Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The week that was and is coming. Dr Eoin Lenihan & Hermann Kelly hosted by IrexitFreedom. Delve into the recent and upcoming activities of the Irish Freedom Party and Cumann na Saoirse as Dr. Eoin Lenihan & Hermann Kelly shed light on political strategies, community engagement, and future plans. The discussion emphasizes activism, political involvement, and the core values driving the party forward. With insights into challenges, initiatives, and goals, the conversation offers a detailed look at the party's mission and vision for the future.

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Q: What is the focus of the discussion regarding the Irish Freedom Party?
A: The conversation delves into the Irish Freedom Party's activities, goals, and strategies.

Q: How important is community engagement for the party's success?
A: Community involvement is crucial for advancing the party's agenda and achieving its objectives.

Q: What upcoming events or initiatives are planned by the party?
A: Insights on forthcoming activities and initiatives to further the party's mission.

Q: How does the party plan to navigate current political challenges?
A: Strategies and approaches discussed to address and overcome obstacles in the political landscape.

Q: What role does activism play within the party?
A: Activism is highlighted as a driving force for change and progress within the Irish Freedom Party.

Q: What are the core values and goals of the Irish Freedom Party?
A: The discussion provides clarity on the party's fundamental values, missions, and objectives.

Q: How does the party plan to expand its reach and influence?
A: Strategies for widening the party's impact and increasing its influence within the political sphere.

Q: What insights were shared regarding future plans and aspirations?
A: Future goals, aspirations, and upcoming directions of the party are elaborated on during the discussion.

Q: Why is political involvement emphasized within the conversation?
A: The importance of active political participation and awareness is underscored in driving meaningful change.

Q: How does the party plan to engage with a broader audience?
A: Approaches to connect and engage with a wider audience to enhance support and awareness for the party.

Q: What strategies are discussed for advancing the party's agenda?
A: Various strategic approaches and plans outlined to propel the party's goals and vision forward.


Time: 00:15:27
Overview of Irish Freedom Party Activities Insights into the recent activities and initiatives of the Irish Freedom Party.

Time: 00:30:45
Future Plans and Aspirations Discussion on the party's upcoming plans and aspirations for the future.

Time: 00:45:12
Community Engagement Strategies Strategies outlined for engaging with the community and fostering support.

Time: 01:00:19
Importance of Political Activism Emphasis on the role of activism in advancing political goals and agendas.

Time: 01:15:37
Mission and Values of the Irish Freedom Party Clarity provided on the core values and mission of the party.

Time: 01:30:55
Strategic Direction and Focus Areas Detailed discussion on the strategic direction and key focus areas of the Irish Freedom Party.

Time: 01:45:21
Upcoming Events and Initiatives Insights shared on the planned events and initiatives to be undertaken by the party.

Time: 02:00:33
Political Challenges and Solutions Strategies discussed for addressing current political challenges and finding viable solutions.

Time: 02:15:49
Expanding Reach and Influence Plans for expanding the party's reach and increasing its influence within the political landscape.

Time: 02:30:07
Engagement with a Broader Audience Approaches detailed for engaging with a wider audience to broaden support.

Time: 02:45:15
Advancing the Party's Agenda Strategies presented for advancing the Irish Freedom Party's agenda and vision.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussions about the Irish Freedom Party and Cumann na Saoirse.
  • Insights into current events and future plans.
  • Political views and strategies highlighted.
  • Importance of community engagement and activism.
  • In-depth analysis of recent developments in Irish politics.
  • Upcoming initiatives and events within the party discussed.
  • Strategies for driving the agenda of the party forward.
  • Clarity on the party's mission and goals.
  • Emphasis on the significance of political involvement and awareness.
  • Strategic direction and focus areas for the Irish Freedom Party.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Discussion Introduction

Oh, everybody's very welcome. We are here tonight where everybody can come on, speak freely and hopefully learn something. What's going on in Ireland at the moment? Number of issues I would like to talk about tonight. One is the whole issue of amount of money that Ireland sends abroad for child benefit for children who are living outside of Ireland. And we ask the question, is it, why should Ireland, why should the taxpayers of Ireland be sending money abroad to children who don't even live in the country? And secondly, the whole aspect of safety and security of irish people. We learned this week that the Afghani guy, who is alleged to have killed a romanian lady Limerick, about a year ago, has now been charged with terrorism charges for building up a database of targets, etc. For islamic terrorism. And we'll come on with our issues. But I'd like to introduce Doctor Owen Lennon, who's one of our steady guests. So, Owen, come in. All's forgiven. I've got you. How are you keeping?

Guest Introductions

I'm doing good. Good to be back on. I see another familiar face is back with us today. Kira is in the building. Very welcome. Thank you. Very good, Kira. Kira Connolly as well, is on tonight. She's had a bit of a break for. For a few weeks, but you're very welcome back. I see a few friends, if not relations in the house as well. Fergus, very welcome. Great worker, great patriot and some of the things. So I'll tell you that people probably where I am running as a IFP candidate in for the Louth constituency. And we're just this week we're finalizing draft economic policy. And one of those important aspect is the whole idea of fiscal nationalism or patriotism, that we believe that irish taxpayers money should be for the benefit of irish citizens only.

Prioritizing Irish Citizens

And the priority of an irish government should be the safety and security and welfare and prosperity of the irish people. Now, this is completely normal and natural and accepted as necessary all over the world, that the purpose of a nation state is to act for the benefit of its people. Ireland is a bit of an outlier. It's a bit of an unusual, crazy place where the government thinks it acts for the benefit of everybody else, bar irish people. So our policies will be moving towards that. Irish taxpayers money is for the benefit of irish citizens only. And therefore, things like sending irish taxpayers money abroad to children who aren't irish and who don't even live in the country, is evenly over. Adkar, you can hardly kind of accused of being a great patriot or irish nationalist. Even he agrees on this in many points. Anybody like to come in?

Discussion on Child Benefits

Yeah, Herman, just about that. The numbers in this are quite astonishing. Will I give a few figures out to people there, maybe, who didn't hear this, you know, weren't up on the story fully. So they're saying over 12.8 million was paid out in children's allowance to children living in other EU countries last year. So it would have. Obviously, the parents would have been here at one point, but they're not now. Or there's. The parents are here and they're sending the money home or whatever is happening here. But almost a third of that, €12.8 million, went to Poland. So this is extraordinary financial mismanagement, which we're kind of used to, and we talk about quite a bit every week. But.

Concerns about Government Spending

So they're saying that the overall figures, however, even that 12.8 is a drop from 13.6 million in 2018. So this is annual and ongoing fiasco. Anyone there? Hello? Kira? Okay, sorry, we can hear you. Go ahead. Oh, I'm here, yeah, sorry. No, I was just. I thought maybe you wanted to comment on those numbers just there. I mean, to me, that's shocking, you know, I mean, that's. That we're putting out nearly 13 million per annum to pay for this social welfare for children not living in the state. And I remember even this was before I left, and this was going back to that first wave in 2004, when the eastern bloc states started joining. I remember that this has been an issue for many years, that this was even an issue back then. So it seems outrageous that they haven't closed this loophole.

Housing Policy and Its Impact

Well, our policy will be moving towards that. Irish people first on the housing list. There's no more this kind of two or three different lists and hidden agenda on housing lists, that social housing is first, it was paid for by irish people. There were houses were built by irish people. They should be for irish people first. And we will insist that irish taxpayers money goes for irish citizens only. And it's outrageous that this whole thing, even Leo Varadkar has spoken about it. He knows it's wrong, he knows it's stupid, he knows it's indefensible. But you know what? It's the law, because this whole area is controlled by EU regulations. Now, we're going to put it as part of our policy and we're going to make people aware and a normal, democratic, sovereign country, the people themselves of the country decide where their talks, tax money goes.

Consequences of EU Membership

But in Ireland, because of EU membership, this area is governed by EU regulations. So we're forced to send this money abroad and we just have to confront people with that reality. Actually, your country is not sovereign, and its laws, its budgets and even its borders are decided by other people elsewhere. So do we think this is good for the country? At least we're asking the question, how. Does that work, Herman? Because you have the scenario where if an irish person who our parents moved to another country, they are not given children's allowance for social welfare or anything else. So how can a person who lived in Ireland, who has chosen to move to another country, be paid social welfare when they're not in the state, or children's allowance?

Contradictions in Allowances

How is that possible? Because one would assume that the same rule would apply that applies to an irish person who moves out of Ireland. Am I not correct in saying that? Absolutely, yeah. And another crazy scenario is the amount of money that the disparity and the amount of money that children get in various countries. For example, I think in Latvia they get 14 euro per kid per month. When Ireland, it's 140. So of course there's a great incentive for one parent, for one person to come to Ireland, say the father, come work in Ireland, apply for housing benefit, sorry, child benefit in Ireland, the mother and the children. And you know what? They could have ten children in Latvia, for all we know. And they apply for the money. And sure, that's like to get like, let's say they have five children and they make not a 101,400 but even 700 euro, let's say they have 5700 euro.

Financial Mismanagement and Housing Issues

Like that's probably their monthly wage. So, so while there's a massive. While Poland, like our whole. Sorry, Herman, just to, you know, I have to figure actually here to help out that while Poland was the largest, another 1297 monthly payments of 140 euro were remitted to children in Romania, making up 17% of the total figure. And we know that there's a massive cost of living disparity between Ireland and Romania. Just to prove the exact point you're talking about that. That kind of money bleeding back there is obviously a huge benefit and step up in lifestyle quality in some cases, particularly if you're getting multiple payments in one family.

The Need for Fiscal Responsibility

Absolutely. And another thing is like, we just wanted to, by bringing up this fiscal nationalism or patriotism, as we call it, the whole thing, the craziness of irish people coming second in their own country and being forced to go out to work to pay taxes to the government who handed to everybody else, be that in foreign aid, be it in child benefit, going abroad and albeit in weapons, going to, you know, fight for NATO or whatever. It's. I think we have to first make people aware of what is going on in Ireland and two, let them know where they are in the pecking order of priority for the government, that they're not first, they're second and third class citizens.

Government Spending and Taxpayer Impact

And we can see that when it comes to the budget, the spending of irish people's money and like, there's a huge amount of waste going on. When you look at, like you have over 6 billion a year going to NGO's, you've a huge amount of money as a 2.5 going for Ukrainians, for the. Just for their accommodation in Ireland, for the aid pass, for direct provision centers, I think it's another billions. We have 1.5 billion in wasting in the HSE every year. Now, that's cumulative. Cumulatively. Sorry, better try that again. Cumulatively over. I think it's eleven and a half billion euro per year wasted on these. Just four examples. And per household, that's 6300 euro per household.

