Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space TikTok Secrets: @BrookeJLacey spills the tea on how to grow in 2024 hosted by IdMintThat. Explore the world of TikTok growth strategies for 2024 with @BrookeJLacey. From user engagement and analytics to influencer collaborations and community building, this space delves into the intricate dynamics of excelling on the platform. Discover insider tips on content experimentation, trend awareness, and networking within the TikTok community. Join the conversation to unlock the secrets of maximizing reach, engagement, and success in the evolving landscape of social media. Stay ahead of the curve with cutting-edge strategies and insights shared by industry experts.

For more spaces, visit the SocialFi page.


Q: How important is user engagement for TikTok growth?
A: User engagement is paramount as it drives visibility, interactions, and algorithmic favorability.

Q: What role do collaborations play in TikTok success?
A: Collaborations with influencers and creators can expose an account to new audiences and enhance credibility.

Q: Why is community building crucial on TikTok?
A: Building a community fosters loyalty, trust, and long-term engagement with followers.

Q: How can one stay updated with TikTok trends?
A: Regularly monitoring TikTok trends, attending webinars, and engaging with TikTok-centric communities are key.

Q: Why is it essential to understand TikTok analytics?
A: Analyzing TikTok metrics helps in optimizing content, understanding audience preferences, and improving reach.

Q: What content strategies work best for TikTok growth?
A: Consistent posting, interactive content, trendy challenges, and authentic storytelling are proven strategies for TikTok success.

Q: How does user-generated content contribute to TikTok engagement?
A: User-generated content promotes audience interaction, community involvement, and authenticity.

Q: Why is experimentation with content formats important on TikTok?
A: Experimenting with new trends and formats keeps content fresh, engages followers, and attracts new audiences.

Q: In what ways can networking benefit a TikTok creator?
A: Networking opens doors to collaborations, mentorships, industry insights, and growth opportunities.

Q: What are the benefits of utilizing TikTok's interactive features?
A: Interactive features like challenges and Duet videos boost engagement, creativity, and shareability of content.


Time: 00:05:42
Optimizing TikTok Analytics Insights on leveraging TikTok analytics for content performance enhancement.

Time: 00:12:18
Influencer Collaborations Exploring the impact of influencer collaborations on TikTok growth.

Time: 00:19:37
Engaging Community Building Strategies for building a loyal community base on TikTok.

Time: 00:25:59
Content Experimentation Tips on experimenting with diverse content formats for TikTok success.

Time: 00:33:45
Staying Trendy on TikTok Importance of keeping up with TikTok trends and features.

Time: 00:41:22
User-Generated Content Impact Exploring the benefits of incorporating user-generated content on TikTok.

Time: 00:49:10
Networking for Growth How networking within the TikTok community can lead to opportunities.

Time: 00:55:30
Interactive Features Engagement Enhancing engagement through TikTok's interactive features like challenges.

Time: 01:02:11
Consistent Posting Strategies The importance of consistent posting schedules for TikTok growth.

Time: 01:15:44
TikTok Algorithm Insights Understanding TikTok's algorithm for content optimization and reach.

Key Takeaways

  • Engaging with trending content boosts visibility and reach on TikTok.
  • Utilizing interactive features like challenges and Duet videos increases engagement.
  • Consistent posting schedules and quality content are vital for TikTok success.
  • Understanding TikTok analytics and algorithms is crucial for optimizing reach.
  • Collaborations with influencers and creators can amplify a TikTok account's growth.
  • Experimenting with new content formats and trends keeps an account fresh and engaging.
  • Building a community through engagement and authenticity fosters loyal followers.
  • Networking within the TikTok community can open doors to new opportunities.
  • Staying updated on TikTok trends and features helps in staying ahead of the curve.
  • Leveraging user-generated content and user participation enhances audience interaction.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Technical Issues

Hi, Clement. Good evening. I've sent a co host request to you. Please, can you accept it? Clement, are you there? Clement, are you there? Please? Our channel it. Our channel it. Clement, are you there? I hear you now. Yes, I can. Okay. I don't know. It seems like maybe your voice is echoing. Okay, hold on. All right. Are we all right now? All right. We've been here for, like, almost 15 minutes now. Hi, Larry. Good evening. Do you have a question? Hi, Larry. Good evening. Do you have a question? While we wait for Clement to join us. Clement? I've sent a speaker request and the co host invite to you. I mean, the speaker invite and the co host invite. Please check and accept so we can continue.

Waiting for Questions

So good evening, guys. While we wait for Clement, in case you guys have any questions around affiliate marketing, selling stuff online, e commerce, copywriting, content creation, we can just send a speaker request or go to the comment section and type out your question. So I'll just be answering that while we wait for Clement, who is our guest to join us? Chinon Yerim, are you there? Your question, please, if you have one. What about Larry? Larry, are you there? Larry? Your mic is muted. Chinonyms, your mic is muted. Please, can you guys hear me? Unmute your mic one after the other. Chinorim first, what was your question?

Addressing Affiliate Marketing Questions

So my question is, how do I start affiliate marketing? Larry, please mute your mic while she asks a question. When she's done, you can hear him. Please continue. My mic is on already. How do I start affiliate marketing? How do you start? So, I'm guessing you've not done affiliate marketing before. You don't have an affiliate marketing program. No, no, I've not. Okay, so, there is a link on our bayou. Yeah. Larry, please, someone is talking right now. Leave your mic on mute until the person is done. When the person is done, you can unmute your mic. I mean, this is speaking etiquette.

The Importance of Practice

Please, because as you can see, my voice is echoing because of. Your mic is on, please. So, Ching Yamir, back to you. Your question. You're asking how you're going to start. So I'm just going to send. So you can go through the link, and whatever questions you have, you can always reach out. I sent a link to your DM. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, thank you, Larry. Your question, please. Blair, is your time to speak now? Your question, please. Good evening. Yeah, good evening.

Discussion on Course Effectiveness

Yeah, I bought this course, and like, some months ago now, I've not been unable to make anything, any sales. So how can you guys help me? Okay, you bought the course. What did you do with the course? After buying the course? So I'm still learning now. That's the thing now. You bought the course. Buying the course is one thing. Going through the course is another thing. Then implementing what you learn from the course. That's the thing. So it's a three step process.

Course Implementation and Sales Strategies

You bought the course. Yes. You took a step. You have to go through the course, which is learning what you need to do. Now, after you've learned what you need to do, you have to do those things. It's like, it's like saying you want to learn how to trade forex or trade crypto. Right. There is a demo account, and then you're practicing on demo accounts. No, you can't withdraw the money from a demo account, so you have to trade actual money. Exactly. So it's the same thing here.

Understanding Marketing Essentials

You learn, you learn this, you learn that at some point you have to put those things that you've learned or you're learning through practice. So if you're not putting into practice, if you're not implementing, there is no way. It is called affiliate marketing. Marketing is a verb. It's an action. You have to do something. So it's not, I bought the course. That's why you don't make money from buying a course. You make money from doing what you've learned from the cost. So get, okay.

