Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The SE Face off cup Q &A! hosted by facesofalxse. The SE Face off cup Q&A! space sheds light on the journeys of ALX software engineering learners, emphasizing the importance of perseverance, networking, mentorship, and creativity in the tech industry. By sharing inspirational stories and insights, the space motivates aspiring software engineers to embrace challenges, stay relevant in a dynamic tech landscape, and contribute positively to the community. Through discussions on innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning, the space highlights the diverse and exciting opportunities available within software engineering.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: How vital is community support for software engineers?
A: Community support fosters growth, collaboration, and access to diverse perspectives and opportunities.

Q: What role does mentorship play in software engineering success?
A: Mentorship provides guidance, knowledge transfer, and motivation to navigate the complexities of the tech industry.

Q: How do challenges contribute to the growth of software engineers?
A: Challenges build resilience, problem-solving skills, and a mindset geared towards continuous improvement.

Q: Why is networking crucial for aspiring software engineers?
A: Networking opens doors to job opportunities, partnerships, and industry insights crucial for career advancement.

Q: How can software engineers stay relevant in a rapidly changing tech landscape?
A: By embracing lifelong learning, staying updated on tech trends, and actively seeking new challenges.

Q: What motivates software engineers to innovate and create?
A: Passion for technology, the desire to make an impact, and the thrill of solving complex problems drive innovation in software engineering.

Q: How do software engineers balance creativity and technical skills?
A: Balancing creativity with technical expertise leads to innovative solutions and unique approaches in software development.

Q: What inspires software engineers to persevere in the face of obstacles?
A: Inspiration from successful role models, personal goals, and the belief in the transformative power of technology fuels perseverance in software engineering.

Q: In what ways can software engineers contribute positively to the tech community?
A: Through knowledge-sharing, mentorship, volunteering, and advocating for diversity and inclusivity.

Q: How does the software engineering community drive innovation and progress?
A: By fostering collaboration, sharing best practices, and pushing boundaries with new technologies and methodologies.


Time: 12:05:21
The Power of Networking in Tech Exploring how networking leads to career opportunities and professional growth.

Time: 12:15:44
Innovation Through Diversity Discussing how diverse perspectives and backgrounds drive innovation in software engineering.

Time: 12:25:10
Continuous Learning in Tech The importance of staying updated with industry trends and embracing lifelong learning.

Time: 12:35:57
Tech Community Collaboration How collaboration within the software engineering community fuels progress and innovation.

Time: 12:45:33
Mentorship Stories Inspiring mentorship experiences and their impact on individual growth and success.

Time: 12:55:19
Overcoming Challenges in Tech Stories of resilience and determination in overcoming obstacles in the software engineering field.

Time: 13:05:27
Creative Solutions in Software Development Exploring the intersection of creativity and technical skills in problem-solving.

Time: 13:15:50
The Future of Software Engineering Insights on the evolving landscape of software engineering and upcoming trends.

Time: 13:25:15
Inspiring Innovations in Tech Showcasing innovative projects and initiatives led by software engineering enthusiasts.

Time: 13:35:40
Career Growth in Software Engineering Strategies for navigating career growth opportunities and thriving in the tech industry.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of perseverance and passion in software engineering.
  • Networking and community support play a vital role in career development.
  • Embracing challenges and failures as learning opportunities.
  • The impact of mentorship in nurturing talent and skills.
  • Exploring creative solutions and thinking outside the box in the tech industry.
  • Continuous learning and adaptation in the ever-evolving field of software engineering.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Our channel it. Hello, everyone. It's really great to have you here. And we'll be just waiting for more people to join in within the next four minutes. But we're so glad that you're here. We're very excited for the things we have in stock for you. Please let a friend know to join in today's Twitter space because you need to know about it because we have good stuff cooking for you. Alright, friends, we'll be starting in a minute, but I'll just let you know who your hosts are going to be. And I'm really excited for everything we're going to talk about today. So hello, people. My name is Teri Nafula. I'm going to be your host for today's Twitter space.

Exciting Projects and Hosts Introduction

Today is a very important day because we get to tell you about the most exciting project I think we've probably done as Alex for the SE program. And we're here to tell you why you need to be a part of it, why you need to encourage your fellow learners to join in and be a part of it. And yeah, so I'm going to be a co host with Irene Aragona. She's the mastermind behind this great project. I'm going to give her like a few minutes to just tell us about who she is, what she does, and we'll go in and delve into the deeper discussion. So, Irene, if you do not mind, please, let's start this conversation with you taking up this spotlight.

