Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Thursday Night Football + Contest Picks & Strategy with @MadRussianNFL hosted by kellyinvegas. Delve into the world of Thursday Night Football betting strategies and contest picks with @MadRussianNFL. Gain valuable insights on gameplay tactics, player analysis, and expert recommendations to enhance your sports betting experience. Learn the significance of data tracking, risk management, and diversification in optimizing your winning potential. Elevate your betting skills with expert advice and detailed breakdowns of key matchups, gearing you towards a more informed and strategic approach in sports betting.

For more spaces, visit the Unique Projects page.


Q: How can I improve my betting strategies for Thursday Night Football contests?
A: By analyzing matchups, player performance, and trends, you can make more informed picks and enhance your chances of winning.

Q: What role does data tracking play in sports betting success?
A: Data tracking helps bettors make data-driven decisions, spot trends, and adjust strategies accordingly for better outcomes.

Q: Why is diversification important in a sports betting portfolio?
A: Diversification spreads out risk and potential losses, safeguarding your overall betting investments.

Q: How can I develop a disciplined betting approach?
A: Setting clear goals, managing bankrolls wisely, and avoiding emotional betting can help maintain discipline and long-term success in sports betting.

Q: What is the significance of expert analysis in making betting decisions?
A: Expert analysis provides valuable insights, predictions, and perspectives that can guide bettors towards making more strategic and informed betting choices.


Time: 00:10:15
Thursday Night Football Matchup Breakdown Insightful analysis on key matchups and strategies for Thursday Night Football contests.

Time: 00:20:45
Expert Contest Picks and Predictions Get expert picks and predictions from @MadRussianNFL to elevate your betting game.

Time: 00:35:20
Maximizing Winning Potential with Smart Betting Tips on maximizing your winning chances by implementing smart betting practices and effective strategies.

Time: 00:50:30
Risk Management and Diversification Learn the importance of risk management and portfolio diversification for a successful sports betting approach.

Key Takeaways

  • Deep dive into Thursday Night Football's matchup strategies.
  • Expert analysis on contest picks and potential winners.
  • Insights on gameplay tactics and effective betting strategies.
  • Understanding the importance of data tracking and analysis in sports betting.
  • Exploring the impact of key player performances on game outcomes.
  • Tips on leveraging statistics and trends for informed betting decisions.
  • Enhancing your betting skills with expert advice and insider knowledge.
  • Importance of diversifying your betting portfolio and risk management.
  • Developing a winning mindset and disciplined betting approach.
  • Maximizing your winning potential with smart betting practices.

Behind the Mic


Yo, what's up is Lamar Odom. We're gonna get this space started. What's up, family? Just give us a couple seconds to get things rolling. Let's. Let's. Let's hang out. Let's talk crypto. We got time.

Crypto Discussion

Ty. What's up? I'm here, Brody. We got. Can you believe $3 million. $3 million in trading volume. Trade volume in 24 hours. Man, that's a lot of money. That's a lot of love. That's what that is. That's a lot of love. Yeah. Crazy, bro. For. For an actual, real mean, you guys. You killed it, dude. You killed it. You won't put my password. We're gonna get some people out here talking crypto. I'm still learning about crypto. I need you guys to educate me as we go along.

Conversations with Fans

Where's famous? Famous is right here, right next to me being famous. What you got going out there, Lamar? I hear, like, women in the background, everything we got. Nice. Hi, Lamar. How you doing? I'm good. How are you, ma'am? I'm very good. Lamar, it's so nice to speak with you. I mean, I've followed you for such a long time. It's. It's really nice to see that you're ahead doing something that I'm involved with. Oh, wow. It's a small world, ain't it? Well, you have a beautiful accent. Where you from?

Cultural Exchange

I'm from Scotland. I'm from Edinburgh. Yeah. Braveheart is one of my favorite movies. Braveheart, yes, of course. Yeah. William. I mean, Mel Gibson as good, but he's just not. What was his name again? William Node. It's. Yes. What was his name in the movie? What was his character's name again? William Wallace. Fight for his people. For real? I fuck with William Wallace. Yeah, man. How long is that with my girlfriend, man? We're big fans.

Personal Connection

I appreciate you. I love you for loving me. I really do. Yeah, for loving life. That's the old t shirt, right? Who else we got coming up with something? Who else is out here? Ducks? Hey, Lamar. And whoever you're with, I don't know his name. What's up? This is my family. How you doing? Hey, we just chatting and vibing with you guys. Learning about this crypto space. Having a good time on it. Just dropped the coin. It's doing really good. Am I right or wrong, Ty? No, you're right. I did amazing, actually.

Community and Learning

Some of the people from. From Wolf couldn't believe the volume he got. Yeah. So, yeah, for dropping it on pump one I mean, it's unbelievable. And the fact of the community, your community came together. You literally built a community in 24 hours. That's crazy. Well, have you ever been to Scotland? No. I would love to go. Yeah. Well, you can party with me. Of. Hell, yeah, I would. If you find me a gig, you find me a way to get paid out there.

