Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space delves into the complexities of live content tagging and categorization, stressing the impact of accurate tagging on discoverability. Participants address challenges of user-reported tags, advocate for community feedback, and propose new tools for easier tag assignment. Real-world anecdotes add depth, and constant learning from feedback remains crucial for technological evolution and user satisfaction.


Q: Why is discoverability important for live content?
A: It enhances user experience by making relevant content easier to find.

Q: What are the challenges with user-reported tags?
A: There are risks of false positives due to inaccurate tagging by users.

Q: Are professional accounts beneficial for tagging?
A: Yes, they offer specific tagging options, although somewhat limited.

Q: How can community feedback aid in content tagging strategies?
A: By listing user-suggested features and continuously updating tagging strategies.

Q: What industries were discussed during the space?
A: Discussions covered industries from sports to technology.

Q: Why is recognizing community engagement important?
A: It ensures adaptations are in line with user needs, driving platform growth.

Q: How can misuse of tags be reduced?
A: By devising strategies to penalize false tagging and encourage accurate reporting.

Q: What new tools were suggested for tagging improvement?
A: Ideas were centered around making it easier to assign accurate tags.

Q: How do personal anecdotes contribute to the discussion?
A: They offer relatable experiences, enriching the conversation with practical insights.

Q: What role does continuous learning play?
A: It helps in evolving the platform by incorporating valuable feedback.


Time: 00:00:00
Importance of Sports and Discoverability

Time: 00:00:00
False Positives in Tagging

Time: 00:00:00
Improving Tagging Systems

Time: 00:00:00
Limitations of Professional Accounts

Time: 00:00:00
Discussing False Reporting

Time: 00:00:00
Suggestions for Tagging Features

Time: 00:00:00
Importance of Accurate Tagging

Time: 00:00:00
User Gratitude

Time: 00:00:00
Community Feedback on New Features

Time: 00:00:01
Long-Term Learning

Time: 00:00:01
Personal Gratitude

Key Takeaways

  • Enhanced tagging for discoverability of live content is crucial.
  • User-reported tags can introduce false positives but also aid in categorization.
  • Professional accounts offer impactful tagging options.
  • Regular community feedback sessions are necessary for improvements.
  • Technology tailored for live content has room for enhancement.
  • Discussions span various industries from sports to tech.
  • Community participation is essential for continuous development.
  • Strategies for handling misuse of tagging need definition.
  • Ideas for new tools to enhance tag assignments were shared.
  • Personal experiences shared enrich the discussion.
  • Continuous learning from feedback sessions is vital for platform evolution.