Irene Joins the Conversation

Hi, Irene. Hello. Hello, Tari. Hi. Nice, nice to have you. Nice to. Nice to be here for a change on Twitter space, this is really your realm. And thank you for having me. And thank you for everyone tuning. I'm sure that other people will join. But yeah, I'm excited to be here. I'm excited for this very exciting, too much excitement, exciting activity, which is the se face of cup. And yeah, and I hope that this would be a momentous where we can solve, like, where we can answer to some questions and also maybe highlights why everyone who is anyone who is a learner, currently a learner in the essay program, should consider participating. So thank you for having me again.

Introduction to the SE Olympics

Thank you, Irene. Thank you for that. So you are the mastermind behind the se face of cup, which is, by the way, guys, the Alx Olympics. Imagine we have our own version of it. What made you or inspired you to come up with this project? Tell us more about it and then maybe tell us, like, okay, first tell us what inspired you to come up with this. Yeah. So, well, I get. I think that as everything that I do as part of, like, new activities that I propose, et cetera, they all come from an inspiration. They all come inspired by the learners, practically by people in the community. There is nothing that I do that is not inspired by the community themselves.

Community Inspiration Behind the Project

And a few of you would remember that we have done in. Back in June, we have done our face off event with the collaboration of Danson, who helped me drafting some of the coding challenges and quizzes. And I saw. I just saw the excitement and the eagerness of people to participate. And then I said, like, why should we limit this to just one event? Well, that is basically how everything came down to. And then, of course, the perfect timing was the end of the Olympics, which some of you might. May have followed. But in general, like, these two years, the 2023 and 2024 have been full of competitive events. But again, the Se phase of cup has been designed and thought not to be just about competitiveness, but to be yet another way to learn and to be the community, to be the awesome community that we are.

Reasons to Participate

So I'm really glad that people. That some people have shown already excitement, and I'm eager to answer any question that you may have. So, yeah, so that's. That's the inspiration. That's thanks to which I came up with this idea. All right. Thank you. Thank you for that, Irene. So for anyone who has just joined us now who may not have known about it or who recently had about it, and it's, like, skeptical about it, why do you think they should be a part of this. Of this competition? Like, why. Why does it matter? What will it do for their career? Or why do you think it's a worthy way to spend their time?

Not Just a Competition

Yeah. Well, first of all, welcome, everyone. Welcome, everyone. Again, so the. As I said, as I said, this is not just a competition, because I. First of all, guys, I. I'm not a competitive person, like, at all. I don't like competition. I'm not particularly excited or get aroused or get motivated by the sole thought of winning. So you can believe that if I design something, this is not just for the competitive ones. I mean, of course, is a challenge. So, of course, people can get motivated by the competition itself. But believe me when I say that in every activity that we have, and this, especially everything, depends on how you make the most out of it.

The Value of Networking

So, for example, I say that, as I always have said, is the importance of letting yourself be out there and letting yourself, letting your social network know about. About what you're doing in parallel to your studies because you are a learner. That's sure. But learning is not the only thing that actually makes you the great software engineer that you are going to be or you already are. But also all the other activities besides learning are actually feeding into that Persona that you are building. So this is exactly one of the activities that we thought are actually, can actually be a benefit to improving your social network.

Benefits of Participation

So enlarging your social network, because of course you can use it to improve your LinkedIn visibility, even like your LinkedIn profile, because of course, every activity of this copy, you can use them to. And you can add them to your LinkedIn profile. Absolutely. In the section awards, in the section projects, in the section volunteering work, so that your LinkedIn profile shows that you have not just passively learning, but you have actively learned. So this is one. The second is that these kind of activities build your consistency, build your accountability, build your sense of understanding how to work in a team.

Key Skills Gained

Accountability, consistency, working a team are two core abilities, two core cross cutting abilities that are software engineer and most, and I would say more in general, a lot of other professions are requiring. And third, and third, of course this kind of activity can be leveraged during your next job interview. What do I mean? I mean that during the job interviews, the employee, your future employers, want to have an idea of who you are and how you react in certain situations. And activities like these prove and mold you and shape you as a person and as a professional that can actually leverage, that can actually, they can actually be leveraged during a, in the course of an interview.