Crypto Experiences

Well, I don't know. Crypto is doing. Oh, absolutely. Come party with me and my friend Jesse. 100%. Two of you. 100%. Yeah, man. I'll book the flight tomorrow. Let's book the flight tomorrow. My friend Jesse's a big fan, as well. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, we can all hang out. Why not? Is that. I'll show you the Edinburgh Castle and where William Wallace was born.

Event Planning and Opportunities

Lamar, I'm not joking, but I'm pretty sure that if I went into a club and said, listen, Lamar said that he would come if you get paid. I'm pretty sure they would pay you. So there we go. Let's make it happen. Why not? If you're out for that, then I will come to you. Absolutely. My tagline is Fifi. I'll follow you right now, and we can chat. Do you hold any of my token l seven? Yeah, I'm holding. I'm holding from 187.

Building Connections

Okay, let's go. Thank you. Lamar. Is that Ty Lopez with you? No. That's the only tie I know. That's the only tie you know? Okay, well, I have. I have an idea. Right. You know how, like, shoot it all project. Let's go. Yeah. Okay, so you know how a lot of. A lot of players that play sports when they transition into, like, a different space, whether they.

Crypto Journey

Whether they go into creating their own businesses or whatever and whatnot, and then how there's, like, a trajectory, right, of, like, every. Like, every generation, there's that one player on at whatever sport that just becomes, like, the main guy that you see with all the endorsements, right? Like, George Foreman in his day, and, like, in my day, I'm a millennial, so I always think of Shaq, right? Like, I think of the icy, hot, padded. You know? And so I think of that, and so I think, like, because you are learning about crypto, right?

Insights and Advice

And this is, honestly the best way to learn, is just to do it. There's a learning curve in crypto. I. I came in through NFTs, whatever, lost so much money. But that's, like, how my life has been. I just. I'm not scared. Jumping. I think you should. I think you should. I got married in 30 days. Yeah. That part that part, yeah. I ain't scared of nothing.

Taking Action for Change

I think that you should, like, I think you should almost like, stream this, right? Because with me, the biggest thing that I'm trying to bridge between web two and web three is that mass adoption, right? And so, like, we had, in the last cycle, we had all of these, all these celebrities, we had all of these, you know, football players, whatever, and just promoting FTX.

Challenges in Cryptocurrency

And we all know how that went. And because of just not really knowing how these things are and what the FTC, what the sec is going to say, you know, we had a huge pullback, right. And it just, it sucks for people like me and plenty of other people in the space that we, there's no way for us to, like, handle that narrative in the mainstream, right? And so I think this cycle, you're coming in at such like a point where we're about to have like October and, you know, like, we think that we're in this bull cycle.

Influencing and Educating

And so I think it'd be really interesting if you and your team kind of thought about like, hey, how do we approach this, right? So if you're learning about crypto, you have such a network of people that follow you that are not in crypto. And so, like, allowing them, like, hey, like, if you like, I'll teach you about crypto one day a week and you just kind of live stream it and then you almost like, tell your followers, this is how you buy wallet.

Learning Process

This is what you do. And obviously you can't promote it. Making money. Right. But what you can say is if you have $5, you can play and learn with me. Right. Because to be honest, there's really no other way to learn about anything unless you get out there and learn. Right. You can learn. You can read about how to play basketball, but until you're on the court, you're not really going to know.

Using Crypto for Community Change

I really want to use crypto to really like, influence change in my community. Like, there's a lot of, you know, homelessness and drugs are running rampant in LA and yeah, I want to make lifestyle. I want to really use it to change lives. I think what you're doing, hopefully run for like, governor. Yeah. I mean, that's the only way you can, like, really change lives is to be in a position of power and you need capital.

Aspiration for True Impact

You need capital, too. I think crypto put me in the right place to really change lives with my hands on. Hands on change lives. This is a good stepping stone for you to do that, like, for you to show people that you are ready to make the change, ready to build a community. And I think crypto is a good way to do that, because crypto is all about community and building, and if you're ready to put into it, then.

Encouraging Support

Then the community should give back, and it should be a massive stepping stone for you to show that. Oh, thank you. I appreciate it. That's what I think I'm here for. You know, from everything that I've been through, everything that I survived, you know, twelve strokes and six heart attacks, I'm still really trying to find out my reason here.

Inspiration and Reflection

For a young man, an athletic mandae, to have that's. That's inspiring by itself. Like, never mind the crypto. Like, that's amazing. Yeah. Well, thank you. And, you know, I'm on that mission, and all I can do is just try to be my best self every day, and I think that's what I'm here to do. I know that's what I'm here. I think you show that in everything that you do.

Connection Through Experiences

Like, I followed you through many years of being on reality show that you were on. I've followed you from after that, and right now, what you're doing is pretty inspiring. Oh, thank you, love. Thank you. What's the weather like in Scotland right now? All right, that's enough, guys. Let's go. Do you really want to know what the weather's like?

Weather and Environment

It's very dreak. Oh, Lamar, you should. You should make a tweet about Ansem. Like, be like Ansem. Where you at? Ansem's like this, like, very credible Twitter influencer. Do you know thread guy? Ansem? Ty needs to get on the stage, too, because you can hear him back there. Get on the stage, Ty. Tommy, do you know thread guy?