Taxpayer Abuse

So when we break it down per household, we can see that the irish taxpayer is being abused by the irish government. They waste a huge amount of money and all we are asking is that we stop wasting all this. Stop wasting all this money. We give this money to irish people first and we lower taxation. We were. We reward work, we reward enterprise, and we stop Ireland becoming a socialist communist state where we're the lazy and the workshop and those from elsewhere who contribute nothing to our country, that they're the beneficiaries of everybody else's work, which is ridiculous.

Housing Market Pressures

Absolutely. Herman, onto that too. You would have seen during the week, Eric Nelligan put out a very good tweet from Antoo. He was talking about how all across Limerick, it's very clear now that housings in new estates are being bought up in vast blocks by various vulture funds and by the government for various social housing projects. And it's putting the squeeze on again, young first time buyers in particular, and that 40 whatever percentages now who are 440,000, whatever that is percent wise, I think it's 42% of young people who can't move out of home. That's another element of this.

Housing Market Crisis

It's unbelievable. I think the figures this week showed that in Dublin, for example, 60% of all new houses were involved in a block sale. So vulture funds, and the vast majority of them are foreign owned. Vulture funds are, they can come in, buy vast waves of new housing estates and then instead of selling them or them being sold in the open market to young irish couples who want to start a house and start a life in Ireland, that they're only being rented out at very high rents for profit for these vulture funds. And then, of course, young, first time buyers, young couples, can't buy a house at all, can't find a house to buy, never mind afford.

Proposals to Address Housing Issues

So it's like our policy now is Freedom Party, is to tax these vulture funds into the ground that it's. It's. They basically force them out of business or force them to sell the housing stock that they have, that it's not worth their while to buy and sell and hold on to these vast of houses, which should be for the benefit of irish people. I see two elements to it, too, Herman. There's the first, there's the vulture funds, who absolutely kick them out, get them out, you know, but then there's this second element that. So what was it? It was, I think, in Dublin, like you said.

Breakdown of Housing Sales

Yeah, you were sorry you said it. 60% of the new builds were sold in blocks, but a lot of them as well, I saw, reported they were going to housing bodies, local authorities, charities. And these, again, you see, are all surviving on money, taxpayer money, being pumped into them. Then they're double punishing the taxpayer and young people by taking these buildings out of circulation and away from them, meaning that they can't buy a house. So also, it's this form of communism, as you're saying, or soft socialism that's going on behind in the irish market for the natives.

State and Market Interactions

And there's always this element, I think there's always this state of tension in Ireland where we have the direct foreign investment, which is. Let's go. It's wild west rock and roll. But when it comes to how the government treats its own people internally, it's a very different economic system. And you see that the young people, those in the private market, are being absolutely shafted. They're having all of these houses taken out of. Out of circulation, but they're also paying for them true taxes, which support the various authorities and charities and whatnot, that are getting massive grants from the state.

The Impact of Economic Policies

Can I just jump in? Can I just make a comment? It's the comment that you made on in respect of, would say, the government funding this or what astounded me through the last crash in 2008 was a lot of people got into distressed mortgage situations purely because of the fact that there was a recession, there was austerity, businesses closed, yada, yada and all the rest. Okay? The outcome of that over the last, we'll say 14 years realistically has been where people that had mortgage distress who were trying to make their mortgage payments and who fell behind for whatever reason, okay, the AB, let me put it bluntly, a state sponsored bank or a state funded bank, the bank of Ireland, the same thing, sold those distressed loans to either vulture funds or capital funds, okay, which then went aggressively after the persons, okay.

Consequences of Government Actions

And cranked up crazy interest rates and all the rest of stuff. Its commonly known that this happened leading to them being effectively evicted from their own houses and their houses sold on. Okay. So our sitting governments allowed this to happen with banks that the irish taxpayer capitalized firstly, okay. And secondly, the loans, the housing loans, okay, so there were distressed loans, yes. But there weren't distressed loans where someone went out and, you know, bought a big building or a big office block. It was a home, it was a family home and they were repossessed and sold on.

Statistics on Homelessness

Now the thing about it is that, you know, anyone in their right mind will look at the figures at the moment and there's 15,000 irish families homeless at the moment as of last week. That's the figure that's presented. I'm sure there's many more because there's a lot of families who wouldn't even admit to being homeless who are cloud surfing or in the spare bedroom of their dad's and mum's house with their, or whatever. And it's a terrible place to be, but there's about 6000 kids as well. So our government, and still to this day, there's distressed loans that are with financial institutions which have been bailed out by the government.

Contradictions in the System

Those financial institutions who like bank of Ireland made mega money last year. Now they're out of they have paid off their loans to the government but they made mega money last year and they're not really lending at the moment. So the businesses who are trying to get gone ahead or keep afloat, theyre not lending to them. But we allowed, our government allowed a situation where these loans were sold to vulture funds at sometimes a third of the old rate and then huge financial penalties were put on top of those, effectively evicting people. How is that not called out as being not taken care of your people?

Bailing out Financial Institutions

Im not talking about socialism and giving them houses. Im talking about the banks were bailed out, the money was capitalized, they were recapitalized. So there should have been a situation where, okay, we have these distressed loans but theyre in houses, we dont have to take care of them and theyll pay it off at some stage. I dont know what your thoughts on that, Geyser? Well, yeah, thats a very good point here because the irish taxpayer was done over twice.

Impact on Taxpayers

One, our taxpayers money was used to bail out these banks and then these properties that were then sold on to the vulture funds. Often who then?, actually, part of that article that Owen mentioned is that I think it's 7300 properties. We were all part of block sales throughout the country this year. That's not just vulture funds, that's also housing authorities, local authorities. So basically, the irish state is forcing the taxpayer, and it's been funded by taxpayers money to compete against irish buyers in the market.

Competing Against State Authorities

So first time buyers, young couples, they're looking to buy a house. And who's competing in the market is vulture funds and local authorities. So you have like. And the tax incentive on vulture funds is huge. They've been given the soft tax incentive by the irish government to go out and profiteer on the backs of irish people and then local authorities who are coming in buying houses very often to give out to non irish nationals and irish couples are having to compete with the government who are playing with their own tax money.

Critique of the Current System

It's outrageous. Well, just with that comment, Herman, in respect to say the taxation for the vulture funds, a lot of the vulture funds in Ireland at the moment that have block apartments and block purchasing use special purpose vehicles. Okay. And basically, I will dig out the data because I have the data and I'll try and get up to the bubble before the space finishes. But the level of taxation is minuscule on portfolios of some of them, 1015 billion of a portfolio. They pay minute amounts of tax because the properties are within this SPV, which then wraps around something else. It's quite unique.

Consequences of Poor Tax Policies

There was a whole piece done on it by an accountant and it was just absolutely unbelievable. So not alone are they getting top dollar for the properties, but they're contributing back into the state either. It's absolutely horrendous for anyone trying to rent. And again, it's just young people who are being squeezed and screwed. That's 440,000 people between the ages of 18 and 34 who are essentially hidden homeless. They are living at home with their parents and they can't afford to move out.

Government Promises and Realities

And the problem is, if the government were to start offering various incentives and whatnot to up the building and start putting out more houses, as we talked about last week, Herman, which you rightly pointed out is impossible anyway, it's pie in the sky stuff. These 50,000 figures and 100,000 fantasy figures that they can put out a year. But the problem is even if they did put these out all it's going to mean is again those figures won't change. The vulture funds are still going to be buying up x number.

The Impact of Ongoing Immigration

Increasingly more will be put aside to house the ever growing influx of people year on year who are coming here illegally and so on. And so the issue is systemic here. And as Kira rightly pointed out there that. See a lot of people haven't reflected enough on the fact that the post celtic tiger recovery was essentially the celtic tiger continued. You know. It was the same bad habits and the same bad actors. And we're just seeing again young people being forced out.

Record Immigration and Emigration

So this week they published an article that the Irish Times did based on a study that showed that immigration and emigration both are now at record high since the Celtic Tigers. So immigration is at a 17 year high. 149,000 people. All who are going to need houses. That's the third year in a row we've had more than plus 100,000 immigration. We had record emigration. 69k leaving. That's the highest since 2015. This was to the twelve months before April. And 34,000 of them were irish. No wonder they're leaving.

Issues for Irish Nationals

They don't have a chance at home ownership here. And it's not just. See a lot of people like to. To be quite simplistic about it. But just what we're talking about there shows that they're systematically locked out here because of this vulture speculation one end and the government making them pay. Pay for the slap in the face. That is removing a huge amount of properties off the market. That's going to push up the prices. It's unbelievable when you think about the young couples have to compete with state authorities who are moving with taxpayers money which these young people have paid the tax to go against their interests.

The Challenges of Home Buying

So how can young people compete in that market? And as you said, it's linked to the whole thing of immigration. But you know what? Talking about the celtic tiger why it went belly up is when we look at the foundations of it. When it started. Say 2004. Soon after the turn of the century. 2004 for example. Before that. Where it was built on having a young well educated workforce who were very good on STem.

Celtic Tiger Foundation

STEM topics and technology and computing software, etcetera. They were making stuff and building stuff and selling that stuff around the world. And then with the Treaty of Nice which is passed and then they gave a free pass for anybody from eastern Europe to come to Ireland. We call that the funnel effect, because they're only allowed to come to Sweden, to Britain and to Ireland. So we had half a million people from eastern Europe pretty much come to Ireland between 2004 and 2009.

Consequences of Economic Policies

Within five years, we also, at the same time, around 2000, we lost control over interest rates. We moved from first being pegged to the pound and then the Deutsche mark and then protein floating free. Then we became pegged to the euro, Rem and then the euro. We basically. We then stuck in the euro. We had cheap interest rates, we had mass immigration from eastern Europe. We had cheap labor, we had a building boom and post. And then people were surprised when by 2013, 152,000 people emigrated out of Ireland.

Reflecting on the Past

So we must look at the causes of a celtic tiger. Once again, it was loss. It was the government encouraging people to give up control of our currency, of our interest rates, and also our borders by allowing free movement, a free for all, into Ireland. And now, years afterwards, we're still experiencing the consequences. What do you think?

Conversations on the Celtic Tiger

Well, you know, the Celtic Tiger, we had everything that happened, as you say, but we also had. I remembered I actually, when I used to come back to Ireland, I was kind of going, Jesus, am I doing something wrong here? Because friends of mine had bought two and three and four houses. They're driving top of the range motors. All the guys that I knew had bought helicopters, and I'm kind of going, whoa, what's going on here?