The Nature of Affiliate Marketing

Exactly. So it's not, there is no way I can help you if you've not gone through the course you got. Right. It's easier for me to help you when you've gone through the course and maybe you have some issues. Okay. You say, okay, struggling with this particular thing. I've done this, but I'm struggling with this, or I've done this, and this is not working. I can say, okay, this is what you need to fix, but I can't fix any, I can't help you fix anything right now because you've not done the primary thing you're supposed to do, which is going through the course.

Starting with Low Ticket Products

So as a newbie, for you to be able to make sales consistently to win any sales challenge is to start with a low ticket product. Now, what are low ticket products? Low ticket products are products that are affordable that people can afford to buy. Okay? So under this hot niche is that there are products that are low ticket products that your audience or the people that I need of those products can actually afford, which is which range within the rate of 7000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000. Okay? So if you're a struggling athlete, you should focus on promoting product that has these prices, that is around these prices between the price of seven k to 20k. Those products are low ticket products. And those products are very easy to promote. Like you can get audience that can afford to buy it because they are kind of affordable. So if you are struggling to promote a product, then I advise you to start with low tickets. So I advise you to start with low ticket products.

Identifying Potential Products in Hot Niches

You get now example of low ticket product under these niches that you can promote on expert. Remember, this data space is on expertise. So there are low ticket product under these two niches. I talk about that you can start consistently because of time. I'm very hot product on Espartnia right now. This product is selling for 20k. It's under the make money online niche, okay. It's selling for 20k with a 50% athlete commission. That means you get to earn 10,000 naira. When you promote this product. The product is very affordable as people can easily afford to spend 20k on it. And under the travel niche, a low ticket product can promote. Under the hot selling niche on Espartnia is the relocation Japan to Rwanda blueprint. That is the Japan to Rwanda blueprint by Oluwa saying, which is selling for 20k with a few.

Profitable Affiliate Programs

In promoting a product under the Avonich, then you can start. Please. You can get. You can promote it. You can promote it and end 10,000 on each sale you make. Because there are so many products under the travel needs that are very, that are high. Those products are high ticket products that are selling for 45 so on. But this one is selling for 20k. So if you are interested in promoting a product under the travel niche, then you should go for this product. And another product that is that you can promote. A low ticket product, you can promote to start making consistent sales daily for yourself is the affiliate marketing for Beginners program which is also available on expert NIA product marketplace. The product is selling for seven k, 7000 naira with a commission of 72%.

Low Ticket Product Benefits

Okay, so you get to earn 72%, which is approximately 5000 naira as an athlete. Okay. So if you promote the athlete marketing for Beginners program which is selling for is a very low ticket and like everyone can afford that product. It's under the make money online niche. Okay. So if you are promoting product in the make money online niche that you, that people are finding difficult to buy from you can decide to start promoting this affiliate marketing for Beginners program which is very affordable for your audience since it's selling for seven k and you get to earn 72% commission on each sales you make. Now, these three products I just reviewed to you, they have sales challenge. Ongoing. They have sales challenges. So when you promote this product and start making commission from it, you still get to win sales challenges if you meet their sales challenge target you get.

Utilizing Sales Challenges

Because it's not all about promoting a product. You need to promote a product that has ongoing sales challenge so that as you are promoting, you can also win extra cash prizes or extra reward while promoting the product. Okay, so before I proceed, I'm going to share with you a story of a struggling athlete who leverage on promoting, on selling a low ticket product and started making consistent sales for ourselves. I'll be very brief. So there's this lady, her name is Amidu Sarato. She's also known as called Hajaisa. So she was, she's an athlete on a similar platform like espatnia. So this athlete, she's. She was a struggling athlete then. She was promoting the product under the make money online niche.

Overcoming Initial Struggles

And when she was promoting this product, she was getting leads. But people are not buying. When, when the time comes for them to buy, they'll be telling her, I don't have money, it's too expensive. I don't have money to buy, it's too expensive. So I was promoting an affiliate marketing program under the make money online. So that product program, our audience or our leads could not afford it. So what did she do? She went back to that platform, marketplace, and she was able to locate a low ticket product name, athlete marketing for beginners. She saw that this product was a very low ticket product that her leads can actually afford and she can also earn money from it and win sales challenges. What did she do? She decided to promote that product audience.

Success Story of a Transforming Athlete

Now, when she promoted that product, her audience, the message sent and told them about the product and gave her the athlete link. Those are lead. I was saying, I can't buy the previous athlete program. Started buying the program, started buying the affiliate marketing for Beginners program from her. She realized that people are not buying this low ticket product from me. She keep on promoting it. She was now making consistent sales from that product. And to cut the story very short, she ended up making, she's a ghanaian athlete. She ended up making over 25,000 Gana cities, which is equivalent to 2 million naira in Nigeria currency. She ended up making such amount in an athlete commission alone. And you know, the good thing about it, as she made that commission from promoting this low ticket product audience, she still won sales challenge.

Lessons Learned from Her Journey

She was able to win the sales challenge that product was, offering. She won the sales challenge by making extra money for herself. Now, she was a struggling athlete, but because she decided to leverage on low scale products she was not able to start making consistent sales for herself daily and she was able to make like our story changed. Our athlete market journey transformed. Now she's making sales consistently. Now when I spoke with her, she was like, if she want to sell a high ticket product is very easy for her because she already understand everything. Like selling high ticket product for her now is very easy for her because she started with low ticket. So if you're a struggling athlete or a newbie, I advise you to start with a low ticket product.

Achieving Consistency in Sales

Start with a low ticket product so that you can be able to get sales since the product is affordable. And when you start getting sales, you'll be able to win the product sales challenge. So if you do not have, if you have like three for you, the zero to 1 million as a retro location, Japan to Rwanda blueprint and the athlete marketing for Beginners program. Okay, so this product is available in the map, in the expert near marketplace. So if you want your athlete's marketing journey to transform like the way it did for Coach Sarato, then you can also promote the athlete marketing for Beginners program which is on expert near. It's very affordable and it has an ongoing sales challenge whereby when you start making sales for this program, you get the chance to win each sales challenge.

Strategies for Winning Sales Challenges

All right, so now let's say you decide to promote the affiliate marketing for Beginners program. Now, in order for you to win its sales challenge, because now it's one thing is to make consistent. Because when you start promoting this product, I can guarantee you start making consistent sales. And now for you to win each sales challenge, there are three things you need to do. One, you need to have a sales target. You need to have a sales target. Now, you remember, sales is a number of sales. During the sales challenge period, let's say, challenge is ending in less than 30 days time. You can write out, okay, within the next 30 days, I want to make 20 sales for this program. I want to make 30 series before this challenge ends so that your mindset will start thinking on how you can generate leads that will be able to help you reach that sales target.

Planning and Generating Leads

So you need to have a sales target. Sales target is very important. It will help you plan yourself, plan how you generate leads, how you nurture and all of that. So you need to have a sales target. So it will help you, work with that sales target. It will challenge you to reach that target because if you don't have something to challenge you'll be lazy to do more. Okay. So when you have a sales target, it will help you to work hard on generating leads and all of that. Applying all your marketing strategies to make sure you win the sales challenge. Another thing you need to do is to create a plan on how to generate leads daily. Remember, another secret to consider sales is generating leads daily.

