Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Token 2049 and Solana Breakpoint: Highlights, Shenanigans, Bull cases hosted by mobymedia. Delve into the world of Token 2049 and Solana Breakpoint where the community explores Web3, DeFi, gaming, and AI. Learn about marketing collaborations, round table discussions, and educational content. Discover the playful shenanigans and bull cases discussed, offering insights into the crypto market landscape.

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Total Listeners: 173


Q: What topics are covered in the Token 2049 and Solana Breakpoint space?
A: The space delves into a wide range of subjects including Web3, DeFi, Gaming, TradFi, AI, and more.

Q: How are marketing collaborations facilitated within the community?
A: Through direct engagement and AMAs, members can participate in marketing initiatives.

Q: What discussions are held during the round table sessions?
A: Diverse perspectives on FinTech, blockchain, and the future of finance are shared.

Q: Why is the focus on DeFi and crypto market trends crucial?
A: Understanding market movements and investment opportunities is vital for informed decisions.

Q: How does the community contribute to educational content in the space?
A: Members share news updates, insights, and educational resources on various tech topics.

Q: What shenanigans were highlighted during the discussions?
A: Various playful and entertaining moments were part of the engaging conversations.

Q: What insights were shared about AI and its role in the crypto space?
A: AI advancements and applications within the crypto industry were explored.

Q: How are bull cases portrayed in the Token 2049 and Solana Breakpoint space?
A: Potential growth scenarios and positive outlooks on investments are discussed.

Q: What distinguishes the community of this space?
A: The community is known for its focus on blockchain, finance, and fostering educational discussions.

Q: Why is the intersection of DeFi and gaming significant in this space?
A: It presents unique opportunities for innovation, growth, and market exploration.


Time: 01:15:29
Web3 Innovations and Opportunities Exploring the latest developments in Web3 technology and its implications.

Time: 01:25:17
DeFi Trends and Market Insights Analyzing current DeFi trends and offering insights on market movements.

Time: 01:35:40
AI Applications in FinTech and Crypto Highlighting the role of AI in the financial and crypto sectors.

Time: 01:45:22
Engaging Marketing Strategies and AMAs Discussing effective marketing approaches and engaging in AMA sessions.

Time: 01:55:18
Round Table Discussions on Finance Sharing diverse viewpoints on the future of finance and blockchain technology.

Time: 02:05:07
Playful Shenanigans and Fun Moments Revisiting entertaining and lighthearted moments during discussions.

Time: 02:15:30
Exploration of DeFi and Gaming Synergies Understanding the potential synergies between DeFi innovations and the gaming industry.

Time: 02:25:45
Market Opportunities and Investment Insights Offering insights on market opportunities and potential growth areas.

Time: 02:35:20
Educational Content and Tech Updates Providing valuable educational resources and updates on technological advancements.

Time: 02:45:10
Community Engagement and Collaboration Fostering a community focused on collaboration, discussions, and shared knowledge.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on Token 2049 and Solana Breakpoint in the Web3 space.
  • Discussions covering FinTech, Gaming, TradFi, and DeFi.
  • Exploration of AI trends and advancements in the crypto world.
  • Valuable educational content and news updates on innovative technologies.
  • In-depth discussions on the future of finance and blockchain.
  • Insights into market trends and investment opportunities in the space.
  • Opportunities for marketing collaborations and engaging AMAs.
  • Round table discussions providing diverse perspectives on the industry.
  • Engagement with a community focused on blockchain and finance.
  • Exploration of potential bull cases in the crypto and DeFi sectors.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Reflection on Events

Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Well, you wrecked the music. I don't know who that was. I'm pushing this out to a few more people, so just bear with me for like, 15 more seconds. All right, cool. Welcome, everyone. I figured we would do a post Singapore breakdown given that most of everyone that I know was at Solana breakpoint and token 2049. Specifically the latter. Token 2049 was quite arguably one of the best conference experiences I've ever had. I. The food spread was unbelievable. I actually ran into Ajit randomly the second or third day or I guess the second day. There wasn't a third day at one of the tables and his face looked familiar and I didn't know who he was and eventually started making conversation. I was running on an average of maybe three to 4 hours of sleep. Nima kept me in shape. I worked out with him several times throughout the course of the week where as I was not working out before, I've actually gotten in pretty bad shape over the last year.

Experiences at Token 2049

I got to watch Jenna defeat young crypto snack, and I believe it was the first fight of the influencer card. I had a fantastic time commentating that entire night. We commentated with wolf Financial. Shout out to Charles. Shout out to Gov. Gabriel. Shout out to. Sorry, give me 1 second. Shout out to the whole wolf financial team for Samuel, who was my co host, for allowing me to fill in for God and commentate on all the fights. The influencer fights are my favorite ones to watch because I think they can get so chaotic. But congratulations, Jenna, on your win. Joe, I know that you couldn't make it. You were at a conference in Denver, but we're looking forward to having you for the next one. Nima, I think, is about to take off. So he, yeah, he just dropped off, but Nima and I had a good time recording different videos, and he's training for a fight. I think he's going to be fighting in one of the next karate combat, so he was putting me through some of the more intense workouts that he does.

Jenna's Fight and Preparation

Anyway, Jenna, let's start with you, because I know that you are a busy woman. You have to go. And congratulations on that win. It is, I think, that most people underestimate how much work and time and blood and sweat and tears goes into preparing for a fight. And then, you know, you get on the. And things can go wrong. You can get sick and get, you can get a cold. You can get banked up and sparring there's so many different variables that might set you back, and then it's crunch time, and at the end of the day, you're like, oh, my gosh, I'm about to, you know, I'm about to get in a ring with or get in the pit, in this case, with someone that's going to try to take my head off. And, you know, I hope I don't get knocked out. I don't want to be a highlight reel. I want to be on the right side of a highlight reel. But, Jenna, I think you looked really great. You looked very composed. I thought that, you know, one of the things that people don't, I guess another thing that people don't really understand about fighting is the amount of endurance, the amount of stamina it takes.

Jenna's Performance and Strength

And you can see it with some of the people who are first time fighters of the IFC where they would start to gas out pretty quickly. And one of the things I noticed about you, Jenna Washington, you were not gassing out as quickly as snack. In fact, I recall maybe it was your fight, maybe I'm missing it up with another one. But I recall you looking ready for a third round, whereas young snack was. Was really gas. And I think that was a deserving w for. For you. But anyway, the mic's yours. How do you feel? How was it? Let us. Let us into your mind. Thank you so much. Honestly, that was the most amazing experience of my entire life, and I am just so happy that I did it. But, no, you're 100% right. My cardio was what saved me in that fight, because I had just been working so hard, like, running in the mornings that I'd be doing my MMA practice.

Preparation and Performance Reflection

We would spar several rounds. And, you know, Joe, through all of this, he was so supportive. Like, for four months, he hardly saw me because I would be working out in the mornings, working out and doing my, like, two hour muay Thai classes in the evening. But I think that they say, and I learned this was very true because I felt like when I stepped into the pit, about 95% of everything I learned just went out the freaking window. And I was like, okay, she's five inches taller than me. I'm just going to charge at her and just, like, you know, beat her. And it was just like, now, if I were to fight again, which, you know, it would definitely have to be the right opponent, I feel like I still have one or two left in me. I would prefer to be more tactical about it, because then when I was looking back and re watching, I was laughing so hard at myself, just like, what are you doing? But, you know, you get in there, you fight with your heart.