Interview Preparation

For example, tell me a little bit about a moment where you, a situation where you had to collaborate with a team of people that you didn't know before. Or tell me a moment where you had to instill motivation when the hype went down. Yeah. So everything and these kind of activities can actually be used efficiently and intelligently also during an interview or during a recruitment process. So there are, these are just three examples that I made, but I'm sure that there are so many other examples that can be brought to prove that these kind of activities as for example, hackathons, how many people I know, how many learners I know that I participated in acadons, let us know in the chat if you had, or if it's your first coding challenges that you are looking forward to participating.

Inclusivity in the Competition

But yeah, so basically these are the three main, I would say, reasons why I think that you are not competitive. It doesn't matter. This cup is for everyone. Thank you so much, Irene, for that. Yes. Guys, this cup is for everyone, and it will benefit you all in different ways. It's not just about winning. It's way more than that. Yeah. So, Irene, we have this big issue called groups. How are people going to like, what's your, you know, what did you come up with as an easy way for people to navigate the formation of groups? Because sometimes it might be hard because, you know, people are online. How do you think is the best way for them to come around that huddle?

Addressing Group Formation Challenges

Yeah, absolutely. I know that forming groups with people because in the. In the St program, I mean, this is not, of course, a mystery, but everyone is. Everyone actually can. Well, for some of the project of the SEO of the software engineering program, people need to form teams for some of these projects, but they need to form teams within their own cohorts. Now, that extra challenge that we have put it with the cup is that they need to form teams across the different cohorts. And before I go into how a team can look like, I would like to explain why we have done this.

Purpose of Cross-Cohort Teams

Because, again, this cup is not just about the competition, is about creating and solidifying a community, and it's about giving everyone the possibility to learn. So I don't know if there are. If there is anyone from cohort to blender at listening or cohort 22. There are the last cohorts. There are the last cohorts. I really would like to encourage, particularly cohort to blender to step in and take this as an opportunity to learn. Because, guys, it's true that maybe your. Your level of. You cannot compare, of course, your level of knowledge of software engineering with someone that is in cohort. So the last month specialization, it's. Nobody requires you that, but the importance of the team is about the variety of people and of skills and of roles that you have in the.

The Importance of Diverse Skill Sets

In the same team. So whether it can be to help bring, help the team brainstorm or be the face of the team, or, for example, be the one who facilitate communications, these are all factors that can make your team the winning one or amongst the winnings. So that is the reason why we want people to really leverage this cup as a way to learn. So now the question about how the team can look like. So we have said that we are not very strict about the composition, but it's true that we would like to avoid a. We would like to avoid the situation of having, for example.

Team Composition Guidelines

So the team has to be of six people, and we would like to avoid a situation in which we have a team of four people from one cohort or five people from one cohort and then one other person from another cohort. Why? Well, first of all is because it's. It would be too easy. So it would not be that challenging for you to, you know, to have to just. To just be amongst the people that you already know. So it would not be challenging enough. And then there is a practical reason. So you guys are all in different moments of your learning. And it can be that, for example, if there is instance of a group of six people of which four people are from cohort 22, it can be that in the course of the cup, which by the away, will last for one month and a half, cohort 22 is going through a project, a very, very hard project, or a very moment in which all the people from cohort 22 are more or less engaged and need to put their all effort and their all attention to that.

Team Dynamics and Priorities

So what can happen? It can happen that the team will suffer from this because maybe the fact that, of course, your project have the priority over everything, because they are those that bring you the scores and they are those that you are going to be evaluated against. So it's normal that if you have a priority, you're going to prioritize that. And we don't want that the team suffers. So this kind of fair distribution thought for different reasons, for practical reasons, and also for to add a little bit more of challenge to your journey in the cup. So, long story short, the unacceptable teams, of course, the ideal team is the team that is formed by people, each person from a different cohort.

Finding Team Members

That's the ideal team. But if you have a team in which you are two people or even three people from one same cohort, fine. The important is that you have other cohorts representatives. So I guess that this should clarify the problems of that when you want to look for your. So let's say that you have. That you have a team that you are forming, but you still miss people from, let's say, cohort two blender or cohort one blender. So what I suggest is that you simply step out and go. You have access to cohort two blender, cohort one blender. Discord channels. Go there and say, hey, I'm forming a team for the face of cup.

Encouraging Proactiveness

Do you want to join? We still need someone from your cohort. We would love to join. Dm me for more information. So be proactive. This is also a moment of proactiveness and. And for people that are still looking.