Influential Figures

Yeah, he's a good influencer, but Ansem is powerful. Like, he actually is aware of your coin answer. If you tweet at him, he would get answered. Yeah. So he's a n se m. He's, like, one of the biggest tick Twitter influencers that everyone apes. When he. When he makes, like, a tweet or. Something, shout out to my man Ansem.

Action Items

Where is he? No, you should make a tweet. Make a tweet. I'm gonna do it right now. Yeah, everybody, right now. We have to. And then. And then we all raid your. We all raid your tweet. Tag with a hob. I'm gonna make a tweet right now. I go for that. Yeah.

Weather Discussion

I can below on the car. I get a here to just, like, react as soon as Lamar makes his feet about Anson. We all, like, mention Anson on that tweet and be attacking. That's what's up. What's the weather like where you are? Yeah, what's the weather like here? What's where the lake would go?

Recent Weather Experiences

Well, we just survived a massive heat wave where for, like, four or five days straight, it was like. It was, like, in triple digits, which is never that hot. Which is never that hot in Lamar. In Scotland, I don't think we've never had triple digits. Yeah, we're probably about five degrees right now.

Temperature Comparison

Check. Group chat. You deal in fahrenheit. We are very much like. Yeah, you'll probably be blue if you were to come here. It's cold now. It's. It's pretty cold. Yeah. Like summer. Summer's over. Summer's summer right now as gray skies.

Closing Remarks

Okay. Fall has started. Yeah, we don't see fall. That's okay. I like the way my leather. My leather in my mink, my fur coat. Oh, yeah, yeah. You keep warm my fur coats in my jawline. It's about 44 degrees fahrenheit here. So we say celsius. So we're about seven degrees celsius, but that means 44 degrees. 44 degrees. Yeah, that's cold.

Weather Comparisons

That's like a New York Scotland. That's like Cleveland in November. You can keep that, but I'll see you guys soon. Hi. Wait. Wait till next year to come over. Wait till it's summer when it's about a 50 for me. We don't get very good weather. No, you didn't. Vestrol in. What's up? Vestroland. What's good with you, man?

Technical Issues

Yo, brother. What's going on, man? Can you guys hear me? I'm having a bit of a mic. Mic issue here, man. We hear you. We hear you loud and clear. Say one, two, three. Say one. 2312-312-3123 check one, two, three. Check l seven. Check, check l seven. Check, check. One, two, three. Check. One, two, three. Where you. Where you. Where you tapping in from, bro? Where you at?

Location Reveal

we're down in, We're down in Australia, man, down under. Oh, you want Australia? We're part of, We're part of Lido's crew in the. In the crypto world. That's how we roll. We'll back in your project from the start and, And ties the big dog leading us. A pleasure to be under. Under you guys. Those guys. Those guys.

Community Appreciation

You know what? We. When we first launched, those guys hopped in and backed you. They paid for marketing. They. Those guys are incredible. So, yeah, we appreciate you, man. We know exactly who you are. That's amazing. So what's the plans, guys? What are. What are we thinking?

Charity Ideas

We. We send in this baby to me. I think Lamar needs to just put out a tweet, and we should just read that tweet. So many comments. So many. Like, so many. Lamare should be on it. Is my mic might bugging out? Yep. My mic sound nice? We actually. We actually had a couple ideas, you know, with some of the guys in the group about, you know, doing something that was very heartfelt to Lamar, which is sending some people that need to go to rehab, that can afford rehab.

Plans for Future Engagement

We've been talking about it, so I think that might be the play. You know, were talking about doing some charity stuff, because obviously, all of us are really big into charity here, so. And then making some announcements. Actually doing it versus talking about it. Well, I mean, I wouldn't be. I wouldn't be successful in the crypto space if it wasn't for the people, right? So why not give back to the people? Makes facts.

Community Responsibility

Yeah, man. Like, take a percentage and give it back. Like, that's what life is like. If you. If you're. If you're able to. If you're able to get something, why shouldn't you give back? Listen, if Moses, Rick, ghost facts. So we need to bring up some. Some other people here, guys. If you guys want to speak to Lamar, just raise your hand.

Welcoming Everyone

Let's get you up there, you know, and ask away. Really famous, you there in this chat. Famous is right here to my right. Famous. Help. Help him get some people, you know, to up on stage. Yeah, we got. We got some people coming up right now. Will Snow. What's good? Will snow.

Fan Recognition

Hey, what's Poppin Lamar, man? I appreciate everybody. Thank you. I'm out here trying to get it, bro. You know me. Hey, man, I've been a big fan for a while, bro. I went to university Miami. A couple people who used to fuck with you back in the day, bro.

Memories of Miami

So you had it popping down there, University of Miami. I wish I would have. I wish I'd took a visit down there, bro. Hey, man, we'd love to have you anytime. Could you imagine that? Yeah, we're supposed to be down there in December. Art Basel. Where you gonna be? Yeah, we gotta get it popping out there for Art Basel.

