Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space THE TRUTH ABOUT $POX $SOL hosted by DaoKwonDo. Delve into the world of cryptocurrency with a focus on $POX and $SOL as experts discuss partnership strategies, education initiatives like Hooked On Phonics, and the influence of meme culture on market trends. Explore the potential of meme coins, the significance of community engagement, and valuable networking opportunities within the crypto community. Stay informed about the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency investments, and understand the complexities of navigating the market for successful outcomes.

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Total Listeners: 617


Q: How do partnership strategies impact cryptocurrency projects?
A: Partnerships can boost visibility, credibility, and adoption for crypto projects.

Q: Why are educational initiatives like Hooked On Phonics relevant in cryptocurrency?
A: Education helps investors make informed decisions and understand crypto intricacies.

Q: What role does meme culture play in shaping cryptocurrency trends?
A: Meme culture can drive hype, influence market sentiments, and impact coin popularity.

Q: How can networking benefit individuals in the cryptocurrency community?
A: Networking fosters collaborations, knowledge-sharing, and potential investment opportunities within the crypto space.

Q: What should investors consider when navigating cryptocurrency investments?
A: Research, risk management, and staying informed are crucial for successful crypto investments.

Q: How does community engagement contribute to the success of cryptocurrency projects?
A: Community support can drive adoption, product improvement, and project sustainability in the crypto sector.

Q: What potential do $POX and $SOL hold in the cryptocurrency market?
A: $POX and $SOL have unique attributes and potential value propositions that investors should monitor.

Q: How is the landscape of meme coins evolving in the crypto market?
A: Meme coins continue to evolve with changing market dynamics and investor interests, presenting both risks and opportunities.

Q: Why is it essential to stay updated on the latest in the cryptocurrency world?
A: Being informed about crypto news, regulations, and market trends helps in making informed investment decisions.

Q: How can investors navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency market?
A: Strategies like diversification, risk management, and learning from experienced investors can help navigate crypto complexities.


Time: 00:15:42
Partnership Strategies in Cryptocurrency Exploring how partnerships drive growth and adoption in the crypto space.

Time: 00:25:19
The Influence of Meme Culture on Crypto Trends Discussing how memes shape market perceptions and cryptocurrency popularity.

Time: 00:35:55
Networking Opportunities in the Crypto Community Highlighting the value of connections and collaborations in the cryptocurrency sector.

Time: 00:45:30
Navigating the Complexities of Crypto Investments Tips and strategies for managing risks and maximizing returns in crypto investments.

Time: 00:55:11
Community Engagement and Crypto Success The importance of community involvement in driving project success and sustainability.

Time: 01:05:44
Exploring the Potential of $POX and $SOL Insights into the unique attributes and market potential of $POX and $SOL.

Time: 01:15:22
Evolution of Meme Coins in the Crypto Market Understanding the changing landscape and dynamics of meme coins in crypto.

Time: 01:25:10
Staying Informed in the Crypto World The importance of being up-to-date with crypto news and market developments.

Time: 01:35:29
Cryptocurrency Networking and Collaboration Building connections for knowledge-sharing and investment opportunities in crypto.

Time: 01:45:17
Crypto Education with Hooked On Phonics The role of educational initiatives in empowering investors with crypto knowledge.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the nuances of $POX and $SOL in the crypto market.
  • Insights into the partnership strategies within the cryptocurrency space.
  • Exploring the significance of education initiatives like Hooked On Phonics in crypto discussions.
  • The influence of meme culture on cryptocurrency trends.
  • Importance of staying updated on the latest in the crypto world.
  • Networking opportunities in the cryptocurrency community.
  • Tips for navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency investments.
  • The role of community engagement in crypto projects.
  • Exploring the potential of $POX and $SOL in the market.
  • Insights into the evolving landscape of meme coins.

Behind the Mic

Initial Setup and Technical Checks

Yes, sir. Is there any echo or anything? No, sir. Post this post. Started a while so. We can get some people in here. Gives them time because everyone gets notified once we go live forever to join. Just gonna send a quick snap. I feel bad for people at the, like, listen back in on this. It's like 13 minutes before we go live. They're gonna be like, no, I have to listen to this. Just table talk. Our table talk. Yeah, pretty much tabletop.

Discussion on Waiting Time and Notifications

So if you are listening, just feel free to skip ahead 15 minutes into the space. Yeah, pretty much. Seems like every time I put the snaps out on. What is it? it's like the thing where it goes to everyone. Always get a ton of foot traffic through these. That's good. I wonder if Brandon Baker will come. Lift. Listen, in this time. He might be too busy. Actually. I'm happy whoever we get. Yeah. We're gonna be sitting here all alone for the next eleven minutes. I just wanted to make sure my MacBook worked okay. Yeah, pretty much. Because I. My phone's, like, 11%, so I knew for a fact I did not have enough battery for this call, because normally, on 100% charge, I'm down about 30%. So there's no way 11% was going to last as if it was 70%.

Experiences with Spam Calls

It wasn't happening. Know, I love when spam people call me. That's why I went muted, because I like messing with them, talking about my cars extended warranty. Like, I will take them down a loophole until they figure out that I'm messing with them, wasting their time. You know, these, like, tech scammers. You know, that call by your cars extended warranty, those people. I know. Yeah. I get a joy out of it because I like wasting their time.

Conversation about Mike Rowe's Family Experiences

Do you know who Mike Rowe is? The dirty jobs guy? Yeah, I know who he is. His mom wrote, like, a biography, kind of an autobiography. And she said that when they would call, she would give them to her husband, and he liked talking to them, and he would talk to them for hours on the phone, just going on and on. Like, you don't say. Really? I thought that was funny. That sounds like me. I like wasting their time, especially when I have free time. They always call me when I have free time, and I love it.

Thoughts on Influencer Marketing and Crypto Mining

So it's one of those. I get the waste 30 minutes after a meeting, wasting their time. I mean, I could be doing something else. It could be studying something, but it's. It's nice, you know, to waste their time for wasting mine. So I tell you what, they stop calling after a while. If you do that, like, they won't call you for a while if you just get one and waste their time because they'll put a note in like, hey, this guy knows pretty much. They put you on the list, huh? Yeah, the list. Even though there's already a list, they put you on the list of do not call them.

Discussion on Equipment and Customer Service

Dude, I snap like 3000 people. It's like ridiculous. I spend like an hour sending snaps and I have to send like three rounds of them because of how snap left. I don't even know. 3000 people. Have, what, over 3000 something friends on Facebook business with 90% of them. That's cool. Yeah, yeah. I was messing with my dehumidifier this morning. We got a new one. We got a new industrial one. I, like, peeled the skin off, like, all my, like, fingertips. Oh, oh, and it burns. Oh, I'm sorry.