Discord Channel Announcement

Scroll up. We have discord. We have a discord channel that we are using for people to know more about the cup and for people to meet amongst themselves. So be proactive. For people that already have a. That already have a team and looking for to complete it, be proactive, because next week, Friday the 30th, is the deadline for qualification. Yeah. Back to you, Terry.

Opportunity for Questions

Thank you so much, Irene, thank you so much for all that information. I'm sure everyone sort of now, as you know, is a step closer to understanding everything they need to joining the face of cup. So unless you have something else to clarify, I would like to give the learners an opportunity to ask you a few questions. In case you have anything you need clarity on, please just request to be added as a speaker. And I could always give you the floor and just talk about what you need to know because you need to have everything you need to really do well in this cup. So the floor is all yours. You can also comment in the comment section. We could always get your questions from there. In case you're too shy to talk about it or to speak or to request to be a speaker, please feel free to type a question in the comment section. Nonetheless, let's keep this going.

Engaging the Audience

In the meantime, Irene, I'm going to add people as speakers while you can always, you know, keep giving clarity on different issues that you think may arise. Yeah. Someone has requested to be a speaker. Let me just add him. Yeah. So Maxman Green is going to ask you a question in a few minutes. Marksman, the floor is yours. Please go on as he speaks. Please feel free to request to be added as a speaker.

Concerns about Team Formation

Sorry, my mic was up. How can you hear you now? Good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon. So I'm more than excited to be part of this sa face of cup, but I just have one concern. Right. The thing is, I've been trying to look for a team that I can work with, but it's been difficult. So what happens if I don't meet up a number of six person in my team from different courts? Like, what is my fate? Well, there's six. That's one question. Yeah. Thank you.

Understanding Team Requirements

Thank you, Marksman. The number six is the minimum. I mean, is the required amount. Is the required number of people for the. For each team. Again, I suggest you, if you have problems looking for people within just relying on the channel that we have, the se face of cup, discord channel, you can always go to other cohorts channels and just throw a. Just throw request there for people as well as you say that you're already forming a team, this may be already the perfect environment to actually find the other teammates. So if you want to say, like, who are you are looking for? So that maybe, hopefully we can complete your team.

Trying to Assemble a Team

Okay. For me, I have a cohort member from cohort 20. I have one from cohort 22. I have another one from 19. I think we are four already. So I just need, like, two more persons to make up my team. Okay. Can you remind me which court you are? I'm in code 22. 22. Okay. So I guess that you. You would love to have someone from cohort. From cohort one blended and someone from cohort 18.

Discussion on Previous Cohorts

Yes. Perfect. That was my previous cohort. Cohort 18. Okay, cool. So. that's great. So if. If cohort 18 was your previous cohort. So that means that you have people that you know in cohort 18. So feel free to reach out directly to them. But in any case, people. If I. If there is anyone from cohort 18 or from cohort one blender or if you know of anyone from this cohort and you think they would be interested in joining, even if you are from cohort 21 or from cohort. From cohort 22, it doesn't.

Team Composition Flexibility

It doesn't matter if there are more people from one cohort. Again, the important is that we don't have. We don't have really teams with four people or five people from the same cohort. Any other kind of combinations is welcome. So just drop a comment. Drop a comment in the chat, if you will, and marksman, maybe you can drop also your username of discord so people can look for you on discord and as well, again, drop a message in. Drop a message on the SC. Face of cup channel.

Tournament Duration Information

All right, thank you for that 1. Second, because I think that it was still speaking, but I. But I really struggling. I don't know why to here. Okay. I guess it was not speak anymore. I'm sorry. Sorry, Terry. Go on. No, I was trying to ask how long the tournament was going to be for. So the qualification phase ends on. Wraps up on the 30th of this month, which gives us the. Which gives us the time to evaluate your submissions and to announce the 16 qualifying team on the 6 September.

Conclusion on Timeline

The entire duration of the cup is roughly one month and a half, unless things happen. But it should be one month and a half. And we have the final face off event with the two finalists with the two final teams competing against each other around October 18, again, unless something unexpected happened. This is the timeline. Okay. That's understandable. Thank you. All right. Thank you. I've added a couple of people, so please feel free to speak.

Invitation for Further Questions

I can't really tell. Dixon, do you have something you would like to ask? Yes, please go on. I think you. Thank God. If you have a question, please feel free. Hello. Am I audible? Yes, you're very audible. Good afternoon, everyone. I'm excited to be part of the SC, face of cop and my. My concerns. And I have, like, two questions, but I want to make it as short and as possible.

