Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Wake up call (Pre show to The Weekend Shift) hosted by CyberDog2. Prepare for The Weekend Shift space where original Strat teaching methods are discussed by the host and TrendSpider affiliate. Dive into valuable insights, resources, and networking opportunities in the trading world. Participants can expect engaging discussions, expert insights, and access to strategic trading approaches to enhance their skills. Join to learn from industry professionals, explore unique teaching methods, and connect with a community of trading enthusiasts for knowledge sharing.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: What is the main focus of 'The Weekend Shift' space?
A: The space delves into original Strat teaching methods and valuable trading insights.

Q: Who is the host of 'The Weekend Shift'?
A: The host is an affiliate at TrendSpider, offering in-depth trading strategies and knowledge.

Q: How can participants benefit from joining 'The Weekend Shift'?
A: Participants gain access to valuable resources, strategic trading approaches, and networking opportunities.

Q: What sets TrendSpider apart in the trading community?
A: TrendSpider is known for providing insightful tools and resources for traders seeking success.

Q: What can attendees expect from The Weekend Shift?
A: Attendees can expect a deep dive into trading methods, engaging discussions, and learning from industry experts.

Q: How does 'The Weekend Shift' contribute to the trading community?
A: It offers a platform for learning, networking, and accessing valuable trading insights to enhance participants' skills.

Q: Why should trading enthusiasts consider joining The Weekend Shift?
A: To gain knowledge on original Strat teaching, trading strategies, and network with like-minded individuals in the trading field.

Q: What makes 'The Weekend Shift' unique compared to other trading spaces?
A: Its focus on original teaching methods, insights from industry professionals, and opportunities to engage with a TrendSpider affiliate.

Q: How can The Weekend Shift help traders improve their skills?
A: By providing access to valuable resources, strategic approaches, and a community of trading enthusiasts for knowledge sharing.

Q: What are the key objectives of The Weekend Shift?
A: To educate participants on trading methods, offer insights from experts, and provide networking opportunities within the trading field.


Time: 00:15:49
Insights on Original Strat Teaching Methods Learn about the unique teaching approaches that set the foundation for successful trading.

Time: 00:23:12
Host of The Weekend Shift Introduction Get to know the host's background and expertise in trading strategies.

Time: 00:35:28
Valuable Resources for Trading Enthusiasts Discover the resources and tools available for enhancing trading skills.

Time: 00:42:55
Networking Opportunities in the Trading Field Explore ways to connect with other traders and industry professionals.

Time: 00:51:16
Objectives of The Weekend Shift Understand the main goals and focus areas of The Weekend Shift space.

Time: 01:05:39
Engaging Discussions and Industry Insights Participate in discussions and gain valuable insights from trading experts.

Time: 01:15:20
TrendSpider Affiliate Benefits Learn the advantages of being affiliated with TrendSpider in the trading community.

Time: 01:25:48
Strategic Trading Approaches for Success Explore effective strategies and approaches for achieving trading success.

Time: 01:35:19
Learning Community Engagement Engage with like-minded individuals and share trading knowledge within a supportive community.

Time: 01:45:30
Insider Look Into Trading Practices Gain insider insights and tips to improve your trading practices.

Key Takeaways

  • Deep dive into original Strat teaching methods.
  • Insights from the host of The Weekend Shift.
  • Valuable lessons on trading strategies.
  • Opportunities to learn from a TrendSpider affiliate.
  • Exploration of insightful trading knowledge.
  • Engagement with the learning community.
  • Access to valuable resources for trading enthusiasts.
  • Introduction to strategic approaches for trading success.
  • Networking opportunities in the trading field.
  • In-depth look at The Weekend Shift objectives.