Accidental Injuries and Joking

It like slipped out of my hand, the one part, and it went like all four fingertips. Like all. I was like, no. Now can you go commit a crime because you don't have any fingerprints? Pretty much, yeah, pretty much. Don't be joking like that. Funny. You don't know who's listening in. Okay, that was not financial advice. It was financial advice. Oh, man. I'm surprised that tweeting as much attention as the other one did the other day with the al o minor.

Understanding Market Dynamics

Yes, I know. That's interesting. Yeah, the other one, like, blew up. But this one, it's like, what? Let's break down. Crypto mining, the one word. On stage, stable. Content creators are promoting miners for free units or promoting miners pretty much in exchange for free units or commissions from the manufacturer, driving demand and confusion. Why? To switch. Look at the numbers. Earning up earnings can plummet from 20 plus dollars a day to just six cents a day.

Investor Experiences and Market Manipulation

Companies like Ice River Minor are flooding the market with units, inflating the network hash rate and cutting profits. Many are misled. That mess led into thinking they'll still return in two months. But the reality is often four plus years, something these manufacturers are well aware of, which they are well aware of. Ice river had stuff posted at the last event. Four plus months or five plus months. Well, I. I'm glad they put the plus months in there because it's over two years. So.

Concerns about Manufacturer Practices

Yeah, that's a long time. I know. I'm not happy at all. And then they have the audacity. Ask me, hey, do you want to go in on group order? I'm like, are you serious right now? Are you serious? You guys are out here inflating the network hash rate and then. Yeah, making. Yeah. Oh, well, you could have got in a little bit earlier and could have roi sooner. I'm like, what do you mean? I've been ordering, like, all the first batch.

Market Returns and Investment Experiences

I get it for a couple days. Great. Money for seven days. $36 a day on the one minor. Now it's down to less than a dollar on the one. Wow. $36 to less than a dollar. That's crazy. Not even seven days. Whoa. So. And then they act like, oh, well, that's your issue. Pretty much. I mean, yeah, it's my issue, but they're out here dropping 5000 plus units, 5000 to 10,000 units while bitmain's out. You're doing a couple hundred.

Comparing Manufacturers and Market Behavior

They're not doing too crazy much. They do a couple hundred here, a couple hundred there. They're not doing what Icer is doing where they're dropping thousands of them. We've had a conversation about influencers once that was kind of similar. And that influencers can say, oh, well, you know, I'm just, you know, sharing information, you know, it's not financial advice. Yeah, but you're still influencing the market. You're still influencing the space.

The Impact of Influencer Culture

People listen to you. So you do have an impact on whether or not they're going to invest. Same thing with Ice river. They can't say, well, it's all on you. If you buy these, they don't make any money. Yeah, but at the same time, you're a leader in the space and you're hyping these things like crazy and telling people, oh, look how much you could make. You know, people are expecting that, so.

Frustrations of New Buyers

Oh, yeah. And then they get it. And then five minutes after plugging it in, it's like, why am I only earning $2 a day or a dollar a day? Like last week it was 30 something dollars. It's just stuff like that. I mean, I get it that they have the supply and demand, but, like, people like me, I mean, I even have to say people like me kind of do ruin that for people. Where we buy tens of thousands of units and then.

Consequences of Bulk Buying

Yeah, then when you stop, it makes an impact. Oh, yeah. So you have a bunch of large people going like me, we make a bunch of money right in the beginning. We have agreements where we get units before launch date. And there's things like that are in place, which it's not fair to the public at all. Like, there's not even a fair launch on these units at all.

Observations of Manufacturer Practices

Like, it's one of those things. If you're ordering at least 1000 units or more, they'll send you them like same day. Pretty much. They'll ship them out the same day. Wow. That's just how ice river is. They, they don't care about the individuals like they promote. They do. They only care about the large. So, yeah, a lot of people noticed that this last round that they didn't get it between the certain dates.

Reflection on Customer Priorities

They got it way after because they're only focusing on the large clients. They don't care anything about the small clients because they don't last long. They're not around for long. Oh, yeah, you'll learn. That's not cool. Well, that's just how the crypto space is. It's money. That's all it is. It's money. That's all it is. It's money.

Prioritizing Large Clients

If you buy a lot, you walk in with ten, $20 million. They'll take you over a small client. Doesn't matter. You get priority support. You have direct connection to someone in the company. So instead of me having to go through email support, I can make a phone call, get it taken care of, resolved in a matter of five minutes. But if you're a person and you're just a regular customer, you to wait a day, maybe two days, maybe three or four, sometimes up to a week for even ice river to respond to you by email.

Inequities in Customer Service

Whoa. You can't make any money because it's over. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Rogue planning. Does he say show hosting? What? Show hosting mean? Hold on. Are you seeing it too? Where is this? Oh, there he is. Rogue planning. Dude, as soon as he joins, watch this. We're gonna have like 30, 40 people start joining. I know. He's. Every time you go live, it notifies all of your follower base.

Navigating New Technologies

Oh, really? Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, that's cool. I thought you knew that. No, I'm still kind of new to this whole spaces thing. This is my only third one. Oh. Oh, you want to invite me as. A speaker or as a. I thought I did. I thought I invited you as a co host. Yeah, let me do it again. Do it again. I want to be. My co host is real.

Attempting to Resolve Invite Issues

Dylan Swartz, right? Yeah. Yeah, I just sent it. That is so weird. Why am I not getting this? I don't know. I sent it at you. I'm looking at your name as I typed it too, so I spelled it right. I am not seeing this. Yeah, I'm not seeing any. It's whatever. It's. It's okay. Yes, but you're still a speaker.

Initial Greetings and Administrative Setup

That's good. Yeah. You want to give DPin co host real quick? I already did. I sent it to him, too. Hopefully he got it. Well, here, let me scroll down and just approve. There we go. He should be co host. It might be a MacBook air, I'm thinking. Yeah, I don't know. Oh, hey, deepen. Hi. Deepen up, guys.

Discussion on Data and Tech Development

You would think that Elon and his infinite wisdom would put, like, a pre space lobby or something together by this point. I know, like, you know, like those early access, you know, 15 minutes in or 30 minutes and let people join a while, you know? But we decided to join early and have some table talk. Like 15 minutes early table talk. So should I get this started then and we'll just get flying and people join as they join? Oh, yeah, sure, sure. Okay. Sounds good. So if you're listening now, and you started at the very beginning, hopefully you heard my request to just skip ahead 15 minutes. We started at 04:02 here, and that's pacific time. So I'm smiley. I'm your host from rogue Evolution. I'm here with Mister Swartz, who is the lead with rogue evolution, and Mister Deepin, who is our expert on everything decentralized physical infrastructure network.

Exploring Digital Economy Trends

Isn't that a mouthful? I think that's why we all say Deepin. But today, what we're doing is we're talking about how the tech of DPIN is going to change how we think about data transmission, privacy, ownership, and even the rewards you can receive for sharing that data and how it connects individuals and businesses globally. And I titled this the impact of Deepin on the digital economy. And I was looking back, the most recent results I could find was 2022. But the US's digital economy gross output reached $4.27 trillion. This was 10% of the total United States GDP. This is a huge growth, and it's driven from everything from e commerce and cloud services and telecommunications. And this is so cool. The digital economy actually grew faster than the overall economy.