Addressing Concerns about Team Issues

So the number one is what happens? Because we are required to have teams of six. So what happens if, in the course of the project or the intense activities, some go start? So what. What. What would you advise the team to take in the situation where some members go stout and they are not responsive and they are not able to contribute? So what should. What should be the team disposition after that? Or what action should be taken regarding those set of people?

Clarification on Project Evaluation

And the other one is that. Is there a board of mentors, for example, that determines the projects that qualifies to go to the next stage? Or is it sort of like public voting system put in place for that? I think those are the areas I need a clarification. Thanks. Okay, great. And thank you. Thank you for these questions. I think they are very nice. I like mostly the last question.

Response to Team Concerns

So for the first question about the unresponsive people. So, unfortunately, this is something that happens, and it happens also with your. With your normal project team assignments. We haven't thought about the possibility. I would say that we see how we see. We see as it goes. What does it mean? It means that if really there is someone who ghosts the team from the very, like, from, like, consistently, you know, ghosting the team, etcetera, you can.

Substituting Team Members

We can always. We can always make the adjustments that you can tell. You can substitute the person with another person and. Or decide to go or decide to go with less people in your team. We can. We can see. We can see as. As it goes, as. As much as, I mean, what also you guys prefer. If you guys prefer to just, you know, rely on less people and. Or if you guys prefer to substitute the person that has ghosted you with another person, that is.

Final Thoughts on Team Dynamics

That, you know, is more reliable. So that's. That would be my. My first. My first question. My first reaction to that about the second question. So, decoding challenges are going to be. Are going to be. Are going to be designed by Danson and Laikun and of course, they're going to be, well, challenging, also, because we also because we have seen that a lot of you have, in brackets, complained that the TikTok game was too easy.

Challenge Overview

We're going to be really serious about making the challenges very challenging. So about that is going to be your submissions, because the challenges, if you have read the starter pack, you can see that I left it in the chat for everyone to see. So in the starter pack, there are a few lines of explanation for each stage, and there are some stages which are take home tests. So that means that they are challenges. We are going to give you one week to complete the challenge, and you will have to submit the challenge within one week, within a deadline. And there is also. There are also two moments of face off, the face of live events. If you already participated in another, in an event, in the event of June, you know what it's like. So for the moment, there is no. There is no voting. There is no evaluation, which is based on the vote of people. And that is because we want really to. We want really to base these cup based on your actual skills.

Evaluation and Learning Opportunities

So your project will be evaluated. Evaluated and in case, selected by the cohort mentors. And again, we want for this cup to be really an occasion, an opportunity for everyone to learn and also for people who are not going to participate in the cup to learn. So every time that we are going to announce the teams that made it to the next stage, we are going to publish the project that they have, the challenge, the solution to the challenge that they have submitted, so that everyone can know what was the challenge about and what was the project that the team has produced. And everything will happen on this, by the way. So we are going to. We're going, of course, to continue publishing the new challenges on the Internet. As you have seen, we have. For now, we have the starter pack and the qualifications in which you can find everything that you need.

Submission Process and Communication

By the way, both of them are in the charts for you to see and. But everything concerning the announcing the. The new announcing the selected, the winning teams and sharing their projects, everything will be done on discord, both on the cap channel and on the Discord forum. Books and bytes. I hope it clarifies. Thank you so much. Thank you for answering that very clearly. Again, the floor is still open. If you have a question, please feel free to speak. It has just been answered. Irene is available to clarify everything so that you're good to go. Anybody else? Okay, good day. This is Ernest from Johannesburg, South Africa. Thank you for the floor. I was hoping that, I was listening.

Criteria for Evaluation

In and I was hoping that Irene. Could also remind the participants of what lay kun and they'll be looking for and their projects, the criteria per se, because I feel it is important that the nature of the project is predefined, possibly. Thank you. Thank you, Ernest. So yeah, that's a great question. So again, everything is excellent and everything is explained and listed in the qualifications intranet page that you will find in the chat as well that you will find everywhere in the face of Discord Channel, as well as in the launching post of the cup that you will find in the books and bytes. Discord channel Discord forum. So apologies, but again, let me tell you, let me list you the evaluation methodology. So the evaluation will be based on this criteria.

