Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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The Sandbox DAO AMA (SEA edition)

This space is hosted by TheSandboxSEA

Space Summary

During this Twitter space session, in-depth analysis was conducted on the operations of a Development Agency, with a specific focus on community proposals, project management strategies, and the tracking of payments based on achieved milestones. The conversations revolved around the submission and review process of Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) along with fostering collaboration within the community. The primary objective of the space was to streamline resource allocation through effective governance practices, ensuring the successful completion of projects and fostering community engagement.


Q: What is the initial step suggested for proposing an idea officially?
A: The initial step advised is proposing and testing the idea on the discourse forum for official engagement.

Q: How does the team help in curating the SIP proposal?
A: The team assists in curating the SIP proposal by sending it to sipandboxdao.com following a specific template.

Q: What is the significance of clear milestones in the SIP?
A: Clear milestones in the SIP are crucial for payment tracking and measuring project progress accurately.

Q: How does the team track achievements and ensure payment unlocks?
A: Achievements are tracked based on milestones, ensuring that payments are unlocked efficiently upon completion.

Q: How does the agency apply project management principles to avoid resource wastage?
A: The agency applies project management principles by ensuring clear milestones, efficient payment tracking, and collaboration with the community to optimize resource usage.


Time: 00:04:53
Session Introduction, Introduction to the session and preparation for the discussion.

Time: 00:10:08
Community Engagement Call, Call for community engagement and invitation to submit questions and feedback.

Time: 00:12:19
DAO Focus on Southeast Asia, Overview of the DAO and its specific focus on the Southeast Asian market.

Time: 00:17:15
Host and Panelists Introduction, Introduction of the host and panelists.

Time: 00:26:50
Blockchain and NFTs in Sandbox, Discussion on the motivations behind building the Sandbox using blockchain technology and NFTs.

Time: 00:32:27
Addressing Community Feedback, Addressing community feedback and criticisms regarding the DAO.

Time: 00:39:09
Proposal Attraction Strategies, Strategies for attracting proposals and increasing participation in the DAO.

Time: 00:44:05
Economic Impact on Creators, Insights into the economic impact and opportunities for creators within the DAO.

Time: 00:57:49
Emphasis on Continuous Improvement, Emphasis on incremental progress and continuous improvement in the DAO’s processes.

Time: 01:27:32
Closing Remarks on Community Engagement, Closing remarks and encouragement for ongoing community engagement and participation.

Key Takeaways

  • Development Agency's involvement in guiding community proposals.
  • Importance of articulating proposals consistently for community understanding.
  • Reviewing achievements and milestones crucial for project management.
  • Payment tracking based on reached milestones to ensure resource efficiency.
  • Collaborative approach with the community for project success.