Experience and Reflection on the Fight

There's that brief moment before you step into the pit where you're like, what the hell am I actually doing? But it was so much fun. And you learn so much about yourself, just like, what you're made out of. And, you know, I respect anyone who's willing to get into that pit. And as far as my opponent, she had traveled there by herself and she didn't have her coach with her. And I looked across and I saw one of my sponsors actually cornering for her, and I was like, wait a minute. What's going on here? But then found out, you know, he was just helping her out and everything. But that was a little bit of a psy op, but it was just such a cool experience. I mean, Singapore, wow. So beautiful. I mean, yes, they're strict, but that was the most beautiful country I think I've ever been to.

Singapore Experience

You know, the people are so kind. And I did get a chance to take a leak, a little boat around the marina the next day after the event and just get to see everything, take it all in. Just so tranquil, so Zen. Unforgettable experience, for sure. Yeah. Several people highlighted the quote unquote strictness of Singapore. And, in fact, I kind of like it. I kind of like that I can walk around at night and don't have to look over my shoulder. There's kind of a layer of anxiety when I'm walking through New York City or walking through La or Washington, DC or Miami. I'm always looking behind my shoulder. I'm always, you know, making sure that no one's not following me, especially if I'm walking with my girlfriend. I miss. One of the things I recognize very quickly, especially walking through New York City with my girlfriend, is that the experience of a woman walking through New York is completely different than that of a man.

Safety and Security Observations

And I just didn't get any of that in Singapore. And so, yeah, listen, if you want to degen and do a bunch of drugs and get fucked up and go act a fool in the streets in Singapore, I call it a fuck around and find out type of country. But I loved how clean it was. I loved how amazing the food was. I loved how felt, how safe I felt the entire time. And so I sure there is a layer of surveillance, and there aren't as many freedoms that you have in the west. It is give and take, and I certainly could see myself living there for at least a few years, right? There was. And everything was so close, right? You could. You had some of the best sushi restaurants in the world. You had really cool social clubs, like this ice plunge club that Nima took me to where I did a cold plunge for the first time in my life.

Experiencing Life in Singapore

And I really recognized how, you know, breathing is so important. And, Jenna, I'm sure you understand how important breathing is from your sparring and from your training. I went from not being able to do 5 seconds in a six degree celsius cold plunge to being able to do it for two minutes just by controlling my breathing. So, that's a tangent in itself. I don't want to. I don't want to go too down that. Nima, I know you're about to take off, but what were some of your favorite experiences? What were some highlights from token and what are you excited about going forward? I mean, the best experience was honestly hanging out with you almost the entire time. I mean, Noah and I have been friends for quite some time now, a few years, and we're actually from the same hometown and northern Virginia, but we actually met online via web three.

Highlights from the Conference

I mean, the conference was great. I also went to breakpoint. That was actually phenomenal. And I'm not per se a maxi on any chain. I just kind of go where the volumes going. However, I am a big bitcoin guy, but I have never seen so much energy when it came from the Solana community. It was just insane. It just got me just. It's so excited all over again about this, about the space, and nobody was talking about price, which I really, like, appreciated. In the past, people would, whether were in a bear market or a bull market, people always talked about, you know, the price of these assets and where they're going, predictions. What are you investing in? I got none of that.

Conversations and Content Creation at the Conference

Not even one person came to me and asked me about a meme coin or bitcoin or Solana or ethereum or predictions or, like, how much have you made? How much have you lost? It was just all vibes. It was just building vibes. No one. And I created some really cool, funny content that we're really excited to share. And it was just, it was. It was just different. So that's all I have to say about it, honestly. It was just super different. And, Jenna, I got to see your fight at the pit. Noah was nice enough to hand over a vip ticket for me. My buddy awesome is the president of karate combat, so I got to chill with him. And I saw your fight and that was legit.

Support and Future Plans

Like, great job and I trained myself and I know how difficult and hard it is, especially for your first fight. So congrats. Thank you. I appreciate that. Are you getting into the pit? I actually am. So, yeah, I've been actually trying to work on getting with crypto fight night as well for the boxing stuff. So I have a muay thai background, so trying to get in. I've been talking to awesome and we're trying to match myself up with the fighter. So we'll see if not at Utah, definitely the next one. Yeah. I was also very impressed with Solana breakpoint. I think that if you look at every single alt layer one out there, Solana is the only one.

Observations on Solana and the Community

And pains part of me to say this, but Slana's the only one that is able to kind of compete with Ethereum. And going to breakpoint really hammered that home. You got to see how many people were actually there. The venue was too small for the number of people that showed up. It really was. And some of the games, for example, that are building on Solana remind me of early 1990s video games. You have some triple A games like. Like Star Atlas, which I did get to play, got to play their PvP third person shooter game. And it's very smooth. It's very fun. I'm not even just saying this, it is. And I'm. If anyone's heard me talk about games and crypto, I'm hypercritical.

Excitement for Future Developments

I can come off as pessimistic at times. I really appreciate what Mister Wagner and his team have built. So far. I've only seen the PvP shooter version and I played it for quite a few rounds. I was getting w after wooden. I'm a gamer, but yeah, I'm excited to see what they put out over the next few years with the MMO aspect of the game coming out and everything else. Also got to meet some people in person that I've been tweeting at and on spaces with leap being one of them. Very cool guy, honestly, best spaces in the game right now. So it was nice to connect with him. One of the things that man Seth left. Seth, if you can come back up here.

Concluding Thoughts and Encounters

I really wanted to highlight one of the really cool things about these sorts of industry weeks, and I regret missing Korea blockchain week is it's such a short amount of time and you're around all these people that you are either interacting with online every day or you're working with and you build these relationships over spaces and over telegram and, you know, over make, you know, creating content together, getting rugged together, getting 100 x together. And so meeting people in the flesh and shaking their hands really adds a layer of. Yeah, adds a layer. Give me one sec. Sorry, boo, I didn't mean to remove you. I just wanted to meet you. I will. I will fix that in a sec. It adds a layer to the relationships.

Encounter with Seth

And so I've met Seth at this point, I don't know, four times. And after karate combat. Let me see if I can get him up here. Oh, there he is. It was after karate combat. I was with the wolf financial team. We went to some party that ended up getting canceled. And I didn't even know Seth was going to be in Singapore. I randomly run into Seth in the hotel. No, I'm sorry to cut you off, man. I don't even. First off, I'm going to do a quick mic check here. I just dmed you about how I don't know why X is running this way, but I can't hear you. Yeah. Oh, damn. I don't think I see you.