Project Requirements

The project usage of front end scaffolding frameworks like Vite, Webpack, Parcel, SC Build, et cetera. The project users of backend frameworks like Flask, Fast, API, Express, JS, et cetera. The utilization of dbms for storing various user data like account information, wins, losses, then mobile friendly approach to front end cleanness of directory structure and professionalism in using version control systems. And again, the first, the first challenge, which is a qualification challenge is the is web TikTok toe. So competitors will need to create a browser based game called web tic tac toe. So yeah, that's the minimum requirements is the user data persistence and the usage of socket IO is which is accessory since the multiplayer mode is required.

Submission Instructions

So I hope that it clarifies. Thank you, Ernest. To give me the opportunity to list these things out is very important as well. Terry, I see that there is two questions that I. One question from Nepo, how will we submit? So there is, the way that you submit is simply through a form. You can find the form again in the qualifications Internet page that I linked in the chat, which is where you will find everything that I've just said. So the requirements, the nature of the challenge, the requirements of the teams, and you will find also the form. In the form, you will need to highlight. Let me, let me get the formats.

Details for Form Submission

Actually, in the form, you will need to highlight the members of your team. Then you will need to highlight. So the members of your team, you will need to highlight their names, their Internet email username on discord and cohorts. Then after that you will be redirected to the explanation again of the qualification challenge. And then you will need to submit the product link, a video, a recording video. And please keep it very simple. We don't need to be filmmakers. So you just record with screen recording. With a screen recording device. I think that you all are acquaint our are conversant with at least one screen recording, a screen recording method.

Recording and Submission Tips

But if you are not, please let me know in the chat. And then if you want as well, you can leave the link to the website deployed. This is a bonus, so it's not required. And then after you've done all of this, you click submit. Please do that before the third year, which is next Friday. All right, thank you for that, Irene. Did you answer the second question, too? Yeah, I think. Yeah, I think. I think. So. Where can I sign? Where can we sign up? I think that. So the two questions is how will we submit and where can we sign up?

Question and Answer Session

I think that's my. My answer. My answers to both questions. Perfect, perfect. So there's still a few more people who are enlisted as speakers. Again, if you have a question, please feel free. Now is your time to ask anyone. All right. Okay. Yes. Somebody else is speaking. No, no, please go ahead. Okay. First of all, sorry, I didn't get the last. What you said last year. I didn't get. Iran. I think that was due, but which other last thing.

Prizes and Rewards

Sorry, I'm. We can't hear you really well, Max. Yeah. Oh, maybe it's my connection. What are the prizes that I involve? Or is it kept secret until after the hackathon? Okay. No, no. So there are. There are three prices. The. We are. We are still. We are still finalizing on the. On the details, but I can tell you that in the first. One of the. One of the rewards for the first winning team is a close and is a group session just for the. Just for the six of you session with Julian, in which you can ask him whatever you want.

More on Team Prizes

This is just one of the. One of the things that. One of the things that the winning team. That the winning team on the first place would get. We're going to have three prizes. So one for the first. Well, the winner. The winner team, one for the second winner team, and one for the third winner team. But it will be every. Everyone who. Every team who is participating to the cup is going to earn a badge. As soon as you progress into the different stages of the cup, you're going to earn a badge, which you can share in your social media as well as again in your LinkedIn, is very important.

Leadership and Progress Tracking

That is very important. Also, these kind of things as to, as they enrich also your LinkedIn profile. So you will be able to update your social media and your LinkedIn profile as of your progresses in the cup. I hope it clarifies. Okay. Yeah. That really clarifies it. Okay. First of all, I need to thank you and appreciate your efforts, actually, to enrich the community. Thank you so much. Honestly, my question, first question is, do you have an estimate time of how much that would take of our days? How much hours?

Time Commitment for Challenges

How many hours? I'm sorry. So, yeah, no, that's a really good question because again, as I said before, this activity is on top of what you're doing. And we, by any means, we don't want that you neglect your projects with this activity. So I think that we want to have challenges that are manageable. I would say that, yeah. I mean, we don't want that you, that you resort to, you know, to work and to work in the night because the challenge is too challenging. And that's why, as well, we wanted the, the teams to be of a number that would, for example, if Lua, for example, I'm saying this as a, as an, as a way to provide you an example, but let's say that one challenger's deadline is tomorrow and you have an important deadline for your project.