Growth and Predictions for DPIN

We had a real value added growth of 6.3%, compared to 1.9% for the total US GDP. So imagine. Imagine, everybody, the boost we could see with DPIN, making data transfer more secure and efficient. And when you can safely and privately transfer your data, DPIN is going to make everything more efficient and more trustworthy. Right? And that opens up new opportunities, new innovations, and I think we should all stay involved and informed and see what's coming so that we can take part in that. And I just want to encourage everyone once you're here, to join in the conversation, share your perspective, share your experience. We like to educate and brainstorm and just raise your hand. I'll invite you up as a speaker and drop the addresses of your favorite DPIN projects.

Engaging the Audience and Expert Insights

And if you're listening to this later, tag us over on x. We love sharing. We love learning about DPIN and the infrastructure that's being built and how we can all participate. And that's part of DPin, right? We're all a collaborative space. So welcome, Mister Swartz. Any initial thoughts that you want to share today? How's it going? Oh, it's good. Good. Not sure what to start out with. How well, a deep. And Brian started out. He knows what to talk about. Okay. Hey, Brian, how you doing? Doing all right, guys. We are. I, you know, I had a pretty cool conversation with Yogi and got Olson over at rogue today, so I'm really excited about today, so.

Reflections on Amazon and Future Opportunities

Oh, nice. What was the most interesting thing you guys talked about? Are you going to wait? Well, we were talking a lot about the early days of Amazon Web service and the timing at which if somebody were to invest now, essentially, and what that would look like played out over the last ten years and how, you know, like, their revenue is really small, but ultimately, now you go look at it and it's like $80 billion or something like that a year now. And the opportunity which we have here with a fair launch and the way blocks are mined and the RoI pool and how all that could potentially play out over the next, you know, six months, a year, 18 months.

E-commerce Evolution and Convenience

So, it was just really fascinating to kind of hear from the team a little bit more on that. Of course, you know, like, the team is kind of very limited on what they can say because the last thing they want to do is promise returns, you know, like, they can't do that, you know, but I can't. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. You know, if you think about it, when e commerce really got started back in the nineties, it changed the whole way everybody bought things, you know, because you no longer had to go to a traditional brick and mortar store. You could buy it through your computer online, and it's just shipped directly to your house.

Business Model Transformation

I mean, you're cutting costs, you're making things more efficient, and now you have, like, new things like drop shipping, print on demand. You can make it so much easier, especially if you're an entrepreneur, to even start your own business. It's really changed the way e commerce has totally, you know, changed the way business is made. Yeah. E commerce is. Sorry. I'm like, my brain is like, tangenting today. It's already tangenting. It's because, it's because you asked questions about. Because one of the one. The questions I was asking me today is what can conduit, you know, what is Amazon Web service do right now?

Understanding the Functionality of Conduit

Right? And I basically, I was like, yeah, it's everything that's on the Internet. Website host. If it's. It's funny. Amazon Web Services is what I say a lot. And I know you guys don't like that term, but because you don't quite understand websites, data centers, apps, all that can be done. And then it was like, now what can conduit do? Conduit can do all of that and more. Right? And it's not just limited to what a lot of these dpins are, where it's like GPU computing, cpu computing, storage, you know, it's all of that plus everything else. So it's really fascinating.

Democratization of Access and Security Concerns

It is. Because it's also democratizing access, right. Because it's allowing now businesses of all sizes to participate in and benefit from the network kind of levels out the playing field like the Internet did when it first came on the scene. Right. And also DPN is interesting because by nature, doesn't it reduce single points of failure so it makes it more secure and more reliable for digital services? Well, yeah, 100% has the opportunity to. The biggest question is, you know, are there pitfalls to decentralization and 100% there potentially are pitfalls in security. Right. Like when you're actually looking at like a secure facility and stuff like that, you know.

Security Challenges in Decentralized Systems

Yeah, it's very easy. It's much easier to secure one facility than secure thousands or hundreds of thousands. Like, like deep end can be, you know, like, what is peak saying? There's over 2 million deep in devices on their network and they haven't even done their token generating event TGE. So we're looking at conduit and what they've had to do and what they've had to manage is, okay, how are we going to do this? How are we going to make it secure? You know, like we have this, you know, decentralization at its core is a single point of failure reduction. Right. But it's also adds points of security concern, points of entry.

Thoughtful Network Expansion

And in order to remove those points of entry and those security risks, you have to be very thoughtful in how you go about adding to the network and building out your network. Right. And it's interesting because you know, when it comes to online payments, DPIN centralized and private nature makes it really ideal for securing online transactions. I mean, if you think about it, if you do have an id, and I've heard little rumors about how a conduit's going to eliminate the need for things like entering your credit card numbers or personal addresses all the time, you're going to have your own identity. I mean, because if you think about it, all those data breaches are exposing billions of records all over the world.

Concerns Over Data Breaches

Didn't we just read about the mc two data breach? This caused by human error. Left 2.2 trillion. Was this terabytes, was that it? Of sensitive information unprotected. Okay, okay. So let's throw this in like reality speak like terms, right? So if your wallet is stores your identity and you have absolute sovereign control of your data, okay, and it's all in one system, let's say you go on to Amazon, merges over onto it, which they'll never do because they have their own system, right? But let's just say if it was you go onto a store, you go on Amazon, you say, I want to purchase this, your wallet, your information is all there.

Unsubscribing from Data Collection

Shipping address, it's all there. You buy the item, okay? After you buy that and ship and you accept deliverance, do they still have your information? Yes. Yeah, right. Well, on conduit you could say, you don't need my information anymore. And you can just say, gone, removed. Right. They no longer have it. You've unsubscribed essentially from them because conditions upon the whole process have been met. And then you go, okay, well, now I'm going to do business over here with target. Then you go over to target and you go, okay, I'm going to do business. I need to ship. And now you give them access to your information.

Control Over Personal Information

You finish the transaction out, you receive your item. Now you can revoke that permission so you actually have absolute sovereignty and control of the actual information that you're doing purchases with. Not only do you not have to enter it as often, but you actually get to revoke that privileged information from their entire system, which is insane. It's revolutionary, right? Oh, absolutely. I mean, and it's tedious having to constantly log in and remember if you have different passwords for different, you know, merchants. And then also I was reading, this is interesting that for Amazon, personalized recommendations increase sales by up to 35%.

Personalized Experiences and Control

But DPIN can then take that personalization to the next level by making sure that you're just using that one identity and then everything can be stored in one central location and you're not constantly having to share it everywhere and wondering where it's going. Yeah, you just gotta imagine that they've weaponized the information against you. Not only are they collecting information without permission, there's no way for you to opt out. You know, like, even when you go onto websites now, you get to choose what cookies there are. But in marketing, what we found was that all the privacy laws are really interesting. They restricted what you could and could not track.