Daily Lead Generation

Now you've, you've have. Now you've seen a low ticket product that people can actually afford to buy. So the next thing I is to focus on generating leads. Generating leads every single day. That should be one of your plan to generate leads every single day. Because as far as they are generating leads every day, then you are sure of making sales consistently. Since the product is affordable, then there's high chance of you to be making consistent sales weekly or daily to win, the product sales challenge. And, another thing you need to know that will help you win this sales challenge for this low ticket product is three to get now offer. You need to create a seasonal offer and also follow up on your leads to get more sales in order to win its sales challenge.

Creating Seasonal Offers

So what I mean by seasonal offer? Seasonal offer is a kind offer you do, on special seasons, let's say like it's a new month now. Like they are just in a new month, you can decide to do a new month offer. New month offer for just five persons. That five. And you can say to do a discount or decide to do a kind of a new month offer. So you can get those people, those who that did not buy when they came into your funnel, they can buy during that seasonal offer period. Okay. I can also do follow up. Follow up and also post nurturing content to get those people to be interested to buy.

Nurturing Leads and Follow-Ups

Because most of people that will be coming to your funnel, those your leads will be getting, most will not buy immediately. Though the low ticket product is affordable, but most of them will not buy immediately. Maybe most of them might be waiting for month end for their slight payout. And the rest, I want them to start buying. So you need to be do that follow up and post nothing content to get them instructed to keep warming them up till they have the money to buy. All right, so I think with these three things you can be able to, with these three strategies can be able to, win any sales challenge.

Conclusion and Summary

Yeah, any sales challenge. for any low ticket product you decide to promote. All right, so because of time, remember we spent like 30 minutes, then I don't have much time. So I'll be stopping here so that you can ask your questions. So, in summary of everything, in order for you to make consistent sales as a newbie or struggling athlete, you need to focus on selling a low ticket product below ticket product that people can actually afford and a low ticket product that is under a hot niche. Either they make money online niche or the travel niche.

Exploring the Hot Niches

Now, in these two niches, I've. I've reviewed three products you can actually promote on expert that can help you start making sales, which is the zero to 1 million aspirator program. Selling for 20k with 50% commission and the location Japan to Rwanda blueprint. This is under the travel needs, selling for 20k with 50% commission. And I, the athlete marketing for Beginners program, which is seven k and with a commission of five k, where you get to earn five k on every commission as every commission for yourself. Okay, now, this three product, this three low ticket product has its ongoing self challenge whereby you get to win extra sales reward when you meet any of their sales target.

Making Consistent Sales

All right? So I think this product, I think with this, you'll be able to make consistent sales leveraging on this low ticket product. And also for you to. I also said for you to win this product sales challenge, you need to have a sales target, create a plan to generate leads daily and also create seasonal offers and follow up on your leads. All right, so I think I'll stop here. And if you have any other questions. Have you any other questions related to this, you can ask.

Recap of Key Points

Thank you. Okay. Yeah. clemence, you can hear me? Yeah. Yes, I can hear you. Okay. Yeah. So, I mean, you know, some people just joined moments ago. So you've, like, said a lot of things, but if it's possible for you to just do, like, a small recap of the three key points that you just listed and just go through them for those who are just joining, and then also for those who have been here, too, so they can just get like, a summary of everything you've said.

Deeper Insights on Sales

Okay? Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. All right. So like I said earlier. Okay, let me just do a brief summary. So I said earlier that one of the reason why athletes are struggling to make sales is think one is because of they are promoting a product that is not under the hot niche and probably they are promoting a high ticket product as a new being. You are not expected to start selling or promoting a high ticket product. No, it's not advisable. It's not advisable for you to start promoting a high ticket product. Or promoting a product that is not in a hot niche. So in order to start making sales consistently as a newbie and start winning sales challenges, you need to focus on promoting a low ticket products as a low ticket product under the hot niches.

Choosing the Right Market

I talk about the hot niches. We have two hot niches in the athlete marketing industry. And these two niches are the make money online niche and the travel niche. Okay. Now these are the hot niches that are selling, that has product that is selling every day. And athletes are leveraging on this product under this niche to make sales daily for themselves and win athlete sales challenge. So if you are a struggling athlete, I advise you, leverage on promoting product that is under the hot niches in the affiliate marketing industry. And I also said for low ticket products, who might be asking which low ticket product can they promote under this niche?

Review of Successful Products

I listed three products that is available on expatia platform that athletes can leverage on to start promoting and making sales consistently. Now I mentioned the zero to 1 million accelerator program which is created by the espartnia coaches. I think this program is a program that teaches people how to scale from zero to making 1 million. I think monthly selling, promoting digital products. So this product is selling for twenty k and with a commission of 50. With a 50% commission it has an ongoing sales challenge which means as they are promoting this product, you still get to win, extra cash rewards while promoting it.

Travel Niche Product Details

Then we also have a low ticket product under the travel niche which is the relocation Japan to Rwanda blueprint by Oluwa saying, which is selling for 20k. That means we are actually promoting a product under a travel needs. You can focus on promoting this product. It's selling for 20k with a 50 commission. That is, you get to earn 10,000 naira on every sale you make. And this particular product has an ongoing sales challenge which means you get to win extra sales reward when you reach its sales target.

Exploring Affiliate Marketing Programs

And I also talk about another low ticket product under the make money online niche which is the affiliate marketing for Beginners program. Okay, this program is a program I created. Created. And it's selling for 7000 with a whopping 72% commission, which means you get to earn 5000 error on every sale you make. And apart from that, you still get to earn extra cash prizes when you win each sales challenge. Because this particular program has its own sales challenge that is ongoing. The sales challenge will end on October 3. So you still have time to start promoting this product to win its sales challenge.

Affordability and Demand

Now this product is a very affordable product in the make money online niche. If you are, if you are athlete or expert, you are struggling to make sales in the make money online niche. Guys. For those athletes under the make money online niche, if you are struggling to make sales, maybe we are promoting affiliate marketing program or product under that niche and you are trying to make sales. You can just leverage on promoting this program and you are sure of making sales because it's very easy for your audience to afford. Your list can actually afford it.

Building Relationships with Leads

Okay. They can actually afford it. I shared a story where someone was where an athlete in a similar platform was on like Espartnia was promoting a product on make money online. It was struggling. I don't have money to buy. It's too expensive. Too expensive. She went back to that market, to that platform marketplace. She located the affiliate marketing for Beginners program. She found out that this program was the low ticket product program and it's affordable. She copied her affiliate link to the product, went back to at least introduced the product to them and they started buying immediately from her.

Strategies for Promotion

Then she started promoting that product consistently. She was able to make consistent sales and she made over 2 million naira promoting that low ticket product. And not only that, she was able to win the product sales challenge and she made more extra money for herself. If you're a struggling athlete or newbie, then should leverage and sorry, if you're a struggling athlete or newbie that is operating under the make money online niche, then you come, you can decide to leverage on this low ticket product, affiliate marketing for beginners and start making sales for yourself consistently. I can guarantee you that once you start promoting this product, you start making consistent sales for yourself.