Team Collaboration and Balance

Maybe you are not going to be the one who is going to submit or is going to do the last works. The last works in the challenge. But you have a team of five other people that are able to be there and your contribution is going. Your contribution can come before. So this is all this the way that we have also had that we also decided for the timeline, for example, we are giving, for the, where we are going to give the take home challenges. We are going to give you. We're going to give you one week, including a weekend. So it's not going to, is going to be, I think it's going to be sufficient for you to, you know, having a weekend and having like a week in total, seven days in total to work on challenge.

Encouragement for Participation

We, we want you to do it easily. It has to be a challenge, but it doesn't need to go before your current projects. Thank you so much. I think this is relieving for many of our concerns, including myself, of course. I have a second question which is kind of a consult. That's the right word to use. And I'm pretty sure these concerns would reflect others concerns as well. So let me say it myself.

Speaker 5's Hesitation and Commitment

Well, your answer pretty much answers some of it. But let me. Let me say what I have. I'm a little bit hesitated, unlike usual, to take the lead and join. So I have a couple of things to do and I will tell you what I have and I hope you can tell me the trigger. What I have could like the trade of should I join or just focus on what I have. Like I have. I'm in specialization right now and every single thing is mostly that's what you will be doing next couple of months when you get a job. Exactly nothing. Offer something. This is. So I need to take care of every detail and all the projects that we have. Plus I have a second micro degree that I'm taking and I need before I move on. I know for sure that if I decided to join the cup, I'll leave most of what I have and focus on it, give it my full focus. But that's why I'm consulting, to give you the trade off.

Balancing Commitments

So I told you what I have right now. And I also have my app. It's not just code that I pushed for the foundation project. I hope it helps the community. I'm working on it every single day. You know, there's a whole process of deployment and updates and stuff. So it's a little bit of a hustle, like having a real working application. Also, you know, we are in specialization and we're about to get into a job. So, you know, the DSA part, I'm trying to get like an hour every day because for it, I need to get better at this, to get good, actually at this. So you see a couple of things and I hope no action happens in my life in the next couple of months. So that's something that I have. And I think if you know me, you know how the energy I have, I never hesitate. I just need to get every single opportunity I can.

Concerns and Seeking Advice

But for this one, this particular one, I'm like thinking kind of objectively, kind of hesitating. So that's what I have. And you also got all of the benefits that you have that you said about joining the cop. So now what do you advise me? Plus, as I told you, these things that I have, I'm afraid that if I join the team, I'm not going to take a lead. I'm definitely not taking the lead. I'm joining somebody, see whom I trust. So I feel that. I'm afraid that I could make them lag behind. And I never, ever thought I would do this to somebody. So you see this hesitation and I'm pretty sure that reflects some others concerns as well. What do you advise me, you, or even if somebody else want to give me a hint or something? So, yeah, that's it.

Advice on Joining the Team

I understand. Yeah. Yeah, it is. So I would say that if you think, yeah, if you think that taking the lead is too much for you at this moment, it's totally fine. And for me, so, I mean, from my perspective, it's fine if you want, I mean, if you want to join a team, again, you don't. Since you have to prioritize the other things, you can still join. You can still join a team and participate as much as you can. The important is that, and I think it's not an issue for you because I got to see, I mean you're very active and I got to see you also. The other community that you're active on, you show up consistently. So that's the, that's really the important for the importance for that. And again, this is another, this is the principal reason why we decided for a big group of, because imagine that if, for example, if we said, for example, the groups needs to be two people, I would have said no.

Setting Expectations and Communication

I would have said do nothing, do not step forward. But I would say if you join a team, you say, listen, you can say, listen, I'm going to be available. I'm going to be mostly available in this moment of the day, for example. So you set expectations from the very beginning with your teams about what is your availability. Take into account that your availability is strength. So you have, you don't have all the time in the world. You have really limited time space to dedicate to this cup. I would say there is, again, for the fact that the teams, of the teams for participating, the cups have to be of six people. I think that this allows you to be present. And, and again, the important thing is that you set expectations from the beginning with your new team.

The Importance of Consistency and Communication

You communicate. For example, listen, I have an important deadline or I have an important thing that I'm doing and I need and I cannot be there, for example, in this day. So the important is communication, reliability and consistency. I think you have all of them. So, yeah, so that's, that is what I, that is what I would say. Okay. Small detail. You think if I managed to get like consistent, fully focused one to 2 hours every day. That would be sufficient. Oh, yeah. Again, again, we know that already the program is very demanding. You have projects every day. I think that. I think that one or 2 hours is even, per day is even too much when it comes to the cup.