Behind the Mic

Morning Wake-Up Call

Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Get up. It is time to wake up. Get ready for the weekend shift. You took your trades, you learned something, you made money or you lost money. Wake up. It's time to go over the price and see what's going on in the market. Wake them up. Wake them up. Wake them up. Get up. What is going on? How you guys doing out there? You guys are awake? Anybody? This week? Very interesting. The market pretty much did nothing all week long. Yes, there were some good trades. Some people put theirselves in some good positions, but overall, the market diddly squat. Okay? It did nothing.

Market Review

Trading sideways, waiting for Jackson Hole, which was a huge letdown. I am super excited. This is the. This is the wake up call with me, the strat soldier, getting ready for the weekend shift, where I go over the entire market in what's going in just an hour. Okay? I talked to the advanced striders, the simple stratters, the brand new striders, and I don't even know what the strat is. I talked to all of them, and that happens at 11:00 Eastern standard time, which is in a half an hour. So I'm clicking on charts. Get some things ready, setting some things up. And what do we get out here? Oh, we got all kind of people out here.

Community Engagement

We got empowerment assets out here, man. Anybody, anybody wants to get on the mic, go ahead, get on the mic and. And say good morning. Let me know what kind of trades you took. And. And if you watch the weekend shift bonus bid last week or no, it was this week because I did it on Monday. You had empowerment assets out there giving us the strat. Excuse me? The market news. The market news for the strat, because we don't necessarily trade the mark, trade this. We don't trade the news. But at the same time, been doing my podcast, enforce, I've been learning you got to pay attention to the news, okay?

Utilizing Tools for Trading

You do, and with Trendspider, you get. You get bin zinga news for free. So if you need a. You need a little help, you need a little bump to get trend spider. So you can get that trend spider news. It's right there on the charts. It's right there in a little widget. You can be looking at the charts and read the news at the same damn time. At the same damn time. Hit me up. I'll get you a link, get you 25% off on that trend spider. Good morning. Like I said, anybody wants to get on the mic, go ahead.

Trading Insights

But empowerment assets gave us the news. It was awesome you got yet. You had Ford going up on bad news. Them suv's was catching on fire. Though it is hilarious that the price was going up. Take your, take your Ford in, get your Ford Focus look at, get, you get your Ford fusion looked at. Get your f, your lifted f 450 looked at. All right? I don't want you driving down the street in your big ass truck and it's on fire. It catches on fire because you didn't want to pay attention to the news. You didn't want to pay.

Market Performance

This is the, so, man, I tell you what, spy, Dow Jones, QQQ pretty much all did the same thing. Dow Jones. Dow Jones had a pretty good day yesterday. It was three two up, three two to the upside. It was awesome for yesterday in Dow Jones, but spying QQQ did nothing but chop them up. If you watched my shorts, my YouTube shorts, I talked about how, you know, everybody's just like, oh, buy calls. It's going to the highs. I know it is. And then the next 2 hours to the lows, and then the third hour comes in right at lunchtime, right back to the highest, chopping them up.

Reflection on Trades

I did nothing. And I'm proud to say that I did nothing. I don't care what anybody says. I'm not looking some for some fair value gap. That's a gap that's not really there. I'm not looking for some volume capitulation, and I'm not looking for some kind of, you know, diddly do, you know, head and shoulders, you know, on a, you know, torquing on a handstand. I'm not looking for any of that crap. I'm looking for reversals, okay? Based on time frame continuity and broadening formations. And it wasn't there, so I stayed out.

Conclusion and Morning Greetings

And that's okay. You do have an inside day for Monday that we're going to use. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Thank you so much for being here. This is the wake up call. Just getting everybody woke. Wake them up, call, text a friend, wake them up. Say, get out of bed. It's, it's, if you're on eastern standard time, it's ten. It's 1030. Get up. Right. You don't work all week. You worked hard all week on your 40 hours job, and then, yeah, you got some extra sleep. It's okay to get some extra sleep, but it's also, that's your time to do some weekend stuff.