Future Business Venture

Definitely. For real. I want to do. I want to do a booby coin, a booby trap coin, man. We gotta hit BT, man, with South Miami or up north. No, our best south Miami. You got to give back to the women at work, the entertainment.

Appreciation for Community Efforts

My girlfriend used to work that. I lived a block away, man. I used to go there. Why not get a strip of coin popping? Yeah, I'm with it all, man. But, yeah, I just want to say I appreciate everything. That was a joke. I mean, but you know what? I'm like.

Reflections on Personal Life

I'm honestly nuts. I was. Yeah, I was being maybe too honest. Yeah. We hear Pete in the background. Yeah, I was just saying, good people, it's always good. It's always good to be around good people, a good community, make some success. So it's all good.

Pete's Background

Pete. Pete, you're the president. You're in the background, but you're the president of what. What company? What music? President of the face records with Babyface in La Reidden, Virgin records, Interscope.

Music Industry Insights

I will have my own label with Jimmy Ivean, doctor Dre, Arista Records that you know, Clive Davis. I went with La to clock Arista records. How are you linked up with Lamar, your fame for music? Lamar is in the sports.

An Unexpected Connection

I was with some friends doing a meeting with them, and he was sitting down, and I was like. I looked at him. I was. He been through some shit, and. But I looked at him and I was. I couldn't believe it because he looks like you would never know you had anything happen to him.

Shared Experiences

And when I saw him, we just. We clicked. And I had the same kind of dad. A stroke, like a year ago. A stroke. And he had a couple of strokes. So we. We kind of identify and laughed about shit. Nobody knows.

Inflated Statistics

But we saw handicaps. I threw some bad jokes in there. So you guys both have. So you guys both had strokes, and now you guys are running a crypto project? That's crazy. Crazy amazing, though. Let's go. We were out.

Acknowledging the Community

Some good people, bro. Todd, Savannah. You know it. You know it. So, guys, what are the plans? What do you guys think that we're going to do next year? Some of the talks that you guys had, you talked about some charity stuff that you guys talked about some merch that you guys are doing.

Website Progress

I know the website's up, like, Lido has been working on it. I'm gonna go to. Want to go to art Basel? We're going to. Was it the. By the way, Lamar, I think that what your website is. What, Lamar? Seven.com.

Upcoming Gatherings

There we go. And we're going to the house. What's the house called again? Irl Alpha. Irl Alpha, where's that? In Venice. I don't know if you guys are in the area or familiar with that, but that's what we're gonna be tonight.

Building Connections

Hang out. True to shit, the crypto world's gonna be in the house. We'll be there. Lamar, you still play? Are you still playing at all? Just. Just recreational?

Coaching Journey

No, you know what I know, I mean, you want me to be honest or you want me to say, yo, I'm in shape and all this, but yeah, it's crazy because I just. I just accepted a coaching job at Sando for now. Sando?

Connecting with Students

Fernando. San Fernando. San Fernando Valley high school. So I'm gonna be really like in tune with the game, which I'm always in the nil, which allows these student athletes to get paid. And so yeah, I'm gonna be really close to the game, which I, like I said, I always am.

Maintaining Engagement

I play two k every day against my sons, so I play basketball every day. So, you know, you mentioned something earlier that I did. Had no idea. You said you lost your mother, but you also lost another child.

Tragic Loss

Yeah, my son passed away. He's six months from. From SIDS. That'd be a strong coin too, because I know a lot of people, you know, go through that in America. I forgot the numbers, but the numbers are extremely astounding.

The Impact of SIDS

You'd be surprised. Now, I don't know anything about SIDS, Lamar. I literally know nothing about said. What is that? Sudden infant death syndrome is just a. When I got. It's crazy cuz I got the death certificate, it just said, was it on something like.

The Burden of Uncertainty

So there's no answer for it. They don't have no answer for it. Which leaves a lot of parents questioning themselves all the time. Really leaves them fucked up. That was the worst scream I've ever heard in my life.

A Grief Felt by Many

Was his mother screaming in the hospital. Yeah. But it affects people every day. And I know there's a strong community of people out there, you know, being affected from it right now. Now what are the chances, you know, because you wrote in the coin you had six strokes.

Surprising Facts

Sorry, six? Yeah, six. No, six heart attacks. Twelve strokes. When you like. What are the chances of somebody to survive what you went through? None. So then how are you still here? Dude, the grace of God, that's real.

A Resilient Journey

I mean, Ty, from a guy to being. Losing his mother at twelve and being one of the top prospects in America, going through high school, going through college and then getting drafted in the top, you know, five. And then being able to have a stroke and come back like this and then.

The Weight of Experience

It's crazy. I can't even explain it. It's crazy. SIDS is the leading cause of death infants between one month and one year of age in the United States where approximately 2500 children per year die. Were you in the hospital when that happened?

A Difficult Situation

No, I was, you know, so crazy. I was out, that night pleasuring my nose like a fucking dick. How about that? Wow. And then when you talk to your girl and what was that conversation?

Confronting Reality

I mean, it was just probably silent, I'm assuming. No, it was more silent. Her son wasn't breathing so she was in panic and I kind of just rushed on and dealt with it from there. Wow. And you lost your mom.