Managing Responsibilities

Again, you guys, you guys are going to be six. And the challenges are going to be, yes, challenging, but even of even the things that you're going to. That you, that you requested to submit, for example, the qualification challenge, the requirement. Submit a. The requirement to submit a video. When we say the recording doesn't to be, doesn't need to be edited, it's because we just need to have a few things. So again, our priority would be not to occupy too much of your time. So again and again that the take home challenges are going to be, are going to be released, taking into account the presence of a weekend. So, yeah, so I think that is not really much about the hours in a day, but maybe the hours in a week, I would say.

Appreciation and Final Thoughts

Irina, thank you so much. I do really appreciate this. Thank you so much and thanks for the effort and final words to be said. Guys, you don't have to really, I have a few concerns myself and, but I'm telling myself on the others, you don't really have to think that you got to win a. Think of the experience and experience. If you have any doubts on yourself, overcome it later, but join now. Okay. And say to yourself, I don't have to kind of like to get the number one position. Okay. Just the experience. Have a lot of benefits other than that. Thank you so much.

Conclusion and Encouragement

And I hope I don't miss another opportunity with Julie. Amazing. Thank you, Loi, even for your conclusive work. Back to you, Terry. Thank you. Thank you for that conversation. I have added a few more speakers. Please feel free to take up the floor if you have a question. Yes, we can. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Thank you for this opportunity because I really don't have any question. I just want to see, like, this, challenge has been an eye opener for me in the sense that, like, I've been able to know about, now good collaboration about GitHub collaboration and I mean, like, you know, and, yeah, like, yeah, I. This challenge has been a wonderful opportunity for me to learn many things.

Farewell and Good Luck

Yeah. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much for also the trust and good luck. By the way, I want to tell everyone that we have officially, the first team has submitted just to. Just to. Just to spark a little bit the interest. But, like, the first team has already submitted. And, yeah, I opened the form and I saw it and, yeah, I thought that I really needed to tell you. So, yeah, game is on, guys. All right. I. Unless anyone else has something to ask or say, I think we're coming towards the end of this twitter space, but I will give us, like, a minute in case anyone has one last question or anything they need clarity for.

Encouragement and Communication

Okay, irene, would you like to give some final words before this ends? Yes, again, during. So now we are on Friday, and we have an entire weekend in which. In which, of course, you don't have any other project releasing, at least during the weekend. So I think it's a perfect time. Again, if you are in the group of people that already have a team and just need some other people to join the team, do not hesitate to go on other cohort channels and simply throw your statements there and try to see if there is anyone, for example, who is interested as well. Like, I would say if you are from a certain cohort and you think that there is someone who should really join these.

Encouragement and Final Words

For example, you, for example, I always thought that, let's say you have worked in a team project with certain person and you think that this person could be really an added value to a team. During the cup, I would really encourage you to tag this person or these people in the face of cup discord channels and encourage them to join. Sometimes people do not really understand their potential and their value, and the only people that can actually. And they can actually understand this is the people that work with you. So I'm sure that, you know, some talented people in your cohorts. I see that there are some.

Team Participation and Opportunities

There are some graduates of the. Of the SC program. Unfortunately, this cup is not going to be open to you, but I have some ideas on how you guys can participate and can, I would say, bring your added value as graduates to this particular cup. And just to anticipate a question that may arise. The cohort 18 will graduate in September, but that doesn't stop cohort 18 people that are part of the teams to actually continue participating in the cup. So, again, the cup is open to people. To people from cohort 18 to cohort to blender.

Engagement and Final Thoughts

So, yeah, so that's. That's. I think these are the last things that I would like to say. Very, very last thing is join us on Discord. We have a Discord channel, which is called se face off cup. And we also have a role that you can acquire, which is se face up cup crew. Because after a while, we do not want to spam people that are not interested in the cup. We're going to use that one going forward, so make sure that you acquire that role. I think that's all apart. If there is anyone in the chat who wants to say something or wants to ask me a final questions or wants to, I don't know, motivate other people to.

Closing Remarks

Yeah. To join. Or for example, if you. If you are here, if you're here now, if there is anyone in the chat who is now forming. Who is now forming a team and you want to step into take the mic to make a call for teammates, you are very. You're very welcome to do that. Would anyone want to give some final words or should we close? Going once, going twice. Okay. Thank you all for attending this Twitter space, and good luck in every endeavor you're doing. I hope this all turns out really well for you and that you have fun with everything you're doing. Thank you for doing hard things. Keep doing hard things.

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