Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space provided valuable insights into effective social media strategies for marketing agencies, highlighting automation and scheduled content for enhanced operations. Consistent and high-quality posting on platforms like Facebook can improve reach and client acquisition. Emphasis was placed on detailed content schedules and automated tools for efficient post management. Monitoring ad performance metrics is crucial for maximizing returns. Personal dedication and consistency are essential for long-term success, while automation aids in daily tasks, illustrating a blend of technology and client focus in social media marketing.


Q: Why is consistent posting important?
A: Consistent posting maintains engagement and boosts followers over time.

Q: What tools were recommended for content scheduling?
A: Automated tools like Facebook's schedulers were discussed.

Q: How do Facebook ads benefit local businesses?
A: They effectively target local audiences and attract new clients.

Q: What is a content calendar?
A: It's a planning tool for scheduling posts and managing content over time.

Q: Why is monitoring ad performance important?
A: It allows for adjusting strategies to maximize effectiveness.

Q: What type of content resonates well with audiences?
A: High-quality, relevant, and interactive content resonates well.

Q: Are ad investments justified?
A: Yes, successful campaigns can lead to increased revenue.

Q: How can strategic advertising help startups?
A: It assists in gaining visibility and attracting customers quickly.

Q: What are the benefits of a detailed content schedule?
A: It ensures timely posting and consistent engagement with less stress.

Q: How does automation aid social media management?
A: Automation reduces workload and maintains post consistency.

Q: What is key to long-term success in social media marketing?
A: Consistent effort and dedication to maintaining a robust online presence.


Time: 00:47:22
Importance of Content Schedule

Time: 00:47:42
Using Automated Tools

Time: 00:47:55
Automation Benefits

Time: 00:48:01
Achieving Engagement

Time: 00:48:03
Financial Impact

Time: 00:48:06
Business Growth

Time: 00:48:11
Facebook Ads Efficiency

Time: 00:49:22
Long-term Preparation

Time: 00:50:13
Reviewing Performance Metrics

Time: 00:51:29
Benefits of Automation

Time: 00:57:16

Key Takeaways

  • Consistent posting enhances engagement and follower growth.
  • Automated tools save time and ensure optimal post timing.
  • Facebook ads are valuable for local businesses in attracting clients.
  • A content calendar streamlines marketing processes.
  • Monitoring ad performance metrics is crucial for success.
  • High-quality content and audience interaction are essential.
  • Ad campaigns require investment but can yield substantial returns.
  • Strategic advertising aids in business growth and start-ups.
  • A detailed content schedule is beneficial for consistent engagement.
  • Automation reduces daily stress in managing social media.
  • Long-term success requires personal dedication and consistent effort.