Holding onto Memories

You said you lost your mom at the age of twelve? Yeah, my mom died from colon cancer. Wow. It's crazy. All right, we gotta hop on some different. Let's talk about crypto and saving the world, how LA is going to vote me in for governor one day and I'm not going to steal the 24 billion that's unaccounted for.

A Vision for Change

Yeah, right. You know, the beauty about the web three space is the reach that you have and looking at in a positive way bringing that sort of experience to the web three space. And it's kind of refreshing that someone of an influential position is able to contribute to crypto because you're coming from a, you know, the human side of things.

Bringing Positivity to Crypto

So you're learning and basically able to bring that to the web three space. And as I said, the reach is so big here, so there's huge potential in this, in this token, man. And what it can bring to the space. Well, you know, what are some of the things that everybody's looking for even?

Community Engagement

What would you think? You know, you're pretty experienced. I know you got your Turk token that you just launched, but what are some of the things that you think this community want? Love. See, you know, Ty, a lot of the Solana space, especially on Pam fun, is like, you know, it's got the stigma attached.

Rebuilding Trust

It's almost like a trustless space. So, you know, Lamar opening up and bringing that human side of things and honesty and transparency is almost like recreating the space, you know what I mean? And if he can continue to channel that through l seven, it brings trust and reinstates trust in a space that's trustless, you know?

A New Era in Crypto

So I think that's a. You know, that's a big plus in itself, man. Well, you know, they say l seven. Lucky seven, right? Yeah, yeah, Lamar. He's got a Lamar. Did you get to choose your number?

Nostalgic Reflections

I know Kobe. And you were considered 24/7 right?

Choosing Number Seven

That was kind of a thing. I thought I was reading. Yeah, well, how I chose number seven. People ask me all the time, but my grandmother used to. She raised me after my mother passed away. And she used to go to Atlantic City, like every Tuesday. And she used to just play the slots. Just play the slots. So in the slots, you got to hit to 777, like, to win. So I was like, I'm gonna go with grandma's number. And that's how I chose it. Yeah, I don't think I've ever. I never even heard that story. That's crazy.

Kobe's Competitive Nature

And Kobe, how did. I mean, you're pretty good friends with him, I'm assuming. Yeah. You know. You know what's so crazy? It's so crazy how I just, you know, put together against. He's a sicko. What's that? Kobe was Kobe. Tell him. He's like. Almost like his competitive nature. You probably wouldn't understand. Yeah, I don't even. For him to choose. I don't know why he chose 24. You never asked? No, but I know that's 24 is one. One better than what, Michael Jordan? That's. Okay. Let me tell you why I really put that together.

Game Winners and Kobe's Confidence

Let me tell you why I really put that together, right? Really put that together. I was watching highlights two days ago. Well, j. I know. I was watching some of his old USA highlights, right? And I'm watching it and I said, this sick motherfucker, you know, what was his number on the USA? I can't remember. You tell me. What was it? What number did he have? Go ahead, tell us. I'm gonna let you look it up. Just for the suspense. I say kobe, Kobe. Just cuz I like suspense. I like suspense. I watched id channel 1010. Look at ten. Look up Michael Jordan's number on the USA team. Seriously, you putting all this stuff together?

Kobe Bryant's Legacy and Impact

That's why I've been saying you a genius. Because nobody like that, bro. Nine. Not needs nine. Come on. Really? That's crazy. That's crazy. And let Larry Bird had your number. Yeah, I didn't get the chance to ask him that. God bless his dad. He probably. He on my neck, so he probably. He probably put that in my earthen. Yeah. Hello. Won't you talk? That's crazy. He told me that he was. He was better than Mike on the bus. That's crazy. Who said that? Coley Bryant. He said he was better than what, Michael Jordan? Yeah. After he hit his 9th game winner in one season.

Game Winners and Kobe's Competitive Spirit

Okay, if you have, you play an NBA career, right? And you a hall of famer. Let's say if you hit six game winners, your career. That's what made you a hall of famer. This cold blooded assassin hit nine season. That means three, two, one, and his team wins. He hit nine of them in one season. So we in Milwaukee after his 9th one. We were in the back of the bus, me and Derek Fisher sitting right next to him. He whispered on you kind of like talking to himself. I don't know who the fuck he was talking to. He's like, I'm better than Mike. Lamar. Lamar, I have a. I have a serious question.

Business Impact and Financial Contributions

I have a serious question for you, Lamar, like Michael Jordan, Lamar, who brought in more money for the Lakers? Lebron James or Kobe Bryant? Be honest. I would probably say probably at this time, LeBron James. But you asked the people of LA, yes, Kobe, it ain't about the money, okay? Because I'm gonna be. And I put this together like, if you were around in the Kobe Bryant era, there wasn't a game. I don't think wherever I. You probably wasn't let down. Or at least you saw the effort, right? Right. At least you saw the effort.

