Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space $TMN Trumpmoon Weekly Space hosted by GriffanCrypto. Join the vibrant and engaging world of TrumpMoon Dev where giveaways, sports bets, crypto airdrops, inspiration, and laughter intertwine to provide a unique and positive space experience. Through various activities and community interactions, the space offers entertainment, cryptocurrency insights, and a welcoming atmosphere for all participants. With a focus on humor, inspiration, and inclusive engagement, TrumpMoon Dev aims to bring joy and shared experiences to its audience, creating a lively and uplifting environment. Stay connected, laugh along, and join the fun with #GriffanCrypto!

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.

Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 15


Q: What is the focus of TrumpMoon Dev's activities?
A: The activities revolve around giveaways, sports bets, crypto airdrops, and inspirational content.

Q: How can individuals participate in the space discussions?
A: Engage through #GriffanCrypto and actively join in the various interactions.

Q: What are some of the recurring themes in the space?
A: Themes include humor, inspiration, community engagement, and light-hearted moments.

Q: Why is community involvement important in the space?
A: Community participation fosters a sense of belonging and shared experiences.

Q: What type of value does the space aim to provide?
A: The space aims to offer entertainment, fun, cryptocurrency insights, and interaction opportunities.

Q: How does the space promote a positive atmosphere?
A: Through humor, inspirational content, and engaging discussions, creating a positive vibe.

Q: What hashtags are associated with the space?
A: The space utilizes #GriffanCrypto for community connection and involvement.

Q: Are there specific activities or events mentioned in the space?
A: Yes, giveaways, sports bets, and crypto airdrops are part of the discussed topics.

Q: What is the overall tone of the space discussions?
A: The discussions maintain a light-hearted and entertaining atmosphere with humor and positivity.

Q: How does the space engage its audience?
A: By offering interactive sessions, shared experiences, and entertainment value.

Q: What is the space URL mentioned for further information?
A: You can find more details at https://t.co/9Q7mWmTFcf or follow @TrumpMoonSOL on Twitter.


Time: 00:05:15
Giveaways and Fun Activities Exploring the exciting giveaways and interactive events in the space.

Time: 00:15:49
Sports Bets Insights Delving into sports betting trends and discussions within the space.

Time: 00:25:30
Crypto Airdrops Updates Updates and information on the latest crypto airdrop opportunities.

Time: 00:35:12
Inspirational Moments Sharing motivational content and inspiring stories during the space discussions.

Time: 00:45:55
Humor and Jokes Segment Enjoying light-hearted moments with humor and jokes in the space.

Time: 00:55:27
Community Engagement with #GriffanCrypto Encouraging community participation and connection through the hashtag.

Time: 01:05:10
Interactive Entertainment Sessions Engaging the audience with interactive activities and entertainment sessions.

Time: 01:15:44
Cryptocurrency Insights and Trends Discussing the latest trends and news in the cryptocurrency world.

Time: 01:25:28
Promoting Positivity and Laughter Emphasizing a positive atmosphere with laughter and feel-good moments.

Time: 01:35:16
Connecting with the TrumpMoon Community Fostering connections and shared experiences with the TrumpMoon community.

Key Takeaways

  • Updates on TrumpMoon Dev activities and giveaways.
  • Inclusion of sports bets and crypto airdrops in the space discussions.
  • Emphasis on inspiration and humor within the space content.
  • Engagement with #GriffanCrypto for community involvement.
  • Opportunities for interactive participation in various activities.
  • Informative sessions on cryptocurrency trends and news.
  • Exploration of diverse topics in a light-hearted manner.
  • Connection with the TrumpMoon community through shared experiences.
  • Promotion of positivity and entertainment value in the space.
  • Encouragement of laughter and light-hearted moments amidst discussions.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Waiting for Participants

It. We're just going to give it a few minutes until people join. Hello. How are you doing? Well, it seems like the new phone's working so good, I guess. Yay, right? How are you? I'm good. Good. Glad to hear it. Hi, Keisha. I'll wait till a couple more people are in here and then I'll do the normal intro. I'm guessing Ange her grandkids didn't go to bed yet. Unless she shows up in here in a couple minutes. No, I don't think she's coming. Okay. I am doing double buys. it's pinned. I think it's all the way. Good Lord. It's all the way on the right. The far right on the jumbo. Double buys. Fifty k to two hundred k. I will do them until the end of the space and I'll go through the comments.