Successful Athlete Transformations

It has been working for other athletes so it will also work for you. Apart from this lady, that is from this lady. There are other athletes that were struggling to. When they started, when they decided to start leverage, when they decided to start leveraging on this affiliate marketing for beginners program to promote it to their audience, they started making sales for themselves. Their struggles to make sales and ended. It ended. They started making sales consistently and they moved from and making five figures weekly to making six figures weekly because they decided to leverage on this low ticket product.

Key Actions for Success

And I also said, I just want to be brief because of time. I also said, now if you decide to promote this affiliate marketing for Beginners program, which is also called AMB, it has an ongoing sales challenge. And for you to win this sales challenge, there are three things you need to do. You need to have a sales target. One, guys you need to write down the numbers you want to make for the product in a month. Then two, you know, focus on written leads daily to product.

Essential Steps for Promotions

So when you are generating leads daily for yourself, then you are making sales consistently promoting great seasonal offers. And also follow up your leads with nurturing content to get more sales from your leads. Remember, not everyone will buy from you. So when you start creating this now offer, like, let's say new month, your birthday month, maybe there's a special holiday season. Can you create a short offer? Maybe like a price discount? Price discount.

Final Thoughts

Or just make a kind of seasonal offer to get more people to. Take. Action to make more sales for yourself and also win it. Sales challenge. So. I think I've been able to summarize what I said, but you still do not understand. For full details. Thank you.

Initial Questions

So, boy, you said you don't know when, and then your question is. Yeah, like, yeah, I don't. I just want to. Okay, so, okay, let me, let me get you clearly. So you don't know if you should send a lead magnet video or you should send them to your webinar when they enter your list, right? Yes, yes. Let me elaborate a little bit. So, like, after who's, after generating leads, so is it best for me to, like, be giving lead magnets video and, together with adding to my WhatsApp group to keep them updated about my products, or I should, like, be hosting webinar? Immediately I bring them in to be. Hosting webinar, because the truth is not. Every time, I'm, like, a whole lot. Of resources to, like, host webinar. Hold on, hold on. Your voice is breaking up. But just to make it easier for you to help you understand this thing, what you need to understand is that your webinar is the lead magnet.

Understanding Lead Magnets

Do you understand? When we talk about lead magnets, the lead magnet is what you promise your audience that they are going to get if they take a specific action. That is why it's called the lead magnets. It's something that is supposed to get them to do something for you. So if you tell someone I'm hosting a free training, I'm hosting a free class, that is a lead magnet. Do you understand? So your webinar, okay. Your webinar training, your WhatsApp class, whatever those things are, lead magnets. Lead magnets are not just PDF's or videos or anything you're promising. Someone that gets them to click on a link is a lead magnet. You understand? Okay, good. Now understand. I don't know how you. I think I wanted to say VsL. Same thing. Your VSL, your webinar, they are all lead magnets right now.

Testing and Conversion Rates

Okay. The thing about using vss and using the webinars is you have to decide, you have to do some testing right now. There are certain products that you might want to sell ins. If I is not setting products it is proven that webinars convert better than vsls. That is the truth. But then, okay, chances are your VSL might be really good. Right. The reason why webinars convert better than VSL is the fact that these people are, they feel like they are talking to you directly. They feel like it's like interactive. It's like a class and all of that. In fact, there's a way you can simulate a webinar at a very high level and people are going to feel like they're part of it and it's going to get them to that point where they are willing to buy what you're selling very quickly. So. Yes, exactly. So your webinar, your vsls, they all lead magnets.

Webinar Strategies and Optimization

Now on average, webinars convert better than vsls. But then there are some really crazy good VSLs, really good vSL that do better than webinars. So the cocoa is intestine. Right. Just, and then when you test, you're going to know, okay. And when you're testing, you're going to test over a large number of people, at least 100, 501,000. So you're going to be segmenting your audience and, okay, where is he working? Okay, which one is working better? And stuff like that. Now, if you write, if you create a very good webinar, a very good webinar, you don't need to do a webinar over and over again. The mistake that most people make is they try to host a webinar over and over again. You can create a webinar once, use a site like streamyard and send people to that webinar over and over again.

Evergreen Webinars

Okay. Yeah. So once you have created, once you have written a very good webinar script and voice it, and it's very solid, people can come, in fact, there's something, we call it Evergreen webinar. An evergreen webinar. People come to the webinar and they feel like it is just happening today, whereas this is a webinar has probably been running for months, even years. But they come into the webinar, they feel like this webinar is live, like you are live because the way you handle it like this is happening right now. So you're not going to say things like, oh, maybe since today is Sunday, I'm going to say, oh, happy Sunday, guys. No. Or maybe this is, it's night. I mean, it's. Okay. Good evening, guys. No, because I don't know the time, the person, whoever is watching it, what time they are watching it, unless maybe I set the webinar for a specific time.

Handling Audience Engagement

Maybe I say, okay, this webinar is only going to be run if I'm using something like Evergreen webinar Jamden. These are webinar platforms. I say, okay, this webinar should only be running by 08:00 every night. Then I can say, oh, hey, guys, good evening. My name is Ruchi okoro. Welcome to blah, blah, blah. Great. But if it's a webinar that is running round the clock, like every hour. So. Hi, guys. Welcome today's webinar. My name is Uche, and today I'm going to show you how to make money from posting 15 to 62nd videos on Instagram. And boom, class has started. And I take them through the webinar and at the end. Now, the thing about a very solid webinar is there are things. There's something we call involvement devices, right? So involvement devices, how you get your audience to be a part of the webinar.

Creating Interactive Learning Experiences

So while the webinar is going, you can see things like, okay, guys, if you're ready for me to show you what I'm about to show you, share tonight, just go to the comment section and type, yes, I'm ready. They go to the conversation, they type, yes, I'm ready. Now, if I record something like this, and I play today, five months from now, I play it again, people who are in that class five months from now going to feel like this thing is happening live. You understand? So when you use, like, a bunch of involvement devices and your script is very good, I mean, you can be doing. You can be doing really good numbers. Instead of sitting on the silence and wondering, should I do VSSL? Should I do webinars? Just go ahead and test it.

Closing Thoughts on Lead Engagement

Really? So are we clear? Yeah, I'm very clear. I'm very clear. Thank you so much for. Yeah, you're welcome. Diamond, are you there? Your question, please. Clementa? Ruben, are you there? Ruben? Clement, I noticed that you've been kicked out, so please just send. Just send the speaker request again. Or is it diamond? Who is speaking, please? Diamond. Okay, diamond, please go ahead. Your question, please. Yes. So thank you for the opportunity. I wanted to quickly ask you, because I started to generate leads recently, and the leads that I've been generating, they are code DM leads, because they are not leads that I generated code Dm WhatsApp leads. And I'm trying to warm up these leads and then nurture them into a class.