Late Night Conversations

Okay. And I can't hear the main either. Dude, I'm just going to be an a hole. Jumping off. I'm jumping off stage, guys. I don't want to. I don't need a drag here. All right. Yeah, here. I'm gonna. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give them. Tell us about. So basically I ran into Seth and it was like one in the morning. We were both hungry and we decided to go find some food. Run into Mister B from DTC randomly in the streets. So I'm saying, like, when you conference weeks in Singapore, it was just a small city where everything's close to each other and there's so many crypto people in town that you just randomly run into people that you know.

Unexpected Encounters

And so running the Mister B and his squad, they recommend a hot pot spot. Seth and I are both. Oh, I'm tired. Seth is jet lagged and we say, hey, let's. We're going to eat for an hour. Cause we both have to be up early tomorrow. No, we sit there and Seth, of course, if you know Seth, he loves to go down rabbit holes. And Seth takes me down like five different rabbit holes. And then connects all the rabbit holes together and then once he connects them together he takes me down a 6th rabbit hole and that 6th one leads to a 7th one. And long story short, we're there until like 430 in the morning. And until, and honestly I would have kept going but Seth was like, yo dude, we have to wake up in 3 hours.

Reflections on Late Night Discussions

He's just, he's. Are you just emojiing? Okay. Okay. Oh my gosh. Thanks for, thanks for writing it out there. I still know I so weird, man x, just let me hear that one door. You said we're there till like four in the morning because, yeah, that was a crazy night. And yeah, we covered a lot of topics that night. I mean, running into each other just after Mario's party got busted up was hilarious. The whole, first off, the whole thing, like with parties in Singapore, the rule following culture, the fact that like it doesn't matter if you, I mean you can't buy yourself out of a situation like that. As soon as the venue says you're done.

Cultural Insights and Final Thoughts

Like, Singapore just is the way it is culturally.

Value of Standards and Exclusivity

Like, they will not be bought or bribed. Like, they've seen all the money in the world pass through Singapore so you can't impress them. They just, you know, they just have their standard for whatever the venue is. So I mean, as cool as it was, like everybody, it made it that much more exclusive, right. And rare to be able to get into Mario's party and. But a bunch of people, right. It was this disappointment. However, I did not feel disappointed. Maybe I was guided by the stars or something though. I don't know. I got to just the right time where everybody who I wanted to meet just happened to be in the lobby anyway, including, you know, our own Noah right here from whale coin talk, right from Moby media. And so we run into each other and we're like, man, I'm starving.

Finding Comfort in Familiarity

You starving? Yeah, starving. Gonna die. Like totally jet lagged. Still, for whatever reason, it's getting late. And so, you know when you're jet lagged and it's getting late and you kind of are disoriented, you want a comfort food and be hydration, I guess. So. Hot pot, right? Hot pot it is. And we sit there like you said, we're going to sit there for an hour and just kind of COVID a couple of things. Like, oh, you know, whatever. Markets and of course life. Right? Like how's life? How's how your loved ones, et cetera. We just need to do this little quick catch up, tactical catch up. But yeah, it's like, it's whatever. It's like 3 hours later we discussed everything from politics to migration to self defense.

The Nature of Connections in Crypto

Right? Like not sport, martial arts, but like shooting a motherfucker. If they say trespass your house. Like, it's just all kinds of, like we cover everything. We cover everything and it's like 430 in the morning. And I think that's what's one of those risks of, you know, running into your, you know, your tribe when you're international. And it's such a unique thing about these events is that, yeah, of course you have this joy of discovery meeting new people in the industry because we are like a giant tribe. Despite cultural differences and geographic divides, we are all misfits. And for that reason, we really do form our own new unique tribe in crypto. No matter where you go, it's crazy.

Feeling at Home Among Misfits

It's like you're among family in a very real way. It's like you're among family because we're all such weird misfits. Even though we have these unique backgrounds and expertise and, you know, even very different viewpoints on some things there. There's a common thread there. And so, yeah, it's kind of weird that we, you know, stayed out just over a couple of pots of boiling soups, some tom yum, was it, whatever we had. We had some, a couple of really great soups and we're just sitting there just, you know, literally chewing the fat for like 3 hours about everything out in Singapore. Like, by the way, motherfucker, there's a giant crypto conference and f one happening.

Unexpected Bonds Formed

But no, you run into a friend and it's another one of those unique, charming things about crypto conferences is that anywhere in the world, you run into a friend there and it's the value of crypto. I feel like I've met more people who are more closely aligned with and that I would call tribe or like chosen family in crypto than anything else I've ever done in my life. It's so weird. Again, we all have our unique reasons for choosing crypto or feeling like crypto chose us. However you view that through life circumstances and your background, political alignments, world events, whatever drove you to crypto, very clearly we have our unique reasons.

The Sense of Belonging

But then, yeah, the sense of a bunch of misfits finding a tribe where you can kind of belong because of that. That said, you never really know motherfucker. So, Noah, if you turn out to be a fed, I promise, I swear to God I am. I am not rear naked choking you. I want you. I want you to see my fucking eyes when I choke you. Okay? Just so you know, it'll be some other kind of choke. So you see my eyes when it happens. So don't be offended. I'm going to say, before I get too mushy. Yeah, no, I don't think you need to worry about that, Seth. I think Seth still can't hear me.

The Journey Back Home

I'm indeed not a fed. Although if I was a fed, that's exactly what I would be saying anyway. So, yes, everything that Seth said, I don't know. I came back. By the way, I got back home last night at midnight. That was legitimately a 24 hours transit. I was on a 19 hours nonstop flight from Singapore to JFK and then another, you know, 1 hour flight back home. And I'm not even tired, right. I woke. I woke up after 4 hours. And I feel so energized. I don't know if it's the. All right, I'm going to go into like a little. Speaking of rabbit holes, like, I always feel depleted when I go to a conference in the US after a week.

The Difference in Food Quality

And one of the reasons, I guess, my thesis is that I typically don't eat out. I always eat home cooked food. And when I'm at conferences, I eat out. And I'm under the impression that american food and just restaurant food is absolute dog shit. And they put all kinds of crap in it. And this is something that Robert Kennedy ran on that the make America healthy again. And that is not the case in Singapore. I felt like I ate so well at the breakfast buffet. The fruit was so fresh, the american breakfast spread was so fresh. The asian breakfast spread was so fresh, I had some of the best sushi I've had in my life.

Energizing Connections

I feel really energized. Right. And compound that with, like Seth said, running into all your friends. This. This band of misfits, this globe trotting band of misfits that finds themselves in different cities in the world. And Singapore was interesting with f one because especially like a couple of the nights, it was. It was not only hard to get a grab, but the grabs were having a hard time going from point a to point b when usually should take five minutes. It would take 40 minutes. There was one night where Gabe. Gabe's in the audience. Gabe Charles, Sam and I were waiting an hour for the grab.

Navigating the Challenges of the Event

Same night that I saw Seth we waited an hour for the grab, and the grab took an hour to get us there or something like that. I'm exaggerating the times, but I ended up running into Gabe and Seth, or, excuse me, Gabe and the gang the next day, and they had departed from us when I met up with Seth to go eat, and they had basically said, we should have came with you guys because we ended up not getting home till six because we couldn't find our way homes. Gabe, what was the experience for you? Like, not just getting lost, but also overall, what was the token 2049 experience salon?