Behind the Mic

What's up bro? What's good? How are you doing bro? How has everything been going? It's been good man it's been good it's been a lot of things happening right now that I'm super excited for, you know feelings I haven't felt in a long time man. And it's just dude it's like you can kind of see it in my face and energy level right now. How are you? I can bro I can. I'm good man. I'm good. The same like you man I'm feeling blessed, like everything's just good. I'm just moving in the right direction in life bro so I'm super excited. I hear you man I hear you. I'm doing better than I was last week that's for sure. But yeah that's good bro. Same here bro. You know life's like a roller coaster dude, you got your ups and your downs but as long as you keep moving forward bro that's all that matters. Exactly yessir. And your little girl bro, she's still doing good? Oh yeah she's doing good bro. She's sleeping right now but she's doing good bro. Good man good that's good to hear. We both know how important it is to, you know, take care of family. And like, that's one thing we've always like man like, I'm super happy that I met you bro and I'm happy that we connected dude. You've always been on that same type of time bro, always taking care of your family and stuff like that man. I respect that a lot. Thank you man. Like, I just always felt like a big family guy my whole life bro and like, you know, I know I never really had that relationship with like, my father or anything like that. So I was like, you know what, when I have kids man, I'm going to just, I'm going to be the best dad I could possibly be, you know what I mean? Exactly man exactly bro. That's how I feel too bro. You know a lot of feelings, actions and everything you do is always influenced by you know your past or just like what people like how people hurt you or treated you and it's… it's one thing that I try to hold like dear to my heart man is just really not being like my father and really showing my kids a different way of life bro. Exactly brother, exactly bro. Dude I'm ready for the weekend bro. Bro you're telling me man. Man I was actually talking to my friend earlier on his…. on a phone call actually about just how much like it's such a special thing now it is because like…. you know when you're a kid you just you don't understand man like or like you always want to be with your friends and stuff but then like when you get older man you just… you realize bro like I want to spend time with my kids, my family like I don't really care to spend time with people like I used to bro. It just holds a different value now really you know? Absolutely bro, absolutely man. Like bro what are you getting into this weekend? Man this weekend I'm being honest I'm definitely working this weekend but I plan on hitting the gym that's really my biggest goal dude is to just get back in the gym man. Dude I fell off for two months bro and I'm just like man it was the worst decision ever because I was trying to save money bro and I was just like dude I can't be without the gym bro. I can't bro it's where I let all my stress and everything out and so this is the goal man to just be in there every day this weekend bro. Dude, yeah, same here bro like I've been working on a schedule to get myself consistent in the gym again man because like you said it's… if you don't go bro you start to feel like shit especially if it's a habit you had for a while. Exactly. Dude, so you read a lot of books right? Yeah bro I mean you know I used to read a lot more than I do now but the book that you posted that was um a couple weeks ago two weeks ago.. It's been on my mind bro outwitting the devil bro. Yeah buddy. Crazy book bro. Yeah buddy. So I just finished rich dad poor dad like a month ago. I think literally like ten people during my lives told me to get that book and read it it's crazy I need to read it you know? Dude, I've never had a book suggested by so many people in my life bro. So tell me a little bit about it bro don't ruin it though but tell me a little bit about it because I want to know what you think about it. Yeah absolutely so dude it's crazy because the book like was wrote, like I forget the exact date but like the early 19 hundreds or whatever it was wrote bro and they couldn't put it out until like napoleon Hill's whole family or like the people that were around when he wrote the book like they had to wait for them to pass away because he has a section in the book I'm not gonna ruin it for you but the guy who's like the main character of the book, like the person who's like the guy who. He's talking about, him and the devil actually have a conversation bro and they talk like they're going back and forth like in this conversation and those things that they talk about and the things that they break down bro are so crazy and like where it's at like with like today's time and stuff bro. Dude it's like so eye opening bro. Just wait till you read it man. You're gonna be like what the fuck. Honestly I didn't want to hear you stop talking like I'm about to go buy the audiobook before I even get the book in my hands because I want to listen to it tonight. Now you got me hooked already. I swear to God bro you can actually. You can get the book on. On audible or whatever tonight, bro you can go on YouTube if you want to read it or you know take it in, bro, if you want to read it or listen to it. If you want to listen to it, bro you can go on YouTube, and there's a couple videos of just the section of the book where it's the devil and the guy, and they're having the conversation and if you just listen to that, dude, that's just a glimpse into the book bro dude it's so wild. So wild dude. Yeah bro. You'll be like holy shit. It's but the whole book itself is great bro, but that's just one main thing that so many people know about the book when they talk about outwitting the devil is just that part of it because it's just so eye opening bro. Dude, oh my gosh man, I'm pumped I'm pumped. You're gonna love it. You're getting me. You're getting me hooked on that shit right now bro like I'm definitely gonna be getting that audiobook. Like let's go. Yes sir bro. Yeah bro. I love it man. It's a blessing. So what else has been good lately bro? How's your…How's your business going and everything man? It's been good bro. I actually um got this new client the other day so I'll be working with them starting in the summer. I started a new campaign and been cold calling, talking to real estate agents, property managers, doing what I can bro trying to get in contact with everyone and anyone I can man. I gotta get the name out there you know? Dude you have to bro. Exactly. It's just all about, bro, literally man like I've learned this recently bro it's all about connections bro and all about timing bro that's all it is man it just got to keep…You got to keep doing what you do bro eventually going to get to somebody that you know that's going to want to help you build your business and help you take it to the next level exactly brother and let's go, yeah man I'm super I'm super pumped up super happy bro. actually been playing around Facebook ads lately bro I've actually been like making some money off of those again for a while I was like a little inconsistent with those just because like we all know that Facebook ads and stuff can be kind of expensive because as a small business owner you know you got to start somewhere so it's like balancing everything where you live, you know Ohio exactly bro exactly man so it's like paying rent paying all your utilities and stuff and like the ads at the same time can kind of be a lot that's why I was like super super inconsistent with it for a little bit for a little bit um but now I finally kind of figured out how to go about you know just just just balancing everything and not only that bro but like asking my clients for referrals you know as much as possible that's that's the only way to do it bro you got to get all the referrals you got to