The Financial Boom and Bust

And we had the cheap labor, we had the tech boom somewhat. There was a.com bust in 2000, but we had a tech boom in Ireland and things were going pretty well. But what happened was our banking system decided to just lob out money to everybody, some without personal guarantees, some without even signing the paperwork, and that came back to bite. And obviously with all recessions, that's the reality. But unfortunately, the ordinary person, no more than where we're going now with what's happening at this moment, is going to be expected to pay for it, and it's history repeating itself.

The Recurring Economic Cycle

The last cycle was 14 years ago. I said recently that there was a number of companies that would probably up and move out of Ireland. That's happening as we speak. If you look at. We'll say, if you look at the eighties, it might have been high interest rates, there might have been recession, but people went out of the pub, people went out and they enjoyed themselves and they went to work, same as the nineties. But nowadays you have 500 cafes and restaurants since the start of the year.

Challenges in the Current Economy

Your fatal is closing left, right and center. In fact, in my own home county of Galway, a very large retailer who did garden stuff closed last week. So you just have closed, closed. And I think that is replicated throughout Ireland. We're going into this, sad to say, somewhat. We're going into recession with decline. Our governments are telling us that we need all these people in from overseas to fill. Fill job vacancies.

The Reality of Job Vacancies

I don't know where they're going to fill the jobs because the live register has popped up higher again this month. So it's history repeating itself. But we have people now who expect their free houses because Roger Gorman has said, yeah, get your free house. We have people that are on, you know, like, let me put it this way in, you know, I believe in equality and equity, okay? If a person goes out and works their 40 or 50 hours a week and, you know, their expectation is they should be able to go out for a meal on a Saturday night with their spouse or whatever.

Expectations of Hardworking Individuals

Okay, and they should be able to provide for their kids and they should be able to do the normal things that we've taken for granted over so many years. Our parents took for granted. Their parents obviously lived through poverty, but there was that kind of magical time, maybe sixties, seventies, eighties, where, you know, Ireland wasn't doing too bad. Okay, now roll that over. On the other side, we have. We have ukrainian refugees who are not paying road tax or not paying, don't have to do mots or goes on the vehicles, who are being provided with accommodation, provided with food, and allowed to go out and work a job or work from home from there.

Questioning Provisions for Refugees

So how can, you know, my view is, if we have a person who, through no fault of their own, arrived in Ireland and they're now in employment and they're now working like any other normal irish person, why are we providing free accommodation to them? Why are we providing free medical cards to them? Why are we providing supplementary welfare, special needs allowances when they go in and they say, well, I need this, and they state their case and they're given that money when they're working a job? That's a question I want to ask.

Welfare Benefits and Inequality

I want to throw that to the. Floor because another one, Kira, is about, the kids get a supplementary grant for third level education, which irish people are all means tested. Once again, all these things you mentioned, be it welfare, housing, legal aid, third level grants for children, they get them all automatically because the irish people, they're means tested for all these things that we're talking about. So what we want to add another.

The Need for Fairness in Allocations

Element to it, because what you're going to see from what you're saying, correctly saying, is that we're going to. We have this influx of people who are taking advantage of the system and it's going to lead obviously, to various ethnic ghettoization, but also an ethnic based class system where you're going to have some at the bottom. But importantly, there's also going to be an ethnic class system where you're going to have foreigners at the top also. And that's a lot of that, again, is because of poor government planning, particularly in the IT sector, where overwhelmingly all upper management for these big companies like Google are being imported and they're buying up also a lot of this top end property in Dublin and in this major hubs.

The Future of Property Ownership

And so we're going to end up with this system where you're going to find the Irish locked out. Anyone who isn't in these desired jobs are going to have to emigrate and those who stay are going to find themselves in that middle section. Because right now, I put out a figure there during the week and you were just. Because were talking about Celtic Tiger. It was. It was crazy to me that it was in.

Drop in Computer Graduates

So in DCU, the biggest university in the country, in 2005, they had the amount of people who are graduating in various computer classes, right, was 224 in 2005 and it dropped to 74 in 2008. So this was at the time when there was the big tech push and tech boom in Ireland. We had nobody here who was interested in it, yet were inviting them in these major companies with open arms. So where were they? Where were they going to get people to fill their roles, especially their senior management roles from overseas, obviously. And that hasn't changed. We're still not putting out enough people in these areas. So the government is setting up a system where these tie in jobs, these top in jobs, these well paid tech jobs are going to overseas people. And so you're going to see the emergence of a non irish upper class as well, which is again going to eat into the housing crisis in the urban areas.

Cultural Earnings Disparity

Well, you'll see. I'll just put a thing here in the. I'm just trying to get this photograph on here where you see that indian woman. You talk about who the kind of hierarchy, whose top, whose bottom ghettoization. You see that indian woman are by far the highest group in Ireland as earners. So they have over 800 euro per week median earnings, while irish people are, sorry, Ireland is like 600 and whatever, 40 there. I just try to put it in chat there, you can read it yourselves. But the Indiana woman are by far the highest earning group in Ireland. So, yeah, just that whole thing of, once again, sorry, irish people. Yeah, like it's the irish government who have made its irish politicians who have made these decisions to lower like, incentives and low tax for vulture farmers to. Suit our educational output. They're not, you know, so instead we have all of these wonderfully talented and educated students who have to go out of the country and go elsewhere because they're just not educated in the various areas that are valued here right now.

Educational Output vs. Market Needs

So like I said, we have. It makes zero sense to be so heavily courting it and various tech companies because that is one of our absolute accolades heels and has always been. So it's of no benefit to us. You have to import. And in the meantime, all the people who, you know, are naturally going out looking for jobs, well, there's no jobs there for them because we're only dependent on these. So as. Anyway, the point is that you have two choices. Make the make the multinationals work for your education system or fix your education system so that it supports the multinationals. Obviously I prefer option a because only bring in people who suit the irish people and make us, you know, work for us. It shouldn't be the other way around, but as it stands, it's just not happening at all. There's no alignment between the education and the marketplace and that's a double failure by the government and that's happened over.

Failures in the Education System

Decades now Barone and guys, like, if you look at the education system in Ireland at the moment, we have indoctrination within our universities of madness. And even just this week in, what was it, the SPHE school book, did you see what they did to the Irish? What they called the Irish, that they were teaching irish children in national school and secondary school. And they basically said that irish people only watch the Late show. They eat bacon and cabbage. Did you see that, guys? That's from the school book. It was absolutely disgusting. It's like, you know what? It's like those punch magazine things you would see in the 19th century about anti irish hatred and propaganda. And it's incredible that. And it's been internalized, this cultural self loathing has been internalized by the elites of Ireland and it's now put out there to filter through, down through the generations, down through the, like the various educational classes, upper level, secondary level, primary school level.

Impact of Anti-Irish Sentiment

That SPG thing was outrageous, that irish children are being forced to read anti irish propaganda in irish schools. But I'm just gonna. I'm just gone to where on the subject. I'm just going to read a couple of lines from it because this, for me, was absolutely astounded. Astounding that they would, you know, I know that there's this white critical white race theory and all the rest, and they're saying white people bad, white men even worse, and everything else, but now they're telling school kids, you're narrow minded, gastronomically illiterate hicks. You hate people who don't share the same religion. And even your cattle look slightly stupid because they're. They're the reflection of their owners. You ate, baked, canned and cabbage every single day because you hate variety and are therefore deprived of good taste or even taste buds or shops or something, or because you're too dim with it to discover other meals.

Cultural Programming in Schools

You like the flag and attend every year, which obviously means you hate all other music. Not because in common with the vast watches of the country, you love your ancient, beautiful culture, but because you're afraid of diversity. And they just go on and on in this particular piece, and it's just absolutely unbelievable. Like, you know, when we're at school, okay? And I'm saying this for the three members of the panel. My experience was that you were encouraged to do your best if you didn't do quite well in your exams and stuff. You said, well, look, you didn't do well. You need to try harder nowadays. Oh, well, you didn't. You didn't really do well, but here's a silver star anyway. And then they're telling the kids that you're hicks. And just because you like getting football or something, you're not diverse. You know how much more we put our kids, our government put our kids through severe lockdowns with masks and all the fear mongering that went on during COVID Okay?

Consequences of Policies on Children

So that led to severe developmental issues with kids, okay? And now they've brought out a book that they're pushing in the schools. They're telling them that they're hicks and they have no understanding of the world. And they watch the Late show and that's all they do. Like, when is this going to stop? Not to mention, like, you know, during the week, a woman that I know very well, she said, kira, I know you're one of them, right? So we know where we're going with this one, but can you explain something to me? My son went back to school last week and he's come home to tell me that there's 14 boys that have swapped their pants for skirts. And there's six girls that have swapped their skirts for pants, which means that in a class of just over 100 people, second year, in a particular school in county Galway, 20% of the students have changed their sex. How the fuck is that possible? How is that possible? It's statistically impossible.

Concerns Over Gender Discourse in Schools

And it's these school books and it's this book that they're putting people up, irish people, like hicks with red hair and irish dancers and all the other nonsense. How can we expect our own kids to develop well, to succeed in school if they're told that when they don't succeed that they associated anyway? You know, you need, you know, you need to challenge high achievers that really have what it takes to do things, and you need to challenge them and you need to encourage them, and then you need to bring everyone along. You don't need to bring back people to keep a status quo, if you know what I mean. I mean, I just. I'm just looking at this in just complete and utter disbelief. Yeah. And you know what? People have to realize that it's irish politicians who've been elected by the people who put these people in charge, who have approved, who have finally approved all these education programs that are in our schools.

Political Accountability and Education

So the only way to do that is if you want to change the political decisions being made in Ireland, we have to change the politicians. So that's the importance of people registering to vote, making sure they vote and vote maximus come election time, because otherwise it's just business. Unless these self loathing anti irish crazies and idiots get a kick in the ballot box come this general election, it'll. It will just continue. It will just continue. So actually, the Irish Freedom Party, we put in comments we see to. There was a, what they call a consultation on the SPHA and Irish Freedom Party. Well, at least we're. I think were the only political party, certainly the primary one, that we put in a reasoning against what the government were doing. But it's like the government have got away with it and we have to get rid of the government. As simple as that.

Call for Educational Reform

They're all as bad as each other, obviously, but when you look at the likes of Leo Varadkar, you know them, you know, he obviously likes to be swatting around the world and he's, you know, he was. Nobody would in a million years call him in any way a nationalist, but Norma, what's her name, Norma Foley is Fina fall. And they do like to pretend, at least when it's advantageous that they're a nationalist party, you know, and so that's well worth remembering too. This came in under Fianna Fall and under her. They're all responsible, as we say. This whole stuff has permeated every party and every branch of education, but they can't be left off the hook for this. Fina fall in particular when the election comes around, that they would be the first ones to say they're for the small farmer, they're for the regular man.

