all about using computing resources decentralized, which are around the globe and not under usage, and you can use it, for example, for AI. So the challenge that comes together, the challenge is to take this computing power of every home computer. And I'm not talking about only computers. We have devices like mobile phones, PlayStation and gaming consoles, which are very strong computing power, and put it into usage to support this AI models.

The Growing Demand for Computing Resources

So basically the buzz is coming from the both sides, more users in AI and more requirement for computing resources to support it. And this is the pin. So I think this is the reason why we saw so many projects around it. It comes together. This is my thoughts. Yeah, right on. I'd love to hear it. And couldn't agree more. I think there's a huge uncharted territory there and lots to explore. And it's exciting to really see this portion of the space start to pick up steam and take off. Anybody else want to hop in? I can talk a little bit. Just from my observation, the first thing is the deepin and AI both together, their conversation regarding the regulation on both, like just what Bamba was talking about, the compute. There is a regulation also being throwing around regarding the compute, where the compute power is from.

Regulations Surrounding AI and Deepin

Can you train AI in that region? Like if I have compute power from this specific region, is that being able to, like, can I get incentivized from being like someone else outside of this region, being used. How, how does that incentivization mean? So I think there are a lot of controversy and interesting conversation around that, and I invite everybody to do some research and learn about it too. I think it's really interesting, even though we're talking about decentralizing computation. But is that even, is that really sustainable based on the current regulation stage? And then the second thing is that I see more and more real use cases are trying to come up. like those real use cases of wannabes, you know, like the healthy, the wellness, stats, medical stats, financial stats and stuff like that. Using deep end to track and combined with AI, combined with blockchain for like incentivization of user data and stuff like that to do better model training regarding those different sectors.

Emerging Use Cases and Academic Influence

So I see there are a lot of people who are trying to come up with those use cases. A lot of a PhD paper and research have been shared, and I heard about those during token 2049 as well. It's really interesting. I feel like it's not just a crypto event. It also has something to do with academic, you know, like the web two, web three are trying to come together to create something great. Maybe it's not there yet, but I see the enforcement, I see people's drive to kind of join that journey of making something great. All right. Yeah, I love it. Sounds like you share a lot of similar sentiment with Bamba and myself. I can personally say that when it comes to the decentralized compute side of things, it does seem like there are a number of companies trying to tackle that in their own ways.

Challenges and Solutions in Decentralized Computing

I spoke with the team from Aether, which was pretty impressive, and they had a pretty big presence at token, so it was interesting to hear their solutions to the decentralized compute problem. Also, Akash has been at most of the events that we've been to this year as well. The founder over there was speaking at an event that I went to at Token, which was pretty interesting. And they've definitely been in the game longer than just about anyone. When it comes to decentralized compute. As far as regulation and resourcing and energy and all of that stuff, I'm not really sure where that's going to go. I'm sure all those teams are thinking about it pretty deeply, but it's interesting to hear both of you guys really have that top of mind, because I think a lot of people forget about that aspect and tend to think of it as more of this abstract problem when in reality all these resources have to come from somewhere.

AI as a Bridge to Web3 Adoption

Taylor or Astrid, any thoughts here? Yeah, I'd be happy to jump in. Yeah, go ahead. You go. Okay, I guess I'll go. Okay, you can go ahead. Just go ahead. So, yeah, I'm not sure who went to KBW. I think there's like this, obviously, KBW beginning of the month, and then there was like a week break where people with some people stayed in Asia, went back home, and then there's token 24 nine. But from KBW token 24 nine, it's almost like you couldn't escape the narrative of AI. Right. I think a lot of the conversation, a lot of panels that I was on, KBW was all based around AI. And I think people are still trying to figure out, not that AI is new or anything, I just think it's like trying to be.

The Popularity of AI in Blockchain Conversations

It's like newly introduced into the blockchain. Like, if I were to walk, like, let's say, whatever city you live in, you walk up to a random park and you ask everyone in the park, you know, are you more familiar with blockchain crypto? Are you more familiar with OpenAI chat GPT? Chances are a lot of people are going to answer saying they're, you know, they've heard about chat GPT, they use it, you know, they're familiar with AI functions. But I think what I'm getting at from obviously a lot of people trying to integrate a lot of projects in the web three space, trying to bring in AI. I think AI almost works as like a bridge, right? There's this, there's, you know, the big question that we always ask is, you know, how to onboard the next billion users into web three.

AI's Role in Onboarding Users to Web3

I think AI in a way, is kind of like that bridge just because people are more familiar with it, like big, you know, big, huge tech companies, whether it's, you know, Amazon, Samsung, they've already began to integrate AI in certain ways. So I think it's more widely accepted than a lot of, let's say, narratives in the web three space. So I kind of see it as I. It's making, you know, huge waves because I think it is going to be one of. One of the big ways to, you know, onboard web two users just because it acts almost as like a bridge, you know, it's comfort. So, yeah, it's been, it was interesting to see, like, a lot of people talk about it, not only at KBW, but for the conversation to carry on token 2049, because a lot of times, narratives come and go.