Strategies for Nurturing Leads

So I'm trying to find a template that works, right, that is going to be able to nurture them. So recent, just yesterday I spoke to Miss Babatunde Rofiat, right? And she said one of these days she was going to help me create a template that can warm up code DM leads. I've been going through x trying to find out, you know, templates that I can be able to use to send to them so I can just build them up. I also tried some other means of building an ultimate sales letter with a couple of athletes, but most of them are also beginners and don't really know how to go about it. So I've just been thinking what would really work? So I started. So if I get you guys, please, one of you should turn off your speaker.

Examining Effective Outreach Techniques

Ruben? Yeah. Lisa, please mute your. Okay, I'll mute you from here. All right, so if I get you clearly, Damon, you said you're trying to get people on your WhatsApp via codiums, people that have been on your WhatsApp or stuff to come and buy stuff. Now my question is, how did you get these people on your WhatsApp? Because you said, okay, thank you. Yeah. Yes. They are generated from. I had this Facebook developer friend that, because I'm a data analyst. So I had this Facebook data and developer friend that taught me how to go offline and match potential clients, like people that actually have offers to niches and you can be able to extract their information offline.

Exploring Data Analysis for Lead Generation

So I found out that when I tested the process, he walked in and I was able to get contact information by demographic locations. So I did have, I do have a whole couple of 200,000 WhatsApp leads and just going to basically test them on code DM's, right. So I saw a bit about emails, code DM emails, and see that they didn't work because I've been going through a couple of people's CODM stuffs on X and I've seen that, okay, some clients are warming up to it, depending on the way they put it out. But for WhatsApp, I've not seen anything for WhatsApp. So I don't know how to basically take these people from Code DM's and then warm them up, nurture them and just promote something to them.

Identifying the Right Products

Because the age graph of these people is about 25 to 50. I've seen when I look at their profile pictures, like, because I test them, I test the numbers to be very sure that they're on WhatsApp, right. So when I look at the provide pictures, I see some like 25 to 50. And most of them like, very, well, to do, like, I don't know, maybe I'm just assuming, right, but the profile picture posts them as. Okay, well, to do like, you know, like they have their own businesses. Some of them go ahead to call me, video call, and I talk to them, have their own businesses. And so I don't know, I'm looking at that age demographic, right? What kind of products on the marketplace can I be able to promote them?

Strategizing for Effective Connections

What do I think people need? Okay, basically they do business, right? And every business wants to generate sales, I think, okay, I can be able to meet them up at that point where they want to, where they would like to listen because I'm telling them, okay, I can help your business get more sales because I would be telling them that I can help their business get more sales. But supposing that's not the case, right. Would I say to them to warm them up firstly to listen to me and then get them to the point whereby I can actually present a product that they are most likely to accept? Right. So that's my.

Understanding Customer Engagement

Yeah. Okay. So the thing about code DM's and how code DM's work is that when you're sending someone a codym, what would make them respond is if you're trying to give them a solution to a problem that they have. Now, this problem might be a problem that they know they have or they don't know yet. So let's say, for example, I'm a copywriter, and then I reach out to a business owner and I tell them, oh, I went through your website and I think that they are. The way your website is that you are potentially losing some sales on those websites. But if you fix the website, and I may say, oh, I'm attaching a copy of why I feel like a website should look like.

Providing Value Through Solutions

Now, if you take this copy and you test it out, if it converts better than what you currently have, you can decide to work with me and I'm giving it to you for free. Stuff like that. Or I might say, oh, I went through your Facebook ad and I saw that you are losing some leads because maybe your ad is too long, or maybe there are certain words that you shouldn't be using. Here's the scripts that I wrote for you that will show you how to die. That is better that I feel like when you run this ad is going to bring in better leads at a cheaper rate for you. That is also going to convert very highly. Now you can run these ads and test it out and see if it works for you the way I believe it's going to work for you. You can reach out to me and then we can work.

Navigating the Challenges of Affiliate Marketing

So why does describe to you is that I looked at what this person is doing and I figure out a problem and I propose the solution. Yeah, but if you're trying to promote an affiliate product, Cody, ems are going to be a bit hard because you. It's not like you can't stay into some kind of crystal ball and know what problems this person has and it's going to feel like you're intruding their privacy. It's like people want a WhatsApp group and then someone reaches out to you and tells you, oh, hi, my name is so Swan. So I just added you on the group because I want to connect with you. Okay, what next?

Fostering Authentic Connections

Because people's walls are a bit high, especially when an unknown number, somebody I don't know, I haven't spoken to before, I haven't met before, just sends me a message out of the blue. Right. So codiums might be a little bit hard. Really. I'm not going to tell you that this is what you should do because it's not something that I understand. Codiums, from the business business to business side, like when you're helping businesses, but on the consumer level is all. Even on a consumer level, it's, oh, this person has a problem. This is how I can help you fix a problem.

Marketing Strategies for Success

The codiums that I've seen on Twitter, the ones that people send, oh, hi. I went through your profile. I noticed that maybe a content creator and I want to help you to grow your audience. here are five of my best tweets. If you put it out, blah. It's always, I know you are this. I think you have, or I believe you have this problem. I've checked and you have this problem. And this is how I believe you're going to fix the problem if you follow what I'm offering you. So how do you do that? If you're trying to sell to someone as an affiliate, you're just complicating the process for yourself.

Establishing Trust and Familiarity

So maybe what you can do is try to get these people to save your number. So. Hi, my name is so and so, I got your number from Facebook, right? I don't know the group. You're going to tell them if you got them from group, I got your number from social and two group on Facebook, blah, blah. Maybe you have an interesting profile. I just want to connect with you. If it's okay by you, I'd like you to save my number. Just try to get them to save your number first.

The Importance of Follow-ups

Now, after they've saved your number, you can now start doing what we call social follow ups through your WhatsApp status. Of course, not everybody is going to save your number, right? But then you can start doing sorts of follow ups where you're talking about the product you're selling. On your WhatsApp group? No, on your WhatsApp status. Maybe if you're doing affiliate marketing, you can be posting credit alerts, you can be talking about stuff. If it's crypto, you can be posting, you know, some trades I did. Well, forex or whatever.

Subtle Promotions Through Status Updates

If it's, jackpot, you can be talking about Jack band, like just following them subtly through your WhatsApp status. That is why I advise that you should do so. You have to find a way to get them to save your number first. So once they can save your number, then the conversation can proceed little by little. It's just, it's like getting a girl's number, a girl you've not met face to face. You got her number from somewhere and then you just, oh, hi, my name is Uche. I got your number. It's going to be, you got my number from who?

Navigating Initial Contact Challenges

From where? Why? Becomes here. There's this hostility that is going to come from her. So unless you're saying, okay, maybe I got your number from Debbie. Okay, Debbie is our friend. Okay. Debbie said you're a friend, and I saw your picture on our WhatsApp settles, and I think you really look cool. I'd like to talk to you. I'd like to get to know you, blah, blah. See, it's becoming easier because now there is like something common. Someone she knows. She knows someone who knows you. You also know someone who knows that there's some kind of like, mutual, there's a mutual friend in between.