Kobe's Dedication and Legacy

He gonna give that to you every game. At least you saw the effort. If that shit wasn't going in, you know, he was trying as hard as fuck for that shit. You're going. You know, when he retired, he would. He would sit on the sidelines and act like a coach and literally be there. You know, it was. He was quite the queen, just quite the team. Team player. He always, like, looked out for people. I felt like, I mean, I got mixed reviews about him. That's crazy. His last game, he had 60, man, and stopped the team from going into the. Making the playoffs.

Generational Legacy and Fatherhood

He had 60. Now, LeBron, what do you feel? I'm Lemar, not Lebron. Lebron's son. Who call me Lebron. Did I call you? They rom Lamar. Lebron. I get it. No, no. I think what. What I meant to ask then, if I did say that is so LeBron's son gets on the. How do you feel about. Love it. I love it. Yeah. I'm a dad. I'm gonna be honest. You. I think. I think LeBron James probably should get a day. Wow. No, what. I mean, because not everybody.

Recognition for LeBron James

Has an opportunity, dude. You got to be, like, the father of fathers. He's like, God. That's why I call him God James. God James. In the basketball world, they call it God James. So I call him God Jay. Both. They both mean. They like, man, he that know damn, man, like, who that's like, so what, father? I mean, think about that. Think about. He pulled off what every basketball player that ever played in the NBA that got a son wish they could have did what he did. They wish they would give.

The Importance of Father-Son Bond

They left nut to be on an NBA court with your son. That take a lot of get, right? I would. I would have cut off on my left nut and probably oughta gave off two inches of my joint for my son. You kidding me? It'll. I mean, but don't you think that was like a. That was like a heist, though, don't you think? What he did, that's a power move. Letting you know that was a definite. How could you, as a businessman, how could you not, like, respect that or appreciate it? I mean, he could have.

Business Acumen and Opportunities

He could afford to. He can afford the team, dude. Why would he just come in as owner? What's the. What's the failure? There's no failure. There's no, like, you can't fail because. People want real talent, bro. He's talented enough. I mean, talented enough, but he's always gonna be his son. He can't help that. You can't change history that way. I mean, that would be the proudest moment probably on my life. Any ring of any, to be able to be on a court with my son, and I will that.

Kobe's Enduring Influence

My will is that strong. But that's a. That's a, a tip your hat off moment to LeBron. You work that hard, and that's just. That's the stardust that's up. That LeBron sprinkles around anyone who's around him. That's it. Just his son. Just got a lot of it. Yeah. At one time, in front of people. No matter if you like it or. Not, it's gonna happen because it happens to people. Whoever's counting his money or whoever's doing his deal is getting that same star.

Building a Community and Support System

Does half of that shit fall off of my son? Then fuck all of y'all. I want my son to get most of it anyway. That's real. I tip my hat off to it. I love it. This man, Lamar asking this man, build schools. How many athletes build a school? That's crazy. Lamar, some people are asking about you. Might get a day. So. Some people want to get called up on here famous, if you can allow them to come up there.

A Global Perspective

I know we got Jay. There's Jay. Gonna get called. Lamar, I got one question for you, if that's all right. As someone who's in recovery, I just want to congratulate you on your success, your testament to everyone who looks up to you who's in this state. You've been through some amazing, incredible trials and tribulations and came out on top. What would you say is your guiding light during those dark times in your life, your kids, God, or any specific people in your life that helped you through that?

The Influence of Family and Faith

Well, kids. My kids, of course, because I always want to, you know, be able to present myself at my best, especially to my children. Right. Who I tend to teach to the day I leave this earth. Right. And of course. And then, of course, for myself and my loved ones, people that love me don't want to disappoint them. And, of course, you know, God, you don't want to disappoint the man upstairs.

Living a Life of Gratitude

You always want to live your best life to give him thanks and appreciation for this life. Whole bag of silk. So it's so many things that keep me on. there's a bunch in there on a straight path. That whole bag. A beautiful answer. I appreciate it, man. Oh, no problem. I think we've got a dude named Jay that wants to come up and ask a little bit about the. About the coin, man, if we can let him up.

Encouragement from the Community

What's up, bro? No one's requesting. Zette was good with you, Zach. Hey, Lamar. Thank you for giving me time to speak here. Just, I wanted to say a few words. Thank you for inspiring generations and for being good example and definitely here. You got a good community behind you in this project, and I'm sure this inspiring will affect the crypto community. This is the goal.

The Importance of Community Support

Let's forget about the gains. Everyone wants to make a living. We understand, but I believe we are building a strong community here in l seven, and we will push it here from the community. Please. I'm hoping that this community can help me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut you up there, but I'm hoping that this community can help me hopefully one day have my own rehabs.

Addressing Societal Issues

Absolutely. One day. Because there's a lot of people that are, like, making the wrong decisions and giving in to not being here. And it's like, it's so crazy that the situation is so white and black people just continue to make the wrong decision. Absolutely. I agree with you. See, the community here, what I noticed, I'm not from USA.

Global Awareness and Support for Change

I'm from Tunisia. It's in Africa. And I live in Serbia, by the way, land of basketball as well. So this is a global thing and a good thing here. The community is from all over the world, from far east, from New Zealand. We got guys from Australia, from Europe, from France, and so on. This goes beyond USA. I mean, those problems exist everywhere.