Device Tracking and Identity Creation

And one of the things that you can do, which is very interesting, is every device that connects to something, you can assign that a device id, and then based on those settings, whether they have privacy settings on or off or what, based on how you configure those settings, they will actually be able to determine who you are with AI, by the way, who you are, what sites you've looked at, and all that stuff. So based on your id, and then guess what? Now you've looked at that stuff and they've looked at where you've gone and where you've come from because they can kind of see where sources are, and now they correlate that with other devices that you've been connected to.

Concerns Over Privacy and Marketing

And now they basically created an identity of you based on your phone, based on your tablet, based on your laptop, and then they're using all that information, whether or not you've restricted access to determine who you are, what you looked at, and how to market to you. Right. So they've actually kind of weaponized the system of privacy laws kind of against us. And it's very interesting because, remember, Google makes millions and millions of dollars because they know how to put the right product in front of the right person. And just because the privacy laws change doesn't mean they're not still trying to do that stuff.

Impact of Changes on Marketing Practices

They're just saying, well, we still have information and we can still figure out ways to try to get you in front of the right person and sell a product. And unfortunately, they're trying to sell that product that, you know, they're, someone's paying to be able to put that product in front of you. So, very fascinating stuff. Yeah. So how do you think that, like, when impact starting over, when Deepin starts to become more prominent, how do you think that's gonna impact the relationship between governments and private businesses, like, especially with data collection and surveillance?

Future Implications of Automation

Well, first off, I think a lot of what we have the potential to see, I know you're talking about data collection, surveillance specifically, but a lot of the things that I think we're going to see is automation. As far as taxes go. You know, like there's, you know, when the auditing is done in real time and the tax and everything is going straight, you know, doesn't have to go your bank account, you have to write a check every month. I don't know if people know that small businesses making over a million dollars or 1.5 or whatever it is, when you get sales tax, some states require you to send the sales tax in every month.

Tax Collection Innovations

So you have to document and that's time consuming is accounting. Right. Well imagine being in a system where well the state uses this organ, this, you know, use a conduit and built into that system, the taxes automatically go back to the state. You don't have to do any filing, you know what I mean? You basically get a notice at the end of the day how much taxes you pay, just how much transaction, and you don't have to pay an accountant 20, $30,000 a year or 40, 50, 60 depending on how big your business is. And it's automated that way.

Enhancing Compliance and Reducing Corruption

Right? So you know, your privacy is one thing, but the ability to reduce cost with systems that make sense and to reduce corruption, because if you can imagine, hey, they require to use this system and that system automates all your taxes. There's no way around, there's no tax sheets anymore. So it's kind of anti corruption, it's elevating regulation and implementing a higher standard of policy than what currently exists. And it's ease of use is going to say why wouldn't we use this? You know, if the IR's implemented cross nationwide and you no longer as a citizen or small business owner had to go through and file your taxes, would that not make your life better if automatically everything was already done for you?

Thoughts on IRS System Improvements

Oh absolutely, yeah, that's this kind of stuff we're talking about. That just makes sense, right? Everyone thinks the IR's system is broken as it is. Like why am I having to guess at how much money I owe you? But if I don't pay the right amount now, you're gonna come after me. That's stupid. Like we can do better, right? Sorry, I might have tangent to there, but. Oh, I love it. I love your passion, I love your knowledge. You know so much about this and we appreciate your expertise. It helps a lot.

Consequences of Digital Border Concept

So can I ask you then if DPin becomes widely adopted, what's going to happen to the concept of digital borders? And how do you think that's going to affect global trade and commerce? Oh, wow, that's interesting. Well, so it's basically the same thing, right? Like were talking about taxes and how all that works, and you got to look at the taxes coming in and out of products, how much easier that would be as things, and the ability tokenize assets that are moving and be able to track them coming in and out, and also the speed at which that could accelerate commerce as a whole.

Streamlining Global Transactions

Right. When you think of, like something coming in, it's got to be looked at and searched through and all the stuff. And then you got to assign taxes and there's tariffs on this. Doing commerce between countries will be more like doing commerce between businesses. And when everybody's playing on the same field with the same regulations and the same policies, it's going to reduce friction and enable everybody to work the same. Right. So, for instance, if the US government has ten different policies and China's got 20 different policies, and now I'm trying to go from US to China, I have to fit, I have to change my policies the way my system works to do with their 20 and vice versa.

Interoperability in Global Business

Well, if I go over there and the systems are built the same and everything works, functions the same, you don't have to do any more programming. Everything just works. And how much easier is that going to be? It's like. It's like having a. It's like having a Mac computer and an iPhone; they operate the same versus having Android and a Mac computer. It's so much. It's, you know, backwards compatible is not a thing. Right? Like, we want everything to be the same and work the same and function the same and computer languages. You know what I mean? If you're writing it in one language and they're writing it in another language, it's really hard.

Conclusion: Ease of Business Integration

The interoperability between the two is much more difficult, much more time consuming. Right. I just want to take a moment if you're listening. Thank you so much for joining us today. We're talking about how deep in is going to affect the digital economy. And I'm here with Mister Swartz from Rogue Evolution, the lead, and also from. But I can't talk today. Brian Deepin, and he is from Conduit network. He is the community lead there. And we are just chatting about the implications of this. And one thing I especially think is fascinating is Deepin can also help bridge the gap in financial inclusion.

Banking Access and Developing Countries

And what does banking access do for developing countries and people in general? When people have access to financial systems, we see that develop, you know, areas develop a lot faster. The ability to get a loan and to do so securely and have systems in place in Africa and some of these struggling countries, developing nations is a really huge deal. And when you look at, like, Cardano early one of the things is how do you bank the unbankable, and what can that do when you look at such a large population of people that don't have access? It's really interesting. And then you go down the rabbit hole even further. You look at decentralized physical infrastructure, networks and some of the projects. What would dropping a helium hotspot do for an individual in a country whose monthly income for its people is like less than 20 or $30? And now they're earning, you know, $10, $20 a day by providing coverage. That would be revolutionary.

Innovative Banking Solutions

And then you go one step further, you're like, okay, now, how do we bank them? We bank them and they have access to financial services. Getting that little small home, that little small loan to start that business could be the next big thing. It could drive them towards success and get that whole family, that whole city, in some instances, out of poverty. So it's a really fascinating concept. And I think conduit, I hear there's 40,000, I think, Nigerians. They're small plot farmer Nigerians that are on the network. I'm not sure about what capacity. When I talk, I spoke to Brandy. He said their goal is the next 18 months, I think, is to do, I think it's another one or 1.2 million. So I think that's really cool. And conduits got some power behind it.

The Impact of Financial Independence

And to see the ability for them to make standards in these small countries that everybody can follow along with and all play at the same level is going to be really interesting and really good for them. Oh, absolutely. And it's interesting. I just love it because right now, a lot of those people, the only access they have is through microfinance, you know, but this way it gives them some power and some independence on their own. And so, yeah, who knows? And that's interesting if you think about it. Word of mouth, that's going to be the most powerful word of mouth. If you're like my neighbor Brian over there, he's making a lot of money and he's doing deep in, you know, wow, I went into that too. So I think it's going to spread pretty fast, at least a lot faster than some of those traditional models did.