Experience at Token 2049

A breakpoint? What were some highlights? Bull cases? I want to hear your experience because we did work together a bit closely. Yeah, no, thanks for the invite, Noah. It was great hanging out with you and all that. Yeah. So in regards to getting lost, it seems as though the grab drivers, along with anyone who was, like, doing security for the f one event, which is kind of concerning, like, didn't know where to, like, direct us to go, so we ended up, like, traversing the track.

Navigating the Event

Like, I'm not even joking, four times because went over one track, then went through the middle of the area, and then went over the next track and were like, oh, well, we should have found our way out by now. But then were on a waterfront and were like, oh, this is just, this is bad. So we didn't get home till like, four in the morning. But anyway, in regards to the conference, overall, I primarily spent my time, you know, running some of the interview rooms were in. So that was pretty good.

Important Connections and Highlights

And whenever I had got the opportunity to kind of walk around and meet some people, it was really cool to, again, see people who, you know, I've only spoken with on Twitter, and then you, like, recognize their face and you're like, oh, you're the so and so. You get to speak with them. Yeah. So it was cool. Token was cool. Solana was cool. I also went to the network state event, which was surprisingly cool. I think people should check that out. And then in regards to maybe like, one bullish case, I really think, like, caspa Kawhi network, like, some of these next generation proof of work systems that are trying to be very scalable, it was really cool to meet some of those guys in person.

Exploring the Conference Scenes

I've been running a lot of spaces with them and get to talk with them about, you know, what they're doing and where they see the roadmap going. So that was pretty cool. But, yeah, and just building off of the f one race being there, they're probably going to do it next year with the f one races being there again. And one piece of advice I would give is if you can spend a little bit more money to get a hotel smack Dabdeen in the middle of where you want to be, it will go a long way because I know some folks that wanted to spend a little bit less, they were a bit further away.

Challenges of Transportation

And because of the f one races and them closing out a lot of the streets made it very difficult to get from event to event. So just keep that in mind. And, yeah, gabe, I agree. I mean, I did a few interviews with you guys and those are always fun. Right? So token 2049 and conferences in general, if you're in media or if you want to meet people, one of the cool things about being in and still a relatively nascent industry is you have direct access to CEO's, to founders and you get to interview them.

Engaging Conversations with Founders

I got to interview the founder of, co founder of near protocol of Safepal. Then I got to do another interview with Charles Hoskinson in his hotel room. So that was a lot of fun. Let's see, I also, speaking of how good the food was, I was, but before my interview with Charles, I think I was stuffing my face at the token cafeteria again, and I was eating fruit and anything else I can find. There's three men that were having a discussion that I found interesting. And I was just posted up at that table listening to them talk.

Reunions and Reflections

I look up and Ajit looked very familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. And his, I think his name tag was kind of covered up in the beginning, so I couldn't tell. Once I could see his name, it struck a bell. I plugged him into my telegram and boom, there I have this conversation from, with me and Ajit from 2022. He had come on for, were covering the fall of FTX back then and he had come on for that space. So Ajit would love to hear your insights and your experience of the week and kind of what some of the highlights were.

Surreal Connections

Hey, hey, hey. Thank you very much for having me here. What a delight running into you and then you saying, you know what? We have interacted on Twitter two years ago that was absolutely phenomenal, surreal, almost unreal. So very interestingly, I have lived in Singapore for two years between 2018 and 2020, left it at the time of COVID almost walking distance from the Marina Bay Sands event. You know, all those tall buildings when you stand on the balcony and you look towards your left.

Resonating Experiences in Singapore

One of them is called the sale and I used to live on the 61st floor of that. So I was totally loving how right in the beginning you were describing how great it was to be in Singapore and how the food was like and stuff completely echo that thought. I have been attending token 2049 for a couple of years in Singapore and the only one that took place in Dubai, which was earlier this year. I attended that too, because I'm a resident of Dubai presently.

Insights from a Seasoned Conference Attendee

And here is a very interesting observation which spans three Singapore token twenty, forty nine s and one Dubai 2.2049. Whenever I attend any conferences, and because it may not be obvious to people, I'm 54 years old, so I have been attending startup conferences for now close to a quarter of a century, much more so over the past decade. But whenever I attend any conference, the risk is that you come back feeling that it was a waste of time and you know, everybody was speaking party lines and you met the same people over and over again.

Adopting a Different Approach

But I take a different approach. I don't try to assess the noise to signal ratio. I have developed the ability to ignore the noise because it's going to be 90% noise, maybe 95% noise, or even more. I only look at the signal as in who are the good people I met? Who are the valuable people I met? What new thing did I learn this time? And compared to all my previous token 29 experience, this was the most valuable from that point of view.

Finding Value Even Among Distractions

Sure there was a lot of distraction, but in terms of good people I met, good conversations I had, I can't put my finger on what caused that, but probably the fact that we are in kind of, or at least when we decided to attend token, were kind of in a bearish phase of a not necessarily bear market, which got people enthusiastic enough yet kept the fluff away. But on the whole phenomenal being there. Drop me a message in case you're going to be in Dubai.

Looking Forward to Future Events

Dubai events typically take place in October and March April because summer's just ended and summer is just about to start. I'm very happy to meet you. I have a fairly large place here. You're most welcome to come and meet me. If you want to do a side event which is in a villa or a house setting, you can even use my place for that. Thank you so kind. Ajit, I did not know you lived in Singapore and will certainly be taking you up on that next time in that part of the world.

The Global Crypto Scene

I honestly love that part of the world and maybe I have rose colored lenses because I'm there on, I guess, kind of vacation, but maybe I have rose colored. Rose colored lenses. But when I am in Singapore or when I am in Dubai and I'm talking to people, I've been to Hong Kong, I hear Hong Kong's also become quite the crypto hub. It seems to me like the east is where you got to be if you really want to get the most out of the connections and the events and the conferences industry.

Reflections on Opportunities

But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. I mean, the US is also pretty good for conferences. I just feel like with all the regulatory uncertainty, a lot of entrepreneurs, and also the taxes, a lot of entrepreneurs and crypto people are choosing other countries to live in. Guys, if you could retweet the space, I would really appreciate it. I think we're having an awesome conversation, and I think that a lot of people are on Twitter right now who were attending Singapore last week and might have some good stuff to add to the conversation.

Engaging with the Community

Andrew, were you at the conferences? And if so, how did I miss you? I think Andrew just came up here to grace us with his PFP and his presence and boost us on the Twitter algorithm. Let's go to Joe and then Prometheus. Yeah, no, and obviously, you know, I wasn't there. Jenna and her trainer were there, and she had a little. Her friend was there for the fight as well.