Discussion About Comments and Double Buys

Did you happen to see my comment on that? Griffin, can you guys hear me? Yeah, yeah, I was reading it. Sorry. Oh, my fault. Yeah, yeah, we'll have to talk about that. But yeah, we could do something like that. Okay, I'll go ahead and do the little intro. So, hello, everybody. Remember to go ahead and like, repost comment, bookmark the space. Go ahead and, quote, repost to invite some people to come get them in here and let them learn about cmn some more. We're just finishing getting everything set up on the jumbo and whatnot. If you saw. I guess Garfield is probably going to talk about it, but he's got double buys going until the end of the space. All right, we are. We are first going to start out with the second to last post on the jumbo, the $2 million or 2 million tMM winners.

Gratitude and Market Discussion

Thank you, everybody, for doing the buys, doing the raids, all of it. We appreciate it. I'm going. I'm going to be locking up another 4 million. Do the same thing two more weeks. Unless anybody doesn't. Doesn't want to do it. Nobody wants to do it, then we won't do it anymore. I want to do it. I figured, but, yeah, I will. I will. I will lock them up either tonight or tomorrow and make a post. Do the same shit to another two weeks if we go to the very first post on the jumbo. Those are all. Well, they were when I made the post. They were up to date. That's the current price. That's the current market cap. Current supply is 883 million.

Burning Coins and Updates

Same shit. We're burning 2 million coins every day for the. Until the end of this month. And then 1.5 mil burned every day until election. It'll end up being 174 million totally burned by election. Currently there's 117 million burned. And we got, and we got a lot more holders recently. You, you want to do. Are you doing live raids, Toya or. I mean, I can, It don't matter. I know I saw one like specifically in the chat, like right before you started. And I was thinking that I could do that r1 quick at least and then I can look for one more if you want. It don't matter. Yeah, go for it. Okay, let me.

Sharing to Jumbo and Giveaway Announcement

So when I want to share to the jumbo, how do you do that one again? You go to the post, the share logo, like the three little dots, you click on them and you go to space. Okay, cool. All right. Let me do that real quick. I'll be right back.No problem, June, while she's doing that, you want to say what you're going to be doing? Yeah. First we'll talk about the giveaway. It's number. It's up in the jumbo somewhere. Where'd it go? Oh, here it is. Okay. Doing 24 hours giveaway. Participate in the raids is a must over the next 24 hours. If you need help, have any questions, just message us.

Involvement and Future Plans

We'll help you through it. Retweet that post, bookmark it, and then comment your wallet in the comments section. And we'll pick two winners tomorrow night. And then Jeffrey and I will be doing morning, Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 09:00 a.m. we're going to do just a quick update. Space on anything TMN or just talk to this chitchat. Jeffrey O, did you have anything else in mind? Yeah, it's going to be TMN, but it's also going to be just to get people in so that you can, you know, be comfortable and talking in spaces and everything else. Because I know there's a few that still don't want to speak, which is fine. I understand that.

Creating Comfort in Communication

I didn't want to do it at first either. And I'm very talkative, as you can see. So. But we also want to have that timeframe because we want to get a lot of the international people in those spaces so that we can get them comfortable talking as well. And the other plan is, along with that is maybe on a Sunday or Monday when I'm not working on my overnight shift, we're going to have a late night one so we can get that late night crowd of the international people as they're just now getting up and getting them into the spaces so that we can get more eyes and more bodies and more money into TMN. So that's the plan.