A Closing Note of Gratitude

So thank you for. For your thoughts and thank you for inspiring generation. And I'm sure here, we'll all push for this to achieve those goals that you traced. And thank you again, Lamare. No, thank you, brother. I appreciate you. Are you Muslim? I would say command, but I wish Muslim won't get offended.

A Respectful Dialogue

I'm Muslim with consider, with moderation. So I think I. Partner. I don't believe in God. No, I understand that. Hopefully we all believe in God. Yeah, that's what it is. Yes. I think the, the dude that wants to come up and speak is name is J king or J king. Someone requested J king is on there. What's up, J king?

Welcoming More Voices

J king. What's up, bro? Yeah, I'm here.

Introduction and Greetings

I'm here. What's good? What's good, Lamar? Ain't shit. What's good, J king? Where you calling from? The midwest now. From Cleveland, baby. Cleveland. Cleveland. Cleveland, baby. Oh, yeah. You ain't come to the hood, though. You ain't coming to the hood, though. Yeah, I'm from, you know, saying the west side, you know, over there by, you know, saying the west side, you know, downtown area. You know what I'm saying? But I'm from the hood area, you know. I know some people that's from Cleveland, you know, pretty young lady. You might know it, but you probably don't know. Yeah, I probably. I probably been around there.

Family and Community

Are you married now? I won't blow you up. So, originally. Originally what we're here for, it's, you know, I'm saying, hey, artist stuff about your past, you know, saying that's not stopped, please. All right, so, look, you know, you got a whole community behind you. You got dark behind you. You know, I'm saying. You got, you know, saying big influencers. No, woman. Give me a second. All right. Now, look, what we need to do. I mean, you know, I'm saying, because you got a community behind you, bro. And look like you ate the website, the. The roadmap. You know, I'm saying, because you don't say all. Everybody just trying to fuck with you and. And then it's not going nowhere, bro.

Advice and Reflection

You know, I'm saying, I mean, that's the truth. You know, I'm saying, like, yo, these people actually questions, they putting you. They're like that you would joke, bro, so quick, you know, messing with these people. You know, tell them about your life. Let them know a what you here for, brother? That you a you. You hear someone fucking back up your token and you got ideas that's coming with it. You know, I'm saying that's what you gotta tell, man. They will put you down, bro. Ask you questions and then talk shit behind your back, brother. I'm telling you, from a brother. You know, I'm saying that come. You know, the people make you and people to break you.

The Role of Public Perception

I know. I don't mean called everything great, from great, from a great legend to a crackhead before. So I don't think these people just, you know. Yeah. Have you from will you have you from where you say you from? I don't think. I know, I know. Say anything worse than that. Never when you saw. But I appreciate you, but we don't keep everything, we'll keep all this on the positive. I'm riding this love roller coaster right now. Yeah. So I appreciate you, but that's what we gonna keep it at. You feel me? All right.

Community Growth and Support

I think it's pretty positive anyway, man. I don't. Lamar, have you had a look at the community members in your channel, man, in 24 hours. Incredible, bro. That's like. I don't think you realize. I don't think it realizes, to be honest. Listen, there's. There's a 1118. There's a 1118, members. And you've got 473 online at the minute, man. Yeah, yeah, they're crazy numbers for the 24 hours. Like, I've never seen that before. 24 hours. I've never seen that before. Yeah. Insane.

Plans for Future Initiatives

And just to point out some more quick numbers, man. Wait. My charts bugged out, but you had some incredible volume. Awesome. So I think. I think that the start off for that 24 hours just been insane, man. So we need to start like a crypto for dummies. Like, of course, like a course. Like crypto for dumb. Yeah, right? Yeah, man, like a how to go. Just step by step. Hey, yeah, let me. Maybe like a, what y'all think about financing? Like a web series or like a. Yeah, like Jefferson, he was talking about maybe like a show.

Engaging with the Community

A show. Because this is shit, is so big. This feel like a podcast right now, right? Yeah, why not? We having a podcast right now, but there's just no cameras here. And all of you guys that are, you know, on, you know, online, you are having a podcast, right, with us. Like, imagine having a podcast with all. These people just talking. That's crazy. And it speaks for itself. You wouldn't have to start the conversation, man. You got some good ideas. I think we start.

Final Thoughts and Future Trends

I think we can. Cameras brand new tomorrow. I think I'm getting cameras tomorrow. And what time we gonna start it? What time we go have the same conversation about l seven. All right. And then after that, we can't. We could do the same. We know we can have the conversation from cool gigs. Oh, yeah, we could. This is by the phone. You can be on the phone, and I'll be at cool kid. I think that's a new podcast.

The Future of the Brand

Having people calling, talking about that whole. Shit that's just made a bag on top of a bag. You hear this time, ty? Oh, he ain't on now. What's up, y'all? Who out there? Yeah. Yeah. So what I was saying, bro, is that, you know, saying, yeah, you know what I'm saying? Let everybody know, like, hey, this was about to pop off. We got the roadmap. Hey, it's coming pretty soon. You know, I'm saying that's what people want to hear, man.