Differences in Conference Culture

But I think you raised a good point here about how conferences are viewed in the east versus the west. There is, you know, obviously conferences thrive here in the US, too. We've got what used to be north american bitcoin conference, which is now bitcoin whatever year. We have a lot of major conferences in Miami that happen in California and all the, you know, New York, all the major hubs. But I think the trepidation around the regulatory uncertainty, like we've talked about over and over again, as well as a reluctance to form a us centric company, obviously, with crypto being digital, or, I mean, global rather in scope anyway, you do see a lot more freedom and free flow of ideas, and I would say almost in some instances more collaboration in the east than you do, where things are more closely guarded and it's more of a competitive atmosphere in the west, even at conferences.

Concerns About Collaboration

So it's definitely palpable. You definitely feel it. And, you know, I've noticed that as well, going to a ton of conferences, you know, around, even around the EU since, shoot, 2015 2016, when they were in their infancy. You always saw this more openness to discuss ideas, openness, to collaborate and participate, and not closely guard and closely hold everything and play it to the vest, so to speak. Close to the vest. So, yeah, I think just wanted to comment on that really quickly.

Acknowledging Trends in Networking

You know, as a veteran of these things for the last seven, eight years, it's definitely, you know, you see it. Yeah, I agree. I think, Joe, a lot of good conferences are still in the US, and when I talk to people out in Dubai or out in the east, they say, I can't make this conference or that conference because the US is a trek. So certainly the grass is always greener on the other side. And we got some, we have some good events cooking up over here in the west.

Concluding Thoughts

Prometheus, what's going on, Noah? Hey, bro, thanks for having me up. Really interesting token 49. I've just been following you. I was just listening to your interview of Charles, who I've also had the pleasure of speaking with many times. He follows my channel. You know, hopefully we'll be working together in the future. But now, man, like, I think as someone who grew up in Singapore, I like my singaporean chicken rice and tiger beer and awesome people pula.

Key Areas of Token Gated Services

And so this is one of the other key areas. It can be profitable. We can create token gated services for different platforms. Whoever wants to specialize in whatever and serve this need. Serve this need of education, because people, the unbanked, one of the amazing things that's happened in the last, I would say, 510 years demographically is everyone's got a mobile phone. Everyone's got a mobile phone, and everyone's got an Internet connection. They're still poor. They're still poor, but they have access to, you know, the slipstream. So can we give them. Can we give them some of that educational love and really transform their lives and incorporate them en masse into our ecosystems, into our economies that we're building together? So anyway, just. That's that's my little rant, my friend. But, you know, thanks for having me up. And everybody, please retweet the space.

Memorable Interviews at Conferences

I'm doing that right now. I appreciate you, Prometheus. And, yeah, last time I interviewed Charles was at Rare Evo in 2023. It's only audio, but it's one of my favorite interviews. And the first thing he told me was that he was homeschooled, and he said that had he not been homeschooled, he doesn't think he would have accomplished everything he's accomplished and done what he's done. And, you know, in his. In his relatively young life, he's only 36, so, yeah, and that's the power of being at these conferences, right? I wasn't supposed to interview Charles, but I. I met with this new pr agent, and we had breakfast, and they were able to squeeze me in again. This was such a special week. Singapore Token 2049 was such a special week. I have never been to. It's gotten close. I mean, I thought consensus in Austin was pretty amazing, but I. I haven't experienced a conference week quite like this one.

Networking and Connections Made

I feel like I did everything from meet up with friends to make business connections, to generate leads, to interview incredible founders, to meet incredible new people, to go to a Kol award show. And we have Evan Luthra in the house. Evan is one of the top creators in the space. He also does great philanthropic work in Tanzania, other parts of the world. But he had this Kol award show that Nima and I went to, and it was just so much fun. Right? You had different kols from different parts of the world. Some. A lot that I've never heard of, actually. And then when I looked them up, they have massive followings. Right? So kols from all across the world getting awards for the good work that they've done. And Evan, at the very last second, he was like, yo, I actually don't have anyone for a US or, sorry, the best kol in the US award.

Unexpected Recognition

And you looked at our stuff, and he's like, you guys. You guys have some good content. Let me give it to you. So I went into an award show just to say hi to Evan. Exactly. Met him before, and I ended up leaving with a trophy with a Kol. I still have it right now. No way. That is so awesome. I brought it with me right here. It says, djen Summit Kol Awards. So appreciate you, Evan. Evan, would love to hear what some of your favorite experiences were at Singapore. That party went to later the night I think it was thrown by, I think, a humanity protocol or something, but that was an awesome party. Met some incredible people there. I mean, people that aren't even in the industry. Right? So this is. This was a powerful week, and each person who I met with was able to, you know, give something or give a.

High Energy and Engagement at Events

Give me an opportunity to go somewhere where I was able to meet ten more people. And hopefully I was also able to provide some value to the people that I shook hands with and I spoke with. But Evan would love to hear more from you 100%, man. I mean, this week was definitely jam packed. It was insane. It was so much going on. I loved it. I mean, for me, this week was very great. I made so many deals happen. I talked to so many founders. I met so many people. I met, I've been working with for a long time, with, investing with, and investing in that. I've never been in real life. Right. And then I got to meet them in real life and found out they're much more cooler in real life than I thought. And, yeah, it was a great week.

Personal Experiences at Conferences

I mean, for me, it started actually on the 14th when I was in Malaysia at apecoin to the moon festival, where I was there first, had a great time there. Also won an award. There actually was an ambassador that made me an ambassador for India. That started with the Kol awards night. That was pretty fun. Thank you guys for showing up. Definitely. There was not anybody else. Nobody else, actually, that was worthy from the US, so you guys definitely deserve that right there. Kudos to that. Definitely well deserved. And, yeah, I mean, it was. I also got to meet. I was only a sponsor from Kol Capital, but definitely had some influence. So definitely the organizers were pretty.

Interacting with Influential Individuals

Pretty interesting guys, and they made it happen. That was pretty good. I also got to meet some really cool kos I actually hadn't made before that I'm making really good money. Are doing really well. Like, I met. I met, like, Eunice and after a while, and she's. I know she's getting in the meme market, like, printing money left, right, center. I met some other cool kols lady of crypto I met for the first time, also doing really well. So, yeah, that was pretty nice. Pretty great stuff. Yeah, I mean, then the whole week after that humanity protocol, like, we invested quarter million from Kol Capital, right. Meeting the team that everybody there was pretty nice. They did a really good event that was actually very high quality.

Collaboration and New Ventures

Everybody I met in there was great. I met people who led other top deals that I invested in the guys from core, which I hold a big position in there. I've been investing for a while. I was very happy to meet all these founders and teams. Actually, I didn't even spend that much time in the main event because I was jumping from one event to another. After the Kol nights before the humanity protocol, I actually had a yacht party with all of some of the other winners celebrating with the big get guys and the big get team. We had a big yacht party. That was pretty cool, too. I mean, to jump to the dinner, I had to leave the yacht party earlier on a jet ski just so I could make it in time for the humanity protocol dinner.

Networking Beyond Main Events

Right? I mean, that's how cool this whole event was. And I didn't spend more than three, 4 hours every day at the main event because I had so many places to be. And I think I did like maybe 100 meetings the whole week, no joke. Like, I was doing meetings everywhere. I was walking from one meeting to another meeting, and I was doing a meeting on the way. That's how crazy this was. Like, for me, this token 2049 was a very good event. And actually, you know, like, I go to speak at a lot of events. I've been speaking at crypto events since like, 2015. I've traveled to, like, 40 countries, speaking over 200 events in person. And every event I mostly go to, I get paid to speak.