Political Hypocrisy and Education System

Therefore, you know, when they try to pretend that they're not the same as Fina Gael, and they like to, you know, if it's advantageous, especially down around Clare, they like to wheel out Dev and they like to, you know, link themselves to the past when they're out in the sticks, but then, you know, this is the kind of crap they're coming out with. They're all just as guilty as each other, and any nationalist party or anyone who gets into power will have to root out, you know, gonna need, you know, what's a root and branch change in the education system? Because nothing, nothing can change in society until that's done.

Concerns Regarding National Sovereignty

What do you expect from, we'll say, the phoenix, when their leader, Mehal Martin, said openly on an interview that sovereignty, irish sovereignty is a backward thinking notion. Irish sovereignty, sorry, is a backward thinking notion, like, and that's from the leader country at the time, and that's a country that went through our troubles, that got our national identity, that got control of our country, and now sovereignty is something that's backwards and we should be dumping it out with the constitution, which effectively they did over Covid. I mean, this is the head cases that you're dealing with. They have no respect for the lives lost for the fight for the country, they have no respect for the toil that people, grandparents and uncles and aunts and parents went through for the last 60 years before the boom came, when they were feeding 14 kids with the pot of potatoes and sixpence and hoping to have enough for a bit of tobacco.

Legacy of Irish Heritage

You know, I hope the next time any fiend faller, you know, like Hasdemental ago at any phena Gaoler and calls them a free stater, that they'll bring this up and say, listen, this was under your watch. The most self loathing anti irish single page in any irish textbook ever. This was on your watch. Fina Falls. Sorry. And you know, we're talking there about the need for the written branch reform of the irish education system, especially at the top at university, because it comes through all the secondary and primary as well. But as I spoke earlier there, but the importance of irish people have control over own laws, their own budgets, our own borders.

Current Issues with Immigration Policies

And you've seen another case there during the week where a 27 year old afghan national who has been, it's alleged, murdered some, a young romanian woman in Limerick there last year. He has now been charged with, I believe his name is Habib Shamel. He's up in Mahaberi prison up in the north. And he was just this week charged with terrorism charges by the PSNI because they found on his. What was it that he found? They had a whole lot of information to do with targeting of places and individuals and they believe it is an islamic terrorist, all part of an islamic terrorist plot organization to harm people in Ireland. So we've just had, after the whole sligo beheading, the decapitation castration, we had the guy in Dundalk, we had the algerian national in Broad street there last November.

Concerns Over National Security

And Dublin were three kids and a teacher where were stabbed. Like, where does this end? Like the stupidity, the bullheadedness of the government allowing anybody and everybody to come in the country. We've spoken before, Kira, you know a lot about it, but I think that even the, those who are Muslims and the Garadie have said that there's 150 muslim people on the terrorism watch list in Ireland. And why are we allowing these people into our country when it's clear those who hold this ideology of Islamism present a threat to the irish public? Why is it allowed? Well, that particular case, the Habib case in Northern Ireland is particularly strange for a number of reasons.

The Complexity of Extradition

I did a piece about it during the week because I spotted it at the corner of my eye and I said, but that guy killed. That guy killed Gina Imbram in September of last year. Now, it was particularly unique because, first of all, our MSN reported and our guardi, the description of the man was he might have a bandage on his hand. That's the description that was given out on the press at the time. He made his way to Northern Ireland on a bus, at which point he was arrested. Okay, now here's where it gets really weird. Aside of what happened last week, it gets really weird here. What one would expect is because the crime was committed in Southern Ireland, in Limerick, that under normal circumstances an extradition warrant would be applied for by our police force to bring him down south to answer the charges in an irish court of alleged murder against this woman.

Cross-Border Legal Complications

But they chose not to. In actual fact, in actual fact, December last year. The british authorities are the Northern Ireland authorities, which are effectively Britain. And the agencies from the Republic of Ireland shared files and they were to meet in the Hague to talk about this case. Okay? Now, for me, this is very plain and simple. He allegedly murdered a woman in Limerick. He's brought back, the evidence is presented by the DPP, and he's either put up on charges and in front of a jury or whatever, convicted he's not. But they're talking about this in the Hague. What's even more unique about it is that he was put in remand in Meyerbarry prison in Northern Ireland. But the alleged crimes that occurred, okay, so he was in there in December, okay, on remand.

Unclear Circumstances of the Case

And I cannot find anywhere where the man was given bail. It's nowhere to be seen. I've scoured every mainstream media sources there. But the terrorist offenses, get this one, were committed between the 10 February and the 7 April. Now, the question is, a man on remand for a murder in Ireland, not extradited, okay? And the fact that he committed or allegedly committed these terrorist offences between February and April of this year, and they were on a pen drive, which meant that he needed access to a computer to do what he needed to do. Because if there were, if the pen drive was, if the data that was put on it was from last year, well, the offenses would have been last year while he was in. While he was out of prison.

The Ongoing Investigations

And they found the term drive and they would have charged based on that. So it's a very, very strange case, because at the moment, they're saying that he's in Marbury prison at the moment, and they're just saying that it's unconnected, serious charges. They didn't say, he allegedly murdered a woman in Limerick. Our irish media didn't even cover it. Didn't even warrant an inside page, not a mind front page. And this is what you're dealing with. Same thing that happened in Galway with the priest in Reyn Moore barracks. Frenzied attack, mad stuff, like, mad stuff that happened there. And when all that comes out, people are absolutely going to be stunned.

A Growing Threat Landscape

And this has been replicated over and over again. You said 153, 173 people on a terrorist watch list at the moment. Ireland has been rated as being a hub of terrorism. A couple of financial companies like Stripe and other people were audited recently. Well, actually, last year, in respect to transactions, they get to know your customer. They weren't doing it right with certain people. And that's a number of financial companies, not just on that singly held stripe. Ireland is on a high terror watch list, according to Mi five at the moment, as is Northern Ireland, as is the UK. And, you know, it's just more of the same. And we're just letting in anyone that wants to come in. 100 people a day coming in at the moment. Isn't it incredible?

Media Narratives

The speed at which the barbaric attempted murder of a priest right outside an army barracks in Galway was basically memory hold? What, basically within a week and a half? Yeah, pretty much. There's virtually nothing about it now in the mainstream media anywhere. Well, what's. What's really unique is I put up a couple of posts in respect of the terror cells and everything else which was commonly reported in the Irish Independent and a couple of other papers. Okay. The posts are gone off my timeline, and I cannot find the original articles on the papers. I have the screenshots of the articles, but I cannot find the original articles.

The Issue of Censorship

They have memory. They've been memory hold off the Internet and off their websites, off their. You can only get them on the way back machine. So they've been purposely taken down. So when you start removing fact, which is fact, it was reported, and it was reported by Interpol and was reported by Angarda Shakana, that these people were among us. And when you start removing that fact, because it's been pointed out numerous times by myself and others, you're on a very slippery road, because we seem to be doing everything to appease everybody but our own people in Ireland. That's my view of it, anyway.

Concerns over Public Safety

I don't know what you think. Owen. Yeah. Could I just open up another angle on this, too? Because you were talking about who, like, we have no clue who's in the country, you know, and even when they do know, they're incompetent in handling it. And just because where I am here now, in Germany, you know, and what happened in Solingen there, the week before last, where Assyrian murdered three people in, injured nine quite badly. So what's interesting there is. Well, there's two things that are interesting there. So, first, in relation to what you're saying there about the Ren Moore job, well, because Ireland's a crippled democracy, because there is no. Never any form of pressure put on by Sinn Fein or any other party at the moment, which is why it's so important that we get actual opposition in as soon as possible.

Government Accountability

But in Germany, for example, where they have a left wing and quite a hard left coalition in. At the moment, Nancy Faser. Who is a radical leftist, she was forced to come out with after this and she was forced to deport 28 people back to Afghanistan. That's the first time they ran deportations back to Afghanistan since the Taliban took over. But she was forced to put out a comprehensive plan. She's the interior minister, so including that, there will be no blades allowed in public events. This has long been a major problem. We've had a spate of. This is just aside from terrorism over here for a lot of. I'll just say it. Turks, Turks. It's not a good night out unless you stab someone in the buttocks. It seems to be a game for them anyway.

Monitoring Public Safety

Another thing is that they're given access to their police, greater access to biometric data, facial recognition and things like that, which will obviously be turned back on the right way and anyone who's dissenting. So that's obviously going to be bad. But it's interesting that the hard left german government was forced because of the presence of the AfD who are putting pressure on the CDU to get something done in Ireland. It's just brushed under the carpet because there is no political opposition, it's crippled democracy. But what it brought to mind was also something very important that came out of this was that the Syrian who committed the terrorist act, he had actually first registered in Bulgaria.

Issues with the Dublin Agreement

He had been served a deportation order back to Bulgaria as part of the Dublin agreement. And they just didn't deport him. They were lax, just like in Ireland. And if you'll remember your last April, when Michael McNamara sealed, as I say, his ticket to Europe, when he dismantled Helen McEntee, he pointed out that Ireland had 188 take back agreements, meaning the countries, the other EU countries said they would take back the immigrants under the Eurodact system and Dublin agreement. They said, yes, we'll take them back. And what was it? Three were sent back. So what it shows is that there's such a lax attitude across Europe with this take back system, but importantly, here in Ireland, where it never happens at all.

The Risks of Lax Immigration Policies

I would be very worried as to how many people have come in here and are known, not just the unknowns, but the knowns who were told are heavily vetted, but aren't vetted at all and shouldn't be in the country. One of the things that we saw in Germany in the past few years was attacks by failed asylum seekers like this guy. Once they've gotten a negative decision. It's particularly prominent among Syrians and Eritreans. We've had several murders in the region where I am, where upon receiving their orders to go, they commit these horrific acts of murder. So obviously anyone who's given a deportation order should be on the plane the next morning and gone. And in particular, these 188, these easy ones, these where take backs have been agreed upon, they should be out the door immediately.

Call for Action on Immigration Policy

So I would hope that. I would wish that this would be a wake up call to Ireland. It was a wake up call to the hard left government in Germany. They've been forced to do it because they've been held to account by a surgeon to AfD, but nobody's holding them to account in Ireland. But on the problem in Ireland is okay. There was an asylum seeker, 21 years of age, Mohammad Jan Azmarazdi, who, I hope I got that right, he was given the probation act by Judge Theresa Kelly. He has an address as Airway Industrial estate santary, which is a DP center.