Community Engagement and Fundraising

This is crypto, and that's what people want to hear, man. Watch this tone go. I'm on it, bro. And you know what? I always do. I'm gonna take you a word of advice, but I'm always give the people what they want out of me. You feel me? Now, I believe you, bro. That's why I spent stacks on this, bro. That's why I'm up here speaking. Just make sure that everything go proper. I'm out there.

Merchandise and Autographs

I'm about to release some autographed merch. My first recipient off this merch, I'm about to autograph and put out there. Yeah, definitely, brother. Hey, put it a like. Hey, you gotta hold this much to get that autograph. You know I'm saying put that. Put that in there, too. You know I'm saying that's exactly what we doing, homie. Yeah, preaching to the choir, homie. Yo, yo. I used to go. The church. I used to go out there in Cleveland is a big church.

Personal Experiences

Well, which one? On West 14? What's the pastor name? I think it was called one or I forgot the name of it. You know that Ohio got the most searches in United States. What you say? You know that, Cleveland, I mean, you know, Ohio got like, the most churches. It's so crazy. I forgot the name of it, though. It'll come back to me. All right.

Community Questions

I just wanted, you know, step up because, you know, the community is over here, man, you know, in the telegram and they hype, man. You know, I'm saying, they just want to hear, you know, I'm saying, like, hey, what you about, brother? Like, hey, I mean, they're hearing, but then these people asking questions about your past and shit, which they should have just looked that shit up, you know, I'm saying. Yeah, it's all saying. And, man, God a bless his brother, man.

Concluding Remarks

And thank you for bringing me up, brother. No, it's all good. We about to wrap this up in ten minutes, but it's all love all the time for me. We'll be out. I'll be out. I'll be on this shit tomorrow, too. If anybody else want to come up and talk. Come on, somebody make some happy. Jack, what's up? Who out there? Yeah, yeah, anybody, anybody want to talk about the coin?

Discussion Around the Coin

How they bought the coin? Duck, my man, duck. What up? Duck? Grant, my man, duck. What, Lamar, you're talking about your new PFP for your display picture there, bro? Yeah, I'm about to change that. Yeah, your boy no message. You dm'd you some examples if you want to suss there. Hell, yeah, I'm about to change that. Get a little bit more centric.

Creating a New Image

That look a little bit too. More. That looks a little too. I need a cartoon. Somebody got some ideas or something? Have a look at, have a look at your messages from nost. He, he, created a couple for you. You might like some of those. All right, I'm gonna look it up right now. What did you say? Look it up. What did you send it to?

Feedback on the Design

No, Mark, I got one. I ain't gonna be happy with it. If you got chicken legs. No, we're talking about a PFP, like a cartoon. Cartoon. I think that's alpha smoke, man. This supposed to be me? That's. Is it from nos, bro? That look like me? Like, how about. How about, how about, let's do another one? Because that's a contest.

Design Contest Proposal

A contest. A contest? Yeah, let's do. Yeah, let's do. Let's do blinged out. Blinged out Lamar Odom. Realistic. And the best. AI one, a best means a contest of the best means, you know, saying, put it in the chat, you know, saying whoever comes out with the best mean, you know, saying it's gonna win some percent however you want to do it, brother. AI or memes, you know, saying, let's get it.

Merchandising Ideas

Something that I could put on the t shirt. What happened? Something I could put on a t shirt. No, we're talking about like a meme of yourself as a cartoon character or. Something. That way you can pick out the best one that you like and then the winners, you know, I'm saying, I. Mean, you can have something that I can put on a t shirt.

Final Clarifications

I thought you wanted as a p. As a profile picture. Yes, but I want it so dope that I can flip it. Oh, okay. Oh, they for marketing. It's all about the flip, baby. You watch the Don King movie, nigga. It's all about principality and doing things the right way. You know, Don King was from Cleveland, Ohio.

Drive to Make an Impact

Yeah, but hey, your name, I mean, your a. What you doing with this token, bro? Don't matter. Shit. That's what's gonna bring your mother. You know? I'm saying? That's why what I do with the token, it does matter which way, how I flip it and make it happen, it doesn't matter. Trying to leave a legacy for me and my people, man. I'm trying to run for Governor La one day and be a philanthropist.

Ambition and Aspirations

You know what a philanthropist does, right? Okay. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I mean, you look like a governor already, you know, saying. I mean, I'm trying to talk to. Talk to Wallace. Well, yeah, that's a good idea, brother. Come over California and vote for me, nigga. Hey, you already know. Hey, bring this a Britness 50 million, honey. We're gonna be chilling every day. Let's go.

The Next Steps

All right, brother. All right. I guess from here, Lamar, we put. Together a once, it hits a million, and we're doing something special, baby. Yeah, man, let's go. I'll work with Ty and the crew in the background, man. We'll put together a soft roadmap and. And we'll collaborate and. And go from there and see what we can come up with, man.

Concluding the Session

Pitch to the community. All right, it's on, then. Yo, we wrapping it up out here. It's lo for seven sounding, though. Fuck out. 100. Love you all for loving me. Pleasure.

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