Observations at Token Events

You know, this is the only event. I actually bought a ticket for $5,000 myself that did not actually pay me to speak. Every other event pays me to speak and pays me to show up. The Malaysia event before was also paying me to show up. Right? But this was the only one where I buy a ticket for $5,000. I'm super happy I did it because even the people I was meeting in the vip lounge while sitting around were all top tier founders. Proppy. I have never met the founders of Proppy. I have been working with them since three years. I have an investment in them and a pretty big investment, a half a million dollar plus investment in property that I hold. And I've been working three years, but I met the founder in the vip lounge randomly.

Networking in Different Contexts

So meeting these people and connections that you work with online, and it's honest profiles or NFT profile pics online, meeting them in real life was definitely a very good change. And to me, that gave me a lot more confidence in the industry. I mean, when you look at Crypto, Twitter and when you look at what happened in real life in token 2049, it's very different. There's a lot of fluff and there's a lot of talk on crypto Twitter. But actually when you meet the founders in the vip lounge, you see the founders of eganlay are sitting there and you can go and talk to them. Founders of Anchor, founders of top protocols, they're just sitting there. You can go and talk to them one inch, etcetera, and they all open and they all tell you that they're doing the same thing they're building.

Real Connections and Opportunities

They're bullish. And the alpha that they're dropping is crazy. I met the founder of Self chain, got so bullish on self chain after meeting with him, increased my back significantly. So it's like really good deals that came out, really good founders that I met that I'm very bullish on long term and I'm very excited. Like, this event definitely gave me a lot more conviction and I'm going to be putting a lot more money into crypto from other non crypto businesses and just going all in right now. I'm very excited. What the space has in store for us, I love it. And I couldn't have said any of that better myself. Don't fade the side events, especially at token.

Importance of Side Events

The side events were where I met especially, you know, especially the humanity protocol, one that Evan and I were at, where that and a few others were where I met some of the best connections that I've made so far. And there's a lot of business to be had, a lot of business deals to be made, a lot of meetings to be had. Don't sleep. I know it's really bad advice, but if you can pound vitamin C and eat good food and take care of yourself, try to skimp out on sleep a little bit. Especially for the first, I would say three, four days that the conferences are happening because you might miss out on an opportunity. For example, the night that I was out with Seth until 430 in the morning, I set my alarm for eight just because I was like, I don't want to miss anything.

Strategies for Maximizing Conference Experiences

And boom, I wake up at eight. By 830, Charles Pr lady hits me up and says, hey, we can actually squeeze you in today. And I would have missed that opportunity had I not woken up. So hit the side events. If you can afford the, you know, the exclusive pass, get that. Because as Evan was saying, the vip section, you have a lot of founders. As I highlighted earlier, our industry is still relatively nascent and you can approach CEO's founders, shake their hands, and if you're offering something substantial, then you can work with them. You can't do this in any other industry, so take advantage of that.

Reflections on Token Events

Andrew. Welcome, sir. Are you back with us? What's up, jet lag? Were you there? How did I miss you? Yeah, I'm like driving right now. Yeah, token was good like this. I've been token before. I think my only complaint about token is just it's gotten so big that I almost feel like it needs to be like a two week event because there were like 900 side events this year and so, you know, luckily, like, I kind of knew the events that I needed to go to or things that I wanted to go to, but then, you know, there were always like two or three things competing and then obviously because, you know, attendance is so high, like, you can't just roll up to things whenever you want.

Logistical Challenges at Large Events

I mean, you really have to, like, get there right on time and, you know, like, events hit capacity. So that's my only, my only complaint. I was talking to someone actually about token Dubai because I haven't been to that yet. And they were basically saying, like, token Dubai reminds them of like token SG from a couple of years back where like, it's a little smaller, it's a little more concentrated. Like, luckily Singapore, I mean, can get around everywhere in five minutes. But I, but I would say the other thing is it kind of just depends on what your goal is. If you're looking to raise funds. I mean, there's tons of VC's, there's tons of liquid funds, tons of angels there.

Different Goals and Opportunities

If you're trying to do something more targeted, like, we had some games there's definitely opportunities for that. But I would argue, I think KBW token, or, excuse me, KBW webex was much more focused in that direction. So I always say to folks, like, your best bet with token is just to kind of show up. You know, trying to like, schedule meetings is just impossible with like, the amount of events and stuff going on. So I always say, you know, just pick the right events, go and then just, you know, see who you're going to bump into a network with because like, the caliber of attendees is amazing, you know, so.

Impact of Side Events

But yeah, that's my take. I mean, for me, like, token is not just token, right? It was, it's also like, there's so many other cool side events that attract a lot more high quality of people in crypto, which normally wouldn't be there. Like, I met the CEO of OKX, I hung out at Washington Formula one with him at his paddock. Right. I met the CEO of Mexc at the after Token 2040. Mine after Tucker 2049. Right. So, like, you wouldn't meet these guys in normal crypto event. They don't show up like the CEO. See, a bybit doesn't show up like, at these events.

Connections at Unique Gatherings

Like, they only do because they're spending hundreds of million dollars with Formula One as sponsors. So they do show up because of the Formula one. So, I mean, token is more than just token, right? It's attracting all these other moves. And Shaker Milken happens to parallel Gumball 3000, which attracts a lot of. I didn't do it this year because of token, but I met some people because I did gumball before. But a lot of people ended up at Singapore on the same day as token was happening and Formula one starting. So you have all these high quality events, super high quality events that attracts the biggest movers and shakers, right?

The Influence of Attendee Quality

The people who really influence around the world. And, like, these people are coming here because of all these things in Singapore. So I think it's more than just token, and that's really exciting. But yes, I mean, there's too much going on. Like, I mean, Mantra had an event that coincided with this speaker's dinner. I couldn't miss the speaker's dinner, but I am such a big investor in mantra. I was so shit that I couldn't go to the mantra event, right? And that was one that really hurt me. So, like, definitely there was definitely overlaps, and I wish that was not the case. There was definitely, there was like three yacht parties happening at the same time.

Navigating Conflicting Invitations

Mocha versus yacht party by party. Midget yaw party. Which one do you go to? Right. It's like, this definitely would have been better if you go to all of them. I'm friends with all of them, investors and all of them. So it's like, it was definitely. There's too much going on. But like you said, there's also, like, because there's so many people, it's required that there's so many side events. Even after having, like, so many side events, I would go to side events and like, I would see like, thousands or hundred people waiting outside, not able to get in because they were, all these events were at capacity, literally at capacity.

Challenges of Overcrowding at Events

And even though there's so many of going. Them going on, there's so many people stuck outside because they don't. Don't know anybody or they didn't register in time. So I think it works. I actually like this the way it happened. But yeah, I think token is more than just token, and it's definitely much more. And that's why the token organizer founder Rafael, he organizes after 2049, and that's why he picks these data right before f one. I think that's what also made token what it is, because, I mean, all the biggest crypto companies, exchanges, they all sponsor Sui, network finance, OKX, Bybit, they all sponsor Formula one for hundreds of millions of dollars.