Weekend Encouragement

The pool's still open. Go to the pool. The pool is still open. All right. It's still pretty hot outside. Go. Go to the pool. Have some fun. Wake up. But you can't do that if you sleep until noon, right? You can't do that. Anybody want to get on the mic? I had some good. I am sitting in some trades. I didn't take any. I did not take any profits on anything. I am sitting in Tesla, Amd, Dick's sporting goods, Ford.

Personal Trading Experience

I did take a trade on Apple, and I got. I stopped it out. And that was shares. All these other. All these positions I'm holding are with common shares. And I was in Apple for a little bit, and then I got out. I lost $4. That's right. Four whole dollars. Now, I'm not talking them option dollars. I. All right, you see, you know, you people that talk about options, you better start talking about this stuff correctly because you're like, oh, it's only a contract for $4, and you're not telling that, newbie.

Clarifying Options Discussion

That's options talk for $400. That's $400 g. You better be ready, you know, talk about them. Right?

Talk About Trading

Talk about them. Right. But anyway, I'm talking about actual four whole dollars. I got stopped out for the same price as one of them monsters. You know what I mean? Them. One of them monster zeros. No calories. This is not a commercial for monster. I'm just saying it's the same dang price, $4. So, you know, Ace. Ace all time highs. If you don't follow him. He's pretty good. But he was talking about bills, and, you know, when he trades, he's paying, you know, he's paying bills. And that's awesome. And I've said that before. I say that in my, my zero to trading ebook. I'm talking, you know, if you making the same amount of profit is like, just say your electric bill, you can pay your bill off. Your electric bill off with the trades you made. Hey, that makes sense to me, right? Anyone want to get on the mic?

The Importance of Cutting Losses

Oh, I got will. I got will. I I will make it. I always say it backwards. I want to say, will I make it? But I will make it. Had some. Had some calls on spy. Got stopped out small us. I know you're gonna come back for that. I know you're gonna come back from that. And it's gonna be good. It's gonna be good because you're here, and I don't know everything. I'm not some market wizard. I'm not some guru or nothing like that. But I do know what a buy and a sell looks like. And you took a position, it was a winner, and then it went down on you. You took and you cut for a small loss. All right, that's good. All right. Why? Because if you just would have held it and said, it's coming back, it's going to come back. And eventually, when you look at the charts, you're like, yes, it did come back. You know, the last 3 hours of the day were pretty decent.

Psychology in Trading

You maybe you would have got your money back. But that, but then what's that do for your psychic, your psych trading psychology for the next time? Well, next time you take that trade, you're gonna go, well, I'm just gonna go. I'm just gonna go ahead, hold, I'm gonna hold it and see if it comes back. I'm sure it'll come back. And it don't come back. You know what I mean? So what I'm saying is if you break your rules, the next time you take that trade, you're gonna go, maybe I should break them this time. Maybe it'll work. Maybe if I break my rules again, maybe it's a bad rule. Maybe, maybe this rule needs to be adjusted. And now what are you doing to, now you're doubting. Now you're doubting the rules that you came up with when you're, when the market was closed in your brain and you're, it was clear and you could clearly see what was going on the charts.

Trading Rules and Discipline

But now you got this live trade. You're in your doubting your rules as you're trading. Come on, now. Come on now. I'm not saying you did that I will make it. I'm just saying I think you did a good job by taking that trade and because you had the guts to do it. And I'm glad you cut that trade because it was a loser. There's only two ways to blow up your account. One, trade without stops. Go ahead. Trade without stops. Well, I don't want to get stopped out because I'm gonna get wicked out of this and that. Okay. Don't trade with stops. Go ahead. Trade without stops. Go ahead. The second one is averaging down on losing positions. You've been holding this losing position for two weeks now, and you have no evidence on any timeframe that this thing's going to go back to where it was or, you know, or resume the trend. All right?