Stress on Building Relationships

So if somebody doesn't know you, it's going to be hard to sell stuff to them. That's just what I'm trying to say, in essence. So there has to be that. Just try to get them to save your number first and then see what happens from there. This is why I feel now, why I feel is not what applies in every instance. You can go ahead and try to maybe bomb them, as they say, bomb them, but I don't think that's going to work. But the thing about marketing is we don't work on business options. We test things out and whichever way.

Final Thoughts

So I hope I answered your question. Yes. Thank you so much. That was awesome. And, yeah, God bless you. Amen. Deji, are you there? Your question, please. Clement, I can't. I can't see you here. I'm trying to send Tejiri. Please go ahead with your question. Clement, I've sent you another speaker invite. Tedri, please go ahead with your question. If you can hear me, it's not even in this face. Tedri, are you there? I can hear you. Can I go ahead? Yes, please go ahead with your question.

Engaging in WhatsApp Classes

Okay, my question is, I did a WhatsApp class, and some of them joined through Facebook, some joined through from my profile picture on WhatsApp from friends. Can you. Can you pick up? Can you speak up? I can't hear you clearly. Okay. I said I did a WhatsApp class presentation. Some of them, I got them through Facebook, some through WhatsApp and all that. So after the presentation. Oh, yeah, please, just. Just hold on. the last person I was answering that month. Now, something you can do is you can also invite these people to a WhatsApp class or a training.

Improving Attendance

Right? You can, after you've, you know, try to familiarize with them, maybe some days down the line, maybe two, three days, or thereby can say, oh, hi, I'm. That's true. WhatsApp broadcast. Oh, hi, I'm hosting this training on so and so and so, you know, and I'm inviting you so you can invite them to WhatsApp class. You can invite them to a. Many of them are not going to come, but some numbers should come. So that's something you can also do. Because what people. What. How people see these things are people.

Understanding Participant Motivations

What people always think is what's in it for me, right? What do I stand to gain? What's this whole thing that you're asking me to do? How does it profit me? So if you're telling them, oh, I have this free training, they already have this assumption that it's not going to cost them anything, right? They are not getting. They are not. They are getting something. They are not really losing anything. And if it's. If it's a train that has, like, a very.

Crafting Valuable Engagement

A very good title and is important to them, they are going to come around. So that's just what I wanted to add. Tedre, please. Sorry for cutting you short. Go ahead. Okay, sir. Thank you. Yeah. Go ahead with your question. Okay. So after I did the WhatsApp class, I noticed that I got about four persons. They were about 50. I got about four or five persons that registered. Although the people that registered were, I think three of them were already familiar with me.

Assessing Attendance and Engagement

It was just one neutral person that joined that registered. But the issue I'm having is they have registered, but they do not want to watch the courses. I actually created WhatsApp group for them, but for me to do follow up for. That's for those who are registered. For me to do follow up and all that. How far have you gone? I won't need voice note to make it easier and all that. They just want to start any without watching the courses. That's one. Then number two, the other persons in the WhatsApp group, they have.

Observations on Class Dynamics

Some persons are just watching. They have not said anything. You will say, okay, I want to do something. They are just muted, like it's as if they are not there, but they are seeing you and they refuse to leave the group. I don't know if I can still do another presentation. Maybe I can still get more leads and do another presentation first presentation within that same group, or I should just go ahead and create another WhatsApp group while I'm still sending reminders and all that and offers and all that to that particular group. That's my question, sir.

Strategies for Engagement

Thank you. So I'm trying to understand. You said you. You are, you've run a class, and then you said you're not doing anything. Is it that these people have bought the product you sell, you. You're selling to them? Okay, now there are three questions. Okay, let me. Let me go again. I run a presentation first. Okay, I got, yes. Four. About four or five persons that did registration, but out of them, it was just one that was a neutral person that registered. The other three or four were about four of them.

Analyzing Conversion Rates

Yes. Four of them were already familiar to me that did the registration. So that's four. Okay, so you're saying 50 people. 50 people came to the. To the training, and four people bought the product. You're selling five. Five bought products. Five people. Okay. Okay. Five people bought the products. Then one, four of them. And then after the fact, we bought the product. You added. You added four or five of them.

Continuous Improvement and Mentoring

So WhatsApp group. Yes. With other. A separate WhatsApp group? Yes, with other three persons. I already registered one one. I didn't want to want that I was family that you told to in the past. Yes, yes, they registered, but, okay. For them, for me to mentor them, to start making sales, they have refused to do anything. They are just muted. I was like, have you tried going through your courses? Some of them will not respond. Some of them will respond. That's for those people that have registered.

Individual Questions and Concerns

Then another question I have is the people. Okay, let's do your question one by one before we go to the next question. Now, question number one. See, as much as you are trying to be a good person, right, the truth is you cannot want someone's success more than them. Okay? They say, there's this word that says ambition is priceless. I cannot want your success more than you. I cannot be more ambitious than you who want something. Do you understand?

Reflecting on Program Effectiveness

We've sold over 26,000 plus copies of the Nubia flea market next book program. And all 26,000 people that got the course, a good number of them, maybe 50, 60, 70, 80% of them have probably not gone through the course. Now, am I going to feel bad because I created a program and you people bought it and you're not going through it? No, I won't. I can't feel it. I'm not even going to feel anything because I poured my heart, my soul, every part of me into that program.

Supporting and Mentoring Students

We added a community telegram community. We were doing weekly mentoring sessions. Every Friday. And during these weekly mentoring sessions, these guys were not attending the mentoring sessions. They would ask questions on the group that our questions have already answered repeatedly. Inside the course, you got the course and you're not going through it. So who is to blame? You can't blame me because I've done everything I can do for you. See, you can take a horse to a stream, but you can't force it to drink water.

Communicating Responsibilities

Do you understand? how do they say it? It's either you accept that Jesus is Lord or you see, or you don't accept. There is no gray area. It's black or white. So it's either you do the work that's involved or you don't.

Commitment and Availability

So, trying to stress yourself about people that you saw the program to see, do what you promised them. If you said, I'm going to do, training for you, I'm going to do mentoring for you, make yourself available. But if they don't make themselves available, if they don't do what they are supposed to do, really move on. You have to. You have to learn how to be detached when it comes to stuff like this. You can't control the entire process. You've done all you could to help them to get to that level where they have this problem. So the first person that came here, I was asking a question, oh, I got this course how many months ago? And I've not made any sales. And I asked them, have you gone through the course? And I said, hey, I'm still going through it. See, I don't know how many hours the newbie affiliate marketing program is now, but last time I checked, it was like 40 hours. Now, 40 hours of content is literally something you can run through in three days. Right. But I don't expect you to watch it, you know, back to back for three days, 40 hours of content.

Time Management with Course Content

If you do 8 hours a day, you're going to run through it in five days. If you do 5 hours a day, you're going to run through it in eight days. If you do 1 hour a day in one month, you should have gone through like 70% of it. So if you've had this course for months and you've not gone through it, who are you going to blame? Is it me? So you have to get to that point where just really move on. You understand? Yes, sir, I do, sir. Good. So question number two. Okay, question number two. The WhatsApp class I've held for the persons, about 50 persons, I don't know if I'm still sending them offers, reminding them like three times a week, is it okay to generate more leads to the same WhatsApp group and hold the presentation again? Or I should just create another group for new leads and then do a presentation while I keep sending reminder testimonies to the old ones.