Behind the Mic

point, Kayla, like, in the sense that I think when you're moving towards such a level of a mass adoption, I think sometimes you will have to address those psychological barriers as well. And that is wherein, with the biometrics, the hardware wallet might solve some of those related problems where people can hold the hardware card. With the biometrics, I think that's going to cross that psychological barrier and move towards a much larger scale of mass adoption. Thank you. That answers my question. Wolf, it's back to you. Thank you, Mike. What's up? Hey, guys. Appreciate your efforts that you're putting together here. I have an observation, and you. I'm not as familiar with strongbox as a lot of people are. I looked at your website. It talks about secure and confidential data storage. I've looked at a lot of different systems over the years. My observation is that with intelligence agencies demanding access to every bit of data on earth, if a company tries to make privacy their focus, they will be undermined in 15 billion different ways, whether their company is infiltrated or they're bought out or they're just. Just way too many ways that you can undermine any sort of privacy or security app. So I don't even. I don't even look for that. I don't even want encryption or data privacy. What I want is to be notified when my data has been observed and by who, what IP addresses, and if any of it has been altered. I think if you try to focus on the privacy side, everything that could possibly happen will happen to undermine that. But with quantum computing, you can actually be notified if somebody has viewed the data. So I just kind of want to understand, where do you guys land on notification if somebody alters or views your data? No, I think the one very key aspect that, you know, we may have to explain here is that we are only. Of course, we are keeping certain basic level of Kyz information of the users who are using our product and the platform. So, obviously, if at all, the regulatory authorities are coming to us, I guess, in those scenarios, we may have to comply to them. Of course, let's say if there is a court order and if they're asking, you know, some mut probit information, we obviously are a platform which is openly trying to comply to some level of regulations here, which is mandatory while we're operating in this space. But having said that, you know, technology wise, the way that we are trying to store it, it's in a decentralized manner. That is the reason that, you know, we are at the level of the research. My research has been going on for two decades, and primary concentration, I'm stressing it, on converting cryptographic space into a decentralized space, converting photonic particle augmentation. That's my main area of research, point of view for designing these technologies. So maybe in the earlier part of the conversation, many of the people were asking or were demanding, you know, a feedback on how on the way technology works. I know it may not be possible for us at this point of time to disclose everything in detail, but we are, will keep, trying to build in a decentralized manner. That itself is much more easier for everyone. So there is where, you know, we take an exemption and GMOs to explain things at a layman level. In addition to that, overall, what we are trying to build here, what we are seeing out here, is WMOs. The web based models, keeping it universal. Right. That's a good question. So we've built a different layer of solution when it comes to data access, right. There are certain rules and metric layers that we have built in. As I said, we need to comply, obviously, with regulations to provide those log information and access if somebody has changed it. But having said that, how we have built this solution, it's quite controlled in the decentralized way, we can provide this access control key management rules module. That's what we have in place. So I guess from that perspective, it should be quite helpful. Awesome. I really appreciate your response. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you again for all the questions. Loved the vibes as usual. Loved the questions. Especially loved the question on the labeling because sometimes people tend to think we ourselves have done the labeling, but no, the labeling data essentially comes from the marketplace and what users eventually think of it. So that's the common data point that we are considering for the vault model that we are building. Amazing. Let's keep the ball rolling here. Okay. I don't know if we have, is Scott still up here? Yeah, I'm not sure. So I've got one last piece up here before we go ahead and wind down this space. I've got to jump for another space shortly after this, but want to just hit one more thing up here. Yeah, I'm here. Can you hear me? Yeah. Loud and find. Cool. All right. So I'll just run into the next comment, question, then we'll wind this one down for today. But you know the topic of payments, all right. We keep hearing payments being a topic that floats around a lot on spaces, on posts recently, and people are asking, why can't creators get paid? Why can't creators get paid, right? We're looking to integrate this. That's one of the big topics and feedback that we've been talking about on our own calls. Yeah, absolutely. And if you want to sort of speak to just how impactful it is, you know, say, like, add revenue, it can be impactful for add revenue on the site or, some some of the other ways that we're also looking to explore to make sure that creators are compensated on the site. Yeah, for sure. I mean, look, there's been such a huge explosion of content across the board, whether it's impressions on posts or actual tweets or lives, spaces or. It's only growing. We see it month over month. So we really are exploring all the options. We have some great creators on the platform here and we just got to make sure we're optimizing the experience for them to keep producing valuable content for the site. No, that's exactly it. So we keep hearing these and we're working through a lot of different ways to do this. Okay, here is what I have on this topic specifically as we're diving into it. So we're always thinking about the overall strategy for improving in these areas and we've got to just, you know, put the user first. So across the board, there's so many really cool things you can do with the data that's coming from the creators today and sort of moving that forward. Okay, cool. Huge activity here. It's been great to talk through all the topics. We'll continue working behind the scenes to develop and release things that really, really help our creators be more successful, right? So that's the key element of this. We've got to ensure that the creators remain at the forefront of everything that we do and I'm sure we'll have some sort of cool updates soon. Cool. Scott, good with questions. That's all I have, man. And we'll be wrap for today. Great, great. Awesome. Thanks, everyone. Appreciate your time. As always. I appreciate the amazing questions and try to get a handful of those into the discussion as well. Thanks. All right. Thank you. Thanks, everyone. Cool. Just amazing. Great, great dialogue. Thanks again. Okay. You too. Bye bye. Thanks. Bye. Bye.

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