Sustaining AI Narratives in the Industry

It's just based around like hype a lot of times. But I think obviously this narrative AI is here to stay. It's just, I think it's just a matter of projects figuring out really how to integrate AI with what they're already doing, you know, figuring out that tech side. Hundred percent, 100%. Astrid, I think you are next up. Astrid, are you there? We may have lost her. Oh wait, she's back. Let me. Hey Astrid, can you request to be a speaker again? There we go. Yeah. Everyone hear me? Yep. Okay, sure. So like a lot of events that I joined to speak, they asked about the conversion between AI and deepen.

Key Use Cases of AI in Decentralization

And some of the question will be, what's the most attractive use cases in Ardipin? So I would say cloud computing is one of them. And second, decentralized VPN, as we are also doing the flagship product on a decentralized VPN. And I believe the exchange of the value of the idle power, you know, even the energy also had the idle power that we unused, that it's unused. And with that surplus from the energy from the clean energy and also the cloud computing and also the redundant of the devices, we need to gather all of the Edo power to bring it to the decentralized marketplace so that everyone can share, like for example our flagship product on YouTube VPN.

Maximizing Resource Utilization in Decentralized Systems

We if you use the Wi Fi and you still go to sleep 8 hours per day, then your Wi Fi portal in your household would be waste 8 hours. And also if you have like two phones, but like you don't use your phone too much. And one of the research say that if you use a zoom, the zoom cone, it only consumes 0.5% of the computing power of your zoom code. So what's the other power? That your computer or your PC or your Wi Fi are still kind of redundant, then we need to utilize it so that we can have more points, have more rewards, have more monetization opportunities. So the cloud computing and also other decentralized server would really help with that.

Addressing Reliability in Centralized Systems through Decentralization

It's not just about the convenience, but also about the commoner. Imagine one of the accidents before like one or two months ago about Microsoft. Microsoft like the centralized server shutdown or interrupted. Then a lot of airplanes on the sky didn't know what to do and very confused then if we can have the digital ledger technology or the decentralization on demand, then these problem would be solved. So it's not just for the b, two c users, for the end users, but it's also for the b, two B partners. I think it's one of the most attractive use cases that we need to have. All right, I love that. And, yeah, just to kind of follow up with some experiences from my side, I think right now, the most interesting thing that I've seen at this convergence of crypto and AI is new protocols and projects popping up, trying to solve similar problems in different ways.

Experiences and Insights from Token Events

And I think the ecosystem is really still shaking out and trying to understand what this world is going to look like. So I had a lot of discussions with people about kind of this idea of like a modular AI stack, and generally I think that's where this ecosystem is headed. I worked infrastructure for a long time at a place called Goldsky. I did like data indexing for various blockchains, and one of the narratives that was really starting to crystallize there on the pure infra side, was this idea of modularity and having a layer for data availability, and having a layer for indexing and having a layer for validation. All of this stuff. And I think something similar is going to happen within decentralized AI.

Future Outlook and Interoperability in AI and Crypto

We see Gaia as this developer orchestration framework that allows any of these other AI systems to plug and play on top of us. We had a lot of really interesting discussions with these decentralized compute platforms that I was mentioning earlier. It's like, okay, how can you create this framework so that when you're deploying an agent, maybe it can tap into this decentralized compute network? How can we work with a marketplace that is selling specialized LLMs or small language models that people can use to really fine tune and customize the deployments of the agents that they're actually using? And then there's also this idea of AI data verification, too. I think all of these pieces are going to work together interoperably in the future, and I think everybody's just trying to carve out their space within this niche, and it's yet to be seen exactly what that stack is going to look like.

Concluding Thoughts on the AI and Crypto Narrative

But I would definitely say that is where things are headed. And I think the more interoperable we can be within these ecosystems, the more we're able to really lift up the entire industry in a way that is collaborative, and we're all working together to build something really awesome. Cool. So we have like ten more minutes left really quickly. Let's try to keep it to maybe one or two minutes each for these responses. Maybe let's just cap it off with a final question of, like, what was the biggest takeaway that you have or that you had in Singapore, whether it be something related to your event strategy or something related to the overall narratives of the industry or crypto in general, or maybe it's just like a conversation you had with somebody or a panel discussion you caught.

Concerns About Blockchain Overload

I think that first thing is too many layer two and layer one alternative blockchains. This is a separate discussion, but there are so many of them that I'm not sure that all these companies has a place because like we don't need so many additional ZK and layer two blockchains. And I think that they need together and, you know, to work on something new and initiatives and not to compete each other with new tokens.