talk to everybody you can and that's literally what I do bro I try to reach out as many people as many businesses as many just to let them know like this is what I'm offering and this is the business and it's been good but I'm ready to scale up bro I'm ready to like next level bro exactly bro and the thing is like, that's the most important thing bro is to market yourself and market your business as much as possible. Yeah. Like it's crazy. I have a content schedule for the rest of the summer, all the way up until the first week of October for my Facebook ads and for all the posts, because I do a daily post for my lawn care page on Facebook. It's just like I'm pumping ads in my area and stuff, but like I have a whole content schedule with Facebook ads and everything. It's crazy because I have it set up it drops off the ads and the posts at the times that I have scheduled in and it does. Like it's just. I don't even have to worry about it. I set it up and it's done and, like, every day I look at it, there's 20 new followers, there's 100 likes on this post. And it's, like, it's going awesome. Like, it's costing money, but it's making me money. You know what I mean? It's bringing me in the clients and everything that I need to start my landscaping company. It's huge. And in terms of Facebook, like, yeah, I don't know. I still got to figure it out bro. I still got to figure out how to balance it in that area. Dude, because it's tricky bro. It's tricky, but it's worth it bro because like you said, man, it's going to bring you it's going to just ROI that thing. You'll have it good to go bro. Yeah. What other books you ever been playing around with lately? Man if I'm being honest I haven't really read any books dude I've really just been listening to a lot of like podcasts and um really like a lot of social media content on my coaching page and stuff like that but I've just been listening to what other entrepreneurs are doing bro and like people who are ahead of me in the industry and just trying to take little notes here and there and bring it back into my business yeah bro you got to bro you have to man it's everything out. I'm there abs… bro there's so many things out online now bro like it blows my mind how many resources there are now like everything is at your fingertips bro like shoot much different dude like bro you just everything in the palm of your hand bro you can find anything you want online bro that's how I got did all my research on real estate and stuff bro and like really how I really like started helping my business scale was really all from the internet bro I figured out all my leads all them different ways to get in contact with people bro, it's like I said it was shoes dude like a content planner now a schedule you have to be as consistent bro you have to be because if you want to grow bro you got to do it man, do this what I really love about it bro that's like the part I don't even know that I love yet bro what was that I said that that's the part that like kinda stresses me out but I know that like once it starts getting consistent and I get you know eventually dude like you said earlier like the money is worth it you're willing to invest but like it's it I think it there's like a point that you need to get to right like you just hit the tipping point whatever that it starts making money and starts making more sense exactly and then you have that you know financial freedom bro that peace of mind that you've been that you've been working your ass off that you've been grinding your ass off for to get to where I'm at you know but it's all worth it bro and it's all about staying consistent man exactly bro that's pretty cool though that you've been able to be consistent it's such I think it's I think it's super important man to find like a content calendar and everything dude social media is just crazy man and it's like I'm constantly learning new things every single day so it's like like the games always changing bro the games always changing so it's like always trying to stay up you know exactly yep exactly bro and like dude there's always something new coming out for every certain piece of the month every piece of the week bro and like it's always good to stay on top of it bro. Hey man I meant it buddy I appreciate you and this was dope bro like I'm really glad we got to catch up like this bro and like I think like one of the things that was super is that like anytime you ever want to talk like bro I'm here like if you want to talk about business if you want to talk about just shoot the shit like does anything you need bro like I'm here bro like we're like each other's like motivation now bro you know I'm saying like I want to see you win bro I want to see you shine bro like I'm serious partnerships bro people in your corner bro not a lot of people you find these days you know I'm saying like dude I enjoy these things bro so I really appreciate everything you know it's a really good time buddy yeah man it's been a really good conversation bro and like you said bro I always will keep people in my corner like you bro because like people like you who are positive bro and who are on the same you know going up the same path I'm going up bro those are the people I'm trying to surround myself with you know yep yep absolutely bro absolutely man. How's everything down in Florida buddy? Good bro good you know always I feel like something's always happening here bro which you know it's definitely a good thing but also at the same time it's like never a dull moment yeah is the weather cooler down there now buddy I actually been thinking about coming to visit bro it's always good man it's always good if anything like you just yeah come down here bro we got to kick it man. Let's do it for sure buddy for sure I always said man I got to get to Florida bro before it gets too cold Ohio man but I'm glad you took over a bit more bro for sure buddy yeah if you come down here bro just let me know hit me up and we'll find some time bro yeah for sure man for sure I'll definitely let you know bro well like I said man like it's been good bro and super excited about everything you got to offer bro and I'm super excited to see where you grow where you go with everything man absolutely bro dude this was great bro this was great and like I said it's not going to be like this for long for you bro dude eventually do these things are going to fill up bro and then you're going to wish that you could have these small conversations like how we're having now and then you have to try to find a way to have private spaces if you just talk and have these conversations bro because dude you're going to blow up man your spaces are going to blow up you pack a lot of value in the things you talk about and you have a lot to bring the table brother so don't like these are little spaces man because these are the best ones you know i'm gonna be like okay i went from this now I'm gonna…and you'll have hundreds of people in here bro that you'll be packing value to man so just keep at it brother and you know that's the only way we're gonna get better bro is like how were saying before bro being consistent that's the only way we're gonna do it man yeah buddy on that note we're gonna end it here then I really appreciate you coming through honestly it's been huge getting to talk to you more on this personal level has been huge everything about it we're both off onto huge things we're gonna be killing it soon together buddy I know it yeah we are bro and you're already doing big things bro so keep at it, stay focused. Keep taking care of your little one bro and, dude, eventually it's all just going to be up from here bro it's all up from here so eventually we're going to have great things coming bro it's just like you said man being no inconsistency bro just all consistent days show up every day bro that's all we got to do alright take it easy brother love alright brother have a great night man

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