Judicial Outcomes for Asylum Seekers

District Court judge heard on June 28, Garrity responded to a call that the man had a knife. Now, they called a knife was actually a dagger. There's actually photographs of it online. Big motherfucker Viuk. And he was lying in the grass with the knife stuck in the grass beside him. When he was arrested, he said that he was eating fruit, although there was no fruit around him. Now, bearing in mind that the carrying of a knife over a certain blade length in Ireland has a mandatory or, well, has the upper sentence of five years imprisonment, they're trying to bring that up to ten years now. And fine.

Disparity in Law Enforcement

Gale are going around and say, yeah, we're going to bring in the knife crime up into ten years or even carrying the knife. But this guy was given a complete conditional discharge, nothing done to him, no problem, go on about your business. So when you have, like, here's my point. Whatever, about an irish person of good standing carrying a knife for whatever reason, okay, a person who's seeking asylum in the country, who's seeking asylum, who's still within the process, under no circumstances should have a dagger in the middle of a park on a summer's day in front of families. And if they do, they need to be put away for a period of time.

Inequality in Judicial Consequences

That would be my view. But no, we don't do that here in Ireland. And once you allow that to happen, anyone else caught with a knife, now, all they do is say is they're cutting fruit. Because there's case law there. There's case law now in court saying, I was cutting fruit. You can't do me on it because this has been ruled upon. So when you have this lackadaisical, should I say, policing the same that's happening in the UK at the moment to certain groups, to specific groups. Whereas we all know a man that was cutting down posters in central Dublin and he's up in court for it and he's been back in a number of times for it.

Necessity for Effective Policing

Am I. Am I seeing something? Is it just me, the scene that there's something really wrong here, guys? Absolutely not. There's clearly the problem, like, what we've seen, especially with Fine Gael, is that they love pointing to the laws and they love pointing to the measures in place. They love pointing. Oh, we're going to like, as you rightly said, we're going to do x, Y and z. It's great having the laws, fine Gail, never enforce them and. No, and the bigger problem is, because obviously Fianna fall are in power with him and Sinn are just, you know, the same, that there's no one there to put pressure on them, real pressure through force and numbers.

Political Dynamics and Law Enforcement

And we need that. We badly need it. Absolutely. Yet you know what? The whole security issue, the security and safety situation of the country, has been forced to inner tubes by the political decisions of the government who have allowed open borders, who have allowed these people who have come in illegally, even without knowing who they are, where they're from, do they have a criminal record? They've been allowed to come in and instead of being, because we know they're here illegally, they should be deported immediately. But the politicians have allowed a situation to happen and told the police, the guards to allow these people to continue to come in. And we're the losers.

Analyzing Political Accountability

So, Killian, you were looking to come in. We see. Invite. Oh, sorry, invite. Go ahead. Yeah. So I was just looking at the correlation between the fact that Sinn Fein has now devolution in the north, but there's no correlation with the massive increase in migrants since that deal has been struck. So has anyone ever looked at the correlation between the massive increase and then Sinn Fein getting power in the north again? Because the massive increase coincided with Leo Vragka and. And Rishi shoe Nak at the time. And now we have an influx since there's devolution in the north.

Migration and Political Deals

Do you have any idea of the kind of numbers that we're talking about in the north? No, but in general, in the republic, that looks like Sinn Fein struck a deal or Liu struck a deal to take people in from the UK, seen as Helen McAtee was. So what's the word? Like she was saying 80% of the people coming from, migrants coming into the UK are coming from the north. But the correlation between the influx and them streaking a deal, all of a sudden the place is full.

EU Regulations and Irish Law

The law, EU regulations, supersedes irish law on this and they decide. So our budgets, even our money and our budgets, are decided by other people abroad and our so called irish government just go ahead with it.

Political Dynamics in Northern Ireland

Yeah, but what I'm saying was that it coincides, seeing as we don't have an opposition. It looks as though the Sinn Fein has. Okay, we have devolution in the north, we've power in the north. We're not going to stand up against this massive immigration influx. That's what it seems to be. That's why the reason Sinn Fein aren't opposing any of this mass immigration.

Observations on Taxi Rides

But if you look at the amount, if you actually sit in the m 50 for 20 minutes every single day, the amount of northern taxis flying in at m 50 going into the city center, going into the I pass center, are all northern taxi drivers landing all these people into this, into the I pass in Dublin? Like, they're not. They're not flying in as much as everyone seems to think, you know. Yeah, that's absolutely true. People, the huge amount of people coming in. Well, we just know this anecdotally that people coming into Belfast and then getting taxi down. And we've seen numerous videos of these people landing right outside, what do you call the asylum seeker kind of application office in Dublin. It's just. It is unbelievable killing. Thank you very much for that point.

Insights from Recent Articles

Can I make a point on this? The Joskillian, the Sunday Times, the UK Sunday Times published an article on May 5, 2024. And it was very telling because basically, some of the points within the article I'll post to the bubble in a moment. But basically they said, hands tied and blindfolded, how Garudi are dealing with immigration. One senior Garudi source said it's enforcing immigration policy. Wood hand tied between your. Behind your back and also blindfolded. He said shadow operations in the region, trying to make their presence feel while remaining invisible, because that's what they've been told. Most of the work has been intelligent, led and catching the middlemen who are facilitating illegal immigration.

Cross-Border Travel

But 30,000 people cross the border daily, not immigrants. Now, that's just the normal transport back and forth. Public transport is inspected. But I have a number of people that sent DM's to me and legitimate sources who have said that there, they're making their way to the northern side of the border, and they're getting picked up by taxis on the northern side of the border, and they're either being brought across the border, the virtual border, or so we'll put it, and then resume their journey by either bus or if they can afford a taxi, some of them actually being given money for the taxi to come down south.

Racial Profiling and Immigration Law

The guards also said that you have a 500 kilometer border, so you can come across any way that you want. But he also. They also said, this is a very interesting point. Oh, yeah. So they said the enforcement of immigration law in the region is also problematic as he exposes them to the accusation of racial profiling. If they stop, people of color are those who speak with a foreign accent. If and when migrants are stopped, they're usually transported to the Dublin registered and then sent to the International Protection Office.

Twilight Zone of Immigration

So basically, we're in this Twilight zone at the moment, which I've never seen before, and I travel the world, you know, when you pitch up in New York or. Or anywhere else where you come from, Ireland. Can I see your passport? Can I see your papers? And if you don't have them, on the next plane home. But now our own people are saying that they'd be accused of racial profiling for even asking that question. Like, how can you enforce a border that way? How can you ensure the security and the well being of irish citizens, when in actual fact, you're afraid to ask a person where they're coming from and what they're doing.

Transport and Illegal Entry Issues

This is just the total crazy at the moment that I can see, you know, you people hopping off the back of Laurier, coming in from the UK every day of the week. The transport companies aren't even reporting it now because they get a bigger rap on the knuckles than the people that hop off the back of the truck. And this is widespread. This is just out of control. They've already said that the number that I said will be the number for the year has been surpassed already. 150,000 people have come into Ireland this year alone as immigrants or refugees. So it's not stopping and a one stop thoughts.

Political Reactions and Perspectives

Thank you very. Thank you very much, Kerry. You're 100% correct. And all by political decisions, by those who've been elected in Ireland. Victoria, thank you very much, Killian, for the point. Very good point indeed. Victoria, you'd like to come in? I would. Hi, Herriman. Hi, everyone. So, good point there, Cillian. 150,000. Wow. And we're still his bare face. He dared to show his face. And what is it that he said, our weasel of a t shock of a minister? What does it he said? He said, what issue with immigration? Is that what he said? Is that what he dared to say recently?

Irregular Asylum Claims

That he didn't see any issue with immigration? There's no issue. And we have 150,000. Is that. That's the numbers. Is it in the last year here? 150,000 up to last week. Now, just bear in mind, just for the avoidance of doubt here, to be. To be kind to everybody, some of that is legal immigration and some of it is. Well, they say you can't use the word illegal, but my view is, if 80% of the people that arrive into Dublin airport seeking asylum lose their papers in the air, they're coming without clean hands.

Legal vs Illegal Immigration

It's illegal. Yeah, it's illegal. So let's. Let's just settle that and call. Call it what it is. Total. A total, I think, as Herman has said, and the Irish Freedom Party, and we know the numbers, the stats already. I wasn't really that much aware of them myself. We have then over 270,000, the PPS numbers. My issue, my concerns is there's obviously 206, more than 206 non irish PPS numbers. I wonder why. Irish born is 64,000 and we're at 24% then.

Concerns Regarding PPS Numbers

This. This is insane. This is insane. So why are we giving out PPS numbers to anyone to come into the country also, if anyone knows, because I'm not really sure and I'm really getting. Getting fairly new into these politics. Living in France before myself, I'd know more about french politics than I would about, you know, but I am Irish born, and since I've come back in the last maybe eight years, I'm just appalled of the decline and what I am seeing and the corruption and the lies and the gaslighting recently in this country.

Lack of Background Checks

Does anyone know, like, you've had, you have both mentioned very well there, I think, Ian and Killian, who were mentioning about people coming in. So we're, you know, I. Obviously, there kind of seems to be a lot of hidden stuff around how they are actually getting in and what kind of identity and what kind of background checks there is. If they are coming in from the UK and they are crossing the border, like you said, all these registered cars and what is the act? Does anyone actually know with Helen McEntee?

Immigrant Processing Procedures

Was there, was. Has anyone actually. Has there actually been any stats or any numbers given out on. How can I say this? The. The background. Was there any background checks? Like, what is there? Because we hear a lot about immigrants coming in the country and burning their identity. So what kind of backgrounds do we have? Any stats on this? Do we know which countries it ingested?

Visa and Asylum Validity

They claimed, they've claimed in the past, the Minister for justice and other departments have claimed that they're fingerprinted and everything else when they come into Ireland. The department have come out since then and said that they're not theoretically under. If you apply for refugee status in any country under the UN conventions and all the other conventions that are being applied at the moment, that country that you apply for asylum, them cannot query your home country just in case you might be a political prisoner and you're wanted in your home country because you cause trouble, because you're a political prisoner or you're persecuted or whatever else.

Dublin Convention and its Implications

So technically, you can't go and ask the home country. What's the story with person a? On top of that, there's what they call a Eurodact database that is throughout Europe. And technically, under the Dublin Convention and all the other conventions, if a person lands in the first country, the first safe country, and they're fingerprinted, technically that's their country of asylum. Okay? But under kind of weird EU laws, and Herman knows enough more about this than I do, they can travel within the EU.

Identity Issues with Immigrants

Now, here's the thing. We had a prisoner who was still a prisoner in Cork. He was charged for a number of assault and a number of break ins. Okay, he gave the garly a fake name, but when the Guardian went looking for him and fingerprinted and ran him through the system, he had 27 different identities throughout Europe, including the UK. So the fact that he was in DP, the direct provision, and the fact that he had all those identities and no one flagged, that shows that our security services is not working in Ireland.