Potential for Passive Income

Well, one would hope, right? And I think even looking at the, in the US, where we're at in the US with the need for passive income for struggling families and stuff like that, it's actually, this is a really good pivot point to how expensive conduit is because we've been getting some criticism and some good questions on that, on our discord. So if you're not on the discord, go jump on the discord. You know, there's a lot of deep end projects like you can get in for two or $300 price points which will have, which will ROI return your investment within, you know, three to six months. And then from there on you're in profit plus, you know, the market tends to trend upwards on these projects. So, so if you hold on to that, you'll probably get your, probably get two or three x on your investment core year and maybe even more.

Value vs. Expense in Conduit

So I think that has the potential to be a whole different source of incomes for people long term. As far as the expense that we're seeing in conduit and the judgments on that, I think prices is something to consider. Value is a whole nother thing. I think the value you're getting and the fact that your thousand dollar investment will be paid back through the ROI pool or your $3,500 if you go with the core will be paid back through the ROI pool. So essentially you're buying a product, but you're also at the same time getting first dibs on purchasing a token. That's the way I kind of view it as is a huge deal. And not only that, you're getting it at the lowest possible price if you're one of the first people in.

Running Nodes and Optimization

So that is in itself really cool. And then for the experienced deep end builders out there, the ability to run nodes such as like Dag, run a dag node on your conduit core, that is going to be interesting. I think that is revolutionary because there's so many good node projects out there. But you have to dedicate a machine to it and to just be able to say, hey, let's put, let's drop one of those on the conduit core is a huge deal. Oh, absolutely, yeah, no worries. I'm gonna, I'm kind of on my own little rant now at this point, but it's all good. The question keeps coming up as how do I optimize my setup? Right. We're seeing that over and over on discord. So if you'll, if you're okay with it, smiley, I'll jump on that bandwagon real fast.

Optimizing Your Setup

Absolutely, go for it. Okay, so optimizing your setup. Right, because, so we got to look at what each of these products are. We have a conduit core, which is more about transactions and making sure everything is secure. It has the ability to be a worker node. It has the ability to add compute power and storage and stuff like that. But its main function really is to safeguard the network. We don't need more than one of those in the same spot. So if you buy, if you know, say you have infinite money and you have one place to set up, you really don't want to buy like ten of these things and drop them in one place. You'll be much better off putting one of these things in there.

Resource Management

Buying a computer and putting a node zero license on to add resources to the network. Now you can do that through a number of ways, and you got to look at resources in different ways. Adding cpu power is one thing, adding storage is another. Adding gpu power, because AI is a big deal. AI is something that is on the conduit network is part of it. So if you look at that way, you can add it in a number of ways. One of the things I've been looking at really closely is mini PCs, simply because the minimum requirements, I believe are four core cpu, it might be eight or 16 gigs of ram, I'm not sure, and 500 gigs of storage. So a lot of the mini PCs, you can get 16 gigs of ram, a decent processor, it's not going to be high end. And like a 1 tb hard drive, you can add that to the network as a worker node.

Building Trust with Core Connections

And the way the system works is if you have attached to the core, you're at the highest level of trust on the network. If you're not attached to the core, you have the possibility if there's a core close enough proximity to partner up with. But that's going to kind of be up to the owner of that core, whether or not they want to let you tie up, from what I understand. So optimizing your setup is really, do you go vertically or you go horizontally or both? And if you don't, if you know what vertically is, it's do I add power? If I go horizontally, do I add machines? Which will therefore add power, right?

Vertical vs Horizontal Scaling

So if I build a computer out, do I put a more storage, do I put a bigger graphic card, do I put a bigger cpu? That would be a vertical improvement, right? If I want to go horizontally, okay, do I add four mini PCs with four node zero licenses to the network? Right? That's another way to add power. And each has their own benefits, right? So if you go vertically and you have one system maintained, that's a lot easier to maintain it for an individual. If I go horizontally and I had 40 machines, now I have 40 machines I have to maintain. So you really have a few options. But I would say the biggest option to consider is going with the conduit core and going with the node zero license.

Investment for Long-term Development

At the very least go node zero and dedicate a machine over to it. But if you're talking about conduit, you're talking about long term development and a good Roi, a really good RoI. Doing a conduit core with a node zero add on right up the start is probably the best route to go. Unless you have the cash to spend one of the rogue AI machines and do that, let me know, I'll hook you up on that. Anyway, sorry, is my rant good enough or. No, no, that was great. In fact, I wanted to say two things. First of all, if you're listening and you want to speak for some reason X has rugged me and that I can't see you're there. So please just raise your hand and I will see that invite you up to speak.

Rogue's Contribution to Conduit

And then, Mister Swartz, do you want to give them a little more information about what rogue is providing for conduit then? So we're working on the custom builds, future proofing. So let's say five years down the line, these units will still be able to be used in the conduit network. Could be longer. Honestly, it could be longer. We're trying to prioritize AI builds while also future proofing for 50 series coming soon with Nvidia. And where do you plan to set up these data centers? Do you have any plans so far or just everywhere?

Expansion Plans of Rogue

So we're going to offer two models. The ship to your door model and then the hosting model. We partnered with multiple individuals. We just signed or more or less, we discussed it, going to have the signed documents, but we're going to be also building out in Texas and spreading out from there up and around. And then we're going to spread out from Pennsylvania and around, and then meet in the middle around Missouri. And I'll have another person we're working on closing a deal with for them to spread out and around to cover the United States.

Conduit and Node Licenses

That is awesome. So as Brian was saying, when you sell your custom units, each one has its own core. Are you going to recommend that clients buy then some of the node licenses to go with that, or how many, and how does that work, what's optimal? So every, each purchase will include the node license through conduit. All orders will go through conduit and be processed through conduit. And then they will disperse the funds to us to build the units, ship out or host them, whatever someone wants to do.

Education and Awareness in the Crypto Space

Okay, that sounds good. And so, you know, I'm thinking about this, that the most important thing is people interested in, deep in, or not even realizing understanding its value and how it works. Education and awareness is going to be really important. You know, I think that at least in the crypto space, from my experience, investors more likely to invest if they trust the company, they trust the team. They feel that the team is transparent and how they are going to use their money. And so does either one of you, Mister Swartz or Brian, want to talk about how rogue or conduit plans to address education and awareness?

Conducit's Growth Potential

I think a lot of that's going right now. Conduit's a sleeping giant. I laughed because they asked how I got involved in Deepin and why I started Deepin crypto network. And I gave my long spiel, but I'll spare you from that. But the interesting part is, one of the things I said is I was interested in partnering with a project that is young and developing. And I told him I really laughed, because when I met with one of the founders early on, I found out the project was five years old. And it's just very quiet. And, you know, to have a project this mature, but it's very quiet is very intriguing, to say the least.