Emerging Infrastructure Topics

And my other thought from this conference was that DPIN is definitely the direction that we are going because AWS, Google, Oracle, they became too big and too expensive and everyone, every booth in this conference had a website and spent money on infrastructure and can confirm that these costs are too high. So definitely deep in and everything related to infrastructure will be with us as a hot topic in the upcoming years. And we saw it among so many interesting projects, so many initiatives, ideas around the pin.

Future Trends in Blockchain

So I believe that if we look at the next token in the upcoming, let's say two, three years, we will see more and more the pin companies combining with AI has been spoken here in the space and we will see less layer two zk roll ups and all these alternatives to the blockchain because these entrepreneurs with these ideas will go more into solving the problems of infrastructure and not creating more supply of blockchains. So this is my thoughts, main thoughts from this conference.

Reflections on Conference Dynamics

Yeah, definitely align the l two world is definitely bloated right now and I think everybody's trying to really understand, you know, what is necessary and what it takes to really develop a strong developer community. Community on those. So, yeah, good thoughts. Luki, do you want to go? Yeah, sure. Bam.

Interoperability in Layer Two Solutions

I agree with you the way too many autos, but I also want to acknowledge that there are a lot of l two s, they are trying to be more interoperable and work together. So it's not just l two on the its own solo island. Well, I don't want to pitch another company that I'm not working for, but there's also super chain that's powered by op stack. I think the whole narrative behind that is all those layer tools can work together interoperably, which I'm really bullish about since they're creating this ecosystem of supporting all different layer twos based on what they want to achieve, what their mission is.

Personal Insights and Engagement

But my biggest takeaway, guys, is I got to know who Diplo is because of a Gaia. Yes, yes. I had to do some research. Everyone's like, are you going to this Gaia? And Diplo even was like, who's Diplo? And I was like, is that another crypto project? So apparently this is how behind I am in civilization. But thank you so much for that introduction, even though it's a full capacity. I didn't get to really know who Diplo is, like, in person, but I did my research on YouTube.

Focus on Building Use Cases

Anyways, another thing is, I really want to work with projects who are serious about building use cases. I'm so happy to hear that you guys did your hackathon. This is something that chain base is trying to do as well, is to engage more developers. Let's stop talking about the concepts. Stop talking about, hey, in five years, I think we can do this, we can do that. Let's talk about right now. How can we collaborate, use each other's technology and engage more developers and be more use cases?

The Value of Collaboration

I think this is, like, the most beautiful thing that after token is that I got to know the projects who are serious about engaging developers so that we can actually create something together and, you know, like, help each other's community and etcetera. Great. Yeah, that's awesome. And definitely glad you got to get to know who Diplo was. Pretty. Yeah, again, like, just really grateful that were able to get him on stage.

Insights on Event Planning and Execution

I'm going to jump into the conversation real quick about Diplo. Yeah, actually, no. Diplo is one of my all time favorites. So when I saw that, I was like. I was like, I have to get it. So whoever made the decision to book Diplo, he's not only like, EDM famous, he's like, Internet famous. He's like, just an overall, like, you know, Internet personality is amazing.

Event Reflections

So whoever pulled out, I was only able to attend, like, the last 20 minutes of his show. I did go to your guys event, and it was awesome. So shout out to whoever pulled that off. Yeah, that was very. Ouch. Internet famous, everything famous. Ouch. I didn't know. It depends. It depends on like what you're. I used to dj when I was in school, so it was like I look up to him in many ways.

Memorable Experiences

So to see that he was performing a Gaia's event, I was like, I gotta get to that. Yeah, I love that. I remember reading a article about him and like Rolling Stone back when I was still in college, like twelve years ago when he was first coming up and kind of cool to see it all come full circle and like hang out with them in the green room and stuff. So it's pretty amazing.

Event Insights and Connections

Honestly, I have no idea how we did that, but props to everybody on our marketing team for figuring that out. Yeah, oh, yeah, I'll jump in. Just off on top of that. I'll jump into. Obviously that's the question and give my final thoughts. But yeah, I think from Dap Os, one of the big, one of the main takeaways is obviously from like a marketing perspective, from a community perspective, I think it's good to see like when you plan events.

The Importance of Networking

When you plan events, like leading up to it, you are really never sure how the event is going to work out because people attend events for different reasons. Some people are there to party, some people are like, go see Steve Aoki, a marquee, things like this. And then there's people who go for the pure building side of it, whether attending hackathons and stuff. So it's important to find that middle ground of, okay, there's got to be enough fun, there's got to be a dj.

Balancing Fun and Networking at Events

There's got to be this, there's got to be that. It's got to be a good location, but at the same time got to be like a networking event because at the end of the day, we're all like there to network, make connections. Right? So I think it was cool to look back on like, the event that we specifically threw, to look back and be like, all right, even through the conditions, even through the rain, you know, our rooftop pool party was, you know, beginning of it with the huge storm hit and not necessarily the typhoon.