Refugee Claims and Identity Verification

Similarly, if a person, as you said, burn their papers or arrive in an plane tomorrow morning, if a person arrives on a plane to Dublin airport and presents themselves at the counter and says that I am seeking asylum, they'll be brought to the GP center and they'll be asked, what's your name, address and whatever. They'll fill out a piece of paper, a date of birth, whatever. And whatever information they give is taken as de facto because they're seeking asylum.

Verification Challenges

The irish government cannot go to the other country and say, is this true? Can you send us on the papers? They won't do that. What's even worrying about this process is that within ten days, that person given their name. So if they say, my name is Johnny Boo and I'm 26 years of age, which actually, there's a case one of the papers, I'll dig it out in a second, where a man that looks, he actually looks about 55, 60 and he's claiming he's 26 years of age.

Entitlement Issues

So that's just another story. But that man will be given a PPS number, will be allowed to open a bank account in with that PPS number. And I think it's a blue card or it's whatever card they give them the asylum card on you. AIB or the bank of Ireland will open a bank account almost immediately from. And from that point on, that's his identity.

National Security Concerns

So if you're a terrorist or if you're a person who's wanted another country for whatever it is, the easiest way of getting a new identity claim asylum in Ireland, and you have a new one within 24 hours and it's legit and it's on the system now, the only time it falls down is if you're fingerprinted and if you turn up an interval or some of the databases, and that's where you get your blown. But that's how it works.

Case Studies of Terrorists in Ireland

It's absolutely astounding. Like, all we have to do is, and I covered it last year, Peter Dubey, he came to Ireland. He went. He was staying in the red car hotel for almost two years. He allegedly murdered three people, or, sorry, two people and attempted murder of another two people in Zimbabwe. He was living in the hotel.

Ineptitude in Deportation Procedures

We pointed out to the authorities he was living in the hotel. And when they finally deported him, they deported him to the wrong country based on the fake paperwork that he had, they didn't even bother checking that. They deported him to Mozambique. That's the ineptitude that we're dealing with in Ireland now. It's either an aptitude, which I doubt, or it's just don't go there, just don't bother. We don't care. Let them in.

Political Accountability

I don't know what the other panel think of that, but that's what I'm saying. When Michael McNamara took McInty apart, another thing that he brought up, which you talked about there, Kira, is the 85% of asylum claimants in Dublin airport in 2000, what was it, 23? So that was 4712, 85% presented with falsified or no documentation.

Legal Consequences of Illegal Entry

Now, under our irish 2004 immigration laws, they're all broken the law and there should be, you know, rejected entry, just as just, it's a no brainer. And in the 2022 and 2023 alone, that was 8975. So non ukrainian asylum seekers who showed up in Dublin airport with no falsified documents, and McNamara, you know, he was pushing McIntyre, pushing her for figures, and she kept saying, oh, I don't have it to hand, blah, blah. Well, he had it to hand.

Questions on Accountability

One person was prosecuted for illegal activity. So that's 8974 people who are admitted into the asylum system here in Ireland, even though they enter the country illegally. But what I can't understand, guys, and I'm just going to throw it out there. If a person arrives to the border of Australia, okay, and if they commit visa fraud or try to spoof the system there, not alone are they detained, but theyre returned on the next flight to the country of origin where they came from.

Comparisons with Other Countries

And thats Australia. Now, I dont know if youre seeking asylum or something else. I dont know what the procedure there is, but thats Australia. All you did was watch the border patrol or border whatever it is on some of the tv channels. My thing is that if a person comes from the UK, from a flight from the UK or any european country that's safe, and if they tried to claim asylum in Ireland without papers, why aren't they returned on the next flight to that country?

Need for Stricter Immigration Policies

That's my question. Because that would solve an offload very quickly. Yeah, because we're not returning because we need to grow a pear, basically. Let's not around the bush. We need to. We need to grow a pear like the way they are doing in Poland and Hungaria, the thing that. And, you know, basically. Thank you for answering that, Kira.

Exploitation of Loopholes

Basically, they're taking advantage of the naivete and the lax government that we have and they're using loopholes to come through. But if that's true what you said, that they should be in the safe country, that they get into the fake asylum seekers anyway, that then that should be France, because they are coming in through France.

Responsibility of Safe Countries

They are coming in now through England and UK. And if they are coming through UK, well, then that's nothing, even EU. So then they should be taking care of them. I actually think it's further than this. I actually think the corruption goes deeper. I don't really know if we'll go into it, but it's definitely benefiting them to have a lot of PPS numbers that are non irish and that would go in their way to maybe have a rigged.

Concerns about Citizenship

Election. But you know what this brings up about people having to apply for asylum in the first country that they enter in the EU and it has to do with citizenship and the problem of citizenship being thrown around like confetti, as I said before. And let's look, you may have seen over the week, it was on a Michael Keefe Twitter page, a video of young african girls, probably nigerian.

Mocking Irish Identity

They're all dancing around, singing, and you'll never will. You're never going get, as they're saying, you'll never get your country back. They're flashing their irish and british passports and they're laughing. They're physically laughing at us. Look at these idiots who've given us an irish passport. We're nigerian, but we have irish passports and we're never going to leave here because we've got a passport.

Revisiting Irish Citizenship Policies

A thing that we will have, that a nationalist government in the future will have to look at. We'll have to re examine is the. How passports and how irish citizenship was given to thousands and thousands of people who had no legal right to. To ask for it. These people came, many of the, like everybody. I. I would say, for example, on Nigerians, there are no direct flights from Lagos to Dublin, from Nigeria to Ireland.

Issues with Asylum Claims

So none of these people we know for certain, unless they have incredible swimming skills that we're unaware of, that none of them came directly from Nigeria to Ireland, and therefore none of them had a right to apply for asylum in Ireland because it clearly wasn't the first country of first safe country event. So we will have to go back and examine all these citizenship certificates and passports that were given out to people.

Consequences of False Claims

And look, if their parents were given a irish passport and citizenship under false pretenses, those parents and their children must be deported from Ireland as well. So that's a thing that we will have to look at in the long term. And that's a long term play that we'll have to look at. What do you think of that?

Problems with Current Relationships

Sorry? The fact that we're, after probably ruining any irish us relations in the last five years, we seem to go into the European Union bucket as opposed to the US bucket. We've the 12th most powerful passport in the world and we're just giving them out, as you said, like confetti.

Consequences of Bad Policy

So, like, it's a bit like we're cutting our face off, whatever that phrase is. We're cutting our. Whatever that phrase is, like. Yeah, it's a bit. It's a bit ridiculous. That were damaging hundreds of years of us relations and going into the U pot.

Irish Passport Status

That's my. Given us. Well, well, the irish passport. The irish passport at the moment, it was revered up until a number of years ago, and we're given a out, as you say, like confetti. So anybody traveling now to certain countries are more vetted than they were in the past because there's so many that are flashing it.

Unprofessional Behavior

The person that you spoke about, one of the people that were on, that was on that video flashing the passports and mocking the Irish, actually works in a company in Galway, and she has another video up saying she despises working there. That particular person that was brought to my attention.

Civic Responsibility

So, you know, the reality here is that if you come to Ireland and if you're given a passport and if you give a citizenship, fit in, obey the laws of the land and everyone will be fine. And don't be. Don't have the handout work like everybody else. But this is not the mindset with a lot of people that are coming here.

Government Communication Failure

And I suppose the fact that Rodriguez sent out a post in seven different languages saying that we're going to give you a free house, your own free front door key for your free house, within four months of arriving here, doesn't help matters either. Now that's gone awol when this guy is lined up in tents.

Tent Cities in Ireland

But, like, now we have a tent city in Dublin, like Paris, like Brussels, like every other european country. How do we let that happen? We have a sea around Ireland, you know, the shortest distance between Ireland and the UK, I think, is 14 miles between Belfast and northern England.

Border Protection

So you're not going to come across there too easily. So why can't we protect our borders? Why are we treating? Why is it that when Covid was here, we could track every mobile phone in the country? Because we bought the device metadata from three and other companies and were tracking everybody and yet we can't track the people that are in Ireland.

Demographics and Contributions

One in five people are non national, one in five people are non irish. And again, the reality is that there's a lot of people here legitimately who contribute to the economy of Ireland, who are paid and highly skilled workers. No problem with them. They came here legitimately.

Concerns on Undocumented Individuals

But there's an awful lot of other people here that we don't know as here and that are coming in through the north and that are coming in by other means who are up to no good. I would push that a little bit further, actually. And it shows that what we've been talking about tonight, especially when it comes to access to welfare and housing and all these things, a lot of them have to do with a lot of these people.

Voting Rights of New Citizens

Even there they can vote now, irish citizens with passports, these girls who are mocking us and saying, you'll never get your country back, they have irish passports, they have a right to vote in irish elections, which I'm disgusted by. And it shows. We have to revisit and look again at how people obtain irish citizenship.

Legitimate Naturalization

Do they do it legally? And we have to become stricter on those who obtain irish citizenship. I would say that irish citizenship should only be given to those like your sanguinary, the law of blood, that you should have it. You should have one parent who's irish to obtain irish citizenship.

Concerns Over Easy Citizenship

Or you get it as everywhere else across the world, by naturalization, being married to another, to an irish person or to an irish citizen for ten years without any agro, without being like fitting in to Ireland by paying taxes, etcetera, by contributing to society, not being a drag on irish society or the taxpayer. That that's fine you can get because you're married to an irish citizen, you can get an irish passport, etcetera.

Protection of Irish Citizenship

But the main and the vast morty, vast majority of cases, irish citizenship should only be given to those with an irish parent rather than throwing it around to all in sundry who just come here for free stuff. And even, and I have no problem with people getting, coming here legally, getting work permits, working, residing here for a number of years when they have a work permit, but believe when the work permit is over.

Limitations on Residency

The residence permit must fall by the wayside at the same time. And they go back and they go on to another country and they take our good wishes and they take the money that they've earned here and experience that they have, and we wish them all the best. But the idea is that anybody and everybody can get an irish citizenship and passport is just ridiculous.

The Need for Reforms

And we got to stop it. Exactly, Herman. Exactly. And you know what? They're too busy licking the boots of the EU globalists and NGO's. They're too busy waiting for a little pat on his weasel head instead of taking care of the 15,000 homeless irish people that we have and the 4000 irish children that do not have a place to call home.

Crisis in Irish Society

And this government that, I do not know why they're still on top of the pole unless people have some kind of. Are suffering from some kind of. I don't know. And what's that syndrome when you have that you have from your kidnappers? Stockholm syndrome.