Transparency and Partnerships

But because they've been quiet and we're starting to get closer to launch, now is the time education stuff's really going to start flowing from the team. You know, we just saw a video on their YouTube go out. So if you haven't seen that, it talks basically about what conduit is they are partnering up with good people in the industry, action, myself, trying to get the word out and get education flowing. They understand there is a very large amount of information that can be shared. But the issue is there's so much groundwork. Like, every basic conversation can be 45 minutes long if you're in the discord.

Challenges of Information Dissemination

You know, it's, you know, it feels like a very cyclical conversation that we keep having over and over again because there's just so much information here that you have all these very small might new questions that all kind of circle back to the white paper. So education on it is, is very pending, and I think we're about to see a lot of it here in the next few months. The biggest thing right now that the team is doing is they're sticking their heads down and grinding out this last little bit just to get us to that launch. You know, we're seeing, you know, peak pushing out their launch. But they've been very public, and they've already made a lot of very big statements.

Building Partnerships with Legitimacy

And the big statement I heard from the team today was they did not want to speak up and say, hey, we have this partner. We have this partner. We had this partnership until it's inked and it actually has value. They don't want to be having these marketing ploy partnerships. They want to have real legitimate partnerships that is real business coming onto the network. So the ones that they have, like, play fi, and there's one more, forget the name of it, there's one more. Playfly is already partnered with them. The ones that they do announce, guys, those are ink deals.

Looking Ahead to Conduit's Launch

Those are, like, ready to go. They're not, they're not some marketing ploy. You know, you have 15 partnerships and none of them mean anything. Are they really partnerships? Right. I hope that helps. No, that totally is good to know because we're all wondering, you know, because we hear that, oh, in the background, they're setting up all these partnerships and people to actually use the network. So once it goes live instantaneously, there's going to be economic activity. It's going to happen explode.

Market Readiness upon Launch

If everybody's ready for this launch, as opposed to some of these defi projects I've been in where they have launch and they're like, okay, everybody tell everyone about it. Nobody's using or buying or, you know, getting involved yet, but if you all tell everybody and share it, then we'll get going. But then people will come into the project and be like, nothing's happening. So I think it's going to be such a huge marketing tool, I guess when conduit goes live because it's going to be used and used by so many instantaneously that anyone coming onto the network is going to be like wow, this thing is huge.

Integration and Efficiency

It's been developed, it's been built, it's been partnered with and it's already working efficiently from the very beginning. And so that'll be phenomenal. I'm so excited for the launch. Do you have any date yet? For the launch? No date that I've heard of. Well, but one of the interesting things is a lot of the early adopters, a lot of the early builders and purchases of the purchasers of the condo cores and no, zero licenses. A lot of those guys, they have things they want to put onto the network.

User Engagement Post-Launch

So they're not just buying because it's a great, it's a good investment. As always, do your own research, not financial advice. They're buying because they want to move their website, they want to move their systems over and add that economic value immediately. And that's really, I think where the power is going to be. Is the real world users ready to go and move their stuff over. So if you had all the open source developers and all the network administrators who have home labs, you have three or four servers basically set up, you could throw a node zero license on there, convert over onto it, provide economic resources for the network and be running all your setup basically exactly how it is just on conduits network.

Maximizing Value with Conduit

And that would be a huge benefit. Or if you have like a little mini data center where you run ten nodes or ten blades or you two servers, you can buy a conduit core and put a license on each one of those. And now you're on the conduit network, you're just in earning rewards not only for hosting, right, a node, but you're also earning rewards for putting economic activity onto the network. So it's really a double edged sword. If you're able to put a unit in and operate that and bring economic activity on the network, you're going to get more rewards than you would if you just plug and play.

Tokenomics and Open Source Development

Does that make sense? Oh absolutely. And I think that conduit has said if you look at the tokenomics that a certain percentage is going to be set aside for open source development. How is that going to work? Are you going to open for applications? Or how will people be able to apply for that? And do they get rewards to build yeah. So 10% of all the rewards for mining a block will go to the open source community to develop projects on conduit network. And you got to look at all the existing like l one s that are out there, like Solana, Ethereum.

Funding for Innovation

They all have systems and programs in place to foster growth and innovation on the network. And oftentimes these open source communities are very underfunded and the ability for us to call in there and fund them and I think 10% is very generous considering these rewards early on. And not only that, not only will they be building, they'll build something and then they'll be, you'll be able to purchase it and use it on the network and because, and those people that built it will actually, you'll benefit from it. So it should be interesting.

What to Expect in Early Development Stages

So I think we're going to see things like payment gateways. I think we'll probably, pretty early on we'll see gateways pop up. I know it's already been talked about. They're saying that there's going to be gateways that are already pre built, but additional gateways on it to, for payment processing is, I think going to be a really big deal. And I think seeing like an app for you to do like venmo style transactions between you and your business and stuff like that for the iPhone, I think all that popping up early on will be pretty cool to see.

Utilizing Conduit's Currency

Oh, absolutely. And also I heard rumblings of a marketplace, and so if I'm earning like my crop and then I get the reward and I have conduit in my wallet or whatever we're calling it, then I want to be able to use that conduit and spend it within the network as opposed to taking it back out again, because all that economic activity is just growing and securing the network. So I'm excited to see who's going to be in there and who I can spend my conduit on. So us at rogue are actually going to be taking conduit as a payment method.

Rogue's Plans for Integration

Oh, that's awesome. That is our plan actually. So that, I didn't want to interrupt you right away, but that is actually something we're planning to do. No, that's pretty, yeah, I can imagine. No licenses and things like that very early on, immediately being purchasable with Conduit or CNDT. It just makes sense, as well as additional tools to be able to kind of add to your tech stack on the network. And what I would like to see is the ability if you wanted to scale vertically to have gpu's and stuff that you could buy that were, that would be verifiable, as verifiable as licensed hardware to add to your builds.

Future Developments and Standards

That way they could go into the ROI pool that to me would be pretty cool too. Or many PCs along those natures as well. As well as all the rogue stuff of course. But that might be something you might want to look into, Mister Schwartz, because I know conduits standards for the hardware is extremely high, so it's unlikely people are just going to be able to buy anything for hardware other than the node licenses, of course. But if you want to have some kind of conduit approved hardware, you might want to go through rogue.

Commitment to Quality

This would be great. Yeah, and as a reminder, all of our hardware is in the ROI pool. So if you build your own equipment, you won't be in the ROI pool. Absolutely. Because we had to go through a whole process of having every component approved by conduit to meet their standards, which is awesome because they have a level of security that they are planning to meet and will meet, you know, and so that we have to follow along with that. So you can feel comfortable or confident knowing that if you buy a custom conduit unit through rogue that it's not going to fall apart on you.