Open Discussion

But it's also, like I said, you can come in and we'll just talk about whatever you want to talk about. I can talk sports, as you see from my post. Second, talk sports, I can talk politics, I can talk history, I can talk anything, clothing, hair, whatever. So just to get everyone feeling comfortable on what they want to talk about, just come on in. We'll talk movies too, you know, whatever you want to talk about.

Focus Space for TMN

But it is a focus space to get more eyes and bodies into tmn. Awesome. So we'll be doing that Tuesday and Thursday mornings around 09:00 a.m. central standard time. And then late night Sunday or Monday, we're probably thinking 10:11 p.m. central standard time. So get our international people in here too, and get them involved more. So if you have any questions, anybody you want to talk right now, raise your hand. But I'll do a post on Monday for the Tuesday space.

Rating a Post

Sounds good. I'm ready if, unless there's something else you wanted to say real quick. No, go for it. Okay, so all the way to the left, the very first post on the jumbo, if you guys want to go on there, we're going to rate it real quick together. So now this one's a little long, but it's what is missing in the wallet I have. So I'm just going to post something simple and answer that first question. Just try and keep, when we're rating, when you do the raid, try and keep it relevant to whatever the original post says.

Creating Engaging Content

So I'm going to say you're definitely missing TMN in there. And then I usually put like some emojis or something like that. But that's just me. You don't have to do that. And I put the ticker tmnt and you can either tag the trump moon soul account. You can put, sometimes I'll do trumpmoon.net, you can do the CA, just something that can lead them back to the coin. Because if we're just putting the ticker up, guys, that's great and that's awesome. But that's not going to lead them anywhere that they can get to the coin or get to any information on the coin.

Adding Visuals to Posts

And then I add one of the graphics, some of the amazing graphics that people have made or I've done. If I can, I match it to the post, but if not, then I just choose one of the random ones that works for it. We're going to do join or get left behind. There we go. Okay, I'll reply to it and make sure you bookmark, like, repost the original one. And then, yes, I do go ahead and bookmark, like, repost my own. And if you have a blue check mark and you're in the TMN X holders community, you can do this part to go into the repost and hit quote and I just say raid bop and then at the top where it says, everyone, you can tap on that and change it to the TMN community and repost.

Engagement Best Practices

And then I'll go through and look for any other TMN comments and bookmark like and repost those as well. And usually I'll also do the sharing to the telegram, the chat, the X chat, but I won't do that right this second just because it takes me a second. Angie's much faster at this than I am. Okay? I see big and sexies. I see walls. And I know angel likes to try and have us get the likes and the reposts even, but I, when I do mine and I repost it, and then I also, quote, repost it to the community, that gives me, like, an extra one, but somehow myan, yes, I have an extra one.

Recognizing Contributions

Catherine's. I saw hers. She's actually the one that posted this one in the x chat. So I'm not sure if she's in the space because I can't see right now, but if she is, thank you. And let's see. Yep, there's another one. Keisha. I see hers. Just make sure you're bookmarking, liking, and reposting them and try and get them all. Sometimes you have to back out and go back in. That was a big problem with me with my other phone, but this one seems to be doing pretty good, actually.

Tracking Engagement Efforts

Lynn's. John's. Good job, guys. There's a lot of them on here. Or it might just be my phone working right for once and I'm seeing them all. All right, good job, guys. And if you're like me, you might have to scroll down far to find them all, especially if for me, the old phone, this one doesn't seem to be doing it. But if they're not a blue check mark, for some reason, it would put them down below, like, way at the bottom sometimes. Okay, I think.

Addressing Engagement Gaps

Nope, one more, Samuel. Good job, guys. That's awesome. And if you are, like, only liking or only bookmarking or only reposting, just make sure. You're doing all three of them. Try and keep them, even if we can. And I think I might have gotten. No, there's another one. Okay. Good job, guys. That's awesome. There's usually see, and that's what we want. We want when people are going down through the comments to see over and over.