The Synergy Between Events and Formula One

This turns out really well that they're able to have a big crypto event that walks right into that fun, and then you have a great time and you still. I mean, I was. I was in. I actually just left Singapore today. I just came back today because I was literally partying into the weekend f one and then actually had meetings back nonstop still after that. So if the f one was not there, actually the most highest quality meetings I had was during the f one because that's where you actually meet the really cool people, too. Not just at token too.

Final Thoughts on Event Speaking and Networking

Guys, if you're liking what you hear and you have audience members that might have missed token this time around, retweet the space. Let us get them in here, hear about the experiences. And yes, as Evan mentioned, there's a lot going on. I want to piggyback off of that. There's a lot going on and you're not going to get to everything. I mean, Joe and I were just talking in DM's and I had no idea he was there.

Experiences in Singapore

Several others, I've just. I just got back last night and several others have told me, hey, I'm still in Singapore and I just noticed that you were there. Let's meet up. No, you're not going to be able to catch everyone. It's impossible. There's just way too many people in town and way too many events happening. Just. Just do your best. Try to get to as many events as you can, shake as many hands as you can, meet with as many good folks as you can, and also try to get some good food in because I've highlighted the food several times throughout the duration of the space. It is some of the best food I've had in any country, especially Singapore. It's like you have this fusion of the best foods from every other country in Asia, from Korea to Japan to Thailand to China to Vietnam. You can find cuisine from any of these countries and more, and the food is top notch.

Post-Conference Reflections

I feel great. I mean, I usually eating out in the US I feel like shit. But after a conference, but I am back in the US, and I feel like I haven't been gone. Full of energy. Full of energy today. Andrew, what's going on? No, yeah, I mean, to your point, like, I didn't even know you were there, and. Right. And it's just like, it's impossible to try to meet up with people. I'll tell you know, for anyone that's, like, thinking of doing something in the future, like, here's. Here's who I think made the best move. So YP yellow panther, like, very big gaming. Cole and AIPAC, he planned, like, a brunch and basically invited everyone. Right? So, like, that event for me was probably the best event that I went to because, like, pretty much every Cole friend that I had was there, and I was chatting with him, and he's like, yeah. He's like, this is how you do it.

Networking Strategies

He's like, it's impossible to try to meet up with people. He's like, so plan your own thing and just bring everybody to you. And I was like, yeah, that's. That's 100% the right way to do it, so good. Good tip. Joa, what's going on, man? I am so bummed. You're one of the people that told me you were there, and I'm just finding out, and I'm so bummed because I totally would have made time, especially on, so Sunday and Monday were the first two days where I didn't get three, 4 hours of sleep. I was actually able to sleep for, like, six, seven, 8 hours. and so I would have definitely, and I, my days weren't as busy either. I had a meeting here. I had an event there. Nima and I worked out together, so I would have totally been down to meet up with you. And there are so many people again that I feel like I could have met up with those last couple days, but I didn't know they were in town.

Business Opportunities

Yeah, I mean, look, the event was amazing. I'm still here having meetings. There's a big VC Kol dinner tomorrow, so events are still going on, which is pretty crazy just from, like, a founder point of view. Noah, you're familiar with our project. I don't think anyone else probably is on the panel, but, you know, we spoke to the right hand man of Draper. Google Cloud is super interested in us, and these meetings weren't preset like, it happened on the spot. You meet people, you go to the side events. You don't sleep. Like Noah said, jet lag didn't hit me until after the. Until after token 24 nine was over, because I just kept going. Like, I kept drinking red bulls and moving. It's an amazing event. I do think if anyone's planning on attending Dubai, like, plan out your events, look at the places you want to go.

Unique Networking Insights

Evan, you should definitely give me a follow back. Would love to share something with you. We have, like, a bunch of different Kol groups that are, like, interested, and these are all new people I met, and they weren't. Like, most of them weren't even warm intros. Like, I got to see Scott Melker, Wolf of Wall Street. I haven't seen him in 30 years. We know each other since were, like, 14 years old, going to clubs in Philly. So I saw a lot of people I know, met a lot of new people, got some warm intros. But you know what? A lot of the cold intros, which is, like, the hardest thing to do, is get a vc to take you serious on a cold intro. It happens when it's in person, right? So if you're a founder, I highly suggest you get to some of these big events, because that's how you make warm intros and meet people.

The Importance of Events

It's even better than getting an intro from someone, you know, to be honest, at least from the reactions that we saw. By the way, the food. Yes. The food is top notch here. You can't go wrong almost anywhere. And I've been traveling for, like, almost two years. Like, just traveling everywhere. And I miss Lisbon, because Lisbon, you can go almost anywhere, and Lisbon has great food. This is the first city I've been to where anywhere you go, it's great food. Also, Lisbon does have great food. And not to go on a tangent, but best seafood in the world is in Lisbon, Portugal. I have yet to find anywhere with better seafood, like, fresh seafood. Singapore, though. I just. I love the modern infrastructure.

Cultural Insights

I love how close everything is together. I know people say they're strict, but I don't really do any drugs or drink alcohol, so I don't care. I mean, I love ten degrees cooler. And this would be home for me, to be honest. Yes. The heat kind of gets to me, but, man, just everything is so close to each other. It's an international hub. I'm meeting people from all over the world. Everyone is doing something. It's very entrepreneurial minded country. And that side event which Evan and I went to Tuesday night before the conference, I was meeting people outside of crypto that were founders of major companies. And so it seems to me one of the guys actually said, I can stay with him next time I come to Singapore. But it seems to me that Singapore is a great place just to meet.

Building Connections

If you're a hustler and you're trying to build and you want to connect with other successful, high net worth individuals, then Singapore is the place to be. You just get that proximity, which you don't find, in my opinion, living in some other parts of the world. But I digress on that point. We're at the top of the hour. I don't want to drag the space out for too long. I really wanted us to just go through and talk about our experiences. I know bull cases. There's a lot of different ones coming out of tokenization. Sui is one of them. I don't know if people are living under a rock, but Sui has been pumping, and the bull cases around Sui are really strong.

Discussion on Sui

I would love to know, before I wrap things up, if folks here have heard of other bull cases. I will say that as a big critic of web three gaming, when I was at breakpoint, I played some games that were. They were actually fun, right? I played star atlases, third person shooter, PvP, kind of battle royale type a game, and that was a lot of fun. I know the MMO still needs a lot of work, but I was seeing different kind of rpg strategy games that are being built on Solana that reminded me of some of the popular games we had in the nineties, whether it's Final Fantasy or Fire Emblem or Mario RPG or Paper Mario in the early two thousands. So excited for web three gaming.