Avoiding Common Mistakes

And you just, you're just going to keep on old, then go ahead and then you're going to average down on it. Okay, go ahead. Good. Good luck. All right. That's how you're going to blow up your account. You're going to blow up your account by not using stops. You're going to blow up your account by averaging down on losing positions. I don't care what anybody says out there. And I, it's funny because when I say stuff like that and I put stuff out to help these younger traders, these new traders, let's say younger traders, but new traders or people that's only been doing it one or two years or maybe three years, you know, or that person that's in a drawdown and they don't know how to get out of it, and I tell them, don't stop averaging down on losers.

The Dangers of Averaging Down

Where's your stops at? There's always someone out there going, there's always someone that trades the strat even as well. That goes, no, man, average down on that thing. You good now, man? You about to get paid. Just, just keep doing it. Just keep, just keep averaging down. Check it out. You're not, you're not Kathie Woods. Kathie woods has the backers and the investment people to help her average down on them, on her losing positions until it means nothing to her. That's not you. That's not you, player. That's not a bad thing. That's just not you. I want you to have the confidence to trade that I took this trade in, this sucker worked, or I took this trade, I got stopped out because the buyers said I got what we wanted and the sellers took over.

Staying True to Your Trading Plan

And you're like, I don't, I didn't have a trading plan to sell this thing. And I'm not flipping my position because that's not what I'm here for. I'm taking this long and I'd rather you sit and wait. Then, then just get wrecked trying to, you know, hoping it goes back to where you thought it was going to go, you know what I mean? But now, like I said. Anyway, anyway, that's enough. That's enough of that. Wake up, wake up. Anybody want to get on the mic? This is the wake up call, pre show. Pre show to the weekend shift. We're going to be live this morning and we're going to go through the charts.

Reflections on Past Trades

Did anybody watch, the Zeus trades? The Zeus trades weekend shift episode last week. That was awesome. That was it. That was a good episode. One thing I loved about that episode was you can replicate discipline. You can't replicate luck. That was awesome. That was a great quote. That needs to be on a coffee cup and a t shirt and a billboard. All of them. Oh, I got some requests. Hold on. I didn't see the button. My bad, my bad. Hold on, hold on. Here we go, here we go. Sorry, sorry. I need some, I need to pay attention to my buttons. Go ahead. Welcome to the, welcome to the wake up call, morning show.

Morning Greetings

Go ahead. Morning. Morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Market Observations

I hope everybody is doing well. I agree. I was stressed shoulder last week was consolidation. If you had played on a smaller time frame, you did had opportunities to win some trades, but a lot of things were just consolidating last week. I'm very disappointed and pal speech. He wasn't direct, he wasn't firm in his approach. So my thing is, a lot of people got chopped up. So if you sat on the sideline, you didn't lose any money. So that's a good thing. But if you took breakout trades like target lows and things like that, you made money last week. But my thing is, Ajam, most important of all, take your setup, take your trade. Don't force a trade. And I agree with trash soldier. Please do not double down, triple down, because at the end of day, you're putting yourself in a bigger hole.

Trading Strategies and Mindset

And if it's a losing trade, just cut the trade. So hopefully everybody paying attention to the charts and to the news and you tie them in together so you could be successful. Remember, you won 2345 trades away from being a successful trader. A lot of things happen in this market. There's a lot of analysis, fundamentals, but it's also a lot of luck they got to do with it. A lot of people lucked up on the video when the video was running a couple years ago and also into this year. So my thing is just be patient. Just be patient. And this week we do have a lot of events that's going to be popping off. So I want you guys to pay close attention to it. We are closing out the month September, usually the most bloodiest month of the year. We'll see if they keep true to trend or we'll see if they actually change the tide of.