Behind the Mic

we already have already put in place a good number of protection. Time will tell us if were preparing off. We're aware of the risk. We're constantly thinking about it. But we also shows like a conceal that's I think like will help to also rely. We have an advisor board also will help to rely like the public vote and hopefully like the AVL force of a few big whales that will be misintention will not prevail in our fight toward like, the democratic future of the virtual world. Yeah, this conversation is getting super exciting. So now monkey deflu. Monkey. Monkey d Luffy. I love it. Monkey d Luffy. Now, monkey d Luffy says that I heard that during phase three of the DAO, there will be delegate leaders. I think that's something that you alluded to earlier, Sarah. So her that doing phase two of the DAO, there will be delegate leaders to vote on behalf of others. So please select the delegate leaders across each international communities who are involved in a community and not random people. So the committee can be represented better. Okay, so it's a comment, but let me just turn in a question then. So monkeys, monkey D. Luffy's comment as I've just read it. So now turn it. The question to you, Cyril. How can we ensure that we don't select delegate leaders that are so random so that the community can be represented like we want the delegation, but how are we going to enable this? So it's a two phase program. First of all, I need to enable it. Technically it's not configured today in our systems, but it's something I've been working on. Like I said, it's probably being part of a, more of a technical sip together with stacking because it's going to influence the way voting is being managed. So it's something I'm taking care of. As for the delegates themselves, of course they won't be nominated. We want people to be elected from the community, just want to be very clear on that one. If we delegate people, but nobody trusts them, who's going to entrust these people with their token? Nobody. So want people who embody value of the community who are being elected as delegate for a period of time. And then this is going to evolve in time being we might introduce a system of incentives as well over time if people validate that. But again, it's this may evolve in the next months, not immediately, but this is definitely on the roadmap. Actually, let me piggyback off that one. Which way can we elect the delegates and for which criteria? In which way can we elect Andrew? And for which criteria? I would advocate that we don't set any criteria for now. We don't know what people are going to do or what people want to elect. Shouldn't necessarily say it. We don't necessarily need expertise in a certain area. We might want that diversity in our delegate group. Let's first see what the community naturally converges to. And again, we will iterate on that because we will need to validate that as you go. Right? If there's a committee that requests criteria for their delegate, they will be able to set it in a sip as well. So that's, so that's up to that. So let's allow maximum flexibility for now, I think, and see where it goes from there. If we need to put any fix to it or frame and or rail guardrails to it. Yeah. Thanks very much. Thanks for this interview. Oh yeah. No, I, I would definitely. No, thank you one second. So I think we just, now they get yeah. Moving over to Manu. All right. I know we are running short of time, so I'll keep it short. We've covered a bit about the avatar NFT that people can look forward to that we've gone to vote on the couple of articles that have come out. So you can have a look at the medium blog to cover those aspects. Also, I know there's a question around asset specific NFT. So can you name some special features about this asset? NFT. Yes, absolutely. First of all, this is really multiple steps to it right now. As we shared some preliminary in a teaser, probably we could share more details and some of the rewards that the ecosystem team is looking to design cover, but don't want to steal too much of the thunder from the ecosystem on this particular front. But let's just maybe cover in a few months, I guess. And picking the topics of the ecosystem and then going over to Sarah. Sarah, there's been a lot of talk about the sip process so far. Can you let the community know where they can learn about the sip process? What avenues are available and working? Yes. So if you go to sandbox DAO dot com, you will find a section with a big title called SIP. SIP stands for sandbox improvement proposal. And then if you click there, you will see straight away a sort of pipeline. So at what stage we are and what is the status. So there's all the information. It's transparent for everyone to follow. It's been here since January 3rd. It's a really important step towards decentralization of decision making in the sandbox. So follow the processes, express your opinions, been here. A few things to start with. You sign your proposal in the deSIP course section and ask for a vote from the first of January. And there's a period of ten days when the community will vote and all tokens will be allowed to vote at that point. And once a SIP has been approved a few times then we'll take it and we'll start working on it on various themes. So do not hesitate. Also, if you want to submit a SIP go there and follow the process that is there to guide you. It's a simple process in appearance, but there's a lot of depth to it and the blog explains that. And if you have any questions, you can join discussions in Discord or use the SIP session as well. There's a project management team that will contact you every time you want become official with your Sip. So you send your, you test your proposal on the discourse forum using, you know, community ideas section. And if you want to get serious, you download the template that is available on our website and you send the field template that is really here to guide your thoughts and make sure all proposals are always articulated in the same way for the community to understand and vote on. And you send this template to sipandboxdao.com. and actually behind this email address there's a team that will get back to you and help you curate this Sip. But what this team will also do is review with you achievements and milestones. And actually we'll make sure that you've got clear milestones that are embedded in your sip that can be tracked and measured to unlock payment. The way we at least try to avoid wasting community resources is by applying just project management stuff to it. Like, we will track milestone, we'll review achievement, and we'll say, okay, you've unlocked now 1st, 2nd, third of your payments because you've reached your first milestone and you will unlock the rest once you reach the other milestone. Right? So we will continue to work in hand with the authors, the creative authors of SIPs so we can do the best we can for the community and for the benefit of the SIP. While they come in. Appreciate it. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks just from my side also just want to echo that this AMA's been fantastic. Really some some wonderful questions. And if you feel like your question hasn't been answered, do not hesitate to join us on Discord where many team members are working whole time just to answer questions. And and I think the excitement just to see some of the mid journey creations, he was fantastic during this call. It reminds me of the creativity that this whole DAO Empowered. Yeah. Thank you doctors. So just wanna say, thank you very much as well. I just wanted to announce the results of the poll that we just closed. So 92% of voters think that the SAND token or SAND land holders should indeed have more voting power. So this is something I'll be happy to be working on and to be covering more about, how we implement that in the coming time. But something we see the community has a strong consensus about. Right? So this is really good start. We couldn't be up here. And we hope to continue running for a long time, thanks to you. Remember that we are here for you. We are building together this world and we want it to go the direction you decide. So your vote, please go vote. And thank you. You are running for french president. Okay? And so the sips are making me. Them sips are making me very thirsty because every time I say the word sip. I feel like I need some wonderful french wine. But with that, let me hand over to George. George, if you want to just share with the community all our upcoming AMA's and get everyone excited about our sandbox Dao, if you will, please. But for now, I'll just sign off and hand over to you, George. Thank you very much. Thank you, doctor. Loretta, it's been. Thank you so much, especially for your moderation. It's been an excellent AmA today and I'm hoping that, you know, if you and the rest of you in the community, we do this AMA's on a monthly basis. Make sure to join us. We will always share it. If you're not in our telegram, you're not following us on Twitter, please make sure to do that. And most importantly, if you're a landowner or if you own five cent or more, make sure to vote. Every vote counts. Don't be discouraged. Even the smallest vote makes a difference. And we are here to help you. If you have any questions about how to participate in the dao you want to submit a sip, let us know. We will be more than happy to assist. And with that, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us for this particular Ama. It's been truly special. Once again, thank you to all our panelists, Sebastian, Cyril, and of course, the lovely Doctor Loretta for moderating. Thank you so much for giving us your presence, your time and your knowledge. And we hope to see you the next one. And I, for the rest of you who joined us, thank you so much for your time and we hope to see you in the next Ana in the coming month. Thank you so much. Thank you. Have a good night. Morning or active. Bye bye. All.

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