Final Thoughts on Engagement

Tmntmn. Tmn. It's exactly what we want. Okay, I'm gonna back out because I think I got them all now. And then I can go and look for another poster aid if you want. Griff, if you have anything else to talk about or, you know, we don't have to do another one. If there's nothing else going on, we have two questions. I don't know. Oh, yes. Okay. Whoever wants to go big and sexy or Alex. Whoever.

Engagement Challenges

Alex had his hand first, so if he wants to go first, go for it. Go for that. Alex, you there? Maybe changed his mind, answered the question. Okay, so, he may. I don't know. I can't hear him. So he may need to get out and get back in if his mic's not working. But I was just gonna say, is what I've noticed still on the raids is when I scroll down to like, and repost everybody's.

Reminders for the Community

I'm still seeing a lot of people just putting the ticker. You got to remember to always put that, the atmoon soul. That way it leads them to where they can get the coin. Because if, you know, you get a lot of newer people, like, I still consider myself a newbie. I don't. I still don't know squad. All I know is what I. I've learned from Griff. But if you get newbies that see that and they see, okay, I see all this at TMN, but how do you get it? So you always got to remember to put that at moonsoul.

Encouraging Clarity

That way they can see it leads them right to it. And so that's why a lot of times when I see that, all that'll be my comment. Get yours at Tripmon soul. I try to help that post, but we need always try to remember to put that in there as well, not just the ticker. Also, one. One word. Raid posts are not quality. Alex. What's up now? Still can't hear you, bro. You might need to actually leave the space and come back, and then we can make you a speaker again because I can't hear you either.

Recapping Engagement Strategies

Ang did ask me to say exactly what you just said.

Raid Giveaways and Participation

Big and sexy for the raid stuff. You know, every week we do the raid giveaway. And in the telegram, it has, you know, the raid report with people's names on it and stuff. But Angie also does go through and double check, like Griff said, quality over quantity. So if you're not putting anything other than one word or just the ticker, that's not going to get you the win. Just make sure you're. And if you don't have graphics, there's plenty of graphics in the telegram where I can send you some. I have no problem posting some more in there, but just something that can lead them to where they can buy the coin, either to CA or to the Trump moon soul account. Something along those lines.

Weekly Raid Winners

And the raid winner for this week is Mavericks Ogden. I don't, I do not think he's in here, but I will send him a message after this. Every week we have raid winners who currently they get 50k tmn. And then when I lock up more coins, there's seven raid winners. So if you have time, want to do this stuff, want to do it right, you will benefit, you'll benefit the coins that you have in your wallet, you'll get more coins. And if you have money, when we lock up those coins too, we do buy giveaways out of the 2 million. So whatever you want to do. I mean, and if you don't want to do raids or you don't want to do something, nobody's forcing you to do anything.

Incentives and Distribution

Like, if you don't want to do it, don't have to do it. Oh, I'm gonna say this. Incentives. Incentives are every Thursday, just gotta hold the coins and you get coins. We sent out 500,000 on Thursday. I mean, off the top of my head, that's like 175, $180. I don't, I don't know any other coins that just pay you to hold the coins, not sell the coins. And we do monthly around the 2020 1st, whenever that is for the next month. We just did one on September 21 last weekend. But another thing with incentives, we voted on a time. I know, no matter what time we make it's not going to work for somebody.

Commitment to Incentives

I mean, if anybody has a better solution where it's at one time, you know, and we only do it once and it's not two times where you got to go through comments and you have people double commenting and shit like that. Like, incentives are for you guys. Like, I usually spend like an hour every time, incentives, going through wallets, sending them out doing the shit. Like, I don't just do it to benefit myself or benefit anything like that. Like, I'd much rather spend the hour doing something else. But I know a lot of you guys enjoy the incentives, so, I mean, just like anything else in life, like, you got to do stuff that you don't want to do.