Market Reactions and Trading Experiences

Yeah. Heck yeah. That was awesome. That was. There's your market news. I wasn't even expecting that. That's awesome. There's from. There's your market news. Yeah, it was Jay pals trying really hard not to, you know, rock the boat too much. You know that Bob Marley song, don't rock the boat. Don't, don't rock my boat. He. Yeah, Jay Powell, I think it was three, four years ago. He got on the mic at Jackson Hole and he made that market drop, like 28 points in one day. And I think he's trying real hard not never, ever do that again. You ever do something on the job and you're just like, the boss is looking at you and your coworkers looking at you and they're like, don't you. Don't you ever do that again. That's what they did to him. So he's shy.

Market Analysis and Trading Insights

He's definitely gunshot when he gets on that mic. I tell you what. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Empower paramount assets. Go check them out. Go check them out. They. They do trade fundamentals and all that stuff. And that's good. That's good. Pay attention to that market news. Anybody else want to say good morning? Good morning. Hey. Hey. Good morning. Oh, Angie's in the house. What's up? Hey. Hey. How you been? Good. Just sitting in UBx. Why wait for that thing to go to the lows? Okay. Okay. So. So yeah, I just popped in and you were talking about, you know, like, take a small loss, small profits or small losses.

Personal Trading Experience

And you and I both know I don't have a problem with taking my, you know, my $0.50, my little money and taking profits on it. This week, that was for me, that was Moderna. I literally made ten pounds on that, which then converts to about 13 to 14, $15. I was actually in longs. And then I saw that it started wicking and rejecting a level on the two week and forming a shooter on the weekly. And what it looked like was also forming the upper week on the three week chart. So I got out of there, and then it was just bloody on Thursday. And it was a lot. It went down by a lot. So I actually flipped short and then. So I took my profits that I had the longs.

Advice for Traders

I was short on, then I flipped short, and then I'm sitting pretty green. So if you know what you're doing and you know what you're looking at and you know that you need to get out, just get out. And if you feel like, oh, I don't want to get out because I'm missing the move or it may turn against me or whatever, just flip short. And then if it works out, if it doesn't, then you know, but you obviously need to know what you're doing. Another thing I wanted to say is that some of, you know, people, y'all need to stop going to options and turning to futures and then trying to go on to, you know, like these funded accounts and stuff, especially if you do not have a proper trading plan in place. I have, you know, I've had some communications over the last two, three weeks and you know, what I'm noticing is that a lot of people don't have a system in place to even trade properly with just regular shares or just know how to swing trade or hold through the trade or at least have an idea.

Communication Challenges

Okay, this is where I'm getting in. This is where my stop loss is. Anybody talking? I can't hear. Oh, sorry about that. I got that. I got, I got some kids screaming in the background. My bad. Go ahead. You okay? I got seven kids, man. So I understand the record. So a lot of things that I've been noticing in the market, and I think a lot of people probably haven't been paying close attention to it because a lot of traders really trade a lot of ETF's. But I don't think that ETF and break down the top ten, the top 15, sometimes top 25 companies and see why the ETF is actually dumping or see why the ETF is actually running.

Recommendations for Traders

So what I noticed over the last couple of weeks, individual stocks have been running. So my thing is people should have switched their emphasis on individual stocks and strategies trading ETF. So this week, what I noticed, Soxl, you know, that's semiconductor when it comes to chips. It had a crazy day where it dropped. I think it was Thursday, but leading to Friday. Majority of the top ten, to 15 companies inside that recover. So it was an opportunity to trade Soxl yesterday and also individual stocks inside of like AMD and things like that. Intel was actually a good trade yesterday as well. So my thing is when the ETF is not moving, they sluggish. You have to actually switch your focus to individual stocks.

Final Thoughts

Not saying trade all individual stocks. I like any individual stock that's over 10 billion. So my thing is pay close attention to the market, y'all, because I think a lot of people just giving away money. We're not in the market to give away money. We in the market to actually make money. Heck, yeah. That's awesome. Very good. Very good. Yes. Very good. Yeah, I agree with Angie. You got to have a trading system. You got to have a trading system. And if you don't have a system that you're confident in, it doesn't matter what kind of instrument you're using, you're going to get chopped up and then.