Durability and Reliability of Conduit

It's not going to be the miner that's so sensitive that, you know, it's going in and out and has to be reset, but it's going to actually be secure and efficient. And also, Mister Swartz, did you want to talk one more time? I know we've messed or mentioned it before, but did you want to talk about the differences in energy consumption between the custom units and like hash mining or something else people are using right now? Okay, so based on just some numbers I threw together, by comparing other projects, like AI projects and averaging out the wattage, it is about 70% more efficient when it comes to energy consumption from conduit compared to hash mining.

Energy Efficiency of Conduit

So hash mining is extremely energy hungry, while conduits to be about 30% of that. That's awesome. So is that one of the reasons why rogue decided to switch from hash mining then to get into conduit, was. It that's cheaper, that's another reason. And it's more environmentally friendly. It's not as you know, what's the word? Carbon. Better carbon footprint. Right? Because how often do you have to replace, like in a miner, a Caspa miner, as opposed to now, the conduit hardware, how long is that going to last?

Sustainability of Conduit Hardware

So the plan is with the conduit, hardware is minimum. Five years is what we're trying to future proof it for.

Discussion on Newer Equipment 

Obviously, if something newer and better comes out, we'll get those people. The option will ship them apart to swap out, and we'll say, hey, this is what you changed out. This is what you put in. And this will work for the upcoming graphics cards, or we'll send those extra parts along. So. And just give them a real detailed YouTube link on like a scan me QR code so they can just do that real quick. But that's kind of the plan. But like Casper mining, you're changing miners out every six months if they're unprofitable. That's crazy. You're just. Yeah. Burning through things compared to conduit, which the plan is five years minimum. All the way up to ten plus years for all the equipment. Right. So.

Concerns Over Mining Equipment

You know, I'm actually really interested in the rogue stuff because, you know, when you buy a Caspa miner, if it's done, it's no longer profitable. It goes into juncture, you know, or you try to resell it and. Or store it until maybe it's profitable again. You know, a lot of these custom build machines, like, oh, I, you know, I have a 4090. Oh, I can just go Facebook marketplace, sell that 4090 and it's still good. You know, I have Ram. Oh, I still have a computer. You know, I can still host stuff on it. I can still do all this stuff. And we even have like a crank, like deep in project, you know, like they're saying, hey, we have all these old devices. Let's. Let's. Let's set it up so you can run multiple d pen projects on it. And, you know, it's kind of the same deal here. You know, you have a computer that runs it.

Value of Custom Built Units

It still holds value. Unlike. Unlike hash mining does, right? Oh, Craig. So, like, all the custom built units, you could rip them apart and sell it and get almost the same amount of money you spent on the equipment back and just selling it on Facebook marketplace. Unlike hash mining, where you're lucky if you get $20 in scrap price. They sit on the shelf. They're a big old paperweight, you know? Right. Interesting. Do you think there's plans in the future to upgrade the conduit hardware in any way or expand it or do you want to drop anything about AI, that AI unit? I see. Yeah. For me, I'm very limited in what I can say. I mean, okay, I can only go in depth so much out of respect to the conduct project.

Speculating on AI and Business Process Improvement

I'd rather them come public and release some of the information. So how to respect it? Speculate. Let's speculate. Let's do it. I can speculate, right? Like, I'm not under any restrictions. Yogi's in here. Yogi's in the chat. Be like, all right, Brian, what are you going to say? Well, okay, so let's speculate, right? You have AI. Most of the AI right now runs, like, large language models. But my thought process on AI built into a network similar to conduit, is imagine what you could do if you had AI available to your entire business plan and its business processes. Imagine if you said, hey, look at my entire business processes. Look at it, evaluate it. Tell me where my weaknesses are, right? Tell me where I'm losing money.

The Benefits of AI in Business Operations

You know what I mean? And I hate to say it, tell me which employees aren't pulling their weight, right? Because they have access to all this data, right? If everything's one individual, Dylan's laughing. If everything's in one spot, one network, and you're not having to patch four or five different systems in, you have a CRM built into it. You have all this stuff built into it. You can have AI. Take a look at your entire business model and, you know, provided you give it access, because I think you'll be able to pull access and it makes some evaluations and estimates, and I think that would be really cool. Or, you know, you have AI, the ability to chat with people, and it has access to your shipping and can go and, you know, hey, when's my device going to, you know, when's this widget gonna be here?

The Practical Applications of AI in Supply Chain Management

And you go and it goes, oh, let me look at your model. I have. I see you're this person. You have the authority. I see that you ordered this. Let me look at it. This is where it is on the supply chain. You know what I mean? The way I see it is it's going to be a more holistic version of AI than we have so far. Large language models, the ability to write code, that's all great, but whenever you have the ability for it to look at large sets of data and more data than ever before, it could do some really cool things. Yeah, that's exciting. So we're talking about the digital economy. So how do you think that adoption of conduit and DPIN is going to impact the job market in this economy?

Impact of Automation and AI on Employment

I think it's only going to help. We're already going to systems where coding and these jobs are still going to be around. Like AI is not going to replace them. You know, in the end it still requires, you know, human people still want to talk to humans, you know what I mean? And even if you go to the store and they got, they have self checkouts, you know, I'd say I can scan a self checkout faster than the person getting paid $20 an hour can. You know, you're still seeing systems and stuff in place that require people. The question is how do we adapt to that as a society? And I can tell you from friends that I know that work in high levels at Walmart, what it's doing is it's opening up higher end jobs that are better paying.

Transition to Higher Skilled Jobs Due to Automation

When you install a factory and it has all these robots, someone's got to be there to maintain those robots and those are high skill, high paying jobs. When you start implementing AI into things, integrating all that, it's going to take a lot of minds and it's going to take a lot of manpower. I think we're just going to shift the workload and shift where people are working. And honestly, AI is going to bridge the gap of a lot of lack of knowledge. That's good to hear. So let's be really positive in our outlook and say, okay, within the next 510 years deep in is going totally take over. It's going to be the dominant way to transfer your data, to make purchases, everything, telecommunications, data storage and all that.

Future of Centralized Services in Emerging Digital Economy

What do you foresee is going to happen then to all those centralized services like Amazon and Google? Well, I think a lot of it is. We're going to see it drive prices downward. Nice. I think for the most part the people own networks is going to be a very valuable thing. And having the alternatives for people to go jump on it is the priority in my eyes, you know, and if you have an alternative that's better, higher standards and everything like that, why not? My big concern has always been with deepen is we're going to decentralize everything. We have the opportunity to hand things back to the people.

The Convergence of Financial and Infrastructure Changes

Right, right. Both financial and infrastructure wise. But what we tend to see is once money can be made, people take it a bit more serious. Some people take it a bit more serious than others and they start saying, hey, let me convert, you know, let me build my own data center. Let's be, let's be Mister Schwartz over here and let's build a massive mining operation. And I'm not saying there's something wrong with that, but you know, we're going to see people doing that more and more, but deep in, especially conduit and the way it's being built is it's not going to just cater to those people. It's going to cater to the people who want to put a server in their home and build this and contribute.