AI's Role in Gaming

I think AI is going to make a comeback as well. I think when it comes to AI agents being utilized in crypto, that's something we've been discussing with Thyric and Thierik has teamed up with Filecoin dispearhead. Some of that innovation with Moonburg, too. With. With what? With Moonburg also. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, I did not know that. Very cool. Agents to trade any data point. So instead of just trading price, you can trade, you know, is like the increase in followers, the increase in holders, whatever data point you want. Brilliant. Yeah, definitely. Guys, look into AI agents. I think they're going to be the next big game changer, not just in crypto, but in general.

Further Insights on AI

And deepen. Deepen is just going to get stronger. The narratives there was. I think it's called a Jamba phone. I have it somewhere. I paid $100 for one of these phones that might give me some airdrops. So, yeah, Deepen, I think, is going to continue to grow and find different use cases. To Phil. Andrew, do you want to give us some concluding thoughts? And then I'll go to Joe and we'll wrap things up. Can anyone else hear him or am I just. I can't hear him either. Andrew, I think you're rugging, sir. Joe.

Legal and Regulatory Aspects

Yeah, I was going to say just. Just real quick on deepen. Shameless plug. I've been the legal counsel for coral app as well. It's a big health and wellness deepin phone. They had some data token 2049 as well. But you're exactly right. Deepen is really kind of taking different regions of the world by storm, and I think Asia is a huge one. So where there's a lot of cry for obviously decentralized versions of health and wellness and lifestyle, stuff like that, all through the protective and familiarity of a phone. So just. You're right. Keep an eye out for companies that are building like that in general.

Future Trends in Blockchain

Just a tip for that because that's really the next wave of where AI and decentralization is kind of merging Prometheus. And I agree, Joe. I think that those narratives, if we go into, and hopefully we do go into another bull cycle, a real bull cycle will be once to keep an eye on Prometheus. Go for it. And then I'll pass it to Andrew and then we will wrap things up. Yeah. Well, awesome hearing about Singapore. I just wanted to invite everybody here if you guys are free this Friday. I'm working with srt three and we're talking about the impact, global impact of defi.

Educational Events and Community Engagement

I'll be discussing the trumps coming into this space and so many other things. So, yeah, I've linked that in the purple pill. Just a little shameless plug. Noah, thanks for having me up. Really interesting space you did today. And let's keep working towards common vision, guys, because I think one of the things that I feel has been lost from this space a little bit. When crypto first started, it had an ethos that were going to be very different from tradfi. Right. And I think since Tradfi has come into this space, a lot of that, you know, beautiful ethos, you know, it's.

Values in the Crypto Space

It's just become more about, you know, how much more bag can you add at the end of the day? And for me, I don't know about you guys. I am here to make my bag, don't get me wrong, and I am making it, but I'm more interested in the impact in the legacy that, you know, my actions and my team's actions and the people I'm working with, that is very important to me. So I just encourage everyone to, you know, do a little value digging here because we have a responsibility on our shoulders now to pioneer this economy in such a way that we clean up the mess that Tradfi has made, right. For everything from banking, education, healthcare, all these things.

The Role of Blockchain in Society

These are industries that we can truly impact and leave a lasting legacy in. So, you know, just wanted to give everyone an invite, you know, come along to the space. You know, I'll be one of the guests and co hosts there and hopefully we'll be able to bring you guys up. So thanks a lot, Noah. I really appreciate the space. Appreciate you, Prometheus. Andrew, did you want to get some thoughts in and. Yeah, I mean, I'll double down on what pro said.

Convergence of Gaming and AI

I mean, couldn't agree more. We can, we can chat offline, but no, like going back to what you're talking about before, I'll give you kind of my take on Swe gaming, AI. So for swe, I think there's two reasons that there's a lot of attention there. I think one. Well, there's three, I guess I should say. One is a very good friend of mine actually helped develop their entire APAC launch strategy. And I think the way they approached it was very smart. The second thing that I would add to that is they have a pretty significant amount of, mainland China, VC's.

Insights on Market Trends

And that has obviously opened up doors for them into, you know, China, I think, in ways that maybe other projects can't. Right? So I'm sure they're leveraging, for example, you know, telegram influencers over there. I did a telegram space in mainland, had 40,000 people on it, right? There's a whole nother kind of crypto market that people don't see on the timeline. So I think those are kind of two big reasons. And then again, if you look at, you know, the early meta team, I mean, they basically broke off into Aptos and Mistin Labs. Mistin being the creators of SWE, I would argue.

Shifts in the Gaming Landscape

I think the team at Mistin is stronger. I've dealt with both of them. So I think those are kind of three factors, like at play, and then obviously alt one narrative market cap lower, things like that. So that's my take there. And then in terms of gaming and AI scale, we effectively, our ecosystem is primarily gaming and AI. I would agree with you, I mean, more. So what we're getting is like indie studios that already develop web two games that are now experimenting in web three because they don't have to worry the way us based entities do about regulation clarity.

Future Potential of Web3

So we've got more FPS games on Epic, like straight shot, haven's compass. But I will say to your point, I'm seeing more playable games versus three years ago where it was pretty much all kind of click to earn. I think these telegram games are trash. They're all probably going to start to plummet in terms of user activity now that these tges are not what folks expected, which I kind of talked about a long time ago. And then on the AI front, like, as someone that worked in AI and machine learning for years, I mean, I can tell you like, 90% of the AI projects right now are total nonsense, not driving any transactions.

Challenges in the AI Space

But to your point, like, have always been extremely bullish on AI agents. And I'm also starting to see some, like, legitimate AI projects come to market. You know, it's very challenging to develop an AI, like, properly. So again, I always say, just, you know, go on LinkedIn, look at the experience of the dev team. You know, if you have folks coming from, you know, large AI companies or AI teams at big tech, I mean, they probably know what they're doing, but I've just seen a lot of folks, like, trying to leverage the narrative and really what they're doing is just like skinning something on chat GBT or integrating like a chat GBT functionality into an ecosystem, you know, stuff like that.

Observations on Industry Trends

Yeah, yeah. I couldn't agree more, Andrew. I think that currently most of this stuff doesn't really solve any problems. And a lot of it's copy paste. And I could probably count one hand the number of sectors, number of products that have found product market fit. That is another conversation from their time. Check out, by the way, noah. Check out xor e, xor D E. Those guys are driving like millions of transactions. But that's an example of like one AI for project I've seen that's actually like doing things, but most literally, like, no transactions.

Final Thoughts

Yeah. Sword. Yeah, yeah. I'm sure there are unicorns out there. I, generally speaking, am in the camp that most of this stuff doesn't really do anything. But again, it's another topic for another time. We have that debate on our spaces quite often. I want to thank everyone for joining. I was very excited at times on this space. I don't know. I've never been this energized after. After a crypto conference week, I'm usually depleted I need to sleep. I need to just kind of recharge my batteries. And I don't feel like that.

Reflections on Personal Energy

I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's. If it's just how special last week felt. I don't know if it's how good the food in Singapore is and I'm just not malnourished after my trip. Or maybe it's because I slept really well on my 19 hours flight back. Maybe it's all the above. I don't know. But thank you, everyone, for joining. Remember that everything you hear on our broadcasts are meant for educational purposes only. Nothing is financial advice. So be safe out there, and we will see you all on the next one soon.

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