Strategies for Effective Trading

Yeah, yeah, I like. So, so what I show up with the strat is trading those simultaneous breaks. So if SMH shaking my head, you know, the semiconductors ETF is moving to the highs, I'm going down. Anything else in that ETF doing the same thing. So if Nvidia Muntin, AMD, you know, other things are doing the same thing, I'm going to work those that way. I have five winning positions as opposed to one or two. So, you know, we got a lot of people out here looking at individual names like a Roblox. Okay, well what, what's sectors Roblox in?

Initial Discussion on Trading Strategies

I don't know. Right. So go to retail and find stuff that's all. Doing the same thing. Like XLP, going to the highs. XOP, I'm pretty sure is all time highs. I have to look at it on the weekend shift here in just a few minutes.

Emphasizing Sector Analysis

I think stress soldier. I think what a lot of people more or less not doing is going look to them sectors. Yeah. You know, and I say this here, you know, because. Wait a minute, that's outd. I think more or less what a lot of people are doing is noticing what a lot of other people I'm gonna say on these Twitter streets or, you know, discord, etc. You know, they trade the tickets, but they don't know what the sector is doing. And then when they get there, cook, you know, like man, rug pull or whatever.

Family Tone of the Show

This a morning show. This is a family show. Sound. You're not in. You're not. Okay. You want to talk your crap? This is. This is a United States of America. Sure, no. We'Re. Good morning, we are here. Good morning, everybody. Go ahead south.

Importance of Sector Analysis

I think they need to chart the sector more so than the tickets, you know, and I noticed this, you know, no matter which, how many times you tell people to do it, I guess they like, man doing that shit or they don't understand or what, for whatever reason. But it's like, you know, if SMH is rock, I got a three one two on a weekly or six day or two, you know, whatever time frame you're looking at, you know, it's gonna be three or four tickets out that correlating sector that does the same thing, you know, and when you have multiple confluences, often time frame saying pointing to one thing you have a higher probability of hitting it.

Consistency in Trading Strategy

Yep. You know it. Sometimes I'm gonna say this, you know, it's like four guys that I talked to on the weekends or whatever. This in my grouping, you know, pretty dope traders, man. What you see on the weekend, that's generally what's gonna happen. But for whatever, like, I'm gonna say a Tuesday or something or Wednesday or something like that, you'll get shook out of what your weekend thoughts was. I only realized it's coming back to their thing. So it's realizing and understanding the manipulation that's in the market as well. And this is with, you know, I know this is a strat dominant conversation, but this just, you know, whatever I'm gonna say strategy you are using.

Relevance of Seasonality in Trading

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. And you're right, I. Yeah, we got to look down them sectors and that's what we're gonna do on the weekend. Shit doesn't do every week. And look down them suckers, what's actually happening. We want to find actionable signals. In another thing, people I have found. On glass house, I have found a alb, you know, this past week, man, and a lot of people, my discord, they didn't even. They didn't even trade it, man. That trade went over 160.

Trading Preferences and Dynamics

And, you know, I trade Alb and nue quite a bit. You know, so like every few months, you know, it'll have like a hell of a run. And that's cuz, man, a lot of people, they just like trading the same tickers over and over where CCM, Nvidia, Avgo, you know, the AMD's and stuff like that. And they truly not going, I must say, to the nitty gritty of, you know, tickers or whatever. Yeah, out of materials, you know, I like the way that one look drive the Driv sector, xl y.

Focus on Consistent Trading

I think, you know, I don't see nothing that's gonna stop it, you know, from going to the highs and, you know, different things is nature. I think ultimately we need to just keep on playing what we know is true until, you know, proven otherwise. That's right. Let me add on. So I think a lot of people fell to realize that seasonality plays a big part of what's going on and what sector is rotating.