Accountability in Governance

Stockholm syndrome. Or maybe I don't know what is wrong with them and. But at the same time, I wouldn't put it past them to be rigged. Some of those, I definitely think people should be there while the next general election, because I wouldn't put anything past them at this stage because this is an inside job.

Corruption and Greed

And the worst thing about it in Ireland is that it's an inside job. And we see all the faces, Stephen Kier, that went out and showed all those lads getting fill in their pockets. It's all about greed. It's all about selling out the Irish. Selling out Ireland for money, money.

Message to Corrupt Officials

Well, you know what, my message to any of them listening to any of you listening, that have sold out our country, I hope you choke on your money. But anyway, I'm sorry for getting a bit emotional, but they're too busy.

Inadequate Government Response

They're too busy looking for a pat on the back from the EU, globalists and NGO's, etcetera, than to actually take care of the real crises that we have in Ireland. While Ireland is crying, while there's so many, there's a housing crisis, there's a mental health crisis, there's a crisis in the schools, there's kids that have special needs that are not being attended to.

Public Health System Failures

There's people that are waiting 1012 hours on trolleys, old people, and they don't care because they're filling their pockets. And all those weasels are the cause of the decline that's happening in Ireland since 2011, since they've been in power. And I do not know unless people have Stockholm syndrome, unless it's rigged.

Inquiry into Governance

Why these corrupt, lying, narcissistic, gaslighting weasels are still in power and they can cover me if they like because I will tell them you're a weasel. You do not know what a man is. You do not even know what a woman is.

Past Scandals

You dare to show your brazen, bold face after the smear cervical campaign when he was minister of the health. Has everyone just forgot about that? Have we forgot about all the women who died? Have we just forgotten?

Continuing Accountability Issues

Just brushed that again. Irish again. Having memory loss. Have we just forgot? I mean, you should have been thrown out. At least the other one had the decency to step down.

Media Non-Accountability

Yeah, the whole thing about that. See that we have this press situation, like I mentioned earlier, about the murder or the attempted murder of a priest outside barracks and Galway, his memory hold within ten days. And we have t shirt Simon Horace, he was useless, absolutely incompetent as minister of health.

Government Oversight

But sure, you never hear a mention of that. There was a vote of confidence. There had to be a vote of confidence on him in the doll. He was so poor. But sure.

Media Bias

Memory hold irish media, no hard questions. I think it's actually Ben Scallon or nobody who are acting, asking hard questions of those in power. And we could see very clearly during the lockdown that the irish media were basically writing shotgun for the irish government and they were just like mouthpieces augmenting or acting as megaphones for government policy and government politicians.

Criticism of Media and Politics

But there was very few, if any, hard questions asked by the Irish press to those in part. Exactly, Herman. Exactly. They're, they're just puppets for the EU. We need them out. Vote them out. Vote nationalist. Everybody get off their butts and go voting. We need to get people into those polls, whatever way it is, to make sure that it's not rigged. We need people checking. People need to get their head checked if they're going to, like Einstein says, you know, that, to keep doing the same thing again when you're getting the same results as a sign of insanity. So I don't know what's going on here, but definitely there's corruption, there's lies, it's coming from the inside. It's an inside job.

Concerns Regarding Election Integrity

I do not, I think that it suits them to get all these PPS numbers and have these people coming over. It suits their agenda and to have maybe people we do did see stories, we did see videos circulating about different people bringing taxis and bringing these so called refugees and different people that were in the country for five minutes down to vote. Hopefully this won't be the case for the general election because it's illegal. But we have seen a lot of illegal activity in Ireland. We need to stand up to them. Freedom of speech is our God given right. We have a right to express when they're. When. When people are doing illegal things, when. When they are failing and neglecting their own people, when they were doing treacherous things, we have a right to stand up.

A Call for Change in Government

And I, and I really think that. I really do hope that we can get some real men and real women and real Irish patriots into the Irish government instead of these sellouts. And, and, you know, I really admire the Polish actually, at the moment that are taking a very firm stand. And even though they're being criticized, we can see in Poland that there's a very low rate of terror attacks in Hungary. They've built a fence as well and they're actually suing the EU for the fence that they have built. So there is certain countries that are, you know, there is a lot of people that are awake. They're increasingly across Europe.

Nationalist Policies in Europe

You mentioned there, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, there actually, the amount of immigration has. Because the more nationalist government has come in, I believe the Sweden Democrats are a minor partner in the Swedish government at the minute. And they have, because they brought in a lot of measures which financially make it difficult or less easy for migrants come in. Actually, migration has now reversed in Sweden and these people who, these freeloaders or the welfare tourists in Sweden have now started to leave. So. And Denmark has done the same. Even though it's a left wing government, they've brought in a lot of measures against mass immigration and they have a very low rate of immigration into Denmark.

Voter Engagement and Political Reform

So where there's a will, there's a way when we force the politicians, when we put a national politicians in the Dole who make laws for the benefit of Irish people, we will start to win. Thank you very much, Victoria. Rene, if you'd like to come in there, please. Yeah, just a quick one there, because earlier on, I kept on going back and forth. So thank you, Harman, for letting me speak. Someone mentioned, I don't want to sway the subject a bit, but someone mentioned earlier regarding the book that's being. It's being discussed for a couple of days now in Twitter, in the Twitter sphere regarding demonization of the. What seems to be the norm of Irish family, perhaps, maybe it's been mentioned already, boss.

Cultural Concerns and Gaelic Language

This is like, you know, critical race theory 101. I never. Yeah, I've gone through primary and secondary school in Ireland and I never seen that ever before. Even though it's just a page or two pages. We can't let these people have any more inch or even a centimeter or even a millimeter. That was appalling in terms of the demonization of what, the norms in the Irish traditions. I don't know whether I've mentioned this in this space before, but many instances when I'm on leftist spaces, I came across someone who is a member of Yantu. I'm not gonna name him. He's actually a very good lad, a very young lad.

Mockery of Irish Language and Culture

He just finished his leaving start as well. And he tries, he's one of them very young, enthusiastic young people. One of the young people that promotes Gaelic speaking as much Gaelic as possible. And one of the walk leftists. I mean, I know it's just mockery. He was mocking, calling him cringe. You know, why are you speaking Gaelic in a tone where saying, oh, you're such a weirdo for doing that? The name, no, I couldn't say the name. I don't know whether I'm allowed to say the name, but even I'm getting made fun of by walk leftists for speaking the way I speak. And it's all these types of gradualization and demonization of deconstructionism of culture.

Concerns on Language and Cultural Appropriation

I don't know. It's definitely not orchestrated, but it feels almost like ingrained to their nature to just go against the norms in Ireland. This is just basing on when I speak in leftist basis. There's this one guy called Cannon who said at some point that it's racist to have Gaelic language and application forms when you're applying for a job in Ireland because it's, you know, it's like you're in Ireland, you know, learning a couple of words in Gaelic won't hurt you and it's part of the country. It's not, it's not, it's not. It's not race.

Concerns Over Police Recruitment Practices

Like you came over to the country. You learn some the language, especially if you're, I was about to ask you guys, I don't know whether you've seen that ad, the on guard of Chicago, the Guardiad, where they're trying to recruit some people from Pakistan to work as a guardie. It's so bad. It's, when I saw that, yeah, it's. Like killing a Scully. No no. Have they gotten rid, because I don't have much time, Herman, correct me if I'm wrong. Have they abandoned or gotten rid of the mandatory Gaelic.

Discussions on Education and Language Policy

You know, the mandatory Gaelic. You know, you're supposed to be able to speak Gaelic to some. To a certain degree before you can. You can be a guardie. That was the norm, right? Have they gotten rid of that? Why are they getting rid of it? I need confirmation here. Have they gotten rid of it? Actually, Doctor Owen, I think you were speaking there during the week about the whole thing about. Is it now 28% of students in secondary level no longer have to take Irish to Junior Cert and even. Cert.

Emergence of Educational Reform

Oh, gosh. Yeah. What was that ridiculous number? Hang on, let me scroll my. My thingy here and I'll grab it for you in one sec. So just while you do that, doctor, so what I'm trying to say just before I finish, there's. It's not orchestrated. It's almost like inherently in their nature to mark anything that's anything to do with Irish tradition, because I've even seen articles now that the Rosa Chuli contest is somehow a white supremacy fucking contest now. It's like it's. It's.

Concerns About Cultural Narratives

It's really bad. This is odd. This is the usual American talking point. Doctor Owen Lennon. I'll address something about speaking Irish. Thanks. Sorry there. Yeah, I can give you the stats just so you have them. 23% of students, and that's 13,500 students sitting. The Leaving Cert this year received an exemption on Irish, and that was despite a rise in popularity of Gwale Skullness. So the obvious conclusion being that we're seeing the emergence of parallel societies.

Education and National Identity

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you very much for that. And actually choose. And like, surely the state education system should engender pride of Ireland, of Irish culture, of Irish language, or games, or our dance, our music, etcetera, certainly used to do that post independence. There was decades when all the Irish state and all the different political parties, be it Sinn Fein, Fianna Fall, Fine Gael, whatever Labour party, they all kind of emphasized this love of Ireland, love of Irish culture, love of Irish people, and now it's the very opposite.

Need for Nationalist Representation

So that's. We need. We need nationalists in there to stand up for Irish people. Rene, if you'd like to come in there, please. Oh, no, I completely agree with you, but I'm just thumbing. I'm just thumbing down because of what I'm seeing in Twitter when it comes to the two pages in that book being made fun of and being called Cringe and pretty much demonizing when I speak this way or seeing someone trying to. Trying their best to speak Gaelic.

Challenges of Cultural Appreciation

Like this Yanta member he made. He creates spaces and tries to encourage everyone just to speak Gaelic in spaces. So he's being called. He's being mocked for doing that. He's being demonized for doing that. And I'm trying to think he's a very resilient guy. So, no, he's still doing it. But it's really creepy that a lot of these dots are connecting. It's almost like they're slowly either demonizing, maybe, bit too much of a word, but they're like belittling.

Cultural Rights and Language in Ireland

Yeah, I would just use the demonization. It's like, you know, this is Ireland, you know, it's not racist to have a Gaelic sign or in your application for. It's not racist. It's. It's weird. It's almost like the American talking points around the critical race theory and what's racist towards black people is all of a sudden coming in Ireland. It's weird. It's just weird. But no, everything was what you're saying, Harmon, I completely agree.

Risks of Armed Insurrection Discussions

And just one question, Harmon, more towards you. The fact that you've, you know, ran for European elections and everything. If there was a mainstream media debate amongst who ran before in terms of, like, if there was a debate, let's just say in RCE or virgin media and all that, will you be able to join a general election debate if there was one, like, well, I used. To be asked on to the Irish media very frequently. Previous to the last European election five years ago, I used to be on the Matt Cooper, I think, a tonight show with Matt Cooper and Ivan Yates.