Generating Constant Leads

So the secret of affiliate marketing or selling anything is constant leads. And the reason why you need constant leads is because the business you're in is a one off business. Right? You're not selling Gary, you're not selling rice that if I come to your shop today and buy maybe one pins bucket of rice, maybe in two weeks time I'll come back and buy maybe one day week if the one in my house is about to finish. It's not something that people come and buy over and over again. Most times you get just one sale opportunity. Of course there are times where you can maximize that, maybe sell like two or three or four different things, but a good six, seven out of ten times, you're only selling one thing. So it means that you have to constantly be generating leads. You can't say the 50 leads I got two years ago, I'm still trying to send stuff to them.

Following Up with Prospective Buyers

See, there are people that are not going to buy stuff from you, so they will never buy anything from you. Now, some of these people, they don't hate you, but the thing is, they are not interested in what you're saying, but they are going to be. They are going to attend your class. They're going to be. They are even going. Some of them are even going to ask questions. Some ask annoying questions, but they are never going to buy. There are people that also, they want to buy, but they have problems. Maybe they have some financial issues, things. I mean, we know how hard the country is right now. So they are thinking, oh, before I can set aside 20,000 naira, okay, I need to send money for my mother. I need to pay for this. I need to pay for this other thing. I need to. You know, when they think about all these things, they end up not acting on it.

Effective Email Marketing Strategies

Now, this, some of these people are going to be on your list for a while until maybe they sort themselves out, which is why you should always be following up and at the same time, you should always be generating leads. So you're bringing in a new flow of people and you're also following up on the old ones that have been there. You can't depend on your old leads and you can't stop generating new leads. So it's a two way thing. And the reason why is there might be times when you might generate 100, 200 leads and nobody will buy anything. But because you're constantly following up, you're just going to see that one day or one particular week, it's just old leads that are buying stuff from you. Some affiliates who are here, who are like, who have been doing this business, I'll tell you that. Maybe, maybe they get a Facebook ban or they get a WhatsApp ban. They'll tell you things like, oh, this week the sales I made was from my old leads.

Importance of Continuous Communication

Well, that is why following up is very important. But you cannot stop. You cannot stop following up. You also cannot stop generating new leads. It's a, it's a paripasu thing. Both of them work in tandem. So is that clear? Yes, sir. So lastly, should I do a presentation again in that same group and generate new leads to that same WhatsApp group, or I should create another separate group for new leads and do fresh presentation while I leave the other one? You can. I mean, you can. We can. The idea about this whole presentation thing is that you should be working on your old presentations to make it better. So I don't know if the presentation you did, if it's a webinar or just a class where you just type words, types, and voice notes, then pictures and videos, you can go through it and see, okay, how do I improve this?

Improving Presentation Strategies

How do I optimize this? Maybe you need it. Maybe you need to add more proof. Maybe you need to take some things out, just go through it and see what the outcome was like and then work it, and then just try to fix it and make it better. You can create multiple groups. You can. Even the way WhatsApp works now, you can, like, create the community. Right. And in the community, you can have multiple groups inside the community. Yeah. So it's not an issue. Just instead of thinking, try to just go ahead and do it and see what happens. Thank you so much, sir. Thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. Are you there a question, please? Yes, sir. Good evening, sir. Good evening. Yes, sir. I am a. I am a newbie. And I want to start prospecting.

Using Testimonials for Marketing

So, I don't know, I want to ask if I can use. If I can use my coaches. And testimony in my new group. Like in the group, I'll. Yeah, you can use. You can. You can use you guys. Anybody's testimony as long as you're not claiming the testimony is your own. That's what they call borrowing authority. You don't have. As long as, I mean, you're a newbie, you've not made them any money. Right? You don't have to say, you don't have to claim that you've made money. Listen, is simple. Oh, I want to introduce this thing to you that other. That many people are using to make money, right? People like this. Like this. Like this. People like this.

Strategies for New Affiliates

Like this. Like this. Like this person. You can't, you will not add and also me. That's when you now introduce your own testimonial, which is now going to add for that credibility to your presentation. So another question, sir? Hello, sir, go ahead. We don't have time. So what's the like? I was the difference between doing it by ourselves and running a Facebook ad. Do you have a. Do you have a course you're going through at the moment? Yes, sir. Facebook. A Facebook ad is. It's called an adverts. That's why Facebook ad is a Facebook ad. What you're doing, you're paying Facebook to show your adverts or whatever it is, your video or whatever, to people.

Understanding Facebook Advertising

Okay. So Facebook is going to help you broadcast it. That's one ad is like when you watch ads on tv and all of that. But this one, these are people on Facebook or on Instagram. They're going to see it. Thank you, sir. Yeah, you're welcome. adebambu, are you there? Farah. Farah Dulai, are you there? Muhammad, are you there? Yes, I'm here. I'm here, sir. Who is speaking, please? Adeba Boyden. Okay. I'm a newbie, so please. I'm trying to run on to do paid ads and marketing, email marketing. And they told me that when they are going to put my link there and because I want to buy my product, they are going to buy through my link to not come into my WhatsApp.

Setting Up Email Marketing and Ads

So I just want to add that possible, sir. Okay, how possible works. I need that someone to run in email marketing paid ads for me, sir. So before I want to run it. So the person I told me that the customer want to buy my product, they'll be buying through my link that's going to put there. And they'll just be buying through my lead. They will not come to my WhatsApp DM. And so I want to answer, is that possible, sir? Okay, so the thing is, it depends on how your, the funnel is set up, right? So there. There's a way you can set up the funnel, and they would come into your email, and then you can also add them to your WhatsApp.

Funnel Setup for Better Leads Management

So what's that? How that's going to be is on your CTA button. The CTA button should. Where they fill in your email address. That's on your sign up page. They fill in your email address, and then they sign up. Now, that sign up button should redirect them to a page where your WhatsApp button does. Your WhatsApp link is. So once they are done signing up, you redirect them, then you tell them, oh, you can also reach me on WhatsApp here and then insert your WhatsApp link. So once they click on that link, it takes them straight to your WhatsApp. So you'll get having them on email and also having them on WhatsApp. But just know that angry extra page on your channel is going to cost you more money in terms of your ad spend.

Building Sustainability in Marketing

Okay, sir. Yeah, you're welcome. Mohammed, are you there? Your question, please. Farah, are you there? Marys, are you there? Your question, please. Because I've been trying to connect to you for a while now. Clement, are you there? Your question, please. Clement, are you there? Yes, I can hear you. I can hear you. Okay. Finally. Yes. So. Maris, are you there? Bad mos. Hello, Badmus. Please guide it. Your question if you can hear me. Okay. Hello, good evening. My question is that. Hello? Hello, this is Mari speaking. Good evening. Yeah, good evening, Mari. Your question, please.