Understanding Market Moves

Because the money left to tech, a lot of money went into utilities, energy. So my thing is just follow the setup on Warren Buffett and what they do when they rotate money. So when he took money outside of Apple, he rotated it. He continued to keep on pouring money to occipital. So my thing is pay close attention to where the money is formed because my whole thing here, they set you up one or two quarters ahead of time before the market actually makes the actual move.

Critical Observations on Trading

Right. People say, oh, why would he sell 400 million shares of Apple? Why would he not sell 400 million shares of Apple if he know that a downturn is coming in the market and he's the largest hold of treasury bonds. Right. So my thing is, you guys got to pay attention to what the money is going, and every day is going to be a trade. That'll mean you have to take that trade if it doesn't fit your personality in your setup.

Flexibility in Trading Approaches

Now, I'm going to agree on it, but I'm a disagree in a little bit. I mean, as well, because, yeah, he, I mean, you can say is rotating, but also, I view it as him simply taking his profits and putting into something else, you know, and, you know, y'all more than welcome to debate on that, you know, if y'all want to. I just feel that he's simply taking his profit and putting it into another sector with him, you know, because I don't see Apple going down or, you know, anything of that nature.

Contemplating Market Strategies

But I do know that, you know, I agree with you on that. You know, he owned the most TLT. I think, if I'm not mistaken, treasury bonds. Like, what you single? And also, I mean, what's wrong with playing paint? Playing puts, you know, a lot of people can just play the upside to tickers and they can't play the downside. I mean, as a trader, the best traders, in my opinion, who can play both sides, whether the market gap and up or gapping down, but, you know, everybody just want to be bulls and let's be real, you know.

Adapting to Market Conditions

You know, you're supposed to attack the weakest sectors and the weak, I mean, the weakest and the strongest. Acceptance, you know, you can't just be one sided, you know, and I know great traders on here, but when a market gathers down, then it's like they stuck like a deer in his head, like, you know, and they came. They just stuck, literally, you know, they don't know.

Concluding Thoughts and Actions

Good point. Very good point. Yeah. And emotionally, very good point. And also, I want to say what that's staying in cash is also a position, you know, I mean, that's also following the trend, you know, I just like to open it up for everybody. Doesn't, you know, I do try to talk both sides. You're right. So good points.

Final Remarks Before Departure

Very good points. I got 1 minute left, and I gotta go get over. I gotta get ready. I got, I still gotta put my mic on. I gotta, I gotta brush my hair. I gotta make sure, you know, I gotta. Ain't no boogers in my nose. I gotta get ready for this show. Thank you so much. Jermaine can wait. Go ahead. Go ahead.

Recapping the Weekend Work

Yeah, I think a couple of weeks ago you were going to send. I just want to say, man, the work is done at nighttime, the work is done on a weekend and it shows during the week. So my thing is get to it. I think a lot of people, they think they can just wake up ten to 15 minutes before the market and feel like they're the best in the world.

Emphasizing the Importance of Preparation

No, you got to do the work behind closed doors because my whole thing, it shows over time. Right. It's not always about your p and lithe is also about your consistency and determine who you are as a trader. Because at the end of day, I know people that have made a million hundred thousand dollars last year, but they making no money this year because they didn't put the work in.

Continual Growth and Strategies

Right. So you got to continue to keep putting the work in. And then my thing is continue to keep on growing. My thing is look at all the sectors, like south eleven sectors, right? And if you want to dip one down. One other thing is other ways that you can make money in this market.

Navigating Through Market Fluctuations

So no matter if it's going up, no matter market is going down, no matter if it's consolidated, there's always strategies to make money. So get to it. Just be patient with yourself. My thing is continue to keep on growing every day. Thank you. Hey, we got. Somebody got cut off.

Concluding the Discussion

I apologize. Very good points. I got to get out of here. I got to get on the weekend. I can't be late. Thank you so much for everybody jumping on the wake up call. This was awesome. This was fun. Go see me over on YouTube. Hit the link. Talk to you guys soon.

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