Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space b“Three Protocol AMA – Guest Speakers: Hash AI + Quiz Prizes! “ hosted by ThreeProtocol focused on AI discussions with an emphasis on community engagement and knowledge sharing. Key topics included decentralized identity, technical advancements, AI algorithms, privacy, sustainability, mining, and tokenization. The interactive platform allowed participants to exchange insights and engage with the AI community. Guest speakers from Hash AI were featured, and quiz prizes were offered, showcasing inclusivity and community involvement.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: What were the main topics discussed in the Twitter space on AI?
A: The main topics included decentralized identity, technical glitches, and community engagement.

Q: What aspects of AI were focused on during the discussions?
A: The discussions covered recent updates, AI applications, and advancements in the field.

Q: How was the engagement with the community during the space?
A: The engagement was active, involving knowledge-sharing and discussions about upcoming events.

Q: What insights were provided by the panelists regarding AI?
A: The panelists shared insights on AI technologies, challenges, and opportunities.

Q: What was the overall tone of the Twitter space on AI?
A: The space had an informative, engaging, and community-driven tone.


Time: 00:06:49
Introduction to Three Protocol, Overview of the protocol’s vision for digital commerce.

Time: 00:14:08
Introduction to Hash AI, Guest speakers from Hash AI introduce themselves and their roles.

Time: 00:20:34
AI Market Analysis, Detailed discussion on how AI can analyze market conditions.

Time: 00:25:27
Sustainability in Mining, Strategies for addressing sustainability in digital currency mining.

Time: 00:30:55
Hashi Token Launch, Insights into the launch process and infrastructure scaling.

Time: 00:34:30
Strategic Partnerships, Importance of collaborating with quality communities like three protocol.

Time: 00:44:37
Decentralized IDs, Role of SSID and decentralized IDs in security and user experience.

Time: 00:52:02
Community Engagement, Channels and methods used by Hash AI to engage with their community.

Time: 00:59:34
Quiz Announcement, Details on the quiz and how to participate through Telegram.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussions on decentralized identity and technical glitches.
  • Updates on upcoming events and community engagement.
  • Insights shared on AI technologies and applications.
  • Active engagement with the community members.
  • Panel discussions on recent advancements in AI.

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