Managing and Sending Incentives

I don't. I don't enjoy sending incentives out. I enjoy you guys getting them. Don't, don't get me, don't get me twisted here. I enjoyed them all getting sent to the people that deserve them for holding coins and not selling the coins. I don't enjoy going from wallet to wallet. So can soul scan, checking wallets, doing that shit. It's not enjoyable. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna lie to you and say it is. It's not. And I mean, more and more people that we get more and more, it just takes more time. I mean, it is what it is, but that is that we will go to the third post from the end.

Using Apps for Transactions

Third to last on the jumbo. Third to last from the left or the right? From the right. Okay, cool. 75K TMN 24 hours. Sign up moonshot. I don't. I didn't get verification on how I got the free meme coins. By what I looked at, it looked like if you get referrals, they give you free meme coins here and there. I don't know, 100%, but I heard of other people getting points too, and they didn't have barely any referrals or maybe one referral. I don't know the terms and conditions of it, but I know that the app is very easy for people that are new to crypto and don't want to buy Solana or buy a coin on the Solana network to swap it to TMA.

App Functionality and User Experience

It's very simple and straightforward. You can either link debit card, credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, if you have an Apple or an iPhone, or you can. Or you can send. Or you can send crypto over to it. It's very easy, very straightforward, pasting the CA and it'll come up. I did it. But yeah, if you sign up, if you don't have an account, use my link. In 24 hours, I'll be giving seventy five k to somebody in the comments that posted a screenshot of their username and their profile.

Managing Wallets and Security

One more thing about this app. I know some people have asked me, like, they, once they buy the coins or they do something in there's not a send option to get them out of there. And I mean, if you. I'll just walk you through. If you open the app and you hit the gear in the top right corner and you hit export keys, you can export your seed phrase, export your private key. And honestly, you should really do that. Anyways, don't rely on moonshot or phantom or self. Like, don't. Don't rely on them for everything.

Understanding Key Management

Don't really. Like, if they're. If their app goes down or something happens or. I know people always think, oh, it's never gonna happen, it's a company, this and that. I can give plenty of examples of big ass fucking companies. Fucking shit happens. But if you have that private key or you have that seed phrase they call the secret phrase, I believe it's the same thing. Hold on 1 second. I'm pretty sure it's the same thing. But I know phantom is secret phrase, but I'm not sure about moonshot. But if you go.

Using Private Keys Across Platforms

Then if you go to, say, phantom, and you click whatever, you made the wallet name at the top, you click the little arrow, click, add, connect, wallet. And if you copied the private key or you save the private key, you just import that private key, paste it in there, you get the same exact fucking. You get the same exact wallet on Phantom. You can do it on soul flare, you can do it on plenty of other wallets. And I know a lot of people, like, they jump into meme coins. They don't really understand crypto 100%. They don't understand this and that.

Understanding the Blockchain

But none of. None of those. None of those fucking places actually hold your coins. No one. Yeah. All that shit is right on the blockchain. And that's why you can take it and bring it over here and import it and get the same exact shit. Like if you take your private key or your seed phrase from moonshot and put it in the handle, it'll show the same exact shit because it's getting the information right off the blockchain. I know, I know a lot of people for some reason, think that phantom or soulflare or whatever hold the coins, they own the coins.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

This and that. That is. That is definitely not how it works, but anybody have any questions on that shit? Alex does. No, he doesn't. He's just fucking around. Maybe, maybe not. Oh, I think we lost him again. No, I removed him. He wants to play games. Okay, I got you. Hi, everybody.

Communication Issues

I know you. I can't hear anybody because it mutes it when I speaker for some reason. Oh, who's talking? It's very quiet. I can't hear anything. Can't hear anything when I'm a speaker. When I go out of speaker, then I can hear the chat room. That's weird. Huh? Did you, did you want to say something or was that it?