Government Adaptation to Emerging Technologies

And I think that's a very valuable thing. Absolutely. So do you think governments and regulators are going to need to adapt their policies to account for the rise of Deepin and that whole changing digital economy? No. What I think is we're going to see is, and I think we're already starting to see it is, I think specifically in Kentucky, is they're looking at, I wouldn't say blockchain tech, but I think that highly might be the wrong word to use. They're looking at crypto and blockchain technology as something that they should consider. When you're looking at infrastructure and specifically looking at outdated infrastructure, they're looking at how do they get the most bang for their buck.

The Importance of Deepin Technology in Modern Infrastructure

And Deepen offers a lot of affordable options. And if it's more secure, it's better. It has some capabilities at which they currently don't have, and it can prevent losses, because right now what we're seeing is data breaches and stuff like that and bad actors and governments causing problems. If it prevents all that, then 100% we're going to see them adopt it. They're looking at it and saying, hey, this betters people's lives. It makes their lives so much better. It's lessen, less scams, less fraud. Let's implement it because it's going to be a less of a drain of resources for society as a whole. Right.

Projecting the Future Market Values

I was reading the deep end market is projected to reach 3.5 trillion by 2028. That's ginormous. That's huge. And I don't think people are realizing it's coming. And we talked about this before because it's kind of like the stealthy market, you know, adoption, you know, with people just using it more and more without really realizing so much that they are until it's actually going to be the norm. Oh, yeah. Like Kyle mobile, for example. I didn't realize that was a definite project for like eight months. I've been using it this whole time. Didn't realize it's a deep end project. There's like things like that, you know.

Personal Experiences with Deepin Projects

Are you that cheap? Don't you judge me. A buddy said, here, check this out. It's $20 a month. You can earn crypto doing it. You can also pay your phone bill. If I think anything about it, I travel a lot. Well, I just found out the other day from deepen Bryan here that it's a deep end project. So. It'S funny is once you dive into deep end is. Is watching you dive into it as somebody who's made a lot of money in the space and crypto space, and you look at deep end, you know, you're looking at go, wow, this is all really entertaining stuff.

Awareness and Education on Deepin

Is all very interesting, and it's useful. You know, it's not. Let me just buy this machine. And it prints money. So it's been fascinating watching. Also, I just find every new project that you drop information about, Brian, I'm like, oh, look at that one. Look at that one. That one's about the automotive industry. That one's about, you know, weather. And I'm like, I never realized, you know, that this is a need that can be improved upon. And by just building out the physical infrastructure so well, that from there, you can build out the software, you can build out the network.

The Limitless Potential of Infrastructure Development

The possibilities just are amazing. And so I don't think a lot of people realize that if you start with the hardware, you can build so much more on it than if you're starting with a simple software project and then you're trying to secure it. Does that make sense? Yeah. One of the things I've really enjoyed is watching outdated infrastructure get replaced with deep end. You know, when you look at, you know, mapping, like with natics and Hivemapper and what they're doing, they've done in 18 months what Google took ten years for Google to do. And they're doing. They're continuing repetitively, you know, like that Google vehicle that maps everything, comes around your town, like once every three months, right?

Real-Time Data Collection and Its Significance

You know, like these Hivemapper devices and stuff are going through your neighborhoods every other day sometimes depending on where people live. And the ability to have real time data from that is huge. So legend has asked, there any discount codes for conduit protocol? There is a link. Oh, he's not even on the chat. He's sending me stuff. That's funny. Anyway, seeing the infrastructure being replaced slowly but surely. Looking at geo, it's now the largest RTK network in the world. Looking at wingbits who taking outdated flight tracking software setups and doing it worldwide and has, I think, five or 6 billion data points a day.

Future of Flight Tracking and Decentralization

I think on flights, that is spectacular stuff. And then you got conduit coming in and say, hey, I'm just going to be the infrastructure that ever built all this on. You're going to be truly decentralized and you're going to be secure. Right? That's pretty awesome. It is. So, yeah, as we start. Oh, go ahead. I was just going to say, as we start to wrap this up, please raise your hand if you have something you want to say, a question you want to ask. We just love it all. Anything you want to contribute.

The Collaborative Nature of Deepin Space

And then also, Mister Swartz, did you want to say something about the conference you're planning? Because one of the biggest benefits I think of deepen is it's so collaborative and it brings the community together to support each other and grow because it actually helps each other. It's not as competitive in nature. So did you just want to make a little plug for the conference? So the plan for the conference is to do everything deepen related. So Internet will be supplied by a deep end project, most likely helium hotspot home unit. And if conduits up in time, the plan is to use the conduit network to host our website for registration, payment processing, and then I'd like to discuss it with them, but also using the conduit coin as a payment method for tickets and merch sales, etcetera.

Plans for the Conference and Future Engagement

And that's kind of the idea we want to do, but we want to do it where it's 100% dpin only and ran by DPIN. That's awesome. I think it'll be very well attended if it, you know, token 2049 is any indication. I think that the deep end space is growing and there's going to be a need for more information, education, connections, networking. It can all be provided by the conference. I think it'll be fun too. And these pink t shirts. Okay, so I guess we're shirts, you know.

Concluding Thoughts and Community Support

Yeah. Well, let me, I'll go and wrap it up if you guys don't mind. No, all I gotta say is, you know, we all talk about getting into projects early, and we all want to be in projects early. We all, we all know if you slept on bitcoin it, you regretted it. If you slept on bitcoin five years ago, you regretted it, let alone twelve years ago, right? You get the most amount of tokens early on. And when you go look at the chart, you know, go look at it on phase 21, which is where basically we start, the first 20 is dedicated to the team for endowments and all that stuff, because that's all got to set up all the financials for the future.

Assessment of Token Distribution

So look at 21, you go look at it's like 34,000 tokens a block or whatever like that. So we might. A block, you're getting a lot of tokens, right. You go down four or five different, and it's going to get smaller and smaller. Smaller. Right. And if you look at the ROI pool being paid back in fiat, the earlier in the ROI pool, the more you're going to get paid out just in number of tokens. Right. So, you know, just start looking at speculate and just say, yeah, this might be worth the risk, you know? And in the grand scheme of things even if you just go with a node zero license, $1,000 in today's economy, you know, I mean, like, I spend more than a $1,000 on gas a year, you know, like, taking that risk is not going to impact my long term future, at least for me.

Final Recommendation and Encouragement for Research

I know several people's financials are a different place, but, you know, take a look, evaluate whether it's right for you. Do do some research, listen to other people besides me, speak and use code deep in crypto because I might get a free t shirt if you guys use my referral code. That's awesome. Appreciate it, guys. Thanks everyone for listening today. We appreciate it. And we'll be back with another one soon. We'll let you know. Thank you, Mister Swartz. And thank you Brian so much.

Appreciation and Conclusion

It's always a pleasure to hang out with you guys. Oh, yep. Thank you. See ya later, guys. Have a good one.

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