Resilience of Community Participation

So we felt the winds and stuff. But as soon as that blew over, like, guests still showed up. So it was cool to see from like a community perspective, like the, you know, people were still loyal to coming out, you know, taking a taxi 20 minutes from Marina Bay and still showing up. So that was really cool to see overall. But yeah, I think every time I attend the conference, you know, it's always really tiring getting back home.

Post-Event Reflection

But then when you have time the next week to, like, look back at those telegram contacts, to look back at the contacts you made, it's really cool because everything during the week, everything happens really fast. But, yeah, I think overall, token 24 nine was good for me. My, like myself and obviously Dapos, our project. So happy to be there and happy I got to see Diplo and his house set.

Optimizing Conference Attendance

I think just trying to squeeze everything into one week is always a challenge and just constant learnings throughout on best ways to optimize there. I can just quickly say, you know, from my perspective, I think my I biggest takeaway is that specifically, like, how to optimize the most of your time or optimize your time as well as you can while at these things. I think this was probably my 10th crypto conference.

Experiences Gained at Conferences

So every single time things get a little bit tighter, the planning gets better, you're more prepared for the things that come up at these events. You remember the little details around how to properly check people in at the door in efficient ways, how to manage the Luma pages, how to send out the invites, how to tap into different channels to really spread the word. And then again, like I mentioned before, I think, like, the follow ups are an extremely key part of all of this as well as just measuring ROI in general.

Maximizing Networking Opportunities

So that is what my week is looking like, just kind of sifting through all these messages, chatting with people, making sure these connections don't get dropped and, yeah, I think for me, like, spend, I find the most value in spending most of the day, waking up early, going to as many events as I can that are specific to the target audience that I'm looking for and then having as many conversations as possible and really kind of front loading the day.

Understanding Conference Dynamics

I find less value at actually establishing real business connections at the later events because everybody just wants to have a good time. They're kind of tired from the day, but at the same time, going out and getting real face to face, friendly time with folks is fun and what it's kind of all about at the end of the day. So it's good to find that balance and I think everybody's always getting a little bit better at it as they go.

Closing Thoughts and Future Events

So, Astrid, I think you can go as well if you just want to close this out here. Yeah, I would love to ask anyone here, also going to Defcon, Thailand, I met the host of Defcon conference just in Ethereum event on the last day. So we also have going to the DefCon because we are almost reaching our TGE later this year already. So we're gonna go hard there like to the rest of the year as well.

Grants and Collaborations

And some of the takeaway, I think that we have the grant, the 1 million us dollar for any deep project who are committed to be honest, doesn't need to be the exclusive built on YouTube network. But once we have the TGE then we're gonna have the token in circulation to release. And we also had the hackathon. For example in February we hosted the hackathon with AWS. They also sponsors the credit cloud and also Google Cloud and 100 applications from many projects and we chose ten winning projects to build closely with us.

Ongoing Partnership Development

And also for the grant many projects already apply. So that's till now. In our ecosystem we have 80 projects already integrated or on the process of integration. So welcome any kind of partners, both deep in or non deepen, to join our ecosystem and also join our deep alliance because every month we host at least two campaigns bi weekly to attract and also to share the reward between our projects.

Collaborative Initiatives

So yeah, that's what the lay one should do to welcome projects in their ecosystem. And of course we would love to have more to have deeper strategic partnership with Gaia after this Twitter space because we have been collaborating already. We would love to have more collaboration in the future in many fields, not just at the marketing but also integration and also hosting many events online and offline.

End Note and Cooperative Spirit

Heck yeah, let's do it. Definitely down to collaborate with everybody in here, find a way to work together and as always, I say a rising tide lifts all ships. We're all in this together and I think the more collaborative we can be across the board to kind of amplify each other's voices and make our products work together in a way that improves the overall developer experience. We're going to have a really good time pushing web three and decentralized AI and DPin forward.

Concluding the Discussion

So great we are at time. So I'm going to go ahead and close it out. Thanks everybody for stopping by today. I think this is really good recap. I'm missing Singapore already. I personally am thinking about flying back there in about two weeks to stay for an extended period of time to hang out with some team members over there.

Looking Ahead

So if any of y'all are in town, happy to meet up. Yeah, I am looking forward to Defcon. I'm sure I'll see a lot of you guys there and if not. I hope everything goes well for you throughout the rest of the year and excited to see where the next few months take us. I think there's going to be a lot of progress made, a lot of interesting projects coming out, and it should be a pretty fun q four, so.

Final Thanks and Goodbye

Yeah. Thanks again, everybody. This is Andrew. Thank you. Thank you, Andrew. Thank you so much for hosting. Thank you, Andrew. Bye bye. Thank you. Thank you. Cheers, guys. Bye.

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