Information and Morals

Okay, and then if we go one, two, three, if you go five over from the left and click on that guy, if you're in a religion or gambling goes against your morals or you don't feel comfortable with it or any of that, you don't have to do it. You don't have to do any of this shit. It's just information. It's just whatever you want to do with it. I'm not saying, oh, yeah, go do this else. No, like, I'm giving. I'm giving away one soul. Give away. 80 hours from when I made the post. It's like Sunday night at 730 CSD time. All you have to do, whoever gets the highest multiplier.

Multipliers and Winning

And if you look at Wong's right now, his is like a couple. I think his is the highest right now. He got a 130 x. And I mean, it's nothing. Oh, never mind. I just saw rice Ronis. He got an 130 x too. Shocking. Somebody will get a thousand or something. But all you have to do is whoever gets the highest multiplier gets the one soul. I mean, it's not based off a dollar amount wins or whatever. And it's all, is all for fun.

KYC and User Information

There's no KYC, which means know your customer, but pretty much what it is. If you don't know what KYC is, it's verification. Pretty much it's where you put your name, your address, your id. You take a picture of your id, you put your Social Security number. And this website doesn't have any of that. They're not, they're not taking your information and reporting it somewhere and doing this or doing that. They don't, they don't want to know anything like that at all.

Gambling Experience

So you can do with that whatever you like. Personally, I like it because I ain't trying to put in all my information all the time for everything. And it's very, I mean, and it's, of course it is gambling. There's no game. It's not any guaranteed money. You can win a good amount or you can lose a good amount, or you can go, just go and have fun or you not play at all. But I tip every time I go live so if you want to try to put a little bit of money in, come to get tipped, you got to wager more than $100.

Wagering Insights

It's not hard unless you're trying to win a lot. Like, you can. You can play a bunch of this stuff where you just wager. And wagering just means you bet, doesn't mean you win. You could. You could play plinko, and you could put a dollar ball down, hits the four, and then you get $4 back. That's a dollar wager. Then if you put another dollar ball down and it hits one as $2 wagers, but you have $5, so it is not hard to get 100.

Gambling Strategies

It went up quick as fuck for me. So, yeah, it is not hard unless you're shooting for the moon and which a lot of people, that's how they like to gamble. They like to go for the big, huge wins. That's what you want to do. Go for it. But anybody have any questions about anything at all? Hey, Julian, were you going to do another meme contest? Did you figure that out yet or.

Coordinating Events

No? I think we're just going to have to do another live space. We'll do that one again. Okay. Just got to coordinate with you guys. Okay, cool. I do like the meme contest. They're fun. Yeah. I'll talk to Griffin, and maybe Jeff will even help do his space for it. Cool, cool. Let's shoot for next week. Well, I have an idea, too, for another contest.

Creative Contest Ideas

All right, let's hear Trump's acceptance speech. When he wins the presidency, you have to do a Trump impression of him doing the acceptance speech. Oh, before he actually does it. Yes. So kind of. Almost like when we did the Trump versus Trump still thing kind of thing, just with the acceptance speech instead of shilling TMN kind of thing. Yeah. So you're.

Finalizing Contest Plans

You're having to make up your own acceptance speech of being elected president, and you have to do it in Trump's voice. Sounds good to me. I mean, well, whatever. Whatever you guys want to do, whatever you come up with for that stuff, I'm totally fine with it. Yeah, we'll talk more about it. Sounds good. Anything to, you know, have some fun with everybody. Promote TMN. That's what it's all about.

Closing Remarks

Wong, you alive? Yeah, just been getting rugged repeatedly on mine. You know. You know, you can't get. You know, you can't get more than 130 x multiplier on mines. Right. And you, did you see that rice droning got the same 130? Yeah, well, chopsticks, you know, cold rice. So I got him. Oh, shit. You should comment that on his post. All right with that now, thank you, everybody, for coming.

Thank You and Farewell

Thank you, everybody, for holding. Team in. Buying team in the. Appreciate, everybody. Everybody. Have a good night. Have a good Friday night. Unless you're in a different country. It might be Saturday, might be the middle of the morning.

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