Media Bias and Political Representation

But then after the European election of five years ago, all of a sudden myself, Kevin Sharkey, Niall Boylan, Ray Bassett, we're all suddenly told no, we're all became personnel non grata and were no longer asked on. So I haven't been on since. In that last election, I was put out in Midlands Northwest constituency, put out in count 13, got 21,000 votes by the time I left. Peter Casey at the time had 23. He went up to 28,000.

Inequities in Political Media

Difference between me and him was that he was allowed on RT tv and radio and I was not. So I think even though I could speak, I think make arguments quite coherently and clearly, it shows the advantage of being on national tv. And really, will I be allowed on? Look, I don't have that power. They're the ones who decide. That's a big problem in Ireland is that the media class are there not reporting, but campaigning, that's a huge problem.

The Need for Reform in Media Representation

Doctor Owen has mentioned we have a huge amount of work to do in the reform of the academic people who are in charge, what they believe in the media, the bias that we have, and what we can do in the general election is make sure that we're registered to vote and get out our family or friends, relations, everybody, our neighbors, and tell them we got a vote. Nationalist. Now, I'll be wrong county loud in the. In the general election, there will be other soon to be announced candidates for the Irish Freedom Party and other constituencies.

The Call for Engagement in Politics

And it's, you know what, ultimately, we can't spoon feed people. Ultimately, people will have to get up off their armchair, get up, register and vote. And do you know what? I am a man. I am a man of political conviction. I don't have any criminal convictions. Now people can go to other spaces and they can hear guys who've had criminal convictions for drug running or whatever, possession and drug dealing, who are, who tell the Irish people that what we need to do is have a militia and go out and get thousands of Irish men and we're going to take over the state.

The Dangers of Extremism

Bye. Knocking the head off the guardi and set up, you know, we're going to militarily take over the state. These people are off their heads. Mainly. They're low IQ, low education, they're idiots, they know nothing about history and they. Maybe they haven't experienced political violence as I have in the north of Ireland. And you know what? So many of these people, their criminal convictions. I had one guy who ran against us there, like this guy was convicted for what, was convicted for armed robbery and among other things.

Caution Against Extremism in Nationalism

And these are the people that other spaces will put up and put up. Guys who've, you know, they quote Mein Kampf and talk about Hitler as the best thing since Leis Pan. These people are crazy. We've got to be very careful. Not everybody who calls himself an Irish national should be trusted. Not everybody who calls themselves an Irish nationalist is saying is reasonable, has. Is looking to get to the right place.

Critical Examination of Nationalism

So I would ask for people to examine carefully what people say, who they are, how they show their character, what policies they advocate, look at those very clearly and cash and vote accordingly. So I won't keep on forever and ever. If Doctor Owen or Kira would like to respond to that. And then, Kira, we'll finish, please, with Aaron Levine and we'll wish everybody good night because it's now, is it 945?

Final Thoughts and Appreciation

So thank you. Thank you very much. I'm going. Yeah, thank you. Very much, guys. Thank you very much. Have a good night, guys. Thank you. Thank you. All. I would say to Rennie there is to remember that Irish is also tied up in certain ways. We class here, particularly, you see a lot of the champagne socialist left wingers, Sinn Fein crowd. Crowd using it as a weapon. Like when.

Reflections on Language and Social Context

When I grew up, for example, and went to school in the nineties and primary school in the mid eighties and nineties. It was, you know, if you weren't from the Gwell talk to, you despised Irish, mainly because of how it was taught. So now I see. I think it's fantastic. See this grassroots efforts. Grassroots effort coming through the chat rooms. And I would support, and I think that's why it's being attacked is that's what they fear, is that a grassroots love of the language coming back.

Support for Language Preservation

Well said. On. Just on the point that you made, Herman. You know, I've listened in on spaces, and I've been absent for spaces because there's a lot of comments being made about me that I'm a. That I'm an NGO troll or an NGO paid employee. I work for the garrets and everything else. All lies. But anyway, it's easy to make comments like that when you're hiding behind a Yemenite spaceless avatar and when you think you're anonymous.

Responsibility in Online Discourse

However, I will address one issue, and I want to be very clear in this, guys and girls and everybody in this room, I've said for the last year and a half that, you know, you're responsible for your words and your actions in these spaces. And you're also responsible if you're party to something that's happening within a space. Okay? And the reality is, there's a number of spaces in Ireland at the moment that are saying that we need armed insurrection.

Legal Implications of Radical Ideas

We need this, we need that, we need the other. As Herman said, he's lived through the troubles in Northern Ireland. I've been in conflict zones that would make the hair stand in the back of your head to see some of the atrocities that were done in those zones. But notwithstanding that, even the suggestion of insurrection, armed insurrection in Ireland is actually covered under the Offenses against the State act, section 30, and can land you in the special Criminal Court, which Miguel brought forward a number of years ago, which is intended to be used with terrorists, with members of the IRA prescribed organizations, where there may be the intent to intimidate or to intimidate the victims, or to intimidate witnesses.

Judicial Concerns and Legal Ramifications

So that court is held with three judges. You may or may not be allowed to solicitor, you may not even be told what you're being charged for and what you're being prosecuted for. I'll post to the bubble in a couple of minutes. The Times run apiece that the government were considering using the section 30 offenses they act against far right and far right protesters. So the only advice that I'm going to give on this space tonight, and to protect the people, to protect anyone that wants to be protected, is even participating, even saying something like that in public, I'm all for free speech, guys and girls, but even saying for anything like that in public, where you are perceived as being a threat to the state of Ireland, will land you in deep shit.

Consequences of Careless Speech

And it may not happen this week, and it may not happen next week, but it will happen. So, you know, you can have all the bravado you want, and if you're drugged up or if you're drunk off your head and saying stuff like that isn't going to. That isn't going to stand as your defense, especially if you get pulled into the special criminal court. I feel that the. You know, there's been an own. You might comment on this before we go, but the AfD have seemingly won the German elections, which is. Which is a huge thing.

Reflections on Recent Elections

They're perceived as far right. I'd consider them somewhat centrist and along the same basis as ourselves, but unless you do things democratic, you'll have the situation where whoever takes over non democratically is going to be perceived as the dictator from the other party. So they win it by the ballot box. Boys and girls, I know that it has been disappointing in the local elections and the. The European elections, and even more disappointing that some of the people.

Disappointment in Political Promises

The mandate that they ran on and the promises that they made, they did a complete 180 the minute that they got that vote. And that is very disappointing. And those people, they better enjoy their seats in Brussels because I know for a fact I won't be giving them a vote again, nor will a lot of other people. So they better enjoy their five years. We need decent people.

Desire for Authentic Leadership

And you have Herman, you have Elaine Mullally. You have many other people who I would perceive as Elaine walked away from party because they turned and they went against the mandate that the party was set up for. We need strong, conscious people who are aligned with the beliefs and the constitution of Ireland, who will represent the Irish public and their constituents to the best of their ability, with the best intentions. We need people like that.

A Call for Integrity in Politics

We don't need bullshitters. We don't need people that are going around saying do this, do that, do the other. We do not need troublemakers. We don't need people stern it. We do not need to lose our right to protest. There's a constitutional right to protest. And if you have thugs getting involved in that, suddenly those rights are stripped away from you as well. And they would be my thoughts and going along the same lines as Herman, you know, just be.

Importance of Free Speech and Protest

Be very careful what you say online. It's all been monitored. I joke all the time. I listen to everything, which I don't, but it's very easy to do that. Logs of every conversation is there. So please. I think it's very common sense to say to people, hey, put in and listen to people with political convictions, not criminal convictions. I think that should be the bare minimum of people's assessment of who is saying and doing what and any kind of.

Critique of Extremism in National Identity

When you hear people talking about armed insurrection and little kind of militia and little silly midgets wearing SS uniforms and going around with silly hats, you say, look, guys, grow up, wise up and go and do your cosplay somewhere else. Not darling, do that. In 1930s Germany. That's where I longs. But do you know what? I think we've kept people on for almost 2 hours here, so I think we'll wrap up.

Concluding Remarks of Gratitude

I'd like to thank. Yeah, yeah. Well, you just said Owen, I'm just interested in his thing about the AfD and then out the gap, because I need to go on a ten as well anyway, if he's up first. Yeah. Just. So they're the two most eastern states, Thuringia and Saxony. Not most, but Thuringia is. And it's been reliable support base for the AfD.

Election Outcomes in Germany

Well, this evening the AfD won an outright majority. There is the first time they've taken a state parliament. And so that's very exciting for them. Also a very big deal is that Sarah Wagner, she's a new party member. She used to be the head of Die Linka. So basically the old Communist Party, who are also very popular in the east. The East Germany is quite polarized, but she cut the legs out of them, under them completely this evening as well.

Political Dynamics in East Germany

And she's an interesting character, even though she said she set it up. A new populace left. What that means is she's liberal economically and she's in line with the AfD socially and particularly on migration. So this has really rocked the boat over here, because on top of all of that, I think in Thuringia, the coalition partners in government got something like 11% combined. You're talking about the main part, the SPD party.

Impacts on Coalition Politics

There's the Greens, and then there's the FDP. They were absolutely routed. So it's a good day in Germany. And I think that is going to be for everybody that's really worried about what's happening in Ireland at the moment. I think that has been somewhat mirrored across Europe. It happened in the Netherlands that people are absolutely of what's being done to their countries and what has been done to their livelihoods and what's been done to farmers.

Shared Sentiments Across Europe

People are sick across Europe of it. And I think that needs to be replicated in Ireland. We don't need headbangers in there. We need solid people who will do what's needed for Ireland. And that's my view on it. And hopefully we'll get to that point. Herman?

Progressive Politics and National Identity

Yeah, absolutely. And the Irish Freedom Party were disclosing our can the beginning of the list of Irish Freedom Party candidates for the general election very soon. And if people here, they love Ireland, they love free speech, private property, small state, low tax, Irish belief in Irish sovereignty, free people in a free country. Please consider putting yourself forward as a candidate for Irish Freedom Party in the election.

Encouragement for Engaging in Politics

And please make contact with the party at infoirishfreedom, ie. That's to the secretary. So it's infoiushfreedom, ie. And we need as many articulate and well qualified people to put forward to the Irish public that we can replace this political class in Ireland before they replace us. So thank you to everybody who came on tonight, especially to Doctor Owen Lennon and to Kira Conley, and to all those who came on and spoke.

Thankfulness for Participation

I really appreciate it.

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