Practical Experience in Affiliate Marketing

I just. New joint. So I am using Facebook to. To do my advice. And I'm using Facebook messenger to get leads. So I have like five list now, five people that are interested in my product. So I copied. I copied the. I promote the ultimate money making, ultimate money machine to them. So I don't know if that is the right thing to do first. Then after sending them the link, so they have not reprimand me since then. So I want to know if that is the. What I suppose to do. Maurice, I don't really get your question. Okay. I just joined the athlete market. So I'm using Facebook to do my advice.

Navigating Initial Stages of Affiliate Marketing

So I get five leads from Facebook. I'm using Facebook messenger, not WhatsApp. So. So the people that are interested in my. They say they are interested in my product. They chart me. They are interested in my product. So I copy the ultimate money making machine to them. I paste it to. To them in a message. So since then, they have not reprieved me. So I don't know if that is the first thing I need to do. So how many? How many? So the thing is. The thing about, running ads is. Yes. Yes, I'm hearing you supposed to have your only.

Digital Marketing Strategy Essentials

That's why we talk about having an email list or a WhatsApp list. You can hear me clearly? Yeah. Yes, I can hear you. Good. Now, when you run an ad, you should be redirecting these people to somewhere, either an email list or your WhatsApp list. And that's because Facebook can wake up tomorrow and ban your page or something and you've lost all those people. Facebook can wake up tomorrow and ban your account, maybe Instagram or something and other people that your followers, you've lost everything. So you should always have some kind of backup. So don't depend on just sending to messages on Facebook messenger.

Sustaining Leads and Contacts

Try to get them to add you up on WhatsApp. They get into your WhatsApp, you try to get them to save your number. Yeah. So that you can save theirs and then you can start building from there. Okay. Yes. Thank you very much. Okay. Yeah, you're welcome. Bad Mosaide, your question, please. Okay, Badmus is not speaking. Farah is not speaking. So I'm just going to give Clement an opportunity to give us some last words before we wrap up tonight because, I mean, we've been here for over an hour plus.

Closing Remarks and Objectives

So, Clement, do you have any last words for us? Because, your network has been so bad, I've been the one forced to answer all these questions that are. Clement aide. Yes, I can hear you. I can hear you. Any, any last words for us before we close for the night? Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for asking the questions. I, and just to add, I mean, before Clement gets into that, Clement was talking about the affiliate marketing for Beginners program, which is a vendor of, and the product is priced at 7000 naira.

Sales Tips for New Affiliates

Commission is 72%. So you earn 5000 naira on each sale. And, you know, Clement talked about how as an affiliate marketer, you want to make consistent, especially as a beginner, as a struggling athlete, that you should look at selling low priced products. And that's because, okay, just like Omo Juwa. Yeah, I was asking earlier, that's because as a beginner, as a newbie, what you mostly need is just that first sale, especially if you're selling to make money online product. Because I remember when I was in uni, whenever people came in, when people were talking about the whole Ponzi schemes thing, Ponzi schemes.

Building Trust and Recognition

So when someone just runs, this particular ponzi scheme is paying, blah, blah, the question they would always ask them is, has he paid you? That's because even if people know that something is working, the bigger proof is when the person that they are talking to or someone they know is benefiting from that same thing. So selling low price products is just a way for you to break that. You know, break that barrier, break that. You can get your first sale, your first five sales. Your first ten sales is also a way for you to start, growing reps, right? So this year I decided to start taking my.

Personal Growth in Affiliate Marketing

My exercise and seriously. So when I went to the gym, I remember the. The first week, I was doing calls. I was using. I was using. I was using, I think, 7.5 kg plates on each side. the. The call bar is like ten kg. And on each side, 7.5 kg together, that's like 25. Was calling it with some difficult. Last time I went to the gym, I was doing 20 kg plate on each side. Plus the bar. That is ten kg. So I was from 25 kg calls. I'm now calling 50 kg.

Perseverance and Achievement

Now. It took me some time to get to that point. It took me time. It also took me efforts. So starting with low price tickets is like a. It's like building your rep. It's like building your ability to get better. It's like someone. Okay, someone wants to sell. Someone wants to sell this very big mansion, right? This very big mansion. But they've never sold something as small as a pen before. It's like, okay, start with this one. And then as you get better, you graduate to the bigger one. That's just what Clement has been saying, in essence.

Final Thoughts

But then I'll let him give us any last words he has for us tonight before we wrap up. Clemens, please, the floor is yours. Your question, please. Clemence, we are waiting for you. Clement, are you there? Okay, guys, it's been the same issue. Please just go ahead and talk. Yeah, I can hear you. Sorry. Yeah, give us some lasso to wrap up the class. That's what I'm saying. All right. All right. Sorry for the network issues. All right.

Summarizing Key Learnings

In summary of everything, as a newbie. Yeah. Advice to start with. A low price product, a low ticket product that is under a hot niche. So that you can be able to make sales fast for yourself. And not just making sales fast. To make sales consistently. Before you think of selling a high price product. Okay, so, on espartnia, there are products. The low ticket products you can sell under the, make money online niche. We have, I also listed the product. The affiliate marketing for Beginners program is an affiliate marketing course that you can also promote.

Opportunities for New Affiliates

Is a very low price product selling for seven k. So it is a product that your leads can actually afford. So for those who are under the make money online niche is a product that you can promote and start making sales consistently for yourself. Now, this product also have an ongoing sales challenge where you get to win extra cash prizes if you meet its sales target. The challenge will be ending on October, so you can still join now and see if you can win one or two prizes for yourself. So the product is on Espartnia product marketplace, currently on the first page.

Sales Strategy and Marketing

When you go to the marketplace, there you see it, you get 72% commission. Is selling for 7000 naira only. So just go there. For those struggling to make sales, I recommend you start promoting that product and I can guarantee you that you start making sales your first sale and you start making consistent sales for yourself. So in all, I think this is all I have to say for now. Maybe if there's any other question you can ask. Thank you. Okay, guys, thank you so much for coming out here tonight. Thank you for your questions.

Reflection on the Session

I mean, there have been so many of them. And also, thank you so much to Clement for what he has been able to share tonight. Like he has said so far, these whole thing, the people that are making all of these sales, right, they are. What they do is they just consistently and regularly bringing leads into their business. The only way you're going to be able to compete is doing the same thing they are doing. I can do that organically of your pay dads, but if you want to make lots of money, you have to consistently be bringing leads into your funnel.

Conclusion and Best Wishes

And that's what I'll be leaving you guys with tonight. I hope you guys have a wonderful week ahead. And this is the 1 September, and we are starting this off with this really cool spaces. I hope we get to do more of them this month. And I hope you guys, I wish you guys lots and lots of sales. I mean, lots of credit, a lots of good vibes and lots of happiness. I hope you guys have a wonderful week ahead. And also, wonderful nitrous. Thank you so much, clemence. Thank you, everyone who called in today with your questions, your contributions, for the people that typed it out, that sent via DM's, that sent in call requests, thank you so, so much.

Appreciation and Farewell

Could have been anywhere in the world, but you're here with us. So thank you so much. And Clements, thank you so much. Despite your bad network, at least we're able to do something tangible tonight. Thank you for everything. I hope you have a wonderful week, too. Yeah, thank you. Good night, everyone. Good night, Clement. Yeah. Good night. Good night.

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